AGRICULTURAL Tub Cold Blasts ot Wintek.-Now tiaSTrinterha? ; come upon us, panoplil a armor of icef and breathing airs that chill raid the Very Tsarrw, tehooyes those who art iirTOnnded by-the comforts and luxuries of Hfe-whi'arellesdVitli' i superfluity of ihla -svorld's gear to ren-cmber the tin fcrt unite of our race who may have roofs to shelter them from the wintry blast, but lack fuel and clotting to keep them, warm,, and food ta preserve life." Charity is the bright est andbest attribute of. nature It 13 what is left of the tngel in utve- I is noblest Tirtuo tnit trccan excerciseT i It blesses the one who excercifesit, and lifts him mgher nuto heaven and to God.; .Then let as min ister tmto the wants of our poor and needy neighbors. -Winter, to oswil be transform ed into perennial summer by the warm and lindly knowledge; lite a genial sun glowing within our heart", -of good deeds performed and duties fulfilled.' .'''Whoso gvveth to the poorlendcth to the Lord," ' and the Lord payeth an interest in return far beyond the talue of earth's most precious treasure. Jjo&& oj-.BtooD House on , ins Hel vetia. It will be leuieaiibcrvd that 31r. CanieTon purchased thirty-bine tlood fcor- res for importation to this country in No vem ber last,1 and that thirty-four out of ttic trr.r-ty-nioe died on board the steamer .TIelvetia cii her; passage to this countrj',. on the Cth of December last The horws eared : Bir agxte, a fine steeple-chaser 'r Yelucris, a bay colt foal,' by Oulston Juniper, brown filly, ty old Calabar ; and a bay filly, by, MaccaT-oni-EclirfC. These arrived in an exhausted ted and crippled condition. ; ;r- Cameron's loss is estimated at $70,C0O. Jn relation to the disaster, -Mr, Cameron says : "In 1859 I shipped four horses from London by ship Rhine, on Christmas day. They were 16 days coming to this. port, and were landed unhurt. "I aia now satisfied that, had I se lected a sailing, ship instead-of a screw steam er, the result would hate . been . different. My opinion is that screw 'steamers are un safe for livestock, a3theyV all xoll more, or less, and some of them excessively," as in the casi of the Helvetia." There was no insur ance on the stock'. iV! YJfforld. - -. .-- - - fCazAK m ' Cold Wiatheb. For Ecme reason not yet known, cream skimmed from milk in cold weatherdoesnotcometobutte-, when churned, so quickly a3 that from the tame cow in warm weather. ' Perhaps the p pellicles;' which form the little sacks of but ter in the cream, are t meter anu luugucr. There are two' methods, of obviating ibis trouble in a great degree. One is, to set the pan of mill on the stove, or in some warm place, as soon as strained, and let it remain until quite' warm . orre say, until a robble or two rises, or until a skim of cream begins to form on the surface. '.Another mode is to add a teasboonful of salt to a quart of cream when it is skimmed. Crenra thus prepared will generally come to butter in a few minutes when churned. It is hmiffht the salt acts upon the ccating of the butter globules and makes them tender, so that they break rapidly when . beaten by churning. N.Y. Times. Fnxrr CAKE.-rOne-half pound of butter, and two teacups of brown sugar beaten to a froth. . The elks of four or Cvceggs beat en, and added with a teacup . of moladse?, and one of sweet milk. One pound of ra tins stoned, one pound of well worked cur TanLo . ouartcr round candid reel, a little ginger, or any spice preferred. Stir all well together, addiDg nearly the required quan tity of flour, then add the well beaten white of the eggs, or two spoonful of soda dis solved in a little water. To the remainder of flour needed, add four teaspoons of cream of tartar, sift into the cake, ftir well, and bake immediately. , It will take between one and two' hours to bake well and pertain more. ' Preservinq Potatois. A correspon dent of the Scientific American says tha: he has tried the following method of keep- ing potatoes for years with complete success, though in some instances tLe tubers wen diseased when taken out of the ground. "Dust over the floor of the bin with lime, an J put in about six or seven inche3 deep o potatoes, and dust with lime as lel'uie Put in six or seven inches of potatoes a nr.: limejigain; repeat the operation until al. are stored away. One bushel of lime wiL do forty bushels of potatoes, though men will not hurt them the lima rather improv ing' the flavor than otherwise. Kaw, mellow apples are digested in 01 liour and A half, while Loi'ed cablage re quires five hours. ' The most healthy do scrt that can be placed on the table is : baked apple. If eaten frep!ent'y at break " fast, with coarse brcid an 1 butter, without meat or flesh of any kind, it has admiralk effect on the general system, removing cnr. stipation, correcting acidities and cooling off febrile conditions more effectually than the most approved medicines. Liebig says they prevent debility, strengthen digestion, correct the putrefactive tendencies of nitro genous food, avert scurvy, and probably maintain and strengthen the power of pro ductive labor. '.' ' Tmt Use of Borax in Washing. In Belgium and Hollandlinea is prepared beau tifully, because the washerwomen use refined borax, instead of soda, as a washing powder, One large handful of borax is used to every ten g-lons of boiling water, and the saving in soap is said to be one- half. For lacos and cambrics an extra quantity i3 used. Borax does not injure the linen,1 and it softens the hardest water. A teaspoonf ul of borax ad ded to an ordinary sized kettle of hard ' wa teri in which it is allowed to boil, will effect tiaUy soften the water. - Excellent Cake. This cake should be mixed in tho following order ; One cup of oatter beaten to a troth, two cups ot sugar, also beaten well, the yelks of t'ouregs, .and ns teaspoonful of lemon or almond essence; dissolve in a little hot water, oce.-iteaspoon- f J 'of .soda, and add it too one teacuptul of iTfectnu.s, and add to the. rest, .wita three cup of Hour slftad, heating it well. - Lastly add to takers or four, to wbich h?s been ! f. rev f LUjtp.'EXTRACT -BDCnO; A fwlttri and Epectfl o Eemedy tot disease of Ui -; CUdder. Kidney, Crev.l d Drop.ln.1 awel'Iaga, TU1 Maacto lreraaaea h power of digestion, end excite tfco cbecroont lato acal:b;tcttoa,t7 vfcleS Co wsterror calcarceuo -(ftpoclllotia, ta4 a"l imBttercl en-fc-cmoots ero rcSsccd, u wen M ps!a nd inflammation, IcTlj good for tM3,vomen tad clilirca. , f t . i ' HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT, BUCHU, ForTremlmaaaoxtolar from Sxeoaaea, Iteblu of Dladpo tlon. Early Indiscretion, attended xrK do following ByBiptoKiji IndkpoilUon to Exertion. loss of To-rer, EiClccity cf TrcatMnj,' 1 TrcrabllBC TTaic fc'-acafj, . , ' rc!a la tao Eaci, - Tla;!il3 of l!io Eodr, " Ercptlor.3 of tho Ftco, rwiH Coaatccanco. Loss ol JIeoar7r We&t Korrcs, . , . Corror of Disease UlmncES of Vision, Hot Hands, " ' ' Drycccs of tho Eloa, ' CclTeml LsstltnCo, - Those sycploma. If alloircil to X oa tvhlca titi ITodl dno lnvirtaoty romoree), eooa follow r" , TATUlTy, EPIT.FPTIC 1TIT3, fce4 1a one of whlca tbe patient may explro. TTfco cza ttj tiey axe not frequently followed ty tnose " CUcfal CJL a3a," , i ASSD C02TSTJ1IPTI0? Vany ero aware of the canoe of tar it tnffcrlns.hat win confess. Tho rcconls of the Ink mo esylaai ta tM laclaacholy doath3 ly coaanaipCoa bear arplo wdcss lio truth of 'Jic t83Crtlotr. ' v " " I The CorwtlUtlon, oaeo oITocted by TZai!f requires thd aid of modlclno tostrengtbeajrt""0;1 TaxUilydcci. Atrial will conrloti'a09t cci)Ucak i laKtay effcettoiw peculiar to Ec? j, acaaaJoJ by any other remooy, and for tU ccik.nlalnu fceideat to tho sex, or In tho C0ZiP'aln DECLINE OB CHANGE 07 LIFE, . ' - W Sn Btuptoss ASOTZ. . i . ; r?T" XTo Family eihould bo witJicut it: t - . r5SJ .... Ta&ono Colaani,a!ercury,or aapleuaat msdlclno tot eopleasant and danserone dlscasu. , - iiELHBGLfl'S EXTRACT BUCflU Cures Secret Discasc3 Xa ta their etagee llttlo expense, llt'.To or no chaste of dal, no IncoaTeslenec. sad NO EXT0SCEE. USE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For aU affection and dlseasea of theao organs, whether EXISTTNO IN MALE OB FEMALE, From whatever cause origlnatlng.and no natter how loss standing. Dlscaeetof thcao organs reqalro Uia allot a filnretlc. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. And It Is certain to have the desired cSect la aU dresses tor walca It la rccoaaieadcd. BLOOD! BLOOD! DLOOD! Helm!oIcl xnonxY coxcxsntiTn costrorrr FLUID EXTRACT SAHSAPARILLA Vorparlfylas the Blood, removing all cttonio corjr;t-i Honal diseases cristas from ta lpuro stato or tic r!c& "i aad tho o! rcliablo and clTsctuil tDorrn rcTncly for l. euro cf Ccrofcla. Scald Ecad. Salt Eici:. T-rj rtrcillnca cf tho Eora, riceratlo3 cf ILe Tl-ro -i zz Lca, ElolchC3,rt:p:c9 on tho race, Tetter, Eryiipilas, and all scaly Eruptions of tho Eila, ITOT A FEVT ef the worst disorders that aCUct r.an5dad a:!se r. cn tie corrrptloa that aceazial&t la tho Llood. Cf all tS J covcrlca that have occa cade to purscltcst,to-e c;4 cQntl lacCect I;. .."ruTa Co:irocss Etsact cr Cr.-f-i-ri.i. it c'.caescs cad renovates the Tlcod, l-z'.::'.j the vi-crcf Leatth lato to cyctcn.and xr.Tgca out f-3 baaois wilch xr.zio disease. It sttatiatca tae tea:'..:;- fiS-.llona.'if tho bofly.ard crpcUitc iHiorvfcrtatt crcr.- tatTitiiilCZn t!io tlooi. CacU a rciaeily itat cosU -2 rcUcd oa has lonj beca sorht for, end now, for tbo ::t t::o the psb!lc havo one ca which they caa depend. C rpicchero does notartittofccrtl2catc9toeho7!t3c.?'-t- t-t tho trial cf a tlas:o botno w::i snoir to v:io e:c 1?.:.. : taa 1U Ylrtacasurpaaciag anything they l ave ever t-'Jcn Two UWctDOOa f-J of tho Extrtctonsirsspiu'iaaau-i; to a pJat of waler it CTial to tho IJoboa Lict Drink, r.-d ono bottlj Is fally eqn-1 to r ctlloa or to fcyrup ot parilla, cr U.3 u.cocL.aa aa nsaally maao. TTXIZTSOlili'S ROSE "V7A5H, Aa excellent Lotion for dUscassa trlslas frora bablU ot dissipation, nscd In connection with the Extracts i-nca i cad Carsaparflla, In sncta diseases as recommcaded. Evl- Ic-cc of tho most responsible Bad rcIV.-la character w..! accompany tho racdlctncs. Alaa sxpllclt dlrccuoaa fcr C35, ta.t ku iukCz of Viinaanda llrlng TrUnesccs, r.m c?. wtiilsof 33A nasoUcitO'l ccrtinc-itcd tad rccoaixuecda tory letters, taaay of wulcii are from tho Uljhc-t coircta. lacIndlDj eminent ITiyslcians, Clergymen, Cla'.esmca, is. Tho Troprlctcr has never resorted to their p&Mlcatloa la tho ncwepspcra ; be docs sot do tola ftoia the fact Unt Lla article ranScaClailararrcp3ranoao,ia ao net ncca to bo propped up by certificates. The Cclcncc of Xedltlne, liio iho ioru tommn, saomo stand simple, pure, maJeeUc, kavlaj Tact far Its basis. lndcctlon for Its piriar, and Trath aloao tor 113 upuat. V7 Ertract taracycrl'.Ia Is r'.oo:l rurl?cr ; rry tract Znshn Is a EIctoUc. and trtn cct rj csc'a la aU csjcj. Eoth cro prepared on pcrcly srtcntlfla prlaeJp'.es r.i tccuo caa tro lio coct tcUvc ceasaros cf clticr lict can be rosde. A ready cod ccqcI as! to test vTl bo a cos parlson of ticlr propertJcs irtta Ujosc set fcr'Jt la lio fol soxriajTrorts: Eco Elcpcasitory cf tho United Elates. eo rrofcsaor Esvza valncblo wurla oa Cic rrsctlco Of r7b - . ''". ' - Eco rcaarka nado b7 tho celebrctcd Dr. Tsrstc, nils. Eco reports caJo bj Er. Err,u:i AXcDowxti, c cc!c trclcd rbyacltn and BTeTafccr cf tio EoyrU Collco :f Crsco3. Irclcail, cad putllcicd U tie rarcacUoca U the King and Queen's Journal. See KeI2co-CblrcrscaI EsvleTr, pufcHsaed by Ecrj3 TaATxrs, relltrw of toe E07CI Collcga of Surgeons. 00 moat of tba late ataodcxd trorlu oa iTciiclaa. SOLD BT JUX DBEGGISTS K VEUV W HETS. Addresa letters for ltxIormaUoo, la coofldcace. lo IT. T. TTKTiT.T'ROIil), Chemist. 'paUfCLPAI. DEP0I3 JTelinbold'a Drue Mid Caemical "Warohouf ..,4.. -Tya. 631 BSOADWAT, HEW TOSjI, tsA "Halmbold's Medical Dapot, 19,' 151 SOUTH ICTTH irvP;TTT,APF.T.?gIA. nrin. rT ff fTf" T IK'TT1 Tf TtTrT J ' r ... .J 5 THE PERUVIAN S7RHP ' i . ; IS A I'RUTliCTEU SOLUTION OF TBE c. , , ;: fi'rolo.iide ot Ivnu, , a new dicovery in medicine wliirh bTRIKES AT THE BOOT OF DKB lSt:, lV TPyniS me im wnn ii vital frinciplk, or This ia tbe aocrct l . wonctevial access of Uu reiMCtiy in ruri-; i spepdia, Li?cr Ooiupiaint, D'Odsv, Ubronic i;iarrbcoi, lioili, Nervoa3 Affections, Cbills and Fc'verH, . Humors Loss of Consti-c ' tatioual Tieor, I)iea c i ..v -. , 0f tlje lijiJnpys & . Bljiiltlcr, Fcnia . . (TompainM and a!l diseases orif '""""S in ' " BADSTAl'K or TUB 'BLOOD or accuipaiiicd by D;'" low l.a f free fr..m At""! a..y fr.. t wrcir. ina efT. r.eare m crrcponliis reuc- .'..(..u ar",r " ',''' reulh. v.or ,. up in I liU.X COSol I 1 c rt ON. , , , DVSI'KI'SIV AU DEBILITY F u,the Vnora!jle Arcll"ne. n H- "OTT. I. H. ' Uoniti.C-iiaa Ea-t. U SI, ifHo. " "I urn an in veti-rula t)pi'piic ul more ijian 24 years" -"tu..ii!; " , "i tune e wo4irfefiiljr b-n-tted in Ike ilin'v vliort week iluriuji wht b 1 have nel Mie ff ruviun ei iru.lkit can c.ircily periiuile uiyaiKof III realilv. lVple nlm liavi knnwii tutf jrr asfon-ii-b-'il at tliu cnn: . I uui wi.My kiimrw auil cum but roc ii ml iu nlli-r tliatuliirb lias lone o much lor ui.j " A ASB lF i7 YK RS" TAVDIXfJ CVREO. FiOhi IVSf.EV "iKVVtrr. N. I von riac-.:ii.taii I Iwv idrrvtl. ami nmi'l::tn-ii -vrely. fr -J7 yrar. frmu uypfi'tic, I ri.iiiint iin-tl taking I lie IV ruviau yru(, an.l lininil iiiiiitiii:it bi!iiL-ni im.-.i it. In ll o.irurf nftli-fr- ,r (mt we:ki I v.i -ntin-ly r. liirvnl Irom my uflT. rmi ami Uavo enjoyed auin ti'rriiti'il hciilili t-vrr i-uic " N EillNK.T liiVIKB "F ItriSTOX. SAYd:, - have l..-n u.'iue ihtr IVruyiiiu rnp lir onie tinn! nri ; it sivi- nu n -w Vij-or.liuoyaucy of ir it. Ki.-iMi. ity ..f "Sias-lf. - 'i'lioa:!ds hact br rn rkg'd iy the use of this reme jy frm rtak. Blcklif.ttJ'criitg crtutmre. to l rang. heal thy: Mitt (lppi men and fate; and imvaiid c not reuMa htm ale to gict it 0 trial, t . A i.i:liih.-l ( J-! :ie cont:iiiii:i;; ccrtifirntoj of cnr--K mill r'cmm-nlmiti 1'rmu viitiii; of lln: iuoi f.nii ifut pjyiiciiiiiii, cli'rsyuiL'ii, uud otiurs, will be K-iit frkk n. ii. y iiilnrt;ti. E. that viitlt boUrleUas Tk:uviM raur blown in tlie (la. . . , FUIl SALE LV J. 7. EINSM'EE. Proprietor, : lf r ft New Vork suu) bv all. uiicuiasrs. . CROFLA. A'l Mdifal Men aere thatIOTlE i lb T.ESn KKMKDY for Sr.ri fiiia ami all ktnrireil i.nn'iiir i-vhi liiirKvercil. Tlie uiificuity liai been to olilain a I'i Rt nt.iiTiO! of it. t i Dr. H- Anders iodine Water to a 1'nre Piluii..n of l.(!iii. , VVIT.IOIJT A t?f -Vt'.S'l'l ! CoiiUiiiuu a Km I Grsin lu ecli oanci; ot M'Hdr. most Powcjhr V it 4 lie tig Ag'-it an! 1 e.i..r!! iv. Ua eureil and wttLCitrc SI'iK ifCI.A in all ittiu.ttii r.l.l fiTiuo. IT" t'tRS. CAX'r RS. SYl'llll.l.SAl.T RIIEL'.M ; .mil itti.i U. mh 1. fed M it ir nlmii-liiiis iirc (11 ca ol Uhi'iiiMulJfiu. I v iaf ;'iiuniiIion, Female niplainl. Hi urt, l,iv r :iiii; Kiiinev 1 -... Circul ir w ill bo eiil ritu tu auy tnie sem'iuj tbeir 41H rr. I'i ice S !.(". a tnHle, or ft for 5 t)0 Prepwrcl by I'r 11. A UEHd, fliysician & Chmnist.' Fur sdic ty J. P. DI.nj-MOKE. 30 Dct St. New Y And by J1 Uraseista. y I STAR'S BALSAM OF WILD i HURKY HAS BEEN USED Toll NEARLY HALF A CEXTUI1Y, it h trio most uttot.i-hins rucevtr in caring Coughs, Uo.'J, Hoar viieif, "t;r Tdroai luiliieiie 1. U'l)Oit( vg h, Oroup, L'ver compliut, Broncliitis'iSi-cIt- of iin-a tljin;. Ailiuja, a 1 .wer y affec tion of THE Til: OAT, LU AGS CUES'. whirh rartnn ITniore virliru. Ih.-ui nnv other i!i eaee mid w hirh halll tVe ri l . In- Phyltiaos to u g n.ii ter xt nl 1I1.111 ai:v otli.'r inaladv. often Yl El DM To'Tlll-ttKlltt'iV when all other prove ineff tt 1 il. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, southing in ESoct, s.i fe ia in Opcr- u 1 loll. IT IS UNSUUt'ASSED 1 while ns a pi-eparaii-m. free from noxious n:rcr!ineii Mii:M.ii. or uiini'rals ;"intiii8 !-kill. iri n c.aitd medi cal kuowledje; cii:liniiii all that it ruluatde in the vesttable kinf Umii lor lln class a is INCOMPARABLE f nnd entitled, met it, and receives the general con ti h nco of the i u ll it, SEYMOUR TIIATCIIEI., M. D., of rerun n. N. V.. w rite a. follow : -"WisrAR's ni.-Jt or ii.d pi vr. universal ealirlai tiou. It net-ui to rnr.ra.ouJl by lm.r niii am i cl- iimiHI ibi ln-; and allayius irril.--J u ta.i. rrgmvinl llir mirr. in.t. ml i.fdiyiu; ui the eon. h and . avinc theritMsi; I.iJiiii !. I consider the lU'vaiu u.. io il h any. if not Hi : best, Couh mo iciue vkIi uhirh 1 am uci'lainted. 11. v. Jacob CEculkr. of Ilat.ovi r. Pa. Wi II known und niurli reaper! jiI among the German popiilalh.-i in I In eouiitry uuikee the fulluwiiig state iii nt lor Ihe l..-ne3t of Hie n:iiict.l, Iikak r-.Ks IliiMM): riuli.ed in n y family impor taut iH-uelil. fr- tilth,: uw of your valuable prepra lion Wist . I:Ij'm or Wild i h. rrv it all'ordi. me pleaeure t reromiu.-iid it to the punlic. Siuue v I twit Mrs as, one f my daughter-seu ied tube in a ile cliu.' an-iliUie h-pe of her rt-c'v.:ry w ere Ptiterttiiu- Le.l I I hen rm ure.i a l'ulile-of y..i f eic iiem lilyain. and lH.-J.ire b Had lakn IU u hole nt the conic lit of the hotth! I lu re was a (rreat in provctiril in her health I uiy ca.e luade frequent use ol your v-luaU!o iutdiciu,u!id Aave always becu eiielilled by it. JACOB SECULER. Trice One Dollar a 1oille. F-'B SALK BY J. P. DINSVORE,?0 Uty Street. New York tSETil IV FUVVIJi, 4l tu.. Proprietors,, Boston. Aa ar iu DtccGa.sra. QRACES Calebrated Salvo 'KE8 H;73.IICKS SCALD3. GraC' Celr.ra,'i'rl Sal CURES WOUNM.hKLlSES. SPRAINS, Grac- I'ele'iraieil Salve I URE3 KOI I.S. UU-ERd. CANCERS. GraCr' O'lc'Taleil alvc CECEfSALT CIIEKM. ERYSIPELAS. GrC" del hrated Salvu , CURES ClIAPPrD HANDS. CHILBLAINS. Grace'n Celebrated baivj ' HEAW OLD BORES.fRESII WOUNDS.Ae. Ilis prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and re dace the siivt u;ry-lokitie welttug nnri imfla twatlona if by tuagic tbae affordiuig rehef and a complete cure, . Only ti eents a hot I (ent by ma il for 25 cents.) ' - For Sale ' by el. P. MVS WORK 38 Oev CUeet. New York. ' """,-"UJ''"'" "1 VJ1.U JJAKGAIXS IN WATCHE& Tfre CNIOV WATCH C! V . Broadway. Nw York. " l"!'r eM"a ,rk ale.' thai. cost, for uh. Tl."- "ttor'i " "t "l l""lun" for dealrriJbin" I" rrPHi-li for kali. lay tra-le. l ' deiViiM "'" 1al -. awa twii north 'i.0'RKS,,v'1'L','i;'' t'"r"l,rH" 'Tie. in S'loia 1, .... ,r nauiifully -n?raved. viti, dial uml inii'.-iiieiri. . . n. , .1 ..ell- w I 'h" -'Mo.-.a-i!d pi.ito.l. p.r .:a-u of . i. i'-' 'XV Y 1 UK C.V.-K! We donol , ,1m from ilu rnl.. ap.,11 xnv c.n:liiin. ljlTlNt! t9li.Vl-.ll. WATCllKtf, KimUfh loovr , ( prfi-clly .ijutfd. anj wuiraoicil currrct Inn-' jir-l-prK ; beautifully enxrave l rto'il iluutilu rnio-i. ami fa my rut iiandu tol.l only by tlie casrf "f ix pIceS'.T. Thi t the cln:nin;-l real'y poo.1 nrltr.le in !h mirket. Oir 11 ixli a Mnul h'tiil 1 11 J .luriil.Ie watrli. which Wll.l. K LKf Cuull VI V at 11 MtUlKH 'I'E I'Kl' Ii Jn jHHr.i to ninny retiil dealer whom we ur uj!yiu n. llu-e wtclie will not be sold to any one ul retail, or in any uuaiility lu than a cair of mt. t;ol.U I'l.ATM) WATCflE-", l K. plate, saiin uioveiiii'tit as nbove. and i prority the same vtvlt of wntcli. Willi tlie rzcrptioii III urn heavily plated on composition metal, 1' nee, 41 or cusn if ix. So 1 , void mil v by tin ca.! 1 (UN IliSit; slt.VEK WATCrF.., in superior tin- iidie.l cae. lull enEra, ic.i that readily rll lit ret vi I ut trom Jij encn upward, per t-afe 01 Same Iu trilt ca4ua,er half dozen, STJ. Sold oul ly Uie L'adC ! Improved limey Silver Duplex Chronome ters in Julhi ruty action movement. Thtwe wishing a Mipcrtor liine-pierr-. Hint can be relied upon 111 all i:iCnii.iii.hv.iili.'r.. piioiiM b'ly till, t or Kiiilronil aim mid oihei Tetiirtiia an ac curate time-piece IHm i- un-ur,i.i?(.-il. Hed ill be-l Mlver in a hand soon 1 1 ! dnrabtj Inanior. per case of X. $.'01 A l-allipli- nil) In; ro'd for $ J. Th-'se natebr retail nt from to $ Inn. AJ.KXUCAN WtTi.HKS. OF OL'I OWV MAXU KAoTUKK AU AKUAM'EP. Two ounce Silver Ca. Ilave !!: Iel ranninu nppurain any wnRii iu rxi: nc.. fi r cu' i.l i $i,-t". S1112I1 one a 1 1. Ki-tnil al $IU uu j iii ar.lM. Aim. (,olil mid Mlvi t V. i.tclirn. u -upert. t Sj id ilver waro. and "oi l plate. I aa I Gill Jevelry lor nnirv n.-r- naiti t. reairT, Ac. liooiln m-hi tonnv t-aet .if the country by Kxpren. I .. t to be paid for vrh.-ii rei:;-tved iir.l-tr uiodcu No uOvaMcca re'inired. Sen. I for "irci;lar. UMUN WATCtl ft'.. H'J Uroii.may, Now York. October 10. lf?'id. AKD. The niiilri?iieil rpupcrtfully iiifornm the citiKnr of Ulooiu-bnrx and f'olumbiit romity ,tliat thi-y ke. p II tlie ditr. r' iit iniinl.-r of etove ro il an I ki I-i Ii-m In .up roil for s.iiiihius purpose, on lli.-ir uh:ir', a. I jutiitiij tirKelvy, eiil 6c. Jn r .irna-1? ; with .1 eo'ol pair Buffalo yrali-r on tlie u weih roul.hay anil ntrjiw .iKewiiiea Hhmh ua I waum. to de.i ver coal to those who net ire it. A we purchase a l.irs- aiooiiiit nf roal, we Inietiil to Xeep a Ftiperiur article ufd sell nt-the very lne?l prices. fleii4e cull and examine far yonrSLivvs before 4Miri:lini;el.-ewlii're J. W. IH.NI i;iwS .nr. AUGUSTUS MASON. THE itnfcrslsned will take, in exchange for Poal ami Cro-criea, the followiug named oniric-, : Wheat. Kye.i'orn. OaH. l'otatoeg. Lard, 1'aiu ho'i! iter.ahil side, 11. eat, Hullcr, Kt'gs. Hsy. s. at the highest i-ioli f rices, al bis Grocery tore, n.ij'un ing their coal yarn. J. v. II t. S Ut.tlsllJl . Uloonirbnrj, April 25, Irii.ti. Jy. NATIONAL FOUNDRy. &e& LUMBIA CO., PA. 1 9 'iSyr6 I ' ' E ii"'eribL'r, proprietor 01 1 in- aiinvr iiainiMi e ive istar-liMhiiieiil. i now flared to receixc urdcre JA-- for All if Jlarh!!fry, for f'o:leri.i. Itiart fricii, 'talviMiaTy 42n2ines MM. I.-. THPES!MC MAOHIMI S. tC . &.C. II; i alfo j r,-pa"d to mtp Stove, nit etze ami (tri-rn. p ow-irons, and everything usually made in t-elni ro'tndri', llm exi MiMve facilitic and pwticnl wrknirn, war ant hii.t in rec.ivius the largest ceutracts on tlx 111 t re moualile trtll9. C7 -Jraiii of all kinds will be taken in exchnniie foi .:aitifif!.. , , . . llT This ertaldishioent is locn.ed near the l.acknwa na It Blootiisiburs Railroad u pii. TETEIl CILLMYElt lilaonisburg, Sept. 12. 1S(3. D12NTISTRV. HC. HOWE R, SUB5EON DENTIST. IIKSI't.l itLLLI otlt-rs III profe.g ional services to lha lariic. and senile men of IU oiiiijuiireand virimtv. He is nr. pur d 10 at eml to all the varinn op.;raliine in the hue of ' i a prufe.ioii jnili w-int'ie l.-iient improved P'.AC-'.V TKETIl, w hir w II lv.-inrted on vcr and rubber br iolowll as the nntuul teeth Vi ier l plat; and bl i:k tfleth mnnuf.irtnred ar- all of er: lii-ns "ti tceth.earefu'ly and properly ulteinle.J t ite.ii'euce and a lew dours above the Court II Hi.e. fame mile. K! c.ii8biir-. June ft I8f.3 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, ,rtrty oj,; the Episcopal i'lnnrh C O I'H IN'.J OF AM. UKSCKIITIONS. II Y fliilt i t"mrmjcil fine rtcJlrn?. medinm .1 . ami ow prieed adapted to nil rnmiitiona. la.t.'n ami w aiiti.. He has the latest sty les for the n a-eoiia fine a-rnjio;il of tivcrcoais and (cutlecicu's Shaw s, from l-iiv to Ihe veiy best (i'Hil$ mt ttin'tion th'e mt l tcclt !I.i-le. In a.l lili.iu to u.y ft-ick of r i ly -ait Ja clothin ;, ! have piere joo li for custom orders, Clolli. CaiiixcrfN, &c, &.C. nd avinc one of tlie fimt cl.i'S cotter. I pti.Tr.ia U-n a fit iri all eases anj givo D-ilifjcii j u. Aim a variety of ooli: am) lim: sijirts, Slorkins, N'erktie. Collar, toekn. Il iail4ceti hisf ev..r linns in ibe tentlemenV line of clmlii'is AIk, ;i jI-i, I.i. n and hoc, '1'iui. H and Carpel bars. I n ill iirM at Ihe lowest Market iic? rieaic sive tne a call before 4ur lia-iH eNewhere. AMlltcW J. EVANi?, r.!oou,8burg. Nov. 15. ISGo. 100,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT' OF-FKcNiyG BOARDS f OK sal - The nnderiened olTer for sale iiion Ihe itoi-t r-M'i n.iiile term., at hi. place id' lin-nies in it k To n . co i ir i -1 rot' vrv....... hi.i.!r.-.i ihou- snnd elunglen nnd a larce lot ol feiiriu boards, ol Ihe very best qial::y, both j me and luinlo. k. J. J. Airi.'KNRY. Reiiton. tav. imfi. ORTUERN CENTRAL NORTH AND SOUTH, Through Leticeeu Baltimore and Rochester YVitEiotit Clmitc of Car, ON and after Noveiubrr 15th, l'Cli.Traias ill )eave as loiiuws : NORTHWARD, P.CFFAI.O EXPRl -t?3 leaves I'altiuiore 10 "0. ilai y, Philadelphia r 50 P M. Ilarrinhurs J.Uo A. M , il. liv eri . pafnenerr at Noi thuiokei land. 5,)8 A. fll . lor tram on Lackawanna and Uloniiisbii Kail Koa.l. b avin; al 7.110 A, M. arriving in lnuviHc A. M. Hlo.uro-hurc ri.-J A, Al. Kingsiuii Ju.4j A. M, bcrau lon I :.!.) niMiu. Al All. leaves Kaltiuinre 9.15 A. M. daily, (except Sunday) Philadelphia 7 5i) A. it, tlarri-hur; l.M P. M . deliveiius. paeii.ers at Voithiiiuherluiid 4 4.'t P. M. for tram on Lacka.vnnua and I loo iii-burs l.' Road, leavi-t thereat o P. M.a'rivms in iaiivi:le B.Otl P. M. Id "iiibur l -I j P. 1. Kiui-tu lio P. 1. tcraiilou lti,15 ; ',-oceniin- north and arriving in Williameporl ut u.-l-i P. M. FAST LINE, leave lltimor, elaiW (except ?un day)lil P. l. Philadelphi i li noon. Imriiiliuri JU l. M. NorthumberUnd 0 41 P. M. re uuin ove. nislit. an-l let vo loil iwia ia:oraiug at 7.Uv), arriving hi ocraiitou I - mi uoou. oui'Iivai:cj. KXPRES3 TRAIN, leaves NnithiMuacrland II 3i. P. M. (i-ti cpl t.lliiln;r. ceivins paiener leaving rrraul.m at I III A. M. Pift?tun . ill A. M. Kin?e toni. uut ,. ll.Muihirc H u7 . M. arrivm- in Phil-a-i l l ia 7 tM A. 11. Ilarnburg 4.3d A. ftl. Pallimore 7 l A M J1AII. TRAIN, leave Northumberland lo lii A.M. daily, (x. ept uqdays) ri-ceivnn paseeiigere. lea vinf rrraiitoii at 5541 A. M.I'it'.ion i.i J. l Eiu'ioii ri ij A. i. IWiHiuieburx f.H7 A. M. Dainnlle 9.54 A. M. aif. nirivin; in llairber; S.I j P. Al. Philadelphia 5 JO P. Al. Ua'tiuiore li im , Al. Pa i.l Line, leav Northumberland at fi.2j a. m. nrtiving in llamnluirg at 9,UI a. in. t hila lelphia l.'Jtl p. in. Ilalliuiore I 00. Uy ibis route frijfht from Pnffalo, Suspension Hrmpe, Rochester and Canandaisua or any iuterme dialu point cm New York Central can be shipped through, wbea in full car load to any point on I lie auj Uloouisburg Rail Road, without breaking bulks Jist-s of frel;Ut and Parsenger fare as low as fr an- other route J. DcBABRV. E. S.YOUNG. Cea'l Sup't. tlernsburr, Pa. - Geo'l Pasa, Agent, naltimore, and 13AAC M. SCHEO.V1EKIIORN, Gen'l Western Freight Ageat, Buffalo, N.Y. December. 19, leort. wrii. p?v Vf GOODS AT .if 17r WYOMING WII.Kr?-IIM5HK. PE.XNA. APIT1L ,M PlT, - - AShliTS. 5forf not cnlled in, f.!l 1)01) 4.UHIO i!.",0HI G.0IMI ti.l-ll Hill rec-'lvitilu. -V. M. 5 -.U yon''". - Temporary mm can man., ... 111:1 wh.ire Woiniiis Hank t?lok. Sil l.tire r'irvt Nnlional VtuitK 1.1 Wilk.-lliirre. 5 ihhi II rliures tfl.-ioud Nalional I'link nt like llarre v.ithi HI hi:re l llkes-Hiuru liridgu Stock. - 2..W0 Rial Ei-tntc. I .' Jiiduiiient. I"-' llne Irom Asents arid others, ... 7,411 Cash in hand ami in Hunk. .... i.elJ Ci. M. HrtT.f.EXKAUK, I. . I). HIIOEMAKER. II. Al IIHYT. II. iil.l.lV). w. a. ujs, I'll arm:- A Ml VER, JOHN It KICK AKD. S VMl'tl. W A 1)11 A MS. IIAHLt-S IIOURANCE, R l I. w UK j.E;VARTrtECCE G M IIAKIUVG. M IIOLl-EV'tA' K. President. I). rlluEMAKi;R. Vie Vrn l. I.. It. C. SMITH, SecRiTARY. r. IJRIAVX. As-nt. inehers. March . Iti3 Pa. QREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SLUING. MACll'NF.S. Ecu ;( Mi utile Ha chine ! FAI-EfRoOM.-. 5"G Bmadw'ar. ."V. Y.. SAD ji'luiiL'ton rt eel, Hopton, b-l Che. nut Street, rbilailrtplita, PATENTED r'El!. II. IhCO. THIS VArillNE i constructed on etiti rely new prinriplen of inn liano.111, pii!esiiig ninny rare and valunb'e i!iiir Vfiiienli. huvtnz been exiniincil bv the most profound expert and proaenneed to be Simplicity ami Perfection ComlincJ. It h" a ntrnicht neeilie, prrpen.lirular (ictiim. luakpothe K or Sill T I I-ir l I TCII. which will in iln r liH" mt It AVE!., and i i a ike 011 l.otij sides ; performs porf.rt rrtvinj on every tleseriptioti if material, from !. nt her t he flllel i'aiio(di iiiupIiu, wi:h rnitnn. linen, or ilk thread, fro n the coare.l to the fl.ient nuuiher. llavina ni'illmr l.'AM or COG VV'I EICl.. and the l.:it poKibh) fuction, il runs a mnooih ai glan. nnd is - Emnltatiri'lbi a Noiseless Machine. It reqairea Flr'TY PERCENT. es power to drive t ill in :.ny other luuchiuc in the maiket. Ayirl welve ears of nsi can work it hteaui'y. wnnout faiisue or Injury to health ll Strene in and wonderful Simplicity of Conntruc. ti'in ren-ler. i -. nlinott imponeible lo g-t out of order, a.. I i GUARANTEED by the coiupany to givu en tire ii:itiiai lion We respectfully invite all those who mny deir? to ,uiiply Hi' i n-' lveo with a euperi r arlieie, to come and eau.ine this V NK IV AELEU VAGH1NL. Ime half hour", iiirlim Don is niftici- nl to enable nny permii to work this mochiiie to their eulire al i jtacnoii. Aeutx wanted for nil Inw.m i t the United States. here aaeiicie are not already eelaldieh-d. Alwi. for Cuba. Mexico. Central and South America, to whom a liberal lieoiint will b' sivea. LMi'lRE SbWlG .UACHIN'K MF'G CO.. :ln lirnaiiway. V. Y, s TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Annnnnef n to his many f. lend and nnmerons m tomerii ilmi he roi.ttnae th nlKve Inninrof at hi old fl.-ice i.f OUeiueas oil aPoEET. ULOt I !.. lll'KG. Ill cu'tomer and others can be acenmmod ited with FANCY STOVES jr,u of all ktrds. F-tnveinpn.Tinwnre.anil every Jv'-Uji nil'rle foNad in nil well regulated STOV'UV AMI TIWAi:E I 'l A lil.iP I: M l-NTS in tbe cities, and t-ntlie mot reasonable Iprm. ."" fhiU TIG. f. r hoiie and b rn, will be put up i ll lori inline. Al-o. al' kiii.l of repuiriuf; lionn'ly and uiiou litn. terms lleaUo keep on hand a lar.'C upply of lilk Pan, r-f ciilferviil ir.e and price. ; b.f t 'rA a fine -m.i fin. in cl Fiiiier' Tatenv M-lf-ttaliug Eruit Pie ser inz Can, (.ive hi in a call July IH JHirt. tf. IATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. H'. Cradlcj's telobratfd IMlcal (OR DO'.'ULE SPaiNG) The WonHerfnl Flexiluiitv nnd great cotnf,)r a n 1 ptea.tirT to any l.ady w.-arlu" in- !; )-- i-. .;p;;c kirl ill be eperien. t.o ; uf liMirly io al! crovv.l-.i A5'-luldie. ;ivr.i. Cirri iinilroad Car. Ann hair. Ch irrh Pew, for Prnmeiiaiie an I Douse I .tli" "'kirt can he f.ild.-d when in ue in upv a nun il tuni e a ea-i au.i rnuvi ni. nilv a a I .-nn ft wii-mh i-ren nn niv-i'iiai i ' j ' i : 1 1 y i.i crin oline, not fcu'id in any rinqle .-rnii S.irl. A l.a.-'y ha viu2 enjoyed t le pi ai i '. eoielVirt . ni t erei.t ton elueiite ol warl'iif the I'li-hs Eiiiplic r-t'-el ripriiiu ."kill for a einale day, will never alter ward willingly dispense w illi iheir ne. Inri.'In! ilreu. Misth und Voung Lalics lUi y are supeiior In all other. 'I In y w ill nnl hend or break like the i?insle pritu;. but u ill pres'-f ve lbi i perlet tau l jrrm i fol t-li.ipi-ntieii Ih'ee or f-"ir ordinary kirii" wiil li.ive heeu thrown aeiile as Kel-e. 'i ll.) Ilnop. r.. covered w ill iloiih'e and twi-le.i threa-l. nod tae bottoin reil n'e not only iloulne sprina. but li:i (or donlilo) cov. red ; reveiiiius ttiem Iroui w vuriii t-u 1 t lieu dr.i.'iiiii ilowu i.lups. elair.. Ate. Th- Duplex E:iipir n a creul I.i vnrit'-wi!h nil la. i!ie nod id imi ver-a'l v reroeiuii nUe-' I y the I li.'i' ih.aziue a Ihe SPAN DA UD balill' OF HIE 'A.S.i IU V A uI.E V RLD. To ..ejiiy the follow in' inrliuinhle riilvaiila;e in Crinoline vir. : ifuperior inaiiiy, peneri manufac lure. :y!i-h sh ipe and, r! xiiiili'T. Wurabiliiy. finl". rl and tci'iiiiiny. eiinir.- for J. IV. i.imui.h s Duplet Klliptir, or Double !priii lviri, and bu sure you pi t the genuine aitu le. l.VAU K. T'i su.-ir.l attains! I POSITION be pii'tirular lo M I II 1. 1, i-l-irl- oil', re.) ns"l)t I'l. EX" hare the red ii.k taulp i. : yv.:rad ley'e Duplex Elliptic Steel springs," upon the wai.t li.ind none otliei are genome. Ali N id ice tlmt every Hoop unl admit a pin puse.l through th centre, thu revea'ins I he two (or double) fprms braided together therein, which i- ilierwcr. t ot llo ir (1 .-xibiily unit trt I'cili. and a coiiibiuat I'jii no I tu be found in any other i-kirl. Full CA I'.E in all .-Kin s w here FiRST CLASS skin aiu sold throughout iho United slates aud elsewhere. Manufactured by thu Pole Owner of th Patent, WESTe?, l; fcCAUY, 97 Chambers & 7" & e 1 Iteadc N. Y. October 10. HUi. -Iiu STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIV STREET. (E IJLY OPro.SlTE ..i I LLEll 3 STUUE.J liLUUMSUlll . PA. THE undersigned hog j it filled Hp, and opened, his new in this place, where he is prepared lo make up new '1 V ARl' of ill kinds in hi line, an l do rcpair ii., wiih uenlnes and ilnip.lch, upon Ihe iiot rea sonable term. HcaUn keep on hand STU V E-i ol vari'Mi iuin rn and Ftyle, which he will sell upon terms Iu suil uurchar. Give hi . II. lie is a goo I mechanic, and de scrvius of ,1 1 ..'ib'lc putruiiuge. JACOD METZ. Clooinsburg. Sept. 9. ISrdJ. ly. 82S. HOO'P SKIRTS?, 823 New Fall Styles I Are in every repect riaT tx, and embraraey conipl-le assortment lor Ladies. Muse, aim Cnil tlren, of the Newest tf tyles, every length and Sues of Wait. Our skiri. wherever ka-Tvn,6r more universally popular than any others before tbe public. They re tain their pfcap better, are lifhler. more tlalit:.iuore durable, and really Cheaper than any nher Hoop Skirt tu the market. Tim springe and mmeiunir are watrjnted perf ict. Every Uily ehould Try Them ! They are now betnc rxteoi vely Sold by .M.-eckaul. throushout the Country and at U liwlesuie and Utla il. at Maaufact.irv and dales Room Nn.W- Arrh HtreeV. below 7'h. Philad'a. Ask Hopkin's -own make " b-tf no oth.T ! CAUTION Voiin genuine unleas rHiUdil on aach Kid Pad 'llopkin's Hoop Skirt Mauuiactory. No. bit Afch Street. PtiiUdelpliin." Also, con.taatly on hand full lice of New York mad skirt, at very low prices. only. JSw tloch of Clothing. Hvrins ami SHiimifv diouds 1NVITFS Mientioii to lii.tO'k nf cheap and fash ioiihble Oi thing at his Store. 011 M. I IS .V Til E E 7 11 A O OMSJi 7? G . two toors ubove the jhntrica i, where lie. has jut received from New Vork and I In l.icli lj.lii.i, a mil nsm-rtuieiil f Mvii :iul IJoyN lolhiiiT, inrln lin? tli. moxt fnf hionnlil iluruhlc and IianJ n-tine, DH KS.-i tiOUDrf. counisiiiiK of fax, Hack, Frock9 Gum und Oil C!ol! Cotifs, ami I'uitlx, of nit rrts. izo. and colors. r.l.o r-plen-iihe'l his nlieady largi; .lock of Tall and Winfr Sliuwln ; stripeil. fiauri-.l and pl iin V'enti. ?t!i 1 rl . cravat. ftiK-k.. ci-h.-ir. hamikert hii-f, gloves. sii-peudi-rs n ml faii"y urtirle., M II. He has oiiptaiitly 011 hand n lare nnd well elected am.irlui -nt of t.TdlM aa I V iili l.' whirh he in prepnti il to make op to ord. r. into liny ki'i l ot iliithuij oil very ull.'fl noliue an I i t tlto betl of mi li ner. All hi rlotlunj i made tu weir and moat rf it in of home iniiiiufacl.iri:. A A I) f eery II ri;ti 01. Kin- an I l'!i.;ao lln i;asn of all nn I ex. Jewi-irv t imi oire'ii-ne I in tin. place. 11 in 1 hi siMieral a.f-ortmeii ol I'li.tlun Viitclie, len i lr j , A. c. A.C li.Wll) EOV.XM.URG. ri'MIIII-Ijllig, A J nl 20 Irflw. NKWTttBACCO STOKE. II. II. IllJXSBEnOEIl, Main S'i f 'tx Ijfloto the il American H'une,1' Where he e-. p. on hand, and furnulies to the lioire aiol couat ) Italic, at I lu a:i lpl.ii (limclj rn.i, TIM: i IT AM YLVG TCS.K (OS. DOMESTIC'AXD IMIXlTlTiiD CIGARS, all kinds cf KHuKl.xe. THIS tCi'O, SnofTj. Meerrriiaiin nnd Priar Wood f iper, a:.d all arlieie ii'rtiiliii 'n hi trade Sy Th"- email retail dealers in risars nn 1 chew me tobaceoe. umi'il liowill to iic In 11 11 rail. in .lead ol sending to la cities fur every urtii lo they need or piireliaeinf of thrm country pedlars. Neveiuber SI. lt.ti. 3lil. Lackawanna & Cloomsiiurg Kailioad. car TWO DAILY Til A INS. -a rN AND A FT I It NOVEMIIESI iT, M, PAS Mi t'tJLUJW: KJ SENG Kit TWAINS WILL RLN LEAVE SOU T (1 V A It D P M P M Pcrantoti, A A-t A M. 0.10 i.5". (I -jo io.a.i PM 0 6 0 6 2-'. 10 15 Leave Kineston, ti 00 I IuokihI ore. e.CO Arrive at Northumberland 9. AO LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M Leave Northunihcrlaud. 7.C0 ' I'udviIIo. -V ' Blooinsbiirg, S.?r, Arrive ot yrriiiton. 1240 Trnins l-'avina Kin;ton at 3 30 A: M for Prratiton connert Willi Train arriving i.t New Vork nt i -.'0 Leaving N'jrtliuiiibe'l.ind nl H.IW A M.and Kinslon ? 3D P. ill , c:im:ect with Tiain atrivin at New York at 10.55 P. M. P.iseiiaVr takii e Train Soiilh from Scranton at 3 5d A M via No Ih'iuibrrlnii l.reaih llarri.liurj IS 30 P M llaliimnre ii ::u P M .. VViirhiueion 10 COP M via Uu pert reach Philadelphia at? OOP M. U. A. FONDA, fupt. Ktnsnt'in. Nov.C-i. l.i:S. 'yu E NEW iiARSUMKII.Ll COMPIXEI) WITH IODID OF LIME, PflFr.MFD FOR G . W . P E I P Ed, liU TO N , y JAW'S R. MCIIOLS II CO. Man vficluriny Chemists, MAM. F Ai TL'P.l.RS OF T4 E ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH 1'rotoxidc of Sron, Which has become tu favorably known a a 7 f .Vi'C AVfl IiF.ST OH.1 7 IFF. Hv rtiysicio. diiil luvalids in ull ( aits of the rem try. The new r rerarr.tion, 5'ir.ipiriDi In rombinn tii.u with l.nii. e i.: Liui4." pn "ts ore r f he ii.n-t prompt al'.er.-.tue nj-ii'. in a 'or in cap:. Mo ! exi-rt-m; lo. I action upon t!i,. j in. uud ihi in n. unite .imi pl-asint doM'H. Il is e.Micede.l 1 1 a I thr; i,li. ri liv.; reeoiv. nl. r tome ( lictt i t' lodi -e nr-. i- it cit iin.t iticiJe.liy w..en asoemt-d with other alter nnv. iu con.biM.itinii ; and the'.i m'cuj to fulfill pertecily ail ihe favorable reUitiiions. The firs-l fT ct uu.illy observed uii-u SAKSAPAIilLLA WITH lOHIDE or LI ME" i taken, i an inrn-tm of tpp. nti; siiowni. that it ha tonic properties of a in iri.ri charaeter. It al teratrve efl'i'i-ts are man il'ej.1 iu it re.i ly ro n.HUH tion w ith the blood au-l lli-u Pale, t r uNm woiiie-i end rli'ldr' Ti in pro.'! rapidly uinl.'r it ue, and Hi-: v it 1 1 I'iiit U.iit nrruutC a a I'll;- -'ul. ditto... 1 1 i ad.oirably in'a.teil t .1 a I ir?e mim !ier u' I rei ir or m nl? air ( lion pecuiiar I tl.ii.lren It i uit e.i t theui liolu by llu iiul li:. .! a nd efiioi.'nt y of n.e.II. ii. il . X rt a'l I t:ie I)l., M I r n'l ve form el" l!i r . i.i. .J v. i t may be ei ' i"t n lull.' pcrio-l if re c on -tilii; !...-; tiifl irire :t",-.!. . , t.o tr-pu-n.ini f. or ii-l icil at -in to lake I' e yrn;i, cncoii. t. r.-.l. in U'liiip mu-.iii, t iii-.ii. nl. Dieen.e. and -;-. rt j i s -I !!' .",,i TI it rind I 0 .v"t p-Mil-ei.tly, iu iii.Ni'.-rale dike until iclief is oLt.iii.'-J In the tearing of the )i'an:i V'-ir, and during the Weather. the nrrniniilatiou of morbid uia't-r ii the system m i iu-.i ii ro:iie in :i i i r-1 and Vi ry troiihl"oiiie Las tiludf, ileauaclie, liu!, Coxii veuei. Lofts of Appe til'.-. Pjnii iu tlie JU!it. (nuielion. etc. are very common. iNollun.' ever dry ie. I i better adapted In exterminate or d- ive otTthese aff ctiou t!i in tin new c I.i a. ion of s.V.liAl AlUl.l-A Wii 'l 1UU1UE i'F I.I .1 K. prr partition lif:r ir, r vhich npproiimattl to it at ca Alterative, or IVo td Parijir, i Aa rrrr brfvrt he n placed n': the rear kef inrahis. Indeed, it !. uu eittiri-ty sk.w and c;Er r.e coii.biua lion, in no reflect rvscuiulni; unjt'.n.ig hiliieilu eiu p..ved. Til ." opinion uf m.-ilii-al 'li-'ii eoncerninj it thede iTriptn.ii of it chemical diameter. I h.' rap'Ul 10 val ue, ii.aiieer of use, tie., are given l.t ncinijl ir. whirh r.iu be Lad ut Ihe tl.tfo o! ai.y and all tirl c'a Urujgiels. CT- St.ltl in rlot.inl.ur. w hi legale ant' retail, l-y Ev.-r Ic M-yi r. and ull Umiats June ti, InbC Mil. jlSS LIZZ11-: PETEHMAN, Would announrc to ihe ladies f l Cloonrburf and Ihe Pill. lie retierallv. thr.t she 1ms iust leccived Irum f the tu ci ies her ins nnd SMMi-aici Slock of MILLINERY GOODS, conitjtinj of all article s Unraiiy fmin.' in first rlns Millinery More. Her goodi are of the hert quality and aiuoi:; ihe nm hnndmie and chenpert in the iiikrket Call and examine them for yourelve. Nifhody liou. I purchase :lewhere before examin irg IHiit'i Peterman's stock o I goods lionncis uiaJe lo order, ou the fhortent notice, or repaired. Ston on iMa.-i (itrct.t. 3d d..or bcluw the store of "rti'tnUi.hall 4: Pupcrt. Ploomsburg, (liny i. l"-ili. if. An: :t. THE undersigned respecti'tHly announces lo the public that he keeps constantly on hand, hi bis old r land, one door below Lulz's lirug Store. WALL PAl'Kll, Oil Cloth, and Paper Wiadow Shade. Cord. Tas sels and Fixtures, fir Pictures., ice, ot the very latest st j les. and i do all kinds of paper hangiue to order. E. J.TIIORTON. Ploom.-bnrg, April 4 lc60. if 51. WiilTMOYER, ATTORKET - AT - L.AAT, HLOOMSSURG, Pa. Office opposite To r-fice, over Harlmitn's ttore. Back Pay, ffoanty, Pensions and Gov imvtent claim promptly collected. Bloomburp. Apr. 4. '(Hi. J WILL GO TO 3 HOY 1.113 1? x P o u t 2 s: I'I Hotsg anH Cattle Mfe This preparatieff, long and favorably . known, will thor oughly reiovigorato brolcen-dowa and low-spirited borser, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach and la tear tines. i It Is a sure pre ventive ef all dhv .r,v .'wxr-fl enset incident ts) thU animal, such aa LO'C FEVER, CLA'DEEd. I t.Ll.iJ l U A- TEI!. HEAVES. fv " - . CilUli IIS, DIS TEMPER. FE-VE't.-l, FOf.VrER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, &c. Its wie improves the wind, increases tho appetite-gives a smooth and , erlosjy skin and "-T. traujforras the3 miserable skeleton tub) a fine-looking and spirited To keepers of Cows this preparation is Invaluable. It iiit.eades the quantity and improves the quality r the milk. It has been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the buttcr firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, it rlrei theia an a; petite, loosens I.U. ' If. -9 makes them thrive 13351 faster. Li all of Swine, such as Coughs, Cloers ta tv. T ...... tu.. KP a.itsi' te , artie'e art aJ a p.-iOe, py parting frora . r,, it a paper to a pipr in a barrel of swill the above diseases will b.-; eradicated or entirely prevented. If glvn in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hoc Cholera. Price 25 Ceata per Paper, or 5 Paper fbr $L PB.EPAB.ED BT S. -V- FOUTZ & TJRO., AT THEIB TrnotEsuE and MEDinvB betot. Ho. US Fran-klin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale.y DnigisU and Storekeepers UrongV out tlie Cited States. IC" Fur a.e i.t ti..- iiug More ol" '., Enn. $ MOVER, llloouisburg Pa. Plnniiiihure, Jan 6. ItfGfi. !2mo. DR. W. II. WIHTMOB, I 1 AS bjen in successful practice for a number ef ! I years, w iih the experience. tf the different hos pital- in Lump.- alo a meuiber of I ue Anulyical viedi'iiil Inilituteoi ,-VfW r ra. roiiti tues toatienn to nil proiV.aionnl cufv at his oiace No. v'-lo Filbert Street, Poilaiiflpl ia. 2. N-i t alent jieiiinne are en or recoDBmesiaea; the rem 'die a.lniiuilered are th"e which will out break row ii tiie r ontitulinn. but reaovate the sy le:u from alt injuries it has sustained from mineral lueil utile, and leave the syteid ic a health and pcriertlv condition, 3. DYsPEPSl tht tiilreing liease and fell deslri.yrr of health aiid happiness, andermiuing tk eon tituti m LtiJ yeatly carrvms lo u liuiely grave, can most empha ically be rured, - 4. M-lancholv. Abherratioti. that state ot !.lia. tion and weakness nf Ihe mind which rer.jar per. enjnynij the plcaeuie or perfwiut jnf the rlutie of life, i. HUE:? M ATI I, in any fomi -r condition, rhron. ia or arulc. warranted curahlj. li. EPILEPSY . or faCiuj; kirkness, all chronic stublii ri case of rS2ti-VLI2 DISEASES rnJiea'ly remnved ; ?a"t Ekeuiu and every d-rrle. i'm of ulreraiinns : Piles and ecrefulons diseases liiih have bulled all previous suedicai skill, can be cured l.y my treatment ; and I do say all disease, Cye I'oxtcvrnn.) can be cured by wearing my Merit rated t icket, w hich is a protection to the lungs aKa,nt oM changes of weather in c'l climates bav ins tu vcjstisnteti f.r year' the caue and character o ititeriiiil'eiit (fever and asue) iu all parts of the L oi Ted pt.ite -will cure per man. utly a. I clronic or aim? cae nf a;ue aud nervous piseascs ia a few i'ayj. lt Cuucir Cured without the knife or D-awIng C.ood. Tape Worm, thit dread to the ITunan Family for year, cm Ic removed with two rr thjae suses Cf try newly tlicovered renieily. vvarraulod in all cases, .u' in the Eulisi. and German Language free of cii ire. Will make vi.-iU any distanci. if iieirc l JI ty b.-. address'! by letter (confldentiallf .) and Medicine kcr.l with proper dire-'tious to in; :iarl ttl III', country. , OFFICE:, E24 Filbert St. Phila. April 4. Ifcfui iy. DU. J. R. I.VANS, rii);cia!i aud Sircou, r .-TAVI.M. invaVii . et i ai.ri.ity uu Main I'd , w mUt in I'.rm tlu nubl.c senera Iv tliat h i i preprart'd ! all. H i ft all l.'jn nef rai'bloliy aru punrtually last V U" in'riKt .! I t bis care, u:i teru- coiuaicnsa rale wita lb- times. try il- pay ta attjutiod tj Sjrjcry as well a me.-ieirie. Nuv.'-U. I f,li3.-ly. . . - M. M. THAUGII, att;? s: . a: y-at-jl v. ELOOMSBURG, Pa. Will practice in th several Courts Of Columbia and n.ij.'liun'' coitultes. ry Ai ;..ifctioii pramptly attended to. j.i ie t. I 't.b. CHA3. G. BARKLtY, Atloritey :it Iixv, BLCOSISUtRG, rOLniCiA CO., rA. practice in the several Cnnrtof Coiur.ibta V I III! otiuty. All lesal unines intrusted to nts caia si. all ree i v e pi t iii t atient.oii. o.1ir.'-iu ilaiiiMiat. Exehanje Eutldlngs, over Mill, r's S'ore. liloomtiirsr. April 1 3. 14 gALlSUURV, UKO. ct CO., " Fxtrnsive Vnnufartiirers and Iraporters or Gold. Plated arid Orcide Jacclrv, AM) NU KEL ri Ifctl av . .rio CASED PT OLT.S ELVES, And ;yery dem-iiption of Fancy Goods and Yankee Notion?, K. cinliy annpt.-d anJ deigncJ for Foulhcrn and Western Trade. Cuculars and full descriptive Price Lists seat free. Agents wanted" everywhere. Addres. BAL1SHCRV. P.KO. fc CO.. il I'UliitA VCE STR EET. Providence, K. I. . O. tobtr 24. 1gl. lm- OMNIBUS LINE. rT" HE undersiened would respectfully announce to 1 the citizen of lllooinshurg, aud the public gen erally, that lie i running an OMMBL'S 1-1 V E. he- iv. fen this I lace aud the dif- frrent Hhi) h'oad Llepot dul ly. ftui: ?avs excetited) to cornier t with the several Trains g'i; South a Wsst on the Caiaw isa aud tVillianiport Rail Itoati. and with tlmse going orth and South on the Lack. It HlootnshilrZ Kuad. llisOMMIil -ES are in good condition, eommo Cimis and comfortable, and charges reasonable. T7 Persons wikbisg to meet or see tpir friends depart, can tu accommodated, upon teasnnrbl (barges, by leaving timely notice at any of tbe 11b tels. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor. Bloomburg. Apiil 27, 1Pi".. UGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicines, at John R. Mnyer's Dm: Ptoee. corner of Main and Market Streets. A good assort me nt of . PURE DRUGS, Medicines, raint. Oils and Varnislto, always ea harti, and will be sold cheaper tha't al any otbcf Dn g Store ia lwn. QUALITY GUARANTEED, r : Prescriptions carefully compounded at Moyer' Drug Store. Ay era and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drag Blore, i 'Wi-hart'a Tar Cordial. Baker's Cod Liver Oil. Window's Soothing r?yrup, sold al .oyer" Drs Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call atMoyer Pr.ig 8tnre. I.eeiber of all kind, wholesale and retail, at 1. K. K oyer's Drug Store, Bloomsnurf , Pa. .;.,- AJay S. lPoo. tf. . liLA-NES I BLANKS!! jO f,.,. a .a r nrlziilgjmj tjre txU.,J .