JUL nOLSIVGCR & IIUTC1IIXSOX, I WOULD RATHER BE RIGHT THAN PRESIDENT. Hexuv Clay. YOL. 1. TUB: ILLCIIIMA TYJILL be published every Thursday, at the following rates, viz : IVr annum, (payable iu advance) $l.DO It' not paid within the first six months, 1.75 If not paid until the expiration of year, 2.00 A failure to notify a discontinuance at the expiration of the term subscribed for will be CkiuiiJcreJ a new engagement. TLKM3 OF AUVEKTISIXG : 1 insertion. 2 do. 1 j.pjare, (12 lines.') $ 50 75 3 squares, (24 lines.) 1.00 1.50 3 n.iuircs. i'.iij lines. 1.50 9 firt 3 do. $1.00 2.00 3.00 Over three weeks and less than three months, 2 a ceuts per square iur cacu insertion o montns. u uo. 12 do. $5.00 9.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 8 lines or less. !?1.50 $3.00 1 square, (12 lines.) 3 squares, (24 lines,) 3 squares, (AO lines,) H!f a column, 2.50 4.00 C.00 10.00 15.00 4.50 7.00 9.00 12.00 Cue column. 22.00 35.00 Administrators and Executor's Notices, 1 Professional or Business Cards, not ex 75 ceeding 8 lines, with paper, per year, 5.00 J&ST" Advertisements not marked with the saniljer of insertions desired, will be contin ued till forbidden, and charged according to the above terms. " "ALLEGHANIAN" DIRECTORY CHUIICIICS, MIXISTEIIS, &c. Presbyterian Ret. D. Harbison, Pastor. rre.-hing every Sabbath morning at 10 ii'cliK.k, anil in the evening at C o'clock. Sab K;h School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meet 1l? evi-ry Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Hikodiai Episcopal Church Uuv. J. Suaxe, IV:vher in charge. Rev. Smith, As- lifUnt. Preaching every Sabbath, alternately M Ij o'clock iu the morning, or 7$ iu the fvc:;;;. Sabbath School at 9 o'clock, A. M. Fr.tjer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o'flo-k. V.Uk InJ'prnd,-nt Rev. Ll. R. Powbll, Pv.ur. Preaching every Sabbath nioruingat 10 o'clock, and in the eveniug at 6 o'clock. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Prayer D'ftiag on the first Monday eveniug of each noath ; and on every Tuesday, Thursday an 1 Friday evening, excepting the first week in each mouth. Ciihinittic Mrlhodi.it Rkv. Jons Williams, rntor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at S nd C o'clock. Sabbath School t 10 o'clock, A. M. Prayer meeting every Friday evening Rt 7 o'c'.oi k. Society every Tuesday evening fft 7 o'rlijck. Dwlpl. Rev. Wm. Lloyd, Fastor Preach is? v-ry Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. Particular Jtaptists Kev. David Jenkins, rwtor. Preaching every Sabbath evening at 3 o'cl.H-k. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, P. M. Catholic liar. M. J. MircuKLL, Pastor. fcrn'if es every Sabbath morning at 10J o'clock aiiJ Ye-p.'rs at 4 o'clock iu the eveniug. t II XSDrRG MAILS. MAILS ARRIVE. E-rt.-ra, daily, at 11 J o'clock, A. TVf. tte-trra, at 11 " I'. 31. MAILS CLOSE. Eisv.-rn, daily, at 5 o'clock, P. M. 'AVtern. " t CJ " A. .V. l!55 The Mails fromBntler,Iudiaaa,.Strongs-io-TQ, 4c, arrive on Tuesday and Friday of ch week, at 5 o'clock, P. M. Leave Eheiiiburg on Mondays nnd Thura nt 7 o'clock, A. M. f5Tb; Mails from Newman's ilills, Car ro.:;ow:i, ic, arrive on Monday and Friday of etb week, at 3 o'clock, P. M. Leave Kbeusbiirg on Tuesdays and Satur day, at 7 o'clock, A. M. fejr Po?t Oilice open on Sundays from 9 lJ o'clock, A. M. wir.miR sTtTmv West Express Train, leaves at " -Mii.il Tmin, " Eat Kx press Train, " " Mail Train, " Fiwt Line, 0.16 A. 7.43 P. 12.2; P. G. 'H A. B.02 P. M. M. M. M. M. coixTi orncens. Jit lies of thr Courts. I'ri.si.lont Vnr Clan Taylor, Huntingdon ; Associates, '(Jeorgo AV. A-ai -v if inrii .1 1 ni'q .1 r J'rothonotary. Joseph M'Donald. Lfjittir and Recorder. Michael llasson. hrirj. Robert P. Linton. J-vut,, Sheriff. George C K. Zahm. J'n'rirt Attorney. Theophilus L. Ileyer. Cum'; Commissioners. Thomas M'L'ur.nell, 0L11 i;..;vror, Alel Lloyd. CUrk to Commissioners. George C. K. Zahm. Counsel to Commissioner. John S. lihey. Trraturcr. George J. Rodgers. J'ct.r House Directors. William Palmer, Iavi l O'Harro. Michael M'Guirc. l'u"r Il'just Treasurer. George C. K. Zabm. J'jor House Steward. James J. Kay lor. Mercantile Appraiser. Francis Tierney. AnJitrs. ltees J. Lloyd, Daniel Cobaugh, U-nry Hawk. County Surveyor. ITenry Scanlan. Coroner. Peter Dougherty. Superintendent of Common Schooh. S. B. 1 Uormick. CBn.8ni7RG nun. officers. Jn-tir,, f,f t,,. W;. David II. Roberts, iI:irrHoa Kinkead. V4 Council. Andrew Lewis, Joshua D. ' urnsh, David Lewis, Kichard Jones, Jr., M. burr. Cj-rk to Council James C. Noon. J''rouyh Treasurer. George Gurley. "'i'li Mnmt.r. rt 1. ti 1 Mtool hiretlort. M. C. M Cagne, wker, Thomas M. Jones, Reese S. 'iward Glass. William n.ivi A. A. Lloyd, Treasurer uf School Hoard. Evan Morgan. '"istahle George Gurlev. Collector .George Gurley. Att'uor. lii.hard T. Davis. of Election. David J. Jones. ''rj.Uavid H. Robots, Daniel O. EBENSBU11G, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1859. SELECT POETRY The Doctor. BY BOLUS PILLBAGS, M. D, "Three faces wears the Doctor when first sought, An angel's and a God', the cure half wrought ; But wheu, the euro complete, he asks his fee, The Devil, then, looks less horrible than he." PART 1st DOCTOR SENT FOB. ' Come ! Johu, go bring the Doctor, Tny wife is taken sick, Go 1 bring him in a hurry, be quick, be Yery quick 1 'Tis raining, hailing, sleeting, as fast aa e'er it can, But he will come despite the etorm oh, yes he will, good man !" face 1st. "Ah ! here he is, the dear, kind eonl how quick he heeds the call, Regardless of the drenching blast, or what might him befull, Like a being from realms celestialj a shin ing, bright evangel, He cornea with gladness In his looks, the loving, smiling angel. face 2nd. And my wife's already easy ah I deepest, matchless 6kill I Dear Doctor, love's pure 'motions for you my bosoiu thrill. The Doctor is not human, though earth is bv him trod ; lie's something supernatural I believe he Is a qod. BCKKK CHAXGKS BILL H AX DSD I. But what is this presented ? the eaucy, dir ty whelp, He cares not for his patieuU, but only for himself. If he can only cobble up aloug o'erreaching bill, lie cares not, If hie nasty drugs effect a cure, vi kill. FACE 3D AND LAST. Dear oh! but he'sa wicked dog I swear by things eternal, He's 'scaped from out that dark abode where dwell the fiends infernal I He's a ranting, rank impostor he's filled with every evil Oh 1 how I'd love to cane him now, the skulking, shameless dbtil REFLECTIONS. 'Tie thu3 the Doctor's visage, chameleon like, assumes Three aspects in hi3 patient's eyes, as before them up he looms. His first and second faces are all that's pure and good, His third a friyhtful monster, adorned with Satan's hood. Maltreated mortal t luCkles3 wight ; Bclf- sacrificing man, Tie toils 'midst pain and suffering, docs all the good he can. Through day and night, and wet and cold, his labors never cease, The pest-house, with its poisonous breath, is his perpetual lease. And onward, still, he struggles 5 his mind is not at ease, But ever, where 'tis found or met,he'a grap pling with disease, And if for sympathy he looks does he get it ? no I instead Are heaped up foulest curses maledictions on his head. And why'3 it thus? the secret's plain, 'tis not because they're due; 'Tis not because the Doctor to his patient's not been true, But the reason is, that nftcr he's done with bole and pill, He hands the mean, ungrateful scamps a wholesome Utile bill. A Cure for JJuts. "What Jul you jrivc that blool mare of yours the other day, when she had the hots?" asked a Wall 6trcct broker of a friend from Long Island. "A pint of spirits of turpentine." Two days after, the same parties met in the street. "Kay ! lookey here ; I gave my mare a pint of turpentine, and ly Jing, it killed her." "So it did mine !" was the reply, er was, is an old and excclleut Arab say- lnjr . A Spanish proverb says : Never argue with a woman or buy drugs from a boy. fffSU A friend that you have to buy won't be worth what you pay for him iu matter how little that may be. ORIGINAL SKETCH. Written for The Alleghanian. Extracts from foncillings at Sea. BT A CITIZEN OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. There is probably no city on the conti nent of Europe that presents such a pecu liar and varied aspect to the foreigner as the city of Gibraltar. Its inhabitants seem to be composed of nearly every kin dred and people, so that it is almost im possible to say which race predominates, or to which belongs the original proprie torship of the soil. " The English, Amer ican and Spanish appeared to be carrying on the principal mercantile operations of the city, whil the French and Italian generally confined theselvcs to the retail trade. Beside these, there was a conglom erate mass of mankind from every nation under Heaven continually crowding the streets, apparently without business of any kind. Porters and runners, as is usual in all cities, .were here in large numbers, and showed qualifications fur their office un equalled by those of any city of America. I had one advantage over these pests to strangers, in that 1 could not understand the language of any of them ; so that whether accosted by French, Spaniard or Turk, I was alike ignorant of tlic-ir wants, and thus escaped an annoyance always dreaded by a newly arrived foreigner ut a strange port. Having made my way through the crowd that thronged the lauding, I en deavored to pick my steps as carefully as possible along the best and cleanest-looking streets, anxiously examining the dif ferent shops and houses of entertainment for some place whererefreshments could be obtained, without encountering a host of greasy natives. Indeed, it seemed as if they had devoted this particular day to endeavoring to fill all the thorough fifrcs, and throng every place where anything either to cat or to drink was kept. After wandering through some half dozen streets or alleys, and making as many turns as mirht have taken one from Dock Square to Washington street, in Boston, I fortu nately came upon a market place, and there encountered three American sea men one from our own, and two from another ship, now in port. Their object being the same as mine, and being better acquainted with the city, we soon found ourselves comfortably seated in what they were pleased to call a Couee-1 louse. On the table before tis, was placed a pewter mug, containing a liquid which went by the name of Santa Cruz. Driukin" this gave us an appetite for something more substantial, so we immediately adjourned to an Eating House, kept by a nondescript foreigner, who persisted in saying he was an Englishman. If so, he must have forgotten the language, as it was with no little difficulty, even with the aid of our whole Spanish and French vocabulary, we made ourselves understood. Having finally succeeded (as we thought) in do ing so, we were soon furnished with an abundant dinner not exactly what we called for but of dishes prepared some what in character with the landlord of unknown nationality. Notwithstanding the objectionable flavor of onions and gar lic, we did it ample justice, as it was still preferable to the salt junk and sea bread on which we had fared the past three months. Our host, on learning that we were Americans, endeavored to secure a continuance of our custom by declarations of high esteem for America and American institutions; and to our great amusement, attempted to describe a voyage he had made to New York. Like the "certain man who went down from Jerusalem to Jericho," our good friend had fallen, if not among thieves, among a set of sharp ers, who had sadly victimiy.ed him in some of the games not exclusively confined to that city. But, forgetting his former pro testations of admiration for America, and his love of freedom, he ended by. such epithets as wc would fain construe into any other meaning, than that all Yankees are a d d set of scoundrels, rascals, tc. Just then wc ended our dinner, and not considering the would-be Englishman's expressions worth noticing further than by a grin of silent contempt at his ver dancy, we settled our bill and retired, scarcely noticing his numerous bows and other signs of gratitude all of which sig nificantly requested us to "call again." Our leave of absence being limited to the next morning, we determined to make the most of the afternoon, which was done in promenading through the principal parts of the city ; and we need scarcely add that this was an enjoyment that can only be fully appreciated by one when first put on shore after a long and tedious sea voyage. Evening coming on", wc concluded to go to the theatre of Cnsa St. Carlos, which was located in the Plaza de Yittoria, and was said to be the best in the city. With the aid of a guide, we arrived in safety, and each one of us presenting an English shilling to a tall specimen of the genus Spaniard, in the dress of a gendarme, were admitted into the vestibule of a building so vast in extent that it required two con ductors and two more British shillings apiece before we got into an eligible posi tion to see the play. The stage was con cealed from view by a blue curtain, on which was represented, in an azure field, the historical scene of St. Michael and the Dragon. The other parts of the building and decocrations were equal iu grandeur to that of any theatre I ever entered. Five tiers of boxes, with fronts beautifully embellished with designs in silver and gold, rose to the magnificent height of fifty feet, and ended ia a dome with moon and stars so naturally painted that you could scarcely satisfy yourself by a look that it was not real. The pit alone was capable of containing a respectable audience for Castle CJardcu or Broadway. The boxes were also well filled with what appeared to be the elite of Gibraltar. Ostrich feathers waved grace fully throughout the different tiers and although I could distinguish no bonnet on any lady's head, the glare of light from three thousand burning lamps, reflected from an array of sparkling jewels, made it seem as though each head was crowned with a tiara. Of the play I cannot speak so much, as it was Italian, and my not being acquain ted with the language made it little better to me thau a pantomime. Consequently I soon tired, and left the boxes to make a more particular survey of the anterior part of the house The main room was surrounded with very extensive lobbies and long galleries, well tiiled with fruit stands, and visitors who like myself, found the inside performance scarcely as inter esting as the outside. Here sailors, na tives and b 'ggars were congregated, and carried on a trade in almost every descrip tion of articles found in their markets. Soon alter ray entrance, the trade was partially interrupted by a difficulty that arose between a party of seamen, and some natives who kept a stall in which were re tailed ardent spirits. The disputants were not long in coining to blows, and as both were joined by their friends, it soon be came general. Stands were upset, tables broken, benches overthrown, and a scene of confusion ensued having every appear ance of ending in bloodshed. This was fortunately prevented by a strong force of armed police, who arrived in time to quell the disturbance; and with characteristic discrimination arrested every one who wore a short jacket wide trowse.-s or tarpaulin hat. Fearing lest they should suspect me of having one of the aforesaid articles about me, 1 sought an early re treat, believing that in this ease, at least, "Discretion was the better part of valor." My good luck saved me from spending my first night in Europe in the Calaboose. Thankful for my escape, and not wishing to see any more of the theatre that night, I endeavored to find my way to the ship. Having already mentioned the difficulty I found in threading my way through the narrow and crooked streets by daylight, I need barely mention that it was now much increased by the darkness, the few scat tered lamps seeming only to add to my troubles. However, after passing through home half dozen streets, and turning as many corners, 1 suddenly encountered two of our men coming down a dark, narrow alley, under full sail. I was no little sur prised to find them there, as but a few minutes before I had seen them arrested at the theatre. On asking how they had made their escape, one of them, called Charley, answered in true sailors style, that "the craft that had him in tow had fallen a little to leeward of the convoy, when he rehoisted his colors, shivered the watch man's topmast head, gave him a broadside in his bread locker, and bore off with all sail out for a safe port." The other made his escape, as he said, by an "artful dodge." Joining company, we all made good our retreat to the pier-head, where we bribed a watchman with a dollar to let a bozrtman take us to" our ship ; and thus ended my first day on shore. All of our crew were not so fortunate, for the next morning I had to go ashore with a boat, to bring off three of our men who had taken up quarters in the Cala boose. They had just been liberated on the payment of three dollars each. For several ensuing days, all hands were con fined on board, breaking out the cargo, and refitting the ship. Passing frequently to and from the wharf, i soon become better acquainted with the natives, and imagined that if I was again so fortunate as to visit the city I could succeed better iu making my way through it. Iu the meantime it began to be whispered about that some of us might have a longer stay in Gibraltar then we had calculated upon ; and that our voyage was not to terminate here, not yet at Smyr na where we at first supposed ourselves bound. It is unnecessary for me in this place to recount all the circumstances that occur red since our arrival, to change our desti nation to another part of the world. Suf fice it, that our ship on her departure from the United States, was freighted with an assorted cargo for any Mediterranean port, with orders to continue the voyage, to the best advantage of the owners. Our Cap tain being oue, and agents or other part owners in ships belonging to the company residing in Gibraltar, the greater portion of the crew had been shipped for what is generally called a Mediterranean voyage, which never lasts longer that from six to nine months. Others were regular ship fixtures, but uo one could be held for a longer voyage than to Smyrna and return. Hence, when it became known that in place of visiting the beautiful Isles of the Mediterranean, we were destined to en counter the yellow fever of the East In dies there M as a very general expression of dissatisfaction. In this case however, there was no compulsion, and a majority of the crew prepared to leave as soon as the vessel cleared for another port. But as the kind of sailors required for a long voyage appear ed to be scarce in the shipping oilices, eve ry inducement was held out to the present crew to remaiu; which, with a few excep tions they finally did. This was in great part accomplished by the agents and owners promising increase of pay, extra rations on Sunday, liberty on shore until the sailing of the ship, ie., all of which was confirmed on their part when the thips papers were re-signed. This was done on the fifth of Sept. 1S44, in office of Horatio Sprague Yice Consul of the United States, for the port of Gib raltar. It was sometime before I could conclude to venture so far in this my first voyage. But on maturely considering the matter pro and con, and consulting with the only friend I had made in the place Hon. Horatio Sprague, (may his shadow never grow less) I finally concluded to follow the fate of my ship to the bitter end. Consequently, aloug with the others I put my signature to a paper, legally binding myself for and in consideration of the sum of twenty dollars per month, forty of which to be paid iu advance, to continue in the capacity of a common sailor on board the ship "Mary of Salem," owned by Grin ncll, Robinson k Co., from the port of Gibraltar to the port of Canton and return, all accidents by fire, shipwreck, or other visitations of Divine Providence permit ting, signed by Bronson & Drew, agents for the company. Those of us who signed the above doc ument did not forget any of the privileges granted therein, and as the work of com pleting the ship's outfit belonged to the stevedores, we who had reshipped had the full control of our time, and determined to improve it. until the ship was ready to sail. Knowing that we had at least six days to devote to our amusement, and two months advance pay to spend in that time, we concluded to go on shore. Acting on this I soon found myself, with three fa vorite shipmates, comfortably installed in a boarding house in the Plasa St. Ste bestian, kept by an Englishman, and charging but four shillings per day. How far we succeeded in enjoying our visit in the city of Gibraltar, and other occurrences that happened before wc set sail, I must defer to another time. fy1 A boulder weighing about two pounds was found under the phirt bosom of a colored individual arrested in a row. On being questioned as to how it came in his possession, he exclaimed with a look of astonishment : " Dat's just what I'd like to know how that infernal dornick got intei my buzum. I 'spect some dem niggers must have frowe-d it dar". Qf"Barnum is said actually to have offered Mr. Spurgcon, the celebrated Bab tist preacher, '2,000 a year to come to America and make a lecturing tour. Mr. Spurgcon replied by writing simply "Acts xiii, 10," and sending it to Barn nm. The verse reads thus: " O, full of subtlety and all mischief, thou child of the devil, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of tne Lord?" Idle Curiosity. Freret, a French man, was carried away from his home by the police of Paris; at two in the morning, and imprisoned at the Bastile. After a confinement of several weeks, he inquired of an officer, "will you have the goodness to tell me for what crime I am shut up in this place?" The officer cooly replied, "I think you have a great deal of curiosity." JKS" This line fits exactly. NO. 5. Column oM tit crest Ins Varieties. The books in the library belouging to the British Museum occupy twelve miles of shelf. The painting and sculpture galleries of the palace of Versailles extend over six miles. Iu the course of three and a half years 270,000 trees were felled in order to get at the gutta-percha. The eyes of needles are punctured by a machine which, superintended by one boy, can punch 20,000 .in a day. A ray of artificial light travels at the rate of 70,000 leagues in a second of time. Astronomers have given the rate of solar light at 192,500 miles a second. In the formation of a single locomotive there are over 5,000 pieces to be put together, and these require to be as accurately ad justed as the works of a watch. Every watch consists of at least 202 pieces, em ploying probably over 200 persons, and distributed among 40 trades, to say noth ing of the tool-makers for all these. Gas-lighting was unknown in 100 ; it was not uutil two years after this that Murdoch made his first public exhibition of it in London. Since that time his dis covery has encircled the globe. In Eu rope and this country all the principal cities any many large' towns are lighted with it; and even New Zealand villages, where no white man had built his resi dence in 1800, are now illuminated by the same subtile and beautiful agent of human comfort and happiness. Every pound of cochineal contains 70,000 insects boiled to death; 7b'0,000 pounds are an nually used for scarkt and crimson dyes. The odorous matter of flowers is in flammable, and arises from an essential oil. When growing iu the dark their odor is diminished, but restored in the light, and it is strongest in sunny cli mates. The plant known as the jraxmclla. takes fire in hot evenings by bringing a flame near its roots. At present there is no really successful ventilating and dust excluding apparatus combined for railroad cars. Much ingenuity has been displayed, and many patents have been issued for devices for these purposes, but as yet the system needs to be perfected. The na tional road over the Cumberland moun tains is more extensive and durable than the celebrated Appiau Way, at Rome. To find the contents of a cask in im perial gallons, guage the bung diameter and multiply its square by 2. To the product add the square of the head diam eter, and multiply these by the inside length. Then divide the last product by 1,00 for imperial gallons. The Julian acqueduct of Rome is two miles longer than the Croton acqueduct of New York, but the Croton carries more water than all the seven acqueducts of Rome put to gether, and more than any other acque duct in the world, and is longer than any other, excepting the Julian. The Illi nois Central Railroad is the longest ever constructed by one Company, and in point of workmanship is equal to any European road. The stone arch over Cabin John's Creek, on the Washington acqueduct, is about fifty feet greater than any other stone arch in the world, and is more beau tiful iu proportion than the arch over Ocha, in Italy, so long celebrated for its magnificence. The tunnel on the sum mit of the Pennsylvania Railroad was a more difficult work than the tunnel under the Thames. The structures on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, at Harper's Ferry, and the Staracca viaduct on the New York and Eria Railroad, ttre equal in magnificence to anything Brunei ever did in England, or Moran in France. The suspension bridge over the Niagara River, at Lewistown, is 1,042 feet 10 in ches in one span, and 4G feet greater than any other single span in the world, being nearly twice as great as the celebrated bridge over the Menai Straits in England. The United States Dry Dock, in BrookKn, is the largest dry dock in the world, by many feet. The plates of iron used in the gates of this dock are the lar. gest that had been mado up to the time they were rolled. The estimate origi nally make by the Belgian engineers for the wear of rails upon their lines, was 120 years. At present ten years is not under the average life of rails, whilst many are actually so much worn in twelve months as to be no longer fit for use. Boiler explosions arc always reported, but simple ruptures, which often occur from over pressure, and with no further consequen ces than the loss of steam and local injury to the boiler, arc Feldom publicly report ed, and there are many who arc not aware tha, puch casualties ever happen. The bark of trees is generally thichest on their Northern sides. Georgia is the light- : est taxed Stato in the Union. Its State tax is only two-thirds of a mill to the dollar. A man owning $10,000 worth of property is only taxed $6.62. The old est church in America is in the town of Hingham, Mass. It was built in 16S1. !! ti I tt I f i 1 St IT