The Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1859-1865, August 27, 1863, Image 3

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    AUGUST 27-
nn , J after Monday, April 20, 1863, trains
fa thU road will ran a9 follows .'
iriVT Ebexsburo
itb Throucrh
A Accom. East and Bait. Ex. West,
it 6 35 P Mm connecting with Express
East add Mail Train West.
mvE Cresson
At 9 30 A M- or on QCPartu-e of Accom-
" oodation West,
it 8 00 P M., or on departure o Express
' East and Mail West.
Letter from our Soldiers.
Camp is me Field, Alabama,
August 13, 1863. J
Correspondence of The Alleghanian.
Thinking a few lines from the Army of
the Cumberland from Co. C, 19th Rog
ersmight not rrove uninteresting to
y0ur readers, I take the liberty of addres
,ior jou. You are doubtless aware that
,fter the battle of Stooe river we .lay some
iix months at Murfreesboro without
moving. The orders to maTch came at
last on the 24th June. The morning we
left camp it commenced raining, and
rain was the programme for twenty -two
day. This made our situation very un
comfortable, notwithstanding which the
ibovs remained in the best of spirits and
ware eager for the fray. The roads soon
became almost impassible, and our trains
Vere neatly delayed, which accounts for
Brags 8 escape. 1 ou are aware oi wnai
took place during the Rebel general's
retreat, so it is unneoessary for me to give
particulars. Suffice it to 6ay that, in the
operation of skedaddling, he lost some
five thousand men.
If I am not greatly mistaken, you may
expect some news from this department
joon which will cause a thrill of joy to
penetrate every loyal heart and give the
Copperheads reason to skulk dismayed to
their holes.
Talkiag of Copperheads : If these
disloyal gentry only knew the true feelings
of the soldiers towards them, it would
jive th-m but little consolation. But
perhaps, to men eo lost to all feelings of
patriotism, and principle aa to sympathize
with armed treason, it makes but lit tl
diSerence what soldiers think ! They
would sooner, possibly, bask iu the good
pees of feF. Davis, the Devil, and others
of like ilk, than have the respect of the
loyal and honest. If so, we avow ourselves
usable to cope with the difficulty they
are beyond the reach of mora! surgery
to we are obliged to leave them to Jeff
Davis and the Devil.
We in the army have some respect for
those ia arms e gainst us. Thpy at least
lave the courage to meet us in a fair field.
But for those cowardly miscreants who
stab their country and its cause in the
tack we have none. Thev are beneath
ourcoateinpt even. I pity their children,
for the words and deeds of their slimy
progenitors will be a stumbling-block in
their path forever.
One consolation to us is, that the Cop
perhead fraternity composes but a small
portion of the great mass of the people of
tke loyal States. Abraham Lincoln was
constitutionally elected President of these
luted States that all men know and
s such should be obeyed. When the proper
taw arrives, if the majority of the Amer
ican people desire a change of measures
madmen. thPV nn liiT-n tr an 1 ma irill
j y w
g'TC them our hearty support. In the
meantime, we are bound by every dictate
f honor and duty to support those in
Minority over us.
There is certainlv some difference, as
"girds pleasure, between a soldier's life
ad that of a citizenthe difference pre
ponderating iQ favor of the latter. Now,
ttnch as we doolie to return to nnr frienda
4 homes, I am free to say that, so Ion
13 thpri its nn T i . . 1
43 Aere is an armed traitor above ground,
11 cur determination to remain fighting
wt&e old flag our fore-fathers bequeathed
that priceless emblem of a liberty
jciueved after eight long years of priva-
and suffering. The llebellion must
P down at an v cost. To see our
b-wiobj old banner once more floating
Vcr cvery f0. . tt j Snm's farm
a single star of its bright constellation
cr4cd nor .a zt; . v z n
an doubly repay us for all efforts direc
5 m that behalf.
Dumerjts of nine-tentho rF tho rmv f
""".Oar tpacliA- ".i mi i ..'
hi v ,I,tU! w' pjease notice
11 the etaminfifm. i
tL.v , """r1'" v applicants ;or
e,ChOols of Y. 1 1 i.i.
4e Union Sfthnnl.H AT1CA An AT.,!.. .
utlnst 7; v" 'yu
""The oot. f,rn : , ' ,
Sheriff's Sales. Followiug is an
abstract of the real estate advertised to
be sold by the Sheriff of Cambria county,
at the Court House, Ebcnsburg, on Mon
day, 7th September, proximo :
George 'iates, Yoder township, S00
acres", 25 acres cleared, with small cabin
George Gates, Conemaugh township,
300 acres, 100 acres cleared, with two
story frame house, log barn, spring house
and saw-mill.
Samuel Henshcy, Clearfield township,
801 acres and 145 perches, with heredi
taments and appurtenances.
George C. K. Znhm, Ebensburg, piece
of ground, with one story frame building,
Mary Ann M'Kinzie, Chest Springs
borough, two lots of ground, "with large
three story plank house and frame stable.
Stephen Kerns and Philip Kerns, Sum
merhill township, parcel of land, with
John R. Thomas, Ebensburg, lot of
ground, with two story frame house.
Alexander D. Geughenour, Sylvania,
Conemaugh township, lot of ground, with
wo story plank house and plank stable.
lvichard J. Evans, (one of defendants,)
Cambria and Carroll townships, S00 acres,
70 acres cleared, with log house, frame
barn, grist mill, saw-mill, dwelling house,
stable and blacksmith shop.
EH B. Horner, Conemaugh township,
71 acres, GO acres cleared, with two story
plank house aud cabin barn.
John Iloss, administrator of John B.
Stewart, dee'd., White township, 49 acres,
unimproved. Also : 137 acres and 84
perches, White township, unimproved.
Edward Burk, Washington township,
130 acres, H acres cleared, with one and
a half story plank Louse and large frame
William Cree, White township, 05
acres,-35 acres cleared, with two story log
house, weatherboarded, and log barn.
George Banfield, Johnstown, lot of
ground, with two story plank house.
Elizabeth Perkins, Perkinsville. Taylor
township, 146 perches, with one and a
half story frame house.
Elizabeth Kratzer, Allegheny and Clear
field townships, with 308 acres, 20 acres
cleared, with furnace builJing, cooper
shop, saw mill, twelve 1 story log houses,
three two story log houses, two stables,
coal house, two large frame stables, large
coal liouse, aud largo two story frame
William II. Aaron, Hemlock, Wash
ington township, lot of ground, with two
story frame house.
James Glasgu, White township, 80
acres, 70 acres cleared, with hewed log
John Miller and Susan filler, Cam
bria township, one acre, with old house
and old stable.
Charles Murray, Jackson township,
250 acres, 40 acres cleared, with log
List of Causes. Subjoined we give
the list of causes set down for trial at a
court of Common Pleas to be held at Eb
ensburg, for Cambria county, commencing
on Monday, 7th September, prox. :
T3 M Gonigle
vs Itager
vs Crura
vs Skelly
va Gates
V9 M Gonigle
vs A J Ilhey et al
vs Ilenniagton
vs Crum
vs Same
vs Collins
vs Brown
vs Cambria Iron Co.
vs Lloyd ct al
vr Lycoming Co Ins Co.
vs Ueueutan
vs Murray et al
vs Same
Evans '
Ebensburg & Cres
son Kit. Co.
Moyers for use .
Myers et al.
Itoss for use
Movers for use
Buck .
White for use
Moore et al. -,
Kemp endorsee
vs Noon's Adm'rs
. vs Smith
vs Tiley
vs Levergood
vs Griffith
vs M'Gonigle
vs Dcrlington et al
vs Engelbach
vs Kough
vs Uasson
vs Sharp's Executrix
vs Troxler
vs Tiley et al
vs Sbettig
, vs Piper et al
vs Weakland ,
vs Lantzey et fil
vs Griffith ct al.
On our outside today we print the
discourse delivered by Rev, Harbison on
the late National Thanksgiving day. It
ia an eloquent, patriotic effort, well wor
thy an attentive perusal.
Charles, son of Mr C. B. Ellis, of
Johnstown, and a member of Capt. Ryck
man's cavalry company, was killed re
cently by his horse falling upon bim.
See advertisement elsewhere of E. R.
Williams with Sower, Barnes & Co., Pnb
Viftbera, Philadelphia.
The Draft. On our opposite page we
print the names of the persona in this
county who were eo "fortunate" aa to
draw prizes in the late draft. The draw
ing came off at Huntingdon on Thursday
last, and was conducted throughout with
entire fairness. The manner of proceed
ing was about in this wise: The names
of all those liable to the draft, in each
sub-district, wre first placed in the wheel;
a blind man was then blindfolded, who,
after the wheel had undergone a complete
revolution, would draw forth a ticket;
this ticket was read aloud, spelled, sub
jected to the scrutiny of the judges, and
finally passed to the clerks to be entered
down. Thus, until the quota of each
sub-district had been drawn.
Tho total number drawn from the
county was 781, which includes the fifty
per cent excess to cover exemptions.
Four citizens of this county, namely,
Messrs. A. A. Barker, Wm. Kittell, C.
L. Pershing and John M. Bowman, were
present by special invitation to witness
and participate in the drawing.
In this borough the number drawn was
21, politically classified as follows: 10
Democrats, 10 Unionists, 1 Negro the
latter the only one in town, by the way.
Lawyers, merchants, carpenters, laborers
almost every profession and class was
levied upon for contributions. No less
than three printers were drafted winch
is rather a "big thins" on the art-preservative
confraternity. In the county,
four ministers of the Gospel were also
"called." Truly, the presiding deity of
the draft stone-blind Chance is no re
specter of persons !
There was no disturbance nor sign of
disturbance manifest at the drawing. On
the contrary, everything passed off quietly
and in order. It is, furthermore, notice
able that there is now no talk of "resist
ing the draft" or obstructing the work
ings of the law. The conviction has
impressed itself on every mind that one
of three things has to be done put on a
"sub," pay 300, or yo. And, like good
men and patriots, they hold themselves
prepared for the execution of one of the
Cambria County Teachers' Insti
tute. The Executive Committee of this
organization met at Cresson on Saturday
last, and prepared a programme of exer
cises for the next semi-annual meeting
to be held at Wilmore on Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday, 2Sch, 29th and 30th
September, coming. It is as follows :
Orthography : Class drill by Mr Thos. J.
Cuiipiuan. Lectures lv-Messrs. J. F.Allen
aud W. II. II. Freeman.
Heading: Class drill by Miss Julia Wilcox
and Mi?3 ue Magellan. Lecture by Daniel
W. Kvans.
Penmanship ana Drawing: Essay by Miss
Jennie Sterling.
Menial Arithmetic : Class drill by Mr. nen
ry Ely.
Written Arithmetic : Class drill by Mr. J. F.
Lecture on Mathematics ; by Prof. D. B.
Geography: Class drill by M'ss Lizzie E
Roberts. Lecture by S. B. M'Cormick.
Grammar : Class drill by Miss Mary M.
Swank. Lecture by Mr. S. Singleton.
JJssagst On the importance of Kducatiou
to the individual and to society, by Miss
Mary J. Jones. On the proper method of el
evating the science of Teaching to its proper
place among the learned profess ons, by Miss
Hannah Evans. On the influence of intelli
gence upon the morality of a community, by
Ilev. B. L. Agnew. On I'hysicnl Culture
forming one of the branches of instruction in
our common schools, by Mr. Schwartz!.
Subjects for General Discussion : Resolved,
that public school exhibitions are injurious.
What books on Teaching should be read bv
the Teacher?
The understanding at the last Institute
was, that the next session would be held
at Lorctto ; but this was found to be im
practicable, by reason that no building of
a suitable character could bo secured in
the village. Wilmore, occupying a cen
tral position as regard the county at
large, will be found to be a good exchange.
After a long continued stretch of
extremely dry weather, extendingx over
a period of several weeks, on Mdhday the
floodgates of heaven were opened upon us
after a truly refreshing style. The rain
poured down in torrents Monday evening
and all day Tuesday, and we have been
favored with intermittent storms and
showers ever since. The effect of this for
good can scarcely be conceived at' the
very least, by the breaking up of the
drouth, the corn crop has been saved from
total destruction in this sectionr
ii. To thk Votebs of Cambria Cocnty :
1 hereby oiler myself to your consideration
as a caudidate for the office of ASSEMBLY,
at the next ensuing' general election, subject
to the decision of the ballot-box. '
Lorctto, August 25, 1863.
Philadelphia, P.nn.
An examination of SCHOOL TEACHERS
will beheld at the School House in the Bor
ough of Ebensburg, on Monday, the 31st last.,
commencing at 2 o'clock, P. M.t for the pur
pose of supplying the Union School House
with two Male and two Female Teachers, the
Schools to open on tho first Monday of Sep
tember next. By order of the Board.
D. J. JONES, Secretary.
August 27th, 18G3.
The undersigned, having been appointed
Trustee of Mr. Elizabeth S. Lytle, by the
Orphans' Court of Philadelphia, by virtue
and under the authority of an order, of the
said Court, will offer at public sale, on
the American House, llollidaysburg, at one
o'clock p. m., the following described Farm
Land: !
The undivided two-thirds of the Albright
Farm, known as the Brollier Tract, situate iu
Juniata township, Blair county, Pa , bounded
on the North by surveys formerly owned by
John S. Kryon ; on the West by lands of
Jame3 M'Connell and others ; on the South
by land deviled to the Trustees of Martha K.
Duncan by Dr. Shocnberger; and on the
East bj land of Jas. Malone, formerly land of
Roudebnsh's heirs, containing 330 acres,
more or less.
Also, a tract of Mountain Land, situate in
Morrison's Cove, Bedford county, and State
afores: id, known as the Snyder and Brum
baugh Tract, and being on the mountain
adjoining the Stone nouse Loy Farm, con
taining about 190 acres.
Also, a tract of land, situate in Summerhill
township, Cambria county, State aforesaid,
surveyed on a warrant, William Smith, D. D.,
containing 440 acres, now or formerly adjoin
iu" land3 of Dr. Storm M'Murray and others.
TjETRMS OF SALE. One-third of the pur
chase u?oney to be paid on confirmation of
the sale a-n tue balance in two equal annual
payments, wJth interest, to be secured by the
bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
For further particulars inquire of E. H.
Lytle, Martin3burg, I'a'
W Notice i3 hereby given that the follow
ing accounts have been passed ani3 filed in
the Register's Office, at Ebensburg, antf will
be presented to the Orphan's Court of Cam
bria county for confirmation and allowance
on Wednesday, the ninth day of September,
next, to wit :
The second Account of Joseph Gantner,
Guardian of the minor children of Peter
Gantner, dee'd.
The Accoun of John J. Clevenger, Guardian
oi the minor children of Daniel Albaugh dee'd.
The eccond and final Account of Henry
Yeagly, Guardian of A. C. Dibert, a minor
child of Jno. Dibert, dee'd.
The final Account of Solomon Benshoof,
Trustee to "s!! the real estate of Jona3
Horner, dee'd.
The final Account of John L. Jeffries,
Executor of John R. Williams, dee'd.
The final Account of John Shoffner, Ad
ministrator of Cafpcr Shoffner, dee'd.
The sixth Account of John Dibert, Admin
istrator of John Dibert, dee'd.
'The second Account of Charles B. Ellis.
Administrator of Daniel Huber, dee'd.
The first Account of Michael M'Guire, Ex
ecutor of Philip Torpey, dee'd
The first and final Account of George Kern,
Executor of Martin Kern, dee'd.
The Account of Bernard Moyers, Executor
of Peter Moj ers, dee'd.
The third partial Account of William Ryan,
Jr., Administrator of Joseph A. Todd, dee'd.
The Account of George W. Stutzman, Ad
minicli iitor of Jacob Stutzman, dee'd.
The first and final Account of Samuel S.
Paul, Trustee to sell the real estate of Jacob
Paul, dee'd.
The first and final Account of Samuel S.
Paul, Administrator of Catherine Paul, dee'd.
The first and final Account of Joseph Shi
rcy, Administrator of Martin Wagner, dee'd.
The second and partial Account of Edw.
Shoemaker, Administrator of Rev. Thomas
M'Culiogh, dee'd.
The partial Account of J. M. Campbell,
surviving Administrator ot James S. Clark,
The Account of William C. Lewis, Admin
istrator, dc bonis non of Abraham Cobaugh,
dee'd. E. F. LYTLE, Register.
Ebensburg, August 3d, 18C3.
Notice is hereby given that the following
appraisements of certain property of decedents
selected and set apart for the widows of in
testates, under Act of Assembly of the
'1th April, 1851, haVe been filed in the "Reg
isters of!ice,'ttt Ebensburg, and will be pre
sented to the Orphans' Court, for approval, on
next, to wit .
Appraisement of certain real estate, set
anm-t, for the widow of Richard Sharp, dee'd.
Appraisement of certain personal property
set opart ror tue wiuow oi ueorge iserKeDile,
Appraisement ofeprtain personal property,
set apart for thewidow of George Bruce,
dee'd. .
Appraisempnt of certain personal property,
set apart for the widow of Peter Wible, dee'd.
Appraisement of certain personal property
Vet anart for the widow of David V. Pryce,
Appraisement of certain real estate selected
and set apart for the widow of Job n Main
hart, dee'd.
Appraisement of certain property selected
and set apart for the widow .oi ,James Trex
ler, dee'd. .
. ' ' E. F. LYTLE, Cleik.
Clerk of Orphans' Court's Office,
August 13, 18G3.
Remaining in the Post Office, Ebens-
bug, Pa., up to August 1st, 18t3 :
George Adams,
Maria Arthur,
Henry Benshausen,
Mrs-Bridget Byron,
John Howell, ,
Jane nowell, '
Tho3 B Hammond,
Isaac Holmes,
R G Bryant, Esq,
John Loh cry,
Miss Jenny Callaghan, Jacob B Lyons,
Daniel Dilon, - , Miss Eliza M'Bride,
Mrs Elizabeth Davi?, Rev Henry Mackay,
J G Davis,
Evan A Mick,
E G Davis,
Catharine Dillon, 2,
Michael Dougherty,
Mary Jane Davis,
Mrs Ann C Davis,
Daniel Murray,
Robt Montgomery,
Joseph Montouda,
Mary M'Gregor,
Miss Lizzie M Reese,
Oliver J Evans,
Hon Rich'd J Roberts,
Miss Mary Ann Evans, Miss Elizabeth Reese,
Mrs G G Elder,
Mrs Nancy Rodkey,
Margaret Evans,
Johu Elder,
Miss Sophia Elick,
Miss Lizzie Graham,
Joiiu C Hoover,
Joel Simmons,
Miss Maria Shaffer,
Wm Spitlin,
Nathaniel Teeter,
Mrs Margaret Thorns.
"Quick. Sal es
Small Profits."
- Ebexsbcro, Pa
rilHE SUBSCRIBER would resnectfullv an-
JL nounce to the citizens of Ebensburg and
vicinity that he has just received, ta hi3
store, on High street, the largest and most
complete assortment of
eVter ,bLf3re brouSht to this county, all ot
which he is determined to sell cheaper than
we cfteapcti.
In endless variety.
Of every description
A full and complete assortment.
Embracing all the latest styles.
Handsome and of the best quality.
Of all sorts, sizes, widths and prices.
The latest and best styles.
A better and cheaper article than ever be for
offered to this community.
Of the very best workmanship.
Faehionable and of durable material.
Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Flour, Bacon
Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, 2cr
ring and Cod Fish, Iron and Nail,
Cedar and Willow Ware, Drugs
and Mtdiciner, Carton and
Fish Oil, etc., etc., etc.
These, and many other descriptions of
Goods, too numerous to here mention, con
stantly on hand.
Not to mince matters, he keeps a
where anything or everything a person may
need or desire can be obtained.
By buying a large stock at a time, and pay
ing for the same almost entirely in Cash, the
subscriber is enabled to sell considerably
cheaper than other dealers in this community.
To be convinced of the truth of this assertion
you need only call and examine his Schedule
of Prices.
Customers will be waited upon by accom
modating Salesmen.
fOTThe Public is requested to roll in
the more the merrier and secure Bargains.
A. A. U AltliER.
August 1, 1853.
United States Circuit Court, President.
PITTSBURGH, PA:, corner Pean &a4 St.
Clair ts.
The largest, Cbcapest and Rest. -
$35.00 Pays for a Commercial course.
C2?No extra charges for Manufacturers, -Steamboat,
Railroad and Bank Book-Keep
Ministers' Sons at half price. Students
enter and review at any time. 4
This Institution is conducted by experienced
Teachers and principal Accountants, who
prepare young men for active business, at tbo
least expense and shortest time, for the moat
lucrative and responsible situations. Diploma
granted for merit only, nence the universal
preference for graduates of this College, by
Prof. A. Cowley, the best Penman of th
Union, who holds the largest No. of 1st Pre
miums, and over all competitors, teaches
Rapid Business Writing.
For Specimens of Penmanship, and Cata
logue containing full information, inclose 25
cents to JENKINS & SMITH, Pi incipals.
S3 Attend where the Sons aud Clerks of
Bankers and Business men graduate.
April 24, 1802-ly.
17th Dist., Pexna.,
Hcxtixgdox, June 11, 1873.
Only , those faithful soldiers who, from
wounds or the hardships of war, are no :
longer fit for active field duty will be received
into this Corps of Honor. Enlistments will
be for three years uuless sooner discharged.
Pay and allowances same as for officers and
men of the United States Infantry; except .
that no premiums or bounty for enlistment
will be allowed. This will not invalidate any ,
pensions or bounties which may be due tor
previous services.
All persons honorably discharged from the ,:
service, not liable to draft, whether they have
served in this war or not, can be admitted
into this Corps of Honor.
Men who are still in service and unable to
perform effective field, may be transferred to
this corps.
For the convenience of service, the men
will be selected for three gr.ii.des of duty.
Those who are most efficie and able bodied,
and capable of performing guard duty, etc.,
etc., will te armed with muskets, and assigned
to companies of the Frst Battailion. Thoso :
of the next degree of efficiency, including
those who have lost a hand or an arm ; and
the least effective, including those who hare
lost a foot or a leg, to the companies of tho
Second or Third Battallions ; they will be
armed with swords.
The duties will be chiefly to act as provost
guards and garrisons for cities ; guards for
hospitals and other public buildings ; and aa
clerks, orderlies, etc. If found necessary
they may be assigned to forts, etc.
Actirg Assistant Provost Marshals General
are authorized to appoint Officers of the
Regular Service, or of the Invalid Corps, to .
administer the oath of enlistment to those
men who have completely fulfilled the pre
scribed conditions of admission to the Invalid
Corps, viz :
1. That the applicant is unfit for service ia
the field.
2. That he is fit for the duties, or some of
them, indicated above.
3. That, if not now in the service, he was '
honorably discharged.
4. That hi is meritorious and deserving.
For enlistment or further information apply,
to the Board of Enrollment for the district in
which the applicant is a resident.
Capt. and Provost Marshal.
Ebensburg, July 2, 1603.-tf.
A Joint Resolution proposing1
- certain Amendments to tile
Be it nsulced ly tlic Senate ami House
of Representatives of the Commonmalth of
I'ennsyivania in General Assembly viet,
That the following amendments be proposed
to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, ia
accordance with the tenth article thereof :
There shall be an additional section" to the
third article of the Constitution, to be desig
nated as section four, as follows : .
Section 4. Whenever any of the qualified .
electors of this Commonwealth shall be in any
actual military service, under a requisition
from the President of the United States, or by
the authority of this Commonwealth, such
electors may exercise the right of suffrage in .
all elections by the citizens, under such regu
lations as are, or shall be prescribed by law,,
as fully as if they were present at their uiual
place of election.
There shall be two additional sections to the
eleventh article of the Constitution to be des
ignated sections eightjind nine, as follows.
Section 8. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature, containing more than one subject,
which shall be clearly expressed, in the title,
except appropriation bills.
Section 9. No bill shall be passed by the
Legislature granting any powers or privileges
in ahy case, where the authority to grant such,
powers or privileges, has been or may hereof- '
tcr be, conferred upon tho court3 of tbi
Commonwealth. JOHN; CESSNA,.
Speaker of the House of Representative ' ,
Speaker cf the Senate t
Office of Skc'v or the 'Joaixoswialtu, 1
IlAKRiSBrB'., July 1,1803. jT "
loo hereby certify that the fore- .
g;oing and annexed is - a full,
friiA Anl rkrrt trw r f tti..
cf ' original Joint Resolution of
'feTti theGoneral Assembly entitled"
"A Joint Resolution proposingcertaiu Amend- -;
ments to 'the Constitution," as the same re-'
mains o-j file in this officp.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my b and, and caused the seal of. the Secre
tary's office to be affixed, the day and year
aljovc written. ... , . ELI SLIFER, .
Secretary of Commonwealth.
17tu Di8T., Penka.,
HrxTlXGDOw, May 22, 18C3. i
All men who desire to join any particular
Regiment of Cavalry now in the field, are
hereby authorized to present themselves, at
any tim during the next thirty days," at these
Head Quarters, when they will be enlisted
and furnished with transportation. They
will be immediately mustered into theservico
of the United States, and the bounty paid.
Pay and subsistence to commence from data
of enlistment. - - - - By-order of ' "
Cpt: rsd Frcvoft MartfcaK
i. ?
y '