The Ebensburg Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 31, 1865, Image 1

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V - ? ' I i I I I II I I ll Hill I'lLM II H 'i . ,, I .i Tin i i 1 1 l LI III . . - ,1 , .......... i. , i L . .... 1 II I - "
ee D.
fTTnKEBf Editor and Proprietor,
ino iirrciiivsoy, Publisher.
1CT or rosr OFFICES.
Steven L. Evans, Carroll.
Wenrr Nutter, Chest,
A. G. Crooks, Taylor.
J. Houston, Washint'fl.
John Thompson, Ebensburg.
C. Jeffries, White::
J. M. Christy, Gallitzin.
Tiley, Jr., Wa3ht'n.
I. E. Chandlef, Jdhnst'wn.
M. Adlesberger, Loreftd.
A. Durbin, Munster.
Andrew J Ferral, Sasq'han.
Ktn. Wharton, uiearneia
George Berkey,
B. M'CoJgan,
George B. Wike,
Wm. M'Connell,
J. K. Shryock,
Iberian Kkv. T. - -""7
Vre every Sabbath morning at 10
1 "and in the evening at 7 o'clock. Sab
E'hool at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet
fe'V Thursday evening t 6 o'clock.
1 . iii T.. A Hurra
1 . T T r n o fT t ' f A 3
Ijcr in cnarge. i, x .n.3.;i.
preaching everv aiiernnio oauuhui
,V t 10A o'clock. "Sabbath School at 9
A. M. Trayer meeting every Wednes-
Jvpninir. at 7 o'clock.
ic Independent- Rev Lt. R. Powell,
jr. Preaching every Sabbath morning at
flock, and in the evening at G o'clock.
ith School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Prayer
g on the first Monday evening of each
; and on every Tuesday, Thursday and
evening, excepting the first week in
inittic Methodist Rtv. Morgan Ellis,
. rreachine every Sabbath evening at
6 o'clock. Sabbath School at lr o'clock,
Piaver meeting every Friday evening,
clock. Society every Tuesday evening
ivies Rev. W. Lloyd, Pastor. Preach-
Jery Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock.
'iculdr JJapixsts kit. uavid t-vAis,
:Preaching every t-'abbath evening at
ck. Sabbath School at at I o clocK, r. n.
iouc IIkv. R. C. Chbistt, Pastor.
! ti every Sabbath morning at 10 J o'clock
per9 at 4 o clocK in the eveniug.
rn, daily, t 12.00 o'clock, noon.
;rn, " at 12.00 o'clock, noon.
rrn, daily, at 6 o'clock, P. M.
in, " at 8 o'clock, r 31
The mails from Newman's Mills, Car-
irn, 4c, arrive on Monday, Wednesday
riJay of each week, at 3 o'clock, P. M.
m Ebensburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays
tardays, at t o clock, A. M
i; tK.ssn v sr i rrnv
unit. Express Jeares at
r i i n . .
ruua. r,ipress
Alter the lVar.
From Harper' Magazine for August, with
an illustration on wood.-representing a farmer
calling upon a son of Vulcan to get bis horse
shod, and finding hies with a sword upon his
anvil, which he is beating into a plough
share. THE TAHMEH.
Ho ! blacksmith are yon busy?
My poor horse has cast a shoe,
Long road have I to travel,
You must fit us out anew;
Look round my forge, good farmer,
And tell me what vou see ;
Am I busy ? am I idle 7
Ask the anvil at my knee
I see around your work-shop,
Stark implements of war
Can it be thatyoj are forging
Some new-born qdarrel for.
Not so, my jovial farmer,
The implements that I forge
No manly limbs shall sever,
Draw no gore-drops, cnt no gorge ;
Sword I'm turning into plow-share,
to reaping-hook, the gun,
Here are bayonets by the bushel
Shall I shoe your horse with one?
Or, if a broken fetter
From the South his shoe will fit,
Lead in your horse, good farmer,
And I'll iron him with it !
Fst Line
Mail Train
Pitts, a Erie Ex.
Emigrant Train
rhili. Eipres3
rast Lme
D.iy Express
Vhtj. i Erie Ex.
i-ail Train
a't s'.op.
9A7 A. -U.
10.07 A. M.
9.5S P. M.
8.38 P. M.
8.13 A. M
4.30 P. M.
8.50 P. M.
1.43 A. M.
7.03 A. M.
6.32 P. M.
10.57 A. JJ.
coiaty niTirnns.
V!J of the Courts President Hon. Geo.
f'lir R n n t ' ,1 -, . t :t XT-
ej, Henry C. Devine.
rothonotary Joseph M'Donal i.
Witter and Rrrardtr I
-leriff James Myers.
Hafrirt du:i: o x
unty Commissioners Jcha Campbell, Ed
c OVaw.'R.'R..
QUrk to Conmusionen William n. SecU-
'reasurer Iqnc TT;tr
i "-erk to Treasurer-. 0bn Lloyd
'oo, House ZW:orjGeo M'C.illough,
rgeDelanr, Irwin Rat'.cdge.
i?77WiIlrm J' Francis P.
net, Jchc A. Kennedy
ounty Surrrornenry Scanlan.
"onfr. William Flattery.
f t nantilt Apprai,tri ohn Cox.
M t. of Common School, J. F. Condon.
T. J?obert3.
J?01 S- Noon, Ael
R. Jonei jT3' IIuh Jon. M.
Jr0U3h f -Geo. W. Oatmaa.
hr- r:r"orri peat.
for. r ,is reat
lmosnB ' u- Da
Eran Griffith
Davis, Maj. John
k. r"v". " "
tlrr'-Ricb"d R. Tibbott. Robert D.
Alhr O. Evans.
tsn ' Mttell, H. Kinkead. r.r w
,ci Rr7i:t(?0bert TETans jD. E- Scanlan.
--ri.. Murray.
kSsdav0,if "l'1' E"sburg, on the
SL esaa7 of each month, at 7 J o'clock,
aaU' ensburg.
- vnii'ioji
"Act as my representa.ive in all re
spects. I delegate yea lull aad en lire
That wa3 what Jack Clermont said, as
he leaned out of the carriage window to
light his eiar from the tip of mine. Of
course, I undertook the responsibilities
very good humoredly; for, though I had
never been in love myself, still I had a
sort of general idea that it waa only my
duty to affjrd every possible facility to a
young man who was going to see his
sweetheart and Cx the wedding-day.
So 1 turned with a sigh of resignation
away from the fre6h and exhilerating air
and vivid March sunshine into the close
little den lined with law-books and strong
ly pcrlutned with an odor of llusoiari
leather, which Jack denominated his of
fice! On the whole. I felt rather as it f
were an amiable sacrifice on the altar of
disinterested friendship. Damon and
Pythias were cronies, no doubt, if we can
put faith in the record of history ; but I
have never heard that Damou stayed at
home to keep "office" for Pythias, when
he would a great dal rather have been
out in the breezy March woods, tramp
ling down the first blue violets under the
drift of dry Ieavxs, with a gun over his
shoulder !
Then I began to consider seriously
what a lazy fellow I was to spend my
uays :o this Robin I loo J sort of lit'n.
while my college-mate, Jack, was working
away at the law, and pocketing snug lit
tle lees, and getting to be a jus.'ice of the
peace, and a delegate to all the conven
tions, and school trustee, and evervthir."
else he could think of. "Somtim.. " re
solved I, wheeling lazily round on Jack's
chair. '-I'll ko to work, too."
All day long I pat there, enaotine Jack-
to my own unbounded satisfaction, mnl
considerably to the astonishment of the
sober old farmers, whose preconceived
idea of "Squire Clermont" was widely
amerent trotu the moustached young fel
low who occupied his seat of judgment,
and pronounced solemn edicts with all
the dignity of Chief Justice Taney him
self! What, wu? the use of telling 'em
all that I was not Jack, and that I uGver
graduated from any law school, and that
my knowledge of that sublime 6cienee
was confined to a single perusal of 13lack
stone? Jack had given me explicit in
structions to act as hia representative, and
would I not do it to the very best of my
ability ?
I didn't succee'l so badly at firt.
Wheuever there was any mistiness about
the question, I took the broad ground
that the luw was nothing more nor noth
ing less than common sense a mistake
which experience has since rectified for
me. I nipped three promising lawsuits
in the bud by the conscientious equity of
my opinious; persuaded several honest
fellows to put their grievances into their
own pockets, not iuto mine; and, speak
ing in round Dumber?, by this means,
must have done poor Jack out of uearly
fifty dollars retaining fee''.
"Squire Clermont in ?" demanded a
ehook-headed rustic, in a swallow-tailed
blue cat, decorated with platter like brass j
buttons, who made his appearance about i
noon. ' I
"Yes what's wanting?" j
"Wall, sir," said the rustic, awkwardly
tw;rling his hat round and round, 4,we'd
like to have you come up to Shineville
next wek and, deliver a lectur' foi our
Young Men's Association, and "
"Twenty-five dollars, and expenses
paid," remarked I, at a venture, with an
air of most exquisite assurance.
"Very well, hir," replied the negotiator,
"the Secretary of the Association will
forward you a regular invitation'
wQopidaj, tir," I iiidbiMlj rubbing
my hands as another individual came in
as the rustic edged his way out. "Jack
can't complain at this way of transacting
business," was my iniernal refiection while
the last visitor stood hawing and hemming
preparatory to introducing his business.
"You are Mr. Clermont, sir, I sup
pose?" -
"What's your business with me, my
friend ?" paid I, amiablv.
''Well, I'm veal glad I've catched you
at home for once," was the answer, with
fiendish satisfaction. "I'd be obleged if
you'd pay this ere little bill !''
He extended a crumpled piece of paper
a bill for something or other, the sum
total of which was twenty dollars, which
I paid with exultation considerably toned
down. Why couldn't I have said that I
wasn't Jack, arid didn't know where he
was nor when he'd be at home ?
My mosc interesting adventure was yet
to happen. Just aj I was beginniug to
yawn, and was contemplating the proprie
ty of shutting up the little office for the
day just as the level brightness of the
glorious ppricg suoset wa s'reamiug in
long bars of gold through the dusty panes
of glass beside me, the silence was broken
by a ticy rap on the omec door.
"Come iu!" I shouted, expecting to see
enter a little boy with a letter, or some
preternaturally bashful client. Wha was
my astonishment, on the coatrarj, to be
hold a tall, slender young lady, with a
fresh, brown complexion, juit tinged with
a healthy pink, that somcnow made me
think of the wi'd honeysuckles iu my fu
vorite woods and hazel eves that appeared
equally ready either to sparkle into bril
liant laughter or melt into misty tears.
There she stood, and there I sat ! I had
never heard of Jack's having any female
clients, and consequently it took some
seconds for me to recover, as it were, my
mental equilibrium. Then I sprang up,
and politeiy proffered her the ouly chair
iu the office, while I enthroned myself on
the wood box.
"Mr. Clermont ?" frhe asked, softly a
very musical voice, I noticed, even thro
my perturbation.
"1 shall be happy to be of service tn
you, ma'am."
Who would 1 lave thought it ! The
young wood-nymph didu't want a divorce
from her husband, (always taking it for
granted she happened to have such an
appendage,) nor did she desire to quarrel
with her neighbor. Not at all. Siia only
wanted a certificate to teach a district
school, and t.he other trustee had seut her
to Mr. Clermont to be examined
Here was a pretty kettle of fi-h for a
bashful young man who was sailing under
false colors! How was I to know whether
she was qualified for the positioner not?
And how in the name of all that was des
perate was I to get myself out of the em
barrassing situation encouniassin" me.
1 o
my lucquaury
unless br contessici
ine emergency by bolting through
Dact ttoor and teating su ignomiuious
retreat into the prue woods btyond!
"Never!" quoth I to myself. -'I'll die
at my post sooner, even it forty thousaud
school ma'ams come alter certificates !"
"What is your name, ma'am ?" I de
manded in a business like manner, draw
ing a sheet of paper towards me aad dipping
my pen in the inkstaud.
"Jessie Gray, sir.'""
I knew I couldn't stand that arch, halt
mischievoiH twinkle of those brown eyes
it I looked at her toj often, so I proceed-
cu on nrmiy :
"How old are you ?"
"Eighteen, this month."
"Eighteeu, hey?" I wrote it down,
and hesitated a minute. What next to
ask her I hsd do more idea than the tons
iu the corner. I wished Jack would come
home and catechise his own brown eyed
school teacher no I dilrft, either?"
"What do you know ?"
"O, plenty of things," responded the
fair candidate, demurely. (Confound
those women how quick they discuver
when you are at a disadvantage !) i4I
can sew, and knit and aiend stoakiugs."
"I mean what are your educational
qualifications ?"
Jessie looked at me like a startled bird,
the mouth begiuniug lo qriver, and the
hazel orbs to melt and swim I moved un
easily oil the wood-box and two or three
knotty pine logs rolled around my ankles.
"Come now, dou't be frightened," 1 ex
postulated, rubbing my bruised extremi
ties. "Ail I waat to know is, cat: you
say the' multiplication table, an 1 cast in
terest, and all that sort of thing ?"
"Yes," faltered Jessia.
"Let me gee which, school is it you
wish to reach ?" soliloquized I, halt aloud,
conveniently pretending to forget what 1
had never known.
"At Elm drove, sir," replied Jessie,
"Kim Grove j whj, raj child, there are
scholars there twice yoJr height and t-ize,
and as unrulyas aboriginal savages !
Have you duly considered the consequen
ces of the step you are about to taje K"
"1 have, sir," she answered, the long,
wet lashes sweeping her flushed cheek:
"but 1 am very poor, and it is necessary
for me to earn my daily bread."
X set my teeth grimly together at the
idea of that young, delicate creature in the
tumble-dowu hovel of Elm Grove, at the
mercy of dog-eared spelling books and
dinner basket 1
"Miss Grey," I commenced, emphatic
ally There it inevitably happened so in my
case. What possessed Jack Clermont to
drive up to the doir at that identical mo
ment ? Why couldn't he have stayed
away just five minutes longer ?
"Please favorme with your address,
Mis Grey," I stammered hurriedly, "the
certificates are not printed yet. I will
call and see about them in a day or two."
And when the quiet brown dress had
fluttered from the room, I discovered ail
at once that the crimsoned glory . was
fading gloomily from the west, and the
light was dying out, and things were dis
mal enough towelcome the noisy entrance
o my frieud Jack, and his ciar.
"Well, my boy, what luck have you had
keeping office to-day ?"
I informed him briefly of my experience,
laying particular stress" on the twenty-five
dollar lecture engagement and slurring
over the affair of the crumpled bill, for
which I had a receipt in full.
"All right," said Jack, in a merry, jo
vial vo:ce, that sounded like a cIkmuIuI
gale of wind in a pine forest. "Why,
you'd make a splendid lawyer, Cam ford
Dut you have uot tjld me about the pret
ty girl who was coming out as I drove up
what did sc waut ?"
"Oh, she was after a certificate to teach
school up in Elm Grove, you remember.
I say, Jack, this school marm branch
must be rather a delicate pU'Cj of business
in your sphere of dunes."
"Not generally," said Jack. "But what
did yiu dn niili this one ? Give her a
certificate ?"'
"No," said T, thoughtfully.
"And why nut? didu't I invest you
with unlimited powers ?"
".Because," paid I, deliberately rising
from my wood boxuand stretching my six
feet ol humanity lo their utmost altitude,
"because Jack, I mean to marry that
"I'amford, are you insane ?"
"No, I think not I"
"But you never saw her before ?"
"Well, what then ? she suits me exact
ly I never knew before what sort of a
wife I wanted, and now I am fully con
vinced. "
"But sappose sli3 won't have you ?"
"She will or I'll know the reason
Clermont burst info a lau.2;h.
"Well, Camtord, all i have to say is, go
ahead, and may Cupid speed you !"
I acted upon the recommendation and
called upon Miss Jessie the next day, to
tell her that the certificates would certain
ly be ready at a certain date. Then I
found it neces-ary to call several more
times, to tell her why they were delayed
from date to date. Sj that it was weil
iuto April before I stride up the walk
leading to the widow Gray's cottag3 one
golden evening, with a bunch tf wiid
azaleas in" my hand, and the tardy pieee
of parchment under my arm. Of course,
Jessie had loug sice discovered that I
was u jt the trustee, but it did not materi
ally affect our Iricndly relations.
"Well, Miss Jessie, here is the certifi
cate." She uttered a little exclamation ot de
light and held oat her hand.
"I wouldn't avail m; self of if, Miss
Jessie. 1 believe you cau do better!'
"In what way ?"
"Marry me!"
Do you ak what answer she made ?
I have no distinct recollection of the pre
cise words I only remember a sunset
more goldenly radiaut by fax than I havt!
ever seen, before or since the faint odor
f spring blossoms in the air, and my
head bent down lo catch the low whispers
of the fair lips that werefhid against iny
beating heart. I think, however, its gen
eral purport was favorable for Mrs. Cam
ford the women yonder who is wondering
why I don't come to breakfast, and who
has never regretted that she did not take
charge of the school at Elm Grore.
A. - m
Spcccli of lion. John Cessna.
A Cuut Answer. Some years ago, an
old sign-painter, wlio was very cross, very
grutT. and a little deaf, was engaged to
paint tho Ten Commaudments on fome
tablets in a church not five miles from
ButTalo. lie worked two days at it, and
at the end of the second day the pastor of
the church came to see how the work pro
gressed. The old man stood by smoking
a short pipe, as tho reverend gentleman
ra; his eyes over the tablets. " Eh !"
said the pastor, as his familiar eye detect
ed something wrong in the wording of
the precept ; " why, you careless old per
son, you have left a part of oi.e of the
commandments entirely out; dou't you
sec ?"
" No, no such thins," said the old man
puttiug ou his spectacles; "no, nothing
left out where ?"
" Why, there !" per-isted the pastor,
u look at them iu the Bible; you have
left some of the commandments out."
"Well, what if I have?" said old ob
stinacy, as he ran his eye complacently
over his work; ' what if I have? There's
more there now than you'll keep !"
Another and a more correct artist was
employed the next day. ,
- " mm m
JCST" A vein of silver ore, from one to
four per cent, of pure metal, has been dis
covered a few miles 50uth of Reading, this
The following is the speech delivered
by Hon. John Cessna on taking ihe chair
as temporary President of the Union
State Convention which met in Harris
burg on the 17th inst. It ia bold, elo
quent, and patriotic:
Gentlemen of the Convention : I retTn
you my sincere thanks for the h ncr con
ferred in selecting me to preside over the
preliminary proceedings of your Conven
tion. I am lully aware of the fact that
the position is one of difficulty, and re
quires the discharge of arduous duties.
1 earnestly solicit the o operation of
every delegate in my efforts to preserve
order, promote harmony, and hasten the
business ol tho Convention. On my own
P'rt, I pledge you that I will endeavor to
discharge the duties of the poMtioji' to the
utmost of my ability, with impartiality
aud fidelity.
I sincerely hope that the deliberations
of this body may be harmonium, and all
the results of our action entirely satisfac
tory to the people whom we represent. I
regard the Convention ju-t being organi
zed as one of no ordinary interest. The
po.-ifiou. of Pennsylvania in the Union as
well U3 her pa-t history entitles and will
command far her a potential voice in the
recoil -truction of our Government. At
all hazards, and at every sacrifice of ev
erything save principle, mu-t the action
of this Convention, in the end, bs unani
mous. The whole army of loyal voters
who in 18Gi rallied arouml the standard
of -Abraham Lincoln, and proclaimed !o
the world that the Union should pre
setved,'and the rebellion suopressoii at
every hazard, mu-t agaiu be "called into
the field under the bauner which shall be
hoisted here to-day.
The-military power of the rebellion 1ms
been crushed. Our brave and heroic of
ficers, soldiers aud sailors have weil per
formed their part. Before the magnitude
of f.keir achievement, the wars of former
times and the battles ot other nations sink
into comparative insignificance. Our na
tion to-day oeeunies a prouder position
before the world, and is more feared by
me aristocracies ol E'irope, time ever
before. The glories as well as the toils
of our surviving heroes, bath officers and
soldiers, the memories of the thousands
slain and .starved in defense of our cause,
the teus of thousands of widows md or
phans made such by the war, and the
millions of debt willingly incurred by a
loyal people to preserve the life of the
nation, all demand that the fruits of the
great victory of human freedom shall not
be frittered away by the mistakes ot poli
ticians. Every mar. of us must be prepared to
yield up oa the altar of patriotism all his
personal preferences and individual wish
es for the common goo 1. There may be,
and there no doubt are, soun questions
about which we m iy reasonably aud safe
ly differ. Upon all the great vital issues
of the day, all truly loyal men must and
will agree. During tne four years of
fearful and bloody war jut closed, the re
bellion increased and . strengthened and
was greatly protracted by reason of North
ern sympathy. Now that it is over, these
mn in the .Niorth have grown bolder and
more defiant by reason of the aid and
comfort which they expect to receive in
turn t;om those lately iu ana" against the
Govern. went. True, the rebeliiou is over,
the fighting has ceased, but the war is not
ended : the spirit of rebellion "sfiil lives,
and is -to-day active, insolent, defiant.
The great object of the rebellion was the
deatn ot the republic, the dismemberment
of the nation that object has not been
abandoned. Tho-e who undertook it fail
ed to accomplish their purpose by force
of arms. They now strive to reach the
same end by means of management and
appeals to the prejudices oi the people at
the ballot-box.
This may appear to be a harsh judg
ment. I would that I could believe oth
erwise. But the spirit that for thirty
years and mure has distracted our people,
and disturbed the peace of the nation, iu
a bold attempt to make slavery the ruli'ng
piwerof tho nation, and all other interests
subservient to that the spirit which slew
our wounded and mangled our dead ou the
field ot battle atter the battle was over
the same t-pirit whieh presided over the
prisons of Andcrsonville, Libby, Bell Is
land, and elsewhere that which organ
ized irresponsible bands of guerillas
slew innocent women and ehildreu in rail
road cars, poisoned fountains of water,
and imported loathsome diseases the
same spirit which auimated the hand of
the a-sasin as it sped the fatal hall to the
brain of our late merciful, maguanimous,
and patriotic President, will not hesi ate
to seize the throat or stab the heart of the
nation, and destroy, if possible, the noble j
old republic of our lathers, utteny regard
less ol the ruin and woe which may fol
low. Already these men in the South are or
ganizing to send representatives of their
kiud to Congress. Their frieuds in the
North are rallying for the same purpose.
Allow them to succeed in their scheme,
and soon the rebel debt will be assumed,
damages paid to the rebels for injuries
suffered by the war, and pensions granted
to rebel wouuded and rebel widows. Un
der this load, it is confidently expected by
them that the s:Dod old shin of stata will
soon go down, aud the nation perish.
Should this fail, our whole national debt
would next be repudiated and the country
ruined. ,
Shall all this bo avoided ? Much of a
correct answer to this question may da.
pend upon your action to day. Every
dollar of debt, municipal State arid na
tional, contracted for the suppression of
the rebellion, must aud shall be paid at
all hazard". Not one cent of rebel deb,
damages or pensions shall ever be assumed
or paid, upon any pretext or for any rea
son whatever.
Our present loyal and patriotic Presi
dent, Andrew Johnson, has submitted to
these people a policy which challenges the
admiration of the world. It .willstamp
him through all time t. come as a mag
nanimous, merciful and kind-hearted rul
er""In his efforts to carry it out, he must
aud will receivo our hearty and zealous
co-operation and support. But. should
thc-e people continue, as they have al
ready commenced, to treat his offers oF
mercy with scoru and contempt, aad pre
sent to the country aud ti e world an ex
hibition of filly, madness and wickednesa
unparalh led, let us here ptocl im to them
and to our chosen ruler that we wil?, ono
aud all, stand by him, in seizing and
holding their own territory by the milita
ry power of the country," and" that the
grap of the military arm shall not be re
laxed untii they satisfy us, by their prac
tices, that they are ready and willing to
accept in good faith the results ot the war.
It was of their own seeking and ot their
making. They have no right to ask the
advantages of a trial unless they mean to
submit to the verdict. The war has not
ended until tho conquered party has fair
ly accepted its results, and the Govern
ment has uot only a perfect leal right,
but it is her solemn duty to enforce those
remits by the military arm. Oar four
years' wai, the most gigantic in the worid's
history, mast not be iu vain. Let the late
rebels accept in good faith the policy of
our President, and we will gladly welcome
them nuaic as brothers into the folds of
our Union. Let them reject it, and wo
will stand by him and Congress in com
pelling them to acknowledge our triumph
and their defeat. Slavery is dead, and
mu-t aud shall be buried. The spirit ot
slavery must die and bo buried with it.
Tiie aristocracy of the South, which has
loitered an 1 upheld slavery, and which
inauguratedthelate terriblecivil war,must
he shorn of its power. Already it is at
work stirring up opposition to the policy
of the Government aud creating hostility
and bitterness aiming the people. For
two years we carried on the war without
striking at the cause of the- war. Indeed
we rai her guaided and protected it. At
las" Abraham Liucolu, when his time had
c iine, ou the memorable first day of Jan
uary, ISG3, struck at slavery. The result
is he I -are us. And yet it stiil seems as if
no lessons are suffieieut to reach the au
thors of the rebellion. It is fast becom
ing manifest that no permanent peaie,
even with the death of slavery, can be
secured until the authors and supporters
of slavery are subdued. In the words of
our present patrii:io President, "This ar
istocracy is antagonistic to the princi
ples of free democratic government, and,
the time has come when this rebellious
element of aristocracy muit be pauiahed.
The time has come when their lands must
be confiscated ; the aristocracy must be
put down, and their possessions divided
among the worthier laborers of the land."
This result will throw iuto our Nation
al Treasury many millions of dollars,
justly forfeited by the treason, of their
former owners. What loyal man can ob
ject that by means of this fund a few of
the comforts, if not the luxuries, of Ufa,
should be added to the tables of those
widows throughout the laud whsoe firesides
have been made desolate by the war, or
rather by the treason which caused it ?
Who will object that the bounties and
pensions of our soldiers by whom the vic
tory was won and the nation saved, should
be increased and a triflj added to the pe
cuniary compensation so'jus'ly due them
far the sacrifices made ? Who can object
that by means of these funds so justly for
feited a large portiou of our national debt
should be extinguished, and thereby tho
taxes of all classes of our people diminish
ed, and a part of the heavy load imposed
upon the shoulders of our people by trea
son thus removed by treason itself?
Having proclaimed the freedom of the
slave, let us not weaken ourselves or eu
dangcr his coudition by any controversy
among ourselves about his present posi
tion or the extent of his privileges, but
oarcfully and surely provide that the free
dom thus proclaimed shall be firmly and
irrevocably established aod secured ihro'
all time to come.
Let unity ot action and a cheerful ac
quiescence in the dec ision of the majority
murk our deliberations let the glory,
perpetuity and success of our common
country, aloue,' be our object, and all will
be well.
m m m
5"- Several fairly executed counter
feits of the National currency, of the de
nominations of one, five, ten, twenty, fifty,
and one hundred dollars, have been re
ceived at the Government Bureau for
tST" Jeff. Davb' forte: Fortress Monro.