. 1 my m Ml 91 'IWI !! 3 : v ii. COLSIXUCR &. IILTCIIl.XSOA, I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. IIenuy Clay. i'lQLlSIlCllS. VOL. 1. EBENSBURG, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1859. NO. 12. if ff inflfo Inff V A ir V HI. ur . u i i i rim 1 1 i Tin: iLLi:(;IAli "ITT'ILL be published every Thursday, at 1 the following rates, viz : tYr annum, (payable ia advance) $1.50 It nut paid w ithin the first six mouths, 1.75 U not p.iid until the expiration of year, 2.00 A failure to notify a. discontinuance at the i;iratioii of the term subscribed for will be tju;Jcrcd a new engagement. tlllla OK AUVKltTISlN'O : 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. 1 square. (12 line?,) 50 S 75 $1.00 1 squares. (2 Uines.) 1.00 l.oO 2.0') i .iiares. lines.) 1.50 2.00 3,00 over throe weeks and less than three months, i cents per square for each insertion 3 mouths. 0 do. 12 do lines or Jess, : 9 u:ire, (i- lines.) ; -;.ii;in's. I 24 lines.) ; j piares. ( 'M lines.) 1 ilt' a column, i.f i iI:uu:i, Sl.oO $3.00 $3.00 2.T.0 4.50 0.00 4.00 7.00 12.00 COO 0.00 14.00 10. 00 12.00 20.00 15. 0J 22.00 35.00 Aiaiiui.-trator's and Executor's Notices, 1.75 Vr.Vloiial or Uusiiiess Curds, not e-co.-ling 8 lines, with paper, per year, 5.00 ZQT Advertisements not marked with the e t ::i i n-r of insertions desired, will be contin ue! till forbid leu, and charged according to t-K a'jove terms. ALLEGHANIAN" DIRECTORY. tin iiciu:s, .Miisn:its, &.c. i'r slitttrUn Rev. D. Hakbisuv, Pastor. ..i.iiiug every Sabbath morning at lo.l cluck, mi 1 in the evening at i o'clock. Sal School at D o'clock. A. M. Prayer uieet .; r.iTv Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. )l ,lit f.':i.iC'ifiil V't-irch Hkv. J. Shank, 'r mi-'mt in charge. Rev J. M. Smith, A . :. Preaching every Sabbath, alternately . i u tl.n in the moruing, or 7 iu the Sabbath School at l o'clock, A. M. ; .. cr meeting cverv Tliursdav evening at 7 Ue I.I. . P..WKII.. i i.i. r;.iu- ut it i o l lul k. . v.'. t i I a ' i-Hi ii 1 i. k, 1. M. Prater i '' j-.ii ty cxciiia,: of t.ii h i vi-ry Tu.' 1 iv, 'i'iinrnl.iy ; i 1 v. tl Wn.LHM. -.i' ' . i : .i c '. ii i ii s i'i ill .- I.ool .t lo o 'I'M k. i y-y i tv Frid i U'liin;' i n r. Tj id.!' t veiling tC . I. !.!.. .. P.l-t-l.- Plr.tch- .''til ill t tt 1 1 1 T lit 1 O l t I'M 1 . ' .'.' j il:.. !.t.i: Jkxkin.-. '.! i S.'.b'.i.i'.ii eVnili at .i. . i..d ..t i o'vlock. p. :j. Ii... M. J. MiTiiii.:.!.. Pa-tor. r y .i!t!,:ttii uioi liiu at 1 oj o'clock .it 1 ii clot k in I he CM 11 in J. 11.1 . i::ji:se5Mic; u iii.s. mails akiuvk. r., , at 11 o'clock, A. M. - ".'., nt 1 1 " P. M. MAILS CLOSE. : ; r i. d.iilr. nt 5 o'clock, P. M. '"-;.-;,. " ::t !j " A. M. t. i'lic Mails from l'.ntler. Indiana. Strongs- i X .. arrive on Tuesilav and Friday of ' lek. :tt 5 o'clock, P. M. !.' '(. Kb 'ii-biirg'on Mondays and Thurs '. ' -. at 7 o'clock. A. M. ivli'Thc Mai's from NVwiiian's Mills. C;ir iit'iwn. &c, arrive on Mondav and Friday of h wick, at 3 o'clock. P. M. Leave Kbensburg on Tuesdays and Satur-"-. iU 7 o'clock. A. M. S-U Post ORicc open on Sundays from 0 ' ' o'clock, A. M. K.tiLROiii sjiii:ii;l.i:. WILMORE STATION. r"'" Kxtiress Train, leaves at 9.10 A. 7.48 P. 12.2; P C.2rf A .02 P. Mail Train, M. M. M. M. '! Express Train. Mail Train, " Fast Line, Jly of the Court. President, lion. (leo. vli,i'. Huntingdon ; Associates, George W. J-j-iiM. Richard Jones, Jr. l'r; h'lnoturii. J oscph M 1 )onald . ll'jtAier end Iircurdrr. Michael Hasson. uer,jT. Ilobert P. Lilltoil. it'uit'y Shfi-iJ'. George C. K. Zahm. Ihfnct Aitornry. Theophilus L. Heyer. I'-mniy CoMiiitiont't. Thomas M'Gunuell, La Ui arc r, Abel Lloyd. 'ItI: ti 'Coiiimixiuiirrx. George C. K. Zahm. i''n,xrl to (',miniginrr. John S. Rhey. y.';.. ;,-fr. George J. Rodgers. I'iur II,,, ate lUrector. Willlaia I'alnier. I"-Hi' (I Ilnrro Michael M'Guire. I'o,,r Jlvuse Treuturtr. George f. K. Zahm. l',ir Ilowr Steward. James J. Kaylor. il'rc'intile Ai'vraixer. Francis Tierney. Au,l,trt. Rees J. Lloyd, Daniel Cobaugh, enrv Hawk. t'ountu Sureeynr. Henry Scanlan. ' '(rnuer. Peter Dougherty. Siit.rrinteitdent , Cum mo n Schools. S. B. L'.'ormick. :iti:'siii'nri imi. nrrirr.ns. yVic of thr J'iace. David II. Roberts, irriuu KlIlKeaa. I'linjnt. John D. Hughes. T'jtcn Council. Andrew Lewis, Joshua D. 'frish, David Lewis, Richard Jones, Jr., M. iiarr. (U'rk to Council. James C. Noon. .Jl'irouuh Tr,.,t,irr (!inrtre Gurlev. .7 - n - nih Matltrt. Davis & Lloyd. X'-hool Director. . C. M'Cague, A. A. '.rker, Thomas M. Jones, Reese S. Lloyd, Iwitrd (ilass, William Davis. irtamrtr of School Hoard. Evan Morgan. '".Nitr.George Gurley. Tut Collector. George Gurley. Attrfj,,,!. T ll.ivtj of i:i,rtion. l:iviil .1. Jones. liuutrli.,! Ll..:.l 11 l..U..i.. .,,;..! C i ' II Ml. IUMJVI l. i'Cllltfl SELECT POETRY. For the Sunday JJixpatclt. "It Is Hard to be Olil uiil Poor." KY WILLIAM KI.NU SADLER. The following was .suggested by the ex pression of a virtuous old man, much worn with the fatigues of life and tottering wearily toward the grave, who was called upon to pay a tax to the nation for the privilege of retain ing hi 3 meagre possessions, which were scarce ly sufficient to secure for him a final respect. While the reflective tear filled his age-dimmed eyes when told he must pay the amount, he uttered the heartfelt words, "It is hard to be old and poor.'' How tearfully tender were whispered the Ky a trembling, wearied sire, words And the trees were bare Ry the bleak nortli air No warble was heard from the May-song birds As we sat by the hearthwood lire. 'It is hard to be old and poor," he said, And he keenly felt the smart, For a rate, that day, Was he called to pay Then he geutly bowed his palsied head To rest it near my heart. 'It is hard tft be old and poor,"' he siirhed, For the world will take no thought" I stroked with cure His silvery hair 'The wise and good from want have died, And kindness must be bought.'' "It is hard to be old and poor," he wept, And as virtue wanned bis breast, With trr tabling oicc Sai l Le K- joicC, My boy. in rf ul!i. an J now accept My uu.de n:y I.irt rii.ic.-i. ' I: is !..;rd ! b ni l .!".l p'r:" bat know Tru." v. c.ii'.h is . t" t t . :,-.', A a ! all t';c i-t.Te i f - of bir. V. '; ilc. is ' ut i sh.r To r. ar 'Tne i tiiu's art. It is h rti i- b n!d ;'H'l poor," 't't truth ; Ti.rce ti-nes ih.nl art my years 'Tv. ill be my pride To call the guide ; We Miiilcd o'tr joys of a well-spent youth, And dried our mutual t'':ir". S E L E C T H I S C E 11 A HY. Judgv Wilson, in his l:ite curious, hut very iiiaccuiato, work on America, isiptite stiro that t.ur race is hastcniiiir to dissolu tion, because of the rrttdual chanire from the flesh rml brawn of Old England to the nerve and inew of America. W hile this is unite overstated, there is yet enough in the contrast between Knrlihmen and Americans to make us anxious enoiurh as to the plivsicil conditions of our country men. Absolutely one of the most hopeful signs we have seen for a juarter of a century, in regard to our people, is the fact that the sober and respectable part of the com munity are taking to amusements intel lectual and physical. There is now a world of hope "to encourage those of us who for ten years have been trying labo iiously to pursuade Americans to enjoy themselves. We groaned inwardly while negro minstrels and strychnine whiskey represented the beautiful and the sublime of American amusement. IJut we feel like congratulating every man we meet, in iew of the present movemeut for chess and cricket. That our readers may understand the reason for our gratulation in regard to cricket, we must analyze a little. Our lavys have always been fond of athletic sports, and their games, handed down by tradition from unknown periods and ex tending in a regular system over the en tire year, are a euiious and interesting study. The difficulty has been that as the boy was changing into the man, he has giveu up his manly, out-of-door sports and become a recluse student, a care-worn, uu recrcating business man, or a mere loun ger, without spirit, aim or energy. Our entire system of society and of life has hitherto failed to carry wisely and well our young men over the perilous bridge from youth to manhood. The character of mind and body thus acquired by our young men is carried into mature life. What volumes of brain in America ! what thin limbs, pale faces, and shrunken mus cles! what a fearful per centage of neu ralgia, insanity and suicide ; what care worn devotees of business, and what reac tions of excitement, iu one class running into over-heated religion, that even cler gymen have striven in vain properly to control, and in another into a recklessness of dissipation that scatters health and morals to the winds ! We are growing more serious than we b.il l.nt. even that will show our JIIU' " ,v - - " readers that the mihject has relations more important than they may yet have taken j time to consider. The point to which we are coming is, that hitherto Americans have had no amusements which, cordially approved by all, might be openly engaged in, without interfering with man's respec tability or their conscience, and thus the health and cheerfulness of the country be universally promoted. Fortius the games must have something in them at once manly intellectual, and exciting, and chess within doors, and cricket without, seem to furnish the ilcsuleratiun. Looking at the matter as one of great importance, we have been studying cricket. We fiud that the authorities make it an outgrowth of club ball, of which traces are found in England which go back at least to 1344. JJut cricket itself is said not to be mentioned by name earlier than 1083, though it was probably played much earlier. We can not tell why it ha.- been so late of intro duction in America, when our b jys bro't with them almost everything else that is played in Europe. One of the most touch ing incidents, by the way, that we ever remember, occurred in connection with a game of marbles. At first, it will be re membered, men alone went to California. When (' jirnt lr& liegau to play marbles in the streets in California, one man after another stopiied to look at them, until ipuite a crowd of hardy pioneers, scarcely able to restrain their tears, were gathered around them. We hope to find every man occasionally throwing down his hook, hi-s hammer and his ledger, and "playing cricket." While oT tlii.- subject, we will advert to the boat clubs at our colleges to say lioth'uiir of the licet we now have on the .Schuylkill. This is al.-o an Ihig!h custom, worthy of u:iivcr.il a tiu. V e are glad to m-c Vale trying its Mivugih agiiii.-t Cam biidge. The Apollo, the Hercules, and the Antir.ous, as they appear in (Iieck statues, were moulded from the men who developed their muscles in the Olympic and I.-t liLtiian games, and the brain is all the cieaicr for a stout pull with an oar. The cadets t:t West l'oint are able to study night and day at the most t.htruse mathematics without injury, because they are drilled constantly in the open air, and spend ten weeks of every year, without Mtidy, in the hardest kind of exercise. So we say again, there is great hope for America. Common sense has been long contending in vain with the fashionable amusements, so called, which, without really amusing, tended to the destruction of both health and morals. It is indeed encouraging to liud the same class of peo ple who were formerly devoted to these, now engaged in devising plans ol amuse ment which combine intelligence, athletic exercise and social enjoyment. It is a uoble thing for a nation to have the sa gacity to see a difficulty and the instinct to apply the remedy. Saturday Aiglit. There is a mysterious charm in those simple words "Saturday night;" a charm that "breathes to the heart, and o'er it throws" associations of the sweetest and most hallowed nature. All mankind, in the weekly drama of life, play a varied part, but Saturday night drops the cur tain upon its exhausting scenes. It stills the multitudinous hum of busy life and trade, and brings tranquility and sweet repose to the toil-worn and the weary. It is the Lethean draught that diowns cares and anxieties in forgetfulness. It releases the soul from the earth, fills it w ith bright and holy anticipations of the coming Sab bath, and permits it to soar to J leaven, there, amid "fields of living green," to hold sweet communion with God and an gels. iiehold the tired laborer: llow joy fully he wends his way toward his humble dwelling. "This night his weekly toil is at an end j" bright visions of home and fireside flit athwart his imagination. A lovintr kiss from a darling wife, and warm eniKr:iH from "todlin wee ones" will wel come his arrival. And as he pours the hard-earned pittance into the careful mat ron's lap, a grateful prayer ascends to 11 mi who gives the daily bread, and ordained that one iu seven should be a hallowed dav of rest. So with the professional man, he whose brain is aching with long-protracted and unremitted stud', whose wasted frame and countenance, "Sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought, betokens the midnight vigils; he, too, as Saturday night approaches, lays aside the ponderous volumes, wherein is collected "wisdom of ages," takes leaves, for awhile, of philosophy or logic, turns into the more o-enial and less intricate path of relaxation and basks awhile in the "gladsome light of domestic happiness. On Saturday night the merchant and thn banker close the huge ledger over which, enclosed within the dingy vrall? of a counting room, they pore from morning till night, and seek their princely man sions. The weary soul, released, as it were, from a prison-house, exults with rap ture upon the appproaching morrow, when freed from sordid eares and troubles, it may breathe the free, invigorating air of Heaven, view the magnificent and ever changing landscapes of nature, and "lay up treasures where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt." To the lonely, toiling widow, it brings repose and consolation, repairs her ex hausted 'attire's feeble strength, cheers her in her dreariest moment of hard ne cessity with bright anticipations, and speaks of the glorious promise, that there is "One who will be a husband to the widow, and a father to the fatherless." To the Christian, it indicates that he is Hearing a green oasis iu the desert of life. His heart beats quicker, his sinking spir its rise, for he feels that he soon will quaff a copious draught of cheering, living wa ter. He knows, too, that the brilliant sun, which late ly sank behind the western hills will rise again on the morrow, and dispel the dusky livery which envelopes the earth, smile on him, and gild yon tower ing sj.ire, whence will j-eal a p leasing chime, calling him to the sanctuary of (iod. He feels that this is but an em blem of the Saturday night of life, and that then a glorious hand of angels will dispel the gloomy night of sin. and toil. and sorrow, and usher him into the ful liirht of an eternal Sabbath. ;oy- Keflet lions. Seated beneath the wide-spreading bran ches of a stately ehn, with the summer sky stretched out alve me, with its broad expanse of cloudless blue, I find my mind wandering over the objects which surround me. IJefcre me stretches, in uudisturbed re- J lxise, a beautiful sheet of water. Not a single wave nor ripple mars its placid bo som. A thousand trems seem siiarklinir in the blight rays of the sun ; its bright mir rored surface looks as if no treacherous tonus had ever disturbed its quietude. Lut, reader, have you never stood and .azed upon such a scene i And, while you have stood admiring its placid surface, nid wondered how such a beautiful sight could ever boil and rare in tumultuous fury ' And yet even in your moments of reflection, you have noted the coming storm : and, ere you have had time to seek shelter, have witnessed the object of your contemplation slowly heave under the ef fects of the wind, and, as it approaches, high waves pile one upon the other, and the white beaten foam surges and beats over the spot where a few moments before you had stood in such imaginary security. So it is with life. To-day all calm and serene to-morrow, tempest-tossed, you are buffeted upon the rocks, and washed over by the breakers as they are repelled from the shore. Ah ! weary heart, what would you do in this world if you stood alone if there was no loving heart to share your burdens ; no kindly hand to pilot you when your nerves grew weak ; no tender counsel to cheer you on your way ; no loving smile to greet you after the hard day's labor and toil ; no soft hand, w ith its delicate touch, to cool your aching brow. Father, we thank Thee for such an helpmeet as gentle woman, for the love of kindred hearts. Lovelier, cherish her; love well. Wc would not rob thee of the dearest, noblest, feelings of the soul. We would not tear from thee that which the great Master has implanted within thee us one of the brightest graces of human ity. We would not pluck from thy grasp the great purifier of the soul. We would not sever the bright burnished link that unites fallen nature with the lledeemer, with angels, and with God. Jjocr, the watchword of Heaven's court ; the banner under whose graceful folds they stand firm and united; the theme that swells their hearts into praise and thanksgiving, and tunes their melodions voices into softer, sweeter strains, as they strike their trolden harps in one grand, full anthem of praise, that echoes and reverberates throughout that great city and paradise of God. 'Love, love well, but only once, For never shall the dream Of youthful hopes return again On life's dark rolling stream." Cherish the feeling. It will be thy light in many an hour of darkness ; thine anchor in many a troubled sea. It will strew thy path with many fond remem brances, many pleasing agitations; and, at last, when earth's little dream is over, and thy soul is about quitting its clayey tabernacle, it will soar upward to the great God who gave it birth, there to flow forth with a love more ardent, unalloyed by the dross of mortality. "Mark well the lesson I Woman's faith and truth Smoothes tho rough pathway of hapotuou3 youth ; Charms every syren from the path of fame, And plants the seedling of a deathless name. Mark well the lesson I Woman's tender care Lives where the gray usurps the raven hair ; Fires with new light the dim and fading eye. And teaches man manfully to liie. Take home the lesson! when we cross the stream That blots lb- aye life's flitting, fading dream, II or white hands close our life-book's latest She weeps our ashes as she guards our age." A I.iglit Eicai t. There is much truth in the remark that the philosophy of many men originate in their livers. Those dark views of human nature and human life which ordinarily pass for exalted wisdom, proceed from a diseased body or diseased mind. The man who retires from society anil professes to have found all its pleasure, vanity, and vexation of spirit, would speak more truth fully if he confessed that, from some de rangement of his organism he had lost his capacity for enjoyment. The lights of the ball are just as brilliant, the dres ses as splendid, t lie confectionary as sweet, the music as delicious as when each of these contributed to his delight. He has changed, and he thence concludes that they are hollow and joyless as they appear to him. lie cannot bring himself to be live that they ever did allrd him sincere enjoyment, looking back over his past life, his morbid fancy tinges all with its own sombre hue. He repines at his existence, and quotes very gloomily: -Count o'er the joys thine hours have seen, Count o'er the days from anguish free, And know whatever thou hast beeu, ;Tis something better not to be." There is no wisdom in all this. True wisdom does tiot look uj.on this world as either a paradise or a purgatory. Its max- .1 1-1. iiu is to enjoy tne present 11 it oe origin, to endure it if it be gloomy. So far is it from attempting to show its superiority by finding good in nothing, that it never com iilains. When misfortune comes, it never succumbs at the first approach and sinks into boneless despondence ; but with a ight, clastic buoyancy, it makes an un yielding resistance, and breaks all the force of the attack. Ah! a fine thing in this world of trial ind sorrow, is a light hopeful heart. It alone possesses the stoutness which will trry one through difficulties, afflictions and persecutions ! it can climb mountains, penctiate deserts, and brave the storm- tossed ocean ! it can endure all the hard ships of the camp, and inarch unfalteringly with the forlorn hope to the cannon s mouth. When the proud man is humbled, and the strong man has failed, he of light heart will remain, unfearing and uuhurt, triumphant over every obstacle, superior to every difficulty. Poor Pi.acks to Livk At. There is a place in Maine so rocky thac when the Down hasters plant corn, they look lor crevices iu the rocks, and shoot the grass in with a musket ; they can't raise ducks there no how, for the stones arc so thick that the ducks can't get their bills between them to pick up the grasshoppers, and the only way that the sheep can get at the sprigs of grass is by grinding their noses on a grindstone. Lut that ain't a circumstance to a place on the Eastern shore; there the land is so poor that it takes two kildeas to say "kil dea and on a clear day you can see the grasshoppers climb up a mullcn stalk, and look with tears in their eyes over a nlty acre field ; and the bumble bees have to go down on their knees to get at the grass ; all the mosquitoes die of starvation, and the turkey buzzards have to emigrate IJut there is a county in Virginia which can beat that there the laud is so sterile that when the wind is at the northwest, they have to tie the children to keep them from being blown away; there it takes six frogs o see a man, and when the dogs bark they have to lean against the fence ; the horses are so thin that it takes twelve of them to make a shadow, and when they kill a beef they have to hold him up to knock him down ! But, oh ! there is a region in Jersey; saith Mose Draper, where they held a two week's jubilee in the churches, because it was announced that a fresh blade of grass had sprouted in the southern pjjrt of the county. There the natives once murdered a traveller for the sake of half a ginger bread cake, which he was rumored to have in his pocket, and there, too, they turned a man "out of Illf.Clllll because, after a visit to Philadelphia, he reported that while iu that city had had at one tuuo as much as he could cat. CftF A philosopher, being asked what was the first thing necessary towarils win ning the love of a woman, answered : "An opportunity." Wanted A lid for the trunk of a tree. Arkinsaw Wonders. Arkinsaw beats the world for black bars, pooty wimmeu, and big timber. Stranger, I've seen trees there that would take a man a week to walk round 'cm. A fel low started once to walk through one that was hollow, lie didn't take any vittebj with him, and he starved on his way. I was goiu' up the Mississippi once in one of them country boats, when we met a big Arkinsaw cyprsss floating down. I tell you, stranger, it was a whopper. Tho Capen run iu his boat 'longside, and fast ened the rope to it. Off she started, snor tin' and puffin', but didn't buelge a J-eg. The Capen ripped arouud, and hollowed out "fire up, below there, you lubberly rascals." The wheel clattered away the log was actually carryin' us down stream. Directly up comes a feller in a red shirt, and says, "Capen, you are strainiu' the engine mitily." 4Cut loose and let her go, then," says the Capen. They cut the roj.es, and dod burn me, stranger, if tho boat didn't jump clean outer the water. We run a little ways, but the encine was raly so exhausted, that we just had to stop. Nearly dav, there comes along a fine steam er We hailed her, got aloard, and there was that same log hitched alongside. o wooded off that cypress all the way to Memphis. Llaek bears arc bigger, plentier, and more cunniu in Arkinsaw, inananvwnere else. The he's have a way of etandin on their hind legs, and makin a mark with their paws on the bark of souie certain trees, generally sassalras. Its a kind of reccord they keep, and 1 suppose it's a great satisfaction to an old he bar, to have the highest mark on the tree. Iwarlayin hid one day close to a tree where the bars wur in the habit of makin their mark, waitin' for one of 'em to come along, for I tell you I was might- hungry for bar meat. Directly I heard a noise close to nie--dod burn me, stranger, cf thar wasn't a small bear walkin' straight on his hind legs, with a big chunk in his arms. I could o' shot him first, but I was might- cur ious tosee what he was goiugto dowiththat chunk, lie carried it right to the tree where the marks were, stood it on the end against it, and then gittin' on the top of it, reached away up the tree, and made a big mark of a foot above the highest, lie then got down, moved the chunk away from the tree, as you never seen such ca perin as he cut up. He looked up at hi. mark, and then he would lay down and roll over in the leaves, laughing outright just like a person; no doubt tickled at the way somebody would be fooled. There was somethin so human about it, that 1 actually hadn't the heart to shoot him. Just to show how cunnin' bars are, I'll tell you a circumstance what happened to me iu Arkansas. You sec, one Fall, be fore 1 gathered my corn, I kept missin' it outer the field, and I knew the bars were taking it, for I could ace their tracks. liut what seemed mighty curious, I never could ud where they eat it nary cob nowhar about. One luorniu' early 1 hap pened around the field, and there I saw an old she bar and two cubs just coniin' outer the patch, and walking off with their arms full o' corn. I was determined to find out what they did with so much corn, and follered along after 'em without mak ing auy noise. Well, after going nearly a mile, I saw 'em stop, and stranger what do you think there were a full pen o' hogs, and the liars were feedin' 'em. You see, that Fall the hogs were so poor, on account of having no corn, that the bars had actually built a rail pen, put hogs iu it, and were fattcnin' 'em with my corn. Dod burn my hat if thatain't a fact. To the Uoys. Never marry a girl who is fond of always being in the street who is fond of going to the theatre who has a jewelled baud and an empty head who will see her toother work and toil while she lies iu bed and reads novels or feigns sickness who is ashamed to own her mother because she dresses plain never learned jrrammar, or was accustom ed to the etiquette of the drawing-room who is always complaining that she can not get enough mouey to dress like Miss So-aud-So, or go to parties like Sueh-a-one who wears her shoes slipshod, or has a hole in her stockings and is too laiy to mend it. Should you get such a one, de pend upon it you will have a dirty, un tidy, miserable homo and life of it- But the kind, affectionate, tidy girl, who helps her mother, who is always ready and anx ious to accommodate her mother, father, brothers and sisters who U kind to tho poor who dresses neatly and according to her means who is always cheerful and fond of accommodating others if you can get such a treasure, 3-our home will be a, paradise. Uoys, do you hear that ! J 5? Love thy neighbor as thyclf