The Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1859-1865, May 02, 1861, Image 3

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    Alio sis. anlcm.
:::::it::::MAY 2.
Home Guard has been formed at
patriotic red, white and blue aprons,
as worn by the ladies in some sections.
The Star Spangled Banner lias been
thrown to the breezo from the cupola of
tto Catholic Church.
The growing peach crop in this neigh
borhood is said to be completely nipped
jn the bud.
The hying of the iron on the Eb. and
Creswn Railroad will be commenced iu a
few days.
The erection of Ben F. Williams' pla-ning-miU
is progressing finely. It will be
unJer roof iu a few days.
The citizens of Indiana county are en
deavoring to organize a regiment, to take
part in the approaching struggle.
The'members of the Blair County Med
ical Society have tendered their profes
sional services, gratis, to the families of
tolunteers. That's the talk.
The dwelling-house of Mr. Pat. Brack
en, in Conemaugh township, together with
its contents, was destrojedly fire on Sat
urday week.
Those in need of boots and shoes, hats
and caps, ready-made clothing, etc., sho'd
to 0- R. Jones' immediately, aud se
cure bargains.
Thf. publication of the Johnstown Echo
hs been suspended for the present, owing
to the disturbance iu our national affairs.
Sorry to hear it. j
A.J. Ithcy, a cleik in one of the de
partments in Washington, has returned to
lis home in this place. lie report3
Washington City as being quiet when lie
left it.
We have received, but too late lor pub
lication this week, a communication from
tLc County Superintendent, James M.
Sronk, relative to the ''Common Schools "
It will appear in our nest issue.
S. YV. Amhiser, a member of one of the
liuir county military companies, was se
verely injured by the accidental discharge
cf a musket while the troops were lying
it Coekeysville. lie was brought home.
The "gentleman with the handcuffs,"
whom we noticed last week as having
Ifctn committed to jail, was removed to
ilautiugdon county on Friday lust, to an
frer a ch:irge there preferred against him
of forgery.
Since making some few observations on
"Spring" in another column, the weather
Las taken a euddeu veer,' and now sleet
and snow have the field. Snow on the
Urst day of May ! that will do; no more,
thank you.
V"e are informed that the agents of the
'Mutual Oil Company" of this place, who
are boring for the carboniferous compound
ia Western Virginia, recently tupped a
five-barrel jugular. We 'arc glad and so
doubtless are the members of the company
to Lear this.
Ourcotemporary,the Blairsvilie. Journal,
classes our much esteemed neighbor, the
km. & Stnt., as a "Secession Journal,"
lad says that it still hangs out the "Rat
tlesnake Flag" and encourages rebellion.
Although the course of our friend is oft-
tinies'exceedingly scaly, we think that in
tie matter of Uuion vs. Disunion he is
fffl'uently sound. But speak for yourself,
Johnny set yourself right on the journal.
It is reported that while a number of
prions were raising the Stars and Stripes
"'Camp Curtin, a few day3 since, a large
1h'c came from no one knew where and
Covered" over the flag and sailed majesti
tiily 0Ver iie encampment while the flag
'is being run up I We are informed
'-st ou Friday night three small belts
-circles, of a lled-White-and-Bluish
tBt, were plainly discernible around the
trm. And on Monday night a brilliant
"-"cor arose in the heavens iu the north,
its way southwardly, and exploded.
ffo Lad lived iu the days of 'lang syne,'
incidents would be regarded as glo
ouirns. k appears that we were slightly pre
fure iu saying last week that the Cam-
"'iatrnfvna 1,.1 til u i
puaugunuiuujuiU ilMllllglOU.
took the cars for that point at Ilar
'iJUrS, in company with several other
Jaents, on Saturday night, 20th ult.,
"proceeded only ad far as Cockeysville,
'tcea miles east of Baltimore. Here
eJ found the railroad bridges destroyed,
lurthcr progress impeded. They were
sparing to force their way through the
WCQ they received further orders
t headquarters. They encamped at
;sYille until Monday night, when
'fctumed to York, where a perma
camp has btcn established. They
'ttat that plac, in good health and
JiH and ,piHng fur a nht."
War Movements. Sines our last is
sue, the war excitement, but not the en
thusiasm, has materially lessened in our
midst. The irrepressible outburst of pa
triotism has had its utterance, and in its
stead now reigns a determination and a
desire to maintain the TJnionand Consti
tution at all hazards and to punish Trea
son as it deserves. Our citizens are deeply
imbued with a spirit of patriotism of
love for country. They arc for the Union,
the whole Union, and nothing but the
Union, and they are unalterably opposed
to all attempts to annul the Federal com
pact under which we have all lived and
prospered so many years. To protect the
one, and prevent the other, they will offer
their lives on the shrine of their Country's
Our military company, the "Cambria
Guards," now number some 90 men.
They, are a noble, gooddooking body of
men, and will do honor to Little Cambria
in the "tented field." They drill daily,
and arc already become quite expert in
the exercises. The company expect march-
intr orders in a dav or two.
Wilmorf.. The Wilmorenommnvhfls
r j
received its lull complement, and is now
readv to march. Wm. II. G.irdnor is
elected Captain, and George Bushabergcr
Trirsf Tpiifiintrt I
, . .... I
A ne louowing are me mimary compa-
nine from (lainlirin. rnntv that linvfi hepn
aecepted and sworn into service :
Washington Rifles, (Hemlock.) Capt. White.
Johnstown Infantry, Captain Lapsley.
" Zouave Cadets, Capt. Power.
" Citizens' Guards, Capt. Linton.
" Allegheny Guards, Capt. Easly.
A second company is being formed
in Ebensbur'', to be called the "Moun
SrniNO ! So Spring is heie at last
ain't it ? We have actually had a week's
fir.e weather ! Weather that smacks of
chip hats, no coats, and wilted shirt col
lars ; weather that brings right to one's
mind anticipation of a good, time coming.
for instance, trout-fishing, ice-screaming
buggy-driving, moonlight-promenading,
serenading, and all such nonsense. In
i-Iiort, weather when you can make garden,
or walk abroad without danger of catching
that inevitable "'cold in the head." And
with it cometh hosis of blue-birds, myriads
of robins, and armies of frogs. Likewise,
blue-bottle flies, crickets and grasshop-
pers. y may uuu uui iiuer is ue-
miicd. He is gone for a few days and
we are all agreeable
a3 a
stern reign
Summer's rain will be pleas-
ant and agreeable perhar
Fprlng is here ! And the tiny blades
of grass shoot vigorously upward, and the
delicate cabbage-plants can almost remain
cauoge-pi.;iua can iimwi remain
ii i i . .
out at night without being covered. 'Ihe
l,L-lv"'UL" v
-Cms. and other trees prepare to get ready
t,i commence to do ditto. "Tho flowers L
appear on tne eartn, me tunc lor tne sing-
.f if ll i .. il I
ing Oi oirus i!. a, uauu, uu w.e vu.a: ui
.pi:.. : 'j. i i !.... eni- : p
tne turtJe is not ncara in our iana, ror
. . . i .1 IT t 1 t n I
tne reason tnat tunics uon i grow nere.
jt I A ll 1 I I
Lastly and and finalby
Spring i? here ! the delicate-footed May,
Ywth its slight inures lull of Luas and
flowers ;
And with it coir.C3 a wish to be away,
AVastiug in woodp;4li3tae voluptuous Lours
JoilN'STOWN'. A correspondent of the j
Pitfo-bunr. Dirnatcli, writing from Johns-
town, says ; "Four companies of volun-
teens have crone from Ihis place. . There
are four more enrolled. The talk at pres-
eut is that there will be an encampment
located here. It is only about thirty-six
hours' march from the Virginia line to
this place."
Our Boys Abroad. Lieut. James C
Noon, of the Citizens' Guards, ha3 been
appointed aid to Col. Minier. Wm. Lin
ton has been elected First Lieutenant of
a company formed from the overplus of
other companics,at Camp Curtin. Cr. YY .
Lrown is eerviug as corporal in Dick
1 he Johnstown Zouaves, Infantry and
Uunvls belong to the Hard Regiment,
composed as follows: Six companies from
Blair, throe from Cumbria, and one from
Allegheny ot winch Jjmier, ot llair,
is Colonel, and Power, of Cambria, Lt.
Died At her residence, in Altoona, on
Sunday, the 21st ult., Cornelia Harlan,
wife of E. E. Crueger, Es-p, and daughter
of E. A. and Cornelia H. Vickroy, of
Ferndale, near Johnstown, in the 22d
year of her age.
Married At Mersey, Madison coun
ty, Illinois, on the 9th ult., by the Rev.
E. M. West, Br. J. C. Martin to Miss
Jennie Gadd, both formerly of Johns
town. -Resding matter on, every page.
To the Editor of The Allcghanian: .
In pursuance of. a call of many citizens
of the borough of Chest Springs and vi
cinity, a meeting was held in Green's
Hall, in this place, on the evening of the
22d inst., for the purpose of raising a
volunteer corps for Home Protection, and
also to assist in maintaining the families
of those who have volunteered in the ser
vice of the Federal Government from thi3
place. The nicotine: was called to order
by appointing Henry Nutter Chairman,
and T. J. Nelson and Wni. Allen Secrcta
rics- On motion a Committee of three
to draft resolutions was appointed. M.
I). Wagner, Esq., Dr. B. F. Tomb and T.
A. Durbin were appointed said committee.
Whilst they were absent, the meeting was
addressed by Wm. Allen, Frank 31. Pike,
T. J. Nelson, A. W. Green, Jos. Mann,
Jas. Longwell. A stranger by the name
oi V, hite, who was suspected of being a
secessionist, was called upon, and willing-
'y addressed the meeting in a most beau
tiful and patriotic speech, fully vindicating
himself from the foul stigma of beinjr a
traitor. John E. M'Kenzie next addressed
the meeting in a strong Union speech
The committee on resolutions having re
turned reported the following:
Whereas Our country ha3 teen involved in
civil war, our Flag trampled upon, our Laws
Set at defiance by traitors, and our fellow
countrymen murdered in the discharge of
their duties ia defence of the Stars aud Stripes
ol our countrv, therefore,
Resolved, That we do hereby form ourselves
into a Home Company to protect the tlag of
our country, and maintain our iigitts against
all usurpers.
Rtsolced, That we do also see that all fam
ilies and persons that may need any help in
their country in the time cf need, shall be
supplied with the necessaries of life during
2 1. : - 1 . I
lutir auseiu e. i
Resolved. That we do hereby form ourselves
into a company, and hind ourselves one to J
another, ia all emergencies of life, , liberty and
property, to stand by our country's rights.
The foregoing resolutions were unani
mously adopted.
On motion of M. D. Wagner, the meet
mg aujournea to meet on xnursuay, tne
i "i mi 1 . ?
Tnos. J. Nelsox. ) e
W.M. AI.LE.V, j bCC
A correspondent informs us that the
citizens or
Chjt Springs are enthusiast!-
cally iu favor of upholding the honor of
our flag, and that some thirty of them
. vf)hzutPOTC.A ni0r .erv, to do bat
tie for the Union. The Town Council
at a recent meetim? reouested all loval
to thrnw unt thp:r anjl
the glorious "Stars and Stripes" now Scat
from c jweilin. house in the village
savcone. 0ur correspondent adds: "It
, , cf .,,?
IUWUeilt UUUS . Xh 1
, , wtriot5c to fcee tho Star3 and
ofl.. frt tua rrr., D1.W
ava ab e no ut in townsave and exccDt-
t, r : i
, ,
The surrounding eountrv is also beirin-
" o'
. , country's call.
p, , gnric.9 ,vill :ye . QQA accouut of
jier3Cf "T
i o -'
CAitttOLirovf.v, April 29, 18G1.
To the Ed'tor of The Allejhanian i
I bad the pleasure of attending quite a
large and patriotic meeting at Cherrytrce
on Saturday last, and as your readers may
feel an interest as to how the cause of the
Union is prorcssin": in tlie "Pine3," I
send you a brief outline of what they have
done and are doinjr. About four o'clock
in the afternoon (of tho 27th ult.,-) a mod
el pole, one hundred feet in height, was
ilruily planted, and from it was thrown ihe
proud Flag of our Country one of the
most beautiful of the many banners I have
yet seen. It was presented by the noble
and ever-patriotic ladies of the village.
A meeting was then organized, over which
3Ir. John Huston presided, assisted by
numerous Vice Presidents. It was ad-
dfessed by almost all of the prominent
,ncn 0f the place, who uttered only the
unmistakable voice of the people "A
I aiiU 1 uavuj fc--Jtvwv
that blessin- "The laws must be en
forced." "But not here did they stop
xhey determined that they too would
siare t Kiorv ef maintaining the honor
ofour Government ..and about forty noble
2 mcn w:1lted up and si-ued their
names, promising to respond in person to
the call of their country. They rere abby
addressed by the Presbyterian minister.
Another meetinir was to be held in the
r,l. ,V(M , i ii
evening, at which more tvould probably
the ranks.
Had tho Citizens who
have gone down tho river with rafts been
. I
at home, the requisite seventy-seven would
doubtless have been easily secured.
I noticed several members ot the boons-
bur" company present, one of whom de-
, , . , .
hvered a brief address.
A "Home Guard" was also formed, em-
1 .
i' i i i e ji I
"'""'b l41v- t f t
village aud vicinity.
A O.
Chest Springs, April
O i liana, April 30f 18G1.
To the Editor of The AlUjhanian ':
.So they've goaded us into this squab
Lie, have the South. They've gasconaded,
and taunted, and worried us into action.
They've struck, and the heavy tramp of a
half million of armed men plainly indi
cate that; we will strike back : that the
blow will be returned with interest.
At last the lion of the North has been
aroused. Years upon years of wrong and
injury have done the work.
A day of reckoning is cominjr. The
issue is made up : Liberty and Union
against Anarchy and Slavery. And wo
unto him who is found arrayed on the
side of the Wrong!
Treason's head must be lopped off effec
tually and close to the roots. Then wil
Reason remain.
And God will be with us.
Out here we have cut loose from every
thing savoring, even, of Treason. We
have tabooed "Dixie :" indeed the man
who would put on record his desire to be
"Away down South in the fields of cotton,"
would be astonished at the gratuitous im
petus he would receive toward, assisting to
that point. That somewhat ancient and
tolerably worn-out Southern melody con
cerning one "Dandy Jim ob Karoiine" is
likewise enthusiastically refrained from
being sung. These, I believe, are about
all the songs ever written in or concerning
the "Souf."
Wc have organized a Home Guard : to
take care of Home Secessionists Traitors
we call them. When a man is proven
gu,UV of affording "aid or comfort to the
enemies of the Government, we immedi
aieV fer" mm lu Pl fceterai
, i i - - v L L
miles between himself and loyalty: if his
memory is treacherous aud he forgets his
hour of grace, he receives a gentle remin
der in the shape of ,a coating of tar laid
on after the old-fashioned manner of dip
ping candles-
-to which is affixed a quan.
suff. of feathers by way of variety.
Oh ! Lor-di ! but it's" fun !!
To see the rascals run ! ! ! !
"Desperate diseases require desperate
remedies ; ana tins remcay is very eixec
tual it don't have to be tried on twice.
But I must go and drill my comr.anv.
w , , off t tfa f
. , , , , , . hr:frh.rn
w.... , j o
up our muskets: and they were very rusty.
Ever, &c, CALEB SMITH. ,
-r-fUTl'TII WIT AT. t?l.',lm'P
Amt. Dronertv insured aster third
i C-ISO nrn nn
aiiiiuaiico n, .i,
Amt. property insured since third
annual report, 2T,C7S C5
Total amt. r,rorertvinsured. 2180.037 87
Amt. premium notes in force as
per tmrd annual report, $10,100 4
Amt. premium notes tnken since
third annual report,
Amt. additional notes taken since
third annual report,
106 CC
Total amt. premium notes in force, $10,186 71
No. of 1 ulicics issued as per third -
annual report, 152
No of Policies issued since third
annual report,
Whole No. of Policies'issued,
Amt. reed, ou premium notes since
third annual report,
$143 90
5 S3
34 SO
Arat. reed, ou additional notes since
third annual report,
Balance in Treasury as per third
annual report,
$183 03
Amt- incidental expenses
of past year,
$34 30
Amt. compensation of of-
licers, agents, &c,
115 00 $149 3G
Bal. in Trcas. and in hands of agents, $ 39 p7
Add amt. yetdue on premium notes, 18. 228 36
Total assets of the Company, $18,.'8 03
R. L. JOHNSTON, President.
A. C. MTJLLIN, Secretary.
Ebensburg, January 17, ISol.
And Dealer in
Faxcy Goods,
The subscriber begs leave to announce to
the citizens of Ebeusburp: and surrounding
country, that he has just received a lare and
new sto'lc of CLOCXS, WATCHES, JEWEL-
GOODS, NOTIONS, &c, kc, which he offers
vc7 cUc- .Ue Imb,1 arc 1"vite,f1 to cf 1
and examine his comnlete assortment, as lift
considers it no trouble to show his poods,
even, r tails in making a sale. Store-room
By strict attention to business, he hopes to
ment ana receive the patronage ol a generous
public. Give him a call, and you will get
Clod:.; Watches, Jeu-etrv, Aeeordrovs,
. ! . . . ! 1 . i
TC. rcnairea uu o i nmice, wiia lieuinesia
nd disnatch
All work warranted, and char
ges low., March IS,
A ncrer falling Antidote for Sick Tlead. v
ache, Dyepcpsia, Fever and Agne,
Liver Complaint, Cutitivenebs,
BiUouaneua, Nouralyia, Colic,
nt-j.raved App tite, Iior-
i& oostructions, ac
23 cts.
"WILSON'S TILLS re unlvnr.rjr a
knowWgc J to the bct-t now in use. A a Family
u;edicin tiicy are j; articularjy rexnjmor!(lcd-5iinp!e
and harmlefa, hut highly roedirinal in their enm
Li nation. One Pill a, with milJ hut cer
tiia effect. The robust man anil the delicate chilJ
use theni alike, wifh every afsurance of entire
safety. With "Wilson's Pills, every Mother in
the laad hecomea her own physician. They h.ivo
proved themselves a specific, and staud without a
rival for tho following aiTections:
Costiveness, Biliousness," Neuralgia,
CostiveneE, Biliousness, JS"eurolgiA.
Sold "by Druggists & Doalor3 everywhere
Importers & Wholesale Druggists
No. 60, corner Wood and 4th Sta.
B. L-Fahnestock'8 Vermifuge, q
Sold by vJ. i. hazcr, Janz Zungtr, and
W ood, rdorrell &Co.. Johnstown; E. f-jboenia
ker k Sons, Ebeusburg, Wike & Gardner,
and Vm. II. Hughes', ilmorc: C. D. Dradly,
Munster ; Join lirad'y, Loretto ; and by drug
gists and merchants generally. jno 1, ly.J
f f
' Xr
EVANS 1c SUN haye this this dav
received from the East and are now
o.ienncr to tin; citizens
of Ebcnsburir, and
vicinity, a well selected assortment ol'j
also a lartre lot of
consisting in part of the following articles,
viz :
Satins, Velvets, Cloths, Cassiineres,
Doeskins, Sattinetts, Tweeds,
Jeans, Tickings, Flannels,
Brown k Bleached
of every style, Notions, Ac. U'c have also on
hand a large assortment of
ST AilUiS Ail ,
l it) 11, KAL.T,'
Together with such other articles as are usu
ally kept in ti country store, all of which they
will dispose cheaper than the cheapest, for
UASll ol UUL N I ill rMlUDl'CE.
B. The tailoring business ivill still be
carried on in all its branches. All work will
be done on short notice and on the most rea
sonable terms.
Ebensburg, January 25, 18G0:tf
St lttii:I:iiiiST Ccigrueiit,
The subscribers take pleasure in announ
cing to the citizens of the United States that
they have obtained the agency for, and are
now enabled to offer to the American public,
the above justly celebrated and world-renowned
is prepared by Dit. C, P. Dellisoh ah, an emi
nent physiciau of Londou,and is warranted to
bring out a thick set of
in from three to six weeks. This article is
the only cue of the kind used by the French,
and in London and I'aris il i3 in universal use.
It is a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet
stimulating compound, acting as if by magic
upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of
luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, it will
cure baldxkss, and cause to spring up in place
of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair.
Applied according to directions, it will turn
rf.i or towy hair dakk, and restore gray hair
to its original color, leaving it soft, smooth
and flexible. The Oxotent" is an indispen
sable article in every gentleman's toilet, and
after one week's use they would not for any
consideration be without it.
The subscribers aie the only Agents for
the article in the United States, to whom oil
orders must be ad lres.-cd.
i'rice One Dollar a box fur pale by all
Druggists and Dealers ; or n Imjx of the '-On-guent''
(warranted to have the desirt-d -flect)
will be sent to any who d sdrc it, by mail,
(direct.) securely packed, ou receipt of price
and postage. $1.18. Ap; !v to or address
Horace l iii;;i;m,n k co.,
liru:ffj',Hs jr.,
24 William street, New York.
March 21, l&Gl-Cm
D. J. Evans k Son ofr't r their entire stock
of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Roots, Shoes, Notious. Hardware
and Queensware, at cost, lor cash, as they
intend to quit business, and are determined
to seli. Persons wishiug bargains will do well
to call.
X. R. AH persons knowing themselves in
debted to the subscribers are hereby urgently
requested to call and make immediate settle
ment of their respectite accounts.
1). J. EVANS & SON.
Ebensburg, April 4, 1861.
Hcxtixgdon. Pa.,
ell Fruit & Ornamental Tres9, Vines Ac, of
better growth, larger eize,and at lower price
than any of the Northern or Eastern Nurseries,
and warrant them true to name.
Standard Apple trees at 18J cents each
$16 per 100.
Peach tree?, 15 to 20 cts each $12.50 to
$ir per 100.
Standard Pear trees. 50 to 75 cts oftch.
Dw arf Pear trees, 50$ tc$l each I'O to J00
per 100
Dwarf Apple trees, 50 to 75 cts each.
Standard Cherry trees 37 to 75 cts.
Dwarf Cherry t:(fes 50 to 75 cts.
Plum trees 00 cts.
Apricot trees -10 to 50 ct.
Nectarine trees 25 cts each.
Crape Vines 25 cts to $1.
Silver Maple trees 0?i to $1.
European Ash. 75 to 1
European Larch, 75 cts to 1.50.
Norway Spruce, 50 cts to SI.
American Ralsarn Pine, 75 cts to $1.50
American & Chineso Ar bor Yi; f 50 eta
Strawberry Plants, $1 per 100, &c. &c.
Huntington, Jan. 25, I860.- 3m.
WlTMEP.'fi BniDGE.
Lancaster Tp. July 30, 1SC0.
Mnpsns. Evaks and Watsox : Gentlemen
The small size No. 1 Salamander safe w hirb
I j urchastd from your agent, Mr. Adam R.
Dar, in Lancaster City, on July 20th, 1858,
has been subjected to a very severe test,
which it withstood in a most satisfactory
manner. Thi3 Safe, containing nil my books,
together with vabiable papers belonging to
myself and some to my neighbors mtd friends,
and represeting a valueof over Twenty Thous
and Dollars, ($20,000) was iu my ilill which
was destroyed on the night of the 27th of Ju
ly, 18C0, aud passed through the fiery ordeal
unscathed. The Safe was on the second floor
and fell to the basement of the Mill, and was
subjected for six hours to an intense heat
among the ruins, which wasgrcatly increased
by the combust ion of a large quantity of grain
confined within .h brick walls. After the
fire the safe was opened and Ihe books and
papers taken out in a s-tate of perfect preser
vation, the paper not even being discolored.
This fact was, however, to many bystanders
a better recommendation of your Safes than
could be expressed in any other words from
me. Yours Respectfully,
C$$U A large assortment of the above qual
ity of Fire and Thief Proof Safes always on
hand and for sale at as low rates as any'other
firm, at EVANS k WATSON'S,
No. 304 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
Just received and now opening, a large and
complete assortment of GOODS for the se
son, consisting in part of
Print3, Shawls, Blankets,
Ginghams, Alpacas, Carpeting,
Coburgs, Modina Cloths, Oil Cloths,
Carpet Chains, Cotton Yarns, DeLaines,
French Merinos, Woolen " Cashmeres ,
.Merino Plaids, Hosiery, Notions,
Sattinetts, Cassimerg, Jeans,
Tweeds, FJannels, Hardware,
Queensware, Gloves, Tickings,
Brown and HIack Muslins,
The above goods have been bought with
care at low figures, and will be sold at redu
ced prices- E. HUGnES.
T T 100,000 feet good Cherry Boards,
100,000 feet good Poplar Boards,
100,000 feet 1 inch Poplar Boards,
100,000 feet good Ash Boards and Plank,
100,00 feet clear Pine Boards and Plank.
For which part or all Cash will always bo
ALSO 200,000 feet good common Tine im
exchange for goods. if,
Ebensburg, Nov. 8,
JSTAHL respectfully informs the citizens
. of Ebensburgand vicinity that he is still
eugaged in the Watch and Jewelry business,
immediately otmosite the store nfP Sh
keric Sons. Ail kinds of wntrh
jewelry now on hand, which will be sold very
lorvaeu. t nicnes, ciocks, jewelry and
musical instruments of all kinds repaired with
neat ness and despatch. All work-
and charges low. The ladies are invited
call and examine his large stock of jewelry
Ebensburg, April 5, 1860. tf.
The lanre and commodious Stnr m1
Ware Rooms, formerly ocem.ird bv Wm tt
Gardner k Co , situate on Railroad"stret . iu
he borough of Wilmore. Location for busi
ness is the best fa town. Rented for one or
more years. Terms moderate.
Wilmore, Feb. 7, 1861.
T riCI)llMi t -I i
The twenty-ninth Session of this Instf.
tution will open on Wednesday, the first day
of May next. Any person dVsiriuc further
information, will j lease write for a Circular
Lldernidge, April 4, 1861.
The undersigned having opened out a
Tailoriug Establishment, over the store room
occupied ly I. J. Evans k Son, respectfully
informs the puhlic that the business will theri
be carried on iu all its branches. All work
.. ... ... v..v mini niir, UCH(D( Bi
and dispatch, and upon the most reasonable
terms. ROUT. D. THOMAS.
J.UCU2UUig, .lpiil lOUl.
JL All persons knowinc theniselves
to the late firm of W. II. Gardner k Co., by
note or Bool; accouitt. r rMtnrcil n .-,.,i
forward am! settlt the same, and mnke pay
ment to the undersigned, who re duly author
ied to eettle the same. LLOYD A'HILL.
Wilmore, April 4, 1SS1.
The subscribers will co,tinue the Lumber
business as heretofore, will pay the highest
cash price for all good Cherry, Poplar and
Ash lumber, and will keep constantly on
hand, a best article of 'Cove" Flour, Huron,
and Groceries of all decryptions, in the Mor
room formerly occupied by W. IT. Gardner k
Wilmore, April 4. 1531.
. J