The Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1859-1865, January 12, 1860, Image 2

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    J I
WtGHT OK lVP.O.(i.
Tlie liesit!oiits Jleasiiyre.
Wc stated last week, that we could not
possibly publish the President's Message
without excluding much better matter, but
we promised to give our readers, in lieu
thereof, an abstract of its most important
points. e proceed, therefore, to fulfil
that promise.
lhe 1 resident begins by expressing
gratitude to the Almighty, for the numer
ous blessings bestowed upon us durin"the
past year, including excellent health,
plentiful harvests, and geueral prosperity.
He then passes on to the occurrences at
Harper's Ferry and says :
'These events, however bad and cruel in
themselves, derive their chief importance
from the apprehension that they are but symp
toms of an incurable disease in the public mind,
which may break out in still more dangerous
outrag-es, and terminate at last in an open war
by the North to abolish Slavery in the South.
Whilfc, for myself, I entertain no such appre
hension, they ought to afford a solemn warn
ing to us all to beware of the approach of
danger. Our Union is a stake of such ines
timable Talne as to demand onr constant and
watchful vigilance for its preservation. In
this view, let me implore my countrymen,
North and South, to cultivate the ancient feel
ing of mutual forbearance and good will to
ward each other, and strive to allay the demon
spirit of sectional hatred und strife now alive
in the land. This advice proceeds from the
heart of an old public functionary whose ser
vice commenced in the last generation, among
the wise and conservative statesmen of thai
day, now nearly all passed away, and whose
first and dearest earthly wish is to leave his
country tranquil, prosperous, united, and
After briefly disposing of the Harper's
Ferry affair, the President goes on to con
gratulate Congress upon the "final" set
tlement, byhe Supreme Court of the
United States, of the question of Slavery
in the Territories. On this subject he
cays :
'The right ha3 been established of evcrv
citizen to take h
- - 1 I ' v ""J AIHU, ill-
eluding slaves, into the common Territories
belonging equally to all the States of the
Confederacy, and to have it protected there
under the Federal Constitution. Neither
Congress, nor a Territorial Legislature, nor
any human power has any authority to annul
or impair this vested right.
Had it been decided that cither Congress or
the Territorial Legislature possess the power
to annul or impair the right to property in
slaves, the evil would be intolerable'
The President says he has employed all
lawful means at his command to execute
the law against the African Slave Trade.
He has not discovered that any slaves have
been imported into the United States, ex
cept the cargo by the Wanderer, number
ing between three and four hundred. The
offenders have been prosecuted; "but not
with as much success as their crimes de
served." A considerable portion of the Message
is devoted to an argument against the re
vival of the Slave Trade, which the Pres
ident condemns for reasons both of hu
manity and expediency.
The ratification of the Chinese treaty,
and the visit of Minister Ward to Pekiu
are next referred to with satisfaction.
Our relations with Paraguay, France,
Russia, and all continental Europe, except
Spain, are also of the most friendly charac
ter. The latter refuses to pay the Cuban
claims of our citizens, amounting to 128.
C35.51, though their justice has been re
cognized by the Spanish Government.
The President recommends an appropri
ation by Congress to pay the Spanish
Government for the Amistad negroes, and
says that "the failure to discharge this
obligation has been employed by the Cab
inet of Madrid as a reason against the
settlement of our claims."
The San Juan difficulty with Great
Britain is dwelt upon at" Wtli Tl...
President is of opinion that the minion of
Gen. Scott has prevented a collision be-
tween the forces of the two
that the difficulty may now be amicably
Mexico is next rcfeircd to, and the in
juries sustained in that distracted repub
lic, by American citizens, are urged by
the President as reasons for the passage of
A law authorizing him to employ "a suffi
cient military force to enter Mexico, for
the purpose of obtaining indemnity for
the past, aod security for the future."
lie suggcsU that, if this authority should
be granted him, a force of volunteers could
easily oe ra.sed, sunic.eut to enable" the
ii .
overument of lVesidcnt Juarez, now in !
possession of A'era Cruz, to reach the City
of Mexico, and extend its power over the
whole . Republic. He also requests from
Congress authority to establish military
posts across the Mexican line in Souora
and Chihuahua, and designates Arispe, in
Sonora, as a point where such a post is re
quired, to protect both Americans and
Mexicans against the Indians.
The President further asks that he may
be authorized to employ the Xavv for the
purpose of protecting the lives and prop
erty of American citizens passing across
the Central American Isthmuses.
The last Congress having gone out of
existence without making the required
appropriations lor the Post Office Depart
ment, the President dwells upon the em
barrassment thus created, and recommends
the passage of an election law securing
the perpetual existence of a full Congress,
so that in case of. emergency that bodv
may be called together without leaviii"
any htate unrepresented
The President also recommends the con
struction of a Pacific Railroad ; the re
duction ot Government expenditures to
the lowest practicable point, and the rais
ing ot additional revenue to meet antici
pated deficiencies, not by loan, but by an
increase ot the present duties on imports
And, in conclusion, he commends "to the
just liberality of Congress, the local in
terests ot the District of Columbia
A c have thus given our readers an ab-
Struct ot the leading points in the third
.-iituuai -uessage ot 1'resident James Jiu-
clianan an abstract as fair as we have
been able to get it up, and certainly as
lull as we can find room for. If we could
leave out the odious Pro-Slavery and Fili-
l...ifnrinBMi;..,...i-:,i,vM.:1.i ..... ,
me .uessaire itselt won l ho n no-bf
c v I
spectable document.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
rpi - i , . m i
This body met on Tuesday, the 3d in-
- -
stant, and both branches were duly organ-
izeu. vur member ot the House, K. J.
Proudfoot, Esq., and our Senator, Col. L.
W. Hall, were at their posts. In the
House, W. C. A. Lawrence, of Dnuolm,
was re-elected Speaker, and E. A. llauch
t.p i i , . , , . ,, , '
7 ...... - v., . 1 A. A V, JLI V . XII I
tl,0 -;u:... at t.. r. r
... Milium i. ii-uuciS, oi Law-
wuuiv, aseiecteu .pcatcr, and
r. 1 l.i c i i
liusscll Lrrett, of l'itLburg, Chief Clerk.
We may publish a list of all the officers in
our next number. In the meantime, we
may remark, that, as usual, there were
not quite enough offices to accommodate
all the applicants
Another Murder. A shock-inn- mur
der occurred in Currant alley, Philadelph
ia, on me ou inst., in a of ill repute,
which has stirred the community a good
ueai, uecause oi its exposition ot the ex
tent of depravity which is In
these "peculiar "institutions" nf our ,.u,r
Everybody knows of their existence, it it
true; but very many are iirnorant or care
less as to their true character, an.l h
evil injuence winch they exert upon the
naoits anu morals oi tne younij. As the
particulars ot the case are doubtless al.
rcaiiy laminar to vour readers.
1 . "I" . .
- , ., ' , . 1 -
. n-.,u u.c u-rma or tne coroner s jury :
I II 1 11 W f kt urnnrl n vAf.l.n 4l,..i 1. I
J, J v: "Vi l""L luu -
ceased, Andrew Johnson, came to hi
death from the effect of stabs, inflicted
witu a kmte in the hands of William
Burke, on the morning of the 3d inst.,
i.i:.nop liutter being accessory to the act.
In reading the testimony of the police
in this case, one is struck with ih rwd
matter-of-course style in which thev snrv-.k
of these houses : and one of them oes so
iarin lotting the cat out ot the bag as to
say this house had Ion"' been known to
, '
liMil iinrnr in.uli on,. 1 . ii . :
i JHU5V hihi riiriiii inr. nun i.nfr tir. i
."" V -iita. xs uns in
-ceping witu ins oatli . and with the re-
MUireiucnts of irood society ' T ie i stnrv
, f , " , . . , . " ; . J
of the murdered man is in brief this :
Andrew Jc.hnsnn b:.,l :, tnlr,.lJv f.r.r.
tif-,;r. . j -.i J .
ucation ! started witb I
- r:J f-' ""i
talents to make his way through the world ;
by and by becomes constable in this city
the office is not permanent, and lasts just
long enough to familiarize him with the
i ...... . i tiui t n x I
haunts ot vice, and to dest rOV hi PtKiprn-
and self-reliance ; the term of office ex-
' - ' m. Kfjtxi VlCJl 1
at :i house of ill-faintf li nnonv.l,
Iire& : ne until:: ho hnmss uk..i f
, aim liv I
w iwiiiiu inurein. uere we draw the veil
ne is in the Hands of an inscrutable and
TllOrflf'lll IVl,.-.. ... 1 .1
.... ..v. .vnci, niiiii; iiiurm iuu"iiieut I
cannot follow. Livin-. he m, nn , f "
1 cannot follow- living, he was one of a
TeZTZ7 un 1i?Creaa.in8 in?'
iZrU1" Prol"und
sorrow, and with charity close his eyes in
kindness; but his example should be a
warning to the many who arc pursuin-
c uion.
Death of a Yexerable OffTcial.
The Globe announces th rlontb
Ho i r rr, l"v
on. Samuel Lasev. I re.ns
i w- . it , , , " w,v-
1 Tt It-ln0" of the
i . . , ' --j-i r
pears he retired in the W nnino f bL
- ' . v v v . w v i lit. I V V wnoro lr an I
lr. "
sickness. His acre was about s-v-nun
years. He was a gentleman of unblem
Lhed character, and was nZ. 7l tT.
OUlte Ot M!Kiiri.r f,f tho I7..:.l o. ....
rr- ... - . : i "'c i
tn nrlv": '""
EQ&,Ilcad new advertisements.
JCgy Come again the sleighing.
BSL, Scarce local items this week.
ItQ How to prosper in business advertise.
?if In demand gum-shoes and the Al-
Bishop Neuman, of Philadelphia, died
of apoplexy on "Wednesday of last week.
XiSif" Our Congres?man, Hon. S. S. liluir,
has associated John Dean, Esq., with him in
the practice of the law.
KJL- The importations of silks for the port
of New York alone in the year 1839, was $83,-
3T Hon. S. S. Blair, Col. L. W. Hall, and
It. J. Proudfoot, Esq., have our thanks for
numerous favors in the shape of public docu
Bc. Neal Dow. the great temperance man.
fell the other day, from a height of sixteen
feet, and came near plunging into a boiling
BQL. party of miners have struck a coal
field near Denver city, Pike's Teak region,
eight feet thick.
It is not stated whether it struck back or no
Ea Theo. II. Crenier, Esq., of Huntingdon.
has been appointed Revenue Commissioner,
by thejudges of this judicial district. A most
excellent appointment
JgfThe Louisville Courier is encoiirafinf
the formation of a new Union partv out of the
different branches of the Opposition. It is
probable that the Opposition, as it now stands,
will be union euounh for the Locos next fall
marked the other day in our hearing that
Mordccai's paper, instead of being Sent-i-net,
should be Stnt-to-'el.
Not far wrong, either, we presume.
sgj- We have been favored with several
warm and refreshing rains up here durintr the
P"enl Vee.
present week, and the weather has been balmy
nd pleasant. But winter, no doubt, will
, , .-
i""" iumc iia nvua'u reign.
P. S. It has done so.
Tfd Skatinn- is bernm-nrr -ill li itr.irrt.'' tn
fashionable female circles in the cities and
inge iow ua. it is saiu io oe uotn a graceiul
.i ....... ,
...j u i -c"1 cAciiisc. uu i some lauy
break the ice and introduce it here?
John C. Ileenan, Esq., pugilistic pro-
fessor. shoulder-hitter extraordinarv. and can-
llicl:lte for the prize belt of Great Britain, has
sct Siul for the scene of h'13 coming combat.
"e ,eft n the 31st ult"; andhU r8"""
ceieoratcu ny crowds ot Ins admirers.
t k
BS. On our outside this week will be found
l ,
a beautiful noem from tlip eiftt il non ,r
' e '
own authoress. "Jennie:" e,,l,.n,i;.i w
f " 1 7 " i . a -' "
Year's tale; an assortment of phacts and phan-
cies for lovers of phun ; and a column for far
mers. Thv will all reiav a nerusal.
B.In Schenectadv, the ladies give parties
lasting through the evening, to which none of
the male sex are invited
While it frequentlv happens, in many places.
that the male sex give parties lasting through
the whole night, to which the ladies are not
We have received the January num
ber of the "Farmer and Gardener," a maga
zine devoted to agriculture, horticultuie, and
rural affairs generally. It is a good journal,
and, on account of its cheapness one dollar
per annum should be in the hands of every
Two men, named Francis Singer and
Andrew Maxwell, were killed at the Blairs
ville Intersection on Saturday of last week.
(-.. : . , . .. ..
"usl,-'i""r 'r"1" ne iracK loavom tlie west
ern train, they came directlv in front of the
one bound east, bntwhich the smoke preven
ted them seeing
They were horribly inuti-
Information tranted. Some five months
ago, J.St jer left his home in Lancaster on
business, stating to his wife that he would re
turn in a few days, since which time she has
had no word from him. Any information of
his whereabouts will be thankfully received
Ej& Quite a number of the fair lads and
lasses of Wilmore, taking advantage of the
-1 : i. -i , . . .
'"'"g, pai'i our xown a Hying visit on
. Jo "
friday night of last week. The party ston
ped with "mine host" of the Arcade, and with
.... , . ., . . '
lI,e cuieriaiumeni mere anorded, emoved a
vp. lllonnt ,..,; ,
. "f . B m-m uome
iiiguiv ueugiucd wmi tlieir visit
vi x'luivtui j ucmnei savs 11 S a
great pity that our New Year's Turkey hadu"t
been a goose.
Bitters asserts most positively that if the
lurkey aforesaid had been the editor of the
Dem. ,V Sent, himself, it would li v i.n
goose. Bitters is sunnosed to lmv.
utttc (Hill I'U
at this
-o- uic um iijhi llie
editor atoresaid always shows the White
i-i .,
. Th the emhers of the Loco-Foco
....... . !uicii h nn a leai
ous eye, the conduct of the men that, we en
tertain but little doubt, will appear in their
midst, wearing the brand of Abolitionism as
legibly as Cain did the stain of his brother's
bicod on his forehead. Dem. & Sent
A large number of persons in this commn.
nity wish to know the precise time when Cain
ore mat stain off.
v.n-u ui i ennsyivania has th
If a citizen of Pennsylvania has the
lu ierriior-with h s horsp
and a citizen of Virginia hanot the Z 2
rvi it. .
"i-iini.T.- iu me same territory with hi cl
k a':.:: . . . y Wlltl ,us slaves,
"?""an 13 not the equal of the Pennuvl
... 1 . e 1 enn,'i-
ofvT , UtUt'n' fr tbe citizen
i " f em'd a which the citizen
oi rennsv rnnn r,r,..- -n.. .
J -.y.-n. xscm. .1- JSent.
Why so ? Hasn't the Virrini ...-..
the rennsylranUa the right to emi-rate to a
leviuory wuu nu horses ?
Pennsylvania Legislature.
The following complete list of the mem
bers of our State Legislature should be
preserved for reference during the ses
2s ew members are marked with a , Dem
ocrats in italics, Republicans in roman
As all the Opposition members intend
to vote for a Republican President, we
trust none will take oneuce at being cal
led Republicans.
Philadelphia J. N. Marsclis, John II
Parker. Gen It. Smith. floo (inncll.
Chester and Delewai e Thomas S. Bill.
Montgomery John Thompson
Uucks Mahlou Yardlev.
Lehigh and Northampton Jeremiah
IJerks li. JTunrmachrr.
Schuvlkill Robert M. Palmer.
Carbon, Monroe, Pike, and Wa-ne
frtl . .
mom tin Jratij.
Bradford, Susquehanna, Wyoming, and
cum an ueorge banuua.
Luzerne W. W. Ketch um
Tioga, Potter, McKean, and Warren
""Isaac lenson.
Clinton, Iycomiiig, Centre, and Union
Andrew Gregg.
Snyder, Northumberland, Montour, and
Columbia lif ubiii Kdltr.
Cumberland, Juniata, Perry, and Mif-
nin- -rj,: it. Uiuicjord.
Dauphin and Lebanon J. 13. Ruther
Laucasetr U A. Shaeffer, Robert Bald
York IVm. If. HTTs,.
Adams, Franklin and Fulton A. K
Somerset, Bedford and Huntingdon
IW. SdlrU,
Blair, Cambria and Clearfield Lewis
W. Hall.
Indiana and Armstronsr J. E. Mere-
... j
AVestmorelaud and Fayette Jacob Tur
Washington and Grecne (Icorae Tl
Allesheny John P. Penny. Ellis H
Beaver and Butler DeL. Imbria.
Iawrence, Mercer and Yenaniro Wm.
M. l raucis.
Erie and Crawford D. A. Finnv.
Clarion, Jefferson. Forest and Elk A'.
jj. iixa.
T 1 l -t
Republicans, ...
Republican majority,
Philadelphia- Joseph Caldwell, William
B. Turner, Patrick McDonoufjh, Henry K.
Strong, Joseph Moore, Jr., Chas. O'-Neill,
J. II. Seltzer, Jacob E. Ridgway, Henry
J)unlaj, S. S. Pancoast, Isaac A. Sheppard,
Richard Wildey, Wm. D. Morrison, James
uonneujj, ,) . r . rreston, 1 Itomrs V. JJuf-
Jicia, Liiarles r. Abbott.
Delaware William D. Pennpll
Chester William Shafer, Isaac Acker,
Laleb 1 lerce.
31ontgomery John Dismanf, David
JStonehaeh; Dr. Charles II. JIdl.
Rucks Joseph Barusley, Jesse Y
.Northampton Jacob Cojx-, I. F. Ei
Jjchigh and Carbon Samuel J. Kist-
ler, Zacharias Jjoiui.
Monroe and Pike CJiarlts D. Brod-
Wayne . E. BcardJrc.
Luzerne John Stone, Peter Barnc, D.
E. Chajdn.
Susquehanna Ceorge D. Frazier.
Bradford Thomas Snicad, 0. II. P.
Wyoming, Sullivan, Columbia and Mon
tour Samuel Oales, George I). Jarksnn.
Lycoming and Clinton Robert Crane,
George A. Aehenbaeh.
Centre Adam R. Barlow.
Mifflin George Bates.
Union, Snyder and Juniata Thomas
Hayes, W. F. Wagonseller.
.Northumberland Amos T. Bisel.
Schuylkill John S. Bover. C. L. Pin.
kcrton, Josejdt A". Maurer.
Dauphin Wm. C. A. Lawrence. Mark
D. AVhituian.
Lebanon Joseph Eckman.
Berks Eliah Penn Smith, Solomon Ij.
Custer, Joshua S. Mdlcr.
Lancaster Nathaniel Ellmaker. .Tr
Samuel Keneagy, Amos S. Green, Jacob
j. uasseu.
York Frederick Sultzbach. Joh n Man.
. . . . '
t old.
Cumberland and Perry John Mcrnr.
dy, John Power.
Adams -aiui:el Durboraw.
Franklin aud Fulton James T? l?ro..
ster, James C. Austin.
Bedford and Somerset George W.
Williams, George G. Walker.
Huntingdon .. Simpson AJrica.
Blair Jacob Burley.
Cambria Richard J. Proudfoot.
Indiana A. Wilson Taylor.
Armstrong and Westmoreland nd
Craig, J. R. McGonigal, John JL Coulter.
Fayette John Collins.
Greene Danul W. Gray.
Washington George V. Lawrence,
llliam Graham.
Allegheny Wm. Varnum, David
I ressley, Charles L. Goehring, David D
Bayard, Wm. Espey.
Beaver and Lawrence Joseph II. Wil
son, James D. Bryson.
Butler John M. Thompson, W. McEl
-Mercer and Yenango Gcor-c D. Ho-'
bus, hhslui W. Davis.
Clarion and Forest John M. Fleming.
-r rr- r C . 1 ,1 XI ' U' V1L-
jenerson, vjicaiuciu, j. xvcan j-.-.
. xt:.i..i.
J.J. Uordon, v m. -mciiow.
Crawford and Warren Hiram Butler,
Henry J. Rouse.
Erie Henry Teller, Jonas Gonnison.
Potter and Tioga L. P: Williston,
Lewis Mann.
Democrats. Republicans.
Senate, - - -House
of Rep. -
Total, - -
Republican maj. on joint ballot, 43
Tlie Presidential Election.
Opening of the Campaign National American
Central Committee in Session at Philadel
phia Important Action A Conference with
the Whig National Committee at Washing
ton Call for a Republican National Con
vention. The American National Connnittee,
which assembled in this city to-day was call
ed to order by Hon. Jacob Broom, Chair
man. Hon. Erustus Brooks moved, that
the vacancy in the Committee be filled
by the appointment of Blandon Duncan,
Esq., of Kentucky, and that he act as Sec
retary. Adopted.
Mr. Brooks then presented the resolution
adopted by a meeting of the National
Union men in Washington City.
Jiesolced, That a committee of ten be ap
pointed by the Chair, which shall be em
powered to confer with the Executive Com
mittee of the Whig party, and such other
persons as are favorable to the formation
of a national party on the bais of the
Union, the Constitution, and the enforce
ment of the Laws, and to report some plan
for the formal inauguration of such a move
ment, and report to a subsequent meeting
to be called by the Chair ; and that the
chairman of this meeting shall be the
chairman of said committee.
Hon. J. J. Crittenden, Ky.,
Hon. J. M. Harris, Md.,
Hon. Chas. M. Conrad, La.,
Hon. J. Clemens, Tenn.,
Hon. E. Ethridge, Tenn.,
Hon. Joshua Hill, Ga.,
Hon. John A. Gilmer, X. C,
Hon. Geo. Briggs, X. Y ,
Hon. J. A. Rockwell, Conn.,
Hon. E. R. Jewett, X. Y.
The following rosolvtirm tb r.c
fcred by Mr. Brooks, and adopted :
Resolced, That the Chairman and Secre
tary of the Xational Central American
Committee be authorized and requested to
prepaie an address to the American people
upon the duty and necessity f,f tildwb;..
some political organization in 100, upon
the basis of the Union, and Constitution,
and the enforcement of the laws.
Resolved, That a Committee consisting
of Hon. A. II. H. Stuart, (Ya.), Hon. An
thony Kenedy (Md.,) Hon. James Bishop
i,. o..,) non. n. uuncau (Ky.,) and
Hon. Jacob Broom. fP
to confer with the Washington Union Com
mittee, on I-rulay, December 23, at 7 P.
M., to inaugurate some moypmi.t fW.,-..
e to the formation of a party upon the
uaa sei loiiu in tiio lorciroing resolu
tions. " '
Upon motion. Hon Kr
autica to the uommittee.
Letters were received from Hon 1
Ely, Mass., Hon. Kenneth Baynor, X. C j
and Hon. F. K. Zt.llicofr.-r rT0.. 'l
f.. . . .. V v"
i.pon motion the Committee adjourned, 215 perches to the place of li,r:'
ul.ject to the call of the Chairman. containing nc acres and lo4 perchc
J ACOlt HlK'wiM pi...:- lowance.
J ACOB BllOOM ri.;..
1 T-. 7 uiau,
. Duncan, Secretary.
Crossing the Missisnm ni.-T.c
of 1- uatix Ice. A party of Irishmen
were enjoying a social glass or so in a St
Louis saloon last Thursday afternoon,
when one ot them, n.-mio.l C.lbw,!,..-
posed a bet of fifty dollars, that he would
cross the Mississippi on the ice before
twelve o'clock on the sueeedma- rl-.r-.
wager was accepted, and a forfeit of ten
dollars put up on the spot. Friday morn
ing Gallagher looked out fully ex'pectin-
; ., , 'vTiU,u aters blocked up
bndjred. In this .i:.. :x. , y
rpi . -n-i'j.)CHIIlt'U.
llie ice was running- l,.f . l : i i
in la r ire cakos. n..ii.i'., i"- . ,J
tallied hnn a god deal, and told him he
might as well acknowledge himself beat
but he was not rut out ,.r..i .i. : j .'
... c i llicill
to wait a bit. About t.n nVd.i-1. .1. .
the stake holders, annoni.pp.l tb-.f i "' ...
going to cross the river and win the bet
and obtained a rdank r., J
ong and fourten iuehns wbb ...i.:.v
lie said, and nothing rls.. b
acrosss And sure enough, bounding upT
on a lanre cake, tnelino- l.;-
stream, and laying down his plank be-
..v. c.1Tluacun.g me edge, so as not to al
low it to unsor witb I,:... l.,
, r , no sKimmea
along from block to block, first up then
across then down, and so on, Joking out
l ;hA,V Cak0fS aud 0PPg nimbly
about till he actually reached the shore, a
hundred yards below the Terre Haute de
pot, safeZand sound as a dollar Tl,
sage across occujued a few minutes more
than an hour. The St. Louis Democrat
from which we condense the above says
one or two others cross...! if .. ' ' V
ui.j.11 ix wa;er
of twenty dollars. c
JBST At Rochester, last Fri.l
a young man named King, indicted for
grand larceny, was bein? eon.Lif f.l -i
" ' . ei -vv cvj jail
n irons accompanied by consUibles. He
7n onc ot n custodians, trip
ped the other from lic f.,.. : ,
I.i:t, l . " ''tjumpouintoa
a L IT 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 . I
fT Be just aud fear 4iot
Substitute for GunpowderZ?"
letter from Paris we read : The arrh !
of another invention in Paris has stt 1
the cafes and politicians wondering,
new lion, is, as usual, on the war path f.
no new invention of a peaceful Ca'.u
seems to attract attention. The iiau,e 't
the fortunate individual is Hochite"
He comes from Darmstadt, and is on
way to England, which circumstance
created the belief that he has been ca''J
b the English Government, and that'll
object is to make experiments jf Li j,"
vention at Woolwich. The invention
sists of a substitute for gunpowder ni
cheaper and far more effectual than
material at present employed for the ?'
struction of the human race. The
stance is grer in color, leaves a greas j7
pression to the touch, and posse.
strong ulcholic smell. It waa tried ly
week with great success on the Piatt o3
Tif, at Wicsbaded, and the conveativ!:"'
the numerous band of military t
gathered to witness the experiment .
decidedly in favor of its adoption f.jr:v!
future in lieu of the old gun powder, wl4
is declared to have at length fulfills':.,
missiou and done its duty of dtitn.
RANCE COMPANY of Cambria fJw. V
Ain't property insnrcd as per sec
ond annual report, ;
Ain't property insured since secend
annual rejiort,
Total am't rcjierty insured. $lj3.:;- ;
Am't premium notes in forte as
per second annual rtpwt, i? 1 0.Oi '-"
Am't premium notes taken since
second annual report, c.i.z;
Total am't prem. notes in force. $10.1 .
No. of Policies issued as per sec
ond annual report,
Xo. of Policies issued since second
annual report, y
Whole Xo. of Policies ined, ;;;
Am't reed, on premium notes since
second annual report,
Ain't ye due ou premium cotes, 1 :.;.-;
Am't incidental exiicnses
of past year. $CT.4'J
Am't compensation of of
ficers, agents, ic. lT.ri.'IS
Am't deficit in Treasury,
as per "id report. " C4.1-3
Total assets of the Ccnq ariy,
A. t . MlLLIX. Srcrrtari.
Ehensburjr, January 1 '. 18.-.:t
Py virtue of a Pluries Order of She 'r;
Court of Cambria county, to me liirc.v.
there will be exposed to Val by puUit v.v
due or outcry, at the Cresso Hotel, in
county, on SATURDAY, the 4th .h.v oi T,
IU Ali'i next, at one o'clock, P. M " thr ;
lowin? described real estate, to wit":
Lot or purpart number 1. nuiniu!.",! n:
describe. 1 in t!u- ui.juUition on the r al -
of illiam Webster, dt-e'd.. and bvin iiv.i-s.r.
in the township of Washington, i. u:.-. .
Cambria af,.reaid ; the same bc-ir." 1. ..:.
and described as fellows: -
lieech, thence, by i.f ti, ; .-.
i cuii in. uec a.. .. t,A h lim .....I.... . . .
in, uec u.. t;a
. - ...v .ivtto 1 ' ' '
! thtnt;e- s- E., lr.Ti perches to a iii.i:
-. j ii.eii w:e i a. ::ua 1't rtape Kailn.
thence on a line midway between said 1 -
w.iu, t?. hi l jo iieicln-s i!.r(
ioau. r. 4 1 U .. I 1 ii ,. . .1 V
One third of the purchase money to I o
on confirmation of the sale , one" oti c- - '
iu one year thereafter, with interest t.. ! i
cured by the Mortgages and Judgment 1 .
of the purchasers: and the rcmainin- t!.
remain a lien on the premises, the intcre-: '
the same to be paid !o Ann Henry. ( wi.I ... f
said decedent.) annually by the 'Puriba?
dunnp her lifetime, an'd the principal, at -decease,
to the heirs and lineal dc-.a
of the said William Webster, dee d
ANN HENRY, (late Ann UVi..'.r.
Adm'x. of Wm. Webster, dei M
January 12, 18io-3t.
Edward M'Kee
In the Coninu.n V.
of Cambria countv. -x
1. Sept. Term. K-.
-d plu. Tc.-t. Vcri
csno. from Uuiler n'-
Charles Adams and
David Rosser.
r I tni. Auditor appointed to make dL-ri
JL tion of the money raised 1 v Ski:
sale on and by y irtue of the above" wri:?.
attend to the duties of the appointment - :
1RII)A, the Kth day of FKBKl'AKV n-'
l 1 O Clock. I 1 o. I,:. :.. .1... -
ough of Lbensburir, when and vv here a '.! ;-'
sous interested are required to protnt t:
claims, or else be debarred from cetuitr ::
upon said fund.
January 12. 1 859.2 l-4t-
Johnston Moore 1 the Common Ple ;
vs r Cambria co. No. t-
x.unuru jones. JL, lS5i. E. D. VetiJ-tl
TIIIIK Auditor appointed to report distr' 3
J tion of the monev arisinj: from the .her"
nt 's sale of the Defendant's real estates "
the above writ, will attend to the dutUs
his appointment on IS A TURD VY, the -? 5
day of February next, at 1 o'clock, 1". "
his oflu-e, in the borough of Ebensburf. -:a
and where all persons interested msv nU
J. II. CAMP11KLL, Audits
January 12, lS59-4t
. J . T I " . l .
"ow Arrival'
at the
old sta.nd tf davis & lloyp.
r"HE subscriber keeps constantly on b-1'-;
X ! kinds of Dry (Joods, Groceries.
ware, Queensware," Roots & shoes. K'
Caps, Ready Made Clothing, 4c, Ac 7:;
hitrhest market tiri- i. oil kinds l;
country produce, in exchange for poods-
and examine my stock before purehisin6
vi ii t: 4 e.
Ebcasburg Jan. 12, lSOO-tf.