A 1 i it I i ' d i'i 'I t , ? J i i OoTa.xa.-ty flatter. ' 3LU of Jarors December T., ; . t- . A1ND JVUCTBA. Jno Flanagan, Foreman, Jolmst-own, Auc T. Brookbank-Washington, Carpenter, Paul Cobaagh, Jackson, Farmer, Samuel Dillon, Susquehanna, Farmer, "Win. Disert, Johnstown, Painter, James Douglass.. Carroll, Farmer, Kvan E. Evans, Ebensburg, Grocer, John J. Evans, Cambria, Carpenter, John Good, Jr., Taylor, Farmer, Samuel D. Goughenoar, Jackson, farmer, Johu Gillan, Jr., Blacklick, John-E. Hare, Croyle, Tanner, Jacob Hoover, Taylor, Contractor, John Heslop, Couemaugh, Miner, David J. James, Ebensburg, Pump maker, Samuel Kriug, llichland, Farmer, John M'l?ride, Cambria, " Jac. Priugle, (of Geo) Summerhill, lar., John Park, Johnstown, Marble-cu'ter, Jos. L. Parker, Chest Springs, Shoemaker, Rees K- Rces, Cambria, Farmer, James M. Uiffle, Sammittville, Innkeeper, Wm. Tibbott, Cambria, Justice, IJcnj. Wcrtuer, Carrolltown, Farmer. . TRAVERSE JURORS. FIRST WEEK. Henry Anstead, Jackson, Farmer, M. M: Adams, Washington, " D. Berkstrosscr, Susquehanna, Farmer, Ansalem Bradley, Allegheny, " Ilobt. G. Bryant, Chest Springs, Laborer, Samuel Black, Conemaugh, Teamster, Samuel Baxter; Ebensburg, Carpenter, Samuel Cain, Taylor, Farmer, Francis Cooper, Allegheny, Farmer, Thos. J. Davis, Ebensburg, Carpenter, James Duucan, Blacklick, Farmer, Daniel Davis, Ebensburg, Shoemaker, Patrick Donoughe, Washington, Farmer, J. Eichensicher, Conemaugh, Shoemaker, Adam Fockler, Johnstown, Merchant, John J. Farren, Cambria, Farmer, John Flick, Carroll, " Henry Fisher, Johnstown, Saddler, Simon Fagan. Allegheny, Farmer, Jacob J. Goughenour, Conemaugh, Far., James Griffin, Conemaugh, Contractor, James Glasgow, White, Farmer, Hiram Hays, llichland, Sawyer, Jacob Holsopple, " Teacher, Ym. M. Jones, Carrolltown, Clerk, Benjamin James, Cambria, Farmer, Griffith J. Jones, u " George Kohlar, Johnstown, Grocer, D. Litzinger, Chest Springs, Innkeeper, Sylvester Little, Loretto, Founder, A. It. Longenecker, Blacklick, Farmer, James M 'Coy, Carroll, " Patrick Moran, Loretto, Blacksmith, James Mardis, Blacklick. Farmer, James M'Keever, Johnstown, Bricklayer, George Mitchell, Yoder, Farmer, John M'Gough, Jr. Washington, Farmer, John B. Miller, Carroll, Farmer, James Paul, Jackson, " Sylvester Parish, Allegheny, Carpenter, Thos. Powell, Whitef Fanner Cyrus Pieillv, Johnstown, Shoemaker, Samuel J. Koyer, l Clerk, John Swegler, Sr. " Gardener, Geo. W. Stalb, Carroll, Farmer, A'm. Slick, Jr. llichland' Surveyor, John F. Tibbott, Cambria, Farmer, Jos. Wentz, Caroll, " TRAVERSE JCRORS SECOND WEEK. John Q. Adams, Esq, Blacklick, Justice, Richard Adams, Clearfield, Farmer, Francis Bearer, Susquehanna, Farmer, Joseph Bender, Carroll, " John Behe, Washington, " John Coshong, Conemaugh, " Henry Jelozier, Clearfield, " 'ornelius Dever, Jr. Munster, Blacksmith, Benjamin Edwards, Yoder, Farmer, Evan J. Evans, Cambria, Sawyer, John Edmiston, Carroll, Farmer, David Earner, Taylor, " Jacob Grumbling, Jr. Richland, Farmer, AVm. A. Glass, Susquehanna, ' David Hamilton, Johnstown, Carpenter, Lewis Hoover, Ebensburg, Painter, . John Homer, Jr. Taylor, Farmer, Josiah R. Ilite, Johnstown, Gentleman, Jacob Hamilton, Johnstown, Clerk, Michael Kline, Washington, Laborer, Jacob Levergood, Johustown, Tanner, Wra. Litzingcr, Loretto, Merchant, Joseph Layton, Johnstown, Blacksmith, J)avid R.Jjucas, Conemaugh, Wagon-mr. Simon Litzinger, CarroM, Miller, Sam'l Long, Washington, Laborer, Geo. Mack, Cambria, Farmer, E. C M'Mullen, Allegheny Fanner, Alex M'Intosh Washington, Grocer, Sam'l J. Metz, Taylor, Farmer, Luke M'Guire, Clearfield, " Geo. Mickey, 6der, John Nipps, Blacklick, Geo. W. Osborne, Yoder, a u Constantine O'Niell, Munster, Farmer, Jvewton J.Roberts, Ebensburg, Carpenter, Michael Ruteh, Carroll, Farmer, Jos. Reynolds, Richland, Jacob R. Stall, " Aaron Sherbinc, Croyle, tC John Stectham, Yoder, . Jacob Sharbaugh, Carroll, " Wm. Siaious, Blacklick, Teamster, Jacob Wirtz, Couemaugli, Farmer, Wm. Weak land, Carroll, " Augustine Walters. Allegheny, " David lounkm, H nice, fcG,Col. Baker was wounded by two balls in the head, one through the heart, one in the body, and another in the arm. After he fell, the rebels endeavored to se cure his body, but his ' friends, after a vigorous coute.st, succeeded in bringing it away. BgThc two most precious things now enclosed in hoops arc kegs of powder and feminity. There's danger of being Mow ed Mowed up by both keep the jsparks away from them. MIOFESSIOUTAS CARPS GEORGE M. REED, Attorney at Law, Ebeusburg,Pa. Office in ColonadeEow. Ebensburg Sept. 26, lOGl-tf. - BRAIIAM KOPELIN, Attorney at Law, Johnstown. Pa. Office on Main Street. ' , ang25,1859-tf. CHARLES W WING ARD, Attorney at Law, Lock Haven, Clinton county, Pa. August 23, 1859:tf. HIL S. NOON, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Penn'a. Office two doors east of Thompson's Hotel. August 29, 1839.-ly. A C. MULLTN, Attorney at Law, Eb XJL ensburg, Cambria county, Pa. EcjSc Office two doors north of ColonadeRow, and immediately opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg, December 1, 1859. ROBERT A. M'COY, Attorney at Law Ebensburg, Cambria county, Pa. All manner of legal business in the severa. courts of this county promptly attended to. June 28, 1860:tf R. L. JOHNSTON'. CEO. W. OATMAS- JOHN' ST OX & 0 ATM AX, Attorneys at Laic, Ebensburg, Cambria county, Penna. Office opposite the Court House. January 10, 1861:tf IRANCIS A. SHOEMAKER, Attor . ney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several courts of Clear field, Indianx and Cambria counties. Office two doors west of Crawford's Hotel June 14, 18G0-tf I S. BUXX, M. D., tenders his pro jm fessional services to the citizens of Eb ensburg. Office in Drug Store, on High st., opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebensburg. August 23, 1859:tf. EORGE R. LEWIS, 31. D., tenders his professional services to the citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity. He may be found in the office formerly occupied by Dr. D. W. Lewis. Xight calls made at the office. August 23. 1859:tf. DR. J. 31. 31'CLURE, Surgeon and Mechanical Dentist, respectfully oilers his professional servicesto theladies and gen tlemen of Johnstown and vicinityof thisplace. Particular attention paid to diseases of the Mouth. Teeth extracted with electrical for ceps. Office in the old "Exchange," on Clinton street. Johnstown, Aug. 25, 1859. AH. FRANCISCUS, 433 Market St., Phila. Wholesale Dealer in Cotton Laps, Carpet Chain, Wadding, Hopes, Wick, Tie Yarn, Brooms, Buckets, Baskets. Churns, Tubs, Brushes Lookiug-Glnsses, &c, &c, &c, ice. ESJThe largest stock of the above Goods in the city, sold at the lowest nett caxh prices Oct. 3l", 1801 -6m JQ. SC A JIM OX, FACTOR IX WEST IXDIA EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, Shipping and Commission Merchant, AXD DEALER IX HOGSHEAD SUOOKS AND HEADS, No. 522 S. Delaware Avenue, Oct. 10,l8t)l.tf Philadelphia. TVIUGS ! DRUGS ! ! DRUGS ! ! ! Just opened and for sale by R. S. BUXX, M. D , a general as sortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES. Spices, Oils, Paints, Dyestulls, Fluid, BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Brushes, Combs, Sta tionery, Blank Books, Perfumery, Soaps, Tobacco, Segars, SnuGs, and other articles usuallv kept in Drug Stores. R. S. BUXX, M. D. Ebensburg Aug, 25 1859.-ly. rjMlE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WEEKLY PRESS has been established on a secure and permanent foundation ; but it is, in reality, a raarvellovs example of the de gree of favor which a rightly-conducted LIT ERARY, POLITICAL AND NEWS JOURNAL can receive at the hands of a liberal and en lightened Public. The general features of the Paper, in addi tion to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEPART MBTS, will be POETRY, SKETCHES, BIOG RAPHY and Original and Selected TALES, chosen for their lesson; of Life, illustrations of History, depicture of Manners, and general merit, and adapted, in their variety, to the tastes of both sexes and all ages. THE LITERARY CHARACTER Of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an elevated stamp, shall not only maintain its present high stan ding, but shall be enhanced by important and valuable contributions from able Writers. THE POLITICAL COURSE Of TIJE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlar ged upon here. Independent, steady and fearless, it has battled unwavering v and zeal ously in defence of THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against Executive Usurpation and Unfair and Tyrannical Legislation ; ever de claring and adherincr to the doctrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY constitutes the fundamental basis of our free institutions, and that the intelligence and patriotism of our Citizens will always be preservative of a just, wise and salutarv Government. These are the principles to which THE WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to these it will ad here. Terms : One Copy, one Year. Three Copies, one Year Five Copies, one Year $2 00 5 00 fi 00 12 00 Ten Copies, one i ear Twenty Copies, to one nddress, at the mte of .l per annum "20 00 Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber 24 00 Any Person sending us a club of Twenty or more will be entitled to nn extra copv. We (-..ntinue to send THE WEEKLY PRESS to Clergymen for SI. Specimen Copies will be forwarded to those who request them. Subscriptions' may commence at any time. Terms, ALWAYS CASH, in Advance. All letters to be addressed t. JOHN W. FORNEY. Xo. 417 Chestsct st., Philadelphia. JOTICE.- L l All persons indebted to R. S. Brnn are requested to call and make settlements imme diately. Otherwise their accounts will be left with the prop r nnthor ties for collection. Ebfiisburg. Sept. 2. R. S. RUNX. rpiIE UNION FOREVER! ! R. II. TUDOR & HUGH JOXES, ILiviug formed a partnership in the GRO CERY business, would respectfully call the attention of the people of Ebensburg and vi cinity to their large stock, which has been selected in the Eastern market with great care. Come and examine for yourselves! They cannot fail to please. Our stock consists in part of the following articles, viz White and Brown Su- Chewing and Smok'g gars, Tobacco, X. O. Molassses, Cigars, Snuff, Syrups, Candles, fcoap, Rio Coffee, Young Hyson, Imperial and Black" Teas, Snices of all kinds. Clothes, Market and Fancy Baskets, WasL boards, Brooms, Buckets, Measures, Butter, Sugar and Wa- Kealers, Churns, ter Crackers, Kegs, Dried Apples. Peaches, Hair and Wire Seives, Orauges and Lemons, fccruo, rsnoe ana uus Figs, Raisins, tiug Brushes, Prunes, Citrons, Nuts of all kinds. Ext. Ley and Coffee, Bowls, Butter Print3 and La dles, Arnold's Inks from G to T5cent3 per bottle, Shoe-findings, Pegs, Rope, Bed cords, Lines, Rope Halters, Twine, Tye Yarn, Fawcits, Window Glas3, Ptuty, An assortment of Es sences and Drugs, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Garden 4 Hay Rake3, Scythes and Snathes, Buck Saws and Nails, Provision Nails, Thread, Sole Leather, Harvest Tools, Hay Forks, FLOUR, CORN and OAT MEAL, CHEESE. RICE, BACON, MACKEREL, HERRING, CODFISII, And all kindjof Liquors, Brandy, Gin, Wines, Old R-e and Common Whiskey, &c, &c. tfa. The above articles will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce, at Cash prices Ebensburg, May 9, 1861;tf IVfOTICE. 1.1 Having associated with ITugh Jones in the Grocerj- business, 1 hereby give notice to all those having standing accounts with me, to come forward and settle the same. Feeling thankful to the citizens of Ebensburg and vi cinity for their former patronage, I would re spectfully solicit a continuance of the same, under the firm of Tudor and Jones. R. H. TUDOR. Ebensburg, May 9, 18G1. s UNDAY MORNING CHRONICLE. PUBLISHED at WASHINGTON', D. C. The Chronicle is published on a large folio sheet, with -new Ope, and contains 1. A full weekly record of Military and Naval Movements in Washington and throughout the country. 2. Original sketches of Xew England Celebri ties, by an able Northern writer. 3. A series of original sketches of the City of Washington. Its Growth, Public Build ir.gs nd Attractions. 4. Original sketches of the Churches and Clergy in Washington an account of one Church aud its Pastor appeariug in each issue. 5. Letters from Correspondents in all the principal parts of the country. 6. Smithsonian Papers, containing accounts of the more recent discoveries iu Science, in all parts of the world, as reported at the Su.it hsonian Institution. 7. Essays, Sketches, Tales, and choice gems of Poetry. 8. A weekly record of removals and appoint ments by the Government. Local reports, doings iu the city, ice. 9. Editorials, by one of the ablest writers in the country. The object of the publishers of the Chroni cle will ever be to render it a h'gh-toned Me tropolitan Family 1'apcr. The subscription price by mail is $2 per annum, in advance, or SI for six months. Three copies, live months, $2,50. Specimen copies forwarded when de sired. Address, enclosing subscription or par bills, JAMES B. SHERIDAN & Co.. jel3 Publishers, Washington, D. C A CARD. Witmer's Bridge, Lancaster Tp. July 30, 18G0. Messrs. Evans and Watson: Gentlemen The small size No. 1 Salamander safe which I purchased from your agent, Mr. Adam R. Ba.-r, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, 1838, has been subjected to a very severe test, which it withstood in a most satisfactory manner. This Safe, containing all my books together with vaHnble papers belonging to myself and some to my neighbors and friends, and representing a value of over Twenty Thous and Dollars, ($20,000) was in my Mill which was destroyed on the niglit ot the 2tu of Jit ly, I860, and passed through the fiery ordeal unscathed. The Safe was on the second floor and fell to the basement of the Mill, and was subjected for six hours to an intense heat among the rui.is, which was greatly increased by the combustion of a large quantity of grain confined within the brick walls. After the lire the safe was opened and the books and papers taken out in a state of perfect preser vation, the paper not even being discolored. This fact was, however, to many bystanders a better recommendation of jour Safes than could be expressed in any other words from me. Yours Respectfullj-, sel3 SAMUEL RANCK. A large assortment of the above qual ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes always on hand and for sale at as low rate3 as any other firm, at EVANS & WATSON'S, No. 304 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. PATUOMZE 1'Ol'R. Of'K ! TJie Protection Mutual Fire Insurance Co., OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT E BENS EURO, PA. THE above named Company, organized April Gth, 1857, will effect insurances on property at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire. Office on Centre Street, nearly opposite Thompson's "Mountain House.'' D. H. ROBERTS, Pres. A. C. Mcllin, Sec'v. & Treas. A". A. BARKER, Agent. Aug. 25, 1839.-ly. ARGAINS I SELLING OFF AT COST I). J. Evans k Son offer their entire stock of goods, consisting of Dry Ooods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Hardware and Queensware, at cost, for cash, as they intend to quit business, and arc determined to sell. Persons wishing bargains will ci well to call. X. B. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the subscribers are hereby urgently requested to call and make immediate settle ment of their respective acc omits. D. J. EVANS & SOX. Ebesnburg, April 1, 18G1. stea 8! i i ; ill . ; j DEALER IN 'csOOHLIKTGr cfc? 2 - Would respectfully call the attention of ever made in Cookincr stoves the COalby which means is saved fifty pee cent, of Fuel. The improvements claimed are 1st a great saving of Fuel. 2d a much quicker and hotter oven from the same fire. 2d The preservation of the top plates, as they are all made double. 4th Cleanliness, as there is not one half the soot and dirt found in other stoves. He has also on hands a laree assortment of HARDWARE, CI1AIX PUMPS, HOOP IRON NAILS, GLASS of all size, TABLE and POCKET CUTLERY, EDGE TOOLS, HARVESTING TOOLS, etc.. .etc. Also he still manufactures and keeps on Sheet Tron. all of which he will sell at Country produce. Nov. 24, 1830:tf B. P. THOMPSON', with I. I. PATTOS & Co., "TTTholcsale Dealers ia and Manufactu T 7 turcrs of HATS, CAPS, FURS, Hatters' Materials, Straw Goods, Artificial Flowers, Buffalo Robes, Ac, &c. No. 328 Market street, PHILADELPHIA. Cash paid for Wool and tiliijipiiuj Furs. PKICE i.atto.v. a. oppeniieimek. August 23, 1859-tf W. S. 1I.1VEX, PLAIN and FANCY JOR PRINTER; stationer, Blank Book Manufacturer, Book Binder, and dealer in every description of American and Foreign Papers, &c. A.C. Corner of Wood and Third streets, PITTS BURG, Pa. f2f Agent for L. Johnson & Co., Type Founders & Electrotypers, Philadelphia. August 25, 1859:t.f IKAXDY & BKUXXER, Commission Merchants and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic 11 A R V WA RE A XI? UTL ER Y. Xos. 23, 25 and 27 North Fifth street, easi side, above Commerce, PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD S. HANDY, JXO. G. BHE.N.VEB, C. F. BRESXER August 25, 1839:tf i. W. FRY, with MOORE, LIGGET & CO., Iui ort rs and Jobbers of HOSIERY, GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS, &c. . No. 22 Market Street, Opposite Bank St., Piiildelphia. Bjf3 Constantly receiving Goods from Phil adelphi v and New York Auctions. Oct. 21, lSGl-tf "VvFtLLlAM S. CROSS, T T Lumber, Stave and General COMMISSI' N MERCHANT, Corner East Falls and Eastern Avenues. Baltimore, Mn. Will aUend to selling all kinds of Lumber, Staves, S took, Grain, Ac, and will fill orders for the sa :ic. oct24,'Cltf GEORGE M. RIDDLE, with R1UULC,GILL&C., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS AND CARPETING, No. 243 Market st., below Third, and Xo. 232 Church Alley, Philadelphia. Dec. 1. 1859:tf JAMES DOUGHERTY, with J. S. SOU1TK, holesale Dealer in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, io. a f inn street, anove .uarKet, Philadelphia. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic CIGARS. sep.l,1859:tf. 31. LLOYD & CO., BANKERS ALTOONA, PA. DRAFTS on the Principal Cities, and S.l v r and Gold for sale. Collections mad i. Moneys received on deposit, payable on de mand, without interest, or upon time, with interest at fair rates. nov3, '5 9t WM. REYNOLDS. J. M. STEVENSON, JR J. P.OWEN SMITn. JOHN HILL, with RE1SOLDS, S3I1TJI & CO., Gr ROCERY & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, "V A y-i "r T T 1 io. iu . uowara street, Oct. 20, 1859. Baltimore. G. W. TODD, with COXJUD &, W.4LTO, C23 Market st., Phila. I m porters and Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC HARDWARE. ugust 23, 1859.tf - E. G. WHITMAN & CO.. Manufaclurina Confectioners. Xo. 102 SoVth Second street, (One feor below Chestnut,) PHILADELPHIA. E. G. WHITMAN. nol, C0) ALEX. JOUXSTOX c. STEWART tr,'th BUEIILER & HOWARD. Importers and dealers in Foreign and Do mestic Hardware and Cutlery Xo. 441 Market Stret, (Xorth side, second door below Fifth,) novl,l8G0 PHILADELPHIA. D. M 'GLEES & Co., No. 133 North Third street, WL , Philadelphia. Wholesale dealers in Boots and Shoes. May 17, 1860-tf OR JOB PRINTING . OF ALL KINDS, CO TO "THE ALLEGIIANIAN OFFICE." ALL KINDS OF LLXjC3?L STOVES, the public to one of the greatest improvements burning of the Gas and smoke arising from the hand a large assortment of Tin, Copper and extremely low prices in exchange tor Casn or r . GEO. HUXTLEY. A RCADE HOTEL, Ebensburg, Fa. The subscriber, having leased, re-fitted and newlv furnished the "Ebensburg House, is nrenared to accommodate his friends and the public generallv. The House has alwav been a favorite for visitors during the Summer season, and I will spare no pain in making it an agreeable home lor all sojourners. Mv Ta ble will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the countrv and the cities. Mv Bar will be filled with liquors of choice brands. My Stable is attended by careful hostlers, and mv charges will be such a3 to suit all. Expecting to receive a share of pat ronage, and fully intending to deserve it, hereby throw open my house to the public henry fuster. August 25, 1853:tf. RAILROAD HOUSE, Wilmorc, Cam bria county, Pa. (Near Penna. Railroad Station.) Jas. D. Hamilton, Proprietor. An extensive Bowling saloon is connected with the House. The Table will be fur nished with the best the market affords, and the Bar supplied with the best of liquors, in cluding Ales and Lager from approved brew eries. Extensive and convenient Stabling is attached to the premises. Wilmore, August 23, 1859:tf. ED LI OX HOTEL, St. Clair street, (near the new Wire Bridge.) Pittsburg, Pa. ROBERT P. GORDON, Proprietor. N. B. Good Stabling and Wagon Yard at tached to the House sufficiently large enough to accommodate 200 head of Horses. Also, a very lare Sale Stable. decl5,'5&t XTXIOX HOUSE, Ebensburg-, Pa. KJ Jou.v A. Blair, Prejirletor. Also, in connection, BLAIR & Co s HACKS will leave the 'U nion House" for A ilmore station in time to take the Eastern and West ern trains. Every accommodation will be af forded to make passengers comfortable. August 23, 1839:tf. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, Ebc lursr, Da John Thompson, Jr., Proprietor. The Table is always supplied -with the choicest delicacies. The Bar is supplied with choice liquors : and the Stable attended by careful hostlers. Boirders taken by the w eek, mooth or year. aug25,185Uf, CAMIJRIA HOUSE, Wilmore, Pa. Palmer a Beck. Proprietors. Hacks atteud the arrival of each train to convey passengers to the Hotel, and thence by Plank Road to Ebensburg. August 25, lt5y;tf. 8G0. tinware, 8fi0 SHEET-IRON WARE. COPPER WARE, J.&EI.l!CRRIXGTO.V Desire to call the attention of the public tc heir new TIN SHOP now opened in the large brick building on the corner of Main and Franklin streets, opposite the Mansion House and next to the Banking House of Bell, Smith & Co., Ji hnstown, Pa., w here they purpose imniiVjic- ui ing all kinds of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WARE. Their work will be made by ths best work men and of the best materials. Thev are de termined to sell all kinds of ware at the cheapest rates, wholesale and retail. P-S. All orders for SPOUTiNCi attended to on the shortest notice and on reasonable terms. Johnstown, Dec. 8, 1850-tf TV"E W STOKE ! NEW GOODS ! ! Xl The subscriber beg3 leave to inform the public generally that tie has opened out at his NEW STORE ROOM, On High street, one square east of the Dia mond, Ebensburg, a large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Hats and Caps, Boots aud Shoes, Groceries and Hardware, Queensware, Clothing, Flour and Bacon, Crockery ware, Stationery, Provisions, &c, Sec. To which he respectfully invites their at tention, and which he will sell at the LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH, or for most kinds of Country produce. A. A. BARKER. Ebensburg, Oct 3, 18Gl.-tf. BOOTS AND SHOES. The undersigned continues the manufac ture of BOOTS and SHOES of every descrip tion at his establishment, in Ebensburg, three doors east of Crawford's Hotel. Eniplovni" none but the best workmen, he trusts that he has been and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to hi3 customers, lie hopes that the same liberal patronage hereto fore given him may be continued," and that more may be added. He has also on hand a large assortment of French Calf-skins, and Morocco sf all kinds suitable for fine Boots and Shoes. ' Readv-iuade BOOTS and SHOES always on hand, and prices moderate- MESHAC THOMAS. Ebensburg, Sept. 20, 1 SGI. THE ALLEGHANIAR" WILL be published every Thursday. the following rates viz: Per annum, (payable in advance)' 5. 15 not pam wuuin me nrsi six months, l 75 1 noi paiu umii iuc cijuiuuua 01 year, 2 00 A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration ot the term subscribed for Trills considered a new engagement. TERMS OF ADVERTISING! 1 insertion. 2 do. square, (12 lines,) $ 50 $ 75 squares, (24 lines,) 1.00 1.50 squares, (3G lines,) 1.50 2.00 3 do. $1.00 2.00 3.00 Over three weeks and less than thr. 25 cents per square for each insertion. 1 3 months. $1.50 6 do. $3.00 4.50 ?.00 9.00 12.00 12 do. 8 lines or less, 55.00 9.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 35.00 square, (12 lines,) squares, (24 lines,) 2.50 4.00 6.00 10.00 15.00 3 squares, (36 lines,) Half a column, One column, 22.00 Administrator s and Executor's Notices 1.75 Professional or Business Cards, not ex- ceeding 8 lines, with paper, per year, 5.00 Ugy- Advertisements not marked with it number of insertions desired, will be continv ued till forbidden, and ctarged according the above terms. L.aiv of Xewspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express no tice to the contrary, are considered as wish iiig to continue their subscription. 1. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their Periodicals, the Publisher maj con tinue to serd them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from the offices to which ther are directed, they are held responsible till hey have settled the bill and ordered thea discontinued. 4. If subscribers remove to other places without informing the publishers, and the papers are sent to the former direction, tley are held responsible. 5. The Courts have decided, that refusing to take periodicals from the office or remov ing and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional Fraud. T Mill NEW YOHK TRIBUNE !! We trust that those who do not now receive THE TRIBUNE ill subscribe for it without dek-.v. The club price of THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE and THE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIB UNE is so low that there are but lew in any community unable to take it. Henceforth, The Tribune, as the principal paper fcupport ing the new Administration, will be peculiarly interesting, while outside cf politics its reli able Foreign and Domestic News, its Com mercial and Agricultural Intelligence, and its Literary Department, give to it interest and value which no other paper on this Continent can boast of. How ably and successfully Tat Tribcne has conducted the campaign now so gloriously ended, the result in New York fully attests, and to the untiring exertions, signal capacity and foresight of Horace Gbeelkth due much of the glory of the victory over which a nation of Freemen are now rejoicirg. It is, therefore, the duty of every true Repub lican to aid in giving The Tribcne a still larger circulation. As evidence of its popu larity and reliability, we may state that last week over Six Hundred Thousand copies Ten gold a circumstance unprecedented in the annals of jr-urnalism. Guardian and Ca:t'tt. Phorniiville, Pa. Terms : DAILY TRIBUNE, (311 issues per an.1! S.0' SEMI-WEEKLY, (104 " " )S3.?C WEEKLY, ( r2 " " TO CLUBS Semi-Weeklt: Two copies 0 $i 5 Ten copies to one address, 20, en acy larger number at the latter rate. Tef. copies or over to addrits of each tulfcnler, i.20 each. For a Club of Twenty. an eitra copv will be sent. For a Club ol Forty, send THE DAILY TRIBUNE gratis one year. Weekly : Three copies, $5; Fire forS; Ten for Si 2, and any larger number at the rate of $1.20 each per annum, the paper to be ad dressed to each subscriber. To Cluhs cl Tw enty we send an extra copy. Twenty copiei to one "address for $20, with one extra to him who sends us the Club. For each Club ot One Hundred THE DAILY TRIBUNE will H sent gratis one year. jRgr" Payment always in advance. Address TnE TRIBUNE, No. 134 Nassau st., dec20 New YoeE TAYLOR & CREJ1EB T IT E HUNTINGDON NT ES EBIE A IICNTINCDON, 11 l Trpss. Vines Ac. of better growth, larger size, and at lower price, than any of the Northern or Eastern .Nurseries, and warrant them true to name. Standard Apple trees at 18 cents eacn $16 per 100. 50 to Peach trees, 15 to 20 cts each 51 $15 per 100. . Standard Tear trees, 50 to 75 cts o. Dwarf Pear trees, 50$ to$l each 0 l per 100 . Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to T5 cts each Standard Cherry trees 37i to 75 cts.. Dwarf Cherry trees 50 to 75 cts. Plum trees 50 cts. Apricot trees 40 to 50 cts. Nectarine trees 25 cts each. Grape Vines 25 cts to $1. Silver Maple trees C2i to $1. European Ash, 75 to 1 - European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50. Norway Spruce, 50 cts to ?r. .... American Balsam Pine, 75 cts to American & Chinese Arbor it, $1.50 . jL. Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, ic. c Iluntinirton Jan. 25, 1SC0.- 3tn. CAIZ1XET WARE-I0051' E V A N S re spectfully n- Ebensburg, and Cam bria county general-5" ly, that he has -on -J nana ana tor saie, at, his Ware-room, one square west of Blair's Hotel, a lame and splendid assortment of he will sell very cheap order on the shortest notice andatrrr. ble prices. EBensfeurg, Oct. 1S59- T "TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 'THE ALLEGHANIAR TO IN ADVANCE $1.60 .GOTOKALLT WITH YOU K 2 :N:SP