f: Ac r v r - DEMOCRAT AND STAR . . LOCAI DEPARTMENT. BLOOMSBURG i Wednesday, Dec, 19,-1 8 66. y Wi will thank our reader for all local occur ranees in tticir immediate localities,- If tbeymo mot den re to writs a communication for the public eye, let them tend a a brief statement of everything of Intartat in their respective communities. - A list ef marriages, deaths, accidents; 6res, removals, busi ness change, &c. VVs will put them in form. The tnora facts of.Uus kind we can get the better it will auit ns and our readers. Who will do it ? To AoviRTiseai. Peri.ing wishing advertisements Inserted, must band them in early on Tuesday morn ing to insure their insertion for that week. If you want to buy cheap furs and dry-goods, go to the New i ork Store. tST1 lion. C. R. Buckalew vill please accept out thanka for copies of the Daily Glole. IS?" Head the original poetry on our first page, entitled 'liyricsof the Susquehanna," also the piece from the pen of -Ego." "An exchange thinks the election of only two contrabands in Massachusetts ex hibits a niggardly disposition. . Exactly. It was a matter of both stint and stink. Henry Giger ha3 so out Lis store to Dr. II.- C. Ilower, Dentist of this place. The Dr. will do well. AIa G. contemplates locating in the West John K. Girton is not behind any of our Grocerymen in making preparations for the holidays. He has an excellent supply of Groceries. Give him a call. Snow! The second enow of the season fell jon Sunday last, to the depth of six or 'eight inches. Those of burcitizens who tried the deigning on Monday, pronounce it "nothing extra." There is not a sufficient quantity of the white article, besides the foundation is too rough for so thin a coat of enow to mako excellent sleighing. S?3aI We would announce to the patrons of the Democrat and Star,. and the pub lic generally, that C. C. Marr, Grocer f this place, has on hand a largo and grand assortment of candies and toys in endless va riety, for tha Holidays, which, he says, he will sell a little cheaper than can be purchas ed at other stores. .Tin .Rupert Hotel. Mr. George II. Brown, ha --purchased the Rupert Hotel, located at Rupert Station, two miles South of Bloomsburg, for the consideration of $5,- 100.00. ' Possession upon the first of next March. -Mr. & Mrs. Brown, have had large experience in catering for the public and are eminently qualified to "Keep a Hotel." Since last week gold caused a great fall in Dry Goods and Groceries. Marr purchased largely when gold had reached the bottom. His hew advertisement, which you will find in another column, shows that he is selling goods, for cash, at very low figures Fail not to read it J&D.Joiin G. Jacobt, Esq., has pur chased" the Bowman Farm excepting the Mills in Briarcreek, Columbia County, and taken possession. Price, $5,000.00 ash. Mr. Jaooby Ls a good Democrat, an excel lent citizen, and has a very valuable firm. t After this week we intend sending out bills to all of our patrons who dre owing us on subscription, advertising and job-work. All who are in arrears for the present year's subscription are requested to settle up by the first of February next J3 We acknowledge- the receipt of the Real Estate Record, published in Philadel phia for gratuitous circulation. It is to be a first-class advertising medium'. Thi3 ia an interesting paper, contains the description of some of the best farms in Pennsylvania and other States. Those wishing a copy for tha year have only to send 12 cents, to pay tht postage, to Townsend & Co., No. 237, South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. JCGTThe original Peak Family, the re nowned and famous Swiss Bell Ringers, will give an exhibition of their wonderful per formance with the bells, in Snyder's Hall on Thursday evening, the 20th inst They will also execute pieces of choice music on the Piano and Harp: This Company b not sur passed in the United States. Go and see them. They draw crowded houses, of the best society, wherever they perform. CnRioTMAS. As Christmas approaches our stores begin to present a most gorgeous appearance. - At no previous time has the display equalled the present. Thera will bs no noes3ity this year of sending to New York and Philadelphia for suitable Holiday presents. We may give a list of our adver tisers next week, indicating to our readers where various articles may be found. . - JBS? During the pa?i , week therfi has been both a heavy and rapid decline in all citymarket3 in the prices of cotton good?," wool, grain, pork and , provisions. It has not reached Zterc yet ; but knowing, ones say the decline must come and the speculators beamped. Then b' no reason why the decline should not reach thb place and that at an early day. Don't Boys ! Don't look at the girls so. Can't you ceo they don't like it? In fact, Won't endure it . It's absolutely insulting. Dt you suppose they put on feathers; flounces, water-falls, ribbons and rings, for you to look at?- 'Net much! It's only to please ma arid pa. They can't bar' to be locked at whicbTydu miht know by their blushe3, if you had any gumption. Don't dolt: ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' j". , r ' ' 3?" As the Holidays are close at hand, .and ,many people .de'sirous of. purchasing toysj- candies and knick-knacks, of every de scription, to suit the fancy of the little ones, it b no taord'thaa proper and right, as jour-r nalbts, that we should inform them where they can buy tLese articles at reduced prices for cash. That place is af the Confectionery EetablHshment of B. H. Stohner", of thb place 'He' has" a large variety of fancy and plain candles, besides an endlc-33 assortment cf toys. See advertisement in to-day's 37 Gold wa quotedlltl37J in Philadel phia on Monday last . SSi. Mr. A. Hartman, has just received a lot of Ladie Goods, Cassimers &c, &c. All cheap for cash or trade. Cy Auction ! Auction 1 ! At n. W. Creasy & Co.'s Store, in Light Street, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Evenings, of this and next week. He will offer all kinds of goods commonly found in his store. Here will be a fine chance for bar gains. Goods will be sold cheap for cash. Be sure and attend the sales. Daniel A. Beckley, bookseller and stationer, at this place, has just received at hb store a large assortment of fancy candies, notions, toy-books, pictures, albums, and in short, a little of everything commonly found in stores of the kind, for the holidays, all of which he will sell cheap for cash. Store on the southwest cornerof Market Street Give him a calL 3 Fire. On Monday evening last, the Wheel-house, adjacent to the Irondalc Fur nace Buildings, was burned down. It made quite a large fire, and it was with difficulty that the other buildings were saved. The suppo!ntiOTrIs7that the fire originated by some oil taking fire which was near the stove. Revival. A great religious revival has prevailed in our town and vicinity for the last few weeks. The revival is spreading and bids fair to absorb the main elements of our society. Some of the most interesting young people in our town have been awak ened, and are now assisting at theso revivals. community without religion is barbarism. God grant success to thb great movement. It will do more good for Bloomsburg than all it3 manufactories. A very successful meeting has been going on in the village of Buckhorn, for about a month, ending on Thursday evening last, and resulting in the conversion of about ninety souls. We are glad to hear of good being done in any place,'and hope that the people of the above named village that have professed a hope in Christ, may fully depart from iniquity, and be zealous and faithful folltffters of the cause they have espoused. We would advise all young con vert! as a friend, to avoid or shun tcmpta- ion as they would the evil one, as it b only the same enemy in another form. Thb meeting was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Klnq and his colleagues, minbters of the M. E. Church. blooj:sbirg market. WHEAT.per bushl. 2 SO PUTTER. - - 4 RYK. 1 50 F.GCS . 30 CORV, " 1 10 POTATOES, - 75 BUCKWHEAT. 100 DRIED ArFLES, 3 Ott FLOUR per bbl. HIM) HAMS - - . 2i CLOVER!EED, 5 50 BACOV. . 16 FLAX fEEIi - S 70 I HAY by the ton. ' 5 VO BL'l'KW H EAT Flour. 5 00 LARD, per lb. 25 SPECIAL NOTICE3. LOVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE HOYS, end an addressed envelope and ij cent. and 1 will send you sown valuable informal Ion that will please you. Address MARY JlOUtt L, eJl liroadway, . Y. May li". ictti ly. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gcni'cman who suffered for y-ars from Ncrrotig Debility. Prematura Decay .and ail the eflecl ofyoutb ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of su.T?ring hu inanity, send free to all wbr need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy Ly which be waa cured. SutJWers wishing to profit by the adver wsei'a eipcriouce, can d ao by ad lrrijirn JOHN B. MJDEV, No. 13 Chambers t., New York, Feb. 23 1GG. ly. d.M.F. .-j . i ........ r ,,!.. a - if 1 'i m t HA VI LIN, Boston, or MSO.N UiOTUERd, Niw York. Jan. C, 1SCC. Sop. 0, 'C5- ly. S.M.P. TIIECLORY OF MAX 13 STRENGTH. A centle man who suffered (or years from Nervous and Genital Debility. Nightly Emission, and tfeminal Weakness. Hie result of youthful indiscretion . and ram Dear ending hi days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of Buffering man. send to sny on- nfilirt ed. the simple means used by him. which eil"i;cte(1 a cure iu a few week after the failure of numerous medicines. Eeud a directed envelope and stamp and it will cot you nothing Address. EDGAR TREMAIN. liith Su N.Y. City. STRANG E BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advan tage by re urn mail (free of charge.) by addressing the underpinned, Thosa Driving feas of being hiirnhu?; ed will oblige by n-t noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant. TI1CM.F CHAPMAN, fcji Broadway, New York. Ffcb. 23, 18CG ly.S MP HEMES J AL INSTITUTE. TCH SPECIAL CASES. No. 14 Bond St, New York. C7" Full information, with the highest testimonials; alo. a Book on Special Diseases iu a sealed snicioee, sent frcu. Jv" Bt sure and send for them, and jr Kill not regret it . for. as advertising physicians are renwH'lr im jr aster, without references no straneer Mm-ii I be Dusted. Enclose a stamp for postage ; and riir-'-t in !it. LAVYKENCB. NO 14 BOND STRtEf, NEW RK. Not. U. lfC6,-1y. 8. M. P. DE.VFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the ntmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D.. Oculist and Aurist (formerly of Ley- den, Uolland.) No. 513 TINE Sticet. FHILAD'A Testimonial J, from the most reliable ,onrces in the City and Country can be seen at his office. The med ical faculty are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in bis practice ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without rxin. No charge lor exam ination, f April 25, IS06. ly, Th.s ir.odjcice. Imc I b..- V-r. . U. S.'.iEsot, of Ph;,n !' fV. is ;a:ej4U.-I :o d mo. . -) thj .ood a id tr.iielt ir.:ci I:.', the ;irjl pr. 'en or i c-ji ,o. Cr c.eauiii ti-varh -;ti S V-nck'.; M..X iir.n TilH, the T3'6 ;ocn reror- :hc a,-ps:t, &! tool lh: c; lie! at Lo ealcj ve.&ij ji,u-c A w'.U to eaj 1 Cor. w.p: 'P7i rrs-;-)-)r bo Vu-Il V- S ;hT;; TjX rnoic H tlp an.cta '.he H-y-m.-.h and liver is ira! hea th and tha ji-.Mc nslcrr.t houco tho Tt.'c ond ?ii!a Rre rr;j rol E'ar'r crcrc?.'f! ol cn-rai-pttoa. A h. L ioz2a bsltjcj o.' the ESA1V2EJ.) TON'rCa litiireJor.ourliv-Tiiof t.'.c il.VNORAKS TILLS TV'lii tiT9 a:r T'nar cts ef d.--pp;!i. . lr. . BoKMOt tusk-3 Tfe-i'?-' t't'Ts !a r;-.TV York, Bj-fcii, aa.i at h:pi-;ic'p&; O;11-o Iu fhi!ai); P.'i'a e7cr wee:. Zee -'a.1 pisr- oZ etch p ace, or ha pi.nph:ai on cOiuani?i.i7D :or iiis lii tor viiila Un. P ober;r-.-e, when pu-cTl vrfng, tliat ihl two liio-r.c- oftt:-! Doctor, o';c Trhrn la iij stt-o oi C )n..amp.ion, aud iho ollx r avie do w is, in pe.lect . hei th, a.-doa th3 -iorcrnn-.cnt itaTi:p. 3 id br U Ira ;xisle ud Dealers, price tgLW pir bo.t!e, or jfcr.iOthe ha!:-ioaaj All leUcra for advic idiouid t addred to Ir. Sohjescs's Pr;nc:ral Oitije, No. Vi Nunh nU SniW, PhraJeiphia, Ps. - Geaeral W!V' Aetata i De.nM Cirnes t Co, ' N. Y.; S. 8. liauee. Baltimore. Md.; John D. Farka, Cincinnati, Ohk: Wa ker Jt Tdior, CUI C320,HL; Collins Bro, SL Lou Mo. w. ea. mo. I yr. THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, 'forty dif forTit styles, adapted to s irred and secular music. for $60 to SljiK) eacn. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVER iFTl..firnrhr flrt nrfMnin m. awanled thftn Iwill to and aee E ROWER. 3 New Stock; I am totd he ia telling goods at very low figures. J WILL GOTO . , , ' ! T C to rut m undm. 1 ' i ifht rmruME ron the hajokeii chief. Pbalvn'a Pkaloa'a rbaleat'a Phalon's . PhalBB's Right Blocviiilff CrBi8. ' Night ISIoonaing Ccrcns." Night mooEuiBS Ceroos." TVight Blooming Ccrcns. "Wisfct BlAonaing Cerens." A most sxqnUIte. delicate, and Fragrant rerfnmo, distilled from the rare and beaatil'Ul flower from which it takes its name. Manufactured only by FUALOX Sc SOX, Xvr York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALOX'5 TAE1E KO OTHEC gMPUlE SHUTTLE SEWING Are superior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Cnntain a'l the latest improvements are speedy noifieless ; diirnlile ; and .-iy to work, Illutrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Lib eral rliscout.t allowed. No consignments made. Address EAIl'lRE 3. M, CO,, tilO Broadway, New Yoik. September 5, 18CG.-ly.-A. tc Co. . A Oough, A Cold, or A Soro Throat, REqClRCI IHKEOtATB ATTKNTIOS. AND SHOULD BC CDKCKID. 1 T ALLOWKD TO COMT1NCB, Irritation of the-Longs, A Perma nent Throat Disease, or Con- sumption IB OFTEN THE RESULT. ISKOKCZIIAIj TROCHES Having a direct influence to the parts, give im medi ate relief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consuinp- tive and Throat Diseases, - TROCHES ARB FSED WITH ALWAYS OOOD SUCCESS. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Troches useful in clearing tha voire when taken before Ringing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual excrtien of the voral organs. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughout the country. Heiug an article of true merit, ami having proved their etficacy hy n test of many yenrs. each year Units them in new localities in various parts of the world, and the Trorhes arc universally pronounced better than other articles Oiit.iiu only -Brown's Bronchial Troches," and do n t tnkfc uuy of the Worthless Imitations that may he offered. Sold everywhere Nov. IGotj. Cm. NEW ADVERT IS EM EfJTS. Q II URCH DEDICATIONS The new I. E. Churrh nf ar LARISIIE S in Sugnr loaf Township, Columbia County, will be dedicated to the service of Almighty Uod on the First Jay oi' January, 1 867. Servicea at 10 A. M., ad G P. M. Rev. R. E Wilson, of Uloomsburg, and othe r Ministers are expected to be present. W. E IIESSER, Pastor. OTICE. AH persons knowinj themselves indebted to the undersigned on Rok account or otherwise, are here by notified to call and settle the same. My accounts must ba settled, costs will be added lo all who neg lect this notice. E. MEVDS.VH ALL. December 19, !?6(i. It. .. . - AUDITOR'S NOTICE. J n the Orphan Court of Columbia enmity, Kit'iteof John ulur, Deceased. The Auditor appointed by the Court, on exceptions to the acronnt of Llnta John Exeeutoi f the Cstate of John Walter deceased, will meet the parties in teted for the purpose of his appointment on Tues day, the 22 dav of January, A. I). l-r.7. at 10 o clock A, M. at his office, on thn corner of Alain and Mar ket Mreets in the town of RlO'imnburz. UOBEKT F. CLAKK, Auditor. December 13. 1306. It. SNYDER'S HALL, BLOOMSBURG, Thursday Evening, Dec. 20th (The World Renowned) PEAK FAMILY, SWISS BELL RINGERS. Vocali'ts, Harpists, Pianists and Staff Bell Solists, '.OrSanlrrd in i3l. by IV. TEAK, Sr. the only troupe in the United States.) ADMISSION ... . . 50 cents. Children under 10 years, 25 cents. poors open at? P. M , Concert to com me nee at half pe?t seven TICKETS for salo at Buckley's X'ewi Depot. Wm. Peak, ?r dole Proprietor and Manaeer. I. A, KEVt!, General Business A;t. Dec. 13, lSGii, 1S67. GETCUK 1867. Tllli AGE," A Democratic Morning Journal, CHEAT IMPROVEMENTS AM) CHEAT INDUCE MENTS. Union, Restoration and Constitutional Lib ertv. The Dailt Ar.m contains th; la'e?t news from all parts of the world, with editorial articles on Gov ernment. Politics, Trnde, Finance and Ueneral Sub jerts. Local News. Market Reports, Stock tijota Iichs, ReiieiMUs Intelligence, Legal Sumiimrv. For t(tn and Domestic correspondence. Commercial In tellrs;ence, R -ports of Public Meclinss. Tneatri.'al criticisms, Keviews of Literature, Prics curtcnt. Literary Notices, Agricultural Information. Art! Music, etc., etc.Hesides Special Telegrams, it has all the dispatjhes of the Associated PreHS frooi every part of the United States, and also the dispatches received by the Atlantic Cable ; and the news from all p.-rls of Europe brought by the rtcamcrs, is iu stantly telegraphod from whatever point the bteaia ars first touch. Tbr Wesklt Age will bs a complete orapenpium of the news of the week, and besides the leading ed itorials from the Daily, will contain a larre amount of interesting matter, prepared expressTy for the weekly issue Itwul br in ail respects A First class Family Journal, particularly adapted to this Pjliti." cian, the Farmer, the Merchat. the Merhanic, the Family circle, and the General Reader, hiving every characteristic of a live newspaper, each number will contaia an Intensely Interesting Serial, by one of the most popula r and fascinating authors, and it is al-o the intention to pulilisb, from week to week, in the course of the j ear. three orfarof the best aud latest Novels. Terms Always in Advance. THE DA ILY- One rpy, one year. $).00 six nios. 4.50 ; three menths. $.'.iu ; for anv less period, at the rate U;B DOLLAR per month. Postage thirty cents per quarter, to tie prepaid at the ottice of delivery. THE WEEKLY One copy, one year. 9 five copies, oue year, $9, ten copies, one year 17.60 ; twenty copies, one year, $33. To clubs, wkere the papers are sent to one address, the following reduc tiuu will be made : Five copies one year, S'ti.SO, ten copies, one year. $ lb 50 ; twenty copies, one year, $'3o. A copy will be furnished gratis for each club of ten or more, to one address, fur one year. Post age five cents per quarter, to be pre parcel at the of fice of delivery. The above terms will be rigidly adhered to. Spec imen copies of the Daily and Weekly sent gratis, on application st this Office. Adverlisemut inserted at moderate rates. Address, WELSH & ROBB, 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. N oncu. ' ' s O i -r -fc. --Sy' -i ALL persons knowing thomelves i ndebted to me for work done at the GREEN WOOD FACTORY, are requested to call and make imu.ediate payment, as 1 have earned my anoney onee, and do not intend to earn it again; by running the country and collecting the same. A word to the wiae ia (efficient. J. B. SANDS. - f, v:nT- n.. i iJi-g limn hi j IJow Lost, Uow Restored. ! PnMiahed. a new edition of D CULVERWELL'S Celebrated Essay on the rad ical cure (without madicine)of Spermatorihoea. Bern inat Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses. Im po tency. Mental and Physal Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. ;alo Consumption, Epilepsy, aud Fits induced by aelf-lndulgence or Seiual cxtrava- iT" Price, in a seated envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' success ful practice, that the alarming consequences of seir abuse may be radically cured without the danger ous use of internal medicine er the application ot the kn'fe pointing oat a mode of cure at once sim ple, certain, and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condit ion may be, ma cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. y- Tbis lecture should bo iu the bauds of every you Hi and every man in the land. Sent, under eal, in a plain e n vetope, to any ad dress posl yaid, on receipt of ix ceut, or two post slamda Address the publishers. ' CH AS. J, C.KLINE & CO, 127 Dowery, New York, rostOlhce b x, 4.&ti Dee. V, Idi. UNACr. The first account of Isaac Scijfried, com mittee of Dorcas Crecclinj, a Lunatic. ALL persons intereste I will take notice that. trie account of Isaac Seij-freid, committee of Dorcas Crevelinff, a Lunatic, has been Sled in the Prothono tary'sOtlice of C Humbit Ccimty, and that the said account will be presented to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of said County, lor examiaation and ontinuhtion on TUESDAY, THE FIFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY next. JESSE COLEMAN, Prothonotary. Bloomsburg, Dec 12, ICoti, ot. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of James Gibson, late of Grectacood Toicnship, Columbia County, dee'd. THE undersigned appointed Auditor, by the Or phans Court of the County of Columbia lo seLle and adjust the rates and proportions of the assets in the bands of Abraham Young, Administrator of Jaiuen Gibson, dee'd.. according to the order established by law, hereby gives notice to ilt parties interested, ihxt he will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the office of the Recorder of Deeds, in lllooinnburg, in said County, on Saturday, the Twenty-sinh day ol January, A. !.. 1Hu7, at ten o'clock A. M. of said day. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of th'! decedent are requested .o present them to the auditor, or be forever debarred from cum ins n for a portion of the said fund JOHN C. FREEZE, Auditor. Bloomsburg, Dec. 12, lat0. 4t. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of O. P. Runyan, Deceased. poll INK. clfl.11'7 VI -He . i i-.- - CH IU IIIHAe lll-lll MIVWIl M nniiuiiirn... " those knowing themselves indebted to the tstate will make immediate payment lo JOHN SMITH, Adm'r. Madison Township, Dec' i, lstiti. lit. A DMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. Estate of Abraham Rohhinf, lite of Fih iiifciok 7r., Columbia County deed. ., k - .i , . . 1 1 n-),.,.n..lr-t,if Ull.t Mil LETTERS of administration on the estate oi Anra- in the lownsliip ami County atnrciniu. l,r"""! . i. ..btn ih. ilc.ili'iil arp m nav ii riuims oa iiic- cnimc v, ........ v..-.... - - quested to present them fur settlement ; and those indebted to the estate will inaKe payment without delay. . , F.I.I P.OB11INS. Adm'r. Fishingrreek.Dec. 12. letiti, Ow. SDEUIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, issued out of the Court ol Common I'leas in the County ol Columbia, will be eiposed to public sale, at the Court lloue, in Hloomslmrg. on SATURDAY, THE 11 Ol' DECKMUEK, l--b(i. at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, .he following real estate to wit: The following real estate the propeily of Abel Thoiiias,situie in Catawits.i Townsuip.i n the Coun ty of Columbia, bounded and described as follmvs. lo wit: On tue south by land r lieorg-i .arr, on the east bv lands of William McXelvry. Solomon lie I wig and Joseph Clewcll. on tits u-rili by lauds of Joseph Krcisti. William Hartman. aiid VTilliam Coff man, and on the west Lv lands of Samuel koxteiihau -der. containing ONE lil'NDREO AND FOURTEEN ACRES, AND FIFTY-SIX PERCH ES. on which are erected Crist-Mill, Saw Mill, Three double Frame Ilwellmg House, live sinflo Frame Dwelling Houses, a t.auk Harn, Hay !i'-il. Smitli Shop, seven Stables and a frame building, recently occupied as a Store llsusc. ALSO: One other property, known as sprout land, belonging to J. I', Finchor and Abel Thomas, situate partly in Alain Township, and partly in Catawisaa To-vn.htp , in the County of Columbia bounded and described as follows: Hounded on the east bv lauds belonging to the ht-irsol Tench Cox. dee'd and others, ou the north hy land t.f said Finch er and Tboiuis. on the west bv the Catawiswa Rail Road, and ou the south by lands of Stephen flalily, containing Eighty Five Acres and Forty-two Perches, -not improved." ALSO, One other tract known as sprout land, belonging to Fineb'-r tc Thomas, situate in Main Township ato-c-said. bounded on the south by laiHs of aid Fmcher Sc Thoin?.3, on the east by land of Brohst, Yctter it Co., on the north by land belonsing tt th? heirs ot Isaiah Shutnan. doe'd, and on the west by the Cata vtissaRail Road, conUiiuiiig Sixty Acrea, "not iui provea." ALSO, One other tfct blonainj to Fincher & T".i toi. situate iu Maine Township, nforesai l, bounded ou the east hy land of said Finrher &. Th.onas, on the north by laud of I'iucher e Thomas, on the west by the Cat twissa Rail Road, and on the s.mtli by land of said Finrher it 'Thomas, containing Nine Acres, not improved." ALSO, One other tract belonging t said Finr.h.T At Thom ai, known as sprout lanu, situate iu Catawissa town ship. County of Columbia, bounds an I described as follows: timnii'eil on the West by the public road, leadms from McKelve's Mills lo Etner Furnace.on the south hy laud of James Re.vler. and on the north eat by lauds of Daniel Helwig, and John Notestine, containing Twenty Five Acres and Twenty -fteveu Perches. -not improved," with thj appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property oi Auel T homas, 4J-S0, At the same time and place, by virtue of a writ of venditioni RiroSAS. a certain tract of land situate in Catawissa Tow nlnp, Columbia County, containing One Hundred and Suty Acres, more or less, boumi- m.A nn tin. north l.v Inmld fl.l llnrrv 11,11 on tlir WPtft ratiie Burns, with the aupp'irtf-np.nces , HclT.c.t. taken in execution aud to be sold as the property of Cideou Arndt SAMUEL SNYDER. Sheriff, Bloomsburg, Dec. li. lstiti, QO TO BROWER S TO BUY YOUR LUJIBEU ! LUMBER ! 'fHE P.LOOMSKCRR LUYlCERING COMPANY A would respectfully inform the public that they have their PLANING MILL now in - operation with an extensive assortment of TJft VT? TyiT? rt TiH and are now prepared to supply all orJers nt short notice and at the lowest prices for cash, Their as sortment ol lU'itber consists of While Einc I'lajsL, Hoards. FIonrin'T, &iTacc boards, Sidini nciulock IM.mL'. planed or unplaned, lo mit pttrchaicrs Framo Stuff. Joice and Scantlr.ig of all sizes. Their Planing Mill and Lumber Yard is situated at the Railrond Depot, very conveniently for shipping lumber by the enrgo 1 hey are constantly manufacturing luiiiber of all kinds, and persons who desire lumber of every de scription will do we!l toelamiiie their Flock before purchasing elsewhere. They are determined and em inently prepared to sell as ckeap as the cheapest. They aUo desire to infxrin the public and especially those w bo wish to purchase bill -stuff that they have one Mill specially prepared to cut timber of almost evsry size and length required. Those w ishing to build or contractors for building, can save money, by giving un tall. The undersigned would also anncunce that they are prepared to do all kind of repairing of Machinery, such as Threshing Machines. Mowers, Reapers and all kinds of agricultural implements, updn reasona ble terms. Address . F. C. E YF.R. Sec y. Bloomsburg, 8ept. 19.1H66. Bloomsburg. Pa. s CllOOL TEACHERS WANTED. rw ii p ci.nl n;r..rnr, nf FranVltn Tnw n,h! n Pn II U uviiuwi ' - - - -- - ........... - - . 1 n in bia County, are desirons of hiring a male school leacber, to take charge of a school in said Town ship, for four months, to whom Thirty Dollars per month will be paid. Application to be made imme diately to the Directors. H.J. REEDER, Secretary. Dec. 5th. 18G6. WILL. BUV.MY GOODS AT - LETTERS of administration mi the estate of O. P, Runyan. late of Madison Township. Columbia Coun ty, deceased have been grunted by ; the Register of said Ctiunty, to John Smith, who resides in Madison Township, Columbia County. All persons having CUIIIII9 U FHOW'ta'F. QHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR.. HOLIDAY GIFTS. 15. II. STOnftJGXt Has just opened in connection with hi Confection ary Store a new and splendid stock of specially designed for the amusement of the young lolks. He calls 'he attention of all who deaire to make some present to their little ones, t" this depart ment of his trade, which is supplied in part with Doll of all. Descriptions, Whips, Drums, Sleds. Balls, and including every va riety of Toys. He has also replenished his hitherto large stock of foreign and Domestic Cont'ectiuu erirs, Nuts aud Fruits, and is prepared to fill orders in large and small quan. lilies nrouiptl". His stock in thi branch f his trade compares favorably with any in Middle l'cnnsylva- "i!U HIS KEFRESHMEXT SALOON long the resort of all who are in want of ' the rjeliea ciesof the season, is still open, and he offers for the consumption i f the best Oysters in tle JBarfcct, always fresh, dished in every style of cooking.and will supply fii'" j 1 7 J. V d l" US L?" sonable prices, with a good quality of OYSIt.R3 by the quart or can, or in the shell. .., E7- Remember the place is a lew d" " f,, Exchange Hotel, iu the Bloomsbur;, Dec. 12, 13''.C, tf. NCORPORATION. NOTICE is hereby eiven that on the Cth day "f December. A. D.. 18bli. sundry .nhab.ian.s of I he Borough ofCcntraMa. presented a pel. Ion to the Court nf Common Pleas, of Columbia County, pray -ing the said Court to grant a Charter of Incorporation, uncer the name, style and title of - The Presbyteri nn Church of the Borough jf Centralia." with the richtsand privileges therein stated, and if M sum cient cause is shown to the contrary, on the,""1 day of ih- next term, the 4ih day of February. 1807, the prayer of the petitioners will be granted accord ing to the Act of Assembly, in such case made and provided. By the Conrt. JESSE COLEMAN, Trothonotary. Dec, 12, 1306. 3l. GEN'TS WANTED FCR THE MOST POPULAR AND Best soling Subscription Books Published ! We are the most extensive publishers in the Uni ted Slates, (having six houses.) and therefore ran af ford to sell books cheaper and pay agents a more lib eral commission than any other companv. Our books do not pass through ihe hands of Gen eral Agents, (as nearlv all oilier subscription works do.) therefore we are enabled to give our canvassers the extra per cent, which is usually allowed to Uen er il Agents. Experienced canvassers will see the advantages of dealing directly with Hie publishers. Our series embraces the most popui ir works on an subjects of importance, and is selling rapidly both North and South. Old agent, and all others, who want the bent pay ing agencies, will please send for circulars and see our terms, and compare them nud the character i'f our works with tliote other mblinhers. Address, NATIONAL PUPLISIHN'O CO. Philadelphia. Pa. , Boston, Ma., t'iiicinua'.i, O, f hiciigo. Ills., St. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, Va. Nov. i-i. lstiti- 4w. VALUABLE FA Kill FOll SALE. THE undersigned will offer his Valuable Farm nt Public Sale, situated In Main Tuwnship, Columbia County, about three miles norih-vasl of the town of Catawiisa, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2oTU, ISCrt, At 10 o'clock A. M. containing 1G4 Acres, More or Less, about one hundred acres ch-ared land and in a good state of cultivation, 15 acres meadow-land, the bal ance wtill timtirred with chestnut, hickory, oak, pine and other timber. There art; erected on the premises, a large BRICK HOUSE, A New Irani e House, A ltory and a half fcfiuall Frame Iloue, A Large Frame Bank r.arn, A Wagon-Shed, and oth er Out-Kuildings.all of which are comparatively new, and well arranged. Ah excellent ORCHARD is on Hie premises, in vthichare grown nearly . "ill kinds of good fruit. There m uIko on the premises, plenty of in-ver-(filling WATER, near the buildings, besides a strea n of water running through the place. " ' Cy Conditions will be made known on day of sale. GEORGE S HU MAN. JOSEPH WINTERSTEEN. Auctioned. Main Township. Nov. -d, Icotij 4t. JEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! FOil FALL and WE A THIS, AT R. W. ROW-MAN'S " IN O 21 A E V X : L X Ti Til E undersigned has iiift recc'VPd a verv larire and excellent assortment of FALL AND WINTER (OOltS. w huh he proposes to sell at very low rates He has Ihe bebt niialiti.s of CIXJTES, CAS5IMERES, SILCU.S, CAL.lCO.S, DELAINES, MEKINOE3 CHECKS, ic kr.. 'i'hc Grocery 2cpattmcxat is filled with the best quality o( fresh groceries and provisions, such as siig.tr, molasses. Hour, salt, fi.sh. (l u in . baron, spices, ice. Country pro luce t iken in ex-.hange for goods, fur which the highest mark-l pric- will be given. f Don't fail to give him a call and secure great Dargains. R. W. BOWMAN Orangoville, Nov. 2.. liG. 3in. T ti 82 tilt A T C A 1 9 Si OF HUMAN MISERY. JI'T mitilihpil. in n Reeled enve i t I ...... !.;. a T. i iini. A Inrlura ill iho - - ' ----- - -- -- - lui'i;. ii i. v iviii,. - .it-.. .... .... 17 - . ..... j ii I . . . . . .. .' - , j n.iiure. treaiiueni isiui r.iiiicui cun: ui l-' Seminal eakness or Spermatorhoea, Induced bv Self-Abuse ; Involuntary Lmis sions. Im potency Nervous Debility and. Imp -dimeuts to Marriage generally; Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits Mental unl riiysical Incapacity. -c. I y Robert J. Culvcrwtll. M, D.. author of tin 'Green Rook,' &.c. . , - , , The world renowned author, m this admirable Lec ture clearly proves from his own exp rl. t'ce. that h- awful consequences of Well-Abuse m iy b etl-ct-u illy removed w ithout .Medicine, and without dan gerous sur-ical operations, bougies, instruments, rm, or cordial?, pointing out a mode t.f cure at omcV certain and effectual, by which every sulterer. no matter what Ins condition may ho. may cure himself cheaply, gnvately and radically. 1 his Lec ture will prove a Loon to thousands ninl thousands. Sent under ea. to anv address, in a plain envelope, on receipt of six cents, or two postase stamps. Also Dr. Culverwell s Marrige fiuide, price 2j cenls. Address", CI AS. J. C KUNEk.U, 1-J7 Bowery, New York, P. O. box 4j;u October 17, Ir'ttf. ly Peas & Co. J. J. UI10WEH IS AGA1X AT HIS OLD STAND With a Large and Well SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL v here he will be h!ppy to meet his OLE) CUSTOMS EJUS And all Hie r.ew ones who wish to buy AS CIIEAr ASTIU: CHKAl'KST, ASI GOOD AS: THE SEST. His stock is being constantly bciDg replenished w ith SSW FROM THE L iSTKKK ilIAKKETS. Bloomsburg. Nov. 7, ISC.6, JJACII1NE AND REPAIR SHOP. THE undersigned wonld most respectfully an nounce to the public generally, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of MACHINERY, at JOSEPH SUARPLESS' FOUNDRY, in ll'.oon.sburg. w here he can alwavs be found readv to do all kinds of repair ins, including Threshine Machines, and m short, alt kinds of Farming Utensils. 4U.SO, TC RN I Nil AND F1TING UP OF C A S I' I N G A N D MACHINERY, done on short notice, iu a good workmanlike man ner, upon the most reasonable terms. His long experience in the business. a foreman In the shop of Lewis H. Maus of this place, for oyer nine years, warranta hint rn saying that he can give entire satisfaction fa all who may favor him with ,hC" W0'k- GEORGE HASSERr: o o o CT ra 6 h ft e 3 o av co W O o ' to P3 o o ft VF3 w ft o o 00 B O t3 a x, K 3 s 55 S 52 3 3 ft 6 ft 3 5-1 1 c w K I a o ft o e ft S tm on IM. V. ' M M o OOL CARDING. The subscriber having purchased the well estab lisbrd stand, known as "SAJVD'S FACTOItY," hear Rohrsbitrg. t'flumbia County and having put the machinery 1.1 first-rale repairs, is prepared to do i n the best manner, and upon ttie shortest noticn. Those favoring him with their custom may rely on having their work well done. HENRY H. SANDS. Greenwood, June 6, lSf.fi. N ri v The undersigned respectfully announces thnt he has refittted a shop, in Court House alley, opposite the ExchnnKe llo'el. where he is pr"p"red to con duct Ihe barbering hiiim.ss In all its branches. The art of coloring whiskers and mousiacses is practiced by him most skillfully. He also cleans dialling, making them look nearly as good as nw. upon tin-, mot r-asmable terms. tSive In 111 a trial. iT7 Hair Tonic ff the very best quality, us d for cleaning hair, kept conat-ntly on hand, ami for sals a. MX. ULL1.S. Cloomsbt:rg, April 05, 1SGG. tf. 0 HOTEL & SALOON KEEPERS Ol llloonisbnrg and Columbia County I hnva ap pointed Mr. U. r"tonner asent for the sate of mv Ale, I'orler, Kruwn rlout, ana i.ager Heer. who will sup ply you at the same price (and with tl:e same article.) as 1 would furnish you troiu Hie brewery. Knowing that he will be punctual and and attentive to nil lin n.;y favor him with their trade, I solicit tor him your support. ery respectfully, 1 Kt,I I .A I. r.n . Steam Brewery, Reading, Pa. Ssptcmbar SS, 16CG gLOOMSBURG LITERARY INSTITUTE. This Inr-titution which is second to none in the fidvactaees it affords vounz Ladies and Gentlemen for acquiring a useful and ornamental Education, will commence its next lerm NOVEMBER 10 TIT, ISCG. C7" For Circular, address the Princinal. HENRY CARVER, A. M. Bloomsburg, Nov, 7, lGt. ISSOLUTION" OF l'AllTSKESUIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership late ly existing between Williamson H. Jacohy and Elijah R. lkcler, of bloomsburg, under the firm of Jacob? St Ike ler, was dissolved on the 2!M day of Septem ber, llCo. by Elijah R. lkcler selling his interest in the partnership to Jo-mho P.Shuman. Mr.Shiiman. has also purchased Mr. Ikeler's interest in the book accounts of the said pa rtnership. to receive all cred its due Elijah R. Ikeler o slid books, and to pay said Ikeler's share of Ihe debts of tin. late firm Tbcrjfore, all rtebts due the firm of Jacoby St Ike- lf r, are to be paid to, and those due frmu the same. are tn be iiivcharged by v illiamson II. Jatoby and Josiah P. Shuiuan, at I'donirsburg, here the business will be coutinued under the firm ol Jacoby Sc sli man JACOliY tt IKELER. Blonnsburg, Nov. H, 1?SG. NEW TOBACCO STORE. II. II. IIUNSRERGER, Main Street, behic the "American House," 0 0 2& S 5 V1XQ, V. A . , tV'here he kevps on hand, and furnishrs to the home and count-y trade, at Philadelphia (.lowest; prices, FIXE IT AM) TLIG TOBACCO, DO.MEST1C AND IMPORTED CIGARS, all kinds of SnuiTs, Mcersi (iaun and Briar Wood Tipes, andall articles pertaining to his trade. C7" Those small retail dealers in cigars and chew ing tobaccos, would do well to fine him a call, in stead of sending to th-; cities for every article they need or purchasing of these country pedlars. November l, lci.6. 3m. XLTUTOR S NOTICE. Estate of Danid W. Montgomery. Deed. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Daniel W. Montgomery, lale lif Orangevill e. Coliinilii i C'oiiiity. h ve been granted by the Register of Colum bia County, to Peter Ent. ot Light Street Pa. All persons having c'anns against the estate are re quest ed t o present them for settlement and thoe indebted to the estate eithe r on note or bock account will make pay incut to the Executor without delay. PETER ENT, Executor. Light Street, Nov. 28, l?iib.-Cv. E W 1 1 AIR DRESS I NCf-SALO ON. A New Hair Cutting, Shavinff. and Dying Saloon, has been opened in the rear of llunsberger's Tobac co Store, niooinsburg, where all kinds of work in the barbering line will be nently and promptly at tended to Being n the same siJe of the street with nil the He-Ms. there is no need of crossing the street, thrntich the m id, to get to the shop. Hair work manufactured to order. I adies wishing their Itair dressed in Watcr-ta!'. or otherwise, with or without rrimp. will be attended to by a lady, ia separate npartirenls. (7 Ki-member the place . Main Street, rear of HunsberL'cr's '1 obacco Store. Nov. '.S. lebti. JjiARM AT PRIVATE SALE. TH E under? igned will offer his Farm at Triv ute Sale, situated in H'-mlick Township, Columbia Coun ty, Pa., two miles and a ha:t west cf Buckhorn, con taming S lu V EX T Y-T t - II E 2 13 A C EE US more or less. There is on the premises food and all the necessary out-buildings. There is al3o ou Ihe premises a good APPLE ORCHARD, in which nearly all kinds of good fruit are growd. An excellent weil of water at the door. CT7"" For particulars address the subscriber on the premises. J. H, STECKER, Back horn, Ta. Dec 12, 1?GG. Im. JOT1CE. lrn indebted to cith er of me undersigned, on Book. Note or Judgment, are requested to make payment without delay if they would save cos,.. VrKELYY, NF.M. Co., W. MtKELVY & C. August 22, 1S66. tf. WT IX A P P I N G7AND MIN IN G P A- f f PER. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa rer Mills at Mil! Grove, near Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa.. 1 am now prepared to till all order for Wrapnine. Dry Blasting and Water Proof Paper, on short notice and fair prices. I have opened a ware house in Wllken Barre. and appointed Joseph Krown of the firm ot Brown. Grayk. Co., my agent to dispose of my paper it. Luxernc ComV xar,NCH 3 FLUID EXTRACT BUCHIT, A positive mai Epoclftc Remedy tor dlaeaaai of tfca TtUdder. Elder. Crsttl sd Dropalasa BwUlaa. This Madieltre innresMa the powers of aigwtlon, and txdtcs the absorbents Into botltbvvactlon,by vHIob Om watoryorotlcareoua dcposltloos, and all Tumalnral lnrgements arc reduced, ts well aa pain amd lalUMBiaaB axid Is cood for zuoa, women end children; HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness arising from F.xcesaes, Ilablta of Dissipa tion, Early Iadl&croUon, attended wltu tLa followtng Symptorug : Indisposition to Exertion, Losa of roxror. Difficulty of Eroathlnff. Trembling, TVokefulnesa, Tain In a Bck, Flashing of the Body. Eruptions of the Faoa. Los ot Memory, "VTeci Kerr 08, Horror of Disease, ) Dimnees of Vial on,-, - Hot Hands, Dryness of the SMa, L nlTernbl Laasitade, rallld Connteoanoo, Thee symptoms, if allowe'l to go on (wbiob thU Medt elno Invariably removes), soon follow FATTJITT, EPILEPTIC FITS, &04 In one of which the patient may expire. "VTho feao say they are not frequently followed by those "direful die eaees " nxSATITT A3TD COSStTMPTIOS t if any nro nware of the cause of tbslr snfferlng.bat bom trill confess. The records of the inline asylums aod Qi5 melancholy donths by consurnptloa bear ample wits ass to the truth of ihe assertion: The Constitution, once affected by organlo veefaMn, rcguli cs the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the r.ystem, rhlca IltLMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCHV lsrui lt! decs. A trial will convince the moat eceptteaL In r.i?ry etTPctlons pccnllar to Females, foe Ermie r.vcEr Is nneqauled hy any other remedy, and for ell cos,. plaints Incident to the sex, or In the DECLEfE OB CHANGE OF LITE, f lT SEB SVTtPTOSIfl AJSOTX. t7 Uo ramily should Toe without lb Take 110 r.alpara. Mercury, or onpleossst modtclne tot hnpleasant and danr;erona diseases. T-T- U liAlUUbt uuuUU Cures Secret Cireaeee) In all tbclr stages little expense, little or no change etf diet, no inconvenience, and NO EXPOS UE. EXTRACT BUCHU For all tlTer'Joria and diseases ot these organs, whether EXISTEiO IX MATT-: OB FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no matter bow long f landing. Diseases cf Utcso organs reqnlre the eld of e dl arctic HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKU- Is the Great Diuretic. Ar.d it is certain to hero the daoirci cCect la all dbeaeot for which it li recommended. BLOOD! 8LOCD! BLOOD! Hclmbold's HTTHT.T cojrmrjrrBXTED coaDPoxnr FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA For porifyiPfj the Blood, removing all chronlo rtts? tlonal diucases arirtn; from an Impnre etato of Ihe ElcoJ, end the only reliable and effectual kbo-xn rcmody for i!:i care of Scrofula, Fcald Head, Salt lOienm, Pulna and Ewclllngs of the Bolcs, Tlceratlona or the Throct asd Legs, Elotches.rtaplce on the Face, Tetter, Erystpclw!, end all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, AX IHSATJTIFVIXG. THE CC21,E33CX,. irOT A I ETV of the worn Clsorders that affiict mankind artea frrm the corruption that accumulates la the Elood. Of til tho il coreries that have been made to purge it oat, nono c-j equal la cllcct He li cold's Cojcpocxd Exteact or f as- . e.U'ARii.LjL. It cleanses and rezovatos the Elood, InaUIs tho vigor of health ir.to tha cyttem, and purpee out tho Lnmora vLlch make di3Cise. It etimclatee the bosltty fnrx'lonfidnf tho body, and expt'.s the disorders that grcr cmyracklffin the blood. Eneh a remedy that cenld t-a relied on has long hoe a 60Eht for, and notr.for the first time the putllc tavo one 03 which they can depend. Car rpacc here docs net admit of certificates to show its cJT&cts. I a t tho trial of a single bottle will show to the sick that It L ia Its virtues surpassing anything they have ever tnkcn . Two tablespoonfal of the Extract of Saraap&rQla nddcj to a pint of water is e;aal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and cae bottle Is fully ejual to a gallon of the ejxtrp of Sna rrl'.lj, or lliw ucccUoa aa usually made. HELIIEOLD'S E.0SE WASH, An excellent Lotion for diseases arUlng from hablu ef dissipation, need In connection with the Extracts Bochvi and Sarsaparlllavln each diseases as recommended. Evi dence of the mcst responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for use, tta.1 h'intlrt'U pf thousands living witnesses, and op watds of S.3,00 nEsolIcited ccrtlficatea and rccomraenJn tory letters, many of which are from the highest sources, lucludliig eminent rhysicUns, Clergymen, Etatcemeo, &e. The Proprietor has never resorted to their pablleetion in the newspapers ; he dees not do this from the fact that hie articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do Dot &ee4 to be propped np by certiScatcs. The Science of Xedlclnc.llke the Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for ita besia, laucUon fwr lu f illar, and Truth alono for Its CeptuL Jry Txtrae t rarsoparl'.la U a Elood rnr!2cr ; my Txtreci Puchn Is a I iuretlc. and will act as such In all casce. Eoth arc prepared on purely sclenUHo prlaclplee Ticuo and ere tho most active measures cf cither that can bo made. A roa Jy and conclusive test will bo a oora rarlson cf their properties wltii those act forth la fie ftL lowlcg worts : co Dispensatory of the Called States. See Trofc&sor Dxwixa' raloablo works oa tLe Practice! Of Th Trie. Fee remarks mdc ty the celebrated Dr.rnTSii, Fhlla. fe remarks tuadeVy Dr. Epiuuui McDowell, a eele brated TLjelcIan cad ilember or the Eoysl Coll ego of Enr-eons, Ireland, snd pnillihcd ia the Traneaetloaa of the King and Queen's JoornaL See Medico-Cbirurglcal Ecvlew. pnbllshcl by Bb54ji Travzbs, Fellow of the Hoyal College of Eurgeone. ce moot of the Uto standard works oa Mediaine. POLD BT ALL DUrGGISTS ETEBTWIIEr. Addrees letters for information, in confldenee, to II. T. nELMBOLD, ChemisL PISCII'AL DEP0T3 Flelmbold'e Drug and Cuctntcal Warehoue Ho. 594 SE0AUWAT, HEW Y0, tui IlelTi hold's Medical Depot, lis, 101 S3UTii TLX! J EX, PEXLADELPHIA, UEWAlin OF COl JNTKUFHITa. aSK FOR UUIiUUOLD'S! TAKE HO OTHESI J 1