- i .'V VI- ' iV: ? :;il : -tb.lt -. ( , i il : il ' 3 f . ; 1. .!. . '. ; ; ,--ct;. "2ore Copy." Ones in autumn, wet a rol dreary, sat this writer, weak aud weary, pondering o'er h memorandum book of items used before books ot scrawling head notes, rather; items taking duj-s to gather them, iu hot and mttrw weather, using up uiuoh time and leather) pondering we those items o'er." While 'vo conned them, sduwlj rocking, (through our mind queer ideaa .flocking,) came a quick and nervous knocking knocking at the sanctum dour. "Sure that must be Jinks," we muttered ''Jink that's knocking at our door Jink3 the ever-acting bore." Ah, how veil dj we rcmitrd u, in the walls winch then confined in, the ''exchanges" lay behind u, and before us, and around us, all scattered o'er the floor. Thought we, "Jinks he wants to borrow tsimie old newspapers lor to-morrow,- and 'twill be relief i'rom sorrow to get rid of Jinks,' the bore, by opeuing wide the door." Still the visitor kept knocking knocking louder than before. And the scattered piles of papers madly cut some eurious capers, being lifted by a breeze coming through another door: and we wished the wish was evil, for one deemed always civil) that Jinks was at the devil, to stay there evermore, there to find his . level Jinks che nerve-unstriuging bore ! tracing up our patience firmer, then, without another murmur, ".Mr. Jink," jaid we "3'our pardon, your forgiveness we implore. But the fact is, we were reading of some curious proceeding, and thus it was, unheeding your loud knock- insr there belore here we opened - - wide the door. lut phancy, now, our pheelink? for it wasn't Jinks, the bore Jink., nameless evermore! But the form that stood before us, caused a trem bling to come o'er u3, and mem'ry quick ly bore us back again to days of yore days when '"items" were iu plenty, and where'er this writer weut he picked up interesting items by the score. 'Twas the form of him our "devil," in au atti tude uncivil ; and l;f thrust his head within the open door, with "The fore man's out. of copy, sir, and says he wauts some more." Ye?, like Alexander, want ed more.! Now, this '-local" had already walked about till nearly dead : he had sauntered through the city till his feet were very forc walked through the street called Market, and by-ways running of! into the portions of the city both public and obscure ; had .examined store and cellar,, unci had questioned every "fell?r" whom hemet, from door to door, if anything Was stirring any accident occurring not published Heretofore and had met with iio success he would rather kiuder guess he felt a little wicked at that uly little . bore, with the message from the foreman that he wanted "something wore." "Now, it's time you were departing, you sad scamp !' cried we, upstarting: "get you back into the office office where you have spoken will soou get your bones ail broken," and we seized a eudge!, oaken, tlfat was lyin oa the floor,) "take your h:ind out of your pockets anl leave the 'sanctum door; tell the foremau there's no copy, -ou ugly little bore !" Quoth the de,vil, " send him more." And our devii, never si'ting still, is flittjijg, t-till Hitting, back and forth upon the landing just ourside the sanctum door, Tears adown his checks are streaming strange light from his eye is beaming and his voice is heard, still screaming, "Sir, the foreman wants some more!" "And our soul, pierced with that scream Jog, is awakeued from the dreaming and lias lost the peaceful feeling that we ever had before; for the fancy will come o'er us, that each reader's face before us bears the horrid words "We want a little morn!'' Woids, on the forehead glaring, "Your fuur.y' column needs a little more !' tfw The following is ol'Uerman origin. ' and has been published hundieds of limes. Jiut as an item of information to the sin- gle meu of America it can never be pub lished too often. "Who marries for iove ta!a3 a wife; who "tuarfies for conveniet-ee tak-js a mispress ; who marries for enuideration takes' a lady. You have wife for your self ; a mist res.-;, tor your house and friends ; a lady for the vovld. Your wife will-ogree with ycu, ycur mistress ae-eonimo-Jafe you, yoar lady manage you. Your wife will take carecf)'Our household, your tnir-'tress of your houe. jour lady of appearance. If you are sfck.your wife will nur.se yo'i, your mistress vi-it you, and yotrr lady will inquire afler your health. You take a walk, with your wife, a ride with your mistress, and j -i'i par- tics with your lady. Your wife wiil share "your grief, your mistress your iiiouey, and your lady your debts. If' you are dead jvnrMife will shed tebrs, your mistress lauHiit, and jr.urjauy war lnonniing. Oli WOItR Of ALL KINDS .NEATLY ANL) EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED "ALLEG 1IANIAN" OFFICE, HIGH St., EDENSLUFP, PA -o- L'l.ICATI().,; omen '. DXvIS & JONES' RUILDIN.i UP STAIES 5 A NIC A 11 11 ANGK M 13 N T S SUGAR KETTLES, l'J to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, 3 quarts to 40 gallons. TINWARE", all sorts aud kinds.- SHEET IRON' WARE ervy variety. FX A MEL ED TIXXED IROX WARE ZINC WASHBOARDS, for 23 cents, worth 37 cents. SAD IRONS, or SMOOTHING IRONS,' all sizes and best quality, 5 to G cts. per lb. COOKING STOVES, Trimmed complete, with baking arrangements. 66 to 28.J EGG STOVES, 8-4.50 to 313.00. IIEAT1XO COOK STOVES, $3.00 to $3.C0. BRADLEY COOKING STOVES, Patkxt, Graff & Co., Mitchell, Herron k Co., Abbot k Noble, A. J Gallagher's, and every other Pittsburg or Philadelphia manufacturer's. Stoves always on" hand or procured on 5 days' notice. ODD PLATES AND GRATES for Stoves, always on hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, 62 cts. to $1.25. i Chlwnevs and Wicks for Lamps always on hand. SPOUTING, BEST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 1 0 cents per foot. JK2f- 2o extra charges for Elbows. "3 .MINER'S- LAMPS, OIL CANS, POWDER CANS. p.11 sizes constant!" on hiiad. COFFEE MILLS, 37 cts. to SI. 25. I OYSTER BROILERS, TOASTING FORKS, Jellv Cake Moulds, Table' and Tea spoons, i COAL BUCKETS, ;5-3i cts. to So.Uu. The above goods will be furnished WHOLESALE Oil RETAIL, at the ! JOHNSTOWN STOVE & llOUSE-FURNISiI ING STORE, CANAL STREET, Opposite tiie Weif!i L.ocIi. ASK FOR RANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per- cent, on your purchases EITHER FOR CASH OR SCRIT. GEOUGE M. HEED, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Otnce in Colonadc Row. Ebensburg Sept. 2C, 1001-tf. A 1JUAIIAM KOFELIN, Attor.xky at Law, Johnstown Pa. Office on Main street. a u rj 2 a , 1 S 9 -1 f. C11I AliLES W WIN'GAUD, Attobney at Law, Lo'-k Haven, Cliuton county, Pa. August 2.", 18o9:tf. OFflLS. NOON, Attousky at Law, S Ebensburg, Pean'a. OiEce two doors east of Thompson's Hotel. Ausust 22, 1852.-ly. 4 C. MULLIN, Attorney at Law, Eb- ensburg, Cambria county, Pa. jrOIlice two doors north of Colonadc Row, and immediately opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, December 1, 1852. T OUKRT A. M'COY, Attorney at Law Ebensburg, Cambria count-, Pa. . All manner of legal business iu the severa. courts of this county promptly attended to. June 28, 13G0:tf n. L. JOUNSTOV. EO. W. OATSIA.V. JOHNSTON & OATMAN, Attorns? at Laic. Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pcuna. Olhce oiiposite the Court House. January 10, 18Gl:lf " S. liUNN, M. I)., tenders his jro fclL;a fession.'l services to the citizens ot Eb ensburg. Ofhce in Drug Store, on High St., opposite Thompson's Hotel. 'Ebensburg, August 23, 1830:tf. I-yi. J.M. 3F0LUriE, SURUEtiX AND Jr Mechanical Dentist, respectfully offers his professional services to theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstovn and vicinity of thisplace. Particular attention paid to tMseases of the .Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Odlce in the old "Exchange," on Clinton street. Johnstown Aug. 25, 1852. D ENTLSTKY. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the- citizens of Ebensburg. He has spPied no means to thoroughly acfiunint himself with every im provement in his art. To many years of per sonal experience, he has .-c-uIn to add the impiirteil experience of the hi.ahei t HUlhr.i iiicji in Denial Science. He simply nsks that an oppnH unity may be g:ventor his ywork to spenk itj. own pr.ii.-e. SAMUEL 15 EL FORI). D. I). S. (Ofiice formerly occupied by Dr. J. Claik.) Fn'trtticf: Prof. C. A. Harris ; T. E. Rond, fr W. R. Hr.ndv: A. A. IRaudv.P. H. Aus- r. i ten. of the ia!liDiore College rgyWill beat Ebensburg on the fourth l Moud iv of each month, to stay one week. April . H02tf t'-ihscribe for Tue Alleuu nuv. P rjriHE UNION FOREVER! ! R. II. TUDOR & HUGH JONES, Having formed a partnership iu the GRO CERY business, would respectfully call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and vi cinity to their huge stock, which has been selected in the Eastern market with great cure. Come and examine for yourselves! They cannot fail to please. Ourstoek consists in part of the following articles, viz : White and Brown Su- Chewing and Siaok'g gars, N. O. Molassses, Syrup?, Uio Coffee, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black Teas, Spices of all kinds. Butter, Sugar and Wa ter Crackers, Tobacco, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, WasLboiirds, Brooms, Buckets, Measures, Kealers, Churns, Kegs, Dried Apples, Peaches, Hair and Wire Scire Oranges and Lemons, Scrub. Shoe and Dus- Fi'j-s, Raisins, ting Brushes, Rope, Bed cords, Liues, Rope Halters, Twine, Tye Yarn, Fawcits, Prune.1 , Citrons, Tui3 of all kinds, Ext. Ley aad Coffee, ;ow Baiter Prints aud La- Window Glass, dies, INuty, Arnold's Inks from 6 to 7."cents per bottle, Shoe-Gtiditigs, Pegs, Nails. Thread, Sole Leather, Harvest Tools, Hay Forks, Aii assortment of E- seties and Di ugs, ShovelSjSpudes, Hoes, Garden A Hav Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws and Nails, Provision FLOUR. CORN and OAT MEAL, C H E E S E, It ICE, 1J A C O X, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISH, And nil kinds of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines, Old Rye and Common Whiskey, &c, &c. ErlC The above articles will be sold cherry for .Cash or Country Produce, itt Cash prices Ebensburg, Mav 0, lSGl.tf twtoticj;. " X i Having associated with Hugh Jones in the Grocery business, I hereby give notice to all those having standing accounts with me, to come forward and settle the save. Feeling thankful to the citizens of Ebensburg and vi cinity for their former patronage, I would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same, uudtr the tirm of Tudor and Jones. R. II. TUDOR. A CAKD. Witsier's Bridge, Lancaster Tp. July 30, 18C0. Mcssas. Etansank Watsox : Gextlemex The small size No. 1 Salamander safe which I J urchastd from your agent, Mr. Adam R. Eat, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, has been sr.bjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory mamier. Tbij Safe, containing all mv books together with vV.u rble papers belonging to myself and some to my neighbors and friends, a;l,j iJoj;.iri (sv'j.oooi was in my Mill which was destroyed on the uight of the 2th of Ju ly, ISoO, aud passed through the fiery ordeal uusca'.lied. Tiie Safe was on the second dor aud. fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heat among the rui.i, which was greatly increased by the combustion of a large quantity of grain confined v. iihhi the brick w-ilis. After the lire the s.ifo was opened and I he books and papers taken out in a state; of perfect preser vation, the paper not even being discolored. This fict was, however, to many bystanders a better recommendation of your Sa'es than could be expressed in any oiher wonts from me. Yours Resnectfullv, Bel3 SAMUEL RANCK. gjT)i. A large assortment of the above qual ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes alway s on baud and for sale at ns low rates as any other tirni. at EVANS & WATSON'S, No. li South Fourth st., Philadelphia. BOLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE ! This preparation, made from the best Java CoiFce, is recommended by physicians as n superior Xutritioux Drrernne Tor General iJe bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousnuds who have been compelled to aban don the nse of cotlee wiil use this without injurious '.'fleets, O.ie can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinaiy colfee. Price 23 certs. . KOLL OC K'S L E V A I X, The purest aiud bel Uakiny 'otnisr known, tor making light, sweet ami nutrilous Ei'L-ad uud Cakes. lVice 15 cents. M a a u fac t a red b v M. II. KOLLOCE, Cl.ewht, Corner l?ro:id and Chestnut sts., Piul'a. tif'if Sold by all Druggists and Grocers. February 7, I8'j2-ly iMTiio'iizii Torn twx i Vie I'o'ertion Niitmrf Fir", Insurance Co., OF CAM1UIIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EBEXS H U It O, V A . TITHE above named Company, organized April Olh, 1837, will eiiect insurances oa properly at safe rates. Ueing particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company jre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire. 0"ice o:i Centre Street, nearly opposite Thomnson's '-Mountain House." D. II. ROIiERTS, Pres. A. C. Mvllix, Sec'v. & Treas. A. A. BARKER, Ageat. Aug. 25, lS32.-ly. 700D, MO It HELL & CO., H. - ' Joiixstow::, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX ALL KISOS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti- Icles : DRY G IOODS, HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, RON NETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, ?, FISH. SALT, FLOUR, RACOX, CAIU'ETINGS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Q UK E NS W A II E. ROOTS a SHOE GitOCERIES. KEKD or ALL KINDS, V Kf! ETA H LKiJ , AC. tSF Clothing and Boots aud Shoes madej'o onler ou reasonableterms. Johnstown March 1 860-tf. T 31. JONES, W7i lit WRIGHT, SMITH & PEARSALL, ! Chma. Olass &, Queensware, Ceal Oil uud . Lnraps, PITTS RURG GLASS AGENCY. Xi. 515 Market Street, May 1, 18d2-tf. PHILADELPHIA. BEN. P. THOMPSON, vilh PERN ARD A. DOOPES, Succtsxor to Hoopes $ Davis, Manufacturer ind Wholesale Dealer in HATS. FURS & STRAW GOODS, Xo. 50 Market Street, .May 1. 1802-tf. PHILADELPHIA. Rlank Summon?, Rbink Subpenas Plunk Execution Constable's Returns, for salj at t'jij oslice LAIN and FANCY J Oli FHINTEll, STATIONER, Liltink Book Jlunufacturtr , Bool: Biiuler, and dealer in evciy description of American and Foreign Papers, tic, A.c. Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, 'n. Agent for L. Johnson i Co., Type Founders !fc Electrotypers, Philadelphia. August 25, 1859;t.t T. LITTLE, SR. JAS. TUIMBLE. LITTLE '& TRIMBLE, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commission Jterchante ; Deah rs in Produce, Flour, Racon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron. Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, X'o. 112 Second Slrect, Ptiislvrgh, Fa. April 24, lSG2-tf. . fcPIUSGEtt II AUHAUG II . WM. 11. WUlTACIiK. ilKNJAMIX F. PETIT. QPMNGEll ilAlUJACGU & CO. WLotesale Ftalrrs in WOOL, HIDES. PROVISIONS and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No. 202 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Apr'l 24, l8G2-tf. T II. FUANCLsCUS, XJL 433 Market St., Piiila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Waduiug, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Rackets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Gl isses, &c, kc, ic, &c. jfr'The largest stock of the above Goods in the ciiv, old at the lowest ncit cat prices Oct. 3!, lSGi-Cm T7M. n". FllY, with T MOORE, LIGGET & CO., umorters and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &c. No. 223 Market Street, Oj-posite Bank St , Rhildklpiiia. ftr?,, Cons tart y receiving Goods from Phil adelphia ami New Yolk Auctions. Oct. 21. lSUl-tf. "VYTILLIAM S. CROS, Y t Lumber. Stave and General COMMISSION MERCHANT, Corner East Fulls and Eastern Avenue?, Baltimore, Mn. Wii! Httend to selling all kinds of Lumber, Staves, Shook, Grain, &c, and will fill .orders for the same. oc t2 1,'Gl tf JAMES DOUGHERTY, witu j. . M3ivmt, "5 YThole?!e Dealer in V? . TUP.ACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, Xo. S N. Fifth street, above Market, Philadelphia. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic CIGARS. sep.1,1 SSPitf. J LLO YD ifc CO., B A X ICE II S ALM.'U.N.-i, i A. DRAFTS on the Principal Cities, and S. 1 ver and Go'd for sale. Collections mad Moneys received oa deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, -with interest at fair rates. nov3, '3 M WM. UEVXOLDS. J. M. SfKVESSuN J. EOWEX SMIT!!. JOHN HILL. wiTfi REY.OLUS, & CO., f ROCERY COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J No. 4J X. Howard street, Oct. 20, lsf3. RALTiiionr.. J. Q. SCAMMON, WLST INDIA EXPORTS AND IM PORTS, Shipping aud Vomuiii'vioh Jllrr-f,ittit . AND DEALER IN HOGSHEAD SliOOKS AND HEADS, No. 522 S. Delaware Avenue, Oct. lO.leOil.tf Phil wif.LrniA. JOIIX A. W1LSOX. D. Il CAXDLKsS. JESSE W. C AT. H. TriLSON, OA UK, A '0. 1 ? (Late Wihf ii, Pain? $ Co.)4 Wholesale Pcabrs in DK GtU.UiS. No. V)l Wood Street, Pitt-burgh. Pa. April -24. 1802-tf. T. MOKH1S VK K "T, KDWAKD H. OfJDEX. II A ilK E1L vriih . T MORRIS PEROT & CO., Whohs-ile '; i..,v,.v, No. (521 Maikct street, abo- Sixth, nnd 012 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, 1801tf s. 1 ETTJX0E11 & ULL1AX, W 1 1 0 EES A LE C LOTH ING No. TOO Mn-.ket sireei. . J'tihfd'lpMir. Samtei, Ettixer. Moylr'Ullj:ax. j Nov. 2?. ISCl. riHIEO. II. TIIODEX, ir7 J. KLEE, KAUFMAN A CO. 'danvfac'vrrrx mid V,'htd sair. Jjttders in CLOTHINt;, No. 80 W'ocd Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. Anrii24, Do2-tf. JiAUtix BiEiiiKi:, n. 11. uo.vinn. pUEULEU & IIOYAni), .S3 Importers and Dealers in Forfijn aitd Domt-xtit: Jlardu-ure vnd C'ltlrry, No. 4J1 Market st., Puiladlli-iii v. Nov. 28, ISOTtf JAJIKS OKAHA.M. k. j. THOMAS, i KAI1AM i'z THOMAS, O WHOLESALE GROCERS, Ard Dealer in Flour, 15V Libert v street, PiTTsui'iio. Penu'a. Dcc2;, 1 801 -if I? 0. VriHT.MAN k CO., i Manufacturing Confectioners No. 102 South Second stueft, (One door below Chestnut.) PHILADELPHIA. E. c. wiiitma:;. nolCo) au:x. johsto T A MES M . T 1 ; I 0-sI)nT tr 'i:'h O WARDLE & STEVENSON, Wholesale. Tobacco Wort -hvu , N. E. corner Market and Sixth its., Nov. 28, 1801. Fhiljdciphia. HT, SOUTllWOllTU cV CO , V Whohxate Jcalcr ia ROOTS AM) SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 28, lStU. 'Philadelphia C 1 J). M'CLEES A: Co.. No. 133 North Third streVt, I'HILAnKI.riMA Wholesnle deMlrs in Roots and Sko. Ma IT, lH30-tf P J OIIN IIEWI'J T, vruh- Sulonion Cans, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No. 4oD Market street, Philadelphia. 5 This estabUshraent has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the aboe location, where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Bovs, together with a carefully selected line of Cloths, Cassimtres, Satiuetts, Vesting?, Tailors' Trimmings, &c, is new ready for the trade. Any order entrusted by those who are un able "to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully as if they were present. August 24. 1862. AllTIIL-tt W. LITTLE. CHARLES WATSOX. FKAXKLIX JAXNKr. A V. LITTLE CO. jt. importers and jOBBrns of SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, Shawls. Mantillas, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Gloves, White Goods, Embroideries, &c. X'o. 325 Market Street, Philadelphia. June 26. It02-tf. JAS. W. UIODLS. JXO. C. SHEK30UXIU WM. n. GILL. T IDDLE, GILL & ( O. A-j Jniortrt and Wholftafe Dealers in Foreign and Dometic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 438 Market St., below 3th, aud 4o3 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May 1, lSG2-tf. EO. M. RIDDLE, icih SMITH. WILLIAMS & CO. DRY GOODS, For-ign and Domestic. Nos. 31:: Market St. i"510 Comn.erce St. May lS'J2-tf.- PHILADELPHIA. r c. murphy, iciih . II. GUILDS & Cc, WHOLESALE BOOT k SHOE WAREHOUSE j No. 133 Wood street, May S, lil-A PITTSBURG, Pa. A E. CADE HOTEL, El-ensbxirp, Pa. J. The subscriber, having leased, re-fnted and newly furnished the "Ebensburg House," is prepared to accommodate his friends and the pa'dic generally. The House has always been a f.ivoii'e foi visitors eiuriag the Summer season, and 1 will rpare no pain-- in making it an agreeable heme for all sojourners. My Ta ble v, ill always be luxuriously supplied from tiie matkets of the country fn-i the cities. My Dak v.-ill be fiilcd with liquors of choice brand. My Stadll is attended by careful Losvicrs, nnd my charges will be such ns to suit all. Expecting to receive a share of pat ronage, and fully intending to deserve it, I hereby throw opeu mv houie to the public HENRY rOSTER. Aucist 23. 1853:tf. I) A I LLO AD HOrSE. Wiimore, Cani V bria county, Pa. (Near Pen.-ia. Railroad Station.) Jas. D. Hamilton. Proprietor. An exten.-ive iiowii:;sr saloou is connected with the llou-e. Tafi.k will be fur- nished Vvich th-e best the market adords, and the Hau supplied with the best of liquors, ir. cl idirg Ales and Lager from approved brew-erk-s. Extensive and convenient SrELixois attached to the premises. Vv'iimre, August 23, lS3?:tf. CONT I NENTAL IIOTEL Adjoiuing Penna. R. R. Depot. m P1TTSEURGH PA. The most convenient place to. stop in the City. Meals served at all hours. Terms moderate. J. H. CLARK k CO., Proprietors. April 24, ISotMf. TED LION HOTEL, J-j Si. Clair street, (near the new Wire Uridge.) Pittsburg, Pa. KOCERT P. GORDON, Proprietor. N. 11. Good Stabling aud Wagon Yord at tached to the House Mi'.hcic-ntly large enough to accommodate 200 Lead of Horses. Also, a very large Sale Stable. dec 1 .".'3:t r TMoiT iiorE, EiurpaT- vJ Joux A. l'LAia, Frs-pn'i-tor. Also, iu coLiHctiou, I5LAIR A; Co's HACKS wiil b-ave the Union House" for Wihaore station in time to take the Ei.Mvru and West ern trains. Every accejn.modnlion will be af forded to make passengers ccmici table. AuiUtt 23, ltJ3J:tf. O UN TAIN IIOCSE, Ebcil.ur-, P; Icux TuuMi'to.v, Jr., ri'prti-i vr. The T.m-.le 13 always sv.ppl4etl with the ciioicest delicacies. The R..r. is suipl:f-d with cboicc lse;uors: ami tiie Ma attended bv careful hostlers. Bo irders taken by the xeek. - I ujoutn e,r year. aug25,lt3Ptf, p A M P IU A HOi'SE 7V ifTiTovc," 1 'J Palmkr a Beck Proprietors. Hacks at tend tiie m rival of each train to couvi y pa.-scnge-rs to the Hotel, and thence by Plauk Road to F.be-iij-burg August 25. r85s:tf. "pOOTS AND SHOES. a ) The undersigned continues lhfc manufac ture of ROOTS and SHOES of every descrip tion at hia c.-iabliedimeut, in Ebensburg, three doors ea.-t of Crawford's Hotel. Emp'.ovir." none but the best workmen, he trusts that he lms hem and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers, "lie topes that-the same liberal tatrona-r brn-to- l.-re given bim may be continued, uud that i more may ie auueo. He has also on hand a large assortment of French Calf-skins, and Morocco st' all kinds, suitable for fine Roots and Sln.es. Readv-made ROOTS and SHOES alwav on ' wanu, auu prices moueraie- MESHAC THOMAS. Ebensburg, Sept. 2l'q iSfil. I ui..(.-oemi 1 y i . 1 a i . J The villu'rawal of the foreman r.n.l book-keeper fVoni tiie Ebeesburg Foundiv. renders it absolutely ncccsarv that ail sic-i-ouuts f hail be settled up without any delay. Persons desirous of saving dii'iicufty. cud perhaps costs, had better call and settle with out further notice. E. GLASS & CO. Ebt nsbui g, Jan. Hh 1802. MITIP.S YECETAPLE COFFEE. Manufactured and sold, wholesale nnd re tail, by JOHN SlIOFFNER. Johnstown, Cambria count v,. Pa. Er sr.!.- by A.. A. Barker, and at the principal ricres iu Kben-d.urg. March by. "THE ALLEG H AN I Ah" v "TT7"ILL be published every TLury)!i: ' " the following fates viz: Per annum, (payable in advance) j . If not paid within the Hrt eix njonlh?t t' not paid until the expiration of year) 2 C A failure to notify a discontinuance at u expiration ot the term subscribed for Til l, considered a new engagement. TEKHS OF ADVERTISING: 1 insertion. 2 do. a 1 square. (12 lines,) $ 50 $ 75 , - 2 squares, (24 lines,) 1.00 l.so 2ti 3 squares, (3 lines.) 1.50 2.00 3, Orer three weeks andless than three mou-.L 23 cents per square for ciich insertion. ' 3 months. 8 lines cr le?. . $1.30 1 square, (12 lines,) - 2.50 2 squares, (24 lines,) 4.00 3 squares. (30 lines,) COO Haifa column, 10.00 One column, 15.00 6 ,o. 12 d3 v 3.00 $f, -1-50 Q( 7.04) , l2 M 0.U0 i4,0 12-0 20.M ) r,,- Administrator's and Executor's Notice?, -5 Professional or Business Cards, not ex ceeding 8 line?, with poreM pe r J ear, :.f 5 Advertisements not marled with lt number of insertions desired, w ill be roat;(. ued till forbidden, and charged icccrdic t3 the above terms. Iiv or Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give expres?to ticc to the contrary, are considered as vi-L-ing to continue their subscription. If subscribers order the (iiscont'ciifl-n of their Periodicals, the Publishir rucv cci. tinue to scrd them until all arrearages t.:t paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to t-va their periodicals from the cices to whicL tfctt are directed, they ere held responsible t;'l they have settled the bill and ordered tlnn discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other without informing Hie publishers, end t: papers are sent to the former direction. ;L.t are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided, that reLfil.-f to take periodicals from the ftice or n uio--ing and !ea ing them ur.caHed for, is i-i'.t faciae vidcr:ce of intentional Fntnd. OEFICE OP JAY COOKE, fc-URSCP.IPTJOX AGENT. At JAY COOk'E cV: CO., DANKUlj, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET IMiIkdelphh-.. Nov. 1. ltc:. Tiie un-.'-r-icinec!. h:-.viug bee a ffveiii.w-.; SUESCRIPTION AGENT by the SecUt.Mr..f the T.eaiuiy, ia ii.w pr?p -red to luxuiia t. once, tha NEWTU'EXTY YEATIT- r erct pf NI of the United -ilale. de 'g:.a;ed :i - l-'u. Tweiities."' rciiceiiiub'c ai the le: - j;e eT Lt Government, after yt;-:. a:..J I'-.iihoi'.-. by Act of Congress, approved FtUiuM .'. 1S';2. 'lie COUPON RONES are issued io l:.. of S.". SI 00. S Sir 00. The REGISTER RuNDS. in sums of j: Sioo, ,?;.c-f, si and .-;...:... Iuter. t :v' Six -per ceiir. per nnnutn commeu'-e fiorn dste of pu iciiai-e and is PAYABLE IX COLO. Semi-A iii:u; .v. v. hich is : . '.:e t 1. ti.: premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER Cf-M. PER ANNUM. Farmer--, Merchants, Mechrnic. C:qif.-r. -. and ail who have any money te itivt.-i. sL ju:i kuoM- aud remein'ier that tl-.es-e liorc"- h ttftct. a FIRST MORTGAGE ir.ou jmI Ft i. roads, Canal.-, Rank Stocks and Secuii.-!.-:, aud tiie immense proucti of r.!l tl-v M.ofi faclurf'S. ic. tc, in the o.'.iany : r.. i the full aud ample provision i.u.'-.ir l- payment of tl.f interest s-'.-d si-r-.;.i,n t rincipi-.I, ty Gustoms Da tier, E-c : Sour.;-, and luicrnal Revenue, serves to in .ike tlit; Ponds l!iC Eti-t, Jo.7 Acxihille nuJ F t ular lut i-xtr.u itl i.t the Ala. Sub.-cr'p.ious received at PAR in I.'? Tender Netcs. or notes aud checks of b;.:.':i at par in Philadelphia. Subscribers J y Bi-a wiil receive prompt tie ution, and even f . i ity JUiii explaualiuil v. ill be aiioi iied uti i. c.illoii at this oface. A i'vM supply o.' Roads will be kept on iiuU for iiuuicdia t e '.iEveiv. JAY COGKE', Siibscrh-.iieu Agc-at. Nov. 1:;, is'2-::m. TAYLOR C'Ri:3ii:R, A T THE HUNTINGI'CN N I R-S V V- ' , lJl. He xiiM.nox. Pa.. ell Fruit i Ornnr.u ntal Trr.-s. Xiuo "f belter grovrtb. iaiger siz at:d at li v. cr r: 1? than any of the Northern or lh.te.-n Nur.-nv-5 and warrant t!n-ia true to i;ai..e. Stai.drd Apple trees at 11 certs ci ! SlO per 100. Peach trees. 13 to 20 cts eaeL Si 2..'" ,r $13 per 10 Standard Pear tires, 50 to 73 cts cech. Bv. art Pear tree.-, 5:..$ toSl each 10 to J per 100 Dwarf Apple trees, 30 to 73 cts each Standard Cherry irees 37J to 73 ets. Dwarf Che rry treea 30 to 73 cts. Plum trees to cts. Apricot trees 40 tc "0 cts. Ncctarir.e trees 23 cts each. Grape Vines 23 cts to Si. Silver Majdc trees C2$ to Sl.J European Ash. 73 t f. European Larch. 73 rt? to 1.30 Norway. Spruce, 3o cts te f 1 American Pah-am Pine, 73 ct? to il.'' American i Chinese Aii or Vita, l-i- ':' 5-1..-.-J - Strawberry Plants. Si per D'6. ic. if. Huntington, Jen. 23, lfce'o.- "is. X EVA X S re V spcctluR in- lorms tne t.uzens oi wtiii.1 pit tn en .- - . LheTisburg. und Cam- (jJjvy'rl j ri.i count v gciier.il-'V-rii ." -. i- J ' Ebeiisburg. und Cam- 4 I.v. that he has on bend and f. r sale, at S 4 t souare w e-st of Blair's Vif-''" Iii't'1, a large and vii' spJendid assortment f Fl 1 NITI RE. he willscil rrv cheap. CoKI'INS n"1' .... . 1 - - . . . . . .i.:er on 1 1; e S uort es I r.Otlce al.U Hi ru bles prices. " I.bcnsbuig. Get. C. Hugh a. McCoy, Saddle and Jarn? ynrvfit erensri'Jm:. Ofucc one door east t.1 Davi.-., Jones A 1 (! Store. A large stock of rcdy-mde Hfli re-. -dies, P.ri.'.Ios. i,'., i-4.c.ti':itJv on Lhi-I ."" lii.lc thc:.p. D. c. j3. !: - .i t i inr1 i