The Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1859-1865, October 06, 1864, Image 2

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    GPXxo iVJ-logliaiiiari.
T!IUUSDAY::::::::::::::::::::OCTOBEU C.
ANDREW JOHNSON, ot Tennessee.
cosoiikss :
A. A. DARKER, cl Ebensburg.
EVAN ROBERTS, of Johnstown.
ABRAHAM GOOD, of Taylor tp.
GEO. SETTLEMOYER, ot Suuimcrhill.
THOMAS HOLLEN, ot White tp.
Owing to circumstances orcr which I
lmve no control, npart from politics, I am un
able to be a candidate at the ensuing elec
tion for Sheriff. With many thanks to the
kind lriends whose partiality placed me in
nomination for the oflicc, aud who have since
M earnestly and enthusiastically supported
me therefor, I retire from the cauvas3.
Clearfield tp., Oct. 1, 1861.
Tlic ' undersigned hereby announces
Iniosclf as an Independent Candidate for Siier
h f of Cambria county at the ensuing election.
If elected, he pledges himself to perform the
duties of ihc otiice to the best of his ability.
Johnstown, Oct. 3, fj
TIiO' EttU oFt lie Ite lidlio n X S gli .
Ncvvr sinco the commencement of tho
war nave vc had bo many unmistakable
evidences tliat the rebellion is drawing to
a close, as at the present time. All the
copperhead grumbling and croaking that
exists cannot blot out the significant signs
of tho limes, foreshadowing an early peace
based upon the unconditional surrender of
the rebels. Treason has about run its
race, and hilf an eye is enough to discorn
that "Ichabod" is written on its doorpost?-
The ietorie3 of Sheridan over Early in
the Valley, than which never were victo
ries more brilliant or decisive, form but a
part of' the grand programmo projected
for the dbwniall of the rebellion. Tuken
iu connection with tlic forward move of
Grant, which has now most Suspiciously
begun, they cannot but result in the fall
of Richmond and Petersburg, and the an
nihilation of Lee's army. In the south
west Sherman holds Atlanta, the ''gate
city" ot the Confederacy, in an irou grasp,
and'aftor a brief season of recuperation, he
will move forward to renewed victories.
Mobile is thoroughly blockaded, and the
forts which defended it- arc in our posses
sion and under the Old Flag. We begin
to understand the Lieutcnant-Gcneral's
strategy. "NYc sec now tlwxt his plan con
tests in a gradual but ever-increasing pres
f uro at the same momcnt'on all important
points in the Confederacy, wider which, as
sure as fate, the entire fabric must speedily
bo pulverized to nothingness. AYc have
the moral and physical odds on our side.
Our army is large, and daily growing lar
ger ; the foe's is weak', and daily growing
weaker. Our3 is the side of Right; Upon
which God smiles, and unto which He
lends His countenanco ; the foe's is tho
side of Wrong aud Oppression, upon which
God frowns. Truly, "the situation" to us
- is bright and encouraging !
Taking another view of the matter, wo
cannot but be sanguine of the early resto
ration of the Union. The masses at the
North are voting right. The Vermont
and- Maine elections settle beyond cavil
the question of Lincoln's rc-elcclion.
They are, if possible, more important at
this time than military success iu the field,
iif they blow all the treasonable plots and
BEpirations of the "peace" Democracy to
the lour winds, and place the seal of con
demnation of the people on the Chicago
l'latform." The rebels now know their
fate. The know the war will go on until
the federal authority 13 reestablished
throughout the length and breadth of the
land. The late Union victories are inf'u
fciug new life and hope iuto the loyal cle
ment everywhere.
Another favorable omen, and deserving
of notice, is found in tho fact that men
are rapidly enlisting all over the country,
and where the draft is being enforced,
ii a gcueiui- rule everything progresses
calmly and quietly. We havo none of
that spirit of mob-law- resistance so ar
dently preached and prayed for by cop
perhead orators and newspapers.
Friends of the country ! do not "go
back." on our cause at this late day. Tho
military situation-is all that could be de
Eircd. The rebellion is indeed boing
"pushed to the wall," r.ot after the Lid
Vlovc styl. but ia a manner vrhich must
result in its utter and irremediable down
fail. Courage! Grant and his brave
commanders will, make sure work of tho
hideous monster of secession before tho
snows of winter if you only do your dutyj
Your duty consists in extending him and
them your undivided aid and encourage
ment iu tho work before them. In no
way can you perform this duty so effi
ciently as by voting on next Tuesday for
the Union nominees. By so voting, you
evince your unconquerable determination
that treason iliall not triumph that trai
tors shall not be permitted to mould at will
the destiny of the great American Republic.
Every vote cast for the Copperhead ticket
will prolong the war by a day; every vote
cast against it will lessen tho probability
of peace in a corresponding ratio. Re
member this act, andcast your ballot
How About It Row I
Read this tit-bit from tho Lewistovn
Democrat :
"Some of the Republicans about town, wo
understand, aro endeavoring to make capital
for Barker, the Maine Yankee candidate for
Congress in this district, because he happen
ed to be one of the gentlemen who went to
Washington last week, to get justice done the
district, in relation to the draft. It is true
Messrs. D. W. Woods, James Mann, and A. A.
Barker, were appointed to perform the plain
duty of rep resenting the facts to the Provost
Marshal General a. duty which any one old
enough to talk English was competent to per
form and it i3 also true that Gen. Fry, as
was ins rtAis iuty, upon hearing the fact3
authorized the proper corrections to be made.
For doing this Messrs. "W., M., and D., of
course, arc ;atitltd to thanks," &c, &c.
And ocn this, commenting on the
above, lrum tho Ebensburg Dcm. & Sent. :
"TI113 infamous scheme of Barker's 6tands
without a parallel in this region of country.
It shows manifestly to the people of this
county, what an ignorant clown like him
would, do to havo the name of being elected
to ('ongres3. Those other two gentlemen, it
appears, got their part of the district changed,
but there is no percentage taken off Cambria
county. That would not euit the election of
Mr. Barker. And what arc the lives of a few
men in his estimation compared to his elec
tion? His conduct in this respect is so pat
ent to every mau that he can't lie himself out
of it, or cover up hi3 tracks," &c, &c.
We submit the foregoing as the preva
lent copperhead style of electioneering in
thi3 county. In answer to the barefaced,
deliberate lie of tho Dcm. & Sent., that
''there is no percentage taken off Cambria
county," we refer our readers to tho fact3
and figures as shown forth in our local
columns to-day. 3y reference thereunto,
it will be found that, thanks to the efforts
of somebody, the quota ot Cambria county
has been reduced about one-fourth, and
thaf ttco hundred and ffty-scven names arc
stricken from the drafted list, to the cx
cmntion of a like number of men from
military duty. We think we would be
justified in demanding of the Dcm. & Sent.
a retraction of it3 coarse and uncouth
slanders, but as its venom ha3 done us and
can do us no harm, so its retraction could
do us no possible good. Allow U3, there
fore, to pass this by in silent disgust.
Our Candidates.
Our candidates to be supported at tho
election on Tuesday all como up to the
JcfTcrsonian standard they arc honest
and capable. They are each aud every
one of them eminently qualified by birth
and education for the respective positions
to which they aspire. Tbey arc, more
over, loyal to the last pulsation of their
hearts' blood and that is more than can
be said of their opponents. The latter, in
effect, are friends and adherents of tho
mushroom Confederacy, and arc working
assiduously day by day in its interest.
Their election, we have cause to know,
would be heralded throughout Seccssia as
a rebel triumph. Tho rebel armies would
cheer themselves hoarso over such a re
suit, and tho rebel masses clap their hands
in glee. The Chicago Platform is the
rebels' platform, and the Chicago Platform
is likewise tho platform of tho Cambria
county Democracy. Henco the confrater
tcrnily of sentiment existing between the
two classes. Many excellent men, we
know, think it impossible that tho one
time pure and good Democratic party
could bo basely dctcriorato as to beconio
secession sympathizers and enemies of
their country. We ask all such, with a
desire to serve the cause of truth can tho
Democratic party be loyal, when the reb
els in arms, with Jeff. Davis at their head,
fervently and unceasingly pray for the
success of its ticket at tho election?
Think of this, and then vole for your coun
try and against rebellion by voting, full
and entire, tho Union ticket. ,
Go to tiie Election well supplied
with tickots with enough for yourself,
and some to spare for your neighbors.
Do sure they arc tho right kind of tickets.
The opposition, in their dying struggles,
may resort to tho dodge of putting forth
bogus tickets, eo as to catch the unwary.
They arc unscrupulous have a guard.
Union Men of Cambria ! friends and
supporters of the , National Administra
tion ! ye who love ypir Country, and hato
Treason! On next Tuesday, 11th inst,
you have a weighty duty to perform.-
You arc called iipon to then designate
your choice for k lleprcscntative to Con
gress, say who ihall be your Representa
tive to the Stao Legislature, and elect a
County Ticket. This duty, at any time,
would be a responsible ono ; but now it is
more than evpr responsible. In the pres
ent unfortunate condition of our National
affairs, your (verdict becomes a matter of
lifc-and-dcath importance. Tor if you
vote overwhelmingly for the Union and
the Union nominees, it will be under
stood of mcri that you
Vote Against I lie Rebellion,
and that you thereby place yourself on
record as favorable to the stern and vig
orous prosecution of tho War until Trea
son goes down ; whereas, if you vote di-
videdly and indecisively, without a fixed
object in view, it will be said of you that
you havo lost heart in the War, and that
you are anxious for " Pcacc-on-any-terms."
Are You Ready ?
You fully understand the great issues
at stake, affecting alike the welfare of the
Nation and of yourselves as individuals.
You know that never before was there an
election in Cambria county upon tho re
sult of which so much depended as upon
this. You know that the question of Self
Government is to be now passed upon and
definitely and forever decided. To Be, or
Not To Dc, as a great and united free
people, you know, is the proposition.
Are you, therefore, ready fully armed
and equipped behclmettcd, becuirassed,
aud begauntletted ready for the contest?
If you arc not, you arc an unworthy mem
ber of the, Union party, and we beseech
you to throw off your apathy and he vp
and doing, for the night of election-day
will soon be here, in which no man can
work !
Our Ticket
is an unexceptionable one. It is compo
sed of men of the People good, honest,
reliable men men who, in the event of
their election, could and would faith! ully
represent their respective constituents.
Look at it :
Congress .
Assembly :
Commissioner :
Poor House Director :
It is worthy of your enthusiastic support,
and if you only do jour duty, we can and
Triumphantly Elect It !
lias your District been thoroughly can
vassed 'i If not, canvass it now now
now. Visit the low-spirited, the luko
warin, the indifferent, and impress it upon
them that if they only vote, and vote right,
the day is ours ! Tell them that as
Cambria county goes in October, so sho
will go in. November, and if she goes Cop
perhead, that her voto may bo tho means
of thrusting upon us as rulers of the Na
tion the repulsively disloyal nominees of
the Chicago Convention. In the latter
event, farewell, a long farewell to our
hopes of a restoration of tlfe Union, for
an "armistice" or "cessation of hostilities'''
will as surely follow their election as day
follows night, the inevitable result of
which is Southern Independence.
Bo at tlic lBolIs Early!
Voto early ; and then devote the bal
anco of the day to bringing out the old
and the infirm and tho indiffcrcut. Our
cause is the cause of Plight and Justice,
and if we use the means within our grasp,
We Cannot hut Conacr!
Tlic Book or MIcliael, Com
monly Called Tlte Iaddy.
Chapter II.
Divers People Visit the Child, and make him
Presents A Strange Woman cometh, and de
sircth to have him Circumcised Biddy obj'ec-
teth, and 'Patrick revileth the Woman and
Drtveth her away After the ichich, Patrick
is sorely Troubled, and endeavoreth to Comfort
himself with a Pipe The Pips bringeth him
no Peace A Punch is made, which Biddy
helpelh him to Drink .4 Deep Sleep falleth
upon them The child Michael meeteth with a
serious Mishap, which Patrick Knoweth not of
The Accusing Spirit The Strange Woman
returncth, and speaketh what Patrick regar
dvth a Parable, and again leavcth. -
Now after the birth of Michael, there
came to the house of Patrisk divers peo-
pls to see the child, and to bestow upon
him presents;
.2. And some brought ono thing, and
some another; but about the fifth day
there came a certain woman with bare
feet and torn garments: and she came
empty, and brought not a whit for the
child ;
3. And whither she came, or by what
nauio she was called, none could tell : nei
ther could she make answer when asked
concerning these things.
4. And when the woman had come in
to tho house, and found Diddy and tho
child alone, she went straightway and
took the child in her arms, and said unto
Diddy, 1 will carry him away to bo cir
cumcised. 5. Dut Diddy said unto tho woman, Go
thy way, for a3 I live I will not conscne
that this thing bo done.
G. Nevertheless, the woman was stiff
necked, and would hearken not unto tho
words of Diddy ; wherefore Diddy beiDg
sore afraid, did cry in a loud voice for
7. Now Patrick and Teddy were at
work hard by, in a place called in tho
Shcbrcw tongue potato-patch; so that
when Diddy cried out, Patrick knew her
voice, and straightway ran he into the
house ;
8. And being told of the thing which
the woman desired, Patrick -waxed exceed
ing wroth, and swarc by the saint of his
own name that if she did not depart in a
trice, he would smite her with a shillalegh.
9. Dut the woman said unto Patrick,
Stay thine hand, and let me depart in
peace ; but forasmuch as yo refused that
which I desired, therefore will evil como
upon the child Michael.
10. And having so said, the woman
went her way.
11. TjAnd when the woman had depar
ted from the house, Diddy said unto Pat
rick, Dy my troth, this woman is possessed
of a devil.
12. Dut Patrick answered her not, for
the words which the woman spake had
sunk deep into his heart, and his spirit
was troubled.
13. And Patrick sought to comfort him
self, and straightway saddled his ass, and
rode thereon even unto a place whereat
the bought and sold merchandise;
14. And he bought him an pipe; and
the bowl thereof was of puro clay, and the
stem thereof was even of the same ; and
the price which was paid for the pipe was
one penny.
15. Likewise Patrick bought of the
herb called tobacco; and the length of the
pieco which he bought wa3 more than a
cubit, and the prico which he paid was
four pennies, for it had been brought from
afar off, and was of the kind called nigger
leg, being very precious.
10. And Patrick returned to his house,
and sat in the door, and strove to comfort
himself with his pipe; but the pipe bro't
him no peace, albeit he had smoked the
same without ceasing for the space of an
hoar. '
17. And he arose and said unto Diddy,
Verily, since that morning hath been here
I am vexed and ill at case : make me,
therefore, I pray thee, of good cheer, lest
peradventure I be overcome with grief.
18. And Diddy answered and said, I
would fain do as thou wouldst : let us rnako
of the adruixturo called punchf and drink
and be merry.
19. And Patrick said unto Diddy, Thou
hast spoken well, for I am thirsty, and
my tongue cleaveth oven unto the roof of
my mouth.
20. And immediately he took a vessel,
and filled the same a part thereof with
hot water, and a part thereof with poteen ;
likewise Patrick took sugar, with a bit of
lemon, and put therein.
21. And tho sugar put he in lest the
admixture phould be too sour; and. tho
lemon lest it should be too sweet ;
22. The water- put he in that it might
not be too strong; and tho poteen put he
in that it might not bo too weak.
23. And behold, when tho punch was
made,' the house was filled with a sweet
savor, and it entered iuto the nostrils of
Patrick and Diddy. knd the f niell thereof
was nioro pleasant thn frankincense and
24. And Patrick andVDiddy drank the
punch whilo it was hot, lest peradventure
it should grow cold.
25. ITNow when thev hVd drained the
vessel even unto the dregs, they both be
came weary and hcavy-ladcnu and Patrick
laid himself down beside Dnldy and the
child to rest. -
2G. And as if it were appointed that
evil should befall the child, Piirick forgot
to shut the door as he had been wont to do.
27. And lo, a deep sleep pame upon
Patrick and Diddy, bo that they knew not
28. And the bed whereon they lay was
exceeding narrow, and behold, while they
6lept, the child Michael had no one to
look after his weal : wherefore, in an evil
moment, he tumbled out of bed and fell
upon tho floor-
29. And tho child had not even swad
dling-clothes upon him, for tho weather
was warm, and there wcro none in tho
house; so he lay on the floor uncovered.
30. And lo, while he was in this plight,
a devil entered into a female swine, com
monly called a sow, and straightway she
came in at the door, with her mouth open
ed wide, and wont to the child Michael
aud took a foul hold upon him :
31. And did lift him up betwixt the
heavens and the earth, and did carry him
away to a placo hard by the potato-patch,
whereat sho might more conveniently de
vour him.
32. Now while this was taking place,
the child cried in a loud voice and Ted
dy, who was at work in the potato-patch,
both heard and taw what had befallen
him ; )
33. And being swift ot foot, Teddy did
run to release the child, even' Michael :
tho which was done after much' trouble
and great vexation. '
34. And Teddy took the child Michael
in his arms, and carried him into tho
house, and behold Patrick and Diddy Btill
35. And Teddy was amazed, and culled
unto them with a loud voice; and Diddy
awoke, but Patrick stirred not.
SG. And when Teddy had acquainted Did
dy with that which had happened, she took
the child Michael and found that he had
been grcviously rent by the sow, iusomuch
that a stranger could not tell what man
ner of child he was.
37. And Teddy gave unto Diddy a strip
of linen, which he had torn from the
nethermost part of his undcr-garmcnt, and
she made a bandage, and bound up tho
wound and poured oil thereon.
38. Aud Diddy said unto Teddy, I
charge thee, Teddy, as thoulivest, keep this
thing to thyself; take heed that no one
know it, not even Patrick ; but go thou
and 6lay the sow, and give her flesh to tho
dogs, but her skin with the bristles on
thou wilt have tanned and brought unto
39. And Teddy gave promise, and wcut
out to do that which ho had been
commanded ; and when he had gone, sleep
forsook Patrick, and he aroso and smoked
his pipe in peace.
40. And while Patrick and Diddy were
communing together, lo, tho woman with
the bare feet and tho torn garments camo
to the door and said unto them :
41. Verily, verily, ye thought mo pos
sessed of a devil, but know yo not that the
devil was in the sow and not in me;
42. Dut forasmuch as yo would not
hearken unto my words, and have the
child circumcised, even as I desired,
therefore has this evil come upon him :
Dehold now, he is neither male nor female.
43. And having spoken these words,
the woman immediately went her way.
44. And Diddy held her peace, so that
Patrick understood not the thing that the
woman had spoken, but supposed it was
The Dcm. & Sait. says it can point out
many instances wherein the late draft was
"entirely fraudulent." Dosh ! Why not
point them out, then ? What good end
is attained by allowing concealment, like
a worm i the mud, to prey on yourdam
ask check ? We know our neighbor to
be a re-mark-a-bly astute man, but in this
instance we think, in fact we .arc sure ho
lies under a mistake. If he can point
out a single instance of fraud, lie ought to
do so forthwith, and so point that wo may
all be ablo to seo the point.
Dew are of Last Cards ! Many idlo
stories will doubtloss be fabricated on
election-day, to injure our ticket. Dc
licvc nono of them ! Tho opposition arc
designing aud unscrupulous, and will re
sort to any aud every artifice to insure
their own success.
Our Correspondence.
Correspondence of The Alleghanian.
Johnstown, October 3d, 18G4.
Last week I noticed the accident which
occurred toyoung Ahrenfeldt. This week
it is my painful duty to chronicle ii3
death, which occurred on Thursday last
He was in a fair way of recovering, hea
it was found necessary to amputte his
remaining limb, and nature cold not
bear up under the ordeal. A mm 0f
nearly 300 was made up for hisparents
by his fellow employees, a3 a sligt token
of the esteem in which their your; friend
was held.
Dy late advices from the 54k IV V.f
I learn that Col. Linton has been founded,
for the third time. This gallat officer,
though unfortunate in the mater of re
ceiving wounds at all, has alays been
very lucky in that his woundsaavo nev
er been fatal. A number of Is regiment
were killed and wounded durig the same
engagement, (Winchester,) lit a list has
not yet reached our town.
A watchman named Pfiestr was killed "
last week a short distaucc abve Cresson,
by being run over by the Mil west, lie
had sat down on the track t wait for the
traiu, and as it was cousidrably behind
time, he fell asleep on the tack. A Gcr
mau was also run over nar Altoona on
Thursday last. He had sepped on tho
platform of the cars, justaltcr tho Con
ductor called "Altoona," aud losing bU
balance, fell off the trin. Dotll 1cl'
were crushed iu such a rxinncr that am
putation was found necosary. 11c did
not survive the operation.
The Union Mass 3fectiig held hereon
Saturday, passed off witfgreat eclat, but
owing to unfavorable wothcr, it was not
so large a demonstrationas was expectel.
Detween three and our hundred sol
diers arc encamped on he fair ground ia
this place. They are jrincipally 100-day
men. from Lebanon county, with one
company of Couch's special cavalry.
Among the latter area number oi Jonus-
WAT, iC, AC.
Correspondence of rhc A 11 ogham fin.
Deescua lTi;iKEU, Srp't. 21st, 1801.
On Friday, the 10th, wc broke camp at
Ilarrisburg, manhed over the river, and
in the evening, as the brightness of the
setting sun wa.' reflected from steeple and
house-top, we turned our backs on the
capital of thegreat State in whose name
we were goiig forth. A few familiar
faces stood afcr the departure of the train,
watching it as it glided along the banks
of the Su3CU!nanna. The congregation in
the doors aru at the windows, ot women,
children an! old men, and their parking
cheer and tficir waving of handkerchief,
told that dispite the suffering of the past
threo and a half years, the heart of the
people stil beats to the music of the unicu.
In the night, we arrived in Daltimorc,
where W2 remained till evening, when we
took passage in the boat Armitagu Jirlarli
for City Poin t. Sunday evening we passed
Fortrcffl Monroe, and proceeded a few
miles tp the James, wheu wc lay to lor
the night, the pilot not being sutlicicr.tly
acquainted with tho river to proceed.
Arriving at City Point, about two o'clock
next" day, we remained until evening,
when wc crossed to Dcrmuda Hundred
landing. We arc now in camp about two
miles from the point ot debarkation.
Everyone is rapidly making himself com
fortable. Tho situation is good save in
regard to water, which is exceedingly
Any person having letters to send ns
will address Co. C, 209th Jleg't. Da. Vol ,
Washington, D. C. We are not yet bri
gaded, though it is understood that we are
lying hero partly for that purpose.
Col. Potter, from New Hampshire, has
been appointed to command the newly
organized regiments from Pennsylvania.
By virtue of an order of the Onn
Court of Cambria County, tho uudrrsijrnoJ
will sell, on tho premises, on THUUsUAl,
27th OCTOBER, inst., atone o'clock, I.a
All that certain FA KM, situate in Ciabrw
tp.,tvo miles East of Ebensburg, containing
140 acres, 100 of. which are cleared, urn."
fence, and in a good state of cultivation
having thereon erected a llcnvcd Los 'at "
erboarded Dwelling-House, Out House, ami
a Frame Bank Darn, with a lare OrcUura u
different varieties of fruit. (The gram in
ground is excepted.) Late the estate ot t1
II. Roberts, dee'd.
TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation
sale; one-third in one year thercaltcr; "
the balance to remain ft charge upon
premises during the life of the wilV 1
interest to be paid to her annually; toe ' -ond
and third payments to be secured ny -bonds
and mortgages of the purchase r i
tho premises, with interest from connrw3"
of sale. ' . . i-c
HUGH II. HUGHES, Trustee. c
Ebensburg, Oct. C, 18G1.
The undersigned Auditor arrnlC0 Q
the Orphans' Court of Cambria -0UDty' fi3
report distribution of tho funds in tne u
of M: Hasson, Esq., Adm'r. of the
John Erown, late of Washington tp.,
upon his partial account confirmed ij
nnnrk t the September term, l?Wl.s:.
notiOes all persons intcrtcslcV,VtteCnd'to the
tion of said fund, that he will attend o
dutiea of said appointment v. tic
borouch of Ebensburg, on nVlock.
br te
.. M.. when and - 'frilll.
kbarrcd trolJ Uglrc;blAKEE, Auditor.