W i L ftVfvV rrrnKlTn, Editor and Proprietor J. A - VOLUME 0. -Mr iT OF TOST OFFICES. Tost OJcfs. 7o.. Matters. Districts. Steven L. Evans, Carroll. Henry Nutter, Chest. A. G. Crooks, Taylor. J. Houston, Washint'n. John Thompson, Ebensburg. C. Jeffries, White. - J. M. Christy, Gallitzin. Wm Tiley, Jr., Washt'n. I. E. Chandler, Johnst'wn. M. Adlesberger, Loretto. A. Durbin, Munster. Andrew J Ferral, Susq'ban. rrolltown, Chess Spring?, Conemftgu Cresson, Ebensbu1?' Fallen Timber, Galhtnn, HcuilocK, Johnstown, Loretto, Munster, Plattsville, 8t. Augustine, Scalp Level, Ktn. Wharton, uiearneia Georpe Berkey, B. M'Colgan, George B. Wike, Wro. M'Connell, J. K. Shryock, Richland. Washt'n. Croyle. Washt'n. S'merhill. Sonman, Summerhill, Summit, tt'ilmore, CHURCHES, MINISTERS, &C. t rr f M. Wilsox. Pastor. lyesorierian ----- . - Wcliine every Sabbath morning at 10$ ' .I LMn the evening at 7 o'clock. Sab- b.ih School at 9 o'clock, A. M Prayer meet-inn- everv Thursday evening at 6 o clock. Methodist Episcopal unurcn xvbv. . Preacher in charge. Rev. W 1 . M'U. d. i5int. Preacbingevery Mieiuicuu morning, at 10J o'clock. Sabbath School aty "clock, A. M. Prayer meeting every W ednes- dav evening, ai o ciock.. Rkv Li.. R. Powell, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock, and in the evening at 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, P. l. Prayer meeting on the first Monday evening vi etu month ; and on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, excepting the first week in each month. nt... rii,nj;,t Ttv.v. Mohran Ellis. Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 2 ami C o clocK. aao&aia ncnuui m i v..-, A. 31. Prayer meeting every rriaay evening, at 7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. , Diseij'Usnsv. W. Lloyd, rastor. Preach in" every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. 'articular Baptists Rev. David Evans, pa3tor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 3 o dock, oaoiiatn ocuooi ai hi i o ciu.n., j. . Catholic Rev. R. C. Christy, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 10 J o'clock and Vespers at 4 o'clock in the evening. EIIEXSIUJUG 3IA1ES. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern, daily, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. Western " at 12.00 o'clock, noon. MAILS CLOSE. Eastern, daily, at 8 o'clock, P. M. V'cstern, "at .8 o'clock, P. M. E,The mails from Newman's Mills, Car rolltown, &c, arrive on Monday, Wednesday J Friday of each week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Leave hbensburg on mesuays, iuurssuajs uu oaiuraays, at t o ciock., a. -m. RAILKOAO SCIIEISJL,E CRESSOX STATION. WfEt Bait. Express leaves at 9.17 A. M. A. 31. it tt ti Phila. r,A"prco3 Fast Line .Mail Train Pitts. 4 Erie Ex 10.07 9.58 8.39 8.13 4.30 8.50 1.43 7.03 6.32 10.57 (( i a it i it ( t (i P. M. P. 31. A. 31. " Emigrant Train East riula. Express " Fast Line u Day Express M Pitts, a Erie Ex. " Mail Train P. 3f. P. 31. A. 31. A. M. P. 3L A. 31. Don't stop. COUXTY OFFICERS. Jwljct of the Courts President Hon. Geo. Taylor, Huntingdon ; Associates, George W, Easley. Henrv C. Devine. ' Prothnnotary Joseph M'Donall. lltgitltr and Recorder James Griffin. Sheriff Jamt3 Myers. Dittrict Attorn"j. Philip S. Noon. Countv ComminsioTier John Campbell, Ed- vtinu uiitss, jj. iv. L'unnpgnn. Clerk to Commissioners William TT 3o.l, .. ... IvVlfil- lpr. Treasurer Isaac Wike. Clerk to Treasurer John Lloyd. Poor House Directors QQe 31'Cullough, Poor House Treasurer George C. K. Zahra. Auditors Wiliinm T trill:.. r r iiernev. JnhTi i 'ko-.3 ' County Surveyor. Henry Scanlan. Cororifr. -William Flatterv. Mercantile Appraiser John Cox. t. of Common Schools J. F. Condon. EBEXSmriiG BOR. OFFICERS. j .. A LARGE. JJuraest C t r. Jonls,' R Jo Jl JnC3' Hugh Jones, Wm. M. Z-oujk Treasure'r-Geo. W. Oatman. Tnu.n r -"urr'3 l eat. I I lhmpson. wavis, .Maj. jonn rCCr,Ri0hard R' Tibbott, Robert D. i, WEST WAan. tZI J'-11103' J-Williams. Oatman. Kltte11' IL K,nkad, George W. fe"1 f . Jo. E. Scanlan. r.icar7Jhn Thmas- apt. Murray. a r. jr "V"?s &c- - in u oaZ No. 312 A. Y. M. 5ttr4 ViToh??' Ebensbur on the P. M. Saa of eau month, at 71 o'clork ? TO ''THE ALLECilTi vt i t ftn$2-50 IN ADVANCE, 5 fin OB. ' xde end or tiie year. 1 F- meets TiTo !fplad Lo!e No- 428 O. I 7.?..; 11, Ebensburg, n7l Dsion No- 84 Son" of 2 weryS;. JPernce Hall, Eb- S:sssIl!Z turJay evening. I Sheridan at llichmondi BY O. H. BARNES. Over the bridges, over the ridges, Thundering onward through thickets ; Over the hedges, over the ledges, Straight for Jeff. Davis's pickets ; Skimming the ground with the clattering sound , Of thousands on thousands of coopers ; With a shout and a yell, like a shot and a shell, Ride Sheridan's blue-coated troopers ! Out of the holster, out of the belt, Loaded revolvers are leaping 1 Gut of their scabbards hundreds of blades, Sharpened for Victory's reaping I "After them, boys !" 'Tis Sheridan's vicc "Press to the enemy's cruppers I" O, glorious sight 1 as th"ey fly to the fight Phil. -Sheridan's galloping troopers ! Speak to Niagara "Gather your foam ; Gather your waves to the fountains 1" Shout to the whirlwind "Back to yourlair! Bury your strength in the mountains !" The waters may heap, and the whirlwind creep Up, up, to the glittering glaciers; But ne'er mortal man can breast the hot van Of-Sheridan's galloping racers 1 Over the meadows, over the plains, - Hugging the mane and the saddle - With panic and fear, back, back to the rear, The 'federate legions skedaddle! Great Victory's shout ! ringitout ! ring it out ! O'er mountain and river and valley 1 Secessia'g train is broken in twain, And Richmond goes into the tally 1 KILLING AN ENEMY. BY T. 3. ARTHUR. "That man will be the death of meyet," said Paul Levering. lie looked worried, but not angry. "Thee means Dick Hardy V "Yes." "What has he been doing to thee now V" The questioner was a friend named Isaac Martin a neighbor. "He's always doing something, friend Martin. Scarcely a day passes that I don't have complaint of him. Yesterday, one of the boys came end told me that he saw him throw a stone at ny new Durham cow, and strike.her in the bead." "That's very bad, friend Levering. Does thee know why he did this ? Was thy Durham trespassing on hi3 grounds ?" "No; the was only looking over his fence. lie has a spite against me and mine, and does all he can to injure me. You know the fine Bartlett pear tree, that stands in the corner of my lot adjoining his property. "Yes." "Two large limbs, full of fruit, stretch ed over on his side. You would hardly believe it, but it's true. I was out there just now, and discovered that he had sawed off these two fine limbs that hung over on his side. They lay down upon the ground, and his pigs were eating the fruit." "Why is Dick so spiteful to thee, friend Levering ? He doesn't annoy me. What has thee done to-him ?" . "Nothing of any consequence." . "Thee must have done something. Try and remember." "I know what first set hirn 'out. I kicked an ugly dog of his once. The beast, half starved at home, I suppose, was all the while prowling about here, and snatching up everything that came in his way. One day, I came upon him suddenly, and gave him a tremendous kick that sent him howling through the gate. Unfortunately, as it has turned out, the dog's master happened to be pas- mg along the road. The way he swore at me was dreaalul. l never saw a more vindictive face. On the next morning, a splendid Newfoundland, that I had raised lrom a pup, met me shivering at the door, with his tail cut off. I don't know when I have ielt so badly. - Poor fellow ! his piteous look haunts mo now. I had no proof against Dick, but have never doubt ed as to his agency in the matter. In my grief and indignation I shot tho dog, and bo put him out of my sight." "Ihee was hasty in that, friend Lever? mg, said the Quaker. "Perhaps I was, though I have never repented the act. I met Dick a few days afterwards. The grin of satisfaction on his face I accepted as an acknowledg ment of his mean and cruel revenge. Within a week from that time one of my cows had a horn knocked off." "What did thee do?" "I went to Dick Hardy and gave him a piece of my mind." "That is, thee pcolded, and called nard names, and threatened. "Yes just so, friend Martin. "Did any good come of it . "About as much good as if I had whis tled to the wind." "How has it been since ?" "No change for the better. It grows, if anything, worse and worse. Dick nev er gets weary of annoying me. ' "Has thee ever tried the law with him, friend Levering? The law should pro tect thee." "Oh! yes; I've tried the law. Once I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hexry Clat. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE he ran his heavy waggon against my car riage, purposely, and upset me in the road. I made a narrow escape of my life. The carriage was so badly broken that it cost me fifty dollars for repairs. A'neigh- bor saw the whole thing, and said it was plainly intended by Dick. So 1 sent him the carriage maker's bill, at which- he got into a towering passion. Then I threatened him with prosecution, and he laughed in my face malignantly. I feit that the time had come to act decisively, and sued him, relying on the evidence , of my neighbor, whtfiiad seen the affair. But my neighbor was afraid of Dick, and so worked his testimony that the jury saw only an accident instead of a purpose to injure, and gave their verdict accord ingly. After that, Dick Hardy was worse thau ever. He took an evil .delight in annoying and injuring me. I am satisfied that, in more than one instance, .he left gaps in his fences in order id .fenticc my cattle into his fields, that he might set his savage dogs on them, and hurt them with stones. It i3 more than a child of mine dares to cross his premises. Only last week he tried to put his dog on my little Florence, who strayed into one of his fields after buttercups. The dog was less cruel than his master, or she would have been torn by his teeth, instead of being only frightened by his bark." "It's a hard case, truly, friend Lever ing. Our neighbor Hardy seems posses sed of an evil spirit." 'The very spirit of the devil, was an swered with feeling. ' ' T I o a t T on o m it nccnrafilv " nnn if thee doesn't get rid of him, he will do thee greater hirru." "I wish I could get rid of him." "Thee must, if thee would dwell in safety, friend Levering." The Quaker's face was growing very serious,. Ho spoke in a lowered voice, and bent towards his neighbor in the most confidential manner. "Thee must put him out of the way." "Friend Martin I" The surprise of Paul Levering wa3 un feigned. "Thee must kill him I" The countenance of Mr. Levering grew blank with astonishment. "Kill him he ejaculated. "If thee doesn't kill him, he'll certain ly kill thee, one of these days, friend Le vering. And theo knows what 19'said about self-preservation being the first law of nature." "And get hung I" "I don't think they'll hang thee," cool ly returned the Quaker. "Thee can go over to his place, and get him all alone by thyself. Or thee can meet him in some by-road. Nobody need see thee. When he's dead, I think people will be more glad than sorry. .Thee needn't fear any bad consequences." Mr. Levering's astonishment pa&sed to horror and indignation. "Do you think I'm no better than a murderer 1 I, Paul Levering, stain my hands with blood I" "Who said anything about staining thy hand3 with blood V The Quaker was impcrturable. "Why, you!" "Thee's mistaken. I never used the word 'blood' I" "But you meant it. You suggested murder' "No, 1 riend Levering. . I advised thee to kill the cumy, lest, some day, he sho'd kill thee." , J! "Isn't killing murder, I should like to know ?" demanded Mr. Levering. "There are more ways to kill an enemy than one," said the Quaker. "I've killed a good many in my time, but no stain of blood can be found on my garments. My . I. Ml- - . . . ' waj oi cniing enemies is to inake-theni my frieud3. Kill neighbor Hardy with kiudness, and thee will have no more trouble with him." A sudden light gleamed over Mr. Lo vering'a face, as if a cloud had passed from the. sun of his spirit. "A new way to kill people." "The surest way to kill enemies, as thee'll find, if thee'll only try." "Let me sec; how shall I go about it?" said Paul Levering, taken at once with the idea. "If thee has the will, friend Levering, it will not be loug before thee finds the way." And so it proved. Not two hours af terward, as Mr. Levering was driving into the village, he found Dick Hardy with a stalled cart-load of stone. He was whip ping bis horse, and swearing at him pas sionately; but to no good purpose. The cart wheels were buried half way to the axle in stiff mud, and defied the strength of one borse to move them. On seeing Mr. Levering, Dick stopped pulling and swearing, and getting on to the care, with his back towards his neighbor, commenced pitching the stones off into the middle of the road. "Hold on a bit, friend Hardy," said Mr. Levering, in a pleasant voice, as he dismounted and commenced unhitching his own horse. But Dick, pretending not to hear him, kept on pitching out the 6tones. "Hold on, I say, and don't give your self all that troublo," . added Mr. Lever ing, speaking in a louder voice, but in kind and cheerful tones. "Two horses are better than one. With Charley's he!p, we'll soon have the wheels on good solid ground again." Understanding now what was meant, Dick's hand 3 fell almost nerveless by his side. ! . "There," said Mr. Levering, as he put his horse in front of Dick's, and made the traces fast, "one pull, and the thing is done V And before Dick could get down from the cart, it was out of the mud-holc. Without saying a word more, Mr. Le vering unfastened his horse from the front of Dick's animal, and, hitching up aprain, roue on. ; uie next'day, iur. fevering saw Dick Hardy in the act of strengthening a bit of weak fence through which his (Le vering's) cattle had broken once or twice; thus removing a temptation, and saving the animals fronbeing beaten, and set on by4ogs. "Thee's given him a bad wound, friend Levering," said the Quaker, on receiving information of the two incidents just men tioned, "and it will be thy own fault if thee doesn't kill him outright." Not long afterwards, in the face of an approaching stormy and while Dick Hardy was hurrying to get in some clover hay, his wagon broke down. Mr. Levering, who saw from one of his fields the acci dent, and understood what loss it might occasion, hitched up his own wagon and seut it over to Disk's assistance. With a storm coming o.n that might last for days, and might ruin two or three tons of hay, Dick could not decline the offer, though it went terribly against the grain to ac cept a favor from the man he had hated for years, and injured in so many ways. On the following morning, Mr. Lever ing had a visit from Dick Hardy. It was raining very fast. "I've come," said Dick, stammering and confused, and looking down at the ground instead of into Mr. Levering's face, "I've come to pay you for the use of your team yesterday, in getting in my hay. I sho'd have lost it if you hadn't sent your wa gon, and it's only right that I should pay tor the use of it." "I should be very sorry," answered Paul Levering, cheerily, "it I couldn't do a neighborly turn without pay. louwere right welcome, friend Hardy, to the wa gon. I am more than paid in knowing that you saved that nice field of clover. How much did you get ?" "About, three tons. But, Mr., Lever ing, I must " "Not a word, if you don't want to of fend me, interposed Mr. Levering. "I trust there isn't a man around here that wouldn't do as much for a neighbor in time of need. Still, if you feel embarras sed if you don't wish to stand my debtor pay me in good-will. Dick Hardy raised his eyes from tho ground slowly, and looked in a strange, wondering way at Mr. Levering. "Shall we not be friends ?" Mr. Levering reached out his hand. Dick Hardy grasped it with a quick, short grip; and then, as if to hide feelings that were becoming too strong, dropped it and went off hastily "Thee's killed him I" said the Quaker, on his next meeting with Mr. Levering; "thy enemy is dead V "Slain by the weapons of kindness," answered Paul Levering, "which you sup plied." "No : thee took them from God's ar mory, where all men may equip them selves without charge, and become invin cible," replied the Quaker. "And I trust, for thy own peace and safety, thee will never use any other weapons in fight ing with thy neighbors. They are sure to kill." 1 m m mm : . A Slave of Jeff. Davis Turned Merchant. A correspondent writes that among the buyers from the South at a Government auction at Chattanooga, there came an ex-slave of Jefferson Davis, who purchased quito liberally for bis store at Davis' Bend, Mississippi, formerly the plantation of his master. Thus, while the traitor master is held a State prisoner in Fortress Monroe, in diead expectation of a halter, his former property and chat tel, in company with that chattel's two sons, lately discharged from the gunboat service, is selling goods as a freedman. His name is Montgomery; he is fifty three years of age, and is as good a speci men of tho intelligent black man as can be found. He was Jeff. Davis' slave over twenty years, and served him as carpenter and machinist on his and his brother's plantation of two thousand acres. These entire two thousand acres are being culti vated by Jeff's former bondmen, who, Montgomery says, are working industri ously, and more effectually than under their former rule. m tS Edmund IlufBn, of Virginia, who will be remembered as the inanwho fired the first gun on Fcrt Sutnter, blew his brains out, near Richmond, on the 17th. A statement was found among his papers to the effect that he preferred jleath to living under the United States Govern ment. gay- Mrs. Seward, wife of Secretary Seward, died in Washington city on the 21st. She was aged sixty years. IS? Ford's Theater haa been sold to the Young Men's Christian Association of Washington for $100,000. 29, 1865. Tile First Western Locomotive. To the Editor of The Alleghaman As a notice of the first locomotive built west of the Alleghanies has been going the newspaper rounds, permit me to tell you something about it. The first engine built was called the "Pittsburg," not the "Mountaineer;" and I am surprised at a Johnstown editor, who I would most cordially advise to submit his cranium for surgical examination in order to develop its bump ot comparativeuess, when he says it was little larger than a common sized tea-kettle. Now. I have never seen a common sized tea-kettle for family use weign over tour tons, yet this first en gine weighed eight tons and seven hun dred. When the machine had been con structed, it was shipped on board the U. S. barque "Josephine," Capt. Henry No ble master as noble a mariner and as seaworthy a man as ever braved the dan gers of the "raging canal," only he did not understand the use of mushrooms. In good time it arrived at the old Good Inteut packet slip, away down in Johns town. That day, over thirty years ago, there was no small excitement in Johns town. People gathered in from town and country, and it was astonishing to see the quantity of gingerbread and tobacco then and there demolished. A grsat many conjectures were afloat. Some knew noth ing whatever as to the nature of the "an imal;" others knew all about it. One gentleman, from the interior, offered a description. "These," he said, pointing to the truck wheel, "are just the same as the wheels of our country wagons, and the driver steers them round the bends ; and here (showing the polished cylinder heads) are its eyes ; and here (opening the furnace door) is its mouth, where they feed it with fire and water." "Fire and water " exclaimed an old gentleman from the Fatherland : "bv sure, dat's bad news for me, for I just sowed ten acres of oat?, and if many cattle like dis comes along, I Dees a smashed man dat's certain." While these conjectures were going on, a stout team of horses came and hauled the "animal" to the weigh-scales, where three men took charge of it. One of these gathered fuel and made a fire in it ; another took an oil-can and greased it all over; while the third went around feeling its joint3. I heard them call the first one Joe Parks, who I am sorry to say lately met with an untimely death by the ex plosion of one of these machines near Wilmore; another George Harris, not Bosted; and the third Joseph Bridges. In a short time, the "animal" began to fiz, so the. men slipped up cu the tender, and I slipped on an open car behind. Af ter two or three puffs of steam in those days engines hadn't learned to whistle off we started. There were several offi cers and big-bugs on board the car with me, and I learned some of their names Sylvester Welsh, head engineer, Wil son Nott, supervisor, Sam Jones, paymas ter, llathburne, clerk, Moylan Fox, Mil nor Huberts, and Jimmy Clark, commis sioner. It was no tirrie till we had dashed thro' Corktown to the foot of Plane No. 1. Here the "animal" was tied to a big rope and hauled up the plane to a hole in the wall, called a tunnel, when several of the passengers got off saying they would go and take a look at Mother Ream's chick ens. Thev went, and came back smack ing their lips, from which I fnfer it was something else besides chickens they were after ! V e got through the tunnel safely. Said the little man who felt the joints of the machine, "bhe is getting warm we must give her a drink and cool her down." Whereupon they put a leather tube in her throat, and suffered her to drink most copiously. Some of the bystanders caught the idea, and stepped over to a neighbor ing inn and did so likewise. One man, when he caaie back, went up to the engi neer and said, "Mister, please tell me, how is it this darn critter knows the road so well, and never was here before?" "Oh, easy enough," replied the engineer; "it always carries a Traveler's Guide about itself!" Off again, until we came to Mr. Michael Bracken's. Here we halted to view the big viaduct, as well to Admire the construction of Mr. B.'s bar room. Took a look at. Horse Shoe Bend and other eurioaitiis, and again started, stopping not till we got to the water station, Mr. George Murray's Half-way House. Mr. Murray, a pleasant Scotchmau, was stan ding at the door, and invited all hands in. Bottles and decanters of all kinds were there, and in a side room were, boiled turkey, goose, chicken, and ham. Thro' courtesy, I tasted the contents of one of the bottles, just to see what the other fel lows were drinking; and I also, without the assistance of any one, procured unto myself the possession of one of the drivers of a noble goose, which I also tasted. After spending a longer and pleasanter time than would be allowed at the Logan House in Altoona, we started again. Said one of the fellows, said he "When we stop again, let's stop for the night." Agreed to. Accordingly, whon we landed in the village ot Jenerson, now called Wilmore, we tied np and quit. Beds be- g .scarce, I remember distinctly I got into a closet amoDg some buffalo-robes and slept till morning. And thus ended the first trip of the first locomotive in Cam bria county. Olden Time. Sa.r0 IX ADVANCE. NUMBER 38; Tlie losit!ou of Deserters and l on-Reporting Conscripts. By the terms of an act of Congress ap proved the 3d dav oi 'March: lKft .in serters from the army and consciints who nave ianea to report to the proper officers, are placed in a woful plight. If we read the terms of the act of Congress aright, all those referred to therein have forfait ed their citizeuship, and are to all intents auu purposes m tne position of aliens, de barred from the exercise, of all political rights and the holding of all offices of trust and profit under the Government. The act of Congress distinctly declares that, . ' "All persons who have deserted the , military or naval service of the United States, who shall not return to the said service or report themselves to a provost marshal within sixty days after the proc lamation hereinafter mentioned, shall bo deemed and taken to have voluntarily re linquished and forfeited their rights to become citizens ; and such deserters shall be forever incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under the Uuitcd States, or of exercising auy rights of citizens thereof; and all persons who shall here after desert the military or naval service, and all persons who, being duly enrolled' shall depart the jurisdiction of the district in which he is enrolled, or go beyond the limits of the United States, with the in tent to avoid any draft into the military or naval service duly ordered, shall be li able to the penalties ot this sectiou. And the President is hereby authorized and" required forthwith, on the passage of this act, to issue his proclamation setting' forth the provisions ot this section, in which proclamation the President is -requested to notify all deserters returning within sixty day?, as aforesaid, that'they shall be pardoned on condition of returning to thsir regiments or companies, or to such other organizations as they may be assign ed to, unless they shall have served fur a period of time equal to their original term of enlistment." On the 10th of March, 18G5, the Pres ident of the United States issued his proclamation as" directed by the law quo ted above. There is no mistaking the law. Its terms and its penalties are plain and explicit ; and it becomes the duty of every citizen to see that the law is rigidly enforced. Deserters from the draft men who absented themselves from localities after being eniolled therein, and who failed to report within the sixty days pre scribed, will now find that they have for feited their rights of citizenship. The law fixes this penalty; and tho pooplo who have stood by the Government in all its troubles must see that the law is prop erly enforced. The Kindness of 2lr. Lincoln. The following incident, clipped from an exchange, illustrates the kindness of heart and the tenderness of our late Pres ident. In November last, a small, deli cate boy patiently waited with the crowd which had gathered in the room of tho President. . He was noticed by Mr. Lin coln, who said, "Come here, my boy, and tell me what you want." The boy, trem bling and abashed, stepped forward and placed his hand upon the arm of the chair in which the President was seated, and said, "Mr. President, I have been a drum mer in a reimeut for two years, and mr Colonel got angry with me and turned.me off: I was taken sick, and have been a long time in the hospital. Thb is th firot day I have been out. . I came to see if you cannot do something for me." The President looked kindly and ten derly at him, and asked him where he lived. He replied that he had no home. "Where is your father ?" said the Pres ident. "He died in the army" answered the boy. : "Where is your mother ?". , "My mother is dead also. I have no father, no mother, no brother, no sisters," and bursting into tears, the boy said, "and no friends. Nobody cares for me." The scene was very affecting. Mr. Lincoln's eyes filled with tears, and ha said to him, "Can't you sell newspapers." "No," said the by"I am too weal1, and the surgeon of the hospital told me I must leave ; and I have no money and do friend?, and no place to go to." The scene was indescribably affecting, and'the President immediately drew from his drawer a card, on which he wrote hi wishes, that the officers should care (in his own affectionate language) "for this poor boy' When the card was harivlp.l- tn drummer boy, a smile lit up' his face, all wet with tears, and he knew he had ?t least one good and true friend in Abra ham Lincoln. A very disastrous fire occurred in Harrisburg on the morning ot the 15th inst., destrovinir nronertv to thp $40,000. Among others the typo of the eiyrujm pneung onice was destroyed. BgL. There is said to be ajj organized band of Southerners in this State. chIIp.1 the "White Ghosts," whose object is the wholesale robbery of our citizens. Look out for them ! 'n