Ul V:. j' ! 21 ? j TODD UUTCIIIXSOA, Publisher. I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. HtMiv Clay. i VOLUME 2. EBENSBUEG, PA., TIIUK SB AY, SEPTEMBER 20, .18(50. NUMBER 5. DIRECTORY. -E5.3T. .,,8v3 tXPRESSLY FOR "TllS ALLEGH.VSIAX." I oat Masters. L's'.ricls. Joseph Graham, Yoder. Jocooli ri Mr.rdis. Biicklick. Benjamin Winner, Carroll. Daut. Litzinger, Chest. Jjha J. Troxell, Washint 'a. Mrs. II. M"Ca0'uc, Iibensburg. Isaac Tuoiupsou, White. J. M. Ciiristv, (.i-allitzia. Jostiti Gill. 'vVai.M'Gouyh, II. A. liofrs, V.'i'i. Gv;aa, A. Djruia, Fnacis Clement, Couem'gh. A i lriw J. Ferru! Susq'ban. G W. Bowman, White. Wai Ron. Sr.. Ctearri'M. t.Porge Cemrnd, liichlaird. !;. MAJolgan, Washt'n. V.'-.a. Murray, Crr-vle. Miss M. Gillespie WaVr.t'n. Andrew Deck, S'tnuierhiil. 7 . i. - 1 . i J - 1 .:j.vn, j.-..'''-'' i. 'i'lie Lovc-Kt:c. Tying her bonuet under her chin She tied her raven ringlets in, j But not alone in its silken snare i Did she catch her lovely floating hair, For, tyin her bonnet ui:der her chin, ' She tied a vonnc- man's heart w ithin. I ! They were strolling toother up the hill, 'Come, W imam, your c offee will be stone cold," said Lizzie in a cheery, plcas ant oice. "It must be cool till you- sweeten my breakfast with a kiss," said her hiisba.id, crossing the room to her side ; and Lizzie's Where the wind comes Mo wince merry and chill, j heart bounded as she recognized the old while the blush her husband's admiring j wile! I hoard you tell Mr. Moore, last glance called up to her cheek, did not do- j evening, bow 1 had disappointed you; but tract from her beauty. At first William J I will try to make your home pleasant, thought there must be a guest, but glan cing around he found they were a Ion.;. ! iii.Iin.l I in li'j-im will imiu f.iroti -i t t love me." "Love you! Oh. Lizzie, you cannot guess how dcarlv I love you!"' As tiie little wile lay uowu that night, slie thought: '1 have won hint back again ! Hotter than that, I have learned the way to keep him." Sugar. Till a comparatively modern epoch, su gar was neither considered a luxurv nor Chest. Witiht'n. Joliiist'wu. I.oretto. C-!lCnl'gtl. Maris ter. nn -at mis, jin'KTCRs, &c. ,' Mkv. D. IT AP.llIaO.S, I'ititor. i every traubatli morning at lc :i i 1 ia the evening i't 0 o clu, k. S-ab- . a: J 'J ci J-K, .-v. m. i ray i ntci- r.;::r3.l:.y evening at o'clock. . . t'.-i:-oul C'turch IUv. J. Sh.'.xe. . : ia charge. Rev J. M. Smith. A.--: i'r.ic'ai:: everv riabbath. alter aatelv ..iJ..o"K ia Hie lajrnuig. or . :j lae S.ibb-Uh School at I o liuc.i, A. m. : i-.'.'ia t And it blew the curls a frolicsome race All over the happy poavh-color-d face, j Till, scolJIivi' and laul.ia?, she tied them in, U;:Jcr her beautiful, dimpled chin. ! And it blew a color bright as the blooia Of the pinkest fuchsia' tossing puiuie, All over the checks of the prettiest girl That ever imprisoned a roiapin curl, i Or, in tyirrc; her bonnet under her chin, Tied a young man's heart within. Steeper mid steeper grew the hill, Madder, merrier, chillier still The western wind blew down, and played The wildest trickc with the little maid, As, tying her bontict under her chi'i, j bhe tied a yoa::g man s heart within. j Oh, western wind, do you think it was fair To play such tricks with her fioatirg Lair? J To pladly. gleefully do your best ! To blow her a jra.ii! st a vfiunjr man's breart, I Where he a gladly lol led her in, every Taursday eveiiiue- at 7 I l-'-'!" i'-uin ana uiiapica cam. I . n Iw.'ir iifo w f i von t i-1 1 1 1 f r i t ifa.aing every Sabbath laoru'rag at I " ' " ' ' " . "' l-ia '-nt Rv. Lt. lover's tone tmd nuinners. Not one IVetful speech, not one com plaint, 1 U upon William's ear through the meal. The newspaper, his usual so lace during that hour, lay untouched, a Lizzie chatted gaily on every pleasant subject .she could think of, warming by his gratifi-jd interest and cordial man ner. 'You will be home to dinner?" she said as: he went out. "Can't to day, Lizzie. 1 have busi ness out of town, but I'll be homo early to tea. Have something substantial, fur I don't expect to dine. U nod-bye," and the smiling look, warm kiss and lively whistle, were a marked contrast" to his careless, ljunging trait of the evening previous. 1 am in the right path," said Lw:z;e in a neee.ary of life. It is a out whether it was known to the ancients Salmarius in his cxercitat and Matthiolus on Dioseorides, lead us to ;o:i bnt nits upon 1 liny, FuivciuU in Brazil. When a person dies in liio the ftont entrance of the house is closed, t is only oc casion when such a thing happens. The law requires the holy "to be buried ia twenty-four hours. If the deceased was married a festoon of black cloth and "old The (Jnr.AT M r.Tisoi'or.is. London now covers one hundred ami twenty-one sfjiiare miles, having increased throe-folu since the year 1K', ami bricks and mor tar .still invade and capture the green fields. The population, according to the report of the Legistiar tJcneral, augments at the believe that it was so: and. indeed, the i is hauir over the street door : for nmnr. former assures us that the Arabs have j ric-d, liiae and oiack ; for children, white. ; used the art of making s i-jMr, as we now j or blue, cr srold. 03in lr the imrried j '.save it. f r nearly a thousand years. In j are aiso black, but for youn-r persons they r1 rco, se.irtet o,- i;ue. l i.v rersocs arc ur: iiiid - mi-ions are i:ia .!e to "iheswee: cane which came from a far country;' actual. v buried in ti2 shallow coffins of low w!.is:.er. '-Oh, what a fool 1 have I -"'l;V' been lor the last two years A -fretful but the cane was not cultivated, and thi j the country, their principal ue beinir to saccharine matter was allow. -d to ooze out j convoy the corpse to the cemetery, and j of the cane a-c!f, and to harden "ke g u .n. ; then, like the hearse, they are returned i It was known as Indian salt," and only : to the undertaker. Fond of dress whilo j used a medicine, lor which purpose about liviug, tho JSrazilinr.s are buried in their j eight hitiiur:-! years ago it hgan to take i best, and. .unct:Hou3 to the last decree, I the place of honey. ! they enforce etiquette after death. Cail- Our word sugar is uenved irom the ' lren under ten or eleven are set out as Arabic aonknr, but its Latin name is sw- i riars. iiii:i, saint-, and angels. A boy as. rhitrum, now applied to all sweet-tasting J .t. John lias a pen in one hand and a tluids. The sugar-cane- grows in any hot j book in the other. As St. Joseph, ths climate, and is supposed to have been pen is replaced by a st crowned with brought into Europe first from the interi- I llowers. Of higher type-, Michael the or of Asia to Cyprus, thence to Sicily, j Ar?hanrtl is a fashionable one. Girls Madeira and the Canaries. The Portu- i are made to represent madonnas and oth guese and Sp;r.ish navigators introduced i or popular character. it into the West Indies and tn-' ical Amcr-'i l'ormerlv it was the custom in Tim fastens on the multitude with relentless (..Xj whence we no-.v obtain our supplies of j and still is so in the interior, to carry r.er sixiu pei.v.u uie.- a paupei , UL.:ir. ! young corpses upri-iht iu procossioa or a cnminal. Can this be said oi any Tln-ro nro other varto.jis of st--r r.m. tliroii..di tli.i sfr,-rt whon hut f.iv iAnaA rate of about one thouaiiu per week, half by birth an 1 half by immigration. Not withstanding the enormous wealth of" the metropolis, it is recorded in the report of the Kegistrar General, as a remarkable fact that "one in six of those who leave the world, die in one of the public institutions a workhouse, ho.-pital, asylum or prison. Nearly one iu eleven of the deaths is in a workhouse." This shows that poverty follows c!oe at the heels of wealth, and .b.-.v-.le " V illiroii vnll .b-iil li."'Vir I cither city n the glol a nun ? And how great t 1 by dilferenf plants. Thu.-. in North ' eves, a stranger could hardly believe the Th :'.a 1 ia the eveni: .Lo.,1 l:i tao ti 1 o'elJCti, 1 J U I I JLi'.. l M. I'rayer ! After tL sua had dried the dew, .! Monday evening ot eticn ecerr Tuesiav, Thursdr-y .:.r.' i. veaing. excepting the first week .'-' ;' Ri;v. Johs Williams. h'.r.r every Sabbath evening at at a r-chool at lOoelocl:. Wh;'.r perilous danger you'd be in, As she tied her bonnet under her chin. ulicc'l hV America a l..i . . . H. . .. .1.. I I ' o: m-ciu OPiii- tivo'! t to 7 lar le if, -it. i . . . I lil. I. - I i . . . i . . 1 . ... wiielv devotion, and her lips would, .uiver i I'01'110" :'r J"ience ;iuu wea.ui .. .. . the l,e.t root, ugar m plants is anala- , and snoes, ami lus raiment sparkling with she thought of his conli lence tu his ! . . i ,-oUS lu 1 11 manimais; as n it were me i jewels, grasping a paim-rancii in one at iot .my unman -o:g to j..i-s iitioogti, ; :l pi. .in hai in view vitality to produce j liaiui, ami resting trie other quite natur and thousands fall in the attempt, eruhcd j .....I l.,.. ux, ;., wt,,r, within itself su-ar : ! .illv on some artificial sunr.ort. could be a :i r-iiii i r,...i i. i... t t ...tti. i : age to escar-e this fate. j.iiiic tutuu ju:i miMjiUi'i wtiii ieat ' . . ,. 1 . i t.etition lor suosi- T iooortion is cxtiaete.l j hjrire before him, with. painted cheeks. . 1 and in r ranee from i hair blowing inthewmd,in silk stockings i as irieiiu .Moore ; but like a tiiave nttiC woman she stifled back the bitter leelmg, and I trif-ed oft to perfect her oi.ius. The" grand I 'clu,i,.til t,lu .-ol,-Ior J "g'einaut. It is now j i0iiee," the subservience of plants to man j dead child. Large sums are occasional! . f . ... 1 Z. 7 l I notorious, says a London paper, that in i in tin : U sidf-i'vident. W.-trlv ivorv i ovupmlwl ?n rlm. nn.I ioTt-U f.r tli , i ' everv . T.' r'ojleiy every Tuesday e'v r.aay eveni:rg iiig :;t;v. V.":.s. Li.ovd, Taster Prer.c'i rr 5.i'.j'.- it 'a ia ..ruing at l'J o clock. :r y:.:a'tffi Rev. David Jenkixs, r t'roa -itfr; every SabSath evening at . S.ibbalh School at 1 o'clock, l .M. '...'. i- Ktv. M. J. MircuLLL. 1'iiitor -.j every S.i'ubath moru'mg at 1)A o'clock .it i v'ciock in the evening. j THE VJAyjTO FIX HIRL ; ''Out again, to-night ?" said Mrs. ! llanos, fretfully, as her husband ro.-e j from the tea table, and donned his great coat. "Yes, I have an engagement with Moore ; I shall be early ; have a light in the library; good night," and with a careless nod, William Hayes left the room. Alwavs too wry, mnrmureu Lizzie sins a Nearly every j expended in dressers and jewels for tho minute poition oi ! dead. Mourning is long utTair, and wid- ! ,.;...,. c;i,,,t r..r , ol. w ., ..,...,... notorious, says a i.on'ion paper, in: i tli.. 11...... Mvor t ,1:..,, i , tl... i: :, iinv,. i 1;"'-' est aldish men t s whore some bun- ! fi..vor-eur. conra J Lizzie thinking "he shan't find a.. par- ",xus " -'taiits are employnl, tiie great ! -ug-.r, which, being gathered by bees, we j ows never lay aside their weeds unless ' lor more attractive that his o.vn, I am ole- ! !u:,j';,rit.v f l5'0'" ts,rc l""c,k''U.Lnv trades- j ia.i.iii.ir uh a.'honey. the peculiar they marry; yet clusters of a small par ! term; tied." ' 1!!L'"' cl ll''K'a !0" tn0 competition ot capital. nJVor of which depends uj.ua the blossom ! pie flower are known as "widows' tears." Tea time came, and William came with 1 Uv( i! f!,osc Mi-iKUr.mure ootaiueu w;ui : It taken from. Grapes are so lull of j ILcy bioom butoncc a year, and soon dry it V little fi -ure in ata-tv bri-l.t div-.s i ,li:"('l,iiy' '"' 1 Ult-' K'ss lortuuate graoua.iy SUgar that, when dri"d, white crvstais el j up. mooth curls, and oh! sueh 1 lovelv blu.h- i 'lltk "."vV :ii'J lo'r st.,5' ti!! .t,u".v i it a'e found within the fruit, and which j , w.nl t wffM. rO:i( y tti U'o ullli" 11 l I I : -1 T 1 1 -'- i ' he came in: and tea time passed as the 1 U1C llllTU' ,u 1 mjl "WI' i morning mtal had done. After tea there was no movemmt, as ,,...1 t,..v..i-, ti... i-.-it.r-... i- wnn-i... i :in may be seen when resins are cut. Manna is a kind of sugar which exudes list is further swelled by that numerous f,-uni certain plants ol.nil aswe.-eegum c!as. w ho, born in a respectable sphere j joes fr,u, plum-trees in our gardens ; but wrapping tobacco has dangerous cpualitics : l well e lucatea, sniK into cu-gr.niaiion j j;e analogy is not correct unless we un- ! "mere is more poison in one package Ax item for Smokers. The Lift II- lustruf'd contains the following in relation to the statement that tin foil used for A P. M. v P. M. A. M. MAILS ARRIVE, '..o'.v, at 12 o'clock. -' at 10 " MAILS CLOSE. '?m. flnily, at 4J o'clock n. ' at " t'-V:. Mat! from B ttlcr. Indiana. St roc.23- A-.. arrive on 'f hursdav of eueh vreek, '' - k. P. !. V. s:;u:g on Frilav of each week, : m. . '. ' M.-'.ls frcm Newoiun's Mi!-. Car- . Ac , ...-rive oa Moad. y. Wc-it. .'.. ty .' - i- 'n i 0(k. at 3 o'clo.-k, P. M. ': i. e..-. -t,-:rg or. Taeda s. Tluasdays ' : ; . at 7 o .l--ck, A." M. X. !''' C'li.-e c-ueii on Sundavs from 9 V.-(;.M)Itr: STATION. -"r-r--- Train, leaves ut -'i ! I ..i'.;. . Haves, sinking back upon a Sola; "out j .toot! up beside the table lingering, chat- j "'c t!' Jtaud that manna covers - '. . . . . f . ' .mi i . . i i i . .i i vanitv oi ivi'ie- .evond their n cans. It i ,.!.,.. o.,v...: -.,.,1 l.r...-b.-v cvu v ii ii lit, I (ion t believe lie cares one ''i'g uu i.izzie an-e. :ie lea i.ini i i uic i . - -7 " . ,. - , . , ' r"""' .-"' . . i- 5 . i -v i I k oi r.'c.iv.l that, not ot i-n h thoiisano 1 : 1 - - - - . i i , 1 1 1 r i ..I . ci O'. it me now, and vet we've only light, warm .allots, iu their' pr -tty glow been married two vcari. No man has a more ordeily house; lam not a bit ex travagant, aud yet I don't believe he loves n;e -any more. Oh! dear, why is it? I ! wasn't rich, lie didn't marry me for mou ! . i ... !..,.-. i,.,.,T.l i.... I V, ilil'I lie; tiiLtsi i..e -.e-. ii.tn . tij does he treat me with so much neglect I'" and with her mind tiled with sueh fret ful queries, Lizzie Hayes fell asleep ou the sofa. Let inc paint her figure as she lay there, he was a bu.n to, with a small of tasteful arrangements, and drew him down beside l.er on the sofa. !lo felt as if he were court i ng her again as he watched her fingers busy with some fancy- needle- coitvicTo wiio nave passe-t their probation i.i l'cntonville, one thousand fell through '.:, ,.i..-..t . ! ; ;.. .......! ;... ! liii- n iiienv'i i lie, aiiet it ia oi.et tii.iu most of the number weie "originally re the whole fd tobacco than in the tin fail that sur- i i i Tia .... I. I . J I 1 l leaves and branches. j lie Ara- louuu a mmureci. ii anvuouy uuuuq it av- a tradition that the manna i !et them hold a sheet of white paper over mentioned by Moses fell from lite clouds ' the sihokc that curls up from tfie burning .1 lr. "f tooacco, anu alter a pipeiui or a cigar naa been consumed, scrape the condesed smok from the paper, and put a verv small upon the plant aigul. lt is now pretty well understood that the natural constitu ents at' plants do change from one sub- work, and listened to the cheerful Vtf;(.e f pcctable u. inore than an ordiuarv degree, j ,t:a),e to iniother, as the worm becomes amount on the tongue of a cat, and the , .. . ! ' !.n..i do. ..nioiitc tftch iu tl-,:if th. ri-i...f. i .... i k l !.,. ,...i, ... ,..;it will see her dip nt strnkes or rinrrilvsin in which he had loved so well two years be- I ........ v....- -..v me eiuysaus aim mni n.v it. ...t. au "... fore i ness ot J.oihIoii lias heen purcliaseU at a I starch become sugar, and sugar turn acid ! I., I ...... ... I.......... ........ ...J I . 1 . 1 1 ip.iuiii tvi.-i iii iiuiii.iu jjuki i), mi.n-ij ti'.C ij;iut a P'Mirht. firf vmi til-1 V i n rv Viy'ii''''" "A pair of slippers. j7n't you remem- j """;. t!u; result ot" h ca&r I'1111'1 oi' 1 Uiiilll ber how much you admired the pair I worked for j ou, oh! ever so long ago"'" "I remember; black velvet with ilowcrs Sugar is a mo?t cxec-.ient and u-eful bod. and the "sweet tooth ' of youth iu- HiPKNiNti Tomato in Wintkr.- If j st1!,1,.t;rivc5-v us, to it,at a thue ill Hie lile'Sl l.'t.llllll. -ne animal ccooomv any will see her die of strokes of paralysis, in fifteen minutes." ono wishis to know how to keep lo- r?John ILiudolph was one of tha j most sarcastic men that ever lived. One i time a young man attempted to make hi j acquaintance. Ife obtained an introduc tion, and among the first remarks said:- i I in.i .M. htv ! ciiir ir l.iiWi'V.-r rune j: . T C . . I (ill I I'liIU I I f 1 I I I M II I I fill III'' . 1 ' I I I I I . . -1..V...V , - Y m . m graceiui ugure, anu a ei oreny iaee. - - i v matocs ire-n ana goon an winter, reao uic , , , . ,..,.. ,,p "I passed bv your House lately, .Mr. Kan- I'lhe hair, w hich howed by its rich waves, lender, and dream oi b!ue eyes, and bright ! i..;, receipt : II '"v . r t .1 T 1 r 'et-' ' s t liuir vul dolph." "I hor-e vm, always will," was ; its natural tendency to curl, was brushed ! curls and wish time wouid move lastcr to , .bnt late iu the ?eason, and pull up " ,!' -"i ii "-v u , ..5-". H t,!p rv- Ano'theV one twitted him as to ! .inooihlv back, and gathered in a rich mass i the day when I Cou'd bring my bonnie ! lho vill(,s in tht. iM J(t.1(1,.e tIu.y are in- U"lt U'L . '' l'- . , V CVhl -vant of education "The gentleman at the back ; "it was sucdi a bother to curl ! wee wile home, to make music in ny iure.U.v the frost ; fasten a bag about the I 01 T'l1 " " : tC' .V :. ' ! reminds me." s dd TIindo!nh. "of tha it; ti:.' :aitl ; her checks were pale, and ! house stock, two inches above the root, then "stl I !-',T,ds at the head of the Montgomery, tru:ii, '. I Ml i-:. Tr 'oj'.vty orr:r::i:s. -,. C-y.-ns. Pii-.-ider.t, Hon. Geo I; '. idoa ; Associates, r 1 .,.ie.s. j r. -v. Jo:v.-ph M'Donal-1. ....-..'.;,. Michael Hncr. au:i JicrJer. Johu ciean- . .11 ..r.i.'.. ul- T'l-yi l it vui1 ' 1 1 r. .'. . I I. I . .. ... ,f.,.., , .1 i"..ITltl.linTil r. V I I .1 .Z. L UV. . IL' t 71 111 - 'lilt tl L. LLn I,.,..,, t win u. n. ( ... ..i M' n ....v. Tl.l.I ' I T...I. . . . ...... 1... ..11 me- vine...: i-i .iv-.l. ..3'. ..- v.v- : ------ - , .i.o. iiiv.!i nj. n. itiui .o.- .. . . ... . 1 ...,.,.,., ,,....,,.,..1 wi.ivn are poor iiaaav. uui, rutueu uy 1 ' A' I prc-no..,. Ikr dress was a neat chintz ! !,e thought ..f the last two yea.- and how j .,ruumI tho Y nc aW the bag, and ill .U'VL' . 1:u-';Ia , ' ' cultivation!" ' I lirap IT, but .he wore neither collar nor little music ,!ie had made lor his loving j llu: ,,uir with moist dirt. When the bag j a 10 . I " ! !C oi" a! : s!eeU,-"whafs the use of dressing up heart, gradually weaning it from its allegi- U ticd ovr the root, leayc a small hole at j i;:;1 An Isrc,lite lady, sitting in the ! just for William V I ance; then she said : ; t,ic loj., for the admission of water, which j Z' aCZL- box at an opera with a French phy- Uz-iV. ept soundly two hour-, ami "i y.onuei u you uiw uiWi, a, uiuu. ..s fehoui.i pe used occasionally to prevent the ,7",. ... 0 ..f ;.. r lu.,tih..o1e-io- t,fician, and was much troubled with ennui i theu wouesxtddenlv. She sat up. glanced ; on u.u i utn . .... roots lrom becoming dry. J he more . . ..,....' . J ,K,r. .: ii,., : happened to gate. , . i i . .1 i :i ... .1.., ! HtiiKiiNrt I i.i I oMen I'll in nt. Mt i- I . .1. . . . tt ... .1. . 1 ..." n-l 1. ! tuiige -a-i u....wU.., ...v- , .- , . ..t tin i- o.'-ir :ii.i s!iiiii (.reaiiiv ui inc; ' ' . . - . - ... --...- . ... . p i-c r 11: oilier. ima miu u 1 1 I UeorgeW. . . - 1 1 T 1 ! i ...itl. I...- .'ifl.Tii. ..ln tli-ll. 1.1 lin.r tli.i ' i ' . t i. .. i. '1 lor." interval to tie spout, alone uciore ueu j ..'moo .. .- ...v, ,,,, nung clear irom tne waii.on every sine mu.sic. 1 vvliere the sun will not strike tnem irom "1 can play and fug better than .-liss I a v,indow if j.ossible, and swing the vines t ... time. '1 he librr.ry was just over the ream in which she- sat, an d down the furnace flue, ! Smith," said she half pouting ibn-.u-b the ii- 'iters. a voice came to ; the young wife s cars; it 'Hut ou alwavs sav vou . . . - , was Lor lm-- 1 practice, wlien X ask you. are out ot up with the roots upperniosf. Cs3" M. dobard, a French savant, has astounded the scientific world. V.'ioiatu Linton. . Philip c:- Noon. ! - " r i "I had tho 'piano tuned this morning V;,.?;;fr',JOu:' 'er' i ' -Well, r.Joore, what's a wan a to do? NW open it and we shall sec how it :-'1,a ! t ... , l'w.r i. ..!..:. -il .ir.il f n.us-.t have nh'r.s- ! sounds. r':Z''-Xl7l,lJta S.Uhev" ' ' ! ure somewhere. Who would have lan- I Williamobtycd joyfully. and tossing her 1 He professes to be able to icstorea drown -' i.i i A. Biair. most inscrutable' of explanation; hence,! tho ciiunijuus rc-c;irc-U t-t the piiiiosopner j lor a solution oi the j-rolileia. t ,i. . i i l. l ii - tip - or M' zi i f u 1 1' i vest should be fruitful ; and so it has. be-e ; pen' a. . th-s I am glad vou did not swallow me." "Give yourself no uneasiness," replied lir- t,:( ay ' rm a Jewess, and never eat i . - -, -. . . i i - - .... -, . i ,,. v i.i-iv, i , , j i .. i . l , i lir, P-.j elixir tu me, or anv.a. vnr a- ic iciuicu, , - . lie lias i ' j . ' , i once boasting that every rock was familiar . .. Il'll-i. Illil.r. 1 .11. ' I i . 1..1111. II. il.-.T III,.... i - - uisriii t-ri-'i ;i :i 01 sos i ;i-n' oi - ait uii.;iivi.i and also ol bringing the dead back to life. -., ,.' ' f;rercr. David O'lb-rro, ' ' j::;'c-, .)-:r.,h Uorner ''-' Treirm-rr. George C K. ZaLm. .V.'. -.i,-7. .lames J. Kay lor. r r.ier. Tlojmas M'('.nnell. 'r'- I:, r.ry ilrk, John F. .lull. E. '? 'jn ,;r ,-. y.. A. Vickroj. .h-.r.if? ,S. Tc !d. '" .(,,., fat.nn'.u Sfhccls. T. A. i ,...i !,.. I T-.r-ij ... i.i.-ttv snri-.ht- sewing asuie, tiizzie iook tne tnano stool, i crt man alter two divs immersion, ami a - A a - lv, and loving, could have change. d" to ' She had a sweet voice, not powerful, but the fretful dowdy she is now wants Who ! most musical, and was a very fair perform- to stay at'home to hear his wife ! cr on the piano ''-' V" tUf. lace. David II. Robert, Ka.Ua.l. 'Aa trow Lew is. V.'iPiam Kittel!, William K. !es Hweiii, J. C. Noon, Kdward I r.. whinim' all the evening about hertrouble- some servants, and her headache, and all soits of bother? She's got the knack of th: i drawling whine so pat, that, 'pen life, I don't believe she can speak pleas- ai.lv "Ballads, Lizzie. sublime of sciences chemical philosophy As we nave stated, starch is convert into sugar, and this often takes id without our cognizance. JVtaloes consist become sweet, the starch turns to sugar. to him as the alphabet. A lady who wan ii: o.i'!C-i;l liociaieai soe micw ui u. iutiw ui r ii. ' ' ('JitHrH. T. 1). I.itzingcr. "." Trfitartr. Wfurnc (Jurlev i D true no not were ' to her frozen subject after ten years oblivion. Provided a culprit's neck bo not broken, i . ... i i. i...,.i. I; iv. oiv.. 1 T ue can ui" iiiougui o mv; .on. . . , , ir.tr a whole day. M. dobard, with great Nearly all seed contains starch ; and when ... i t ,i r.-i : t- ' ' .t . .i - . ...i it . ,i. thev L-emn t reinunaie, me mhicii ws it' i'iw k 1 1 1 1 viiii iiii'n.t' iiiii'i .1 i einar.nt nt' lor i nn I i. u u it'll i:i-mi .in I . j : i l J " music in a parlor." I heir to." suggests that medical men should One song after another, with a nocturne j immediately make themselves acquainted or lively instrumental piece occasionally j with the secret of his invention, so that between them, uhed up another hour very the poor and unfortunate might Le sus pended tiiWaettcr times come around, and "J'O sion Jobard's Lir7"ie sat as if stunned. as tins , pieasanuv . , ... .. i ... if' 'I .-I.ir-L- sri-iu-lc Mcvrn. r.in, ,il thwarted I0V1; lliaV e ' b,okcd into tne gia,a. TI. . " , V "... . . ... I .,.. -, r..rtr.lll V "iV.HVCll . 1 I UUUg u I 1 1 W as auOUL 111 lie. a 1-rOlOngCO faiaieosy. .v op..ru.i, .. .. :. i I mi,r it to :iTiolo.''zi-. Lizzie, as I nsoil to i l.-.v l.oroi n:iio'il to examine -1. suitaOie lor an evening, -i.o - -x .-, . , . i. r... i for stavini? so loiitr: and 1 can truly say system of suspending animation. 'rtrt..rm r . !.. ., I C.l.ci VUlmni ' i.t-, L1..V.1. John J. Llovd, Morris r "i.iiias j. iiuvis fiftr r. L' I ... t - T- ,f r, Oeorr (J u rly. , c !:c'r. (',(, re GiirU-Y. . r !i u T. Davis. ,",.-' ' ' -D.aar Evnr. -Jv';.-. RhT. JVjn J Hviins. admire, fche arose and s.dtly went to j as 1 did then, that the time has passed bo own room, with - bitter ,orrowful j pleasantly 1 can scarcely believe it is go. thoughts, and a firm resolution to win j late. back" her husband's heart, and then, his love regained, to keep it. The next morning, William came into the breakfast room with his usual care less manner, but a bright smile came to his lips as he f-aw Lizzie. A pretty chintz, with a pretty collar, and sleeves of tuiowy muslin, and a wealth of soft, full curls, had really metamorphosed her, The piano was closed, Lizzie's work put in the basket, and William was ready to go up stairs; but glancing back, he saw his little wife near the fireplace, her head bent and large tears falling from her eyes. He was betide her in an instant. Absence of Mind. A tough one is told of a clergyman who went jogging alonr the road until he came to a turn pike? "What is to pay?" "Fay, Sir! for what?" asked the turnpike man. "Why, my horse, to be sure." "Your horse, Sir! wlnt horse? Here is no horse. Sir !" "No horse ! Bless me," i which he was wholly ignorant. "Name it, madam !" cried Cadebs, in a rage. "It i- .1- M- '. j a . t j . . ' . . o .i . ... is rncr. me erauie, tn, rcpiicu iue laay. ol nearly all starc h ; wncn -irosted they . , ,....', i , . .i . i . " V-celchs soo'.i evaporated. E?X-An eminent Massachusetts wag haa comes sugar, fit fbd tor the young plant j o sis tows Leh, kf1!cil ,v 0leetriei- wes- of provido tjuor, whiskey, etc., is then the new garb , with i':ltnin roip,. a : 1 1 : i , i ,..-.. i .i.iiM t i iu i. it invr i. u it nan .a-,u..o. w.-- j - ty (tunrirg a thunder shower in the made to grow In tne Hands oi t.ie mai- tcn) t of the gtate an oxtra session tier, tne stareu in rue nancy oeeomes s i- t Le rijaturc wa3 I10t callod to .1 -. x i I i -. 1. I ' gar; uie conversion u u.is man nr.u n- r.t tp. tia ul.;,-;.. dirlii.r .,re vou ill? AVh.tt is ! said he. suddenly looking down Detwee-u the nwttor?" !s -fp. 4,1 thouSht I was on horse- "Oh, William. I have been such a bad ' back." ot sugar. The following ar2 the approximate quantities of sugars produced annually in different parts ot the woi Id : Cane sugar, 25,010,000 cwts. ; b. el-root sugar, 3,250, 000 cwts.; maple sugar, 4u5,00O cwUs. ; manna and houey, 1 0,500 cw ts. j2TThc invention of a new clock, upon the principle of the thermometer, by the pressure of air on mercury, is creating a great sensation iu I'aris. The cost of tho clock, w hich goes twenty-four hours, and then Las only to bo turned like the. Lour jla?, fc'l inot'O tvun a iauc. 53? In the olden time, they had hut seven wise men. Now, take men at their own value, and you won't find half that number of fools. It is mentioned as a curious cir cumstauce that a w atch should be perfect ly dry when it has a running spring in it. E3, Only God could create day and night but the. commonest idltr can turn day into night cod r.iht into day. I. I d d m rs. ive i my I th ir