, ...... .. f ..v . ft T J i i - ' rl w II 5 i - 5 .-. if id! if I v. .i 1 if 3PLOS2ZS Oil? C-TS3 OF T!13 Conllaerall 3Ioal&ly. There are periods in tlie world's history raarked by extrardinary and violent crises, EuJdjn asthe breaking forth of a volcano, or tfaj bursting of a storm on the ocean. These cr.ses sweep "waj in a moment the landmarks of.generatioDa. They call oat fresh talent, nnd "ire to the oM a new direction. It is then th.it new ideas are born, new theories developed. Such periods ue'niand fresh ex peneats, and new io?n for expounders. Tais Continent has lately been oornrulscu T;y au unhcavinj so sudden and terrible, tout the rl-iUoaa cf all men and ail classes to each other are violently disturbed, and people loo about for the cienaents with which to sway tho storm and direct tha whirl win J. Just at present we do not know what nil this is io brlr forth -fc but we do know that great re sulta mcst flow from such extraordinary com motions. . t a jurctare so solcrr.n and bo important, there i a eoccl.il neea th.it the intellectual force of the country shouldbc active nal cr edent. It is a time for great minds to s?? their thoughts boldly, and to take poisit-.o us the advance guard. To this end, tuere is a special want unsullied. It is that ot aa M denendent Mn-iziue, which shall ha oa to the first intellect of the laad, and whu-h shall treat the issues presented, aui to K preaented to the country, iu a tone uo way tempered by r-artizanship, or iniiueuced by fear, favor, or the hope of reward ; wuich shall seize and grapple with the momentous Btihjects that the present duturbed Bfcue ol afTair3 heave to the eurface, ud 'vhich cn sot be laid aside or neglected. To meet this waut, the uudersi-aei hve commenced, under the editori-l charge Charles Godfrey Lelasd, the r-ubueatua ot a new Mnpraziue, devoted to Literature cud National Policy. . Iu Politics, it will advocate, with all the force at its command, measure best i iptcd to preserve the oneness and integrity of thee United St?C3. It will never yield to the idc-A cf any disruption of this Republic, p-acably or otherwise ; und it will discuss, with hoa es".y and impartiality, what tuust Le doue U "ivo it. la this department, some of tne most eminent statesmen of the timo will ecu tribute regularly to its pae. l in LiTErtATCitE, it will be sustrune i by t.te ..1 1 , i' ll.lt nlin best writers ana ablest mincers -uuu-try. A in on 2 its attractions will bo prerented, in pn carlvliuraber, a New Ssiual of American Life, by IliciiABf li. Kimbai.l, Esq., the very por.ular author of uTna ltevclatio.us of Wall street,"' i!St. Le-'er," ko. A series of papers bv llos'. IIosace Cl reelt, embodying the dis-tin"uishedauthov'.sobier-atious on t ie growtu Pad development of the Great West. A se ries of articles bv the author of "Through the Cotton Stales." containing the result of an extended tur throu-h the seaboard hlave f tatti, just prior to the breaking out of tho war, and presenting a startling and truthful ' picture of the real conditiou of that region. No pains will be spared to render the liter ary attractions of the Continental both bril lia'ut and substantial. The lyrical or descrip tive talents of the most mincnt literati have Wa promised to it.3 pages ; and nothing will be admitted which will not be distinguished by marked energy, originality, rnd solid strength. Avoiding every influence or asso ciatuTa partaking oi' cirque or coterie, it will be open to all contributions of real merit, even from writers diSering materially in their views ; tho oaly . limitation required being that of devotioa'to the Union, and the only standard of acceptance that of intrinsic ex cellence. The Editorial Department will embrace, in addition io vigorous and fearless comments on the events of the times, general gossip with the reader on all current topics, and al so devote abundant space to thoe racy spec imens cf American wit ansl humor, without which there can be uo perfect exposition of our national character. Among these who will contribute regularly to this department, may be mentioned the name of Cuaules F. llr.o-.vs (Arterau3 Ward), from whom we have promised an ent-rcly new and original series of Sketcuks ov V.'ESTfctts Lite. The Continental will be liberal and pro gressive, without yielding to chimeras ond hopes' bevoud the prnp of the age; and it will endeavor to reflect tlixfeclings and in terests of the American people, and to illus trate both their serious and humorou3 pecu liarities. Jn short, no pains will be spared to make it the Ut;pp.Ei3E.TATivs iiAOAZis:: of the time. : Three Dollars per ye?r, m ad-iUBce (postage paid by the Publishers :) Two Copies for" Five Dollars ; Three Copies for Six Dollars, (nost.o unpaid) ; F.ltveu Copies for Twenty Dollars, (postage unpaid;. fMU"-le numbers can be procured ot any NV.vs dea!b.T iu the United States. Tlie Ksicsks bockeb. Magazine and the Continental 5!otiilv will be furnished tor one year at Four Dollars. Appreciating Hie importance of littraturc to the soldier on duty,the publisher will send the Continental gratis, to any regiment in active service, on application being made by it3 Cob.nel or Chaplain ; he will also receive subscriptions from those desiring to furnish it to soldiers in tho raaks at half the regular price; but in such cases it must be mailed from the othVe of publication. J.R. GlLMOliE, 110 Trcuiout St., March IS, lS52-at. Boston. J ou woniv OF ALL' KINDS NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY - EXF-CUTED at ins , "xVJXEGIIAXlAN" orncE, . men st edenseurg, pa. . - - o : TTJBLIftATIO'X OFFICE: T3AYIS JONES' BUILDING UP STAIRS rr stairs: tuire tcob back. GIVE US A CALL. HUGH A: TJcCOY, , - ; Saddle, an J lstri,'ff ' Sljv'ifartnrrr, V ' ' . . ..EP.EXSBURG, PA. Office one door cast of Duvis, Jones & Co.'s Store; - - ' X large stock of rcHdy-rcade Harness, Sad- dies, Bridles, &e.,.coniUa!ly oh hand aud for sale cheap. . icc. 23,-3Cl-tf. ' KOilGE 31. UEKD, Attorney at Law, ' Ebensbnri'. Pa.. O.Tice Coloaade Row. Hbensburg Sept. 26, lOdl-tf. i UHATIAM KOPKLIX, - Attobxky 1. at Law, Johnstown, Pa. OfSce on Main street. auS.lS-tt.. CII AIxLi:S V WIXGA1IU, Attorsky p.t Lav,', Lock Uaveu, Cliaton county, Pa. August 25, 1Sjj:U'. TJUIL XGOX, Axxouny ax Law, J Ehenshcrg, Penu'a. Oiiice two doors east of Thompson's Kctcl. August 29, la53.-ly. 4 C. M ULLIN, Attorney at Lav,-, KL-. J.jL.0 eusbur-; C.uabtia county, Pa. tf ii.Oulcetwo dooisunrth ot Culoi.dellow, and ii "mediately opposite TUompiou's tiotcl. Etcnsburj, Dccwuibvr 1, lj'i. It. L. JOHNSTON. W. OAt.'AN-. TOUNSTOX k OATMAK, Kbeasburg, Cambria con lty, Peawa. Uiice opposiie thi Court Hon.. Jan-.A-y 10. lR-;i:f T S. 3:UX, M. P., U'u.L-t.s Lij XV feiiionU aerviees u 4h citiw t K-c-Ji-ibur. lilic- id Drug Sior, ou liih St., opposiie Thouijisoii's Hotel. iCbeuburg, August 23, l59:tf. yvlt. J.M. M'CLUKK, SuHGcox'AMi I y-rcui.Kit Pesiui, respectfully oilers hii profiislo-ial services to he ladies ud gi tl:u.u of Johnstown wd vicinity of tbisplic. Particular attewtion aid to dies i the ilouth. TceUi cstracted with elecUwil foi ceps. OlUce in the old "Excianje," oo Ciittoa street. Johustowu, Aug. 23, lciiy. rjMiK WEEKLY li:i3. "TI!Fi "VI-r.KLY hs et:tbliehcd on a secure sad pcr;ricitt lVundaiiou; bt it is, in reality, a iiarveliu r.auiple &f tlie Jc o-n-e of f.vor hich a righil v-ou luci-? i LIT HUARV, FLITIC.tiL AND XF.VVS JOURNAL can receive at tho hands of a liheiul aad e:i lightcned Public. The geiifi il features of the Taper, in addi tion to its POLITICAL VXD .VEVVS DEPAUT MBTS, will be POETUV, frKETCHK riKM RAP11V and Original ;ni Sclclt-d TALKS, chosen for their lessou?. f Life, illustrations of History, depicture of Manner i, aud g-neral. merit, an J adapted, iu thr ir variety, t j the tastes-of both aeses aud uli age. THE Li'f EltAliV CUAIiACTEH Of, THE YVKEIILV PRESS, now uaiversally ackuowledged to be of au elevated stamp, shall not only maintain its present h:gh stan ding, but shall be enhanced by important and valuable contributions from able Writers. THK POLITICAL COUUSE Of THE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlar ged upon here. Independent, steady and fearless, it has battled unwavering! v and zeil ously in delence of THE RIG111S OF THE PEOPLE against Executive Usurpation and Unfair and Tyrannical Legislation; ever de claring and adhering to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY constitutes the fundamental basis of our free institutions, and tii it the intelligence and patriotism of our Citizens will always be preservative of a just, wise and salutary Government. These are the principles to which THE WEEKLY PRESS has been cjmmitted, and to these it will ud here. Terms: One Copy, one Year. $2 00 Three Copies, one Year 5 00 Five Copies, one Year 8 00 Ten Copies, one Year" 1J 00 Twenty Copies, to one address, at the rate of SI per anuum 20 00 Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber 21 00 Any Pc'.rson sending us a club of Twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send THE WEEKLY PRESS to Clergymen for 1. JOHN W. l-'ORN'EY. No. 417 CilESTNL'T sr.. Philadelphia. TrOLLOCK'S Xiu ' DANDELION COFFEE.! Tiiis preparation, made from the best Java Coli'ee, is recommended by physicians as a superior Xiitriiioun Uciuraje lur 'General De bility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who hav; been compelled to aban don the use of coii'ee will use this without injurious e Sleets, One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary colfec. Price 23 cents. KoLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and best Jsuuinj 1'owdcr known, for making lisrht, sweet and nulrUous Bread and Cakes. Price 15 cents. Manufactured by 11. kOLLOCK, Chemist, Corner Broad and Chestnut sts., Phil'a. r2?" r:old by all Druggists aud Grocers. February 7, 1802-ly NOTICE TO SUJJSC1UBE11S. IN We offer as a premium to every three dollar subscriber to VANITY FAIR, a copy of the Artemus Ward Letters, to be shorilv published, iu book form, by RUDD k CAR LETON, of this itv. Pri.-e, Sl,00. We will send any other ONE DOLLAR Publica tion which may be preferred. We " do not prepay the paper to Premium Subscribers, but the book will be siut postage tree. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy 1 year, Postage unpaid, and Artemus Ward Letters, Postage unpaid, " 1 year, Postage pai l, Two copies, 1 year (to one address) Postage paid, Fire copies, 1 year, (to one address) Postage unpaid, One copy, 1 year, and Worcester's Ills'd Q'rto Dictionary, anp'd Three copies, 1 year, and Worcester's Ill'd Quarto Dictionary, BOUND VOLUMES. Single Volume, Postage paid Three Volumes and to? of p iper one year, books prepaid oniy, Four Volumes and copy of paper, one year, books prepaid only. Three Volumes and copy of paper, one year, (t.o Calilbrv.a) books prepaid only, Four Volumes and copy of pnper. one year, (to California) book prepaid only, " 2 5C .? 00 3 00 o 00 10 00 6 00 n oo $2 00 7 00 8 03 8 00 0 00 Remittances must be made in Gold, New York or Eastern Currency, or other Currency at New York par. Seal all letters securely, and address pUialv to LOUIS H. STEPHENS, . , Pub. for Proprietors. ' JCo. 100 Njssu street, N. T. I fpIE UNION FOilEYEIl ! ! R. II. TUDOR & HUGH JONES, riavinf formed a partnership in the GRO CERY business, would respectfully call the attention of the people of Lbensbiirg and. vi cinity to their large stock, which has been selected in theKastcra market with great care. Come and examine for yourselves! They cannot fail to please. Ourstock consists i.i pa t of the following articles, viz : White Add Browu oii- Chewing ana fcmoig - N. O. lolassscs, Syrups, Rio L'u.'fO, Young hyson, Imperial and iiack Teas, Spicks cf ail kinds, liulter, Sug ir aud Wa ter Crai-er, Cigar-, Suuir, Caidl-S, S.J.'p, Clothes, -Market and Fancy Baskets, Vfa.il b.ar Is, Brooms, l',uci:ets, Measures, Kellers, Ciiurus, Keg, Hair ad Wire Selves, tcrub, ih'e. aud Du- tii.g Brushes, Rope, Bed cord, Lines, Rope Halters, Twine, Tye Yarn, Fa w cits, Vfiaiow Glass, t";i ty, An assortment f Es- scuccs and Drug, Shovel, Sp ide. Hoes, Garden a Hay Kakes, hcytiies and Snathes, Buck Saws aud Nails, Pit vision. Dried. Appif s, iVu-i, Oranes L.-iaoaa, FiS, rt..iil, P ie.1 . Citi!, Nuis of i Kit. l ey itl k1i-is, aad Cu-te, Uowli, butter Prints and Ladle-, AraoJ.Ps luks from o ic--its er l..itlc, Fho- audiug, L'ci, Tf al!. Thread, Sote Lei.'iLer, Harvest Tooli, Hay FcKk, FLOU.l, CORN and OAT MEAL, CUESSE, RICE, BACON, SIACKEUEL, HERRING, CODFISH, And al! kiAM of Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines, Old Rye aud Couuen Vf hiskey, ic, ic. j-.-T. The above articles will be fold ckeop for. Cash or Country Produce, at Cajh prices ELcusburg, Jlay y, ll'tiLtf j - I Oi lLu. X. Ha vln g a-sfoiated with Hugh Jones in the Grocery l.uincss, I hereby sive BOtice to ali th. having stiiuing aceour.is with lae, to tuir.c forward and .-icHie the sit:. Feeliug thankful la the tii'.Keiis of Ebea.bwrg aud vi cinity for their f-jnuet- p.trouage, I would re apecftly s.ilieit a continuance of the same, udr the liria uf Tudor aud Joiim. U. IL TUDOR. C UN HAY MORNING (UIliOXIOLE. O PUBLISHED at WASHINGTON, D. C. T'u Chronirle in pnlinhe.d on a large olio sheet, nil'i it'r iipi aHl foatains 1. A full wetkly record of Military and Naval iloveraeuts iu Washington aad throughout the eouiitry. 2. Origiaal sketches of New England Celebri ties, by an able Northern writer. 3. A series of original sketches of the City of Washington. Its Growth, Public luild ir.g3 and Attractions. 4. Original sketches of the Churches and Clergy in Washington an account of one Church aud its Pastor appearing ia each issue. 3. Letters from Correspondents in all the principal parts of the country. G. Smithsonian Papers, containing sccounts of the more recent, discoveries in Science, in nlFparts of th world, as reported at the Smithsonian Institution. 7. E.-says, SLetches, Talcs, and choice gems of Poetry. 5. A weekly record of removals and appoint ments by the Government. Local reports, doings ii the city, Arc. 9. Editorials, by one of the ablest writers in the country. The' object of the publishers of the Chroni cle will over be to render it n high-toned Me tropolitan Family J'rjcr. The subscription price by mail i- 2 per annum, in advauce, or 1 for six months. Three copies, live months, 82,50. ' Specimen copies forwarded when de sired. Address, enclosing subscription or par bills, JAMES B. SHERIDAN & Co., jel3 Publishers, Washington, D. C CAliJ). Witmep.'s BltlDGr, Lancaster Tp. July 30, 1 Messk3. Evans and Watson: t i k .n t l e m k v The small size No. 1 Salamander sate which I urc!;;si.d from your j'gent, .Mr. Adam R Ba r, in Lancaster City, on July 20ih, 183H, ha? bee.n sttldected t a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. Tbis S ie, coutainiiig all my books together with vn'ti LIe papers belonging to myself and some to my neighbors and friends, and represeting a val le of over Twenty Thous and Dollars. (20. (00) was in my Mill which was destroyed on the night of the 27th of Ju ly, Itulo, aud passed through the fiery ordeal unscathed. The Safe was on tlie second floor and fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to Inn intense heat among the rui.is, which was greatly increased by the jcombustion of a large quantity of grain confined within the brick walls. After the fire the safe was opened and the books and papers takeu out in a state of perfect preser vation, the paper not eveu being discolored. Tbis fact was, however, to many bystanders a better recommendation of your Safes than could be exjiressed in any other words from me. Yours Respectfully, sel3 SAMUEL RANCK. A large assortment of the e.bove qual ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes always on hand and for sale at as low rates as any other firm, at EVANS Jt WATSON'S, No. I! South Fourth St., Philadelphia. . wiiicvizc vclii ovrxi The Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Co., OF CAM Bill A COUNTY. LOCATE 1 AT E II E X S BUR. O, P A. rEV.IE above named Company, organized 5 April 0th, 1837, will effect insurances oa properly at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire.. O.lice ou Centre Street, nearly opposite Thompson's "Mountain House." D. H. ROBERTS, Pres. A. O. M.cllix, hec v. & lreas. A" A. BARKER, Ageat. Aug. 25, 1853.-ly. "WrO.OD, ?.I Oil II ELL r. CO., John sTowr. Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ALL KINDS? OF MEIICHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : DRY GOODS, CARPETING 3, HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS. QUEENS WARE, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, FEED OK ALL KINDS, BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, VEGETABLES, JtC. psS1 Clothing and Boots and Shoe3 made to order on reason:bIeterm3. Johnstown March 1 l8C0-tf. PLAIN and FANCY J Oii PRINTER; STATIONES, Jilank Boole Manufacturer, Bool: Hinder, aad dealer iu every description of American and Foreign Papers, &c. Lc. Comer of Wood aud Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. ; t'T Agent for L. Johnson & Co., .iype Founders Electrotypeis, Philadelphia. August 23, lboy:t.i D lit i t I DIIUGH ! UKUGS !!! Ju. t opened and lor sale by r R. S. L'UXN, Is. I), a general .as sortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Spices, (ills, Paints. Dyetuft'.s, Fluid, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Brushes. Combs. Su- tiouerr, utanic liooxs, i-eriumery, .30ip, Tobacco, Segars, Snuits. and other articles usually kept iu Drug Stores. K. S. DUNN, M Ebensburg Aug, 25 185t.-ly. D. 4 II. F UANC1S(JU.S, t A.'.'l Marjtkt St., Phila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Waddir.c, Roies, Wick, Tie Yam, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets. Churns, Tubs, Brushes Looking-Gbisses," Ac. kc. tQ?" The largest stock of the above Goods in the city, fold at the lowest nelt cah prias Oct. 31, lSCl-'ii:i 1T3I. W. rilY; with ? MOORE, LIGGET & CO., mporters and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, kc. No. 223 Market Street, Opposite Bank St., PmLPELruiA. Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphia aud New York Auctions. Oct. 24, 16Gl-tf TTTILLIASI S. CHOSS, Y 1 Lutttbtr, Stave and General COMMISSION MERt.'II ANT, Corner East Falls and Eastern Avtnues, Baltimore, Mr. '- Will attend to selling all kinds of Lumber, Staves, Shook, Graiu, Ac, and will fill orders for the same. oct24,Tbltf JAMES DOUGHERTY, t.itu J. S. SOIiVLllI, TT"Tbo!esale Dealer in VV TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 N. Fifth street, above Market, Philadelphia. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic CIGARS. sep.l,1839:tf. 3i Lloyd &eo., baxki:j:s ALTOONA, PA. DRAFTS on the Principal Cities, and S '. ver and Goid for sale. Collections mad . Moneys received on deposit, payable on de- mand, without interest, or upon time, with r.o3, '5 ft interest at fair rates. WM. UUYNOLDS. J. M. STLVESSOX, JU J. T.OWEN, SMITH. JOHN HILL, with OCERY k COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 40 N. Howard street, Oct. 20, 135!). Baltimore. J. Q. SCAMMON, FA CTOP. IN WEST INDIA EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, Sliipi iiti and Ccrntiiisxitin Mrrchatit, AND DEALER IN HOGSHEAD SHOOKS A NO HEADS, No- 522 S. Delaware Avenue, Oct. 10,lt 61. tf Philadelphia. T. MOHKIS- l'KUDT, EDWARD II. OtiUEN. 11 All Iv VAX. trilli 11. T MORRIS PEROT k CO., iri c lrsii !e Jruyjit is, No. C21 Market street, above Sixth, nndC12 Commerce street, Philadelphia. Nov. 28, leoitf s ETTINGEK & ULLMAN, WHOLESALE CLOTHING. No. 107 North Third t-t., above .rcli. J'ittladt iphia. Nov. 28, 1801. Samuel Ettinoeh, ) Mover Ullman. maktin hi khlus, P.. H. HOW AUD. 1UE1ILEU i IIOWAKO, JL Intorters and Dealers in I'vrtign and Doniixttc Hardware and Cutlery, No 4U Market st., Philadelphia. Nov. 2S, ISOltf JAMES GRAHAM. K. J. THOMAS. G1 "1 11 All AM & THOMAS, WHOLESALE GROCERS, And Dcalem in Flwr, 157 Liberty street, Pittsburg, Penn'a. Dec20, ltitil-if E. - WIIFTMAN & CO., Manufacturing Confectioners, No. 102 South Second street, (One door below Chestnut,) PHILADELPHIA. E. O. WHITMAN. nolCO) ALEX. JOHNSTON AM ES M . TI IOMPSON, viih WARDLE & STEVENSON, Wliolesetle. ToLacco Warehouse, N. E. corner Market and Sixth sts., Nov23, 1SC1. . .Fhiladeljdiia. "VS7KST, SOUTH WOllTIi & CO., 1 f ' Wlndeale Beater in BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 21 North Third street, Nov. 28. 1801. Philadelphia. c.1'- M'CLEES & Co., No. 133 North Third street, Philadelphia. Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes. May 17, 1800-tf JT AUG AINS ! L SELLING OFF AT COST D. J.Evans k Son offer their entire stock of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Hardware and Queensv.are, at eost. for cash, as they intend to quit business, and are determined to sell. Persons wishing bargains will do well to call. N. B. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the subscribers are hereby urgently requested to call and make immediate settle ment of their respective accounts. I). J. EVANS k SON. Ebcsnburg, Apri. 4, 18G1. I OP.EllT A. M'COY, Attorney at Law ) Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pa. All manner of legal business in the severa. courts of thi3 county promptly attended to. June 28, 18C0:tf K3uSeo new advertisement!. A RCADE HOTEL, Ebenblurg, .Pa. Tho subscriber, having leased, re-lilted ud newlv furnished the "Ebensburg ll'.use," i.rj-nared to accommodate his friends red an is pre the public generally. The House baa OtW.-ys been a favorite for visitors during the Sumracr season, and 1 will sp;re no paln in making it an agreeable home lor all sojourners. My '1a ele w ill always be luxurimjtdy supplied from the-markets of the country and the cities. My Bar will be filled, with liquors of choice brands. Mv Stailk is attended by careful hostlers, and r.iy charges will be such as to suit all. Expecting to receive a share of pat ronage, nnd fnilv intending to deserve it, I ;"7. 1 IV.. hereby tnrow cpetuny iiou.e io n;e puouv HENRY FOSTER. August 25, 185D:tf. P AILROAD HOUSE, Wihiiorc, Cair. X bria county. Pa. (Near P-nna. Railroad Station.) Jap. D. Hamilton, Iroprietor. An extensive Bowling saloon is connected with the House. The Tai li: will be fur nished with the best the market affords-, and the Bap. supplied with .the best of liquors, in cluding Ales nnd Lugcr from approved brew eries. Extensive and convenient Stalling is attached to the premises. Wilmore, August 25, 1850:tf. TEl LION HOTEL, Jt St. Clair street, (near the new Wire Bridge,) Pittsburg, Pa. ROBERT P. GORDON, Proprietor. X. B. Good Stabling and Wagon Yard at tached to the House suflicienrly large enough to accommodate 200 head of Horses. Also, a very large Sale Stable. . decl5,:o9t UNION HOUSE, Ebensburg, Fa. John A. Blaip., Proprietor. Also, in connection, BLAIR k Co's HACKS will leave the 'Union House" for Wilmore station in time to tnke the Eastern and West ern trains. Every fo.commodation will be af forded to make pasrengers comfortable. August 25, lfc.-.:tf. FOUNTAIN UOUvE, Eboi..urp, Pa JTa John Ihos.i toN. Jr., J reprize r. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Bar is supplied w ith choice liquors : aud the Staj le attended by careful hostlers. Bo irders taken by the week, txioath or year. ug25,l 830tf, AMEKIA HOUSE, Wilmore, Pa. Palmer a Beck, Proprietors. Hacks attend the arrival cf each train to convey passengers to the Hotel, and thence by Plank Road to Ebensburg. August 25, lfe'5t):tf. D.VY1S, J ONES cc -CO., "VARIETY HALL," Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Goods, ' DRY GOODS, of every description, such as Cloths, Cassi lueres, Satinetts. Tweeds, Jeans, Brown and Bleached Muslins, DRESS GOODS OF EVERY STYLE, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, A large assortment of BOOTS nnd SHOES, just received from Boston, Straw, Fur i:nd Wool hats, Mationaiy of every description, Wall Pi per of every style, Hardware, Qt eenF warc, Stone rnd R.trtL-euware, a full supply of Groceries, such us Sug ir.-, Moho-M s. Syrup.. Coirees, Teas, and Rice, a full rtcck of Spice, al.-a. Flour. Bacon. Fish. Tobaero, Cigars nno. Sn-uiV, Bar Iron, Nails, rnd Glass always en hi-.nos. Dri.gs, Paints and Oils, and a lull assortment of other articles usually kept in couutry ttorcs. All kinds of Country Produce, such as Butter Eggs, Baci ii, Grain, Wool, Po tatoes, Bears, Rugs, Ac, ike. taken in exchange for goodi, and the Cash never refused. 3-CHERRY, POPLAR aad PINE LUM BER bought and sold. DAVIS, JONES k CO. Ebensburg, Nov 17, 1 if mm TINV.AEi; rl!EET-ll:OX AVARE. COPPER WARE, .f . 7 5 . 5 i 1: ix i s wr. ?? r Desire to call the attention of the public t-c tlieir new TIN SHOP now o; ct r.l in the lare brick building 011 the corner of Main and Franklin streets, opposite the Mansion Hou.e and next to the Banking House of Bell. Su ith .V Co., Johnstown, Pa., where they purpose man u fiu turirg all kinds of TIN. SHEET-IRON AND CCrrilR WARE. Their work" will be made by tbo best woik men and cf the best materials. They are de termined to sell all kinds of ware at the cheapest rates, wholesale and retail. P. S. All orders for SPOUTING attended to on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. , .Johnstown, Dee. 8, 1859-tf BOOTS AND SHOES. The undersigned continues the manufac ture of BOOTS, and SHOES of every descrip tion at his establishment, in Ebensburg, three doors east of Crawford's Hotel Employing none but the best workmen, he truts that he has been and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He bopes that the same liberal patronage hereto fore given him may be continued, nnd that more may be added. - He has alo 011. hand a large assortment of French Calf-skins, and Moroc-o sf all kinds, suitable- for line Boots and Shoes. Readr-made BOOTS and SHOES always on hand, and prices moderate- MESH AC THOMAS. Ebensburg, Sept. 2fl, 18G1. 1T EY STOKE ! NEW GOODS ! !" ll The subscriber begs leave to inform the public generally that he has opened out at his NEW STORE ROOM, On High street, one squat e east of the Dia mond, Ebensburg, a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware, Queensware, Clothing, Flour and Bacon, Crockery ware, Stationery, Provisions, kc," kc. To which he respectfully invites their at tention, and which ho, will sell at the LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, or for most kinds of Country produce. A. A. BARKER. Ebensburg, Oct 3, 18Cl.-tf. "MEW TAILOPt SHOP. IN The undersigned having opened out a Tailoring Establishment, over the store room occupied by D. J. Evans k Son, respectfully informs the public that the business will there be carried on in all its branches. All work will be done in the latest style, w ith neatness and dispatch, and upon the most reasonable terms. . ROBT. D. THOMAS Ebsniburg. Ayril 4, 18CI. THE ALLEGHAriiMi" TILL be published every Thursda- tl, rl-r.; . Tcr annum, (payable in advrr.ee) It If not paid within the first Fix months ' 175 If not paid until the expiration cf year' ? 'q A failure to notify a ! ccntl-uance at tbf ; expiration ot the term subscribed for will Vf considered a new engagement.''1 TEEMS OF ADVEP.Tinrc: 1 insertion. 2 'a I 1 sqnare, (12 lines.) S so S 75 cw?; , 2 pouares, (24 lines,) 1 .CO l.c. 6 o.,L a squares, hv.ks,) 2-CO 3. c0 t Ov er three weeks andicrsthantlree rccrtLs " 3 cents per snccre for each inrcitlen. " j 2 Ejonth?. 8 lines or le??. . Sl.SO 1 square, (12lircs.) 2.!) 2 fruuercs, (24 line?,) 4. CO 3 squares, (3C lines.) C.f O Half a column, lO.'fi One column, 1 5. CO c do. 12 do. . $ f-.f 0 o.r? , 1 2.c r? I A AC,' 20.CC , 4.T.0 7. CO 12. CO Administrator's Riid Executor's Notices ""i'-ii -VU Profcssioiif l or Business Cards, not ex- feeding S lines, -n ith pp. cr, per 3 clt, f-.tr; tfZT Advertisements not n:rrked with tlie number of insertions dcslretl, will be contin ued till forbidden,. and charged according tc the above terms, y -. ' - - ' Law of Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express no tice to the contrary, ore considered as widi. ing to continue their fubscription. 2. If subscribers order the disrontinucLc? of their Periodicals, the Publisher may con tinue to serd them until all arrearages art paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to tail their periodicals from the offices to which the ere uirected, thej- are held responsible l they have settled the bill and ordered tiua uiscontmueu. 4. If subscribers remove to other p!r"v without informing the pi.lli'neis, ard th papers are sent to the former direction, tif are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided, that rem. i.ij to take periodicals ficm the f nice or rer:a irg nnd leaving them nn r!h d for, is prit. faciac vide nce of intentiomd Fn.ud. rpiiK NEVr YOKK TIULUNE 11 We trustthat those who lioiiot nowrcce THE TRIBUNE will fruhetr.be for itwithr.t dclav. The lub price of 'JliE WELhL TRIBUNE and THE SI MI-WEEKLY Ti:ii UNE is so low that there nic tut lew ir. 11 community unable to tke it. IicLecfor; The Tliih ne, as the prsncipel pnper Euppi irg tho new Administration, w ill be j.-ecnli:;' interesting, v. hile outs cf politics its r 1 able Foreign and Domestic News,, its . mercial nnd Agricultural Intelligence, and ? Literary Department, give to it interest n value which no other p; p r en this Couth:; can boast of. How abjv am! tnccessfuEyTl Th'LI'nf has conducted the cur; aipn low , gloriously ended, the result in New Ycrkfi' attests, and to tlie untiring trri lions. siec capacity and foresight cf iiti:c- Greellv di.e mnch of the $:lory cf tLe vit to.y " ei w hich a nation e l F retrace jre now rcjohif It is, therefore, tLe duty t f every true Bej-i liciMi to aid in glvlrg Ti:n Tlikvnv m j larger circulation. As evidence of its r('f laritv and reliability, we m:;y ;-t;-!e that j wttk over S'x JIujidr,l 'J iui.nu,d te '-pies sold a circucislr.Kce vi'prei edti.ted in ( annals of jrui'lism. Ciucrdiuu cr.d C'a:i Pheciiii'vilie, Pa. if 1 fi K Z DAILY TRirUNE, (311 issues per an.) f SEMI-WKKKLY, (lt4 ) W EEKLY, ( 52 'i O CLUBS Fr.vi-Wi eki y : Tw o copies iJTs; Ten copies to one at'.di-t-.-, rMO, v.y larger number at the h tier rate. T copies or tiver ;o vridr't rf each ultlsrril :.;C esth. For a Club of Twi-r.tv.nn a' ce:p v will be sent. For n Club 01 Fcitv, sci j THE DAILY TRIFINE gtr.tis OLejn Weekiy: Three copies, i 5 : Five for;. Ten for i I2, and 111:3- laipcr i:n:.lcr hi then; f $1.20 eath j . r aiuuim, ti.e ppper tc I e 1 dressed to each substribtr. 'I o t luts Twenty we tend an extra copy. Twenty cr": j to one ttdilnss for $'C. with er.e extra to i.; who sends v.s the Club. Fereaih Cluh . One Hundred THE DAILY TRIBUNE willf sent gratis one yer. JJzir Payment !wy3 in r.lvmcc. Address THE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Nessmi St.. dec20 New Yokk TAYLOR S. fKCTJUi:, T THE HUNTINGDON NFKSERIS J HlNTIXGDOX. Pa.. Sell Fruit k Ornajnental Tress, Vices kc. better grow th, larger size, and at low er prif than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseric and wan ant them true o r.raic'. Standard Apple trees at li cents eact $1C per 100. Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each $12. SO $15 per 100. Standaid Pear trees. 50 to 75 cts o;uh. Dwarf Pear trees, 5oS toSl each 20 to . per 100 i Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37i to 75 cts. Dwarf Cherrj- trees 50 to 75 cts.- Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to TO cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each j Grape Vines 25 cts to SI. J Silver Maple trees C2J to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1 European Larch, 75 ets to 150. Norway Spruce, 50 cts to S'4- American Balsam Pine, 75 its to l-0 American k Chinese Arbor Vita-, 50 c $1.50 ' . Strawberry Plants, $1 r(T 4c' &C' Huntington, Jan. 25, lbCO.-Jim- CARIXET W.4KE-i:00.1I. 1 v A N 5 re- i spectfully in- " 3 lorms 111c c.iiiiiis 01 Ebensburg, andCum- srjuare w est 01 inair Hotel, a large and , rrE vl splendid assortment of FFRWl' lie will sen very cneup. v.-a5oi order on the shortest notice j6W. ble prices. Ebensburg, Jet. e, riERMS OF SUBSCRIPTKX TO inn autraiA. . T .III ona county general-- tZtXf?ji I3-, that he has on -S5srii hand and for ale, at J4Tr,-t' 1 5 ' his Ware-room, one - u 'tsci 1 ! V. V ' ...,; - 'Tfl T;