.!.-;: :H i . . - . ' -J 1 '. - - . . : ; ; ; ' . . . fj-, f ! : - ' : 5 I . I - - - ' - ' ; Arm . ' . . . ';teiir? - . . ' - 'U :1 - ; , t t .1 t i' .1 I:-'- '4 !; . ii f.. ;. i . A i ' 1 V. '..4 j r ! . a : . , ' ' ; . .. ; . 1 .Mr.!.. ? " ; - : i '- i i ..- 1 l , ..,.,- . --.... . - - - - - -' tinn.iMii mi i i i -e ; . - - - - - - . . . . . - j. mi Tim rr f . i i - - - j Temperance, . Rof.LAD Afrit 2, 1863. A,fcT weeks , ago tho writer speat a week in Ebensburg, jii tcnjlance on tlieQoTjrt thcain Eess;on.. Altliottgh the WnnnaL business vras comparatively un importdnii yet there MTas ctlang con ncctcd with it that should arrvst tho 'nttention of. every Christian and phihn- .t ii,niiih(nit the land. I reler to IIUUUICl -. question arise,, Why -tl. permitted S'k.t; tl.nf tlin harnine and lr.tnre hones of thousands may be blamed thro nil th nefarious traffic? AVh 13-it that fore the demon Alcohol: 1 u.-, W iail, penitentiaries and almshouses - -tbo nnhnnrtv vicunw i 1. arc crow uuu . 7-.n1 1 .trmtine ? ,Whv is it that temperate cin? burdened . ,.;;, l,y taxation .n order tos . - . Commonwealth are :4oin-down to a c ImwPa oT-nve and a drunkaru s liell . IV II III Ill U 11" I Is it not time- tlntt the Christian mor alist and philanthropist would look at this evil 'as the magnitude of ; its proportions demands? A few. years ago a tronS -.tr.f o made a-ainst this monstrous .;r tftniTerance men seem .to have -,.1 t'.-.ir rfForts. and rum is airain ..i-:.Ti... thn nseendeuev. . hl!st an true men a'rtr laborin- to crush the unholy rebellion oiMhe Southern States, we are '--? 7:,..,.-. fkn innrn tr Ie i. A.f if nossible. than, disunion, to iasten- itself around our very vitals. Awake, Christian Aw-ike.- everv lover of your race! buckle on your armor, and pa.forth-Kvnicct this fell ;monstcr 3u thestren-th of the God of mi.l.t and riht, lay the ax at the rootol this Upas f ,Wh. - -What if the law does - - " J . lcalizft it ? That does not make it mor--if ;.rl,r.. Let us eek to amend our thin subioct. What if there. l.ft liouor leagues in cxiatcnc to upholu ibia nnholv business? Should tl mh from' puttin? forth, an effort to quell a Kreat moral-evil ? ; The prince of dars tis? .is in league whit evil men' every where, . and yet the Christian i- called t wsr incessant warfare against las kin;. to dom. Are .there not- organizations to trnhold rebellion, .and to extend -aid and 1 1 a ! 1 n m 1 V T.rt.I tiinn counteract the unholy influence of this that a majoruy oj ie m:v . v .. - rnnr-TriPF of -rew directly or indirectly cut of f the vjjjmlv, .3- r.VA'?A OA WARE calend use 6f iutoiicatin liquors 1 Ms . .7 ,r , v - U true I uiav'add, of all criminal prose- . , ZINC ASHBQAllDo, . , true, 1 ui'iy THp . - r.., ; ,P,,t. worth 37 cents. VTufied to be giant, in the cause c .1. ; . x ?, 8 .to $-8. . uttcrrrfinUand La,.j;n-ov . -i,.in rr-r wii'im uoiun. . - i ,, 1 , . ,, world'u renovation, rlan i.uc. cr;.., - omr. S 4.304o13.uO. . flAe i.Jrn t An ho organizations Ty the formation cf n' Leagues, composed of men pledged . sf ,A tb oovernmenl. It is these I m An i. cmnort of tho government. It -.i .J:.m.fliet that truth and right shall tnumph. Iu union there is Strength let there be "a combination of effort upon the i t ''mnmnM' IllOli. to" Stem the part vi , . ,;.rbfv torrent of intemperance fl.at BWeeping.FO many immortal beings to Tni" ..Pfa-XSYIA'AXIA C.vNAb. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company intend lotttin'the water into the Eastern divis- iou'of the Pennsylvania Canal on the 1st me locks have all been widened to-admil of the paisage ot two boats, either in the same or opposite directions one time." To accommodate the increaC3rants of the people traffick ini)n the-uppcr aud !ower Juniata Dt visions of the canal the repairs have been very heavy. The entire bed of the canal has been rebuilt on the Upper Juuiata, fnAu-Hohidaytburg down to Huntingdon, a dittanqc of forty-four "miles. Formerly the greatest tonnage thatx;oulI be parsed on this-Division was about 140,000 ttms ; but the bed of the canal has been deepeded to admit of the passage of boats drawing nearly six feet" of water, and the subitu tiouof new locks for the old worn out ones has been" more, extensively pursued than ever in the lower-ecciions of the canal. " . ." . - it Igy "Slavery is a divine institution, Mid George Francis " Train, during his discussion with C. 31 Clay, in New York. "So is hell r-shouted an old man in the sudiencc, and. the. house came down with terrific demonstrations ,. , OR WORK . bv ALL KINDS . . KEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLT, EXECUTED . -; . .'at tiis .., ' "ALLEG II AN I A" OFFICE, HIGH St., EBENSBJJUG, PA .PTJTJLI CATION OFFICE : UAVf 3 & JON ES1 BUILDINvJ-UP STAIRS ofiApnl, anl tne otner iivisioua mm. -p, UAH AM KUiliUN,. attounm Thousands no i.a.c "-v. ... .vitiiOUt jomx a. ulsox. - - l'- - iDth.--This DivWon,-wUeh' extends a- ftt LaW Johnstown' Ta." Office on Mam don the use of' eoffee will . ' thc . sU s jr. caup . distance of forty-six miles from Columb.a, strcct. . aug2o,iSoQ-tf. injures .ect , one coi yriLSOXCA RR, Z CO. . Ml.rWJ.nctio-" rVRLESW.WINGARD.Axxo.KKV ' ' . ' ". eeI cuhalls connected with tnoeanal on the QAn; ck-II;ivcn cliutou-coullt PiU ; . , KOLLOCK'S LEYAIN ? jS Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. north-and west oranches of the .cum" ue- Angulit23, is30ftf. " " '" " The purest and best X.VA-. 7 " Vd ' April ?4. IHVi-tf. lisinua river, has been recently very exten- 1 'or ma.hl3 ut,. sweat ?n-l -atruou, L.cad Mvelv" repaired. 31 any of .'the o!d locks -j-iHL S.'NOOX, Attoiiney at Law, and CaUc3. Prke.lS-cents. T. morris wkt, kiwad m. oeu.EX. have .?vo.,, ....i.ralcv .1 ..v;r--,. . ; SiW, ' " T ' ?!fnr, r.OT " Cb.! m nwre massive iraffiQ 01 wuiuua:U..4-, eai u. - ------ ir t nn. Chestnut sts., Pmr. A. .--V " - : third boon SAC. ''. - ;" GIVE US A CALL. . X - . V " ' I sugar Settles, 10 to 40 gallons, - . '., r CrPEK KETJLE3,r all sorts and kinds. SHEET- IRON WAUP ctay variety. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING TROXS, - g.zcs and Lest quality, 5 to GJ cts. per ID. COOKING STOVES, . A.cror, S3.00 to" S8.00. HMiwu I'W'- - .:. . .rnrw p.t.vt. liHAUi,i-.x luum. - - Graff & Co., Mitchell. Ilerron k Co., ArJ G,llllg!lC, - I AnF Stoves always on nana or procurcM u u days notice. - . . .. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, always on hand.'-" CARBON OIL " LAMPS,1 G2 eta. to $1-23. ys a(3ck3 for Lamps always' on Chimneys hand.,. SPOUTING, BEST QUA LIT V, put p and PAINTED at 10 cents per foot. flST iVo erfra charges, for Elloxcs. v2 MINER'S LAMPS, v ; m- 1 ' - - POWDER CANS, all sizes constantly on band COFFEE .MILLS, - 37 Q "to -S125. TOASTING FORES, - O &TKU i5UUi..vo, Jcllv Cake Moulds, . Table, and Tea Spoons, COAL BUCKETS, 3-l cts. to $3.0p. The aovc goods-will be furnished WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, ' at the - ING STORE, ' CANAL STlfEET, OppoMlf e' tlac Weigli Loejt. ' ask Foa RANK W. nAY S WAREHOUSE. and save iveviy jt j-.. 4 EITHER FOli CASH OR SCRIP.' ' O.EC J E EOEGE 31. REED, Attorney at T,aw, l)ensburg,Pa. Office in Colonatle Row. Ebensburg Sept. 2C, lOol-tt. . . A. C. 31ULLIX, Attorney at LawEb- rnsburz. Cambria county, ra.r trf'iOi:io two doors north of OolonadeLow, and lmmeuiaieiy opiiosivi; i..r...jww ! Ebensburg, December 1, ibo.K I-y OREllT A. 3I'COY, AVtorney at Law .V Ebeusbnrg, Cambria county. Pa. in rr,nnnpr of leal business in the severe. courts of this county promptly attended to.. June 2S, 13C0:lf - , .. ... -? L. JOIIXSIOM. . EO. W. OATMAX. -rni!'STO' i OATMAN. , ,,; ; m I . yjtorntyt at Laic. JCbcnsbnrT, Cambria county, Penaa. xte 01ii:e opposite the Cnrt noi.?e. . Jaiuiary 10, !S.H:tf "7 S. DUNN. AL V., temicrs nis pru- 1 V feaiionnl services to the citizens ot El-J PHsiuirc. OJuce, in Drugstore, on Iliglr St., onnosiie Thompsou"3 Hotel. ' -- Ebensburg, August j, k.u. . TM' J. 1. Al VliUlxlj, oUiinui.N a.m -r x T x 1 1 .... ..... 1 ) Mkciias-icai. UtJiTiST, respectfully ofi-rs Ms professional services io me i iuiL-a auu sen tlemen of Jo'aa.-dfcwa ami vicinity of thisplaK-. Particular attention pai 1 to diseases of the Mouth.' . Teeth extracted--with electrical for - . . . i . ccp irii... n i 'KTCIianrc. on vinnou ... . . , ,, r-M V.uv. . - - to-t trect. Jonnstown Aug. lbjJ. DENTISTRY.- ' y.. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully o'uVrs his professional services to the cttixens of Ebensburg. He bus spared no means to iUur,nhlr nca aaint himself with cvtry im- '.rnmiitnt in his art. Ta many years i prr- t I . AllUSl -i.', lo..'. I ponal cxnJrier.ce, he hi3 sought to add Hie impartcd'cspericace. of the highest ajithorities in lWal Science. -"H simply asks tnat an opportunity may be. given tor hi3 work to sneak its own praise. ' 1 SAMUEL BELFpRD, D. D. S. (Office 'fdxmerlv occupied by Dr. J. Clark.) Inferences: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Bond, Jr.;W. R. Handy; A. A. Blandy, P. H. Aus ten, of the Baltimore College. . , ' I'JWill be at Ebensburg on the fourth Mortdr of each "mouth,- to stay one week. - April l, I8t2tf Cibactibe fct TazAui.ECiUAsiA.s. -T , R"rn.TLDOnAHUGIl JONES, nnviiVK formed a pBrtnerslup in the GE U- CEUY business, vonU respccwuj u, ri,A nf.nn1f Ebenlrg and w- 4i.i.trrr stock. - wlucU has been VIUll) I J ; IUC11 fc,- ' - . t - til 1 tho F i-tcrn market with great selected in rare. Come rrj " t f.M t.-i rtlPASP UnrstocK consists i .hV? HoVins articles, vi, : , , : - . ' : c..- ri,f.-in and Smok c f White ana urown "":5 , :. . r. n: eo. Moias3s4s, r cif ; . Srn-nt ' -. ' Ctvndles, Soap, ItTo Coree ' 'Clothes, Market and Yoully'on, Imperial Fancy Baskets, xoun ii , 1 ,,"Yasl boards, Urootns, Darter, Suear and AVa- Kealcrt, Churns, . i nii'ici 11. Dried AppTe. Peaches, ilair and Wire Selves, Oxant ad Lemons,, .Scrub, Shoe and J)ua- , Ued cords, Lines," Kore jhdters, Nuts of-all kinds. Ext. Ley and .Coffee, Twine , ije x-, Glass, issbrtment of Es- -3 Ver bo tie, " sVnc and Drugs, S,,'"o SiSeL Pegs- ; ShoTcl.;sPaae.,IIoc., Nails, Thread, .. .rr : antra &-uy wi - .NaitS, Alireau,-: i w T, 1 in.iltc3 Sole Leather, - Scythes and &natpcs, Sole Leather, -IlArvcst.Tool3, i ; liar Forks. -v JJnck Saw and XaiW. ..'.Tro vision " ' - FLOUR; CORN and OAT MEAL, -n . . . CUKES fc, hiv- fi "A-A f.VtnrTCin . .. MACKEREL, JIERUING, CODFISJI, And all kinds of Liquors, Brandy, Gn ines, Old Rye and Common AVh.skey rpr The above articles, w in, ,rh or Country Produce, at Cash price, , - Ebetisburg, 31ay-9, lJoi; N0IIavingi;5o;iated TdJ J ti c Croccrv business, 1 nerei.v.B"- " ' all those hWinS rtanding cnts with me to come forward and settle the same. Fee ng tLTfal to the citizens of Kf"-" cinitv for theit-.furmcc pntronnge, I inectfally solicit a continuance 01 the s-tne, u'n.Jer the firm of Tudor and Jon S- cp ; CARD. . Wither Pmpc,' : : LanrastarTp. July 30, 18G0. 3. Evax3a.; Wat.ox: tfi.r,. ir with YA' J'-'1- -1' -iJr -I-.-' j. ftnd rccsci:ngay:a.eorx er 1 . subjected, lor six boure-i-u ; smong thfe rm..?, winc.i t . . by the combustion I n lortrp 'iiUin.! n COijicA . - - , , ..1., nn-I Hre, the saiu was openeu auu ur 1 out ia a state of perfect prescr- l.t (.von heincr discolored. I -.i. rrtt. ovon. bein ration, uv - , - This fact was, however, to man hj-tnde.-mis t f,r vonr S:tres tlfltn X Ilia l.'V i. - ' ' - a better recommendation of vonrb .A. .o PTi.rcsscd in any otucr c ords from Yours liespectftsily, me Lse -'. , .,.nf f tbe above qunl- SAMUEL, li.vv,! a larze 5;imu" uVrc and Thif Proof Snfe. a?way, oa i..'.,..i fnr'snlc at as low rates as r0 o.Ucr firm, at ,& A o-Vi-i No. 1G Soutli Fourth sL, Phi.adelp.u.i. OLLOCK'S IV DANDELION COFFEE ! j This preparation, made from the best Java" t l.i.i Mv nhvsician as a roifec, i XutrMoN I'trera;e ior General Dt- superior biiitv, Dyspepsia, .,.! U bilions ai.-oracra 5 ,- SoldbytiU DrugSi,U and Grocers: i February -7, 18U2-ly ' . ' . m IC 1 l Ul oirction Mutual I t' C jas'jrnw -.. ' r f nv OA31RRIA IUUA i . LOCAIKD AT E BK V H V. V UO PA. rrWIH' above, named Company, organized I April 6th; 1857, will effect insurances oa ,i r v at. safe rates. Being particularly reSiu the risks taken, this Company I re- cliean medium, thr:)i tvliivU persons may secure themselves against ! OGicc , on Centre totrcei, nvjiu, Thsn.pson s .uou j ..nnv.nTS. Vrcs. A.. C. Seg. Trea.. K 'Ang. 25, 1850.-Ir.,. J. , t .V i.o it & cni-iai r.n, i , T Til K LINTINCI ( N .NTRSERIE A .. . : HrxTlNfiuoK, Pa., t-, r , r, tn l Tri?s. Yines- ire. of lie; and n'tiowrr prices Uetter growth, larger anvof the Northern ur.liciu fu,.. " . .. . . v nnd-warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at UiJ-ccuts ,,each- ' Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 to i t .-. n . . - . $15 per 10 ' i Dwarf Pear trees, 50$ tobl each -o Dwarf Aptde trees, 50 to To.etscaeh Stanu.?fd Cherry trees S71 to 7 cts. . Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to i5 cts. Plum tees 50 ct?. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. ' , ' ; Nectarine trees 25'cts each. Crape Tines 25 cts to $1.'' ' ' ' SUver'Mnple trees C2J to to iro-ican Afh; 75 to w " .V. . i European Larch, 75'cts tol.50 Norway Snruee, 50.ctS to Si. -2."'.L'' Amcricau'B.-lsam Pine, 5 cts to SI.;.o American" & Chinese Arbor VitieOO vt $1StrawV)orry 'Plaifts, Si per 100, &c &c r Huntington Jan. 25, lSO.- 3nt. . . 'rs- ',Irrk Snnmtir?, Blmk Snbnaa, t Vr. v rv.rt,ii,.i: CoiiEtiblc's lltturus. Ac., SlESSa! TU. .u,il:fU.So.l S'"''. H I i.urol. T-'. fro,;. I"V?F;f i0V Te5S, was destroyed ou o-til unseated pK.Se was l.jwin ir filM'if tSi IU UUai- I n u'ivt.t i-w'tf Ji 1 r J..-.vv-... . fvr itlt at this eiiiee. "' ; ' : ' xv : a. haven, TL AIN and FANCY JOU PRINTER; . kud dealer in every dcScr,pton of . . American and Forei-n Papers, &c c . " Corner of Wood and Third streets, 1 ITTb- i,w.ns ijw " ' f T)UKG, Pa. k n "rni i-ounacrs x liiccmiij i"-c r August 25, J859:t.f little, sr ; - " -. JAS. TKIMBLE. T 1TTLE & TRIMBLE, ;U ; WHOLESALE G ROGEHS, ' " And Commission Merchants ; . . . Dealers in Pduee, Flour, Dacon, Cheese, Fih Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Olass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Mamilacture generally, r-tiBlurgh V. ' April 24, ISCi-tf. SPBINGSU HABBAI GIL- , WJ4. H. WIllTACUli, xpjXG ER 11 ARB Al'G II & CO. l'.KXJAMIX r PETIT. Wholesale Dealers M WOOL,IIIDES,PrVlS10NSAXDPRODUCE g:neraijly,; ' r'! . .: Noi 200 Libeil"7tree : - - ; ?f Pittsburgh, Pa. : ' Aj?ril'24, ,lS3-tr - ' ' A , IE FUANClfcCUS, -m . - 433 Market St., Pitila. Wholesale PeaLer m uoiion utiys. .v.-'i-u. Chain, Wuddi ng, Ropes, Wick, T Yarn, . . Brooms, Buckets, Baskets. Churns, . . Tubs, BrushcS'Looking-Classes, . '. -,. : &c, " &c., - - &c, Ac. f2Thc largest stock of the above uoods in tlie city, sold at the lowest nett cash prices Oct. 31, lSGl-Gra ; ' : - ; TTJ 31. W. FRY, with : i ' V -' ' J Si 1 MOORE, LI G GET & CO., Importers and Jobbers of ' ' ' HOSIERY, (JLOYES. TRIMMINGS, . . notions; &c. ' No "23 Market Street, Opposite Eatil: Sr., ' i . :. . PuiLi)KLriA. - Constaftlv receiving Goods from Phil-ad-iphia an.1 New York Auctions. -Oct. 24, 18Bl-tf J TXTlLLIxVM S. CROSS, .V. - Lumber -Stare rnd General ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner East Falls and Eastern Avenues, -- Baltimore, JiT. . Will attend to selling nil kinds of Lumber, Staves, STliook, Grain, ic.and will fill or..er for the same.: oct24,oltl JA3IES DOUGHERTY, .j.S.SOUVCK, 1VITU VV ' TOHACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 N. Fifth street, above Market, -imlfiale Dealer m 'V ifi'irp'-tnrer and Importer of Fureigp and Domestic CIGARS. , sep:l,1830:tf. -VV7- 31 LLOD &-C(.VVi 'P V- T ' ALTOON A, I A . - PR FTS on the Principal Cities, and S.T vor and-Gold for sale. , -Collections mad it . received on deposit, payaiue ou .huuj 1.... ,.vand, withou ;nferest at f;iii t interest, or upon time, ..u iir rates. . . Lnoi l j. M.STEVESSO.'i'ja. j. r.owES SMiTn. WK. UEYSOLD3 JOHN HILL, with REYXOLBS SMITH .S. RtiCERY t COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Kt No. 40 N. Howard street, Uct.20, 1859. Baltimore. J Q. SCAMMOX, FACTfltl IS WEST INDIA ENPOliTS AND IMTO.RTS, Shipi-iflj and Commission Merchant, AND DEALER IN HOOSlHlAD .SHOOKS AN D HEADS, . No. 522 SV Delaware Avenue, Oct. 10.isci.if . s ' P4iii.AUkm-nt.v. No. G2V Morket E.treet, r-bove Sixth, and L, ',' --Commerce street, - . i'aiuAiEU;uiA. Nov. 2S, UU-ltt O KTTIXGER & V'LLMAX, O.1 ' ' - 'VrilOLESALE CLOTHING, No. 40G Market Street, r,i!adc!'na. Samt-i::. Ettixge", MoVKll Ul-LMAK. i Nov. 23. 18.C1. T IIEO. II. TfiOD.EN, "if vi rr vsvw.WX- CO. . - . . 1V1I..., ... . Vannaeturers end- Wh'd saie Dealers tn CLOTHING. No! ?0 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ar.rii 21, ie02-tf. . .- '. .. , JIAUTlX ri EllbF.U, - . K. II. i- TUEIILER & HOWARD, J Importers and Dealers in Vvrrfijn avd Dorvetfie Jlaruirare and Luluryt " No. 441 Market &t Puilaulli'hi. -Nov. 2iT, lSGltf ... ' J.'.MKS Gn All AM. R. J. THOMAS. RA1IAM &..TII0MAS, JT , - WHOLESALE CROCERP, Ai d Dealers tt ir, 157 Libert v street, FiTTsSBrr.o, rcan'a. . Dtc2C, 1 S01 -if " E. G. WHITMAN. crc" CO., Manufacturing Confectioners, No 102 South Skcoxd stki:t, (One door'bcluw Chestnut,) " PiilLADELPH 1 A. . E. G. WJIITJIAK. ri0l,'-G0) ALEX. JOlI.NbXttX J AMES 31. TJI03I I'SOX, WZ WARDLE & STEVENSON, M hoJsele Jet ticco t:reiotter ' . N. E. corner-Market and fcixth sts., Nov. 2S, IS'jl. , , , . PJ.iladeljdiia.'. EST.SOUTIIYVOETll k CO.; K ... "Wholesale Dealer t . , BOOTS AND SHOES, t . - No..21 Ni-ith Third street, . : , .Nov, 2S. ltill. , . . J'l:Ha(ls1jd.iii c. jrCLEKS ; -No. 1U3 North Third street," ., . 1'iilLAULLPHIA Wholesale dealers in Boots' aud Shyjj. : i May i'. Ttcv-tt.. TO'IIN UEWlTT,tctVt, l t WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, 7 -V No. 400 Market street; , , ,. '' ' -.r. .; : .-!'. , Philadelphia. ; :':r Tln.ictVvil.,mcPt has been removed froNo! nxorth Thirdtreet W location,-where r? Jlcn assortn.cnt cf ncxrauc Uh , 1 inc of Cloths, Ca? iinu rc.: fcaUnctU, U . 1 Taik.-rsTriu.iaiDt-S: &c..is ncw.rcadi lor the .trade. u. n n- Any order entrusted by inosc Aeo,vt the city shall be; executed as able faithfully r.s.if they wcrc'prc August 24: 180. ' ' sent. CKARLES WATSOX. iUI.UVK W. L1TTLS a Ys, LITTLE CO. nrroRTEES Axn jonnas op - TsiLKS AND FANCY DBESS Cm Shawls, Mantillas, Ribbons rc , 1 S Gloves, White Goods, TIaibruiucri.ee, . . No. 325 Market Street, Philadcliia.. . June 2G. lt;2-tf. ... . - ' :as. w. riddlk. ; , jso. ct;.l. C. gUEiiliOUXE- wm. n TWIDDLE, CILL& CO.. - . 7 . JLV Irrurs awl VH.oUtnU Dealers ir. Foreign aa si Domestic . -DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, . . w nnd 4;'.3 Merchant -j Street.": : May 1, lfcG2-tf. - PHILADELPHIA. JVR.'.AXI1EWS. ' A. P-.tVILKISS. K. i. -ALTiuva. ". . . ! ."... r .WlS.MlXU.:. i:0. 31. -RIDDLE, iV7. - i ,r ANDRE WS, WJLKI .v Dealers ia FoY( I'-rt'aitd Do::e.-tic y-y o&tu, .io. 03 .Market street. . fanl5,V?;Ctf , PlilLADELrHlA. - EN; P. THOMPSON, vU 1 : : BEHNARi) A. HOOPES, . . ., m r:ccctf',r to Jlooyes .f JJar.z, Marnf.rctu'-Ttnd .Wholesale Dc'rr in-; .HATS. FI RS & STRAW GOODS, . - No. L00 Market Street, Mav r, lJvC2-lf.- r II! LADE LP III A 31UKP1I V, Kith- tt rn rr.n .t: CO.. ' WHOLESALE ROOT i slvi-: WAlitJIULflL N"3. VJJ uu 1 .tri-ci. iar 9 1 riTTScr.rG, p. A -RCADE EOT LL, Elcnburg, 3'a. 'J The sitbsT-riber." havinsr L-a.-ed, r-ritru Hn,l:rieviv furniilird V.ie -EbensVn:rg nusr; and- ncwiy is lirei's'.red to eel n:ir.O( :t-i his JVieuJs i'.r.d III.- public general i.-.- r. favorite fo vi The Jio'ise bas r'-.-n;-? itors during thc-S.nfn.pr 1 I Aviil p-iare no paini:t making it; cp!T?on. am an ftrrreable hone i'r alJsojourr.ers. Mv Ta- RI.B will always he.lu.Su,Iy rupphed Urmr am kcts oi- JllC t0u ai.d the ciiic. -;.y I'll! W i -HI be lilicd ' with l'qr-ors of csioice l.r-mds-. Mt ' S't A 5:le is n't tended -by" caftft'-.l hostlers,, and chn.rgc3 will be f.uch a to ;uit all. 'Exac ting to receive a share of pat ror.i.ire. nd fully iute-nding to deserve it, I htre-i.y throw open my LKe to the public;, j ' A EN BY FUSTERv; ' Aumrt 25,' lb5r:tf. 1 A-TLllOAl HOIiS !0, Wilinore, "I'auH x, T .i; Station.) .; "l.rhCen'inty, Pa, (Near Ponna.Tiailroau Jas. D. Hamilton. I nn utLor. An extriu-ive Bowling saloon is connected wLih the llun?e. Thy Taiw.k ' will be f:ir niTheu with the best the nvA'-fce-t affords, and the Bar sui'plied with the Wst of liqcor,- in cluding Ales at.tl' Lager from r-i-provi.-!, brew eries. Extensive f.nd "convenient STAaJ.:N?is Httachcd to the premise?, - - Wilmcre. Agu.st 25, ie:.r:tf. . . . CONTINENTAL IivVj;j;L, AdjOiuiug Pcnna. R. Tl. De? IMTTSbURGi ot. iU'iiGH, PA. The' mo."t co!v."nieut cc to st';; in the City. Meals fecrted-at ! umirf. 'moderate. ' . ' : - v . Terms j. it. claie: i CO April 24." lSG2-tf. Proprietors. ED LION 110a'J;L, St.- Chsir street, (ntar t'se new . :rc Bridge,) Pittsburg, l'n. - K.'" '" .: HUBERT r. tiUJID'C, rroprsexor... -V B. Coed Stabiinc and Waco-i '.Yard rtr t.'iched tq tbc House Hilficier.tly large r.ftigh to accoiilmo.dutc 20 0 head el liorsv?. vcrv large t ::le Stab! deci: u: NiON 1 i O l';SE,-- Ebensburg, Pa.- Jo:ix A. Bi..Ai3. Vf ,"T.Vr. Al?o, in covr.ecl ion, BLAiJi .Xo. HALLS . .. ' . .i .. t . ir.. ... t-:!.. Wlil i'."lVt! I11C "LUI'JU JIOUSC. l'r i:i:ii!H- r tation in lime to tiike-lhe Eatoriv and West 1 ii. trains. Erin- accommodation wjli be uli Ibrocd toj.iake ji-.sssengers omforial.Je. : Aur'.tst 25.! lb5':if. 7..T (iUNTAIN.HOUir'E, Fbciluvg, 1 Af.L Jnx Tii.'im rsox, Jr., 'f-rictor. ' The T.vr.i.K -is always snvpJied Willi ll.e choicest dc-iie-acie-s. ;T11Bai: U..sl2.ii?d with choice li'fiuors : ai d the Stai:i.e attended by careful hostlers. Bovrders taken by the. -acc!:.'' 11 ino.ilb or vcar. ' - rat!-25.lf - r.Mf, rX3lF.rUA HOUSE, Wiluuire, Pa . P.M.MKH P.K K rrv ritis. Hacks nitcr.il the arrival of each train - couvev passengers to the Hotel, and thence Plar.k'Boad to Ebensburg , . Aligns 2,5, H-S0:tf. ' T OOTS AN 1) Si 10 1 : S . , -. : " A3 Th.c ini!i-sigr.ed continues tht mnnnfac t;;re ! BOO ! r. and Siit.'r.'.-j ot every descrip tion at hi j eotabliahme-iit, ia Ebeniburg..thive loors cast 1 Cra ioru s Ji"te-i. J..mplo mj noise- ':;t the best workmen, h.-;"trii :-t's that he has been and Mi;', is at a.'t times aide to ive cuiire' . jsetinlrxion to 1: is Customer?." He hones that the same liberal pationagc licrcto fore gie-n him may be continued, and that more may be r.ddr.l.- . - 1 1 lie has also on. hand a lar'-e nssurtmcnt of French Calf-tkins, nud Morocco sf all kinds, j s-iiiable for tine Bort --.-and S:ioe?.-- 4 - h-.auij u ud price: niOilvVL'tc-. . JiESHAC THOMAS- Ehcnibn.rg, Sept. 21', Uol . . i ' mk a uu! 7EENoiEKG.j;Oi;NlRY-- iVj T! ic v.t;i.rftw::i ;! inc.,iore-ina:i s 1 f .1 . bocdc-kccner f.-cni the Ebensburg' Voi - renders it i-bsolutc-Ty; necc"s?ary that all :n roniits ' thai! be- settcd up vi Hum fury oebiy. I I't'isons, dc -iroiia of saving difJi uiiy, . . r-n.-t - 1. iw.tlt.p ..'..it I !o pcrii;:;-s co- js. ii.;u ot-i; Joct further ice. ; Lbcucburg, Jan. IC, b.iu better ciilland Sftile xviih - - -.iLA.S' CO. Iff?.... . ' :. ! -. '. .'-THE ALLEGHARmi'Zv 'ILLe putlishcd every .TLur:j(fc. the following rates viz:- .... Per Tinnum. f payable in ndranc) $i.f9 If not p:jd within the lirt.six mcnll,!!, -5 If not j.;iid until thccspi.Iion of ; tr.r, X-t . A failure to notify a disccr'lhmr.r.ce Bt t' expiration ot the erm Eubscribed for ui'j it considered a new erigcgn:ent. terms or Ar)vr.HTJ?!Xc: 1 inscriion. :o. 1 Fqnre, -(1 l;nrs,V: S 2 pouare?, (24 li'jc.) " 1.00 i.r.o sou.'.res, (30 lines,) --1.S0 2.00 3 0,i Over three weeks a's'J 'err thsn three inontLi 25 cents.per square for each insertion. 3 mcntns. C ('.q. S lines or 1 fe-" 3. Co 1 square, (12 lines,) 2.:.0 4.r.0 2 squares, (24 IIecf.) 4.f'0 7.' 0 3 squares,' ( lines.) f C'U C.no"' ' IlalJ'a t chiiiin, . l.fO 12.00 One column", . . J5.C0. ,,22.(0,- A flrl?n?-frtorTS Pnd Ei' C Cl: t or's .f,J:f-re 1. 11.(0 1 Professional or Business Cnrds, not t-?. ... eeeding 8 lines, with paper, per yrjr, Adrcrlirmtnts not jnartcd T,i:li tie number of insertions desirnl, will be tct u.ed till forbidden, and charged Hccordijgt, the above teriiis. v " '' 1. .cpJiscribc-r3 who do not give erj rtrjr. tici to the contrary; r.re e-rmf idi r-d as ing to continue. tlicjr snbn iption. j U. If sithsrubcrft orcer the discotitir.cr.Kt of their Prnotiicl, the PiiVil'slitr t.wt ur- t::ue to serd them uutil all srrenrttgei t;( ' rsaiil. 3. If subsVribcrs nrgleet or refuse to tie tiiCir perioiiH-.-vis i;oit! 11, cji;c-p o -wnn ii liic are diiecfcd," they pre lu Id re.'-j-on.-Ible jl hey hAve Fettled the LiII!;d orCrit-d tLa .discos tifcised.-' - ,4. If Fi;v"cril ers rr-iaore. to rtl:tr y.'.jrrj without informing the j-ubiirlierc rtI t:.e ip"Ti 4re ft-iit-t ii the ' former direction, tlty a; c- 1-elii rcfi'oytsJLIe. . r. Tlif C4i:j n bave ileeiiTed. that Tff'- ! to take poricdlca!'. from th rf'ee or vcl.i ing and Lavir.g tlic: .ri.reEf i , u i.uk f.iciae vider.ee tf inttr.tionai Iraud.f ' . O ITICE OF JAY COOIZK, " . . f- u b s rnsnj o s -a n et. t .1 y Cooke tfc.m.-.iMAKu; . in south tii;i:d ftreet pi.;ii'.itdi-V.i.t. n.v. 1. .7, rdcr:g?td. hTlrg b"n ' :::; S U BSCi:iP T 1 0.i A O E V ll-.c Treasury, ii l.ow.jrv '( nt-c, the ' '' by '.at f-cyt :'.- v" Mi. J 10 fii.'.il, : NE1V TWENTY YEAR 0 jrr ct I 1 t.' of the United States,'-(iff!iMd ? Tv.'t lUies, redc-:-iaIe tiie 'er-n:r? r,fi'. (loviiiiiui!, rtftr f.vc vt-'-r. ami s.iiti.cr":t! lur Act'of Corr-ss, n: r rctd February li. ' The COUPON PONT ? r.re iiued in ics.i cT'tr')')l: cS0f. Sri1 CO. ' '; The- HKGiSTKU BONDS, in suir.i of JM $H")S r.i-'j, SI ''00, ai d 5:fH.O. - . Interest, at St per cer.t. per vnntim IU cox:mence from date of j.urchte nd ia I'AYARLi; IN GOLD. Frmi-Anr.ually, whichis equal, , t tliCT.rtifil ire!iiii:m en gold, to about EIGHT 1KB CEX7. I'Kit A.Nu.v- - - Farmers, r( hr.Tt?. Mechanicc CBl-i!'-' and rli who have j. n y money to :nve.-i, bouii know and rem-u.-bff that tl:e-; Bf.r.d urN trt-ct,.a FIRST MOP.iGAGL.uj.ou v.i Ii-ro.i'-il. Canids, Ba.;k Stocks r.i.d i -c;.; .' and th-in.mei'sc 'products cf sli the !V.ctnrc?, &c, &v.,:n the ccjiry : x.- vf iLe full and s'.t.sple provL Ion v..r.ee f r neir.rt:t r f the'intcrci-t -find prtt:Ve:;.-r. i.rinci'.i l. bv Customs Duller, Lxn f tirv- nv.u l:.terr.id Revenue, serves to xr.i.-e 'Bonds the La ?f; Arr'J.f,' ami Xt r-p'l-r . JTef:!' I t 1 iff Jfdi n' f. Sv.brcrlpth-rs rextived nt PAR in Lt? Tender Note?, rr ar.tes and cl.ctks f at f.:ir in- PhihuMjVm. f r.l.fcribtr 1y '' w:il rt ccive i roiv. irt altent i.'ii. v-r.r. t v . ' ilv ar.d c.pb-n:-t".or.. w V. be s.i'.crut J o-: ji;; Ci.lien at Oils c JVce. A full Piipi ly of Bonds will V.e kept tub fr. immcuii-le d( li vf rv ' JAY COOKE, Subscription Ai'.!. '' Nov;.i?!,-,rp("-'-Ci.u ' ' ' 1 )...... T O f O . J. i tVe n SlIKET-IiON WAP.E corrT:!. v...i'- Des'.re to ca-il the rttentioit. of t!:c pr.S'. ihvi.- sie.v.- TIN S!IOP:ow cj-cut-in t!-f bri; the' c'.'i i. v i Franklin strce-t. .opposite the-l:t:?i .i' aud next to the Bunking house cf I-t l". ': A Co..' JohnffoTCri Pa., where- they p'.r; mannt?.vtaring 11 kn.l cf tin, snr.ET-iroN and. copper v.vc:- .Their wcik will be, made by itt-cM A:Cu and tf Hie heft material, ia.' . terndued to sill all kiads of wu:e t i-' cheapest rattf. wholefale rrd retail. , 1. s. All orders for SrtJl'TlNf. to on the! fchortcst notice r.nd or 1 cf--u'- terms. . - ; i ' Johnstown, December S, lf5P-tf. .. to by ' ; ; ."i " R V A N S re-. : ; . IX .spectfuJly .in- - TXi... loi ir.s the tltizcn of -.-ISJ -'-'Sh Ebensbv.Vg.iindCam- p ria couuty general- j"'-- - V W ly,.that,l has y&r&i:i hand andTcr sale, at " .",y- jv-2 ( Lis W.ire-ron:, one. .-'tiK-iiVl RV AN S - j fpuarewestot iair s 11-:itfl. larre end mli.W.IT.t r ssortrnrnt of TU -P.N i"i - be w ill .-ell vcrv cycap. order on the shorT.-t -rt-' .c'fr.d t r(;; Ida-; p!ccs Fl ensburg. Oct. XI T'GU A. MeCOY, XX Saddle o'ftd Dm"' A. Oi::cc one coor ec.-t 1 Bi.-. 1.-. Store."- -' ' ' A Lire sinck of re;ic!v-r de rr M'-'l '. "i ; L-. Frii'lcfj-ic., cciiftattly c:; 1" sal:- Vht'Vr. ' " ' ! De e. - ' f 1-:' q MiTirs :yi:g etarli:- corn-' -T - uu ndry; . , . ... : l'.,i.nf.,(.i,M,T e..:b W.-OI -r.lc juiis h liui'f'-'r tail, by. 1 , J.,hT--tuVH,,C:-l-!!':: f . r.; Fr .b- by A. A'.'I'aikr vr iuai-al.ttill-s i:i Fbei!.btt;g. ;ti' t ti' f.': -i 'V..ud: Iv, "i V M-'i. 'I