1 ii-i ::::::OCTOBER 24. LOCAL AMD PERSONAL t)OST OFFICE NOTICE. By Instructions from the General Post Office pepartmcnt, I am authorised to gtve notice that I ani prepared to exchange United States postage Stamps of the New Style for an equiv alent amount of the Old Itue, during the pe riod of six cats from the date of this nffice, nd that thereafter the Old Issue -will not be rscelved at this office in payment of Postage. JOHN THOMPSON, P. M. Ebensburg, Oct. 24, 1861. A Few Seasonable Reflections. "The wind is sighing, all day long, A sad and melancholy song." Winter is coming ! "We say it after due deliberation, and with a shiver that ex tends even unto our bootpoints. The "melancholy days" are now on hand, in inexhaustible quantities, and of a quality ta suit the most fastidious fancier of the article. The foliage of the forest has be come metamorphosed by a process of na ture from a living green to the "sere and yellow," and, ah I how dismally the frost tinged winds moan and sigh through the almost denuded boughs ! "Where a month ago were flowers, and waving grain, and blilhe, mirthsome songsters, and May-day happiness, now appears a gloomy desola tion. The apples have been plucked from their parent stem ; the nuts are dropping ne by one from the trees ; the birds have fcccdeJ to a warmer clime ; and in the farly morning, a rare net-work of white is discovered enveloping hill and dale with its gauzy presence. Pretty soon r'rVrip ! urr ! the cold Xorth Wind will come swooping down upon us, to clasp us in his icy embrace. He will chase away the last lingering learns of Summer, and assume the of fice of Weather Clerk himself. A fierce, ir.controllablc despot is this same Frost King! Genial Summer reigns with a wild and steady reign, but Tie comes as an avalanche, maintaining his sway rt et ar , as the land-sharks say. He rattles the elements in grand profusion around our bead, makes the innermost nook aud cranny of our tenement feel his influ ence, and blows his frigid breath in our very 'face. That gaie sweeping through the aisles of the forest is the avant courier of the Frost King. Do you hear it ? If your potatoes are yet to be housed, or your coal-bin to be replenished, you had better heed it. This by the way, however. And then will be in season icicles, hot punches, theumatism, firesides, oysters, overheated stoves, two in a bed, et cetera And sleigh-rides. Especially the latter ! And, oh ! young reader, whoever you may be, as you glide merrily over the "crystal sheen," remem ber that Winter whatever it may prove to others is your halcyon era in life. Wrap the buffaloes warnily around your self and partner, sit together snugglie, lay on the whip right merrily, and bid Dull fare be unequivocally busted ! For after jou have departed from this sphere, thero will be the same jingle of silvery bells the same gay and happy laughter the me fun, fancy, frolic, and flitting hither and thither two-phorty, g'lang ! you fcnow and the bosses will have to take it til the same. In other words, go it while Jou're young, tor when you get old you can't.! Winter has many terrors to some. Hard times, empty, granaries, racking coughs, excruciating pains, and the like, re a few of these. Man proposes but God disposes. Beggars of right should lot be choosers. "What cannot be cured aust be endured, and all such should be comforted by knowing that in their afflic tion or privation they are serving some ise end of their Creator. Another item from which to extract omc crumbs of isolation is the fact that the cold term xtendeth over only three or four months, "Mead of eight or ten, as it might just as do. And thus cuds the lesson. Financial Matter. Crus L. Per king, Esq., of Johnstown, has subscribed toward the 7-30 Government loan. lr-1'., having just succeeded in coming of the recent exciting game for As- with a iull hand, docs well in go lDSitaloan. ' ANTED ! A correspondent in each ,Q(1 every town and township in the coun--v to keep us posted on matters of lffcal ., est 1Q their respective neighborhoods. -ur jottings, men!, sna obJjge ''Unjrlj, THURSDAY: All About a Bear. A monster after the manner of a black bear was seen near Lloyd's Cemetery, a Bhort distance east of town, on Friday last. What he was after, and whether or not he succeeded in getting it, are speculations that cannot be an swered just at present, inasmuch as he took occasion to make very long and rapid tracks for the nearest wood before he could be interrogated. Some ten or fifteen oi our most experienced huntsmen gave chase the following morning, but were unable to get a "bead" on the animal, owing to the fact, no doubt, that Bruin did not feel disposed to be made game of so early in the season. The near approach cf wild animals to the habitations of man in the fall is said to be a sure indication of a coming hard winter. Man Shot. "We learn from the Blairs ville papers that John Dcvinney, Jr., of that place, was shot and dangerously woun ded by some rebels in Western Virginia, a couple of weeks since. Mr. D. had an interest in some oil wells in that section, and was attending to business connected therewith at the time. It appears that he fell in company with some Secessionists, and being a Union man himself, gave ut terance to Union sentiments ; whereupon, one of the ruffians drew a pistol and de liberately fired upon him. The ball took effect below the left shoulder and passed out near the breast. At latest accounts he was doing well, and was expected to re cover. Something Like a Shake. We are civen to understand that some of the Johnstown folks who attended our County Fair represent it to have been "no great shakes." This is a ridiculous mistake. The exhibition was a particularly Fair shake, in as much as it shook five hun dred dollars, more or less, from the pock ets of visitors into the coffers of the Soci ety. This, we may append, is the sort of shake that affects most pleasantly. Can it ? yes, it must have been that the only article that attracted the favorable attention of the aforesaid "Johnstown folks" was the display of Sour Grapes placed on exhibition by themselves ! What Should be Done. Every young man not engaged in the service of the country, should strive with all possible dispatch to prepare himself fur usefulness by attending some good School adapted to the wants of the present age; and in this respect the "Iron City College" of Pittsburgh, Pa., sustains a high reputation, as is shown by the numerous prominent and responsible positions now filled by graduates from this School. Send for their Catalogue, aud examine for your selves. The Tripod. .John Brotherlinc and J. II. Kcatley, Esq's., having become the editors and publishers of the Ilollidays burg Whig, that paper last week made its debut under new and improved auspices. It is independent in politics, an I gives evidence of ability in its editorial depart ment. Success to it ! Maj. Geo. l'a3Tmond, the former editor of the Whig, who has been appointed U. S. Consul for Balize, Honduras, sailed thence with his family a few days since. Success to him likewise ! One for Us. Says the Cambria Trib une: "The ladies of Ebensburg have formed an association for procuring blan kets and stockings for the soldiers. So far they are ahead of the Johnstown la dies." That's a. puff for you, Ladies of the Hose Association ! Give it due ap preciation, and keep ahead ! But whether ahead or afoot, go ahead with the move you have on foot to conduce to the comfort of our brave volunteers. Important ! Attention is directed to the "Post Office Notice" at the head of the first local column. Those having 1. O. stamps of the old issue arc required to dispose of them within a period of six days from date, .otherwise they will bo valueless and will uot be received as pos tage.. See to it. Philadelphia Press. The attentiou of our readers is directed to the advertise ment elsewhere of this excellent hebdom adal. Ii is almost useless for us to say anything in its behalf, for the Press is known the world over to be a real live publication. Let all who may stand in need of such subscribe forthwith. With an Addendum. The Hollidays burg Standard appears to be of the firm opinion that our friend Dizzard, of the Dem. it- Sent., is "jubilant" over the result of the late election. Possibly he is: inountaiu-7etebilant, f'riustanco. As of course he has a perfect right to be. Completed. The new tunnel, or rath er the arching of the road-way to prevent danger, &c., from the sides oi the cut giv ing way, on the Pennsylvania Road near Carpenter's Station, in Westmoreland county, has just been completed. It is a well constructed, substantial piece of work, which is, however, but characteristic of all done by this Company. The abutments are all of stone range work, and the aich twenty-seven inches in thickness is of brick. There are 6,000 yards of masonry in it, and there were 800,000 brick used in building it. It is 550 feet in length, and is said to have cost $20,000. The work has been under the more imme diate charge of John S. Love, Esq., Resi dent Engineer of the Road on the Western Division, and is a credit to his scientific skill, judgment and energy. "Positively Orio." Our Nimrodian contributor, who has been "Out West" hunting grouse with Russell, LL.D., S.N.O.B., etc., and who has just returned, advances the following con, with the re quest that newspapers copying handle it with care : In case that mammoth black bear seen near town last week had been killed, unhided, chopped up, cooked, and afterwards taken inwardly as an epicurean tit-bit, why would it now remind you of a woman dun brown ? Because it would be, evidently and without doubt, a Bruin-eat. Our Nini. Con. asserts that he but seldom makes game of a Brunette, or, in point of fact, of any other man, and. promises to not do so again soon if he be let free now. Letter from Kentucky. On " the outside of to-day's paper will be found a tolerably interesting letter from Ken- tuckv. written bv a whilom resident of this town. He shows up plainly, in a few words, some of the inconsistencies of Se cession, and also gives us an insight into the hideous wrongs that are being perpe trated upon Union men in that land of chivalry, "the sunny South." We hope our young friend will let us hear from him often. Halloween. This ancient festival, which has been ot latter years appropria ted by "rude, uncultivated boys" to the indiscriminate pounding of doors, piling up all sorts of movables in the street, aud other pieces of mischief, pays us its annu al visit on the last day of this month. It is to be hoped that our juveniles about town will let the occasion pass by, without any particular demonstrations. Silver Grays. The company being recruited in this county under the above name, composed entirely of men over forty-five years of age, is still in a flourishing condition. It is reduced to a certainty that it will see active service in the ten ted field in the course of a few weeks. The members met at Wilmore yesterday to choose officers, with what result we did not hear. What is the Reason that we receive the Ilarrisburg TclegrapJi so irregularly ? Sometimes the light of its countenance beams not on our sanctum for two and three days together ! The Telegraph is one of the very best of our daily exchan ges, and we cannot possibly get along without it. Circulate it in this direction. Tiif Place for Your Money. Go to Doctor Thompson's, at the Post Office, for the latest newspapers, magazines, and pub lications of all kinds. He also keeps on hand a largo variety of National envel opes and note paper, pens, ink, cigars, etc., all of which will be sold cheap for cash. Ducks. It is currently reported but not generally believed that wild ducks are exceedingly plentiful in this neighbor hood at present. Ditto : that two of our amateur sportsmen bagged about a baker's dozen of the feathered bipeds in one day recently. Lyceum. The question for debate at the next meeting of the Lbensburg Lit erary Association, on Friday night, is: "Resolved, That it is beneficial for govern ments to be in debt." Dead. George Nesbit, of Co. E, (from Blairsville,) 11th regiment, P. R. C.,dicd at Camp Tennalley, on the 14th inst. His remains were taken to Blairsville for interment. Ladies, Attend. Another meeting of the Ladies' Hose and Blanket Associa tion will be held in the Union School- House on next Friday eve. The members are requested to be present. Bargains. C. R. Jones, at his store, has just received a new stock of Ladies' and Bo3's' boots and shoes. Call and seo them, and secure bargains. Peterson's Magazine. The Novem ber number of this magazine has been received. It is, as usual, richly freighted with good and beautiful things. Peter son stands pre-eminent in the ranks of caterers for the public, and especially is he popular with the ladies. The reason of this is, he gives better engravings, more reliable fashion-plates, and choicer read ing matter, at a lower price, than any other similar publication in the United States. Let every lady of taste become a subscriber thereto if she be not one al ready. The following are- the terms (in advance) for the publication : une copy one year, $2. luree copies one year, 5. Five copies one year, $7 60. Eight copies one year, $10. Twelve copies one year. 15. Sixteen copies one year, $20. To ev ery person getting up a Club of Three, Fire, Eight or Twelve copies, an extra copy of the Magazine for 1862 will be given. If preferred, however, we will send as a premium, (instead of the extra copy) an illustrated LADY'S AL BUM, handsomely bound in gilt, or our Mag nificent .Mezzotint for framing, size 27 inches by 20 "Bunyan 3 Wife Interceding for his Keleasc from Prison." To every person get- ting up a Club of Sixteen, two extra copies of the Magazine, or of either of the other Premi ums will be sent. Address C. J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Godey's Lady's Book. Let us sug gest to our leaders that now is the time to commence getting up clubs for the Book. The new Volume will begin in January, and those who intend subscribing should have their names enrolled immediately. Godey has lived and flourished for thirty two years, and during that time he has published the best magazine extant : and he now promises to improve on former efforts. We may add that he is a man of his word and will do what he says. Here are the terms (cash in advance) for the Book : One copy one year, $3. Two copies one year, $5. Three copies one year, $6. Four copies one year, $7. Five copies one year, and an extra one to the person sending the club, $10. Eight copies one year, and an ex tra one to the person sending the club, $15. Eleven copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $20 Address L. A. GODEY, 323 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. We will furnish The Alleghanian and Godey's Lady's Book to persons so desi ring year, at the very in advance. low rate of 83.50 per SPREADERS OF THE ALLEGHANIAN, GO TO C. R. JONES' FOR BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c, &c. HIS MOTTO IS "CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST." Market Report. EBKNSBrna, October 3, 1861. Flour, per barrel Peaches, dried, 2.00 ExtraFamily,$6.00 Beans, 1.25 Extra, 5.50 Clover seed, 5.00 Superfine, 5.00 Timothy seed, 1.75 Buckwheat, cwt. 0.00 Bacon, lb. 10 J to 15 Cornmenl, 2.00 Butter, 10 Wheat, bu. 1.25 Lard, 10 Rye, 02 Tallow, 12 Buckwheat, 50 Eggs, 10 Corn, G'2 Wool, lb. 31 Oats, 28 Molasses, 62 to 1.00 Potatoes, 50 Sugar, '2 Apples, 62 Coffee, 20 Apples, dried, 1.50 Salt, bbl. 2.50 rjlHE WEEKLY PRESS. THE WEEKLY PRESS has been established on a secure and permanent foundation; but it 13, in reality, a marvellovs example of the de gree of favor which a rightly-conducted LIT ERARY, POLITICAL AND NEWS JOURNAL can receive at the hands ot a liberal ana en lightened Public. The general features of the Paper, in addi tion to its POLITICAL AND NEWS DEl'ART- METS, will be POETRY, SKETCHES, BIOG RAPHY and Original and Selected TALES, chosen for their lessons of Life, illustrations of History, depicture of Manners, and general merit, and adapted, in their variety, to the tastes of both sexes and all ages. THE LITERARY" CHARACTER Of THE WEEKLY PRESS, now universally acknowledged to be of an elevated stamp, shall not only maintain its present high stan ding, but shall be enhanced by important and valuable contributions irom able V nters. THE POLITICAL COURSE Of THE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlar ged upon here. Independent, steady and fearless, it has battled unwaveringly and zetl onsly in defence of THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE against Executive Usurpation and Unfair and Tyrannical Legislation; ever de claring and adhering to the doctrine " that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY constitutes the fundamental basis of our free institutions, and that the intelligence and patriotism of our Citizens will always be preservative of a just, wise ana saimary tiovcrnmeni. inese are the principles to which THE WEEKLY PRESS has been committed, and to these it will ad here. Terms: One Copy, one Year. $2 00 Three Copies, one Year 5 00 Five Copies, one Year H OO Ten Copies, one Year 12 00 Twenty Copies, to one address, nt the rate of $1 per annum 20 00 Twenty Copies, to address of each subscriber 24 00 Any Person sending us a club of Twenty or more will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send TUB WEEKLY l'RESS to Clergymen for $1. Specimen Copies will be lorwarueu to tnosc who request them. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Terras, ALWAYS CASH, in Advance. All letters to be addressed ta JOHN W. FORNEY. o. 417 Chestnut ST., Philadelphia. PILLS, A nerer failing Antidote for Sick II Md- 0 Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, MTer uompuunt, voniTene, o 7 ; ' x mi ! mntniwji KnnMiiriLivtiii I Ay Depraved Appetite, Dleor V dcred Stomach, Female UDstrurtions, ac. jj WILSON'S PILLS aro tin!vori!ly ac knowledged to be the bert now In on. Asa FamUy medicine they are particularly recommended-aimple and harmless, but highly medicinal In their com bination. One Pill doeo, with mild but cer tain effects. The robust man and the delicate child as them alike, with every assuranr of entire safety. With Wilaon'8 Pills, every Mother In the land becomes her own physician. They have proved themselves a specific, and stand without a rival for the following affections: HEADACHE, FBTEB V AGUE, HEADACHE, FBTEB cV AGUE, DYSPEPSIA, UYEB. COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, LTVEH. C0KPLAINT. Co8tiTness, Biliousness, Neuralgia, Costiveneas, Biliousness, Neuralgia. Sold by Druggists ft Sealers everywhere. PREPARED BY B. L. FAHNESTOCK & CO. Importers & Wholesale Druggists Ho. 60, corner Wood and 4th Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. sou fbofvstob or qB.L Fahnestock'8 Vermifuge, q Sold by C. T. l?'razer. Janz Zun?er. and Wood, Morrell &Co.. Johnstown; E. Shoema ker & Sons, Ebensbure. Wike & Gardner and Wm. It. Huehes, Wilmore: C. D. Bradlr. Munster ; John Bradly, Loretto ; and by drug gists ana mercnants generally. no 1, ly.J T 1ST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Omce. at Ebens- OurgjUamuna Co., Penna., Sept. 30, 1861 : Miss R. D. Ansley, Miss Mary Hughs, Richd. Bumford, " Miss Mary Ann Jones, Michael Busch, David Jones, (Ridge) Geo. W. Barkley, Evan James, Abram II. Brown, John B. Jones, K. S. Brown, Thos. P.James, Wm. Bagley, Miss Margaret Jones, Solomon Charles, Mrs .Margaret James, John Cashdoller, J. Jones, Miss Harriet Davis, Mrs.Margt.Lumeraux, Robt. S. Davis, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Evan D. Davis, Mrs. Margaret Lloyd, Edward Jas. Darsie. William II. Makins. Thomas I). Davis, John Moore -Miss Mary Davis, Miss Anny Mitchell, Evan J. Davis, Miss Sallv Miller, Miss Jane A. Davis, Miss Malinda Mangis Miss Jane Davis, James Megsel, Lerneon Dormyre, Alexander Mullin, Saml. Drndoue, James M'Dermet. John X. Evans, (2) Miss Maggie M'Connell Kev. J. W. Kvaus, (3) Capt. P. O Connell, Leucian Evans, Miss Elizabeth Patter Mrs Martha Evans, son, Mrs Julia A. Elder, Thos. M. Reese, . Miss Jane Evans, Miss Anny Regor, C. Finch, David Reese. Michael Fallen, Mrs. Jane Rowland. John Ferrel, Elizabeth Regor, Miss Mary E. Furguson, L. Snmmerfield. Miss Mary Gittings, Snyder & Dickinson, Mrs. Silas J. Gray, ' Wm. Scowden, Mrs. Harriet N.Garman, Benjamin G.Williams, Miss Martha Hawkins, 2 Miss Margaret White, Persons calling for any of the above named letters will please say they are "adver tised." JOHN THOMPSON, P. M. A NEW CHANCE FOR BARGAINS. E J. Mills has just received, and is now opening out, in his new store room, on Main street, a large stock of Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, l runts, riour, Uornmeal, Bacon, Fish, Sweet Potatoes, Syrup Molasses, Sugar, Tea Coffee, Groceries and Confectionaries, Cigars and Tobacco, School Books, &c, &c, together with a general assortment of NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS. Particular attention is invited to his stock of Ladies' and Children's Shoes, as he intends to sell low foe cash. E. J. MILLS. Ebensburg, October 10, 18C1. tf. W OOD, MORRELL & CO., John stow:.-, Pa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN' ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : DRY GOODS, HATS AND CArS, CARPETING S, OIL-CLOTHS, CLOTHING, BONNETS, NOTIONS, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, PROVISIONS, BOOTS a SHOES, FISH, SALT, GROCERIES, FLOUR, BACON, FEED OF ALL KINDS, VKCETABLES, AC. SS?" Clothing and Boots and Shoes inade'to order on reasonable terms. Johnstown March 1 1860-tf. BARGAINS! SELLING OFF AT COST D. J. Evans k Son offer their entire stock of goods, consisting of Dry (roods, Clothing, Hats, Cas, Boots, felloes, Notions, Hardware and Queensware, at cost, for cash, as they ntend to quit business, and are determined to sell. Persons wishing bargains will do well to call. ' N. B. All persons knowing themselves in debted to the subscribers are hereby urgently requested to call and make immediate settle ment of their respective accounts. D. J. EVANS & SON. besnbnrg, April 4, 183l. JQ. SCAMMON, FACTOR IN WEST INDIA EXPORTS AND IMPORTS, Shipping and Commiinn Merchant, AND DEALER IN HOGSHEAD SHOOKS AND HEADS, No. 522 S. Delaware Avenue, Oct. 10,lGl.tf PlIILAOakPHIA. OTICE. All persons indebted to R. S. Brnn are requested to call and make settlements imme diately. Otherwise their accounts will be left with the proper authorities for collection. Ebensburg, Sept. 26. R. S. BUNN. rriERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION B TO "THE ALLEGHANIAN Sl.60 IN ADVANCE. BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS! for EVERYBODY DJ. EVANS Si SON have this this dsy -received from the East and are now offering to thi citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, a well selected assortment ot t MILV AND JJOrS CLOTUINO, also a large lot of Dry Goods, consisting in part of the following articles viz: Satins, Velvets, Cloths, Cassimercs, Doeskins, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Tickings, Flannels, Brown & Bleached Muslins, DRESS GOODS, of every style, Notions, &c. We have also on hand a large assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, . TRUNKS, CARPET-SACKS. Together with such other articles as are usu ally kept in a country store, all of which ther .a . win aispose rneaper tnan tue cheapest, for UiWii oi uuiiu ui rnuiJLCK. Ebensburg, JanuAry 25, 1860:tf a- cr M O c- 1 ' " ra 3 P cr a I 2 eQ sr o- 1r E2 O O a pa 20 H A o ll S3 5 c rj s 4 o a n o- Si 2-"cr 2 a S S s cr d cr n r - B r- a M 5 r:rf to fl ? OB C 73 - 3 o S E cr ca .Tret cr ca a. r " o V s 2 3 o n H TO na cr c O o Es B GO S o to 1 r a a. a P to w s B (3 OO o O O o B cr a T3 9 cr 5 o to -o 0 B s S3 C -T w o C $ ?3 O O 3. B CC F3 -3 73 S 3 CO " a o pi CO 9 05 n e- to J- T3 to " Pr n j 5 o a. 7Z &. CD -$ 2 S C5 2. 5 tr o 2 r CU a ao c o o to 1 - CO f ro to a cr ' O ro - B 7 c VI B B B. a o r Pr V. a P - sr 5 s o 73 a 9 n B. 9 S3 -1 o o or F r n O C B c cr rs cr a CO o a ro o Cf $35,00. Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and successful Commercial School in the country. Upwards of Twelve Hundred yoond men from twextv-light different S tates have been educated for business here within the past three years, some of whom have been employed as Book Keepers at salaries of $2000,00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew knew nothing of accounts when they entered the Oollege.) Ministers' sons half price. Students enter at any time, and review when they please, without extra charge For Catalogues, Specimens of Fenmanship and View of the College, enclose five letter stamps to JENKINS SMITH, Titrsburg Pa. March 28-ly. BOOTS AND SHOES. Th e undersigned continues the mannfac ture of BOOTS and SHOES of every descrip. tion at his establishment, in Ebensburg, three doors east of Crawford's Hotel. , Employing none bat the best workmen, he trusts that he has been and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He hopes that the same liberal patronage hereto fore given bim may be continued, and that more may be added. He has also on hand a large assortment of French Calf-skin, and Morocco sf all kinds, suitable for fine Boots and Shoes. Readv-madc BOOTS and SHOES always on haad, and prices moderate- MESITAC THOMAS. Ebensburg, Sept. 20, 1861. WATCHES AD JKWKLttY. ITRS. E. J. STAHL respeclfully informs Lf JL tne citizens of Ebeiisbttrg and vicinity, that she has ou hand alarge and superior lot of WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWKI.UV, which she will sell at reduved prices. Par ticular attention paid to repairing the above articles, and all work warranted. The mechanical department of the estab lishment is unJer the supervision of M. It. M'Dowell, who Is a competent and experi enced artificer. Office opposite Shoemaker Sons' store. JullS, I8ti:3m ILDERSRIDGE ACADEMY" -J The thirtieth session of this Institution will open on TITKSDAY, 5th of NOVEMBER next. Tuition fe-, $6, $8 or $10 per session, according to the branches studied. Boarding, with room rent, $2.00 per week. A. DONALDSON. Principal S. J. CRAIGHEAD, Assistant. Kldersridge, Oct., 10, 1861. 8sS- GO TO C. U. JONES' FOR BOOTS, IinKS, r t