ALL O. t t. THURSDAY:::::::::::::::NOVE3115Elt 6. LO CAL AN D PERSONAL. EbENSBURO AND CEESSON RaILROAH. lOn and after Monday, May 5, 1802, trains 3ii this road will run as follows : Leave Kkexsijuro At 3.3C A. M , connecting with Fast Mail East and Express West. .At C.25 P. M., .connecting with Mail Train West and Express East. Leave Ckessox At 8.55 A. M., or on departure of Fast Mail East and Express West. At 7.45 P. M., or on departure of Mail Train West and Express East. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen. Supt. From Our Volunteers. Camp near Sharpsbcro, Mil, October 27, 18ii2. LETTERS FROM CO. F, 133D I'K.NXA. VOLS WHAT TIIKY ARE DJIXO, AXD HOW TIIEY ARE DOISO IX VARIOUS ITEMS OF INTEREST. Correspondence of The Alleghanian. Wc arc Etill Lerc, in camp, but on the 1 1 ii : v fllt VllC ail llic iiuio tui uiucia lu uiuc further into the land of Dixie. We have had" orders for the past five days t) keep two days' cooked rations in our haver Kieks, and be ready to march at a moment's warning. There appears to be a gorieral movement of the Army of the Potomac in the direction of Winchester, and two successful reconnoi.-sarccs across the river at Shcphardstown have been made by de tachments from our division. The gray backs showed themselves in small bodies, but generally managed to make safe their retreat before we came up with them. They iuvar'nibly prove themselves to be good runners, except where they have ihe advantage cf overpowering odds. Our camp is located about midway be tween harpsburg and the Potomac, on a beautiful piece of table land. The rdtua tioti for a summer camp is excellent, but lor fall or winter it will be just the re verse. The country around has been one of the Lest agricultural districts in the Ftate of Maryland, but at present it is a mere watde- The rich fallows turned up for wheat prior to the great battle of An tietam arc now trampled down into dust an J ci'VL-red with camps, while scarcely a IVuce is to be seen for miles around. The holdiers are necessitated to appropriate the latter for fire wood. The geological formation is that of limestone. The soil is rich and deep, and to judge from exte rior appearances, the people enjoyed an enviable state of prosperity in inhabiting it. AW there is not a horse or a head of cattle of any kind to be .cccn on any of the farms in the neighborhood, all having been appropriated to the use and behoof of the setcsh army or driven away by their owners. J lad Maryland responded to the call of the country as did Pciinlvaiiia when her borders were threatened by iu aion, frhc would to-day be many hun dreds of thousands of dollars richer; but her apathy and indifference invited the rapacious foe to her domains, and td;e has lu-r nward. May she profit by it. Yesicrdav was Sunday, and a more I dreary one I never saw. It commenced I'lrizzliug in the morning, and by nine a. Jin. the ram poured down in torrent, the wind meanwhile blowing furiousl' from the northwest. Overcoats and gum blan- kcts were but slim protection against the H'OlnhlnPfl furr" fif fhr f Linnntj Tim rloL jige will most likely have the effect of gendering the river unfordable, thereby preventing either army from attempting o cross unless it be on ferries or over fridges. I The 133d are at all times prepared for my emergency. Col. Speakinan is labor ing assiduously to perfect his regiment in he art and -science of war. We have ronipany drill from 8 till 9i a. ni.; bat a'lion drill from 10 till 12 ; company ri!l from 1 i till 3 p. in ; and battallion iiriil from 3 till G so that we have not ;uch time to play. Our company is pro trcssing rapidly in obtaining a knowledge If the various evolutions pertainiug to alitary discipline, and will in a few weeks an cfEcient and well-drilled company. i apt. Jones, and the officers generallv rj fleet credit upou both tho company and Jieniselves. We were thrown into quite an ecstasy I happiness on Saturday evening last by le sudden appearance in our midst cf pur worthy townsmen, Messrs. Thomp- n, .Jones and Humphreys. They were jurnily greeted by their many friends and quaintanccs in camp. Dcsides their asant countenances, they brought with cm many acceptable presents from the !ar ones at homn in fh cr.l.n i - - "Viuivio a iUVt Such mntprifillu ;H..n,l lunnwiy uic microti 01 e visit. Our chaplain, the Kcv. Mr. Ilartsock. J arrived amount us, and is laboring F.ousiy tor the moral and spiritual wel- - i I think he will be the means of doing much good. The wind blew quite a hurricane in our camp this morning, prostrating several tents, and among the number the Doctor's shop. The razing of this edifice revealed to view a goodly assortment of pills and potions, besides an imposing array of black bottle3 bearing the inscriptions, ''Cognac," "Old Bye," etc. A furious charge was made upon these latter by early risers, re- suiting in the capture of a considerable number ; but you should have witnessed the chagrin of the "captors" when, on examination, it was found the bottles were entirely emjify ! The early risers im- mediately held a council, and unanimous- ly decided that it was an outrage that the M. D.'s were permitted to drink the liquor furnished by the Government for the use of the sick and wounded, thereby defrauding both the Government and the poor suffering soldier. Governor Curtin should know of the impositions practised upon the sick of this regiment. If ho did, at least one of the cormorant M. D.'s who now feeds at the public crib, to the great detriment of the suffering and the disgrace of the regiment, would forthwith receive their "walking papers." Yours, ic, Obsekveu. Co. A, 55M Penna. Vols., in the late Battle in South Carolina Full list of Killed, Woun ded and Missing, etc., t'c. TWe are permitted, through favor of E. F. Lytic, Esq., to take the following extracts from a private letter, giving full and interest ing details concerning the participation of Co. A, 55th Penna. ois., in the late bloody battlc near Focotaligo, South Carolina. Bk.aifort, S. C, Oct. 24, 1SG2. Afteradvancing, with skiriiiiahing,some five or six miles from Mackay's Point, we found a battery very advantageously posted to rate tne roaa. i ne nrst, snot was urea at three minutes after 12. Our brigade was formed in column, closed in mass, and the 47th P. V. formed in line of battle. Tim fihrlla and round lu,t. meanwhile were flving in all directions, and men were falling all around us. Here Wm. Galla- eher was wounded. The 47th P. V. then charged bayonets on the battery, when it fell back through the wood and crossed a swamp some 80 or KKl rnnla widn. r.vrr a rausnwav. tor un the small bridge, aDd coming into position on the other side, again opened ou us. We closed in to the edge of the woods and !ay down in a cotton-field, whilo our bat- tery was enjraeinjr that of the enemy. Wc lav for about fifteen minutes, bein- at the tinin iindpr tho firp ctf l.nth flu nrtillrrv I and the musketry cf the enemy, when we were ordered to advance through the woods. We did so, and got out of the range of the grape and shell. Sergeant Harry Marlett, James Keiliy and J. II. Wagner were wounded as we advanced through the wood-;. We had not yt fired shot. We got through the woods considerably scattered, but got together again and lay down for about an hour, when the enemy's" battery was silenced. They fell back some three miles to a stronger position, where they had intrenchments, and a marsh about one hundred and fifty or two hundred yards wide, and impassable only by tho causeway and over the bridge. The latter the7 had destroyed. M'e heard them open fire on the second line of battle when we wcro nearly two miles back. vWe came up on quick and double quick time, close after the Gth Con necticut. This regiment was ordered up on double quick, but they failed to get forward. They then came back to me I was in tho front and ordered me forward at double quick past the Gth Connecticut and 4th X. II., and form a line of battle with our right resting on tho road. I did so, and had formed our company on the right by file on the line when I was hit by a spent grapeshot, causing a severe bruise on my right leg. At this time, and before the regiment had time to all get on the line, one of the General's aids came back hunting for sharpshooters to pick off the canuoniers from the enemy's battery. I told him wc were ready to go anywhere wc were need- ed, when he ordered us to go and engage them. We went forward along the road, the grape-shot, shell and musket-balls fal ling about us like hail but the Mountain boys never flinching, until we got into po sition and opened fire on the battery. At our second fire, the battery left the field, the enemy having uo men to man tnetr guns, as soon as any showed them- selves they being shot down. At this time they were reinforced by fare of our regiment. teu thousand fresh troops, and formed a this county. Company A of this regi linc of battle on out frout, protected by mentis composed of Cambria county men, riCc pits and embankments, aud opened fire on us with musketry. Companies B, B, K and K were on my left, and a few couij'anicH of the 70th P. V. on my right, i We kept up a fire of musketry and artil- lery for some two hours, when our car- tridges becoming exhausted, I sent for a fresh supply. None coming, we fired our last ball, and then laid down under a most galling fire for some twenty minutes. By this time it was growing dark and the fi- ring had begun to slacken, so we lell back out of range in good order, halting twice to form parties coining up, and marched off. Just as we were getting on the road, Orderly Sergeant Alstead, Sergt. Hodge and James Litzingcr were wounded, The loss in Co. A is as follows : Killed : Sergt. Samuel Hester. Woun- ded : Sergt. ' Alstead, right shoulder; Sergt. Hodge, left leg, flesh wound ; Sergt. Marlett, right arm, slightly; Hugh M'Atamany, severely wounded in groin, missing;" William Gallagher, severely; James Reilly, left side,' severely ; J. II. Wagner, slightly; James Litzingcr, se- verely, right thigh, flesh wound, Col. White has considerable praise. Major Filler is brave to a fault, We had advanced about ten miles, and were within'one and a half mile3 of the railroad, but were forced to retire without accomplishing our object. We marched back to the landing, and lay all night in the field. Went on boaid the Flora and arrived at Beautfort lext night at ten o'clock, and came direct to camp. So clo nes our firjt hard fight of the war. D. W. FOX, First Lieut. Coui'dg. Co.' A, D5th P. V. Church Dedication. The new Cath olic Church in Altoona one of the finest church edifices in the interior of the State will bo dedicated to the service of Almighty God on Sunday week next, the 10th inst. The dedicatory services will " cuunum jr xnwi iuiun., Bishop of Pittsburg, assisted by a number of thc neighboring clergymen, after whicl an appropriate sermon will be preached by the Eight Rev. Bishop. In tho evening a lecture on the "Life and services of the Apostle of the Alleghenies, very Rev Prince de Gallitzen," will be delivered by Kev- T bos. Ilayden, one of the most dis tinguished divines in the diocese, and an orator who never fails to interest his audience. An admission fee will be charged for tho benefit nf the Church which is a model of architectural beauty wcl1 worthy a visit, especially on an occa- sion so fraught with interest and instruc tloa as the approaching one. We say to a" who Una it convenient, bo sure to attend Temperance. Mr. A. M. Collins, a gentleman from New York city, delivered a series of lectures in this place during the past live or six days, on the fruitful top ic of Temperauce. He drew large and respectable audiences, and hia labors will doubtless be productive of much good in our midst. At his lust lecture, on Mon day evening, the nucleus of a ne'.v Tem perance organization, to bo composed principally of the "young and rising gen eration, was formed, and a hundred sig natures male and female obtained to the paper. Mr. C. is an excellent lectu rer, and pictures with striking vividness the countless horrors following iu the train of the demon Intemperance. lie han dled the tavern keepers and lager-bier sellers without gloves, and denounced the buying and selling of intoxicating liquors as a beverage as an outrage upon society and a crime against God. He is enframed in a truly good cause we hope he may jo on prospering and to prosper. Bunkers' Love Feast. It was our very good fortune last Sunday to be pres ent, for the first time, at the Levis Mohl, (as u early as wc can spell it,) or annual Love Feast, of the persuasion of Christ ians known r.s Bunkers, held at their cuurcht in Taylor township, six miles this id f johnstowr, The Cf,1Pmon;PS. wliich consist rrjI)Cipallv 0f preaching pravin', the washin- of feet, catinir the feast &c are cxccediuKly interesting, but wc havc no room fora fuH description thereof at present. The denomination of rUIlker8 is verv numerous in this rmn, some three hundred belonmm, tn thU congregation alone, all of whom are well- to-do, highly respected citizens. The War, in South Carolina. On our outside to-day we print full details of a recent battle near Pocotaligo South Carolina, in which several Pennsylvania regiments participated and behaved with t,e utmoHt jrallantry. Ainon these was the 55th, commanded by Col. White, of one of whom was killed and seven wouu- ded in the fight. A letter on th:a pae also gives a graphic description, of tin fiht, which sec. . PITTSBURG n, PA., corner Pcnn and St. Clair Sis. The largest Commercial School of the Uni ted States, with a patronage of nearly ,'J,0()0 Students, in five years, from 31 States, and the only one which affords complete and reliable instruction iu all the following branches, viz ; Mercantile, Manufacturers, Steam Boat, Rail Road & Bank Book-Kecjting . FIRST PREMIUM. Plain and Ornamental ennmanship ; also Surveying, Engineering, and Mathematics generally. 35.00 Pays for a Commercial Course; Students en ter and review at &ny time. fiST" MINISTERS' SONS' tution at half price. For Catalogue of8C pages, Specimens of Business and Ornamental Pennmanship, an a beautiful College view of 8 square feet, con taining a great variety of Writing, Lettering and Flourishing, inclose 24 cents in ttampsto the Piiucipals, JENKINS & SMITH, April 24, I8G2, ly-. Pittsburg, Pa. JKW FIRM AND NEW GOODS ! ! ! C. T. Kobe rf s &, Co. The subscribers take pleasure in informing the People in general that they "have just re ceived, at their rooms, ou High srtet, a large and varied stock of wATCPES, CLOCKS, JEWELUY, NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, CUTLERY, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Ac, &c, All of which they are prepared to sell cheaper than ever. Thankful for past favors, the new firm would ask a continuance of the same. No charge for showing our stock. CALL AND EXAMINE ARTICLES! Clocks, "Watches and Jewelry repaired vith neatness aud despatch. We havc experienced workmen in our eindo3-, and the public can rest satisfied that their work will be done satisfactorily. We do our best to render cus tomers satisfaction, Charges Modertrte. C. T. ROBERTS & Co. Ebensburg, June 19, 18G2-tf. 800.. TLWAKE!. I860. aiifci.i-ii.u.N .kj;. coi'Pi7i; WARE J. & II. HERRLGTO.V Desire to call the attention of the public to tlieir new i I.N hJlOrnow opened in the large brick building on the comer of Main and Franklin streets opposite the Mansion House and next to the Ranking house of liell, Smith & Co., Johnstown Pa., where they purpose manutacturing all kinds ot TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE. Their work will be made by the best work men and of the best materials. Thcv are de termined to sell all kinds of ware at the cheapest rates, wholesale and retail. P. S. -All orders for SPOUTING attended to on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Johnstown, December 8, 1859-tf. "rpilE UNION RIGHT OR WRONG !" Ebensburg Pa. III Ijt.lMMj " Tim subscriber besrs leave to inform the Public that he is prepared te furnish, on short notice and on reasonable terms, all manner of WORKED LUMDElt, SASH AND DOORS, and MOULDINGS- All work warranted to give entire satisfac tion, otherwise no charges will be made. Orders from a distance solicited, and filled wit'i pomptness and dispatch. Rough Lumber taken in exchange for A orked Lumber. I. F. WILLIAMS. Ebensburg, Jan. 30, lSG2-tf. PAY UP! PAY UP!! All persons indebted to the subscribers by either Note or Rook account, are hereby notified to lmtke immediate payment. Costs will bo saved by attending to this in time. D. J. EVANS & SON. Ebensburg. May 20, 18G2-3t. HUGH A. McCOY, Saddle and Ifarnrxs Manufacturer EBENSliURG, PA. OfTicc one door cast of Davis, Jones & Co.'s Store. A large stock of readr-made Harness, Sad dles, Bridles, &c, constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Dec. 25, ltil-tf. rpo Tin; PUBLIC JL All persons interested are herebv noti fied that the Rooks, Notes and Accounts of MESH AC THOMAS are loft in nv hands for settlement and collection. Those not ready to pay up will please come and settle and give their notes. All those whoso accounts are not settled before the first day of Decem ber will be visited by the proper otiicers imme diately after that lime. D. II. ROBERTS. Ebensburg, Oct. 11, 18G2. NOTICE. Whereas, Nathan Keist. a minor, inden tured to the subscriber until attaining his majority, lias run away, all persons are forbd trusting him on my account. MICHAEL M GLADE BOOKS ! BOOKS ! BOOKS ! For Sale by C. T. ROBERTS& Co. IF you want Clocks, go to C. T. Roberts & Co's store, Ebensburg, Penna. I F vou want American Watches, go to C. T. Roberts & Co. F you want Detached Levers, go to C. T. Roberts & Co. F you want Cylinder Escapements or Watch es of any kind, go to C. T. It. &. Co. F you want a good gold Breastpin or Ring, go to C. T. Roberts & Co. F vou want a sett of good Jewelry, go to C. T. Roberts & Co. TF you want Musical Instrument of any de scription, go to C T Huberts & Co. j "1TF you want a set of Studs or pair of SlteVe I X Buttons, o to C. T. ROBERTS & CO. JL -i j.j1 HE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL For "CLailroad 2 2 EBENSBURG P s & "ulcli .Sales AND Small I'l-onta." A. A. BARKER, Ebe.nsbcug, Pa. nnilE SUBSCRIBER would respectfully an . 1 nounce to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity that he has just received, at his store, on High street, the largest srnd most complete assortment of WINTER GOOBS, ever befrc brought to this county, nil Ct which he is determined to fcell cheaper thun tne cheapest. DRY GOODS, In endless varietv. DRESS GOODS, Of every description. WOOLLEN GOODS, A full and complete assortment. WHITE GOODS, Embracing all the latest styles.' EMBROIDERIES, Handsome and of the best quality. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, Of all sorts, sizes, widths and prices.' 1 1 OOP SKIRTS AND BALMORALS, The latest and best stvlcs. READY-MADE CLDTIIING, A better and cheaper article than ever before offered to this community. BOOTS AND SHOES, Of the very best workmanship. HATS AND CAPS, Fashionable and of durable maleri:il. MILLINERY GOODS AND NOTIONS HOSIERY AND GLOVES. BUFFALO RODES. Hardware, Qucenstcare, Groceries, Hour, Bacon Cheese, Syrups, Molasses, Mackerel, Her ring and Cod Pish, Iron and JTails, Cedar and Willow ll'ar, Drugs and Medicines, Carbon and Pish OH, etc, etc., etc. These, and manv other descriptions of Goods, too numerous to hirjmcution, con stantly on hand. Not to mince matters, lie keeps a FIRST CLASS CO UXTR Y STORE, where anything or everything a person may need or desire can be obtained. Pv buying a large stock at a time, and pav- incr for the same almost entirely in Cash, the suoscriVer is enabled to sell considerably cheaprr than other dealers in this community. Tu be convinced of the truth of this assertion you need only call and examine his Schedule of Prices. NO CHARGE FOR SHOWING GOODS." Customers will be waited upon by accom modating Salesmen. tQr The Public is requested to roll in the more the merrier aud secure Bargains. A. A. IJAiUtER. Dec. 1 j lcol. HOKE OUT IN A NEW PL A Ef.' BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! rou LY ERY BODY The subscriber tak-s pleasure in vullli.g the attention of the vitiiens f CAliitOLL TOWN and vicinity to the l".;ct thsit lie ha just received, and is now opening, at fbc tM stan I ef Moore & Son, u large nd varivd stock cf Dry Good, consisting in art of Satins, Vclrcts, Cloths, Cassimeres, Doeskins, riattinetts. Tweeds, Jeans, Tickings, Flannels, Brown k BleiuLed Muslins. Ac DRESS GO (JDS of etrry ttflc Together with an excellent stock of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, STATIONARY, IIABBWABE, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, CARPET-SACKS, QUE ENS WARE, NOTIONS, Arc, c, tY.c. And, in fact, anything and everything uinallx kept in a No. 1 Country Store all of which will be disposed of at prices to fuit the time?. CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS ! Customers waited on by attentive Sales men, and no charge for showing articles. BgJ Cherry, Poplar, Spruce, Pine, and other Lumber, Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally, taken iu exchange for Goods. A. A. BARKER. May 29, 18C2-tf N TEW CHEAP CASH STORE!!! "THAT'S WHAT'S THE MATTER !-' E. J. MILLS k CO. beg leave to nnnonnro to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity th:.t they have just received, at their new store room, on High street, a most complete nssoit ment of Spring: and Summer Goods, consisting in part of the following articlrs : Dress Goods, Millinery Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks, Embroideries, Housekeeping Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, Shawls, Laces, anil so on, ad infinitum. Ar.ho: Roots and Slides, Hats. Caps, Koft&ets, Groceries, Hardware, Quecnsware, Notions, Perfumery, Stationery, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Mackerel, Herring and Cod Fish, Syrups and McT.Tes, Iron and Nails, Glass, Salt, Oifsr WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, kc, Ic, Ac. In Bhort not to dip further Into tedious' details they intend keeping A NUMBER ONE STORE, Where the comfort and convenience of a country community can be t-uceessfaly ca tered to. By buying a large stoc,k at a time, they arc enabled to sell their goods at a TRIFLING ADVANCE ON CITY PRICKS. Roll in and see for yourselves. No- charge for showing articles. E3t. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. Ebensburg, April 24, 1SC2. n o a- a -1 -l 3 to r 7-. n n 73 . ' & ! r: 5 e - . re - o 3 o Z 5" n j - o ' i- S3 5 o o o E3 S3 o S ou 6 Z3 c 0, - 13 re 3 - - o ' O O i5 3 S r re ro g H- It. it n . CD o O B a te - a -i re 'r: 3 2 5 ja ra s a 3 - re - H re 3 X a a 3 re s r;. o re o o OK o c rs. -i n K K PI H v: O rji zn " O K re -t O m CA 5s n z. c 5" 5 b rr a o c 2 re G 6 o c 3 re re ?o " 3 re r a re - C5 c o o re C 3 re M 3" 3 o re 7 t? " re 2. re . ?! V? " t er o a - o re 7? ? p re o o c 3 re ? C o 3 o re 3 o re t EDENSBUrtl HARDWARE ANB STOVE DEPOT. . BARGAIXS TO BE I! A D ! The undersigned has just received a largo and splendid assortment of Hardware and Cutlery, Cooking, Parlor and Heating Stoves, Nails, Window Glass, Hoop Iron, Carbon Oil Lamps and pure Carbon Oil, Jap.ifincd and Erittannia Ware, Glass Ware, &c, Ac, all ot which he will sell very low fox CASH or ex change for Country Produces He still continues to manufacture Tin and Sheet Iron Ware of all descriptions, for salo either by the Wholesale or Rittril. Repairing done on short notice; He returns bis sincere tlUnks to his old friends and customers for the patronage, ex tended" him, and begs leave to hope that tlu-y will come forward and fettle tip their accounts of long itandirg, and Commence the new year "oa the square." He muft have money to enable him to keep up his Mock. : Bga, Prices low, to suit the Mniep. - GEO. HUNTLEY. Ebeiij.bnrg, Jany, 0, 18Ctf rpSUMS OF SUIiSCEIPTION 'THE ALLEGHANIAN Sl.oO IN ADVANCE AVif the i" '.? to Subscribe ! B -1 r1 t 5 i. 11 i i 'i i' i i, it : ? t '