) 3 T7 r DEMOCRAT ANDSTAR. LOCAL DEPARTMEN X'. B LOOM. S BURG Wednesday, Feb- 13, 1867. vb will think our readers for all local occur- rncri in their immediate, local ities- If they oo not desire to rita communication for the public. eye, let them seed OS a brief statement of everything of 'interest in their respective communities. Alistef Marriages, deaths. accidents, fires. removals, busi ness changer, etc. V w ill put them in Ipr.n . The more fuels of this kind we can get the belter it will suit us and cm readers. Who will do it ? To ArvtBTiness. IVr.ns wishing ad vertisements Inserted, must hand-them in e nrly on Tuesday morn ing, to insuni their insertion for that fck. ST A petition has been presented to the Lesiolattire t0 rase tic f prcme Court Judges tcf $$000. " fca? John K. Girtou is selling at his Gro cery, in this place, first-rate cheese, Splen did Ciico Trout, and many other excellent articles in his line. it - - JCS" The Agriculturist for the present month has Lecn received, full &interett, surpassing all former numliers. It gets bet ter 3 it gets older. It is 'the journal fur the fyroier. Pi-ice, f 1.50 in advance. rQ The Scientific American ha3 been received. It U enlarged and considerably improved in its general appearance. Every mechanic should have a copy. Send for it. Trice, $3 per annum. EST A w oman the other day, in a neigh Iwrirg village, after being baptized, tra asked how she felt. iSha replied "bully." That's the" way those feel who . buy their goods at the stores rdvertised in the Demo crat ani Star. Saturdaj', the 2d inst., was what ij termed, in common parlance, "ground-hog day."- - As the sun was invisible all day, and his hogship failed to see his shadow, we may consequently, if there be any truth in an cient tradition, expect soft weather and an early spring. ., .. . - - 3" We ar0 not VCIy much obliged to Senator Bud ale v, for voting against the reduction of the tariff on paper, but we suppose the paper makers are t that i.-:, one man in one hundred thouirid is benefitted by Ids vote. This is not very Democratic:.- From Clearfield Democratic paper. j5 The Passenger Train on the Lacka wanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, going North, on Saturday evening last, waj detain ed by a coal train, which was thrown off the track this side of Danville, making the Pas senger Train some five houri late at this place. trS Quite an interesting prolracted meeting is being hold in this place, by th-s members of t!i2 E.'an-jol'cil A-sci:itia, um Ijt th; Huperinton donee of Rov's LENNiN.ro.v ani Price. Thisdonomination hns but recently gained a footing irt tb:- place, and from wlr it we understand it is making rapid s!ria'. i:i Irintug s:dner3 to repentance. Sa'.'ces at tcnl thorn. Drlgs! Drugs! For s. superior article of medicines call upon Lucas N. Moyer, of Bloomsburg. lie is a practical Druggist, having had several years experi ence, aud.thoroughhy understands his busi ness. There is no article in his line that is not found in hi? eatablishment, and that, too, of a good quality. Give him a call be fore purchasing cb-ewhere. $"The ice on th-s Susquehanna river has broken v.r, but i3 not moving off as emoothly as should be desired. At or near ly opposite this place, it was darned up at a fearful height, on Monday last, causing the water and ice to over-How the flats, and bad-water upon some of our river-bottom farmer?. Mr. Joseph Buckle, in Bloom twp., was compelled to leave his premiooa on ac count of the high water. Fa?" On Saturday night of his wed, a fomcwhat frightful accident happened on the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Railroad, near Kingston, throwing the train off the track, down an embankment into- the river. The ice saved the lives of the pa3ser?gers.' Very few escaped without some bruises and cuts, bnt ncr.'c were seriously hurt. The car noon took fire and was consumed. It is re ported thfifc the accident was caused by a broken rail. Premiums for Subscriber.-?. For two new subscribers and $4.40 we Tuil send two copies of the Democrat and Star, for one year, and a copy of "IIo'.v to Write." Price of the book lit cents. For five new subscribers and SI 1.5: we will send" cur paper one year, and a hand somely bound copy of "How to Write." 'How to Talk," "How to Behave," and "How to do Businem" all in one olumcl' Tu'o careful reading of these "ooks would aerve to con-ect many errors, and make better letter writers and business men. Every man ought to hsrve a copy of each of the abo?e books, an 1 especially a copy of the Democrat and Star. Q ; Serious Accident. Qn Saturday eve ning liilst, at a late hour, Mr. Charles Thorn . y- , , . ,, 1 a3, after etepping off the can at the L'oora Station, Walked on the Iride near the Sta tion, which is arched aercis the Railroad, ' on hii way home, and threr? flarik having teen removed from some unknown cau.se, he fell through the bridge, some twenty feet, upon the railroad, seriously injuring him j , elf. It was f-irtunate that the passengers ; who got off the train, had not all left the "lepot," otherwlie Mr. Thouiaj would have lain on the track all night and froze to death, ic being an intensely cold r.ight. The f passengers heariuz him moaning and crying ' for help came to hh? cssistanee and conveyed ! Mm tcr his home, at Port Noble,' about a quarter of a mile from the phte of the acci- dent. It wa3 thought at the' time of the t accident that he had broken his back, but it ' ha3 sinee been discovered that there lire no kernes broken, ajthough he received seri- oca internal i-Jurie?. Atpresen't writinhe A doing as well as cn be expected. - It ia - 'apposed that the j.laik were removed by J tjx? partie3 cut of enmity or malice, and not by the wind. If ec, the seoor.dreli citn , ft v 10 eerercly f unished. ' ' - , iJ m"" 11 I ntTT ,f-T AfTTTTVn A TV I I I1L' MTT Tl t E, Huntingdon County sent four rep resentatives to the Western Penitentiary &t their late term of Court. Ildn. Nathaniel B. Eldred died at his residence in Bethany, Wayne County, on the 27th ult. The first shad of the season arrived at New York from Savannah on the 23th ult. They sold for six dollars a pair. EGi- A Western paper says thatiif Brown low had not possessed a strong constitution he would have "cussed" himself to death. CS" Horace Grcely, the negro vho killed Mr. Ilhett, at Charleston, S. C, has been found guilty of murder in the first degree. EcS- The labor of the New Orleans Riot Committer will not be completed for two weeks to conic. Mr. Boycr, it is thought, will send in a minority report. It is expected that a joint resolution will pas3 Congress before the Fourth of March, repealing all acts inconsistent with the acts of the Republican party. SS-Rer. Joel Lindsay, who whipped his little boy, three years old, till he died,, an account of which was published la.st Sum mer, has been found guilty and sentenced to Auburn for four vears and three months. A Triple Birth. The wife of David Ileder, cf Cliapnir.ri township, Siiyder coun ty, gve birth to three souud and healthy children, on the 31st of January. Two of them arc girls and tha other a boy. That's enough to ni-rke a mart start for the Wools! S'Jinsyrove Time". New counterfeit twenty dollar notes the Fourth National Bank cf Philadelphia are in circulation. As attempts w ill be made to pass these notes, merchants and others L should be on the lookout for them. We have made a careful examination of our pocket-book, and find We have nirya twenty on the Fourth National or any other bank. Df.Moct4atic Victort in Beadinc. At thr; municipal election hel l irt the citj- of Beading on the Sth inst., the disunionists were completely routed. The Democracy carried every thing before them, .electing a Democratic Mayor, Tie.isr.rer, Auditor, Constables, an 1 Common Councils, Sec. &c, by majorities ranging from three to six hun dred. This all goes to clearly show and proVe to a practical demonstration that the city of Hea ling, the home of Clyme:;, is still Democratic to the core. Hurrah for Old Barks. A r-Verti snc g and Gratitude. A cele brated wholesale merchant in' London, Eng land, has presented the proprietors cf the Tc'e'jr'ijh with a printing press which cost $25,000 as a token of appreciation. In do ing so he accompanies the gift by a letter which said : "In voire paper by judicious alvertising, I first built the foundation of a fortune ana in your paper; by judicious ad vertising, I hare amassed the fortune which enables me to offer this testimony of regard and goo 1 wii!.'" -m -3- We call the attention of those inter ested in the fact that the time for killing either pheasants or quails has already expir ed. Attention is called to the change made in the game law last winter, Act 11th April, l$G'i, P. L.,p. 714. Sec. 2. Th.tt no person shall shoot, kill or o'herwise destroy any pheasant between the first day of January and the fifteenth of Au g ist, or any patridgi or raJbbit between the tir-t day of January afid the fifteenth day of October in each and every year, under a penalty of five dollars for each offence. . Sausages et House Poweu. Sausage making i't Elmira has been reduced to a horse power basis one of the largest mar kets in the city dciug all its cutting and stuffing by horse power. This is a decided improvement on the old fashioned way of chopping meat by hand, stuffing it on the same basis, of which vivid recollections come back from o'u'r boyhood days. Under the horse power arrangement, well dinned purps, infantile pigs, rats, kittens, Sic. may hi dropped in whole, and ground into the palatable links for a breakfast with buck wheat cakes or hot muffins a;u coffee. Jlc ih'tn'je. tSf" We notice by Lerjishitlie Record that the Reverend Hon. Jacob Kennedy, member from Wyoming county, has been inflicting upon the Legislature some .of his political prayers. .By resolution this fanati cal preacher of blood and thunder was invi ted to open the sessions each morning with prayer, every member in the House assent ing to" the resolution, and that beinz the ! case, the Democratic members desire that he pray in the proper epirit, for the Nation, for its success, pray that all men m ty be en lightened and instructed, pray that they may be convinced of their errors, and that their minds may be influenced for good, and not parade is passions before the Lord and ad his blessings upon them. The scathing this blood-hound of zion received may do him eomo good. tfa- The following taken from nn cx- I t - . 1 . C . 1 . . i tL KmxJ T.-tfA,. O , 1 f 1 Tt". 1 I'UailL'C 19 I1UC IU l-UC TVIJ JV.ILT.14 4J.11V4 nv , -. . . , S - -7 ILCIC: lUaCU lb 1U1 lllG LVIIV.L1L VJ LVll lyilULlc, Selextions for a N"EAvrsPAi ER. Most people think that the selection 6f matter for a iiew?piper i? the easiest part of the business. How great an crrdr. To look over fifty exchange papers, from which to select enbugh'f'Jr cr.e, is rib easy t.ask, epeci ally when it is tot what i?hall be selected. Every subscriber takes the paper for his benefit, and if there u nothing . in it that suits him it must be stopped it is good "for nothing. Juai as many subscribers as an editor may have, so many tastes he lias to consult. One wants anecdotes, ftin and frolic, and the' next one wonders wfiy a man of good sense will put scb' stuff in his newspaper. Next comes something argu mentative and the- editor is a dull fool. Something spicy comes out and he isablack guard. And 30 between them all, you see, the poor fellow gets roughly handled. They never think that what dbe3 not please them pleases the next man ; but they insist that if the paper docs not please them it is worth nothi'A : ,,..,,-,.,. - 13 Negro SuffAge an Issue ? The Radicals said hot last fall ! Since then they haveSu defiance of the people made Voters of negroes in the Dislri'ct of Columbia and in the Territories, arid Jr. Quay, of the Jennsvlvania Legislature, has introduced a bill to strike he word white frpra our State j Constitution 1 All their speeches ana acts now favor Negro Suffrage ! "WEat do hon est voters think of it, as an issue now ? JfcsT" Newspaper patronage is a queer thing 1 Papers published in cities have their sub scription price paid invariably in advance, whil'J those in the rural districts credit out their issues to Tom, Dick and Harry, patient ly waiting for weeks, months and even years for their pay, and then, if the editors en closes a polite note to a delinquent, stating .the amount of his indebtedness, asking pay ment, often the person owing for years fakes offense, and as a matter of revenge pays up and orders his paper discontinued, thinking no doubt, and wishing it too, that the with drawal of his subscription will stop the pub lication of the paper. The best way for ev ery man to do who takes a paper, (and ev ery man should do so,) is to pay for it in ad vance, then duns would be unnecessary and the subscriber as well as the publisher be better satisfied. . 11KCHIPTS TO HIE Kir.ItT.iT AS STAR, FOU THE .MONTH OF JAM-ART. I. s Kuhn," f2.00 Kcub. bhuman,S2.00 W.Bobisi m's est. G.50 E. J. Thornton. 5.00 N. P. Moore, 2.00 Prof. i. Carver, 5.00 Jj. II. Girton, 1.00 Isaac Bobbins, 2.00 Jacob Miller, 2.00 A.S. Foutz & Co. 3.00 Dr. A. Krcs.-ler, 2.50 Keuben Knittle, 2.00 Evan Welliver, 2.00 Sami-1 Long,. 2.00 L. k 15. B.U.Co. 2.00 Hor.. L. L. Tate, l.lo Jesse Coleman. 2.50 II. Ueer, CuI.J.OttcnkirklO.OO J. Brink, C. W. Snyder, 8.50 Joshua Brink, J.Bobbin.-fc Co. 13.00 J. Geisiiiger. J. L. Girton. 1.50 Eiias Shuman, Robert Bobbing 2.00 Win. Orange, I): Bainnan. 2.0) Amos Hartmau. 2.50 2.20 2..'') 2..') 2.f;; 2.(H 2.50 Isaac Mowry, 2.T0 Samuel Schwep W. A. Tboiiia, 2.00 penhoiser, o.50 Geo. Peifcr, 2.00 II. Bittcnhrmder 2.00 Thomas G mi ton, 2.00 Pax ton & IIar;iian2." Martin K'mn-v. 2.00 J-. W. Hunter, LCI Amos )enor, 1.5o P. Creveling, William Bellas, 2.50 A. M. Old, Elias Dribelbis, 2.50 David Lewis, Sam' I. Bower, 2.50 B. T. Foulk, J. (. Hess. 2.00 P. B. Doty, McKibben Son2.50 Amos krum, W. W, Wiiber. 2.00 J. II. Stecker, 2."0 2.00 2.00 2.o() 1.00 2.."() 2.00 0o Ariz, 2.H) A. B. Hartman, 2.00 II. Thomas, 2.00 David Mother, 2.00 John Ueos, 4.00 Frederick Wile, 2.00 Hon. L.L. Tat?, 1.00 Leah Pohe's est. :;.00 I; Kline, .50 M.M.Brobsf aco. 5.00 L. Boi?hline, 2.oj Bloom Sc. di-sct. 4.50 S. Zimmerman. 2.00 Torby IWs, 4.50 T. V'. P.onne, 3.00 Jackson Bobbins IX) J. M; Shnlrz, 2.00 James Jory, John Drake. 2.00 H. Wazner, 2.00 J. McBevnolds, 2.00 George Ilassert, 3.X J. It. Krickbaum2.00 Jo.,1 Lilley, Esq,, 2.50 rfj" We receipt no moneys on the Star of the Xurth account in the above list. The j above money was received on account to the Democrat and Star. Our patrons will ! receive thanks for prompt payments. M A R B I i: i . j On the 1st inst., bv the Bcv. V'illiam J. i Ever, Mr. William Karshner, of Montour S township, to Miss Mary E. Pil'er, of Cooper j township, Montour county, Pa. I In Bloomsburg, on the 12th inst,, by the Bev. D. J. Waller, Mr. John IToweli, and j Mis-jMaryA. ansicle, all of Bloomsburg, ; HO mmm m Jm IM IMIa lll a.MTIaaaaaMaWaaa i) i i: i) . ! In Iola, Greenwood Towrship, Columbia! County, Mr. Joseph Bobbins, aged 73 years, j U months and 25 days. j At ILve de Grace, Md.. on Sunday, Feb- j ruary 3?. of pneumonia, Mrs. Bachael Case, ' wife of Cuisiian Case. Esq., formerly of Danville, Pa. j At Audenrie l. Carl on Cfjmtiy, on Mon- I day. January 2Sth, 1807. Jlutus C. lfcLlmg. aged 23 years and C months. The deceased was well hnawu and respect ed in this community. He died rather sud denly, of inflammation of the lungs, living a wife and several children to mourn his de mise. His remains wore brought to Kings ton, Luzerne county for interment. B L003ISLT US M A RK ET. WHEAT. p-r huslivl. 2.-0 T.YI-:. ' " 1 5" CO UN', - " I 'J M.'CK WH EAT, IW ELOI'i: per II I. hi 0 CIlVEaSf-EI). 5 FLAXSEED - 2 70 I.17TTEK- l.iji; I'll FATtlK-, -DISiED AI'Pi.E.-5. baco;;, - . 35 - :t' 1 nt J IK) . '."1 . Iri 30 I'll i: II AY by the ton. BUCKWHEAT Flour. 51-0 I.MlD, per lb SPECIAL KOTICE3. BEHIND THE LIGHTHOUSE. O'.i fojyism is net quite dead. People are r.ill to ba toun.ltshothii.il that heslth S promoted by fe pletioiil vV as there ever such filse logic ! Nature i Lie grand antagonist of diseae, and th.; depleters propose to prustrat-i NUure in order, one might su p ppse.'.o give the enemy a deuble chance at tin lifa o.' the patient ! '1 he true practice is so' to in vijorat! the vital powrrs at to renJer them aa overmatch f..r the fclcinciiles ( ilii-ease. This can be d"ne wilh IiO.-rEl'TEP'd STOMACH UlTl E iS Cf ill vege table to lies thy are most poweifnl a'J the most genial. At this season, when even the strongest or' ganizutifiis are liable to 5e affected by the altera Wn of stringent cold and uia!arieu, nmis nre, this inesliinahle proteitive medic. ne is especially needed ' Persons prenii.poscd to bi'i -.ifih-ss. dyspepsia. n ipation. lotriiiittcnt ftver, or any or th? com. plaints which roi l weather supe - induces or njtr votes, should lake It regularly throughout the Vintcr and Sprint? months. It is absolutely purt and harm I n. Feb. 1.1. lob? lino J SCH-ENCX'eJ Si3Av'i.iiJ- 'i.OxUC. Tliis meiiclno, inveiJ h Dr. J. II. Souksok. of Ph'Jadc'ph.li, is in.eudiMl to d'ssvilve. the tood and Iiiois It into chyzne, the crut pr-eew of diprrtion. E :eTis!n3 the storaah with gorr-nck's iliadrai.3 Pills, the Ton'e sooa rer'orr-1 the opp:Etc, and tood tbteortld be ca'c j te.'oi-' nsin.- it will te eojily dirteL Consumption ens-ant fce carel b? S.-'-icnck's Pol moaic Brap unlcjs l!;e s'omach rtid liver is mala beVthy end t'uo apTS---.te r;s'cred, hence fho Ton'o nd Pills are r.iired ia neariy-erery cte of con sumption. A-bslf dv-zen Wtlesof the SiCAWEED TONiC'aid tbraeor four tvoxosof Ihs' MASCKASB PILLS will cure aay ordinary of dtpcpjla. Dr. Soneo makes pro.'easional visits iu Nhtt York, Bton', and at h:s p-ineipsJ Ocj In PUilaie'. pbla ever weok. Bee daily pupers of eich p ace, or bis paaiyh'et on eonuiup.ion lor tlas for visita tljn. Pumu rrbserre, when ynrcbsjlDr, tliat ie two HIco lwses rf the Doctor, one when in the lost ta;e of Coiur-jmpMoa, an4 tte oiher tu Ue now is, In per'ecs health, arson the Goveraaiont stamp. Bi!d by all Dnigglsts and Dealers, pries' f 1.60 p?T tot tie, or $7.W the hall- Josen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. SsuVtuz's Principal Office, No. 15 Nr.h 'id Sircat, Flir.aielph.a, Pa, Genera! Whoietale A,-nL : Demas Barnes it Co., K. Y.; P. S. Hsnce, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Parle, Cincinnati, Obio; Walker & Taylor, Cht- CoUlas- Br; f; Lem ''-- . . A Oough, A Cold, or A Sore Throat, y aEQUtRES IMMEDIATE ATTeiSTtOW. BUOCLD BB CHKCKKD. IF ALLOWED TO CONTINCC. Irritation cf the Luns. A Ferr a- . t-v, - i r;s& or Con - neui iuw ' 1 sumption IS Orrr.! THE RESULT. Havirg a direct iaflii-nce to th parla. give immedi ate r;liel. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases, IBOcnRS ARE'HKU WITH ALWAT9 OOOD SUCCESS. INT.EllS AN O rUDLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches ueful in c.narins the voj.ro whn and relieving the tiikrii before Miiimi'S or eHiKini tliro.it aner an uniiKual ertion ot mv..i 1 he Trollies are recommended and proscribed By rhvirianf, and have had testimonials trom eminent men throughout the country. Heitis nn article "i true merit, and havinff proved their eflicacy hv l.PS' of many earH, earn year findslhem in nf f localnies in variou varla of the world, nn4 the '1 roc-hs are miivrrsblly rrnnr.mired httter than other art! cles t l.l.in only "llrou n s Hionrbiul Troc-lie." and do nt Ink, any of the Worthies Imitations thai may lie oil'ered. Sold everywhere Nov. -2-i, Itioti. 6m. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, hy J. JSAACS, M. D. . OuliM and Anrisf (formerly of Ley den, Holland.) No. 519 FIVE Stitet. rilU AD'A Testimonials, from the most reiiahla hourees in the City and Country can he seen at Ui oliir.e. The med ical f.iculty are inviic-l !o arcPti'piiHy their nlienls. as he han no secrets in his piariice A 1. T I t'le'l Ah EYES, limeried without rii. Xo charje or exam ination. April 2. 100. ly, OVKI.Vfi'RLS AND FESTIVE HOYS, acrid an 1 j ad-lres.f(t envelope and -. n nts.auJ I wiM eiil yon -oiiii? valuable infonunt Inn thul ill please you. A.I Irens MARY Jl-JUat, Wl l.roailway, N. Y. May ir. Itft-ti. ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Reni'eman who sulTer:d for years from Xcrva-i Debility, Prematura Decay, and all the effect cf youth lul indiscretion, will, f.r the n.ike of inff- ting h't inanity, lend free to all who need it. the recipe and tiire" lion tor maaiiis the simpl-: remedy by which he was cured. SuiTerer wihuig to profit by the atlver usri'a eteri' ;m:e, can d no by a-l'ire..in? Jt.HIN B. i DEV. No. 13 hamL.ers -t-, New York, n, Iv.-?.M P. FeK 2. I Si STRANGE BUT TIU'E. Every young lady and gentleman in the United late cai: hear somethinp very much to th"jr advan ta:e by re urn mail (free ofcharee.) by addressing the underiiigned, Tboe ha ving fea of being humbugg ed will ohlisc by n-t noticin; this card. Ail cthcri will pl .aae address their obedient servant. Tl!'S. F CIIAI'MAN. S31 Uroadway, New York. Feb. 2S. lar,C ly.S M P Til E'U.ORV )E .MAX IHHI'RKN'ti'ltl. A -entle man who siifli-rnl (or year fiom Nervous an I Genual Dcl'ility, NiL'htly Kinissions. and Seminal Weakness, the remit of voulhfil indiscretion . and came near eifiline his days in ho eles nilKery, w ill, for the sake of nutleriup mail, send to any on" atl'.iet cd. thf simple meai.a used by linn, wliu-h !!' ted a cure in a 1 w neeks niter the luilnre ff .innierous inedir ints. Semi a directed envelope and stamp and il will cost v,io noihiii: Addresji. LbUAB TK EM A IX, ltii .ct. N.Y.City. 'PO CorrnT:vin The advertiser havin'been J. restored tohuullh in a lew weeks by a ve'y sim ple reiuedy.alter having suffered several years. 'vith a severe lung; aflVction, and tliat dread disease. Con-aumpli'iu-id anxious to make wn to hjs fv.lloiv aufTi.Te.rs the means oicuru To all who desire it. he will sen-T a cor7 of the jife scriplion u9Cd.rreeo Charge. with the directions 'or preparing and using the same, which they will find a surb rrxE for Consumption. A.thmy, Ilroncliifs.ColJi Coughs ttc The out object of the advertiser In send ins the presc? i t ion i to benefit the afflicted, and spre . d information which heenneei v-s to he in vnluable pn.1 he h"ies every sudr-rer will try his remedy, a it will cost them nut hriu. and may pravs a cies-tn;. Parlies wiKhlui; the prescription, free, hv return mail, wii' please address He v. E. A. AVII.SUN", Vi!lia(rrbiirg Kings Count v. FeH. 'J, l'".5. tj i.M. P. .ew-York. YOUNG MEN. The erjie.rieiir.H of the past t-;ri years has demon strated the fact that reliance may beplaccd in the ef ficacy of HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for thi speedy and permanent cure of Seminal weak ness. Emissions, Physiol and Nervous ilehi lity.Li,. potenct, cr want of power, the result of S.-iual El ces, or Youthfjl Indiscretion, wliieti neL'lecK.d ruins tile happiness, and unfitslhe suflert-r fcr llusiuess, g;,i)'a; Society or Mirri.iio, and of'.en terminates in an u ntimcly grave. Make no delay 1:1 s. eking the remedy. It if entirely ve-f tahle and harmles u the stem, can be ns:J without dct-ictiou or intrr ferenre with business pursujt4.and n i change of iliet is necessary liile using tin in. Price, i)ae Dollar. If you eptmot get tr'em of your druggist, snn.l the money tr Dr. J. I'ryan. llroalway. New York, and they ill tc sent free fro.n o'jserr itiOT by ret:trii of mail. Private Cirrulsrs tT Gentlemen snt fr-e on appli- f Jan. 9, 1367.- ly . J. C. it Co. to ladij:s. If fo-j requi re a relial.-le remedy to restore you, and remove Irregular iti es cr OLstruttioiis, hy noiue Ihc best ? Thirty y a rs experience h is proved tii.n Dr. UAKYEY'S FEMALE PILLS, a!e no equal fir Uemovinj OastruciiKns aal lrreg ularities. No matter from what cause they arise Theyaresife and sure in every case. Price, One Dollar, per box. Dr. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILLS, I a lemedy four (fejrces stronger than lit shove. , and iuiended for special cass of Ion slanuirg. Price, Five Dollars per HoX. A Ladies' Private Cinular. wub Eni-'.iTinsi, tr.i ri e on ap plicati-i-i. If yon cannot pet t:ie Pills of your dru?;it, sen I lhc incrty to Dr. J. riij-an, MJ iiroadwiy. Now Yotk. and the) will be sent Irce from observation by return of mail- Jan. , 1167. ly. ' "in:. J. BRVAN, Consulting rhysician. fcl Broadway, lie"" Yor?. hTEClAL THEATV.LM' in all cases cf Sviuna!, Sexual, L'tinnry and Nervous DiseaaeB in male or fe male. Advice Free and correspondence s: rietly cjii fidrnti.ll. f Jan. 9. l.-'t7. ly. AGENTS YVANTER Samples set free. NT c-pital re tired. Ladies or Gentiemeu can cam Iroin $:iO'j to 10.W per day. Enclose sUmp. and address TKIPP ft. CO.. Eighth St., New ork. Jan. P. l?C7.-ly. LOVE AND MATRLMONV. The air rtions of the opposite s ;x may be gained by following simple rules, and ail may marry Happily, if desircif, witbo.it r--grd to wealth, age or teau ty Send directed envelope and .stamp lor particulars to Madam LUCILLE DCVABRE. Jan. 9J?C0.-ly. I.ible House. New York. AVOID THE QUACKS. If yon are suffering from theefT-.-cts of Youthful In digeretich an. have Seminal Weakness. Emissions , Ve., I will send you, free of charge, information which if followed will fine you without the aiu cf medicines. Address HEKi AM'Ut, Jan. 1. l-a-i.-ly. Station D.New York. JOT1CE. ALL persons knowing thorssclves indehted to me f.ir work dune atthe G HE EN WOOD F ACT' RY, are requested to call and make immediate payment, as I have earned my money onee, and do not intend to earn it pijaii. by running the country and collecting the same. A word to the wise i sufficient. J. E. BANDS. Mt. tleasani Mills. Dr. 12. IHoti. o NCE ACTAIN ! All nceo'ints doe and nnpaid to the nurl-.'sisned. for ihe office of the COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, on and after the week of pur February Court, now in the hands of Esl'iire Chen.berlin. will b !sJed up on without rcspectto persons. Bloomsburg, Jair S3, 1867. 1 I CU ! ITTJI ! ITCH ! X SCRATCH SCHATCH ! SCRATCH ! WH EATON'S Ol NT WE NT Will I'ai'e The Itch iu 48 Hours. Al.n cures SALT R.H EHM, " UIJ'ERS, CHIL BLAINS, ard all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, "nee SOwnts.. For sale bv all Druggist. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS & POTTEJl.Sole Agents. 170 Wash ington street. Boston. It will bJnrniZiXii-. se" 111 11,1 11 '"' L.ST Between the I9th andSlst instant, a Memorandum Book, in the neiahhorSood cf EYF.R'3 GROVE, in Madi. eon Towjishir, Columbia County. It is of no con. sequence to any person except the owner ; and the c nder wii I be suitably rewarded . Jar . MaiJi'cbn, Jan. 30, 1S07 3. JOUSE AND LOT FOK SALE. A NEW BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and valuable larse LOT OF GSOUNO. centratly lo- Cited on Third tflreet, IN BLOOMSBURG. It is a very desirable fa-riily residence, with all the requisite conveniences, and in a Tush state of cul tivation. Posses&inii given upon the first of April ,.ext, LEVI I.. TATE. Ulooiiisbur. Jan. 30, 1S67. VALUABLE FARM THE undersigned offer at pr. ate sale their VALUABLE FARM.. situated in Centre Tnwni-hlp. Columbia County, bounded on the North by laud of James Kocher. on the South and West by lands of David Fowler, and on the East by land ol Gilbert Fowler, containing SsXTY-OflE ACRES all cleared land, whereon am a large rou?'n cast Dwelling House SUMMER HOUSE, A. Large Fraino Bank Bam, and other ui-buildingn. There is a Well of good weter at itie an Apple house, and of choice fruit oil the farm. Possession will be given on the first day of April nt ji ZJ Terms will b- nnde emv. WILLIAM 8c JAMES TOK.BY. fTetitre. Jan. 30. Ii;7. JRIVATE SALE A Valuable Farm. TH E und.-rsijned will offer bis va'uuble firm, at private sale, sinnte in Jl.nli.on Towcship. Colum bia County, about one and a half niiUs e.-il tf Jer-n-ytn-.vn. on llu p'ibiic raad leading to tllooiusburg. co.itainiis sxa j- pw rvs forty acres of which are cleared land, the balance (TE.V ACRES OF .MEADOW.) whereon are- erected a FRVMK HOUSE, FRAME BARN, 11 ard the nteei inry nut -hiiildiner. There ii food we! I of v. at- r at the Jotr ; also a g iod APPLE URCHAlll) on the premises, Tile terms will be made easy to t!: purchaser. V-'LEVTINE W E f.. LIVER. Maiii.cn. Jan. 30, lt1?. BROWN 6t PEBKINS7 Pianos for the Peopb ! 120 Broome SI.. X. Y. "e would call th .litem tun cf tin pu'rie nn I th ; tr.i.le to our elrgint New Scale I'ianus. m the l"-low-mir tvle. : STYLK A. "Oetav. Frmt larjo round rornirs. plain ca-e. either octlgun or rarveil legs, t-traiiht b illom, bead utcul .ins on p'int:i . .. . $ 150 STYLE B. 7 octave, same as style A with ser pentine nir u Id i pl' or ptilh, ca r ved le and ly re.Juu STV'LI-i 7 otU.ve. Front corners large round seipentine le-tl'Mii, (lKinl. in:-, s.nne a- on style D. i-rrvi.-.l lyre and lesK, fury cirved lejs. 5.VJ S1YI.E 1). 7 in tav.', f cur lur-,'e round corner., fiui-h.-tl back, iiijiildnis mi rim and .liiih, serpent ire bottom carved lyre und desk, ele gant caned trnil l-2s rol The abovi. styles are all finished in el'-jan rose wood raes and hive the full iron frame, Kreiirh action, harp pedal, beveled top, ivory keys ami k'-y f rioit s a U'l e xeeefl j ;i overst run g I as , ii' a rly sit Itie 7 v't t.-no Pianos now iiianiit.i' tti red . 'l h. v ure m.Hc ul liie bti materials and fir finish, il'irnhiHiy. purity and swci tnes of tone, cannot be surpassed. We mvi'e the nitenti-in ot the pU-lic.'of dealers and the profession, to a cliiicl elauiiuatiou of the i:ii ril s of our Pianos !y avon'i-i!; it.e ereat expenses atteadnnl ur'' cosily lurlorie anj exoen.ive wsrerooins in :h city, we are enabled t i r.:l".-.- thes Pi.ieos at prie s wiiich detr competitinn , and invite all to call and exauune thein bt.f.re pu t rh;i-ine i-lscWhere. Pnrlies or. ten".; tr'mi a 1;i-t,ince rau rely upon receiti::g their Pianos promptly, and no c-nfiioa cm an as t,i sivle. arc so distinctly Ui-ti:iitcd by the letters A H C D. 'i lie to ur sty ls decnb-d above. einSndy tssential change, in eitt nor timih of case are by many manuiacturers run up tJ 15 all the , vhiclt and 'i 1 ailcriis. MlSiC I)!TAIT11ET, Wo w'UIJ reiipecifn.'ly rail the attention -nf Choir I.e.iJi rs and fniifiiitt.Seiioiii 'iVachei s to ou r estah lishin '' wliL-re all Kinds of Churrli 1 u-'i'-. llee uncf intheiu ca" ue obtained on lh" tnoet favorable mis , . , The liinje'l'""1""16 c ,,r rranivs in Musical Conventions, trhojrs. the t'lincrt Koom nu t run!y--. lio .1 .1.-111 les him lo give advice and ii:fornatnui i on all point, or musical interest as to the selection of pn per works of inst r action formtion of iiiusjral ! sc'i nol 4 progress 11 iiius:-;l st'Ulies . a-id it ins of ' pim-ral iiittrtst to umipusers, li-auers tcaiher an I t,: u i f t ll t Muric famished 01 the 'usual teims with prompt ues and u:-p iti It. n.-try orders so i-jted ai.d selections maue lor pupils, teachers, con. efts. ic . A.C . s.c. . . Now ready the new tuuday 4"tl'ool 6m;inj U-iuK, ' 5 135: ciOJuWa-iA i'ci?iisr:.' Ry T E. Perhi-s. Author of Parred Lute. ?ur.day ?clicx-l lianner, Oiiental Clcc Boo.:, i siUit Kms.&c, te.. .Vr. . We will send a snecimen ropy, post p'ill. to atiy ..i.;.-. on receii.tof 1 went v e n t s. The price cf 1st Goi.iiE Prom k is as follows. S"injle coni-s, iu paper covers l;y H1.1 iil " " J;ecl- rupies, in board roeers lix tue Its' ' " . t j.ntl . J I 3.1 . .ao.i-o " Stairs l"nriv1'!'d Riant Polish, Just introduced, r.ud L-cni? a lcpted hy nit Jsartieg houses in the manufacture of Pianos, Organs, Bil liard Tabler, Furniture. kc. &c. Every one wno has a Piano should hsve a b' llle 01 this Polish. s?ond for Cirrutai s, aim we will eive full particulars anil oirertions. Applications for Territory and Agencies rtrtivc l hv KICHV S t PT.KKINS. (;enr.il Aeuts for the I'nited States. 4-tl llrooinu. Street, N. Y. As m.ny pT-on in lh coimtrv want a sin gle liottle. nnd Pa tTie article cnnniit A sent by mail where Ci.'r am niaJe up. and- one 01 more d 7..-r ordi rd, vvull the inoneyi we will f irv ar J by 11 press 1. barges pai ij for S 'i per deien. BROWX iD RERKIXS, GEN'L AGENTS FOlt Til". UNITED STATS?,' . No, -4?o !!rnome Prrcet, X, Y . Oct. 21. 1-Cfi. !y. J, A. 1867. 1807 PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE IIAIL 1 ROAD. TLls great line travrrr-ec the Northern and North w e s'ern C"trities of Pennsylvania ir tiw- Ciy of Krie on Lake F.rie. It has b-:eii leased and is operated by the Pennsylvania Kaitinad Company. Ti.ne of Passenger Trains at Norlhumherlan d. Leave- Eastward. Sni Mail Train H 50 ? M I'.. le Express Train f '25 A M Lluiira Mail 10 !l A M , Leave Westward; Erie Mail Train 5 CO A M Lrie Finrain Trair 6 PM Elmira Mail .',:.; 4 45 P M Passenger Cars run thrnush on the F.rie Mail and F.xpa ess Trains without change both ways betwaen Philadelphia and Frie NEW YORK CONNECTION. Leave New York si 9 00 a m : arrive at Erie 13 on a m. Leave New York at 5 00 p in ; arrive at Erie 7 15 p n. Leave Erre al 5 3d p ni ; arrive ,nt New , York 4 -III p ni; Leave Erie at 10 25 am; arrive at New York D' in a ni. ELEGANT fLEEPIVG CAR3on all Night t ains. For information respecting Passenger business, ap ply at corner 3Hh and Market Streets, Philadelphia, And for Freight business of the Company's Agents It. Kipg-ton,jr, cor. 13th and Maiket St.-ests, Philadelphia. J W. Reynolds Erie, Wih. Brown, Agent X. C. R. urt Paltnnore. H. H. HOT'STQV, f?-""-si'T'-r-ft-l7,i..rri &8 'iJ MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. TRE undorsif ned resoectfullf announces to l.a many friends that he has opened a new Clothing and fJeitllemen s Furnishing Store, tu the lower room of thartm" ' Building, s-u'.hea.t cor ncr of Main ad Market Bireets, Blooiusburj, fa. Having just retured from Philadelphia with a larje Fall mid Winter Clotlmis and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, cc . fc. J J"; teis himself ti,at he cau please ell- Hit ttoca cou frises . MEXS AND BOYS' CLOTMXG, such as DRESS COATS SACX COATS. OV EH CO ATS PANTd. VESTS, BHIRT3, CXDERSEUTS COLLARS. COLLJIltS. .ECKTIES, HOSIERY, HjiJfDZERCMEFS. V.VBRELU1S, C, and in fact everything in the Clothing orFarnishing line at . Very Jjovo 1 iicex. In addition to the above ha has an elegant assort ment of Clothes, Cassimefs, and Vestings. T7 Clothine made to Older at lh shortest notice Call and see before purchasing elsewhere, auj EtlE guivAT nis, J. V. CHEMEERLIV. O-tober 10, I8i8. C. W. SNYDER, WnCI E5ALE AKD HETAIL DEALER IN HARDWARE, STEEL, rULS, IsnRES, SHOVELS, FOKKS. RAKES, B UJLDER S HARD WA RE, Saws, Files, Chisels, Axis. Adxes. Aujera, Vices. VAOLEa'S IIARD'.VABC, Shoe Findingf, lirurhes, POWDER AND SHOT, CHAINS f'CVTHCI. SNI'H.J. r.ELLS". CANS, Uird Ctjes, Ropes and Ti to. Fishing Tackles, Scivef. P.rass Kettles. Crosscut Saws, WneonasJ IJiigzr j?prmss, Cnatk and Chilk Lines, Wheol wri'cht and Carpenter's Tools. Taliic aud Pocket Cuttlery . 1 irearnis. Toys. A.C. Vc.. With a lot oi oilier 'articles usually kept in a Hard ware srlore. ... ...... . t;. tv . . i n.it. Itlootnshurf, January 2, iFG'i, 3m. f,.vini:.s' r.iAt'y runs J AT JOHN FAUEIRA'S Old Established FCR Misu lactorv No. 718 AKt'll S:reet. otiove"7!h.. Pil I LA Ili'.LPII I A. Have now in Store of my on Importation and Manufacture one of the laTejt nnd moi-l b'ai!tift-l se!er.!ons of I A NCY FL IIS, lt for I. antes' and Children's A Wear in the City. Also, a fine - assortiouiil of Genu Far Col lars and Gloves. I am enabled to dispose of my g'jo ls at vcrv reasonable prices, and I vsould there fore soli-it a call from my (nuuds os" Columbia Coun ly and vicinity. Keiueuiber the Name. Number and Street. JOHN FA REM A, Nn. 71". ARCH ?t. sb. 7lh., south side, Philadelphia J- I have no Partner, nor connectioa with any other Store in Philadelphia. ctol.-r 10, 1'jO.-Ipj.-J. Weh. IHIIVAL OF NEW OCOIaS at M- M. BROB3T & CO-'S S T O R E IX CATAW1SSA. j 1 ie sut "crihers bav in j-ist recciv3-i thei- asual j lares assuilinent of Winter Dry G001U and Givccrics. They inrite the sf-ec'al atten'.icti of tie public to he fact ihst they have pur-chased a large STOCK OF GOODS, with the advantage of rffering raie ndueerrjnts to pu-cb iscfs, by celling CHKAP FOR CASH, ruch articles ar hive heretofore deiranded trost ri- travn-aut prices. T!;e:r assor'mcrt cf G2 IX 2U IT H X2 S3 is sif-'cnor to those soi l i:t ni st country star's. Couulry i'rodiu-c taken at the market price in exchange for goods. ZJ Give ihcm a call before purchasing elsewhere. b;iost it a rroTT. f r.:awi6S, Jan. Co, 15r'.7 EW GOODS J. J. D ROWER has again replenished his stock fro-n Nw Yrk? and ri-lladelpl: ia. If you wrr.t a n.ndooe set tf Tuts, go t" BF.OWEU 5. If jcu want a J-eau:if':i French roplin. goto LROWER'3. If you want a splendid Rnlrcsfal, go to If 7ou want a nice De Lam go to r.ioivER'f. If T-ou wart Cr-ildre V s Crejs Gods, go to 1'P.OWERe. If yot want to fc-i? Good and Cheap (reedf, of any description, go to Elooinshnrg, Jan. 1G, 13fi. proweu 3 Lackavraiiua & Kloomsbcrj Haili oad. TWO DAILY TRAINS. -Qa o N AND AFTFR JANUARY 2.S. 107. TAS- SErCGER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD AM AM P M. 4.40 O.(M) 8.17 f 50 9.35 Leave Fcranton, K '-ig4ton. 5 50 7 10 C.55 e 'M 9. St) B51 10.30 " Lspert Danville, Arr at Notihumherlnnd LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M PM Northumberland, 7.00 5 20 Danville. 7-40 ft DO Leave Rupert, P. 15 PM ft 35 Kingston, 10 50 2.50 9 05 Arrive at Scraulon. 12 00 4.00 10 15 Trains leaving Kingston at 3 30 A; M for Scrauton connect with Train arriving at Nsw York at 5.-20 Passenger taking Train Sooth from Scranton at 5.50 A M via Noithumberland.reaih Harnshurg 12 30 P M. Baltimore 5 30 P M-, Washington 10 Oil F M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at j 00 PM. II. . FONfiA. Pupt, Kingston, Jan 3n 1807. GREAT ATTRACTION AT 32 22 EP euntry that h ",,'u"""ur "no th surroaadini "m L J1. he rf tonstar, ,iy OB hand . . '?! Prli i,r.r"DUln e9t c0ruer f ! and Iroa at. cofre'e sXi ULACKTEAS, COHt Oil. rtn ii . Tobacco. Coat Oil Chee, Dried llj?,"". Hutujr. Egg, and lla-id l.aiu1 rackr. Drugs, tud iaint bru.v.1'' mis ufati k rati Lars Drugs. Parloc of all Kinds, Good. . Calu oe. ft,.fr- t)r wear. Soaps, l"'B ""r boy's l'Tiiiure.(i'i Chop, y.Salt. FiehTLPut Caudiei, EuckCJ' P.rooms,, Hosiery. Cooks. Writing Paprr Pocket Knives. CnUis. tc. ii Hur4wai He keeps in fact everythmj appertaiic. - ' rlnss Ntoa Vst urocery :nu anCy Hp is determine not to be undersold. produce taken at IhB S of HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Havlnejul received anew Hock, the peopia . earnestly invited to call and satisfy Ihtnisd ves. fcl strict attention to business, he hopcs ot only ia tain his patronatre but to increase it. Ha feels tbaak. ful for past favors, and with many' ytfsrs experleae iu the business, he feels confident be can reader sat Utattiou to all who lavorluui With their pat on. JOHN K. UlUTOM Bl iomshur?. June 28. l?te. QJ110VE.STEEN& EO., Piano-rorto Manufacturers; 409 Croa'hra', New York. 'pHR ATTENTION .' the public and the trads la J invited to our . EVV 5C ALE. SEVEN OCTAVE. :OSi;WO'D 1IANO FOUTES. whii b for voltsir.s snd purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto ofr for-it in tins market. They cunlain ail th astcrt improvements. French (rrand action, harp pedat.Jron frame, nver-strun; bnss, etc-, and each etrument bein? made nn-'sr thve per-onal supi.rvisicn of Mr. J II. Grovkstf.i.m, who has a prar-tical experience o over tinrty years in their iiiauu (acture, is fully war, ranted in every particular. THE UHOt HHTEr-rC rORTET EtckivKD nit ii!niii- r lu tta cr ni tir at thb ccljIl BR4TKD WORl o'S C IR Where were extiibiK-d ips'.rniiietits from the best makers of oiidon, Paris, (jermany, I'hiladelpUssr,- Kaitinmrc, Ilo.ston and new York ; and atsa af the American I nstitute f-'t ftve successive years, the Gold and h.vfk Mun-f !um Unli cf which can be seen at our ware. r-'cii s. Hv tile i at roil n t ion nt improvements we tnake a. still more perlccl Piano-forte, ami hy manufacturing largely, with a stuctly cah ysteiu, are' enabfed to' offer the e instruments at a price u Inch will preclude nil competition . .' O ir pru-es are tmni 51UU to J.'OU clieap-.rtnsn any Cr si 1 la's Piano forte. 'I'EK.Md Net Cash in current fd. Descriptive circiita-s 3p". Ircc: July II, IfCli. ly. I. 4t V. iCPElllJ llO'UL'AV 1'llESENTS! vValches ! Watches ! W atchea ! DE TltEY iiCO.. laiporters auJ Wholesale De.i!-?.; In Gidd and Sitt er Watches of al : dcscii'ptivns, ?A LiUrtii Street, X. f., Ileg to inform the pul-lic that they have 'tst f rciveii the most elesnt, perfect, end arcuratq Watch ever introduced in this market. The LXL'SLSIOR. a beautiful, extra rnbis jew-lled, heayj1y H Carat Gold Plated on Silver, iiincnificeiitly engraved, fine ly an I rn hly Enameled Hunting O'ese. Patent Lets, er. genuine Damuskennet lland.i. tlie.rouhly regit lan-d by the observatory, n-nt vvarrantod to be the Ne Plus Ultra Tune Keeper,' A superb and most re liable Watch, Gent s or Lady's sir.-;, will be sent free to any address cn toceipt of fciS.or. if prefer red. will te cent, c o. d uu receipt ol 3 as part payuirnl, The watrli will be sent I,y Expres. or riiail regis tered, s i that there is almost arertainiy of reaching their ilettination ; but should the Express Co. or Posi office fail in their duty, f r ill tend another w ati.h immediately, ' Orders fur any kind cf "Wsttdies promptly and faithfalh; fulfilled. JTTr- Liberal Terms to the Trade. A GLN 1 S. W :w'it Agents in cvrry town and roiiitty in t!t country, and to those acini; as sucb lilmral induremeiils will beerTercd. .. . Please send money by Exrrr;;J5 ('"""t Office Crder or Un L'rarts,) u DE TREY U CO.. 3-1 Ltbertv tftreet, N. T. Oct. 21. nCi -Cm. J. A. COODrf ! NEW GOODS t ! I'ALIi ami AVlSxCRJ VOW AT LvjW ii. v AN IN" TIi S uniiert jpued hasjiist rece'vd every largt snd e-.ceilent a ssortinvut of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, whic h he propose to sell at very low rates. He has the besl juaiiti -s of CLOTH?, CASSIMERES, ML'SLINS, CALICOES. J DELAINES, MrRlNOES. Clli: K5, 4c. &.c. Tl?c Grocery 5cii.i;lnicnt is filled with the best rt'nlity ol fresh groceries and provision, su h as sug ir, molasses, flour, salt, 8h. ham. baron, spires. A.c. ff - Count rv pro luei nkee in i-x-hange for good, for r-hii h the l-.i jhem irarket price will be given. Cf- Don't fa:l to g.ve him a call and secure great l-argains. It. W. BOWMAN Or.in-eville, Nv.2a. l3. 3in. AC1U.VK AMI KEl'AlU SilOf. THE undersigned nounce to the public would most respectfully an generally, trial rte is prepared to excciit- all limls of V A CI) I EK Y. at JOaEPU SUA ItPLES-' FOUNDRY, in liloivuturc. where b can Hlwavs b-! found ready to do a 1 kinds of repair ing, indn ling Tlireshing Ma hines, and in hrt, all knidi of r'sriuing ClenMis A l.! . IU KNI J ftNl) FITINtS CP uf CAKIIVG AN D ' ACH IN ERY. done on short notice, in a good workmanlike iuan ner. upon the most reaso.iahl ' ttrins. . , lli long experience in this business, as foreman lit the shop of Lewis F.-Maus of this pla-e, for over tun years, warrant f.irii i-i siyin ; that hu ran give mtir-t s Jtisfaci; ;r. To -c'.i wbt may favor him with thei. work. GEORGE IT ASSERT. Dl e-imsburr. NV'v.at. I !1. A (ir.xcv Ml Finiti'-I Fell wrp:ienl.iser, of NT 1 171 1 j Tovynship. has .procured ln. Agency of Coluuibii County for t jj fiyy O jfl j; i a 1 K 8 if 1 Ii cm u 31 i to ry ofttie war. the LO JT CM L SE. by Ed ward A. Pollard, of Virgmii. t'oiiiiilete in one lir." vol 1 ne, of nearly t'!0 pages; th- history of vinuishe4 has too eften fallen hy pen .f Hie vic tor, and tu insure justice ta the t'oulhern r-iusi-, the p ro mp-t be taKri by some Soul luru man; who is willing to devote his timt and talents 10 th i vi ti ! n .-ttion 'if his countryman ; in it a In-t iry of which fliail t;!; ilc-n-; the rriticrsro t-t t.e intelligent, and i:-. -ittthj aiteiuioii of ait boa et m-jiiire rs. Jutiua.'V I'i. l.-!)7. IN V? ii A, K B H it S J1QP, The underjirned respectfully anno'tnees that he hns reiiitte-l a shop, iti Court House alley, opposite the Kxthance ll el. where he is prepired ,to con', d'-ct th ' barberii.2 bii-iui ss in all its branch es. The art of coloring whiskers and tnoustacnes is prarti:edby tit in most skillfully. He also clean clothing, iiinkin,! th'in look nearly as goodas new. upon lhe..iuot reasonaMe terms. Give hmi a trial. r I! nr To'iic ui" Hie v :ry best quality, used fcf cloaniii" hair, kept comt-ntly on hand, anil fof m. S.C.COLLIX3. P.iooir.sbcrg. April 25. 160. tf. Fill iT-S HLTTLE SEWING Are superior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Centain a'l the latect improvetnint t : are speedy noiseless ; durable ; and easy to work, Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Lib eral discount allowed. Nn consignments made. . Address EMPIRE ti. M, CO,. Olti Broadway, Xesr Y'otk. September 5, ISCG ly.-A. fc. Co. INCORPORATION. NOTICE is hereby given that on th Bto'dajr of Peceuibnr. A. D.. I860, sundry inbaeltanlt' of lb Borough of Centralis, presented a petition' ta. tbe Court of Comnion Pleas, of Co'umbra. Coun?y. pray lug the said Court to grant a Charterer Incorporation, uncer the name, style and title of "Tm Presbyteri an Church of the fctorougti of Cemraha," witU the rights and privileges therein sidled, and if no sutV rient cause is shown lo the contrnry. on the first day of the next term, the 4:h day of February, 1867. the prayer of the petitioners will be granted accord ing to the Act of Assembly, in such case toacUJandi provided. By the Conrt. JESSE COLfcMAX, rrotboBoUry. Dec, 12, I366- 3t. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (Late Assistant Medical Director U. &. Artay.) .1 ., 1 1 m-m e 1 r -1 4 .A