SuR3DAr:::::::::::::::SEPTEMBER 8 LOCAL AND PERSONAL1 PBE'SBURCT AND CRESSOH RAILROAD ja and after Monday, May 16, 1804, trains tbia road will run as follows : ' ttiVK Ebensburq " ' 7 At 7.03 A. K., connecting with Bait; Ex rresa West and Thro' East. At 6.40 P. II., connecting with Mail Train and Fast biae est ana tx. ttast. IjaTE Cresson -At 10.45 A. M., or on departure of Thro Accommodation We9t. At 9.15 P. M., or on departure d Fast Line west. The New Ebenstjueo Company. Opt. R- Litzinger's company of volun tsera for one year's service, the recruiting 6f which we noticed lasc week as going on ppidly in Ebensburg, left here on Thurs day for IloHidaysburg. At that point iey were mustered into the U. S. service - Pro. Mar. Lloyd, and presented each fith a uniform," knapsack, canteen, and various other little articles pertaining to individual comfort and convenience. Oa the following morning, they proceeded Ilarrisburg, to be armed and fully equipped, and likewise to be incorporated io a regiment, Several new regiments ire being formed at Camp Curtin, to one of which it is expected it will be attached. The editor of this paper accompanied the company hence through to Ilarrisburg, jad can truly say that a better looking or i better behaved set of men .never came seder his observation. With regard to tie former proposition, to sec were to be lieve; with regard to the latter, we may cation that, at Ilollidaysburg, remarkiug tf.e volunteers to be gentlemen all, Pro. Mar. Llojd contrary to bis usual custom ordered the guards relieved from duty at &e barracks, so as to cive the inmates fj'.r freedom of the town. The result ns, not a single disturbance occurred, icd at the appointed hour for leaving, retry man was in the ranks, punctual as that most punctual of evcry-day affairs, railroad time. It may astonish somj to bow that "raw recruits" can de-port ihem tflves liko unto men, but it does noc as tonish us that these gained ths approba tion and applause of all with whom they csce in contact. No ; for they comprise sithin their number men of the purest pincij.le and of the highest talent, intelli gent and good, and a little leaven, it is hown, leaveneth the whole lump. They cinnot but make good soldiers, . for history md common sense teach us that those who co into the fight on principle, and with a full and clear understanding of the issues involved, constitute indeed a na iioa's dependence in her hour of danger. hope, sincerely and truly hope, after Uring done their whole duty, that the '.oj9 may return safely home, each one severed dh laurels of unfading bnght e?3, to live in undisturbed peace and isppincss forever thereafter. An opportunity still remains open k'a few more men to join this company. L' a thoroughly educated military man as tcmsiarider and a tip-top set of boy3 be :f consequence, we offer them to induce 'tae intending to volunteer to give Capt. ktzinger's company the preference. OCR LOSS, BUT THE COUNTRY'S GAIN. -By reference to an annouueement on 'a-day's outside, it will be seen that the Educational Department" of The Alle- Mnian, conducted with signal ability toes its. inception by Mr. Samuel Single H ceases for a time to bo a feature of c paper. A true patriot, as well as a Kntleman and scholar, Mr. S. thought it is duty to enter the'service of bis coun- ,J7 in this dark hour of her need, and Kcordingly enlisted in Capt. Litzinger's Smpany for one year. This is his seeond fprenticeship to the profession of arms, 'is first was in the nine months service, iroughout which he conducted himself such a manner as to win the love and spect all his officers and companions. ehopo bo may again cover himself with Stay, and return home untouched by bul- t and unharmed by disease, to gladden 'e hearts of bis many friends. Democratic Politics. The Demo nic Congressional Conference for this strict is called to meet at Huntingdon, 38 Thursday, 8th inst. to-day. Blair jioty instructed her conferees in favor L. Johnston, Esq., of Ebensburg, ja Thursday last, and Cambria and Ilun- gdon bad so instructed some time aso. Mr. J. will in all probability be nomi- ed on the first ballot. The distin pushed honor will thus be conferred upon Dsboxg ot running two of her citizens Hral candidates for one of tho highest 0ec q the gift of the people. .' Etchings. They have a summary way of dealing with" bounty sharks from ether districts at Ilollidaysburg. ' As soon as any of these gentry are discovered to be about, a committee wait upon them, inform them - thatvthey are . trespassing upon forbidden ground, request them to leave, insist that they leave inside ten minutes,' and impress it upon their minds that if they 'don't bo leave, they will be gently ridden out of'town on a rail, sharp end up I Serves them right.... "In order to secure a carrier during the school term," says the Altoona Tribune, "we have beeu compelled to change our pub lication day from "Wednesday to Satur day." Boys must be scarce down that way !...The duty on friction matches went into effect on Thursday. Hereafter every package of a hundred or less must have a one cent stamp attached before it can be sold legally.. ..Col. B. M'Dermit, of this place, conductor of a freight train on the P. UK., bad bis leg badly fractured at Blairsville Intersection on Saturday last, while coupling cars. He was brought home for treatment.. ..Lutz, the junioi ed itor of the Shirleysburg Herald, was in town on Monday, and called to see us. -We found him a very agreeable fellow, as most editors are, and thoroughly sound on tho political goose, as all editors ought to be He prints a ueat paper, and we wish him success.. ..A camp meeting for this circuit of the M. E. Church was held near Armagh, Indiana county, com mencing on Thursday of last week. It was largely attended, and no doubt pro ductive of much good. The original in tention was to continue the meeting dur ing several days of the present week, but we presume the heavy rains of Sunday and Monday worked to the end of neces sitating an earlier adjournment. The Draft. The following important circular relative to the draft has been, issued : IJaerisbcko, Pa., August 30, 18G1. Circular No. 2. Keep un volunteering as much as possible after the fifth (Cth) day of September, and let it be known that volunteers will be counted on the quotas of the present call up to the last practicable moment before the drafted men are accepted and seut to rendezvous. By order of Capt. R. I. Dodge, 8th Infantry, U. K. A. Sup't. It mu?t not be inferred from this that the draft is or will be postponed. "We have the assurance that the teverse will be the case. But in most districts the Provost Marshals are .not yet ready to commence drafting, and it is to afford ev ery facility to volunteering that the order is issued. If enough volunteers come for ward to fill the quota of the State, of course the draft will be dispensed with : if not, the "wheel of fate" will be set in motion as soon as the different Provost Marshals can get it in readiness, up to which time volunteers will be accepted and the Government bounty paid. cry juicy the weather latterly. Ocii Quota. It gives us pleasure to lay before our readers the information that the quota of Ebensburg under the im pending draft is filled. The men volun teering to credit themselves to the boro' were principally our own citizens, and ail members of Capt. Litzinger's company. Their names are as follows : Archibald Smith, Evan S. Jones, W m. CItment, Flory II. Barker, John Gittings, Christopher Adams, Thos. Brookbank, Rodney Charles, Thomas D. David, Peter Earhart, A. Leslie, Samuel Singleton. The quota of our near neighbor, Cam bria township, is also filled. These, with probably Johnstown, comprise the only tub districts in Cambria county out of the draft. Win. A. Jones, Richard Griffith, Aleck Jones, John Rager, Peter Wagner, Gordan Sinclair, Uriah Wagner, Joe A. E.liott, Evan C. Evans, DiAitT "Wet Weather,. Saturday : rained pretty much all night. Sunday : rained pretty much all day, and incessant ly through the night. Monday : rained cats and dogs day and night. Tuesday: rained by the buckctsful until noon when this diary is "closed up." The moral of this is go to Thompson's store and buy whatever you need, and then you will be prepared for a "rainy day." Make a note of this. Nottce. Jurors, Parties, and "Wit nesses arc notified that no Jury Trials will be held for Cambria county during the second week of the Term commencing on Monday next, 12th .inst., the Civil List having been continued this day. By or der of the Court. JOSEPH M'DONALD, Prothonotart. Ebensburg, Sept. Cth, 18U4. Peterson's Magazine for September has been received, It contains some fine engravings and the usual quantity cf reading matter, recipes, &c. "Peterson" ip one of the best monthliep published. L O CAL CORRESPONDENCE. COL. CAMPBELL AND ADJ'T. HOSE MILITAItT . MATTERS MAN REPORTED HTUG, ASD ANOTH ER SHOT VARIETY. . Correspondence of The Allegbanian. Johnstown, Septemher 5, 1864. - Col. J. M. Campbell and Adj'r. W. II. Rose, of the 54th P. V., returned home last week, their term of pcrvice having expired. These officers have been in ser vice three years, and have seen much arduous duty in keeping the Shenandoah Valley clear of guerillas, and latterly in the series of battles culminating in the ! late engagement near Winchester. Col. Campbell was considered one of the ablest officers in his department, and for the past few months commanded a brigade. Adj't. Rose was wounded in the thigh during the battle of New Market, but . is now fully recovered. Capt. Lowman departed for Tittsburg the rendezvous of bis regiment last week, with over 150 men. . His company rolls bear the names of some of the finest looking men in this section. Capt. Rut land's company, through some cau?e, failed to be mustered into service, and the greater part , have returned home. A company is now being formed here, under the auspices of Capt. Mackin. His rolls number over 50 men. There is a pretty well authenticated report here that Geo. D. BerliD, of this place, who was appointed by Gov. Curtin military agent to recruit negroes for West moreland county, was hung by guerrillas in Tennessee a few weeks ago. Also, a report that Jas. Eldridge, of Couch's Independent Scouts, was shot at Danville, in the attempt to arrest a deserter. . This report lacks confirmation. The horses attached, to the Foster House hack ran off last week, and in their mad career tore down the awning posts in front of W. & R. Geis' store, the railing before Suppes' store, and were finally brought up by dividing at the Scott House sign-post. Four small boys were in the hack at the time, and for a wonder escaped injury. Two soldiers were robbed in saloons in this place last week, of 8200 ana SiOO re spectively. The money I believe was not recovered. Our quota here is now almost full, and were all the men credited to us who have lately enlisted here, we would be out of several drafts. There is a frreat demand here for labor to supply vacancies left by volunteers. 4 fr: i. fTPAYLOR & CREMEll. JL, . AT TIIE HUNTINGDON" NURSERIES, IIcktisgdom, Pa. Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. of better growth, larger size, and ctlower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 J cents each $16 per 100. ... : , v Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.B0 to $15 per 10 ' I Standard Pear trees, 50 to 75 cts oach. ' Dwarf Pear trees, D0$ to$l each 20 to $6 per 10O . ; Dwarf Apple trees, CO to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37 to 75 ct - Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 tg. Plum trees 60 cts. .--.-...,. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. -I Nectarine trees 25 cts eacb. . . Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. - ' Silver Maple trees C2 J to $1. European Ash, 75 to I. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 . American & Chinese Arbor Vita? 50 ot $1.50 ' Strawberry Tlants, $1 per 100, &c. arc. Huntington, Jan. 25, 18bu.-tf.. FROM OUR SOLDIERS. SHORT LETTER FROM CAPT. LITZIXGER'S COM PANY RAIV, TEXTS, CEXERAL SATISFACTION, AND SO ORQAXIZATIOX. Camp Curtin, IlAitRrsuuiio, September 4, 18G4. To-day the rain has been incessant, though we now have what is apparently only a brief respite. Yesterday cveuiog ve were provided with tents, after wait ing iu patience for about twenty-seven hours. Everybody seems to enjoy him self as best he can. All seem happy. Sinfirir' is th chief diversion of rnanv. No attempt as yet has been made at or ganization, either regimental or otherwise. We had the pleasure of greeting our townsmen, Col. Lytle, Col. M'Coy and A. C. Mullin, E.q., this morning. Adieu for the present. Gamma. CAPTCRE OF MEMBERS OF CO. A, 1ST RIFLES, P. R. C, (CO. A, OLD llTH RESERVES,) BY THE REBELS. By a letter to Tlie Allrglianian , dated Ream's Station, Weldon Railroad, near Petersburg, Va., August 25, from Nathan iel J. BcndeD, we learn that during the engagement of the 19th ult. the following members of Co. A, 1st Rifles, P. R. C, were captured by the rebels, viz : Sergt. Thomas D. Jones, Corp. Dallas Patrick, Samuel Judy, and Jessiah Iv. Brown. Mr. B. sajs that no one of the company to his knowledge was killed or wounded. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTK 'E. Letters of Administration on the es tate of Mrs. Elizabeth J. B. Jones, late of Pittsburg. Allegheny county, deceased, hav ing been granted the subscriber, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to come forward and settle their 'respective accounts, and those having claims against will present them for settlement. EVAN J. EVANS Cambria tp., Aug. 11. 1864-6t. AND FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell at private sale, a piece of land, situate in Munster tp., Cam bria countv, one-half mile from Kaylor's Station, E."& C. It It., containing 43 acres. The land is well timbered, and would make a most eligible location for a Steam Saw Mill. For terms, &c, apply To JOHN G. KAYLOR. Kaylor's Station, Aug. 11, 1804-31.,,.'. AY UP 1 PAY UP 1 1 . ... I respectfully request all my old friends aud customers to call and settle op their ac counts before the 10th day of August and savg cost, as, after that time, I shall put my Books in the bands of an officer for immedi ate collection. r . GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, July 21, l864-tf.-; , ; 3 Pfti.U t'JlM CHOOL BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The subscriber invie3 the attention of the public, and of Country Merchants especially to his large assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS, WRITING 4 LETTER PAPERS ENVELOPES, BLANK LOOKS, PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SLATES, and STATIONERY of nil kinds. A complete assortment of MUSIC LOOKS can .only be found in the citv at the subscri ber's. All goods sold at the lowest wholesale cash rates. . Call and examine before bu ring else where. CIIAiiLES C. MELLOR, 81 Wood st., Bet. Diamond Alley and 4th st., aug4,18C4-3m ; PITTSBURG. OOD MORRELL & CO., JoiIVSTOW Ta WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly oa hand the following arti- C1C3 HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, DRY GOODS, ' CARPETING S, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS a SHOES, BONNETS. HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, t-LUUR, BACON, HIGHLY IMPORTANT - . TO BLACKSMITHS. Four-fifths of tim and herd labor sved ot using ' . ISAAC C. SINGER'S ' : EW AND COMPLETE TIRE AND DAM ' - BENDER, , Patented March 10, !863. , Its Qbief adr&ot ges are -,,; : .,, -.. .qr . 1st. Having strong gear wheels to .obtAin power, one man can operate It to bend cold wagon tire,-any sizo under 1 by 4 incEej..' ' 2d. Daving movable 'collars,' to bold' the bar square on the portable rollers, it takes all twist out of the bar, while bending in a regu lar circle. - ; 3d. It can be shifted fo bend to any desired, circle, from one up to t-welre feet.'in one minute. 4th. Uaviog a movable centre post, which can be quickly taken off, tires and banda are easily taken out. , ... 5th. The upper ribbed roller "will always draw the bar through. - " Cth. Being guaged and numbereS, card with directions accompanies it. - .The Machine in good (oil the journals) running order, bolted upon a strong piece of. timber, without legf cr crank, for $25, or with legs and crank for $30. , AH cash orders promptly attended to. ' State and County Rights tor eale. , ISAAC C. SINGER. Ebensburg, April 14, 18C4-if. ... Pi Eh O o o 4 CO U3 O CO o IS 1-5 JS J 01 o o a r a . a o o o as M o o J 71 a -. U2 a K H to O f- c O n - o O O o- - a . 4 o bS o o o a o (4 .2 " .2 C ca a o u 43 t- - i ' All K SDS. mtTIMtll i. Clothing and Boots and SLoes made lo order on reasonableterms. 'Johnstown March 1 1860-tf, PATRCXIZK YOrjR owx 7vie Protection Mutual Fur lumrance Co OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT ECENSBim a. THE above named Company, organized April Cth, 1S57, will effect insurances on property at safe rates. Bein particular careful in the risks taken this r.rmn I mi r. owvw, , ivuauic nuu caeap meaium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire. , Office on Centre Street nearly- opposite Thompson's "Mountaip House." JOHN WILLIAMS, Prest. - D. J. Joxes, Sec'y. & Trcas. A. A. BARKER, Agent. THIS WAY FOR LORKTTO. CHEST SPRINGS & ST. AUGUSTINE I The subscriber, laving purchased the entire stock of Horses, Hacks, Carriages, &c, of the late firm of Ryan & Durbin, btgs leave to inform his friends and the Tublic in general that'he is now prepared to furnish them with every accommodation in his line of business. His line of Hacks connects with all the trains on the Pa. R. R., -allowing passengers co delay whatever. Calls always promptly at tended to. JOE F. DURDIN. 1TEV TAILOll SHOP. " JLi The undersigned having opened out a TaUoring Establishment over the storeroom formerly occupied by Evans & Son, respect fully informs the public that the business will there be carried on in all its branches All work will be done in the latest style, with neatness and dispatch, and on the most roascmable terms. D. J. EVANS. Ebensburg, Nov. 5, 18G3. OA J,! COAL! COAL! The subscriber is now carrving on the Colliery of Win. Tiley, Sr , at LiUy Station, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, Cambria coun ty, and will be glad to fill all orders, to any amount, of citizens of Ebensburg and vicin ity. Satisfaction as to qu ilitv of Coal guar antied in all cases. WM. TILEYjIlr. April 28. 18G4-Cm O o co o a TO o T3 O fi w o o v c 5 Q r? BO a - fa o Q 5 3 Cm O CO M a . (3 4 a c e S 9 at -3 5 O ? o a 43 3 t. s Q ' " O .J- a 2 a . 5 0. S "S o JS .2 o "" n 1- w 1 a 0 J3 O a a -3 3 3 - As 3 o 'sr. S u o , a $. a a 6t INSURANCE AGENCY. James Purse, agent br the Blair county and Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Com panies, Johnstown, Pa. &3f Will attend promptly to making insu rance in any part of Cambria county upon application by letter or in person. March 12th, 18f.3-tf. ABM INISTRATOR S NOTICE. Letters of Administration on the estate of Mrs. Anna Rees, late of Blacklick town ship, Cambria, county, deceased, having been granted the subscriber by the Register cf said county, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to conic forward and settle their respective accounts, and those havine claims acrainst it will present them. properly authenticated, for settlement. inn v r r v o .1 j. ivvoo, iiumr, Elacklick Tp., July 28, 18G4-CI AN ORDINANCE OF THE BORO. OF CHEST SPRINGS. Bo it enacted bv the Burgess and Town Council of the Borough of Chest Springs, and it is bcrebv enacted bv the authority rif th same. That the said Borough, tor the nurnnsn I ' - rj j ' - I I Of raising money to paj- a bounty of 300 eacu 10 any persons wno wni volunteer ana credit themselves to the Borough, to any number not escpedinf ten. if sue couiion hnmh to the amount of &3.O00. in amounts not. les than $25 nor more than $100, bearing inter est at the rate of six per cent, per annum. dated thn ditv tho motev is advanced in n. 7 . Treasurer specially elected for that purpose, ftd hv the Ser.retfl.rr. redeemnhlft in Hv r-o un I or 6ooner, at the pleasure of the Town Coun cil, and payable to tbe purchaser or bearer, I to interest to be paid aunaally. A. w. jiibJuji, liurgesa pro tea. Jcttebsoh Vabjiey, Secretary. . Vatst Springs, Augist 22, 1364. - . QUICK SALES, - AKD " ' ' SMALL PROFITS t .1864. THE LATEST ARRIVAL! . . A. A. BARKER, Esexsbcbo, Pa The subscriber takes pleasure in announ cing to the people of Ebensburg and-vicinity jno. ictcucu. hi eiore, on High street, the largest and mo3t complete assortment of Summer Coofig ever before brougbt to this county, til of which he is determined to 6ell c.h eaptr th an the cheapest, DRY GOODS, . In endless variety. H -DRESS GOODS, . . Of every description WOOLLEN GOODS, r , A full and complete assortment ' WHITE GOODS, Embracing all the latest styles ' "' EMBROIDERIES, " . Handsome and of the best qualityl " .HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, ! Of all sorts, sizes widths and prices. HOOP SKIRTS AND BALMORALS, The latest and best styles. READY-MADE CLOTHING, A better and cheaper article than ever befor offered to this community. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the very best workmanship. HATS AND CAPS, Fashionable and of durable material. ' ' MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS ' HOSIERY AND GLOVES. BUFFALO ROBES. ; JIarJicare, Queerisicare, Groceries, Flour, Bacon Cheese, Syrups, ilolasses, Mackerel, Her- ' ring and Codfish, iron and Nails, -Cedar and Willow Ware, Drug . and JltdicLneSf. CarLon and ... Fish Oil, etc., etc., etc. These, and. many other, descriptions or Goods, too numerous to here meutiou. con stantly on hand. Not to mince matters, he keeps a . ... FIRST CLASS CO UNTR Y STORE, whre anything or everything a person nay need or desire can be obtained. By buying a large stock at a time, and pay ing for the same almost entirely in Cash, the subscriter is enabled to sell considerably cheaprr than other dealers in this comruunitf. To be convinced of the truth of this assertion you need only call aud examine his Schedule of Prices. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS. Customers will be waited upon by accom modating Salesmen. EST The Public is requested t roll in the more the merrier and secure Bargains. A. A. BARKER. JL - (scccrssoa to gbxss a 3o j LUMBER MERCHANT, PLANING MILL SASH AND DOOR FA CTQRY, Chest SrjjJQa, Clzlsxzx co.. Pa. y Flooring Boards,, Ioor3, Vene tian aad Panel Shcters, ssada to ozdr acd constantly or hasd. Jnse 0 lP54-ly