B2 I IC Up i (ffll ill (P, I I VpJP pi pb pw A. A. R 4 1: licit. Editor ami Proprietor. J. TODD IIUTCIIIKSOX, Publisher. I WOULD RATHER BE P.IGET THAN PRESIDENT. Henbt Clat. terms -3-00 PE1 IDVAXCE. VOLUME 6. jQIRECTORY. list of rosx offices! Post OJices. Carolltown, Chess Springs, Conemaugb, Cresson, Ebensburg. Fallen Timber, aHitzin, Hemlock, John3town, Loretto, ilunster, Plattsville, Roseland, IS t- Augustine, Scalp Level, Sonman, Summerhill, Summit, Wilniore, Post Masters. JJistricts. Steven L. Evans; Carroll. Henry Nutter,. Chest. A. G. Crooks, Taylor. J. Ilouston, Washint'n. John Thompson, Ebensburg A sa II. Fisko White. Gallitzin. "Washt'n. Johnst'wn. Loretto. Munster. J. M. Christy, Wm Tiley, Jr., I. E. Chandler, M. Adlesberger, A. Durbin, Andrew J Ferral, Susq'han G. W.- Bowman, White. Stan. Wharton, George Bcrkcy, B. M'Colgan, George B. Wike, Wm. .M'Connell, J. K. Shryock, Clearfield. Richland. Washt'n. Croyle Washt'n. S'merhill. CSIURCfiSES, Presbyterian Rev. D. Uarbisox, Pastor. I'reachin every Sabbath morning at 10 J o'clock, and in the evening at G o clock, fcab catu School at 0 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet icj every Thursday evening at G o'clock. Methodist Episcopal Church Rev. J. S. Lem vo'x, Preacher in charge. Rev. W. II. M'Bride, V3isant. Preachingevery alternate Sabbath mornin". at 10J o'clock. Sabbath School at 9 o'dockA. XI. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock. Y'eleh Independent Rev Li. R. Fowell, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 10 o'ciock, and in the evening at G o'clock. Sabbath School fat I o'clock, P. M. Prayer meeting on the first Monday evening of ea.eh mouth and on every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, excepting the Crat week iu each ufonth. C'xlvinittic Methodist Rev. Mokga Ell, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at ; and 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at K o'clock, A. M Prayer meeting every Friday evening, t 7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Disciples- Rev. W. Lloyd, Pastor. rreach npr every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. Particular Uapfiefs Rev. David Evans, Pastor. Preaching every fc'abbath evening at o'clock. Sabbath School at at 1 o'clock, P. M. Catholic Rev. M. J. Mitchell, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at lOi o'clock ad Vespers at 4 o'clock ia the evening. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern, daily, at 12J o'clock, P. xr. XI. Western, at 12 o ciock, r MAILS TLOSE. Eastern, dailv, a 8 o'clock, P. XI. Western, a 8 o'clock, P. XI. CcjrThft mails !roraBi:tler,Indiana, Strongs town, ic, arrive on Thursday of each week, t 5 o'clock, P. llj. Leave Ebensburg on Friday of each week, it b A. XI. 3The raailsjfrom Newman's Mills, Car rolitovrn, &c, arnve on Monday, Wednssdr.y iai Fridcy of eaih week, at 3 o'clock, P. XI. Leave Ebensbujg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, ail o'clock, A. XI. SCHEDULE. OREGON STATION. Wett Bait. Expi 3 leaves at 0.18 A. XI. ruua. txess 10.08A. XI. " Fast Line c 9.50 P. 8.38 P. 6.13 A. 4.30 P. 7.36 P. XI XI. M. XI. XI. XIail Trail ii ii it it ii i i " East Pitts. A E Emigrant e Ex. 'rain Phil a. Exp; less r ast Line 1.46 P. XI. 7.05 A. M. C.32 P. XI. 11.27 A. XI. ' Fast XIail " Pitts. 4 Ex. " Harrisb. , lcom. Don't stop. Judjesothe cTrts President, Hon. Geo. J Taylor, Iluniinsin ; Associates, George W. I con' OFFICE11S. tasiey, iienry c. ievine Proihonotary oseph M'Donali. Ittjis'.cr and lit irder James Griffin. Sheriff Jamc-si lyer3'. District Allow, . Philip S. Noon. County Commii loners John Campbell, Ed ward Glass, E. I Dunncgan. Treasurer Isa : Wike. Poor House Di 'ctors George Xl'Cullough, George Delany, win Rutledge. Poor Housc Tr surer George C. K. Zabm. Auditors Wil uu J. Williams, Francis P. Tierney, John A. Kennedy. County Survry . Henry Scanlan. Coroner. --Will m Flattery. Mercantile Ap'.ki, Sup't. of Cotu'Jn Mercantile An.kixer John Cox. Schools J. F. Condon. an m . Jat large. Justices of il Peace David II. Roberts Harrison KinkeJ burgee A. ,1 Barker. Zcho'A DircctoL-Ael Lloyd, Phil S. Noon, -osnua u. Parnh, Hugh Jones, E. J. Mills, David J. Jones. East waiid. Tiiknas J. Davis. Town Council. Alexander Xloore, Daniel O. Evans, Riclial R. Tibbott. Evan E. Evans, wilham Clemenj inspectors a ander Jones. D. O. Evans. Judge ofElec Richard Jones, Jr. tMorThus XI. Jons. Atsutant AtttfrtDaxid E. Evans, Wm. v Davis. FST WAHD." 0B'aM Wifcun XHlls, Jr.' r Coun(U-tohn Dougherty, George C. ahm, j3aac fawford, Francis A. Sboe- -y-cr, jame3 S.tdd Rectors G.. Oatman. Robert s Evans. m 1U1VM"V jorJameIurray. ,77"! Auetfi William Barnes, Dan- lata Tlie Conscription Iuivs- let ter from Governor Curtln to President JLincoln. Tho following is Governor Curtin's letter to the President, complaining of the injustice done Pennsylvania in the matter of the quota assigned her under the draft; As a State paper, involving a discussion of the law, the examination of a practical question, and "a plain state ment of facts, it is unrivalled : Executive Chambeu, Haiuusburg, January 26, 18G5. f To the President ; Sir. : The. act of the 3d of March, 1863, commonly called the Enrollment Act, provided (section 4) that for the purposes of the act, each Congressional district of the respective States should form a district, and (section 11) that all persons enrolled should be subject to be called into the military service of the Uni ted States, and to continue in service during the present rebellion, not, however, exceeding , the term of three years, and further, (section 12,) that in assigning to the districts the number of men to bo fur nished therefrom, the President should take into consideration the number of vol unteers and militia by and Irom the sev eral States in which said districts were situated, and tho period of their service since the commencement of the rebellion, and should so make said assignments as to equalize the numbers among the dis tricts of the several States, considering and allowing for the cumbers already fur nished as aforesaid, and the time of their service. The time of actual service which by this act you were directed to consider and al low for could not, without impracticable labor, (or indeed at all,) be fixed with exactitude for each district, but it could have easily been so approximated by av erages that little, if any, practical injustice would have been done. The commence ment of tho third yep.r of the war wa3 close at hand at the passsgo of the act. It would not have been diihcult to ascer tain, of one thousand men enlisted for three years, what was the average num ber that remained actually in the service at the end of the first and second years respectively, and thus the act could have been substantially complied with. For instance, suppose it to havo been found that of one thousand men enlisted for three years, there remained in the service an average ot torty per cent. at me ciose ot the first year, -and twenty per cent, at the clcce of the second year. The result would have been, under the provisions of tho act, that sixteen hundred one-year's men would have been taken a3 the equiv alent of one thousand three-years' men. Unfortunately, the heads of bureaus, to whom the matter seems to have been en trusted, began by falling into a strange misconstruction ot the act. Tbey did, in effect, strike from the twelfth section the phrases "period of their service" and "time of their service," and insert in lieu thereof the phrase "term of. their enlist ment," and then proceeded to apportion ; credits by multiplying the number of men ; furnished from a district by the number 1 of years for which they were enlisted. Calculations made on this basis were, of course, most extravagant, and the peop.e everywhere lelt that someuow injustice was being done. In the attempt to soften this, numerous and contradictory orders have been issued from the Provost Mar shal General's office, and long essays by himself and others have been in vaia pub lished to explain and justify their action. In fact, as soon as they get beyond the morally-certain limit of the actual service of the man, their calculation has no lon ger a practical basis. Its principle, car ried to a legitimate extreme, would justify the enlistment of one man for fifty thous and years, and crediting him as the whole quota of the State, with a small excess. Surely every reasonable man can say for himself whether he has found that getting one pair of boots for three years is practically equivalent to getting threo pair of boots for one year. . The visionary character of the system on which they have proceeded cannot be bettor illustrated than by the result at which they have arrived on the present occasion. The quota of Pennsylvania on the last call was announced to be sixty-one thousand seven hundred ; her quota to make up deficiencies under that call was announced to be sixty-six thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. On the 21th instant, it was announced that the quota of the Western Division had, on revision, been fixed at twenty-two thousand five hundred and forty-three, which would make that of tho whole State about forty four thousand; and late on the same day it was further announced that the quota of the Western Division wad twenty-five thousand five hundred and twelve, and EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1865. that of the whqje State forty-nine thous and five hundred and eighty-three. All these changes being caused by no inter vening circumstances that I am aware of. In fact, our quota on the last call was filled, and there can be no deficiency to be now supplied. Their plan is unjust to the districts and to the Government. It wholly ignores the losses of men by desertion, sickness, death and casualties. The losses from most of these causes are greater during the first year than afterwards. A town which has furnished three thousand men for one year ha3 probably lost three-fifths of them from these causes before the ex piration of the term. Another equal town which has furnished one thousand men for three years may before the expiration of that term have lost seventcen-twenti-eths of them. Tbe first town will have thus given sixteen hundred men to the country the second but eight hundred and fifty. There is no equality in this. The exhaustion of the industrial popula tion of the two towns is in very unequal proportions. As to the Government the Government has in' the first case the ac tual service during the whole year of fourteen hundred men ; in the second case, the actual service of say four hun dred men during the whole first year, of probably not more thin two hundred men during the whole second year, and say one hundred and fifty men at most during the whole third year. Besides, the amount of service that may be required promptly is to be considered, and not merely the agreed term of sevice. At tbe late storm of Fort Fisher, one at least of the Penn sylvania one-year regiments was engaged, and behaved most gallantly who will say that if one-third of their number had been enlisted for three years, it would on that account have been able to perform as much service as the whole number did in that unsurpassed exploit ? But there is even more serious error than has been above exposed. The clause of the act of 3d March, 1803, under which your officers profess to be acting, has not been in force siuce the 24th February, 18G4. Whether induced thereto by the strange ness of the system which had been adopted under it, or for whatever reasons, Congress thought fit to pass the act of 24th Febru ary, 18G4, (entitled An act to amend the act of 3d March, 18G3,) which provides (section 2) that the quota of each ward of a city, twn, &c, shall be, as nearly as possible, in proportion to the number of men resident therein liabla to render military service, taking into account, as far as practicable, the number which had been previously furnished therefrom. - Thus the former act was amended by giving credits, cot to districts, but to smaller localities, and by omitting the provision for considering and allowing for the time of service in estimating credits; they were directed in future to be given, as far as practicable, on the basis of the number of men previously furnished, with out reference to the time of service. And this was followed up by the act cf 4th July, 18G4, (passed at the same ses sion,) which provides (section 1) that the President may, at his discretion, call for any number of volunteers for the respect ive terms of one, two and three years, with bounties regulated according to their term of enlistment, and (section 2) that in case the quota of any town, &c, shall not be filled within the space of sixty days after such call, then the President shall imme diately order a draft for one year to fill such quota. These cro the clauses which now regu late the subject. It is not for mc or you, sir, to discuss the question of their propri ety. They are to hc obeyed. It would be easy to show that they form a reasonable and intelligible system. For merly when calls were made of men for military service, they were made by requi sitions on the Governors of the respective States, who then proceeded to draft tho required number to fill the quota of the State. In this draft, men lrom any ftale or locality who had voluntarily entered the service of the United States, by enlist ing in tbe army or otherwise, were not taken into account. No credits were given for them on the quota, any more than for men who had of their own accord engaged themselves in any other lawful employ ment. The system, however, of raising very large bodies of men a3 volunteers, under the act of Congress of 18G1, had drawn upon the military population of the respective States and localities very heav ily, and not quite equably, and therefore when the enrollment act of 18G3 wa3 passed, it was thought best to provide for equalizing the exhaustion, by allowing credits to localities for the volunteers fur nished by. them. But the Government had accepted volunteers for various terms of service, and. hence the effort to render the equalization more perfect by consider ing and allowing for the time of their ser vice as well as the number of men. The acts of 18G1, above recited, have modified this system by fixing a definite term (one 3-ear) for which men are to be drafted.--Volunteers for not less than that term are to be credited to their localities on the quota and receive a certain bounty from the Government. Such of them as choose to enlist for longer terms receive further bounties from the Government, but so far as regards the increased term beyond one year, are not to be credited on the quota, but are to be left on the same footing that all volunteers were on before the act of 1863. That is to say, the Government announces that it will take by its authority a certain number of men from a locality for military service for one year. That i3 the lawful demand which it will enforce. It pays bounties in case of localities to facilitate them in complying with this de mand without a compulsory draft. But it has made no demand for men to eerve for two or three years. The Government receives and paj's additional bounties to volunteers for these terms, but in that it deals with men only, and, as the increased term of service beyond one year is not agreed to be rendered in compliance with any demand of the Government it gives the locality no credit on the quota for it. The Government requires one hundred thousand men for one year, not a less number of man for a longer term. For a deficiency in the number of volunteers for that term, it makes a draft for one year. This is to Jill the quota not more nor less whenptfte draft has been effected the quota is full there ia neither excess nor deficiency. You see that the system thus established by law is not without foundation in reason, and can be readily understood. Sir, you may not have been heretofore apprised of the fact that your subordinates are wholly disregarding the act of 24th February, 18G4. They are proceeding in open and direct violation of it, and are thus creating, naturally, great confusion and uncertainty among the people. They announce on the one hand that although a three-years' man counts only as a one year man towards the quota on which he volunteers, yet that he shall be counted as three one-year men towards the quota on a future call. This is directly in the teeth of the law. On the other hand, they ate cyphering out a deficiency on the last call by counting three one-year's men as only equivalent to one three-years' man, which is equally against law. Thus, the quota of Pennsylvania, under tho call of 18th July last, -.was filled in accordanco with the law by men to serve for liot less than one year. The term of service of these men is not yet half expired, and yet your subordinates are threatening a draft to fill an alleged deficiency on that very call, the existence of which they at tempt to make out by persisting in their unlawful and unsubstantial theories and calculations. Our people know "that the Government requires more men. They are willing to furnish them heavy as the burden has become on the industrial population. Let the requirement be made in the clear and definite shape which the law provides for, and it will be cheerfully complied with. But it is hardly to be tolerated that your subordinates should be permitted longer to pursue the system of substituting for the law, an eccentric plan of their own. Sir, on behalf of the freemen of this Commonwealth, who have always given a cheerful and hearty support to your Gov ernment in the prosecution of this war, it is my duty to insist and I do insist that you enforce upon your subordinates that obedience to the law which you owe, as well as they and all of us. It is of evil example it tends to enfeeble nay, to destroy the just power of the Government that you should suffer your officers to treat with open contempt any acts of Con gress, and especially those which j ou have yourself approved, and which regulate a matter of such deep and delicate moment as the enforcing of a drafl for the military service. Belying heartily on your wisdom and justice to set right what has thu3 been going wrong, and to compel henceforth on the part of all a proper respect for and obedience to the laws of the land, 1 am, sir, very respectfully, A. G. CURTIN. m m 5 Thackeray, when in the United States, met with a western man who bad been in England, and asked him how he liked that country. "Oh, very well, in the daytime," was the reply. "What is the matter with it in the night?" asked Thackeray. "Why, I never dared go out in England after night, for fear I should step off the edge 1" If only souls were counted, instead of bodies, the census returns might be rather beggarly. Tae Snow at Fredericksburg". Drift over the slopes of the snnrise land, O wonderful, wonderful snow ! Oh, pure as the breast of a virgin saint! Drift tenderly, soft, au4slow Over the slopes of the sunrise land, And into the haunted dells Of the forests of pine, where the sobbing winds Are tuning their memory bell3 ; Into the forests of sighing pines, And over those yellow slopes That scem.but the work of the cleaving plow, But cover so many hopps ! They are many indeed, and straightly made, Not shapeu with loving care, Eut the souls let out and the broken blades May never be counted there ! Fall over those lonely hero-graves, O delicate dropping snow, Like the blessing of God's unfaltering love On the warrior heads below ; Like the tender sigh of a mother's soul, As she waitcth and watcheth for one Who will never come back from the surmse land . . , When the terrible war is done. And here, where lieth the high of heart, Drift, white as the bridal veil That will never be worn by the drooping girl Who sitteth afar, so pale. Fall, fast as the tears of the suffering wife, Who strctcheth despairing hands Out to the blood-rich battle-iields That crimson the eastern sands. Fall in thy virgin tenderness, O delicate snow, acd cover The graves of our heroes, sanctified Husband, and sou, and lover. Drift tenderly over those yellow slopes, And mellow our deep distress, And put us in mind of the1 shriven souls, In their mantles of righteousness. Terrible Adventure vrltli a Boa Constrictor. At the earliest possible moment after our camp had been pitched, a hunt was set afoot, and Capt. Grant, myself, and some attendants were soon making our way to "the path." There were no ani mals there when we arrived, except a few hippopotami, and we were therefore obliged to wait the coming of some more palatable game. Our patience, however, was severe ly taxed, and after a long delaj', we were about to "bag" a hippopotamus, when one of our attendants, perched in a tree about half a mile distant, commenced waviDg his blanket. This was a signal that game was approaching. We immediately drew into cover, and awaited the coming up of the latter. We were not delayed long, for presently a column of animals, from the elephant to the hoo-doo, appeared in view, trotting in a good pace to the river. Their flunks were soon presented to us, and each select ing his object, fired. M'Call shot a fine young buffalo cow, whilst Capt. Grunt was equally successful with a hoo-doo, and sev eral spears, cast by our attendant?, alio stopped the career of one or two different auiinals of the herd. At this juncture, however, occurred an unexpected adventure, that finished our sport for that day. I had sprung forward immediately after firing, in order to obtain a fair shot at a huge elephant that I wanted to bring down on account of his immense tusks. I got tho desired aim, and pulled the trigger of my second bar rel. At the moment of my doing so, a wild cry uttejred by one of the blacks called my attention. Glancing round, my eye chanced to range up into the foliage of the tree beneath which Capt. Granr and myself had lain for several hours pre vious. My feelings may possibly be imagined, as I beheld an enormous boa constrictor, whoso hideous head and neck, projected some distance into view, shov.Ted that he was about to make a fatal spring. II is direction was certainly toward me; ana as he flashed from his position like a thunder bolt, I gave mpsclf up, for ere aid could havo reached me, fold after fold of the monster would have crushed my stroDg lrame info a quivering pulp. I fell, seem ingly caught in a whirlwind of dut, and a etranqe, indescribable scufile ensued. In the midst of this terrible strife, I suddenly became conscious of the presence of a sec ond victim, and even after the time that has elapsed since then, I still iccollect with what vividness the thought shot across my mind, that this second victim was Capt. Grant, my noble companion. At last, after being" thus whirled about for several seconds, each second seeming to be inevitable death, I opened my eyes, ex pecting to look upon those unexplored 1 Janascapes which arc only seen 111 the country beyond the tomb. Instead of that, 1 saw Capt. Grant leveling his rifle toward me, while, standing behind and beside him, were the blacks, in every con ceivable attitude of the most intense sus pense. In a moment I comprehended all. The huge serpent had struck a young buffalo cow, between which and him 1 unluckily had placed myself at the moment of firing NUMBER 19. upon the elephant. A mnst singular good fortune had attended me, however,- for, instead of being crushed into a mangled mass with the unfortunate cow, my left fore-arm had only been caught in between the buffalo's body and a single fo!d of tho constrictor. The limb lay just in front of the shoulder, at the root of the neck, and thus-had a soft bed cf flesh, into which it ,was jammed, as it were, by the immense pressure of the serpent's body, that was iron-like in hardness. As I saw Grant about to shoot, a terror took possession of mo. for if he refrained, I might possibly escape after the boa re leased bis hold from the dead cow. But should he fire and strike the reptile, in its convulsions it would crush me to pieces. Even as the idea occurred to me, I beheld Grant pause, lie appeared to fully com prehend all. He could see how I was situated that I was still living, and that my delivery depended on the will of tho constristor. We could see every line on each other's face, so close wer we, and I would have shouted or spoken, or even whispered to him, if I dared. But the boa's head was raised within a few inches of mir.e, and the wink of an eyelid would perhaps settle my fate; so I stared like a dead tnaa at Grant and the blacks. Presently the serpent began gradually to relax his folds, and after re-tightening them several times, when the buffalo quivered, he unwound one fold entirely. Then he paused. The next iron-like band was the one that held me prisoner; and as I felt it little by little unclasping, my heart stood still with hope and fear. Per haps upon being freed, the benumbed arm uncontrolled by will might fall into the cushion-like bed in which it lay. And such a mishap might bring the spare fold around my t eck and chest, aud then farewell to the sources ot the Nile. Oh, how hard, Tiow desperately I struggled. to command myself. I glanced at Grantj and saw him handling his rifle anxiously. I glanced at the negree?, and saw them gazing as though petrified with horror. I glanced at the serpent's loathsome head, and saw its bright, deadly eyes watching for the least sign of life in its prey. Now, then, the reptile loosened its fold on my arm a hair's breadth, and now a little more, until half on inch of space rcparated my arm from its mottled skin. I could have whipped out my hand, bat dared not take the risk. A.toms of time dragged themselves iuto ages, and a min ute seemed eternity itself! The second fold wis removed entirely, and the next one was easing. Should I dash away now, or wait a more favorable moment ? I de cided upon the former; and with light ning speed I bounded away toward Grant, the crack of whose piece I hesrd at tho same instant. For the first time in my life, I fell iuto a state of semi-consciousness, and remained therein for several minutes. When I recovered, Grant and the Cer joyed negroes held me up and pointed to the boa, who was still writhing in hia death agonies. I shuddered as I looked upon the effects of his tremendous dying strength. For yards around where he lay, grass and saplings, and in fact every thing except the more fully grown trees, were cut clean off, as though they had been trimmed with an immeriee scythe. This monster, when mcaiured, proved fifty-one feet two inches and a half in extreme length, while round the thickest portiou of his body the girth was nearly three f?et the largest serpent, I believe, thai has ever authentically been heard of. Captain Spclce. m , EST The seal cf the Kebel States of America is described by the English newspapers. It is designed by Foley" tho celebrated Irish sculptor, and contains in the centre a representation of Crawford's statue of Washington. This is surroun ded by a wreath, composed of the most valuable vegetablo products of the South ern soil tobacco, rice, Indian corn, cot ton, wneat, and sugar-cane. The rim bears the legend, "The Confederate States of America, 22d of February, 1S32, Deo vindice." The scul is" of silver, aud ita diamctor is four inches. 3-The latest "oil story" is that of an old lady in West Virginia who took the advice of a visitor, and poured some pe troleum along the streams which watered her farm. The report spread abroad of surface indication on the land, and a bri gade of oil hunters came, who bought the land at a fabulous price, the owners agree ing to qive the old lady one-eighth ot tho oil. The purchasers set up their derrick, and in a short time struck a well whi yields one hundred barrels per day. ,Q JtS3"An immense cave, nearly v '3 as the Mammoth Cave of Kcntu'jpjieq rccentlv been discovered nhmi';V from Fort Kuby, California. , EST The life-preservers lrt used in the battle field ar ' I i V r r -1 r 1 i f t- 1 . '