i cxSElTEMliER 8 LOCAL JWO PERSONAL 5 We clip the following from the V'ttkly Bugle, published at Council Bluffs, luwa. Mr- BiJcr, the gentleman who so successfully frustrated the designs of a boU an J ilari ng thief, was formerly a res iJent of Wilmore, and engaged in the firm of .Messrs. "V. II. Gardner & Co. It will cive li'w friends in that locality pleasure to learn that he came out first best in the encounter. Ed. AUeghanian. A Hold Thief. On last Thursday morning, at about the hour of 3 o'clock, n uuhun" villain, made a forcible entry into the Law and Ileal Estate office of Street llider, with the intention of " seeking what he unsht devour, but was most tor tunately frustrated. It appears that at the hour atore named, mt. maer, wno was eleepinsr iu the back room of the office heard rather stramre and unaccountable noise, which seemed to proceed from the front room, where all valuables are kept, and in turning over in bed, the noise ceased, but soon to commence, whereupon Mr. It. im mediately got up and dressed himself, and as he passed into the iront room, was con fronted bv the thief, who made a pass at Mr. II., striking him on the head with so much force, that it felled him to the floor, when a must desparate struggle ensued ; but Rider, about to get the advantage of his rascally opponent, he instantly sprang to his teet, and made a rush lor the open window, through which he had previous ly entered, but in his hurried exit, he jar red the window sash so much that it fell down, and in doing so, closed in and nip ped off the individuals coat tail, which contained the papers &.C., in his pocket, which he had stolen, much to his chagrin and confusion. lie made a complete ex anination of every thing in the office, and had laid out a watch and some other val uables, to take, but was so suddenly and unexpectedly frustrated, that he left all he designed stealing. lie made his es cape by good running. Obituary. It is with feelings of un feigned sorrow we announce the death of I'R. C. J. IIlRST, who departed this life at Galesburg, 111., on Sunday, the 1st inst. He had but lately left his home in Altoona, Penna., for a wider field of la bor in the growing West; yet, alas, how true we often find it, that "man proposes latOod disposes." His new home had Icen to him little else than a bed of sick ness and of suffering, terminating only in death. He leaves a most inestimable widow to mourn lys early end. We can not but sympathize with her in this great l"ss, an J pray that the good God who premises to be a husband to the widow, will be very near to her in this her time of need. In his private and professional career, Dr. Hirst had won the esteem of all by his manly deportment and earnest efforts in behalf of morality and religion; and to those who knew him we need only add the following lines, which will find an echo in every heart : "He ia his duty prompt at every call, He watched and wept, he prayed and felt for ail; And as a bird each fond endearment tries, To tempt her new-fledged offspring to the skies, He tried each art, reproved each dull delay, Allured to brighter worlds, and led the way." . w" 'Consolidated Concert." Yester- terday morning, bills were freely posted in our streets, calling attention to the fact that, in the evening, Yankee Loomis and Troupe and the Cambria Brass Band would give to our citizens and "the rest of man kind," a grand "Consolidated Concert." The excitement ran high; everybody an ticipated a rare intellectual and musical treat. But, alas ! how vain are all world y expectations! Towards evening the parties agreed to disagree, and the result as that the "Consolidated Concert" didn't come off. The Band, however, held forth to an audience at the Court House, whilst the veritable Yankee occupied his old quarters at Myers' Hall. We attended "pon each for a time. The music of the Band was excellent. The performance of the l ankec was a success. Mons. Shar rett, of Johnstown, was added to the troupe on this occasion, and closed the concern a song that astonished the natives, and bought down the house. S. Haven. Our readers are refer red to the advertisement of W. 8. Haven. to be found elsewhere in our Paper. He 'M the largest and best establishment of e kind in Pittsburgh. All who may desire blank books, stationery, fancy job printing, book binding, or any thing of lfe kind, would 1 der to Mr. Haven. We are confi.l,.,. faction will be given in all cases. j Cambria Brass Band. This cxcel- t band of. musicians made a triumphal e? ry through our town on yesterday mor oiri" ti c- Jiicy were traudilv ?dTU''f' I',.ayt"1 a'nue' of lively and airs. fRDAY:::::::: Charles Dicken's Works. Th well-known firm of T. B. Peterson and Brothers, 306 Chestnut street Philadel phia, have just commenced publishing a remarkably cheap edition of these unap- proacnable works of fiction. It is called "Peterson's Cheap Edition for the Million, of the entire writings of Charles Dukens, JJoz, and will be issued complete in twenty-eight volumes. One volume will be published regularly on each and everv Saturday, until the whole number of vol umes twenty-eight is completed. The low price fixed by the publishers for them are only 25 cents a volume, or the whole twenty-eight volumes for five dollars. A complete set will be forwarded free of postage by Mail, to any part of the United btates, to any one, by the publishers, on receiving a remittance of five dollars .for the first t venty-eight volumes ; or a re mittance of three dollars will pav for the first fourteen volumes; or a remittance of one dollar will pay for the first four vol umes. The volumes will be neatly prin ted and each volume will contain 190 large octavo pages, printed on fine white paper, and neatly bound with paper cover. Ihe revised uniform Edinburg edition from which this is reprinted, comprises twenty-;ight volumes, the cost of which is seventy-Jive dollars; and this edition will contain every word of the Edinburg ed ition. We commend the determination of this enterprising Philadelphia firm, to furnish the complete and entire works of Charles Dickens at a price so reasonable, that all persons whatever may possess a full set, and direct the especial attention of our readers to the fact, and would ad vise them all to make a remittance of Five Dollars at once, per first mail, to the publishers, for the entire set, who will send them coniple to any one, free of pos tage, on receipt of that sum. Chemical Analysis. Dr. Buna has kindly furnished us with the result of his chemical analysis of the whiskey found in the possession of the late William Wil liams, at the time of his death. It ts a sad picture of the heartlessness of those who make and sell the poisonous drug to "get gain." The Doctor is fast winning a reputation for his skill in this his favor ite science. We subjoin the analysis, merely remarking that we have seen at the Doctor's Drug Store the poison refer red to: Ebensburg, Sept. 5, 1859. Esq'rs Williams and Kinkead. Gentlemen : The whiskey which you left with me one week ago for chemical examination, has been disposed of as de sired. The following is a true report of the result oi my investigation. No strychnine was found in said liquor, but in lieu of that poison, I found an al kaloid known to chemists as picrotoxin, and which is the poisonous constituent cf Coccidus Indicus. The proportion found was two grains to the pint of whiskey. In regard to the virulence of this poison, I would inform you that it is considered by the best authorities fatal to human life in quantities of from five to ten grains, according to circumstances and conditions. Very respectfully yours. It. 3. Bunn. Camp Meeting. There has been quite a pleasant Camp meeting held, during the past five or six days, on a farm belonging to Samuel Davis, situated about seven miles west of town. Quite a number of our citizens paid it a visit on Sunday last, and reported the attendance to have been large, and expressed themselves well pleased with the order and general good feeling that prevailed. There were some twenty tents erected on the ground for the accommodation of the members who remained the entire week. The usual number of ministers were present, some of whom it is said exhibited more than ordinary evidence of becoming distin guished in pulpit eloquence. In Town. Among the many distin guished gentlemen in attendance at our Courts, during the present week, it may not be amiss to mention Hon. II. D. Fos ter, of Greensburg, and Hon. Samuel Cal vin and Hon. John Cresswell, of Holli- daysburg. We have been credibly in formed that either of these gentlemen is ready and willing at any moment to neg lect his private business for the purpose of discharging the duties of Governor of the Old Keystone for the next gubernato rial term. Whether either of them will be called upon to make such sacrifice, is a problem which has not yet been solved. Failure. Yankee Loomis and family, attempted to give two exhibitions in the town of WilmorCjOn Wednesday and Thurs day evenings of last week. For some cause the audience would not come, and the troupe left expressing their disgust for the high tone of morality displayed by the inhabi tants of the village. , Cresson House. We had the pleas ure ot seeing A m. S. Campbell. Esq.. in town this week. He was engaged in the prosecution of some individuals who had relieved him of several very necessary ar ticles in use at the Mountain House, at Cresson. We understand that he closed that beautiful summer resort on Saturday last, for this season. - We feel sure that, of his many visitors, it was no fault of his if they did not receive a full equivalent for their disbursements. Mr. Campbell is a model Hotel keeper. In Town. Swank, the junior editor of the Lamona Tribune, has been in town during the week, serving his country in the onerous and responsible position of a petit juror. He looks well as usual, and seems to be as much at home on a civil or criminal case, as on a case of type. He and his partner Bowman, print one of the neatest little papers in appear ance in the State. It is true, we some times object to their editorials ; but it is equally true, no doubt, that they sometimes object to ours. Success to us all. Amen. It. C. Lewis, Esq. We neglected in our last issue to note the arrival in our town, of our friend 11 C. Lewis,Esq., who former ly resided here, but who for some years past has been engaged in the practice of the law in Illinois. He looks well, and since his advent amongst us has been taken by the hand by many old friends and acquaintances. We should be glad to see him pull up stakes in Illinois, and hang out his shingle in Ebensburg. For Rent. We desire to call particu lar attention to the advertisement of Messrs. Lloyd & Hill, by which they pro pose to rent the Pensacola Mill Property. The property they advertise possesses rare advantages for the manufacture of lum ber, and any one desirous of engaging in that business would do well to take a lease of it for a term of years. Basket Meeting. A Basket Meet ing of the Universalists was held in a grove on the farm of Ephraim Crum, near Wilmore, on Friday, Saturday and Sun day last. The attendance is represented to have been meagre, and the speaker as having much less ability than those who usually travel to disseminate those doc trines. Dr. Joiin C. Clark. We take great pleasure in calling the attention of all those suffering from that "foe to all peace of mind" the toothache that the Dr. is in town this week ready and willing to attend to all such dental troubles. He can be found at Dr. Lewis' office. Notice. We arc authorized to say to the members of the Cricket Club, that the Bats and Balls arrived this morning. We hope to see the young gentlemen compo sing it make their first appearance on the ground on Saturday afternoon next, as we believe that is the day they have selected. Recovering. The young man Lynch, near Wilmore, spoken of by us as having been injured by falling from the hay loft some time ago is so far recovered, as to be able to walk about. Died. On Monday morning last, Mrs. Mary Jane Goodwin, wife of Samuel Goodwin, and daughter of Richard and Eliza Thomas, iu the 19th year of her asre. Married On the 30th of August, by Rev. James I. Brownson, Geo. M'C. Por ter, Esq., of New Cumberland, Virginia, to Miss Sade Lewis, of "Washington, Pa. FOR REST. The subscriber will lease for a term of years "THE PENSACOLA MILL PROPERTY," with 1,600 acres of land adjoining, heavily timbered 30 acres surrounding the mill are cleared, and under a high state of cultivation. Also, Blacksmiths' shops, Trucks, Ac. The Mill has one of Page's Circular Saws in it, as well a3 ah upright saw, and three small circu lars for lath, &c, and is capable of making 10,000 FEET OFLUM BKlt 1 Ell DA 1 . The above described valuable property will be leased on favorable terms. Possession giv en at any time. Address LLUTli & hilli, nouiaaysourg, Or Wsi. II. Gardner, Esq., Wilmore, Pa. September 1, 1859:tf. NOTICE. The Officers and Managers of the Cambria County Agricultural Society are reques ted to meet at the office of the Secretary, in the Borough of Ebensburg, at one o'clock, P. M., on Saturday, the lOtu day of September. All persons desirous of procuring stands for Refreshments, 4c, Bhould make application to the Secretary before said day. By order of the President. PHIL. S. NOON, Sec'y. Ebensburg, Sept. 1, 1859. WANTED. By the subscriber, at the "Good Samaritan" Drug Store, in Johnstnwn, 2,000 pounds of GINSENG. The root must be dug, dried and delivered in the month of Septembor, wlien tue nigneBl price will be paid for it in CASH. August 25, 1859. LAST NOTICE. LAWRENCE CASSIDY, of Wilmore, hereby gives notice to all indebted to him to call and settle immediately, otherwise he will be compelled to collect with costs. Wilmore, August 25, 1859:9t. noWLKC SALOOV gOMETHING new in EBENSBURG. The undersigned having opened a Bowling Saloon, connected with his Restaurant, in the basement of Myers' new Hall, respectfully re quests all who wish good exercise to give him a call. ALE and LAG" ER BEER, of the most approved manufacture, constantly on hand. THOMAS M'BRIEX. Ebensburg, August 25, 1859:tf NEW GOODS. PThe subscribers are just now opening at me oia stana on High street, Ebensburg, a nice assortment of FRESH GOODS, new style Prints, Delaines, &c. Also an abundant supply of Ready-made CLOTHING, together with BOOTS SHOES of every quality price. Give us a call if you would get the worth of your money. We sell cheap for CASH or rcaay delivered PRODUCE. SHOEMAKER & SONS. . Ebensburg, August 25, 1859.4t LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS ! B OOTS AND SHOES! AH Dersons who mar desire anvthinor !n ia way of Boots or Shoes, can have them made to order on the shortest notice, in the nost fashionable manner, and upon the most reas onable terms, by calling upon the subscriber, ne employs none but the very best workmen, has many years' experience himself in the business, and at all times uses the best mate rial upon his work. Assured that he can give full satisfaction to customers, he respectfully solicits a liberal patronage. Shop on High street, at the west end of Eb ensburg. THOMAS B. JAMES. August 25, 1859:tf TUST OPENED AND FOR SALE f BY R. S. BUNN, M. D., a gener al assortment ot DRUGS, MEDICINES, Spices, Oils, Paints, Dye-Stuffs, Brandies, Wines, Gins, Fluid, Pocket Cutlery, Razors, Brushes, Combs, Sta tionery, Blank Books, Perfumery, Soaps, Tobacco, Segars, Snufl's, and other articles usually kept in Drug Stores. R. S. BUNN, M. D. Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859.-ly. RICHARD M.JONES, WITH CHAS. B. WILLIAMS. JAMES D. ARXEST. WILLIAMS & ARXEST. Wholesale Dealers in DRY GOODS, NO. 415 MARKET STREET, PHIL A D EL PHI A. JSfGreat inducements offered, to CASn and short time buyers.Qfc Aug. 25, 1859.-ly. B. P. THOMPSON, with I. I. I'ATTO.V & Co., Wholesale Dealers in and Manufactu turers of HATS, CATS, FURS, Hatters' Materials, Straw Goods, Artificial Flowers, Buffalo Robes, &c, &c. No. 328 Market street, PHILADELPHIA. Cash 2iid fur Wool ami Shipping Purs. PRICE I. PATTO.V. A. OPPE.NUEIMKR. August 25, 1859-tf ERNEST D. RHEY, with CHARLES WESTON, w holesale Dealer in French and Amer ican WILLOW WARE, OIL CLOTHS. Matts, Ropes, Tie Yarn, Looking Glasses, Brushes. Also, all kinds of Woodbs and Cedar Ware. No. 35 North Third st., PHILADELPHIA. August 25, 1859:tf C. C. STEWART, with HANDY &. 1IRENNER, Commission Merchants and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Nos. 23, 25 and 27 North Fifth street, east side, above Commerce, PHILADELPHIA. EDWARD 8. HANDY, JHO. O. BRENNER, C. T. BRENNER. August 25, 1859:tf HOOTS AND SHOES. ahe undersigned continues the manu . facture of BOOTS and SHOES of-.. every description" at his establishment, I in Ebensburg, immediately opposite the ' 11 Post Office. Emploj-ing none but the best workmen, he trusts that he has been and still is at all times able to give entire satisfaction to his customers. He hopes that the same liberal natronace hetptnfir irivrn Yiim maw ho o- r j continued, and that more may be added. lie has also on liana a large assortment of French Calf-sk ins. and Afnrncm nf nil IfinHs suitable for fine Boots and Shoes. ' Ready-made BOOTS and SHOES always on hand, and prices moderate. MESH AC THOMAS. Ebensburg, August 25, 1859:tf. LICENSE NOTICE. The following petition for License has been filed with the Clerk of the Quarter Sessions of Cambria county, and will be pre sented to the September Term of Quarter Ses sions, 1859 : Grosberger Francis J., Tavern License, Car rolltown Bor. Ryan John, Tavern License, Johnstown, Slick Geo. R., Tavern License, " JOS. M DONALD, Clerk. Ebensburg, August 25, 1859. J. P. HORMSH. WILLIAM FULTON. H ORNISH & FULTON, Attorneys at Law, Keokuk, Iowa. Refer to Dr. Geo. It. Lewis, Ebensburg, Pa.. Jacob Turney, Greensburg, Pa., William IIop- B.1UB, i) asuiugiou, fit, I sep.ljlBOy.U JAMES DOUGHERTY, with v J. S. SORTER, holesale Dealer in TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, w no. 8 .N. f ilth street, above Market, Philadelphia. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of Foreign and Domestic CIGARS. rsep.l,1859:tf. 'OR SALE One good new light dou ble sett of WAGON HARNESS, by Aug. 25, 18j9.tr G. HUNTLEY. ROBERT DAVIS, JCUN P. JONES, Variety SoU DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, KEEP constantly on hand a large and Su perior stock of DRY GOODS, of every description, such as' CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, TWEED'S, JEANS, BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, DRESS GOODS of every style, FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, A large assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, which have just been received from Boston. STRAW, FUR and WOOL HATS, STATIONARY of every description, WALL PAPER of every style, HARDWARE, QUEESWARE, STONE AND EARTHENWARE, A full supply of GROCERIES, SUCH AS SUGARS, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, COFFEE, TEAS AND RICE. A FULL STOCK OF SPICES, FLOUR, BACON, FISn, TOBACCO, CIGARS & SNUFF, BAR IRON, NAILS, AND GLASS Always ox iiands. Drugs, Paints and Oils, and a full ossortment of other articles usually kept in country stores. All kinds of Country Produce, such as Butter Eggs, Bacon, Grain, Wool, Po tatoes, Beans, Rags, &c, 4c, taken in exchange for Goods, and the Cash never refused. 3?" CHERRY, POPLAR and PINE LUM BER bought and sold. DAVIS & JONES. Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859.-tf. THE EXCITEMENT Increases ! ! The well known firm of ULLMAN, LUX & Co., of Wilmore, Cambria county, would respectfully inform the citizens of Wil more, and mankind generally, that they have on hands and are daily receiving from the cit ies of PHILADELPHIA and NEW YORK, the largest and best assortment of goods ever brought to Cambria county. Their stock consists of EE AD Y-MADE CL O THING, of every description, and of the latest and most fashionable style and finish, comprising DRESS COATS, OYER COATS, FROCK COATS, PANTS and VESTS. Ther stock of Dry Goods embraces every thing in that line that is to be found in the calender of necessity. Among which they will enumerate SATINS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOE SKINS, TWEEDS, JEANS, TICKINGS, SHIRTINGS of ev erv stvle, BLEECHED a BROWN DRILLS, BLEECIIED a BROWN SHEETINGS, CHECKS, FLANNELS of every Description, BLANKETS, Etc., etc., etc., iic. Ladies' Di-cks Goods, of every variety and style, Laces, Trimmings, Gloves, Hoiserv, Alpacas, Ginghams, &c. &c. Also: A large stock of BOOTS aud SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, BONNETS, &c.,&c. They would also call particu lar attention to their large stock of GROCERIES. Having recently established a Wholesale Clothing House in Philadelphia, they are thereby enabled to sell Clothing at much low er rates than heretofore ; whilst this fact also gives them advantages in the other depart ments of their trade not enjoyed by any other store in the county. They respectfully request purchasers to call and examine their stock. Wilmore, August 25, 1859:tf. ZEl3LxKrm DElo"toorts. TAKES this method of informing his old friends, that he is still engaged in the Mercantile Business, at Ebensburg, and is at all times prepared to sell to purchasers, AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Every variety and discription of slaple and FANCY DRY GOODS, HARDWARE QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, TOBACCO CIGARS, &c, &c. And in fact every thing usually found in a general Store. An examination of his stock and prices is all he desires at any time to ef fect sales. ry-a Approved Country produce in ex- change for GOODS at all times. Ebensburg, Aug. 25, 1859.-tf. JOHN M'COLCiAN, WILMORE, Cambria cockty, Pa. Dealer in sll kinds of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, kc. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. aug.25,1859:tf. ISAAC WIKE, WILMORE, Cambria cocktt, Pa. ealer in all kinds of PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CONFECTION ARIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c, &c. August 25, I859:ff. G. W. TODD, with CONRAD & WALTON, 63' Market st., Phila. "mportcrs and Dealers in L FOREIGN A; DOMESTIC HARDWARE. August 25, 1850.tf JACOB 8TAHL. c. T. ROUERTS. STAIIL &, ROBERTS, DEALERS 1C CL O CKS, WA TCIIES & JE WELR Y. We would respectfully inform the citi zens of Ebensburg, and everybody else, that we have just received, at our new store room, opposite E. Shoemaker & Sons" store, at the sign of the Bow Window, the largest stock of CLOCKS, WATCHES, Jewelry, 4c, &c, 4c, ever offered for sale In this town. We are determined to, and will, sell as cheap as can be bought elsewhere, and hope by our efforts to accommodate and please, not only to retain all our former patrons, but to merit and se cure a hirge accession to the same. yy-i All kinds of Clocks, Wbtthes $ Jews clry repaired on the shortest notice; in the best manner, and warranted; August 25, 1859:tf HARCJAINS! 1IARG4INS! A T THE EBENSBURG SHOE STORK I 'the subscriber beina- ,Vsirnn nf i;cnne;no C I." C 1 - . . 1 o ' "s summer lot 01 L.AUlr.S' SllUbS before making his Fall purchase, offers ML iiieju ior cost, jow is the time the la dies can have bargains. Call and see for yourself if yon don't believe it. lie keeps constantly on hand a large supply of CHILDKENS' MENS' AND MENS' FUR HATS, LADIES SHOES, TRUNKS, NOTIONS, CARPET SACKS, ETC., ETC., & c ., A c ., & c. All of which he offers for less money than can be bought elsewhere. HS can be" found one door below Thompson's Mountain House; CLINTON R. JONES; Ebensburg, August 25, 1859:tf. ECONOMY IN FUEL. GAS BURNING COOKING STOVE. GEORGE HUNTLEY, Dealer in all kinds of COOKING, HEATING asd PARLOR STOVES, would respectfully call the attention of the public to one of the great est improvements ever made in Cooking stoves the burning of the Oat and Smoke arising from the coal by which means is sa ved fifty per cent: of FueL The improve ments claimed are 1st a. great saving of Fuel. 2d a much quicker and hotter Oven from the same fire.- 2d The preservation of the top plates, as they are all made double. 4th Cleanliness, as there is not one half the soot and dirt found in other stoves. THEY ARE THE S TO YES. He has also on hands a large assortment of HARDWARE, TABLE and POCKET CUT LERY,EDGE TOOLS, HARVESTING TOOLS, etc., etc. Also he still manufactures nd keeps on hand a large assortment of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron, all of which he will sell at ex tremely low prices in exchange for Cash or Country produce. GEO. HUNTLEY. August 25, 1859:tf PATRONIZE YOIR OWN! Hit Protection Mutual Eire Insurance Co., OF CAMBRIA COUNTY. LOCATED AT EBENSBURG, P A. riHE above named Company, organized I April Cth, 1857, will effect insurances on property at safe rates. Being particularly careful in the risks taken, this Company pre sents a reliable and cheap medium, through which persons may secure themselves against probable losses by fire. Office on Centre Street, nearly opposita Thompson's "Mountain House." D. II. ROBERTS, Pres. A. C. Mcllik, Sec'y. & Treas, JOSEPH H. CAMPBELL, Agent. Aug. 25, 1859.-ly. CAMBRIA HOUSE, Main Street, Johnstown, Joseph Sliooiiiakcr, Landlord. This establishment has recently been thoroughly renovated, and is now well fitted up for the comfortable accommodation of boarders or transient patrons. The Table will be supplied with the best the market af fords, while at the Bar will always be found as good Liquors as can be obtained anywhere. The new Landlord, in again opening the' 'Cambria House" to the public, promises to spare no pains to make it a first rate hotel. fifc-g-Board, Three Dollars per week, or On Dollar per day."a A Hack will be in waiting at the raifroad station on the arrival of the trains to convey passengers, free of charge, to the house. HORSES AND BUGGIES AT LIVERY. Johnstown, Aug. 25, 1859. -ly. ARCADE HOTEL, Ebensburg, Ta. The subscriber, having leased, re-fittedf and newly furnished the "Ebensburg House' is prepared to accommodate his friends and the public generally. The House has always been a favorite for visitors during the Summer season, and I will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners... My Ta" ble will always be luxuriously supplied from' the markets of the country and the cities. My Bar will be filled with liquors of chord's brands. My Stable is attended by earefmi hostlers, and my charges wilr te such as to suit all. Expecting to receive a share of pat ronage, and fully intending to deserve it, I hereby throw open my house to the public. HENRY FOSTER. August 25, 1859:tf. T AILROAD HOUSE, Wilmore, Cam JLV' bria county, Pa. (Near Penna. Railroad; Station.) Jas. D. Hamilton', Proprittor. An extensive Bowling saloon' i3 conneCfei with the House. The Table will be fur nished with the best the market affords, and the Bar supplied with the best oi liquors, in cluding Ales and Lager from approved brew eries. Extensive and convenient Stabling is attached to the premises. Wilmore, August 25, 1859:tf. UNION HOUSE, Eknsburg, Pa. John A. Blair, Frwrietor. Also, in connection, BLAIR FCo's HACKS will leave the "LTnion House" for WiIni6roI station in time to take the Eastern and Weft- em trains. Every accommodation will be of forded to make passengers comfortable; Augst 25, 1859:tf. JOB WORK! JOB WORK. ! H avinsr, in connection with the Alle- ghanian, a large and superior lot of Job-Type, we are prepared to execute with, neatness and dispatch, every variety of Job Work, including Hand Bills, Cards Dels, and Blanks of every description, on short notice and on the most reasonable terms. Persons desiring anything in thie line, will do well to call. 4