Alleeliaiiiaix. IHURSDAY: :MAY 12. LOCUL AND PERSONAL Ebensburg and CbessonIIailroap. On and after. Monday, November IG, 1863, jias an this roa1 wUl run aa follows ! Liave'Ebensburq At 7.20 A. connecting -with Bait. Ex- ' press West and Thro' Acnom East. &t 7.15 P. M., connecting with Mail Train "West and Thro' Express East. Leave Cresson At 10.45 A.M., or on departure of Thro' Accommodation West. At 8.45 P. M., or on departure ol Express East and Mail "West. Patronize Your Own Mechanics. -Sluch of tho prosperity of a village is dependent upon its mechanics. Many large and thriving towns have been built op alm6st entirely by the skill and enter prise of this class of citizens. It is to the Interest of every community that me chanical industry be patronized to the fullest extent. Knowing this and who Joes not? it should be laid down as one of the cardinal rules ot faith of a town or villasre that its own mechanics be aided and encouraged. ' By affording labor to their own citizens, the people of a place are adding just so much to their own in dustrial wealth; by withholding it, they are to the same degree detracting from their prosperity, to the building up of another locality. Some men have strange notions on the subject of economy. That they may save a small 3um,"say the price of a "drink," at home, they pay a large turn, in expenses of different kinds, and ft their work dono abroad. This is "savin? at the spiggot and losing at the lungholo." Even if a dollar or two were med by the operation, it would still as fiaio the proportions of. a penny-wise pound -foolish policy; for in the same proportion that one's home mechanics are : i .i - v ii;:-couragca is tne vaiue ui um; a uuuiu property decreased. ' A good, worthy mechanic iot worth a dollar is of more account to a town than a niggardly speculator with his thousands. The former is constantly adding to the wealth of the place, whereas the latter is impoverishing it. The man who fails to etcooragc his neighbor mechanics is an cemy to the community in which he lives. His small-fisted selfishness may possibly add somewhat to bis own personal gains, hat it 4e.irqys in a degree the prosperity of the town Hi which be lives. Patronize your own mechanics ! Ir is Cominq ! As will be seen by re'erence to their flaming advertisement ia another column, Gardner & Ilemmings' Great American Circus will exhibit in Tuesday. This "Show" has been with us often, and has given such general sat isfaction, that it is almost unnecessary fur us to make more than the announcement above. But we will add that in addi tsii to their usual troupe of eques trians and acrobats, G. & II. have also in to? a troupe ot live Arabs, five in num- kuu win ippxax m a. jicnuiiuouvv. ve cpnf l)r nof foil tn crn and pee. Remedy for tiie Potato Disease. W that the potato-planting season is at knd, it may not be uninteresting to our saiere to know that a scientific French man has discovered, or imagines he hag Covered, a remedy for the potat dis e. The secret consists simply in plant- :gthe seed after the first of June, ins'tead 1 in April apd May. By this plan the tyato escapes the frosts of April, and the is not exposed to the hot sun of July. Ornate frost and heat, it is thought, "e the effect of corrupting the root by !f opposing influences. Political. Messrs. Michael Woods, lustown, James Meyers, Ebensburg, Bracken, Conemaugh, and George irley, Ebensburg, announce, through ie Democratic prints, that they are Can utes for the Sheriffalty of Cambria 'inty, "subject to decisionof Dem. Co. toYention." Gen. James Potts, Johns- :,a, is out for the Legislature. Change in the School Law. Tho passed by tho Legislature, last winter, Prpriating the money applied to Com- 4a Schools in proportion to tho number "Molars in attendance in eaeh district, teen repealed. The money will be rued hereafter in DroDortion to tho ol taxables . in tho several dis- ill Bles3 IIim. Let Him Go!" We from the Johnstown Democrat that ' . B. M'Cormick, possibly better '5oa as the "Six-dollar Dictionary has become one of the editors of 4 tsburg -i W.. . Johnstown, May 8, 1861. Dear AUtghanian : Mr. Joseph Moore, lately bo prominent before the public, was robbed last week of the Bum of 200. This money was the proceeds of the sale of hs furniture, &c. He had placed it in the side pocket of his coat, and cm retiring to bed, at the Kernyille Hotel, had hung the coat on the bed-post. Afterward, he got up and spread the coat over his bed. In the morning, when he arose and looked for it, his coat was gono, while another had been substituted ia its stead. The other occupants of .the room, four or five in number, were immediately searched, but the money could not be found. This amount constituted Moore's all, and he feels the loss greatly. Emanuel Young, o butcher in Kern yille, lost $90 one day last week. His impression is that he dropped it on the street. Adam James, a young Welshman, who enlisted from this place in the 7th Pa. cavalry, was accidentally, shot a few weeks ago, while with his regiment. He had leaned his gun against the .fence, and while in the act of retaking it, the hammer caught, exploding the cap, and lodging the contents in his abdomen. Ho was about 22 years of age, and bore an excel lent character. Jack Litzinger, of your town, met with a rather serious accident while at work in the Hotting Mill) last week. He was reaching through' the machinery for some purpose, when his coat caught in the cogs of a wheel, and his arm being thereby drawn in, a largo piece of flesh was sev ered from it. The -presence of miad of a fellow workman, who pulled the. belting off the wheel and thus stopped its revolu tions, probably saved the arm from being taken totally off. I must again encroach upon your space to notice a couple cf serenades, which came off at our front door during the balmy evenings of last week. Tho first was instrunjental, and tho four young gentlemen performers will please accept the thanks -of "our house" for their excel lent music. The other was vocal, and a compliment to your correspondent. You can just imagine how pleasant it would be if you were to awake some night and hear the enchanting voices of five young ladies singing under your window. Then phan cy my pheelinks! If our statutes only permitted polygamy, and those five young ladies would have me, I would lose no time in securing the entire "Leap Year Troupe," a3 partners for life. How pleas ant it would be to make them go out under your window and sing you to 6leep every night! As personal mention, I may notice that Chas. P. Murray has opened a shoe store in Mastcrson's old corner. Charlie is a clever fellow, and your readers who hap pen down this way should not fail to give him a call.. I might also notice that if they want fashionable and cheap clothing they Carr call ou A. Drammell, next door to J. Geis store. A deserter named Meyera was arrested last night by Pro. Mar. lleyer, and for warded to his regiment. The ground adjoining the site oP the new Woolen factory has been laid out in building lots, and tho name of Town's-End given to the locality. This name is partly in compliment to A. J. Townsend, the heaviest stockholder in the factory, and partly that it will constitute the end of our town for the present. The Tribune, (Johnstown,) in an edito rial last week, avers that "Sbakspeare still lives." This is a mistake. Sbak speare is dead ! With great expense, and after considerable research, I have suc ceeded in discovering an old body-servant of the renowned S., who is several cen turies old, at least. He gives me the interesting information that he dandled the infant prodigy on his knee. lie says it was his wont to call him "Billy," but that his real name was William William Speare. . At the age of 40, William took the Western fever and emigrated toward the setting suii. where' ibo ague was shortly added to tho fever. In a brief space of time ho shook himself to pieces ; and so, to distinguish him from all name sakes, his neighbors called him "Shake speare. There :s a tradition that he, Phoenix-like, arose from his ashes, and wrote a number of dramatic performances for tho "Star of tbe West" and "Bird of Avon,-'troupc3, but this the antiquated servant indignantly denies. He insists that Billy never wrote anything except the anthems popularlascribcd to Mother Goose, and an essay 'on dogs, concluding with the terse and vigorous remark that "dogs is a good thing about a-house everybody ought to have a dog or two." 1 think there can be no mistake in asserting that Siakspeare is very dead. May Leos. , Fallino Back! The Johnny Rebs. under Lee, after much fume and brag, instead cf standing up acd fighting ia an open field, appear to be falling back on the entrenchments at Richmond. Some people here receatly undertook to buy Spring Goods at some other store than Jamea M. Thompsoa,s,'EbeasbuTg, bat a single experiment has proved to them also the necessity of "falling back" upon the P. O. emporium. Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment. A certain cure for pains in limbs and back, sore throat, croup, rheumatism, colic, &c; A perfect family medicine, and never fails! Read ! Read ! ! Read ! !! Livonia, Wayne co., Mich., June 16, '59. This is to certify that my wife was taken with Quinsy eore throaty it commenced to swell, and ivas bo sore that she could not swallow, and coughed violently. I used your Liniment, and made a perfect euro in one week. I firmly believe that but for the Lini ment she would have lost her life. JOHN II. HARLAN. Price 25 and 50 cents. Sold by all druggists. Office 56 Cortlaudt St., New-York. May 12. LIST OF LETTERS Romaiuing in tho Post Office, Ebens buxg, Pa., up to ilay 1, 18G1 : TILL EXHIBIT IN EBENSBURG, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1SG JOHNSTOWN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18. ' GARDNER & HEMMttlC'S GREAT AMERICAN CIRCUS Gaedser, IlEjnnxGa & Co -Dan Gardner - - - - Proprietors - Manager The Management takes cleasure ia announcing that for the season of 1:334, they are enabled to pre- " seat many new and startling nov elties, among which may be na me a ; a Troupe1 Real Arabs Consist ins of 5 Male and Female t COKTOKTIONISTS, ACEOBATJ. i And JuGGLxas, Of tho most extraordinary de ception, foremost among which is Z A It A , The Beutifnl Arab Girl, Thi Om.v FisiLt Contortion ist in the WoBi.r), whose feajs are ot so wonaertul a character, that they have been a theme of conversation wherever the has appeared. ALI HASSAN, PnrMTrR Gtvsjit of the Tbovpe The great original single Trapere Performer. This young Arabian Gymnast, during his extraordina ry Act, HANGS BY THE NECK on the Fragile Ear of the Trapeze and whilA thus suspended beats a Gbd March vpoji the Dbw. This Son of the Desert performs many other new and startling feats totally unlike anything ever before seen in this country. Ben Mahommed, the Man ef Strength. ZELA, tha Female Gymnastic Wonder. . AH Mahommed, the astonishing Arabian Gymnast, form the other members of the troupe, who all appear in Tstty Pyramids, Diriks Liak, S-c, illustrating Gymnastics upon the Great Desrt cf the Old World. . The Manager would cajl attention to the MAGNIFICENT BAND CHARIOT Constructed expressly for the season at the cost of SfiGCO by Fielding Brothers, the celebrated Coach Builders of New York. City. The design of this chariot is of the most unique and most elaborate description. Tho pre vailing colors are gold, red and blue, and as it enters town upon the morning of exhibition drawn by 12Sfle: did Chargers gaily comparisoned, a tout ensemble ia presented of impossing richness and grandeur. THE FAVILLION which is capable of seating SUOO spectator is entirely new and was manufact ured expressly for this Season,- ai a cost of AXV by Mr. Henry Dougherty of South St., New York. The Cans I ages, Ha&ress, Bao cage Vans, Properties and Appointments are beauti ful in the extreme. The Stud of Horses, Ponies and Muxes are of the finest and best trained collection in the world. The Troupe of Performers compose the Elite of the Profession. Look at the Nam es ; DAN GARDNER, the People's Favorite Clown. Richard Hemmings Equestrian and Tight Rope Artist f JOHN RIVERS, - Punster and Comic Vocalist. Frank Carpenter, . the Celebrated Equestrian. Signor De Louis, the Best Gymnast of the Ago. Frank Whittaker, the accomplished Maetre . De Cirque. . ,C GEORGE BROWN, the Great American Tumbler. Miss Eliza Gardner the Pride of the Arena. M ME. CAMILLA, the Famed Parisian Equestrl enne. x . . ., ' If 4La Ketn uamma. the Infant Prodigy. t . YOUNG DAN,. v .the Pocket Clown. ' Also Messrs. Dubois, - Velande, Hentle, Bolino, Swjeet, Nuda, Cooper, together with numerous well Se lected Auxiliaries Tha above ' Talented Artists will appear at each Exhibition, in conjunction with The Arab Troupe, In every variety of Scen e Kiuibg, Trick Aiding, Gtmnastic and Acrobatic Exercises, Tum bling, Dancing, Sengixg, be, THE BAND, or Grand Orchestra, is compeced of many musical ce lebrities, headed by the great Macstra, Fbitz IIartman. The Grand Procession," will be of the most elegant char, acteri headed br the Koyal Band Chariot, and will enter the town between O and 10 o'clock, A. M. Two Exhibions each day. Af ternoon and Evening. Doors Open at 2 and 7 P. M. Performance to commence half an hour later. Admission 50 and 25 Cents. tri Tlav and Date, but V AA V Wrw e-s,w J . wait for tho Uig Show ana tue tteai roupe of Arabs. Von't confound this with, aay other establishment. We "defy competi tion W. 11. GARDNER, Agent. Don't forset J ArnoH James Burtnet John Connell Joseph Campbell Robert E Davis Thos Davis (North) Aaron Dayia Evan B Davis tobt R Davis Tlica G Davis Daniel J Evans Miss Sarah Evans Win J Edwards Miss Allis Gowa John J Hughes Mi39 Sarah J fi t Mr Ilardety Thos Jackson Mis3-Mary E Jones John A Jones . David Jones Miss M A Jones Tho3 L Jones Wm G Jones Mr Idorin Miss Catharine Jones Gecrgo Keortm Wm Kaylor Mrs Arvilla Klin Abraham Luice Chas D Litzinger Miss Mary J Larimer Geo Moore A G Miller . John Morgan Mis3 Susan Pryce 2 John W Rough Miss Evoline E Reese 2 Miss Mary Reeso David G Reese Frederick Snyder William B Seldley 2 Mrs Elizabeth Slomiker Joel Simon3 Geo W Thomas Mrs Elenor Tibbott Uenry Vale Phebe Wissinger. Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. JOHN THOMPSON, P, M. May 5, 1864. IGIILY IMPORTANT TO BLACKSMITHS. .Four-fifths of time and hard labor saved by using ISAAC C. SINGER'S NEW AND COMPLETE TIRE AND BAND BENDER, Patented March 10, :8G3. Its chief advanta ges are 1st. Having strong gear wheels to obtain power, one man can operate it to bend cold wagon tire, any size under 1 by 4 inches. 2d. Having movable collars, to hold the bar square on the portable rollers, it takes all twist out of the bar, while bending in a regu lar circle. ' t 3d. It can be shifte'd to bend to any desired circle, from one up to twelve feet, in one minute. 4th. Having a movable centre post, which can be quickly taken off, tires and bands are easily taken out. 5th. The, upper ribbed roller will always draw the bar through. 6th. Being guaged and numbered, a card with directions accompanies it. TheMaghine in good (oil the journals) running order, bolted upon a strong piece of timber, without lege cr crank, for $23, or with legs and crank for 30. All cash orders promptly attended to. ' State and County Rights lor sale. ISAAC C SINGER. Ebensburg, April 14, l8G4-tf. TAYLOR A; CREMER, AT. THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIES, Huntingdon, Pa. Sell Fruit & Ornamental Tress, Vines &c. of better growth, larger size, and at lower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each $16 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 ct3 each $12.50 tc $j5 per 10 Standard Pear trees, 50 to 75 cts oach. '. ;DwarfPear trees, 50$to$leach 20 to $6 per 100 -Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37 h to 75 cts Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 cts. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees x40 to 50 cts. Jsectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to Si. Silver Maple trees G2 J to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1. European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 cts to $1. American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 American & Chinese Arbor Vita', 50 ctr $1.50 Strawberry Plants, $1 per 1Q0, &c. sc. Huntington, Jan. 25, 1860.-tf.. EBENSBURG HARDWARE ANL STOVE DEPOT. BA n OA IAS TO BE HA D ! . The undersigned has just received a large and splendid assortment of Hardware xmd Cutlery, Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Nails, Window Glas3, Hoop Iron, Carbon Oil Lamps and pure Carbon Oil, Japanned and Brittannia Ware, Glass Ware, &c, Ac, all ot which he will sell very low for CASH or ex change for Country Produce. Also : ne still continues to manufacture Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of all descripti6n3, for sale either by the Wholesale or Retail. Repairing done on short notice. He returns bis sincere thanks to his old friends and customers for the patronage ex tended him, and begs leave to hope that they will come forward and settle up their accounts of long standing, and commence ihe new year "on the square."" He must have money to enable him to keep up his stock. B Prices low,- to suit the times. GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebensburg, Jany. 9, l8C2tf v CABINET WARE-ROOM. RE V A N S re- - , A spectfully in- forms the tltizeus of -jizt ,"L- v Ebensburg, and Cam- (fL r)j oria county general- -f v - ;t-il r-L ly, that he has on 'iSMf hand and far sale, at -. SI his Ware-room, P 'SSC iiUlX , square west of Blair's ' ZP hotel, a large and splendid assortment of FURNITURE, whiih He will sell very cheap. COFFINS made tb order on the shortest notice and at reasona ble prices. Ebensburg, Oct. 6, 1859: E'XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of George Glass, dee'd., late of White township, Cambria county, having been granted to the subscriber by the Register of said county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to call and settle the same immediately, and those having claims against said estate will present them, properly authenticated, for set tlement. The undersigned will bo ut the late residence of George Glass, dee'd., every Saturday afternoon for the purpose of making settlements. DANIEL A. GLASS, Ex?r. White tp., April 14, 1364. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Letters ot Administration on the estate of Rebecca Crum, late of Summcrhill town ship, Cambria county, deceased, having been granted the subscriber by the Register of said county, all persons indebted to said estate are hereby notified to call and settle their respective accounts immediately, and those having claims agitinst the same -will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. JOSEPH MILLER, Adinr. Arril 28, 186-1-61 JgNTIRELY VEGETABLE ! NOT ALCOHOLIC. A HIGHLY. CONCENTRATED VEGETABLE EXTRACT. A PURE TONIC. DR. HOOFLAND S PREPARED BY DR.C. M.JACKSON, Philadelphia, Pa Will effectually cure LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JAUNDICE, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY", DIS EASES OF, TIIE KIDNEYS, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DIS ORDERED LIVER OR STOMACH, fyich as Constipa tion, Inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach Nausea, Heartburn, disgust for food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinkiog or Fluttering at the pit of tho stomach. Swimming of the head, Hurried and Difficult Bicathing, Fluttering at the heart, Cho king or Suffocating sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of perspiration, m Yellow ness of the skin and eyes, Paiu ia'the side, back, chest Limbs, 4c, Sudden Flushes of heat burning in tho ilesh, constant imagiuing3 of evil, and great depression of Spirits. And will positively prevent YclIOVT Fever, Iiilllous Fever, &c. T1IEV CONTAIN. NO ALCOHOL OR BAD WHISKEY ! They will cure the above diseases ia niuc-ty-niue cases out of a hundred. fj-oni Rev. J. Newton Brown, D..D., Editor of the Encyclopedia of fteligiou3 Kn owledsre. Although not disposed to favor or recom mend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingredients and c-tt'erta I yet know of no sulScient reasons win- a man may not testify to tho benefits he bclievt3 nimseii 10 nave received from any simple lut-jjiwiiiiuu, m iub nope mat he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in' regard to noonana a uernian JJitters, prepared by Dr C. M. Jackson, of this city, because 1 wa; prejuaiceu against them .for many was " UilJ J t ill under the impression that they were chiefiy an acloholic mixture. I am indebted to my Inena Kobert Shoemaker., for the removal of mis prejudice by proper tests, and for en couragement to try them, when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use ot three bottles of these Bitters, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief, and restoration to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not ftlt for six months before, and had almost despaired ot regaimng. I therefore thank- God and my friend fiH- directing mp in nia them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Puilaij'a., Jcse 23, 18G1, ATTENTION SOLDIERS! Will build up the constitution, and give health and strength to an overtasked and diseased-system. . Philadelphia, August t"2, 1SC2. Dr. C. 11. Jacksos Dear Sir: While in Virginia, owing to the change of w ater, I was taken with a severe diarihoea, which seemed incurable, and which greatly weakened me. When we reached Martinsburg, I feared that I should have to come honi-j but noticing somfc of your Bitters in the store ef Mr. II. if. Price, in that town, I purchased a supply and on taking it was speedily restored to health. The diarrhoea was quickly checked, and I experienced no return of it- A number of my comrades who suffered in the same manner and from the same cause, with whom I shared th Bitters, join me in this. certificate. I expect to return to the seat of war with the Legion, and I shall certainly take a supply of the Bitters in my knapsack. I would not be without it for its weight in gold, particularly on going into a limestone region. - Yours, truly, A. E. AL5IECS, . Company II, Scott Legion. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! See that the signature of "C. II. Jackson" 13 on the wrapper of each bottle. . Price per bottle 75-ccnla Or jalf dozen for $1. Should your nearest Druggist not have the article, dJ not be put off bv any of the intox icating preparations that may" be clfei-ed in its place, but send tou3, and wt will forward by express, securely packed. PRINCIPAL OFFICE akd MANUFACTORY No. 631 ARCH ST. Jones 2Z3x7"xxiSi, (Successors to C 31. JACKSON, & Co.,) PROPRIETORS. For sale by Dr. G. II. KISYSER, 41 Wood st., SIMON JOHNSON, corner Fourth and Smithfield sts., Pittsburg, and by drug gists and Dealers in everv town in the United States. ' Julv 0, '63.!vj HON. WILSON JPCANDLESS, Judga of the United States Circuit Court, President. PITTSBURGH, PA:;' corner Pcnu and St ' . Clair ots. . Tlic Largest, Cheapest and lie si 35. OO Pays for a Commerc ial course. JKSNo extra charges for Manufacturers, Steamboat, Railroad and Hank Booi-Keep-iujr. Ministers' Sons at half price. Students enter and review at anv time. This Institution is conducted bv experienced Teachers and principal Accountants, who prepare young men for active business, nt tho. least expense auji shortest time, lor tho most lucrative and responsible situations. Di louis granted for merit only. Hence the universal preference for graduates of this College, b) business mtn. Prof. A. Cowlky, the best Penman of tho Union, who holds the largest No. of 1st Pro miums. and over all competitors, teache Rapid Business Writing. Circulars" containing full information sent free on application to the Principals. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburg, Pa. CG5" Attend where the Sons and Clerks ot Bankers and Business men graduated April 24, !852-ly. i o "3 a a P -z p at Q 2 O CD K K J -.3 Is 3 1 H T3 o o CJ o a o o in -tn a T3 r3 - m u c m fc: es h U CO u h y. o o 5 a. a . T3 a a "3 o o o a ci . o u o o 5 c: CJ o o O i W4 '-3 01 fig 01 l! .2 OT U s S a CS a f5 fi w o O o to ,2 c ci o .a c M c - Z a 2 -0 o V u: H ti U -J ft c s: c3 CO a - o - a a OMR Ul r o O Z I. O a . - c- o o 2 tJ -J u.. o a 3 z .2 "5 - 3. O a a cj o J3 U 5 t ti O Q tn cj to CJ 3 5 o W Qlu-( ,U1CK SALES, ASl SMALL PROFITS!' 1SU4. TIHi-LATEST ARRIVAL ! WHO DON'T WANT BARGAINS! A. A. BARKER, EcLxsncao. Pa. The subscriber takes pleasure in announ cing to the peojilc of Ebensburg and vicinity' "that he lias-just received. -at his store, oti High street, the largest aud most complete assortment of Winter Goods ever before brought to this county, nil ot which he is determined to sell cheaper Uuxn the cheapest, DRY GOODS, In endless variety. DRESS GOODS, " Of every description WOOLLEN GOODS, A full and complete Assortment. WHITE GOODS, Embracing all the latest style3 EMBROIDERIES, Handsome and of the best quality. . HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Of all sorts, sizes widths and prices. HOOP SKIRTS AND BALMORALS, The latest and best styles. READY-MADE CLOTHING, A better and cheaper article than ever befor offered to this community. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the very best workmanship. HATS AND CAPS, Fashionable and of durable materi:1. MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES.. BUFFALO ROBES. Hardware, Queenswars, Groceries, flour, Bucc Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, ilucienl, Her ring and Cod Fish, Jron and XaiU, Cedar and Willow Ware, Drug, and Medicines, Carbon and Fish Oil, ttc, ctc. cc. These, and many other descriptions of Goods, too numerous to here mention, con stantly ou hand. Not to mince matters, he keeps a FIRST CLASS CO US TRY STORE, whore, anything or everything a person niay uttd ox desire can be obtained. By buying a large stock at a time, and pay ing lor the same almost entirely in Cash, the subscriber is enabled to sell consiJeralli cheaprr than other dealers in this community. To be convinced of the truth of fhis assertion you need only call and examiue his Schcdula of Prices. - NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS. Customers will be waited upon by accom modating Salesmen. . tST" The Public is requested x-j roll in . the more the merrier and secure Barpains, A. A. BARKER. INSURANCE AGENCY. James Purse, agent fo the Blair county and Lycoming Mutual Fire Insurance Com panies, Johnstown, Pa. ZO" Will attend promptly to making iasu rftuce in any part of Cambria county - ; cu application by letter or in person. March 12th, IS0J-U,