If 4 it; J .. -V r 'I' i v IIow John Jacob Astor Became Rich. A writer in lla-por's Magazine, speaking of the late John Jacob Astor, thus Epcak9 of the manner ia which he acquired his great wealth : "It was neither furs nor teas that gave him $20,000,000. "When ho arrived in New York, it contained only 25,000 in habitants. In 1800, when he began to have money to invest, the city had Degun to double in population, and had advanced nearly a mile up the island; Astor lore- L fc saw its future growth, rr.a i uou-'iit all tne lands and lots just beyond the verge of the citv that he could ee. One little nnecdote will show the wisdom of this proceeding. lie sold a lot in thd vicinity of Wall street, in IS 10, for $8,000, which was supposed to be somewhat under its value. The purchaser, after the papers were signed, seemed disposed to chuckle over his bargain. Whv, Mr. Aster said he, 'this lot will be worth 12,000.' 'Very true replied Astor, 'but now you i-hall see what 1 will do with this money. With S3,000 I will buy eighty lots above Canal street. By tho time your lot will be worth 12,000 my eighty lots will be worth SSO.OOO" which proved to be the fact. In the course of time, the islands was dotted all over with Astor lands to such an extent that the whole income from his estate for fifty years could be in vested in new houses, without huyic rr in' more land." Didn't Want a Substitute. Mr. Pil kinson, a small farmer in Pennsylvania, was some time ago drafted for the service of his country. His wife, though she post-esses but a small stock of general infor mation, is one of the bestcf conjugal part ners, and was much troubled at the thought of parting with her husband. As she was engaged in scrubbing off her doorsteps, a rough looking stranger came up and thus addressed her : "I hear, madam, that your husband lias been drafted." "Ye?, sir, he has," answered Mr?. Pil kioson, "though, dear knows, there's few couldn't be better spared from their fam ilies." "Well, madam, I havo come to offer my self as a substitute for him." "A what?" asked II:s. Pilkinson, with Eomc excitement. "1 am willing to take his place," said the stranger. "You take the place of my husband, you wretch. I'll teach you to insult a distressed woman that way, you vagabond " cried Mrs. Pilkinson, as she discharged the dirty 6oapsuds in the face of the discomfittcd and nstouished substitute, who took to hi? heels just in time to escape having his head broken by the bucket. A New Fire Extinguished. Galig nani'a Messenger says that an apothecary at Nantes has just discovered, by the merest Occident, that ammonia will put out fires, lie happened to have about seventy litres of benzine in hi? cellar, and his boy, in going down carelessly with a light, had set fire to it. Assistance was speedily at hand, and pail after pail of water wa3 poured into the cellar, without producing any effect, when the apothecary himself took up a pail which was standing neglected in a corner, and emptied the contents into the cellar. To his astonishmentj the fire was quenched as if by magic, and upon examination he found that the pail, which belonged to his laboratory, had contained a quantity of liquid ammonia. The result is easy to explain on scientific principles, for ammonia, which consists of 82 parts of nitrogeu and 18 of hydrogen, is easily de compoped by heat; and the nitrogen thus Fet free in the midst of a conflagration must. infallibly put out tho flames. Do You Want to Invest ? Here, is n good hit at the flaming advertisements of oil stock companies" now filliug tha newpapers iu every direction : "Capital Stock, $1,000,000,000 ! An ' tipodal tr oleum Company ! Shares, par value, 610,000 each price 25 cents. The well is bored entirely through the earth, extending from Oil Creek, Pennsylvania, to the lloang Ho in the Celestial Empire, and has consequently a double outlet. An immense blowpipe will be inserted in the Chinese outlet, to promote cn unbroken flow of oil from the western well, which it is supposed will be equal to a hundred barrels of refined Petroleum per minute. "Gointoem Strong, IWst. "P.VUTICULAU PlIlTTS, Secy." - " - X.What is the di.Teretjee between Jenkins and Jenkins' dog's tail? Why, Jenkins keeps a carriage, and his dog's tail kecp3 a waggin' ! OB WOlllv OF ALL KINDS NEATLY and expeditiously EXECUTED XT T.1J "ALLEG II ANIAN" OFFICE, HIGH St., EBENSBURG, TA publication oftick 03ERT DAY IS' BUILDING UP STATUS. TEiXD DOOR BACK. ) A K I C ARRANGEMENTS! SUGAR KETTL153, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, 3 quarts to 40 gallons. TINWARE, all sort? and kind3. SnEET-IRON WARE every vay fry. EXAM EL ED $ T I XX ED IROX WARE ZINC WASHBOARDS, for 23 cents, worth 37 cents. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING iRONS, all sizes and best quality, 5 to Z cts per lb. COOKING STOYE3, Trimmed complete, with baking arrangements, $8 to $23. EGG STOVES, 04.50 to S13.u0. ULAT1XG COOK STOVES, $3.00 to $3.00. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patent, Graff & Co., Mitchell, Hcrron & Co., Abbot k Noble, A. J Gallagher's, and every otlier Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. Steves alway3 on hand or procured on 5 days notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, always on hand. CARE ON OIL LAMPS, 62 cts. to $1.25. Chimneys and Wicks for Lamps- always on hand. SPOUTING, BEST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. Z2f Xc extra charges for Elloivs. MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS, POWDER CANS, all sizes constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, S7 cts. to -SI.25. TOASTING PORKS, OYSTER BROILERS Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea" Spoons COAL BUCKETS, Z't ct3. to $5.00. The above goods -will be furnished WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOYE k IIOUSE-FURNISII-ING STORE, CANAL STREET Opposite tlic TTcigli Lock ASK FOR RANK W. nAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per cent, on your purchases EITHER FOR CASn OR SCRIP. April 21, 18C2-tf GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colonade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 20, 1001-tf. tt- . tt -r T'Mi.r tt TTORNEY Xa at Law, Johnstown Pa street. Office on Main aug25,1850-tf R. L. JOHNSTON. GEO. W. OATMAN TTOIINSTON & OATMAN, Attorneys at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pcnna. Ei Office removed to Lloyd st., one door West of II. L. Johnston's residence. January 10, 1861:tf CYRUS ELDER, Attorney-at-Law Johnstown, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Somerset, and adjoining counties. Office same as lately occupied by Linton and Noon, on Post Office corner up stairs. April 23, 18C3-tf S. BUNN. M. D.. tenders Lis nro- Lj fessicnal services to the citizens ot Eb ensburg. Office in Drng Store, on High st., opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, August 25, 1850:tf. BR. T. O and Su: S. G ARDNER, Physician .-rgkox. lenders his prolession- al services to the citizens of E'o ensburg and surrounding vicinity. Office in Colonade Row. July 21, 1864-tf. "nil. j. m. M'CLURE, Surgeon and JL Meciij anical Dentist, respectfully offers his professional services to tin-ladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinity of thisplace. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Office in the old "Exchange," on Clinton street. Johnstown Aug. 25, 1859. TVENTISTRY. U Tin e undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully oRers hi3 professional services to the citizens of Ebcnsburg. He has spared no mean3 to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement in hi3 art. To many years of per sonal experience, he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work to speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. D. S. Rtfcrences: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond Jr. ;W. R. Handy; A. A. BIandy,P. II. Aus ten, cf the Baltimore College. t'SfWill beat Ebcnsburg on the fourth Monday of each month, to stay one WJek. April J, 18G2tf F. M. PIKE, (successor to green & uno i IjLMUUK MKUUIUIA T, rJsAMAtr MIL, Li, SASH AX D DOOR FACTORY, Chest Springs, Camuria co., Pa. Flooring Board3, Sash, Doors, Vene tian and Panel Shutters, made to order and constantly on hand. June 9 1864-ly 1 rrtHE UNION FOREVER ! ! JL - R. H. TUDOR & HUGH JONES, Havinrr formed a nartnershin in the GRO CERY business, would respectfully call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and vi cinity to their large stock, wmcn nas Been Eelected in the Eastern xnarket with great care. Come and examine for yourselves ! They cannot fail to please. Our stock consists in p'art of the following articles, viz : White and Brown Su- Chewing and Smok'g wry - 1 cars Tobacco, N. O. Molas3ses, Syrups, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, . Wastboards, Brooms, Rio CorTee, 1 oung Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, Soices of all kinds. Buckets, Measures, Butter, Sugar and W a- Healers, Churns, for flrarlrpra. IvCCTS. Dried Apples. Teaches, Hair and Wire Seives, Iranges anu ijvluuus, cjciuw, uuui-humius Figs, Raisins, ting Brushes, Prunes, Citrons, Rope, Bed cord3, Lines, Rope Haft era Twine, Tye Yarn, Fawcit3 Window Glass, Nuts of all kinds, Ext. Ley and Coffee, Bowls, Butter Prints and La dlc-3, Ptuty, 7 A T- Arnold's Inks from 6 to An assortment of Es 75cents per bottle. sences and Drujrs, Shoe-findings, Pegs, Shovcls,Spades,IIoes, Garden & Hay Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws and Nails, Provision, 2ail3, Thread, Sole Leather, Harvest Tools, Hay Forks, FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE, RICE, BACON, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISH, And all kinds of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines, Old Rye and Common Whiskey. &c, kc. SgyU The above articles will be sold clteap for Cash or Country Produce, at Cash prices Ebensburg, May 9, 1861:tf N EW CHEAP CASH STORE ! ! ! "THAT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER 1" E. J. MILLS & CO. beg leave to announce to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that they have just received, at their new store room, on High street, a most complete assort ment of Spring arid Summer Gcccis, consisting in part of the following articles . Dre33 Goods, Millinery Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks, Embroideries, Housekeeping Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawl3, Laces, and so on, ad inInitum. Also : Boots and Shoes, rials, Caps, Bonnets, Groceries, Hardware Qcccnsware, Notions, Perfumery, Stationery, Flour, Bacon, Cheese Mackerel, Herring and Cod Fish, Syrup3 and Mclasse Iron and Nails Glass, Salt, Oils, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, kc, &c kc In short not to dip further into tedious details they intend keeping A NUMBER ONE STORE, Where the comfort and convenience of a country community can be successfully ca tered to. By buying a large stock at a time, they ai eabled to sell their good3 at a TRIFLING ADVANCE ON CITY PRICES. Roll in and see for yourself e3. No charge for showing articles. 1, Country Produce taken ia exchange fcr goods. Ebensburg April 24, 1SG2. nnnisjyAY for loretto, chest JL SPRINGS k ST. AUGUSTINE ! The subscriber, l aving purchased the entire stcck of Horses, Hacks, Carriages, &c, of the late firm of Ryan.& Durbin, begs leave to inform lm friends and the Public in general that he i3 now prepared to furnish them with every accommodation in his line of business. His line of Hacks connects with all the trains on the Pa. R. R., allowing passengers no delav whatever. Callsvalway3 promptly at tended to. JOE F. DURBIN. Loretto, June 9, 18C4.-ly XV. S. KAVE5, PLAIiN and FANCY JOB PRINTER. STATIONER, Blank Look luanufacturer, Boole Binder, and dealer in every description cf American and Foreign Papers, kc, &c. Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. 3y Agent for L.' Johnson & Co., Type Founders & Electrotypers, Philadelphia August 25, 1859U.f UGH A. McOOY, Saddle and Harness Manufacturer EBENSBURG, PA. Office one door east of Davis, Jones k Co.'s Store. A large stock of ready-made Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, kc, constantly on hand and fcr sale cheap. TDec- 25, 1861-tf; AILROAD HOUSE. Wilmoro. n.im- , T 1 bj brin. rnnntv. Pa. KpnrPptinii TJfiilrrtnd Station. ) j as. u. Hamilton , I'roprtelor An extensive Bowling saloon is connected with the House. The Table will be fur nished with the best the market affords, and the Bar supplied with the best of liquors, in cluding Ales and Lager from approved brew eries. Extensive and convenient Stabling is attached to the premises. Wilmore, August 25, 185S:tf. ONTINENTAL nOTEL, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Depui., PITTSBURGH, PA. The most convenient place to stop in the City. Meal3 served at all hours. Terms moderate. J. II. CLARK & CO., Proprietors. April 24, 13C2-tf. NION HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa. John A. Blair, Proprietor. Also, in connecvion, BLAIR k Co's HACKS will leave the "Union House" for Wilmore station in time to take the Eastern and West ern trains. Every accommodation will be af forded to make passengers comfortable. August 25, 1859:tf. OUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa. Jas. A. Moore, Proprietor. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies The Bar is supplied with choice liquors : and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Boirders taken by the week, moDth or year. aug25,1859:tf. LTOONA HOUSE, Altoona, Pa RICHARD M'CLALN, Proprietor. E$2a Meala ready on the arrival of all trains. Cheapest bouse In town. Aug. llf 1864-tf. BERGER, AUDENRIED & FRY, Nos. 11 and 13 South Water St., (Below Market,) PHILAD'A. - Wholesale dealers in F1SII, CHEESE PRO VIST OXS generally. Are now receiving and will keep constantly on hand a full and complete assortment of goods, in their line, consisting in part of MACKEREL, HAMS, ' CHEESE, shad; shoulders, lard, HERRING. SIDES, BUTTER, SALMON, BEEF, DRIED FRUIT CODFISH, TONGUES SALT, &c. Having every facility for purchasing our goods to the best advantage, and every con venience for conducting a large business, and being determined to sell good3 upon terms equal to any house in the trade, we respect fully solicit the patronage of our friends and the 'public generally, 152 Particular attention paid to filling orders. Philadelphia, July 14, 18C4-tf.' jgYRE k LANDELL, . FOURTH AND ARCH STS., PHILADELPHIA, ARE OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, f rench Mcrinoes, . Good Black Silks, Dark Figured Silks, New Plaid Silks, -Balmoral Petticoats, Red, White and Blue Flannel?, Shawls, Wholesale and Retail. October 15, 18G3. L? C ERY & CO , o it-unr va at v. rvrnnr.T?53 And Commission Merchants. No. 522 Market st'., between Fifth and Sixth. Philadelphia. We have constantly on hand n general as sortment of nil kinds of fish, in large and small packages, which we will sell low for Cash or short credit Also, Duncannon Nails and Spiks of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at Manufacturer's pricc3. October 15, 1S63, A II. FRANCISCUS, J3l, No. 513 Market St., AXD 510 COMMERCE ST., PlIILA. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Lap3, Carpet Chainr Wadding, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Glasses, kc, kc, kc ac. rjrHiy-Tbc largest stock of the above Grxl3 in the city, sold at the lowest nett cash prices Oct. 31, 1 SGI -if. T. LITTLE, SR. . JAS. TRIMBLE. LITTLE k TRIMBLE, V,nOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants ; Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, Ko 112 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 24, lS62-tf. . TOORE, LIGGET k CO., J3JL Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TiilMMINGS, NOTIONS, kc . No. 223 Market Street, Opposite Bank St., Phildelphia. Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 2i, ISCl-tf coi.ivr.rn tt nr. A nr. n. WM. H. WHITACRE. BENJAMIN F. PETIT. SPRINGER II ARE AUG II & CO. Vfholesale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 203 Liberty Street, April 24, lSG2-tf. Pittsburgh, Pa . ARTALOTT k RLYNN, Manufacturers of and wholesale deal ers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, ko No. 43G Market st., below Fifth, (South side,) PHILADELPHIA. April 23, lS54-tf - J. U. ANDREWS. A. B. WILKINS E. J. ALTIMU3. W. N. SMITH. jT1 EO. M. RIDDLE, wtV7t T ANDREWS. WILKINS k CO. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic D-y Goods, l,o. 503 .Market street, finlo, 18C2tf PHILADELPHIA. JOHN A. WILSON. D. M'CANDLESS JESSE W. CARR. TTriLSON, CARR, & CO. f V Late Wilson, Payne j- Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS, No. 91 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April '24, 18G2-tf. T. MOK1U3 TEUOT, EDWARD H. OGDEN. BARKER, tcitli LV T. MORRIS PEROT & CO., Wiolesale Druggists, No. C21 Market street, above Sixth, and C12 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 23, lSGltf M. LLOYD k Co., BANKERS, ALTOONA, PA. Drafts on the principal cities, and Silver and Gold for sale. Collections made. Mon eys received on deposit, payable on demand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. nov3, I859tf TTATSON & JANNEY. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, kc, kc 323 Market Et., Philadelphia. Feb. 11, 18G4-tf. MARTIN BCEm.EB. R. H. HOWARD. EUEHLER k HOWARD, Importers and Dealers in foreign and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, No. 441 Market st., Philadelphia. Nov. 28 lSGltf JAMES UKinAM; R. J. THOMAS. GRAHAM k THOMAS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dealers in Flour, 157 Liberty street Pittsburo, Penn'a Deq2G, 18Gl-tf R' & KURTZ, Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, k FANCY GOODS, janl9,5" . 325 Arch St., Philadelphia. ESsyHandbills of all kinds printed at this oCice. H CHILDS&CO. , WHOLESALE SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood Street, PitUburg, Pa. Have received an immense stock of Boots and Shoes suitable for Spring and Summer sales, comprising a full assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods, carefully selected with par ticular reference to the want3 of the Western Trade, And due regard to durability and sizes, manufactured to ordeT and warranted. Our entire stock having, been purchased and contracted for direct. from the New Eug land manufacturers entirely for cash, during last- Fall . and ..Winter, before . the present advance prices, on. stock and we are enabled in fT..r Snnprior Indacements to cash or prompt time buyers, and are prepared to sell goods at less than Is ew l.ora.or riiiii-ucipina prices. We invite the attention of Merchants visit-ino- tlvia.oitv tn examine our larcre and desira ble stock before purchasing elsewhere. EJJU Particular personal anenuuu ncn ORDERS. April. 0 tf H. CIIILDS & CU. TOIIN HEWITT, icith WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, ' No. 409 Market street, .. .... Philadelphia. Tb.i3 establishment has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the above lnciinn. -where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys, together witli a careiuuy stuciru line of Cloths, Cassimcres, Satinetts, Vestings, Tailor3' Trimmings, kc, is new ready for the trade. Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully as if they were present. August 24, 18C2. NEW CASH HOUSE I Goods lovght and sold for cash ! LITTLE & A DAMSON, No. 325 Market Street, Philadelphia, Invite attention to their new and splendid stock of SPRING DRESS GOODS ! . Black Silks, Mourning Silks, Fancy Silks, Poult de Sou;; Seasonable Shawls, Clocking Cloths, Mantilla Silks, Mantillas manufac tured by themselves from late Paris styles. April 23,-iec-ltf JA3. jr. CON RAO. COATE3 WALTON. CONRAD k WALTON, Importers and Dealers in TIARDWABE, CUTLERY Conrad k Walton's superior Steel Shovels, Courad k V'alton's, Darling k Waldron's SCYTHES, . Mann's Realty's k Hunt's Axes, kc kc 2os. C23 Market's!., C14 Commerce st, Oct. 15,'G3.- Philadelphia. TAS. W. RIDDLE. JSO. C SDERBOBat. WM. n. GILL. TWIDDLE, GILL & CO. 3i Importers and Yt'holesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 433 Market St., below 5th. and 433 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May 1, lS62-tf. B. MCSE J ONES. GU3TAVC3 A. BENSON. M. JONES & CO., , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 512 Market street, Philadelphia. EST Particular attention paid to sales, country produce of every description. April 28, 18G4tf PR. TAYLOR. WM. K. HEMPEILL. TAYLOR k HEMPHILL, Wholesale dealers in MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. FOREIGN k DOMESTIC SEGARS, 222 Market St., south side, bet. 2d 3d, April 28, 18G4tf PHILADELPHIA, OEL J. DAILY & CO., HOSIERY, SMALL WARES, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, kc 2S North 3d street, Philadelphia. JOEL J. BAILV, HENRY J. DAVIS, ELTON B. GIFFORD, S. W. VAN CCLIN; February 18, 18C4,tf. LEM. IIOLL1DAY, icith NICKERSON, HARRIS k MOSELEY Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in COOTS AND SHOES, No. 435 Market street, Philadelphia. A large assortment of City Made Work constantly on hard; jan7,18'J4 TSRAEL GOULD, with X I. C. CALDWELL, IMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN HOSIERY, GLOVES AND FANCY GOODS; 434 Market St., (second story,) Feb. 11, 18Gl-tf. PHILADELPHIA. C. MURPHEY, repressing II. CIIILDS k CO., 1 WHOLESALE BOOT& SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Yood street, May 8, l&C2-tf- PITTSBEUG, Pa. G AUFFMAN k CHEW, Importers nnd Dealers in, CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS W A R 2 , No. 21 North Fcurth st., Philadelphia. Oct. 15, lSGc rSMIOMAS P, JAMES, i IMPORTER and WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, j No C30 Market street, Philadelphia.; October 15, I8G3. .1 EST, SOUT1IWORTII & CO., Wholesale Dealer sin BOOTS AND SHOES, j No. 21 North Third street, j Nov. 28, 1SG1. . Philadelphia G DM'CLEES & Co., . -.- No. 133 North Third street, j Philadelphia; Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoe3. : May 17 18G0 tf - . ; DAMS, ATKINSON k CO., AUCTION DRY GOODS, No. S3 North TUrd St., Philadelphia. E. A. ADAM3. II. P. ATKINSON, J. II. WHlUlT. April 28, 18G4tf - j "O USSELL k LANDIS, j JLV - Importers and Dealer) in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c., No. 410 Market and 405 Merchant sts., i April 23, 18G4tf ; PHILADELPHIA. JOS. LAUFERTY, T Wholesale dealer (n HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, and FCRS, No. 19 South Fourth St., Philadelphia April 28, 1864tf ' THE ALLEGH AH I AN" w TT.T. Vv a r, V.! ! c Vi r.A ml . rtf vv chi -uursaay, at the following rates viz; Per annum, payable in advance.. If not paid within six months.... C;o r. no If not paid till the end of the year 3 03 A failure to notify a discontinuance at .he expiration ot the term subscribed for will be considered a new engagement. TERMS OK ADVERTISING Transient advertising, per sq.. 12 lines..$1.50 Each subsequent insertion , g0 Auditor's Notices, each .."!."! 0 qq Administrators' and Executors' Notic7V" '- r-. --.: , 9 .alliij iuuv.tj -j r;.. 3 VIO.. C. cm. 8 lines, or less ....$2.50 4.00 Sc'fi'rt 1 square, 12 lines...... 3.H0 c,.oo looo 2 squares, 24 lines.... G.00 lO.oo g 00 3 squares, 3G lints.... 8.00 12.00 20 00 Fourth column 8.00 12.00 0 CO Third column 10.00 15 no Half column 12.00 20.00 'ftn Column 20.03 30.00 . 50.00 Professional or Business Cards, not exceeding 8 lines, with paper s.09 EST" Advertisements not marked Tvifh tie number of insertions desired, will be contin ued till forbidden, and charged according to the above terms. aw of Xcivsnapcrs. 1. Subscribers who do not pive express no tice to the contrary, are considered as visa ing to continue their subset intion. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their Periodical?, the Publisher rnav con tinue to serd them until all arrearages ate paid. 0 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the offices to which tliev are directed, they are held responsible till they have settled the bill and ordered them discontinued. A. If subscribers remove to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, thev are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided, that reufsing to take periodicals from the office or remov ing and leaving them uncalled for, is priraa. faciac vidence cf intentional Fraud. HOKE OUT IX A NEW PLACE I J BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! fob EVERYBODY The subscriber take3 pleasure in callinj the attention cf the citizens of CARRULL TOWN and vicinity to the f.u-t that he 1 cs just received, and is now opening, at the jld stand of Moore & Son, a large and 7 Ariel stock cf consisting in part of Satins, Velvet?, Cloths, Casslmeres Doeskins, SattinettF, Twet-ds, Jeans, Tickings, Flannels, Brown k Bleached Muslins, kc. DI2ESS GOODS cf every style. Together with an excellent stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS. STATIONARY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, CARPET-SACKS QUKENSYTARE, NOTIONS, kc, kc, And, in fact, anything and everything usually kept in a No. 1 Country Store all of which will be disposed of at prices to suit the times. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! Customers waited on by attentive Sales men, and no charge for showing articles. r?3 Cherry, PopL;r, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Ejrgs, and Country Produce generally, taken in enhance for Gool3. A. A. BARKER. May 0, l8C2-tf A CARD. Witsier's Bridge. Lancaster Tp. July 30, 1SC0. Messbs. Evans and Watson: Gentlemen The small size No. 1 Salamander safe which I purchased from your agent, Mr. Adam R. Ba-r, iu Lancaster City ,'cn July 20tii, 1SZ2, has been subjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. Thi3 Safe, containing all my books; together with va'u.ible papers belonging to myself and some to my ncignbors and friends and represeting a val le of'over Twenty Thous and Dollars, ($20,000) was in my Mill which was destroyed on the night of the 27tu cf Ju ly, ISGO and passed thu.vgh the Htry ordeal unscathed. The Safe was on the second lloor and fell to the basement or the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heat among the rui.is, which wasgreatly increased by the combustion of a large quantity of grain confined within th? brick walls. After the fire the safe was opened and the books and papers taken out in : state of perfect preser vation, the paper not even being discolored This fact was, however, to many bystanders a better recommendation of 3 0'jr 8a"ts that could be expressed in any other wcrct3 from me. Yours RefpeftfuUv, sel3 SAM EEL RANCK". . Cctw A large assortment of the sl-ove qual ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes always on hand and for sale at as low rate.- fs any other firm, at EVANS & WATSON'S, No. 16 South Fourth St., Pl.iladc!pliH- 1865. TIN WAR' 3805. -1 r.R SHEET-IRON WARE CO Desire to call the attention of the public to their new TIN SHOP now opened in tie large brick building oo the cerucr cf laa 8E Franklin street3 opposite the Mansion ousj and next to the Banking house cf Kcll, & Co., JohnstQwn Pa., where they rurll0-B manufacturing all kinds of TIN, SnEET-IRON AND COPPER T,Uk Their work will be made by the he s men and of the best material s. TllC-r t tve terniined to sell all kinds of wsrw cheapest ratoB, w holesale JJ; ded P. &. All orders for STUi xi- j, to on the shortest notice and on reason terms. . Johnstown, December 8 1B53-W. f.' f 1 ir i