t ::::JUNE 21. LOCAL AND PERSONAL .TstatfOMZiaiCAL Observation b. yrepired weekly, by Dr. It. S. Bunu. HUBSDAY: 7 a. M. 13 Jt. 6 P. u. ir'Gi. 52 73 &d 62 60 73 61 65 60 60 64 63 69 63 65 C4 60 70 65 65 69 73 75 7-4 60 74 63 63 13. 14. i. 13. .. 13. 17. i' 13. lT.rg Uaiperature for the wk, CO". Local Etchings. The particular pe lioJ of time when the great and glorious old Fourth of July occurs is rapidly ap proaching, and no arrangements that we tive heard of are being made to give it a meet and fitting reception; and from pres ent indications, it will only differ from other days in that a greater amount of vil lainous saltpetre will be burnt, and several gallons more of villainous tanglefoot drank, iban usual. Our patriotism is certainly gu the waae but it is not quite extin guished. All that is needed is Bomebody to stir up the dying einbers, and they will burst into a flame. But who is going to tir them up? Nobody, perhaps. In i lew of this fact, let's have a "miscellane ous" celebration let everybody resolve himself into a committee of one to look after the welfare of our common country, for one day let's have a big dinner, some bU speeches, and a big time generally ring the bells, call up the Brass Band, get out the drums and fifes, and if the editor ot the Mountaineer is agreeable, procure the services of the Calithumpians for the ccoasion. Hurrah for the Fourth of July the dav we thvuhl celebrate ! The pro-ent session of the St. Francis Academy t Loretto, will close with a public exlnbi- tj T'.uD OU the 2Gth inst. strawberries Live ma le their appearance in our market. Tley commind a ready sale at 12 J cents per "juart. Our former fellow-towns- iuu, R. M. Joues, who has for f-ome time Ueu earring his way in the city of broth-t:-j love, made his appearance in our midst un Thursday week. Dick is a universal fvurite. Oue of the supposed cellar- :l!evs who gave our Johnstown neighbors j much concern during the winter and v:;n, was lately arrested in the neighbor 'A if that place. lie wa.3 living in a .! , Tid some of the stolen edibles were fjunl on the premises. lie lias been committed to jail for trial. Prof, Rol- Ixi . the ''celebrated" magician gave two of Lis unrivalled performances iu this place :.-: Tveek. Ho was well received. An 1 y i'j'iividuai who proposed to walk a tight- r a It Ulondin, was also on hand; but, "in to the fact that he cou'.du't secure from our citizens the iusiguificant earnest ji ihiity dollars, failed to come to time, al Lit for lome elimate where hia scien ti5c acquirements would be held in better iiuem. A mass of coal, estimated to cigh 1300 pounds, fell upon a miner who m working in one of the Company's coil-shafts at Johnstown, some days ago; t'Ut, strange to say, he was not fatally in jired, but on the contrary, is in a fair J of recovery. Emerson Bennett's Monthly tor June is a magnificent number. consider it one of the best magazines that we have had the pleasure of perusing. An alarming fatality has been exist ing among the feline population in our ;t2iieliate neighborhood for some consid erable time past. Several respectable and "l!-ti.-do mousers have turned up among the missing ; the heads of numerous flour ishing families of tabbies have not visited ltair progeny in a long time, while many Ci'i, of high and low degree, have been found in out-of-the-way places very dead ni lifeless. As this is not the season of year for Bologna sausages, no satiafac- j tory solution to the mystery can be arrived a; Chapter xvi of the History of ! i Umbria County relates to Loretto Bor- I "l'--ll, It also gives a short biographical fetch of Rev. Demetrius Amnistiue Gal- i t 1;fzin. the pioneer ptstorof the Alleghenies. , Head it.- A terrific tornado passed over 1 Juliana, Jefferson and Clarion counties on 1 f '"-tu uI- doing much damage to both ; j "fe and property. Mr. Edward Kvans i I c'e,l the spring session of his school on i rry last. C. R. Jones has just re- CCc'Ved a new assortment of meu and 'J clotLing, ladies aud misses' shoes, c Call and examine. "We are a?ain j jetted under obligations to Robert Davis, lr the preaent of a box of superb Thank vou. kindlv. The Lo- j ''f Maj. J&hu Brady, of Harrisburg, will j e opened for the accommodation of visit- jr on the 29th inat. Mr. Geo. llunt- I J has had the dilapidated porch in front t ' t'u-ware depot torn down prepara- . cretin;; an addit'ou of h hh,,'- nineettt glars (tout, whioh, when comple ted, will knock the talk from anything of the sort iu town. George M. Kid- die, formerly of thi9 place but now of Philadelphia, has been rusticatiug on the mountain for some days past. Last week's court proceedings were generally of an uninteresting nature to the public. Our Thanks. There u occasionally a Lri ght spot iu the dark and gloomy sky which o'erhanga the editor; there is now and then a fcprig or a flower to be found along the rugged pathway which he trav els. To instance : Ou Mouday last, we received the following curt epistle : Dear Pia : You will please accept at our hands the accompanying insignificant rreseut. A r m l ours, trmy, Jok Pattox Thompson, James M. Thompson. Lewis Bcd&y, Jn., U. M. Jones. Ebensburg. Juno 11, I860. The "insignificant present" referred to was neither more nor less than a "lanre and respectable" string of trout, which, with numerous other representatives of the finny tribe, had on that fatal day fal len victims to the merciless skill which our friends displayed in the art of ichthy ology. We wish it to be distinctly under stood that we like all such presents, and we like the men who make them. Our friends, Messrs. Thompsons, Buddy and Jones have our best wishes for a pleasant sojourn on the mountain, every summer during the next fifty years. OuTttAiiE. A most fiendish outrage was perpetrated on the person of a highly respectable married woman, residing about four miles from this place, on Wednesday of week before last, by a ruffian named Welsh. It appears that Welsh had been to this place to procure a trader's license, and was returning to Johnstown, when he met hia victim. Iu order to reach her home, she was compelled to turn from the highway to an unfrequented by-road, which the viliian taking advantage of, pursued her, tore her from her horse, and by threats of instant death if she made any resistance, compelled her to accede to his base demands. A warvaut for his ar rest was immediately issued, and he cap tured the next morning in Johnstown. A true bill was found against the Defendant by the Grand Jury on Thurs day ; but the case is held over until Sep tember Term. The prisoner hails from Allegheny city, and he may congratulate himself, if there is any virtue iu the law, on a quick return to the scenes of his iiativity. BlOT I Dlairsville. On Tuesday night, 12th inst., two Virginians who had visited Blairsvillc in eeurch of some run away alavcB,were mobbed and severely beat, en by a gang of free negroes belonging to that place. It seems that the pursuers received a despatch from somebody in Eb ensburg (I ) to the effect that the slaves had gone to Blairsville; to which place they immediately proceeded. After ma king some exploration about own, they became satisfied that they had been sold, and were returning to their hotel, at about ten o'clock at night, with the result above stated. Oue of the Southern gentlemen was pretty severely handled, but the other was not injured. The elaves have not yet been captured. Sl UGlCAL. Ou Thursday laat, a very skillful surgical operation was performed by Dr. Golden, of ytrongstown, Indiana co., and Dr. Geo. II. Lewis, of this place. The patient, 3Ir. F. Clemens, is a resi dent of Ulacklick township, this county. Detween two and three pints of pits or matter were drawn from the sac surround ing his lungs, and great relief was thereby afforded. We understand the patient is in a fair way for recovery. EA,On Tuesday last, Aug. L. Landis, .W. of Blair countv. was admitted and 1-7 - " sworn as an attorney of our courts. -Mr. L., is a young gentleman of much prom ise. "We predict for him a successful pro fessional career. Original Poem. An original poem, written by an Ebensburg correspondent, and which we had intended to publish in our inside this week, has been crowded out by a press of other matter. It will appear in our next. Enigma. I am composed of 10 letters: My 1, 5, 13, C, is part of the day. My 2, 12, 14, 10, is a volcano. Mv 1, 13, 6, is a weight. My 5, 14, 2, ie a number. My 7, HI, 4, is worn by gentlemen. My 8, 11, 42, 5, is a part iu music. My 9, 16, 10, 11, is what we often wait for. M v 11, a, 4, is a portion of land. My 12, 5, 15, is a plaything. My 14, 5, 3, is when we should do good. My 15, 10, 1, is much used by ladies. My whole is the address of a person who takes much interest in the Puzzler's Depart ment of The Alleghaniun. Selma. Answer to laf-t week's enigma -Intellectual Arithm lio." Court Proceedings. Annexed ia a summary of the "cases disposed of the first week of Court : Commonwealth V3 Jacob Keith and Jacob Hickman. Assault and Battery. True Bill. June 6, 1860, Jury Eworn, who find Defen dants guilty. Sentenced accordingly. Coin'th. vs John Moore Assault and Bat tery. True Bill June 5, 1850, Jury 6woru, and verdict guilty. Sentenced accordingly. Com'th. vs Henry Baltzer. Keeping a Tip pling House. True Bill. June 5, I860, Jury sworn and verdict not guilty, and that defen dant and prosecutor each pay one half the costs, Sentenced accordingly. Com'th. vs James Morris. Rape. True Bill. June 0, 18G0, Jury sworn, and verdict guilty. June 12, 1860, defendant sentenced to pay a Cue of one dollar and cost of prosecution, and imprisonment at hard labor in the Western Penitentiary for 13 years. Com'th. vs Joseph P. Scott. Assault and Battery. True Bill. June C, 18G0, defendant pleads guilty. Sentenced to pay a line of $5 and costs. Com'th. vs Anne Maria Rifile. Attempting to conceal death of bastard child. True Bill. June 1, 1800, Jury sworn, and one of the ju rors becoming sick, discharged. Com'th. vs Michael Killein. As?ault and Buttery. True Bill. June 8, Jury sworn, and verdict guilty of an assault. Sentenced to pay a fine of one dollar and costs. Com'th. vs Thomas Kinney, Jr. Aasault and Battery. True Bill. Juue 8, 18C0, Jury sworn and verdict not guilty, and that defen dant and prosecutrix each pay half the costs. Sentenced accordingly. Com'th. vs Matilda Colbert. Infanticide. Not a true bill us to first and second counts. True Bill as to third count, (conceuliugdeath of bastard.) June 8, 1SOO, Jury sworn, and verdict uot guilty. Com'th. vs Edward M'Glade. Resisting Constable in discharge of his duty. True Bill. JuueS, IStiO, Jury sworn and verdict uot eruiltv, and coats divided between prose cutor and defendant. Juuey, 1800, sentenced accordingly. Com'th. vs Michael Cassidnv. Assault and Battery with intent to kill. True Bill. Juue 'j, lbtio, Jury sworn, and verdict guilty of assault and battery. Sentenced to pay a fine of ."r 10 and costs. Coin'th. i Theodore Earnett. Seduction True Bill. Continued. Com'th. vs Joseph Bradley. Keeping i Tippling House. True Bill. Continued. Com'th. vs David Stephens. Adultery. True Bill. Continued. Com'th. vs Richard White and Charles Geisenian. Forcible entry and Detainer. True Bill. Continued. Coui'th. vs George Rushaberger. k'orgery. True Bill. Continued. Com'th. vs Samuel Welsh. Rape. True Bill. Continued. Coin'th. vs Albert F. Cantwell. Same V3 Werner Bender. Same va John W. Short. Indictments tor wilful fraud iu discharge of their duties as officers of nn election held in Washington township. True Bills. Contin ued. Same vs Charles Geiseman. Same vs Henry P.euieh. Same oilcuce. Defendant! not taken. Com'th. vs John Smith and William Hale. Larceny. True Bill. Not taken. Com'th. vs Michael Smith. Larceny. True Bill. Not taken. Com'th. vs William Sirra. Assault end Bat tery. Truo Bill. Not taken. Com'th. vs Margaret Foster Selling liquor on Sunday. Not a true bill, and prosecutor to pay costs. Com'th. vs Sam?. Keeping a Tippling house. Not a true bill, and prosccutsr to pay cost. The following licenses were granted by the Court : TiLvern License James Downey, Jr., Joseph tit-isc, Lcnhart Kest, I etcr div ert, Jared il liams, Henry Short, Jacob Feud, Francis Seitz, James M. Riiille, Joseph Cole, Rebecca Llewellyn. Joan Headrick, .Sr., Baltzer Kohl er, Joint Licheimiher, Charles Zimmerman, Adam Kurt., Francis tlallisoth, Lawrence Schroth, Patrick Grimes. Henry Foster. Philip Hartzog. M. J. Smith, George Conrad. John Brady, Michael J. Piatt, Daniel M'Donald, Owen M'Cutfrey, John Bradley, James W. Condon, Floiaiu Bingle, James D. Hamilton, George Randolph, Francis J. Grosberger, Isaac Craw lord, John A. Blair. Win. Ryan, Jr., Pe ter Short, Jacob Mack, John B. Myers, Aloy-t-ius Martz. Samuel Dillon, James Tiernan, William Durbiu. John Thompson. Gideon Marlrtt, William Nic holson, Wm. S. Campbell, j George Lichcusthcr, Daniel Craig, Jerome Piatt. Quart Licrn. D. W. Goughnour, J. Pur cell, Adam Pfarr, Jacob Leib, John Hamilton. The Falling Out. The following lines, if the hiyt therein contained be ac ted upon, may prove a real blessing to disconsolate lovyers : Once ou a time, through cruel doubt, My gentle Kve aud I "fell out," Sail victims of a jealous pain ; I know you weep but, reader, hold, The half of it has not been told My love and fell in again. 'The reason was,'T quoth she, one night, To me in tender tones, "Because you'd ou a bran new 'suit' You'd bought from C. R. Jones."' In Town. Charles W. "Wingard, Esq., formerly of this place, but now located at Lock Haven, is at present visiting his friends on the mountaiu. He looks well and hearty, aud speaks in glowiug terms of the place he has selected for his future home. We wish him a prosperous pro fessional career, and plenty of paying cli euts. No man is more deserving of suc cess. At his residence, in Jackson township, after a long and protracted ill ness, Mr. Samuel Singer, in the 82d year of his age. The deceased was one of the earliest settlers of that township, and enjoyed the respect of all who knew him. He lived and died a devoted christian. -VTOTICE. X 1 The subscribers beg leave to inform their customers, and the public generally, that the report which has been circulated to the clfcct that they do not intend to work any this summer is erroneous. We expect to com mence CARDING about the first of July next, and shall then cheerfully and to the best of our ability accommodate all who may lavor us with their custom. ,uT-r.t JONES 4 YENNER. STEINWAY'S PIAHOS. THE subscriber now informs the citiseca of Ebensburg and vicinity of the cclebrtUd STEOWAY PI4OS It is superfluous to say aught iu their praiw, as they are considered the . VERY BEST IN STRUMENTS ever manufactured, and FAR ABOVE those of any other markets. Price range from $275 to $1,000. They possess double the amount of tone o any others, and are unrivalled for strength an durability. They have the latest improvements, such ai FULL IRON FRAMES, FELT COVERED : HAMMERS, FRENCH GRAND AC TIONS OVERSTRING, kc. Among the many who, within the last few- months, have "purchased Steiuway's Piauoi are .... Rev G F Rider, D. DLocust Grove Seminary, Mrs S R Hanna, Washington Seminary, Messrs Wcstlake Si Comwell, Indiana Semina ry, Pa, St Xavier s Female Seminary Latrobe, Pa,s House of Visitation Seminary, Wheeling, Va, St Alovsius' Seminary, Loretto, Pa, Rev EM Van Deusen D. D, Rev A M Bryan, D. D, Rev J M'Milian. Hon N Ewing, Uniontown, Pa, Capt J Birmingham, Supt West'aPeuitentiary Mrs C Rppyerer, Rochester, Pa, Capt W. M'Closkey. M'Keesport, (leu S Lahm, Canton, Ohio, Jos Freeze, Esq, do do, G W Beazell, Esi. Uniontown, Pa. H. KLEBER & BRO.f No. f.3 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, Sole Agents for the Steinway Pianoi. Dec. 22, Ib59-Gui. IVSLocLlOCtl. DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON S Compound Diuretic Pilla Compound Diuretic Pilla Compound Diuretic Pilla Compound Diuretic Pilla Compound Diuretic Pills Compound Diuretic Pills Cures Gravel, Gleet, Stricture, Leucorrhosa, Female Weaknesses, Irregularities, Obstruc tions. JUropsy, Loss of Appetite, Loss of Mem ory, Loss of Power, Dimness of Vision, Im pote ncy, Seminal Weaknesses, Nocturnal Emis sions, Diabetes, and all other diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Se.xiKil Organs. These Pills are prepared with great care, contain neither Balsam or Mercury, but are purely vegetable in their composition, and art endorsed, recommended and used in the prac tice of Physicians generally for the cure of the above diseases. When Physicians recommend a preparation, sufferers should no longer hes itate to test its efficacy. Price 50 cts. perbox DR. HAMPTON'S Medicated COUGH SYRUP. A pleasant and most effectual remedy for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Iniiueuza and ail oth er afi'cctioiiS of the Throat aud Lungs. In placing tin Ht ticie before the Public, the Proprietors have endeavored to combine effi cacy with cheapness, aud have put it up in such a manner as to place it within the reach of all. Price 25 cents per bottle. DR. HAMPTON'S ANTI-RHEUMATIC MIATCRE, Cures Acute. Subacute, Chronic, and Nervoua Rheumatism. This preparutiou is presented to the public with t!ie u'most confidence in its efficacy. It hns been the result cf many yenrs of study, ob servation, and experience. By its use I have restored to health and vigor, many who have for years been afflicted with this excruciatingly painful disease. When taken according to the directions, it never fails. Dr. H. lately returned from a professional visit and residence of six months in Cuba, du ring which time hecured more than one thous and (1,000) cases of this disease some of which hauled the skill of the most celebrated European physicians. 'ertiCcatcs of sonic of the greatest cures on record can be seen by application at his office. PREPARRU O.NI.Y MY Da. T. HAMPTON & CO.. No. 405 Spruce street, Philadelphia. Price $1,25 per large bottle. Sold by Drug gists and dealers thronrhout the United States Canada, Cuba, and South America. A. A. BARKER, Sole Agent for Ebensburg Feb. 2, lf50-ly BOOTS AXD SHOES. T ie undersigned continues' the manu facture of BOOTS and SHOES ofr every description at his establishment, in Ebensburg, immediately opposite the I'ost Office. Employing none but the beat workmen, he trusts that be has been and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He hopes that the sain liberal patronage hetetofore given him may ba continued, and that more may be added. He has also on hand a large assortment ot French Calf-Fkins, aud Morocco of all kinds, suitable for fine Boots and Shoes. Heady-made BOOTS and SHOES always ou hand, aud prices moderate. MKSIIAC THOMAS. Ebensburg. August 25, 1859:tf. FOR RC.VT. fjlhe subscriber will lease for a term of veara 1 "THE PENSACOLA MILL PROPERTY," with 1,000 acres of land adjoining, heavily timbered 30 acres surrounding the mill ar cleared, aud under a high 6tate of cultivation. Also, Blacksmiths' shops, Trucks, ic. 'The Mill has one of Page's Circular Saws in it, aa well as au upright saw, and three small circu lars for lath, ic, and is cajilable of making 10,000 FEET OFLUJCBER PER DAY. The above described valuable property will be leased on favorable terms. Possession giv en at any time. Address LLOYD & HILL, Hollidayeburj:. Or Wm. II. Gabuskb, Esj,, Wila- Pa September 1, 1859:tf. OH, YES ! Oil, YES ! ! OH, YES! ! I THE RAILROAD! The undersigned begs leave to inform the public at large that he has opened a SADDLR and HARNEtS SHOP, on High street, one door east of Davis it Jones' store, where he intends manufacturing and keeping on hand SADDLES, RIDING BRIDLES, MARTIN GALES, HARNESS of all descriptions, COL LARS, BLIND BRIDLES, &c, all of which he w ill sell very low for eath or country produce. ('all nd examine my work before purchasing flsewhere. JOHN E. CONN ELL. Ebensbury. April 13. lM-if. QUICK SALES i SMALL PROFITS. WM. DAVIS has just received, and la now opening, at hU atore, en High atMt, th xtl selected and most varied assortment of Good ever offered to the citUena of SbBi burg and vicinity, comprising in part . r " " DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Queensware, Bonnets, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Ready-made Clfitnlng, Stationary, Willow-ware, Fish, Salt, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, ftll of whio will be disposed of for CASH or COUNTRY PRODUCE delivered. ' ' . : JJa; Thankful for past favors, I respectfully request a continuance of the game. CALL AND EXAMINE- NO EXTRA CHARGES MADE FOR EXAMINING tJOODS.' . . Ebensburg, May 3, 1860-2m Latest iLrrival! X BARGAINS! BARGAINS ! fob EVERYBODY ! DJ. EVANS & SON have this this day m received from the East and are now oll'ering to the citizens of Ebensburg, and vicinity, a well selected assortment of , MI?y A ND B 0 TS CL O TIIIXG, also a large lot of Dry Goods, consisting in part of the following articles, viz : Satins, Velvets, Cloths, Cassimeres, Doeskins, Sattinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, Tickings, Flannels, Brown & Bleached DRESS GOODS, of everj- style, Notions, 4c. We have also on hand a large assortment of DOOTS, shoes, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, STATIONARY, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, TRUNKS, CARPET-SACKS, Together with such other articles as are usu ally kept in a country store, all of which they will dispose cheaper than the cheapest, for CASH oi COUNTRY PRODUCE. N. B. The tailoring business will still be carried on in ail its branches. All work will be done on short notice and on the most rea sonable tertns. Ebensburg, January 25, 1860:tf ROBERT DAVIS, JCHN P. JONES Variety TTctlX, DEALKKS IS" FOREIGN A.D DOMESTIC T"EEP constantly on baud a large and su- l perior stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, such as' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, .. SATINETS, TWEEDS, , JEANS, BROWN AND ! BLEACHED HUSLINS, DJiESS GOODS of tcery style, FANCY GOODS AND NO HONS, A large assortment of BOOTS and SnOES, which have just been received from Boston. STRAW FUR and WOOL HATS, STATIONARY of every description, WALL PAPER of every style, HARDWARE, QU-EESWARE, STOXE AXD EARTHEN WARE, A full supply of GROCERIES, SUCH AS SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS COFFEE, TEAS AND RICE. A FULL STOCK OF SPICES, FLOUR, BACON, FISH, TOBACCO, CIGARS SNUFF, BAR IRON, NAILS, A N D G L A S S Always on hands. Brills, I'alnls and Oils, and a full ossortment of other articles usually kept in country stores. All kinds of Country Produce, such as Butter Eggs, Bacon, Grain, Wool, Po tatoes, Beans, Rags, &c, &c, taken in exchange for Goods, and the Cash never refused. ti-CHERRY, POPLAR and PINE LUM BER bought and sold. DAVIS & JONES. Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859.-tf. N TEW GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER Just received, and for sale at reduced pri ces, a full supply of Staple and Fancy Gooda, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, aud a large variety of other summer wear for men and boys. 200 pieces of Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, and other Fancy Dress Goods. Brown and Bleached Muslins, Checks and Fancy Shirtings, Flannels, Stella, Cashmere and Merino Shawls, Hoisery, Gloves, Notions, MADE-UP CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, All Wool Carpetings, Hemp and Cotton do. at from 15 to 28 cents per yard, Floor Oil Cloths, Queensware and Crockery, Hardware and Cutler, Groceries, Drugs and Medicines, Linseed and Whale Oils, Window Gl&ga, Paints, Yarui3h and Turpentine. Fish, Salt, Flour. Iron, Nails and Steel, Ma nilla and Hemp Ropes of different siies, Cot ton Yarns, Carpet Chains, ic, &c. all of which will be sold at the very lowtit prices. E. HUGHES. Ebensburg, May 3, 1860-tf TrOOD, MORRELL & CO., II Johsstowh, Pa- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS in ALL KINDS OF MERCHANDISE, Keep constantly on hand the following arti cles : DRY GOODS. CARPETINGS, HATS AND CAPS, OIL-CLOTHS, BONNETS, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS SHOES, GROCERIES, FISH, SALT, FLOUR, BACON, FEED Or ALL K1VDS, VEGETABLES, AC e" Clothing and Boots and Shops madata ordr on reasonabletprms.. John?tcvr0. MsTrh 1 ie?0-tf. WM. DAVIS, 1 - AN APERIENT and stomachic prepa ration of Iron purified of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanc tioned by the highest medical authorities, both in Europe and 'the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience ot thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities ot the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions, indicate its necesitT ia almost ever conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, it has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: In IJebuity, Nervous Affections, Emaciation, Dytpeptia, Constipation, Diarrha-a, Dysentery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous Tuberculosis, bait lihtum, Jlitmenttruation, Whites, Chloro sis, Liver Complaints, Chronic Headaches, Rheu matism, Intermittent Fevers, Eimjuet on (Ao Face, etc. In cases of Genbbal Debility, whether the, result ef acute diseases, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, on trial of this re storative has proved successful to an extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed ridden as to have become forgotten in. their own neighborhoods, have suddenly reappeared in the busy world as if just returned from pro tracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female sufferers, emaciated victims of appa rent marasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, crit ical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Affections of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigo rously tonic, without being exciting and over heating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costivenesa, without ever being a gastric purgative, or in flicting a disagreable sensation. It is this latterproperty, among others, which makes it so remarknbly effectual and perma nent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing tbe local teadency which forma them. In Dyspepsia, innumerable as Rre ita causes, a single box of these Chr.lybeate Pills has of ten sufficed for the most habitual cases, inclu ding the attendant costiveness. In unchecked Diarrhoea, even when advanced to Dysentery, confirmed, emaciating, and appa rently malignant, the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough and remittent hectic which generally indicate Incipient Consumption, thia remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifying and in teresting instances. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis this medicated Iron has bad far more than the good effect of the moit cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known lia bilities. The attention of females r&nnot be toa con. j fidently invited to this remedy and restorative. in the cases peculiarly anecting tnem. In Rheumatism, both chronic and inflamato ry in tho latter, however, more decidedly it has been invariably well reported, beta a alleviating pain and reducing the swelling and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily b a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown apd use fulness. No remedy basever been, discovered in the whole history of medicine which cxerta" such prompt, happy and tuny restorative ef fects. Good appetite, complete digestion, rap id acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercite immediately follow its use, - WftPut up in neat flat metal boxes, con taining 50 pills. Price 50 cents per box ; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on the receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. F LOCKE & CO., General Agents, 20 Cedar street, N'. Y. May 31, 180-ly rilAKES this method of inlormiug his old I friends, that he is still engaged in the Mercantile Business, at Ebensburg, and ia et all times prepared to eell to purchasers, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Every variety and discription of btrh and FANCY DRY GOODS, HARDWARE QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, TOBACCO. CIGARS, kc, And in fact every thing usually found in1 general Store. An examination of his stock; and prices is all ho desires at any time to ef fect sales. p Approved Country produce' in ex L change for GOODS at all times . Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859.-tf. PURE CIDER VINEGAR ! TO GROCE S AND HOUSEKEEPERS. Ihe subscriber would call your attention to the fact that he has commenced' in the bor ough of Johnstown the manufacture of Pure Cider Vinegar, double-distilled, which he of fers for sale by the barrel as cheap as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere If you wish to sharpen your appetite, try some of Sharp's sharp vinegar, warranted pur and free from drugs. Orders should be addressed to JOHN SHARP, Johnstown, P. May 34, 1660-tf TOR SALE Ore good revr lightdorj. Aug.Se,!? f G. HVyTXTT.