The Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1859-1865, February 09, 1865, Image 3

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THURSDAY:::::::::::::::::FEBRUARY 9.
Ebensburg and Cresson Railroad.
! Oa and after Monday, October 31, 1864,
trains on this road will run as follows:
Leave Ebensburg
At 6.00 A. Ji., connecting with Pitts. & E.
Ex. "West and Fast Mail East.
At 5.25 P. M., connecting with Pitts. & E.
Ex. East and Mail Train West.
Leave Cresson
At 11.27 A. M., or on departure of Harr.
Accommodation East.
At 8.40 P. M., or on departure o Mail
Train West.
Receipts and Expenditures. The
statement of receipts and expenditures of
Cambria county for the year ending Jan.
26, 18G5, has been published. From it
we gather the following information as re
gards the status of the county in a finan
cial point of view :
Isaac Wike, Treasurer, in account with Cam
bria county :
To amount tax, exonerations, com
mission, &c $36,249 82
Br amt paid out, commission, ex
oneration, &c 32,699 87
Bal. in hands of Treasurer....... 3,549
The assets of the county are
Outstanding debts due from Col
lectors $12,44G
Outstand. debts, Iniscellaneous.... 146
Judgments 250
Amt in hand3 of Treasurer 3,543
16,392 53
Its liabilities are
OutstandiLg County orders $ 854 25
Relief orders.... .. 1,161 50
2,015 75
It will be observed from the foregoing
exhibit that the county has the comforta
ble balance of 14,376 78 on the credit
eido of the ledger.
The settlement of the Poor House funds
resulted as follows :
George Co. K. Zahm, Treasurer, in account
with Cambria County Poor House.
To County orders .. $7,000 00
By amount paid out 7,000 73
Due Treasurer 73
The total amount of outstanding orders
due by Poor House is 2,1 9S 57.
The number of inmates remaining in
Poor House Jan. 1, 1864, was 53 ; ad
mitted during the year, 51 ; discharged
duriog the year, 23; absconded, 26; died,
4; remaining Jan. 1, 1865, 51. Of this
number, 38 are sane, and 13 insane.
The account of James J. Kaylor, Stew,
ard of the Poor House, as audited, is as
To cash, &c $727 75
By salary, ic : 15 56
Due Poor House.
... 12 19
Frightful Railroad Accident.
The passenger Exbress train on the Penn
eylvania Railroad which left Pittsburg at
4 35 on Saturdaj afternoon, met with a
? Pfr?nn nmir'pnr
, Johnstown,
as follows :
t around a curve in
; car, which was th
short distance below
Thefcircunistances aro about
"When the train was cominir
the road, the sleeping
third from the rear of
the train, ran ofl the track, broko the
coupling which colnected it with the car
ahead, and swung around until it lay di
rectly across the
against an overha
had beeoma covelcd
mass of ice, the
thawed and loosed
it had been by thl
the few days prev
an avalanche into t
the end that lay aa
it almost a comp
"any, no one wal
car was filled witl
whom were in thea
the accident. Tw
I n cr
rack, with one end up
rock. This rock
with an immense
ntire body of which,
Yom its fastenings as
moderate weather of
jus, came crushing like
2 sleeping car through
inst the rock, making
to wreck. Proviuen-
killed, although thel
passengers, many of
berths at the time of
ve or fifteen, however,
The car immcdi
were slightly injuiil none seriously.
ely behind the sleep
ing car ran into tie wreck, and had its
end demolished, rhe last car was not
injured. Altogether, the escape of the
passengers from dclth and fearful wounds
was truly miraculis. The mishap was
purely ascidental.
Xew Hotel in
bonNSTowN. A bill
. asbeen introdncd into the Legislature
bv Mr. Pershing,5ncorporating a com-
. pany to erect a firi class hotel in Johns-
: town. It i9 to be
j Hotel Company," ln
! wdo are also to Id
enterprise, are Mesjs. Daniel J. Morrell,
led the "Johnstown
d the incorporators,
tho managers of the
H. J. Roberts, C. 1
bell, II. A. Bogga
eww pj:tt and j l
capital stock is to
"pressly provided
rs or lessees of
Frazer, J. M. Camp-
Lowman, J. Dibert,
S. Buchanan. The
$200,000, and it is
lat if cither the own-
hotel permit gam-
Snow Go 1 Our Branch train, after
an absence from this terminus of the road
of a round two weeks, succeeded in dig
ging its way back here through the snow
on Saturday night. So far, very good.
We thought our trials and tribulations in
a snowed-up point of view surely at an
end. But, in honor of the event, the ele
ments got up a grand entertainment on
Sunday, entirely regardless of expense,
with the result that on Monday mor
ning, when the train attempted its reg
uiar trip, u was no go. Tea road was
again drifted mountains high blockaded
- renaerea un-get-overaDle sealed up
aecure as the bottled genii in Arabian
JNights ! So we are down on the books
for another protracted isolation from the
world at large. We presume we can stand
it human nature can stand anything, ex
ceptmg, perhaps, eastor-oil and tight
boots. But, dammitall ! of how much in
convenience, and annoyance, and down
right embarrassment is not ihis state of
affairs the cause ! Our friends in the
lowlands, where avalanches and hurricanes
are unknown, and where communication
is never cut off by a freak of tho Weather
Clerk, can have no true conception of the
extent of the affliction.
"Blockade runners, in the shape of
sleigh-hacks, will continue to transport
the mails and passengers to" arid from
Cresson till the road is opened up.
Corn Husks. -An Austrian patent
for the manufacture of paper from corn
husks has been introduced into this coun
try, through the instrumentality of which
it is expected paper can be produced at
much lower rates than those now govern
ing the article. The control of the pat
ent, so far as concerns the manufacture of
printing paper, is in the hands of the As
sociated Press, who solicit proposals for
the furnishing of sound, dry husks, free
from dirt and nubbins the husks to be
baled in even hundreds of pounds, and
delivered at railroad stations. Mr. Jos.
fenowden, of Pittsburg, i3 agent to pur
chase these huskd for the Western Asso
ciated Press. Those of our farmers having
any to sell should write him, immediately,
stating the number of pounds they can
furnish, and at what price per hundred
Cambria Mining Company. A bill
has been introduced into the State Legis
lature to incorporate a company under the
above name, style and title, with a Capital
of cne million dollars, and with J. Warren
Body, James E. Southwortb, Wm. H.
Story, John J. Tyler, and Edward Quin
tard as incorporators, to open and mine
the coal, iron ore, oil, and other minerals
in the lands belonging to the Company in
Cambria county, and to dispose of the same
by sale cr lease, and also to build a rail
road not exceeding ten miles in length to
connect with the Pennsylvania Railroad.
This is the company which recently pur
chased the "Burket Farm' in Jackson
township, the development of the valuable
mineral deposits of which is the chief
point in view in this application for in
corporation. Not Dead ! Some time last-summer,
we made tue announcement in tnese col
umns, on what was regarded good author
ity, that Mr. Thomas P. Dumm, of the
9ih Pa. Cav., and a resident of Cambria
county, had been killed in a battle in the
Southwest. We are glad to be able now
to contradict this, and say that Mr. D. was
not killed. He was taken prisoner by the
rebels in the engagement, however, and is
at this time an inmato of a rebel prison in
Georgia. A letter has been received from
him, eaying he is well. His many friends
will be glad to read this announcement.
Railroad Accident. On Saturday
last, the locomotive attached to the local
freight train on the Penna. Railroad ex
ploded at Wilmore, this county, while
taking water. The engineer, Mr. Joseph
Parks, of Johnstown, was severely injured,
as was another employee of the road whose
name we did not learn.
mg or intoxicatioin their hnstftlri oil
the rights and nrivLffAB rrrantvt In
V T O O ""
v,;n .... .
we to cease
Vors is not absolu:
'cttricted to prcvenircessive imbibition
; ca the rreroises.
e sale of spirituous
y prohibited, but is
First National Bank of Altoona.
We direct the attention of our readers
to the advertisement of the First National
Bank of Altoona, in another column.
Having transacted much business with
the concern, always finding it reliable and
accommodating, we take pleasure in re
commending it to the public.
Post Office." Georgs B. Wike has
been appointed Post Master at Summer
hill, Cambria county, vice Miss Mary A.
Patterson, resigned.
Stephen L. Evans has been appointed
Post Master at Carvolltown, Cambria co.,
vice Joseph Behe, resigned.
Nexi Tuesday is Valentine day.
" Etchings. The ground-hog which hi
bernates in this section certainly saw his
shadow on Thursday last, Candlemas day.
Wherefore, we infer we are going to have
six weeks' more ice and sled-runners be
fore spring sets in.... It is stated no licen
ses will hereafter be granted by the Cam
bria County Court, unless application
therefor is made through a regular attor
ney. Thoso interested should make a
note....LJeut.-Col. J no. P. Linton, of the
54th P.- V., has been discharged from the
service- on account of wounds received in
battle, and is now at home... A National
Bank has been established at Blairsville,
with William Maher President, and Sam
uel Ray Cashier.... Messss. Jos. Cole and
F. P. Tierney, of this county, whose ar
rest by the Provost Marshal on the charge
of putting bounty-jumpers into the army
we have before noticed, have been removed
from Hollidaysburg to IlarrLiburg, to
undergo a court martial. Dr. J. L. Bral
lier, also of this county, implicated in the
same transaction, -has not yet been arres
ted. ...The provost guard for Cambria
county, to the number of twelve or fifteen,
have arrived here, and taken up their
headquarters at. the "Mountain House"
for the winter.
The Draft. Now that the Peace fal
lacy has been exploded, we hope to see
the people of Cambria county going to
work with a will to put in their quota
under the impending draft. The time
remaining in which this may be done is
short. Prompt and energetic action is
therefore required.
Seeing that the discussion of the peace
question has almost totally stopped vol
unteering of late, the time for the draft
may be extended, so as to allow of an ef
fort upon the part of the people to fill up
our armies by voluntary enlistment. It
were safer, however, to be governed by the
belief that the time will not be extended,
and to act accordingly.
The quotas of the different sub-districts.
have not yet been promulgated, but a very
close approximation to the correct figures
may be arrived at by dividing the whole
number enrolled in each sub-district-by
four. One in four will be about the pro
portion of men required. '
Deer. The Altoona Tribune says that
deer are exceedingly plenty in the moun
tains in that neighborhood the present
winter. Old hunters Fay they are of a
different species from the deer usually
found there larger, and with different
shaped antlers. The theory is thatj be
coming wearied of was alarms, they have
left the mountains of Virginia and jour
neyed in this direction in quest of peace
and good pastures.
Thompson's Column. Like Bafnum,
James M. Thompson, at the P. O. 6tore,
"Ebensburg, understands the value of prin
ter's ink. For proof of this, see his gay
and festive column advertisement on this
page. Unlike Barnum, however, he nev
er humbugs his customers. For proof of
this, go patronize him once.
To TnE Polls ! It should not be for
got by the free and enlightened people of
Cambria county, that on the third Friday
(17th day) of the present month, the an
nual election for district officers will be
held. Go to the polls on that day, and
voto early and often !
Bad Netts tor Some. Pro. Marshal
Lloyd has received orders from the War
Department, directing that the names of
all those who paid commutation during
the year 18G4 be put in the wheel in the
approaching draft.
For Rent. See advertisement of office
for rent. The office in question is in the
central, business portion of town, and a
most eligible location as to comfort and
convenience. For terms, apply at this
Court. An adjourned Court convened
here Tuesday. It is still in session, but
slimly attended.
The Snow is about two feet deep here
on a level, and moro falling at the rate of
an inch every 2ay.
Ebensburg Markets.
("carefully corbected each WEEK. I
Flour Extra Family, $i bbl ..$14.00
Wheat, bushel 2.25
Rye, 1.50
Corn, 1.25
Oats, 75
Flaxseed, " 2.50
Beans, 2.50
Apples, " 50
Potatoes, " .- 50
Hay ton 25.00
Batter, lb, roll 40
" " keg 35
Eggs, dozen 20
Tallow, lb 18
Chickens, each 25
Turkeys, each 1.00
Beef, round, 9 rb 8
Pork, " , 15
For the cure of all diseases arising from an
impure state of the blood, such- as
Cancerous formations,
. Cutaneous diseases,
- Erysipelas, Boils,
Pimples on the face,
Sore Eyes. Scald Head,
Tetter affections,
Old and stubborn ulcere,
Rheumatic disorders,
Dyspepsia, Costiveness,
Jaundice, Salt Rheum,
Mercurial diseases,
General Debility,
Liver Complaint,
Loss of Appetite,
Low Spirits,
Foul Stomach,
Female Complaints,
Together with all other
disorders from an im
proper condition of the
circulatory system.
As a general Tonic, its effects are most
benignant, and it cannot fail to benefit
where used perseveringly, and according
to directions.
'lnia giuat internal remedy is the best med
icine erer offered to the public for the ef
fecttral cure of Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia, and as a Blood Purifier, ic has no
equal for all diseases arising from aa impare
state of the blood, such as Serofula or King's
Evil, Scald Head,- Tetter, Ring Worm, Female
complaints and all break-outs on the face or
body. . The fast number of rub-on medicines
which formerly have been used for those dis
eases were merely temporary in their effects,
and of doubtful virtue, but the RHEUMATIC
COMPOUND reaches the source of all trouble,
and effectually banishes the disease from the
system by its immediate action on the blood.
We advise one and all to give it a trial, and
become satisfied of its wonderful power.
K. 15. SELLERS & CO., Sole Proprietor!,
Corner Wood and Second sts.,-
gTo whom all ordersmustbe addressed.
Price, One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles
for Five Dollars. For sale, wholesale and re
tail, by druggists everywhere.
J6Read and judge for yourself.
Silveb Creek, Ohio Co., Tirgiuia, 1
March 20, 1849.
Mr. R. E. Sellers Dear Sir I think it a
duty I owe to you and the public generally to
state" that I have been afflicted with Liver
Complaint for a long time, and so badly that
an abscess formed and broke, wrh left me
in a very low state. Having heard of your
celebrated Liver Pills being for sale by A. R.
Sharp, West Liberty, and recommended to me
by my physician, Dt. F Smith, I concluded
to give them a fair triah I purchased one
box, and lound them juct What they are rec
ommended tho best Liver Pills ever used ;
and after taking lour boxes, I find the dis
ease has entirely left me, and am now per
fectly well. Respectfully yours,
From A. Gushing, Druggist, S. Bend, Ind;
D. S. Owen, Esq. Dear Sir In reply to
your favor of the 13th instant, I would say
that the sale of Sellers' Medicines has far ex
ceeded my expectations ; aud in no case have
they failed to produce the desired efiect. The
Cough Pyrup i3 a cure for coughs, colds, &c,
and the cheapness ,t tho article place3 it
within the reach of all, which, together with
its efficacious qualities, renders it a universal
favorite. Not a day passes without numerous
calls for "the one thing needful," at this sea
son of the year, viz, Sellers' Cough Syrup.
Yours, A. G. CUSHIXG.
From Rev, S. TFakefield, former Pastor of the
Liberty street M. E. Church.
Mr. R. E. Sellers It is from a sense of
duty, as well as with great pleastlre, that I
bear testimony to the virtue of your justly
celebrated Vermifuge. I procured a tingle
bottle, and gave it to three of my children,
who had been ill tor several weeks. The el
dest was seven years old, the next four, and
the youngest eighteen months. The first
passed fifty-six worms, the second forty-seven,
and the third a considerable number, not
distinctly recollected. Since then they have
been doing well, and are now in good health.
Price 25 cents.
decl-l PITTSBURG, Pa.
Post Orrxcr, Ebiksbtro,
Jane 2, 1864.
Four-fifths of time and hard labor saved oy
using .
Patented March 16, 263. Its chief advanta
ges are 1
1st. Having strong gear wheels to obtain
power, one man can operate it to bend cold
wagon tire, any size under 1 by 4 inches.
21. Having movable collars, to hold the
bar square on the porcaMc rollers, it takes all
twist out of the bar, while bending in a regu
lar circle.
"3d. It can be shifted to bend to any desired
circle, frcra one up to twelve feet, in one
4th. Having a movable centre post, which
can be quickly taken off, tires and bands are
easily taken out.
5th. The upper ribbed roller will always
draw the bar through.-
Gth. Being guaged and numbered, a card
with directions accompanies it.
The Machino in good (oil the journals)
running order, bolted upon a strong piece of
timber, without legr cr crank, for $25, or with
legs and crank for $30.
All cash orders promptly attended to.
E3 State and Countv Right3 tor sale.
Ebensburg, April 14, 18G4-tf,
Hcstixgdos, Fa.
Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. of
better growth, larger size, and at lower prices
than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurserieg
and warrant thorn true to name.
Standard Apple trees at 18? cents each
$16 per 100.
Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 te
$15 per 10
Standard Pear trees, 50 to 75 cts oach.
Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$l each 20 to $
per 100
Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 15 cts estzh
Standard Cherry trees 37 to 75 cts
Dwarf Cherry trees 50 toI5 cts.
Plum trees 50 cts.
Apricot trees 40 to 50 eta.
Nectarine trees 25 cts each.
Grape Vines 25 cts to $1.
Silver Maple trees 62 to $1.
European Ash, 75 to 1.
European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50
Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1.
American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50
American & Chinese Arbor Yit. 50 et
$1.50 '
Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, ic. c
Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf..
n-TT-T T-l t X T1 - .
tmubcoALii A2u tit. TAIL DEALERS
Keep constantly on hand the following arti
cles :
Clothing and Boots and Shoes made 'o
order on reasonabieterms.
Johnstown March 1 lS60-tf.
lie 1 rotection Mutual Fire Insurance Co .
THE above named Company, organized
Aprd 6th, 1857, will effect insurances on
property at safe rates. Being particularly
careful in the risks taken, this Company pre
sents a reliable and cheap medium, through "
which persons may secure themselves againV
probable losses by fire.
Office on Centre Street nearly opposite
Thompson's "Mountain House "
D. J. Joses, Sec'y. & Treas.
A. A. BARKER, Agent..
The subscriber is now carrving on the
Colliery of Wm. Tiley, Sr , at Lilly Station,
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun
ty, tnd will be gla4 to fill all orders, to any
amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin
ity. Satisfaction as to qualitv of Coal o-Uar
antied in all cases. WM. TILEY, Jr.
April 23. 1SG4-Cm
JL James Purse, agent for the Blair county
and Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Com
panies, Johnstown, Pa.
IS? Will attend promptly to making insu
rance in any part of Cambria county upon
application by letter or in person.
March 12th, 18G3-tf.
xjL Letters of Administration on the etate
of William Todd Sloan, late of Ebensburg bor
ough, deceased, having been granted the sub
scriber by the Register of Cambria county, all
persons indebted to s:iid estate are hereby
notwicd to make immediate payment of their
respective account.', and those having claims
against it will present them, prqncrly authen
ticated, for settlement. tj,
Loensburg, Jany. 12, 18C5-Gi
XI To th : Creditors of the Huntingdon, Cam
bria end Inuijria Turrqnke Road Company.
The Court of Huntingdon county, at tho
January cerm, 1865, directed to be paid to
said Creditors one and one-half per cent, on
their claims on which former dividends havo
be en declared, which I will pay on the pre
sentation of their certificates of deposit by
themselves or their agents.
JOHN S. ISETT, Sequestrator,
Spruce Creek, Pa., Jany, 2G, lbC3-3t
X 1 In the matter of tho petition of Thorn
as B. Moore and William K. Piper, for thw
specific performance ot the contract made be
tween Richard Lewis, deceased, aud George
J. Rodgers, for the conveyance of the undi
vided one-.hilf of a tract of land situate, in
Jackson (low Blacklick) township, Cambria
To the heirs and legal representatives of
Richard Lewis, deceased, residing outside
tho limits of Cambria county ;
Take notice, that you and every of row rd
commanded to be and appear at an dnJans
Court to be held at Ebensburg, in fo
the county of Cambria, on the first ONDAY
of MARCH next, to show cause. 'an Jol .
have, whv t.h enid rnntort s'Oald not be
proven and performance- tberu0dfc"ei
JAMES vfRS Sheriff.-
Sheriff's Office, Ebensb'' I
January 26, 1865-
-f -