EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 21, 1865. NUMBER 49. "LIST OF POST OFFICES. Post OjJic. Post Master,. District,. 1 ... - Steven 1 Evans. Carroll. K Springs, Henry Nutter, Chest. ZmJa-h, A. G. Crooks, Tajlor. Ta J. Houston, Washint'i Bresson, ' pv.neKtir JCresso , -tx,- Ttn.mnanr. Ebensburer. Timber, C.Jeffries, White, fc uxia J- M. Christy, Gallitzin. . ft-. town I.E. Chandler, Johnst'wn. rltto M. Adlesberger, Loretto. v nater A. Durbin, Monster. 5.U-Sle Andrew J Ferral, Susq'ban. sTAu 'usUne, Stan. Wharton, Clearfield, r, I George Berkey, Richland. ScalpLevel, Je0igftn, Washt'n. jSonman, George B. Wike, Croyle. jSummerhill, XM'Connell, Washt'n. ir""1!: J. K. Shryock, S'merhill. CHURCHES, 31IMSTERS, &c. rresiyterian-Uty. T. M. Wilson, Pastor- reaching every Sabbath morning at 10 n,1 in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sab- ... e o nVlnck. A. M. Prayer meet- nir every Thursday evening at 6 o clock. Methodist t-piseopainurcn . : Upt. J. PeBSHIXQ. As- istant. Preaching every alternate feabbath. lornincat 10i o'clock. Sabbath School at 9 'clock, A. M. Prayer meeting every w canes- ay evening, at 7 o ciock. Welch Independent Uev Ll. It. Powell, ... r,., -l.infT ovprr Sabbath morninc at 30 o clock, and in tnc evening ui "u feabbath School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Prayer jnieeting on the first Monday evening of each fmonth ; and on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, excepting the first week in rach month. Calvinislie Methodist Rev. Moboan Ellis, pastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at ? n..r SaKKtli Srhnnl fttU o'clock. Ck. M. Piayer meeting every Friday evening, i 1 o'clock, society every iuesuj ccun.K Vt7 o'clock. I Disciples TIkt. W. Llovd, Pastor. Preach ing every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. 1 particular isaptists Kiev, uayiu jpastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at o'clock. Sabbath School at at 1 o'clock, P. M. f Cjtholie Rr.v. R. C. Christy, Pastor. 'Services every Sabbath morning at 10. o'clock nd Vespers at 4 o'clock in the evening. EBCKSIIVRG MAILS. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern, daily, it 12.00 o'clock, noon. Western, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. MAILS CLOSE. E?.sifrn, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M. Western, " at 8 o'clock, P. M. KaTha mails from Newman's Mills. Car- l rT ro!ltOH-n, &c, arrive on Monday, Wednesday ir.f. PrMttv of &h wk- lit 3 n'rlock. P. M. cve F.bensbnrg on Tuesdays, Thursdays i.id Saturdays, at 7 o'clock, A. M. RAILROAD SCIIEDUJLE CRESSO.V STATION. West Bait. Express leaves at 9.17 A. M A. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Phila. Kxprees II II II II II II II II 10.07 9.58 8.38 8.13 4.30 8.50 1.43 7.03 6.32 10.57 Fast Line Mail Train Pitts. Erie Ex. Emigrant Train EnM rhila. Express p. sr. " Fast Line Day Express " Pitts, Erie Ex. " Mail Train 'Doo't Etop. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. 31. COUXTY OFFICERS. Judges oj the Courts President Hon. Geo. Tavlor. Huntingdon ? Associates, (aporca W. Eaaley, Henry C. Devine. rroinonotary Joseph M JJonal 1. Rtgiittr and Recorder James Griffin. Sheriff James Myers. District Attorney. Philip S. Noon. County Comminionen- John Campbell. Ed ward Glass, E. Dunuegan. Clerk to Commijuinntr. u':n:. tt o.u ler. Treasurer Isaac Wike. Clerk to Treasurer John Lloyd. roor Home Directors Gtorg M'Cullougb, Otorge Delany, Irwin Rutledge. g ' ill; ITou"T"?urr-GeoTgt C. K. Zabm. Thnlr T,T:Ihm J" Wins, Francis P. rierney, John A. Kennedy. County Surrfyor.-lUnrj Scanlan. Coroner. .. William Flattery. V o Common Schools J. F. Condon. BOR. OFFICERS. Justice, of tKtAptARGIti; Edmund J. Waters rnSCn Kinkead- Y","7C' T- Roberts School . 3' ''oyd, David j j '''P S. Noon, Abel ,--TOGeo w Oatman. T A -lurn8 I'eat iCaf r'Richard R- Tibbott, Robert D. Marrar ttneil Isaac Crawford. James P 02; Kitte11' H- K W. George w! fT Crt . van'' Jno E' Scanlan. apt. Murray. 4 r ks, &c. ?ett iV ;m nL,?d?e No- 312 A. Y. M. . v" wuiu, ai O CIOCK, ? 2t.roJf 5"d Lkdee No. 428 I. O VedliSlJi rU-ow"' Hft. Ebensburg, 'r,BP "'8n'an? Division No. 84 Sons of Krr7 Satur7 eening: "u r SUBSCRIPTION 'THE ALLEGHANUN $2.50 L ADVANCE, v ?0 AT THE END 0? THB YEAR. Reported especially tor The Alleghanian. THE PAUL-SUNDAY MURDER. Trial or David Riddle Tor the Ulurder of IIIss Folly Paul, In Croyle Tp., Cambria County, June 7, 1SG5. In the Court of Oyer and Terminer for Cambria County, Sept. Term, 1865. Hon. Geo. Tay lor, President Judge; lions. II. C. Devine and O. W. Easly, Associate Judges. The Jurj iD this case was empanneled on Saturday, 9th Sept., and was locked up in a body, in a prirato room, until the conclusion of the trial of John Ream for murder. Roam's case finally , disposed of Tuesday, 12th Sept., and the case of the Commonwealth vs. David Riddle, indict ment murder, called up. The names of the jurors are as follows : Robert Botle, Thos. J. Davis, Joseph Daly, Joseph Geis, Elbbidge Stiles, David W. Lewis, Robert Evans, Rees J. Llotd, Thomas M'Breex, David Peter. David Roland, Lewis IIoovkb, THE COUNSEL. The counsel appearing in the case are: For the prosecution, District Attorney P. S. Noon, R. L. Johnston and George jNI. Reade, Kqs. ; for the defense, John Fenlon, John fcj. Rhey, and A. Kopelin, Esqs. FIRST DAY TUESDAY, SEIT. 12tH. The prisoner, David Riddle, brought into Court at 2 J o'clock, p. m. Arraign ed in the usual form, and pleads "Not guilty." District Attorney Noon opened for the prosecution in a speech ot about niteen minutes Icng'h. THE PRISONER. David Riddle is a man 33 or 40 years of age, rather tall of stature, and slinily built. He is blind of the left eye, which gives his countenance a somewhat unpre possessing aspect. Rcyond this, there is nothing peculiar in his appearance. In Court, he is nervous and uneasy, appa rently noticing tho minutest circumstance transpiring. THE EVIDENCE PROSECUTION. Michael Stibolisky, sworn : Live in Croyle township; was acquainted with Polly Paul ; she lived near me ; saw her dead is her own stable on the 7th June, 1865 ; 6l.e was lying on her back ; there were wounds on the back of her head. uc. uaraner, amrmed : Assisted in ma king a post mortem examination of the body of Polly Paul; found wounds on her head, &c. ; suppose them to have been inflicted with a club; the wound on the back of the head would cause almost in stant death ; this on tho 8th or 9th June last. Cro?s-examined : Judge the wounds were made with a club because the kin was not much broken. R. S. Bunn, M. D., amrmed : Made a post mortem examination of body of Polly Paul ; her death was caused by blows inflicted with a bludgeon or club : found wounds on the back part and right side of head ; wounds sufficient to cause almost instant death ; thi on tho fore noon of 9th June. Jos. W. Myers, Esq., sworn : Held an inquest on the body of Polly Paul ; she was lying on her back in her stable when first saw her : from what I could see, judge she had been knocked down in the front part ot the stable and had been dragged to the back part of it; Riddle was brought before me to receive a pre liminary hearing; he told me he had not been in this couuty for six years. John Funk, affirmed : Have been ac quainted with David Riddle for ten or twelve years ; was at bummerhill on 7th June last ; the road I went is called the Jackson road: it was between cne and two o'clock when I left Sunimerhill ; met a man on Leidy's hi'l, about two miles from Polly Paul's house; ho had on a slouch hat, pulled down over his eyes; bade him "good evening;' he did the same, and went on ; cculd not sav posi tively that defendant is the man ; ho looks like him ; arrested Riddle in Jeffer son county ; he did not say anything about the murder to me; found' him on North river, about seven miles above Rrookville. CroBs-ex?.mined : Have seen no one since that looked like the man I met that day ; arrested Riddle on the 22d June last ; he made no resistance. - Elizabeth Slonaker, affirmed : Was ac quainted with Riddle some time ago ; had a conversation with him, John Ream and Newton Jones one Sunday afternoon sev eral years ago; they said that Polly Paul had a heavy pocket-book which they would like to have; told them to marry her and get it: Ream said he could get it an easier way than thit he could kill her ; Riddle said he would go halt toward killing her. Cross-examined : Ream said Polly Paul was too old and ugly for hinv to marry ; that he would rather kill her and get her pocket-book that way ; this was when Riddle said he'd go "half with Ream. Mary Burket, sworn : Never saw Rid dle before. Rachel Wagner, amrmed : Was in Eb ensburg on the 7th June last; know Riddle ; met him thai day opposite Mr. Fen Ion's ; had no conversation with him ; he was going towards Crawford's tavern ; it was between 9 and 10 o'clock in the morning; he had soldier pants on j did not see him afterwards. Cross-examined : Live in Jackson tp. ; had been away for some time, and was going home; had seen Riddle five or six years before ; don't know what kind of coat he had on ; he had on an army cap and striped vest; he had no mustache; I was about thirteen years old when I saw him before ; told persons before he was arrested that I saw Riddle in Ebensburg the 7th June. Mrs. James, sworn : Live in Cambria township, on the turnpike; was at home on the 7th June last ; two men passed my house that day; ono was in his shirt sleeves; the other had a blouse on; the ono in his shirt sleeves had soldier pants on ; it was between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon; live four miles from Ebens burg; know where DaviV mill is , live a quarter of a mile from that; there is a road from there to Polly Paul's place, which is about fix miles distant. Cross-examined : After I heard of the murder, thought these men might be the murderers; they both koto black hats, noc very tall ; did not see their faces ; they called for a drink; told them to go to the next house for one. Lewis Rodgers, sworn : Believe I saw Riddle, in Ebensburg within the last four months ; never saw him to know him till last Saturday. Cross-examined : My impression is the prisoner is the same man; a blue hat he wore and his blind eye attracted my at tention. Joseph James, sworn : Was in Ebens burg on the 7th June last ; couldn't say I met Riddle. Timothy R. Davis, affirmed: Came to Ebensburg on the 7th June last; about half a mile beyond M'Vieker's, saw two men sitting by tho roadside; one of them laid down on his faco as I approached-; when I saw Riddle before 'Squiro Myers, thought ho was the man I had seen lying on his face; it was between one and two o'clock ; know where Miss Paul lived ; from where I met them, would take the road they were traveling to go to her place; the man sitting up bad on a kind of black scuffed coat. Rebecca Leidy, affirmed : Never saw David Riddle before they brought him to Summerhill; was at home on"the 7th of June last; one man overtook me on the road just above our barn; hadn't time to see if he had a bliud eye ; this man has much the same appearance of tho one I met, only that one was heavier, I think; this was about 4 o'clock. Cross-examined : It is 8 miles from Ebensburg to our place. Samuel Paul, sworn : Lived in Jackson tp., about 4 miles from Polly Paul's, on the Jackson road ; on the night of the 7th June last, two men called at my house about eleven o'clock, and asked the road to Johnstown ; one was in his 6hirt sleeves ; they said they had come to the forks ot the road, and didn't know which one to take ; they came from the direction of Polly Paul's. Cross-examined : Was in bed when they came. Further examination elicited no thing of importance. Mrs. Jackson, affirmed : Reside in Jackson township; Was at home the 7th June last; two men stopped at our house in the night; they inquired the road to town; reside at the cross roads; it was 12 o'clock at night; one was dressed in dark clothes, and the other was in his shirt sleeves ; the one that spoke to me was over five feet tall ; the other appeared to be taller ; told them to go straight on ; they started and took the wrong road; called them back and told them they were wrong ; they were carrying something like a carpet-sack ; it was a nice moonlight night ; it is 7 or 8 miles from there to Johnstown. Martin Funk, sworn : Had never seen Riddle till I arrested him, on the 22d of June; Riddle then told me he hadu't been iu Cambria county since the year of the frost about 6 years ago. Martha Morgan, sworn : Live adjoining lands with Polly Paul; recollect the day of the murder; there were no men at my house the night of the murder; think I saw Riddle the Saturday night after the murder at my place; he was just going into the cellar of my house wheu I saw him; didn't see any ono with him, but heard talk in the cellar; do not know what they were doing there; we had no thing in the cellar; live between Summer hill and Miss Paul's, about one-fourth of a mile from her house; the murder occur red on Wednesday ; this was the night Polly Paul was buried ; it wa just at dusk ; I think that is the man (looking at the prisoner,) that I saw going into the cel lar. The cross-examination dieted nothing material, except that the witness saw two men leaving h?r barn in the morning, early, after sleeping there, as she thought, all night, one of these men being the same she had seen enter her cellar. Capt. A. M'Vickcr, sworn : Reside in Cambria township; was at home the 'af ternoon tho murder took place; there were two meu came up and asked me for a drink, and one of them asked for a "piece;" one had a blouse on ; Riddle is One that was there ; they said they had been soldioring ; were paid off; but out of money again ; am satisfied this man is one of them ; they went west, on the pike ; it was between one and two o'clock in the afternoon ; I know about where Miss Paul lived ; you could go by Davis' saw mill, or by Peter Berg's ; Riddle was in his shirt sleeves j bttt had a coat thrown over his shoulder. .. Crots-examined : Am certain this man is one of them ; knew his face as soon as I saw him ; I wouldn'tswear he was blind ; h had a cap on ; he had blue pants on ; heard of the murder the next morning ; was not in town that day. In chief : He tried to keep his face from me all the time; when he reached for the piece, he turned towards me more; I am satisfied he (ths prisoner) is one of the men that were there. Daniel Dunmire, affirmed : I reside in Croyle tp., within a mile of Polly Paul's; think I saw her on the 7th or 8th of June, killed ; she appeared as if she had been dragged in the stable after being killed ; she was lying under the trough on her back, and her eyes open ; she looked frightful ; we found Catharine Munday under an apple tree; she appeared to have been struck by a right-hand 6troke ; found a club on the ground uuder the apple tree ; (clubs shown and identified;) the beds in the house were all tossed, about on the floor; the top of the bureau wa3 torn off, the drawers taken out, and the contents strewed on the floor. Commonwealth rests. THE DEFENSE. John S. Rhey, Esq., opened for the de fense at 7.30 o'clock iu the evening, in a speech twenty minutes long. George Davidson, sworn : Reside in Warsaw township, Jefferson county; have been acquainted with David Riddle since early in the spring ; he lived in the same house I did, most of the time ; saw him on the 7th June last, in his own house ; he was sick then ; saw him every day from the 21st May up to the time he was arrested, except on the 8th June; he was arretted on the 22d June, about 3 a. m.; we resided in the same houe all that time ; went for a physician for him on the morning of the 7th June ; he resides 4J miles from Brookville ; they say it is 80 miles from Brookville to Ebensburg. Cross-examined : First met Riddle on Clarion river, in Elk county ; ho is a married man ; so am I ; aln married to iiis sister.""" - William Blake, sworn : Live at Mr. Carrier's, a mile and a half from Riddle's; went to Carrier's in May ; remained with him till the 5th June; on that day, went to Riddle's ; Carrier had given Riddle a job of clearing; he went away from home on a visit on the 5th June, and sent me to Riddle's, where I stayed till Wednes day or Thursday of the next week the week after the 7th June; then went back to Carrier's ; boarded at Riddle's ; was chopping in the clearing; the clearing is about a mile and a half from Riddle's house ; my dinner was carried to me; the day after the 7th June, Riddle brought it to me. George W. Shaffer, sworn : Live iu Jefferson county, Warsaw township ; have lived there about thirteen vears : was in the army till the 7th June last, when I arrived home, after having served nine months ; live about twa miles from Rid dle's ; know Riddle ; was not acquainted with him before I came home; was at Richardsville on the 8th June; met Rid dle on the road that day; inquired who he was ; the prisoner is the man ; saw him the next Tuesday and on the morning he was arrested ; Richardsville is seveu miles north of Brookville. Cross-examined : Riddle lives between Brookville and Richardsville ; it was be tween 2 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the 8th that I saw him; he was on foot; arrived hme from the army on the 7th, and saw him next day. Elias Miller, sworn : Reside in Jeffer son county, Warsaw township ; came there a year ago last spring; am a chair maker; Riddle lives near our shop; have been acquainted with him ever since ho came there, in the spring ; was at home in the early part of June last; saw Riddle at different places; saw hira on the 3d in Brookville; think I saw him on the 5th or 6th at our shop ; think I saw him on the evening ot the 7th at the house I was boarding at; saw him timo and after that. again Lewis Evans, sworn : Reside in War saw township, Jefferson county; follow farming ; am acquainted with Riddle have been since last January ; reside about three miles from him; saw him on the 8th June at my place ; he came there to borrow a scythe to cut brush ; it was about noon; had not seen him immediately be fore that; he complained of his health when I saw him. Joseph M'Cracken, sworn : Reside in J effersou county, Warsaw township; know Riddle; live about a mile from him; saw him on the 8th June; fix the date by the day the month came in on ; it was a week from the first ; on the 8ih he passed my place, carrying dinner to his hands; the clearing is about one hundred rods from my house-Cross-examined : On the 8th, Riddle stopped awhile and talked with me; he paid he must hurry back home, that the doctor was to be there to see him. Benjamin Crow, sworn : Live in Jeffer son county, Pine Creek township;, saw Riddle on the 5ih June, in the evening, in his clearing. Charles Anderson, sworn : Reside in Jefferson county, Warsaw township; have been acquainted with Riddle since 23d May last; baw him on the 24th and 30th May, and on Saturday, 10th June; saw him on 11th June; ho complained of his health. Defense rests at 9 30 o'clock, and Court adjourns till 8 o'clock Wednesday mor ning. SECOND DAY WEDNESDAY. Court called at 8 a'clock a. m., and case resumed. Commonwealth re-opens. William Wagner, affirmed : Was at Blair's tavern, in Ebensburg, on the 7th June last; 6aw a man, and trtaled him; he paid his name was Riddle or Ridley ; he resembled this man, except the eye ; he wore a slouched black hat; wore it on the side of his head. Cross-examined : Am positive he had a black slouch hat on ; did not observe that he had a blind eye ; told my father that the man I treated had such a large mustache that he had to put it aside to get the glass to his mouth, &c. Commonwealth here closed. Defence re opens. Chas. Anderson, again : Think Riddle had a small beard about the 7th June. Geo. Davidson, recalled: Riddle had no mustache from the firat to the tenth of June. Elias Miller, recalled : Riddle had no mustache Irom the first to the tenth of June last. Wm. Blake, recalled: Think Riddle had a light mustache about the beginning of June. Evidence here closed, at 9 o'clock a. m. TIIE CONCLUSION. The District Attorney addressed the Court to the effect, that, as in the case ot Ream, the counsel for the prosecution agree that there is not sufficient testimo ny to warrant them in asking the jury for a verdict ot guilty. Ilssaid the case was not made out beyond a reasonable doubt, and that therefore he did not feel it tj be his duty, nor did he look upon it as proper, to occupy the time of the Court in argu ing it. At the same time, he added, he felt that in instituting the investigation In the-matter, he had but done his duty, and that the proceedings were warranted by the testimony in the case, which to Eay the least showed cause for suspicion. In a few words to the jury, the Court expressed its concurrence iu the view ta keu by the District Attorney; approved the action of the .latter in instituting pro ceedings against the prisoner, and said that in so doing he had simply performed his duty ; told the jury it was the duty of the officers of the law to use every effort, as was being done, to discover the guilty parties in the awful crime charged upon the prisoner; but, since guilt must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, he fully agreed with tho prosecution that they had failed to show cause for a ver dict of conviction, while, on the other hand, the defense had shown by witnesses unimpeached that the defendant was in another county at the time of the mur der. In view of these tacts, therefore, the Judge directed the jury to return a verdict from their box of "Sol guilty!" The prisoner was then remanded to jail, where, with John Ream, he will re main till the December term of Court, when the two will be tried for the murder of Miss Catharine Munday. New-Born Love for the Soldiers. A few days ago, the members of the Eighty-sixth Illinois regiment held their anniversary at Peoria. Col. R. G. Inzer soil, the commandant, made a speech, wherein he paid his respects to the men now professing to be the best frienda of the soldiers in this wise : "This is not a political meeting, ytt I cannot forbear saying a word or two concerning the poI diers friends. There are men here in our midst pretending to be your dearest and best friend?. They belong to a party some of whom (I will not say all) were not your friends when you were fighting the battles of your country. They laugh ed at your wounds, sneered at your scars, and mocked the corpses of your comrades ; they prophesied your defeat ; they hoped for your disgrace ; they prayed tor your overthrow and death ; they despised the cause for which you were battling; they were the allies ot your murderers. Now you have reached Lome covered with glo ry; you are welcomed by the true people of the North ; you are radiant with suc cess and the very men of whom I speak crowd around you and say they were and are your friends. Beware of them all! They do not want to help you. When they come to you, tell them that you can have no confidence in their sincerity till they bring back the thirty pieces of sil ver, the price of your blood ; tell them to go and follow to the bitter end tho exam ple of their illustrious prototype." CSsF Artemas Ward says when he hears the eoDg, "Come where my love lies dreaming," ho don't go ho don't think it would be right. JEST" Don't go there ! A "season" in Saratoga is said to cost a man about 25,-000. One Pair of Stockings An old wife sat by her bright fireside, Swaving thoughtfully to and fro, In an ancient chair whose creaky craw Told a tale of long ago. While down by her s;de on the kitchen floor Stood a bag of worsted balls a t core. The good man dozed o'er the latest news Till the light of his pipe went out, ' And unheeded, the kitten, with cunning pawi; Rolled and tangled the balls about ; Yet still sat the wife in the ancient chairs Swaying to and fro in the firelight glare. But anon a misty tear-drop cam in ner eye or faCeci blue, Then trickled down in- a furrow deep .Lime n single arop oi aew ; So deep was the channel, sj silent th. ctro.r. The good man saw naught bat the dimmed e-ueam. Yet he marveled much that the cheerful Ughfc Of her eye had weary grown, And marveled he m'ore at the tangled balls- So h said in a gentle tone : ' "I have shared thy joys since our marriage vow, Conceal cot irom me thy sorrow now." Then she spoke of the time when the basket there Was filled to the very brim, And now there remained of the goodly pile But a single pair for him. "Then wonder not at the dimmed eyclight There's but one pair of stockings to mend to-night. "I can not but think of the busy feet, Whose wrappings were wont to lie Iu the basket, awaiting the needle's tide Now wandered eo far away ; How the sprightly steps to a niother dear; Unheeded fell on the careless ear. "For each empty nook in the basket old, By the hearth there's an' empty seat ; And I miss the shadows from off the wall; And the patter ot many feet ; 'Tis for this that a tear gathered over rar sight ' At the one pair of stockings to mend to-night. ''Twas said that far through the forest wild And over the mountain bold, Was a land whose rivers ad darkening tate Were gemmed with the rarest gold ; Then my first-born: turned from the oaken: door, And then I knew the shadows were only four.' "Another went forth on the foaming waves, And diminished the basket's store ; But his feet grew cold so weary and cold They'll never be warm any more ; And the nook in its emptiness seemeth to me To give forih no voice but the moan of the Fea. t "Two others hate gone toward the Setting sun, And mads them a home in its light, And fairy fingers have taken their share To mend by the fireside bright; Some other baskets their garments fill ; But mine oh, mine is emptier still. "Another the dearest the fairest the best, Was taken by angels away, And clad in a garment that waxeth not old, In a laud of coutinual day Oh, wonder no more at the dimmed eye-light While I mend the one pair of stockings tb night." Murder. To the Editor cf The Alleghanian : I have juat read'your remarks on the above caption, in your issue of the 7th inst., and I heartily thank you for then?: You remark, "Truly ,'it is getting that lif a is held very cheap among us." Now, there must be a cause for this increase of the worst of all crimes. You very properly intimate that it is found in the false sym pathy that is generally bestowed upon the perpetrators of this crime. This is; no" doubt, the real cause. We would not ignore the fact that the war through which we .have just passed has had a de moralizing tendency. War is always de moralizing much more eo, that of civil war, wheu its influences are felt in every commuuity, and where all are accustomed to talk of slaughtered thousands as butt an ordinary affair. But aside from this; there is a misplaced pympathy bestowed upou the guilty that is telling fearfully upon our people. The idea has becoinai prevalent that it is wrong to execute car italiy auy offender, no difference how dark and damning his guilt ; that it is opposed to the spirit and teachings of the Bible. Such persons, I remark; could uot have read their Bibles carefully upon this point, or they would have been led to different conclusions. If we turn to Gen esis 9th chap. Gth verse, we read, "Who so sheddeth man's blood,' by man shall his blood be shed. Wa3 this law ever abol ished " If so, when and where ? In tha law of God as given to the Israelites, the murderer forfeited his own life; and it was only when tho Jews enforced this law, with a'l other edicts of Jehovah, that tbey secured 11 is approbation. If we turn to the New Testament, we find this law recognized. Paul is arraigned before Festus upon grave and serious charges, to ail of which he pleads, "hot guilty." lie does nut put in the plea that they had no right to take away his life, but on the con trary he clearly recognizes that right, if guilty. He says, (Acts 25th chap. 11th verse,) "For if I be an offender, or have committed anything worthy of death, I re fuse not to dis." The fame Apostle else where declares that rulers are a terror to evil doers, and that they bear not the sword in vain. Notwithstanding all this, there are thousands who think and act differently. Hence, in many places it is difficult to find a jury willing to convict a man of murder in the first degree, and if convicted to find an officer to execute S A n