p PI , Mm 1 f 1. A. BARKER, Urtitor and Proprietor. J.TODI) U1TTCIEXXSOX, Publisher.. I WOULD BATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hesey Clat. .50 IS ADVANCE, VOLUME 0. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, "186.5. NUMBER 18, JLIST OF POST OFF rost Ojjices. Post Masters. bteven L. ivans, Carolltown, Chess Springs, Conemaugh, Cresson, Ebensburg. Fallen Timber, Gallitzin, Hemlock, Johnstown, Lorttto, Jiunster, Phutsville, Roseland, tit. Augustine, Scalp Level, Somnan, Summcrbill, Summit, Wilraore, Henry Nutter, A. G. Crooks, J. Houston, Jobn Thompson, A sa U. Fiske J. M. Christy, Win Tiley, Jr., I. E. Chandler, M. Adlesbcrger, A. Durbin, Andrew J Ferral G. W. Bowman, Stan. Wharton, George Berkey, -B. M'Colgan, B. F. Slick, Wm. M'Connell, J. K. Shryock, ICES. JJistricts. Carroll. Chest. Taylor. Washint'n. Ebensburg. White. Gallitzin. Washt'n. Johnst'wn. Loretto. Munster. ,. Susrjhan. White. Clearfield. Richland. Washt'n. Crovle. Washt'n. S'merhill. CKmCMES, MIXESTER5, O. Presbyterian Ret. D. Harbison, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock, and iu the evening at C o'clock. Sab r,a:h School at 'J o'clock, A. M. Prayer mect iuj: every Thursday evening at G o'clock. 'jlcthodist Episcopal Church Rnv. J. S. Lem ijN, Treacher in chargo. Rev. W. n. II'Bride, Assistant. Preachingevery alternate Sabbath morning, at 10 o'clock. Sabbath School atO o'cIockA. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evoniuz, at 7 o'clock. C'.'c-.'i Independent Rev Ll. R. Powell, p.istor. Preaching every Sabbath morning at 10 o'ciock, and in the evening at G o'clock. Sabbath School ht 1 o'cTock, P. M. Prayer meeting on the first Monday evening of e.ich iuunth ; and ou every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, excepting the. first week in eiu-li month. Culvinisiic Methodist Tlzr. Mokoan Ellis, pin3tur. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 2 and 0 o'clock. Sabbath School at K o'clock, A. :i. Piayer meeting every Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. Society every Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. Ditcioles Rev. W. Lloyd, Pastor. rreach- every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. Particular Baptists Rev. David Evans, Factor. Preaching every t'abbath evening at 3 o'clock. Sabbath School at at 1 o'clock, P. M. C-j'Jiolic Rev. M. J. Mitchell, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock ar.l Vespers at 4 o'clock in the evening. LJJEXSRI'EUi 2IA1L.S. MAILS ARRIVE. Eastern, dcilr, at 12; o'clock, P. M. V.'estern, at 1- o'clock, P. M. MAILS CLOSE, rastsrn, daily, at S o'clock, P. M. '.Vestera, " " at 8 o'clock, P. M. K.-yTh mails from Butler.Indiana, Strongs tj'vi, kc, arrive on Thursday of each week, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Leave Eber.sburg on Friday of each week, et ft A. M. I??.. The mails from Newman's Mills, Car rr.'.itmvn, Arc., arrive on Monday, Wednesday a 1 Fr'nby of each v.'cek, at 3 o'clock, P. M. L'.mvc Cbensburg on Tuesdays, Thursdays and .Saturdays, at t o'ciock, A. M. CRESSON STATION. Vrost Bait. Express leaves at rhila. E.vpicss " Fan Line Mail Train " Pitts, a Erie Ex " Emigrant Train East Phila. Express " Fa. st Line " Fust Mail Pitts (i " Harrisb. Accoiu. " 1;Lon't stop. --10. 8. 8. 4. 7. 1. 7. C. 11. IS cs ?i 13 ,30 .30 ,4G 03 A. M. A. M. P. M P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. il. COUNTY OFFICERS. Judges ff the Courts President, Hon. Geo. Taylor, Huntingdon; Associates, George W. E?-3ley, Henry (j. Devine. Prothonotary Joseph M'Doaal 1. Register and Recorder James GriCin. Sheriff James Myers. District Attorney. Philip S. Noon. Count' Commissioners John Campbell, Ed ard Glass, E. R. Dunnegan. Treasurer Isaac Wike. Poor House Directors Georgo M'Cullough, George Delany. Irwin Rutledge. Poor House Treasurer George C. K. Zahm. Auiitors William J. Williams, Franci3 P. Tierney, John A. Kennedy. County Surveyor. Henry Scanlan. Coroner. -William Flattery. Mercantile Appraiser John Cox. Sup't. of Common Schools J. F. Condon. EBSSSHrRG bok. officers. AT LARGE. Justices of the Peace David II. Roberts Harrison Kinkead. Burgess A. A. Barker. School DireclornXW Lloyd, Phil S. Noon, Joshua 1). Parrish, Hugh Jones, E. J. Mills, David J. Jones. EAST WARD. Constable Thomas J. Davis. To ten Council J. Alexander Moore, Daniel Evans, Richard R. Tibbott, Evan E. Evan3, ilbam Clement. Inspectors Alexander Jones. D. O. Evans. -f udge oii7cf job Richard Jones, Jr. Assessor Thomas M. Jones. Atsiitant Assessors David E. Evans, Wm. v- Davis. WEST WARD. nai William Mills, Jr. iou- CoiBfrt John Dougherty, George C. f-, Isaac Crawford, Franci3 A. Shoe raflker, James s. Todd. Jnptctois G. W. Oatman. Roberts Evans. JtJl'je of Election Michael Hasson. .jMMMr James Murray, i in??' Anew William Barnes, Dau- FREEDOM FOR ALL! Tlie Constitutional Amendment " Adopted IJcatli and Rurlal or tlie "Peculiar Institution" IVo KSore Human SIaverjr Forever TBie ZVation Filters upon a Xetv and Uetter Lite. The following is the Associated Press account of the deliberations resulting in the adoption by the National House of Itcpresentatives of the Constitutional Amendment abolishing and forever pro hibiting Human Slavery within the Uni ted States : Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 1SG3. Ihc House resumed consideration of the Senate joiut resolution, proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States. Mr. 31'Allister. said: When this sub ject was before the House on a former occasion, I voted against the'mcasure. T have been in favor of exhausting all the j means of conciliation to restore the Union as our iatLcrs.niaae.it. l am lor the Union, and utterly opposed to secession or dissolution in any way or shape. The result of all the peace missions, and es pecially that of Mr. Blair, has satisfied me that nothing short of recognition of their independence will satisfy the South ern Confederacy. It must therefore be destroyed, and in voting for the present measure, I cast my vote against the corner-atone of the Southern Confederacy, and declare ctei-nal war against the ene mies of my country. . . Mr. CoFraoTii addressed the House in favor of the amendment, not, however, speaking for or against Slavery. Ho ar gued the power of Congress to submit the amendment to the Legislatures of the States ; that the South could defeat the amendment; that it must be submitted to the seceded State, or it would be recog nizing their independence; that if this were done, it wonld apply only to those who adopted it. lie nUo argued that the South would not remain in the 'Union under the Constitution as it now is, and that they would net come back after four years' fighting. All relating to Slavery should be stricken from our statute books, and then when the people of the South are tired and sick of this barbarous and inhuman war, and demand a cessation of hostilities until it bo ascertained if peace cannot be obtained, there will be no ob stacles in the way ol giving new guaran tees to every person who shelters himself under the American Constitution. He alio argued that Slavery was the fruitful theme lor the opponents of the Democracy. It 'breached life and existence into fanati cism, and unless that which sustained and fed fanaticism be removed from the polit ical arena, tlie country would bs entirety J destroyed, lie was in favor of removing it, and then the people would : place in power the Democracy. He gave this vote alter much consideration, and as a Demo crat, and would consistently stand by the organization of. his party. No power on earth should prevent hiui fr9m voting for f ; the candidates cf his party. His desire j was tLe triumph of the party which has , made this country great. Mr. Milleii (Pa.) said he owed it to himself and his constituents to reply to the sentiments of his colleage, just uttered on the floor. He wished to so act that when he returned home, he would not be found derelict to the duty with which he had been entrusted, having taken an oath to protect, defend and preserve the Con stitution of the United States. Long as the matter had been discussed here, it was very strange that no man had answered the question, what was to be done with the freed people should such an amend ment to the Constitution prove effective ? Gentlemen on the other side had failed to make out a case. During this administra tion, the Constitution had been violated in all its important features. Mr. IIerkick, in the course of his speech, said it was inconsistent to remain stationary when all the rest of the world is moving change is the universal law of nature." V'hat he had heretofore regarded as impolitic, had ceased to operate. Hav ing at the last session voted against the proposed Constitutional amendment, lie would now vote for it. He had no doubt of the power to make the amendment in the manner proposed. In ameuding it, three-fourths of the States represent the whole. The time has arrived to exerciso this power. He believed that if Demo cratic policy and measures had betn adop ted, we should not now be engaged in war; but in the late Presidential election, the people had endorsed the anti-Slavery issue. He was prepared to follow, thsni. The question had been settled by the ver dict of the people, and, so far as (he Na tional Government was concerned, it was not now a political issue. The adoption of the amendment would tend to restore all that is desirable to the prosperity of the country. lie believed the best good of the Democratic party would be enhanced by the passage of the proposition, and that it will open upT'way for its triumph in the iuture. ' ' " Mr. Brown (Wis.) spoke of the dan gerous abuse of power of the amendment. He had never been the apologist of Sla very. He never thought that it would he a permanent institution. If he lived in Missouri or Kentucky, he should vote for the abolition of Slavery therein; but as to Congressional action on the subject, it might be different. The question of Sla very under the Constitution was reserved to the States respectively wherein it ex ists. In conclusion, he caused to be read a substitute which he desired to submit, providing that hereafter every sale and transfer of slaves shall be void, and the slaves shall become free, and, from and after 1SS0, Slavery shall cease, 'and Con gress shall give compensation for the ac tual damage and loss suffered by loyal citizens of the United States. ' 31 r.'-Harding said truth and principle never change, but men change, and lrom time to time adopt opinions just as readily as they change their garments. 'But he would rather hold. on to the Constitution, which was the only ark of safety. He denied that there was any constitutional power to deprive any State in the Union of its local self-government. Kentucky had been treated in bad faith. Not one of the pledges made to her had been fal filled. She had been betrayed, and now it was sought suddenly to emancipate all her slaves. The policy would result in the destruction of the slaves, and the men who proposed to carry it out had no more love for the slaves than Satan has for sin ners. Mr. IvALUFLoTScn opposed the proposi tion. He maintained th:tt all our political misfortunes are attributable to a disregard of the Constitution. He had not learned his Democracy from his inveterate enemies, and he would not be instructed by them now. This amendment, he contended, if adopted, would stand in the way cf peace negotiations and a reconstruction of the Union. He said he should strive to uphold and carry out tlie pledges which he had made to protect and dcisud the Coustitu-' tiou. Apart " from ihe "question of power this was not ihc time to attempt an amend ment of the Constitution in the manner proposed. He denied that the result of the Presidential election wa.s in favor of abolishing Slavery everywhere. No such issue was made "up in New York. " The debate having closed, Mr. Ashley, who had charge of the subject throughout, demanded the previous question, which was on the motion heretofore made by the gentleman, to reconsider the vote of last ses.-ion, by which the constitutional amend ment was lo-t for the want of the requisite two-thirds majority. Mr. Stiles moved that the motion to reconsider be laid on the table. This was decided in the negative yeas, 57; nays, 111. The question was then taken on the motion to reconsider, and it was decided in the auirmative yeas, 112; nays, 57- Mr. 31 a L lory raised the question that a vote of two-thirds was reuiite to re consider, but the Speaker overruled the point, saying all motions of this kind were governed by the rules. ' , 3Ir. 3Iallory suggested a postponement of the vote until to-morrow, saving that several gentlemen , whowished . to record their names were absent. Let the time fur taking the question be fixed so that all could have a fair warning. '. 3Ir. Ashley replied that it had been universally understood that the question was to be taken to-day. He had consented to the extension of the debase even against the protest of his friends. It came with a very bad grace to ask for a postponement of the vote, considering the courtesy he had extended to the other side and the fair notice given. Jlr. Brown (Wis.) asked the gentleman to give way in order that he might offer a substitute. . , 3Ir.. Ashley said lie had one himself, which he preferred to the Senate's propo sition now before the House. Mr. Eldridge Why do you not oCer it? , . 3Ir. Ashley -"Because I will not pro tract the proceedings! The question was then taken on the adoption of the following Senate joint resolution, submitting to the Legislatures of the several States, a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States. Be it resolved by th Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amer ica in Congress assembled, two-thirds of both Ilouses concurring, hat the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States ; when ratified by three-fourths cf said Legislatures, shall be valid to all intents and purposes as a part of the said Constitution, namely: . - Article 13. Section I. Jseitheu Slavert nor ixvotrN taey servitude except as a punishment for crime, whereof the tarty shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. ., . . .... Section II. Congress sjiall have tower TO ENFORCE THIS ARTICLE BY APPROPRIATE Legislation. ' r There was much confusion throughout the proceedings, amid which the'Clerk proceeded to call the roll on the passage of the joint resolution. ' The Speaker said "Call my name as a member of this House." The name was accordingly called. When the Speaker answered to the name of Sen uylex Colfax, applause followed his response, and also burst out at other parts of the proceedings, which, however, the Speaker checked, and, calling the House to order, said he hoped a better example would be set to preserve the dj corum of the House". Several members on the. Democratic side of the IIcusc said those on the other side were as noisy as the persons in the galler ifs. . Mr. Ganson, who had voted "no" on the question of reconsidering the vote by which the joint resolution was heretofore lost, now voted "aye," and Messrs. lladford and Steele, of New York, changed their votes iu the same manner. These changes gave rise to applause, which was promptly checked. The utmost interest was manifested throughout the calling of the roll, and there was strict attention on the part of the members to their responses, for on the previous vote to reconsider, two-thirds of the members present had not voted in the aSruiativc, but a large majority of the members present had carried that tjuestion. It wa3, therefore, somewhat doubtful whether the pending joint resolution wo'd be passed. ''fit The votes of 3Ir. Baldwin (Mich.,) and the gentlemen above meutioned, however, gave additional hope3 to the friends of the measure. , When the calling of the roll was com pleted, the Clerk proceeded to read the names, first of , those who voted in the aGrniaiive, and next of those who had voted in the negative. The House was now comparatively silent. The result of the vote was noted cn a piece of paper and handed by the Clerk to the Speaker, who then announced the passage of the jiint' resolution by a vote of 119 yeas against 5G nays. Thereupon, rose a general shout of ap plause. The members on the floor hazzaed in chorus with deafening and equally em phatic cheers of the throng iu the galler ies. The ladies in the dense assemblage waved. their handkerchiefs, and again and again 'the applause was repeated, intermin gled vith clapping of hands, and exclama tions of "Hurrah for Freedom'" "Glory enough for one day !" &c. The audience were wildly excited, and the friends of the measure jubilant. Never was a sceue of such a character before witnessed in the House of Representatives; 'certainly not witnin tne jast century. There was extensive hand-shakinsr and congratulation in every direction. The proceedings had attracted thousands of persons of both sexes, and having been brought to a close, those on the floor, who had been admitted by the favor of the members, and the occupants of the galler ies, hastily departed. - , THE VOTE. The vote on the passage of the joint resolution was as follows : , , Yeas. 119 Alley, Mass. Allison, Iowa. Ames, Mass. Anderson, Ky. Arnold, Illinois. Ashley, Ohio. Daily, Pchna. Daldwin, Michigan. Raid win. Mass. Baxter, Vermont. IJeaman, Michigan. Elaine, Maine. Elair. West Va. Blow, Missouri. Routivelt, Mass. Eoyd, Missouri. Rrandagee, Conn.: Eroomail, Penni. Drown, West Va. Clark. New York. Clark, New York Cobb, Wisconsin. CofTroth. Penna. Cole, California. Colfax, Indiana. Cresswell, Md. Davis, Maryland. Davis, Xew York. Dawes, Mass. Deming, Conn. Dixon, R. I. Donnelly. Minn. Driggs, Michigan. Dumont, Indiana. (Democrats 1G, in Italic.) . King, Missouri. Knox, Missouri. Littlejohn, N. Y. Loan, Missouri. rLongyear, Mich. JIPAllistcr, Penna., -M'Bride, Oregon. M'Clurg, Missouri. M'Indoe, Wisconsin. Marvin, New York. Miiler, New York. Moorhead, Penna. Morrill, Vermont Morris, New York. Myers, Penna. Myers, Penna. yelson, New York. Norton, Illinois. Odell, New York. O'Nicll, Penna. Orth, Indiana. Patterson, ts. II. Perham, Maine. Pike, Maine. Pomeroy, N. Y. Price, Iowa. Radford, New York. Randall, Kentucky. Itice, Mass. Piice, Maine. Kollins, N. II. Rollins, Missouri. Scbenck, Ohio. Schofleld, Tenna. Eckley, Ohio. Eliot, Mass. English, Conn. Farnsworth, Illinois Frank, New York. Ganson, New York. Garfield, Ohio. Gooch, Mass.' Gricnel, Iowa. Griswold, New York Hale, Penna. Herrick, New York. Ilighy. California. Hooper, Mass. Hotclikiss, N. Y. Hubbard, Iowa. Hubbard, Conn Shannon, Cal. Sloan, Yrisconsin. Smith, Kentucky. Smithers, Delaware. Spauldinj-, Ohio. Starr, New Jersey. Steele, New York. Stevens, Penna. Thaj er, Penna. Thomas, Maryland. Tracy, Penna. Upcou, Michigan. Van Valkenburg, N. Washbr.rne, 111. Washburne, Mass. Webster, Maryland. YV ha ley, Vv est a. nubbard, New York. " Vr'hcclcr, Wisconsin ITutchins, Ohio Ingersoll, Illinois. . Jenckes, II. I. Julian, Indlama. Kasson, Iowa. Kellogg. Michigan. Kellogg, New York. Kelley, Penna. Nays, 5C all Democrats. Wilder, Kansas. Williams, Penna. Wilson, Iowa. Windom, Minn. Wood bridge, Vt. Worthington, Nevada. Yeaman, Ky. Discoveries- ii Secret, Allen, Illinois. Allen, Illinois. Ancona, Penna. Bliss, Ohio. Brooks, New York. Brown, Wisconsin. Chanler, New York. Clay, Kentucky. Cox, Ohio. Cravens, Indiana. Davison, Penna. Dennison, Penna. Eden, Illinois. Edgerton, Indiana. Eldridge, Wi?. Finck, Ohio. . Grider, Kentucky. Hall, Missouri. Harding, Kentucky, Harrington, lnd. Harris, Maryland. Harris, Illinois, llolraan. Indiana. Johnson, Penua. Johnson, Ohio. Kalbflebh, N. Y. Kern an, New York. Knapp, Illinois. Law, Indiana. Long, Ohio. -Mallory, Ky. Miller, Penna. Morris, Ohio. Morrison, Illinois. Noble, Ohio. O'Neill, Ohio. Pendleton, Ohio. Perry. New Jersey. Pruyn, New York. Randall, Penna. Robinson. Illinois. Ross, Illinois. Scott, Missouri. Steele, New Jersey. Stiles, Penna. . Strouse, PeunA. Stuart, Illinois. Sweat, Maine, Townsend, N. Y. Wads worth, Kv. Ward, New YJrk. White, Ohio. White, Ohio. Winfield, New Yorlc. Wood, New York. Wood, New York. : Absent or not voting, 8 all Democrats. Lazear, Penna. M'Ki-unev, Ohio. Le Blond, Ohio. ' Middleton, N. J. Marcy, N. H. Rogers, N. J. M'Dowell, Indiana. Voerhoes, Indiana. Immediately after the final vote, a mo tion to adjourn was made and carried, and the scene was over. TIae Words We Use. Be simple, linaffected ; be honest in vour speaking and writing. Never use a long word where a short one will do. Call a spade a spade, not. a well kne-wn oblong instrument of manual industry ; let home be a home, not a residence ; a place a place, rot a locality ; and so of the rest. Where a short word will do, you always lose by using a long one. You lose -in clearness, you lose in honest ex pression of your meaning; and, iu the estimation of all men who arc competent to judge, you lose in reputation for ability. The only true way to shine, even in this false world, is to be honest and unassu ming. Falsehood may be a very thick crust, but in the course of time truth will find a place to break through. Llogance of language may not be in the power of all of us, but simplicity and straightfor wardness are. Write much as you would speak ; speak as you think. If with your interior, speak no coarser than usual; if with your supe rior, speak ho finer. Be what 'you say, and, within the rules of prudeuce, say what you are. Avoid all oddity of ex pression. No one was ever a gainer by singularity of words or pronunciation. The truly wise man will so speak that no one. will observe how he speaks. A man may show great knowledge of chemist by carrying about bladders of strange gases to breathe, but he will enjoy better health, and find more time for business, who lives on common air. -When I hear a person use a queer ex pression, and pronounce a name in reading differently from his neighbor, the habit always goes down on the side of deficit, not of credit. Avoid, likewise, all slang words There is no greater nuisance in society than a talker of slang. It is only fit (when innocent, which it seldom is,) for raw schoolboys and one term freshmen to as tonish their sisters with. Talk as sensible men talk, use the easiest word in their commonest meaning. Let tho scn?e con veyed, not the vehicle in which it is con veyed, be your subject of attention. Once more, avoid ia conversation all singularity of accuracy. One of the bores of society is the bore who is always setting you right; who, when you report from the paper that 10,000 men fell in some battle, tells you that it was 0,009; who, when 3'ou describe your walk as two miles out and back, assures you that it lacked half a furlong of it. . Truth does not consist in unnc accuracy of detail, but in convey ing a right impression ; and there are vague way3 of t-pcaking which are truer that strict fact would be. Always re member this. Dean Afford. The lodge of I. O. O. F , at 31, de termined to have their lodge room done up clean and nice, and it was unanimously resolved that 3irs. K. should be hired to do -tho job. : ( After the ledge adjourned, the guardian, who knew the kquisitlve character of 3I?s. K , procured rr biliy-goat' and placed him in a closet. He then informed the lady of the wishes of the lodge, and said he wished her to come early next morning, a3 ha would then be at leLuri to showher what wa3 and what wa not to be donc-'- Morning came and brought with it 3Ir?. K., with broom, brushes, pails, tubs, &c., prepared and aimed for the job, and tho guardian waiting for her arrival. "Now, madue," said he, "I'll tell you what r.e want done, and how we came to employ you. " The brothers said it was dbiicalt to get any one to do the job, and not meddle with the secrets in that little closet. We have lost the key, and can't find it to lock iho door.' T assured them that yen could be depended cn." "Defended on I" said she, "I : guess I can. ,31y noor dead. and goce husband, wbo belonged to the Free 3Iasons or the AiAt Masons, I don't know which, used to tell me all the secrets of the concern, and when he showed me the marts ihn rm7 I iron made when he was iciriatpd nnrWnM ! me, how tney fixed poor Morgan, I never oia a n ing soul to tins day. And if no body troubles your cbsc t to find out secrets till I do, they'il iay there till thev rot so they will." . ' "I thought eo' said the Eruardian. "and now I want you to commence in that cor ner and -ive the rcom a decent cleaning, and I have pledged niy word and honor for the fidelity cf your premise; ind now don't go into that eio.,et,;' and then he left the lady to herself. .. 2j sooner. had she heard the sound of his foot on the h,t step r.f thf stairs than she cxvlairned: 'Don't go into that closet! I'll' warrant '.here -is a gridiron or soma nonsense, jut iike the Auti .Masons for all the world, FH be bound. Fil just take a peep, and nobody will be any the wiser, as 1 can keep it to myself." Suiting the i c ion (o the word, she stepped lightly to tho forbidden 'closet turnd:the button. when the billy-coat, wiih a great .-r iiog to regain liberty, came near upsetting her ladyship. Both started for ihj do..r, but it was full of implements for house cleaning, and all were swer t clear frorn their portion down to the bottom. ..The noise and onfr-sion occasioned by such unceremonious coming down stairs, drew ha!f the town to whiles Mrs. K.'a efforts to get from the pile of pails, tubs, brooms and brushes, into The street. Who should be first to the spot but the rascally guardian, who, after releasing the goat, which was a cripple for life, and up liiting the rubbish that bound the good woman to earth, nnxiousiy inquired if she had been taking the decree. "Taking, the degrees !" exclaimed the lady. "If you call tumbling from the top to the bottom cf the stairs, seared to death, taking things by. 'degrees, I have them, and if you frighten folks as you have ;ue, and hurt them to boot, 111 warrant that they will make as much noise as I did." ''I hope you did not oren the closet, madame," said the guardian. "0,-en the closet! Kvn ate the apolo when she was forbidden ! If you want a Woman to do anything, tell her not to do it, and she'll do it certain. I could not stand the temptation. I wanted to know it, so I opened the door, and cut popped the tarnal critter right in my face, and I thought I was a goner, and broke for tho stairs, with Satan butting me at every jump I fell over the tub, and got down stairs as you found u?, all iu a heap." "But, madame' said the guardian, "a- you are in possession cf the great secret of the order, you mut go up and be initiated ia the rcgu! ir way." 'JU'gular way '. ' exclaimed she, "and do you fupporc 1 am gulug through the tar nal place ag?in, and ride that critter with out Middle or briJie ? No, sir, never. I d.-mt want nothing to do with the man who rides it. I'd lock uiee on a billy-0at wouldn't I? No, never! I'll never -o nigh it ag in, nor into your hall, neither and if I can bo!r it. no Ivh- cK.,ii ,v i 1 ' ; -" ever join tne Oad Iclor;.. Wt.r IM .u join tue x roe Aiasons, and be fried on a gnu, ion as long as lire could be kept un der it, and be pulled from the garret to the cellar with a halter, jt as mv poor dead husband was, for he lived over it, but I never could outlive such another ride as I took to-day." ft a o A man came into a r.rintin to borrow a newspaper. "Because, ' 6aid he, "we like to read newspapers very nm-jh, but our neighbors are all too con foundedly stingy to take on i I 'J ! n ir