33I0 eft? . m. Bixxcros' Family Proverbs. tw &n with Ver relashuna unless you ksn aford to give them the big eend of ilia trade.. Marry young, and if sarcumstancea re- If you kant get good cloathes and edi- cation, too, get tne cioau.. . Say how are.ye ? to everybody. Kultivate modesty, but mind to a.gud stock of incidence on hand. If vou are angry, never peUeet. keep Bee charitable ; three ceritrpieces war inade on purpose. Don't take ennebody'a advice but your own. It Vasts to more to borrow than to If a man flatters yu, yu can kalkerlate ihat he's a rozoe. or yu a tuie. hut dou t see more than half you noti. At -a dinner party given in this city in the year 1775, says the New-York JJoening Post, a gentleman of considerable notoriety as a wit was asked, "Pray, what is a Tory?" He replied, "A Tory is a creature whose head is in England, while his body. U in America, and I. think the parts ought to be joined .by- stretching the neck." We have still persons among ns not unlike this description of the Tory whose heads are in Richmond, while their bodies are iii New York ; and though we jnigbt not recommend the old "Revolution ary5 wit's plan of bringing the two parts together by strech?ng the intervening membranes, we should certainly not object to seeing the body sent where the head is. Making RooM.It was Henry Clay, we think, who, after he had finished his studies, went to a certain town with letters of recommendation to an excellent mem ber of the bar and asked his advice and jnflaence in establishing himself in -his profession. The encouragement he .re ceived waa something like this : "I would be very glad to render you any assistance in my power, Mr. Clay,' but really there is no 'room in this place for another lawyer.' Mr. Clay, (if he was the individual, for it is a long time since we heard the story) nothing daunted, straightened himself, and with the reply, "Then sir, I intend to mike room," left tho house. The flequel need not be told. 5We have a little girl at our home whe glories at being nearly five years old. One day we hired a '-German" to do some gardening. Now Hans was a great wmst ler, and liked this kind of occupation very much. Mollie was watching him in V.U labor, when Hans commenced whistling Pretty soon, all agape, I noticed Mollie, hut thought it was because of Hans' su perior whistling. When he stopped, Mollie came running up to me, nearly out of breath, and asked "Mamma, is Hans Dutch ?" I answered in the affirmative. 1 fWhv, Mamma," said Mollie, "he don't whistle Dutch !" . sft A voune lady of eighteen was en- traced to be married to a gentleman of r r . . , ! l thirty-six. Her mother naving noucea her low spirits for some time, inquired the reason. "Oh, dear mamma' replied she, pettishly. ,41 was thinking about' my husband being twice my age." "That very true, but he is only thirty- aiJ He is only thirty :six now, but when I am eixty " 'Well ?" l'Oh dear I why, then he'll be a hundred and twenty I" ' fB The Blair Iron and Coal Company, which we noticed a few weeks since as having been formed, has been incorpora ted by the Legislature, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollar, wUh the privilego of increasius: it to five hundred thousand dollars. Tho following gentle men have been elected a officers of the oompany : Charles S. Wood, President ; Daniel J. Morrell, Vice President ; David WatBon,Superintendent;George R.Woods Secretary and Treasurer. S From official statements from the Treasury Department, it appears that the' total debt of the Uuited States up to 1st April, 1863, amounts to 3920,180447 at in average interest of 3 per cent. Thi3 chows the lying proclivities of the Cop perheads, who have stated it to be over 2,000,000,000. ; . -. 6ryA New York Councilman was heard lately getting off the fallowing specimen of what may be called "corpora-1 tion logic : "All human things are. hollow. .I'm hollow. It is contemptible to be hollow ; therefore, I'll stuff myself ! TOB WORK : OP ALL KINDS KSATLT ArfD EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED ' '. ' AT THE. jLLLEQnAIA" OPFICL HIOH ST.rBENSBURG, f A UBLICATIOX ofjice DAVIS St J OSES' BtttmS UP STAIRS- ANIC ARRANGEMENTS! BUG AB KETTLES, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, r 3 quarts to 40gallons. TINWARE, : all torts and kinds. SHEET- IRON WARE every variety. ENAMELED TINNED IRON WARE ZINC WASHBOARDS, for 25 cents, worth 37 cents. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING IRONS, all size's and best quality, .6 to C cts per lb. COOKING STOVES, Trimmed complete, with baking arrangements, $8 to $28. " EGG STOVES, 54.50 to S13.u0. HEATING COOK STOVES, $3.00 to $8.00. BRADLEVCOOKING STOVES, Patent, Graff & Co., Mitchell, Herron & Co., Abbot & Noble, A. J Gallagher's, and every other Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. Stoves'alway3 on hand or procured on j days' notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, always on hand. CARBON OIL "LAMPS, 62 cts. to $1.25. Chimneys and Wicks for Lamps always on hand. SPOUTING, BEST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. No extra charges for EWovds. T3 MINER'S LAMrS, OIL CANo, 9 POWDER CANS. all sizes constantly on hand. COFFEE MILLS, 37 cts. to 81.25. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER BROILERS, Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea Spoons, COAL BUCKETS, 35 J cts. to $5.00. The above goods will be furnished WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE k HOUSE-FURNISH-ING STORE, CANAL STREET, - Opposite tiie Weigh Lock. ASK FOR RANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per cent, on your purchases EI TITER FOR CASH OR SCRir. GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Office in Colbnade Row. Ebensburg Sept. 26, 1061-tf. A BRAHAM KOPELIN Attorney IX at Law, Johnstown Pa Office on Main street. fug25,18o9-tf. -M. i1HARLESW WING ARD, Attorney y at Law, Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pa, August 25, 1830:tf. PHIL S. NOON,- Attorney at Law, Ebensbur-r. Peun'a. Office two doors east of Thompson's Hotel. August 20, 1859.-ly. A. C. MULLIN, Attorney at Law, Eb ensburg, Cambria county, Pa. ceJL O Sice two doors north of Colonade Row, and immediately opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, December 1, 18o9. B. L. JOHN3TOS. " UEO. W. OAT MAN TOHNSTON k OA Til AN, Attorney! at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. Office opp"ositethe CoutJ: iJouse. January 10, 1861:tf 1YItUS EL DELI, Attorwey-at-Law, Vy Johnstown, Pa. v ill practice iu the ssveral Courts of Cambria, Somerset, and adjoining counties. OCIcc same as lately occupied by Linton and Noon, on Post Office corner- -up stairs. April 23, 18G3-tf. g. BUNN, M. D., tenders his pro fessional services to the citizens ot Eb ensburg. Office in Drug Store, on High at., opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, August 25, 1859:tf. DR.J.M. M'CLURE, bURGEON AND M ECHANICAL Destist, respectfully offers hi3 professional services to theladies and en-' a.i - r t-1 i j " . - iieineu ui junusiunuaou viciniiyoi misplace. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Office In the old "Exchange' on Clinton trcet. Johnstown Aug. 25, 1859. DENTISTRY. The undersigned, Craduate of the Bal timore College of Dental, Surgery, respectfully offers hi3 professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no mean 3 to thoroughly acquaint himself with every im provement In his art. To many years of per sonal experience,' he has sought to add the imparted experience of the highest authorities in Dental Science. He simply asks that an opportunity may be given for his work tp 'speak its own praise. SAMUEL BELFORD, D. P. S. Office formerly occupied by Dr. J. Clark.) Reference: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. K. Bond, Jr. ; W. R. Handy ; A. A. BIaudy,P. II. Aus ten, ot th tialtimore College xu t at olcctis-v cf tu Kbenoburg on the fourth j ath. So el cr.c wtk. t i rpUE UNION FOROTElVn R. n. TUDOR & HUGH JONES, HaTing formed a partnership in the GRO CERY business, would respectfully call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and vi cinity to their large stock, which has been selected in the' Eastern market with great care. Come and examine for yourselves! They cannot fail to please.' Our stock consists in part of the following articles, viz : White and Brown Su- Chewing and Smok'g gars. N. O. Molassses, Syrups, Rio Coffee," Young Hyson, Imperial and Black'Teas, Spices of all kind3, Butter, Sugar and Wa- Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, WasL boards, Brooms, Buckets, Measures, Kealeis, Churns, ter .Crackers. Kegs, Dried Apples, Peache3, JIair and "Wire Seives, Oranges and L.emons, OCtUD, ouoe ana wus Figs, Raisins, ting Brushes, Prunej , Citrons, Xuts of all kinds, Ext. Ley and Coffee, Bowls. Rope, Bed cords, Lines, Rope Halters, Twine, Tye Yarn, Fawcits, Butter Print3 and La- "Window Glass, dies, Ptuty, Arnold's Inks from 6 to An assortment of Es- 75eent3 per bottle, sences and Drugs, Shoe-findings, Pegs, Shovels.SpadesJloes, Nails, Thread, Garden A Hay Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws and Nail3, Provision Sole Leather, Harvest Tools, Kay Fork3, FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE, RICE, BACON, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISH, And all kinds of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines, Old Rye and Common Whiskey, &c, &c. tfQr The above articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce, at Cash prices Ebensburg, May 9, 18Gl:tf NOTICE. Having associated with Hugh Jones in the Grocery business, 1 hereby give notice to all those having standing accounts with me, to come forward and settle the same. Feeling thankful to the citizens of Ebens&urg and vi cinity for their former patronage, I would re spectfully solicit .a continuance of the same, under the firm of Tudor and Jones. R. H. TUDOR. CARD. . Witmkr's BBinos, Lancaster To. July 30, 1860. Messrs; Evans ash Watson: Gestlemes The small size No. 1 Salamander sate wnicn I purchased from your agent, Mr. Adam R. Barr, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, 1858, has been subjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. This TSate, containing n uu together with valuable papers belonging to mvself and some to my neighbors and friends, strov lv, 1860, and passed through the fiery ordeal unscathed. The Safe was oa the second floor and fell to the basement of the MiH, and was subiected for six hours to an intense heat among the rui.is, which wasgrcatly increased by the combustion of a large quantity ram confined within the brick walls. .Alter tne fire the safe was opened and the books and papers taken out in a state of perfect preser vatidn, the paper not even being discolored. Thi3 fact was, however, to many bystanders a better recommendation of your ba'es tnan could be expressed in'any other words from me. Yours Respectfully, rSel3 SAMUEL RANCK. .. . . ., i Jgju. A large assortment oi ine aoovcquai- ity of Fire and Thief Proof bates always on hand and for sale at as low rates as any other firm, at EVANS & WATSON'S, No. 1G South Fourth st., rtuladeipnia. W OOD, MORRELL & CO JoHSHTOwr, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS ALL KIXDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : DRY GOODS, HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, CARPETINGS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENS WARE, BOOTS A SHOES, BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, GROCERIES, FEED OF ALL KINDS, VEGETABLES, AC. I Clothing and Boots, and Shoes madeo order on reasonabieternis. Johnstown March 1 1860-tf. PATRONIZE IOUB OWJK ! The Protection Mutual Eire Insurance Co., OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. located at -kbes s burg, pa. TIIE above named Company, organized April 6th, 1857, will effect insurances on property at safe . rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this CompanJ pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire. - Office on Centre Street, nearly opposite Thompson's "Mountain House." D. H. ROBERTS, Pres. A. C. MrtLix, Sec'y. &, Treas. A. A. BARKER, Agent. Aug. 25, 1859.-ly. TAYLOR & CRG.1IER, AT THE HUNTINGDON NURSERIE . IICNTINGDON, Pa., Sell Fruit & OrnamentaJ Tress, Vines ic. of better growth, larger size, and at lower prices than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents each $16 per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 to $15 per 10 Standard Pear tFees, 50 to 75 cts oach. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$to$l each 20 to $6 per 100 r Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to" 75 cts each Standard Cherry tr.ees 37 to 75 cts. Dwarf Cherry treei 50 to 75 cts. ' ' . Plum trees 50 eta. .Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. ' - . Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees 62 J to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1; European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50 Norway Spruce, 50 ct3 to $1. . American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to $1.50 American & Chinese Arbor Vit. 50 ct " $1.50 - Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, Ac. Ac. Huntington, Jan. 25, I860.- 3m. INSURANCE AGENCY. . James Purse, agent for the Blair county and Ly(omin Mutual Fire Insurance Com panies, Johnstown, Pa. 9" Will attend promntlv to iriftfc incr inm. more in any p.-t of CambVia co-tfnty upon jtrpit' - htioM by lU r or in pc r?on. LiicBsburg. M:rtM I'Jt'u. 1 8'j3-tf. i and rcpreseting a value of over 1 weuty l nous and D.oIJars, ($20,000) was in my Mill which was destroved on the niirht of the 27th of Ju- W. S. IIATEN, PLAIN and FANCY JOB PRINTER, BTATIOSta,. Blank Book Manufacturer, Book Binder, - and dealer in every description of. American and Foreign Papers, &c, 4c. Corner of Wood and ThiTd streets,PITTS BURG, Pa. ' jg Agent for L. Johnson & Co., xype Founders & Electrotypers, Philadelphia August 25, 1859:t.f T. LITTLE, Stt JA3. TBIMBLE. LITTLE & TRIMBLE, AVHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Merchants,; Dealers in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, : No. 112 Second Street, ntttburgh, Fa. April 24, 1862-tf. SPSINGEE HAEBACGH. WM. H. WHITACEB. BENJAMIN F. PETIT. SPRINGER HARBAUGH & CO. Wholesale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 209 Liberty Street, ...,' PitRburgh,Pa. April 24, 1862-tf. , II. FRAN CISC US, " 433 Market St., Pbila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs,Brushe3 Looking-Glasses, &c. Ac. kc. 17 The largest stoek of the above Good.? in the city, sold at the lowest nett cash prices Oct. 31, 1861-Gm : 31. AY. FRY, th MOORE, LIGGET & CO., Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, Ac. No. 223 Market Street, Opposite Bank St., .. Phildelphia. Bgi. Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 1861-tf XTSTTILLIAM s. cross, If Lumber, Stave and General COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner East Falls and Eastern Avenues, Baltimore, Md. Will attend to selling all kinds of Lumber, Staves. Shook, Grain, ic.and will fill orders for the same. - oct24,Cltf JAME DOUGHERTY, with J. S. SORYER, Wholesale Dealer in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 N. Fifth street, above Market, Philadelphia. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign' and Domestic CIGARS." .sep.l,1851:tl. w. M LLOYD & CO., BANKERS ALTOONA, PA. DRAFTS on the Principal Cities, and S.l ver and Gold for sale. Collections mad. Moneys received on . deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. nov3, '5 St Wit. REYNOLDS. J. M. STEVENSON JB J. BO WEN SMITH. JOHN HILL, with REWOLUS, S3UT1I & CO., GROCERY & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 N. Howard street, Oct. 20, 1859. . Baltimore. JQ. SCAM M ON, 9 FACTOR is WEST INDIA EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, Shipping and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN HOGSHEAD SUOOKS AND HEADS, No. 522 S. Delaware Avenue, Oct. I0,l861.tf Philadelphia. JOHN A. WLLSON. D. M'CANDLESS. JESSE W. CARB. WILSON, CARR, & CO. - (Late Wilson, Eaine - Co.) Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS, - No. J4 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. April 24, 18G2-tf. T. MORRIS PEIiOT, EDWABD H. OGDEN. T BARKER, with IXm T. MORRIS PEROT & CO., WJtolesale Druggists, No. 621 Market street, above Sisth, and 612 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28,'l861tf ETTINGER & ULLMAN, WHOLESALE CLOTHING, No. 406 Market street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, 186 1. Samuel Ettingeb, Moykb Ullman. TIIEO. II. TIIODEN, with KLEE, KAUFMAN & CO. ManuJUcturers and Wholesale Dealers in CLOTHES G, No. 80 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Anril 24, 1862-tf. - MABTIN bceiiler. R. H. HOWARD. BUEHLER & HOWARD, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware and Cutlery, No. 4tl Market St., Philadelphia. . Nov. 2S 1861tf JAMES GBAIIAM: R. J. THOMAS. GRAHAM & THOMAS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dealers in Flour, . 157 Liberty street Pittsburg, Penn'a. Dec26, 1861-tt EG. WHITMAN & CO., Manufacturing Confectioners, No. 102 Socth Second street, (One door below Chestnut,) - PHILADELPHIA. E. G. WHITMAN. nolCO) ALEX. JOHNSTON JAMES M. THOMPSON, with WARDLE & STEVENSON, Wholesale Tobacco Warehouse, N. E. corner Market and Sixth sts., Nov. 28, 1861. . Philadelphia. " WEST, SOUTIIWORTII & CO.. Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 28, 1861. Fhiladtlphia. c D. M'CLEES & Co., No. 133 North Third street, PnitinrtPBiA Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shos. May 17. 1660-tf JOHN HEWITT, vrith Solomon Gani, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No. 409 Market street, Philadelphia. This establishment has lieen removed from No. 114 North Third street to the above location, where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Bdvs. together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Cassimeres.Satinetts, estings, Tailors' Trimmings, Ac, is new ready for the trade. Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully as if they were present. August 24, 18C2. AHTHCB W. LITTLE. CHARLES WATSOX. FRANKLIN JANSEY. AW: LITTLE & CO. IMPORTERS AND JOBHEES OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Mantillas?, Ribbons, DreFS Trimmings, Gloves, White Goo'ds, Embroideries, kc. Ncr. 325 Market Street, Philadelphia. ' June 2C,18C2-tf. JAS. W. RIDDLE. JNO. C. 6HEBB0RNE. WM. H. GILL. I T IDDLE, GILL & CO. J Jlj . Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETJNG, 438 Market St., below 5th, and 433' Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May 1, lS2-tf. . J. R. AN-DREWS. E. J. ALTIMCS. A. BWILKINS. W. jf. SMITH. GEO. M. RIDDLE, tcith ANDREWS, WILKINS CO. Dealers in Foreign and Domestic lJy Goods, No. 503 Market street, fanlS, 1862tf ' PHILADELPHIA. B EN. P. THOMPSON, xcith BERNARD A'. IIOOPES, Sticcessor to Iloopes 4" Davis, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in HATS, FURS & STRAW GOODS, No. 506 Market Street, May 1, 18G2-tf. PHILADELPHIA AMRICK & CALDWELL. IMPORTERS OP HOSIERY, CLOVES AND FANCY GOODS, No. 30 North Fourth St., ' PHILADELPHIA. CH1S. H. HAMRTCJT. March ID, 183.-tf. I. C CALDWCLL. W" C. MURPHY, Kith IT If. CIiILD. k CO., WHOLESALE BOOT Jk SHOE WAREHOUSE No. 133 Wood street. May 8, 1862-tf- PITTSBRUG, Pa. ARCADE HOTEL, EbensLurg, Pa. The subsTiber, having leased, rc-fitted and newly furnished th ;Ebj!nslnrg JIousp," is prepared to accommodate his friends and the public jrenerallv. The IIoii?e has alwavs been a favorite foi visitors during the Summer season, and I will spare no pain" in making it an agreeable home Jor nil sojourners. My Ta ble will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country aq-1 the cities. My Bar will be filled with liquors of choice bmnds. My Staule is attended by careful hostler;, and my charges will be such as to suit all. Expecting to receive a share oT' pat ronage, and fully intending to deserve it, I herebv throw open my Lou e to the public, - HENRY FOSTER. August 25, 16C3:tf. AILROAD HOUSE, Wilmore, Cam j bria county. Pa. (Near Penna. Railroad Station.) Jas. I. Hamilton, Proprietor. An extensive Bowling saloon i-s connected with the House. The Table will be fur nished with the best the market affords, and the Rati supplied, with the best of liquor?, in cluding Ales and Lager from approved brew eries. Extensive and convenient Stabling is attached to the premises. Wilmore, August 25: 1839:tf. ' ONTIN EN TA L .HOTEL, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Depot, PITTSBURGH, PA. The most convenient place to Btop in the City. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. " J. II. CLARK 1 CO., Proprietors. April 24, lSC2-tf. X El) LION HOTEL, JLt; St. Clair street, (near the new Wire Bridge,) Pittsburg, Pa. ROBERT P. GORDON, Proprietor. . N. B. Good Stabling and Wagon Yard "at tached to the House sutlicieutly large enough to accommodate 200 head-of Horses. Also, a very large bale Stable. uec!5, 5&t "TTNION HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa. . JOHN A. UlAltt. Proprietor. Also, iu connection. CLAIR A- Cn' lTAfTTS will leave tue "l nioti House' for mnn station in time to take the Eastern and West ern trains.- Every accommodation will be af forded to make passengers comfortable. August io, lHo'Jltt. TIT OUNTA1N HOUSE, Ebensburg, Pa -A-I- JOHN TUOMPSON. Jr.. Proprietor The Table is alwavs snnrdied with lk choicest delicacies. The Bar is supplied with choice liquors : and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Boarders taken by the -a eek. month or year. raug25,1859tf, CAMBRIA HOUSE, Wilmore, Pa. Palmer a Beck Proprietors. Hacks attend. the arrival of each train, to couvey passengers to the Hotel, and theace by riann noaa to tuensourg August lS53:tf. BOOTS AND SILOES. The undersigned continues ths mmnf,,. ture of BOOTS and SHOES of every descrip tion at his establishment , i doors east of Crawford's Hotel. Emploving none but the best workmen, ho i. - , L J Uilli UK has been and still is at all times able to rive "u"c Misiiiun iq ma customers. He hopes that the samelihrnl mimn. ut. fore given bim may be continued, and that more may be atlded. He has also ou hand a largo assortment of French Calf-skins, and Morocco sf all kinds, suitable for fine Boots jirid Shoes. Readv-made BOOTS and SHOES always oa hand, and prices moderate MESH AC THOMAS. Ebeiisburg, Spt. 25, IS'31. tST CabEcribo for The Alleghanuv. THE ALLEGHaNIAN' w ILL be published eTcry ThxtrsJay. the Tollowlnf? ratei viz : Per annum, (payable In advance) f j ,. If not paid within the first six toonthi, i t If not paid until the expiration of year, jC A failure to notify a discontinuance at th expiration of the term subscribed for rill fc, considered a new engagement. terms or ADVERTISING; .1 insertion. 2 d. 1 square, (12 lines,) $ 60 $ :s 2 square, f24 lines, 1.00 l.so 3 squares, (36 lines,) 1.50 2.00 3 do $1.09 2.C 3.0 Over three weeks andlessthan three raoathi 25 cents per square for each insertion. 3 months. 8 lines or less, $1.50 1 square, (12 linos,) 2.50 2 squares, (24 lines, 1 4.00 3 squares, (3G lines,; COO Half a column 10.00 One column, 15.00 C do. $3.00 4.50 7.00 S.00 12.00 U do. $5.e S.CD 11.0 H.0& 20.CO 22.00 Administrator's nnd Executor's Notices i i 1 roitrssiuuiii ui ji.oiiiros vxiru.' not fx. ceeding 8 lines, with paper, per year, t rt) JKy" Advc-rtisementB not marked wiib ti. number of insertions desired, will b ccntii ued till forbidden, end chnrged accorair-jj o the above terms. r.axv of Xcwspaperji. 1. Subscribers who do not give express tice to the contrary,' are considf red as vj ing to continue their subscription. 'J. If Eubs.tjribers orde r the discor-tln"-! of their Periodicals, the Publirlur tnar foB. tmue to serd them until all arrearages tt paid. 3. If snnFcritera neglect cr refn-f in ti, their periodicals from the offices towLichtbc are directed, thoy arc held reFpoiisil,e t-jj hey have settled thc bill and ordered th?n ditcontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other p's-n without informing the publishers, ftr.d t!e papers are sento the former direction, tin are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided, that rcr.fairj to take periodicals from the effice or rf rrw. ing and leavingthrm cncnlled for, is pritA faciae videncc of iutr ntional Traud. OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT. At JAY COOKE & CO., HANKIES, 114 SOUTn THIRD STREET- Philadelphia, Nov. 1, IEC2. The irderfipBcd, having been" nppr.;r.;--J SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Sccrt tr.-ycf the Trr.isury, is new prepared to furr.ieh u once, the NEW TWENTY YEAR 6 per ct EOXIS of the United Stat1?, designated ss l T:rf TwtnliCE-' redrfmpble r,t the pleasure ci'iL? Govcrnmtrit, after ve years, and aut'r.oi'ifd by Act of Congress, aporoved Febr:i:v:: 1C2. The COUPON BONDS are issued in ten of $T0 $100, $500, $1000. The REGISTER BONDS, in seas cf :o $100, $500, $1000, and $5000. Interest r-t Six per cent, per nnntn will commence from dntc ofpurchf.se and is PAYABLE IN GOED, Serai-Annually, which is cnal. at theprt-r.t prrmium on gold, to nbcut EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmer?, Merchants, Mechr.nlcs. Cfpitslie't. and ail who have any money tr invest, slrcli know and remember that thr-se Bord are, is tCcer, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon 11 Rail roads. Canals, Bank Slocks and Scturiiki. and the immense products of all the Mr.rc factnrep, Sc, &c, in the country : .and that the full and ample provision made for the payment' of the interest and liquidation cf principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Hmnifi and Internal Revenue, serves to make tlm Bonds the BfPtt Jlost Availahle and 3!n?t roj'Jar Jnrcgfrrirnl in tlie 3!arl;rt. Subscriptions received at TAR in Ifi! Tender Notes, or notes aDd checks of bunk at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers Vy tpail will receive prompt attention, and i-vrry facil ity nnd explanation will be afiorded on fej pll cation at this office. A full supply of Bonds will be kept oc hail for immediate delivery. ' JAY COOKE, Subscription Agect. Nov. 13, 18G2-3m. J8G3. TI-WAKE: J SOS. SHEET-IRON VTA RE. " COPPER WAKS J. Si. 15. IXERRIXGTOX Desire to call the e.ttention of tlie pntlic thc-H- new '1 1 bllOP now opened in the wg brick building on the corner of Main tii Franklin streets opposite the Mansion !!.. and uext to the Banking house of Bell, Sisiii k Co., Johnstown Pa., where they purjot manufacturing all kinds of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER TTAEE Their work will bo made by th ht-st work raen and of the best materials. Tbty aredf tcrmined to sell all kinds of ware at tie cheapest ratps, wholesale and retail. P. S. All orders for SPOUTING attend? to on the shortest notice and on rcasoutli terms. " Johnstown, December 8, JS9-tf. CABINET WARE-ROOM T EVANS re Ik. rtAf1Iv in forms the citizens of e-- Ebensburg, and Cam oria county general ly, that he has on hand and for sale, at hU Ware-room, one square west of Bboir'e splendid, assortuxent of FURNITURE, b -win 1ji tr- .i...i. rnrnvs made order on the shortest notice and at rcsso" tie prices. Ebensbnre. Oct. 6, U9-" UGH Jl. McCOV, Saddle and Harness Mar-ufet-- ...i.tTi; v. Office one door east of Davis. Jocci t0 Store. . . , A large stftck of ready-made Ilnxtis, Z- die ?s, Bridles, kc., constantly on hand cfc' e cheap. m Dec. 25, If d-' sal MITH'S VEGETABLE COFFEE Manufactured and sold, wholesale ovi :' tail, by JOHN SHOFFM-i-' Johastowc, Cisibria coa 7 1 ,lt EST Poc saCe br A. A. Es.rie i March 20, l?2. ly.