him. Is not this a fact in Cambria coun ty ? Htm many murdered victims lio in their gory graves within the bounds of our county, whose blood calls for ven geance? And in how many instance have their murderers received their just deserts from outraged law and justice? "Wfl answer, not one. The Flanigans, through inefficient, not to say corrupt offi cials, and Joseph Moore, and others that might be uained, have gene out from us with the bloo-i of citizens of this county upon ther hands unatoned fur, as the re sults of misapplied sympathy. The people must throw atrny this false rympathy by which justice is defrauded its just claims. Murderers with their hands recking with the blood of their victims must be no longer liouized, or no man, woman, or child's life is safe for a single day. Who will dare Buy, that if Dan. Sickles had been found guilty of murder, executed, or at least confined in a dungeon, instead of being made a hero, we would have had a repetition of his conduct in Cambria county? Or who can 6ay how long it will be until some disappointed maiden will play 3Iisa Har ris in our midst ? "We endorse moat fully your concluding paragraph, and let all ihe people say, Amen "If a man be tried for murder and fully convicted, let him be hanged." Justice. ' s 1 " ..- RIGHT Oil WRONG : WHEN RIGHT, TO B KEPT RIGHT, WHBK WRONG, TO BE PUT RIGHT. TIIUKSDAY:::::::::::::SEPTEMBEK 21. UN I OX PARTY NOMINATIONS. jirDITOK-OESKRAL : iMaj.-Gen. JOHN F. IIARTRANFT. 8CRVET0R-GENERAT. : Colond JACOB 11. CAMPBELL. STATE SENATOR JIARRY WHITE, of Indiana county. assembly: JAMES CONRAD, of Washington tp. PBOTHONOTARY : Lt. E. F. LYTLE, of Ebensburg. DISTRICT ATTOBXEY : LL SAML. SINGLETON, of Ebensburg. TREASURER : Private G. B. STEIN MAN, Richland tp. COMMISSIONER : Private J. W. SCOTT, of Whito tp. toor norsE director : HIRAM FRITZ, of Susquehanna tp. AUDITOR : Lt. JOHN B. HAY, of Johnstown. COUNTY purvetor: E. A. VICKROY, of Johnstown. Wlial Stands In the Way of Peace. Every day brings to liht new evi dences of tho villainy of African elavery ; every day affords new proof of its perni cious effects upon the great material, moral and social interests of the Ameri can people. It was the germ of the re bellion j it educated the people of the South in the treasonable doctrines of se cession ; it engendered in the South that spirit of hatred towards tho North which culminated in open war. It corrupted everything the church, the social circle, the domestic fireside. It broke up church es, established a system of concubinage among four millions of human beings, and made of every 6lavo State a pandemonium. Such were some of the numerous evils of this system of abomiuation3. Now tho spirit of slavery stands in the way of peace. The conquered rebels ac knowledge elavery to be dead, yet they arc racking their brains to invent fome mode by which they can avail them selves of the labor of their old slaves without compensation. Still further, their old notions of caste lead them in their treatment of the blacks to practice all their old barbarities and wrongs upon the race. They still cling to the Taney idea as embodied in the Dred Scott case, that a "black man has no rights which white men are bound to respect' To day there is nothing etauding in the way of fraternal feelings between the two sections f the Union, but the spirit of shivery; but with the leading rebels, that is ram pant as ever. Let us not deceive ourselves upon this important point. A great work is yet to be done. The Southern- rebels, while they submit to federal authority, do it with decidedly an ill grace. They wear the same haughty airs, the same self-importance that characterized them before the rebellion. The duty of the general government is a plain one. In reconstructing the rebel States, nothing will insure a permanent peacn and endur ing national uuity but the rooting out of the entire system of slavery ; tho carcass of the monster must be buried out of Bight. If anything short of this is dpee, the gov ernment will bo recreant to its high trust and the loyal people cf the country cheat ed ia the settlement. But every person of common discernment will see at buce, thai the change of sentiment among the Southern people which must be wrought in order to the restoration of fraternal feeling and a permanent peace cannot be rffectrd in a day or a month. The con quered Southerners must be for the pres ent put upon their good behavior. They aro permeated all through with the fiend ish spirit of slavery. This will have to be worked out of them by degrees. Time and the stern authority of the Govern ment, administered in justice and temper ed with mercy, will do it, provided we are not in too great haste to give them power to injure not only themselves but the nation j and here will come the mis take if one is made. Until the Southern leaders become loyal at heart, they should bo disfranchised, otherwise they will indi rectly accomplish the same wicked pur poses through the agency of the ballot box that they attempted by force of arms. We shall have no peace, but another "war of opinions," which will again inaugurate a conflict of arms, and the tragic scenes of the last four years will be flic poor legacy we shall leave to posterity. Union County Convention. An adjourned Union County Conven tion met at the Court House, Ebensburg, on Monday, Sept. 18, 18G5. On motion, II. A. Boggs, D. O. Evans, Alex. Kennedy,vC. Jeffries, John J. Glass, Jacob Cunningham, and John Porter were appointed a Committee to recom mend to the Convention suitable persons as candidates for the various offices. The Committee reported as follows : Legislature James Coxrad. Prothonotary Lt. E. F. Lytle. District Attorney Lt. Samuel Singleton. Treasurer rrivate G. B. Stixeman Commissioner Private J. W. Scott. Poor House Director-HiCAM Fritz. Auditor- Lt. J. B. Hat. County Surveyor E. A. Yicroy. On motion, the Convention unanimous ly agreed to tho recommendation of the Committee. The following resolutions were submit ted, and, on motion, unanimously adopt ed : Resolved, That we heartily endorse the ac tion of the late State Convention, and prom ise our united and hearty support to Har tranft and Campbell, the gallant soldiers selec ted as our standard-bearers in the present campaign . Resolved. That the nomination of Gen. Harry White for State Senator is but a fitting reward for bis services in and sufferings for the Union cause ; and we pledge him the cordial and hearty support of the Union men of Cam bria county. After which, the Convention adjourned. The nominations are most excellent ones, and, taken in connection with tho State and District nominations, compose a ticket which of itself will be a tower of strength. That the State and District candidates will be elected, does not admit of a doubt. That here, in Cambria coun ty, our ticket can le elected .if we only do our duty, is equally clear in our mind. But to this end, we must organize ! With out proper organization, wc can do noth ing; with it, everything. Shall we, then, be up and doing, and achieve success ? Or shall we allow the golden opportunity to slip by unheeded ? Reduction of tlie State Debt. Gov. Curtin has issued a proclamation announcing the extinguishment of 6745, 811,01G of the debt of Pennsylvania. This is a heavier reduction than has ever before been made in a single year. It is most creditable to the administration, es pecially a3 it was made during a period when the expenses of the State were unus ually heavy. Now that peaco is restored in the land, and men who have been in the Xational service have returned to civil pursuits, the resources of our great Slate will be developed and increased mora r.ip ly than ever. . On the 1st of December, 1SGI, the debt of Pennsylvania was $39,'79,G03 ; but the State held bond of the Pennsylvania and Erie Rnilinad Companies to the amouat of 10,300,000, so that the actual debt was but $29,079,003. Deduct from tins the amount just extinguished, and wo have the present actual debt of the Stato only 28,333,792. It is probable that next year the reduction will be a full mil lion, and in the following years still more. As the amount of interest to be paid will be diminished very year, and as the rev enue from all sources will be continually increasing, we may expect to see the whole debt paid in the life-time of men of mid dle age. That will be a happy day for all of us, for wc shall be relieved of enormous State taxes, and shall be better able to bear the burden of those of tho nation and the State. In the mcautimc, we congrat ulate tho State Administration on what it has already done, and our citizens on the good oropvet of an abatement of the taxes. IiVEKY MAN in die State who preach ed or practiced resistance to the draft will vote tor Davis and Linton. Every man who prayed for tho success of the Southern Confederacy will do likewise. V now coi. EJavls Ve:it in for Pultingr Down tlie Rebellion. The following choice extracts from the Doylestown Democrat, of which Col. Da vis, the present Democratic candidate for Auditor General of this State, was and is the editor and proprietor are given for the purpose of showing the sentiments which were disseminated by that paper while he held an official position under the Government which was so bitterly as sailed in its pages. As Col. Davis is cow before the people as a candidate for pub lic office, and is desirous of receiving their votes, and since he was undoubtedly nom inated on account of his having been en gaged in the war, and therefore likely to be moro available before the public on that account, it is but just that the kind of aid his newspaper rendered the Gov ernment, and the sympathy it extended to its noble, illustrious and lamented chief in his efforts to crush out treason and re bcll ion, should be again given to the com munity. An editorial article in the Democrat of August 23d, 18G4, when Col. Davis was still an officer in the army, reads as fol lows : "With an immense army, a good navy, and the ports of the Confederacy blocka ded, we have gained virtually nothing, and will have gained nothing until wc defeat the two main armies of tho South. The reasons why we have been so unfortunate are plain and understandable. Mr. Lin coln committed himself to an emancipation policy. He hereby abandoned the war for re-union, and made it a war absolutely and unequivocally for tho negro. 'Slavery shall not live,' was his motto. Beyond this was an object dearer to his heart his own re-election which he esteemed more than a hundred thousand lives. These were his two motives for abandon ing the principles of our government, and of perverting the war. For these pur poses, and these only, has the war been prolonged ; for these purposes were the soldiers massacred at Olustee, aud the array of Gen. Grant defeated and foiled; for these purposes ha3 another draft been ordered j lor these purposes have elections been carried by force of arms, and 'bogus States' declared in the Union ; for these purposes have thousands been buried under Confederate sod ; for these purposes have the forts and bastiles of the country been filled with fearless patriots who dare ex pose the profligacy of Abolition, and the corruption and despotism of Abraham Lincoln. "The people aro now to decide between this state of affairs and peace between the old Government and a new despotism between the protection of our liberties and the surrender of them to an arbitrary and perfidious ruler. 'Peace ended with the Administration of James Buchanan, and war, bloody, remorseless war, began with tho inauguration of Abraham Lin coln. We have tried war for three years ; let us now try to effect what war has failed to do. There is no doubt that Mr. Lin coln has done more to cement the States of the Confederacy together than any man ou the continent. He has pursued a pol icy calculated to divide the sentiment of the North, and harmonize that of the South. Yet he has now the presumption to a&k re-election. The question will be : Lincolu and his war, or the Chicago nom inee nod peace for rc-union. "It is a mistaken idea that peace means slavish submission to the Confederacy. It means nothing of the kind. No Dem ocrat ever expressed his willingness to concede to dishonorable compromise. We have tried war and found by a sad expe rience that it is supremely profitless, and that Lincoln and his hirelings are incapa ble of managing a campaign successfully if they wished. Something must be done. The Democratic party proposes, if we judge aright, to restore the Union under tho Constitution by peaceable mcaus. Mr. Lincoln has put the prolongation of the war out of the question. Our nation is almost bankrupt, and eery branch of industry is "suffering for want of men; therefore are men called upon to join the standard of peace for re-union, and defeat the party in power which is no more nor less than a thoroughly disunion party." Again, from a leading editorial of? Au gust 30, tho week after, we quote theol loving: "The Confederates contend that they havo made an agreement with the Feder als for the proper and speedy exchange of prisoner? ; that they have faithfully observed the provisions of it, and have frequently proposed exchange on its ba sis. But Mr. Lincoln bays no. lie will permit the while soldiers of the North to rot in the scorching sun, and the Federal army to become a skeleton, before he will agree to an exchange which does not re cognize his tyranny and court his despotio will. "What is the consequence of Mr. Lin coln's refusal t The suffering of our brave and gallant soldiers. Thoy aro left to die ou Southern soil rather than relinquish the policy of negro equality. The Con federates are accused ot inordinate bar barity, in order to conceal the despotism and criminal fanaticism of our President. Let tho soldiers rememDer that Abraham Lincoln made a solemn agreement for the exchange of prisoners of war, and broke it, because it did not include negro pol diers, many of whom aro runaway slaves of the South. Let them remember that all their sufferings and privations while in captivity were necessitated by the con tracted policy of Mr. Lincoln. Let them remember that their rights, honor, and liberty are outraged on account of the nc-, gro; and done by a President of the Uni ted States. "The negro is the idol of Abolitionism. The whites may die iu forts and prison camps, because the negro is not recogniz ed as his equal by tho Confederates. The fact proves that our present warfare is a weak fight for negro equality, and ne gro liberty. No evidence can be found that we are fighting for re-union and the Constitution. The war is perverted and the man guilty of the act presumptuously asks the suffrages of the people and of the soldiers in the army. Let the people re member him. Let the wives and child ren of the prisoners of war recollect that he is the fountain head of their sufferings ; and if they become widows and orphans, that . he is the murderer. Let the prison ers remember him when they eat their last scanty morsel; and if the people of this country are true to themselves and to our suffering soldiers, they will pronounce him a man . 'Ilated, despised, scourged by a two-fold rod, The scorn of millions and the curse of God.''' The above is only a sample of the nu merous productions of a like character that have appeared in that paper, during the war. . - mi Pennsylvania and the Rebel lion. From a carefully prepared estimate, founded upon facts and figue9, it has been ascertained that Pennsylvania furnished to the armies of the United States during the late rebellion, no less than four hwi dred and seventy-nine thousand four hun dred and fifty-nine soldiers, and that too while the State authorities were engaged in reducing the State debt by within a fraction of three-quarters of a million of doUas. The National Government ac knowledges in the following letter that tho State furnished three hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine men : War Department, "j Provost Marshal General's Office, "Washington, D. C, Sept. 2, 1865. J His Excellency, A. G. Curtin, Governor of Pennsylvania : Sir: I have the honor to inform you that the number of men furnished by theState of Pennsylvania from April 17, 1861, to April 20, 1865, is three hundred and sixty-one thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine, with out reference to period' of service, which varied from three months to three year3. I have the honor to be, sir, your obedient servant. James B. Fry, Provost Marshal General. Thi3 acknowledgment tallies very close ly with the account kept by the 31ilitary Bureau at Harrisburg, and is accepted as correct. But there are other accounts of record, of which the Government aro not possessed, which show that the State has furnished between eighty-six and ninety thousand emergency or minute men, for duty on the southern border of the States and to repel invasion. The early effort made by neighboring States to fill their quotas by offering large bounties, induced a large number of Pennsylvanians to en ter the .Service and be credited to those States. Two full companies in the Excel sior Brigade, New .York, wero troni this city, and this State received no credit for them. An entire regiment and several independent companies were raised in the Western counties of the State, which were muptered into service in West Virginia, and wero credited thereto. A regiment was recruited in Philadelphia for California, and comaiaded by the lamented Senator Daker. A safe eptimateof the troops fur nished by Pennsylvania to New York, New Jersey, and other States, would place the number at twenty-five thousand men. The number of colored troops tak en from Pennsylvania and enlisted in other States, may be estimated at two thousand five hundred. Taking these figures as fair estimates, we have the following re capitulation of troops furnished by Penn sylvania : Number of men regularly furnished and accounted for by the Provost Marshal of the United States 361,939 Number of men in the aggregate, cal ' led at various times to meet the emergencies growing out of the at tempted invasion of the North by the rebel armv of Northern Virgin ia 90,000 Nu mber of men who left Pennsylvania to enlist in other States 25,000 Namber of colored men who left Penn sylvania to enlist in the organiza tions of other States, on account of there being no opportunity for col ored troops to enlist in this State... 2,500 Aggregate number of troops furnish ed by the State of Pennsylvania to Bustain the national authority 479,439 The above is a record of which tho State may well feci proud, and taken in connection with the other fact tho re duction of our State debt reflects honor and credit upon the patriotism and fideli ty of tho people of the Keystone State and their public pervants, who adminis tered its affairs. m m B, The Copperhead candidate for Au ditor General is not popular at home. Referring to this fact, th6 editor of the Lehigh Register says that he traveled through a considerable portion of Bucks county, in which Col. Davis resides, and conversed with a number of returned sol diers who served under him, and found that with but very few exceptions they will not support him at the coming elec tion. So much for Col. Davis' popularity as a military man. And there is nothing strange that the soldiers should thus re fuse to vote for men who supported the doctrine that a soldier was unfit to exer cise the privilege of the elective franchise. m m m If the soldiers desire to vote as they fought, they will vote for Hartranft and Campbell. Davis and Linton are the standard-bearers of the party which one year ago denounced the War for the Union as a "failure," and called for a "cessation of hostilities." mt m m Are You Assessed ? See that your name is placed on the assessment rolls ba fore the 29th of tho present month. I-oyal $Xen, Iooli. Here! The following proceedings, had on the 6th day of January, 1864, in the Senate of Pennsylvania, is copied from page 6 of the Legislative Record, 1S64 : GEN. U. S. GRANT AND OTHERS. "Mr. Lowry offered the following reso lution : "Resolved by the Senate, ihit tho thanks of the loyal people of Pennsylvania are due and are hereby tendered to Gen. U. S.' Grant and the officers and soldiers serving undervhim for !lhe series of gal lant services and glorious victories result ing in the liberation of the faithful Union people of East Tennessee from a military despotism more galling than ever was that of Great Britain. , . . "On the question, "Will the Senate proceed to a secend reading of the resolution ? "The yeas and nays were required by Mr. Donovan and Mr. Wallace, and were as follows, viz : "Yeas Messrs. Cbampneys, Connell, Dunlap, Fleming, Graham, floe. House holder, Johnson, Lowry, McCandless, Nichols, Ridgway, Turrell, Wilson, WTor thington and Penny, Speaker 16. "Nays Messrs Beardsdalc, Bucber, Clymer, Donovan, Glatz, Hopkins, Kins ley, Lamberton, Latta, M'Sherry, Mont gomery, Reilly, Smith, Stark, Stein and Wallace 1G. "So the question was determined in the negative." Here stand the names of each and every one of the Democratic Senators re corded against a vote of thanks to the gal lant Genfral and the gallant men who brought the war to a successful close. Among the nays is the name of Wm. A. Wallace, chairman of the Copperhead State Central Committee, and one of the leaders of the party which nomiuated Da vis and Linton '. m What Democrats Seek. The edit ors, stumpers and conventions of the Democratic parly are, striving to answer the question, "What do Democrats seek V It is true that the people would be g'ad to know what they do really seek ; but far greater satisfaction would have been af forded had they answered that question three years ago. What did they seek when they were unanimous in refusing either a man or a dollar to save the coun try ? What did they seek when they all exerted their utmost to discourage enlist ments and to shield deserters when the country was on the brink of ruin, and all patriots trembled for her safety ? What did they seek when they met in conclave all over the loyal States, and commenced the work of arming themselves in resist ance to the Government and in favor of the rebellion ? "What did they seek when th'jy denounced Mr. Johnson a3 a tyrant, a usurper, a brute, while they now indorse him? What did ttey seek when at Chi cago, less than one year ago, they resolv ed the four years' war to be a failure? With this record so fresh in the people's recollection, how can any confidence be now placed iu any plausible story they ma- tell as to what they seek ? JtSS In Vermont and Maine, the Dem ocracy, although they made a great flour ish in their respective Conventions, ap pear to have had hardly any voters at the polls. The result, consequently; iu both States, is overwhelmingly for the Repub Ubion party. Their examples will be im itated by the o!d Keystone. JEST" John C. Breckcnridge is in Cana da. It is not known whether he seeks a pardon to go back to Kentucky, or to 8 tump Pennsylvania during the fall cam paign. John has a rebel's love for the name of Davis, and is willing to labor anywhere for its "honor." SzS Seventy fivo thousand foreigners immigrated to this country during the six. months ending in June. ESTATE OF JAMES S. CLARK, DECEASED. The undersigned having been appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county to distribute the money in the hands of J. M. Campbell, ad ministrator of the estate of James S, Clark, dee'd, hereby gives notice that he will at tend to the duties of said appointment at his office in the borough of Ebensburg, on SAT URDAY, 14th day of OCTOBER next, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons interested may attend. J. E. SCANLAN, Auditor. Sept. 20, l86o.-3t: ICTURES! PICTURES rnoTOGRArns i ambrotypes CASES ! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ! Large-sire Photographs taken from Small Ambrotypes, Photographs, and Taguerreotypes, for Frames. Everybody should go and have their Pictures taken at STILES'. Rooms: Half Square North of the Diamond, sept. 20. . EBENSBURG, PA. "I ETTERS HKMAiNiNiTuNCLAIMFV - f t n I TEK POST OFriC. Lf t At Ebensburg, State of Pennsylvania 1 " , 11VIJ. josepn uorba. Alva N. Man croc Tbos. R. Beyers, ; David Bracken, , : John Carson, 2, Messrs. G. Cooper &Co. Patrick Clare, Miss Sarah Cobangh, Mrs. Sarah Davis, Mrs. W. Thoma3, Frank Drinkort, G. W. Ennis, Miss Sarah A. Evans John Henry, ' Mrs. Cathorine Iluey, Miss Martha Jones Benjamin Cougb, ' Ynl. Kaylor, Rev. Thos. Sonaragan Mrs. Isabell Mehaf fie, 2. S- T. Nicholson. A. J. Poreb, : Meonard Pnii. Mrs. Xlnre r. ' I D. J. Robersis, 2 1 uavid Riddle, Saml. Riger,' W..H. Rodkay, Mrs. Jane Roberts Mrs. E.. Reese, Mrs. M. Roberts Mrs. R. Roberts, Mrs.E. Roberts, Geo. Seymour,' Henrj Smith, Julius Stich, W. C. Smith, Chas. Stratton, Lewis Thomas John Wolf. ' It: T. Messach, John Yinghling. lo obtain n.nv of t.or. . cntmus, can It not called for within will be sent to the DelatVe ' Free delivery of letters by carrier, at ti, residences of owners in cities an hS, SJ? secured bv obsprrrn,, tK ge. 0Wn 1. Direct letters plainly to the rtreeYaM i numhpr ns rooii o i . Cl,fci ant lr ist f , numoer, sign tnem pkin. y with full name, and request that ansJ?, lift nirfto.l o j: ' L ttttm uiugiy. 3. Letters to strangers or transient visiu i -- v. viij, nuuse special address fc be unknown, should be matked, in the W left-hand corner, with tlm v u t . . ; 4 Place the postage stump on the upright-hand corner, and leave space betweVj the stamp and direction for pott-marking vrh. out interfering with the writing. ' N.B. A request for the return of a lettr-t to the writer, if unclaimed within 30 davs or- ii less, written or nrinted with io 41 post office, and 6tate, across the left-hand eni 'i Ju( of the envelope, on the face side, will be com. I tVJ idied with at the imml r.rorwai.i MA c . ' 1 - f " - iniv ui LXJfc ' . age, payable when the letter is delivered Ul the writer. Sec. 28, Law of 1863. f JOHN TIIOMPSOM. P V f urpi. I, .aoo. a 4 i .o- ; TUBLIC SALE.-: L Will be sold at public sale, at tie la:. icMucucc oi xjuYin j. trans, dec d., in Cn. bria township, two miles east of EbensW on Thursday, 5th October, 1863, the followit property, to wit : One Mare, lot Cows and young Cattl, It sheep, liny by the ton, Oat3 by the dozed and Farming utensils generally. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m. i reasonable credit will be given. DAVID M. JONES. Sept. 7, 18G5.-3t. r TV'OTICE TO TEACHERS. 1 ' An examination of School Teachers 1 will be held at the School Honse, in the bor-f ough of Ebtnsburg, on Thursday, SEPTEM-f BE It 2Stl., inst., at 9 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose ct supplying the Union bcbools ' said borough with three Male and three Ft uialo teachers, for a term of four months. By order of the Board. D. J. JONES, SecT, Sept. 14. 1SC3. LOST. Strayed away from the premises of t- subscriber, in Carroll tp., Cambria .tws. some tm darvng tho month oi June, athrte year old BLLL, brmaie color, mixed vit: white spot3. The ear mark is a round hole and slit in each ear. A reasonable reward will ht paid for his recovery. JOHN FRES1I Sept. 14, 18S5.-3t. OAL1 COAL! COALI i The public are hereby notified that no i3 the time to order a winter's Bupply c: Coal. Cars on the Railroad are plenty, and transportation sure. Later in the senso:. this may not be case. Send on your ordc.7 new. t Coal furnished at reduced rates from h fall s prices. . WM. TILET Hemlock, Cambria co., Aug. 24, 1865.-- OTICE. Notice is hereby given to those sons that have unsettled accounts with & late firm of TUDOR & JONES to come for ward immediately and settle with R. H. T; dor, the surviving partner of the firm prr seut their claims, or pay their indebtedness R. H. TUDOR. Ebensburg, July 13, 18G5. Tue SixgerSkwi.no Machines. Our Letts A Family Sewing Machine is fast gaininj i world-wide reputation. It is beyond doub: the best and cheapest and most beautiful of all Family Sewing Machines yet offered to ttf, public. No other Family Sewing Machine h -s many useful appliances for Hemmis J Binding. Felling, Tucking, Gathering, Gsif ing, Braiding, Embroidering, Cording, tc. . other Family Sewing Machine has capacity for a great variety of work Ku( sew all kinds of cloth, and with all k9' thread. Great and recent improvements ir. j our Family Sewing Machine most reliable, t j most durable, and. most certain in action, all rates of speed. It makes the interlock stitch", which is ihe best stitch known. A-!, one, even of the most ordinary capacity, see, at a glance, how to use the letter AFas ily Sewing Machine. Our Family Scis:; Machines are finished m chaste ana es. om' v;nr Case of the Family Machir is a niece of cunning workmanship of j most useful .kind. It protects mo . when not in use, and when about to be opt tPd mav be opened as a spacious and ... . ;n lA work. W" stantiai taie to suwm some of the Cases, made out of the cboi woods, are finished in the simplest chastest manner possible, others are adorn and embellished in the most costly and sup manner. . v It is absolutely necessary to see the f Machine in operation, so as to judge o great capacity and beauty. t ; fazt hpenminer as t)OIular for a sewing as our Manufacturing machines ring macm" s. well Buppli4 .ir:' s, oil, of ' for manufacturing purposes The Branch Offices are well silk, twist, thread, needles very besl quality. Send for a Pamphlet. ,tvt C THE SINGER MANUFACTURING1 . -. Vorf- 458 Broadway, - - nrf PHILADELPHIA Office, 810 Cxi NU1 ol. ,... a-rga C. T. Roberts, Agemt is March 9, 1865.-ly. :..'-' l - & i. P