AGRICULTURAL. -DIPOHTANT TO FAK.5II.113. The following decisions have recently been given by the commissioner of Internal Reve nue aft Washington. They are important to farmers,' in so far as they untangle some of the knotty points of the law. ' 1.- Farmers will not be required to make " return of produce consumed in their owu iui mediate families. - '. 2. The farmer's promts from sales of live stock are to le found by deducting from the gross receipts for auiniak sold, the purchase money paid for the same. If animals have been lost during the year by death or rob bery ."the purchase money paid for such 'ani mal may be deducted from the gross income of the farm. .... 3. No deduction c;m be made by the far mer for th value of services rendered by his minor children, whether he actually pays for such Eervices or not ' If his adult chil dren work for him and receive compensation for their labor, they axe to bo regarded as other hired laborers in determinating his in come. - 4. Money paid for labor, czcept such as in used or imployed in domestic service, or in the 'production of articles consumed in the family of the producer, may be deduct ed. . . 5. No deduction can be allowed, in any case for the cost of unproductive labor. If house f ervants are employed a portion of the time in productive labor, such as the making of butter and cheese for sale, a proportion ate amount of the wages paid them may be deducted. 6. Expenses for ditching and cleaning new land are plainly expenses for permanent iin- ' provement, and uoi deducted. 7. The whole amount expended fur fertilizers applied during the year to the farmer's land may be deducted, but no deduction is allow ed for fertilizers produced on the farm. The cost of seed purchased lor sowing and planting may be deducted. 8. If a person sells timber standing, the profits are to be ascertained by estimating the value of the laud after removal of the timber, and from the sum thus obtained de ducting the estimated value of the land cu the first day of January, IS6Z, or on the day of purchase, if purchased since that date. 9. Where no repairs have been made by the tax payers upon any building owned by him during the preceding five years, noth ing can be deducted for repairs mad -j during the year for which his income is estimated. , 10. A farmer shoiI make return of all - his produce sold within the year, but a men executory contract for a sale is not a sale ; delivery cither actual or constructive is es sential. The criterion by which to judge whether a sale is complete or not h to deter mine whether the vendor still retains in that character a right over the property : if the property were lott or destroyed upon which of the parties, in the absence of any other relation between them than that of the ven dor and vendee, would the loss fall. THE CEb'T FOWLS. A correspondent of the Country Gentle man says: "I agree with Mr. Wood, who snys, The Brahma fowls are the best the hen fever ev er introduced into this country for laying in all seasons of the year. "The pullets will lay earlier and lon.rer in the winter than any other breed I have ex perimented with. I have known early spring chickens to commence laying in Oc tober, and continue io lay." Another writer in the same paper re marks. "in the Country Gentleman of Junc2Sth 'Queen Sabe' wishes to know whether the Brahma Pootra fowls are superior to the Polands for laying, or for the tabic. I think they are, while others may prefer the Poland.-?. The Polands, as a general ride, do not lay as early in the season as the Brahma, neither do they lay aslarge eggs. The Brah mas are excellent winter layers, and are very hardy. Young chicks extremely -hard to in jure by bad treatment, while the youthful Polands require a great deal of attention when from threa to four weeks old. Brah mas are good settera and excellent mother?, very gentle, and the chicks well disposed to ward each other. -Polands seldom evince a desire to set, but when the? do, generally prove.-Lecdless and spiteful, and are conse quently poor mothers. Brahmas posess a remarkably contented disposition, bear con finement very well, end are not hard to keep within bounds, a four feet fence being suffi cient to restrain them. The Poland is prob ably ready for the table at an earlier age than the Brahmas, but a six month old Brahma 13 fully equal to a turkey. There is no prettier fowl than the Biahma, and in my opinion none that combines so many good qualities and posesses so few objectionable ones." now to Select Flouh. An exchange says : In selecting flour, first look to the col or. If it is white, with a yellowish, straw colored tint, buy it If it is white, with : bluish cast, or with white specks in it,, refuse it.- Second examine, itr adhesiveness wet and knead a little of it between your fingers .-if it works soft and Eticky, it is poor. Third, throw a little lump of dried .flour against a smooth surface. If it fails like powder, it is br.d. Fourth, squeczs some of the flour tightly in your had, if it retains the shape given by the pressure, that, too, is a good sign. It is safe to buy flour that will . stand all these tests. These modes are giv en by all our old flour dealers, and they per tain to a matter that concerns everybody the staff of life. BaB.LET. The Canadian Fanner snys : "Our last year's crop of barley brought us about five millions of dollar?, four-fifths of which found a market in the United States.". Now that tho reciprocity treaty-is terniin ted, d duty of licents per bushel must be paid on all imported. The brewers of Phil adelphia, New York, fec, are petitioning Con.rre to" reduce thi3 duty to5 cents per It t; it f-r one roan to make , i ,.r i BONE MILU "PUkE BONE OUST." nunrnntperl by printed Certificates to lie entirely free from eilulli-r ilinii. "Concentrated Bone Fertilizir," a re lie Me quirk yielding vianiire. O- Ki.rm.r- cau direct o' throii-h nny re sponsible dealer. C7" A liberal di-r.-om allowed Dealer A J HKMHS. Augurt 1 I3C0 Cm. Allenloivn, la. EL UI1II AH FOll THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Gnl to compare with slrina-ucy rf Hi" Minify Marict. I.'M.lf nml compare price lirf-irn purchas ing elsewhere. Ju:t nil I nt the favorite l!- tt. m l f Mcm.-h fc sOiuuiaii. and ym will b-ni.-t by I It's i-blislne Pn prieiors air their Clerk nml sMoim liiriu;li their irrfiit variety More free of rliarjr..-. i f cut r so tlify will gi v.! y.m a fair chine- l- -pc ml yur loose chuuec. they trust mm li mole proliinhly than it can be f ii. m C tla.. 'i'li. ir iST0CK OF DRY'-GOODS, this Ppiln; ii much larserinall It varieties than u xil I. Til-i Cadi- Uress floods arenf t ind-st styles' mi .Market They h.ive a fine assortment of Slats, Kuo!s :i ml Shoes Summer Cloths. fniiirt. Cn-iui. T and V.-rlins. anil numerous aril. rmuiuoii l.i rndi e-.ljOi-.h-uieuls, beriues a "central ats"rl.ui-lit of II A B U W A HC, 'f 1 N A H E , Qiieensware ami fimci-ric. nil nl gr-ntly reduce I piic-. Th- y with to coiitiu-t Ibuir Luriiic3.-ou I lie syatem. ( PAY AS YOU GO? nml they think they can to yell very cheap. 'I'I'f v r turn th.'ir thank to-many past f.ivnr. anil a-k the future ;ilr.n.i of llicir luiuiur customer mi J tlie publics neratly. MtNlVC.I tt SUV HAS. Mny 1(5. llTi -lf. BEAT ATTBATION AT p;o(j.::iy s i oils:. TUn unili.-riiif ii b'i leave to annnunri to I lie rilir.Hi.4 i f ll.wiiil.ur; an.l lli nirnxiii'linS cmiitry lie l. i miyUin lly on baml nt In ol.t ht.i.iil. .. iJv riiuili vast coriicr uf imin J Iron si., a (ir;mu h i of (i HE A XU BLACK TEA S, Coff.-i. Pusnr. l,yrnp.,'oliarcr. Ci2rr. Dricil Fruit. Colli Oi. !! .ff, S)iire, llntl.rr. Vzl. I arJ Cll.'ef. rjri'j.1 t.:-l". I rackfrii. Pr.i. P.irlur " and ll;.uil l.tiMiy . I'ji:it-i "( all kinil, " ami p iim brnvhf n. Iiyf hiIIj. Iir Ui.ii.:, b1icm'i, Cli ihii f.r buy' fnr. Miai. Flniir. Chop, (ln-i'li. unr. Ula. ty. I'liH. Fih. Meal. C'UMillf I'.iickrl, . r.r.x.m, Ilogicry. nonk. Wril.iis l.p.r. Ink, TTanl-are. Ti i ki t Knivf. i 'wmlx. Jtc If., fce . HekeLi in ivcjyliiiu aii.'rt.iiiin j to a Crst rl.. Urocery ntul V.'irii'fy stori'. lie i iU l- r."iiii! nul to be under..! J. All kind of pruil ucf t.iki ii l uiG!ii:aT iahki:t pi:ici:s. !!:i v lii? j'it rfrivr.l anew rtov.k. tin p.-oDln are eami'ntiy ii.viii;.! to r:.l ami ;it ' llifi.i.-! v.-it. Hy st i i t nil. "in inn t" h.tiil'ii4. In- li'ipi i" lint only Iti r-i tain lii pair.iisi- b it t.i i p -n-ao il. II: f.-fl I Ii ins. t'nr piit lar. hii't ui Ii m.iiir Vfr- f xiwrn-nrc in III'" !mwjni'ii. hi; r.-fl roi.'i'lf l.i It - r.iu f" Ir r mit lion In all w li lav or dim will. Hnir ;i t ii..:..!. Jull.X K GlnTO.V. Rl P!n..iir. J inn '-3. 13ii1. JliO V ESTEEN & ilO. . Pianc-Forte Manulacturers, ild Cruathvay, Nrw Y-irk. H Mfi ATTENTM'N r.f lif? pnl.tir and tlif fra.l ifl I invilf.l t.iour SKW - SKVKV ftTI'-WI-:. i:uKV l II Nw FiiU'IKS. win. Ii f .r v.-lmi.f nml ii'itv of Ihiip a jft iiMi-ivaU -n hv anv Ii nf f.r.-ii in il.i ti.ark. t Tli -y r.:mi.t all Hi.- iii..,. rn liipri.vrn.f i.t Fr nrh sr.itxl a ti i. Ii r i . -.1 .1 r . -franif, i.vrr-Flrni'2 In., rlc. an. I a. Ii i.i-ir.iiufi't l.i ii'B in ii i f i ii. fr li:- it . i.;.i .. r i-iin of Mr. J II. Ca.iVfiTKHM. li Ii k a " n I iral i x i" i i nr.. . f over ll'i iy y. ar in Hi ir l.irl.i'f . I f.illj war ruiiletl i.l rv r n.'i. ii'ar Titr. GHvt i trrt.t.v wjv -n-i t:- l'tc.v.i inn u uM'T mn or .kk:t t the telk- br ATI o Woci.u r Al K V lifr? wrr" r ( l.l-tr n.n.'i.l frmn lli. l.fl n.akfr f i.i;..i . 1'aii, I., rmany. . It. I ..! I; ln:. aitmiorf. I! it ! nu.l a.-w Vork , nml l.Uo Mill.; Aii.fiiran I imtitiilK l-.r liv.i i.iirc.'iye nr lli lio i ami IMi vm Alt Diu li.n.i l.l oi ttbiclicaii be rf.'ii a' ii'ir w ir.--r ...ui . Itv III - inl ro.'iirt ! f i.nprn vf ill'' nt w makf a -ti'l ni'T.' n:i lid 1'ia.m f..ri.!. -mi I l,y niaiii.f.i.'t ri.i la'sfly. u nil a slii.'liv r-i II y-l-I.l a if tu .1.1. -.1 .' M'.-r I .if i.i-lrniiit-iil al a ric.: nidi "ill .ruclii.Jc ail rouiifiiiiMi . Our -rir- nrf fmni $100 to $1)0 cheaper Iban any firt clii riain.-f.-rif . TK" ll! .t t'lirli in rnrrfiit funds. I ppcri tive tircnl.-tr ifil Iree: - July Ii, If Ui ly II. &. I'. Epv, l';hiEiS)ia Co- The iinrffriatif .1 havinj b-roni olr prn? rirtir nl llii rll know ii nii'l C'invfi.if'itly 1. i., I iin.. re'.iiiy i n f . r 1 1 1 - lii- frif-nN. an. I Hi.- ii.ihli.- in Ci'in-ral, lif liai. .nt ln U'Mi r i.i r"ii.ili-lf or.l. r Hi.? aci oiiiino.l jii...i uf l.t. r''. r. nml f..r iln uii.l i-ii!.-r'aiii.fMt of irnv. 1 rm ivli.i m iy l.-. l itiri.if.l to fa vol it with llifir ni.toii. N. ii.f im.? Iia l.cfti ..ii.-il in prcarni: tm l. t- l for Mi i-ni r taiiniifiil nl tii'li", anii im-iIhi g rliall be uaiiiti. mi ln rl. to 11 tlif r tf roonl Tin; ! at.oii. u t II a tlii l.n iiiln.ff, i- ii o.l mi. an.l all tug'.-Uiet i ainly arran.-.l to pl.-.-1-.c' Hi.- pnniic iuacl .tioitv. Hupy. April II, If-di.-tf. ii LOOMSBUKG FANCY T1U3IMING A?D SCOH STORE, (rioml dcor below ll.-rt.uan' Jla.n Street. Jim received a new flock of zf.i 'i as, ivooi.e avd cot ton varxs, coa.-tm l.CES, EMHUOIUE JIES, SICSUWEDCIKC:?. DULai TRIM.MGS, and every variety of article imu.iJIy n.-pi in a A ' fruoiil ;.M.k. I!yinn rooks, Ciblci, Sunday. School I'.iok. nn I a Inr; I- t of M ISC ELL A XEO US B 0 OKS, Account ami Viiir.-iitilimi Ronka, Ulank DfeiU. it .iii!h ami lorl2asf . an.! a 5.: lif ral nu.l Wull-e4ecl-ed u-.nluiei I of I'y p.-r, J.uvcloc, &..?. . A. D. WEUC. Elnnmlnir?r. June 2, Irti'.G. -'f w. 'ptlE nn.l. r i?cil reitriertfuMy minninirn n itie Ji public dial In? kei-p con riant I r 011 Inn. I, at hit old hUUil, oik: il.Mir below l.iiiisa o'nig .-lore. WALL PA I' Kit. Oil Cloih. a.?d Pp.f f U'iHd.iw Slia.le. CnrN. Tan l nml Fixlmt?s. ft n-lnrfg , it., in tli;; vi;ry laifl fix I.? ami i prepared. to do all kin.K of paper bunging 10 (.r'der. -E. J. TUOItTON. ninom-fjiir, April 4 IrOi. if M.W1HTM0YEB, attoi:ii;y - at - law, KLOOMSBUKG, P. OJfire rrppofVe Pnt rffirf, nrer fIor!i7nn' atnre. back i'ay, soit't, l'ensio-is ami Gov immrnt claims ptuwjjftij collect td. P'onii.t.iif Apr 4. 'M HAPPING AND JJINING PA- vl PER. Hnviiif thoroughly ovrrltaiilf.1 my "a per Mill nt Mil! Grove, m-ar ll(.Kii..liurL'. ('olifiul.ia Corny. P I am nowprepare.l t.i til I all orders for Wrapping, lry lllantiiis anu Water I'roni'Fapi-r. on short notir. ami fair pi ices. I have opcm-ii a war.; Iionwn in Wllken Karrf. ami appninii-il Joseph J'.ri.wn 01 ilie tr 111 ol e.rowii. (".raw u.. uiy ag.:iit ludmpose ofuiy paper in Luzerne County. TIM'MA TitENCII. rinoiiihnr;. tepl. IK IWt. SAMUEL KNOUH. A TTO iz 4 i: V- T- 1a AAV, CJJireorer Hrrhnnn'i, Stare OppOtltC Pott Office t'loomsUttr--, Ar,rTU,i86Stf. ' - . THE PERUVIAN SYRUP -L , IS A rit'iTECTEl) SOLUTION OF THE I'roluxiile ot Broil, a new dicovery in mfdicine t hieh KTRIKE3 AT THE IMHTfOP m??Eti5K, 11V lipp Jilljj 111.: Illoo.l with ilH VITAL PRINCIfLK, l) MVkK KLkMCVT- llt'l.V, This Ilia secret of tin: wonderful success of this remeiiy in curi-.j fsncpsia, I vor Oomt.! sinl, Dronv. Dyi C.itro'"- 1'iarriicei, lunl, iServous AIF- ctioHS, Chills and Fever, II i 111 or Loss of Consti tutional vigor, Di.-oaies ff ibf Kidnry. & Bloildcr, Pciiia'e Co'll lil lilltM, and nil ili.fao origin .tin; in a OADSTAI K OP Til K liLOOD or acconipniiieil by 1), l.ilily or n low stale of tin "ysietii n'ins fff from Ale. m ay for.o. i- -u''ri'ix in etT r.s are nt I' .ll n". by ng r.-ae-11. .ii, I. ill are Iii-i.i H'r. iiiilh , vn-or an.l New Life 1 11 if nil iiiit-(. tU' l. ui, and bmi. litis nil iiiihk.v co.s'eTi 1 v ri.i.v. liYSPilP.Sl V A P DKB1I.ITY From the Venerable Archd'-nc 11 S OCT. I. '. UriiiAM.Ciiia.ia Ea-l. March il, fi'3. lam an iiiveieruie JJj p.-piic of more llinn 23 yeurs" -laii.tiu ' 'l have s wnmlprf.illy bf in filled jn the three short w-wks ilurius wlioli I have Used the t'e. ruviau d 1 ru p.i lint lean scare, ly;.l: u.y-o f .f the reality. IVo.ple wh liav known me are astoii h il at 1 tin cr.uiijj-. I am widely known an.l can but r.-c .11: 10 rtlli. r that which has dune mo much lor no? A,ASE OF 27 VBRS- STADIXG CURED. From IVSI.EV JKWET I-, K.i l" Avon riiicf.l:oton I I. v siitlercil. and no ueliiiif M-vrely. for s;7 years. Ir'nn nyspeplic, I c unia-.l latins Hi.: I'.-. ruvian ryiilp. Mini l.niu.l iui.ueuiale bfiu lil lr"-.i it. In tl; course ofih-ee or four w.?.-k I wa 1 miri lv r. li. v.-il Irntii my niil'. r.i.!. jih J huvu enjoyed 1. iiiu" lurruptfil h.-aUh nviir since " AN 12 .VI I , K i T l. VIVE F I'.OSTON, tA V3 : I li .ve b. f n H.-inc thr. I'f ruviau . j nip ..r s'-iuc tiuif p '-l ; it eives me 11 -w Vi-ur Cuoyaiicy ofspir its. Kiariii ity of vii.c..." 7'koHa.Tis have bien ckaog'd iy tie ass of I hi remedy fr-m iceak, gickJg.tufferiitg criatmre. is mritng.healikij: and kujipt vit and noiuem; mud ixzalid enmnot reoj hlj lu 11.fl tu girl tt m trial, A pau.plil.-t of paefs containing ccrtifirat.-s of enr.-s and r' roiiiioeu.lai ions from ..I il... moi rn.iii. nt physicians, cl. r?y men. and oihrrs, will be sent frks liiu..y adurfs. 07 f eaih boiilehas TkRuviN Svaor blown in lue j;ias. Fdll SALE IY J". I". EIJIMnE. Proprietor. :!( It.-r St New Vork SULU liY AlL UKLGUllb. . -lv .. .. CROFULA. A'l Stf.licnl Men arer? that IODINE Is Ihe. PE.T RKMEIIV for Srrofuia an.) all kiiiHre.l i.'irasrs ever iii--vf r.-.l. Tlie inhciiuy has been tn ouUiiu a I'ukk oliitiom of it. x li.'. L2. tndcV9' Eodinc Water Is .t I'nre Solution of lodim , W ITIIOIT A AIU VF.T! ! CuiiUiiuing a Full Grain la cicUouuce of wai.rr. A most Powcil'u. Vitaliz:ig Agent, aod 1 tvtiirtf ivi. has cured and will cure SCROFULA iuall itsmani- f..l.l form. ULCERS. CAN'CFUrf. rsVI'llll.lri.SAl.T RHEUM ; urn I it I. l..-f u Willi axlo:nij 112 su. c..:- 1.1 c 1 i:s l Uil.rii.nNl Is.n. i pi iaf I '..nsompl I im. Female t' II. art. Liv. r an.. im? is-s. ? Circi ir will be sc-ul rrth. toany one sei.exu lh;ir I'lic- $!.( a l.oilie. or lor 8" Piennreti by lr II. Alt?, ruy slcian Sc. Ch iinist. J. P. Ui.ns-aMURK 30 D.-v t5t. New Y And by -II Lrui'gi.l. yiSTArS BALSAM OF VEID WIZIZY HAS 15 EES USfcD mil NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, with til.? most ost.o.i-hing success in caring Co.:b!f Oo..!-,llar imics-, lr' Tiirnai lefl'ieiiz . Wboi;iiiff couj;h, Croup, Ltvi-r coiti;);iint. Uroicliifi?,L ini culty of I3rt-atlii:ir. AmLuju, a J ever y sillcc f ion of THE TIWOAT.LUXUS $ CUES!: which enrrifs ' IT more virtim th.'nnnv r'thT !! caw nml hicli bntfl sik - -l-i I el t Is-- I li v -n i.nio t a jrriilLl M. i.l Hi ... a i; v ..Hi. r y. il ii Yl 1 1 l T' T"1- RKXI. lV when all oilier prove in.-iT i I i ll. Aft A .MEi'ICINi: Rapid in Rfl.ef. soolhimr in LtT:ct- s tfe in it Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! wliia a prfparr? free, from noxious Misrer.'jneni 1-i.ij.i.o. tr mt.i. ral : ii.'liiif kill s- -11 c.hi:-I t: know .-.!f ; c-ooliiniiis all Ih it is ralual.le .11 Uio ve;etabie knii' Him class cif.lis.-a-r ,it is INCOMPARABLE f an-li entillf.l. m.-iits, and receives tliu general con-li.K-nrr? of tile public, SHYUOUIl THATCHER, JI. D., of I'ernii n. N. Y-. w rit.- n follow : -Wisra'9 ItALS-N r t ti.o I lutRKT si ve n n i ve rsa I ral i-la. iio.t. 11 sot-in tu cure a 1 0.1; Il by Im oing nil. I r. a .?iu2 I Ins lunrs and allavius irnl;.i.,n tint reiuoviii; tl.e rnusf. i:il nil of iliyius up liir c.-.u;li and I- aviap tin- cause bi lling. I the IL;tni a iro ii n any. if in-l tin? best, Cuugii mu icina wiih uhirli I am uc'i'iaiul.-.l." llrv. Jacob E'.ll.KU. of HaovT. Pa. Wi ll known an.l miicli r-spertvl anion?; the Carman populali.irf in this r.miitry makes the fv.lluwiuy state-lii- HI lor the tf in I'll of tlif atHicted, Iieah mss Having r.ali.f.l in 11. y family impor tant l.. o. lit fr. 111 111.? use i.f your valiiabl. pr. pnr.i lion Wi-t s IIaiji.ix or H'ii d i 'iiirry it arli-r.U i. c pl.-asure l reroiuiiif ml it lo the pal. lie. Mmie eihi urs an 010? i-f niy dau'btf r-see i.f.l 10 lu in a lie-cliu.- a. 11 Mile hup.- ol'li.-r ri-c-v.-ry w?re sntfrlaiii eil I il.rn I'H-i ur.-n a boll le o; v.f .- r la llenl Iblmm, and lu-l'.irf sh ? I1.1.I kn 'he uhl-. of III-- ce;il. m of III.? Imtile Ho re was a -ri-i 1.1 rov.-ni.-oi in u-t hi-alili I h.v.-.Hi my iu.:n -i-..-111. i.l.- fr.'ti.-iil use .l 0.1 1 v -luublc uiediiiif.aini have always bei-u benetilled by il. JCOIJ SECI1LER. IViYff One Dolkr a Halite. F R KAI.K BY J. P. TMNSVIOUK. :'6Ii. y S1r.1t. New York SETU tV F0VV1.E. v r-ON. I'r-prielor,, lSoslon. AKD ST ALL OKl'Ua.STS. Q RACES " " Celebrated Salvo CI'I'.ES CU7 3.l:CUV3 SCALDS. Grace's Celehra'i-il "Salop CCRF UOUNI)s.iiliUISES. SPRAIXS, Grac- 1 i-lflirnlcMl iSalvi; IURE3 I.OII.S. ULcERd. CANCERS. CtaC'' G- li 'Titfi-il aivc CURES SALT RHEUM. LRYSIPELAS. GrfC' " CJel Lral-il Salvo CURES ClIATPtD HANDS. CH LDLAI.VS. Gracfs C If brafed iri tivj HEALS OLI StlRE.FRES I VOUns.c. It is prompt in aciion. remove pniu at ou.-c n.l re tliir. s l!.e no t m.r rv-oi kiii t-liinss ami imll i matloii as il by magic- lltu atljidiutg relief and a coiop ete cure Only ii e.-uts a box t (-nt by ma il for Z5 cents.) For Sale by 1- P rV3VHRF. 3 IW Street. w York 9. V. I'nWK Sc. t 'H. I'roprifln-s.Uosloa, auU by all Dmygists. Crocers. and Couairy stores. Jsvautry 27, UHHi If. ' mum mum N.E. Cor. 'IVmI. him! Clie.tcut Stictls. PI1JLA1ELI'1IIA. The most complete and ilmrourhly appointed Dusi licsor t 'oiiiim rcial Coll.-zx in III.? roiinlry. Th" only M in tli city p"s,e--ina a l.'-n i vc 'ha. li-r.nii'l Ihf only mi' in Hik xl -lute uutlior ized. locont'. r i.-r of M rit I'i.-.plouius amir.le.l to irrnil.iiile in I lif Couiuif ri-ml (;ourse under it cor porate sexl by authority of law. Ooi.I.ii te .1 by Sfiitl' oflih.-ra eifnratioii an.l riten-ive in ami allor.liurt ui-f-qnallei:;.-s for tin? iIioioikii i heiire. .. .il nu.l pinciirul ci.iion of yi.uiis men lor the various du ties and eioplovm nt ol loir-ill-'- hf,-. TIlF.tiKY ANi I'ltACllCI-: COMIHXED by a of sy-i -m A THAI- RUSMNK.-S T R IMT, original nu.l pre ...lim nt y s vj.ij the stn-il-'lil in Hie slio.i. -t lime a romp I. If i.-rialu iniothf rout 1 ii". ii.-t .Is I .I-I....I-. ami .f buoiin-s in K.-neral a r.01 luclo.l in Hie h -si rcgulatml an.l finiiori .1 .-sialt isii nif..t ... TU a K ri Ai. i. vKi:fi-'rj Upon a m-w plan, with nn orjmal exposition of th" M iriici- ..fiiir'ninU, rr .J.-il an I publinh. ; he III..-pn.-.ri -lor .r thi I i-tiii.ii ni I-X.-III iv.-ly for hi own u-f .Living one bull' lue or- iiu.ry If Imr of lh.-si .d.-nt sin' e. vi.ii' l.i. u 11 ro.nplclo kuowleiltgH of Hi ? practice jt lin: bort arcouuliiiils. nit: co.MaMl:rcial course EMUKACES ' Bi'olceor iog Ciit.uici t-ial Arii!imetc,Pcn LuaDSi ip, iuine.-s t'orrcrpoiidt'ijcc, Cotiiiiierc;al Law, Lectun-.s 0q Uusiic-Jt Affairs, Contmer ciai Cu-t-ims, Form, and Actual I5ii t os Pfciee1. PrF.,-IAL II7ACHE Qlgebr mnd the iiyAcr Jlnthmiatic, fkonoriphy. Or namcntal Pen man s . Ike Jl'i o l.'rticling Cvt-rffit JIIoHrif, r'fji"! t g 6'ar veyin, Aaniiraii in and 1 eg ruphi hjt , Tr:i.E(;p -. tu so. The arranci-meui for l.-smpnins are far nr-.r ad vance of anything of the kind evi-r of, red to the put, tin. A regular Tel n raph Line i couu.-clfl with tliu lii.-lilliHoil wrll Iwinty branch ottici-s in vari-'ii part iH' Hie ri y w here public Im-im- is tra.i-actf -I. and in which lh: rludi-Hi of this lii.-iituiiou are p.-r-l.Mllf-l to pri.rli.-f . N. r-Jnlar tri.-.e practice ran be had in anv t.lLer school of in co.tulry. w ithoui w In. Ii nn one tun oiiiaiu a position as a prac Ural operator. You. .5 1.1 -n nre c .ulioii,-.l uiiai.ii-t the ilerei live ri pres.-iiiatioti i.f tho? who. wituout any such f.icilili.-s, prctf-i.l .t ar.h T--leraphios. r.Ti ;E. This Intit.iiion is now . i.j.iyini the larrest pitrnn Ir.'ii.-.-f rv-r belo.vf.l iip--n any l-'umui -rcial t.t n. 111 tt-e r-late. Ov.-r tiv . Inin Ire slud.-nt w i-re in atten dance the fi si j-i-iii. and nv.-r s. vi?n huudrf.l d.iri.iit tlx- pat y-ar. IIi.-Im--i clii-" of xiii lent may inva riably be found here, and all it association are first tl.ift. Ltl:ATHV A NO ACCOMM')IATIO8. Thi utiliit.oii i localfd in Hie in. 11 c-nlral pari of ill.? city . and its ac nmmndulioiis f,,r rxtuut. i-le-eanre ami con veil .ence. are 11 1111 rpa rjf.I. All Hie iiaveheeu fitted up in the very l-st tyie with I'USlxK." OKfli Krt .lit U i;l l(; HuUS':.-. TELECRA1MI OFFICII STATloNAlt Y oTOIti:. AND RU I.K RANK 'F liKI'OSI j A0 IS-'UE. supplied with limsly ei.srave.l lnli..ra inc notes used as a circulali 15 meiliuiu in the i'i p. rime. I uf A,'luul Uiues. TO '4U A TIjliA' who desire the very b t facilities for a rractical i riuciUi-n lor Liisin-'SS, w "itarnn t"p a eoiirs" of I u-i ruction no wlier' elt 'tualled. m hi'e til.? reputation an.l of Hie lii-li-utioii anions Ini-iii. m men ma ke it eu.lore uieiit Die best pa? port to suece ami ntvan.;-m -nt. A.I coot, lupl.'-tinp fit.-rinj any f..i r. College, ar- i.ivite.i to semi lor an 1 1. Li STitATfilJ CIRCliLUL AN I J C r.-iLOGUE roiit.iiiiini rouii.l. le i nit-rjor views of th.? Iollene, mi I full puilicular of tlie tiiiir.-e of lustrui lion . icrui. Jc. Pr -si.l.-nL T. E. MER'MIAXT, ?upL of lmre I'.ii-iii.-ss Nov. 4. l- .1-1-.' in J jKUGS, DUUGt?, UKLGJj. Pure M 'i' i.e. nt J" I111 R. Mover's Drill ?tre. r 01 Main and Mark-1 Strcr t. A good apart ment of Vrdirme. fniets. Oils nml Vnnsirl.o, nlw.ivs on h.n .;, :iii.l vi I li- M.IU cheaper than al any tth.-r Dri g Store 1:1 1 11. QUA LI I'Y GU. RANTKKD. Prescriptions carefully couiimuiiiied ut Mover lrii r"t..r.-. Aj er- and Jayncs Medicines sold at Moyrr's Vmg Stre. Wi h.irt's Tfr r.r-iil. Raker's CoJ l.iver O-i. Viuloiv's tf.iolhi-'j tfyrup, sold at -oyer's lru Slore For nny reliab'e patent nir-dii ine s, call nt Mover's IIH-2 Mnri;. I.enther of all lind. vi h-l"snle nud retail, at J. R. Sim . r'n I rus M.-rry Rloom-bur, I'a. -y -. if. RU. The ini.lerisnerl re? pectfull y in'orm Ihe citizens of l.'oo.ii-liiirj ami ( ' rouniy , Hint I h.-y ke. p II the iliir.-reiit uumn-rs "f s:ove c. .1 an I . l.-. t.-.i lii. p co il f-r s.oit'i.u-r purpose', mi ill -ir wh ir., ad juii.ii.? XiK-'W. Ne-.. K.ini.-i ? ; with a anu I pn llulialo scaler on ilie nl.iiif.lo wei-jh coal. hay nii-l straw .ike n is. a li..r- an I w aioii. I . .1.- to lhoe it ho d.-rir.- it. A we p.ii ha.-.e a lattf.? of r.ial. We li.i. n.l keep a riip.-rior ar let.-, ami sell at Ho? very l..erl proes. I'l.-n-e cull ami ixaiuiue fr i ours. ic bit. -re pur. lui-i.."- l-. h.-re. J IV Hl.ML.S up. AL'tiL'si'JS Jl.lsOX. ' J IIF. un.'er".!rnert will tak. in exchange for Conl a...f l.'.i-i-rie. III. i..l'ow-ii!5 name. I artiel.- : - heat. IS v.? ,i 'oro Oat- Potatoes. Lard. I'u.u Shoul I. r. an.t si.le in at. l.uit.-r. I.p-' llai. -c , at lit hiah.-si esh pi leer, at M Hr-.c-ry rt r.-, a..j -nuiig th irc- nl yar.l. J IV. n E IS DER.-lloT. I..-u.-l.iii g, pril il. J.-M.ii ly NATIONAL iOUNDKi. IJI ()O.ISi.Ult'G,C0- yLUMlUA CO., PA. jjf X 3 5 'I "E suh-criber, proprietoi : .j -. k- . ' of Hi- alo-ve named - r il ii Si JL 'fvii h t.-nsive est ir-lishn.ent. i now ta receiit; orders )l KUuU of Macliinfry, for Co'leri-:, I'.last FurnacfS, Stationary Ensines. MII.L, i nPCSIIINR MACHIXFd. VC . tC. lie is also pr-pared Hi make Siove. nil sizes ami ,-utlerus. p'ow-irons, and everything us-ially luade in r f-i t-rlass rouudri" Mis OAl.-nsive facilities and practical iv vkmen. wai- ant lii'.i in - rec. ivins the largest contracts on the in -t r"isonal.le t'-rui. iE7 ;raiu of all kinds will be taken in elchan foi calin.. r. IT Thi i loca.ed near the Lnrkaiva na Elooiiislnirg UailriiJ l)t pot. l'iiTER UII.LMYER. l!aoiiisburj. Sept. 12. IH(i3. H. c. ii o W k n. SURGEON BBNTTST. RFSPI I'l i;i.LV oll-rshi profess ional services tn Ihe l.i.ll.-r and S'-iitl.! rvv-f oieii oi i i im-iiur-:au.i vicinity, lie is 4 -t -- .n ut en. I to ..I il... op -ral.-'n in the line of .i pr.f.rsin and- led w in l .e I: test l. ..prove. I P HCHril. r KTII. hie W II I-.; in -rte, on rni.l.platiiia silverauil ruliber br io'.hAw II a lb., nut. i. al If. tli li o-ril plate and bl .;k t'.--ti manufacture.! ar- all o .-r. Ii n on teetii.rarelu ly and prop rlv uU.-u.led t--. ite.i.-euce ami oftii j a few doors above the Court II -u -e. same side. Ill le.iisbura. Julie R I8IL1 A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, newly i;osttc the Epi vopul Chun ft LOTH IMG OF ALL UHSLRIITIOMS. it Y ?t.-tk is composed of fi:m rlnth-n. medium i I a.i low pric-il n.laple.l to all!i-.u. tastes and wains, lie I. a the Idlest style for tile ri-ar.iii -a Go a-sorinieni of nvircoais a in! (.fiitleiiien's Shaw s, from low in the very b.-st f.'oo.s a, e tihiiinh!e ait-f wt'i H.nle. In addition tn n.v t.ek of r ! Iv- n t Ij cl ifiinj. I have pierc goods fur custom orders. t'loih. CayiiiUTC!, &, Ac. ''nil Pavi.i" one of th-? first class rutt.-rs. 1 gn ir-ui U-e n fii in all eases and givj sal i fuel in. Also a variety .i UuOLI-: AM) LI.E MilUTS, Stockins-, '-rklie-. t'ollars. "tock. Ilan lkf rrliiefs ever) thliii lu th.! eenl l.-uieu Una ofcothing ALo, nuts, l.o-jts au.l tiliuvs. Trunks and Carpel bass I ill a II al Ihe lowest Mark'-t nrirs Pl.-ase give lue a call before purclia -inf el.? where. A.VIMlEiVJ. EVANS. P.looiiisl.urr. Vov '.1. it1 S-0 A Aii.-i.i wanterl forw tntirtf new n lit''. jt out. A.I dress o. T. GAREY. city iluildinf, Bedford. Maine. Jjc 23, J865.-Jy. 62S. HOOP SK1BT3. 62S. New Fall Styles ! Are in every respH-t riaT class, an.l einhrnenas enmpl le nssoitm.-i.l lor l.a.lie Mirse. nil I I'nil ireii. of thr Newest rijlcs, every lcuglh and Sixe of V ni-t. ril'll rKlRI'S. wherever known, are more univer sally rnpi lab than in y others tore the pi-blie. They rotiin. their better, are lit liter, more elarti.-. more ilu rablii. and r.-nly I iifArta. than anv oihfr Hoop fkirt in the marvel. The rpriiiffs i nd fasteu-ln- are war iar.t .1 .erf-t. Kvaav l.sov hou il Tkv Tiikm ! i h -v ate now l.eii.i; ei t.-ns.velv Sol.l by iiKK.ii NTs thcuchoul the Country ami at WHOLE SAI.c; AMI R Iv'l'.t 1 L, ut Mauulactory and daleh 4.0I...I No nj AR'MI Street, below 7th. PIMHLTA. Ask Tor HOPKIN S -own make." buy i her! CAUI'ION. Noun genuine unless rtamp.-.l on en. liKi.t Pad 'Lopk m's lloap Skirt Manufactory No iiiet Ar.-h Stre. i i l.iUrh Iphia Also. ons'.iully on liau.l full line of N-w York ma.le I irl.l vi-rv low- prices. Ti KM.-i S'LT f V.-ll. ONE 1'rf.lCE ON LY Augu.t 4J. iJLIi 4.u. J IV. WYOMING B x h L' 11 t : a ; : o n IP A 4 y, WiLKl.S-I'.AnR E. PEWA. l.iriT.lls A XI) XiiVlA, - - $133, ASSETS, istork not enlle.l in, -'ills r.;e.-lv-il.lij - U. r. 5 -M lloii'ts, . . . Teniii-'riir. nud call loan. $n.iiii't 41 is.ll '.j.t. li.UHI r..i-o Iti:l sh.r--- Itauk Stock. 5 shares First National I'.anK it vVjlk.inrre. 5 iitiQ Jn shares S. cond Xntionat "link nt i'kes liarre 7."i lil rlnire it Ilk. s-lliirre Uri.lgu Slock. - . i! 5J( R-al L-tat.!. .... .5i!i Jil'liiii lit-.. - - .... III.' Due from Asents and others, ... 7.4IJ Cash in bund au.l hi H.inK. .... J.bli iii.nTcT eis. r.. M. IIOLLEN II ACK, I.. D. SIIOF.M AKER. JiiIIV KKICIIAKH. II. M IIUV'P. SOIIIKI, VlHMa. O. !.' !X:. I'IIAIILk." iHitrUAXi.E, Wh R .??, r ii i.wuk. i ii ri.i:-a miner, S. E'.VARP PIERCE. O M II AMiln C. M HOI.i EV H K Preu'dent. I.. 1 1 SIIOEMAKLR. Vice Pre . R. C. SriTH. StCRATART. F. I.IUjVYN. As-nt. Marrh US. l.Jti.j n-sbur?. Pa. QKEAT IMPI10VEMENT IX SE If JNG MA CD 'NIC S EmpifM' SIiiiU'c I!I:ick3!re ! PAI ESRO:iM-. 5.10 Troa.fwav. N. Y., ""0 l a-liilllol : t eel. I'O-tou. til Che. nut Mr.-ei. I'hilad. Iplnn, P iTF.NTKH FEU. 14. ea). THIS MAt'lllNE i contrtir;e. on enlirr-lr new prill iplcs f merhanirin, p.-ein? many mre nnd vala t'i'e inipr vcmful h.ivii.I h.-eo ex .mined bv liiB uio-t prof-iuu I c-xpert uud proiiouuced '. o be Simplicity and Perfection Comhinrd. It his a strnisht ii'-e.ll-. perpf n-ljrular anion, inai-estlie L. K or Sill T II. E rTITCI I. winch will ii. ii h- r Rit' kT IIAVLL. nud is a ikeou h..!i i.'t; ; pel f..rm p.-rl'.-rl wii-j! "li every ileseri pi ion f material- from I.f al her I" ' lie liurt N'au-.o.iK ...u-lii, ui:h Iiu--n, or si'.k thread. lVi-o the -oar.-l to Hie fine! u-..ili--r. Having in l In? r ' 'A 1 or Co:! V IF.:.i. uud iii l.- i-t pn-isibl'! il r.iiu as sm. k.i li a- gia-s. and is Emphatically a Noiseless JftrrJiiie. ft cen tres FIFTY PF.R TEXT, less power to drive it !i hi any other machine in the maiki-l Ajjjil t ivi lve j ears of use ran wi rk ii sti-a.ii y. wiiuoul or lojurvto health li Slrruslii u-i.l woiiilerfiil f imp!ici?v of Coiislrnr. ti.u reu.ler i imp.i-.ribl.? I. ret out ot or. If r, iio.l i ; I ' A 11 A by the company to give vu liif lion We re-peclliilly inv-ta all those who may .lerirs to mi ply tl" 1 1.- tie i .Hi a superi r arti.-n-. t come au.i i Aiiu.iue Hiis U MS I Y AI.LEt MACHINE. i lie ho. i ii r I : in I ii ii is nirici nl to enable nny perron to work tins machine to ili.-ir entire i-ul- irl'.Cl loll. A-ot wanted for all low- i th" United Mates, n II r-u.-i-s are tot alr.-a ly ertald.rh .l Also, for t.'i.j:.. M.x iro .'.-. and S'liiIi Auiciici. lo uliuiua lili -ri.l .lire. fiat wi: b civ.-n. L Ail'IRE SSI.VVI C MACIIIMI-: MF'fl CO . 5;ln l.roa.iwav. N. Y, TOVES AND TIN WAKE. A. M. RUPERT, Announces to bis many f. i.-n-l and iiuuierou nn ton. er thai he co. Iiiiue th-? bl.ove tit l.i ..l.i place of buriuosoii MrMN M'oF.Er, Bl.OUllS! J. Ins custnnii-r anil olhers can be nccoiiimoil tied it Ii FANCY STOVES of all k in n-i. f t'ivepipes.Tin w nre, nn I every t ' n-:le foun I in all well rejru fir-. I sruV'K'irT'" AM) TlNWAIlF. i hTAIlt.KMl NT.s in Hie iitie. an. I on i he tt.n-t ren-oioable lerm-. HIT" M liC'I IV'J f r lion-.--an.l I. rus. will be put up i.n shri m .tire. ki.i.lsof if done pro-.ply nud uio.ii tii.cral i.-rms l.?a!r k-ep ..ti h i. id a h.r.'e supply of Mi'k Pan, of iiilf.-r-i.t ir..- ami price ; b ?-i-ie a fi ie as-soilim-iit ot Fisne r's l'iitee rell-Sealiiig I ruit Pre-s.-i i in-C'i.ii Give hnu a call Juli Ir) ' E W K ESTA UK ANT, In Shive'f Ruililiiiz, on Vn in Street. VVM. GlLMOaE, TifMrn? 111" -f illoimislmr ;nH vicir.ity tint llC liUtf UJ Ml'tt u vv ill Uii pliire, where he invil.-s hi ol.lfiienJs.ini? rutn.i-r tornll ami partake of liij relre rhmelils. It is bi- Hitei.lion tn e. p h: l.i-rt LAG Eli BEER AND ALE, rorsl.nnly on hand ; i.. I'nrter. Sar-.apnrill.-i Min eial Wnler. I :-ery L. li .-plimr v nii.I l.etn on ryrups . can nl way he nt Ins Ueei.iuruiit. In the luting line he presents a S2.rz.ia ?ArvT not siirrt - e.l in ln pl.i.-e , viz. I'lrkl. ,! Oyler 'lam. . i... I i-ii. I Eh-l lie. I ll. ki n. irk l.-.l a.ol Re. . Ton-;, c , .c. lie airo h i a good article ... Cirjaiz v.-d C'tnrinfr TJmrco for hi ru-toioer. Ly"" lavi- hi.u n i all. l.liM.iiirt.iir-. June Ici;. O.") A vn.AR hi-- e by any on.? unh 5 JJ (1 S,J-'teil-l Tool o experi.-ii.e 7 ucci?s-ary. The t rei l-:it. t'a-h- iers. nml Tr"asurers of 3 flunk, i.nior.- the circular. Sent fr.-n with samples. A.l.ire-s Hi ? American tun cil Tool Work. Springfield , August I, Ir j.i. i. j 00,000 SIllNlil-ES Ci: A LAKGE LOT OF FKCNiyO KOAKPS f Oil sale- The umle r-itne.l olT.-rs for sale upon the lo-i-t r n-naiie term, nl hi place i f biiMiiess. in ETUN. COi II" I A I'm M'V, ? l lh,.ii- saml rhiiisli nu.l a la rce lot ol f. i.cimr boards, ol the very bc-sl inlny, both me and liruilo. k J. J. Mci'EVRY. r.eiiloii. May 9, It-bG. Wm. c. uexszet, nto. w-CAtieiinER. Established 1828. c. v. caki e.ti:Pm iienszi: v & co. u nui.EALt: i) n uu tn s v. 737 Markkt St. one door below Sih. PpiLrEtpnt.i. DRUG-S. IMFDICIXE. CH EM IC.ALtS. PAINTS ulLS. iJI.A j. VARNISH. !, IIYE?5, Au.l every .lber article npio-riainini; to the business, of the l-t quaiiir. and al Ihe lowest Market Rales. March 28. I8.if.. T" tii i i ii h : nru i J S R.ATCH ! SC--ATCH J STR ATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT U ill Mirr The itrh in 4S Honrs- Alo rures il T R'l Ki'M. I'U'ER lilt L RLAIX-. and all ERUPTION.- uF TI! F. SKI V. 'ri.-i. 5lle-nl For sale bv all )rnsi-l. Ity sendius HQ r.-.r- to U E tt PorrKR.Solr. A -fin-. ! Wash inctoii street. ISosi n. it wi'l bo f..i warded by mail, free r( po'inge, lo any pari of Ute Uuiled Stales. June 6. lawi. ly. -. f ;VV.-.5!.--.-w.f,:Y-H'v.r--jc.',.,-,i-' i ' r?--t'-- i; ' -1 i i 1- , '. ; i'iV2i':i:'J M JV cw Slack of Clothing. 8prin-nml Siiuiisicr fioods 1NVITFS nitentioii lo l.i- rlo-k of cheap and fash ir.iinlili: CI- lhiiiE at hi Slur.-, on .1 .v sntEtrr, iii.onmnuRG. tivn iinnrs ahnve. the .imfrican Iouse, where hn ha juM receive I frnm New York an.l Phi lailelphiu, a lull as..rl meiil of JTlcsi nml SStiyS C lolhiu-, inrl i lirn the most feshjnnahle. durable and hand S4iue, D.i LSS COi iDd. ouisirliug of ltox Hack, Frock, Gum and Oil Clot' ('ou.'s. anil 'an., of all sorts ize'. nnd colors. I also baa replen ished his nliertdy largn stock of Fall ami Winter SIl.wU ; rtriped. fitfure.l and plain Vest, stiirl. c.avat. st. k collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus pender nu.l f.m-y article.. N II. lit-lia-i ' oii-taui ly on hnu. I n Inrse and well . I'-rte.l as .ii.u ?nl of l.'loth 4 nul V?ti.i. which he i r. nn il to make up lo nr. I r. into any kind of cl 'tn iii:j ni vry sh rt u.ilic- uu I in iUe best of in n- Al1 hi I .ilitii- I made to wear and most of it is of home m u n u fuel. i r.t. A .S D d-f aa C34 Ha !X ' f eiery !. rri;,n .. Fie-nnd Ch ?ao. HuCnseof J.-ive!rv is not surpassed in I III- pliir. " 1 1 nud ex. a ui t m- In iii:ii-r.-il ursortmeii. of lotliinj. Watches, Icivi try. ic. &.C. - I.AVID LoWEN'BURG. bloom- burg, April CO r-C3. I JENKYGIGEK, Has opened a first class BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND SAP STOfiE, At hi old ffaml on Main Street Rloouisbuitr. Jl't stock i cmnpoed of III.? veiy Ist'-rt and bejt fSp.-s ever otTri?. tn 1 h.? il iz.-n of Cm u into a ' uu y. He can HI.: public wit's Ihe followip- kind and pi ice : Men's calf boot, fine, $" t 0 tn 0 01 Jip. doulil.? sole, 3 5 to .1 7- Roys rlnl.i'r li .i.t. l.ot 4...I M.-n's plove ki I. i'onres, 4ic 2 .'nl m 5.7 i " lial. Ph-.- s. I uu lo 3 O t woMie"' ln.yr au.l mis eg glove ki-l -rlius .o-it r, 13 to 5 T.i Women' clove ki.l very file. 3.U In .i 7 j 4 fir.f po .t im.r.K'.:.. b.i'morr!, t .1.1 to 4 lii) in-n s in-. r.H . o and rail shoes, 1.7-1 to 2 ail rn;iiiii..ii rh.H's, I jit to -Z oil Mis-.-s' nu.l shoes. 0 lo 1 00 ,ic..'. w oiiii-ii's. mioses, boys and child slipper. Il.2.lri 1.1)0 lie also keep n treat vnrii tv of II ATS, CAt'd and STRAW GOODS of er- iy V in.l. nt Ihe lowctt prices, both for '"ash nn Country pi mine-?. Rem.-ioli. i ihe attraction is in our eoo.l. Ilnu'l be alarmed at Hie Cry of lush prices, but call and see for yourrelves. Rei.pccliully, HENRY CICER. ClO'uusbiir;. July II. I-T.G. Lackawaiiuii LiouiusLarg liailtoad. p-H tar &3 m giZZPS- m Car TWO DAILY TRAINS. ON AND AIT' R MlVCMIH-R -27, l(, PA-5-SENCKR TK AIN." WILL KI N AS FuLLOW!: 1. 1. a v l suu i invaiiii P M I'M U.ave Scrnntin, A 4.1 Kin--i'in. bOO 1. 1 ..tusl urs. 8 -.11 Arrive 9.50 LEA V c N O R T II V A R D. A M Leave Northumberland. 7.00 " I -it ii v . : 1 .-. -V " lllooiusliiirg, f?.'.1.! Arrive at r n-.ton. 1J4.1 A M, f, -V. r...V7 O-.M io aj PM 5 n 5 4H ( -J ". i'i t.i ,r M for PrraiiMii New VorK at o -.0 Tr-ins I nvin.' Kin-ilon at ri HO .-. I fct.tll l'r . ., ... I i-aviii Noil uu -nl.e I mil al e'.llil A .ll.aiil Kin-J-lou 'J :hi P , c iiniect Willi Tiaiu airivin. at New York at III P. M I'.is-eiiser- taking Traill 3onih from Scranton nt 5 .") A M vi. i o Hiumb.-rlau llarri-liurs I.' Ml V M. Callii.o.r.- " : U I' Al.. v a-l.i.i"lou io UUP M via Ku ierl leach I'liil-olrlpliia 1.1 7 UU P M. li. A. FvJNDA. Supt. Kinsstr.n. Nov . t?i3. 'I'll E .EV prisaj; &; StimKirr I?2e!iciiae. roMai.vr.:. WITH IODIDE OF LIME, rr.i r.iny.D run c. v. I'L rn:s, toixov, Ry JASirS R. MCtlOLS & CO. Jla n nfiictvriiifj CI' M.AMiF.A. TURLRS OFT'lE ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARK Willi Proloxide Brem, Which lias become fi 1-ivnr ibly known as a YO.V.C r".V liEslOHJlllVr. Rv riiysiciaus binl Invaluls in all pails of the rcun try. The new rreparation. "..irs.ipa rilU in comliinn li u i;h I . I i .. .- of Lime." pr. si-til on.? of tin-nio-l prompt ve as.-u's- in a 'orui capable of exert ill- lull anion upon Hi- syriem. and this in minute a.i.l pi. asant iIom-s II i conceded t- iil the uller.i live r -i. Iv.-iit or Ionic eirecl of lo.iin,? ;:r-cx. it e.l uiort .: cioeilly v. tru associ-'ted w nil oilier alter-.-U.VI-. in coiiihiuatiou : au.l the Sarsapariila sueni. to Ixllili peil.rilv hit lit-la vol able requisitions. Tlo tirrl . ff cl uially ol.-f rve.l iv il: il s m;s apai. ii.i.a with iodide or lime- i- taken i an inrr.-nse ofapp. lile showing that it ha- tonic P".ji. til -s of a in .rkei' charaeier. II ai- i. r-t rve elteci- nr.? m:iu:l'.-t in ils ready cnuiniu-i-li hi Willi Hi blood an l li.-u - Pale, icr-'liiloin ii mi l ilnl-lr.-n improve rapidly under it ue, ' h vil-.l fun. t ions u-siiuie n in-a It hy con. In ion. Il i a.tmii.-.iy a 'upled lo a l.iri'e r of ihren i: or an.l.? a II" ctiou peculiar t cliil.lreu 1 1 is suit : to tli.-.ii lo'tu by Hi in i I n .-r. a ml efficiency of me. iri.i..l . Il'.-' i au.l Hi4 pi.-a-iiul, ;iltia live forui of in.- r ...... -.iv. It o y b..- unee for Ion- period where . ...i-lll.ili . i -I mil leoees are .l. -ir -.l. an I ii.i repua- iiiime, or .-1 -1 nr. i nal on lo tak.? tne yrup, rucoiiu I r.-.l. ui W in..-.-i. In. - Dieae. and "irlorlio'.s o the Spine, it -h I n siv -i" p-: sul ci. II, m moiierute iK.t-es. ui.lil relief is obLnued Ii the Snriiiynf the Vyir, and during the ' iinn Weather, the accumulation of mnrl.i.l mut-r in Ihe system ri . Ins to It.-c. mi., aii.r-v. ry Inirtlil-soioe" Las silti.le, lli.-a.iat-lie. lioils, Cort i . c-n . L.s of tite, P.iius in the Joints, linn-.-tiui. etc . are verv common. nllim-e -r .l.-i .-- .1 u-lier n-la ;.t.-.l lo Ateriiiinate ii' .1 ive uirihe all ctiou-. Hi in Hn. new c-.u.l.i a. ion of'ARll.l.A Wll'l lOUlHE F I.l nil. preparation like it, er riUh eipproiimntcs to i) ai am Altera t ice, or Jn'nnd Pmijh'r, ha ererhrfort lue placed triiUm Ihe reach of imrnlid. In.!, e.l. ii i mi entirely htw ami si iikT r.i combina tion, in no reccl resemuliu- aii)llii.ig i.itiie. lo eiu- pof,. The opinion of meiljral men cnncr-iin; it thei'e rrri-li..u of it . ha, ncl.-r. Hi.-ritput ir v;i!. in-, ii.auoer of lire, i ?e.. an? "iv.-n i. a rir.-ul r. hi. h rn be Lad at Hie of any aii.l nil first clii-r tlru-;iis. UT" Sold in lilomiif eur?. t. In lesulc atii' rtt.iil, bv F.y.-r t. ! -y r an ! all U. u-ists Jum? O. le..C. tm. J ISS LIZZIE PETEIiMAN, Wool. I nnnoiincetn ihe li.Tie o Rlonni'lmr? and Ihe - t'.-n. ly, thut rho has jilrl leceive.l Irom lile . iist. ra n'l.-s her Jpi iu as.l SimiiiJcr Ftnck of MILLINERY GOODS, consist iii2 of all :r' iric uaraUv found in ri i st cla Millim-ry More. Ili-r eimd lire of the bert quality nud mi. on" the mort handsome and rh'-aperl iiillie iiii.rK. t fail nml examine them for yourelve r..h .i!y -lioiil.l purcha- -Is - n il -r.? b.-tore ex i.niti -ins Ai is Fi-t.-ru.a.i's ot Bo.ds Loune s made io"rl.-r. -n Hie shorlf-t no ice. or repaired. St. -re ..ii -Ma n t'i . I. 3d d or below the store of Vie mleuhall Ai Rupert. Rloomsburg,Aiuy -1, ldi'-ti.-lf. I have opened a new Morn ut the old stand of Da vid til roup on Main street. Ill-.oin-li a r-, aud will keep on hand a general assortment of cs it Da 2a ca cl u S3 33 fi Such na Hry floods. Notions. Groceries. Tin-ware, Hardware, Cedar and Willow Ware, r.;2, Con feel ii.H-try. Glass-Wnre, Hat st Slices. Flour, Pall Fish and kU-at . all cf w hich I prop-re scllinj at a very low figuie for cash or proilurc. fi " fall a id ses. C. C. MARR. Rlunmsburir. April 19, 1PGG tf. SOMETHINi: N'K.V AND NOVEL FOR AGENTS ' edillers, Cniintrv Stores I'rucsi'is, and all se.-k in nn hon.-rali'e and protilable bu-ines. Free by i.-a.l for t-S c. : wh.-lea' J per doz. Cauvas- esrs o-H'ise S1! to $1 i per dav piofu Altfturr l OOVV D. Manufacturers. 1 Water EU New York, Sept. 5, IbUi, 41, S. M. P. j F O U T Z'S CELXBKATXD Horse aafl Cattle Peiiers.' This preparation, long and favorably known, rill thor oughly reinvigorate broken-down and low-epirited horses, by strengthening and cle&Dsinff t!.e stomach and intes tines. It ii a sure pre ventive of all dis- ..... In.-ii.n. .a this animal, stich a LCXO FEVER, GLAXDE&&, . ennc. ..iv...., ... v YELLOW WA TER, HEAVES, iutiiim, ills- ' ibMrtK, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, ic. Its use improves the wind, increases the npiietite- Rives a smooth ami glossy skin and trnn.fnrml It.. miserable skeleton into'a fine-looking and pirited Tn IrMnorl nf frm . 1. i . ,.H.M.t. t t a . - " - j..cwauuB is invaiuaoio. It increases the quantity and improve the quality ui inc. num. ji Las been proven by ac tual experiment to increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and make the butter firm and weet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite, loosens . 1 J a A makes them thrive "or r much fester In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, TJTcers la - ' - -' -. ' , ke., articie acts as a pciflc. By p;itting f'om one-half a piper to a pap-?r in a barrel of swill the above diseases will b; eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Prica 25 CentJ per Papc, or 5 Papeii for th P HEP AH ED EY S. u.. FOUTZ c UKO., AT THEIR wnoiEsuE Draw and MEDinvE detot. II 3. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Bid. - For Sale hy PniRisU and Storekeepers tli rough cut the Cnitcd States. For sale at the Drug Ftore of YJ2R 4' M0YER tloomsburg Pa. rinonishurs, Jan. C. I2mo. U Ii. W. II. WHITMOH, HAS h?en in successful practice for a number cj years, with the eip.-rience of the difT.-reut lio pitnl in l;nro. -. aUO a lin-uiber of the Analyieal ite.ii.-al Institute of New Yi rk. ronti lues toai'rii'l ' In all proi'rsKiunl c.i-is at his office No. i Filbert ?'.ri-et, rinlaii. Ipi ia. 2 No i.ateni .M . n ine are ncH or reeommended ; the ri-.ii-ilie a l ni;iirtere.l are tho-e which nill not break rmvn the eon-titulion. bul renovate the sy--leiu f.-.iin ail injiiri.-s it has sustained fro.n mineral infill. i.i . i.n. I l.-nvetiie system in a lieullhy and perlerllv cur-d coiidilinii, : DYr'I'l l'.l i. that oistressinj rlieasn and fell d.-slr.-y.-r of health ami liappme-s. Miideruiiuiiig Hie c.i.i 1 1 1 1 1 i o !.n i .-;.i Iy cairiuz thousnuds to ua tiinely graves, ran 11101 emplia icnlly be enred. 4. M- .ai.rholV. A bh. rralion. that siatr- ot Aline tio.i and weakness of the iinud which ri-ndnr per s..r lurai.i.iiie ..t i i'j.iyin the plcastitcs or perfann iiii Hi-- of In.?. KM l-'.i; U A l l nny firm or conOitin,rhroii. i.l or ai n!i?. iv-i r-'iiit. .1 nimble. l.iJl I.' I Sv . or f.iUiii-j s-ickness, all rhrotiic ot slubb. hi c.'i-.-s of raili.T. Iv lemove.i ; .-'a t Hu'-tnn and every rleserlp. li-.:. .1 ii I -;.: i it I'll.- ::u.l srrolulou diseases iv it., li h .1 .- ha ill -.1 all pr.-vi.iit medical skill, can he . iii'.-.l l y li v I r.-al ini-i.l ; an.l I ilo say nil', (ve- 'iN.-i;ii"r:ON I ran be cured by wearing my Me.ii ciite.i I.Ti-ket. wiiirli I a prot'-ctjo.-i t Ilie Inn?; :i-j:.i:irt all i iiau-.-es of weatiier in al cl.ninles h;iv in!; tiivi-rli-.'iili'd f-r yenr" tile cuue nml charactar ot 1 1. 1 r in i : ii i (!e v.-r nu.l ilu ue) i.l ail parts f the t-:)?.! .-lilies -ii ill cur.; perinan. nlly all chronic or acute cases ol" auc and nervous ..ea..- ia a lew tnuccr Lured viilinnl llic kaifc or C -aw.25 I) cgJ. Tnpe Worm, i!rend to the Ilumnn Family for vears.i iu le remove. I ui.Ii two or tlue es of uy in n i y 1! i-c.v. n-.t reiu.-oy. u uriante.l in ail cases, ouii't.i'ini 111 tiie Ca2iih nnd German Languages fn-e of cliare. Will make vi-ils any distance, if di-rire.l M iy h'? a-iiiresse l-y letter (confideuliail v.) an-l .e.:iriii-.' sent witli pn-per directions to toy pari ol til : roii'itrv Ut r lut. r.o, iiM riioerii'i. una. April 4. ISM ly. I, lit J R LV.ANSj n.)iciaFi aud Surgeon, 7FAliN I. a .eritiiit-iiily cm M.iin ' i Su-r-i. KLOOMSlTK(; l.. unnlil in orm the puhljc senera'ly . that h is preprare.I to ni:.-ini 10 all l-ij-i-ii r failliluliy anil punctually that .ay he iulrusii-.l li bis care, on teru.s couiin en su ral nil Hi liin.'s. iT7 H-i.ays strict attention to 3Jr;ery as well as ui". iriu... Nov.ii. I f i3.-ly. r-i i tp fin 11 iu. iii. & iiiijuri. ATT 45 II X KY-AT-L V. RLooMsnriiG, Pa. Will pra r:i-e in i lis several Courts of Columbia nu.l a . 1 1 . i 1 1 1 1 1 n coniilie. AM t.'nileciii ms promptly attended to. June 'i I, I Mid. CHAS. G. BARKLt Y, Altorsscv nt Fsnxr. CLacJiSiiLUG, 10L13IBIA i'O., V. V7 ILL prnctire in the several Conrto Columbia V I'oiiuty. All lejal business intrusted to his ca.e shall r.-c.-ivi pi..i.t ntlenlinn. oiiice nn iju:n iitrcet, Kiclijiine buildings, over Mill, r's S ore. LiiMi1ii--L.11 ri. April 13. I?f4 Licensed L onveytHcer, Scrivener, and Surveyor Oucci: carer YalEcy, Pn. Will ntt-nr! tot. kin ArknowU.tements, Vrite V.ortsasi-s L.-.r.-s. I' Xot.-s, Affree-l-.icnt. &c. Si.rv.-i in; alleliaed lu V. it b det pijlcll.--t'h rc- ii i. . .1 . r;: t - .KOCERIKS AND J7 PH. F.IT Ci.I.. bavins boii:lit L. Rnnynn' PRO ! Visit iN -STijjiK i now pr.-pa.c.l lo rtll Croci-r-i" at Whoie sale or Il. t iil, as i-inp as IheCcap- e,3::iiK YOU CAIT FSTtD U(;Au:, .K.S COFFKKS. SVRLM'S SliCKS, CRACKEHS S-TAKCr?. SnDA COIIN SI AliCH. P.'.IKO FHUM" CANNKD F.'.L'IT, V00 D KN vv , j K. FF.OUII FKU, c.';a.s. oio. szc. &C EVIL ELWELL. pionnisln:rff !b !!, lst.0. 9 -V- J M.,pi fVervU'lCr lo sell enr iiuprnve.! go Scivin; Machine.- Three Pevr kio, is. I ii.lrr nml upi-r feed. Warranted hve i'--ar. Above sal .ry or lar?e rniinuissious nai'l. The OV . Y i.ia.;i.ii.- in Ihe United St'tes for less than S-ltl. ivl.i.-i are fully licensed by Howe. Wheel er Si i i son. (.rnri-r -tt llakr. Si nfer St Co., and I'acheliler. All o'hr-r rhenp Machines arc Infringe in.i.t the i!l.-r or nsei are liable to arrest, fine and inn. ri. .nn. .-nt. Circulars frr-r. Address or rail upon shaiv &.rla.k. liniilclord, Me., or Chicago III. ii'oeu.lT '-'0. Iff. ly. , OWN I BUS LINE. II f: und.-rrisn.-d would respectfiilly nnnnun'e to t he ch j7.i-n of lil.iouisbur-,', and ihe public cen er.illv. tloit li; is riiuuiii-; an o.MMUC I. INK. be- r?T-?N l' iiic-ti Sis- la.eni.d theilif- i GTZr ZC r. r.-nt K.i.i.i o.-pot iiai. y. (Sui: av exci-pt.-d) to "' " -'-"SOtMrn cont.cii with ih,? s. vrai Trains goint South a West ot: Ihe Caianissa and Will lani-p.-rt Bail Koad. and itli thus-gums Nortb and lioutlt on the Lack tiioouisburs It.. ad. His O. i M HI'S CS are in rood ron.lilion. eommo-fi-Mis and ru.i.l'orlahle, and char; cs reasonable. ITT" Person wi-hise to meet or see t--ir friends lei art. can b ac-ouiiiiodateri. upon ..-asnnrhle charges by leaviiij timely notice at any of the Mo tels, JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprietor, Bloom sbnrr. April 27. 18C4. BLANKS! ULANKSJ! , : Of every descripiion for sale at tbieofEce! ' .fi n ta" KTl !2i J?. s rra A