THURSDAY, JCNE 29, IPCS. xxi us ex a YoniAL i) rs rnicf. Composed of the counties oi Cambria, In diana nnd Jefferson. FOR STATH SENATOltS JACOII M. OAMl,r,Ei,Ii,of'Tolinftown. Subject to decision of District Conference. 1 - -' The Mar-Spangled IJaiintrl Jcr 4in, 1S65. O Bar, can you Fee by the dawn's early ligb t, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight' last gleaming ! Whose broad stiipes and bright etara, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gal lantly el reaming I Aud the rockets' red glare, bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the jilgbt that our Flag was still there ! O gay, does the Star-Spangled Banner jet wave, O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave 1 On the hore, dimly seen thro the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread si lence reposes, What is that which the breeze o'er the tow criug stcc As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half dis closes ! Now it cntcbes the gleam of the morning's first beam, In fall glory reflected now shines in the stream : "lis the Stsr-Spangled Banner, O long may it ware O'er the land of the free and tLe borne of the bravo I And where is that band who so Tauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's con fusion A homo and a country should leave us no more Their blood has washed out their foul foot steps' pollution 1 No refuge can save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave ; And the Star Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er the hmd of the free and the heme of the brave ! , O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand Between their loved homo and the war's desolation ; Blest with victory and peace, may the heav-e-rescued land Traise the Power that hath made and pre served us a natiop. Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just. And this be our motto uIn God is our trust 1" And the Star-Spangled Banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of tho free and the home of the brave I Frest. Jolinson and the South Carolina Delegation. A large delegation ot gentlemen from Soulh Carolina waited upon President Johnson on Saturday afternoon last, in relation to the question of reconstruction in that State. The President improved the occasion to "talk plainly" to them, as he said, "jo there might be no misunder standing." lie p;ave these gentlemen his views upon the question of reconstruc'ion and the relation of the late rebeliiou3 States to the Federal Government. Ilia speech, says tho Philadelphia Inquirer, is remarkable for its honcstj, frankness, and firmness, and is important, as it no doubt fchadows torth the general policy of the Administration on the great question of reconstruotion, or, as the President terms it, of 'restoration." In the first place, the President takes the ground that there can bo no such thiDg as Secession. A State, he says, "cannot go out of the Union." This doc trine is the very antipodes of all that has ever been held by the statesmen and po litical leaders of South Carolina. Per haps President Johnson, who is well aware of this fact, thought it best to be jrin his "plain talk" by a denunciation of the cardinal error in tho political creed of the State from which the delegation hailed. It must have sounded rather strangely in the ears of his auditors, for there are few South Carolinians whose political education has not taught them to cherish the right of Secession as sa credly as a Pennsylvanian does the right of Congress to pass a protective tariff. Perhaps the gentlemen composing the delegation do not entertain thi3 opinion, but it was the fatal rock upon which tluii State was shipwrecked, and as they had come to the master mariner to have their ship righted again, he did no more than he should have done in poiutiug out to them where the first mistake was made. The next question coming up iu proper order upca which the President gave the delegation his views, was that of tlavery. Ilia opinions upon this subject have been pretty well understood ever the be ginning of the rebellion. While the Southern States remained Ju the Union, and obeyed the Constitution and the laws of the United States, thej and their ir. utitutions were entitled to and received the protection of the Federal power, but the moment they rebelled they rendered themselves liable to all the consequences of that rebellion. Their institution of slavery took issue with ib.6 Government, and if it went.down in the struggle, they alone are to blame. These are tho opin ions expressed by. the President -to the delegation on the subject of slavery, and they find their echo in the heart3 of the loyal masses throughout the eDtire coun try. President Johnson holds that the Fed eral Government is supremo, and that all institutions, no matter what their charac ter may be, must be subordinate to it. If, during the last four years of bloody strife, this great truth has been thoroughly learned by all sections of the country, it will serve in ome measure to compensate for the blood and treasure which have been poured out so lavishly in its defense. Tho question of labor at the South, and the status of the negro were also touched upon by the President. He is in favor of leaving the question of negro suf trase to the decision of each State, be lieving aa he says, "that it will be settled as we go along." lie is anxious that that unfortunate class at the South known as "poor, whites," phould be emancipated from the overbearing tjranny of the rich land owners, and allowed to exercise the full rights of American freemen. It is a well known fact that in some of the South ern States, and especially in the State of South Carolina, the "poor whites," or "white trash," a3 they were called, were as much ignored, prior to the rebellion, in the political affairs of the State, as the slaves. It was no doubt to this that President Johnson alluded when he said that "he was for emancipating the white man as well as the black." One of the most important passages in the speech of the President is that where in ho gave the delegation to understand that the people of South Carolina, before being restored to their privileges, must amend their State Constitution by abolish ing shivery, and that their Legislature must adopt the amendment to the Feder al Constitution, passed at the last session of Congress, which prohibits slavery ev erywhere throughout the territory of the United States. This, he said, they must do in good faith. In several instances throughout the speech, he took occasion to impress upon the minds of the delega tion that slavery, a. an institution, was dead, and that all efforts to resuscitate it would be worse than futile. Under the new order of things, it is evidently the policy of the Government that all States wishing to enjoy the bles sings of the Union must come back"re gencrated and purged of every taint of the great evil which was the moving cause of the rebellion. This is nothing more than right. We have paid too highly for the destruction of the monster which lifted its red hand against the life of the Govern ment, to ever entertain the idea ot any trace of its existence remaining on any portion of our soil. Union County Convention. Pursuant to call, the Union - County Convention of Cambria county met in the Court House, Ebensburg, on Monday, June 20, 18G5, at one o'clock, p. m., and was called to order by Cyrus Elder, Esq., Chairman of County Committee. The following officers wero chosen President, George M. Rcei ; Vice Presidents, Win. K. Carr, Dr. W. Bell, Col. J. B. Fite; Secretaries, It. H. Canan, A. Jones. Delegates were present from all the districts in the county excepting three, who were duly recognized and admitted to seats in the Convention. On motion of R. II. Canan, it was Re solved, That Col. Jacob M. Campbell, of Johnstown, be and hereby is declared the unanimous choice of this Convention for State Senator, and that he be authorized to select his own conferees. On motion of II. A. Boggs, A. C. Mul lin, Esq., was unanimously chosen Repre sentative Delegate to the Union State Convention. , On motion of John II. Fisher, Major John Thompson, Alex. Kennedy and Wm. K. Carr were appointed Conferees to select a Senatoria! Delegate to the State Convention. On motiou, it was Resolved, That when this Convention adjourn, it adjourn to meet at the call of the President, to nom inate a Cuuxty Ticket. Oa motion oi II. J. Roberts, a com mittee of five wa3 appointed to draft reso lutions expressive of the sense of the Convention, as follows II. J. Roberts, Cyrus Jt-flVio3, II. A. Boggs, Isaac Evans, Jumei Conrad. The Convention took a short recess; aud upon being called to order again, the Committee on Resolutions reported the following : Resolved, That we do most sincerely ren der thanks to Almighty God, that lie has kept and preserved us a nation ; that in Abraham Lincola, late Fresident of the Uni ted States, we recognized "the man of God" chosen to restore our people to the paths of peace, i-n dependence, and universal freedom, aud that we regard his assassination as bnt a culmination of the spirit of treason and dis nnionism as one and the same spirit that battered down the walls of Fort Sumter and trampled the American Flag in the dnst m the streets of Charleston as one and the same spirit Cat starved to death upwards of sixty thousand of our brave soldiers in the prison-pens of the South as one and the same spirit that butchered our "country's defenders" in cold blood at Fort Pillow after their surrender aa pi isoners of war as one and the same spirit that cist in Cambria county last fall over 500 of a majority against the Constitutional Amendment allowing our brave soldiers the right to vote. Rtaolved, That in Andrew Johnston, Presi dent of the United States, we have a strong and uncompromising Union man, a pure pa triot, and an able statesman, who will live enshrined in the hearts of the American peo ple for ages afttr all recollection of the cop perhead House of Representatives of 1862 (which refused by a strict party vote to grant the use of the Hall to the patriot of Tennes see, that he might express to onr people his sentiments) shall have been forgotten. Resolved, That in Governor Curtin we rec ognize a faithful and energetic officer, a tried and true friend of his country and her noble defenders. His administration of State af fairs meetc onr most cordial approbation. Resolved, Tbat the thanks of this Conven tion are especially due our brave soldiers, who patriotically responded to the call of the Government and periled their lives in defense of their country, in vindication of the honor of the Stars and Stripes ; and the Union or ganization of Cambria county, appreciating their valor and patriotism, pledges itself to do justice to the living and ever bear in grateful remembrance the memory of the dead. Resolved, That the heavy debt incurred by our Government in putting down rebellion can and will bo paid by a patriotic people, who feel that the value of our institutions cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. Whilst a large portion of the taxes to pay the interest and principal of the public debt must of necessity be borne by the manufacturing interests of the country, expediency as well as justice demands that those interests should be protected by abound and sufficient Pro tective Tariff; and in our Congressman elect, Hon. A. A. Barker, we feci confident that we have a Representative who will ably and faithfully represent the interests of the 17th District. Resolved, That in unanimously prese-ntiaga citizen of Cambria county tor nomination lor State Senator, and in urgently insisting upon hi3 nomination by the Senatorial Conference, we feel that we are asking but even-handed justice fiom the other counties composing the Senatorial District. For more than half a century Cambria has been one of the or ganized counties oi tbe State, and during all that time none of her many worthy citizens has been permitted to occupy a seat in the Senate Chamber. "We think that the time has certainly come when her just claims should be favorably regarded. Which were adopted. The following County Committee was selected for the ensuing year : D. O. EVANS, Chairman, E. W., Ebensburg. Allegheny tp Peter MCoy. Blacklick tp Samuel Rekd. Cambria tp Evan R. Mokgas. Cambria bor Henby Gore. Carroll tp -Thomas P. Dm. Carrolltown Stepuen L. Evan3. Chest tp Jacob Kieler. Chest Springs Henry Nutter. Clearfield tp -Hisei F. Wagner. Conemaugh tp Joes B. Fite. Conemaugh bor. 1st W.John Arthcrs, Jr. Do 2d W.J. D. Walker. Croyle tp. S. S. Paul. Ebensburg, W. W ..Isaac Evans. Gallitzin Francis Curistt. Juckscn tp Thomas Davis. i Johnstown, 1st W Evan Roberts. Do 2d W :R. R. Edwards. Do 3d W....r.CHAS. Unvebzaght. -; Do 4th W John J Treftz. Do 5th W...... Alex. Kennedy. Loretto Wm. J. Koons. Mill ville Josepu Masters. Munstertp Wm. Glass. Prospect bor ....John Claukson. Richland tp Geo. Ii. Stixeman. Summitville Dr. Walter Dell. Susquehanna tp John Porter. Taylor tp Wm. Alexander. Washington tp .r....JAiiss Conrad. White tp Cyrus L. Jeffries. Wilmore .- Joseph Miller. Yoder tp Wm. Ream. Tbe Conveution then adjourned. Signed by the Officers.' Tbe Blockade at an End. , The President has issued the following proclamation, declaring the blockade of the Southern ports at an end : Whereas, by the proclamations of the President, of the 15th and 27th of April, 1861,9 blockade of certain ports of the Uiiited States was set on foot ; but where as tho reasons for that measure have ceas ed to. exist, Now, therefore, be it known, that I; Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, do hereby deplareand proclaim the blockade aforesaid to be rescinded as to all the ports aforesaid, including that of Galveston and other ports west of the Mississippi River, which ports will Ie open to foreign commerce on the lft of July next, on the terms and conditions set forth in my proclamation of tho 22d May last. It is tor bo understood, howev er, that the blockade thus rescinded was an international measure for the purpose of protecting the tovereign rights of the United States. The greater or less subversion of civil authority iu the region to which it applied, and the impracticability of at once restor ing that due efficiency may, for a season make it advisable to employ the army and navy of tho United States towards carry ing the laws into effect whenever such employment may be necessary. Iu testimony whereof I have hereunto pet my hand, and. caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington this 23d day of June, in the year of Our Lord, 1865, and of. the independence of the United States. of America the 89th. By the President, ANDREW JOHNSON. W. Hunter, Acting Secretary of State. t4IIori. William Wilkins died at his home in Allegheny county one day last week. He had attained the ripe old age of 86 years. B&,Rear Admiral Samuel F. Dupont died on Friday last. He was a gallant officer, and was m the service of hia coun try nearly fifty j ears. The AtlanticTelesraph. It is something IessTtnan seven years since the first Atlantic cable was laid and messages sent through it between Europe, and America. Into what ecstasies of de light and admiration that partial success lifted the people of the two continents we have not yet lorgotten. The "Cable Cel ebration" will live long in the memory of New Yorkers, and the keen interest with which the brief life of that link between the Old and New World was invested will he remembered as more than romantic. The hopes of Humanity in onr then ex aggerated estimate of the importance of communication pCemed to hang on the slender thread that stretched from Ireland to New Foundland ; and, when it broke, we should have been inconsolable if other events more momentous aud vital had not succeeded. . . Now, that the great telegraph enterprise of the century is once more to be renewed, tbe public takes the matter "more coolly. The tremendous excitements of the last four years have superseded our iuterestin peaceful affairs, so that, though we have heard from time to time of the progress of the new cable, we content ourselves with languid speculatlbns on its probable success or want ot saccess quite ready to welcome it heartily if it prove deserv ing of welcome, but by no means disposed to set the City Hall on fire again, should a message once more cross the ocean. Yet it would be an affectation to deny that we look anxiously and hopefully and eagerly to the" great experiment which is once more on the eve of a great success or great failure. The new cable is comple ted. The last mile has been rolled aod spun and twisted and coated, and all, or nearly all, of its immense length is safely coiled away in the huge tanks of the Great Eastern. Yet we do not know that the anxiety or indifference of the public has much to do with the probable success of the voyage which next month will see begun and completed. It is safe to pre sume that, if the cable is once fairly down, our municipal fathers will find ample op portunity to organize another celebration, and spend or steal a comfortable sum of mouey in Denouncing the event. Comparing the circumstances of the last attempt with the present, there is abundant cause for expecting good fortune now when before we had only ill. The very first question is, of course, the cable itself and the difference between the two is the difference between an awkward and hasty attempt of ignorance,. and the intelligent, deliberate effort to which ripe experience and . conscientious devotion have contributed their best resources. The present cable is 2,600 miles long. its central conductor consists ot seven fine copper wires, twisted into one com plete strand, and perfectly insulated. Four layers of gutta-percha, inclose it, each of them insulated like the conductor itself. This outer covering is protected by eleven strong wires, each wound with strands of hemp, saturated with tar. . Du ring the process of manufacture, the ca ble has been kept constantly exposed to severe testa of its conductive power and of its insulation, having been all the time immersed in water and traversed by elec tric currents of buch density aud force as to develop the weakness of -the wires, if it anywhere existed. -The difference be tween the process of manufacture of the first cable and ol the present is remarka ble. Then everything seems to have been taken for granted; -now, nothing is left to chance or theory. The strength of the cable, as well as its insularity and "con ductivity," has been perfectly established It will bear a weight of nearly eight tons,, andean Fafety be depended on to support eleven miles of its length in water. In stead of being committed now to two ships, as formerly, the whole cable is stowed on board the Great Eastern ; and to that ves sel,, ajded by escorts which will supply assistance but carry none of the wire, the great task of depositing the cablo oa the bottom of the Atlantic is to be intrusted. It is stowed in three tanks, which are re spectively, 51 feet, 58 feet 6 in., and 58 feet in diameter, and will hold a coil the first of 630 miles, the second of 810 miles, and the third ot 850 miles of cable. The mechanical arrangements for its delivery are not materially different from those on the Niagara and Agamemnon. It is on the character of the cable itself that the company rest their chief hopes of a more permanent success than attended their last experiment. It would be unjust not to give credit to tho leading men in this enterprise for their persistent faith in its final success, and their unremittiug efforts to secure it. They have not refused" to profit by the lessons of experience, but, in the miuutest details as well as in the general scheme of the present undertaking, have sought to avoid tho errors which caused a failure before. If this also should, from any canso that cannot bo foreseen or provided against, be necessarily abandoned, we pre sume tho fame men will with the same zeal and faith renew their efforts, aud continue them till the two continents are permanently united. It is expected that the Great Eastern, with its invaluable freight and precious hopes, will begin its voyage in the early part ot July a time chosen purposely later than that ot the first expedition in 1858. Capt. Anderson, who is to com mand the Great Eastern, is aa old officer in the Cunard service, and it is in accord ance with his mature opinion that the time of sailing is selected. The voyage is to be a slow one the speed of the ship being limited, except in certain contin gencies, to six knots an hour, and it is calculated that the whole time oonsumed in the passage from Valentia in Ireland to the Ray of Heart's Content in New foundland, will be from 12 to 14 days. The English papers, which have kept a much fuller record than we have of the progress of the enterprise, eeem to be inspired with aa-uudoubting confidence that the present Summer will give us an instantaneous and permanent communica tion between tho twt continents. New York Tribune. ' m m on Cbief Justice Chase to a Com mittee ot Colored Men. The following letter of Chief Justice Chase to a committee of colored men of New Orleans, explains itself: "New Orleans. June 6, 1865. "Gentlemen : I should hardly feel at liberty to decline the invitation you have tendered me, iu behalf of tho loyal color ed Americans of New Orleans, to speak to them on the subject of their rights and duties as citizens, if I had not quite re cently expressed my views at Charleston in an jddress, reported with substantial accuracy, and already published in one of the most widely circulated journals cf this city. But' it seems superfluous to repeat them before another audience. - "It is proper to say, however, tbat these views, having' been formed years since, on much reflection, and confirmed in new and broader application by the events of the civil war now happily ended, are not likely to undergo, hereafter, any material change. "That native freemen of whatever com plexion are citizens of the United States; that all men held as slaves in the States which joined in rebellion against the United States have become freemen thro' executive and legislative acts during the war ; and that these freemen are now citi zens and consequently entitled to the rights of citizens, are propositions which, in my judgment, cauuot be successfully controverted. "And it is both natural and right that, colored Americans, entitled to the rights of citizens, should claim their exercise. They should persist in this claim respect fully but firmly, taking- care to bring no discredit upon it by their own action. Its justice is already acknowledged by great numbers of their feliow-citizcGt?, and these numbers constantly increase. "The peculiar conditions, however, un der which these rights arise, seem to im pose on those who assert them peculiar duties, or rather special obligations to the discharge of common duties. They should strive for distinction by economy, by in dustry, by sobriety, by patient perseve rance in well-doing, by constant improve ment of religious instruction, and by the constant practice of Christian virtues. In this way they will surely overco-rae un just hostility and convince even the most prejudiced that the denial to them of any right which they may properly exercise is equally unwise and wrong. "Our national experience has demon strated that public order reposes most se curely -on the broad base ot universal suf frage. It his proved alao that universal suffrage is the sure guaranty and most powerful stimulus of individual, social and political progress. May it not prove, moreover, in that work of reorganization which, dow engages the thoughts of all patriotic men, tbe best reconciler of the most eomprehensivo lenity with the inot speedy aud certain revival of general prosperity ? S. P. Chase." : wm m ' The State Prisoners. A correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer affords us the following inside view of Fortress Monroe, where suudry State prisoners are confined : John Mitchel is treated very much in the style of the more important Reb-i. lie subsists on Government army rations, is closely guarded, and is not alloweJ the wherewithal to manufactura treasonable newspaper articles; nor is he furnished with papers or any reading matter, save the Bible, or any prayer book that he may desire. John wiles away the weary hours of his prison life with smoking, lie brought a pipe with him, and is allowed tobacco. No conversation is permitted with him, nor does he court any. Thus far he ha3 shown himself rather taciturn than otherwise. Clem Clay smokes with philosophic in difference. He occasionally addresses a pleasant remark to his guards. As a pris oner he has given very litle trouble. From the beginning he has subsisted on the army Tation. He eats but littie, smokes a great deal, and has evidently made up his mind that neither fretting nor grumbling will help his case, and the best courpe to be pursued is to take things easily and quietly. Jeff. Davis, the chief of all offenders, has fully recovered his hpalth. He has not yet been returned to his firstdiet, the army ration. His food is prescribed by Dr. Craven, and is such as will conduce most to his health. Since the tone of his physical health has been restored, he too has taken to puffing the Indian weed. He uses an elegant merschaum pipe, which he brought with him into the Fort ress. The bowl is wrought in the sem blance of a turbaned head a la zouave. The stem and mouth-piece are of pure amber. This pipe is doubtless a relic of tho pseudo royalty that Jeff, maintained while presiding over the fortunes of the ifjnis faluus Confederacy. As not a word is allowed to be said to Davis, he speaks very little. No one is allowed to see him. Occasionally a high ly imaginative or positively mendacious individual, passing through here, gives out that he has seen Jeff. Davis. These statements are utterly false; no ono what ever, excepting only the guards, and Gen. Miles, have looked on cho "fallen Luci fer" since his incarceration. Cabinet officers have visited the fort since JefF s imprisonment there, but not even to them vnas accorded the privilege of looking up on him. Passes to enter the fort can only be obtained by persons well known here, and these must have most urgent business. Then, when in the coveted inclosure, they are obliged to transact their business and then leave, not even seeing the row of casemates whereia Jeff's cell is situated. tuion State Convention. It will be eeer by the following ' ncuncemcnt that the meeting of the ioa State Central Committee has tfS indefinitely postpoued : In compliance with tbe earnest anr.v 1 iranj pruMiiiiuiib v mun men, citizens oi f ' ferent counties tn the Statf, nrging that v meeting ot Hie Lnion otate vonrention ti led for the Kth of July, ensning, ho defers until farther notice, the announcement herewith made that that body will not as 4 ble on tbe day (I9tb of July)" set apart for meeting in4.ho city of Harrisburg. rjg tice will be given of the meeting of the (V vention hereafter. The members of the Union State Cen--Committee will assemble in the city of risburg on the 10th of July, encuing, at Lochiel House, at 3' o'clock, p. m. A fuli tendance of all the members of the Comrn.v is earnestly requested. SIMON CAMERON, Chairman. A. TV. Benedict, 0 . .. . Wkw FOB.NKY, !" Secretaries. Harrisburg, June 19, 1865. GRANT! SHERMAN! SHERnnx THOMAS ! HAXCOCK! GLOltY KNOTJGHI The subscriber will offer at private sale c cost, $10,000 worth of best quality, well's lected, Tresh stock Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, riouirk w agons, a c, jc . Also, will sell 100 Acres of excellent fa land, 4 acres cleared, with a few app!e tref thereon ; 20 acres chopped off, and & ut? Sugar Camp on- the sam-e, The Penna. Vj runs through the land, and Trout Run. cation. 14 miles east of Wilmore, The oli inhabitants decide it to be as good laiUi can be found in Cambria comity for farm"- purposes. Price, $20 per atre ; J down, in one year. X Also, 40(v Acres, on which "13 erected Steam Mill, (20 horse power,) in operatic;! which has- cit more lumber than any niillt the same facility within 5u0 miles of its locai.l ity. It has cut 2,000,000 feet iu the last ve.v ha cut 1,250,000 feet ih seTcn months" b-f cirrding short days in winter, only running ' hours each day. Timber enough has bee ! secured by the proprietor to keen the mi' running for five years. 400 Pods is thefi-. thest timber i3 to be hauled. There a:- $5,000 worth of buildings on the ground; good water power saw-mill, co?t $1,800, r Trout Run ; a good siding at the Steam mil: good Barns, Dwelling Houses, and Sto llouse. At Portage station, one mile of U P. llll. run" through the .land, : and it fc, tbree creeks rnn.ting through it Tront Rr Wrigbt's Run, and M'Intosh's Run. 1 ( 0 acr of the timber land adjoins the lands late: owned by Hon. TIios. A. Scott. Excellent symptoms of OIL". Price, $12,000. - .. . It is the only outlet to land's back for - miles east of Wilmore. 2,000 acres adjoin::; my Iand3 can be bought. A Railroad is nw being built through ray hmd from the millsc'L Messrs. White & Co., i miles being comj'e-F ted, which terminates at and connects iritis": the P. RR, 20 Rods east of the Union rai'ljj aud h mile west of Portage. The location i. the best of any point, between Pittsburg an Altooun, and has facilities -which few location! possess. The mill has raiJ the interest on $100,0;? since it was started in September, 18C3. J J Coal Bank has been opened one mile easri the mill. ' The land is located 10 miles Trh". of Cresson, and 13 miles east of Johnstow:. has40acres fenced in, and 300 acres level lani at the foot of tbe Allegheny Mountain? ; 15 lo cated below the large coaL beds on tbe ern Blope of the Mountain?, and the prospers tor Jil are tue best to tc fovma.' WM. R. HUGHES-, Proprietor Union Mills. Wilmore, Pa., April 13, 1805-2m. U, S. INTERNAL REVENUE. Office of the U. S. Afsf-ssor, i 17th Assessment District Pa. y Huntingdon, June 10, 1865. ) APPEALS. Notice is hereby given tha:;: the Animal Lists, Valuations and Enumers-; tions made and taken by the Assistant Ass-f sors of the said district as of the first of Ms;. J 1SC5, including taxes on incomes for tl? year 1804, taxes on carriages, billiard tal.i, plate, yachts, watches, pianos, &c, and lien ses assessed for one year from May 1, 18S5,i pursuance of the provisions of an "Act s provide Internal Revenue to support t'a Government, to pay interest on the put'i debt, and for other purposes," approved Ju? 30, 1804, and its amendments thereto, mi' now be examined at tbe offices of the Asst sor3 and Assistant Assessors within the." resnoctive divisions of s-aid District. And notice 13 bereby given that Appeal from the proceedings of the Assistant Asses sors within said District, relative to any er roneous or excessive valuations of proper!;? or objects liable to duty or taxation etabracei in said lists, will be received and determkfdf at the office of Joseph Milliken, in the bora . of Lewistown, on MONDAY, tbe 2Gth .dayeH JUNE, inst., between the hours of 10 a. o f and 5 p. m. of eaid day, for division No. 12 eft said District, comprehending the countj 0' f Mifflin. . At the office of George W. Russ,ia the tore t of Hollidaysburg, for divisions 9, lOani'V i comprehending the county of Blairron TIES- DAY, the 27th day of JUNK, between . same hours. t At the oflice of Evan Morgan, near the-tw:0 ' of Ebensburg, for divisions 7 and 8 in Cam- bria county, on WEDNESDAY, the 2Sth tl JUNE, between the same hours. At tbe office of John M. Bowman, in John!- r town, tor division 6 in Cambria county, 0: THURSDAY, the 29th of JUNE, between the same hours. At tbe office of the Assessor, in Hunting-1 doa, for divisions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, compre-L pending the county of Huntingdon, on 5A1 URDAY, the 1st day of JULY, between th same hours. Also, at tbe office of the Assessor, in Hun tingdon, Appeals will be heard, at any ti nit i bv anv person in the District, between ttf .date hereof and the commencement of tl! advertised days of hearing. All Appeals are required to be in writ.c?. and must specify the particular cause, matter or thing respecting which a decision is re quested, and also the grouud or principle error complained of. J. SSWELL STEWART, jel5 Assessor 17th Dist. Penna WOOD .MO Ril ELL & CO., Johxstow-:, r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following u cles : DRY GOODS, HATS AND CArS, OIL-CLOTHS, BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, CARPETINGS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS a SHOES, rT2U SALT. FLOUR, BAC0M GROCERIES, wciuTk ATT rTVr.H. .r TTltlMB AC VJ i 5r Clothing and Boots and Shoes m order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March 1 1860-tf.