The Alleghanian. (Ebensburg, Pa.) 1859-1865, November 17, 1859, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
"f T7"ILL be published every Thursday, at
W the following rates, viz :
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Presbyterian Rv. D. Harbison, Pastor.
Preaching every Sabbath morning at 10$
'clock, and in the evening at o'clock. Sab
kith .School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer mect
every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock.
Methodist Episcopal Church Ucv. J. SlIANt,
Preacher in charge. Rev J. M. Smith, As
tutant. Preaching every Sabbath, alternately
I 10$ o'clock in the morning, or 7 in the
Ttuing. Sabbath .School at 9 o'clock, A. M.
Prarer meeting every Thursday evening at 7
Welch Independent Rev. Li.. R. Powkll,
p4tor. Preaching every Sabbath morning at
1) o'clock, and in the evening at t o'clock.
ab'.th School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Prayer
Rirrting on the first Mond.iv evening of each
sinth ; and on every Tuesday, Thursday
ai Friday evening, exceptiug the first week
1 1 f i. ti inoi
J Putor. Pr
ix vu monin.
tie Methodist Rkv. John' Williams,
I'reiiehimr i-vrrv S.ihlmtli fvi-nimr nt.
n i i. o ciock. satujatu Sc hool at 10 o clock,
A. M. Prayer meeting everv Fridav evening
t 7 o'clock. Societv everv Tucadav evenimr
. o
at . o clock.
Uitriplcs Rev. Wm. Lloyd, Pastor Prcach
iaj every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock.
Particular Baptists Rev. David Jenkins,
P?tur. Preaching every Sabbath evening at
3 O'clock. Sabbath School nt 1 o'clock, P. M.
(UiKolic Rev. M. J. Mitchell, Pastor.
Services every Sabbath morning at 10. o'clock
J Vnj)cra at 1 o'clock in the evening.
iMUrn. dailv. at 111 o' A. M
Wfitern, ""at 11 P. M.
Eaitirn, daily, at 5 o'clock, P. M.
Wtdtcrn. at 6 A. M.
SjUTlie Mails from Butler. Indiana. -Strougs-jwt,
arrive on Tuesday and Friday of
efh week, at 5 o'clock, P. f.
Leave Ebeusburg on Mondays and Thurs
days, at 7 o'clock, A. M.
5fc The Mails from Newman's Mills. Car
rolltowii, ic, arrive on Monday aud Friday of
ach week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. "
Leave Kbensbnrg on Tuesdavs and Satur
ivi. at 7 o'clock, A. M.
Itsf Post Oflice open on Sundays from 9
f lu o'clock, A. M.
"cat Kipress Train, leaves at 9.45 A. M.
Mail Train, 8.48 P. M.
tuft Express Train, " 8.24 P. M.
Mail Train, " 10.00 A. M.
'' Fast Line, C.30 A. M.
coiXTi officers.
J'jd-jtt of the Courts. President. Hon. Geo.
Taylor, Huntingdon ; Ass ociates, GeorgeW.
timey, Richard Jones, Jr.
Prothonotary. Joseph M'Donald.
Rt'jxxtcr and Recorder. Michael Hasson.
SWiy-.Robert P. Linton.
D')uty Sheriff. George C. K. Zahm.
district Attorney. Theophilus L. Heycr.
County Commissioners. Thomas M'Counell.
Min Hearer, Abel Lloyd.
Lr to Commissioners. George C K. Zahm.
Counsel to Commissioners. John S. Rhey.
Trrnmrer. George J. Rodgers.
Vonr House Directors. William Palmer,
1'avid O'Harro, Michael M Guire.
I'oor House Treasurer. George C. K. Zabm.
Poor House Steward. James J. Kay lor.
X'-renntile Appraiser. Francis Tierney.
Auditors. Rees J. Lloyd, Daniel Cobaugh,
uenry Hawk.
County Surveyor. Henry Scanlan.
Coroner. -Peter Dougherty.
Superintendent of Com mon Schools. R.
Justict of the Peace. Davbl H. Rnbprt.o.
Harrison Kinkead.
Vurjus.-Joha D. Hughes.
Povn Andrew Li-U. .Iniliiii T"
arrish, David Lewis, Richard Jones, Jr., M.
U it
Clerk to Council James C. Noon.
trough Treasurer. George Gurley.
W,is Masters. Davis A Lloyd.
School T)i
Barker, Thomas M. Jones, Reese S. Lloyd,
"ru uiass, William Davis. ,
Treasurer of School Board. Evan Morgan.
Constable. George Gurley.
Tax Collector. George Gurley.
A-.essor. Richard T. Davis.
Ji'J of Election. David J. Jones.
H. Robrs, Daniel O.
Sweet Summer, Fure lliee Well.
Farewell, sweet Summer 1 on the air
Is lingering now thy parting sigh ;
Thy last faint smile new beauty sheds
On field an I flower, o'er stream and sky.
A melody like farewell song,
Is borne on every whispering breeze ;
A sweeter fragrance breathes from out
Each bending flow'ret's folded leaves.
Low, mournful voices thrill my heart ;
They speak in sad, prophetic tones,
Of fading woods, and dying flowers,
Of happy hours forever flown.
F arewell, sweet summer ! thou hast brough t
For me, the sunlight with the shade,
And on lifes weary, toilsome path,
Full many a rose thy hand has laid.
And as I muse and look abroad,
This softly fading summer's dav,
On all earth's lovliest, fairest things,
That now so soon must fade away.
A sadness, deeper than the shade,
That rests upon the earth to-day,
Has wrapt my spirit in a cloud,
And chased its warmth and light away.
Around, on every lovely thing,
On flower, and gold, and sky above,
I see impressed one saddening truth,
The absence of a soul I love.
My heart is following close and warm,
Where those dear, wandering feet now tread,
With many a fervent, murmured prayer,
For blessings on the precious head.
I miss the kind, familiar voice,
The pleasant smile, aud clasping hand,
The form that wakens memories dear,
Of one now in the spirit land.
Oh, life ! 'mid all my hopes and joys,
These bitter partings ever coiae ;
They take our treasures from our side,
And shade with gloom the happiest home.
They make us yearn for that bright land,
Where never breathes a farewell strain;
Where souls, oft parted in this life,
Shall sweetly re-unite again.
Oh, blessed rest for waiting hearts!
Oh ! Hope ! what treasures hast thou there!
There, summer flowers shall never fade ;
There, we shall breathe uo chilling air.
Then go, sweet Summer! fare thee well!
Though here in shade my pathway lies,
I press towards that home above,
Of sweeter rest, and brighter skies.
"You arc sober this cveiiinjr," said Mrs.
Landcll to her husband. "I hope nothing
has gone wrong durinpr the day."
Mr. Landell, who had been sitting with
his eyes upon the floor, silent and abstrac
ted for some moments, roused himself at
these words of his wife, and looked up at
her, smiled in a forced way, as he an
swered 'Oh, no; nothing at all has gone
"Don't you feel well?"
The voice of Mrs. Landell was just sha
ded with concern.
"Well enough in bod3r, but not as com
fortable in mind as 1 desire."
"Then something has gone wrong,"
said the wife, her manner troubled.
"Nothing more than usual," replied Mr.
Landell. The forced fmile faded away
from his countenance. Mrs. Landell sigh
ed. "Than usual !" She repeated his words
looking with earnest inquiry into her
husband's face. Then she added in a
tender manner
"Bring home your trouble, dear. Don't
hide anything. Let me share with you
the good and ill of life. Did you not kuow
that hearts draw nearer in suffering than
they do in joy V
"Bless your kind heart, Alice !" paid
Mr. Landell, a broad smile creeping over
bis face as he caught her round cheeks be
tween his hands aud kissed her. "There
isn't anything in the case so serious as all
that comes to. I'm not going to fail in
business; haven't lost anything worth
speaking about; haven't cheated anybody
and don't intend to ; it's only this hasty,
impulsive temper of mine that is always
leading me to say or do something that
leaves a sting."
The cloud passed from the face of Mrs.
Landell. .
"You will overcome that in time, Ed
ward." "I can't see that I make any progress.
Yesterday I spoke sharply to one of my
young men when a mild reproof would
have been more just and of more salutary
ffct. H w sensitive, and my words
hurt him severely. The shadow that re
mained on his face all day was my perpet
ual rebuke, and I felt it long after the
sun went down. My punishment was
greater than his. But the lesson of yes
terday did not suffice. This morning I
was betrayed into captious language, and
wounded the same young man, and threw
him eff his guard so much that he answer
ed me with feeling. This I regarded as
impertinence, and threatened to dismiss
him from my service if he dared venture
a repetition of his language. When feel
ing subsided and thought became clear
again, L saw that I had been wrong and
felt unhappy about it ever since. 1 wish
that 1 had more self control ; that I could
bridle my tongue when feeling it suddenly
spurred. But temperament and long in
dulged habits are against me."
Mrs. Landell encouraged and soothed
her husband, and so won his mind away
from its self-reproaches.
On the next morning as Mr. Landell
was leaving for his tore, his wife looked
up at him, and with a meaning smile, said
to him
There was the slightest perceptible
warning in her tone.
"Don't what ?" Mr. Landell seemed a
little puzzled.
"Don't forget yourself."
'-Oh !" Light broke in upon his mind.
"Thank you, 1 will not ;" and he went
forth to meet the trials of the dav.
Almost the first thing that lell under
the notice of Landell was an important
letter, which after writing, he had given
to a clerk to copy and mail. Instead of
being in Boston, as it should have been,
it lay upon his desk. Neglect like this he
felt to be unpardonable.
"John," he called sharply to a young
man at the farther end ot the store.
"Don't !" It seemed to him like the
voice of his wife in his ear "don't forget
This mental warning came just in sea
son. The clerk came quietly toward him.
By the time he reached the desk of Mr.
Landell, the latter was under self-ontrol.
"Why wasuot this letter mailed, John?"
he asked.
The tone was neither imperative nor
captious, but kind ; aud the question was
asked in a way that said of course there
is good reason for omission ; and so there
"I think, sir," answered John, "that
there is a mistake, and 1 thought it not
best to put the letter in the mail."
"A mistake? How?" and Mr. Lan
dell opened the letter.
"It reads," said the clerk, "three hun
dred cases of shawls."
"Oh, no ; thirty cases," replied Mr.
Landell. But as he said this, his eye res
ted on the three hundred. "So it is.
How could I have made such an error ?
You did right, John, in not sendinir the
letter at all."
The clerk went back to his place, and
the merchant said to himself, "How glad
I am that I was able to control myself.
If I had spoken to that young man as I
felt, I would have wronged and alienated
him, and made trouble for myself all day."
Not long alter this, a case of goods fell
through the hatchways, crushing down
upon the landing with a noise that caused
Mr. Landell, whose temperament was ex
ceedingly nervous, to spring to his feet.
To blame somebody was his first impulse.
"What careless fellow has done this ?" was
on his tongue.
"Don't !" the inward monitor spoke in
time. Mr. Landell shut his lips tightly,
and kept silent until he could command
himself, lie then inquired calmly into
the cause of the accident, and found that
special blame attached to none. Opening
the case of goods, the damage was found
to be trifling.
"Another conquest," said Mr. Landell,
as ho turned to his desk. Self-control is
easy enough if the trial is made in ear
nest. A dozen times that day was the torh
applied to Mr. Landell's quick temper,
and as often was he in danger of blazing
out. But he kept his temper till the suu
went down, and then lie turned his steps
homeward, feeling more comfortable in
mind than he had for several weeks.
There was no shadow on his countenance
when he met his wife, but smiling good
"You said 'Don't' as I left this morn-
"Well !"
"And I didn't,"
"You are a hero," said Mrs. Landell,
"Not much of a one. The conquest
was easy enough when I drew the sword
in earnest."
"And you felt better ?"
"Oh, a thousand times. What a curse
of one's life this quick temperament is.
I am ashamed of myself half a dozen times
a day on an average. But I have made a
good beginning, and I mean to keep on
right until the end."
"Don't," said Mrs. Landell to her hus
haod, as she parted with him for the store
at the front door of their home the next
"I won't ; God help me '" was answer
ed heartily.
And he didn't, as the pleasant evening
that he parsed with his wile most clearly
Header, if you are quick tempered,
Artists differ in their opinions as to the
feature which gives character to the face.
Home hold that it is the eye the window
of the soul through which beams the spir
it of the uiau. But how often do we see
the lno-t gifted mind dimly lighted by a
lack-lu.-tre eye, or an eye full of brilliancy
i:i the head of a fool, which like a jew el in
the toad's head, serves only to reuuer its
defects more hideous. Others, again, are
great sticklers for that prominent feature,
the njse. They talk of the Grecian nose
as beautifying the female countenance, and
the Roman adding dignity to the mascu
line. But it seems to us that the nasal or
gan can boast but little in characterizing
the face. If it be not a monstrosity, it at
tracts but small notice, and we challenge
any man to give the shape of another's
nose, after seeing him twenty times.
The last feature, the mouth, is by many
and we believe the largest class, ranked
first in the scale of physiognomy. The
lips those expressive outlines of the mouth
how varied are they in shape, how
staugely denned, and how lull or character :
Look at this gallery of portraits. Here
you behold one with a lip thin aud com
pressed. He is a man of decision. This
picture, where you see persuasion hanging
on its mouth, is that of one full of sweet
ness and amiability. Here is another : its
lip is curled, as if habitually in mockery
aud derision. It is the portrait of a scoffer
at religion, a sceptic and an infidel. But
pass on to the next what a fearful smile
gathers around its mouth ; it is the smile
of the tiger, ere he leaps on his prey. We
once saw that man rise in a public assem
bly to answer an opponent, and that same
smile lurked on his lip, like a sun-beam on
a thunder cloud, ere it bursts on its vic
tim. The mouth is emphatically the porch of
the head and heart. From the architec
ture of the former we judge of the struc
ture and finish of the latter.
Tlic l'liilosopliy of Good Living.
Winter being the season when man has
the best appetite, Nature then very con
siderately supplies him with the most nu
tritious food. The same cold that shar
pens his gastronomic insticts, perfects the
edible qualities of most of the creatures he
delights to devour. For instance, the Es
quimaux, whose climate is of a sutj-ztro
character, have a 'weakness for Walrus fat
that amounts in fact to a blubber-mania,
and Natuic, mindful of the propensity,
renders this amphibious game particularly
oleaginous during the Arctic winter. It
is the same with beeves, sheep, hogs, and
all kinds of domestic fowls in the winter
months of our milder latitudes. They
fatten and eating of them inordinately
because of their adipose condition and their
juiciness, we fatten. Now fat is favorable
to content, good humor, benovelence and
sundry other social virtues hence in all
parts of the globe that have a winter,
Christians are at that season more amiable
than the general average of their brethren
in the torrid zone.
We do not mean to insist from the above
premises that Daniel Lambert, who weigh
ed a thousand pouuds averdupois. was a
model of cheerfulness and general excel
lence, nor that his skeleton autithesis,
Calvin Edson, was the reverse. As ex
tremes are said to meet, both, for aught
we know, may have been unhappy and
morose or they may not. What we mean
to say is or what we did mean to say
when we began this rambling article was
first, that winter is the season of good
living second, that good living is pro
motive (if not pushed to the dyspeptic
point) of cheerfulness and all the ameni
ties of social life; and thirdly, that, there
fore, it is advisable in a moral as well as
sensuous point of view for people with
enlightened appetites to partake of the
good things with which the "bill of fare"
for the present quarter of the year abounds
provided always that they can afford to
pay for luxuries and yet have something
left over for the necessities of those who
"cat to live."
tf&m Ten thousand cigars arc on their
way from Havana to Paris, for the private
smoking of the Emperor. They cost three
hundred dollar? a thousand.
Trad u sr si I'cdlgrce.
Some men are boastful of their ances
try, while others are entirely devoid of all
pride of birth, and have no more respect
for the geneological table of their fore
fathers than they have for Poor Richard's
Almanac. The late John Randolph of
Roanoke used to assert his belief that he
was descended from the celebrated Indian
Princess, Pocahontas, but it is not known
that he established his claim to that dis
tinction. Many years ago there lived in a near
State a young gentleman who took it into
his head that, like John Randolph, he was
of Indian descent, though, unlike John,
he did not know exactly the tribe to which
he belonged. The idea was a peifect mo
nomania with him, notwithstanding the
efforts of his friends to convince him of
the folly of his pretensions, to say noth
ing of the absurdity The favorite no
tion, however, could not be eradicated
from his mind, and he promised his
friends that he would one day convince
them that he was right m his claims.
Having heard that a deputation of In
dians were at Washington, on a visit to
their great father, the President, he
promptly repaired to the city, and arran
ging with the gentlemen who had them in
charge, his friends iu the city were sur
prised to receive an invitation to accom
pany him on a visit to the Red Men,
before whom he proposed to verify his
favorite pretensions. The parties met as
requested, and found the Indians sitting
on the floor smoking their pipes, and man
ifesting but little appreciation of the hon
or of the visit.
Having arranged his friends at a respect
ful distance from the aged chief, who
still regarded the visitors with stolid in
difference, the young man stepped boldly
from the centre, and presuming that it
would require some show of euergv to
arouse the chiefs from their apparent ap
athy, he placed his hand on his breast,
aud said with great fearlessness :
"Me Indian long time ago."
The chief, who was not skilled in talk
ing English, took his pipe from his mouth
but evinced no emotion whatever. The
speaker then thinkiug that a more violent
gesture and a louder tone would be neces
sary, struck his hand upon his breast with
much force, and said in a louder tone :
"Yes me Indian lung time ago."
Without moving a muscle of his face,
the old chief slowly arose from his sitting
posture, and turned his eagle eye upon
the speaker. His friends say that the
chief evidently understood or at least ap
peared to understand the meaning of the
speech addressed to him ; and they gazed
intently on the solemn proceeding. The
young man bore the searching glance of
the Indian without emotion. All felt
"that the time had come."
Moving sufficiently close to the speaker,
the chief raised his hand, aud carefully
taking a lock of the young man's hair be
tween his finger and thumb, gently rub
bed it between them for a moment. All
stood breathless. Quietly withdrawing
his hand, the chief uttered the slight pe
culiar Iudian grunt, and said "Nig." This
altogether unexpected denouement ended
the interview, and the discomfittcd descen
dant of the Tommyhawks retired with his
friends, the latter roaring with laughter,
and the former filled with a most sover
eign contempt for his degenerated Indian
A Visit to
While on board the ship Golden Rock
et, lying at Greenwich Dock, we were
permit ted by ('apt. C. N. Pendleton to ex
amine his log book, in which he gives an
account of his visit to the Island of Juan
Fernandez (Robinson Crusoe's Island.)
The ship was on her last passage to this
port from Boston, and had on board 55
passengers (U5 of whom were ladies,) who
intend to make California their future
place of residence. Getting short of wat
er, Capt. Pendleton decided to stop at
Juan Fernandez for a further supply, and
therefore shaped his course thither the
Island being nearly in his track. At G
1 M., on the evening of March 24, they
doubled the eastern end of the Island, aud
at seven rounded to off the bay of St. Jo
seph, at the head of which the few inhab
itants now remaining on the Island are
located. The facilities for loading water
at the Island Capt. Pendleton represents
to be not very good. The casks must be
taken on-shore and filled, rolled back into
the water and parbuckled into the boat.
While the crew were at this work, the
passengers rambled off in different direc
tions to make discoveries. The Island is
25 miles long by about four in breadth.
The land is very high, rising in rugged,
precipitous peaks one of them, called
Tunkcue", 3,500 i'cet above the level of the
seo. The peaks are yonerally overhung
NO. 13.
with clouds. The vallies are exceedingly
fertile, the grass growing to the height
of six or eight feet.
Figs, strawberries, peaches and cher
ries abound in their season. The Golden
Rocket was there in the season of peach
es, and the valleys aud hill sides were full
of trees and loaded down with delicious
fruit. Capt. Pendleton bought four bar
rels, of the inhabitants, and the passen
gers about as many more. Strawberries
flourish best in December and January.
There are three remarkable caves in the
sides of the hill facing the harbor about
oO feet iu length, 25 in width, and about
the same in height. The inhabitants now
number but 14, of whom Messrs. Day and
Kirkaldie from Valparaiso arc the chief
persons ; they have been appointed over
seers of the island by the Chilian Govern
mat. Formerly a penal colony number
ing 500, was located here, and the caves
above mentioned were used by them, but
the project was fouud to be impracticable,
and the convicts were taken back tc the
mainland. The Golded Rocket anchored
on the opposite side from that ujon which
Selkirk lived, and there being a mountain
to cross to reach the Robinson Crusoe
abode, no one ventured to make the jour
ney. The best landing is on the eastern
side, but the water is 20 fathoms deep at
the head of the bay, aud in some places so
bold is the shore that a boat tied by her
painter and drifting to the limits, would
be in 75 fathoms. An immense number
of goats are ruuning wild over the island,
and an abundance of fish are taken oa
every coast. The water is obtained from,
a number of never-failing rivulets trick
ling down over the rocks from the cloud
capped mountains. San Francisco Times.
Too Lale Hegrctii!
The moment a friend, or even a mere ac
quaintance, is dead, how surely there starts
up before us each instance of unkindness
of which we have been guilty towards him.
In fact, many and many an act or word
which while he was in life did not seem
to be unkind at all, now "bites back" as if
it were a serpent, and shows us what it
really was. Alas ! 'twas thus we caused
to suffer him who now is dust, and yet
then we did not pity him nor reproach our
selves. There is always a bitterness beyond that
of death in the dying of a fellow-creature
to whom we have been unjust or unkind.
Some do not yet know this, having never
lost any companion by death ; but thero
are few indeed who will not, if they live
long, find it out. How very differently
do people treat each other from what they
ought to do. And why can they not,
for their own peace's sake, be more care
ful uot to destroy or diminish the happiness
of each other ? There are in this world, at
the bcst,many abiding shadows ; why need
men increase them by clothing their own
faces in clouds ? The human face should
be radiant with the spirit of love, but it is
rendered dull with indifference, or dark by
ill-will. Oh ! these stony faces of man ;
these cold, cruel eyes, that do not melt
with pity ; these withheld hands, whose
ready clasp might uphold those who are
sinking they know not whither ; these
hard, hard hearts, that can no longer be
touched by tenderness, remorse will prove
their master ; and when death cuts down
and takes away the ones to whom they
owed kindness, but gave it not, they will
be made to quiver with the thought of
what that soul, now before God, will have
to report of them.
Unpleasant People. There is a
class of unpleasant people often met with
in the world, whose unpleasantness is diffi
cult to assign the cause for. They are
not necessarily unkind persons ; they arj
not ungenerous ; and they do not appear
to talk or act from any malice. But
somehow or other they are mostly unfor
tunate in what they say. They ask the
wrong thing, or they omit to ask the right."
They bring forward the disagreeable rem
iniscence, the ludicrous anecdote about
you which you would rather not hear re
peated in a large company, the painful cir
cumstance which you wish was buried and
out of sight. If you have any misfortune
they rush to prove to you that your own
folly was the cause. If you are betrayed,
they knew it would be so, and remember
that they have often told you so. They
cannot imagine that the poor unfor
tunate man is not in a state just then to
hear all this wisdom. In fact, to use tt
metaphor, it seems as if they had supcr
uaturally large feet, with which they go
stamping about and treading on other
people's toes iu all directions.
Black eyed ladies are most apt to
he passionate and jealous. Blue-eyed, soul
ful, truthful, affectionate and confiding,
Gfey-eycd philosophical, literary, resolute,
and cold hearted. Uazel-eyed, quick tern,
pored and tickle.