4 AGRICULTURAL." PIEE0T1ONS FOTl PACKING POUI . TilY. . ; la a late circular from extensive y New Xcxk proTisicn dealers, we select the Follow dixcctfoa for packing Poultry for W . V . . 3 ' ' - ''-- - 1 IzL Food ia tlia crop injures the appear EC2, ia liable to soar, and purchasers object to pajiag for this -vrorsa than n3eleaa weight therefore keep from food twenty-four hours before killing. 2d. Opening the Yelas of the neck in the best mode of kiting. If the head bo taken oJ at first, ths skin will recede from the neck-boce, presenting a repulsive feature. ' Srd. Most of the poultry sold in . thi3 xsirketk I'scalied," or "wet picked,'.' but "dry picked," is preferred by .a few," and' eeHs to aHaiited extent only, at full prices. Poultry may be picked dry without . diScul ty, if dona without delay after killing. : For scalding poultry, the water should be aa near to the boiling point as possible, with out actually boiling, the bird being held" by the legs, should be immersed, and lifted up and down in the water three times the mo tion helps the hot " water to penetrate the plumage and take proper effect upon the ckin. Continue to hold the bird by the legs with one hand while plucking the feathers with the other without a moment's delay af ter taking out ; if skillfully handled in this way? the feathers and pin-feathers may all tbe removed without breaking the skin. A torn or broken skin greatly injures the ap pearance, and the price will be low in pro portion. 1 , 4th. The intestines or the crop should not be 'drawn." After removing the feath ers the head may.be taken off and the skm drawn over the neck-bone and tied, this is beat, though much comes to market with the leads on. I ' ' - - " ' 4 5th. It should next be "plumped," by being dipped about two seconds into water, nearly or quite boiling hot, and then at once into cold water, about the same length of time. Some think the hot plunge sufficient without the'cold., It should be entirely cold, but not frozen, before being packed. - If it reaches market eound without freezing, it will sell all the better. 6th. In packing, when practicabla, use clean, hand-threshed rye-straw. If this can not be had, wheat or oat straw will answer, but be sure that it is clean and free from dust of any kind. Place a layer of' straw at the bottom, then alternate layers of poultry and straw, taking care to' stow snugly backs , up ward, legs 'under the bod, filling vacancies with straw, and filling the pack, so that the 'cover will draw down very snugly upon the contents, so as to prevent shifting or shuck ing on the way. Canada poultry generally reaches thi3 market late in the season, say in , February., Much of it i3 well fattened and of good quality, but is generally dressed and pacKea in a slovenly manner, the crops be ing full of food (peas and oats), the wing and tail leathers on, ete.,. sells low in pro portion to its real value'. .If enterprising traders will go intp Canada, buy the poultry, particularly turkeys and geese, alive, or in come other way make sure that it is proper ly dressed and packed, they will have a bright chance to make money. Boxes are the best package, and should contain from, say, 1 50 to 300. Larger boxe3 are inconvenient, and more apt to get injur edjNumberthe packages mark the contents, the gross weight, and the tare of each on the cover" place invoice of the lot in one pack age, marked "bill," "and send a duplicate by mail direct plainly to the consignee, placing name of the consigner also on each package. Feeding Bees. Comb honey is best "'No kind of molasses is suitable, because they will not eat it A good substitute for hon ey is made by disolting any kind of sugar in just enough water so that when put into a kettle and heated to the boiling point, and ecmn taken of it will of the consistency of Etrained honey, when cook This should be poured from a pitcher upon empty comb?, filling the cells, and then placing the combs where ths bees will find it. On this plan bees may be fed in the winter season, in mild, sunny weather, by placing the combs ither befbr their hives, or within the su pers, where caps are placed for surplus hon ey, and rapping on the hives, to cause the bees to come up where the feed is. Rural American .... . Graph Vines. Prune as soon as the leaves are off this is when to- prune. How tor prune will depend upon the vine and the person's knowledge of its manner of growth. We can only give general directions. Look at your vine now that it is divested of leaves. AH that is seen" of the wood of the present year's growth, has born and doneit3 duty. The bud3 upon the canes, that now look so insignificant, are next spring to throw out vigorous shoots and bear fruit If all the Buds are left, there will be many weak shoots and little fruit If this year's shoots are cut back two-or three buds, the remaining buds will push out vigorous shoots and produce much better fruit than if the vine had been allowed to run wilcL Have this in mind whenever the vine is pruned the buds, and net the wood now on the vine, are to produce the. fruit- Prune understandingly.- Salx Youb Chdinets. In building a chimney, put a quantity of salt into the mortar with which- the intercourses of brick are to be laid. The effect will be that there will never be any accumulation of soot in Jthat' chimney.- : The philosophy is thus sta lled : The salt in the portion of mortar which-is exposed, absorbs moisture every damp day. The soot thus becoming damp falls down the fire place. Our readers should remember or preserve this little piece cf valuable information. " Bestove every stone from the track in tSe highway. A single- projection, which might have teen removed in one minute, has battered and injured a thousand wagons, at &d,ma-3 errad to a h'dred days" labor. . , t A- jourz lady told' a typo-friend l might r-izt & ILj ca Lsr cheek- Izi te rausa't pub- TTDBBAH FOB, j CATAWISSA. j THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of the Money Manet. Look and compare prices before puxcaaa. lac eliewbere. Just call at Uie favorite business stand of McVineh Shuman; and you will be met by the obliging Proprietors or tbeir Clerks and shown through their great variety rUore free of charge, of course, they will give you a fair chases to spend your loose change, they trust much mote profitably than it can bespent elsesrber. Their STOCK: OF MY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in all its varieties than usual. Tbeir Ladies Dress Goods areof the nicest styles in Market, They have a fine assortment of Hals, Caps, Cools ana Shoes, Summer Cloths. Caslnets, Cassimers and Vestings. and numerous articles com mo 4 to such establish ment, besides a general assortment of TTARTiWAHE. TTNWARF 1 y Queessware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. Thy wish to conduct their business ou the vi tern, of "PAY AS YOU GO" and they tWnk they can afford to sell very cheap. They ri-tiii tbeir manas ror many pasi javors. ana ask the t'utme patronage of liier former customers and the public generally. ."U(.:ilJl 3lj Mi.,. May 14..MG6. if. ' . - - Ct REAT ATTEATION J AT- G II OCEIXY STOKE. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to the cilisyae of Blooinsburg and the surrounding country that he keeps constantly on hand at liii old stand, on the south east corner of Main and Irou sis., a prime lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Coffee. u;nr, Syrups. Tobaccc, Cigars. Dried Fruit. Coal OH. s-nufl". Spires, BulLer. ;;. Lard Cheese. Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Paints fall Kind, and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs, Dr Goods, Calicoes, Cloths lor boy's wear, Soaps, Flour, Chop, l4Ueenare. (Jla-. Put- - " ty, tJu't. Fish. Meat. - - v- Candies Buckets. Brooms, - Hosiery, Eooks, Writing 1'upcr. Ink, Hardware, Pocket Knives. Combs, 4iC. ice. itc. He keeps in fuel everyiijinj appertaining to a first class . . Uroccry nud Variety Store. He is determined not to be undersold. All kinds of produce take at the - - , ' - HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having Jast received anew Mock, the people are earnestly invited to call and s.t'y iteuiselves. By strict attention to buiueSs, he liopi .tot only to re tain his paironaje but to i or reuse if. (le feet thank ful for past favor, and w itb miiuv yers experience in the business, lie felx contiUcni he can render sat isl'actioa to all who iavorbim Willi their patronage. JOHN' K. UlETON, " Bliomshurg, June SO, 13UG. . , 110 VESTEEX & EO. , . ' Piano-Forte Manufacturers, , 490 Broadway, New York. TflB ATTENTION of the politic snd the Irde is invited toMir MSVV StJHfi, 6EVEV OCTAVE, ROSKVVChiD PIANO FOCTt. v bith for volume and purity of tone are nuiivsil-u by aoy hitherto of forcd in tins uiyrkei. Tuey i-oulaia ail lbs uiodcru iinprovementa, frencb grod atiiup.hnrp pedal, iion- Irame, over-oir'in; b.is. etc.. anu eucli lustrument being murie un-.ier the per oual sofrviion of Mr. J. U. GRovksrata, who iixsapiaiiic.il eipeiienceof over thirty years in tlfir ai.iuu facture, is fully war. ranted in every particular. - THE "GROrEgTEE-V PrjJJVJ-FOKTE Beckzvid the highest award or merit at the cele - ; ' ateb World's r'i a Where were exhibited instruments from the beat makers of ondon. Paris, Uermifny, rbiladelrgsn, l;limore, BoAtnn and new York ; and also at the American Institute for five, successive years, the Gold ami Silver Medals from boiu of which can be seen M oh r ware-rooms. Bv the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a an icily cj-h system, are enabled to oiW liie e instruments at a price wnieb will preclude all ceiupetikiou. - Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any first clur Piniio l'orle. TKMd. iSet Caii in current funds. ' Descriptive circulars sent free: July J i, icGo ly. U.&. T. ' Espy, Columbia Co. Pa. The nnders'jned having become sole proprietor of this well knowii and con venie; ly lorald stand, respectfully inibrois hi iViend. sod the public in general, that he U? put bis liou-e in complete order for the acrointuouy.ion of boarders. ini for the recep tion end eulerluiuiD"ui of nuv l.'eis tv bo may feel dispognd to fuvor iu wiih their curtoui. 1V0 expense has been spared in preparing ib'i Hn e' for lue enter taiumeul of uer.ts, rait uotiiiiij s'leil ue wanting, on hiH p irt. to totaieicr 10 tbeir nei .0 irl couiiort. The location, as nell as the build'n. i-i a jood one, and all toscliiet is auip'y urrargtd ,0 ti'"ae lie public 1SEAEL Ml'MEV. Kspy. April 11. I6C6. tf. IJLOOMSBURG FANCY THDI3ILXG ATSD -BOOK STOHH, ' Second door below Hart man's Main Street, Just received a new stock of - . ZEPHSE3. WOOLEN AD COT TON YARNS, COBSETS, LACE3. EMBROIDERIES, MU3L1.V.EDGIKG3.DRES TRIMMINGS, and every variety of articles usually kept in a FANCY STGKI2. A'snSciioo! Books. Hymn Books, Bibles, Sunday- School Books, and a large lot of JIISVELLANEO US B O OKS, Account and Memorandum Books, Blank Deeds, Bonds and (Mortynees. and a general and well-select ed assortment of Paper, LuveJopes, Scf. A. D. WEBS. Bloomsburg, Jane 20. 1SG6. -.( THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN MISERY. Just PuhHshed.i a Sealed Envelope. Price mix eentt. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sperniatorihoea, In voluntary fcmiion. Sexual Debility, and Impedi ments to Marriacn generally. Nervousness, Con sumption. Eptlepty. aad F'ts ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, refilling from Self Abjse. tc.-lly RU3 EKT J. CULV KRWELX, M. H Author of the 'Green Book.'- &.e. Tbe wovld-renon ned author, in this admirable Lec ture, c early proves from his own experience that the awfui consequences f Self Abuse may be effect ually removed without medicine, and without nan gerous su 'gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufierer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him self heapl y. privately, ana radically. TIK9LEU TfJRE WILL PROVE A BOON TO THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or twopostage stamps by aaorestiing tne p ibii.-tners. Also. Dr. CULVERWELL'S "Marriage Guide," price S5 cents. Address the publishers. CHA8 J.C.KLINE 4c CO, 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office b x, 4oc. Sept. iiO. ItXtt. QUll STARCn GLOSS i Is thf only Article'nsed by First Class Hotels, LaiiiifJ. ries, and Thousands of Families. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pas smoothly over the cloth, saving moch tike and liber. Goad, done up with it keep clean much longer coo sequently will not wear oat so soon. It makes Old Linen. look like New. OUR IMPERIAL BLUE Is "in Best is ihi World. It is soluble in hard as well aa so a water. It is putopinthe salest. ueatest, and most convenient turmof any offered to tne public Is Warranted not to Streak the Clothes. Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex traordinary Inducement". Address, NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS'CO No. 218 Fultan St, New York. September 28, ISCO 4m. A 4v Co.- Manufactured to order at HENRICO 4MILL Ross Township. l,uzertfe Ceuuty, Pxu, - Oak, Ucmlock, Maple, Ha9 PINE, POPLAR AND BEACH, kc., for Sale at tbe MILL, or delivered at any point on the Railroad,' reached or connected with it. 17" Address, the subscriber, at Wyoming, Lu erne Coiny , or JAME3 JACKSON, the Sawyer, at Hirveyville P. O: - - Tbe Mill Property witi two Hooses; Bam and oth er improvements, surrounded by about HS0 Acres of Land, 1309 of wbich Teoiainr. heavily timbered, la now for sale at a bareiin, y . . ., , , .. WILLIAM HENRY. . ,...- ,-Jryia Lwrii Coaaty, Ft. 1 ..-. THE PERUVIAN 8YRUP IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE " V Protoxide ol Iron, " a new discovery in medioine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, BY supplying the Blood wilt km vital rxuncirLa, or UTU BLMrt IRON. This is the secret of the wonderful saeeess of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Oomplaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of Consti tutional vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, nd all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OP THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low atatc of the system Being free from Alcohol in any form. Its energis ing effects are not followed by corresponding reac tion, bat are permanent.infusing strength, vigor and New Life inte all par:of tbe system, and buiiding up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon BCOTT. D. D. Dcnhax. Canada East, March 24, 18ti5. "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years standing. "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 have used tbe Pe ruvian 8 f rup. that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are aston ished at the change. I am widely known and can but recommend to other that which has done so much for me A CASE OF 27 YE R8" STANDING CURED. From INSLEY JEWETT, No.15 Avon Place. Boston I have suffered, and sometimes severely, for 27 years, from dyspeptic, I commenced taking the Pe ruvian Syrup, and found immediate benefit from it. In tbe course of three or four weeks I was entirety relieved from my suffering, and have enjoyed nniu terrupted health ever since " AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON, PAYS: "I have been using the Peruvinu Syrup for some time past; it gives nie niw Vigor.Buoyancy of spir its. Elaoticity of Muscle." Tknuandi Move been changed iy the use of Hit remedy frtm tceak, itcklj.tujcring creatures, to elrong.healthg: and nappp men and tcomen; and invalids cannot reasona bly kf Hate. t give it m trial, A pamphlet of 32 pages containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, and others, will be sent ran to any address. E7-See that each bottlehas Percvih Strd? clown in the glass. FOR SALE BY 3. T. DINSMOBE, Proprietor. 36 Dey Ht.New York SOLD BY ALL. DRUGGISTS. X s CROFULA. All Medical Men a free that IODINE is the BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The difficulty has beeu to obtain a Ft re SoLnnow of it. IV, II. Anders' Iodine Water Is a Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL VENT If Containing a Full Grain to each ounce of water. A. most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and llesttiraiive. has eured and will cure SCROFULA in all its mani fold forum. ULCERS, CANCERS. 8V PH1 LIS.SALT RHEUM ; and it bus beeu osed with astonishing success in ca -es oi U'iieuin.-ttiui,lvpep-iaf Consumption, Female Complaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Dibe ises.sie. Circulars wil be sent rise to any one sentfiug their address. Price $i 0 a bottle, or 6 for 95.00 Prepared by Or. II. ANDEP3, Physician St Chsinist.J For Sale by J. P. DINSMORE. 36 Dey St. New Y Aad by all Droggists. WILD CHERKV t HAS BEEN USED TOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Itfluenzt, Whoopiog cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, Diffi culty of Breathing, Asthma, al ever y affec ' tion of THE THROAT,LUNUS 4- C11ES7. which earries ofl-nrre victims thnn any other dis ease and which baffl -s the ski'l of tbe Physicians to a greater extent than fi-v oilier inxlady. often YIELDS TO 'THIS REMLDY when all others prove ineiT-cuial. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, sootliiug in Effect, safe in its Oper- IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation, free from noxious ingredinent poison, or minerals smiling Uill. tcicn e.ai:d medi cal knowef;e ; cnuiliining ell that is 7alualle in the vegetable kingdom ior tuis class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE f and is entitled, nieiit-, and receives the general con fidence of tbe pub'ic, SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., fit Herman. N. Y- writes as follows : "VVtsTAa's Balsk or Wild Ouerrt gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a ough by loosf ning and cleanring the lungs.and allaying irritation. thus renioviii" the cause, instead of drying up the cough and leaving the cause behind. 1 coosidertbe Balsam as go d as any, if not the best, Cough medicine with which 1 am acquainted." Rev. Jacob Sechler, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respecud among the German population in this country, makes the following state ment for tbe benefit of the afflicted, Dsas Sibs Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prepara lion WtsTAas Balsam or Wild Cherry it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public oine eight years ago one ofiuy daughters seemed to be in a de cline an-i little hopes of her recovery were entertain ed I then procured a bottle of your excellent Baleam, and Jetore she had lakn the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement io her health. I hvve.in my individual caee made frequent use of your valuable medioine, and have always been benefitted by it. JACOB SECHLER. Trice One Dollar a Bottle. FOB SALE BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York BETH VV FOVVLE, at SON, Proprietors,, Boston. . - . AKD ST ALL DRDOa.STV Q RACES - Celebrated Salve CURES CCTS.BURN'a, 8CALD3. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES WOUNDS.BRUISEtf. SPRAINS, Graces Celebrated Salve CURES BOILS. ULCERS. CAN CER3. Graces Celebrated halve CUBES SALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAPPED HANDS- CHILBLAIN'S, Grace's Celebrated Salve HEALS OLD SORES, FRE3II WOUNDS Jte. Ztis prompt in action, removes pain at oaee, and re duces the snoer angry-looking swellmcs and imfla maUoas, as if by magic thus affordimg relief and a complete ears. : Only 24 ceau box I '(Sent by snail for5 cents,) J , ; : ' ' For Bale by . JT.' P. DTVSMORE 38 Dey SUteUNevr York. 1 S. W. FOWE oc SON, Proprieto -s,Bostoa, aod h ail Dm ggists. G roeera, and CtizUJ tort 'r -i BUSINESS COLLEGE N.E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets; PHILADELPHIA. The most compteie and thoroughly appointed Busi-neo- Commercial College ia tue roucilrr. Tiie only one in the cii.v pogemin-r Legislative Charier, and the only ooe the V n it ettr-iale author ized I o cooler Der of Merit. Diaptomas awarded to graduates io the Cojiuit ia' Course uoder ilsror porule seal bv auilioruy or lw. Conducted by geutleuico of liberal education and extensive exiwrieore in liuiuess. and aQording unf quailed sdvautases tor the iboioegu theoretic.! and piacllcul eilucation of youog men lor the various du ties and emrlovmnt oi business li.e. . . THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system AtrrUAI. BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre emltieat'y paei.icul. giviiig the stu dent in the shortest time a romp li'te intijlit into the routine, dctals- customs and terms of busiuess in general as conducted lathe besi-reg Dialed commer cial and financial establishments. THEORETICAL BOOKKEEPING! Upon a new plau. with an original exposition of tbe science of accounts, arraiied and published bv the proprietor of this lrliiu,iou exclusively for his own use. saving one-half the ordinary Inbor of Ibe student andgiviur biin a complete Knowledjie of the practice Of the bent accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES BookeepiDg, Commercial Ariihmetic, Pen manship, Business Correrpondence, Commercial Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Commer cial Customs, Forms, and Actual Busi ness Prtcfiee.. SPECIAL BRANCHED tlgebra and the Higher Malhcmatic, Phonography, Or Momenta I renn-an'lip. the trt o, Detecting Counterfei: Money, F.ietlug Sur veying, Macigalijn and Telegraphing. TELEGRAI'IIINGJ. The arrangements ior "1 rirjrapning are far more ad vance o.'anv'b'nj of the kind ever oflered to the pub lic. A reju-jr Tei- ra.ili Line is connected with the lnsliip io'i wiMi twenty branch offices in various parli oi'ltie ci-y, where public business is transacted, and io which the suJeHis of this Institution are per nniied io oractir.e. No regular office practice cau be had io nov otter school of instruction in the couutry. without wbie.i no one can obtain a position as a prac. tical operalor. Younc men are cautioned against tbe deceptive representations of those who, without any such 1'aciliiies, pretend Io t ach Telegraphing. PATRONAGE. This lnstilntlon Is now enjoying the largest pitron tron.ije ever heiowed upon any Commercial school in tl'e Sif e. Over fiv hunrtres students were ia atten dance tue first year, and over seven hundred during the past. y-ar. The bet class of students mav inva riably be found be re, and all its associations are first clam. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIO3. This Institution is located in the most central part oi me cuy , nu us ac-otninouaiiong, tor eiicnt. ele gance and convenience, are nnniirpased. All the rooms have een fi.ted up in the verv Dest ulyle with BUSINEtiS OFFICES OR CUUNTIJ HOUSES. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, STATIONARY STORE, D A RECCI.AR BANK OF OEPOSIT A VD IS.UE. supplied with fjo'y engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium mine Department of Actual Bukiness. TO YOUIVG ITIE."V who desire the very bi st facilities for a Tiactical Ldncaiioo for easiness, we gnaran tee a course of instruction no where els equalled, while the reputation and standing of the Institntion among business men make iis endorse men l the best passport to success and advancement. All contemplating entering any Commercial Colleje, are invneo to senn ior an i LLUSTKA I tU CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, and full particulars of the course of instruction. terms, tc L. FAIRBANKS, A. 31 , President. T. E. MERCHANT, SupL of Office Business. Nov. 4, lu3 lim. RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medicines, at John R. Meyer's Drug Ptore, corner of Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment oi PFRE DR108, Medicines, Taints. Oils and Varnishos. alwavs on hard, and will be told cheaper than at any other urrg ciore in town. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescriptions carefully' compounded at M oyer's Drug Store, Ay era and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug Wi-hart s Tar Cordial. Dakar's Cod Liver Oil. Window's Soothing Syrup, sold at Cover s Drug Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's ur3 -iore. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's Drug Store, Blooinsburg, Pa. May 2, Itfbti. tf. JyTEW QOAL y ARD. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of lilooiurburg and Columbia county , that they keep sll the different numbers of stove coal and selected lump coal for sini;hiug purpose, on their wharf, ad joining VrKelvv, Neal &.Co's Furuare ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the wharf.to weiph coal. bay and straw likewise a horso and wagon, M deli ver coal to those who desire it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, v.e intend to keep a superior article, and sell at the very lowest prices. I'leae call and examine for yourselves before pureliain;lewhere. J. VV. llfc.NUEKSHor. AUGUSTUS MASON. rpIIE undersisned will take, in exchange lor Coal 1 and Groceries, the following named articles : Wheat. Rye, Corn. Oats. Potatoes, Lard, Ham, fhonl der.and side meat. Butter, Eggs, Hay. sic, at the higbestcash prices, at tis Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. V. HE NDERSIiOT. Blooinsburg, April 25, lovG, ly. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. BI.OOMSUUUO. CO LUMBIA CO., PA. rf H E subiicribcr, proprietor I cf the abnve named ex tensive establishment, is no prepared to receie orders lor All Kinds of Machinery, for CoMeries, Blast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MlLtrf, THPESHIXG MACHINES. &C. tC. He is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, plow-irons, and everything usually made in hut-class Foundries. ' His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war rant hiiu in receiving the largest contracts on the in t reasonable terms. C7 Grain of all kiuds will be taken in exchange for castings. This establishment is loca.ed near the Lackawa na e Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER BILLilYER. ISloomsburg, Sept. 12. 1903. DENTISTRY. C. HOWE R, SURGEON CBNTTST, t? Pr OTf T" L'n f T V i.: . r H. ional services to the ladies and grntle men of Bl.iomsburgand vicinity. He is prepared io attend to all tbe various operations in the line of Iiis profession andis provided wilhttie latest improved PORCELAIN TEETH, which will bein-ierted on gold, platina. silver and rubber br e tolookwi-ll as the natuial teeth Ml leral plate and block teeth manufactured an all 0 enttionson teeth. carefully and properly attended to. Residence and office a few doors above the Court U nite, same aide. Bloojisburg, June 6 1SG3 A. J, EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Zitarly opposite the Episcopal Chut ch. LOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MY stock is composed fine clothing, medium and low priced adapted to all conditions, tasta.snd wants. He has the latest styles for the season a fine assortment ef Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw.s, from low to the very best His Goods are tahiunnble and veil Made. In addition to my stock of ready-made clothing, I have piece goods for custom orders. Cloths, Cassiixicrcs, &c, &c. Aad having one of the first class cutters, I guaran Ue a fit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of U 00LEX AXD LIXEN ShlRTS, Stockings, Neckties. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs L- Also, Hats, Boots and Sboea, Trunks and Carpet bags. 1 will sell at the lowest Market prices. Please give ma a call before parehasinf elsewhere. ANDREW J. EVANS. Bloomsborg, Nov. 15, 186S. S9QA S10KTH1 Agenta wasted for $tz entirely nam artW'a. jnst out: Ad. r?" 9uT- GAJlET.City Buildisa, Bedford. Maine. r-gl 3'vl ' W1LKES-BARRE. FefeNA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, - -$150, ASSETS. Stock not called in, - $50,000 40.000 25,000 0,000 Bills receivable, - U. S. 5 20 Bonds, Temporary and call loans. 103 shares Wyoming uanic sioca. 0,180 56 shares First National Bank t Wilka-Barre, 5,000 70 shares Second National bank at Wilkes-Barre.7,000 40 shares Wilkes-Barre Bridge istock, - - 2.5H0 Real Estate. Lata Judgment-, t)J Due trom Agents and others, ... 7,414 Cash in band and in Bank. .... l.bli DIKjECToRS. O. M. 1IOLLENBACK, I.. D. SHOEMAKER. . JOHN BEICHARD. II. M. HOVT, SAMUEL WADHAMS, O. VOLLIVB. ;IIARLbS DORRANCE, Wst. 8. ROSS, R. D. I. A COB CHARLES A MINER, STEWART PIERCE, G M HARDING. G. M HOLLEVBACK. President. 1.. D. PHOEM AKER. Vies Vree'l. K. C. SMITH, Sscbatasv. r. BROWN. Agent, March SM, 1663 uisburg. Pa. QBE AT Dl PRO VE3IENT IN SLUING MACHINES. Empire Shuttle lachine ! SALESROOMS. 330 Broadway. N. Y.. S.r0 Washington c't eet, Boston. 9-.il Cheiuut Street. Phiiadelphia, PATENTED FEB. 14. I8K). THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new prin iples of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable itnpn vements. Imvins bsen examined by the must profound experts and pronounced i o be Simplicity and Perfection Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular stion. makes the LOCK or SHITI'LE STITCH, which will neither RIP aor RAVEL, and is a'ikeon both sides ; performs porfect sewing on every description cf material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM or COG WU BEL. and the least possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age enn work it steadily, without fatigue or Injury to health. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity ofConstruc tion renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by tbe company to give en tire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves with a superior article, to come and examine this UN RIVALLED M ACH IN E. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to work this machine to tbeir entire eat isl'aciion. Ageuts wanted for all towns i t the United Ftates, where agencies are not already established. Also, for Cuba. Mexico. Central ami Snuib America, to whom a lilic ral discount wit! b siven. tJli'lRE SEWISG MACHINE MF'G CO- 53G Broadway. N. V. s TOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to his many friends and numerous (in t omer lual he continues the above business at his old pluceuf business ou MAIN tfTKEET, BLOUM5 BL'RG. His customers and others can be accommodated with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipes.Ti inware.and every t' "1 regulated STOVeQ; artirle found in all well AND TIN WAKE 1TABLISIJMENTS in the cities and on the mot reaouable terms. SPOUTING, fT house and b :rni, will be put up on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing dun promptly and upon liberal terms. He also keeps on hand a l.ir-re supply of Milk Pans, of diflVr"iit izs and prices ; be.jdes a fine as sortment of Fisher's Patent felf ttaluig Fruit Pre serving Cans. Give htm a call July Id. iKtiG. tf. EW RESTAURANT, Iu Sbive'i Building, en Main Street. WM.GILMORE, Informs the citizens (f Bloomsburg and vicinit th it be has opened a New tills T A V R A I T, in this place, where he invites his old friends and customers to call and partake of bis refreshments. It is liis intention to ieep the bent LA GUI BEER AND A LE, constantly on hand ; A No, Porter, Sarsaparilla. Min eral Water, Fancy Lemonades, Rapberrv and Lent ou Pyrups , can always be had at his Kesiauranl. In tbe eating line he presents a not surpassed in this place , viz. Pickled Oyster Clams, Sardines Fi,.h, Baibecued Chicken, Tick led Tripe and Beef Tougue, i.c, ic. lie aUo h is a good article of Cigars and Chcicing Tuhacco for his customers. Cv" Give him a call. Bloomsburg, June l.'l, IdoO. $2,O0OAv-. J necessary. A YEAR mai'e by any one with blencil Jools No experience isary. The Presidents. Cash. iers. and Treasurers of 3 Banks indorse the circular. Sent free with samples. Address the Auiericau Sten cil Tool Works. Springfield, Vermont. August 1, ldoti. 3iu. J 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FECNINO BOARDS F OR sala. The undersigned ofTers for sale upon the most reasonable terms, at his place of business, j n BENTON. COLUMBIA COUNTY, ne hundred thou sand shingles and a large lot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. MctiENRY. Benton, May 9, Ir36G. Wit, C. UKMSZKT, CEO. W. CARl'tHTFR. Established 1828. G. W. CARPENTER, HEIVSZE V & CO. wholesale: druggist?. 737 Market St. one door below th. Ppiladklpiiii, DRUG?, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. FAINTS, OILS. GLAS. VARNISHES, DYE?, Aod every other article appertaining to tbe business, of the best quality, and al the lowest Market Rales. March id, 1800. T ICIl ! ITCH ! 1TCU! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH SCRATCH WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Care The Itch in 48 Hours. Alo cures SALT RHEliM. IM.CERS. CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Vri. e AO cents. For sale bv all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEfcKS & POTTER. Sole Arent. 170 Wash incton street, Boston, it will bo forwarded by mail, free of postage, to any part of the United Stales. June C, lt;t. ly. J EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MA1VSTREET. (NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLER S STORE.) BLOO.VI3BUR7. PA. THE undersigned has j'tst fi:ted up, and opened, his new STOVE AftD TIt SHOT, in this place, where he is prepared tojnake up new TT. WARE of sll kinds in bis tine, and do repair ing with neatness and rlisp uch, upou tbe most rea sonable terms. He also keeps on hand STOVES of various patterns and styles, which be will sell' upon terms to suit ourchasers. Give htuia call. He is a good mechanic, and de serving of the sjibilc patronage. JACOB METZ. Bloomsbnrg. Sept. 9, 1366. ly. SAMUEL KNORR. ATTOUIVEV-AT-IiAW, . BL00MSBC11G, PA. Office oxer Han'man's Stor ovpotile Pott Office JYctc i Stock )6J Clothing. S prin sr and Summer Ciioocls. INVITES attention to his stock of cheap and fash ionable Clothing at bis Store, on MJUN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the Jl nitric an. House, where hi has just received from New York and Phi ladelphia, a full assort uienl of ITIcn and Boy's Clothing, including the most fesliinnable, durable and hand seme, Clt fc)S3 GOODd, consisting of Box, Sack, Frock t Gum and Oil Cloth Couts, and Pants, of all sorts, size, and colors. lie also ha-i replen ished his alieady large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, bus penders and fancy articles. N. B. He has constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths ami Vesting, which he is prepaied to make up to ord.-r. into any bind of doming ou very short uulice. auJ m tue best of man ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home innnufdcturo. .A N D Of every Description. Fin- and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not snrpassed in this place. Call and ex amine his general Bfsortnient of Clothing, Watches, lewelry, etc. itc DAVID LOWENBURG. Bloomt burg, April SO. 18M. jENRYGIGER, ' Has opened a first class BOOT, SHOE, HAT AHD CAP STOPiH, At his old stand on Main St reft Bloomshmg. His stock is composed of the very latest and bet styles ever offered to the citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate tne public with the following kinds and prices : Men's calf boots, fine, to 9.00 " kip. double sole, 3 75 to 5.73 Boys child's boots. 1 .75 to 4.75 Men's glove kid. Congress, Stc, 2 50 to 5,75 Hal. Shoes, 1 91) to 3.00 " woman's boys and misses glove kid lasting i.nti rs, 1.75 to 5.75 Women's glove kid, very fine, 3.25 to 5 75 ' fine goat morocco balmorsts, 2 5(1 to 4 00 ' turn's morocco aud call shoes, . .1.75 to ii 511 common shoes, 1.5(1 to a 51 Misses' and Child's shoes. U.5 to 1 00 Men's, w omen's, misses', boys and cltilds slippers. 0,i5 to 1.00 He also keeps a great varitty of II ATS, CAP3 and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the love( prices, both for Cash an Country produce. Remeiubei the attraction is in our good. Don't be alarmed at the cry of high prices, but call aud sec for yourselves. Respectfully, HENRY GIG CB. Bloomsburg. July II, 1?GC. Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Kaiitoad. SST TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a ON AND AFTF.R NOVEMBER sTT. lrtt.5, PAS SENGER TRAIN'S WILLRLN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD, P M F M Leave Scrantnn. 4 40 Kingston, 6 00 Bloomsl nrg. t.?J Arrive at Northumberland 9.5(1 LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M Leave Northumberland, 7.00 Danville. 7-40 Bloomsburg, P.C5 A M. 6 5(1 fi.55 9.20 10.35 PM 510 5 4'J ti 'J.i 10 15 A: M for Sorantoti Arrive at rlrrui:ton. 12 40 Trains lerv:n: Kingston at S.30 connect ur.ii Train arriving at NcwVo. it si 5.J0 l-eavin; No-iiiuinoe land ol K.liO A A). nod KiiiZMton V?.0 P. M . connect null Train airivioj al New York st 10 '.', V. .). Pj- ener lkin; Train Soolh from Scrapton ft 5 5i) A il V'ii o jij.iio -r',inii.r;aiti Hsr- i-'bnrs, i '.A P M. Bet i.iiore 5 : II P M.. WshtiinsMxi 10 OOP Al via Ru pert reucli I'uitauelphia al 00 P M. li. A. FONDA, F-upl. Kingston. Nov . Jo. I8C5. - . rpHL .NEW s:. iri c Suimnci Medicine MRSAPAUILM COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PREPARED fOR C. V. PETTE3. BOoTOW By JAMES R. MC1I0LS& CO. JA? nuctiiriiy Chemists, MANUFACTURERS OF TUE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK wnu Protoxide ol Iron, Which has become so lavonbly known as a TOA'iC AA'D RESTOPAT IVE, By Thysicians aud Invalids in all parts of the oun tr. The new preparation, 5ars.tparilla In combina tion with Iodide of Lime." presents one of the most prompt alterative ag-ii. in a form capable of exert ing lull action upon the system, and ibis in minute and pl-asant doses. It is conceded that tbe altera tive, resolvent, or tonic effects of Iodine are exert ed most decidedly wuen assoriited with other alter anves. iu combination ; and tbe Sarsaparilla seems to fulfill perfectly all the favorable requiaiiioua. The first efiV-ct usually observed when "SARSAPARILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" istaken. is an increase of appetite showing that it has tonic properties of a ni irked character. Its al teratrve effects are manifest in its ready combina tion with tlu blood anil tissues Pule, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly under its use, anil the vital functions aume a Healthy con lit ion. It is admirably ndapted to a large nuifaber of chron ic or ai ute aff'dious peculiar in children It ts suit ed to them both by the mildnei a ud efficiency of niedirinal efi'ert and the pleasant, attractive form of the remedy. It may bo given for a long period where constitutional influences are desired, and no repug nane, or disinclmat on to take tne syrup, encoun tered. In White-welliug, Hip-Joint Disease, and Distortions of the Spine.it sboulj be giveu persist ently, iu moderate doses, unul relief is obtained. Iii the Spring o the Year, and during the Warm Weather, the accumulation of morbid mailers in the system seems to become manifest and vry troublesome. Las situde, Headache, Boils, Costivenet s, Loss of ,ppe lite. Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc , are very common. Nothing ever devised j better adapted to exterminate ordnve ofi'lhes! uffLctious thin thisnew combination of SARdAl'ARILLA W ITH IODIDE OF LIME. Ai preparation like it, or ichich approximate to i) at an Alterative, or Blood Purifier, ha erer before heen placed within the reach of invalid. Indeed, it is an entirely haw and scientific combina tion, in no resi ecl resemuliug an) thing hilheito em ployed. Tli.! opinion of medical men concerning it. the de scription of its chemical character, therapautic val ue, manner of use, etc., are given in a circular, which cau be had at tbe suite of any and all first class DrasgUts. O" fold in Bloomsburg, wholesale an retail, by Eyerfe Mover, and all Druggists June G, IrCC tini.' jyjISS LIZZIE PETE RM AN, W ould announce to tbe ladies ol Bloomsburg and the publtf- generally, that she has just received Irom the eastern cities her Spring and Siiiniaicr Stock of MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of all article s usually found in first class Millinery Mores. Her goods are of the best quality and anions the most handsome and cheapest in Ihe uibrket. Call and examine them for yourselves. Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examin ing Miss Feteruiau's stock ot goods. Bonnets made to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Mam street. 3d dcor below the store of Mendenhall & Rupert. Bloomsburg, May 2, It?d6. if. TAIsL. pA PLK. TDE undersigned respectfully announces to the public that be keeps constantly ou hand, at his oiosuna, one aoor below Miiz s Drug More. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Psper Wiadow Shades, Cord". Tas sels and Fixtures, for Pictures., ttc, ol the very latest st) les. and is prepared. to do all kinds of paper hanging to order. K. J.T NORTON. Bloom-burg, April 4 lo6C. tf M. WIIITMOYER, ATTOKIEY - AT - LAW, BLOOMSBURG, Pa, Office opposite Post office, ever HartmatCs store. Back Fay, Bounty t Pensions and Gov ernment claims promptly collected. -SILZSaATZB Hotsb aii Cattle Powders. This prejiaraUoB, long aad favorably known, will that. ougbly reinvigorat broken-down and lew-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansing the stomach mod intes tines. i It is a sure pre ventive of all ate nases Incident tA this animal, such LUNG FETES, GLANDERS, YELLOW WA TER, HEAVES, COUOHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, Ac Iu use improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives smooth, and frlossy skin and transforms t h miserable skeleton horse. into a fine-looking and spirited To koepers of Cows this Drenaratlon la nAi.M It increases the quantity and Improves the quality - oi me muic. it r.u been proven hy ao ' tosi experiment t . increase the quan- titjr of milk and cream twenty per -eentl and make the butter Arm aad sweet. In fattening cattle, It gives them an appetite, loosens i their hide, and "I WW. ranch taster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcere ia the Lungs, Liver, &c, tliis article acts as a specific. By putting from one-half a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill tbe above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive ana cure for tne nog unoiera. Price 25 Cent3 per Paper, or 5 Paper lor $L PHEPABED BY S. -A FOUTZ & BRO AT THEIR WHOLESALE DRTQ 1ND MF.DICTKE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin St. Baltimore, McL For Sale by DruggisU and Storekeepers through out the United States. 7" For sale at the Drug Ftore of EYER tf- MOYER, Bloomsburg Fa. Bloomsburg. Jan. C. lfCfl. 12mo. DU. W. II. WHITMOB, HAS been in successful practice for a number ox years, with ihe nxperienee of the different hos pital, in Kurope, also a member of Ihe Analytical Medical Institute of ivew yi rK, comnues toatfand to all protVssioiial caes at his office No. U3d Filtert Street, Philadelphia. 2. No putent Medicines are used or recommended ; the remedies aiiuiinitlered are those which will not break cow n the conttituiinti, but renovate the sys tem from all injuries il has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the syrtem in a healthy and perfectly rnr'd condition, 3. DYSPFPH ,. that distressing disease and fell destryrr of health and hnppine. Mndcnninlag the cou-tituti in tnd y caily carrying thousands to un timely graves, can nio.t enipha icnlly be cured. 4. ."' lautholy, Abberralion. that state ot Allaa tion and weakness of the timid wbith renders p'-r-sons iorapatile enjoying the pleasures or perfeiiu iug the duties of lif-, , , KHE1JM ATIiM.ln any f.irtn cr condition.chmn ia or anite. wiirrantod curable. il, EI'II.KI'bV, or falling sickness, all chronic or stubborn case cf r radira'ly remnvrd ; i'a't Bbeuin and every deserip. tion r.f ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases w hirh hnve biif:l!d all prev ious medical skill, can be cured by my treatment ; aod I do say all disease,' (ye 'jN.turrmN) ran be cured by wearing my Meiil cated Jarktt. which is h protection tw the luags against all dian-rs of weather in all clitnaless hav ing in vesticaled for year the cause and character ol iiileriiiii:enis (lever and ague) in all parts of the United Stales will cure periuam nily all cbrouie or acute cases of a;u aud nervous pi-ieases ia a few days. Cancer Ccrrd witboul the knife er Drawing Biocd. Tape Worm, that dread to the flu man Family for years, cm l e removed with two or ttus doses of iry new ly discovered remedy, warranted in all cases, Consultation iu the Kiili.h aud Gerrann Languages free of charge. Will make visits any distance, if desired. Mny be addresse by letter (confidential!,) and Veiiiciue sent with proper direct ions to any part ol ftiii country. CFriCE-f'o, Filbert Su Phila. April 4. leCti Jy. dr". j."r. lvans, Pbysiciau and Surgeon. AVINli lofa'tfd permatiftiily on Main Stre-t. KLOOMSllKRG wooM in. Inrm the public genera'ly. that be is preprard la attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to bis c-are, vn tersss coinmeasM rate witU the times. C7" He pays strict attention to SJrgery as well as nieilieine, Nov.25, 1 6o3, ly. JI. M. TKAUGII, ATTOUAEY-AT-Ll W, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Will pra ctice in the several Courts of Columbia and adjoining counties. XCT All Collections promptly attended to. June 80, IHio. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Atiorncv at Law, PLOOiSBlUG, COLCMDIA CO., V. IT Jll.L practice in the several Coortsof Columbia l County. All legal business intrusted to his eaift shall receive prompt attention. Office -On Main Mreel, Excbauge Buildings, aver Miller's Store. Bloomsburg. April 13, lcf4 Justice of the I'cncc, Licensed Conveyancer, Scrivener, and Snrveyor Oflicc Reaver Valley, Pn, Will attend to liking Acknowledgements. Write Dents, yiorlsagvs. Lenses, Bonds. Notes, Agree ments, tie. Sorveying- alteuded lo with dcipalch.--Ch rges moderate. GROCERIES AND EFII. ELWEl.L. having boufht L. Runyon's PRO VISION STORE is now prepaied to ell Grocer les at Whole sale or Retail, as ll'cap as tbe Ceap. est. iii:.:e you can find SUGARS, TKAS. C0FFEKS. SYRUFS. SPICES, CRACKF-RS STARCH. SODA CORN' STAHCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT, "iV00 DEN WARE. FLOUR FISH, BEANS. OM0N. &c, fcc. KPH. W. EL WELL. Bloomsburg Eeb 14, l6. -I jJJ a2enig pver wt;er lo HI our improved giO Sewing Machines. Three stesr kinds. I'nder and upper feed. Warranted five" years. Above alarr or large commissions paid. The ONLY machines in tb L' ailed Slates for less than $40, whirq are fully licensed by Howe. Wheel, cr 4c V i son. ;ror Baker. ti nger 4l Co., and' Bachelder. All other ch'-sp Machines are Infringe litems and the seller or user are liable to arrest. Sue end imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or t all' upon haw A. Clark.. Biddefnrd, Me.; or Chicago 111. Deeemher 20. It?t3j ly. OMNIBUS LINE. THE undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of Bloomsburg, aud the public (sh erany. inai rc is mnmns; an UMMBL'9 LINE, be tween mis i lore a ui ineun- ferent Kail Hoad lleDOla dat- ly. (Suu'tays excepted) to' connect with the several Trains going South a West on tbe Catawissa and Williausport Bail &oad. and with those going North and South on the Lack. 4c Bloomsburg Road. Iiis On MBCSrES are ia good condition, commo dious and cmnfortabls, and cbarses reasonable. lL Persons wisbisg to meet or see trir friends depart, can be accommodated, upon reasonable' charges, by leaving timely notice at any of t be Ho-' tels. JACOB L. GIRT0N, - Proprietor. Bloom iburg, ApiilS7, 18C4. BLA.NKS 1 BLANKS 1 1 Of ?cry decfipiion Ior tale at ibieotfics.- T A A