Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, October 31, 1866, Image 3

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DEM 0 01? AT A N D ST A H.
Wednesday, October 31, 1866.
rf VVi will thank our reader -for all loeal occur
rence in their immediate localities. If they no not
tfetirn to write communication for the public eye,
li them read u a brief Statement of everything of
intermit in their rpcctiire communitie. A list ef
marriage, death, accident flre, removals, busi-
ness'ebanges, te. We will put Uiera in forin. The
mora fact of tliit kind we ca jet the better it will
suit oa and our reader. Who will do it I
To AvRTiKs. Per. n wishing advertisements
Inserted. Vnust fennd them in early on Tuesday morn
ing" to insure their insertion for that week
r-i rn . . : n m: j j:
D. iub man vuu enquire unur uui uia-
vntinno LU r,ar,Ar nr) .HrRrtiunir -Tiicf !
we expected. The man who can't take a few
sort knocks as well as aice, had ousht not as-
aume a position of public journalist He is
in private life now ; we have nothing more to
do with him. His last batch of (stuff, vom
ited out through the columns of his "come
by chance," the Campaign called Tor
some attention at onr nands, ana it receiveu
it - Mr.- S.i at present we'll let him "retire
to the shades or private life," but if he ever
places himseli in a simuar public position,
woo bo unto him. He'll hear something a
great deal heavier drap.
P. Oar subscription list is is true,
uro oin'lr. mV nnwrriintr rmrtlishinp" a na-
per at $2 a year, at the present prices of la-
Dor and material, did we receive all our sub-
emotions in advance. ou must know the
price of blank printing paper is more than
double what it was in 1860, and then wc had
$2 a year, and thought we could not afford
to print a paper at mat price.
JtTElia3 Mendenhall, of this town, is
laying down a neat stone pavement, twelve
feet wide, in front of hia dwelling and store.
" Peterson's Philadelphia Counterfeit
Detector and Bank Note list, for November
is already sent out. It is the best publish
ed, andVshould be at every counter.
t3C. C. Marr, ha3 replenished his stock
of Dry Goods and Groceries. He will sell
cheaD for cash. . See his card in another col-
Sworn in. On Thursday last, Mr.
Montgomery Cole, the newly elected County
Commissioner, wasswornin and immediately
entered upon the duties of his oEce.
tSF" Mori Building. Joseph W, Hen-
dershot has commenced the foundation for
a new building on Main Street, opposite the
"American House." It is to be a frame
building and occupied as a Drag Store.
t&m Peterson's Magazins for the inc .ra
ing month is a charming number. This
Magazine in fashion plates truly excels all I
competitors. fcendandget it .Ladies, how
in the world can you, do without it?
5- Wihiam Snyder has received a lot of
. " 111.. 14 . .tl
Dcauuiui ana suostantuu nag-stone lor tne
laymg of a pavement m front of his Hall, on
main street- ine marcn or improvement
ot Jate is going on at a right smart pace,
.1 . 1
in U113 lOWn. I
tSU Thomas J. Vanderslice, E?n., retired
from the office of County Commissioner last
week, ne held this office for three years,
and discharged his duties with satisfaction
to the people of the County. That of being
an honest faithful, public officer, as Mr.
Vanderslice proved himself to be, i3 the best
praise a, man can receive.
Ho ! for Baltimore ! Gov. Swann is I
giving the Rads a great deal of trouble al-
though he is a chicken of their own hatch- own efforts. But, alas ! with all his amli- 0f truth, is the proper means to your event
ing ; but he can't begin to compete with J. tion, activity and energy, with all his ab'.li- t ' nll . nrnn;7nt;nn ,iL.;i; '
J. Bobbins & Co., in making a general bu
tie not only among the citizens but the den
izens of this place, in offering them such
cheap goods at the New York Store.
S&" Arthur's Magazine was received a
few days since, for the month of November,
It didn't lay on our table long enough for
us to examine it, till it wa3 picked up ly
some of trie family and taken away. . Arthur
gets up," as everybody ought to know, a most
capital Magazine.
iKD" Those indebted to me on subscription
to the Star of the Worth, and for adver
tising, which have, mostly, been out-standing
for several years, will confer a favor upon
the undersigned by calling at the office cf
" the Democrat and Star and settling the
came. I am desirous of having all my old
accounts settled up between this and the
first of December next
" W. H. Jacobt.
Teachers or Columbh. County
are respectfully requested to meet in the
Academy at Bloomsburg, on Saturday, the
3d day of.November next, at 1 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of organizing a County As
sociation, with the view of holding a County
Institute the coming Winter. Let every
. Teacher urge a large attendance.
CnAS. G. Barklet, Co. Supt
Greenwood Seminary. Last Friday the
students at thb Institution underwent their
fall examinations, evincingathoroughknowl
fedge of the various studies they had persued,
under the able teachings of Prof. C. W.
Walker. The people of Millville attested
their interest in the proceedings, byatten J
ing in large numbers. In the evening an
unusually brilliant exhibition took place,
which drew a'crowded house," and won the
applause of all. The young ladies and gen
tlemen delivered their orations with much
eloquence and the original dialogues, (one
bf them written by Mrs. D. W. F. Walker,
Ihe Preceptress,) were of the highest order,
and admirably put upon the stage. The
music, as usual, was under the charge of
Prof. C. W; Walker, jr., and added much
to the evening's entertainment
The Greenwood Literary Society is in a
flourishing condition. On the 20th inst,
Dr. J. B, F. Walkerj of New York City,
delivered a brilliant lecture before the socie
ty : subject 'Town and Country." Dr.
Walker has recently been appointed consular
secretary to th Sandwich Islands under
Mior-General Morgan L. Smith, of Mis-
EOTiri. ; ; .
- The people ' of Miliville take a just pride
ia their Sessinary, and it is well worthy the
In to-day's paper will be found the Court
advertisements, for December Term, puch
aa Court Proclamation, Grand and Traverse
! Jurors, Trial List, Register's Notices, Wid-
ow's Appraisements, Sheriffs Sales, &c.
AH County advertisements and legal notices
generally will appear in the Demqckat and
Star, notwithstanding the efforts made by
certain individuals in position to take said
advertising from our columns. This oppo-
sition is not endorsed by the people of the
Ti:e Excitement Still Continues The
heretofore quiet village of Light Street was
thrown into a terrible commotion, quite re
cently, over the startling, though truthful,
announcement, that the largest and most
flprrnnf. aimHmpnf. of Store (Joont rrpn-
I ' .
i ,. , ri t. J
ver uruugt w HH3 upu.uj, "jum ,
teen received at the Mammoth. Store of
li. VV . creasy & oo., in taat town. 1 ou
can imagine the excitement men tossed
up their hats, women wrung their hand.
with joy, and girls and boys sang and shout-
ed tremendouslj-over the glad tidings. Af
ter all, the grand secret of the whole matter
is, they sell cheaper and more goods for the
same amount of money, than any Merchant
or Merchants in that place. Have you any
doubts of the fact, if you have, call and
see, before purchasing elsewhere.
SFrom present indications it would seem
that the Pipe-lavcrs, who wish to breakdown
thcJ)emocratic Tarty, are about to start a
new paper, to take the place of the defunct,
hnf l'mmnrh! flnmnninn. nn r-.KTirr. hv V.
II. Little, Esq., of Bloomsburg, immortal
on account of the sickness which it caused
to the public stomach. However, the com
munity has pronounced their verdict upon
him and his crew. But the crew will fijrht.
Yes sir! They will start a new paper. They
will take the bastard republican press called
the Columlian, and they will pitch into us,
and into the Democracy of the County ren-
erally. Their previous course is an indication
of what thev will do in future. This same
email ctowd who now wish to disorganize the
Party, have been hancincround the Colum-
lian effica tinae its establishment. As we their candidate -54,0)0 votes ; in 18G4, 2,0,
have lefora repeatedly said, they wih to 000 votC5!' an J in 18G6- 295,000 votes ; who
break up the old Democratic Party and es
tablish a new party on its ruins. It is plain
now, what the object was in establishing the
Columliin. A few men in Bloomsburg wish
to control the people in the matter of start-
' .... .
ing a new party. But will the people sub-
mit ? We think not. The true Democracy
of the county will not allow these malcon-
tents to control matters.
As to breaking down the Democrat and
Star, since when ?
Death of V. S. Doebler. In the sud-
don death oi our esteemed townsman, V . b.
Dcebler, this city has lost one of her most
useful and enerretic citizens. He combined
:n nature a eonAv numbor 0f thosa e
gcntiai characteristics which make a valua-
blc member of society. As a husband and
fatier Le was kind and cencrous. as a friend
of the p00r he wa3 eTCr r2a;Iv. to aTord milr
fum! nj. an-l na a f',t'i7..r in a mirrt rvf .n.l.
eJ range of action, he was alive to all those
public interests calculated to advance the
prosperity ot our thriving city. His loss u
a PubIIc calamity. A person of his cxtraor-
binary activity and indomitable energy could
not lal1 t0 make an impression upon ihoe
around, ty developing the fruits rcsnhing
irom untiring exertions. Uther3 might rs
main at case and watch the progress of
evcnt3, but he could not ; others might urge
their friends to act, but he urged forward his
ties to accomplish, all subsequent plans un- I
Qcveiopeu. ineangrioiueamwouiunotpass
without claiming him as a victim. Although
such severe dispensations of Providence are
not easily reconciled, the day will come when
the most trivial events, in connection with
those that create deep and lasting wound
will clearly demonstrate the wisdom of God.
Mysterious, indeed, are the workings of
that invisible power which is constantly in
terfering with the temporal arrangements of
The sympathy of thc community is with
the widow and her orphan children in this
hour of deep affliction. The feeling mani
fested among all classes of our citizens from
the hour of danger until his burial gave am
ple testimony in favor of his usefulness, and
the regrets that were felt over his death. A
more impressive and imposing funeral never
took place in ourraidfc. Lycoming Gazette.
Majority forFcnator.
Below we give the official majority for Geo.
D. Jackson, Senator elect for the District
composed of Columbia, Montour, Northum
berland and Suliivaji.
Columbia,...: IC55
Montour, 431
Northumberland,.... ...497
Sullivan, : 363
Total 2,943
. Mark Twain tells of a member of
the Washoe Legislature who always used to
prop hi3 vast feet upon the desk and get be
hind them and eat a raw turnip during pray
er by the chaplain.
An Honest Clergyman. Rev. E. II.
Hudson, a well known abolition clergyman
of Palmyra, Illinois, eloped last week with
a negro woman, who has three children.
That clergyman is an honest man, he prac
tices what he preaches. ......
MAR II I li 1) .
On the ISth int, at the residence of the
bride's father, in Wabash Co., nearNiconza,
by the Rev. Joshua Barre tt, Mr. Simon Mil
Itr, to Miss Leanora Mastelkr.
BLoinssciiBG mauki:t.
WflEAT.per buvbel. 2 80
KVK. 1 so
coRV, . 1 iu
FLOl'K per bM. 14 i
CLOVERffcED, 5 50
FLAX 8EEII. ... 8 70
BUCKWHEAT Flour. 300
BUTTER. - - 45
EUtiS . . .85
potatoes; - - - - s
HAMS' - - o..
BACOV, . . .16
II A V by the ton. 2S liO
LARD, per lb. 25
Came t the premisea'af tbe nnderaisrned in Mt.
Pleaant tvwn'htp Columbia rauntjr an r about tbe
SHtli ef Augim Ian a white bo?, weighing about ue
hundreif airW Bftf pound oppetI to he chout a year
Id. The wof I requested to come forward prove
propety. pa tbnrt and take it away, otherwise it
will be diapaaail f according 10 law. "
. U. B, APPLEifAK.
Mu Pltatsat, 0t. t, lt8. W.
j Address of the Democratic State
Democratic State Comsottee Rooms, 1
1'lnkdelphia, Oct 17, 1866 J
To the Democracy of Pennsylvania, :
In a 'poll of more than six hundred and
ten thousand votes, you are beaten'less than
three percent, on the whole. A change o
one and a half per cent, would have given
y-u the fctut3. .You have reduced the majon-
ty of your opponents, and polled nearly
twenty thousand more votes than ever be
fore. Upon the aggregate of the Congress
ional vote, still greater force is shown.
In this contest you have proven your devo
tion to principle, have demonstrated the
Ktrniirrrli nf vmir organization, and yield to
your enemy a dearly-bought victory.
You are "defeated, but not dismayed."
Buoyancy and hope everywhere perva.levour
ranks, whilst chagrin and dismay mark tae
visages of your opponents.
Thev iud-e vou rightly : for, in the light
cf tu;a exhibition of vour stern devotion to
the joctr;nes of the Constitution, to the pc
petuity of your Union, and tethe supremacy
of your race, they read their coming defeat
For the first time since the final disband
mcnt of our armies, you have met the forces
of the Republican organization. They fought
for the life of their party ; they concentrated
against you the influence of almost every
manufacturer, corporation and ban ; they
had at their command a large preponderance
of the public press of the State, speakers
without number, all the money of a dynasty
of Contractors to whom the public trCaS-
urv has been a mine of wealth could fur
nish; mcmoriesof the war still fresh cugh
to be the means of exciting hatred; laws
enacted with a view of their own political
ascendency ; a well disiplined organization
UnJ a11 of tte advantages that the poscsj
in of immcipal and State power could bring
them ; and yet, unaided and selt-depencSent,
yu uavc conibatted this powerful combina-
tion antl almost carried the State,
All honor and praise to the Democracy
of tIie keystone, frr this mostgadant fight.
A banJ of lnen w" m 18G3 can P0'1 fr
plant themselves upon principles that are
eternal ; who will not despair of the Republic,
and who possesses the physical power and
the moral courage to maintain their opinions
and preserve their liberties ; must eventually
Ii . 1 l ; .1 ct .
D0 lue runng power in me otaie.
Implicit belief m the justice and truth of
the great doctrines that lie at the base of our
form of government, aversion to its centrali
zation, and confidence in the efficiency of the
Constitution for the preservation of your lib
erties, have ever distinguished you. These
are the magnct3 around which 3ou have
gathered in many a hard fought contest.
and to them you will be true as a ncedb to
the poll. Opinionsof individuals may change,
but, in the future as in the past, conic vic
tory or defeat, a3 a part- 3-ou will ever be
found rallying to these principles as the lead
ing tenets of your political faith.
Hope, confidence and courage should be
gathered from the remembrance, that two-
thirds of the white freeman cf theRepublic
thick as you do upon thec subjects, and
that, on every field on which they are stak
ed, your united action will overcome all op
posing forces.
V"e a-k you to persevere in the work so
anspioousiy begun. I rom this hour, Jet us
determine to go forward. Let us have done
with spasmodic efforts, and move onward
with unflagging energy.
The thorough and effectual dissemination
ystematIc cfrort and inJividual exertion,
aro thc avenucs that k,afl to
carl to victory.
Will you pursue them? United, disciplin
ed and determined, you will be irrcsistaMe.
By order of the' Democratic Plate Com
mittee. ' .
n He av 7a d v ert is e: m ents.
I Ol'KT I,KK !.MU I0.
ITTIIEflEAS. thn Ho. P.lwell. Pro-idenl
j'l'lse of the Court of f)yi-r a:nl Toruiiner ami C.n
rral Jail Oi-livrry. Court of Unartt-r ! ?ssioii of tile
Pearp anH Court of Criiiiinoii l'loas anil Urphuir Court
in th -2th Ju.lirinl District. comporel of the counties
of ol'iinliia 3 illivan ami Wyoniinj nii'l the Hon. John
M'Reynol 1 Sc. ti-phi-n H:iMy.Asso'iit-Juli:'s of Colum
bia county. have issued their pr o ptJioarinj dat tlie 7
Any of M;iy in 1 ynr of our Loril one thousan! fishl
bumlrei! Mill sixty ix. and to ine dincted fir hoMinjr a
Court ofycr atK! Terminer and General Jail delivery,
General flunrti r Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas
and Orphan" Court, in Eloombur?. in the county of
Columliia. on thMirt Monday. ,b. tug the 3d day;ol
JJcceiubcr ext, to rontinuc one week.
!iotiro i hereby ;iven. to the Corotier, the Justices
of the Peace and Countable of the jail county of Cn. they he then nnd there in their pni'er per.
aou at 10 u'efork jn the forenoen of sail day ith ibeir
retorda. iniMi-itin!t and other remeuibrnce to i!o
thone thiiics wicli to their offices appertain to be done.
Ami those that are hound by recognizance, to prosecute
aeainst the prisoners that ar or uiav be in the Jail of
said county of Columbia to be then and there to r
eute them as shall lie just. Jurors are re-iuesied tn be
punctual in tlieit atieiilanre.arelily to their noiieea
t i Dated
L & S in the
f -v hundr
Dated at lilonimbiirs.the 31st day of i ictiber
he year cl our Lr! one thousand eiht
ed and sixtr-sx. and in the ninetieth
year or toe Independence of the Unite, I State of
America. ( Ous nvt ma (iMoswt.Tti. )
Bloomsburf, October II, Irtoti.
Grand Jurors for December Term, 18G6.
RTOOM John Pennoian, Robert Roan, William
Bf.AVER Peter Pheliliamer. George P. Dreisbacb.
BENTilN Abraham A. Kline.
CEN I III; J'harleg H. Heitterich.
HSHI.NGCREEK William Ila;enbu(h, Joseph
GREENWOOD Andrew J. Albertson.
HEMLOCK- M. Krton. Ilu;h A. Iiarttusn,
William Appleman Levi Wright.
JACK.-tJN John F. Derr.
I (H CST Leonard Adams, George Raup, Jobn
MAIMSON James Welliver. Ftephen E'li.
MAINE Aaron lnrr.iuze. Joseph Geiger.
SUGAULOAF-James lies. .
Tra verse Jurors for December Term, ltG6-
BLOOM Thomas Knorr. Ab'abim Fry, Lewi
Maim. Isac lUrtuian William R.ihh.
KBAvl R fainuel Fther. Jacob Keller,
BENTON Emanuel Laukacb.
llORoUGH iF BERWICK Isaiah Bower Levi
Bredliender. John Dak.
I RI A KCRELK David Wilier. John Frra.
CEN'I'K E-Iraar Ernwine. Allen Hie II hauler,
FiSH INGCR EEK .Martin Amuierniaa.
FKANKt IN Daniel Kmltle.
GRKEN WOOD-David Dretblebis.
LOCI't T ("orneliu Re in hold.
MADISON KeifTir A. tfmitb, John Demott, Con
rad Kreaii:-.
MUM OCR William Holliagshead.John G Quick,
Levi Weaver. .
MT. PLEASANT Adam Welliver, Benjamin Sut
ler. Faiuuel Jf.hnon.
IAlE-Williaui GiKlin.
MIFFI.IN Stpiien Gear ha rt.
. ORANGE -Michael Haeubucb , Isaac Dildine.
PINE-John Lor.
KOAKlN; KEEK Daniel Levan.
t?COTT 1 bouuis 1 reocli, Eliaa D. Kl me. . : :.
jOOKIlERE. ; '
A I.I. those indebted to lh Ondorgned either on
Bote or book account, of six mouths or more sta-irtin;
are hereby rqnetcd to make settlement with nut de
lay, and ate costs. , n.c.eiiite.
Bloemisbnti , Bpt. 16, 166ft.-ft.
Iho Winter Term of 20 week of thi floursbing
Sr.bool commence
Monday the 11th of November next
PudHi enterine at the commencement or inM He of
the frm must remain to the close, and pay tbeir bill
aa advertised in our circular.
Anv one ileoirinc a rirmlar will pleae addraa
me at MILLVIl.l.b, Columbia County, Pa.
C W. WALKER, A. Al . Principal.
Millville. Oct. 31. IfbO. . '
' -ft. vri: .af. 'ri!
m -5?
Til E unrferaigiied has jus-t returned from the city
wnn a tull and complete kupply of
Dry dJoods nnd Croccrscs,
N'ti"ns. Grocr rien. Tin-ware. Hardware. Ce
dar und Willow Ware, Dins, Oinfertiuii
ary. ilnsi-Warc, T"lai co Hats and
Slice. Eltiur, S.-nt FiU and Meat ; nil of
"In. hi prnpie s:lliiig at a very low figure for
can iir pr-Mluec.
Vlr Vail an.l jcb. C. C. MARR.
Dlitomshur!.', Ortber 31. 181$ tf.
YIDOWb appraisements!
rTIE follnwine appra isenii nts of real and person
i al property t apart to V idnws f decedents
have been filed in the Office of the Register of ( 'u.
lumbia t'ouniy. under the Rule of Cnuit. and will
be prevented (or absolute n.ntiriu; tiou. to the Or
phans' Court to he held in litomiishurg. in and f.-r
saiJ county, on WEDNESDAY. THE 5TU DA V OF
DLCE.VIIiER A. D. I r Mi. at .o'clock in ill - allerno.'ii
of said day, unless cxreptions to such contirmatiuns
are previously filed, of which all peron intercled
in s.iiil estate wi I take notice,
I Widow of Samuel Conner of Orange Township,
. . 2 Widow of Dr. Simon Cotner of Madison Town
ship, dee'd.
3 Widow of Philip Cool of Roaringereek Town,
ship, dee'd,
4 Widow of John Killer of Scott Town shin, de
5 Widow of James Pavdon of Fiahinffcreek Town
ship. iler'J.
Wnlow of Abraham Mensch of Locust Town
ship, Jec'd.
JOHN C. FREEZE. Regiter.
liloomsburf, October 31, lsoti.
NOTICH is hereby given to all legatees, creditor i
an. I oilier persons interested in the estate of the re
spective derendents and minor, that the following
Administration and Cuardian accounts have keen
fileil in tin; i.irire oft he item ster ot I o'uu.bia I on lit v.
Slid wi llie piesehted for confirmation and allow
anre in the Ori.iian'ti Court, to beheld in llooiu-iuirg.
in the entity aforesaid, on WKliNKSDAV. TllE
5TII DA V -K DECKMUER. 1SUG, at i o'cloca in the
atternoon of said day
I Account of r-amuei L. Keller, administrator, of
John lleiiiiliruck. Ii.le of Locust I ownshin. dei'd.
2 Account of laa- G. I ursel. adiu'r of Wellington
li. Puriiel. late of Hemlock Township, dee'd.
3 Account of Jaeies Mrllui.ry. Executor of Moie
Mrlli nri, late of Fishing' reek rowiKhip, der'd.
4 Account of A. Shiiiiuii and C Hoals. aduunUtra-
tnrsof Jacob .'loats. I:. ik f I(. nver Townshi , dee'd.
5 ivTund ucrouii t .f AiisiiHtiis Everh.r:. Executor
if Kvrlinrt. late of Orange TowiisIiiii. dee'd.
b riret and final account of ImiiuIi Bower. Guardi
an of t.lmira Sit'er,
7 Ariount olf l s-s K & Gideon 5tei ker. adaiiu
istrator of Michael Sleeker, lale of l.emlock 1'own
chip, dee'd.
Ariount of Jacob Vohe Guardian of Ezra Brown,
minor fluid of Daniel Brown. Orc'J.
9 Account of Cyrus 11. Mr Henry. Guardian of Cy
s K arn s, son ol l.ewi Karns dre'd
10 Aixonut ot daiuuel Mu:rave administrator of
Daniel Mordan . Ute of Mount Pleasant Township,
I First account of G. 11. Fowler, administrator of
Enos E. Folcr. late of liriarc-eek Town,lii . dec'H.
li 1" be second aceouut of William Goocmar. one
of the adiiiiiiirtralora of lianiel Levan, sr , late ol
Ko.iri it creek Towm-hip. dee'd
id. I he arcount of Dame! Mine, Executer of Geo.
Stiue, tale of Eoiut towiihhip c.i ceased.
JOHN G. FREEZE, Register.
Blooinsbur j, October J f, JeLti
Extensive V anufartu icrs and Importers of
Go!J, Pluicd and O.'iidc Jciitlry,
And every dociiption of
Fancy Goods and Yankee Wot ions.
Especially adapted and. designed for Southern and
Western Trade.
Circular and full descriptive Trice List sent
Agents" wanted everywhere. Address.
Providwiic: L
Ortobar 21, 1SCC 3n.
iOVELY GIKLf AMI M.S 1 1 v b Mllf, s u.i an
addressed envelope and 'J3 rrnts.aiid 1 will sen, I
yon oiiir valuable iiiloru ii Ion ihal HI pleaseyou.
Address MARY MOOKE, l31 broadway, .N. Y.
May Ifl. leMi ly.
A geni'eman who suffered for y. ars from Nervous
Debiiitv. Prematura Decay, and all the ellee'.s of youth
tul i-idifccreti'in, wilt, for tho sake of s ia rie 1m
inanity, send fr' e to all who need it. thc recipe Biol
dire" lions for iiiaKin: I ne eiiiiI; remedy by wlnrli he
whs cured. rSurfcrera wish ng to profit by the adyer
I set's t xperieuce, can d
' lv a) lri'ssuii
j'JliN it. i.GlJCV.
No n (h;ti:ib'.rs -1., New Y. S.M.P.
Fe(-. 2
lili. Mason iEarniin Cabinet Orguns. lorty Oil
ferei;t siyl. s. adapted to s ti red and secular iiiiimc lor
to Si im each. HKTY-ONE GOLD or MI.VEll
T,.ED i.S. or .nh.'r fif't preiniuuiJ. awarded them.
I ustrate.l 'a nlofaes Addre . MASOil At
Jan. (i, l!-C6-Sep. 9. 'C5 I f. S.M FV
I. man wh sutFered for years from Nervous and
Genital Debility. Nightly Emissions, and Seiniuat
Weakness, the result indiscretion . and
came uear ending his days in hopirless misery, will,
fur Ihe sake ef suAeiing man. send to any on- afi'.u i
ed. the simple ineabs ui-ed Uy him. winch effected a
cure in a few yeeks alter the lailnre H' nutnerou
medicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and
it will cost vou nothing Address.
Every young lady and gentleman in the United
States can bear something very much to their advan
tage by re urn mail (free of charge.) by addressing ihe
undersigned. Those having fea s of being humbugg
ed will oblige by uot noticing thi card. All ether
will please address their obedient servant.
31 Broadway, New York.
Ftb. 2". 1SC0 Ty. 3 M P
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J.
ISAACS, M. D. . Oculist and Anrist (formerly of Ley
den, Holland.) No. 519 PINE Ptuet. rillLAIVA
Testimonials, from the most reliable vource in the
City and Country can be seen at his office. The med
ical faculty are invited to accompany their patients,
as Ise has no secrets in hi piactice ARTIFICIAL
EYES, inserted without rAtN. No charge lor exam
ination. f April 25. ISC6. ly,
'po CoxrMPTATivss The advertiser having been
X restored to health in a few weeks by a very sim
ple reiuedy.after having suffered several years with
severo lung atTi-ction, and that dread disease. Con
sumption: - is anxious to make wn to hia fellow
sufferers lh means of cure
To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pre
scription used ffreeoi Charge. with Ihe dir -vtions .r
preparing and using tho same, which they will hud a
sure ccre for Consumption, Asthmy, Rronchitis.Cold
Couffbs etc. The on! object of the advertiser l'i
eiidini! IlK- r-resciiptiori is. to benefit the alRirte.l.a'id
pre d information hich heennreive lo be invaluable
end he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it
will cost them nothing, and may prove .1 ules Ing.
Parties wishing the prescription, free, hy return
mail, will please address Rev. E. A. WILSON,
Williamsburg County
Fefc.2. leCC ly. S.vl P. New. York.
fjhe Grdvesteen Piaa Forte
J. still retains its prcrodence and great popularity,
and after undergoing gradual improvement, f r a pe
riod pt thirty years. is now prouo in .ei by th musi' al
world to he unsurpassed an I even miequal'ed in rich
lies. volume and purity of tone. durability and cheapness-
lur i.ew scale. Erenrh action harp pdal. iron
frame, over strung bass, seven o tavu rosewornl pi
ano we arewsilins ch-aper ti iro n iul to
than lUe same st) le and finish are sold by any oilier
first-class maker in the emmtrv. ' D- alers and all in
want of girtio pianos are invited to sen. i for our lie
aeriptive Catalogue, vrhirh contains photographs of
our different styles, tocether nh prices No one
s boul psjr base a without m:eing this t ata
logue Medasl almost wit limit huihIw-t. hnve been
awardou to tbe Groveteeu PI mo. and the Celebrated
World's air. Hioujrh put in competition with others
from alt parts o I Euro and the U B it look the
highest awad.
I Established 183.51 ' Groresteen Co ,
JI . f8U-y. 8. V. B. 0a
Came to the premise of tbe nnr'er
sinned in Sugarloaf Township, Col
umbia County , on or about the mid
dle of July last ,a DA UK RED BULL.
jelfii 5
with a slit in tbe right ear, aged
aboir four years. hi owner is hereby notified to
come forward, pro" property, pay charges. and take
him away, other wio he will bs sold according to law.
. JAjitd It 33,
October. 17, IP66 3t.
Estate of Reuben Savage dee'd.
The un ler'igned Auditor appointed by theOrphn
, ..e i i.;. .nntitv to it ake distribution
i.ouri "o u'ii o I,.,, ..... - .
.. . ft. I.. t" ..ft,n U'.nn.r Adlliltll
ine naianre in ine nmin o ." . - : -
trator of the estate of Reuben Saviige lale of Colum
t : . . i ... i .iii ii,n.i the n:irtins interested
U!1 roiinijr n:t i., .i. ....,.. ..." ,
lor the i.urtioseof his appointment on Saturday the
17th dav.of NovembiT next, at JOo'clock A. M . at h
... "... . . I .1 nil I.B.I IK.
onice Ml Idooiiwourg nen aiiu io-ic ...
terested must appear Bnd present their claims or be
.i i c : . i.. e. , . .. ,hnr. of t he ft, ml.
ueuarreu iruiu coiuiiik n ;
G KARKLEY, Auditor
Bloomsburg. Oct 17, l8fifi,-4t
C7" Berwick Gazette" p'ease cepy.
Wp will send by express or otherwise as ordered,
securely parked, a 8V..00 Sewiuff Marhiiia. either
'Vheeler Ac Wilson or Grovir Baker, to any per
son sending us. b-fore the first of January nex. the
names o SlXi'EEJV new subscribers to the
with the money. $50.00 for one year in advance.
lO" Ou and after Jannnry 1st, 11.7. we shall re
quire KiOUTH'JV new subscribers. tli3 ml.
e have ent away as premiums nearly THREE
HUJVi'liM) of these machine, and they giv-- uni
versal satisfaction.
The new subscriber may be from one or from va
rioulaces. Send the name a- fast a you ohlain
them, with the money, by (.berk. Draft, or Post Office
Order, aiiir'e copies and circular sent Dee.
Terms $J.0u a year in sdvaioe.
37 Park Row, New York.
October 17. 1?00. It.
JUST published, in a seeled envo-
Inna Pri.a f on), A lpitllr nn Ihn
nature, treatment Lnd radical cure of
tLVr,; ..sM Seminal Weakness or Pperinatorho,!.
Induced by Pelf-Abnso ; Involuntary Emissions, lin
potenry. Nervous iirniiiiy ann. imp-uimeuis
Marriage generally; Consumption. Epilepsy, and
Fits; cental ami Physical Incapacity, fcr. By
Robert J. C'ulverwell, M, I)., author of th'j 'Green
llok.' c.
The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec
ture, clearly nroves from his own experience, that
the awful coiisc-inences of Sell-Abuse may be eff-ct-
unlly removed without Medicine, and without dan
gerous suriral operations, bousri..-s. iiistruuietits.
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at
once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer,
no matter bat hi condition may he, may cure
himself cheaply, privately and radically, Thi Lec
ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.
Sent undersea to any address, iu a plain envilop,
on receipt of six cents; or two postage stamps.
Also Dr. Culvcrweir Marrige ftuide. price 25 cents.
Address, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE t CO.,
IW riowery. .ew i or, r. u.dui u;j
October 17, l-tit!. ly Peas Sc. Co.
I would
Id respectfully inform the public that they
have lhe:r
now in operation with an extensive assortment of
end are now prepared lo supply all orders st short
notice and at the lowest prices for rash. Their as-s-ortuieiii
of luMiher consists of
While iine I'lasik. oarJ.i
E!hm1ii'. nrf"irr :r(ls
Niiiitiy:, I2riiiloc: B'lanI',
planed ar unpinned, to niit purchasers Frame StiifT.
Joire and Sraulli :',g of al' siz-'S Their Mailing Vliil
and l.niilicr Yard i situate I at the K iilre.ol Depot.
very ranvrnieiitly for shippinv In nber livth cargo
Iiey are n ii-taiulv mi'uii,cturing luodier of all
kinds, and persons who ileti'e lumber of every He.
si ripijon will do wej to eximiue ih'ir st.ick before
pure ,asmg e sewnere. I hev are uetermirred and em
iuei,ily prepared to sella cheap as the cheapest.
1 he y tlso i.esi.-e lo lo'orin Ihe puhlie and especially
those v, 'to w isli in p'irrliass) In l-sl'itrt hat llley have
otie Mill specially prepared to cut liiub-r of almost
evry sise and leiijlh re.inred. Thosb wishing to
build or rontrartoi f r building, ran save money, by
i'tving us a i a'l
Ttie iiiidersigned would also anncunre that they
are prepared to do all kind of repairing of Machinery,
u. li as Threshina Machines Mow er , I! capers and
all kinds ol agricultural implements, upon reasona
ble terms.
Address, F. C. EVER. Sec'y.
Rloomsburg, Sept. 13, 1C6. Bloomsburg. Pa.
Of ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS of the rebellion.
There is a certain p inion of the wirthat will never
i'o into the regular histories nor be embodied in ro
mance ir poetry which is a very real part f it, and
will, if preserved, convey lo succeeding gemtrations
a better idea of the spirit of the conflict than many
dry reports or careful narrntives of event, and thi.
part may hi" railed the gossip, the fun. Ine p itlios of
the war. Thi- i'lnstrues the character of the lead
ers, the humor of the oloier. the revot jo,., ol women,
the bravery of men. the pluck of our heroes, the ro
mance and hardships of tin: service.
Tie vole. ne is profusely illustrated with over 3illt
.n;ravin;s by the first artists, winch are really beau
1 1 t ; wvr'hy exaiuin it on as specimens of the art.
Many of them nre s' t into the body of Ihe lexl. after
! li" , ojoilar ft le of l.pi'u" Pr torin! Field Boo o;
t.:e 1 lie book's oontei.t- include reuiiiii
nip. nres cf caiop, p i kc.'t spy, sroiit. bivwiiar. si-'ge
hiidbi'tle tie!d auvetilu-r ; ttirilong f.ats ol bravery,
wit, iirollery, comical und ludicrous adventures, tic,
1 1.-..
Amusement a well as Instruction may be fount! in
every page, as srupmc tail brilliant w it. and nu
l bee ti: hiftorv , ar. skillfully interwoven in tins w ork
ot literary art.
I liis work si lls it-elf The people are tired of dr
details anil partisan works , and u a'it iciu Ibiua hu
iiioio i-. romat le. and start i i tiir . Our aient . are ni . kinf
friuii $ Mm lu S-'i il i"r nxN'ti ch ar of all expenses.
Send fur circulars, giving full paiiiculars and see our
terms and prof of ;h; a've ass 'rtion
Address, NATIONAL PI Ml. 1511 ING C'O.
5o7 Minor Si.. Philadeleliia, Pa. .
Orloii-r 3. li-Or,. 4:n, ;
Are superior to all others for
Certain aM the lat"st improvements are spce ly
m iseless ; dnrable ; and easy to work.
Illustrated Citculais free, Aceiits wanted Lib-er-il
d i scoui. I allowed. No consignments made.
Address EM PI R E S. M, CO.. blti Broadw ay, New
September 5. It-f.O ly.- .. 4: Co.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of
Luxorne county. Pa , on
at 10 o'clock in thc forenoon, at Ihn house of Lewis
Lee, on the premises Lawson Hughes, administra
tor of the estate of John Hughes, lale of Camhra,
I. uz'-rne county deceased, w ill expo e to sale nil
th i-e l.':re'.-orunigiious tracts of land situate in the
low nship of l.oriisl, in the county of Columbia, ad
joining lands of Robert Watkins. jr.. Andy,
John Pelig. and other. The first thereof containing
140 Acres and DO Perches,
( f whirh i uhoiit one half cleared land, and in good
state of rnliivation, whereon is erected a two story
good Crick House, a large Bank Barn. Spring house,
a blacksmith shop, and other buildings; souk: fruit
trees, a large meadow and a u .-ver-fai'ing spring near
Ihe house, thc balance of said land is w el I I' inhered
w ith white oak, maple, and the best of Chestnut.
The second thereof containing j
99 Acres and 67 Perches,
nf which more than half is cleared and in a good
stxte of cultivation, the balance is well limbered
with ii.o-l excellent large thrifty chestnut, white
onk and some Pme an. I in:kory.
Thc thiid thereof cent lining
92 Acres, j
of whic.i a few acres Is cleared ; the most part of
it s limner land, ami considered by many peisons
to le ihe best timber lan l in that vicimtv. The land
is excellent, a never failing spring of water on it,
a'su a stream of w ater running through all of the
af.ireraid described tiac. and all f sai I tracts have
a pub ic road running through th. m or joining on a
puh ic road.
AI..O, Five othpr coniizuotis tracts of good timber
land situate in said towuhlp. and adjoining lauds
hereinbefore rtescri'ied. Tha first thereof containing
t:4 acres and .".I perches. The second therein con
taining 4j acres and 70 perches, t he third thereof
roiitamiiig :7 acr- an I U9 perch.?. The fourth
llterjot contaiui -ia 43 acres and 7'J perches. The
fi'th thereof tout lining J9 arre and SI perches',
slf ict measiinvnll of said trac's are w ell timbered
with mot c.ttell -nt chestnut and other limber.
A lo. One other tract situate in same twnship.
adjoining lands of Wright Hughes, Saw'l Meats and
oilier, coutaitiin
15 Acres,
more oi less, whirh is well timbered with the best
of Chestnut. Also, other lot situnte in Ihe same
township, near flatowii, adjoining lands of widow
Troxel. the hi i' of widow Roach and Joseph Cail.
containing three a cre, improved land. To be old
a thd properly of said i ecad.
K. H. COLI.INGS. Clerk O C.
1 ER MS : 7V per ten', cf Ihe fmrckate ifiosey to St
jt.i at tkt itrikimf iotcn of toe ptoterly. the remainder
'tA purchase mvncj la be paid at follow : One third
the ciraKUis ,, Ik'rde ike 1st of April
A. D. l;o. at rftiek time po.sft r be firen,nd
tkebaltnetem tie 1st day of April. A D. iWrf triA
inlrrrtt am tkt tame from Ike 11 eajef April 1807. IXs
vtrckattr It paw for Vd and S'ampe
Ottemw 3, ItM.
-1 ft
At k'
h H
' " """ J
C mm
. s r
2 2
p I
2 t3
The subscriber having Diirehased tha well estab
lished stand, known a
near Rohrsburg. Columbia County, and having nut
the machinery i.i first-rate repairs, i prepared lo do
2i o: sr 02
in the best manner, and upon the shorted notice.
Those favoring him wjih their custom may rely on
having their work well done.
ML..VUI ri. e A Da.
Greenwood. June 6. ltC6.
The nnderiicned resnectfulfv announce thnt h
has refittled a shnn. in Court. House alley. nnnnc,r
tile Exchmze Ho el. where he is prepared to con
duct the bartering hu-ini-ss In all its branch e.
jnearioi coloring winsHersanu urjustacnes is
nraelired hv bun most skillfully. He nl
cloihing. making lh 'iu look nearly as good as new.
upon the mot reasonable terms. Give htm a trial.
7 lluir T.inir 1,1' Hie Vi,ir h.el nn.liiu A
cleaning hair, kept consl-ntly ou hnd. and fir sale
O. U Cl.L.li3.
I'loomsburg. April 25, I6G3. tjj.
Is the only Article used by
TiVHt VA:s3 Hotel", l.auiicj.
ricH, and Thonan(N ol
It gives a beautiful pnljsh, milking the iron pass
smoothly over th ; cloih. saving much tims and labor,
'ni'li iloiie up with it keep clean much lon.'er cuii-
aequeiaiy win not tvt-ar out o soon.
It makes Old Linen look like Xew.
Is he Restiji th Would.
It is soluble in bar j as well s soft water, ft Is
outun in the ,aii.i. iimi,i.i tn,l ., .. A n . . .
lurm of any olTored to the public
i Warriiuled' uai to Slrcak: the
Agents wanted everywhere, to whom we offer ex
truordiuary liiiluceun:nt. Adilress.
No. silt Fulton ei. New York.
September Co, lS-id.-im.- A & Co.
Don't,fail to use PIJILLirS'.SUPI'R PII09PIATE
LIM E to enrich your lands and inake large rraps of
grain and grass. It is now extensively used in all
the leading aL'rlcsltural portions of the coui'try and
without dispute or doubt is known lo be the very
best used. It contain less moisture, is more uui
form iu i inlity, 'ontains morn agricultural value.
iImii any otner in the market. The undersigned in
troduce it as a gtunuaid art icle. intending to make it
a permanent trade lis value ha been fully tested
in this county ami stall Is unsurpassed by any other
article ever introduced. Give it a trial, you w ill be
uleascd beyoud measure w ith O.e results. Apply lo
August M. 15CG. Rupert, Ta.
A Coiiccntralrc! FcrliSszcrs
Especially aduptnl to WHEAT and other
This preparition contains Pure Ground Rone ,ond
llv le-t Fertilizing alts known to agricultural
heini-try. roiiiiiiut il in -uch a manner as to develop
th.'ir prod-irlive properties on'y when used ou the
soil, price J 0 p' r lou. For sale al the immufactur
er's depots.
No 7.M MARKET STREET. Plnla lelphia.
BI.Ol)M;' I. K;, Colnmbi i County, Pa
WILLIAM LLLld.yCO. .Manufacturer.
Septembers, Ibisi,
J U-MDElt,
Manufactured to orderat HEVRICO MILL. Ros
Township, Luzerne County. Pa.,
Oak, E!t'n:lock, ,lla;lc, E2a.s,
PINE. POPLAR AND BEACH. Sir... for Sale nt Iho
M I LL. or de livered nt any point on the Railroad,
reached or connected with it.
(1 7" Address, the subscriber, at Wyoming. Lu
zerne Countv, or JAMES JACKSON, the Sawyer, at
llsrveyville P. II.
The Mi'l Property with two Houes. Rim and oth
er improvements, sdrroun.led by about MiO Acres of
Land. Ijihi of which remain heavily timbered, i
now for sale at a baigain, '..y
Wyeming, Luzerne County, Pa.
September V8, lrTi-i.- 3 n.
Of IMoomshnrg and Columbia County. I have ap
pointed .Mr. II. ?tohner agent for the sale of my Ale.
Porter, Brown :toul, and l.ager Reer. who will sup.
ply you nt the same price (and with the same article.)
as I would fiirnih yon from the brewery. Knowing
that he will he punctual nnd and attentive to all
who may favor hi m with their trade, I solicit fur
him y our support. Very respectfully,
Steam Brewery, Reading, Pa.
Svptcmbir 2G, I8CG
R.'spertfullv announces himeslf to Ihe pnMie as an
experienced WELL-DIGGER and WATER-S SELL
ER . Persons aesirous to li-nrn where water can be
easiest found, and all w ho have wells to di;, will
do well lo employ the undersigned. Contract will
be taken by the foot or by the day, to suit the em
ployer. Aidrefs,
bloonihburg. Pa.
July 23, 13fifi.-ly.
Jn$t Published, in a Sta'td E'relope. Price t'z tents.
A Leriure on the Natuie, 'J'reatment. and Radical
Cure of teniinai Weakness, or tperuintori hoe. In.
voluntary I mission.. Sexual Debility, and luipedi
nienis to Marriage generally. Nervousnes. Con
suuiplioii. t.pthpsy. and F't s ; Menial and Physical
Incapacity. reulimg from Self Abase, itc Uy ROU
ER'I' J CI LV KR WELL-. M. D., Author of the
'(JffPii R'Mik.'- Sc.
The world-renow ned author, in this admirable Lec
ture, c early prove from his ow n experience that
the aw fui ronsequence ff rie T Abuse may be effect
ually removed w ilhout medicine, and without dan
gerous su gical operation, bougies, instrument,
rings, or cordial, pointing out a mode of cure at
once "certain und efft dual, by wnich every sufferer,
no matter what his condition may be, may cure him
sulf henpl y. pnvwtely. ann radically. THIdLEO
Sent , under seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, on receipt of six cents. Or tw o postage stamps
by addressing the p-iblisher.
AIo. Dr. CULVERVVELL"3 "Marriage Guide,"
price 2j cent.
. Address tho publisher.
1S7 Bowery, Ne York, Post Office be , 45c(J.
Sept. i. lei'si.
CJjQA MUXTIl! Agents waott-d
tr for i rsfir'y sow rtV ', Just not. Ad
drsO. T. GARECity Buildinj, hutort. Main.
Vmm. W, ier3.-y.
A poaltlv and Sycilc Remedy for dlw of tha
ISUtUcr, Elisers Crvl b4 DraamtamX wUia.
TUU Modlcla Increase the power of dlfeatloa, aod
excite tbe ebsortcst Into Lcaliby action, by whlcn tho
watery or caJcaxeoua deport tlors, mod all unnatural ea
largemenU are reduced, a well a esia and InflgmmtOoas
aad Is good fox mea, vooea and chlldrta.
rorwealmeaaarlalnc from Excesses, Habit of Dissipa
tion, Early ImUacreUoo, Mtnded With tie foUoirtm
Indlepositlon to Exertion,
Los of Tower,
e Difficulty or BreatitHgr.
Tain la the Back,
flashing of the Body,
Eruption of the Face
loss of Memory,
"vTeak Kcrre.
Horror of Dlsetae,
Dimness of Vision
Hot Hands,
Drynet of the Bkln,
universal Iultnde,
Tallld Countenance.
These symptom. If allowed to go on 'which U.U &rd
clue la variably removes), oon follow
In one of which the patient may expire. VTho can cy
they are not fccqnently followed by tfcoao " direful die
nrsAiriTT aitd coxsTJirpTioxr
Many tre ewaro of the caiue of thMr infferlag.but sos
i:i confeca. Tho record of the Insane asylum and thi
melancholy doatbs by consumpUon bear amplo wltnea to
the truth of tho assertion-.
The Constitution, once affected by organic weakness,
rijulrc the old of meCiclne to trenglhen and lntlgorate
Ihe system, which HfcLMCOLD'S EXTIiACT Or BUCHiy
lavarlally deco. A trial will convince the mast McpUeai;
In many aCecttona peculiar to Females, the
Elcho 1 nnequaled by any other remedy, and for all
sozp!ainU Incident to the ex, or In tho
K7 Bu Etxptom abotx.
VST 27 o Family ehould bo without Its
Take co Calsara, Uercary, or cspleacast taedl!& far
ocpleaaoat and dangeron dlseticg.
Cures Secret Diseases
In an their stage little expense, little or no chiaf si
diet, no inconvenience, and KO EXPOS diC.
Tor all affections and Clteou of theee orgxc, wbstAar
From whatcTcr c 2 use orlginxtlii. and no taatter how long
standing. Clseocea of those organ require tt aid of a
13 the Great Diuretic.
And It 1 certain to baro the desired effect la all fTinssi
tor which It la recommended.
TrtGHXY ooxcnrrxATiD coxtoujs
For parifylne; tbe 31ood, removlcg TI chrcn's corstlirt
Honal dlecssee arising from an Impure stato of tbo Elool,
and. the only reliable and effectual knoxrn remedy for III
cure cf Bcrofala, Ecald Ectd. EU Eiccm, Tsins tn t
fwelllng of the Eonc&. Ulccra'.lons of ine Threat cnl
Legs, Elotcbee, rimple on tie race, Tt'.'.cr, Er jelnclcsi
and all scsly Eruptions of the EUn,
of the worst disorder that rJZkt mankind a-le frora tbo
corruption that acccmnla'.cs In the Llood. A all the A j
covcr'cs tht have r-ecn made to purge It cut, ton can
caual in cCeet II rur. hold's Coitporxo Extxjct cr EiX
BATAXiiiA. It cleanse end renovates tbe ric?!,l3ft:r.
tho vlor of tciltb Into tte ryttca, and rr- cut t;
hnznors whlcb make ilscc. It f tlsaia'c thc bc"'Lv.j
fani.llon.vf tbe bodj.trd crpcs the i:;oricrs thr.t rc-T
DLtrankJCIa the blood. Each a remedy Ibal coull l i
relied on haa long been tor -it for, asd cow, fcr U.e C:rt
time the public have cne on which tbey can tfejend. Cur
rpacc here docs not admit of certiacatc to ibow lis e frets,
t ut the trial of a single bottle will chow to the sick thtt It
has Its virtues enxpaesing anything they have ever tr.kea.
Two tablespooiuful of the Extract of araparnia addc.1
to n pint of water is cqc&l to the Lisbon Diet Drink, aa I
one bottle la far.y ccual to a gallon of tbo fmp cf Sitiae
ijanili, or the dccc'.lon ea UFCtlly made.
An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from hah!. of
dissipation, nacd I? coancclloa with tbe Extracts Eucha
and Sarsaparilla, la each diseases as recommended. Evi
dence of tho most responsible sod roiiablo cr.aracter wi'I
accompany the medlclars. Aiso explicit directions for
nac.tfir.l hundrt(U cf toutanc'illvltg wliscrscs.snl cp
wards cf aD,(K) ansolic'tel ct nlflcalcs and tecomtLendl
tory letters, many of which are from the highest sources,
lnclcilng crInent I'bjiiclans.Clcrgyaicn.Eta'.tecien, ic.
The rrcprictor has never resorted lo tteir paUUcatlon li
tho newspapers ; be docs cot do thj from the fact that Lis
articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not ncel
lo be propped up by certincate.
Tbe Science of !edlclne,llke Ihe Doric Co!nrcn,honld
etand rlmple, pure, raejeetlc, baring Fact for Da baola,
Icuctloa (cr It jlilir, and Tmih hIoro fcr Us Cspitai.
V.j Extrsct tiBrsararllla Is a Elood Vni ler ; riy rxtrae
Enchu Js a Heretic, and will set as r-aeb In all cases.
Both are prepared cn pertly .eclcattflc principles (nt
vacuo end tro the moet active ccmhim cf either thai
c-n be made. A rcsdy and conclusive tet win ts a coa
pnrleon cf their prcperUc with those set forth In tia fol
lowing worts:
Eco Eltpcnsatory of tbe United Elate.
Eco rrofessor Dtwrn' valuable work oa the Trae .!;
of rirtic.
Eco rcsarks made br the celebrated Pr. ruTtm, rb.'la.
Ece remarks made y Dr. Eras aih 11cDowxi.l, a
brticd rhyt-lclcn and i.'emtcr cf the Eoral College cf
EcrgeoEs. Ireland, end pub'.Ucd la the Tracaacaoca eg
tbe Elng and Qnccn's Joamal.
Ece iLicdlco-Cblrcrgical Ecvlew. pTibiVshe by Barj
TltATKRS, Fellow of tho Eoyil College cf Eaigeons.
See taoct of tho late standard w orks oa ZJtUic
eoiD bt all duucgists evubi rcrc,
Address letters for Information, la confidence, to
H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist,
tXolmboM's Drag nl CaomicAl "Warehcmiflu
Ho. 53t BljiD'JiAY, SEW anl
lt-lmr-Gld's Medisitl Depot.
II?. 101 30JT2 t5'JI53r, FillLADIiLPElA.
U LI W A 1 1 i Z C V C O I T K 1 T - ! 1 F IS I T 3.
C3 gc.