AGRICULTURAL. Frfira the Gcrmantown Telearaph. LJo:;o2ir forfakmers. ' No man can attain richer in either land or ' money .'without the necccssary implements to work witlw , A frugal wife is the first and indispensable point, and after that an adap tion in all his preperations to his means, and the object to be accomplished. It is an excellent maxim, in agricultural as well as other pursuits, to aim high. If the object pursued is but little above your own level, you gain but little cridifc for the exertion required to reach it. For the farmer who gets his living from his land and pay3 his rent or increases his income, there is no one word in tho whole dictionary of such mighty force and meaning as economy. - ; - I take it for ' granted that the man who takes a wife whom he has vowed to protect and cheriih, a3 lng ago made up his mini and established his habits in relation to in dustry and temperance, two essential virtues, he may think, too", that he has done so with' respect, to economy, but this is a lesson not ta be learned in a day, especially those who have been accustomed to the fulness of a parent's-house, whose circumstances enable him, after years of. toil, to sit down and en joy tho fruits of life. , If a "young beginner will start where his father left off, he must remember that his father's purse is necccssary, and without it he only marks out for himself a hard row to hoe, which it is ten to one he oversees the end of. . ' A judicious choice of tools and stock and ' the cxccrcisc of a sound discretion in deter minating upon the crops best adapted to the markets, near him, will give a full play for ingenuity and shrewdness, and I will venture that there need be no complaint that in the farmer's calling there is no room for tho ex ercise and development of the mind. I have also frequently noticed, when oc casions have called it forth, that great reli ance may bo placed in the intuitive sound judgement of hclp-mate3 whose very life is ; wrapt up in a husband's prosperity. ! ' I may be charged with being Eomewhat of a croaker, but these reflections have grown out of the fact that I too frequently see young men start in lifo too much as if their for tunes were made, rather than if they were yet to make. Too much of our economy now-a-days is like keeping the finger on a spile, but leav ing the bunghole open. Receipt fojI Sausage Meat. A cor respondent of the Country Gentleman gives this receipt : "The following practice I have observed for the last twenty-five years, and can confidently reccommend it. It is im portant, Ja the first place not to allow your meat to lay in a bulk after it is generated from the body of the hog, but keep it spread out until you are ready-to cut it tine. If it lays some time in bulk, your" sausage will soon become strong. This, plan; prevents it. lAVhen you are ready, cut it in small pieces for grinding through a cutter, and wcih, in order for seasoning. Then -for every 40 pounds of meat take 13 ounces of salt, 4 ounces of best black pepper, and 2 ounces of sage, all of which mix together. Then mix this with your meat. Afterwards put it through your sausage grinder, and you will find, if you area judge of good sausage, an article in that line that is first-rate." S . To Fickle Red Cabbage. Take a firm, fresh cabbage, remove the whole of the out er leaveskeeping the ball entire. Cut it in to four quarter, and, subsequently into strips, and place them on a hair sive or a clean, dry cloth, and sprinkle with salt. Let them re main for three days to allow the brine to drain off. After they are thoroughly urain el, put them into a clean jar. Take as much vinegar as will cover them, and let it simmer over a slow fire, with alspice, whole black pepper, coarse brown ginger, and a little pimento. When the vinegar is suffi ciently flavored let it cool and pour it over the cabbage in the jar, which must be slop py down for use, and kept for three months. PaESEBViNa Potatoes. Acorrespon dent of the Scientific American says that he has tried the following method of keeping potatoes for years with comxjletc success, though in some instances the tubers were diseased when taken out of the ground : "Dust oyer the floor of tho bin with lime, aud put in about six or seven inches deep of po tatoes', and dust with lime as before. Putin hlx or seven inches of potatoes and lime again ; repeat the oieration till all are stored away. One bushel of lime will do for forty bushels of potatoes, though more will not hurt them, the lime rather improving the flavor than otherwise." How to Dress Poultbt. To do this Wendell's Poultry (J aide gives us thia ad v ice : "Take a knife and sever the artery or jugu lar vein, in the neck, or take an axe and cut the head off, let it bleed so as to draw all the fever fronj the fowl in case it have any. Dip the body in boiling water, then pick quick, when through douse tho fowl in hot "water again, then throw it into a tub of cold water, let it remain three or four minutes, this will make, it swell out plump, and will keep twenty-four hours longer than if it was not thrown in the cold water." A CnEAP W EATBEK Gcide. The Turf and field says two drachms camphor, half drachm of pure saltpetre, half a drachm of muriate of ammonia, and two ounces of proof spirits in a glass tube or narrow vial, will make a very good weather guide. In dry weather tho solution will remain clear. Oq the approach of change minute stare will rise up in the liquid while stormy weather will be indicated by a very disturbed condi tion, of the chemical combinaiicn. Yoxd of Butter. A correspondent of the Gjuntry Genthman, from St. Hiiaire, C E., says he has for sixteen years kept a register of the quantities of milk given by acl cow daily and of the number of quarts seeccssary to make a pound of butter. " He find.3 the greatest yield of butter to be in the winter when the cows have meal and roots, 2!J thd least wlicn ic. cmrq riiwo Km fm-n- dto rac3 in the spring, soon alter calrk:.-. I BONE MILL; -'PURE BONE, DUST." Guaranteed by printed Certificate to be entirely free from adulteration. ''Concentrated Hone Fertilizer," a reliable quick yielding manure. (E7 Farmer cam order direct or through any re sponsible dealer. O" A liberal discount allowed Dealer A J. BREINIG, August J.ISOa 2m. -- Alluiilown. Fa. TTURRAir FOR CATAWISSA. THISWAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of the Money Market, Look and compare prices before purchas inir elsewhere. -Just cull at the favorite Liikiness stand of McVinch & Shum.iu, and you will be met br the obliging Proprietor or their Clerks and shown through their great variety Store free of charge, of course, they will give you a fair chuuee to spend your loose change, they trust much more profitably .than it can be spunt elsewhere. Their STOCK OF DRY . GOODS, this Spring is much larger in nil Its varieties than usual. Their I.adicnDress Goods areof the nicest stylus in .Market. They have a am assortment of Hats, Caps, ISootsniiri Shoes;, Summer Cloths, Casinets, Cassimcrs and Vestin's, and numerous articles common to such establish ments, betides a general assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE, 2"eciifware and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices, i ney wi.-n 10 couuuci meir vusincssen the aystem, of "PAY AS YOU GO'' and they think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thank for many past favors, and ask the future patronaee of their former customers and Hie public g nerally. MC?l.Cll atSIILMA.N. May 1(1, ISfiC tf. C, KEAT ATTRATION J AT TUB undersigned begs leave to announce to the citizens of lloouii,biir and the surrounding country that he keeps tondaii tly on baud at hi old stand, on the south cast corner ot Main and Irou sis, a pr:nic lot of GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, Coffee. Sugar, Syrups. Tobacco, Cigars, Dried Fruit. Io:m Oil. fnulf, Spices, flutter. K's, Lord Cheese, Dried Beef, Crackers. Drills. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Taints of all kinds, and paint brushes. Dye Stuffs, Dry Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear. Soups, Flour, Chop, itueensware. tiiass, rut ty. Salt. Fish. Meat, Candies (Jacket, Brooms, Hosiery, Rooks, Writing Fuper, Ink, Hardware Pocket Knives. Combs, dec. Ice. &c. lie keeps in fact everything appertaining to a first class CJrocery and Variety Store. He is determined not to be undersold. All kinds of produce taken at the I1IGUEST MARKET PRICES. Having last received anew i-tock, the people are earnestly invited to call and satisfy themselves. Ily strict attention to business, he hopes not only to re tain his patronage but to increase it. He feels thank ful for pnst favor f. and with many years experience in the business, he feels confident he can render sat isfaction to all who favor him with their patronise. JOHN K. CIRTUN, Bloomahurj, Juno 529, 1806. G ltOVESTEEN & EO., Piano-Forte Manufacturers, 490 Broadway, New York. THE ATTENTION of the public and the trade is invited to our N EW SCALK, SEVEN OCTAVE, HOShWOOD PIANO FOttTES. whitti for volume and purity nf tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of. fored in this market. They contain all the modem improvements. French grand action, harp pedal, iron frame, over-strung bass, etc., and each instrument being; made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. II. CHnvtms.1) who has a practical experience of over thirty years in their manufacture, is fully war ranted in every particular. THK-GROrESTKFJV PMXOFORTFT Skceivkd tub uiobest award or mkrit at t;ie cele brated Woelb's Fair Where were exhibited instruments from the best makers of London, Paris, Germany. I hitadi-lpliia, Baltimore, Boston and New York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the Gold and Silver Medals from both of which cun be seen at our ware-rooms. t;y the introduction of improvements we make a still more perfect Piano-forte, and by manufacturing largely, with J stiictly ci'h system, are enabled t offer the e instruments at a price which will preclude all competition. - Our prices are from J 100 to 8200 cheaper than any first claws Piauo-forte. TEK MS. Net Cash in current funds. Inscriptive circulars scut freej July J I, JttKi. ly. II. it P. Epy, Columbia Co. Pa. rfhe unJorti jned bavin; become sole proprietor of .a. tins well known ana conveniently focal.! stand, respectfully informs his friend, and the public in general, that he has put his house in complete order for the accommodation of boarders, and for the recep tion and entertainment of travellers who may feel disposed to favor it with their eihtrnn. No expense has been spared in preparing this Hi t-I for the enter tain men I of jruestg, and nothing shall be wanting, on his p :rt. to uiinistur to their personal comfort. The location, as well as the building, is a good one, and ail together is amply arranged to please tia public, ISRAEL M L'MCV. Espy. April 11, 18136. tf. JJLOOMSBURG FANCY TRIMMING AND BOOK 5T0J.E, teeond door below II artman's Main Street. Just received a new stock of ZFPIIVE3, WOOLEN AND COT TON YARNS, COUSETS, LACES, EM 3ROIDEHIE3, M USL1N, EDGINGS, DItEi3 TRIMMINGS, aud every variety of articles usually kept in a FA1CY STOKE. Alsn School Mxkg. Hymn Books, Eiblcg. Sundav- lacuvol Books, and a large let of MISUELLAXEO US B O OA'S, Account and Memorandum Book, Blauk Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages, and a general and well-select-cd assortment of Paper, Envelopes, &e. A. D. WEBB. Bloornsburg, June 20. 180!, tf TAIA JJAPliK. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public thai ho keeps constantly on hand, at his old stand, one door below Lutz's lru Store. WALL PAPER, Oil Cloth, and Psper Window Shades, Cord. Tas sels and Fixtures, for Pictures., i.c, o the very latest t jles. and is do ail kinds of paper hanging to order. v "r " - E J-T NORTON. Blooin.-bnrg, April 1 1660. tf M. WHITMOYER, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Office opposite Pott office, over Ihrtmun's store. Back l'ayt Bounty , Pensions and Gov ernment claims promptly collected. Btoomsdjurir. Apr. 4, 'M WRAPPING AND .MINING PA PER. Havta thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Mills at Mill Grove, near Bloomsburg, Columbia County, Pa,, I am now prepared to till all order for VV rapping, Dry Blasting aud Water Proof Pa per, on short notice and f;nr prices. I have opened a ware house in Wilken-Barre. ami appoialed Joaepli Brown ot the firm oi ttrowa, Cravfc tn.iny ageat to dispose of my paper in Luzeroc County. TU0M13 TRENCH, BloonjFburg. Sept. 16. 18C3. SAMUEL KNORR. ATTORIVEI-AT-LAW, . BLOOMSBURG, PA. M.-e- over Uartman's Store, oppoiile Poet 0kce April i, tiM.-tf. - - - - TnE PERUVIAN SYRUP 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION OP THE Protoxide of Iron, a new discovery io medioine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, BY supplying the Blood with its vital ramcirLa, oa LIVER KLKMKNT IRON. This ia the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Djrspcpdia, Liver Oomplainr, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhoea, Boils, Nervous - . Affections, Chills and Fevers, Humors, Loss of CoDSti - tutional vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys & Bladder, Fcmalo Coinplaint3, and all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low state of the system Ileing free from Alcohol in any form, its encrgii ing cfTecis are not foil owed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing strength, vipor and New Life inte all pnrtsof the system, and buiidins up n IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPHASIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT. D. D. Dunham. Canada Eat, March 21, 18t;5. "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of more than 25 years' Ftanding." - "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which 1 have used the Pe ruvian f jrup.that lean scarcely persuade myselfof the reality. People who have known me are astou ished at the change. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which has done ao much for me " A CAsJE OF 87 YEARS' STANDING CURED. From IXSLEY JEWETr, A voa Tlace. Boston "I havo siiflered. and sometimes nevercly. for 27 yenrs, from dyspeptic, I cnnimenccd taking the Pe ruvian fyrup, and found iiumdiale benefit from it. In the course ofthrei! or four week I was entirely relieved from my sufferings, and have enjoyed niiiu lerruptrd health ever since." AN EMINENT DI V I XE OF BOSTON. PA Y3 : I have been ulng the Peruvian r"yrup for smie lime past ; it give me new Vigor.Uuoyancy of pir its. Elasticity of Sluncle." ThoufaaJs hare btcn changed iy the tut of this remedy Trim weak, tick'.g, suffering crratmret. to strong. kcailhy: mnd happp men and iromr ; and invalids cannot reasona bly ktsilatc to gire it 0 triat, A pamphlet of 32 paes containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the mo.1 eminent physicians, clergymen., aud others, will be sent frk to any address. CTHee that each bottleha Pkrcvis Svaup blown in the glass. FOR SALE IiY J. P. DlfiSMURE, Proprietor. M Dey Sl.Ncw York SOLD UV ALL, DRUG GISTS. s CROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the BFST RE.ilLDY for SerofulH and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The Uiliiculty Uas been to obtain a Purk poLu-iior ot it. 21. ABBtlei's' Iodine Valcr Is a Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL- VF-NT I I Containing a Full Traill .to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizir'r Agent and Kestorativc. UAseurcdand will cure SCROFULA in all its mani fold forms. ULCERS, CANCERS. SVPIJILIS.SALT RI1EUM ; and it has bceu used with astonisliiug success in ca ses of Kheuiiiallsiu,lVgpepiaf Consumption, Female Complaints, Heart, Liver and Kidney Disc ises, tie. Circular will be tie nl riita loaiiy one neiiiing their aiMress. Price $1,(0 a bottle, or C for $.1.0i Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Physician i. Chemist.5 For f ale by J. P. DIM SMORE, 36 Dey St. New Y And by all Druggists. w ISTAR'S DALSAM OF UAS UEEN USED FOU NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, With the niot GtO!,ishing Flirccss in curing Coughs, Col'-Is.lloartenesd, Sore Throal luflucDZt, Whoor.Jr coub, Croup, Liver complaint, 15roDcbiti3, Diffi culty of BreathiDo;, AstLma, a 1 ever y affec tion cf THE TIIBOAT,LUNGS $ CUES'! . which carries off" more victims than any ether dii ea and which bntils the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than anv other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY when all others prove ineffectual. AS A .MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, soolhiug in Effect, safe in its Oper ation, IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a p reparation, free from noxious ingrcilincnt poison, or minerals ;unlting skill, science. ai:d medi cal knowledge; combining all that is valuable In the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE ! and is emitted, merits, and receives the general con fidence of the public, SEYMOUR THATCHER, 11. D., of Herman, N. Y.. writes as follows : "Wistar's Calsm or Wild Oubrrt given universal satisfaction.. It seems to cure a lough by loosniu-r and cleaoring the lungs.and ailaying irritation thus removing the cause, instead of drying op toe cough and leaving the cause behind. 1 consider the Balsam as go- d as any, if uot the best. Cough uiciciue with which 1 am acquainted." Rev. Jacob Seciileb, of Hanover, Pa. Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, make the following state ment for the benefit of the atllicted, DmR i?tS8 'Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prcpara lion WtsTEs Kalcim or Wild Ci.'khrv it atPx-da mm pleasure to recommend it to the public. 01110 eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to ba in a de cline an-i little bepes of her recovery were entertain ed 1 then procured a bottle of your excellenj Balvain, and before she had takn the whole of the couuuts of the bottle there was a great improvement iu her health. I hve,m my individual case made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have alwavs been benefitted by it. J:COC SF.C1ILER, Frke One JDulLsr a Bottle. FOR SALE BY J. P. DINSMORB, 36 Dey Ptnv-t, New York SUTII W FOWLE, 4. SON, Proprietors,, Boston. AKD BY ALL DHOOOISTd. GR RACES Celebrated Salvo CURES CUTS.RURNS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Sake CURES WOUNDa.BKUIES, SPRAINS, Grace 8 Celebrated Salve CURES KOI LS. ULCERS. CANCERS. Grace s Celebrated falve CURES SALT RHEUM. EUVSIPELA3. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CHAPPED HANDS. CHILBLAINS Grace's Celebrated Salvo HEALS OLD SORES, FRESII WOUNDS.&e. It is prompt in action, remove pain at onec, and re duces the most angry-looking swellings and inifla mauons, as if by magic thus affbrdims relief and a complete cure. Ouly 25 cenu a box f (Sent by ma U fot 23 cent,) For Sale by J. P. DINSMORB 38 Dey Ftrect.Kew York. 9. W. FOWE & HON, Proprieto.,Boton, oil 4 br alt Druggist. Grocers, and Country stores. January 87, lotio Jy. - - - BUSINESS COLLEGE N. E. Cor. Tenth and Chestcut Streets: PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thoroughly appointed Busi ness or Commercial Collego in the country. The only one in the city possessing a Legislative Charier, and the only one in the United States author Ized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diaplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its cor porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by geutlcmcn of liberal education and extensive experience in business, and affording u ne qualled advantages for tlm thorough theoretical and practical education of young men for the various du ties and employment of buKinrss life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING original and pre-eminently practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest lime a r.omr lete irMshl into the routine, detals, customs and forms of business in general . as conducted in tho best-reg ulated commer cial and financial establishments. THEORETICAL BOOK KEEPING Upon a new plan, with an original exposition of the science of accounts, arranged and published hy the proprietor of this Institution exclusively for his own use.s.iving one-half the ordinary labor of thestudenl and giving him a complete knowledge of th-s practice jf ttte best accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES BookeepiDgjCominercial Ariihmetic,Ptn uiansLip, Rusincss Correrpondence, Commercial Law, Lectures oa Dusiccss Affairs, Comtncr ciai Customs, Forma, and Actual Rjm ness 'Practice. SPECIAL BRANCHES. Qtgcbra end the Higher Mnthematie, Phonography, Or narnentai I'enmanthip. the Art o l'rtfcttug Counterfeit Jtion.-y, Hxgineeting Sur veying, Marigation and 'i'cltgrapking. TELEGRAPHING. The arrangements for 'IVfegrapriins are far more ad vance of anything of the kind ever "tiered to the pub lic A regular Tele raph Line is connected with the Institution v.-ih twenty branch otuce in various parts of the ci'y, where public business is transacted, and iu which the ttii'icHt of this Institution are per mitted to practice. No regular office practice can be had in anv otter school of instruction in the country, without whi. ii no one can obtain a position a a prac tical operator. Young men are cautioned aganii the dixeptiv representations of thotr; who, without any such facilities, pretend 10 f ach Telegraphing. PATRONAGE. This Institution is now enjoying the largest patron trounge ever betowed upon nny Cmnniorcial school in tl'e State. Over tivvi lminlres student. were iu atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred duriuc the pnst year. The best class ofitudents may inva riably be found here, aud all iu associations arc lirst clafc. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the most central pari of the city, and its accommodations, for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unsurpa-ted. All the rooms have Seen fitted up in the very host style with BUSINESS OFFICES OR COUNTING Hoi'SKa. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, STATIONARY STORK, AND A RROCT.AIt BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely engraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in the Department of Actual Uuaiuess. TO YOUNG ITIIi I desire the very b st facifitif 3 for a rraciical Education for Unsiarss, we gn a ran fee a course of instruction no where else equaliod, while the reputation and standing of the Institution niiiong business men make its endorse ment the host passport to succecs and advancement. Ail coniemplnling e:iti-rini any Commercial Collfgf, are inviteit t send for an I LLUSTRATED CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the Colleire, and full parliculars of the course of instruction . terms, 4.C. L. FAIRBANKS, A. 31. , President. T. E. MERCHANT, Supt. of Oflicc Business. Nov, 4, lW I iui. I "RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. I'ure Me.Iirines, at John R, Mover's Druz Store. corne r of .Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment of Medicines, Paints. Oils and Varnishos, always on hard, and wil I be sold cheaper than at any other Dri g dtore in town. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescription carefully compounded at Moycr's Drug Store, Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer' Drug Store, Wi-harf Tar Cordint. Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, sold at A'oyer's Drug Store. i For anv reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer Drug Store. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's Drug Slrrc, Lloouisburg, Ta. May 2, leWi. tf. TEW QOAL ARD. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of t;!ooiosb'irg and Columbia county , that they keep nil the diirorent numbers of stove coal and selected lump co il for smiihing purposes, on their wharf, ad joining Mr.Kelvv, Neul & Go's Furnace ; wiih n good pair butTalo scales on the weigh coal, hay and straw, .ikewisea horse and wagon, to deli ver conl to those who ilecirs it. As we purchase a large amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior arl icle. a ixl sell at the very lowest prices. Pleae call and examine for yourselves before purchaina elsewhere. J. VV. HKNUEKSIIOT. AUCUSTUS MASON. rrUE nnr'crsigncd wil! take, in exchange for Coal J. and Groceries, the following named articles : Wheat. Rye .Corn. Oats. Potatoes, Lard, Dam, Siionl der, and side meat. Butter, Eirgs, Hay. &c, at the highest cssh prices, at tis Grocery Store, adjoining tbeireoal yard. J. W. IIENDERSUOT. Blooiiioburg, April , lrfti, ly. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. J?M LUMRIA CO., PA. IHU subscribijr, proprietor n S J of the above named el 4ii;iitBire eifioiisiiNii:iii, is now prepiircd to receive orders lor All Kinds of Machinery, for Collerie. Blast Furnaces, Ftafionary Engines, .MILLS, THRESHING MACHINES, &C. &.U. tie is also prepared to make Stoves, all sizes and patterns, plow-irons, aud everything usually made iu fitt-class Foundries. His extensive facilities and practical workmen, war innthiiuin receiving the largest contracts on the ni'ist reasonable terms. y Grain of all kinds will be taken in exchange for eastinus. Hjy This establishment is loea.ed near theLackawa na i Bloomsburg Railroad Depot. PETES EILLilYER. Ulaomsburg, Sept. 12, 18H3. DENTISTRY. HC. II O W E R, SURGEON DBNTIST. , RFS"ECTFULLY offers his profess- men of Cl.iomsbursand vicinity, lie is ! . J nri-nti rfl i , tr .it . . operations in the line of his profession. andis provided wilhtlie Intcst improvrd VOKCh.lJilJi TKKTIl; which wil h-'insorted ou eold.platma.sil ver and rubber ba. e tolookwell as the natuial teeth. Mineral pluie and block teeth manufactured nr all o erotions on tecth,carelHlly ami properly attended to. Rcidcucc and oflire a few door above the Court ll.nise. same side. Bljo.nsburg, June 6. 13G3 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Nearly opposite the Episcojial Church. LOTH 1 NO OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. TV stock is composed of fine clothing, medium ill aad low nriced adanted to all condition. ta'tcs and wants. He has lhj latest style for the season a fine assortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shawis. from low to the very best tits Goods are hatkwnnble and well JiJjJe. la addition to mv tork i p.-i.fv.nMrl .(..iLin . r -- ---- "'J - ...j . nave piece goods for custom orders, Cloths, Cassimcrcs, &c, &c. And having one of the first class cutters, I guaran" tee a tit in all eases and viva untiifiriinn Aim . variety of U00LEX AM) LI SEX ShlRTS. Stockinss, Neckties. Collars, Stocks, Handkerchiefs " gcitiieiueu line ei Ctoi;nng. Also, Hats, Boots and Shoe, Trunk and Carpet bags. I will sell at the lowest Market pries. Please give me a call before purcbatMif elsewhere. AAUftLW I. 1SVAS8, Bloomsburg. Nov. 15, Ifi5- - g90 A iTIOxTIl! Agenta wanted for iz rnlireJl mirm!.i ini ah. drJ"0,T "J.iRJlv''c'ly Buaiiiaj, Bedford. Maine. G23. HOOP SKIHTS, New Fall Stylos ! Are In every respect rmsTjciAss, and emhrnr.ans complete assortment for Ladies, Misses, and Chil dren, of the Newest Styles, every Length and tJtze of Waist. OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more univer sally popular than any others before the publ ic They retain their r-hape better, are lighter, more elastic, more durable, and realy Ciikaper, than any other Hoop Skirt iu the market. The springs snd fasten ings are warranted perfect. Evert Liht should Try Them I They are now being extensively Sold by Merchants, throughout the Country and at WIIOKE SALE AND RETAIL, at Manufactory and gales Boom No.G-23 ARCH Street, below 7th, TIIILAD'A, Ask for HOPKIN'S ''own make," buy no oilier! CAUTION, None genuine unless Stamped on each Kid Pad "Hopkin's Hop Skirt Manufactory. No ti-28 Arch Street, Philadelphia " Also, Constantly on hand full hue of New York uinrte r-kiriH, at very low prices. TERMS NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONL Y August 2'J, IrttiG. 4m. J. W. momim IAS UK A ft CIS COJjrAiW, W1LKES-1IARRE. TENNA. CAPITAL AXD sffiTLUS, - -$150, ASSETS. Stock not called in. Bills receivable, If. H. 5 -iJH Bonds, Temporary and call loans, .... 103 shares Wyomin Bank Stock, 5(i shares First National Bank si Wilks-Barre 40,MM) S-'i.fHMI fi.OtH) ,leo 0(H) 70 shares Second National Bank at IVilkes-llurre 7,MMI 4ti shares V ilkes-Burre Bridge Stock, - 2.5K0 Real Estate, 1,5 1 fl Judemeiils, - - - . - - If 1-2 Due from Agents and others, ... 7,414 Cash in hand and in Bank, .... J,b12 G. M. l!Or.T,n'RACK, JOHN B KICII A K D. SAMUEL IVADIIAMS, CHARLES MORRANCE, R 1). I.M'UK. L. I). PHOEM AKER. II. M. HOVT, t. :t), Wt. S. ROSS, CHARLES A MINER, SIEWART rlERCH, G M IIAKDIVG. G. M HOLLKNKACK. President. L. I- SHOEMAKER. Vice Vres l. R. C. S.M1TH, Skcratart. F. BROWN. A-cnt, March 21".. lCj nlmrg, Pa. G REAT IMPROVEMENT IN SE if 1NG MA Cll 1NE S. rinjurc ShuUlc Incitiitc ' P A LFSROOM. 530 Broadway, N. Y., S50 Washington tt eet, Boston. U-l Cli ei nut Street. Philadelphia, PATENTED FEB. U. IcoO. THIS MACHINE is conetructed on entirely new principles of mechanism, possessing many rare and valuable. impr veinents. havins been etimined by the most profound experts, and pronounced '. o Siinxl'cif;i ttnd lrfectum Cnnlilnnl. It has a straight nwdl, perpendicular artion, makes the LOCK or SHLTTLK M ITCH, whlrh will neither RIP aor RAVtL, aud is aikeon both rides ; perforin perfect tewins on every description f material, from Leather to the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, linen, or silk thread, frooi the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CAM or COG WU EKL. and the l.?ast possible friction, it run as smooth as glass, and is EtnjJiaticfdly a Noiseless JfiirJtine. It retires FIFTY PER CENT, less powr to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl twelve years of age can work it steadily, wlihoul fatigue or Injury to health Its Strength and wonderful Simplicity ofConstrnc tion renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company to give en tire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire Jo fitpplv themselves with a piyierir article, to coaie and examine this I'N Itl VALLEii M ACHINE. t'ne half hour's instruction is sufiicii-nt to iinld'; any person to work tins machine to their entire tul Ufac.ion. A;ents wanted for all towns in the United States, here ns"-icic are iit already established. Also, for Cuha. Mekieo. Central anil lsutli America, to whom a lilteral discount will ! riven. t MP1RE SLW'IMG MACHINE MF'G CO.. 5H0 Broadway, N. Y. gTOVES AND TIN W All li A. M. RUPERT, Announces to his many friends and numerous rii t outers tfiat Ik; continues the above business nt his old place of busiuuss on MAIN fcTREET, BLOJMS BURti. I!is customers and others can be accommod ited with FANCY STOVES of all kinds, Stovepipcs.Tin ware, and every article found in all well reenlnie.l STOVH AND TINWARE LsjTABLISHMENTjj in the cities and on the most reasonable terms. fty SPOUTING, for houses and brns, n ill be put up on short notice. Also, all kinds of repairing done promptly and uuon liberal terms. He also keeps on hand a lar;'e supply of Milk Pans, of dnfernt sizes and pricps ; beiIes a lin! as sortment of fisher's Patent Pelf-Sealing Fruit Pre serving Cans. Give hi i.i a call. July Irf. Iriii. tf. JEW RESTAURANT, In Shive'r BuilJing, on Main Street. WM. GILMORE, Informs the citizen of Bloomsburg and vicinity th'tt ho has opened a New llKSTAURAJVi', in this place, w here he invites his old friend and customers tocall and partake of his refreshments. It is his intention to keep the best LA GEll BEER AND A LE, constantly on hand ; Also. Porter, SnrsapariWa. Min eral Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberr and l.iu on H nips, can always be had at his Rest.iuraut. In the eating liue he presents a not surpassed in this place ; viz. Pickled Oyster Clams, Sardines. Fiii, Baiberued Chicken, Pick led Tripe and Bocf Tongue, c, tc. He alsohu a good article of Ci'ars and Chewing Tulxicco for his customers. Give him a call. Bloomsburg, June 13, ldoli. CO fi( A VEAR mar-e by any one with Vfvi-S15 Stencil Tools No experience necessary. The Presidents. Cash iers, and Treasurers of 3 indorse the circular. S'ut free with samples. Addrets the American Sten cil Tool Works. Spriiijticl J , Vermont. August 1, leti. 3i;i. J 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FECNING BOARDS TOR salo. The unde rf iened offers for salt! upori the most reasonable terms, nt bis place of business, in BENTON. COLUMHIA COUNTY, one hundred thou sand shingles ami aliireelot of fencing boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. i. J. Mcli-EXRY. Benton. May 9, l6fl. WX. C, HENSZET, OEO. W. CARl-KSTSR. Established 1S20. G. W. CARPEXTER, IIEXSZEVa CO. WHOLES At: DRUGGIST?. 737 Markst St. ops door btlow 6lh, rViLAOEtrniA, DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICAI. TAINTS, OILS. GLAS, VARNISHES, DYES, And every other article appertaining to the business, of tho best quality, and at the lowest Market Rates. March 2?. lgf.ii. T I CU ! ITCH ! ITCU! " X SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ' WHEATON'S OlMTMENT U ill lore The Itch ia 18 nours. Also cure SALT RHEUM, ULCERS. CHIL BLAINS, aad all KRUPTIONS OF THE SKI V it) cents. For sale by "nil Druirrist. Bv sending fai cents to WEEKS A. POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Wash iiiwn wieei, bobioii, h will uo forwarded by mail, free of poftaiiu. to any part of the Umtud tjtatc. June C, letXi. ly. JY cio StocJz of Clothing. Spring and Summer ftooris. T N VITES attention to his stwk.of cheap and faah JL tollable Clothing at bis Store, on MJJ1N STREET, BLOOMSBURG, two doors above the rfmirican loute,' where ho has jut received from New York and Phi ladelphia, a full assort mem of Men and ItoyS.CIothhig, including tho most feshionahle, durable and hand seme. DK t'S GOODS, cousisling of Box, Sack, Erock, Gum and Oil Clot'. Coats, and Pants, nf nil sorts, si.c, and colors. Ho also has replen ished his already large stock of Fall mid Winter Shawls; striped, figured and plain Vesls, shirts, cravats, stocks, collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and fancy articles, N. B. He hui constantly on hand a lane and well selected assortment of Cloth nn 1 Vusliugs. which he is prepared to make up to order, into any kind of clothing on very short notice and in the best of m in ner. All his clothing is mado to wear and most of it is of home mnnufacluro. 3 C3 Da 3 a n n 8 Of every Description. Fir." and Cheap, f lis Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this place, fall and ex amine his general assortment of Clothing, Watches, lewelry. Ate. ice DAVID LO WEN BURG. Bloomsburg, April 50. I&li3. ENRYGIGER, Has opened a first chtss BOOT, SHOE, HAT hiVO CAP STOnS, At his old stand on Main Ptrci-t Blooinslmis. His stock is composed of tin; very -latest and be. I styles ever offered to the citizens of Columbia County. He can accommodate the public with the following kinds ami prices : Men's calf boots, fine, S-VUi to 3.00 " kip. double sole, 3 75 to 5 75 Boys child's boots. 1.75to 4.7.1 .Men's glove kid. Congress, ttc, 2..0to .r,';.j l!al. Shoes. I !u to 3.0'l women's boys and mis.x-s glove kid listing e nli rs, 1.7.3 to 5.73 Women's glove kid, very fine, 3.-3 to 3 73 line goat morocco balmornts, 2 5u to 4 00 " men's morocco and call shoes, 1.73 to - 50 common shoes, 1 .50 to i .10 Misses' and Child's t-liO. 0.-3 lo 1 tiO Men's, women's, misses', boy and childs slippers. U.13 lo 1.00 He uUo keep a ercat varit-ty of HATS, CAPS aud STRA W GOODS of cvrry kind, at the lowett prices, both for Cash an Country produce. Kciiieinhei atiraction Is in our gnod. Don't lie alarmed at tho cry of hieh prices, but call and see for yourselves. Respeclfully, HENRY CICER. Elooinsburg. July II, HOn. Lackatfauiia .N: liloomhurg Kailroad. Sr2T TWO DAILY TRAINS. 'xBl ON AND A FT PR NOVEMBER 'i7, IfM, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILL KIN Ati FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOU T II W A R O P M PM A M, Leave Pcranton, 4 40 i - Kingston, C.fll) t..13 Blooms! urg. H.itl H.'.'O Arrive at Northumberland U.31) 10.35 LEA V ii NORTH WARD. A M TM Leave Northumberland, 7.00 5i 0 Dnnvillu, 710 5-10 ' I'-looinsfiurg, e.i3 ti-ii Arrive at fcrar.ton. 11 40 10 1.1 Trains Icavin Kingston at a.10 .: M for Scrar.toii connect with Tr:,l;i ai riving nl Ne w York nt 5. -II l.e.ivinz N utliumheM ind at A M. and Kingston 30 P. M , connect with Train airiviii'j ut New York nt 10,55 P. M. Passengers taking Train Sonlh from Scranton at 5 3d A -At via N o: tliiiinherland.reai h 1 1 ;irri sbn r' I- .I0 P .M. Baltimore .1 .') P M.. Washington 10 OOP M via Ru pert reaLh Philadelphia, at 7 00 P M. 11. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingston, Nov ,2.7. lrT.5. 'JpllE.EW Sirisig &. Siili:ner medicine. g i tf r b j: x x saeu ASlSA1Ai:iILA COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, . PR F.P.I HE J) FOR C. W. PETTE3, BOSTON, By JA3IKS R. NICHOLS & CO. uV'tnvncutiiig Vliciii.t, MANUFACTURERS OF THE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK WITH Protoxide oV Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a TO.VIC AVO JiKS I OR.mrK. By Physicians and Invalids in alt pmts uf the roun try. T!ie new preparation, "i'arsapn rilla In roniHinv tion with Iodide of Lime," presents one of the most prompt alterative agents, in a form rnpabb of eert ing full action upou th system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded t! at the altera tive, resolvent, or tome ctfec's of lodiue. are exert ed mot I decidedly wuen associited with ether niter alives. i.i coinbiHMtiti ; and the SarsapariMa d'eiiii lo fulfill perfectly nil the fa vor;ihle requisition. The first effect usually o!isrved when "SARSAPAK II.L.V WITH IODIDE OF LIME" is takf n. is an inrrease of appeiito showing that it has tonic properties of a marked character." Us nl irratrvc effects arc manifest in its ready comtuna ti'n n ith the blood and tissues Pale, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly under its use, and thj vital fnnt-lions assume a healthy condition. It is admirably adapted to a larce number of rhrun ic or acute atT ctionii peculiar to chiliir-n. It is suit ed to them both by the mildness a nd efficiency of medicinal effect and tho pleasant, attractive form of the remedy. It may be given for a long periodVhere constitutional influences aru desired, and no repus ti.ince, or ditiuclinat on to take the syrup, enc'iii-t- red. In White dwellings, ilip-ioiiu Disease, and Di.tortious of the should be given persist ently, in moderate dotes, until relief is obtuiuud. Ia the Spring t the Yytr, and during the U'an.i IWatuT, the accimnlafion of morbid tnrtttcrs in the system seems become manifest and very troublesomu Las situde, Headache, Boils, Costiveness, Uoss of .pp? tite. Psms in the Joints, Indisestion, etc., nre very common. Nothing ever devised is better adapted to eMerniinnte ordrive oll'these nrlVctions than this new combination of SARSAl'A RILLA Willi IODIDE OF LIME. A'o preparation likeit, or tc.'iich apprcrimatcs to i) as an Altera t ice, or Bhtd Perifer, has ertr b'f ore been plaeed vithin the nnck vf invalids. Indeed, it is nn entirely kkw and scikntifu combina tion, in no respect resembling anything hithctlo em ployed. The opinion of medical men concerning it. the de scription of iu chemical character, therapeutic val ue, manner of use, etc.. arc given in a rircul tr, which can be had at the store of any and ail firbt class Druigitts. C7" Sold in Bloomrburp, whrlesale and retail, by Ever tc Mover, and all Druggists June C, Ir-lX. Cm. yjISS LIZZIE TETERMAN, Would announce to the ladies ol Bloomsburg and the public generally, that shu has just received from the eastern cities her 2 Spring anI Snmisier m. Stock ef MILLINERY GOODS, consisting of all article usually found in first class Millinery Stores. Her goods are of the best quality and among the most handsome and cheapest in the in.Mt' t. Call and examine ihcm for yourselves. Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examin ing .Miss Feteruian' stock ol goods. Bounds made to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired. Store on Main street. 3d door bcloW the store of Mcudenhall & Rupert. Bloomsburg, May Si, ISG6mL JkTEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON m"a I N STR EET. (X EAR L Y OPPOSITE MILLERS STORE.) BLOOMS BUR' J, PA. THE unc!ergi;ned has j-ist fitted up, and opened, his new 1 STOVE AKD TIN MIOP, ?jr,Lhl.,..p.,ar?" wbrn h prepared to make tip new nr W AKK of ill kinds iu his line, and do repair in v.nh neatness and dispMch, upon the most rea sonable terms. He also keeps on hand STOVES of various patterns and styles, which he will sell upon terms to suit purchasers. Give hnu a dj II. lleisagool mcchank, tnd da serving of tte public patronage. JACOB METZ. Bloomsburg. Sept. 9. 1?C6. ly. LOOK HERE. ALL those indebted to the undersigned cither on note or book accouut, of six months or more standing are bertby requested to Hiake sclUcuieht withwut de lay, and save cost. S. C. SilUVJi. Blwoiasbrug, Sept. Id. ltHKi. St. FOUTZ'S CItEBRAl!) Horse ana Cattle Pflwte tyif This preparation, long and favorabl known, wilt tnor ouirblr relnviiroTate IT bruken-down and .' low-spiritsd horses, cy strengthening and cleansing the stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre Tentive of all dis eases incident to this animal, such a LUNG FEVEK, GLA.NiB3, i r, l u w WA TER, HEAVES, COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ic IU use improve the wind, increases M ft tho apixaite-glves a smooth and plossy skin and transforms the Ska miserable Skeleton into a fine-looking horse. and spirited To keepers of Cows this preparatlen 1 Invaluable It increase the quantity and improve the quality oi we milk. Jt ba been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent" and make the barter firm and BreeU In fattening caUlc, It gives them an appetite, loosen . I : l. 1 .1 .mslcr ttiem thrive much faster. In all diseases of S trine, inch as Coughs, Ulcers la tho Luntrs, Liver, fcc., this article acts rs a specific. II v nuttinc from nZ .'. "'.' - T' J one half a pitr tn a paper in a barrel of swill tho BlKive disease will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If fjiTen In time, m certain preventive and euro for tho Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Paper for Sk PHEPAE.ED BY S. A..FOUTZ & BRO., AT THEIB. wholes UK nnro and medthxe depot. No. 116 Franklin St, Baltimore, Mi Tor Sale by DrurfrisU aud Storekeeper through out ths L'liitcd States. C7" For sale at the Drutr Store of EYES. MOVER, Bloomsburg Pa. Bloomsbur?, Jan. C, 1FC0. 12mo. t DR. W. II. WIIITMOIt, Tf AS been in successful practice for a number of II years, wiMi the experience of the ditTerent hos l it :i l r i ii Europe, also a member of the Analytical Yie:ii-al Insiitute of NVw Vi rk, conti iucs to ntteml to sill profvssioiial cases at hi otlice No. i'-i Filbert Street, Philadelphia, S. No patent Meifirines are used or recommended : the rem .'dies a-ltiiinist-:red are thote which will not hreak rowii the constitution, but renovate the sys tem fr'oii all injuries it has sustained from mineral incriii-iiies, mid leave the system in a heullhy and perfectly rur.-d condition, 3. DYSPEPSIA, that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, undermining the con mini in :.nd yeaily carrying thousands to un-limi-ly graves, ran most enijilia-ically be cured. 4. Melancholy, Abberralion. that stale ot Allnit li'jn and weakness of the mind which rcn.iurs per sona incnpulile ot enjoying the pleasure or perfoim inir tin' ilnlies of life. 5. UIIEI.' any form or condition.rbron ia or nrute. warranted curable. f, EPILI-'PSY, or falling sickness, alt chronic or stubborn cases of rs;.TJALE DISEASES radica'ly removed ; ia't Ri.euni and every descrip tion of ulcerations - Piles and scrofnlou disease w lmli liavebafded all previous medical skill, can be cured ly my trentiueet ; and I do say all diseases, Cye Cost'MrT!0i) can be cured by wearing my .Medi raled Jacket, which is a protection to the Inn-; as.-iiusl all chani;rs of weafher in all climates bav in n tn vetieatd for year' the cause and character ot interniiMeiits (fever and it?ue) in all parts of the L'liitcd States - will cure peruiam ntly all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous ia a few da vs. tanccr Cured without the knife or Drawing li.'OOll. Tape Worm, that dread to the Human Family for years, ran l e removed with two or thie soses of my new ly ilis covered remedy, warranted in all cases, t'onsnlt-ition iu the English and Certnail Iaii2tiagc free of cli r;e. Will make viit any (iistunec. if desired. My be addressu by letter (confidentially.) and tleilicme erul with proper directions to tny pa.-t ol til-! country. Ol'I ICE Vo, B2d Filbert St. Phila. April 4. IWHi ly. Mil J. R. EVANS, Physician and Surgeon, TfAV!N(i lofa'cii prmaiitrtly on Main 1 1 Sir.t. HI.OOMMitTIKJ. V., wonM i.t- lorm the pn'tlic cencra'ly , that h! is preprared to atlend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be ini rust -d to bis care, on teru.s commcustl rat"WitU the nines. (!"" He pays lritt attention to Surgery as well as medicine, Nov.'iS. I S'i3,- ly. M. M. TRACGII, A TTO 11 A 12 Y-AT-Jj A Y, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Will pra rtice in thw several Court of Columbia anil ai'joiinn; comities. T ?" All t'olleciious promptly attended to. June --ii. ir-iiii. CHAS. G. BARKLE Y, Alloriicv nt L:nv. CLOOlSIinK., COLUMBIA CO., PA. U7ILL rraclire in the several Courtsof Columbia County. All legal business intrusted lo his caie shail ri r i ve prompt attention. OtiiciOn .Vain Mreet, Jixchange Buildings, over .Viller's Store. tloom-burg, April 13, ?ti JnsJicc orihc I'encci Licensed Conveyancer, Scrivener, and Surveyor. OOicc Dc.ivcr Valley, Pa Will attend to tnking Acknowledgements, Write Do.'d. .Vortc.ipcs. Leases, Honds. Notes. Agree ments, c Sorveying attended to with despatctt, Charpc moderate. GROCERIES AND IZPacQQsQcDmss 2 2 Em. F.LWr.LL. havintf boucht L. Hunyon's TRO VISIuV STOUK is now prepared to cll Croccr ies at Whole sale or Hctail, a Cheap as the Ceap- c ,i!E.:e you caat fiivd SU(JARS,f EAS. COFFEES. SVIvUI'S. SPICES, CRACKERS STARCH, SODA. CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT,, V00DEN-W A RE, FLOUR. FljH, BEANS. ONIONS, &c, &c. EPH. Y. ELWELL. filoomsbnrg Keh H, IPt'f!. 1 HOf. VVSl YKAR'- We want ji,uuu oceiiis evprywliere to sell J-nr improved gen Sewin? Machine. Three new kinds. I nder and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or lare commissions paid. I he flXLV macliiiies in the United .Stiles for less' than .4 I, whiri are fullv licensed by Howe.Wheei er k Wi'son, Orover i i'.aker. Isineer Si Co.. and' Bachelder. A II ot !ier cheap Machines are InfrHge-' inentsmid the seller or user arc liable to arrest, line and imrrisonnient. Circulars free. Address or rait" upon tfhaw k Clak, liiildeford. Me., cr Chicago III. December CO, l'"i ly. OMNIBUS LINE. Til R tind.'r.jiened would respectfully announce to the ritir.ens of lllooinsburg, and the public gcu- (llll , III. II ti Mfi ilUIIIII an U.MMULS LINK, be tween tins lare and the dif- lercnt Kan kouu Depots Uat- jsis jrY. LV m J V V T v jr i . ia IB 7 P?-&T?jt?Zi connect with the several Train going South a West on the Cautwissa and WiUiams,.ort Rail Road, and with those potng North and South on the Lack, fc Ulooiiisiurs Road, HisUMMi;i!S-nS are in pood condition, commo dious and comfortable, and charge reasonable. C7 Persons wihisg to meet or see tbeir friend depart, can be accommodated, upon teatoneble charge, by leaving timely notice at any of t be Ho- JACOB L. GIRTON, . . Proprietor, niouiukburg, April 27, 1SC4. BLANKS! BLANKS ! I Of erery descripiion for ealo at tbiconc -