t8. tho ver thej tli9 and tate. aio. er torj nur w if." Pftr reen itU- tter s or ime, cod 0 ro ost. 1 to I.. lato ring Jot sen, 3. ers : of Ft- th9 ireo rith ind t ho . 10 of ar.J on, Lcrj Inst icr the "or- ru- ire- Her ubt : of '.he i' 11 of si red m it be n ;r ub il i 11 its ir 51 0 Allosnapio. AY::::::::::::SEPTEMBER 21. rScALAND PERSONAL. rysBUttO AND CRESSON RAILROAD. B.' after Monday, May 29th, 1805, L .nA after f3 . 4 rim R9 follOWH I 3 35 on this rvuu " " 4vE EBENSBURG ' An V. connecting with Day Ex. 6-00;Vr Ji East, and Erie Mail West. ana A Till -- ' "p M.. connecting with Man west A1 ; r.s Mail East aim PosiSON f.. . mn A.M., or on departure oi ubii f Train EaBt. LqmP M., or on departure ol Phila. j.Xprco dpatii or Lwul-Col. Charles Mc rvitt. A friend sends us th follovr- L announcement of the death of a former i-Kpnslurcber. It is cut trom a Cantor entile uarno and date of which are ink mentioned : J Xhe telegraph hrings U8 tho painful fcfMIiecnce ot tne aeam oi iwui.-vw r o . .. 1 , -, t" hirles McPermitt, ot the fcecona au- 'iruia taTair. wuiu...wv. f Nevada, who fell by the hands ot - kulkinK Indian assassins, on Tuesday. J . ' t i . i rol. M'Dermitt was one in wnose praise, L an of5ccr and a gentleman, too much ,nnot be said. He was born in Lambria ounty, IVnnsylTania; served with dis oction as a Lieutenant and Captain in 'ho Second Pennsylvania Volunteers in I he Mexican War, and came to California a 1849, settling in Siekiyou county, vliere ho held the positions of County Judge and Sheriff at different times. When the first call was made for Volun eers in talilornia in lob J, ne raised a oropaoy lor the Second Cavalry, and was ODimissioned Captain by Governor Stan iord. He was ptationcd firet, wo believe, it Fort Miller, and early in 18G2 was Vromotcd to tho rank of Major. Early in Via n4o vyrr- rt tA f tVia ranlr WW U II .J lUUJUk.V. fcW UW UM iteut.-Colonel, and two weeks 6inco was ppointed to the important position of :Ooiamander of tho District of Nevada, by General Orders No. 1, issued by General McDowell on his assuming command of the Department of California. His first promotion caused some ill feeling among tho other officers of the Second llegiment, who felt offended at his elevation over them ; but his conduct in every position fully justified the confidence reposed in him by General Wright, and he had warm and earnest friends among all classes of our citizens. In his relations as an officer It was a model worthy of imitation, and iasa citizen, a husband and a father, his f Vemnrv will ha nliorislip nnrl rovrrl Kn J ' J ill who knew Lim. No man in the De partment of the Pacific stood higher in the confidence of the succes?ivc comman ders under whom he served, and hio loss weno which will bo felt seriously by the service. Ho leaves a family at Fort Churchill. His 8ge at the time of hi death was about 45 years." Trial of David Riddle. We pub lislioQ to-day's outsiIe the proceedings in lull in the case of the Commonwealth vs. David Riddle, for the murder of Miss Polly 1W. Tho trial, like that of John fleam on the same charge, resulted in a verdict of not guilty from the box. Some singular testimony was educed iu the course of the trial, which will be remark ed uoou a. )pcTUBa of our report. For in etance: One witness testifies to seeing Riddle in Ebensburg on the 7th June the day the murder was committed ; one other swears most positively to seeing him at his house, two miles west of Ebens hurg, the same day; and yet others swear to seeing him in that vicinity, not manv ales from the scene of the murder, on " day. 0a lhe othcr haQdf w.tneasea J IOm JeFerson county testify that Riddle f 48 Kt homc io that counts -iVrtt- ,;ioa Waj T W the witnesses for the Pro-.ccut10a tes t0 Bce him oQ h . JBfle-taat be was there oq tbfl 21gt ill- 00 22d June and du""g intervening period , Allowing our to reconcile this conflicting testi- their own liking, we content our- '.M- 'tnesees were most remaik- if " t0 the MentUj of the aia w question. J QuoTAsr&c-Our thanks 'are Kiotpj hefeby tcndcred Jas M. W V3q-' Iat6 Chief C!erk ia 'JWeof quotas, credit, surpluses the p! CUDty 0n the vari0U9 call of Cl!! tro0?9' her-ith p-b-; S as pre- - g a mil and reliable exhibit of the ln n l. Ti aent for 1"19U4' ue signed i- 6 COaDt- Mr- K' re" McU PSltioa as Chief Clerk of th. i .W-aS a m8t Worlhy incumbent, county. Hoh Most 0,T7. "!an ot by Gore in I m act it. ted to "Tlne but not expec- - cover. 2 ABLE SHOWING TI1E QUOTAS, CREDITS, SURPLUSES, AND DEFICIENCIES OF THE SUB-DISTRICTS OF. CAMBRIA OF TUE PRESIDENT FOR TROOPS. 3 3j -p b' o. c-u S. "? 2 : f ea 7 to tOMMCOOOCSOOtatuOIOlMMMM. itl to - on b t v C- i t(HUUC0DU to i- MMHCi)0)01lOMUikAHjMMU I -I to cc to 03 CO w t O IO ' l3 CO -CJ IOtitU-00tJCOrf-COWClUJWCCit.U CO to f - CO CO -. to to to lO C.1 f -4 t-5 OO CO it O CO C CO C3t C7 to t t I M " I to - co I Ct m . j I) ' fc M M - C ft O CO O to rf- to to Robbery near Gallitzin. Some time since, an old citizen of this county, BBMinl Masuire. residintr near Gallitzin, was knocked down and robbed of over $100 in money, while crossing tho moun tain from the coal mines, near the tunnel, on the Blair side. lie was so much stunned by tho blow that he did not recov er for several hours, when he found his way to the Justice's office at Gallitzin. Constable Ely of Altoona was telegraphed tho next morning to go up and capture the highwayman. Mr. Maguire had seen the man just as he was about to strike, and gave a description ot his hight and appearanco. With this the Constable started on a visit to the mines, and soon laid hold of a man who answered the de scription. He protested that he was in nocent. On taking him before Maguire, the latter identified him as tho man who had struck him. On searching his per son, $80 of the money taken from Maguire was found. The affair happened in Blair county, where bail was entered for the appearance of the miner at next court. So we learn from the Altoona Tribune. Won't Stay Arrested. Michael Phalon, one of the parties charged with assaulting and robbing Mr. Henry Hop ple, in Carroll township, lately, was ar rested in Newport, Perry county, on last Friday night; but, by the execution of that profound strategical movement known as "giving leg bail' he sucseeded in ma king his escape from tho officer. He is yet at large. TnE Fair. We have been furnished with a list of the prizes drawn during tho late Fair for the benefit of St. Patrick's Church, Ebecsburg, which we are unable to publish this week. By an accompanying statement, we learn that the entire amount realized from the Fair was $4,630.49 ; the oxpenses were $1,176. 55 -leaving a clear balance to the church of $3,453.94. Cold Weather. The late cold snap must have convinced one and all that winter is rapidly approaohiDg. Are you prepared for its coming? If not, go to Thompson's store, Ebensburg, and prepare yourself. Buy buy. " O E 'X 5-t3 JsX q 5 C i cn S en .o "2 9 do COUNT UN TI1V SUVJSKAl UAl,L,e . . , . . T3 r-t B 47 OP : : r o : -a 2 o -I r . o 9 (i M CO U i-1 A CO COMOHC)0"r0 BjonJ) , 301AJ38 ppTJ uajv payBJCI 'Gqng o T o o o o o t-1 H -I M CO ID H . tO it- W -J V?...TTmi1TTTTTTfrt TT T rrx . , vf i. km maw v . wn uk paiiojua -sqng 1 www c .BjaA -nua-oa -pajo fZ CO CO a. o -uautBOg sjipaao reioj, snjdjng -Dnaiogafi CO iMO C4 M A CO. U H OO B 0 W4IO - M - to M H M CO t-O. sono 331AJ33 0 PPH S5 uoijBjntaraoa piJ i eaaaiunioY -U8K panoaua -sqng . CO C5 o - snjd.ing sjono uarj psjjBJa qng uoiiBjnraraoo pi'Bj BIOOlUttJOA -U3K panojug -sqng ti6nT?o asauoj sjipaj epajo 6noauuipDsii 9 3 . CO to CO CI o-ii.-i-ojkuux to enjdang Co rfk. Etchings. The new passenger depot ot the Pennsylvania Railroad at Titts burg has been completed, and was thrown open to ttie public on Mondav of last week. It is large,, commodious, and ele gant, and reflects great credit upon the liberality and public-spiritedness of those constructing it... .A little son of Mr. J W TT ill crltrn .( iU.. tj: l ... vi iue luuiana American was scalded to death a few days ago by a kettle ot boiling soap upsetting upon him ...Chapman's History of the Conemauh Valley has gone to press, and will soon be ready for delivery to subscribers.... Who would have thought it ! The Johnstown Demncrat has employed a "darkey" resi ding in Wilmore to write poetry for its columns. The first effusion appeared las 1 ITf - . - wees, wonders positively never wil cease :...:ur. Wallace Stiles has fully opened out his photograph gallery, on Center street, a half square north of the Diamond, Ebensburg. He is an excellent artist and is deserving of patronage. See his advertisement elsewhere. Going Down. The Hollidaysburg Standard says : "Speak iDg of high pri ces, a rural cotemporary says that every thing is going up except whisky. Of course the inference is that whisky goes down. It does in this Borough." It does in this Borough of course the editor of the Standard is speaking of his own individual corporation. Oil. It is currently reported that an oil well is being bored in the vicinity of the Cherry Tree, and that, a few days since, when a depth of 258 feet had been attained, a vein of gas giving strong indi cations of oil was discovered. Cresson. The heated term being over, the Cresson House, we understand, will close doors in a few days. The "low er House" will be kept open throughout tho winter by Mr. Wm. Callan. Notice. The time for the examina tion of teachers for tho Ebensburg Union schools has been changed from Wednes day, 27th instant, to Thursday, 28th. Lost. On Sunday last, a gold pen with silver holder. Tho finder will be suitably rewarded upon leaving the arti cles at this office. rpnE WORLD CHALLENGED TO PRODUCE ITS EQUAL I ;.i LINDSEY'S imphoved BLOOD-SEARCnER, SOB. THE CUBE OF ALL Diseases Arising jrom an Impure state oj the lilooii I BITCH AS Scrofula, Cutaneous Diseases, Tetter Af fections, Pimples on the Face, Cancer ous Formations, Erysipelas, Boils, Old and Stubborn Ulcers, Sore Eyes, &c, &c, &c. "We make no claims to having discovered 'Panacea" or "Universal Remedy" for all the ailments to which flesh is heir; but we do claim what countless facts have fairly and fully established, that in the BLOOD-SEARCIIER, the afflicted will find a "Standard Medicine," one upon which they can rely as a sure spe cific for all the diseases for which it i3 re commended. I haTe this day, October Tth, 1864, disposed of my entire interest in J. M. Lindsev's IM PROVED BLOOD SEARCHER to R. E SEL LERS & CO., together with the right to use my name in it3 preparation. The only genu ine article will hereafter be prepared by them exclusively. J. M. LINDSEY. prepared bt R. E. SELLERS & CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. bole Proprietors. gELLERS' LIVER PILLS 1 The Original, only True and Genuine.) Have stood for thirty years a Staple Rem edy, unequaled by any medicine known for the cure of Liver Complaint, Costiveness, Sick Headache and Bilious Disorders, ana indeed for the whole class of diseases origi nating in biliary derangements. TO THE PUBLIC. The original, only true and genuine Liver Pills are prepared by R. E. Sellers, and have his name in black xcax upon the lid of each box, and his signature on tbe outside wrap per all others are counterfeits or base imita tions. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Proprietors, Pittsburg, Pa. rpiIE GREAT INTERNAL REMEDY TOR THE EFFECTUAL CURE OF Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, King's Evil, Tetter, Scald Head, Ring Worm, &c, Is truly JOHNSON'S RHEUMATIC COMPOUND, AND BLOOD PURIFIER. Let the Suffering Read, and Cease to Despair. Mr. Johnscw Dear Sir : This is to certi fy that by using three-fourths of a bottle of your RHEUMATIC COMPOUND and BLOOD PURIFIER, I was completely cured of Chronic Rheumatism, alter having suffered for more than eighteen years. It has been over tour year3 since I was cured, and I have not felt the slightest symptoms of its return. I remain yours trulj, ANDREW ARMSTRONG. No. 19 James street. Allegheny City, May 3, 1864. It stands unequaled by any medicine now before the public for the cure of the above named diseases. Read the following extracts and testimo nials : g5r All who use it receive benefit. jJOy It cures where all other remedies fail. gs& No other remedy has become so pop ular. JCSF"It gives universal satisfaction. gyThe proof is most abubdant. It is the only sure cure for Rheuma tism. tST It is destined to supersede all others. jSy It is prescribed by Physicians. JtS?"It is recommended by Physicians. jgSaF"' Ii truth, it i3 a perfect benefactor. prepared by R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors, PITTSBURGH, PA JTET PHYSICIANS SPEAK ! SELLERS' VERMIFUGE the best IN USE I II ERE IS THE PROOF. Licking Station, Ky. Mr. R. E. Sellers : Your Vermifuge pos sesses more virtue than any I ever used. I will state a case where I gave one vial. My brother's child was pining and wasting to a mere skeleton. In thirty-six hours after I gave the Vermifuge, the enormous quantity of upward ot six hundred worms were passed. The child that was given up for lost is now as well as any in the neighborhood. AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. PREPARED by R. E. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietors. PITTSBURG,. Pa. E? The above is sold by Druggists every- I wliera. decl-ly TAYLOR & CREMER, AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES. Huntingdon. Pa Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress. Vines it. l better growth, larger size, and atlower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant them true to name. Standard Annie trees at 18 J cents each $16 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 to $15 per 10 Standard Pear trees, 50 to 15 cts oach. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$leach 20 to $6 per 100 Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37 to 75 cts Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 cts. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees'62J to $1. European Ash, 75 to f. Enropean Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to Si. 50 American & Chinese Arbor Vitae. 50 eti 51.50 Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, kc. &c Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf.. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OFALTOOVA Corner of Virginia, and Annie Strata- nrwv- site Superintendent's Office Penna. RR., BLur county, Penaa. U. S DEPOSITORY FINANCIAL AGENCY. Monies received on deoosit. Interest al lowed on time deposits. Gold and Silver Bought and Sold. Fractional Currency and Mutilated United States Notes Redeemed. Drafts on the principal Cities for tral Depot for the sale of United States Inter nal Keveoue fotamps. This Bank keeps on hand for sale the J 3-10 U. S. Treasury Notes, and takes subscrip tions for the same. This is tbe Pomilar Loan, the only Government Loan now ia market at par, giving those who have money a safe and desirable opportunity for invest ment Two Cents a Day for each $1.00. These X" a. a r i i . Aoies, at jiaiuruy, can De exchanged lor 5-2d Six per cent. Gold bearing bonds. M. M. LLOYD, PresL D. T. Caldwell, Cashier. Feb. 9, 185.-tf. w OOD MORRELL & CO.; JonvRTrrww T WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KIKS OF MERCHANDISE. Keep constantlv on hand tt fbllatrino' nrfl cles : DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, CARPETING S, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS SHOES, BONNETS. HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON. ilOUERIES, TV.Y.U OF ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES AC. CSy-Clothinjr and Boots a.nd SIiahi mn n order on reasonabletertns. : Johnstown March I 1860-tf. ROKE OUT IN A NEW PLACE. The subscriber begs to inform th citi zens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he hag opened out NEW GROCERY-STORE on nigh street, one door west of Huntley's Hardware store, Ebensburg nis stock con sists in part of Flour, Tea, Coffee, Sugars, Bacon, Tobacco and Cigars, Candles, Soaps, Spices, Nuts, Candies, Crackers, Cakes, Ac, he. In phort, be keeps constantly on hand everything in the Grocery line, all of which he will sell at the very lotcest prices for cash. R. R. THOMAS. EbenVburg, May 18, 1863.-ra. FLECTION of DIRECTORS of THE J "PALO ALTO IRON CO." Notice ij hereby given, that the Stockholders of tho Capital stock in the "Falo Alto Iron Co." Will meet on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1865, between the hours cf 7 and S o'clock, p. m, at their office, in the borongh of Potsville, for the purpose of electing a Board of nve Directors for said corporation, to serve "until the next annual election. Attest J. F. PETERY. Secy. Potsville, Sept. 7, 1865. D M INISTRATORS' NOTICE. Letters of Administration on tbe es tate of William Douglass, Esq., have been granted to the subscribers by the Register of Cambria county. Persons owing said estate will please make payment, and those having claims against it will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. JOHN H. DOUGLASS, JAMES DOUGLASS, je29-Ct Admrs. VOTICE TO TEACHERS. X 1 Notice is hereby given that an examin ation of Teachers for BJacklick township will be held by the Co. Supt. in Belsano on WED NESDAY, the 4th day of OCTOBER, 1S65, commencing at 9 o'clock, a. ra. JOHN B. ROSS, Secy. Sept. 7, 18G5. "VTOTICE ! X 1 All persons are hereby eautioned not to harbor my son, ADAM, nor to trust him on ray account, as I will ay no debts of his contracting. PHILIP MILLER. Maysville, August 3, 1865-3t 6b QUICK SALES, QUICK SALES, QUICK SALES, A X I) AXI A. SMALL PR OFITS r SMALL PROFITS V SHALL PROFITS !' BARKER'S CHEAP STORE ! BARKER'S CHEAP STORK BARKER'S CHEAP STORE 1 THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS,. TnE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE LARGEST STOCK OF GOODS, THE BEST SELECTED, THE BEST SELECTKD, THE BEST SELECTED EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN ( EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN" EVER BROUGHT TO TOWN! LARGEST I CHEAPEST! BEST! LARGEST! CHEAPEST I BEST I LARGEST V CHEAPEST! BE.3T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers