DEMOCRAT AND STAR. XOCAL DEPARTMENT. BLOOMSBURG : Wednesday," Dec. 5, 1866. Ws w ill thank our readers for all local oeedf- rencea in tbcir iuuntdinte; localities.. If they no not desire to write a communication for the public eye. let (hem send us a brief statement of everything of interest in their respective communities. 'A list of marriages, deaths, accidents, fires, removals, busi ness changes, 4c. "JlVe will put them in form. The" snore Cut of this kind we can get the better it will auit Da and cur readers.. Who will do H ? To ADvcaTtscxs. Persons wishing advertisement ' Insetted, must hand, them in early on Tuesday cioru -inn to insure their insertion for that week. A:;svm-3 to correspondents. Me. K. Your paper was paid for and ordered to be discontinued by Peter Ent, the ' Light Street Senator ; that will account for your not receiving it last week. We would like to know when Peter Ent became the acting newspaper Agent fo certain parties in this County? It was news to us, until not long since, he came into our office with a little cash. We always., thought these men, for whom he has been officiating, were entirely competent to attend to their own business, and we think so still, notwithstand ing the Hon. Peter Ent has taken upon himself to pay for and stop their subscrip tions. He has discontinued subscriptions to our paper, without positive orders, or else- ice are tcrongiyinjonnvu. nave t ncui. bo far as to ask any of our friends to discon tinue dealimr at his store nor don't think we shall We are"lve that kind of ?msi ness. " We'll pay a little more attention here after to these men who are trying to injure our business in an unfair and dishonorable way. We thiidc ve have 0tr remedy. Mr. K.", your paper will be Continued, JfgyJSenator Buckalew started for Wash- ington City on Monday evening. r- i t - t JKST The receipts to the Democrat and Star for "the .month "of November will ap pear in our next. '. :. ' ' Hon. Thoiuas Chalfant, Member of Assembly elect from this District, paid his frien a visit at this place on Monday last 33" The County Commissioners appointed, on Monday last, ; William Krickuaum, of,Mif3in their Cleric for. the coming year 1S67. . .. - G?The President's Message will appear entire in our next At present writing (Tues day) we have not seen it It h expected in this evening mail. B2F An ineffectual attempt was made one tight last week, to break into the Rough and Heady Store at Danville. A report front the Watchman's talking-piece made the villains skedaddle. - 1ST" Gen. Beauregard, who went through the whole of the late war without a wound, dyed recently in Paris. His hair, when h'e went to that city, was as white as a grizzly bear's, and when he came away, as black as a black bear's. 5 , i ) s - L lG?The late rains have swollen Fishing creek bank fall. . The streams are now pre pared for a '"freeze up." The complaint of "low water;" by the Miners," will" not soon be. heard, if the present rise in the creeks is as general throughout the country as it is in this section.' . Great Rush at Marr's. The public are taking a.dvantage of Marr's low prices and are carrying his goods off by vagon loads. He has just replenished his store with another supply of Fall and Winter Goo3, which he proposes to ?ell at reduced prices. If you desire to purchase a good article and at a reasonable figure, call on Mr. Marr. - 27 We are indebted to a friend for the following new subscribers to our paper, from Centralia: M. Mulligan, Michael IIoraD, Michael' Loghar, Patrick Kcndig, Michael Burns, and M. . Hannon. Thanks to cur friends. Our list is steadily increasing. On Monday and Tuesday of this week we made quite a number of valuable acquisitions to our already large list - Cotet. There was a pretty good turn out at Court on Monday.' Rain set in on Tuesday morning "which prevented many from being in attendance on that day. There are no very important causes to be tried this term.' We will publish a synopsis of the proceeding in our next We go to press too early to give any account of the causes be ing disposed of in this issue. SSf In another column of this paper will be seen a report from a Committee appoint ed tg examine the. building and report pro gress of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute, which is in course of erection at this place, under the personal supervision of Professor Carter, who is the contractor. The work Is coming on nlyt and so far gives entire satisfaction. Read the report from the Committee. . Csf The Keystone Clover Seed Stripper is being introduced to the fanners of this County, by Messrs. Wertman and Reinbold. Xbis machine" is said to possess many valu able advantages in gathering clover seed. From whai we have learned of its good qual ities, we should think every farmer ought to have it - "It will be advertised in this paper, when the farmer may be able to fully under stand it3 structure and its value. " . - tSi- Messrs. Van Allen, Leslie & Toris, of Danville, Pa., are earnestly engaged in erecting a New Rolling Mill, at Northum berland. The building is of frame, and in eke 302 feet by Co feet ; and will -consist when finished of a nail factory, a rolling mill For the manufacture of merchant iron and T. rails for mines, foundry, &c. This i3 a good location, and the parties interested in the enterprise are gentlemen of capital and . experience. . . , Two Acctd1:kt3. A young man named Toder, residing in Middlecreek township, "whilst engaged in cutting off corn in the field accidentally cut himself in the leg above the izee. The wound was by no means a dan gerous one ; but, since, it has . become in- arsed very much, so much, so that a few vs ago he was not expected to survive. ,Hl3 brother also met an accident and had his , leg broker. They were both 111 at the same t:-n?,- the one with a broken and' the other trlih a ecrflle?.- Neither of them was in- , 2r A white man named Shultz was murdered las. cek in- Detroit by two Ne groes, at the instigation, df the wife of the victim, she.being desirous of marrying one of his murderers." The negroes and the wile are in custody," and all confess their guilt All About Nails. The following table will show any one at a glance,' the length of the various sizes, and the number of nails in a pound. They are rated "3 penny" up to "20 penny." , The first column gives the number, the second the length in inches, and the third the number per pound. That is: 3- penny, 1 inch, 557 nails 4- penny, 1 inche3, 353 nails 5- penny, 1$ inches, 232 nails 6- penny, .;' 2 inches, 167 nails 7- penny, 21 inches, 141 nails 8- penny, 2 inches, 101 nails 10-penny, 2 inches, '. 63 nails 12-penny, 3 inches, 54 nails 20-penny, 3 inches, 34 nails Spikes, 4 inches, 16 nails Spikes, 4 inches, 12 nails Spikes, 5 inches, 10 nails Spikes, 6 inches, 9 . 7 nails Spike, 7 inches, 5 nails From this table an estimate of quantity and suitable sizes for any job of work can be easily made. - ' C There seems to be no reason to doubt that the Fenians contemplate a renewal of their movement against the British North American posessions. When that move ment will begin, or what the chances for its ultimate success may be, are questions with which we have nothing to do, and which we do not propose to discuss. It i3 enough to know that the Fenians are making active prepcrations for another invasion of Can ada. This is the more likely since the Radi cals, who boast that they carried New York by the help of the Fenians on the Frontier are fully committed to the entire abolition of our neutrality laws. . Of eoarre they will do their best to cheat the leuians of their price tor they have no stimuli for any war save a war on the lights and liberties of American Statc3 in the South ; but it is not easy-to see ho? they can continue to wiggle out of their committals on this subject Continued Slander of the President. With the longest of hypocritical faces the Radical leaders are privately circulating the basest falsehoods against President John son's private character. With an air of per sonal knowledge or with the oral affidavit of John Covode, or some such fellow, they ply their dupes with baseless stories about the President's intemperate habits, bis beastli ness, his craftiness, and his general impurity. The Washington Intelligencer and RepuMi can have at various times met these calum nies with flat and unanswerable denials, but they seem to have but little effect against the falsehoods of the thousands of Radical liars who are operating in that line. The Radical leaders find they cannot reach "my policy" with any sort of argument, hence their soul and only recourse is the foul weap ons of calumny and falsehood. Time will s-how that their .talcs are as groundless as those of the eld Federalist', who thus at tempted fp drag down the purest and best patriots of the Republic. : Reaping Their Pay. . It would seem by the reports from Maine, that the manufacturing companies of that State are beginning to reap the advantages of the war for the negro. Thejr have com menced closing their mill, and the reasons are that the wool costs more in its original state than the manufactured goods sell for in the open market. Commissions also en gross five per cent cash, sales commands discount of, four per cent,. while the govern ment duty on the gross amount of sales is five per cent Dye stuffs and oils likewise heavily taxed, labor is high, and goods said at the present time command only about two-thirds of their actual value. Although many of the factories have already stopped working, the glut of goods is still felt to be excessive, and other mills must inevitably follow the course of events and close up un til the dawn of better times. There is another reason, not expressed, but strongly hinted, that the high dividends realized during the. past six years, being about to fail, a demand must be made upon Congress for further protection. Peterson'sPhiladelphia Counterfeit Detector. This periodical, which is a reg ular hand book in Banks, Offices, Counting-houses and Storesx is issued on the first and fifteenth of each month, and has be come a necessity to ailbusincsruen. Besides distinctive articles Upon forged Treasury Notes and imitations of National Bank Notes, it shows the par value of all notes, in every Sate in the Union, and gives regular lists of all new Counterfeits and Broken Banks, state of the various Markets, Financial and Com mercial News. . t . , . Peterson's Detector is carefully, ably and honestly conducted and edited, and from its large circulation, necessarily is a good ad vertising medium, though its space for that purpose Ls not very large. Some people think because our currency is nearly all Na tional Bank United States Notes, there is no need for "Peterson's Detector." Why now is the time to have one for reference. The faculties for counterfeiting have largely increased since the adoption of the National Banking system, under which all the banks use a uniform plate for each denomination, with only a difference of locality. This fact warrants a liberal expenditure on the part o the counterfeiters in getting up a fac simile on any one of the National Banks, which when detected on that particular Bank, is immediately adapted to some other Bank by simply changing the locality, and so on through the whole two thousand National Banks ; whereas, formerly, a counterfeit on any State Bank, when detected, at once be come worthless. For these reasons the Detector daily grows of. more importance to the public than ever. Terms of subscription to Peterson's Coun terfeit Detector, corrected by Drexel & Co., bankers, is, for the MJithly issue, (per an num) 81 50 ; Semi-monthly, (per annum) S3, single numbers, 15 cents. To agents $10 a hundred net Subscriptions may com mence with any month. Terms cash in ad-; vance. Address all letters to T. B. Peter- T6 the Board Of Trustees of the j BloomsburgLiterarj Insti- : tutc. s- . . - r -.. The undersigned having been appointed by your Board of Committee to audit the ac counts of the Treasurer of said Board, beg leave to report that they have examined his accounts and vouchers and hnd that all the nioneVgfcCollccted from the Stockholders has been paid out for material and labor for the building. ' The Committee visited the building in company with some of the other Stockhold ers who joined the Committee in expressing perfect confidence in the mannerin which the building is being put up. The material in the way of foundation stone, lumber, &c, is better than the contract calls for, and the Committee are well satisfied that the con tractor intends that the building shall be second to none in the State, for the purposes for which it is designed. In conclusion your Committee would conjrratulate the Stock holders and community upon the prospect of u : ti:i. o i i .i -n i uuvmg a xiigu ocuuui mat. win comer hoc only honor upon those who attend but upon the Town and County. Your Committee would suggest that the advanced state of the work requires the prompt payment of the several instalments callea in by the Board and that Air. Wolf, the collector appointed, be instructed to proceed with the collection immediately. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN G. FREEZE, ) ROBERT F. CLARK, Committee. JOHN WOLF. J Bloomsburg, Dec. 3, 1S66. A Persecuted Party. Our neighbor of the Herald, copies an article from the Phil'a North American, and leads it, which for cool impudence exceeds anything we have read for some time. The caption of the article is "Treatment of the Republicans." It complains that they (the innocent Republicans,) have been treated with "uniform disrespect and approach" by the Democracy ; that we have called their Congress "a Rump," and threatened to kick the members composing the majority out of the Capitol builaing ; that wc have "slandered and oppred them," and called them ugly names and practiced "arbitrary usurpations," nay more, we have killed some of them and used "every weapon that could be used by envenomed hate." And, not withstanding all this, remarks the North American , the good-natured patriots of the Republican party, "have counselled ' moder ation towards the Democrats and opposed extreme measures." But, says the same paper, "the enemy (Democrats,) must now be made to feel the power we have," Sec. When we remehiber the infamous tyranny of the Lincoln "reign of terror," the man ner in which Democrats were abused, im prisoned, maligned and persecuted even unto death, robbed of their property by contempt ible officials and vagabond attorneys, it is not ' the quintessence of impudence for Eepub licans to complain that they have been badly treated by the Democrats? We had no power to "oppress" them even if we had desired to do so. That power was in the hands of the Radical?, and God knows they used it with a brutality that none but cowards and poltroons resort to. In less than one year over one hundred Democratic printing offices were wholly or partially destroyed by j the miscreants c f this hell-born party. Men were dragged to prison, many of them to die from neglect or starvation, because they dared to question the motives of an administration that will be remembered onlv for its glaring dishonesty and - pusillanimous weakness. Democrats were drafted into the army by thousands all over the country, whilst stal wart Republicans had no fears of the draft wheel, for it never contained their name?. MCclellan, because he wasa Democrat and a white man,, was betrayed by the adminis tration, and everything that could be done was done by those in authority to ruin the army under his command. Democratic offi cers were dismissed from the army and pri vate soldiers punished because they dared to Vote the Democratic ticket, and after having served their country for four long years, if they offered themselves as candidates for a civil office they were maligned by the thiev ing minions of the administration, and sfii namtized cs "traitors," "copperheads," &c. A constant stream of abuse, persecution and malignity, has followed us from the hour the Radicals took possession of the Government to the present hour, and no slander was too uean, no punishment too great to apply to Democrats who had independence enough to condemn the infamies of an infamous ?id minutration. And yet in the face of these facts, the North American has the brazen impudence to complain of the rudeness of Democrats toward Radicals. Poor fellows, how they are to be pitied. Most of them beggars five years ago, they now count their hundreds of thousands, and live in princely splendor, as this is the "persecution" they have suffered. ' Most of them are fat, jolly fellows, who have became rich from men's blood and women's tears, - an 1 they are. as grasping and remorseless asthey arc dishon est and heartless. Carlisle Voluneer. BLOOJISBfRG MARKET. WHEAT.per bushel. 2 80 BYE. ' I 5(1 :ORV, 1 10 BUCKWHEAT, 1 00 FLOUR per bbl. 14 M) Ct.OVERfEED, 5 5 FLAX SEEII - 2 70 BUTTER. F.fiGS, POTATOES. -PRIED APPLES, HAMS BACOV. - - 43 25 3 ) is 3 no 35 I HA V by the ton. BUCKWHEAT Floor. 3 00 LA ED. per lb. NEW ADVERjnSEJWENTS. gCIlOOL TEACHERS WANTED. THE School Directors of Franklin Township, Co lunibia County, ar desirous of hiring a male school teacher, to tkke rharte of a school in said Town ship, for fo ur month?, to whom Thirty Dollars per month will be'paid. Application to be made imme diately to the Directors. H. J. REEDER, Secretary. Dec. 5th, 16C6. gXECUTOR'S NOTICE." Estate of John Fritz, late of Sngarloaf loiCHShip, olumbia ,-ounty, dec a. LETTER3 testamentary on the estate of John Fritz, late of Sugiirloaf Township. Columbia County, deceased, base been canted by the Register of Co lumbia County, to Ezekiel Fritz and George P. Fritz, who reside jn the township and county aforesaid. All persons having claims on the estate of the ile cedent are requested to present them du'y authenti cated for settlement, and those knowing themselves to be indebted to the estate will tuaka payment forth with to the Executors. EZEKElL FRITZ. I F.,( GEORGE P. FRITZ. Sojarloaf. Dec. S, Idtitt. 6w. 'rv JOTICB. All persons knowing themselves indebted to eith er of the undersigned, on Book, Note or Joilrmeat, are requested to make payment without delay if they woa Id save costs. . - ' McKELVTM E : LA fn SPECIAL NOTICES. an ' 1 . J LOVELY GIRLS AND FESTIVE BOYS, send an addressed envelope and S3 cents, and I will send yon some valuable information that will please you. Address MARY MOORE, Kil Broadway, N. Y. M ay IB. 18GC Jy. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered or years from Nervous Debility, Prematura Decay, and all the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu inanity, send free' to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tisei's eiperiuuce, can d so by addrtftmnx - JOHN B. GDEN, No. 13 Chambers ik. NewSfork, Feb, 88 1SGG. ly. 8.M.P. THE Mason k Hamlin Cabinet Organs, forty dif ferent styles, adapted to sacred and secular musie.for SfiOtoSMK) each. FIFTY-ONE GOLD or SILVEtt M EDA t,l, or other first premium, awarded them. H'ustrnted Catalogues free. Addre s. MASOM l HA VI LIN, Bosroif. or MASON BROTHERS, Nsw York. Jan. 0, 18C6 Sep. 9. '65. ly. 8. M P. Til EG LORY OF MAN 13 STRENGTH. A gentle man who suffered for years from Nervous and Genitnl Debility, Nightly Emission, and Seminal WtMikness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near enrtinc his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man. send to sny one afflict ed, the simple means ued by him. which effected a cure in a few weeks after the failure -f numerous medicines. Eend it directed envelope and stamp and it will cost you nothing Address. EDGAR TK EM A IN. I'Wth ft. N, Y. City. STRANGE BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advan tage by return mail (free ofcharge.) by addressing the undersigned. Those hnvlng fears of being humbugg ed will oblige by not noticing this card. AH ethers will please address their obedient servant. THOS.F CHAPMAN. 831 Broadway, New York- Fob. 23, 1866 ly.S MP REMEDIAL INSTITUTE. FOR SPECIAL CASES. No. 14 Eond St, New York. (L Full information, with the igkett testimonial; also, a Book on Special Viataits lu a tealed envelope, sent free. KIT" Be lure and send for them, and fou will not regret it : for. us advertising phyriciaus are im post en, without references no stranger should be liusted. F.nclogfl a stamp for postage ; and direct to DO.. LAWRENCE, NO 14 BOND bTREET, NEW Vt'RK. Nov. 14, Tf.R. ly. S. M. P. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. 11.. Oculist and Anrist (formerly of Ley den, Holland.) No. 519 PINE StKet. rillLAD'A. Testimonials, from the most reliable sources in the City and Country can be seen at bis office. The med ical faculty are invited to accompany their pntients. as he has no secrets in his piactice ARTIFICIAL EYES, inserted without taik. No charge for exam ination. April 2j. iaC6. ly. TO Cohtmfttivfs The advertiser having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very sim ple remedy, after having suffered several years. with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption-is anxious to make wn to hie fellow sufferers the means of cure To all who desire it.he will send a copy of the pre scription used. ffreeof Charge. with the directions lor preparing and asing the same, which they will And a suae -ce for Consumption. A-ahmy, Bronchitis.Colds Courhs tc The onl object of the advertiser In sending, the prescription is to benefit the nmicte.l. and spre .d in (or Hint i on which heennreives to be invaluable cud be hopes every suffur-r will try his remedy, as it will coat tlifin not hing, and may prove a 'les-ini;. Parties wishing the prescription, free, by return until, will please address Rev. K. A. WILSON, Williamxbnrg KingsCounty. Feb. 2?, IS66. ly. S.M. P. New-York. M PIR E S II UTTLE SEWING Are superior to all others for ' FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURP O S ES. Centain a'l the latest improvements are spce ly noiseless ; durable ; and easy to work. Illustrated Circulnis free. Agent wan ted. Lib eral discount sllowi-il. n consignments made. Address EMPIRE S. M, CO,. Olti Broadway. New York. September 5. 1SGG ly.-A. Sl Co. rPhe Grovesteen Piano Forte X 'till retains its preenrfence and great popularity, au.l after undnroin: gradual improvement f ir a pe riod pr thirty now prono m :m by the uiusirat worlii to be unsurpassed an I even nrqu:il ed id rich ness, volume and purity nf tone, durability and cheapness- iur new scule. trench action hurp pedal, iron frame, over-strung bass, seven octavo rosewood pi anos we arescllmg cheaper dv from SUM to SiiiO than the suinir sl le and 6iii.!i are snhl by any other first-class makers in the country. !) .tiers and all in want of (food pianos are invited to st nj for our De gpritive Catalogue, which contains photographs of our different styles, together with prires No one s houid pijri hose a pi no without seeing this ( ata togue Medasl almost without number, have been awanlod to the Grovesteen 1'Iiuo. and the Celebrated WorH's t air. though put in competition with others from all parts o f Europe and the U 53 it took the hichebt atvaid. Established 1835 Grovesteen Co., 4J! BROADWAY. NEW YORK. July 20. '303 . H. 11. S. i. Co. A Cough, A Cold, or A Soro Throat, IMMEDIATE ATTSKTIOS. A!CO SrlOt'LD BK CBEIZED. Ir ALLOWED TO CONTINCE, Irritation of the Lungs. A Perma nent Thiozt Disease, or Con sumption is orrsit rnt kesoit. B ill OlVCIS I A I j .TKOCU ES Having a direct influence to the parts, give immedi ate relief. For Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump tive and Throat Diseases, TROCHES ARE rsEO WITH ALWAYS OOOD srCCESS. FIVGER AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Taocnrs useful In clearing the voir-e when taken before Minting or Spenkins and relieving the 111 rout after an unusual exertion of the vrnial organs. The Troehes are rpcnipm,nled and prescribed by Physicians, nnd have had testimonials from eminent men throuzhout the country, fteiiir an article of true merit, and havinf proved their efficacy by test of many years, each year 6ndstbem in new localities in varions parts of the world, and the Troches are universally pronrjneed better than other articles Obtain only Brown,s Troches," and do nit fakt! any of the Worthless Imitations that may be offered. Sold everywhere Nov. 1606. Cm. DR. SCHENCX 'S PULMONIC SYRUP. This (rreat medicine cured Dr. J. n. Scdkvck, tho rrcpr'ctcr, ctPnlmoDsxv Conjunction, when ithr.J assumed it most formidable n-T .vt, and when speedy death appeared to be ineri'ab e. n is puysiciane pro nounced his case incursble when he commenced, the xx"n of this rlrrp'c lut powerful rcn.edy. His health tvs. r2.-'orei In a vtry shirt time, and no return of the dUcace hae been cpprelieudcJ. lor s.U the symptoms quickly disappeared, and his pressnt weitlit is more than two hundred ponnis. S:ecc his recover;-, he haa dcrotcd his cflent'on exclusively to the cure of Consumption and the d'es: which are aju-iily ccmp'k-atcd with it, and the cure e;fccfcd hy his medicine4 have teea Tery numerous n,:id truly woniiuriu!. Dr. ScnzcK makes pro'eionsl visits to several of tho larecr cities weekly, where he liais Icree concourse of -patients, and it Is trnly a&onifhin? to see poor consumptives that hsve to be lif;ed out of their csxriajes, and in a feT month healtbv, roburt persona. Pj. . SCHF.NCK'3 PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAVCEED TONIC, and MANPBASE PILLS aro reaera'Iy all required in curing Consumption. Fall direc tions accompany each, so that any one can take them without seeing Pr. Soiir.ioK, but when it is con venient It Is best to fee him. He gives advico tree, but for a thorough cxamiuation with his Be--pirometer his fee 5s throe dollars. P:ease observe, when pun-basins, that the two likenesses of the Doctor one whea in the la-4 staja . of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in perfect' health re on tho Government stamp. gold by all Drueelsu and Dealers. Price f 1.53 per bottle, or $7-30 toe half dozen. Letters for Advice tfiould always 1 directed to Dr. dcheoek'a Principal OSce, 13 North Bth St., Fhlladeiph', Pa, General Wholesale A penis: Demas Barnes ft Co N. Y., S. S. KancS, Daltimorj, Md. ; John D. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker & Taylor, Chicaro, ILL ; Collins Bros., Si. Louis, Mo. 'Sd w. cs. mo. 1 yr. J WILL GO TO a aw pqitse res ths ni?n)KE2ciii . PhalMi "Nijgfct BlMmiag Cera. Pbaloa'a "Nighl Bloomiag Cerewa." Phalon'c- "Night Bltfoanlafr Cerena." Pfaalon'a "Night Blooming Cereaa." Pfaalan's "Night Blooming Cerens." A most exquisite, delicate, and Fratrrant Perfume, disti led from the rare and beaatlfal flower from which it take Its name. Manufactured only by PIIAIOX Be. SON, Now York. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR THALON'S TAKE NO OTIIEU. E XECUTOR S NOTICE. Estate of Daniel W. Montgomery, Dec'd. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Daniel W. Montgomery, late of Orangevill e, Columbia County, hive been granted by the Register of Colum bia County, to Peter Ent. of Light Street- Ta. All persons having c'ainis against the estate are request ed to present them for cllleaivnl and those indebted to the estate either on note or book account wil I make payment to the Executor without del.-iy. PETER E.vr. Executor. Light Street, Nov. 23. 13(30. Cw. JEW HAIR DRESSING SALOON. A New Hair Cutting. Fhaving. and Dying Saloon, has been opened in the rear of llunsberger's Tobac co Store. Itlooinsburs, where nil kinds of work in the bnrbering line will be neatly and promptly at tended to Heins nn the same side of the street with all the Hotel, there is no need of crossing the street, thrtiugh the in id, to get to the hop. Hair work manufactured to order. Ladies wishing their bair dressed in Water-fal'. or otherwise, with or without crimp, will be attended to by a lady, in separate apartments. 7"" Remember the place, Main Street, rear of Hunsbereer's Tobacco Store Nov. '.ffl. 13CG. GENTS WANTED FOR THE MOST POPULAR. AND Best selling Subscription Books Published 1 We ere the most extensive publishers in the Uni ted States, (having six hovses.) and therefore is af ford is sell books cheaper and pay aceuts a more lib eral commission than any other eompanv. Our books do not pass through the bands of Gen eral Agents, (as nearly all other subscription works do.) therefore we are enabled to give imr canvassers the extra per rent which is usually allowed to Gen er il Agents. Experienced canvassers will seethe advantages of dealing directly with the publishers Our series embrace the mot popular works on s'l rulij'cts of iuiportiiuce, and is selling rapidly both N'orUi anj South. Old agents, and all others, who want the best pay ing agencies, will please sand fur circulars and see our ti-rius, and compare tnem and the character of our works witi those other ubliher. Address, NATIONAL PUTLISHIN'G CO. Philadelphia. Pa. , Boston, Mass., Cincinnati, O, Chicago, ills., 1. Louis, Mo., or Richmond, Ya. Nov. 83. IcMiti- Iw. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned will offer his Valuable Farm at Public Sale, situated in Main Township. Columbia County, about three miles north-east of the town of Catawiss.i, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 25T1I, 1866, At 10 o'clock A. M. containing 164 Acres, More or Lees, about one hundred acres cleared land nnd in a good ftate of cultivation, 15 acres meadow-land, the bal ance wall timiM-red with chestnut, hickory, oik, pine and other timber. There are erected on the premises, a large BRICK HOUSE, A Ne-B" Frame House, A Story and a half Small Frame House, A f. ar Frame P.ank Barn. A Wneon-Hhed. and oth er Ont-Buildings. all of which are comparatively new, and well arranged. An excellent ORCHARD is on the premises in which are grown nearly all kinds of good fruit. There is als J on the premises, plenty of never-failing WATER, near the building, besides a strea n of water running through the place. " Conditions will be made known on day of sale. GEORGE r-' HU MAN. JO?EPTI WtNTERSTEEN. Auctioneer. Main Township. Nov. -id, ie06. 41. JEW GOODS f NEW GOODS ! 1 FOR FALL and WLMCil, AT R. Wr. BOWMAN'S ORAH'siYXKEIvS THE undesigned has just rece'ved a very larse ard excellent assortment of FALL AND WINTER nCOI'S. which be proposes to sell at very low rates He the best qualities of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES, MCSLIXS. CALICO E3, DELAIVE3. MERI.N'OES. CHECKS, Ac. Ac. The 3roccry Department is filled with the best quality of frech croceries and provisions, such as sugar, molasses, fluur, salt, fi.h, hard, b.icon, spires. Ace. XT" Country pro luce tiken in cx-hanse for goods, for which the highest market prie- will be given. Don't fail to give him a call and secure great bargains. R.W.BOWMAN Orangeville. Nnv.2S. lPfiC. 3m. Til - CKAT CALMS OF HUMAN MISERY. '"jcJmfy JL-'T published, in a sesled envs fi lope. Trice C tents. A lecture on the nature, treatment .nd radical cure of Seminal Weakness or Spermatorhoea, Induced by Pelf-Abuse ; Involuntary Emissions. 1m potency. Nervous Debility and. Imp -dimeuts to Marriage generally ; Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits ; Menial and Physical incapacity, fcc. Hy Hubert J. Culverwell, M, D.. author of lhj 'Green Uookitc. ff Tho world renowned author, in thftrttdmirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience, thjt The nwful consequences of Self-Abuse maybe eff-ct-ually removed without Medicine, and without dan genius surncal operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cnrdiiils. pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter hat his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. This Lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands, gent undersea! to any address, in a plain envelops, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Alsolir. CulverweU's Marnge (Vuide. price 25 ceuts. Address, CH AS. J. C. KLINE it CO., 12" Bowery, New York, P. O. box 45cU October 17. Peas Sl Co. J.J.MOWER IS AGA1X AT HJS OLD STAXD With a arc and Well SELECTED STOCK OF GENERAL SvGcd sr cs? Da si in c cs Where be will bclitippy to meet his O-D customers And all the new ones who wish to bay AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND GOOD AS THE BEST His stock is being constantly being replenished with AS- s ssnv S FROM THE EASTERN MARKETS. Dloomsburg. Nov. 7, 18C6, M ACHINE AND REPAIR SHOP. THE undersigned would roost respectfully an nounce to the public generally, that he ia prepared to execute all kinds of MACHINERY, at JOrEPH SI! AKPLESS' FOUNDRY, ia Bloomsburg. where he can alwavs be found ready to da a It kinds of repair ing, including Threshing Ma' bines, and in short, all kinds of Farming Utensils. ALSO, TURNING AND FITING UP OF CASTING AND MACHINERY, done en short notice, in a good workmanlike man ner, upon the most reasonable terms. - Ilia long experience in the business, as foreman In the shop of lewis H. Maua of thie place, for over nine years, warrants him ia saying that be can give entire satisfaction to all who may favor bin wlth J,hi.A.iS Vmwwwiwwswwswiiwim i 111 o er rs 1 6 s "1 at O ft -s B O a n o K .2. O M Z fess g-s CH 2 ft H w 2 I w s s I o B O 9 OO O o o n o 5 ft H H a CO !5 CO w 00L CAIIDING. The subscriber having purchased the well es'ak- lished stand, known as "SAND'S FACTORY," near Rohrrburg. Columbia County, and having pat the machinery id first-rate repairs. prepared to ds in the best manner, and upon the shortest notiee. Those favoring bim wilh their custom may rely en having their work well done. HENRY U. SANDS. Greenwood, June 6, l.Cfi. N JEW KAS.EEE SHOP. The undersigned respectfully announces that he has refittted a shop, in Court House alley, opposite the Exch.mje Hoel. where he is prep-red to con duct the harbering buines In all its branch es. The art of coloring whiskers and uioiistacnei is practiced hy him most skillfully. He also clenns clothing, making them look nearly as good as new. upon the most reosonablo terms. Give bun a trial. i7" Hair Tonic of the very best quality, us'd for cleaning hair, kept constantly on hand, and for sale B. ViA. UL.L.IINS. Rloomsburg. April 05, 18G0. tf. qTTTO BROWER'S TO BUY YOUR 2 CfDODDDbSo F ARiERS 1 FARMERS I I Don't fail to :e nilLLTPS' SCPFR PHOSPHATE LIME to enrich your lands and make large crops of gram and grass. It is now extensively used in all the leading asricaliural portions of the courtry and without dispute or doubt is known to he the very best used. Itcont.iins less moisture, is morn uni form in quality, ,'ontains mora agricultural value, than any other in the market. The undersigned in troduce it as a standard art icle. intending to make it a permanent trade. Its value haa been fully tested in this counts and stnn Is unsurpassed by any other article ever introduced. Give it a trial, you will be Dleased beyond measure with the results. Apply to PAXTON fc HARM tN. August M. 13CG. Rupert. Pa. MONIATED PHOSPHATE. A Concentrated Fertilizers Especially adapted to WIIEA T and other GRAINS. This preparation contains Pure Ground Bone .and the bst Fertilizing Salts known to agricultural chemistry, combined in such a manner as to develop their productive properties only when used on the soil. Price $10 per ton. For sale at the nianufactur i:r's depot. No 724 MARKET STREET. Philadelphia. LLOoMcKCRG, Colnmbi t County, Pa WILLIAM LLLISdCO, Mauu factureri. September 5. tctu. V17RAPPING AND MINING PA- T v PER. Having thorouchly overhauled my Pa per Mills at Mil! Grove, near Dloomsburg. Columbia C"inty. Pa.. I am now prepared to till all orders for W rapping, Pry lilastmg and W ater rroot Taper, on short notice and fair piices. I have opened a ware house in Wllke.i-Harr-. and appointed Joseph Krown ol the firm ot 'frown. Gr.ivat Co.. my agent to dispose of my paper in Lucerne Countr. THOMAS TRENCH, Bloomsburg. Sept. 16, IPfiS. 'JpO HOTEL & SALOON KEEPERS Of Ploomsbarg and Columbia Connty I have ap pointed Mr. B. tolner agent f"rlbe sale of my Ale. Porter, Brown sUout. nnd Lager Beer, who will sup ply you at the t ame price (and with tne same article.) a I would furni.-h yon from the brewery. Knowing that he will be punctual and and attentive to all vthnmay favor bim with their trade, I solicit for iiim your support. Very respectfully, 1'KEU LAUER. Steam Orewery, Reading. Pa. September 26. 13CG will go and see BROWER'S New Ftock. I am. told he is selling goods at very low figures. JJJLOOMSBURG LITERARY INSTITUTE. This Institution which is second to none in the advantages it affords young Ladies and Gentlemen for acquiring a useful and ornamental Education, will commence its next term NOVEMBER 19777, 18G6. Ev For Circular, address the Principal. hENRY CARVER. A. M. Bloomsburg, Nov, 7, 18CU. D ISSOLUTIO.N' OF rAKT.NEKSMl'. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership late ly existing between Williamson 11. J.icoby and Elijah ll. Ikeler, of tsinnmsburg, under the firm of Jacoby Atlkeler, was dissolved on the S2J day of Septem ber, I'titi. by Elijah R. Ikeler selling his interest in the partnership tojosiah P.Shuman. Mr.Shuman. has ult-o purchase. I Mr. Ikeler's interest in the book accounts of the said partnership, to receive all cred its due Elijah R. Ikeler os Slid books, and to pay said Ikeler's share of the debts of the late firm. Therefore, all debts due the Ann of Jacoby tc. Ike-, ler, are to be paid to, and those due from the same, are to be discharged by 'Villiamson II. Jaroby aud Josiah P. Miuinan, at bloomsburg. where the business will be continued under the Or in of Jacoby It tshu man JAC'OUY & IKELER. Ulo'msburg, Nov. 14. 185G. NEW TOBACCO STOKE. n. II. IIUNSBERGER, Main Street, below the "American House" Where he keeps on hand, and furnishes to the home and couut-y trade, at Philadelphia (lowest) prices, FIXE t t'T AX13 PLUG T03AIT0S, DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS, all kinds or SMOKING TOBACCO, Snuffs, Meerclinon nnd Rriar Wood Pipes, and all articles pertaining in his trade. Those small retail dealers in cignrs and chew, ing tobaccos, would do well to gue bim a call, iu stead of sending to ths cities for every article they need or purchasing of these country pedlars. November SI. labo. 3m. mJNCY HOTEL, MLACT, -ycpiuin? County, Pa. N. HUDSON, Proprietor. November 14. 186. DISSOLUTION NOTICE." THE partnership existing between the undersigned under the Arm of at. W . Bowman JiCc. was dissolv ed by mutual eonsent on the ISlh of November- 1 be unsettled accounts will be attended to byR. W. Bow- nian, who will eontinoethe bniiness st te r'd ftsnjL 3 ISOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BtJCHD, A poslUve and Epeclflo Bemedy for fllseaaea of the , .. . . n i .-j hmssImI awaUlMM. XilMOCr, tk.tmmwjm , - T Medicine lnereasoa the power of dif estloa, and excites the absorbent Into hesJtbactlon, ty trtlch th watery or calcareous ucpuuuuua, 1 org omenta aro rodoeea, as wen as piuu mu aad u good for men, women ana cumusu. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness arising1 from Excesses, EablU of DlasJpa. tlon. Early Indiscretion, attended with tna lollowte; Symptoms: IndlspotilUon to Exertion, Lots of rower. Difficulty of BroaCsttfi TrembUngt Wakefulness, rain In tho Back, . Flushing of tho Body, Eruptions of Use Face, Loss of Memoryj TVeak Kerret , Horror of Disease, Dimness of Vision, ( - k Hot Ilands, y. Dryness of th EMn, Cnlversol Lassitude, Pallid Countenance, Theso symptoms. If allowed to go on (which this MedU cine Invariably remove), aoon follow- o FATUTTT, EFTXEFTIC FITS, A4 In one of which the patient may expire. TTho csa say they are not frequently followed by those "dlrafal dla eases. INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION Many ere aware of the cause of tnr lr suffering, but none will confess. The records of the Intone asylums and the melancholy deaths by consumption bear ample witness a the truth of tho asscrtJonr. Tho Constitution, once affected by organle weakness, roquli'os the aid of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate the system, which HM.MBOLD U EXTRACT Or BUCTl lararlabl dc, A U will convince S& most soepUsaL Intcstry affections peculiar to Females, fbe Canmaof Lcorc Is nncquaied by any other remedy, end for ell coxplalnts Incident to the sex, or In the DECLINE OB CHANGE OF 1ST &j tV Bxm SncrroK asotz. 137" No FamUy should b without Itl Tske no Calsam, Mercury, or ucp?toasant uedlolae far nnpleasant and dangerous diseases. UELIIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ) A Cures Secret Diseases In all their stages little expense, little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and NO EZFOSUBS. CJSE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHtf For all affections and diseases of these organs. Wastbsr EIISTINQ IN MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever csuseorlglnatlng.and no matter bow long1 standing. Diseases of these organs require tae aid of a diuretic HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Ia the Great Diuretic. And it is certain to have the desired effect te eS flfissjw Cor which it is recommended. BLOOD! ELCOD! CLOOD! IIelrri old's tniBXT coNcnmiATn ooxrrotnr FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAfllLLA For pnrtfyins the Wood, removing all chronic eoesa Bonal diseases arising from cn lmpcre suto of tho Elood, and the only reliable and efficttul taorrn rosed7 f r tax cure of Scrofula, Scald Dead, Salt Ehcnm, rins sad Ewclllnss of tbe Cones, Ulcerations of ILe Throat cttl Legs, Elotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Eryslpolaa, and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, "iixD BEJuTJTjyrura the cc2xrxii03r. NOT A F"W of the worst disorders that let tnan&iad ertjs from the corrnptisn thr.t acc a'.ntcs ia Co Cowl. Of all the die coverics that have been mode to purge it out. tone ess equal in cflcct Hr.Lxto s CoxrorjrD Extcact or Sak BAACiiiA. It cleanses end rcnorates the Tlool, lns'JHa the vigor of health Into tho system, and pnrgee ont the humors which make disease. It stimulates the hcol&r fani'Jossf the bod;, and crpcls the disorders that grorr ecCrantC:n tho blood. Euch a remedy that be relied on has long been sosght for, and now, for tbe tret Uao tho public have one on which they can depend. Csr rpace here docs not admit of ecruacntcs toshowitseflbcta. bat the trial of a slnglo bottle will show to the sick that it has Its virtues surpassing anytblng they have ever tatcn. Two tablespoon- ful of the Extract of Sarsaparllla addeel to a pint of water la equal to tbe Lisbon Diet DrlnXeod one bottle is fully equal to a gallon of the Ejrcpof i parlUa, or tbe decoction as usually made. HELBOLD'S ROSE WAS 3, An excellent Lotion for disease arising from habit ef dissipation, used lu connection with the Extracts Encha and Sarsapatilla, In such diseases as recommended. EtI denco of the most responsible end reliable character will accompany tho medlclnce. Also explicit directions for nse, tea.', hundreds cf ihoxuand living witnesses, and up wards of SO.PGO unsolicited certificates and recommenda tory letters, many of which are from tbe highest sources. Including eminent rbyslclans. Clergymen, Ctaleamen, die. Tie Proprietor has never resorted to their publication la the newspspers . be does not do this from tbe fact that hi articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need to be propped up by certificates. The Science of Medicine, like the Doric Column, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for It basl. Induction for 1U pillar, and Truth alone for lu Capital. re! si'-cO My Extract rarsspariila is a Clood PuiLler ; tny Ertraot Enchu Is a Elurctic. and will cct as sncb in all case. Both are prcpercd on purely selentiile principle 4 raciio end aro the racst active measure of either thai can bo matte. A ready and conclusive test wia be a com. parison of thctr properties with those set forth la the fot. lowing worts: ee Dispensatory of the United States. Ece Professor Dzwr valuable work cn the rractlM Cf Physic. See remarks made by tbe celebrated Dr. Ptrrsie, FWIa. Eco rcmarka madoty Dr. Eyhxaix McDowxlx, a cole, bratcd rhyslcian and Member of the P.oyal CoDegeof Ccrgeons, Ire d, end published la the Transaction of the iiing and Qncenli Journal. Sco Medlco-Cblrorgical review, published by Balrrtf Txatxes, Fellow of tbe Eoyal College of Snigsoua. ee meet of the late standard -woris en ttT'iTi BOLD BT ALL DRUGGIST3 I V 51 W ILLJJt Address letter for Information, in oosfldenee. t H. T. HELMBOLD, caiemiaW PR OPAL DEPOTS Jlelmbold's Drug and Ohemical WarebtmscV Eo. 581 BS0ALW1Y, EEW YOKE, a Belmbold's lledtoal Depot. - lie. 104 SOUTH TE1TH8T, PHILADELPHIA. J ME