AGKICULTUKAL. . HINTS AEOUT WOEK. IJczzz3. la iroveniber we espect to get sll our stock ia the barns, and should tale frood care of them. There are no animals, however, that with plenty to eat will bear the cold so well as horses full grown hor-E-C3. 4 'Weathering" stunts colt3 shoct ingly. T7e Laye no doubt of the truth of the state ment, that farmers in Vermont frequently winter their -horses in an open meadow with barely a shed to run under, giving them a little hay or straw only during ice storms, when they cannot paw down through a foot or two of snow and get at the grass and dy ver aftermath, which was left for them. They are said to grow fat upon such treat ment Nothing is worse for horses than blanketing and two much tendercare. Keep them clean they can't be too well groom edbut let them have fresh air and cold air, plenty of it, but not in draughts through windows, floor cracks, etc. "When they are sweaty, rub them and blanket them until dry, and for aa hour or two after they are cool. After grooming, a linen cover may be put on to keep the coat down. Colts ought to be accustomed to being handled Tery young, and may bo kept in sttJls or loose boxes. Never use the whip, but try the efficacy of a little sugar instead. (It will pay even at 15c per pound.) Any young horse is much easier coaxed than whipped, and punishment is rarely neces sary. BXZVE3 should be pushed forward in fat tening as fast as possible." Be careful not to over-feed,but judiciously increase and vary the feed so as to secure always good appetite and digestion. "Water regularly ; keep salt always before them ; feed ground or cook ed grain ; never let them worry for a meal, for be ready as soon aa the time comes ; a!so never prepare their food before them ma king them wait half an hour, restless and thrashing about, but prepare for the next meal while they are eating. See that cattle fed uniformly the same amount of gnia, roots, oil-cake, eta, daily, or increase with regularity. Variety and occasional changes ef feed are well, and most economical Ccws. Aa the quantity of milk decreases its richness in butter may be made to increase by proper feeding, and it is worth while to take advantage of the very high price which butter brings. We heartily wish farmers could realize the retail prices asked in the cities and large towns for their products butter 65 cents per pound think of it ; get it if you can though 35 cents, will pay. Examine hay for instance of ergotized seed (grown three or fou times its natural size the effect of a disease). This probably is the cause of abortion in cows, which has been so disastrous in. many sections of late years. Any cow that is ailing in the least, should be removed from others. If one of a herd slinks her calf, three or four may fol low suit, and probably wilL Filthy stables provoke abortion. Young stock of all kinds should be kept vigorously growing all winter. Warm dry yards, shed or stables, some grain or roots and a plenty of fresh water and salt, with regular care, will ensure thrift and much bet ter sized animals than if the winter treat ment checks their growth, as is usually the case. Their manure will be worth something, too. Sheep. If sheep are in poor condition now, they must be gradually brought up ; feed oats in the sheaf, a few daily, and some roots and good hay. When grass fails, hem lock boughs once or twice a week are good. Let all have the range of dry yards or fields, and warm sheds well ventilated. The peri od of gestation in ewes is about 5 months, (152 days,) and a flock in good order is rare ly served in less than 3 to 5 weeks. If sheep put up to fat at this season, sell in February, March, or April for enough to pay the pres ent value, and for all the grain fed to them, there is a profit Their manure will be full pay in'many places. Plowing. By all means do as much plowing this fall as possible- Use a plow that will lay a farrow as flat as a floor. Flow in manure deep for corn, potatoes and root -srops, but not for small grains. Leave no manure on the surface, except the composts that may be harrowed in. Land ia well pre pared in this way for seeding in spring to cloverorgrasswithoutan accompanying grain crop. GraejFuxd& Prevent water standing anywhere on winter grain or young grass by S car ace Drains. Make surface water courses to conduct off water from spots where it may wash and lo damage, by cutting chan nels or by bringing on dirt or gravel. Con- tinuo Under-draining also,as long as the ground 13 not frozen hard. Laborers are easier got ia November than at most other times. The ditches must be well filled, and the earth pounded down, or the water will wash them cut ia the spring. . Wood. It is a good time now to gather the "down stuff" in the wood lot, which u useiul torlignt quicK nres. . Somebody says, to prevent potatoes from sprouting, take good sound potatoes and place them in a tub or barrel, and pour boiling water over them, letting them stand ia the water until the :eyes" are scalded so tuey wiil not sprout Dry the potatoes thoroughly in the sun, and put them away in a box or barrel in a cool, dry place. This will give good mealy potatoes all the while. The experiment is easily tried, and may be icuad & useful preventative. Krmsra CiBflAazs in Winter. In lee pin 2 cabbagss through the winter, I suc ceed well by hanging them overhead in the cellar. I leave them on the stump, and break off the cmtdde leaves, and hang them cr stick the roots into tbehraces that are cut M between the joists,' thus X. . I put mine up last falL after they had bgun to rot badly, aad they soon dried over and kept well. Tnz aJender condnits cf a Sower or leaf, tie flees t nerves ia aa insect's eye, are reg ztzd by nony hws. Surer, then, the, career cf riiicra u noi wiiioat aa appoint cl tiHtC-i. BONE mill: PURE BONE DUST." Guaranteed by printed Certificate to be entirely free from adulteration. "Concentrated Bone Fertilizer" a reliable quick yielding manure. O" Farmers caa order direct ar through any re poatible dealer a. E7" A liberal discount allowed Dealer A J. BRBIMQ. August 1.1866 Sou Allentown, fa. TJURRAH FOR CATAWISSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of tbe Money Marvet, Look and compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Just call at the favorite business stand of MeNiocn Sc. Shu man. and you will be met by tbe obliging Proprietors or their Clerks and shown through their great variety Store free of charge, of course, they will give you a fair chance to pend your loose change, tbey trust much mote profitably than it can be spent elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger ia all Its varieties than usual. Their Ladies Dress Goods are of the nicest styles in Market. Tbey hava a fine assortment of Hats, Caps, ISootsaiid Shoes, Summer Cloths, Casinet. Cassimcrs and Venting, and numerous articles common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, Queensware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. They wish to conduct their business en tbe system, of "PAY AS YOU GO'' and tbey think they can afford to sell very cheep. They return their thank for many past favors, and ask the future patronage of their former customers and the public generally. McNI.tCH Sc. 811 UMAX. May j8M8G6.-tf. REAT ATTRATION J AT GUOCRY SI OIIE. THE undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizeaa of Bloomsburg and tbe surrounding country that he keeps eons tan ily on band at his old stand, on the south east corner of Main and Irou sts., a prime lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Coffee, Sugar. Syrups. Tobacco, Cigars. Dried Fruit. Coal Oil. SnufT, Spices, Butler. Eggs, Lard Cheese. Dried Beef, Crackers. Drugs. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Paints "fall aindt, and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs, Dry Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear. Soaps. Flour, Chop, Queens ar. Glass, Pul- ty. Salt. Fish. Meat, Candies Buckets, Brooms. Hosiery, Books, Writing Paper. Ink, Hardware, SUIVC, l-HIUVI, DLC . KC . Re keeps in fact everything appertaining to a first class Cirocery and Variety Store. He is determined not to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the niGUEST MARKET PRICES. Having Just received anew stock, the people are earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. By strict attention to ousmes, ne nopes not only to re tain his patronage but to increase it. He feels thank' ful for past favors, and with many years experience in tbe business, ne reels confident ne caa render sat isfaction to ail who favor him with their patronare. JOHN K. U1RTON. Bloomsburg. June SO, 1366. Q RO VESTEEN & EO. , Piano-Forto Manufacturers, 439 Broadway, New York. THE ATTENTION of the public and tbe trade is invited toour 1 E W SOA LE, SEVEN OCTAVE. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES. whih for vol u it e and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of fored in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French grand action, harp pedal. iron frame, over-strung bass, etc., and each iustrument being made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H. Giorimii, who baa a practical experience of over thirty years in their manufacture, is fully war ranted in every T'artieular. THE-OROrESTEFJf PlJIMO FORTEr BeCBIVBD TUI HIGHEST IWilD or HI HIT AT THE OSLB B RATED W'OSLD'l FaIB Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris, Germany, I'biladelphia. Baltimore, Boston and Mew York ; and also at the American Institute for hve successive years, the Gold and Silveb Midiu from both of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. Bv tbe introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing largely, with a sttictly cah system, are enabled to offer the e instruments at a price which will preclude all competition . Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any first class Piano-forte. TEX Aid. Net Cash in current funds. Descriptive circulars sent free: July 11, 166. ly. H. Ac r. 15 SPY IIOTEI,, Espy, Columbia Co. Pa. The undersigned having become sole proprietor of this well known and conveniently located stand, respectfully informs his friend, and the public in general, that ho haa put bis house in completa order foe the aerommodalion of boarders, and for tbe recep tion and entertainment of travt-llera who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. No expense haa been spared in preparing this Hotel for theenier tainmenl of guests, aad nothing shall be wanting, on his pirt. to minister to their personal comfort. The location. as well as the building, is a good one, and all together is amply arranged to please the public. ISRAEL MU11EV. Espy. April 11, 1866. if. . jJLOOxMSBURG FANCY TRIMMING AND BOOK STORE, Second door below Hart man's Main Street. Just received a new stock of ZEPHTRS, WOOLEN AND COT TOV YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES. MUSLIN, EDGINGS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, and every variety of articles usually kept in a FANCY STOKE. AlsoSciiool Books. Hymn Books, Bibles, Sunday. School Books, and large lot of MISCELLA NEO US BO OKS, Account and Memorandum Books, Blank Deeds, Bonds and Mortgages, and a general and well-selected assortment of Paper. Envelopes, ate. A. D.WEBB. Bloomsburg, Jane 30, 13G6,--If 'YAElLi jpAPEi:. ryUE undersigned respectfully announces to tbe -a- public that he keeps constantly on band, at his old stand,, oae door below Lola's Drug Store. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Paper Window Shades, Cords. Tas sels and Fixture,, for Pictures.. te.7 ol the verV ha'nJnVt'o order." rwJo ... of paper E. J.TUORTON. Bloonuborg. April 4 1S66- if M. WHITMOYER, ATTOKNEY - AT - I.AW, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. OJiee opposite Pott office, over Hart man's store. Back Pay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov ernment claim promptly collected. Bloomsburg. Apr. 4. 6a. RAPPING AND MINING PA- .PE?V,H"Ii,,f lhor"'y overhauled my Pa Jr Kills at Mill Grove, near Bloorosbarg , Columbia County, Pa-law now prepared to fill ail orders for Wrapping, Dry Blasting and Water ProofPaper. ob short notice aad fair pricJ. I have opesed a ware honso ia Wilken-Barre, and appointed Joseph Brown S 5 - Bloo-abur,.,. w. " MM SAMUEL KNORR. ELCOIISSimG, PA. "la over Hirtman's f 'ir?. "' p,,f rj" THE PERUVIAN SYRUP Ifl APROTECTBD SOLUTION OF THE Protoxide of Iron, a new disco Tery ia medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, BY supplying the Blood with its vmi. rauiciru, oa Ursa element- IRON. This ia the secret of tbe wonderful suceeaa of this remedy in earing Dyspepsia, Lirer OompUint, Dropsy, Cbronio Di&rrhooa, Boils, Nerroas Affections, Chills and Fe?ers, Hamors, Loss of Consti tutional rigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low state of the system Being free from Alcohol m any form, its energis ing eftVcta are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing strength, vigor and New Life inte all partsof tbe system, and buiidins up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND.DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT. D. D. Dunham. Canada East, March 24, 1865. "liu an inveterate Dyspeptic of more 1. - of .(...If., n "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 have used the Pe ruvian Bvrup.mat i can scarcely persuade my self of me ream, i-iupie who nave Known me are aston ished at the change. I am widely known and can but recommend to others that which has done so much for me " A CASE OF 27 YE RS" STANDING CURED. From INSLEY JEWETT, Avon Place. Boston 'I have suffered, and sometimes severelv. for 27 years, from dyspeptic, I commenced taking the Pe- : a .. I r i i . . ruTiaa ojiup, anu luuua iinmeuiaie oeneni I rum it. lu the course of three or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, aad have enjoyed unin terrupted health ever since." AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON. BAYS: I hava been using the Peruvian Syrup for some time past; it gives me new Vigor.Buoyancy of spir its. Elasticity of Muscle." 7Mnds hav4 r ckangtd hy tkm tut ef Ms rnwdf fr-m wok, tickigufferinp trtmtmrtt, fe ttrang.kcaltky: and hapfp me and women; aad inomiidt ceaaot regiona lly kmtmXt to fins it 0 trial, A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians, clergymen, aad others, will be sent raas to any address. (T7Hee that each bottlehas Pekovim Stkcp blown in the glass. FOR SALE BY J, F. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey ttt.Ncw York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. s CROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the BEST REMEDY for Scrofula and all kmdrd diseases ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain is Peas Solution nf it. Dr. 11. Anders' Iodine Water Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. WITHOUT A SOL VENT II Containing a Full Grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerfal Vitalizing Agenl and Restorative. Aseuredand wiixcure SCROFULA in all itsmani fold forma. ULCERS, CANCERS. SYPHILIS. SALT RHEUM ; and it has been used with astonishinz success in ca ses of Rheumatlsin, llvspepviaf Con sumption, Female i.ompiamis. Heart, Liver and Kidney Diseases, are. Circulars wiii be sent risa to any one sending their aadress. Price fl.fO a bottle, or for $5.00 Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Physician fc Chemist. J. p". DLNSMORE, 36 Dey St. New T And by all Druggikts. nSTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY HAS BEEN USED FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with tbe most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Cold?, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Ioflaenz, Whooping cough, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, Diffi culty of Breathing, AstLma, al every affec tion of THE TIlROATtLONUS CHEST. which carries off more victims than any oilier dis ease and which baffl-s the skill of tbe Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soothing in Effect, safe in its Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation, free fromnoiious tngrcdinent poisons, or minerals ;uulling skill, scieare.ard medi cal knowledge ; combining all that is valuable In the vegetable kingdom for this class is INCOMPARABLE ! and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con. fidvnee of the public, SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman. N. Y writes at follows : "Wistab's Balsm or Wild Obcbbt give universal satisfaction. It seems to cureatnush bv loosenins- and cleansing the lungs.and allaying irritation. thus removing tne cause, msie&u 01 orying up tbe cough and leaving tbe cause behind. 1 consider the Balsam as go- d as any, if not the best. Cough medicine with which 1 am acquaiuted. Rev. Jacob Sechler, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respects d among tbe German poputation-in this country. wakes the following state invnt for the benefit of the afflicted, Dba a Pias -Having realised in my family import tant benefits from tbe use of your valuable prepara lion Wistabs Balsam or Wu.n Charbt it affords me pleasure to recommend it to tbe public. Some eight yrarsagoone of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline an-i little hopes of her recovery were entertain ed I then procured a bottle of your exepllen Haltam. and before she had taka the whola of the contents of tbe bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I my Individual case made frequent nse of yoor valuable medicine, aud have alwaya been benefitted by it. J ACOB 8ECHLER. Trice One Dollar a Bottle. roa 6ALK BY J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street. New York BETH W FOWLE, at 60N. Proprietors.. Boston. ASS BT ALL DBCSOISTS. G RACES Celebrated Salve CURES CUTS, BURNS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salve 'CURES WOUND8.BRU13E3, 8PRAIV3, Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES BOILS, ULCERS. CANCERS. Grace's Celebrated Palve . CURES 8 ALT RHEUM. ERYSIPELAS. " Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAPPED HANDS, CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve HEALS OLD SO RES, FRESH WOTJNDS.te. Ttia nmmni im ajTiiOK- Mitmv.1 ..i. . , A duces the most angry-looking swellings and imfla-r aastvn, uui; uagic mm aaorsimg re ne I ana a complete cure. OoJy 35 sent a box t (Seat by ma il for U cents',) For Sale by 3. P. DTSSUORE 38 Dey Street, New York. 8. W. POVVE A- BQV. PmnridA-ARiMtiM i,4 k .TT BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets; PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busi ness or Commercial College ia the country. Tbe only one in tbe city possessing a Lea illative Charier. and tbe only one in tbe United States author ised to confer Degrees of Merit. Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority or law. Conducted by gentlemen of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording une qualled advantages for the tboroagn theoretical and practical education of young men for the various du ties and employment of business life. THEORY AN!) PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, rivino- tbe stu dent in the shortest time a eomp lete iitiehl into the routine, detals. customs and terms of business in general. as conducted in tbe best-regulated commer cial and financial establishments. THEORETICAL BOOKKEEPING Upon a new plan, with an original exnositinn of the science of accounts, arranged and published by the proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his own use.saving one-half the ordinary labor of the student andgivinf him a complete knowledge of tbe practice of the best accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE XMBBACES Boofcceping, Commercial Arithmetic, Pen maosibip, Business Correrpondenco, Commercial Law, Lectures oa Business Affairs, Commer cial Customs, Forms, and Actual Busi ness Practiee. SPECIAL B3ANCHE3. ilgehrt sad the Higher MatMimatiet, Pkonograpkf, Or nawnntmt kip. the JIH o; Detecting Counterfeit Money, Engineettng Sur veying, Jfavigatui and Telegraphing. TELEGRAPH I S'G. The arrangements for Telegrapning are far more ad vance of anything of the kind ever oflered to tbe pub lic. A regular Telegraph Line is connected with tbe Institution with twenty branch offices in various parts of the ei'y, where publie business is transacted, and in which the students of this institution are per muted to practice. No regular office practice can be bad in anv otter school of instruction in the country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac lieal operator. Young men are cautioned against tbe deceptive representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend totrsrh Telegraphing. PATRONAGE. This Institution ia now enjoying the largest patron tronage ever betowed upon any Commercial school in if e State. Over five bundres students were in atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred during Hie past year. Tbe ben class of students mav inn. riably be found here, and all its associations are first class. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the most central part of tbe city, and its acoinmodalions. for extent, ele gance ana convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have been fitted up in the very bent style with BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUdKiS. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. STATIONARY STORE. AMD A BBOCLAB BANK OP DEPOSIT AND ISiTTE. supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in tne department of Actual Business. TO YOU1VG iTIEiY who desire the very best facilities for a Practical Edncation for Easiness, we rnaran tee a course of instruction no where else equalled, while the reputation and standing of the institution among business men make its endorse ment the best passport to success and advancement. Ail contuinplsling entering any Commercial College, rs inviica 10 lena lor aa 1 luusi kaiIiU CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the College, ana iuii particulars oi lue course or instruction terms, ac L. FAIRBANKS, A.M., President. T. E. MERCHANT, SupU of Office Business. Nov. 4, IritiS 18 m. "JQRUOS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medirines. at John R, Mover's Drug Store, corner of Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment oi Pl'RE DRUGS, Medicines, Painta. Oils and Varnisbo. always on hard, and will be sold cheaper than at any other uri g oiore ia ivwn. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Preseriptiona carefully compounded at Moycr's irug ciore, Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyefs Drug OI1TC, Wuhan's Tar Cordial. Baker's Cod Liver Oil. Winslows Soothing Syrup, sold at Aloyer'a Drug Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer'a leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. M oyer's Drug Store, Bloomsburg, Pa. Way 2, lsbti. if. jJ"EW QOAL Y 7ARD. The undersigned respectfully informs tbe citizens nf Kioomburg and Columbia county , that they keep an me oinereni numoers "i siove coat and selected lump coal for smithing purposes, on their wharf, ad joining McKelrv, Neal otCo's Furnare ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the weigh coal, hay and straw. Likewise a horse and wason, to deliver coal to those who desire it- As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior article. aid sell at tne very lowest prices. Pleae call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. J. W. HENDEKStlOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. TllE oncferslgned will take, in etehange for Coal -I and Groceries, the following named articles : Wheat. Rye, Corn. Oats. Potatoes, Lard, Hani.Shoul der, and aide meat. Butter, Epgs, Hay. Ac, at the highestcash prices, at his Grocery Store, adjoining their coal yard. J. V. HENDERSUOT. Bloomsburg, April 25, louo, jy. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. '&PLUMBIA CO., PA. Xjl I , r ' of the above named et- Jp-Vt E tensive estahlishment. is no for All Kinds of Machinery, for Collerie. Blast Furnace. Stationary Engines, MILLS. THRESHING MACHINES. tC. 4C. tie is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, plow-irons, and everything usually made in nrst-class foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war lantbiiuin receiving the largert contracts on the mt reasonable terms. E7 Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for eastine. VJf 1'his establinhment is lnca.ed near the Laekawa na t Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETER BILLMYER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 12. 1863. DENTISTRY. C.nOWER, SURGEON DBNTIST, itturn ituLU oners bis profess ional aervices to tbe ladies and gentle men ui ct.iomsDurgana vicinity. He is operations in tbe line of Ins profession andis provided with tlie Intest improved PORCELAIJi TEKTf; which . i i : i j -i . .. . . . w'ii m-iciicu tfu f uiu. i ai ma, suvcr ana rubber bn to ! -fk wHI as the natuial teeth Mlueml plate and block teeth manufactured arr all orerxtions on teeth.earefully and properly attended to. Residence and office a few door above the Court u.uie. same slue. Bljo.nsburg, June 6 13G3 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Nearly opposite the Episcopal Church. LOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MY stock ia composed of fine clothing, medium and low priced adapted to all conditions, tastes and wants. He has the latest styles for the season a fine assortment of Orercoats and Gentlemen's Shawls, from low to the very best His Goods are lathtonnble and well Muds. In addition to my stock of ready-made clothing, I have piece goods for custom orders. Cloths. Cassinieres, &c., Sec. And having one of the first elase cutters, I guaran" ue a fit in all eases and give satisfaction. Also a variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN ShlRTS, Stockiags, Neckties. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything ia Oe gentlemeo'e I toe of clothing. Also, Hats, Boot aad BboeV Trunks and Carpet bags. 1 will Mil at the lowest Market prices. Please rive me call before purchasing elsewhere. . . . , ANDREW. EVANS, Bloomsburg, Nov. 15, 1665. - QQ A HO ft Till Agents wanted J -fJ". t O V Mjnil .4 tjsJB '4 lnnZm nr trT 623. HOOP SKIRTS, 62B. HOPKI1VS "OWN IRAKIS." New Fall Styles ! Are In every respect riast class, and embracnai complete assortment for Ladies, Misses, and Chil dren, of the Newest Styles, every Length and Size- of Waist. OUR SKIRTS , wherever known, are more univer sally rnpoLAB than any otbera before the public. They retain their bap better, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and realy Chcapes, tbau any other Hoop Skirt in the market. The springs nd fasten ings are warranted perfert. Evbbt List should Tax Tush I 1 bev are now being eitensively Sold by MtRCHAirrs. throughout the Country and at WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL, at Manufactory and Sales Room No. 628 ARCH Street, below 7th. FHILAD'A. Ask for HOPKIN'S -own maze," buy no other! CAUTION, None genuine unless Stamned on each Kid Pad "Hopkin's Hoop Skirt MannXactory. No 6-28 Arch Street. Philadelphia " Also. Constantly on band full line of New York made ikirt,at very tow prices. TtKHS NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY August 29, ldC6. 4m. J. W. WYOMING INSURANCE COMPANY, W1LKES-BARRE. PENNA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, - - $150, ASSETS. Stock not called in. $50,000 40,000 25.000 Bills receivable, -fT H 5 20 Bonds. - Temporary and call loans. 6,0I0 JJ UaVlce v v j Will "p) " wvajv-aa, - - U,inaj tl! -1 - W.ntmt) Wntw.nal Dans' VO i 1 W . D K AllA 103 snares Wyoming nana siock. 6,1 no u Biiai cni una, nain'UBi -a m r B-uiif rc, ,njM 70 shares Second National Bank at Wilkes-Barre.7.on. 46 shares Wilkes -Barre BriJge Stock, - 2.5H0 IkCAI Lbdltc, - - - J ,J I s Judgments, - 10 -J nun Irnm A rpnt anrf nt hmrm. 7 Aid e i t. r in Cash in band and in Bank. - l.til? DIRECTORS. G. M. HOLLENBACK, L. D. SHOEMAKER, H. M. HOYT. O. 'JULL1NS. W. S. ROS3, CHARLE3 A. MINER, JOHN REICH ARD. SAMUEL WADIIAMS. CHARLL3 DORRANCE, R I. LA CUE, STEWART PIERCC O M HAED1NG. G. M HOLLKVKACK. Prteident. L. U SHOEMAKER. Vies Vree l. R. a SMITH. Sscbatabt. F. BROWN. Agent, March 8. 1S65 msburg. Pa. QREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SEIflNG MACHINES. Empire Shuttle IfTachinc ' SALESROOMS. 535 Broadway, N. Y., SoO Washington it eet, Boston. 921 Chetnut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEB. 14. 18(30. T HIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new X principles of mechanism,' possessing many rare and valuable impri vements. having been examined by tbe most profound experts, and pronounced to be Simplicity and Perfection. Combined, It hasj a straight needle, perpendicular action. makes the LOCK or t?Hl TTLE teTITCH. which trill neither RIP aor RAVEL, and is alike on both sides : performs perfrct rewing on every description of material, from Leather totbe nnest Kansook muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the nnest number. Having neuner UA w or Out, WHEEL, and theteast possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is EmpltaticJiTly a Noiseless Machine. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power lo drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl twelve years' of age can work it steadily, without fatigue or injury to neaitn. Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity of Construc tion rentiers It almost impossible lo get out ut order. and is GUARANTEED by the company to give en tire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply themselves witn a superior article, to come and eiamine this UNR1VAL .ED MACHINE. One half hour's instruction is sufficient to enable any person to wotk litis machine to their entire sat isfaction. Agents wanted for all towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established. Also. fur Cuba. Mexico, Central and South America, to wnom a liberal discount will be riven. tMPIRE SEWING MACHINE MF'G CO.. 530 Broadway. N. Y, s TO VES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to bis many friends and numerous rus- tomers that he continues tbe above business at his old place of business ou MAIN STREET, BLOOMS- BURO. His customers aud others can be accommoditcd with FANCY STOVES J? of all kinds. Stovepipes, Tin ware, and every article f on nil in all ! rsiitfsf 5TTiUi? AND TINWARE ESTABLISHMENTS in the ei tie and on the most reasonable term SPOUTING, for bou5Pi and b-rnf. will be put ui cun Huiice. is, an Kinds or repairing don promptly and upon liberal terms. He also koeps on band a larje supply of M Nik ..-.., j, iiiiririi pri aiifi prices ; oeidcs a fine sortiuent of Fisher's Patent f-elf cealing Fruit P serving Cans. Give him a call July Id. lr06. if. JVJEW RESTAURANT, In Shive't Building, en Main Street. WM. GILMORE, Informs the citizens of Bloomsburg and vicinity thnt be has opined a New RESTAURANT, in this place, where he invites his old friends and customers to call and partake of bis refreshments. It is bis intention to keep the best LA GER BEER AND ALE, constantly on hand ; Also. Porter. Sarsapanlla. Min eral Water, Fancy Lenonades, Raepberrv and Lem on !y raps, can alwaya be bad at his Restaurant, lu the eating line he presents e not surpassed in this place ; viz. Pickled Oysters Clams, Sardines. Fish, Barbecued Chicken. Pickled Tripe and Beef Tongue, tc, etc. He also b is a good article of Cigars and Chewing Tobacco forbis customers. JET" Give hi in a call. Bloomsburg, June 13, 16ti6. 2,000.?.!" n ' . necessary. 1 maie by any one with il Too Is No experience necessary. Tbe Presidents. Cash iers, and Treasurers of 3 Kanks indorse tbe circular. Sent free with samples. Address the American ften cil Tool Works. Springfield, Vermont. August 1, I8CC 3m. J00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OP FECNING BOARDS FOR sale. Tbe undersigned offers for sale upon tbe most reasonable terms, at his place of business, in BENTON, COLUMBIA COUNTY, one huudred thou Find shingles and a large lot of fencing boards, of he very best quality, both prne and hemlock. 1. 1. McHENRY. Benton, May 9, I860. W. C. BEASZBT, GZO. W. CABrCHTXB. Established 1828. G. W. C1RPEXTER, 0ENSZEV& CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS'. 737 Marxbt St. one door below eth, Ppiladslfhia, DRUGS. MEDICINES. CHEMICALS. PAINTS. OILS. GLASS, VARNISHES, DYES, And every other article appertaining to the business, of the best quality, and at the lowest Market Rates. March 3S. 1866, I TCfl ! ITCH ! ITCH ! 1 SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Core Tbe Utb in 49 Hoars. Also cures SALT RH BUM. ULCERS. CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. rire" 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists. By sending 60 cents to WEEKS Sc. POTTERole Agents. 170 Wash' ingtoa street, Boston, it will bo forwarded by mail. HI JY bid Stock of Clothing. wmmsm aib entail s1 Spring and Snnltner Goods. INVITES attention to bis stork of cheap and fash, ionable Clothing at his Btore. on MJ1IN STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the Jlmirican House, where he has just received from New York and rni mueipnia, a mil assortment or ITIcn and Roy's Clothing, including the most feshionable, durable and hand seme, uncos uuuus, consisting or Box, Sack, Frock, Gum and Oil Cloth Coals, and Pants, of all sorts, sixes, and colors. He also ha replen ished bis already large stock of Fall and Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vests, shirts. cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus- penuers anu lancy articles. N. B. He has constantly on band a larce and well selected assortment of Cloths and Vesiinira. which he is prepared to make up to order, into any kind of doming on very sliorl notice aad in the best of man ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home innnufacture. A n D Of every Description. Fine and Cheap. His Case of jeweirv is not surpassed in this place, t all and ex- amine nis geuerat assortment or Clothing, Watches, lewelry, Ac. Ac DAVID LOWEXBURG. Bloomsburg, April 20. 1663. J JENRY GIGER, Has opened a first class BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND GAP STORE, At his old stand on Main Street Blooinsbuie. His stock is composed of the very latest and best styles ever offered to the citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate tbe public with tbe followin; kinds and prices : Men's calf boots, fine, $5.(i0 to 9.00 " kip, double sole, 3 73 to 5 75 Boys child's boots. 1 ,75 to 4.7 j Men's glove kid. Congress, Ac, 2.50 to 5,73 " Bal. Shoes. 1 Uu to 3.00 women's boys and misses glove kid lasting gaiters, 1.75 to S.7S Women's glove kid, very fine. 3.25 to 5 75 fine goat morocco balmorsls, 2 30 to 4 00 men s morocco aad calf shoes, 1.75 to 2.50 common shoes, - 1.50 to 2 50 Misses' aad Child's shoes, O.ii to 1 60 Men's, w niuen'a, misses', boys and childs slippers. 0,35 to 1.00 lie also keeps a great variety of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at tbe lowest prices, both for Cash an Country produce. Reiuembei the attraction is in our goods. Don't be alarmed at the cry of high prices, but call and see for yourselves. Kespectfully, IIENUY l 1UB1I. Bloomsburg. July II. 1SCC. Lackawanna & Cloomsburg Kailioad. tST TWO DAILY TRAINS, -a ON AND AFTFR NOVEMBER 27, 1PC5, PAS SENGKR TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD. PM PM AM. Leave Peranum, 4 40 6 50 Kingston, 6.00 6.55 Rloomslurg. 8.SO 9.2.1 Arrive at Northumberland B. 50 10.35 LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M TM Leave Northumberland, 7.00 514) Danville. . 7-40 40 Bloomsburg, 8.25 6 25 Arrive at Scranton. 12 40 111 15 Trains leaving Kingston at 9.30 A: M for Scranton connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.-20 leaving Nortliumbe'Und at e.00 A M.and Kingston 2 30 P. M , connect with Train airiving at New York at 10.55 P. M. Passengers taking Train South from Scranton at 5 50 A M via N 01 thuinlier land, rear h Ilarns'iurg Vi 30 V M Baltimore 5 30 P M.. Washington 10 OOP M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 00 P M. II. A. FONDA. Supt. Kingston. Nov ,25. 18C5. rJMIE NEW Spring & Summer Medicine SARSAPARILLA COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PREPARED FOR C. W. PETTES. BOSTON. By JAMES R. MCIIOLS & CO, Manvfacturing ChemLtt, MANUFACTURERS OF THE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH Protoxide of Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a TOAVC JIKD RESTOR.11 tVE. Ry Physicians and luvaliiis in all parts of the conn try. The new preparation, "ffarsanarilla In combin Hon with Iodide of Lime," presents one of the most prompt alterative agents, in a form capable of exert ing full action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded that the altera tive, resolvent, or tonic effects nf Iodine, are exert ed mod decidedly wben associtted with other alter alives. iu combination ; and the Sarsaparilla seems 10 luinn perfectly ail the favorable requisitions. 1 lie nrst effect usually observed when "SARSAPAK II. LA WITH IODIDE OF HME"' is taken, is an Increase Of appetite, showing that it has tonic properties of a marked character. Its al teratrve effects ire manifest iu its ready combina tion with lf.2 blood aud tissues Pale, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly under its use, and the vital functions assume a healthy condition. It is admirably adapted to a large number ofchrun ic or acute affections peculiar to children. It is suit ed to them both by the mildness and efficiency of medicinal effect and the pleasant, attractive fur in of the remedy. It may be given for a long period where constitutional influences are deircd. and no repug nance, or disinclinat 011 to take tlis syrup, encoun tered. In White-Sweilins. Hip-Juiol Disease, and Distortions nf the should be giveu persist ently, in moderate dors. until relief is obtained. Ia the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather, the accumnlation of morbid matters in the system seems to become manifest and very ironblcsome. Las situde, Headache, Boils, Costiveness, Loss of ppe Ute, Pains in the Joints, Indigestion, etc , are very common. Nothing ever devised i better adapted to exterminate or drive ofTtheee affections thin this new combination of SARSAt'ARILLA WITH IODIDE OF LI. ME. A' preparation like it, or tckith approximate to if at an Altcratire, or Blood Purifier, toe ever before been placed tcithm tke reach of invalid. Indeed, it is an entirely new aad scientific combina tion, in no respect resembling anything hithetto em ployed. The opinion of medical men concerning It. the de scription of its chemical character, therapeutic val ue, manner of use, etc.. are given 111 a circul-tr, which can be had at the store of any and all first class Druggists. O" Sold in Bloomsburg, wholesale and retail, by Ever tc Mnyer, and all Druggists June 6, IfOC 6m. jyj ISS LIZZIE PETERMAN, Would announce to the ladies of Bloomsburg and the public generally, that sho has just received from the eastern cities ber Spring and Stmi-ncr Stock ef MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of all article a usually found in first class Millinery Stores. Her goods are of the best quality and amoug the most handsome and cheapest in the mhrket. Cll and examine them for yourselves. Aiobndy should purchase elsewhere before examin ing Miss Feterman's stock ot goods. Bonneis made to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Main street, 3d door below the store of Mendenball It Rupert. Bloomsburg, May S, 1866. if. JS7 JEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STREET. (NEARLY OPPOSITE J? JllL.t-t-U. fS S i Uilt.,; BL.OOMSBUR3, PA. assssssssBsasaaa THE undersigned has jnst fitted up, and opened, bia new STOVE AMD TIIV SHOP, in this place, where he is prepared to make up new T'R WARE of ill kinds in his line, and do repair ing with neatness and dispatch, upon tbe most rea sonable ternia, Healso keeps on hand STOVES of various patterns and styles, which be will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. Give hitaa 03 11. Ue is a good mechanic, and de serving of the pi bile patronage. JACOB METZ. Eloomsburg. Sept. 0, 1866. Jy. IOOK HERE. ALL those indebted to the nadenlgned either on ote or book account, of six months or more standing are hereby requested to make settlement withent de -V iwrtwi, S. O.SHIVE. -J s. CBLXBBaTXB Horse ail Cattle Mfe This preparation, long aad lavoraDiy known, will thor oughly r invigorate . brokea-down and lew-eplrltad horses, by strengthening; aad cleansing the stomach, aad la tea tines. It is a sure pre Tentlve of all dts- inoldent to this animal, snch aa LUX 9 FEVER. GLAXDE&S, YELLOW WA. TPD U V 1 Vca COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, tc. Iu use improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives s smooth and glossy skin and transforms the miserable skeleton Into a fine-looking and spirited horse. To keepers of Cows this preparation Is Invaluable. It Increases the quantity aad Improves the quality 01 ue milk. Jt has been proven by ac tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty jtet ceht..aad make the batter rgi and sweet. Hi fattening, cattle, it gives them aa appetite, loosena r. at uurir il 1 u c, um -- malces them thrive much faster. In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers tat the Lungs, Liver, ac., this article acts as a specific By putting from 1 one-hair a Paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above dlseasea will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given in time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 0 Papers for $1. PREP A HTTP ST WHOLESALE DErO 1D MEDICIXE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St. Baltimore, 2fd. For Bale by Druggists and Storekeepers through out the United State. C7" For sale at the Drug Ftwre of EYER J- Mux ER, Bloomsburg Ps. Bloomsburg, Jan. C 1PG6. 12mo. DR. AV. H. WUITMOB, HAS been in successful practice for a number c; . years, with tbe experience of tbe different hos pital in Kurope, also a member of the Analytical Medicnl Institute of New Y rk, eonti tuea to atlsn J to all prnfvssionat cases at his office No. DSd Filbert Street, Pbiladefpbia, 2. No patent Medicines are used or recommended ; the remedies administered are those which will nut break. cow n tbe constitution, but renovate the sys tem from all iujuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the system in a healthy and perfectly eurea condition, 3. DYcSPEPifl. that distressing disease and fall destroyer of health and happines. undermining the con tiluti hi ind yeaily carrying thousands to un timely graves, can most emphatically be cured. 4, Melancholy. Abberration. that state ot Allna tion and weakness nf the mind which renders per sons incapable ot enjoying the pleasures or perform ing the duties nf life, 5, any form cr condition, rhrou. ia or acute, warranted curable. 6. EPILePSV. or falling sickness, all cbronie or stubborn cases of FEMALE DISEASES radically removed ; fi t Rheum and every deserip. lion nf ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseesea whirh have baffled alt previous medira) skill, can bo cured by my treatment ; and 1 do aay all disease', Cyes Co :. prion) can be cured by wearing my Medi cated Jacket, which is k protection tu tbe lungs against all changea of weather in all cliroatess hav ing investigated for year the cause and character ol intrrmiUer.ts (fever and ague) in all parts of tbe United States wiil cure pennant ntly all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous ia a few lays. t'nnccr Cared without the knife or Drawing Blood. Tape Worm, that dread to tbe Tinman Family for years, can tie removed with two or three Joss of my newly discovered remedy, warranted in all cases. 'onsultHtion in the English and German Languages free nf charge. Will make visits any distance. If desired. Jliy be addresse by letter (confidentially.) and Medicine sent with proper directions to any part ol the country. OFFICE Ko, 023 Filbert St. Phila. April 4. 1866 ly. DI-Mi. EVANS Pbysician and Surgeon, nAVINCi located pr rinanfuily ou Main Sireet, BLOOMSBURG. Pa., vronl.l in form the public eenera'ly. that he is preprared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, on terms coiomensi rate with the times. C7 He pays strict attention to Sarjery as well aa medicine. Nov.25. 1 oC3.-ly. M. M. TRACGlT ATT OR EY-AT-Ll W, BLOOMSBURG. Pa. Will pre nice in the several Courts of Columbia and adjoining counties. All Collections promptly attended to. June 'JO, IH06. CHAS. Q. BARKLEY, Allorncv nt Law, CL003ISDCIIG, COLniBU CO., T. VT7ILL practice in the several Conrtsof Colur.ibla County. All legal basiness intrusted to his caie shall receive prompt attention. Office On Main Mreel, Exchangs Buildings, evf Miller's Store. Bloomsburg. April 13, I8C4 Licensed Conveyancer, Scrivener, and Surveyor. Officc-Ilcavcr Valley, Pa, Will attend to taking Acknowledgements. Write De ds. Mortgages. Leases, Bonds. Not. s. Agree ments. A.c. Sorveying attended to with depateh. Chxrges moderate. GROCERIES AND EPII. ELVTF.LL. having bought L. Runyon's PRO VISION STORE is now prepared to ell Grocer ies at Whole sale or Retail, as Lhcsp as thoCeap- 'ilEIIE TTOU CA1V rirvo SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEES. SYRUPS. SPICES. CRACKERS STARCH, SODA. CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT, V 0 0 D N -W A R E , FLOUR. FISH, BEANS. ONIONS, he, kc. EPH. W. ELWELL. Bloomsburg Eeb 14. aaenta everywhere lo tell our improved JJ20 Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. I'nder and upper feed. Warranted five' years. Above salary or larg commissions paid. The ONLY machines in the United States for lees' than 40, whictj are fully licensed trf Howe, Wheel-.' er Jt Wilson, Grover Baker. 81 nger A Co.. -and Kachefder. All other cheap Machines are Infringe- menis and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fins and imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or upon Shaw A. Clark, Biddeford. Me., or Chicago fir. December 80. ISCi. ly. OMNIBUS LINE. THE undersigned would respectfully announce to7 the citizens of Bloomsburg, and the public gen erally, max ne is running an OMNIBUS LINE, be tween this 1 lace aad tbe dif- fTfi, rerent Kan Koad tie pots dai ly. fStindavs excentedl to tg.v,aw w v 4$ Justice ol flic ltiicc, SaS5 connect with the several Trains going South a West4 on the Catawissa and Williamsport Rait Road, aad with those going North and South en the Lack, t Bloomsburg Road, His OMNIBUSs'ES are in gd condition, commo-' dious and comfortable, and charges reasonable. K7 Persons wisbisg to meet or see their friends' depart, can be accommodated, upon icasonnbie charges, by leaving timely notice at any of tbe Ho- . JACOB L. GIRT0N. ... Proprietor. Bloomsburg, April 27, 1864. BLANKS! BLANKS!!