i t . . - .".S j - - t m 'X. !' ( Xil I V 1.. .: .. t i. , .1 : :! : . -.,1 - , JBSF"A countryman came into a sdore in Philadelphia the other Jay, and told the store kQepcr," that a neighbor of his had entiusted him with some money to be spent to the besft advantage, oud he meant to do it.tvhere' ho wuuM be treated the best. '',". ". ; He had been very well treated by the traders, and vuvbl not part with hh; neighbor's moyov until .o had li'imd. a man who won hi tr6:it him about riiht. "With the utmost fuavity the - trader Bays v'""5- 'I thinlc J can treat yon to your liki u ir, how do you want to bo treated'" "Well," says the (arnu-r, with a loer in hia eyd,;'-;iu .the first place I want a ras of toddy j",' which' was forthcoming;. "N'mv I will have a nice ciir," says the coun tryman. It was , promptly handed him, leisurely light, 'and ihi,uvinr himsclt back !with his feet as hih as his head, he commenced pufim away, like a Rutoh-inan.,r- ' "Now 'what do you want to purchase ':" s-pys the storekeeper. , . . VIy , neighbor . handed ine two cents when"! left home to buy a lu; of tobacco," answered the farmer, 'have you yot the article?". The storekeeper stopped ins-tauter, .and the next thinir that was heard from him was. that his sides were shaking, and his face on fire, as he was relating the sell to Lis friends' tS One of our exchanges gives the following simple plan fur getting rid of rat? : . . "Take a mackerel barrel, for instance, and fill it about one third its height with water. Then place a log endwise in the water, so that one end will just remain over the surface. Make the head of the barrel a little too small to fit it, and sus pend it by two pins to the inside of the top of the barrel, so that it will hang as if on a 'pivot and easily tip by touching either side. . On this head thus suspended secure a piece of savory meat. The first rat that scents it will, to get the meat, leap on the barrel head. The head will trip, or tilt, precipitate him into the water, and resume its position. The rat in the water will swim to the log, get on the end of it, and squeal vociferously. His cries will bring other rats, all of whom wi'l he tilted into the water, and all of whom willfight for the only dry spot in it, viz : the end of the log. As only one rat can hold it, the victor will drown all the rest, and can, in the morning, be drowned him self. We have seen twenty caught in one night by such a trick." 12,Our friend Jones has been doing homage'to a pair of bright eyes, and talk ing "tender things by moonlight. A few evening? since, Jone3 resolved to "make hia. destiny secure." Accordingly, he feli on his knees before the fair JJulciuca, and made his passion known. She re fused him flat.-- Jumping to his feet, he informed her in choice terms that there were as good fish in the "sea as ever were caught. Judge the exasperation of our worthy swain when t-he coolly replied : "Yes, but they don't bite at toads I" Jones has learned a lesson. JK"jOno day while Carl Schurz was awfully boring Old Abe for a foreign e m bossy," he asked him where he was originally from. "I am an Amsterdam Dutchman' said Carl. "Well," said Old Abo with one of his usual sallies, "31 r. Schurz, what is the difference between an Amsterdam Dutch man and auy other dam Dutchman !" jr" An apothecary's boy was lately sent to leave at one house a box of pills, and-t another, six live fowls. Confused on the way, he left the pills where the fowls should have gone, aud the fowls at the pill place. The folks who received the fowls were astonished at reading the accompanying direction : "Swallow- one every two hours." v :t j6"2rThe following is a postscript to an Irish letter: Dear Mike If you don't get thisletter at all, write and let us know it, .and I will raise the devil with the postmaster. .,.. v ; - Esju Live aud labor to dcaru. TOR WORK " . 7 7 OF ALL KINDS - JS'EATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY '' EXECUTED AT TUS "ALLEO II ANI AN" OFFICE, niGu .sT.,..;cENsnunG, pa ITT. LI CAT ION OFi'JCT" : DAVIS & JONES' BUILDING UP STAIRS . o . GIVE US A CALL. J UST lllivjEIVED - .71! BEE D All R ELS LAKE TROUT " A PRIViE ARTICLE, . AT A! A. RARKER S STORE. ONLY TVENTYFIVE (TENTS 1'ER DOZEN. - CALL AND SAMPLE TIIE. A NIC ""ARRANGEMENTS! SUGAR KETTLES, 10 to 40 gallons. COPPER KETTLES, 1 J '' '"3 quarti'to 40 gallons.. . ; ' ; -s -.-.TINWARE, . all sorts and kinds. SHEET- IRON WARE evcrj xarMif. nXAMELED ty TINNED IRON - WARE ' ZINC "WASH boards; ' ' fur 23 tents, worth 31 cents. SAD IRONS, "or SMOOTHING IRONS,' all sizes nudle3t'fi!ttt?, 5 to CJ- cts. per lb. COOKING STOVES,-' Trimmed complete, with baking arrangement s, $S to $-28. 1 - ' w EGG STO VES, ?i-.r)0 to S13.00. HEATING COOK STOVES, $3.00 to $9.00. RRADLEY COOKING STOVE, I'atkxt. Grail' & Co., Mitelull, llerron k Co., Abbot & Noble, A. J Gallagber's, and every other Pittsburg or Pliil.idclpbia in a mi fa e l u r er ' s . Stoves nlways on Laud or procured on 5 days' notice. ODD PLATES AND G HATES for Stoves, always oa hand. CARBON OIL LAMPS, 62 cts. to $1.2i. Chimneys and Yic"ks for Lamps always on hand. SPOUTING, REST QUALITY, put up and PAINTED at 10 tents per foot. SSy No extra clianjcs for Eilovcs. MINER'S LAMPS, OIL CANS, POWDER CANS. nil sizes constantlv on hand. COFFEE MILLS, 37 cts. to S1.25. TOASTING FORKS, OYSTER P.ROILERS, Jelly Cake Moulds, Table and Tea. Spoons, COAL BUCKETS, Sol cts. to $3.00. The anovc goods will be furnished WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, at the JOHNSTOWN STOVE k IIOUSE-F URNIS'I " ING STORE, CANAL STREET, Opposite tlie Weig3i Lock. ASK TOR RANK W. HAY'S WAREHOUSE, and save twenty per cc;."n your purchases EITHER FOR CASH OR SCRIP. G1 LOROE M. Rl'F.I), Attorney at Law, S Ebensburjr, Pa. Oilice in Colviiadc Row. Ebeiiiburg Sept. 2C, iuiil-tf. ABRAHAM KOFELIN, Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa. Of'i.-e on Main street. . " aug-23,183f)-tf. CHARLES W WING AUD, Attorney at Law, Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pa. August 23, 1839:tf. . T)JIILS. NOON, Aitoiiney at Law, 1 Ebensburg, Penn'a. OIIlcc two doors east of Thompson's Hotel. August 20, lfi30.-ly. AC. M ULLIN, Attorney at Law, Eb m ensburg, Cambria county, Pa. O. 'lice two doors north of Colonade Row, and hnmediatcly opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, December 1, 1859. X OBERT A. 3FCOV, Attorney at Law It Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pa. All manner of legal business in the sevcra. courts of this county promptly attended to. Jane 28, 18G0:tf R. I.. JOHNSTON". GV.O. W. OATMAN. JOHNSTON & O ATM AN, A.'tornris at Law, Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. ESOlHce opposite the t'curt House. January 10, 18Gl:'tf S. RUNN, M. D., tenders hU pro- V, fc-ss'onal services to the citizens of Eb ensburg. Oilice in Drug Store, on High st., opposili: Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, August 23, 1850:tf. DR. J. M.. M'CLITRE, Sukukon and Mechanical Dentist, respectfully offers his professional services to the ladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and Vic in ty of thisplaee. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. -- Office in the o-ld ''Exchange," on Clinton street. ' Johnstown, Aug. 25, 1830. ENTISTUY. The undersigned, Graduate of the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery, respectfully offers his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg. He has spared no means fo thoroughly acquaint himself with every im-pr)v-nif ::t in bis art. To many years of per sonal expcrier.ee, ! - has souht to add the i:r!jiM iei experience vf the highest authorities 'n l)-.-nt;il Siieuv;o. Jiff simply asks that nn op:ti;rtunity mny be gifcr'n tor his work to spt..k its own praise. . ; . SAM TEL BEL FORD, D. D. S. (OfYiee forivc.lv occupied bv Dr. J. Clark.) Ji.-tWc1.re9: Prof. C. A. H.uris ; T. E. Rand, Jr. ; Y. II: Handy ; A. A: Hbuidy, P. H.VAus-. ten, of the R.iUioiort- College. , . : -v rr?i"-Vill hx r.t EbensSiit-g on the fourth Moi..i:ty of each month, to stay one week. April -!l , JS"" Subscribe t'vt Tuu AttLC akcvx.. , P rjMIE UNION FOREVER ! ! ... It. II. TUDOR & HUGH JONES, ITavingformed a partnership in the GROCERY-business, wonld respectfully call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and vi-ciaitv-to 'their large stock, which has been elected' in the Eastern market with great care. Come and examine for yourselves ! They cannot fail to please. Ourstock consists in part of the following articles, viz : . - White nnd Rrowu Su- Chewing and Smok'g Cars, - Tobacco, N. O. Molassse3, Cigars, Snuff, Candles, Soap, Syrups, Rio ColfeeJ Young lly son. Imp trial and Black Teas, Spices of all kinds, Butter, Sugar and Wa ter Crackers, Clothes, Market ard Fancy Baskets, Washboards, Brooms, Buckets, Measures, Kealers, Churus, Kegs, - Dried Apples, Peaches, Hair and Wire Seircs, Oranges and Lemons, fccrub, Mioe and Dus Figs, Raisins, ting Brushes, Prunes , Citronsj Nuts of all kinds. Ext. Ley aad'CotTee, Bowls, Butter Prints and La- Rope, Bed cords, Lines, Rope Halters, Twine, Tye Yarn, Fawcits, Window Gl.T.33, die, 1 III. J , Arnold's Inks from C to An assortment of Es 73ceuts per bottle, Shoe- t'i:i-!ii!g2? Pegs, N Tiirc.J, Sole Leather,. Harvest Tools, Hay 'Forks, sences and Drugs, Shovels. Spades, Hoes, Garden A Hay Rakes, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Savrs aud Nails, Provision. FLOUR, CORN nnd OAT MEAL, C II E E .S E. IC I C E, !" A O O N, MACKEREL, HEltltlNd, CODFISH. And all kin. is of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines, Old Rye and Connuon Whiskey, &c, &o. The above articles will be ?old cheap for Ciudi or Coun'ry Produce, at Cash prices Ebensburg, Mav l, lt-Ul.tf TOTIUK. JLl Having n?pciated with Hugh Jones iu the Grocery- business, 1 hereby give notice to all those having standing accounts with mo, to come forward and settle the same. Feeling thankful to the citizens of Ebensburg and vi cinity for their former patronage, I would re spectfully solicit .1 continuance of the same, under the linn of Tudor and Jones. R. H. TUDOR. A " CAUL). jL WlTMEtl's Bit IDG K, Lancaster Tp. July "JO, 100. Messrs. Evans axij Watsox : G-kntlkmkn The small sie No. 1 Salamander safe which I purchased from your agent, Mr. Adam R Ba-r, in Lancaster City, on July 2oth, 185S, has been snbjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, containing sill my books together with vabi b!? iaj)ers belonging to myself and some to my neighbors and friends, and represeting a val ic of over Twenty Thous and Dollars, (S'-0,000) was in my Mill which was destroyed on the night of the 27th of Ju ly, lb60, und passed through the riery ordeal unscathed. The Safe was on the second floor und fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heat among the rui.is, which was greatly increased by the combustion of ; large quantity of grain confined within the. brick walls After the fire the safe was opened and the books and papers taken out in a state of perfect preser vation, the paper not even being discolored. This. fact was, however, to many bystanders a better recommendation of your Safes than could be expressed in any other words from me. Yours Respectfullr, sel3 SAMUEL RANCK. A large assortment of the above qual ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes always on hand and for sale at as low rates as any other firm, at - EVANS k WATSON'S, No. 10 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. OLLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE ! This preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians r.3 a superior Nutritious JJrvcragc for General De bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to aban don the use of coS'ee will use this without injurious effects, One can contains the streugth of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 23 ceuts. KOLLOCK'S LEV A IN, The purest and best Ba liny I'otctler known, for making light, sweet and uutrilous Bread and Cakes. Price lu tents. Manufactured bv M. II. KOLLOCK, Chemitf, Corner Broad and Chestnut sts., Phil'a. tZ' Sold by all Druggists and Croccrs. February 7, 18G2-ly T'ic Protr' ti, Mutual Eire Insurance Co., OF CAMERIA COUNTY. L O C A T K 1) A T E 11 E N S It U R U, V A. raIlE above named Company, organized April 0th, 1857, will effect insurances on properly at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons uuy secure themselves against probable losses hy fire. Office on Centre Street, nearly opposite Thompson's ''.Mountain House." D. H. ROBERTS, Pres. A. C. Mcxlix, Sec'y. k Treas. A. A. BARKER, Agent. Aug. 23, 1850.-ly. OOD, M OR il ELL & CO., Johxstow::, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX ALL UINDS OF M K ItCHA XKISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : DRY GOODS, CARPETJNCS, HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, clothing"-, notions, queensware, - - BOOTS a SHOES, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, FKKD OK ALL KINDS, VK'SKT A KI. K? , AC. r-S" Clothing and Boots and Shoes uiade''o order on reasonableterms. Johnstown March 1 lSGO-tf T) M. JONES, in fit. XV'. Y' RIGHT, SMITH k PEARS ALL, China. Glass k Queensware, Coal Oil and Lamps, PITTSBURG GLASS AGENCY. No. 515 .Market Street, May 1, 8o-'-tf. PHILADELPHIA. EN. 1'. TIK) M 1 'S ON, v Ith P.ERNARD A. 1IOOPE3, Successor to Hnope "f Travis, Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer- in II ATS, FURS k STRAW GOODS, No. 501' Market Street, May 1, 18U2-tf. ' PHILADELPHIA. ftf Blank iflfinmon1!,'! Blank Subpcuas, B 1 nil; -Execution, Constable's 1'etun.s, ko., for alj at this d;ice. ,. PLAIN and FANCY JOR PRINTER, STATION KK, Blank Book Manufacturer, Book Binder, and dealer in every description of American and Foreign Papers, Ac., &.c. Corner of Wood aud Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. ' ' - FsV7-Arcnt for L. Johnson 5: Lo., i.pe Founders k Eiectrotypcrs, Philadtlphia. August 25, 1859:t.f T. LITTLE , Sit. JAS. TillilBLE. T ITTLE & TRIM RLE, j j WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Commio&ion Merchants ; Doalors in Produce. Flour. Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns, and 1'ittsburga juonuiacaire generally, ' , T . T . r, No. 112 St cond Street, J'litsLuryh, Pa. April 24, lSG'2-tf. . Sl'lUXtiKn.UAUIlAlUH. WM. U. WBITACHE. KENJAKIN F. PKTIT. QrRINGER 11 ARE AUG II & CO. O Wholesale Dealers in WOOL, HIDES, PROVISIONS and PRODI GENERALLY, No. 200 Libertv Street,? "Pittsburgh, Pa. April 24, 1802-tf. II. FRAN CISC US, 4S-i Mahket St., PniLA. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Ropes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets, Churns, Tubs, Brushes Lookiug-Glasses, ice., &:., ic, &c. The largest stock cf the above Goods in the city, sold at the lowest nctt cash j.riees Oct. 31, 1S1 -fm TV?I. W. FRY, with V? MOORE, LIGGET k CO., Importers and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, A,-.. No. 223 Market Street, ijiosite Etnk St., PiHLDKLPiMA. tYJX.Constantly receiving Gooils from Phil adelphia and New York Auctions. Oct. 21, 18Jl-tf VTTLLLIAM CROS, f T J.unthrr, Ctare ar.il General COMMISSI'' in M KRC1I ANT, Corner East Palis and Eastern Avenues, Bai.timoi; e, Mil Will attend to selling a!! kinds of Lumber, Staves, Shook, Grain, &c, aud will fill order? for the same. oct- l,'(Jl tf JAMES DOUGHERTY, with .1. S. SOSlVEli, TTTTholesale Dealer in YV TOP.ACCt. SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. S N. f lfth'street, above Market, Philadelphia. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic CIGARS. sep.l,1359:tf. . 4 .: Tf 7" M LLOYD & C( ) -, Ji A A A Eli S M . ALTO ON A, PA. DRAFTS on the Principal Cities, and S.l veiand Gold for sale. Collections mad?. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de iu iiki, without" interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates'. nov3, '5 tt WM. KEVNPLDS. J. M STETEsSV'Jit " J. BOWEX S1UT1I. JOHN HILL, with REYXOLilS, Si CO., G ROGER Y k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 N. Howard street, Oct. 20, 1859. Baltimore. T Q. SCAJNIMON, s FACTOR IX WEST INDIA EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, Shipping and Connuision Merchant, AND DEALER IN HOGSHEAD SHOCKS AND HEADS, No. 522 S. Delaware Avenue, Oct. 10.1801.tf Philadelphia. john a. wilson. i'. m candll.s.s. jess:: w. carr. VaTIESON, CAUR, & CO. V f (Late Wilton. Payne ,- Co.) YhoIeale Dealers in DRY GOODS-, No. it I Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. April 24. 1802-tf. T. MORRIS PERT, EDWARD 11. OG DEN. y RAKKEE, ic'h bA T. MORRIS PEROT k CO., I J7 o les' !e I)rugi- . , No. C21 Market street, above Sixth, V.nil CI 2 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 2S, lOltf s 1 171 'J INOER & U LL3I A N. WHOLESALE CLOTHING, No. 70G Market street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, 13C1. Samuel Ettinoer," Mover Ullman. rpilRO. II. TIIODEN, trith. JL KLEE, KAUFMAN k CO. Manufacturers avd W hoi sale I-'calrrs in CLOTHING, No. 80 Wocd Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Anril 24, lf-02-tf. MARTIN r.UEHLKR, It. II. HOWARD. UEI1LER & HOWARD, Importers and Dealers in I'oreign and Dommtic Kurdirnrc und Cutlery, No. 4tl Market st., Philadlli'UI v. Nov. 28, 18Gltf JAMES GRAHAM. 11. J. THOMAS. GRAHAM A THOMAS, WHOLESALE GROCER?, And Dealers in Fh ur, 157 Liberty street, Pittsri ru, Penn'a. Dec2C, ISOl-tf E. G. WHITMAN A: CO., Man u, 'act u ring C.-n " ct loners. No. 102 South Second street, (Ouc door below Chestnut,) I'll ILA DELPl; i A. E. G. WHITMAN. nOl,T0) ALEX. JOHNSTON J AMES M. THOMPSON, irith WARDLE k STEVENSON. Wholesale loLacco Warehvvse, N. E. cointr Market and Sith sts., Nov. 28, 1SC1. rtiihitUphii. W , SOUTHWORTH A CO., Wlioltsule Dealer in ROOTS AND SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 28, 181. 77, ; rip c I). M-OLEES- Co., No. 133 North Third fctreet, 1 illLAD'r l.I'illA Wholesale dealers ia DuoU uu LLoc. Mav 1 7. Icoo-tf JOHN HEWITT, icith Solcmon G.tnN, WHOLESALE DEALER IN CLOTHING, No. 400 Market street, rhiUdtlphia. This establ'shrneut has been removed from No. 114 North Third street to the above location, where an extensive and seasonable assortment of Ready-made Clothing for Men and Boys, together with a carefully selected line of Cloth, Cassimeres, Satinttts, Vestings, Tailors' Trimmings, kc, is now ready for the trade. Any order entrusted by those who are un able to visit the city shall be executed as faithfully as if they were present. August 24, 1862. AUTHCll W. LITTLE. CHARLES WATSON. FISAXKLIX JAXXKr. AW. LITTLE & CO. IMPOltTEES AND JOIir.KRS OF SILKS AND FANCY DRESS GOODS, Shawls, Mantillas, Ribbons, Dress Trimmings, Gloves, White Goods, Embroideries, kc. No. 32-j Market Street, Philadelphia. June 2(5, lfcC2-tf. JAS. W. rlDDLE. JXO. C. SHERB0UNE. wm. n. gill. TWIDDLE, GILL & CO. Importers and Vt'lioles tle Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, 433 Market St., below 5th, and 4;!. 5 Merchant Street. PHILADELPHIA. May 1, 1862-tf. GEO. 31. RIDDLE, irlth SMITH. WIDLIAMS & CO. DRY GOODS, For'.'ign and Domestic. Nos. 513 Market St. k 510 Commerce St. May 1, 1302-tf. PHILADELPHIA. V,T7" C. MURPHY, ifiV, i V . H. t.'HILDS k Cc, WHOLESALE BOOT i: SHOE WA REHOl S3' No. 133 Y"ood street. May 8, 1S02U PIT i SUURG, Pa. 4 RCA HE HOTEL, ELen.-Uur-, l'a. " a The subscrlbtr, having leased, re-lilted and newly furnished the Ebensburg House,'' is prej'ared to accommodate his friends and the public generally. The House has always been a favorite for visitors during the Summer season, and I will spare no pain-- ia making it an agreeable uome for all sojourners. ..Iy 1 a i;le will iihviivs be luxuriously supplied from the market? c.-t the connt.-v and the cities. . Bar will be filled with liquors of choice brands. My Stam.e is attended by cartful hostlers, and my charges will be such i.s to suit all. Expect me: to receive a ehare ot pat ronuge, and fully intending to deserve it, 1 herein- throw open mv Lou ;c to the puh:ic HENRY FOSTER. August 25, 1850:tf. "AILliOAD HOUSE, Wilmore, Cain j brbt countv. Pa. (Near Penna. Railroad Station.) Jas. D. Hamilton, l'rv . !r. An extensive Bowling saloon is ;:; uecte. with the House. The Tarlu will be fur nished with the best the market affords, and tTTffl'AU supplied with the best of liquors, in cluding Ales and Lager from i.-proved brew erics, r.xtensive ami convenient starlixu js attached to the premises. Wilmore, August 25, l?5f:tf. CONTINENT A L 1 1 OTE L, Adjoining Penna. R. R. Depot. PITTSBURG!!, PA. The most convenient place to stop in the Citv. Meals served at all Lours. Terms muderat e. J. H. CLARK j: CO., Proprietors. April 24, 18G2-tf. TEI LION HOTEL, JLV St. Clair street, (near Bridge.) Pittsburg, Pa. . the new AVire ROBERT P. GORDON, Proprietor. N. B. Good Stabling and Wagon Yard at tached to the House sr.!:- iently large enough to accommodate 200 head of Horse s. Also, u very large Sale Stable. dec 1 5.W.U XION HOUSE, Eben-burtr, la. John A. Blair, I'n i.rii -tor. Also, in connection, BLAIR .V Go's HACKS will leave the ''Union House" for Wilmore station in time to take the Eattirn and West ern trains. livery accommodation v.ili be lorded to make passengers comfortable. August 25, lb5!t:tf. af- "jVTOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebeiivl u.rg, Pa -L?JL John Thompson, Jr., I'r.'jrrl. for. The Tarle is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Bar is supplied with choice liquors : and the Starj.e atu Tided by careful hostlers. Bo irders taken bytheveek. month or year. aug25. 1 S.'.Olf, 1AMRRIA HOUSE, Wilmore, PaT Palmer & Beck Pn.prit lurs. Hacks attend the arrival of each tvain to convey passengers to tlie Hotel, and thence bv Plank Road to Ebensburg August 25, lb59:tf. 300TS ANI) SHOES. The undersigned continues the manufac ture of BOOTS raid SHOES of every descrip tion at his establishment, in Ebensburg, three doors east of Crawford's Hotel. Employing none but the best workmen, he tru-ts that he has been and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He Lopes that the same liberal patronage hereto fore given him may be continued, and that more may be added. He has also on hand a large assortment of French Calf-skins, and Morocco sf all kinds, suitable for line Boots and Shoes. Readv-made BOOTS and SHOES always on Land, and prices moderate- MESHAC THOMAS. Ebensburg, Sept. 20, 1801. "TjVr iCNS lilTUfi FOUNDRY. Jl.J The withdrawal of the foreman r.nd f. ook-la cpir from the Ebensburg Foundry, rendtrs it. absolutely necessary that all ac counts shall be settled up without any delay. Persons desirous of saving difjicufty, mid perhaps costs, had better fail mid settle with out further notice. E. GLASS & CO. Ebtusburg, Jan. 1G, 18C2 gM ITU'S YEGUTAKLE COFFEE Manufactured and sold, wholesale and rc- tail, by - JOHN SliOFFNER, Johnstown, Cambria countv. Pa. - T&ST For sale by A. A. Barker, and at the ; principal stores ia Ebensburg. JUarcli, -o, lftJ, iy. THE ALLEGHAHIfttrv Ya: T ILL be published every -Thur3Jayjft the following rates viz: Per annum, (payable in advance) Sl.Co If not paid within the first fix month?, i j If not paid until the expiration of year, 2.00 A failure lo notify a discontinuance at tb expiration ot the term subscribed for will le considered a new engagement. terms or advertising: 1 insertion. 2 do. 1 square, (12 lines,) $ 30 $ 75 2 squares, (24 lines,) 1.00 1.50 2 do. $1.00 2 .t'O 3.(0 3 squares, (3G lines 1.50 2.00 Over three weeks andless than three moatL 25 cents per square for each insertion. 3 months. 8 .lints or less, 1.50 C do. $3.00 12 do. ?5.0(, n.oo 12.fo 14. CO 20.CA 1 square, (12 lines,) 2.50 4.50 2 squares, (24 linesr) 4.00 7.00 3 squares, (30 lines,) COO S.OO Half a column, 10.00 12.00 One column, 16.00 -22.00 35.00 Administrator s and Executor s Notices, 1 75 Professional or Business Cards, not ex ceeding 8 lines, with paper, per year, E.Cc JC55" Advertisements not marked with tL number of insertions desired, will be contin- utd till forbidden, and charged according: f the above terms. Iav of rwc'vvsjiapcrs.' 1. Subscribers who do not give expIlM? no tice to the contrary, ere considered as wip ing to continue thtir Mibsct iotion. - '1. If subscribers order the diseontinuara of their Periodicals, the Publisher may ton. tinue to serd them until all arrearages ar? paid. 3. I'suoscribers neglect or refuse to talc their pcriodicalg from the offices to which they are directed, thev are held responsible till they have settled the bul and ordered thcia discontinued. 4. 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