AGRICULTUEAL. i KILLING HOGS. , ' Killing lios ia a business in "Wicli tbe whole community is interested, and perhaps & EnaH portioa acquainted with. 'It is term ed "butchering," and is often carried on in a butchering Btyle, while it is a business wor thy of being conducted "fes a decent and sci - entiSc way; I do not propose going Into-. a long programme of telling how to catch a hog, and bow to hold him, &c, but to throw '4ut a few hints. - Do not suffer the hog to be run over and worried by men, boys and dogs, getting his Hood" and flesh heated, just before killing. - I believe that is one causa of meat spoiling. Fomotimea we drive a hog or two to a neigh bor's bo as to "kill together," as it is termed "making use of the same force, same fire and . other filings ; and we have known the hams and shoulders of hogs thus driven to come out a little short before the next summer was oyer. ,'. ' Let the hogs be killed with as little noise, and worriment, and excitement as possible, A Jersey man has one man to go into the pen th a. broad faced hammer (like a shoe maker'B hammer knock down the hog, when other men come immediately and stick, others drag out, and go- to scalding, and so on with larrrer mrmber of hoes. Scalding machines have become very com- jnon, and are a good institution but every body has not got one, and still use tubs. I like the tub, and want nothing better for or dinary times ; but I want a rope and tackle, and one or two hands o help work the hog. I would not allow a hog put into water wh"ile there is a sign of life in him : but when dead, ' make an opening to tho gambrel strings and hook in, hoist the hog and dip him head and shoulder into the scald ; do not let him re main more than a second or two, lest the hair "sets," hoist him and air him, and if needful, dip him, again and again, till done, then hook into the lower jaw, and scald the hinder parts. I like slow scalds the best, as ( least likely to "set the hair." "While the hind parts are getting scalded, the face may .be cleansed. . Too little attention is generally . given to cleaning the head, as also the fee, leaving them for the women to worry over bv the hour in some cold outkitchen. As oon as the hog is hung p and washed off, let the head be taken off and set upon a bar rel or block, and regularly shaved and cleaned- And now, while speaking of the head, I want to say how I cut up the head. I lay it on its side and take off. the jowl (or lower jaw) I then saw down across the face, above ' the eyes, but careful to run. into the eye - sockets, and on through, leaving the eye - balls with the snout end, so that there is no further trouble with gouging the eyes out of face piece, then, without further separating v of the parts, starting between the ears, saw up and down wise, not caring to extend fur ther down the snout than tha saw-mark across the face, but clean through at the other end. Now, having done with the ears for han dles, I cut them off, then take out the brains for pickling skin the snout, and take off the flesh for scrapple, and throw the nasal organs, away. The faces are to be corned. I use a gaw, but never an axe, in cutting up a hog ; eorneiinently the meat is clear of splinters and chips of bones: In "chining a hog" to cool, I saw down the ribs instead of hacking them wtth a hatchet A smnll sizad hog hook flattened, answers very well for taking of the hoofs and toe nails of a porker, or you may use a pair of pinchers. German town Telegraph. MAKING AND KEEPING MANURE. However much may hava been said on - this subject, it does not seem to have had the desired effect, when we see so many of those whe are considered as our bet fL xaers neglecting to take any steps toward promoting" this end ; who, instead of devis ing means for increasing its amount, even Buffer a large part of that already obtained ta be wasted. Now, I believe that most of those who permit this are entirely ignorant of the great injury they are doing themselves, and there may be a few who, though they have had their attention called to it, yet fail to adopt aiy means for remedying so great an eviL I wiH endeavor to point out a few of the most prominent sources of waste anl the means by which they may be obviated. To begin with the most important of all . manures, which is that obtained from our tables and cow-houses, and which is usual ly thrown out into the barnj-ards to remain there without any protection from the wca " ther, until after it has been soaked by rain . after ndnr it is carried out into the fields to restore the waste occasioned by the removal ef preceding crop?. Now, if this water, after soaking through the manure, and extracting, from it a large amount of its usefulness, wascarefully saved ' by being caught in tanks, the loss would not be as much felt, but even this is not done, and as barns are generally built on the eide of a hill when possible, the water which falls into their yards run off almost immediately ; and when not so situated, drains are usually cut from them to permit it to escape, and thus a quantity of the most fertile part of the manure is lost , Now, this loss could easily be prevented, and with slight expense, by the erection of -a shed nnder which the manure could be stowed, or what would be better stiil, if a covered pit could be prepared, in which it might be deposited," and any expense incur red in this way would soon be repaid. Ammonia is also- constantly escaping from the manure in the form of gas, and as it is a ubstance which contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is especially beneficial to rops, it would be well if it were also saved, Now this can be accomplished by the appli plication of several substances to the ma nure, among the cheapest and beet of which a the sulphate of lime or plaster of Paris, ditdocsit in this way: the sulphuric, acid in the sulphate of lime has a greater affinity for the ammonia than it has for the lime, and it therefore leaves the lime and at taches, itself to the ammonia, forming the Bulphata of ammonia, which is a fixed salt. There u another point to which I would call attention, and that is the ways by which we can increase cur stock of manure ; and though they are many I will only speak of two of tie most prominent : The first is by 1 mear.3 cf the coznnot hea jv and the second by the- pig pen. If yoa voir enfy-give- your T; r?t!f nn'-'-rial.' tne -onsnMt- of mmr ' TTURBAH FOB CATAVTISSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to eonrpar witfc trlngacy of the Money Mar net, Losk and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Just call at tbe farorite business stand of McVinch St Shumsn. -and you will be met by tbe obliging Proprietor! or their Clerk and shown through their great variety Store free of charge, of course. tbey will give you a fair chance la pead your loose change, they trust much more profitably than It can be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger jn all Its varieties than usual. Their Ladies Dress Goods areof the nicest styles Market. They have a fine assortment of Hals, Caps, looU and Shoes, Summer Cloths, CasineU. Cassimera and Vesyngs. and numerous articles common to such establish ments, besjJes a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Queensware and Groceries, nil at greatly reduce I prices. They wuh to conduct their business en the system, of "PAY AS YOU GO'' and they tbink they can afTitrd to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for many pnsi favors, and ask the future patronage of their former customers and the public generally. McNIXCH Sc. 8I1UMAN. May I6.1SC6. tf. CI REAT ATTRATION J AT COISiQ? :35T 9 S33 C HOC 12 El Y STOKE. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizens of Blooinsburg and the surrounding country that he keeps constantly on band at bis old stand, on the south east corner of Main airfl Iron its., a prime lot of GREEN AND BtACK TEAS, Coffee. Sugar. Syrups. Tobacco, Cigars, Dried Fruit, , Coal Oil. rfnuff. Spices, Butter. Eggs, I.ard Cheese. Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor and Hand Lamps, faints of all Binds, and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs, Dry Quods, Calicoes. Cloths for boy's wear, Soaps, Flour, Chop. Queensvt are. Glass. Put ty, Salt.. Fish. Meat. Candies Buckets, Brooms, Hosiery. Cooks. Writing Paper, Ink, Hardware, Pocket Knives. Combs, sec. Sec. Itc. Hekseps in fact everything appertaininj to a first class Cii'ocery and Variety Store. He is determined noC to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the HIGHLIT MARKET PRICES. Having Just received anew stock, the people are earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. By strirt attention to business, be hopes not onlv to ru- tain bis pa-.rouage but to increase it- lie feels thank ful for past favors, and with many years experience in tbe business, he feels confident be can render sat isfaction to all who favor him With their patronage. JOHN K GlttTON, Bloomsburg. June -20, 1366. QROVESTEEN&EO., Piano-Fort Manufacturers, 499 Broadway, New York. T'llrl ATTENTION of the public and the trad i 1 invited to our NEW MM Lfi, SEVEN OCTAVE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which for volume and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of Cored in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French grand action, barp pedal. iron frame, over-strung bass, etc-, and each instrument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. 11. Gbovistieh, who has a practical experience of over tnirty years in tiieir manufacture, is fully war ranted in every particular. TlE' GROrt:STEFjr PIAJfO-FORTET Baoatvso tbk b:ohest iwiid or merit at tub cele brated World's Fair Where were exhibited instruments from the best niakers of ondon. Paris, Germany. I'hiladclphia, bultimore, Boston and new York ; and also at the American Institute for fve successive years, the Gold and Silver Mxals from both of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. By tho iutroduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing largely, w ith a stiictly eah system, are enabled to offer the e instruments at a price which will preclude- all competition. Our prices are from $1U0 to $200 cheaper than any first cIsks Piano-forte. TERMS. Net Cash in enrrent funds. Descriptive circulars sent free: July J I, 1C66. ly. H. at P. KSPY HOTEL, Eij'j Columbia Co. fia. T he undersigned having become sole proprietor of ibis well known and conveniently located stand, respectfully informs bi friend, and the public in general, that he has put his houe iu complete order for the accommodation of boarders, and for the recep tion and entertainment of travellers who may feel disposed to furor it with their cutom. No expense has been spared in preparing this Hotel for th-eiiifr tain me i I of gnevts, and nothing IjoJ1 be wanting, on hi p rt. to Hiinislar to tbeir personal comfort. The location, as well as the buildm. ii good one, and all together is amply arranged to please the public. ISRAEL ML'MEV. Hspy. April 11, l806.-tf. IJLOOMSCUKG FA-NCI' TRIMMING A31D BOOK STORE, Second dcor below Uartmaa's Xaia Street. Just received, a new stock of ZEnitHS, WOOLEN AD COT TON YARNS, COB2ETS, LACE3, EMCRyjDEtllE, MUSLIN, EDGINGS. DEES3 TRIMMINGS, and every variety of articles usually kept in a A'sPcuonl Hooks. Hymn Hooks. Titles, Sunday School l!oKs. and a large h-t of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Account and Memorandum Books, Blank Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages, an J a general and well-seUct-ed assortment of Paper, Envelopes, 4te. A. D. WEBB. Bloomsburg, June 20. 1SC6. -tf T CI 85 K E A T C A US E OF HUMAN MISERY. VWroh JUST published, in a sealed enve -" lope. Trice C cents. A lecture on the nature-, treatment and radical cure of Seminal Weakness or Spermatorhoea. Induced by Self-Abuse; InvolnnUry Emissions. 1m notenrv Nervous Uebihty and. Imp dimeuts to Marriase generally ; Consumption, t'pilepsy, and Fits : Mental and Physical Incapacity, fee. By Robert J. Culverwell, M, 1- author of th-s 'Green Uook.'fcc. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lee iure. clearly proves from bis own experience, that the awful consequences or pen-Abuse may be ually removed without Medicine, and without dan gerou surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rjn;s, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter bat his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately anJ" radically. This Lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands Sent under seal to any address, in a plain envelope. on receipt of six cents, or two postage rtamps. Also Pr. Culverwell'a .Marrige Guide, price 25 ecu is. Address. Cll AS. J. C. KLINE l CO., 127 Bowery, New York, I'. O. bos 43d October 17, 1S66. ly Peas St Co. QUR STARCH GLOSS Is the only Arlicle.flsed by First Class floteU, EamifJ. l ies, and Thousands ol Ea mi lit-s. It gives a beautiful polith, making the iron pasa smoothly over tbe cloth, saving mdch tme and labor. Goda done up with it keep clean much longer con sequently wilt not wear out so soon. It make Old Linen look like New. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE la rnr Burn the Woslo. It is soluble in bard aa w-ll as soft water. It Is nut up in the safest, neatest, and most convenient form of any offered to tne publia is HarrauteU not to Streakf tbe Clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we ofTr ex traordinary Inducements. Address, HEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO., f So. Sia Fultan St.. Ksw York. September 36, J6M. 4ai. A& Co. IUMBER, Manufactured to order at H EURICO jMILL, Rosa Township, Luzerne County, Pa-, Oak, EI cm lock, maple, 5a, FINE, POPLAR AND BEACH. tc for Sle at the MILL, or delivered at any point on the Railroad, reached or connected with it. (L- Address, tbe subscriber, at Wvoming. Le xeme Coonty.or JAMEd JACKSON, the Sawyer, at Usrveyviile P.O. Tbe MM Property, with twa-Haases, Barn and oth er improvements, surrounded by about 1430 Acres of Laad, 13UU of which remains heavily timbered, i avow fur sale at a bargain, by nHHE PERUVIAN SYRUP ' -- IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OP THE Protoxide of Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKE3 AT TH F! DfulT fir rtiaoao n supplying the Blood with its vitaiT prihci'fle, or I ., t B MWMV I D i kM Thi is the secret of the wonderful success of this riueuy in curing Djspepdia, Liver Oomplairit, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fever, Humors, Loss of Consti tutional vigor, Diseaies of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases orislnatins in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or low trtatc of the Being free from Alenhni ., rv.n - ... :. ing effects are not followed by corresponding reduc tion, but are permanent, infusius strength, vigor and New Life inte all partsof tbe ystem, and bunding up an IRON CONSTITUTION. " DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT. P. O Dunha. Canada Eat. March 24, IHt5. l'l am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 35 years xtandlng." "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks daring which I have uned the Pe ruvian drrup.that lean scarcely persuade myselfof the reality. People who have known me are aston ished at the change. 1 am widely known and can but rccommeud to others that which haa done so much for me " A CASE OP 27 YE R8" STANDING CURED rrou, INSLEV JEVVETr.No.15 Avon Place .Boston "1 Iiava sutlered. and sometimes severely for 27 years, from dyspeptic, I commenced taking the Pe ruvian Hyrup, and found immediate benefit from it In tbe course of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed unin terrupted health ever since." yeuuniu AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON PAYS - I have been using the Peruvian Syrup for some time past ; it gives me new Vigor.Buovancy of spir its. Elasticity of Muncle." 77oiuand, have bten ckanStd by Ike rue of this remedy from vtak, euktf. suffering creatures. ( elrang.ktalthy amd kappa men and women; and invalids cannot reanoua tg kesitate to gitt tt trial, A pamphlet of 32 pages containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent pbyslcians, clergymen, and others, will be sent rREE toauy address. 0"See that each bottlehas Perovim Strop blown in the class. FOR SALE BY J. J. DtlfSMOHE, Proprietor, 36 Dey ft New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the BEST nwifcur lor scruiuia and all kindred d nouses ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Pure Solution of it. Dr. II. Anders' Iodine Water Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL- VFNT I ! Containing a Full Grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and llestoraiive. has cured and will cure SCROFULA in all its mani fold forms. ULCERS. CANCERS. SYrHILIS.SALT 2HEUM ; and it has been used with astonishing success iu ca ses of Kheumallsin, ly spep-iaf Consumption, Female Complaints, Heart. Liver and Kidney Diaejscs.fce- Circulirs will be sent tu ee to any one sending their address. Price $1.10 a boUie, or C for $5.00 Prepared by Dr. II. ANDEKd. Physician A. Chmist.J For Sale by J. P. DI.NSMORE, 36 Dey St. New Y And by all Druggists. yiSTAR'S BALSAM OF YKLE (UERIIY HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with th? most astoui.-hing success in curing Coughs, ColJ:,lIoar.-euesi, Kore Throat Influenza, Whooping cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, LiS culty of BreathiDff, AstLma, al ever y affec tion of THE TIMOAT,LUNUS $ CHEST. wliieh carries cfT more victims than any other dis ease and which hafil :s the skill of tbe Thysicians to a greater extent than any other innlady. often YI ELDS TO TH 13 REMbD Y when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, safe in its Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation, free from noxious irtrertinent poisons, or minerals ;inlting skill, meiii cal knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE ! and is entitled, .merits, and receives the general con fidence of the public, SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of fierman, N. Y.. writes as follows : "Vistar"s Bilsm or Wild Ohlrrt give, universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a tough by loosf nui! and cleanring the lun;s,and allaying irritation thus reuiovins me rime, insieaa oi arying up tne cough and leaving the cause behind. I consider the liaisam a, go d as any, if not the best, Cough lue-iciue with which l am acqunititea. Rev. Jacob Secoler, of Hanover, Pa Well known and much respected anion? tbe German population in tbis country. makes the following elate- meiii tor toe Dcneni oi tne amicted. Dear Sirs Having realized in my family impor tanl benefits from the use of your valuable prepara ion v istaks DALfis of w ild L.HERRT it atlords me pleasure to recommend it to tbe public. Seine ei;ht years ago one of my daughters see.ued to b in a ile clint: aui little hopes of her recovery were untertain ed 1 then procured a bottle of your excel lenr K.-ilay:. and before she had takn the whole of the contents of tbe bottle there -was a great improvement in her ncaitn. i my inuiviauai case made frequent use oi yourvaiuaoie meaioine.aua nave always been benefitted by iu JACOB SECHLER. Trice One Dollar a Bottle. FR SALE BY J. P. DIN9MORE. 36 Dey Street. New York BETU W FOW1.E, . boN, Proprietors., Boston. AliD BT AtX DKUOejTS. QRACES Celebrated Salve CURES CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS. . Grace's Celebrated Salvo CURES WOUNDS.BRUISE3, BPS A INS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES BOILS, ULCERS, CANCERS. Grace's Celebrated i alve CURES 8 ALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAPPtD HANDS. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve HEALS OLD SORES .FRESH WOUNDS, fcc Itia prompt in action, removes pain at onec. and re daces the most angry-looking swelling and imfla mauona. as if by magic thus ajlordimg relief and a complete cuveny Only 23 earn box I (Sent by mail far U cents,) For Sale by J. P. mVORg 30 Dey HruH,w Tork.- JgARGALNS IN WATCHES. The UNION WATCH CO., aoanafaetarers, M9 Broadway, New York. ofTsr their entire sioek at less than cost, for cash. Tbi. affords a rare opportunity for dealers wishing to replenish for boHday trade, to select from a great variety unsurpassed for richness nf rieaie . iimk,iiniii nnl it ica. and real worth. POLDlEftS" WATCH Ed, Europesa made, in Stout Silver and Cold Plated Cases warranted cor re, t time-keepers beautifully engravea. wnne uiai anu fancy finished haiias ; a superb ornament. Trice, per case of six. t). The plated, per case of ix. 4S. SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE! We do not deviate from this rule upon any couilition. HUNTING SILVISB. WAKIlliS, bnglisb move ment, perfectly adjusted, and warranted correct time keepers ; beautifully engraved stout double cases, white dial and fancy cut bands bold only by the esse of six. p. ice $37. Tbis is tbe cheapest really good article in tbe market, furnishing a stout hunt ing durable watch, which WILL KEEP GOOD Tl.V L at a MODERATE PRICE In justice to mauy retail dealers whom we are supplying, these watches will not be sold to any one at retail, or in any quantity leva than a case of six. GOLD PLATED WATCHES. 18 K. plate, 'same movement as above, and i.- precisely the same style of watch, with the exception that these are heavily plated on composition metal. Price, per case of six, 557, Sold only by the cKe I HUNTING SILVER WATCHES, in superior fin isheJ cases, full engraved, s ic.i that reailjlv sell at retail at from $io each upward-, per enseof si,J7-i Same in gilt casus, per half dozen, STi. Sold ouly by tbe Case 1 Improved Heavy Silver Duplex Chronome ters infullj ruby action movement. Those wishing a superior time-piere, that can be relied upon in all seasons and weathe rs. should buy this, ror Railroad men and others requiring an ac curate lime-piece this it unsurpassed. Cased in best liver in m handsome aud durable manner, per ease of nx. $-204. A ample will oe sold for Sii. Thse watches retail at from $T5 to 93011 AMERICAN WATCHES. OF OUR OWN MANU FACTURE AND WARRANTED. Two ounce Silver Cases. Have the best running apparatus of any watch ih existence. Per case of six 8IH0. Singlt one t-U. Retail at til) anu upwards. Also Gold and Silvei Watches, a superb stuck of silver ware, and gold, plated and Gill Jewelry for Country Merchants. Pedlars, Jtc. Goods sent to any part of the country by Express, C- O. D to be paid for when received. Order atones . No advances required. Send for Circular. UNION WATCH CO., 14'J Broadway, New York, October 10. 18.. JKW QOAL y ARD. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Bloomfburg and Columbia county , that they keep II the dilfereut numbers of stove coal an J selected lump coal for smithing purposes, on their wharf, ad joining McKelvv, Nee.1 AtCo's Furnace ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the wei;h coal, bay and straw .iKcwisea nor.e ami v agon, to deliver coal to those who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article, and sell at the very lowest prices. I"leae call and examine for yourselves before purchaingelewhere J. W. IIKNUtP.iHOl'. AUGUSTUS MASON. rpHE undersigned will take, in exchange for Coal 1 and Groceries, the following named articles : Wheat. Hye, Corn, Oats. Potatoes, Lard, l.'nm.bhoti der, and side meat. Butter, Bgg.o. Hay. fcc, at the bighestcash prices, at his Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. V. HtADLKSHUT. Bloomsburg, April 2.5, ldiiti, ly. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. JJ UliUUJlOuUIlU, CO- JSLUMBIA CO., PA. s7i B'lj HE subscriber, proprietor S uak r WtXFli of lhe ahwve named e m 'kI E tensive establishment, is now JAJiUteJ prepared to receive orders lor All Kinds of Machinery, for CoMeries, Blast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILL:. THRESHING MACHINES. &C. &.C. He is also nrDared to make Stoves, all sizes and ialterns. p!ow-irons, and everything usually made in fWt-class Poundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war lanthiniin receiving the largest contracts on tbe m t rejsonable terms. jy Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for eantiniM. This establishment is loca.ed near tbe Lnckawa- na A- Bloomsburg ttaiiroaa uepoi. PETER BILLMYER Bloomsburg, Sept. 12. I6G3. DliNTISTRY. C. HOWE R, STJROrON DENTIST. RFSPEC'TFULLY offers hia nrnre.. ional services to the ladiea and emtio riA men of rii.iomstiurgand vicinity. He i L ' rirenared to attend to all the i,ln operations in the line of his profession and is provided wilht'ie hitest improved PORCFJJtlJH TEJCTf; which n il liin -terted on golu.platiua. silver and rubber ur tolookw ll as tbe liatuial teeth. Ml ler-il plate and blix-k teeth manufactured ar all 0 er'tionson teeth. carefully and properly attended to Kricnce and office a few doors above the Court II iii-e. same side. El jo.iibburg, June 6 1SG3 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, ear!y opposite the Episcopal Church. C:OrHlNG OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. " 1 Y stock is composed cf fine clothing, medium it I and low priced adapted to all conditions, tastes and wants. He has the latest styles for the season a fine assortment of Overcoats and Gentleisen's Shaw.s, from low to the very best tits Goods are lathiunfible and well Made. Iu addition to my stock of ready-made clothing, I have piece goods for custou orders, And having one of the first class cutters. I gtiaran te a fit m all eases and give satisfaction. AI.o a variety of UCOLLX AM) LIXKX MiIRTS, Btockin?, Nr-ekti:-. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything in th.. tentlemen- line of clothing. Also, Hats, Boots aud tiojn, Trunks aud Carpet bars. I will s.ll at the lower t Market prices. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS, Rlnoirtgburg, Nov. 15, 15C6. tr 1 IKIl YUAIl! We VA,U U ajrents evtry wher e wan lO ff our imnroved 20 Scwinr Machines. Three kinds. 1,'nder and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or larre commissions paid. The ONh Y raacnines in tbe United Stiles for less than St1), whicq are fully licensed by Hon . Wtiml cr & Wi son. GrOvr & Baker. Si nger 4. Co.. and Bacheldcr. All other cheap Machines are lnfrine luentsand the seller or usei are liable to arrest, hire and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or rail upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Me., or Chicago 111. Deeesuhar 30. 1SC5. ly. j 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FECNING BOARDS I OR sale. The undersigned offers for sale upon the most rvasonahle teruia, at his place of business, in HEVrON. COLUMBIA COUNTY, one hundred thou sand shingles and a large lot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. AlcriJiNRY. Benton, May 9. I8A6. W. c. nEftezET, SCO. W. CaarEXTEK. Established 1828. G. XV. CAUPEMER, HEXSZE V & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. 737 Market St. one door below eth, Ppiladklfhia. DRUGS'. MPDICINES. CHEMICALS. TAIMi, OILS. GLA;-S. VARNISHES, DYE?, And every other article appertaining to the business, of the best quality, and at tbe lowest Market Rates. March 2?, I860. jJEW RESTAURANT, In Sbive't Building, on Main Street. WM, GILMOR.E, luforms the citizens of Blooinsburg and vicinity that he has opined a New RESTAURANT, in this place, where he invites hit old friends and customers to call and partake of his refreshments. It is his intention to keep the best LAG EE BEER AND ALE, constantly on hand ; Also. Porter. Sarsaparilla. Min eral Water. Fancy Lemonades. Raspberry and Lent on tyrups, can always be bad at his Restaurant. Iu the eating line he presents a not surpassed in this place; viz. Pickled Oysters Clams, Sardines- Fish, Barbecued Chicken, Pickled Tripe and Beef Tongue, A.C, eVc. lie also bis a good article of Cigars and CJiewing Tobacco for his customers. 0 Give him a call. Bloomsburg, Jane W, 1806. T I CU I ITCH ! 1TCU ! J S3RATCH ! SCRATCH SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Core The Itch in 48 floors. Also cures SALT RHEUM. ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OP THE SKIN. ?rire 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. By tending 60 cent to WEKE.S ec rOTTEK.Sole Agents. 178 Wash ' i 1. 1 i m in.ii" iiU4qJat' s ZiLf. Trvjr" JET WYOMING lffS&UANCE COMPANY, WILKKS-BARR&. PBNNA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $150, ASSETS. Ftock not called in, Sfl 40, 6 000 miu 01 HI 000 IdO (XK) Bills receivable, it k 5 20 Bonds. ... Temporary and call loans, . '. ... ; f-..k- Cfnb 103 shares Wyoming 6 m snares rirsi nuu' "- - - 70 shares Second National Bank at V ilkes-Barre 7 .(XK) .580 IU BUBrCl ,1 - - - ft no-il P.tatp. - - - I 519 10J 414 'Judgments, - - " " Due from A;ents and omers, ... , Cash in hand aud in Bank. - 1 13lICTORS. O. M. HOLLENBACK, L. V. SHOEMAKER. JOHN RtUCHARD. H. M. HOYT, SAMUEL WADHA1S, O. .OLLINS, CHARLLS DORRANCE. Wit. S. ROSS, R D. LACOB CHAR LE A. MINER, Si EWART PIERCE, G M llAHunu. G. M HOLi.EAL.iv. rrestaevz. L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vice Vrcs'l. R. C. SMITH. SxcRATAkT. " r. linutv IV, Agent, March 25. 13G5 - U'sburg, Pa. QREAT IM FRO VE3IEN T IN SEIflNG MACHINES. Empire Shuttle .Tliichinc ! 8ALE!RX)M3. 536 Broadway. N. Y., 250 Warbincton tt eet. Boston. 921 Che-nut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEB. 14. IbOO. nillS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new X principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable iuipn vements. having been examined by the most profound experts, and pronounced to b8 Simplicity and Perfection Comhined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, makes the LOCK or SHI TTLE STITCH, which will neither Rll tor RAVEL, and is a'ike on both sides : performs pprfect sewing on every description of material, irom i-caiuer i ine imei nausuoa, luusnn. with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having nrunertAH oruuu WUCEU and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive it than anv other machine in the market. - A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, wltnout fatigue or Injury to neauu "- Us Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construc tion renders i'. almost iu)poBible to get out of order. and is GUARANTEED by the company to give eu tire satisfaction. We respectfulry invite all those who may desire to SUDDIV tnemseives wiin a suneri' r aiunir, iu tumo and examine this UNRIVALLED MACHINE. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to wcik tbis machine to their entire sat isfaction. Agents wanted for all towns i l the United States where agencies are not already established. Also, for Cuba. Mexico. Central and South America, to whom a liberal discount will be given. IMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MF'G CO.. 53ti Broadway. X. Y, s TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT. Announces to his many friends and numerous t n t oiner that he continues the above business at his old place of business ou MAIM biUl.El, ULUWli n i ii n His customers and others can be accommoditcd With FANCY STOVES ui ail aiuua, ci"i cji int. mcj.'tu tisij ... article louiiii in an well reguiaiea Mint' f AMI TINWARE, I'sTA Bl.ttUMLNTS in the cities and on the mot reaKonable terms. SPOUTING, for bouses and b rn. will be ou up on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing dune promptly anu uoon nocrai terms. He also keeps on hand a lirze supply of Milk l ain, of ditlereut sizes and prices ; besides a fine as sortuient of Fisher's Patent felt-Staling Fruit Pre ser vhiz cans, ijive tiui a can. July IS. l-CC tf. JATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. V. Dradley's ( elcbralcd Patent (OR DOUBLE SPRING) Tbe Wonderful Flexibility and grent c.-inaf rt a n J pleasure t any Lady wearing the Implex Elliptic rkirt will he experienced particularly in a LI cmwjeu AsseinDiies. uperas, varri ijfes, uaiiroail .ars. Arm t'hairs, Clurch Pews, for Promenade and House Dress, as tlm kirl can be folded w hen in use to oc cupy a smnll place as easily and conveniently as a hilK or Vuolin Dress, an invaluable quality in crin. oiine, not found in any Single Spring Skirt. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort; and " convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic r-teel Spring tkirt for a single day, will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. For Chil dren. Missis and Voung Ladies they are superior to ail others. They will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preserve thcii perfect and graceful shape when three or fur ordinary Skirts Hill have been thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with ilouble and twisted I tire and tbe bottom roils are not only double springs, but twice (or doablu) covered ; preventing thcui fioui w earing out w hou dragging down stoops, stairs, tc. Tbe Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite w ith all la dies and is universally recommended by the fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SKIRT OF FI1E FASHION A I! LE WORLD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in Crinoline, viz : Superior quality, perfect manufac ture. slylih stupe and finish, flexibility, a.! nihility, comfort and economy, enquire for J. VV. Citiiiuf 'i Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spriug Skirt, and be sure you g"t the genuine article. CAUTION. To guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE that skirts ottered as")L' I'LLX" have tbe red ink stamp, viz : "J. W. lirad ley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs." upon the waist band none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin passed through the centre, thus revealing the two (or double) spring braided together therein, which is the secret ot their fljxibilily and strength, and a combination not to be found in any other skirt. FOR SALE in all Mores where FIRST CLASS skirts are sold throughout the United states and elsewhere. Manufactured bv the Sole Owners of the Patent, - WESTS, BRADLEY at CAR Y, CTT'bnmbers & 79 4. el Reade talk., N. Y. October 10, lsitt. liu TEW STOVE AND TIN SLI0P. ON MAIN STREET. (NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLtU S cTOKt.J BLOOMSBCR ,, PA. THE undersigned hat jtst fined up, and opened, bis new STOVE ASD'TIiY SHOP, in this place, where he is prepared to make np new TT WARE of ill kinds in his line, and do repair int. with neatness and disp itch, upon the most rea sonable terms. He also keeps on hand STOVES oi various patterns and styles, which he will sell upon terms to suit ourcbasers. Give hia. a oil. He is a gooj mechanic, and de serving of itt pnb'lc patronage. JACOB METZ. Blooinsburg, Sept. 9, 13fl6. ly. SAMUEL KNORR, ATTOKNEV-AT-IjAW, CLOOMSBCRG. PA. Office over liar (man'' t Store, ovpotite Post Office itteoaieftarg-, April . 1SQ6 . U. RXlINND"MININGPA .11 PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mills at Mill Grove, near Bloomsburg. Columbia County, Pa.. I am now prepared to 611 at orders for Wrapping, Dry Blastrag and Water Pronf Paper, on short notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware house in Wilken-Barre, and appointed Joseph Brown of the firm el Kr own. Gray. Co., my agent tod repose of my paper in Luzerne Coanty. THOMAS TRENCH, Bloomsburg. Sept, 16. 1965. LLS90 A IT1 0 ft T EI ! Agents wuted f yrfjytajaasMgarrs. jnst ernt. Ad. JV etc StocJzqf Clothing. Spring and Summer Goods. INVITRS sttcntion to bis stock of cheap and fash ionable Clothing at his Store, on MJilN STREET, BLOOMS BURG, two doors above the Jimtrican House., where he has just received from New York and Phi ladelpbia, a full assortment of ITleii and Boy's Clothing, including the most fesbionable, durable and hand seme, DitESS GOODS, consisting of liox, Sack, Frockt Gum and Oil Cloth Coals, and rants. of all sorts, sizes, and colors. He also has replen ished his alieady large stock of Fall and Winter Shswta; Ktriped. figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and fanry articles. N. It. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths anJ Vestings. .which he is prepared to make up to order, into any kind of clothing on very abort notice and in the best of man ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home oinnufaclurs. A N D Of every Description. Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in ibis place. all and ex amine his geueral assortment ot Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, &ic. Ac. DAVID LOV fc.MJLUU. Bloomsburg, April 30. I&&). NEW TOBACCO STORE. II. II. 11 UNSBERG ER, Main Street, below the li American House" Where he keeps on hand, and furnishes to tbe home and coutit-y trade, a t Philadelphia (lowest) prices, FIXE ( UT AX I) PLUG TOBAlfCS, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS, all kinds of v ;uei.; TOBACCO, Snuff, Meerschaum and Briar Wood Pipes, and all articles pertaining to hi trade Those small retail dealers in cigars and chew, ing tobaccos, would do well to gtte buna call, in stead ol sending to ths cities for every article tbey need or purchasing of these country pedlars. November -I. lebb. dm. Lackawanna Bloomsburg Kailioad. TWO DAILY TRAINS. a ON AND AFTFR NOVEMBER 27, JSC"!, TAP BENCER TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: L E A V E SOUTHWARD P M P M Leave Peranum, 4 4i Kingxton. 6 1(0 P.loomslurg. 8.? Arrive at Northumberland 9.50 LEAVE NORTH WARD. A M Leave Northumberland, 7.1)0 " Danville, 7-40 Bloomsburg, 8.25 A M. 6 50 6.5.S S.20 10.35 PM 5 b0 5 40 6 25 10 15 A: M for Scranton Arrive at Scranton. 12 40 Trains leaving Kingston at 9.30 connect with 1 rain am vine at New York at 5.S0 Leaving Norlliumhe'ltnd al A M.and Kingston 2 30 P. M , connect with Train arriving at New York at 10.55 P. M. Passenger taking Train South from Scranton at 5 5il A M via Noiihuniberland.reath Harrishurg i 30 P M. Baltimore 5 30 P M.. Waxhineton Itt 00 P M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 00 I' M. 11. A. FONDA, Pupi. Kingston. No v. 25. 1865. fJMIENEW fepring fc Summer Medicine. AKlSAlaAi:iLLA COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PRF.P.1RED FOR C. XV. PETTES, LOSTON, By JAMES R. MCKOLS L CO. Man uffieturing Chemists, MANUFACTURERS OFTME ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH Protoxide of Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a TV.YiC J!.VD ll'F.. Ev rhvsicians and Invalids in all pails of the ccun try. The new preparation. "5irsapanl1a In combina tion with LidliJe of Lime," presents one of the ui05t prompt alterative agent,. jn a f0rin capable of exert ing lull action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded tl al the altera tive, resolvent, or tonic clfccts of loiline ari exert ed moat decidedly wuen associitcd w ith ether alter alive, in coinbixation : and the SarsapariMa secm to fulfill perfectly all the favorable requisitions. The first elf, ct usualiy observed li :u "SAP.SAPAU ILLA WITH IODIDE OFLHIC" is taken, is an increase of appetite shitwin; that it has tonic properties of a m.irked character. Its al in ill ready combine lion with the blood aud tissues Pale. icrfulous women and children improve rapidly under its ue, and tho vitil fum tioim assume a cealiiiy condition. It is admirably aiiaptej to a large number ot chrrn ic or acute atlVrlious peculiar It children. It is suit ed to them both by the mildness a nd efficiency of medicinal eflV-ct aud the pleasaul, attractive form of tne remedy. It may be given for a logg period where constitutional inll.ieucas are deired, and no repug nance, or disinclinat ou to lake the syrup, encoun tered. In While f e 'ling. Hip-Joint Duca.e. and Distortions of the J-piue, it s'uonl 1 b given p 'rsUt-t-ntly, in moderate dobes, until relief is obtained. In the Spring nf the Year, cad duri.ig the Warm Weather, the accumulation of morbid matters in tbe ay stem seems to become manifest and very troublesome Las situde, Headache. Boils, Costi vene;s, Los of Appe tite, Pains iu the Joints, Iodigcslion, etc, are very common. Nothing ever devised i bi tter adapted to exterminate or d.-ive off these nff.-clion than this new combination of SARSAfAUILLA WITH IUD1DE OF LIME. Ve preparation like it, or tchith approzimrtcs to i) as en Alterative, or Blood Purifier, has ever before bten placed tcithin the rtack of invalids. Indeed, it is an entirely tw and combina tion, iu no res ett tesemuliog anything hitliei to em ployed. The opinion of medical men concerning it the de scription of its chemical character, therapsutic val ue, manner of u.e. etc.. are given iu a orculir, which cau be bud at the store of ai,y and all first c!as Druggists. Zj old iu Bloomsburg. wholesale atic retail, by Ever & Mover, and all Druggists June li, lntiC. 6ui. JISS LIZZIE PETE RM AN, Would announce to the ladies of Bloomiburg and the public generally, ih&l too has just teceived from the eastern ci'ies her Spring ami Stock T MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of all article s iisraUy found in first class Millinery Mores. Her goods are of the beet quality and among the most handsome and cheapest in the market. Call and examine them for yourselves. Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examin ing Miso Petermau's stock of goods. Bonnets made to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Ptori on Main street. 3d door below the store of Mendcnhall tc. Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 2, ISCC tf. w ALL T) A 11211. HE undersigned respectfully announces to tbe nublie that he keen, rnnatnntlv on band, at bis old stand, one door below Lutz's Drug Store. WALL PAPER. Oil Cloth, and Psr"' Window Shades, Cords, Tas sels and Fixtures, for Pictures., 4c, of the very latest st les. and is prepared. to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. E. J. TH0RT0N. Bloomsburg, April 4 ISfMi. tf M. WIIITMOYER, ATTOHIVEY - AT - LAW, ULOOMSBURG, Pi. Office ojmo$Ue Post ojjict, over llarlman's store. Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov ernment claims promptly collected. C Bloomsburg, Apr. 4, 'S. J WILL CO TO CXl.IBB.ATXn Horse and Cattle Powflnrfe This preparatloBa Ions; and tsvonbl known, will that oughly reiavl(orat broken-dawn ajuj low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing ths) stomach and l&tas tines. It Is a sure pea. ventlvs of all uUs eases incident aor this animal, such as LTJNO FZYiR, QLXXUEJm. r t . r . i rr .-rt . . I CLLUIV WA TER, HEAVES, CO IT OH 3, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER L0S3 OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, 4.C. Iu use improves the wind. Increases the appetite-gives a smooth and fclotsy skin and transforms I k miserable skeleton into a fine-looking and fptrltear tone. t To keepers' of Cows this preparation Is InvaloaM. It increases the quantity and Improves the quality' V or the milk. It bar been proven by ao toal experiment var lnc rease the qusxv- . Uty of milk an ereain twenty per' cant, and aweke the hatter frcra a -tweet Iti fhtU-lnc atUa, A sjlws t-sco aa sppaths, looacne . uieir nia, ana nu-ea ttlem tir much faster. In all di-eues of Swine, luch aa Conght, Ulcen ta the Lungs, Liver, e., this article acts aj a specific. By puninjr from one-ha.f a paper to a papr in a barrel of swill the above dlseasca will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a eertha preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cent per Paper, or 6 Pa pen for tj. rrp.AB.ED sy S. ... FOUTZ Sc 3X0.- AT THUS WTJ0LKSAIE DR16 AND MEDICI UK DKPOT. No. 11G Franklin St., Baltimore, T4, For Bale by Ih-uggisU and 8tor aepen (krosuja out the C&ited Statea. y For sale at the Drug "tore of EYJ1R J- MOYER Bloomsbarg r Bloonisburg, Jan. 0, lt-M. 12mo. DR. W. H. WIIITMOR, HAS been in anccessfol practice for a BSBtsi cf years. ilh tbe experience of ths different hs Europe, also a member of the Aasly.ieal Mediral Institute of New YTk. contiiues to altaaud to all profsssinnal at bis office No. S Filbert Street, PluUdelphia, S. N putent Medicines are nsed or rsaommaadad ( the remedies administered art those whieb will ms4 break rnwn the constitution, bat renovate tbe tys tern from all injuries it has sustained fria asiaeral medicines, and leave tbe system ia a healthy and perfectly rur-d condition, 3. DVsPEP!I A. that distressing disease and fall destroyer nf health and happiness, anderminiag kr cou-tituti in Lnd ysaily carrying tboussnds to fut timely graves, can most emphatically be eursd. 4. Melancholy, Abberration. that state ot Al!a tion and weakness of the mind which renders pet. sona incapable of enjoying tbe plsasurss or petfaira ing the duties of life. 5. KH CUM AT I aM, In any form cr eondltlen.shrosa. ia or acute, wnrrentcd rurabls. C, El'l I.Kl'S V. or falling fickntif, all cbroalc f stubborn case of I ATsE 1SCASCS radicaMy removed ; Pa't Bhsum and every dassrfp. tion of ulcerations : Piles and scrofolous disss whirh have baffled all previous medical skill, caa cured by my treatment ; and I do say all disease, (yes CoxscMFTion) can be cured by weariag my MadW caied Jacket, which is a protection t tbe laagi against all changes of weather in a:t elimatess hav ing investigated f'r year tbe cause and character ! iiitermitrenls (fever and ague) in all parts ef the Coiled States will cure perman.ntly all cbraaia sir acute cases of ague aud nervous pueatst ia a fsw 'ays. taccrr Cured v ltbout the knife or firawl-j Biood. Tape Worm, thai dread to the Hamas) FaaUly fbr years, e in I e removed with two or thjse 4 saws of my newly discovered remedy, warranted in all ease. Consultation in the English and Germn Langaagea free of charge. Will mako visit any distaste, if desired M-iy be address by letter (confl Jeauallf.) anJ Jieuicine sent with proper diretlioos t any part ol ta 4 counlrv. ot i- iu :.o, vt r nosri b- re av April 4. 186r. Jy. DR. J. R. LVANS, Pbvsiciau acd Jurjfon, !f AVI Nil Im-a erl ;rtrinatiiiy t.n Main ' Sift. HLOOV.SBl'KG !., would i frrm the nubiic genera'ly . that h t is prsprarej to attend to all huOnuss faithfully and punctually that umy he imrusted to bis care, on tcr s commsasn rate wiiu the tiuies. Z7 lis pays strict attentiaa to Sirgsry as wrU as medicine. Nov.-i. 1 803,-ly. M. M. TKAUGH, A TTO 11 1 13 Y-A T-L, YV, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Will practice in ths several Courts of Columbia and adjoining counties. All Collections promptly attendeJ to. June .'0, I bo6. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at liair, BLOOISIiURG, C0LlIBIA CO., Pi. WILL practice in the several Courts of Columbia. County. All lejal bnsiness intrusted ta hia caie shall receive prompt attention. "(See-On Main Mrcel, Exchange Buildlagi, rvf Miller's S!ore. BlfMimsbure. April 13. ICC4 gALlRl RV, BRO. & CO., . Extensive Manufacturers and Importers of Gold. Plated and Oreide Jewehj, rOl.lD AND NICKEL AJIKPU.VX, EXULIvH . SriSr CASED LY OURSELVES, And every desriiptioa of Pancy Goods and Yankee Notions, Especially aunpled anJ. deaigncd for Souther ad Western Trade. Circulars and full descriptive Prico Lists ss-s free. Agents wanted evervwhire. Address, BALISRl'Br. KO. dt CO.. 1 DOkRA MCE STREET, Providence, R. L fVtol.r gt. ". OMNI BUS LINE. T H E undersigned would respectfully annonnc m J lhe citixeos of Lilooinsburg, and tbe public pc erally. that tie is running an oMMML'3 1.1 XE. be tween this 1 lace aud tbedif- Jtti fere lit Kail oad Depots dai- yy ly. (Sun-lavs excepted) to connect with the several Traias going South a Tsst on the Catawissa and Williamport Bail Koad. and with those going North and ciootu on the Lack. sV Bloomsburg Koad, His (MINI bl'S-ES are in food condition, eraon" cious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. 7 Persons isbisg 1n meet or see their (Vivadr depart, rcn he acrommodated. upon leasoarhla' (barges, by leaving timely notice at any of the tie tela, JACOB L. GIRT0N, ProprisUMv Ploornsburg. Apiil 87, 1864 JQRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicine, at John R. M oyer's Drag Etar corner oi Main and Markat Streets. A good assorrr- ment of riRt IITGS, Medicines, Taint. Oil and Varnisbos, always ow bard, and will be sold cheaper than at aay ether' Drt g Store in lawn. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescription carefully compounded at Meyer' Drug flore, Ayers and Jaynes Medicine gold at Moyer' Drtrsr Store, Wuhart' Tar Cordial. Baksr's Cod Liver Of!, Winslow' Boothi-ig Syrup, sold at oyer' Drag Store. " For any reliable patent medicine, call alMoyefr Drog Stor. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. Moyer' Drug Store, Bloomsburx, Pa. Way 2,Ifi. tf. a s BLANKS ! BLANKS M