Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, February 20, 1867, Image 3
7 1 I X S.ffSiSrrtTSSarT DEMOClt AT AND STAK. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. BLOOMSBURG : Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1S67. - W e wj't thank our renders for r.ll local ccrtir re nccs in their immediate localities. If they no not decirn to write a communication for lle public eye, let them send us a brief statement of everything of in tertst in their respective communities. A list nf mnrri-ces, deaths, accidents, fire, removal a, busi ness changes, &e. We will put them in form . The mora fact of this kind we can gut the better it will uit Of and our readers. Who will do it f To ADVkRTtsnts. Pcrs ns wishing advertisements inserted, must hand them in early on Tuesday morn i On to insure their insertion for that wee'. Sf if John Snyder, of Mifiliii Township, soM his farm, a short titue mikd, to Michael (5 over, for the tuur sum of $0000 00. Tho roads in tlii.-i section arc protty pofl. Tlic fnt is rapidly coining out of the ground, and an early Spring is anticipated. . 3 Bus your jroods of lncrcliauts who advertise. For information on that point, examine ouradvertising columns. jCS? We would direct attention to the ad vertisement of personal property, of John Snyder, of MifHin Tow:isliip, ia this week's paper. '. PcT For pood tarirams .step into the es tablishments advertised in our columns. In those places you will not he obliged to pay two or three profit. upon what you pur chase. ... - . E65- The winter grain looks jrood in tliis County. It has been compl-tidy blanketed all winter, and the covering Loin:- removed, it presents a healthy and fresh appe;i:ai;co. - --- The ice passed out of tho Sii-tuc-hanna, at this phii.v, without doin,z any dam- Last wt-ck. this time. th're was ipiii.e a large dam in the river, below this town, threatening destruction. ffST The Democrat ami Stat, is the best advertising inediura in this County. Sen ! alo:i your notice. IV sure and have them in before Tuesday noon to insure an insertion the Fame week. 1&5 The Executors of the K-tafe f Georpe IjOntrenbtTger, deceased. a Ivt-rti-v for pale Feveral valuable tracts of coal and wood land, in this paper. It is fituatd in the Townships of Ueavcr, Main and Mifflin, on the south side of the Susc;uc! t-E"" The I'loouisburg Literary Institute is rapidly approaehing completion. The Contractor, Prof. Henry Caiivk. is put ting the work along at a '"two-forty gait.'" Ilia school will oecupy this, building iu a f hort time. Erl7 We noticed not long since published in the Lutheran (Jtwrr.T the death of our young frnd. Cyki s A. Err.KNiiF.P.UKu. of Muncy, an 1 formerly of this place. He vas a young man of iriti'lii'-no;', good charae'er. and highly respected by all ; and departed thi Iife after much sufTV-ring from that lin gering disease consumption in the prime of his years. TJ. Vi' have no traveling agents in this County or elsewhere soIi-.-itin-j .-ubs -i ip i n and advertising for tb.e PkiocratandStah. Its circulation is gradually increasing and tho business of the oilice was never better. ' Our paper will stand upon its own merits, and, the work executed at this office, cannot be surpassed in this section in point of work manship or cheapness. C? AVhat do the landlords iu this town mean, by raising rents this Spring upon tht-ir tenants? Have tho County, Poor, Road, School or War Taxe3 increased? Has the price of lumber raised ? Has wage advanc ed? In short, is there anything to warrant the raiding of rents at this time ? We think not. On the other hand tenants are less itblc to meet their rents. Provisions have Leen on the advance instead of on the de cline ; wages have been put down, and mur-y of our laboring men are barely able to main tain their families at the present time. Our citizens can now more plainly than at any other season of the year see-the necessity of having this town incorporated. Just look at the til. "-walks, sroj's, alleys and by-ways, and yoitbehold a disgraceful and fcickening spectacle, for a town of its siio and population. Every interest, r.itd every ritizen who has any pride for himself or his neighbors, demand the incorporation of this town. Away with your old fogy notion-, and keep inarch with the times. Incur; o ratd' the town, introduce gas, build water works, inaugurate firo companies, beautify the place generally, and make the town funk Xo. 1. among others of equal wealth and population in the State. What Makes a Ru.shel-. The follow ing table of the number of pounds of var us articles to a bu-hel may be of intercut to our readers : Wheat, sixty pounds ; corn, shelled, fift' hlx pounds ; corn, on the cob, seventy pound ; rye, fifty-six pounds ; oats, thirty pounds; barley furty-ix pounds ; buckwheat, fifty six pounds ; Iri-h potatoes, sixty pounds; eweet potatoes, fifty pounds ; onions, fifty Eevcu pounds ; beans, sixty pounds ; bran twenty pounds ; clover teed, sixty pounds ; timothy seed, forty-five pounds ; blue-grass eced. fourteen pounds ; dried peaches, thirty- three pounds. . - 4. - 53- Mrs. Harriet Iqcott, wife of John Leggott, of lola, Columbia County, died at her brother's residence, J. J. Rob bins, in Bloomsburg, on Sunday last. She . 1 t -T l . 1. ! " cause to- tier Drotner s one uay mat week, anu Awhile there was under treatment by D. F. C. Harrison for a disease that was gradually X-troying her life and finally proved fatal, lid" not learn what her lingering ailment he was a kind, christian woman, be- v7tV --respected by all who enjoyed her ! 6- Jll-dnee. Her age was about 46 years. She leaves a husband aiyl several children, besides many relatives and friends, to mourn her'death,. Not over ten. days i-ince she at tended the funeral of Ler father, Joseph. Hobbins, whose death was announced- in our I "p,.-r V J&T- Hon. Thos. A. Jencke?, M. C," of Rhode Island, has our thanks for public documents. Xfif The LoUo the Maine Legislature haa refused, by a vote of 45 yeas to 07 nays, to sanction the Senate bill to al- low white persons to intermarry with ne- r00' Ef A terrible hurricane on the 1st of .VbruarySweptover Ouachita and the ad- joining parishes, causing great destruction and loss of life. A telegram from Cincin nati reports that the breaking up of the ice has caused great destruction of property on the upper and lower wateis of the Ohio Riv er. k-T The Washington daily St(r suggests "the organization of 'minute men,' to be summoned at a moments' notice, for the purpose of defending and sustaining the President of the United States in the ex ercise of his high official prerogatives." feT Congress has just appropriated $1, 500 to a Mrs. Perham, of Missouri, for act ing in the capacity of a spy, during the war. If the rumpers are disposed to reward this kind of merit, we can name them several chaps in this county, who played the spy an J sneak very successfully. jsy An exchange paper says that Charlo Sumner will retire from public life after the close of his present Senatorial term of office has expired. If he had never entered pub- lie life the country would have avoided many i of its recent troubles, and if he had never lived at all, human nature would appear to- j day much less exceptional than it does. Ihe truth of history wiil probably record Charles ( Sumner's name as representing the best type j of a moral assassin in the age in which Le ! lived. i C The Ka'1'u al Senate ma le a scatter- metit among t'te 'Jjrea-i an-t jutter i i 1- j gade,'" a few days ago by taking o.f so:i.e ! very prominent heads, with very little or no j ceremony. We don't have much j-.Miipa.thy J with the men v.ho support the admini.-tra- j tion for the sake of an office, although ve ; can't see that tlu Senate could help the mat- ' ter much by rejoctfngthe-e n.en. President ; Johnson wiil turn round and ajipoint others ' just as obnoxious to the Radicals as the re- ; jiicted parties. Andy is enough for the Rads. on that score. Cvj"" It is estimated that about twenty fimilies in this place, are still without a prospect of procuring houses for tlu next vear, comr.if-r.'-in with the Srst of April. Tho je7u-nj fr houses has been gnat-r than tho supply in mo.-t towns for the pa.-t three or four years. Since the Aloliti;i party hav4 torn the country to pieces, divi- ded the Union, and sti-pped the circulation j IIav:n. , dirrct in,lie,.r to ,i parts. -,ve ,...n,e.i. of pdd and silver, there has been compara- ; rHift. tivelv little Luiitlin ertin? ci. anywhere- ; r Rro.K-lutis, Astjima, ( ataHi, tonrMV,::, t , . , , , i live -.till tn-..;it I;-.'a-c-. Luilding 1 )ts, material ati-1 iabor. have been 1R ,.,v wTrt AMVv o.,n -r, . beyond the reach of men i.r--ie-sin;r a mod- I HV'; I'L'.iL'.t; sfakims crate amount of carital. Reiienchment ai.d r -...1 i i. . , ... t reform arc much needed in this country. About fnur o"clo;;!i v.i Sun .lny m irn in?; last, the 1 icomotive '.James Archi bald" of the lack i vanri i ail R!ojm ;')ur Rii'ro;vl ras blo'.vn uj', Avhilo standing at the Ireirlale S'.vitLh near this j-ace. From the rrp')rt vro are able to gather, the boiler Avas neglected until it became dry or nearly dry, Avhen the engineer turned water into it, producing a large quantity of steam th : boiler bein very much heated the force of which in expansion bur.-t the lower of tb.e boiler and tire-place o!F, and threw the back part of the engine upward, with such frceas to turn it over upon the end. Wm. ' Hornbeclcer, the engineer, was atth-2 time ; standing over the boiler an-1 was carried up wit!, the W!,n ftntnil 1.- w.i, . " , , , : last Uilder tUC mil S WltU !llS lejt, arid COU'.. I . only be extricated Ly the a; i 01 jae.c-scre.v-. ; lie is severely injured though it is thouglit . r.Ot latdliv. ; . ' I SPECIAL NOTICE. liEUINI) THE LIOHTIlOUSi: flld foyisill inol"ltlite dead. People are still to .c found ho ihiuk Ibal health is proinoii-.l by de pletion! Aas there ever such false lo-iic ! Naturv is the rau-1 antagonist of .lis.-a-e, and the deplelers propose to prostrate Nature iu order, one iii:l.t sup p ne . to give Ihe enemy a tlhub'e chance al lh life of the patient ! '1 he true practice is so to invigorate the vital powers as lo rc-njer them an overmaldi f r Ihe tltiiinils f disease. This rsn be ilooe il!i pie remedy , a Iter having su lli-r.-d si viral yea r.s n .1 a iUiri TETTER'S T'MACil lillTKd. Cf nil Vrjc severe luii' air-ct ion. and that dread disease. C011 table lonii:s they ar most powerful an. I the most . sjmptiou-is anxious to make wu to his l. llow peiiial. Al this season, wt.1.11 even the strongest or si:!ferr the means of cure gaiiizafions are liable to be ntfecled by the altera j To all w ho desire it. he iI sen J a copy ol Ihe pre ti us of stringent odd and malarious 111. i nre. this ' scripttou used-! freeol Charge with Ihe (!ir li"us f"r inestimable protective medicine is especially needed, pr.-pnrin-' and u-in the same, whi h they will find a Persons pretiiepose.l to biliousness, dyspepsia, con stipation, inter, niit. -lit fever, or a.iy of l'i ; coin , pi. i lls w bii b rol-l weather sope - in l.ic.'s or acer.c ; vates. should lake it 'eularly tiirouhout tii" Wiuti r and Sprins inoetlis. ll is absolutely port and barm 1 less. Feb. 1J. IS'jf lino ! YOUNG :IEN. ! The experience of tho past ton years b is deui'-n- . sira'.e l the fact that reli.iac'o'iuiy b: placeJ iuliie ef- j ficacy of . CELL'S SPECIFIC" PILLS, j for the ipecdy ami permanent cure of S :;niii il weak- . ness. Emissions. Physi'-'il and Nervous debi lily, Int - j potence, rr want of power, the result of St iasl Ex ; cess, or Youthfdl Indiscretion. which neL'lecteil ruins ' Ihe happiness, and unSisth.: siitlcrer for Business, ! S-jcial Society or Marrta;-:, and often terminate in ,111 11 iitimcly grave. Make n- delay in seeking l!i- j remedy. It is entirely vegetable and harmless on ', the system, cau'bo uj.rJ without detection or inter feieixe with husine'ss pursuits, an J no chan,'.; of tliet is necessary while using them. Price, One Dollar. If 0j cannot pet them of your lru.'?it. send the money to Dr. J. Bryan. P.VJ R-jn.iway. Ne-.v A'ork, and they w ill be sent free from observation by return of mail. Private Circular to Gentlemen sent free on appli cation Jan. a, ISU7.- ly J. C. Sc. Co. TO LADIES". If you roijui re a reliable remedy to restore you. and remove Irregularities or Obstructions, v hy not use Ihe best f Thirty yea r experience has proved that Dr. HAUVEVtS FEMALE FILL--?, have no equal for Removing Obstructions an. I Irreg ularities. No inatVer from what cause they arise. '1'hey are s ife and ure it every case. Price, One Dollar, per box Dr. HARVEY'S COLDEN FILLS. Is a remedy four degrees stronger than the ahove, and in". ended for special casus of long s Undinj, Trice, Five Dollars per Box. A Ladies' Private Circular, witn Engravings, sent n e vn application. If jou cannot get tbe Pills of your drajcist, send the uicrey to I'r.J. Bryan. t!3 Bread ay. New Ytrk. and they w ill be sent Iree from observation by returu of mail. Jan. 9, 1-67. ly. OVELY UIULS-'aXD FESTIVE BOYS, send an addreeseu envelope and 'Si cenis.aiiJ 1 will send yu ouj valuable inforii.atlon thai will p!eae you. Aitdress M A 11 V, AUJOItt:. P31, Hroaii w j N A jxmi MAIIKET REPORT. I , Wheat per Inihliel, $2 00 1 10 90 1 00 50 7 00 2 70 2 50 SO 16 00 35 :o 14 15 20 15 20 00 Jve, Corn, " , ljwheat !! (OVyr!?oeii " Flaxseed, " Irid apples" Potafccf, Hour per barrel,... gutter,. j rtmnd;:. Lard '' Hams, Shoulders, " llayvper ton, A.EV PESFl'ME FOB THE IIA.Mii.EU( SUIT. I'balou'M I'lialou ' Phnlon'i IMmloii 's Phsilon's) "Aigiit Islooruiii 3 t'rrru.'' '."Vis'it Itloomins C'crcim." ISIoosuinjf t'crrun." 'Aiyht Ulomiiiii C'tcii." 4.ih Iiloomiu Crreo"." A iniMt exqnNife. cl-Hciito. nnd KraTr:irr? rrftim, disti led from th rnie and brautllul tiowcr I;o;a which it t:i' ita name. Slanufurtnred only ly I'lIAfiOX Sc SO, ?Tiw York. r.KW'AItE OV COL'N'TK.KKKITS. ASK ion JMIAI.ON'.t TAKK NO OTIIF.H. COITGUIaPTIO;! CUUABLS BY nit. eciijcits r;iEDiciNrs. TO Cm CO.S jL'MITION. the iv.c:u tnait bo r lro J no ih ;'. the !u3?a w'il h-V. To m-coiiiplis1.! t a?, the I!t;t :i 1 to- .vh met fj.-x s c:mxxi and en fip.x;:'! rri'.tJ :or ejod Kbii'f .vjme iioil. hV-h, by tim e niil;o!ni will bo i1'ai.iM prtv'.rl-, an.l rJ hi-i:h' bcul i:-V; ihj: ba ljin vp tlie c?ti?: tu.'ofi. c' Sl:c :o:.iuh or s i b.lica" cr tnu-.ou4 u or:ou lfi. ci.; n::d. h? u.i? th- ri-i Wa:l Tjjo i.i cju-re"t-en. th Rr:t';to is rr:r?d. CC'II K.N (,'K'K ITLMOXfC SVUT'1 i.-C.KcVv.j wel! s :i-ed.'"?.:. ..:!.! h .- Ls.:ig the t'u.-o r.:;:.c--!-c a I In pur r'.a: ere up '1 oj trtiti t'.o t't'r.n, a id f .o-l, w h-. IiVL-io h- '. r..R-!c. wh'ch wS'l re?! o.l A',iae. I. yitionls trill tutc thore it-ivJ-ci-rrKC crd ing lo rr6t!oa?. C'-'Hsji p.!oa r-nr !r 3 tlv iu l '.an nta;9 roai'.:. 10 CiV.r :. ; :. T'..u tli j p'l iro.ue.illy. io ci lh.- li'-c-au-i rtomi. h. It d-.K no; oilow tha; b -v-f i-c the Imj-c sr.3 n-.t cos tive tho' t-e not ro.3':re1, :or ;o;2;':iu:! i i d'arr luva ibf- c uerjjr rr. Tie h l krpt h :thr, a.--d 11 eppe- r - ;c-i tc alio.- t!;j rc -niua'c d -1 ap to tic o- ihe rejrs.or crn-.f yr: p.-r'.y and r.;.v cay irr'' j-j. T.ieu d'.l t!.i.: i r.i in re 1 to a p irniano-it cure ia, to p-erc-nt tttiiaf co'd. Si.i-c'jf shout il;e r-K,i;i? aj 11 wh cj pjv:li, e.V. a l lh2 r cl:m '.m:iM. icchI, gfl.r;e, arid, in la.-t, ouvih-n? the c; tetlte ca-? : lat bs or 18SEB A Soro Throat' t.KgriRE iMUfnm iir.ui. KII'H LD BK (.'IKl'K' P. If ALLOWED TO lOSTtMfK. Irritation of the Lun;;s, A Perma nent Throat Disease, or Con sumption is orrrs ine rl'solt. snowy's w l hud I 1101 iis iie in 1 in t i-ariiij i" ' ...... t-iki 11 lo f--re o'l-.on; or ?pi-ak 111. and re lie v 1: the ! tor..... aO. r a.. u..i '-ri.;... ' "";;' 'f ;"Jv I ill I rftr.M' t ; re r 1 1 : 1 1 1 n 1 j 1- ; I nvsh i.ins, and have had testimonials Iri'Ul eimii-iii inen thr.u!io:it tin! co.i..try. I em a n arm le "i true merit, a... havii. pr.-,,Mb. ,r. i r;ri u v wan. ' .. . . . ,f o.o it nrli! in J ihp I r if lie M :i f t: . ...i. ....-is t.n.i. ni.xti 111 in w inrdiui's '". ,'th.iu uruc, j t uly Hr'iun's ltioin Tro. ties." and do : I trr.i in ii-m-unt- - nit take ar.v of the Woitbli fs luulatioos "in i-ty i to- .il'ered. Sold everywhere. ; Nov. is. Iii'i'.i. ion. FURORS OF YOUTH. A geni'enian who sutTered for years from Nervous Debility. Freaiaturj Decay, and al! the eflects of jontli lul indiscretion, wiil. for the sake of suH'-riiii; hu inanity, send fr'-e to all who need it. the recipe and direi lions for inaRintt the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ail ve r iist-i's extol it-nee, can d ' so be a Idressiii ' JOilV 11. di DKV. No. F! Chambers st.. New York, Feb, CS. IStiti. ly. S.M P. STRA.NO li RUT TRU K. Every young lady ami geiuleiuan in the L'uited Sftaf curs hear s.i,.-ll.iin very much to th-.r advau- tate by re urn mall (free ofi-harse.) by addressing the , u.1",,,.r,t:.;l..,l. Those hav.n? tea s of being hutuhiUS- Pli M ,lt ,,i,iigK i,y u .t noticing this card. Aiictheij r.i ph ase address their '" V iVr m" a v rni Broadway, New York. Fib. 2. J i;r, ly.? M P ' rpIIE'ILOKY OF MAN IS ss 1'K KM; I II. A geiule. : I ,-,ii l.o siiir. re. I lor ears li 1.1:1 N' rtus and ' i;.-nnal Penilitv. Ni-litly Limssion,. anJ Seminal Weakness, tile res'ilt ot youthful niilist rei imi . .1110 came near cmliua his days in hopeless misery, v. ill. for the sake of sufletini; man. send to any one at.iicl ed the simple meai.s 11-ed by him. which effected a cure in a lew weeks alter 1 lny. l-'n' ' re t.f numerous uieilirini-s. Send a directed en -lope a nd sl.'-inp and 11 will cost von iinthiiii! Address. LDtiAR 1 Kb.MAlX, lJ-th ft. X , Y. City. T restored to health in a lew weeks by a very sim- 0S osu,i.pon.A.lmy. Bron.iUs.Colils l:;;;;:' lo P ' ri Coushs etc. The ot.! object ol the advertiser '"),.,,,,, ,. ..lould tail luis a i i trier .11 i n v t-d. seniiinj the rrt'sn ipt inn is to bent-tit the J.ftiicie.l.aui! i ,. nn-Vi stiii.l a i.ti.itber f cih r valuanie : ; i-s ipre .tlliilorinalion whi. h heconreives to be im rtlual.'.e . rt, Paid. am-mit winch was it e.-l.i a.i h till he hopes every sult'erer will try Ins remedy, as it valued at 7.i. by ol la- an at h- 1.1 III-: c-vs.rrr vi ill t ust them liml. and may prove a oles-ms. I iiice. .( Aefitd Tunrs. .S-tt. '!. l-'.t. P.rt.. j niahintr the tirescrii.tion. tree, i, v rt-torn mail, will please a. Mr-ss Rev K. A. WIL.-oN, Willianishnrs K 11. ?s County Feb.eS, I-tii. ly. S.M. f. New-York. Ja J 1JRYAN, CollSilli ing Piiy-iiail, E19 Broadway. New York. FCI ALT VS. ATA' F.XT in all rases of Sein'iial. rxtlJ Liiti.nrv and Nervous Diseases iu male or fe n. f, A Iv ice Vree and correspondence s'.ri' Uy cjn fiJn V.lf jan. 0. 1-' 7. ly. ' ... . , A'rLXJ WA-Alr.l'. Pam; !es sent fr-e. No capital r'iired. La lies or Gentlemen can earn Irmn Sllbti to .!L.fW per uay. I'nclosa stainp.and address ll.iri & I.U., t.- ...i.i- Jan. !. l-i'7.-ly. LOVE AND .MATRIMONY. The affections of ihe oppoite s't may bo gained by follow-n;; simple rules, and ail may marry happ i'.y. if desired, witho it regard to wealth, ae or beau t y Send directed envelope and stamp lor par ieulars lo Madam LUCILLE DCAJARRF., lXW.-ly. Bible House, New .Vork. AVOID THE QUACKS. If you are suJc-rin; from thetilecti of Youthful In J diserelioii and have Seminal Weakness, Emissions j-c, I will send you, free of charge, inforuiatioii w hicb if followed will cine you without the ai.l of medicines. Address HENRY AvUpEV, J.m. 9. I -Ci. 1 y. !?talion D.Nevv York. I ) F A FN ESS, RLI N DNESS, And Catarrh, trrated with the utmost success, by J. MA ACS, M. D. . Oculist and Auriet (formerly of Ley den, Holland.) No. 5I'J PINE tttet. FH I LAD'A. Testimonials, from the most reliable sources in the City and Couutry can be seen at bis office. The med ical faculty are invited to acconipatty their pMienls. as he has no secrets in his piaetice ARTIFICIAL EYEd, inserted without rxin. No charge lor exam ination, f April 45. Idbo. ly. WILL GO. TO -.-jsun J J' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. QUE AT SALE OF DRY GOODS! FANCY GOODS' Jfc ivcl ry & -S i I venva vv. Worth over $2.000.000 ! All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR EACH ! AKR)AL & CO., C2 JJIZOADV'AV, A';jr l'Oh'k'. AG IS NTS FOR KCIKU'EW M AKrWCTl.'R KIM. Announce that in consenueiiee ol" tlx; oversforkirg of the nglih MarH-t, an iimnonsi: j i.uitity ft" DRY AND FANCY GOODS have bc-n convened to T It.-in . with in-'rio tions to U: rl.-aer. for i in infill .it 'ah. :it miv ncrifr. A. .t Co.. therefore. reolvil to olFi-r thoni arror.lui" to tht ir ordinary" st'-"i of hii.-inu.4-t at St uaoli, with out retard to vat io ' The foll'ivvin- list show, the on-inal; pr",r.--i of some of the uriicl-s whl h tln-y now oiler at SI. I'D!) Fi!k t satin ilrf3 pittern from 31S to I "mm l!'-r r.L'v-oan " - Kino Aljiarea anil .Mnvlin ileininen rr. ii. h Mi lino and Twills emr.l i.'auihrie, Thibet and .Muliair -J1K.0 l.vooe 411IHI rrinteil ralii o"j .Minn Riilnioral skirt-4 .10-10 Vine F.Miptie skirH rOOil SOk and l.are veil4 4IWIO Sets fine rull and rollars encil Pair la,ti.:' ror?i-l 1111 u:l.. li -1 11 1 k r rrhi;. 4 t 11 to -JO to HI to 10 to 7 10 4 S 0 lo l' J to .1 to li e to ."i to li 1 to 1 '-niil.'l.o.lani-.sMrinitrh-d l.-dk.-rch f4 7 t li lllOd fine Kihrouhi d h ilk'-rrh lit 'J to IS .-,()' 0 Dor.en In !ie-4 lawn ha-ldkerr.hi.:!'.-! : to li t. llHIIIHM'd 5 t' I I .V 111 iii: s' i)'Hi! Pozeii r.'.tton hose r.t!l) ll-'. n w.w.Vn nose .-,Mtio n-zeti balmoraU 1 ,,000 Mo.eo i.ipi.-s cotton hnl f hoe 4 lo I'l to li li to IS 4 to S i". to 1 i ".'1 t li Si.Vi to . i.)(l to ti MH'ti I. n'. ii wo.m.-m ...... jooo and cotton !urt looon Me.ino 11 iiderslurt 4 ioimiii n...m i.irino dr.iw.-r4 ,..w. 0.'.... ,-.tiLrri4 ra!-4imere, iloeskim '.i lo 7 r ''-1 - . . ,., .-. ,., I-. Si'Dil mat 1 1'r.t natt-Tin 10 si' V1V..-I. .Hloll. 2 r.o to lo line ra-tnicre!4. .5i,,o llrowii linen lahle rh'th 1, ,..... Yards blown Un.-n d.i.nas.i H..7.-0 white liiin napknn .m nni-liu -,,,,00 Yard-. I.Ua.:l. I iimslio 1 YarXs Iri-h linau ."in. hi ard tl miirl ;to..o I.onj W o! shawl 4..,,,. S-pl-ire Wool sllaw'4 l.moo l.a.'i.-' breakfast shawls lo.ii.ti N'nbias or clouds 1 ,o(.. Woul- 11 '.'lino r.lunkris l.iooo I.UI.-II an ) cotton she.-ts Juooo Y.-.ri4 sh-etma mu-lin .io.,. O-.'11 si- il coll 10 joooo Di . n Victoria i-po.d thread ";m,o i'oniul. hl u k linen lliroa-1 J...HI i ro-.4 lirt hullo. 14 j .o Ladies' silk velvet mor irco l'.irnoo'1 us .-,000 Ladies' shoppnm ba2 Soo Tin dey morocco p. iron ai.-4 with V:rrors SoooTurky morocco wall'd" aa I port- lnom.'S I coon Mi'.-rsc'.ian n pip.-s loooo Fine 4 and li Idaib: po. k-t kiijv.'s P. arl. torl.'i-e and ivory haiuil -s 7." to '.' ,o 4 I J S li to li ia t- ;o So t 1 .1 . 7". to 1 ,"o 5 t 1 i li Jo till .-. to lo J to 7 .-.() 1 .v 10 a 1 .io t j a a jn t. h to 7 23 lo 3o 'J.iotn . ao to lo to lo to looo Lr.-n. h clocks, ei!t Hiid bronze, v itli and without tliad.-s - t C.ioo V u-ical lioxes 'o to .-. 3ooii lo volvers -ii. t'ovvline uieces lo t-i 'i .'l I o 1000 ll.-ad tire,.-, hair nels it conins i j-i i . loooo papei collars -' 'o jo I'upier Kosf-wooJ and Walnut worKhoxes iiotd lo 3oi.oTorioi-e.iiell and silver carl fat-s anil iimtf box- s 3 to lo .Sonoo .Albums, morocco and velvet l..i..n.t from -n to ioo uicluros 'i3,)tO ll anon t ine f.timly bil.les .'..ioo Fni3 pock- I lollies loooo LtlVelopes looo i Re nns n-'te pipr to 13 lo 3 to 7 l.J ti 3 3 3 lo -o !':.trs i ip.-ra I. !. to li l-'i I We have al" received a spien.n.i - r riiiu ni . 1 J E W E L R Y ! ,.',i,i .. W 1, j In. 1 coniprislns lieni s tj.ii i 11 11 ... 1..; -n- .. ....... ' 'i.-h' ! .1 en.iiiielieil liuiitin; case sr:nls I hu'ilin-.' case silver w tleli- s. g M l-.b and v st wat. h ! M-v- tub iiimI vest ribbon b'. sets solt.ure s ve i h,tt ei. t id- !!' 1 lli "''' I"'" ,ls ""'i i'ire I -k . ,-t- g. 1.1 tooth Hi. ks, cros-,c,. pi. 110 u-'ol r 1.1 Ts. a 1 1 -! foriim diamond rio.-. sets I i li-s' j-welry. . j.-t and i n, I.i i. si Is t . i t r-1- j-weliy. (Cil ll-o. pearl and oi l r j yt ; e,,i. pens, 1 -i' vi r ho: 1- r. ,. a i 1 I ,,..,, Is' cold pens :i::d xtrnssotl II -lii-rs. S..U i i,.r s-t'iu sold brooches, diamond rins. e-M vest 'ana neck ciiains. rfold .-vhI 1 and b, .t.'.-lets, j i an ! I ,,. 1 t,, 04 c'KUl -. line 1 ii Has an I ilJ'J cli-n is. , co, nn i -'"''' '':;;".(,,,:;.r';!:, ,! ;.a ;ei afi 1 i.i 1 i"l alb "r1 IHI'I" ',11 - 1 - ' - " ra r-r life's. .il.;l'Tinj tluai 1 1 af . -sl . , ,. A ;T -j ; ; ; j- , -, , p.; ; s i: -i : 1 ''" ' i .. . ...... . .tors ice , t. -b r s. t , - i iv. r nii'iu. aiu i a , - . I, I , . . n : n -. I 1 r K . l .l.-ts drinking cups. ! r, r..-e urns. t. a to'ts. -r-a pttrh-rs. h .w-l. t - - ,, . (.-mil hd-kets. r.ik : Is e ir t 1 uu km. v.-, ,...i ..,.,i a.. 11 :...oiis. nankin rias, tnu -I ' r-i a no salt .-,"..i..-, ..-m - . w h :itu lioi.iers, cant i -t-e.. .Ml trie above List ol artk -l- to hi Sol 1 f uni: DOLLAR LACll. Tho expenses are ;ai I bv th- sale of Co-jpona cr C'ertHicat'es it't"i escl. article in the to.-K - a ltd Hi value; tiie Cerlili.ales are enclosed lii en vclop s, luii'-d u;i. and sold al 25 Cts Each; 5 fcr $1 ; 11 for $2. Wh it. vi-r ar:u m-iv b; named iu tlr; l.'crtiricale can be i.1 O N K I O L LA i: ! The article id be shuv n to tiie liol.l.-r of l!ie rer t ifica te. une n mil t.- ill Iiim li'ii u Ic i'h r o p i s i the ilol lr :ind lakes the article or not. In case :.r j tides se nl l mail or i M'rcss :ire net .n i s i;i. I "i y . llity can be i irl.: r ned and " h- money w i! I h r-'l i n I- I . j J erv C rtiticalr ml UK'S ine iioi-.- r m - "... .1.. WORTH MUCH MUiiK THAN A loI.LAR. r?r PROOF. In Proof nl im we 1 1 iriv- lor AW CI'.I'.I'III CA'I ll Issl Kli KY I'S. ANU ONE In iLI.Ait, any of l lie tol'.ou in-.' a 1 ti b-s : One rants Pal'eiii. one pair if Lndu-s' (...luioi al Roto. (r Men s one eJn ll.-nl Ho,. 11 Sk ir I CI 1 sprinz-one iiue M . ri !.- I '11 b-rs.'in t, r p in Merino Drapers, four pairs L t I- "s or (i-nts H m -, or tii Lawn P.-.-ket ! lau lKer-. h:r! s. WHAT IHn PRF.SS SWS OF I S; A-r.Tol .1- k l'o , of tins ci'.v are now yeii linj out a er-'at variety of Press ami Pan- Patterns, I: 1 Ino.. 1 il Skirt s. Bool s. Saa a Is an 1 otli r val.i.toie .irliules. in drv and taurv roods at one dot ar each. e confess our inanlity to s -e how thin 1- don-, bin ilmt His done is t.evon I all .pieslioi. Tins in. 11 has h..d a hue; and h .n-'rilile career, and it is 1 1 !.. l.y no means confon n.le 1 wiiii Hi- h"t of suiu.ili.. j;nJ L"-ii5 concerns "i'h ii I'll tins ropo' 1 s so m:i:li a", junds. We k:to,v the proprn-t ts w.,.,iiiI tan p. rsoiK.lly von. h tor i!ie an I t ilth 1 il p-1 -t-.riiiiiiii'e .it all iheir coni.a. Is. .'ilton,ii l. crVK'i i. ." IS i'tTk. ..-. l-t'T. A UiAftttK U n.i. IsvKsiKn. Air. E z 1 R. 'ar. t r. ol l! .Moi iieelio I! -ins.:, call. -.1 at tno Jew. iry Kiiipi-riuiii. '.e Mr-.H, estei ilaj . r.u-1 after p.. niC his .i c'-i.ts u Men Iv fouu 1 lu.iiseif eniitl ;d .o a A!u-ii-i C x. vitl io.I at i :j . . Li.'i.o xi.s r toil l.soi.p. I ne .100.1 ........t.- .1.11 : ci..;i..!l.!e ei.i ol. !ii- nl V. : U -c 11 ar.l 01 1 -r 1 oil. s . 1. . . ... ., . i . - j 1 . . .1 .,f c itiu H iio 11.10: 11 irii'ia ...... - j. j. - - - c.-.l . i'.r ' Great f:i" of A 1 r..n I il : Cj A 1 i i v uf our u- i'iai .1.1" ha-h:eit -r'siit-. ,1 m t'.is u.,y, 0:1 V iu 1". 1 1 1 n 4 Ii r " a pui.-c h . I also 111 tii .in.- a oil turn lo tiio-s to w I.o.u s.n s(d I i.:,e c:ri.!i...iii.s, u 01 be s -en f.-'.ii -ur alver lis. 11- columns, (i-iil'.eiiieii al-o evi It.; Ihus eni-ied. .A. V. ;ui.u'.i.7 .'I'.rrirv, Aii'. 1 10-1. VI k n::ilr r-l.tuil Mi. ti- VV Wilkinson, of t I. : -1 1 1 y . y. st. r-ay tire.v Iroai cerari- .t e b . at Ar aa ia, &. Co. s, 7s Alain strctt a Very tine ilojule b.trr I fowlin- pine, valued atone ti.dlar. f r wh.01 iio was n" ;i.irci to pavlbe .-,y luod-rate su.11 ot one dollar. luh,nnnd Ithig. Se;:l, Iin. Iiir C.niit J.Wklrv Emporium nl Arrm 1.1!-tL.i.. No oj-l Kn-g flr.el.iii Ihe Benii. is slid l.'ie pn.nt ohiett of a'tracti 11. The ituinber 01 lit -1 1 -s an.: fm-tl.-i.n 11 h. visit..-d ibi- cslaiilisiiuie. I on Miliirday lasl was. we ui.dcr.-lan.l .-o.ii. Cn. e l-bulou-. 1 lie 1 nnnple t,f tharsm a uniform price .-lone t!oi..r for each article is one thai cannot 1..1. lo be popu ar. tpe.laliy when the bio' k contain, as M tins i n-", uiuiiv valuaa.e arli.-l. s of tine KoUjew.-lry and co.t lyMlyfr warn.-t'ior'"" ; .Vtif. I eo I '. Co'- Piano Cutir. Mr. John D. Reufortl. at O d D ,11111: -ion Sa-ooo, lilsl t.t. a l sire, t, ve.l.-r.lay g"t one dollar s worlli certificates and. on -p-nni; tiiem, ttr.iud one called for a Gold Compo-ite llustiiiif Wan II and another for a Rosewood Piano, valued Willi cover and stool, at $ tUU' AicA maud Uaiij J-U-emitter. Nov, y7, Icoti. In gen.iinjr of lers p!eae state what proportion of certificates you require trom each dt-parluiet. Wh -re no spet lal instructions are given, we send one h tl Ironi the Dry alio Fancy Goods Department, and one ha.f from Hie Jewelry and Silver vVare 0 :parl.ticii t . Wi.enever desired, we will send articles BY EXPRESS, C. O. D., Fo that the money need only be paid ON DELIVERY OF THE C.00DS. We accept the enure responsibility ol money bent by Express-, Post Office Order, or ifaiiK Draft . We want Agents EVERYWHERE, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid, which can be learned on application. r'y- Takecare to write your name and address i r a ciear. distinct J mLlress -"vKUAXPALE ic CO.. Bo-;51-st li-iBroattway, New York. Feb 00. 107. OTICK TO CREDITORS. )s.--r in I- ' i. 1 1 re r.rtn li n pOR SALE. TUB unbscriber will nell afirtt rate TWO-IIOKS E C A Kill A(J E, nestrlv new. in cood condition, upon rciisoiiable t'trms. It if one of Dun lap's maku, ot riiiladelphia. There are THREE SEATS in it; hi eood top, nd is well finished. It can be seen m the s tables of the undersigned, on Iron Street, In-low Third. ";. Feb. -JU. "67. J.VCOo L. GIRTOM. s inixr and lot 2 1 ' v f- (IU FOR SALM. ii ' H A NEW 1J111CK DWELLING HOUSE and valuable lan:o LOT OF GliUL'MJ, centrally lo cated on Third ctreet, IN BLOOM8BURG. It is n very ('esirable family residence, with all the r-.piisit.; conveineiii-es. and in a lush stale ol cul tivation : osscssion given upon lln- lirsl of April next US VI I. TAT IS . llloo.nsbiir-. Feb 'id, Hii7. pFHLIC SALM OF PERSONAL, PROPERTY. TH K. u it.) Toi 'j ned will ex pose to pu bl ir sale, al his residence, "ii 'I bird Street, in Itlooon burc, on SATURDAY, MAPCII '.'TH, 107, ar one o'clock, F.M. Hie lo'lo-.viiis; personal propaity . ON I i HOUSE, 3 1 1 MAD OF SIIOATS, OX IS VVACDV, nE Siri.KEY, OMS FLOLGll, One vt lieelh arrow, four p;;irs of Pedsleads, S sleeping cribs, one sol of Cane Bottom Chairs, a lot of Windsor CUairs. ONJS SOFA, Tables, stands three. 1 tiptioards, O N H I'OOKI NO S T O V E, TIIRISE R'JMJI STOVKS AND FlI'E. lojether Willi a lot of rookinf ntensiU. wash t::ln. buckets, meat-stand, n lot. of fruit jars and crockery ware. Al-o, a lot of smoked meat, EM.T3M, 5ESOIJMi:ESS, an. I Sides; Lar-I by the "an or in .piantities lo soil roiT.-ln-ers ; a lot of Com. live, and I'otaloes hv the b'lsh.-l together with many other articles too tedious to m-lll 1 I I. r j' ' made known on day of a'e MATTHEW iVVX'K'JOi1. I'looiii.burs. Feb. "11. lsf.7, ppijuc sal;: of Valuable Fcrsonal Property. Wiil lie exposed to pnb'ie s'.le on the premises of i lie i soli-criber, in i t!li :i I on -ih!iip. i. 01., 10. on TlIl'U-l'AV, MAilCIl I4T1L 107, - c foll.iwiiii valuable property, vir. ; FO V W !1 V. A 1 O V 1! o RS F S, (TWO MH !ii:i) tlY .M '1 L.-s i FOUR rilLCII COW?, ic.iaiinj Ire-h ithoiil the time of sale.) 4 IIF.At) OF YOU N'C t A I'l Ll'.. 17 liilMl 5IIKL;'. Ten ? o-i So.v an I I'l-.'s. on- Tw-llorse U'a; 0,1. .ine sprin,' Truck Wagon, one twolursa Car- ""oXF T1I1IASIIINO MACIliNF. Oae firan Prill. I'ioii ;hs. Harrows, two -'or:i Culti vatorstwo si J-, one bay raku. One Fanning Mill, Forks and Rik-s. one f-1 of horse .piilers, mil set ol Yankee harness one sei .-f carriage huriniss , onn s-t o!' .nijjie harness, and plough g- iirs. CORN AMI POTATOES by toe knshel, FOI. lt I.KK S A" RUS. aVd of (),,,- Clock, three 2r.-in rradles, pra-s sej tiii'S. anil ol.i- r larii.i i-.' uten-ils io I IIOIEIIOL1 HOODS. tno nMni-arous to ui.-nti .n. Sale to coiniii' ore al wo'-n terms n ill be ma I ko i.v:i auJ all' 11 '.mo- niv.-n by J' ill PVN llLll Miin, Wli. 'J..V7. J. O. WIN l'l'.RSn:ES'. Aac. x c 1 1 a x ; i : i . i : s'f a r r a n r. The l'ro rit tor haviu; reii"vat- I auJ riTi'.teJ Lis LS TA L' It A N T, iu the bis.-uieol of lb-! EXCHANGE HOTEL, he w 1! ,1 m est r- -p' 1 11" illy s-dn it a roniinit-tnee t.f t .. p ;:! ' 1 I'.ije .1 l.-ts oil 1 ll I o lie r - . S'l-l C ! ' I'i.V III 1; .- ! ii - i, 1 t i I. i : ' ! I 1 I ti 1 vv t '1. t s lo 1.1 s i I 1 . sr. 111. Ill , .is A ' : SHKLL OLSTKUS, (7)A (AXXiiD OVS'i'F.ilS x-"..' I - lirr S.IC-D kVSTKKS. I RLSU Fi.-H. i yZZi Ihiee ti u.-s per week, 11 AM AND Lo.;-. 1 Kin:, it ii.oljna. i...tof LHjniKS A XD CIOARS. ! n - lv-t- rs can be served up to rut"iiiers at a j rauii." i.t -. 11. ! ice- in j s'I'lw i d. ciiAi'iiii. ; iiir.p, mi r tv, j to suit 111- tastes of 111-: epii Urian. j I.AWSON CALM AN. j Hlooiiihl.urc. Feb. 111. 1-1-7, I VALUARLE "FARM ! ran s.e:. I III', n i ' r ;jueil oti.T at private s i!e tlKir j YALTA V.LK FARM. ntunted in Ccnlre Township. ColuuiVii County. h..iiu.i.--l on the North bv la'i.ts t.f .lam K.tIi.t. on I.i.-'ll a u.l West by lands of l-'av 1 I F-.w lt-r. and on the Last uy land ol CiUn-rt Fwwler, ron'iiriu- SXTY-OrJE adbes tle,ir-d land, whereon ar-.: a larje rnu; .1 -cast irT Dwelling House., 1J1LjL. SU.MMFll" HOUSE, A Largo Framo Bank Barn, and o'hi r out Sn 1 1 H n ir -. Tin-re is a Well of pood vvrtt-r al the house, and a n A 1 r , ? t.f choice fruit 011 Ihe farm. . . -t l'.i.ession wi'l 1m jive 11 0.1 the first ti-iy of Apri! .VI "' Ter, us willb- mil'i-i'V. WILLIAM & JAAILS TuRI'.Y. ('.-litre. Jan. :tn. Is, ,7. ZJRIYATE SALM OF A Vaiisalilc Fn 1-211. 'I'lin on l.-rsi-n. d will c.T r his v alui.'.le firm, at prtva'.' sal". s;t uite in Mi-u n To. i;;np. Clu n iiia C -iinly. a'i 1. il one aalaliilf u.iUs last i.f J,-r-. v!--. :. on tii- public rad ica lnii U Bioomsh.1 rj.'. coat 1 1 11 1 il t- w rrt i. '"-i r a U, s j. v&j a ft; . .a u .cf g forty arres of wSich .sre clear' d lam!. tho balance (TEN ACRES OF MEADOW.) win-roil are er-rt.-d a FitiMi: iiorsu. FRAME I'.ARX. an ! th n.-res sary out -huildm?. There is gooj wt ll of wat r at ihe dot r; also a pool 0 APPLE ORCHARD i- v on the premises. The terms will be made easy to the purchaser V A LEV TINE WELL1VER. Maflison. Jan. 30. I -I" T 1 ( il ! Hill ! ITCH I i SR ATI 'IT : SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WH EATON'S OINTMENT Will lure The llcli in Is Hours. Also cures SALT R 11 F.I'M. I'I.F.H. CHIL BLAINS, and ail F.RITTP INS F THE sKl. "rue all rents. Ft r f ale bv all Prujrisi s. I'.v sen.lino t'.O rents to WEEKS &. POTTER, Sole Aent's, 17" Wash injioil street, liosl .n. it will bo forwarded bv mail, free of postage, l any part of the Uuilrd Plates. Juue ti, lsiiti. ly. . SAMUEL KNOilR, a t t s : a a v - t - a w, DLOO.MSBlliG, Oplre ovc liarman's Stot e, opposite Pet Office "Bloomsburs, Ap-ns. IS'V tf. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, ( A?T-tfnrit MrdirI Director U. S. Army.) VSSt . . i , ..--.s MrttM -fvirenil. s-s j, . - i I JEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. THE undersiened resoeetfuiir announces to hts many friends that h has opened a new Clothm, an(j (Jeiilletiicn a Fur.iishiu Store, in the lower room of the l.'artinan Bulldiup, snu'heaKt cor ncr of Main attl Market f treeti, Hloumfuur?. Fa. Havin; just retu'ed from Fhiladetphia with a larg, stock of' iall aiu! Winter ClothiiiS and Gentl. icil-S Kurnishi ,i; Coods. Ac . Ur . He flat lets hiiiiHcIl tiat he can please ali. Hm 1-K c" prises MLWS AM) BOYtf CLOTJUXO', DRESS COATS, StK COATS, OVEIiCOATS, PANTS. vi:vrs. bit 1 Kid. CNPFRSUIRTS COLL.1 1.S, ISULL-inS, .V.CIT. -, JIOilLhW and in facteverythi.u i" the Cloihins or Furnishing line nl . Very Jjoio I rices. In addition to the above lie has an elegant assort iiieul of . Clothes, Cassiniers, and cstmgs. CT" Cloihins made lootdeial the shortest notice Call and see before purchasing elsewhere, an I NEUKE CiKtAT UAUtiAINS, J. V. CMCMUFUI.IX. October IU, ISUL C. W. S N Y D E R, w.'ioi i:s.i.K AXD rutaii. in HARDWARE, h i ELL, MILS, M'IKES, SHOVELS, FOKKS, KiES, j: riLimir s ha nu wa Saws, Files, .'hi-.;l-t. Axis, Adzes. Aiijj-rs, SAKlXR'S II ARD.YAIi;;. Shoe Findings, I5rub..s, Vices POWDER, AND SHOT, I MVS. s"CY nil'.-.. SWIMS. RRLI.S. LAX tird U i"i-s, Hopes and Tvi io. Fishmi; Tackles, S.-ives, Brass Kettles. Crosscut Saws, M'a enn nsj llir,'By Sprines. t'nlk and t'h.ilk ,in"s, VVIi-el-wnitl'l and t'arpenter's Tools, Taiiie and Pocket ' uitlery. Firearms, Toys, tec 4c With -a lot ol other "otliclt.- usually kept in a Hard ware itore. . .. C. W. SNYDi-R. Bloomsburs. January 2, iPCii, 3m. AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old n.-tnhlish-d FI'R Alantt tactorv o,7H A RL" II St re.-t. al.ove 7th.. I'll I LA HKLPII 1 A. Have now in Store nf my i..n Importation mid M a n 'i I irl n r one of the largest and titosl beautiful selections of FAt,Y FL'HH, "for Ladies' and Children's U eariu the City. Also Hue itroorliiieiu ni ijetits rttri in- .m l tileves. I am enabled to dispose of my L- .o.!s at v-rr r-.-i ?or a!i prices, and I w.oil.l Ihere-.-r-r soli, r a .-all front my (rminlj o,"Colu iitbia Conn ly and v 1 11. r . ' Bemeitiiier t ti Name. Number and Sr-i-t. JOHN F All LI II A, o. 711 xrjffl t. ah. 7lh. south side, I'h ila .ielpbiH . I have 110 Partner, nor t on in 1 lion with any clucr Store in Philadelphia. IO. l-i.-i, -lin.-J. Wob. RRIVAL OF NEW Coops M- M- BROBST & CO-'S S T 0 R E Th" subscrifit rs hav ins just recciTfirl their usual large assm t ini-nt of Winter Dry Goods and Givceries. Tin y invite the special nlteiitioji of the public to he fact that tir-y have pnr-chascd a large STOCK OF G00D3, with the advantage of t-STerin; raie induccm.'ins to I urcli iscrs, by f ling C II 12 A P FOR CASH, such articles as have herctofjre demanded most ex- trav asant )-:ices. Their assorvncrl of Qlii- iZLi ii 12 d Q5 S3 i superior to those sol I in most country sUres. Jounlry iroIticc taken at the lo irket price in exrhancefor jomls. Give llit 111 a call In fire purchasing elsewhere. CROilST & ABBOTT. Cat .-v J .1:1. C.I, I'"" JEW GOODS FOR ISC7. T o J. BROWER has again replem -he.l his slock froai New York' and riiila.letph ia. If vou went a hantUonio sel nf Fors, go to BKOWCR'S. If ya want a i-eaulif-il French ropl.n, go to tSOWER'S. If you want a splendid Balmoral, go to If yo.j w ant a nice De Lain go to I ROWER S. If you wunt Childic i's I'reis Goods, go lo BROWER 5. If you want to buy (7 nod and Chrtip Goods, of any description, jo to Blionisiiwrs, Jan. 16, 1SC7. BROWER 'S Lackawanna & Clooinsbiirg Kailioatl. CJ' TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a ON AND AFTFR JANUARY 2a. l-e7. PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD. AM A AI p At. Leave prranton. 5 50 7 10 4 4' Kinsston, bii & 'JO 6.IMI Buperl f.'Jt P. 17 Danville. !5t H 50 Arr at Northumberland ll.3i 9.35 LEAVE NORTH W A R D. A M TA! Leave N'ort humbcrlaud, 7.00 5 20 Danville, 7'4 v 8 ml R:port. 8 15 PM 35 t. Kin. ton, 10 51 250 ftltt Arrive at Srrar.tnn. lid) 4 Vt 10 13 Trains Jeavin? Kinj'ton at 5 30 A: M for Pcranton connect with Tiiin arriving at New York at 5 'JO P.isencers Ctki-i!- Train Sonth fr"rrt Scratiton at 3 "1 A 51 via ot thtimborind. teat h llarrisl.ure 12 30 P M. Baliimoro 5 :m i" vv.i,,neton 10 00 P M tia Ru i.trt 'each I'll. lad. ijihia Hi J. .,,, u- .i'n Tin : atr. .. i I l.irs AN1100D : HOW LOST, IIOWr RESTORED. ,.,c ..Ktibed. in eed tt- one Price A ,eCt".M5 ' iT'e Treatment '! Ta,ca " ot". 1'uf":. ttr'.Jne.s or e,.ermatrhte. iaia,v renit""' Kuiia siot... im P.ency. Nertroo -. ,iin l rjle,.sy Inillicen oy "c Marriage pene lK peiiera"T rhV.rf, Incapsmy- r- W Menlal anrt., ''r, . auibor of tl?-. -yrtcr. J. Lulverwell. M. rally kol.,, Book,-4xV.' .Kt. . ulde Lee- The m unowned ""?' '" J' e, that tlire. Clearly oveil 1 foul hi " V ' ' ff,rt. the awfol c..i...n,1HrX til" ri..-U-Ahtie , dM. uallv removed mahout Medicine, and imen . eerous surificai oiirntion, toueiep. rmirs, or cordials. pu,.in)r out a uio.iv once certain and erTecluui, by which 'i,4-r no matter bin condition nny h.mself cheaply, privately and radically. 1 h'"' ' boon to tliousanda anil t -,,t under s-ai ' a"Y addre... in pbTT o,,' receipt of "X;.ZL Alsol.r. Cu.vcrw... - .... -- A"Ur" ' 107 Bowery. New V o? F.b. 13. 1.-07. ly rcai& o. f OOK TO YOUR INTEL ii:w ctiAfiu s J. H. BATES, . 1 .1.1 in n.rjal' ; ' I UcHpnrtriilly iniornis ine fc ' u. lias openeu ..- CHIIl ESTACLISIIJILM in Ricomshiirtr. on lam Mreei, .fippostff. Hall.) where he has just received Ironi ru a lame assortment of V ' KurcaiH, 5lainls, c ROCKING CHAIR tX KUESE CHAIRS, CAME SEATED ClX . 1 ... tfi. --iu.:.. .11 i.r uli.rh ' A r lit irs 11110 ui.ii)i.urt.iiio. " r... w i.i id., nntili- at rn.on;i(lle prices. ' rrv- I :uie Stated Lliairs platted to order, al other kind of repairmK done upon reasonable te lion't fail to give hint atoll and secure great igains. Illonmtbiirz, Nov. 7. 13CC. !LOO.MSRURG FANCY TR1MMLN0 AND BOOK f.-conil dcor below llartiiian's iiain Street. Just received a new htcck of 7.El'H K3, AVOOr.EN AND COT TtJN YARX5, COHSETS, LACES, EA1 BROIDERIES!, MCSL1X, V.frr.lXGS. DRESS TRI.MMINCS, and every variety of articles usually kept in a 5 A.CY STORE. Aipn fciiont Rooks. Hymn Rooks, Eille. Sunday. richool Books, and a large 1 t of Ml SCULL AS EO (IS B 0 0KS, Account anil .Memorandum Books, Blank Deed, I! .mis and Alort.-ajes, mid a reneral and well-aelec ed assort luett ol 1'aper, Lnvelopes, 4. yVEBli Blomiisburj, June 20, Hi'.o, -tf pUIJLIC SALE OF PERSOJJAL property. AVill he exposed to puhlic sale on Ihe the subscriber, in GrecnwooJ towns County, on TUESDAY, 5TII OF nt 111 (,'ilotk of said (lay, t properly, viz. : TWO MILCai CO AYS, Two Ii..-.iJ .r-f vouu" Cattle, Four Head of Sheep, One Two Horse Sled, one Boli sled, ( no Corn Harrow, one Ploush, RakeJ, Forks, and a lot of other farming utensils' too nuis eroii s 10 menu. in. j- Conditions inaJe kD'jwn on tlav of sab-; HUGH FA IRAIA.t. t I RAM DERR. Anclioneer. i Oreenwon.l. Feb, 13, Ti7. 1 J EW GOODS t AT C V. .Ti A SIR'S 'I'H K undi-rsiitned ha s just returned from the cit Jf wi;Il a in'.l ani couipicle biippiy of I:y CmoixN a:icl Groceries, Notions, Groceries, Tid-ware, Uartlvvarc, Ce dar an 1 Willow Ware. Ilm;t, Cool, ctiua nry. Glass-Ware, Toliacco . Hats and Shoes. Flour, Salt Fi-h and Meat : all of which 1 prop-tse s-llin; at a very low figure for ca--li or pr"iiurc. tir Citl I and see. C. C. MARR. Biennis!. tin' tict-ber 31. lsts) tf. Jl'MCER! LU3IRER I A r.'ir L'i,iJ,r Ytrd in jlonii,hvrg, I'lll' iin.iersijned would lespertfuHy inform tho-e I in w ui of I umber that be continues lo uiaiitil'ac tor" and keeps on hand p good supply of bit i1d in s nn. I f.-iK ins m-teriul, at h's resiilenre, a short dis tance the depot, which lie offers for sale at re., rales. JACOB tCHL YLER. Ilhoinisli irt;, J;iue -Jd, llni. ,D ,M IX ISTRATOR S NOTICE. K.t'itr of ?J rt Gull'jxpy, deceased. Letters on the estate of Robert Gailaspy. late of Hiiiil.Mk township. Columbia Cr.unfy, ha'e beorr grtnl.-d ti y the R.-i;i-lerot said County, la David B, ii-ii. r. of lleiiilo. k township, and county aloresaid. All p. rsons l.aviii" claims against the estate aro ber. i.v ri -iueste.1 io pres-ol them to the adininist ra tor for settlement and those indebted to Ihe estate of the tie. clem will make in ay payment to Hie uu dersigued without delay. V. B. waqnerV. Hemlock Feb. 13, l-07-5w. Adiu'r. p Ul.LIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE The undersiened. Eorufor of the estate of Gen. Lonseotii-r.-r. d- c as... I. w ill i-ip.u to public sttle on 'li-: prcci.-'S, in .tlam township, Columbiit coun ty, on TUESDAY THE P'TH OF MARCH, ISo7. at Iu n'c'iCrX of ssi.l dsy, the fallowing valua ble Real Esiaie, v l : A TKACT OF !A A'I), silnnto in AJain towns)iip. boon tod nn the North bv Itin-is of Philip Miller, oil tbe West hy lands of Mirliifl Itili r-ilf, on the Fast by lands of Jainos Ale Alarney, a'i.1 "i tile Smith hy lauds of William Lt.neiiberger auJ others, cont - iuin 72 Acres and 47 Perches, strict ineasuie. about sixty acres nf which- are clear-" ed land, tin- balnnce ti mb'-red. ALSO, one TRACT OF WOOD LAND, situate in Alain township, Co uuiltia county, bound I on the Last by land of Jacob Gltlitis on trre North hv ihe Mis'i-i. b.ii.iia River, on the Soiitlhy lands of McA aiio v, nd on the West by lands of Philip Miller, cont.iiniii; FORTV-SIX ACHES it TWENTY- FIVE rERC VFJt A I .SO. one lot of Wood Lanl, situate in Mifflitr Tt-wiiship, a'tjoinin: louts of Tiiomas Alen aa.f olht rs. cm! aiuing Til II LE A'JK ESI. ALSO the one third undivided interest III ft VALrARLE COAL TRACT, filiate on AlcCaulry Mountain, in Beaver Township, Columhia, County, containing Four Hundred and Eighty-five Acres. more or less, with the improvement. Ther trfl two slopes, w nh .stationary ICiiine in cperation, on this tract, where ANTHRACITE COAL is belnc taken out for the market. Th'rc I also a Rain. ad built w nh every facility for carrying oir tha coal Terms made known on dav of sale. AVAI LONGENHERGEIt. JAMES McALARNEY. Mainvi!le.C"!uuibin Ca , I'a. Feb. 13, 67. Ex'rs. REMEDJAL 3NST1TU72 rCH SPECIAL CASES. No. 14 Bond St, New York. C7" Full informalinn. with the higktit ttttfmonitlr also, a Book ou Special Distatti in italed easeors," sent frt, Uy Be Mr and fid fcr them, end fou tct7 not rifrtt i: : (or. as avertisirif phyncjans are eora:iy rm fOstort. wilhoul rrftremet no slranser sknuls k irnstod. Enclose a stamp for po-taeo ; nl direct to D R. LAVYUkNCE. NO 14 BOND STREET. NEiV TiORK. Nor. 14. 16C6 ly.8. M. P. MUNCY HOTEL, - I?IUA'CT, mm A It t ' "