JL I I ' ,1 '. ,;-"!:.,;J -J i i . is li , i v .ft lh t 0 A Si'?-AY Bor. TilO Mlnn'mAin pub luhea the following excoilt"1 nt airertisment. Tha stray ,:Boy" hvi lately wandered still farther from home, aad vrlll p,ihihly not 1 fjunl untilaftcr tlia Noyeuihor election, rhca if his Irien-ii will search tor hiui about the headwaters of Salt iUver" they will not f to discover him : 'BjY" Lost. Lois Washington, D. C. Buia timo iu July, to po homo to his xaothor in Now York. Ho has not retu-U-eii his wotlu-r, who ' very curious about him. lie h is teen seen at PiuL.toiphia. NV,v York ';tv, il-tuiord, Ct., and at a i hlaht R ....!. K'-.r.i IL toon hoard i rout at Dost on. l-'orihmJ, Au sr'ista. and U.tnOi, Maine. From some exnrossinnH th.x: ho has boo ::i-' i:.t:ty tr'-a a .subject he c.ii!:5 'I'opahu' .Svivoroiuly.'' He is ul-oat live fVvt nothing hi heuht. and uh-')Mt the s.i in diatuotvr the uihcr vav. 1L;S ;i lare belly. Little tii-.'.nt.' ICtt u, ?!tort It-j :'id u Aiisw ;i to the name of Talk, a and I lie ! th,: i Vt -v load; always uLout niiuso.i'. hll h an 1 1 -a tu it no j.-j e I'i'.i i 'resi'-toiiuv. ta u'. v.'tieu he k drab pants, a wii.io v-:!, aa-1 blue u-.iit arid with br-sa buitous thetitil very noarthv; ground. Any iai'irfnatiou cor.of-r'iia; lt't:i-i will lw j;ratffuilv lx-eeiveil by his ahlicted tu other. l-'..r f trther j.aruer.hirs address, AL.'U'sTi: IL- i.mi'.n r, New, York, WlI.I.I.S A. (InUMAN, Miti!). s..ta. V.'e are.ir'ad to learn that the "Link Giant" hai tVie:i-i Tiho take su?'rtidejit in terest to looh kur him. Fi.i'.n indica tions we had sui.posed it j-robable that even his mother did uoi know he was out. Don't Likt: Him. 'ihe Lecchburr (Ya.) Mir or dfciavca lor Ureckiuridge and i.ane, and adds: As to.-terdien A. Douglas, vrhom we had at one lime politically emoosomed, we look upon hi-!i j..t thi.-? moment as one of the most heartless, cold, and ik-sii.inj; demaii'acs that ever did an injury ti our party. To an arroixanee unprecedented, he united a dictatorial ttenier which has led him to wade to his chin to rule or ruin his party. As to his irriuatter fc'ovt-reiiriity doctrine, we hold it in more absolute con tempt and nnriualiticd detestation than we do the principle of the Wilmot Proviso. rscriL iwlxtioxs. I AM mauafucturin an-1 st-lUiur. at the low rate ofsW loilar.i, O. C. GRhltlN'.-S PAT LA" T FEZD CUTTER, acknowIeJed, by ail who have trie.l it, ihe simplest, ruoit durp'oie and easiest o;erJtcd ra.icaine ever gotten op. It will cat Corn Fodder, loucr Straw, shcai Oats, taugled Straw, or Hoy. 1 have the right of Cambria, Indiana Armstrong. Clarion. For est, Elk and JeilVroii counties. I will dispose of the right iu three or four of the last numcd counties on fur terms. 1 have also the riirht for II AY DEN'S PAT ENT CARRIAGE WHEELS, in Cambria and Blair counties. This Wheel has stood thetest ot over four years in ninny cf the Eastern and South-western State?, and proves to be much stronger nl more durable, although one third lighter, than the or-li:.;ry Wheel. I do n.it desire to sell any uf my tt-r-ritory on this, but will tarui.-h Carriages, Bugaies, Sulki.s. ie.ftrS"' I propose to accommodate t. ar-t7; riagc-maivci & i hi nurvis ui iiuya u w .....i.. on reasonable terms. These Wheels are fast uperseding all other?. Call at my shop, near the Ebeasbury Foun drv, and examine for v.-.rselve. ISAAC C. SINGER. Ebcnsbur. February 2, liOO. . , : t. 1 .1 i. . o cLi ctl. R. n AMftoN'S DU. HAiU'TON'S DR. HAMPfO-VS D Lit. HAMPfuX S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON S Compound Diuretic Pills Compound Diure'ic l'iili Com pound Diuretic Pills Compound Diuretic Pills Compound Diuretic Pills Compound Diuretic Pillj Cures Gravel, Gleet, Stricture. Leucorrloea. Vent-ale Weaknesses, Irregularities. Obstruc tions. Dropsy. Los3 of Appetite. Lo?s of jiem ory, Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision. Im poteney, Seminal Weaknesses, Nocturnal KmU sioas. Diabetes, and r.H other diser.ses of the Llidlcr, Ivtditers and Sexual Organs. Tl.L'se Piiis are prepared with great care, contain neither Ralsm or Mercury, but r,re purely vegetable in their composition, and are endorsed, recomraeuded ar.d used in the prac tice of Physicians generally for the cure of the fcbove diseases. When Physicians recommend preparation, sulfert-rs should no longer hes itate to test it.t p;?itcv. Price 50 cts. per i.ox DR. HAMPTON'S Me hi cat ed COUGH SYRUP. A pleasant ar.d most elfeetual remedy for Coughs, Col ls, A.thnia, Inrlaen.a and all oth er aifeetions of ike Throat and Luns. Ia placing this article bt fore the Public, the Proprietors hava endcavor-ji to combine elii ca..y with cheapness, and have put it -ia in 6-ac'n a tr.atiuer as to place it within the reach of all. Trice i3 .cents per bottle. DR. HAMPTON'S ANTI-P- II E I'M AT IC M I ATURE. Cures Acute, Subacute, Chronic, aad Nervous Rheumatism. This preparation is presented to the public with the utmost confidence ia it.-; cf.ic.icy. Ii has been the result of many yeat s of stu iy. ob rvatioa, and eperitace. Ry i's use I have restored to health and vior. manv who have for rears-been aftlicted with 'his excruciatiii2lv ptinfal disease. When taken according to the directions, it ti'ver fails. Dr. H. lately rettirnd from a professional risit and residence of six months in Cuba, du ring which time hecured more than one thous and (1.000) cases of this disease s..m of which baifltd the skill of ihe uwst celtbrated European physician?. C-rtitcates of some of th.? greatest cure? oa record Can be seen by appiication at his otkee. PREPARED ONLY EY Drt. T. HAMPTON CO., No 4Q3 Spruce Str3-t, Phiiadelphki. Price 5 1.25 per large bottle. Sol 1 by Drug f istj and dealers thronghout th ; I'nited States ;n4t. Ccbrt. nd South Atrn-riea. A. A. PACKER. Sole A.'-ut for Lb-ust-irj'. Teh. I -ly r s i o i-s ? s s 2 o s; a carps. A liiiAliAM K OP hi LIN, Attorney .Ta. a; L.v.., Jbhn4wwa, I'u. Gi!ica ca Main .o-c-vt. aug23,13C9-tf. C1 J). MS'itllAY, jsttosnky at Law, , Eb::' ,ave. Pa, Odice opposite Craw ford's Hot d. ' .ug.25.135D.tf. JOHN S'. RHLY, Attorney at Law, Khc-SKburg. P.i. Odke in CwloaaJe Row. Augast 25. lfLV-htf. O LI .'-11 Ll-;.3 W WIN (5 A ItD, Attokney J at .',,.. Lo- k l'.c. e4. CEntou county, Pa. August 25, i65j;tf. JAMES C. No em J urcr. Pa. AMES C. Noon, Attornoy :;t L:i.v, Kl- O.IU-e T"o. 3 Colutiailt' i.oiv, nit 2."). 18:.:.-tt. ; 1 i 1 1 L S. NO1') X, Attou n ky at Law, : Jl.. K'.fu-ihur,', l-:itia. OKi-e two ttoors ' '.-a-! uf T!:'u. .-.ni's IFott!. I A! 'i.-t 2:. 1 --. TTILLIAM K1TT;:L1i. Attimisky i a i'!.' P. v.v. I':ivsisl;ur:r. I'lian'a. An.i-t 2". l-j'.-ii". "1 r 1. MAI J Mil AN, Attorney at j.JL Law. KifiiiijuViT, '. li'.icc- ju Iligli j-trei-t. o;.;-.'-"itc tin- Pot Ol.k-c. Au.;ibl''jr, 13t.-tf. O L. -JOHNSTON, Attirney at Law, jL Klr.-'i'.ur. ('!!:i' r::u,ri:i!v, I'a. f-;" uiiii'miti? tlie t'iMirt i 1 u !; -v-. K'(.-ii-l.iii. tfoetuiief i, l.V... V. MULL1N, Attorui-y at Law, Eb T.L fibiiiir;.'. t'aniiiria county. I'a. H-rtli il'('r,I'r.;i'!'- Row. Tin ion's Kiifiicl.tuv. liffvinl.fr I. 1 S ::. m. r.: vn, I:! ! '-urt;. T'. L. hkveu. Johi'o't-ti O-i IK!) A: HKVKH. Attohnkys at jLV Law. -u;st-l jriv-n iu the KnirliMi anil Gc-rtaan liu-'n-ts. OIvc in Colona.lo Row, Ebciisbnr-'. i'a. aug.23.iy30-t!'. OIH:HT A. M'COY, Attorney at Law L' Klicnab'.i rjr, Catnlri:t ro'intv. Ra. All raaaritr of lt-p-al luitin.-s in the several courts of this couatv l ronijiily attendi d to. J a ae 2S, I SO !: if T II. CAM PDMLL, Attorxf.y at r Law. Eberisbur:, Cambria o.'nity. I'a. He will attc-t.il to all b'.i-iiicss entrnste.l to Lis care in the Courts of Cambria nnl Indiana counties. Oiiice in ColoaJJe Row. August 23. 1 -:;'. -if. i OATMAN. Attornev at Law. JT Eltiisb'.irjr, Catabri.t county. Pa. Will attend to a!! Lusinrxs vntrw'-'I to hit care i-i the s-'rcal courts i f Ciimhria end Indiana Count 0-J"' i-f iaJeiLc the Court House. Julv 12. fi'OO tf' 1RAN:iS A. SIlOlkMAKLlt, Attor ney :'t Law, Ebe:iburL'. Pa. "ill rr.iciice in the several cour;? of Clear field, Ia li oi an 1 Cambria counties. Oiiice two doors west of Crawford's Hotel June 11. 1900-tf TT C. CIILISTY, M. lb, Wil more. LA. Cambria co.. Pa. (i:!i'-e at his resi dence next doer to Jetfe sou House. Wini ore. antr.23.';'.'tf. "T 8. liUNN, M. D., tenders his pro .JJV fessional services to the citizens of Eb ensburg. Oiiice in Drug Store, on High St., opposite Thompson's Hotel. Ebvnsburg. Aitjfust 23. l,S.V:tf. fVAHlGK II. LLAVIS, M. lbTterulTrs i Lis professional services to the citizens of Kbenbtirg an I vicinity. He may be found in the cilice formerly occi-pied by Dr. D. W. Lewis. Night caii mutie at the oiiice. August J3, lS5ti:f. JACKSON & C1AKK, iSuitoi oN in.N TISTS. Johu-tuwn. Pa. One of the lirm will be in E! e is'ourg during the first ten daj s of each month, during which time nil persons desiring hi- professional services c.ui find him at the office of Dr. Lewis, nearly opposite Blair's II j t el. aug. 23,1c 33. tf. Dl. J. ?L M'CLURI-:. SirutsKON am. Mi: c ham c ai.J)kn r ist, r e .-p pc t f u i ! y o ' IV r s ills prof' s-io:i.il services to the ladies and gen tlemen of Juhustown and vicinity of this nla.-. e. Paiticnlur att-idtion paid to dietises oT the Mont!;. Teeth extracted with electrical for ce p.-. Oflice in the old 'Exchancc, on Clinton Joiiasta-.vu, Aug. 2r. 1S3C. TOSLITl XV. MVl-i US. Justice of O Peace. Summerliill, Cambria coutit-. th August :tt. A V'STIN THOMPSON. Justice uf the V : tr i . . Peace. Wilat. .re, Cambria cour.tr. Au2Ut 23. 1 fc 30: if. EKkkviji' nti rots i)KV HAVING- purchased the entire htoc and fixtures of the Eben-bur" I'oundr drv. the subscriber is prepared to furnish far in el and others with J' l o r a n .sr. , o r a n roixrs, S T V K S. M 1 L L I 11 O A" TlTRLSUlXfi MA CllIXKS, ;tnd castings of any kind that may be needed ia the ccnummitv. By strict attention to the business of the concern, he Lopes to met it. and trusts he will receive, a liberal patrmiagc from thoe in want of articles in his line. Ail business done at the Foundry. EDWARD" CLAPS. September 1, lT.O-tf. On, yi-:s foil, vi:s on, i7i THE RAILROAD! The undersigned bees leave to inform the pi!-,:;.; nt b-.rge t'nai he ha opened u SADDLE and HAUNEfS SHOP, on High street, one door east of Davis .f- Ji.r.es' store, v.lie'r he intends t.iaiiufaf-turing mi:u knpin'ou hend ADDLES. RIDING RR1 DLLS, MARTLs GALLS, HARNESS of nil description COL LARS. 15LIN D PP.IDLES, -c, au of which he w::I sfrll very low fur rash or cwntru preiducr. Call and examine my work before pitrchasinw elsewhere. , ' JOHN E. CONNELL. " K'oensburg. April 1. I8..:(t-tf. Sew TallurSsiK alslablih7ii7n(7 3Jie under.si-nfcd respectfully informs .3. the citizeus of F.bensburg arid vicinity, that he- has opened a Tailoring establishment next door to Dr. liuuu's Drug Store, n here he is prepared to i.niiulaeture ferments of .he Itte-t style aad most complete workmanship. He hopes by strict attention to bu.-iuess to merit ar.d recti, o a share of viatroa:ere. THo'lAS DKVINE F.-j't-'r r- :, .civ : . : v5y:lr. DEAL VAl 1 7"oul l rc.-pectfully c -.11 t'ne atten ever made in Cooking stove.- . ntiuii ot -the co.u iiy wuicii means is savco t u rv m:a ti.. r. oi i net. i ne improvements claimed are 1-t a great saving of I'm !. 2 ' a much (juicker and hotter oven from the same fire. 2ii The preservation of the top plates, as they arc all made double. 4!': ( leaalincss. as there is ii.,t one half the soot and dirt found in other stoves. He has also on hands a lar.-e assortment of HARDWARE, CHAIN PUMPS. HOOP IRON. NAILS. GLASS of all size, TAiiLE and POCKET CUTLERY, EDGE TOOLS, HARVESTING TOOLS, etc., etc. Also he stRl manufactures an.', keeps unhand a large assortment of Tin, Copmr an i Sheet hen, sill of which he will sell at oxiit mc':y low pikes ia exchange for Ca.-h or ; .'i!:t;- pro'iuce. N-.v.'2'i, Is:.: . if GEO. HUNTLEY. rpilE SURSCRIREi: REGS LEAVE TO INFORM THE PUBLIC GENERALLY THAT HE j luo open-.- I out at. HIS NEW STORE R003I, m HIGH STREET, OHE SQUARE EAST GF THE DIAMOND, EEEKSSURG, FA. HATS AND CAPS, IJOoTS AND SHOES, j ;L''ERiES AND HARDWARE- kl'EENSVv" ARE. CL)TH1NG. I UI.Oi'R AND RACON. ''ROCKERY WARE, STATIONERY, j PROVISIONS. &e. To which he respectfully invites their atttntie-.!, mid which he will sell at ihe or for most hinds of Country produce. Ehcnsl urg. Oct. 27. lS.r.fi.-tf. R. P. THOMPSON, tMTii I. I. PATTO t o., 1"Vrhnle:.!,J D.mlers in .iiid Mnn-.ifaefii- Hirers of ATS. c a r .s r ci? s . Hatters' Materials. Straw Goods, Artillcial Flowers. Riiifalo Robes, ic. ic. No. T!2S Market street, PHILADELPHIA. C'lsh Jki i.J 'jr 11"" fn ,S7 ij 'j'l't tt Kdira. 1-aiCE 1. l'ATTOS. A. Oi-i'C.MlUMti:. Augu-t 23. lS-30-tf TV. S. SI VVE.V. OLAIN and FANCY J'oli l'KINTIwt 1 STAllOM.!!, JJlank uook .Unnutiicturer, Howe Junaer, and dealer iu't-Verv tlescrii-tion of Amerii-an and Foreign Papers, ,f:c. Corner ol Wood mid Third streets, PITTS BURG. Pa. ts-y" Agent for L. Johnson Founders i Elcctrotypers, Philadelphia. August 23, LS.'.tnt.f C. C. STEWART, v.mi i 1 . i-i, 1 . 4 loniiiiission Merchants and Lealers in 2 . y 1-oreign and Dnu-stie HAni'WARE AXI CTTLI'.liY. N'os. '-'I.. 25 and 27 North Fifth street, east side, above Ci-mmeice, PHILADELPilIA. KOW Aiin s. ii.vnoy, Jsn. G. i;.ic;x.vi-.n r. f. taiE.vxr.R August 25. ls.V.:tf niaiai.t Ai. it n HILL, with August 25. Is5:':tf. i:itit;i.5:, (iii.f &. to., ! ---t Importers and Wmdesale Dealers in Fote'cn I T-"J A J LKOAi) IiOl Sih Vi'iitiioit-. Caiil-an-i Doaiestic V br:a vunty. Pa. (Near 3 ::aa. Railroad IMJV CllOnSJ Wil C MI-DUTTVC I Station.) Jas. D. Hamu .-rot;. !; -r.,.'. r. No. 2i:t Market St.. below Third, a .id N 2.12 Church Alley. Ptm.AOELi-lilA. Dec. 1. lsr'-.tf' J A M ES DO UC. H E Iff Y. v 1 r a ",5'T'r"holesale Deader in W TOIIAO o. SNUFF A AND cigar:-"? No. 8 N. Fifth street, above Market, p,,;,;;;;,. aporter of For. i -n Also, Mannfa.'-tiirer audit and I'liinesiic CIGARS. s-ei.l,lS5::;f. j. CAP.uoi.n. WM. BE.SNk.TT. I-;.XKTT .": OAC.llOI.L, I ....ortcrs , ,. . 1 and Dealers in BRANDIES. WINES. GINS. SEG ARS, No. 120 Wood street, P.TTKUtuo; Pa. i,, , , iKi-oir June 14, lM0.tf WM. UEYNOLOS. J . M. RTEVltSSoX. J I' j. bowm smith. JOHN HILL, w it ti REV:;OL!IS, .i.llITI2 & CO., f -i ROCERY ic COMMISSION MERt'II ANTS JT No. 4o Howard s'ircet,' " ' Oct. 20, 1850. Bai.timoue. O ADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, &c, made O to or.J--r by the subscriber. Shop' on Horner St.. in the basement of hi'sK-KN. dwelling-house. Country produce ta- fi5 kea iu exchange u,r worij JAMES MAG EIRE. Ebensburg, Dec. 8. 1850:!f G. AV. TODD, with tOMiiD Si. TV LTC., 023 Mahket St., Phila Xmporter? and Dealers in l?:;,;,MKSTIC ' p 1). MTLKKS eV: Co., No- 133 North Third.street, I'tHL tOKLPHIA Wholes-lie dealers iu Coots and Shoes May 17. ISCO-tf IV. H. LLOYD & CO. lOiXTTTT crs, AKovca, Pa. "TRAFTS on tlTe Principal Cities, and S ' 1 9 ver and Goid for sale. Collections m.nl Money received on deposit, payable, on de - niand, without interest, c,r opon time, with inu".-"fi ai i.-ur rate. nova,';, a ALL KTNDS OF the puliiic to one of the great i .-t impi oveme:; burnli' .r of the (ii: and fiuohe arising from t! A. A. DA UK Lit. lAMLHIA llOl'Si:. Main Siiu.it, V7 Jolif.town. Jt.s'Si KfjoeitialiiT, i'aI"1; :'"- 1 1,,S! estat.nsl.ment has re. eotlv ecu u.orougi.iy rem v. tco. .);. is jiovv wel1 .iieu uji ior me com !-. -r. a 1: le accommoilarui; of boariici s or .-I boar.icrs or transient patrons. The Table y,.:i be :u!;phed with the best the market ,.f- lr..s. w-hi.e at the bar w.u aiways be fonud 1- -gooo Liquors as, -ati be -bratntt! nnvwhere The new Lanoo rd, iu again op. n';.g the -t ambo; Ho,:,e 10 the p-;!.-,-. ;,r,!;;.,; Tl, are mi o:-;i:s to make it a first rate 11 I'o.iars per v. eei , or One Dollar la-r n v.".--.:i A Hack wiil he i 1 watimrr :'t t! e r: ftatie.11 on the arhvnl of the ti ( f'U(y j j as. n is. 1. o: e:.:ge. to tae : r-.;r. j HORSES AND REGGIES AT LIVERY. I John.-town, Aug. 23. Is;:-.-ly. i A W--l!'' lOi"LL. Khe-tjourx, I'a. ! The attention of fet.-ales cr.nr.ot be too cn &, Co., Type -i-i- The siibseri .'er. having leased, re-littec, j Udei.tly invited to this rn:ti,t and r- florntn e, and newiy lurnislied the "Lbenslnirg Hou.-e." !s 'i i..u-.i if .... u:i:iiioiia . e Ills il li r.Os anu the public genera iiy. '1 be lb. use has : l.vavs bei n a favorite visit o"s d u ring the S e Sutarafi ! s as.iii. and I wiil are no pains 1 11 making it . an ag ! e-:i i.-.e 1 oli:e !.!' all soiourp.ers. My I A. i ,., ,. ,..;u .,1,, , ( ,.,v, - , . , m.i. w ill a.w. ;. - i e 1 .1 n i-n -iisle suom 1 d fr;.m j the maikets ot the ...untrv and theVit.es. Mv ! jhvn will be tilled V ith lienors of ,-b..l.V Mv l All! E io ait. -nit .1 bv hostlers, and n.y cliars.es wiil be such as to j suit all. Expecting to receive a share of pat- runege, ne .i..,y mtenilmg (o deserve it, 1 berebv ihrnw fill. 11 n-v lti.i..-. r. tl,.. .,,l-,i;. I ' ' 11 em: y foster. An extensive ilov. iii g s-.iloon is connected wlih the House. 'flic T.i::n wiil l.-e in r - nn-he; v.ita tin- Oest ttie marl;et nilor.h-, and :-ie 1, ak .-uppoeo wiin tne :.e s-i ol ii;uors, n- 1 Cittittr.g A;.--' a tut l.agcr liioa ; ;ir,,v;.! l.rew eiies. Extern-ive and couvt nletit Sr., ULt.-.o is at: hid to l.e T'l-ci -e . Wilmore, August 25. lv"C':tf. iamulia hui-sk, wii,oro, r., i Has been nci nt'y opened by tito. Ran- noi.j'ii, fennel i y of 1' :r county. Mr. Randolph promise. t. is patrons the best accouimooatnms and the owe,t charges ot any hou-e :n the counlv. I he former hifli . , " ."""7 , ', character of the hcu.-c i , ... . -, . ... , , -,, is suihcient guaranty ' " " 113 ' ,,- ol what its future will he. GEORGE RANDOLPH A .mtorc, April 1. lbeo.tf I TI Pit l.!()T HOT Ml. i t , I Aj St. Clair street, (near the new Wire 1 Eridge,) Pitt, burg. Pa ROBERT P. GORDON, Proprietor. N. R. Good Stabling and AYagon Yard nt- ! :u'-u',i ,C1 " '"- sullicieutly large enough. j to accommodate 200 head cf Horses. AL-o7 a verv large Sale Stable decl5,':VJt UNION UOrSK, i:hcn?liirfr, I'a. Joiix A. RLxnt, J'rojirietor. Also, in connection. BLAIR .v. Go's HACKS will leave the "Union House'' for AVilmore station in lime to take the Eastern and AVest ern trains. Every accommodation will be af forded to make passengers comfortable. August 23, leOle.tf. MOUNTAIN lIOlTSK.Ehcnsiurcf, Ta John Thompson, Jr., Prupriefir. The Table is always supplied with the choicest delicacies. The Rah is smi rlied with I choi'ee liquors : and the Stable am tided by ! cn'refurti.Rr; iZi:;,.;::;. j uio.it n or year. ug23.1 RJT'tf, pAMULIA IiOl'SE, AVilmore, Ta. Palmer a Bk.ck. Proprietors. Hacks attend the arrival of each train to convey passengers to the Hotel, and thence by Plank Road t Ebensburg. August 25, 1853:tf. QT. LAWKKNCL IIOTHL. KJ No. 1018 Chestnut St., Philadelphie. AV..S. Cami'blll & Co., Proprietors. August 25. l?50.tf I OR SALE One proe5 rew H-htdo I J. ble sett cf AV'AGON HARNESS bv" An;. 25. 13 K G. HUyfLTlT. V N APLKIENT and stomachic propa- XJL ration of lrr.n purified o! Oxygen ana I A .... 1 Carbon bv combiutinn in Hydrogen. Sane- tione-i av the !iigl.c.-t m. oic.il authorities. both in Europe nn-i the United States, t.u-i , .iescribcd in their practice. The experience. ' ofthonsMids dailv proves il.t no preparation! of h-. n can i-e compared with it. Impurities ; of the blood, deore.sion cfvinl eiurgy, j aie , and otherwise sickle complexions, indicate its ; neccssitv in almost' every conceivable case ; Innoxious in all ntaladics in wiKch it ha, been j ;,,! it has proved absoh.ulv curative in each i of the following complaints. v;z : la Jhht'it'f. A'" '-'"'-' --.'j' -.'. j-.ftttaat.cn .," ffsif; V:nt'i"t!ior. J ''" rl v n. J?tt(r!. J.ir nt ContvJi.yt.'-n. Scrt:i'jK! 'J ultferJum.', S.-jti t:!.ev;. Mst.:'strt!:t'--. 17..V-, Chf-.i- i.;r,r eo,,i1h.:,,i.i..:c jf..hr,. Uh i,tti!u-:n. Inter iiitthnt ir-.. a'iH.j.Ik on trx . f la cases of G r.NF.r. al Di::umty. v.he'l.c-r the j AN D COUNir ELLtjR IN LU-IV; ' re.-ult of acute di-ea-c-s. or of the continued.; j.v FliAN; taor-isr. of the rjt::. .oiVi-h"' -.miiiittion of nervous and museulir energy IT TELLS YOU how to otl.'w tu.'p.V.f fn-m chronic complaint?, on trial of this re- j hip Pa?. ts. huq t;:v-s t-t-ne.'al :-;:t i-''er"'-storative has proved sti-.-ce:-.-ful to an oxtent j rie.j.5 ,f s:l kii.d', Liiis of Sale. Lw-ifl wi-.icii tto de.-ciipt'.on tior written att .-tat :o:i ; pd;: i-:-.-. " " - l react: .-o.l ie. I!.a.;eS -O ''"e" ' ' ridi'.eti as t. i.ave 1 .-com.- lbrgo'.o-n in tnetr .i. i-.-:g!:boi-h. b..ve -:1-U t.ly rtappeitivd ; n the ia! -y v. or hi ;. ifju.-t r.-tu!t;e-i It-cm pro ' i'..v-1 in :i f!:s.-.!-.t ii.v.n. '-v.:v verv -iguai ii;t -m-es of this kind :-re attt ttd , ...... ..,.. .1 i ..... :c.. :-.e -. ioti I .-, i.; i.m-.i -" -- ;; rent mira.-mv..--, s-.i g.;:..i't--.i exhauMW.:!. cr:t ical ct.angts, ami that con-pltcr.ti n ot t:'.-iv..i: wLi h the -l.ysi.-i;:ii Las 1:0 r.i'i-.e. IU .(i(i .i';i'-(i'.. 01 a.i h!i...-, . .. 1 leascios fan; ill: r to n c. Ileal mi n, the ipt ratleti 1 of this p: f paratho; of irt.ti must nects.-a! iiy 1 c I su'r.tarv. !.r. i.i.'.iko the old oxides, it is vigo rously tunic, without being exciting and ot et beating: ai:d ef-i.tlv. tejularly rj erient. even in the most obstinate -as- of costiveue-s. without ever beme; a ga trie purgative, or iu Let o.g a 1 1 re ;::-ie ton. It l it. is iaiie-r propei o . ai..... u.ni;, .ti. .0: makes it .-o remat.ta t iv e-t.ec.uai sr.u peio - e nent a rt mcdy for '.-.. up.n which it H. - ly di.-l.eij-ii.g the loci tcuati.cy which forms t :.e m. In --.-;:.w. irn-.-mcrrb'.e r.s are its cz;e a L:r.gie i f x ot ti.ese c l.e.iy oeate rius na.- o: ten suiheed for the r!to.-l habitual cr-Jts. i - clu e.:i.g the atten. !.".:: costive t.tss. In unchecked Iii-nrhav. even when a.ivar.or-d to 7,- .v. onLrmcd . emaci:.: ir g, ami a; pa- , ev.t :; malL;na.-. the e f.'e els :.:.v t been equally i deci.-he and a st . :. :si, i ::g. j In the l.-ct 1 pains, loss of tlcsh end strong:':, j debilitating cough ami remittent hectic which ..r-.IK- it, .lien to Ir,,i,,;,ni f'M.:ir,i,iiri. 1 bi ! remc.lv has ailavtd ihv alarm ot ioencis and I....:..:...,. t ., . i , i.",-;,,.-r a ; 1 ky : tertstii.g ltistaliCCf . Ia Sr ;;';.-.,v.;s Tul lis mcc icate.. iron nan :: r mure tt.i-n li.egooo etiect ot I p.,:.!. to eve ry Earn er e.;v Vtc the t-'..t can tiou.-Ix bahi-f'-d prer.aratK.li:- ot : ytli.x 0l- p .. ,.( . j. . . t :n.;M". v.iiiH-iu a;. 01 t.-eu t.en .10 .. 11 i j i.i the cases peculiarly ailc, ti.-.g them. j 111 U t. Ii l; u : ,; ! rv tl e l..tt' . i .-in c ii 1 oi.ic a no i:i.:a.i".a.o . I.1..V1.V . r, ti.ore ilec : li 'I I ; 1 !.-! bet u ii-vaila'dy v. ell 1 cpurtt d, both us : a ! h. t : : g pain 1 1-.. 1,01 g .t SWCiilKS and 5tlf!itSS of the p'OtitS :u.n tr t::--cles. , , . . . . ., . In J.-. U mutt-: t .-.- rs :t e nc.essir.lv 1 e ! a t-rt.:t retard v :.ud ener-etie r.-torative.'ar.d i ii.'the iu wfe'tf. :oft! o Vw.ct " ill probably 1 e one cI in re now 11 ami use fultic-s. No remedy hasvvtf Letr. . i covered in the whole hi.-to: v of nn 'iicir.e v hick exerts 1 1 such prompt, happy and t-nly te-ti rat:ve cf- ie ct s. G oeu a; pe t; to. coir. p.t t e o :ge st:on. rr p id arejt.-N;tion of strength, with an nr. usual disposition for active and cheerful exercise immediately follow its use. L.-i:y. Put up in neat Cat metal Vexes, con- taining .ro pHIs. Price 5ft cents per box ; iV.j- Mtle bv draggi.-ts an 1 dealers. "Willie st nt free to ;.. py address c lac re-ecu pt of the prie e. .1 a ict 1 ; t s. "1'...- . t - n.-'.i I to r. d. Locke a- t o.. cci 1 . . , ,t 1 --. tt:ls. . v-t-.. i-ir.e.,-.i.', ' ai-l- J800. 'i IN WALL IHOO. SEEET-I RON WARE. COPPFR AY v'-E Desire to call ihe a it cation of the vui.lic s!-.c-5r TIN Slldl'i .ite o:;.--e. -..-! in rl. t..v. . i.rick buildiner on the corner of M c in "r. a d Franklin streets, opposite the Mansion Hons, i n..,. ... o, n,,.i 11 ...-p..i v. & Co.. Jr!tll.tli, I'a., where they purpose manufacturing all kind; of ' ,,, t, L ty I llUlt lU LUl t Ltl t, Alit. lneir worn wilt be rnaoe I v t ;: e best v oik- ,.., ..a .c,... i. .......... ,.i'i. -n I " "" ci in. .'csi iiii. i. i iui?. i lit are termine.i to sell all kinds of ware at t iitape.-i rates, vi iioi. saie ar.t rctni:. j. . .t. .a. oruers lor r-re-i ii.M, 8ttor.uo to on me shortest notice r-r.d on reciclle tC?'f' r. - ,,.r . Jolmstown, Dec. t IfoD-tf. I'Ai'SlOAvSt: ViV21 OVtX l!t- IVutrcti' ii JftJitcl I'ire L::'m(e Co. OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EE E N S 15 UK G, P. rgIlE above named Comnanv or"aii7ed 8 AT-'l ;,, 11.-.T , .s ... ' ii j'. . , i - , ii t eaet i i n s ura nces on propetiv at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre- sent? a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may seci.re themselves against pronanie losses hv hre. Oiutc ou Centre Street, nearly opposite Thompson's '-Mountain House." D. II. ROBERTS, Trc. A. C. MritiN, Sec y. Tieas. JOSEPH II. CAMPBELL, Asrcnt Aug. 23. ISolh-lv. JUST OPENED AND FOR SALE r RY R. S. BUNN, M. D., a genrt-gb, al assortment of Xt'f Spices, Oils, Pa hi ts, Jtye-S.'i'jji!, BianIics, Wines, Gfus, riut1, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Brushes, Combs, Sta tionery, Plank Rooks. Perfumery, Soaps Tobacco, Segars, SnuC's, and otter articles usually kept iu Drug Stores. EbeBslurg. Ar.rr. lthlly0 TIII2 ALLEGIIAXIAX "TILL be pnblisheh tvery iLut ," the following rates viz: ' r- I'er annum, (pav-able in advance) j, r If not paid within the first gjj i;i0n,j 5V: If not paid until fhe txpinttion of veir ' A failure to notify a UMccuir.uiince (.' expiration of the term fcubsctibtd for c'-- I' considered a new engagement. l RMS OF ADVERTISING : 1 insertion. 2 do 1 squnre, (12Iir.es.) JO $ -k s.c; suuiuis. t - ia;ts. i l.CO ' ti 1.1.2 1 2. co ; o srju.tres, (Jo :nes,) l.SO ver three weeks anuitss thar.tlree . - V. . . vv"w 51 reetsotf-1 1'" '."t; u e... ,iert:cn. I , - "J:1;' ? 12 r. ; s LI -i.-o i.fQ sr.nnre, (12 Lnes.) 2..0 4 ;, -"uare. 2-1 nnes.; 0 T.CO :,.: Fjinart?. (o0 lints,) t-.OO f. 0 u ;: a co.umn, 10.00 12.1-0 :,,i ll'n column. i..0o :.2.r.0 2-'-" A dm:n1;tnUor s and Executor s v, Pmt-.io::- or Rustics tr.rds. ex. ' cocatr.g Lnes. with rrj-er. p er rr,r. Vus Advertisements not markr-r! .- i j r.ti'.i'C-r i m-croons :t-.-:rt-':, v i'l c a'," f j t. '('. till frbiddt-n, and tha:) j .-V(.r,-,"-"r" f: the above ten.-?. - y : - ft ' rj),Wi) COl'lLb' alli-:ay soli.. I. u" I IT TELLS YOU Low to d.-w v; T - : : M.-tgace. A'.kouvits. j-,.-.,,.;; .'; Notes i-.tid LiRs of Ex-. Las: t h" - j Rc;,.;Ul.. "' ' tf TVt T vr,r ti, t . . . . .. ofL'cit. villi t!;c Mftm-f (; L:-- '- - , . - , , , .. '... a .:.-! r. ..t. ; nraOUUt J.I.U Kl!o; Ot j rtl-! - tc -,..,;.-) in ett-iv Mate, 1 IT TELLS ViU 1.- : r.t r-c-nt pr. i eric, witii Kria; Creeiturs. at.d the ioivii: . : j TELLS YOT t!:e- b-"':! r.-' 1. et we-en tluardiati ar.d Yf;-:c. M f-r nticc. and l.r r. :'.'t- ar d T IT 'i ELLS YCU v.hrt tci:s-i". : r ;.;.c :::::. r. t!:e i. u toe WiK-'; Right - 1 n . ro; -It-.-. i ! IT TELLS YOU the Irvr for ! : L-,-;:sin cverv ar.d the - - ;r.-,vc of tai- toU' ' 'v r -' ' T.U LOW o ; tj.t. ;i)nlf. 1 ! sif,ns 3:iCj ;0W ;o c'k'a"n'c::e Vaa t" V j Emr.tion laws o I'ubEc Larfls. ll ir.Ll.t: 1'jL the Jaw Icr Vcii'iU t - j Kcc!e of c.oce.-Iure ii. ol tail : . - terfercne. Assignments r r.d Tal" i ITTI LLS Yl Uheivto n . 1 .. . ,.. j 1,,.,. t! f..t...;; ,:.u.r f -,.-,.' v ,Vt"-". ttvA tbc. , eo u;t - n: en tf thef "f v:":,".. j IT TELLS 1 u'.' tl.etruu 'o' L-w i-'i ;u ct:n.r;l! llie. fno CSph:r ;3 , ' . i itive. executive rr.d .-,vC-7 ; tbe (j-.j rvd 5..,,. GcvVr: V.-e' t' i 11 1 r.LL? VI h-.w to Leo ou' iil.-r.-r 1 shov. it:;? rcu Low to do x-our 1 n-ii-ra ... 1 13 us -av:r. vi't ft:.ti:.t cf ) r. -!.! 'v. ;,r. :tior. bv it tir el'' e-2 -uftatkc ! vex-;ti-:s 1 it: t . r. ;ie tc :cs v. :;; ; c- fer, t bv :. ..1 - l;,"c i.r' , i f.i' ; .... f ir. ding : t s-1 .2.". &1,((!0 a ifar era he ma.-.:- ly evcr prisiag men tvcrtti i'ere. in I.i::g :'.. w 'irk. as our induct me r.t .- to ail .-r. h .-r. ..7 hherah l'or single topics ot the ... . j,. t r ! tc.r:as to rgr-nt-. v.-ith ether :r.:orn-.t!T:fr..-:" to or a-ldres1: John e. potter, i ri i:-:.,r No. 01 T Sanscm st . Phiia.it-'t ':.!::. i'a. V11.V1 LYl-:i:liUDY WAMi. 1 t t e: r.t 712 1 iy xj a t s c n , Contain vg Sin. pie lUvfdtcf. easHit . ';t.J:o:. "': the cure of I)iteate in all ji-rirs. BY J'ROFKSSoIt II t N RY S. TAVLcF. y. V. 'I'. Teles You how to attend uptit ti e sick, and how to cook for them; how to c'riuks, poultices, ic. and Low : g-:- j 1 I agau:-t intectton law cent; ; t. is 1 ou of the variotis dis. . re a. aad pives the best and s:a - h -t r. treat: CV.Iif.2 tcltl.H c :.vt. Is. i : I -at u n, w nooning-., e nt: k . r ! ii O-.i JU lit :lll.V, '..,.. ... , .s o: ci t ; . v- s : , ... ; hca.., 1 !u?wo:m. chu i.: : -a the i.tst tcmeei.es lor t:: -;r 1-1.1 c--It 2 it's Volt the sv int. tents ol fever ::. !- 1 an.i bilious, e-Eow. typhus, se-iltt -- ' il-,IJ i-.e p'U li e rn.ii a:.a 1 iiiutu.o- 101 tntii cute t.te fvrr r t'rr.5 or :. to ' cotisun.' ilou. c'.vs! 1 r si" :-t '.r.: ":- - . - i r'.s ei. r.-. , i t ,.,:-..-. r. ' . . .. - V ' fcives v on tr I est ufi.'i diVVl' . i i r ! It iW.s J ch t-.e rvmotom? ;' e : Icr ...,1: . i ....- . ... J cramp, diseases cf the bk-cliur. liver, and tht V ( tl rer.te.'i'es Kr t'-ti.'1' 1 It I, tls V I 1: , f , . . . i o : ;M c r -" .- t .. ' . - -ii , v ions o seases o. 1 1. e :.:,; t. ot eie - e ; r d t i e 1 1 .l 1 1 ' - ec ; . s 'v ' ' t '" the i ' T. v-:,',",',.,' dice. .i!c , t; ; s u.-' ! Lemon ha -re, v c.i rial d.-e..-c-. .":.-. ! ' k. . -r '' Ua. aad r-Ive te best v u-t ' - v-t..t -r. it Tuh You the t tst M.d sin C-rt ::.:' ' : j fcr vcnnc!s, lri,kcu lorvs disk.c"::;- i-1 ra:u oci.uav. lever jcits. wi. t. jv-t ' ! I. let! wh;tlc-v.-f. bells, stuny , ! scTofula. ' I n 3(' yu cf xV x-:-; ' u-'CJrf! n-.tn,ot cntidrt ::,md cf mtrs.r -t.f.t.cr,: T "' bairer.ness, ,-1- , ,vc, , ml gives the a:. sinirlest remcuies fcr their cure. Thj -..,t t :,. ',-t -t:f v . v ... i. j - 1 medical teim;, so rs to le '' ' stcod, wh:le its sin. Tie ieeiyt :vi -t(::; : ! - ou n'aiiy U.tncs ti e cost tt tit i-' ' ".'. ' i I'r'EteQ iu a ikar end tp(i: tjjc : - "'v, : tea witn at propr:ate t-ncrav i g-. ;. .. lorwarded to your nclclress. i.cai.y -t postpe paid, on receipt oi ;!.!:' SI,Ct;i a Tear cr.r. le ua.ii ly prising men everywhere, in selling u.e work, as our indue c me r.ls to rll r.ch Eberal. For sii gie te-t- s of the c;; terms to rgcnts,wiih ether inl'ctt:'.t:cs.st' to or address, JOHN" E. POTTER, ruMif''er' Xo. C1T Sansom it., PkiUcIc!: L:.n I ' Mav 24, lt'C0-Cm. JCJ15 TVOESIi! Jt)I2 HOB1' II avir, in counceticu with ghct.ian, a large ami sci or'tr K.;-h ct Job-Type, we are jrepaied to exc-cme T neatness and cispatth, every rnu-': -s Work, intluding Hand Bills, Cards i' and Dlanks of every descriptor.- cnV notlce and on the most rer.scn' 1 I ;f Persons drsiricg scy'bicg i: -'i.is hr wil tv t-all