UUHA'l A N D ST A li. IJ Altai LOCAL DEPARTMEN L BLOOMSBURG Wednesday, October 24,1866. XC3" Ws will thank our .readere for all local recur rences in Iheir immediate localities. If tny io not desire to write eomtnunir ation for the public eye. let them aead i brief statement of everything of iatert.at.in their respective coinuimitiea A li.l f marriages, deaths, accidents. Area, Tumorals, busi ness changes, Ac. V will put them in fnr.ti. The mora facta of I III a kind we can set the better it will uit hs and our readere. Who will tin it T To AovsaTiaeaa. Per. ma winding advertise merit Inserted. oiot hand them in early on Tuesday Eiorn- in to jnaare their in.ertion for that wk ANSWESS TO CORRESPONDENTS J. You 'will win your bet. S i far as heard, the official vote of the State does not give U-eary the majority necessary to Bweep Jour stake, nor will it reach that number. Ie will not have much over 15,000 if he has that. The Abolition party is gradually los ing ground. Up ana at 'em ; they can't stand the pressure much longer. MlS3 M. jTour subscription to the Dem ocrat and Star expires on the 7th ot N- Tember next. We still have $2.00 in ad vance. R. L We intend publishing the list of Premiums awarded at our late County Fair just as soon aa vie arc furnished with a cojy ot the list. J. 13. S. Yra are right.- Negroes were never authorized to vote in Pennsylvania by Jaw ; and with our consent never will be au- lhorued. Attention is directed to the new ad vertisements in to-day's paper. SfC. C. Marr has just received new goods. The oil and crayon paintings of Paul E. Wirt, a son of W. Wirt, K.sq., of our town, attracted general attention.at our late County Fair. The youth is aged about sev enteen, and is evidently a genius of the first order. . - "'SET" Our friend and townsman, Tayid -Lowenberq, is making up and turning out some of the most handsome suits of cloth . ingof the-season. Young men, if you have any desire to be "dressed up," tip-top, and make a genteel appearauce, leave your u. ens ures with Davy. J The best of stove catl i selling in thi3 Market at $4.75 per ton.delivere I. This is stiH rather steep, when we think of the short distance to the mines and lhz ea-jy fa cilities for shipping. - . ; The new Institute is progressing fine ly. The brick-layers are at work putting up the second story. So far as they have gone, the work looks admirably welL It will be, when completed, quite an ornament to the place. By the Prospectus published in the Campaign we are told that a weakly Demo cratic news paper is soon to be staited in this place. That is just what the parties in terested in the matter will make of it a treakly paper if they start one. ' X? James W. Chemberlin, of this p'are, is sehing clothing very cheap. His article are good, too, ana will pass mustjr .ih any made .up in thU or any other section of c tin try, London and Paris not excepted. His stock is large. You arc bound to be suited, if you'll only give hiin a call in the iiari man Buildings. t&" A very destructive lire broke out in Ashland on Sunday evening, the 14th inst It is said to have exceeded in extent an in jury the fire of April last. The loss in prop erty is heavy ; and many families vrere.tu.rn ed into the streets homeless, destitute of clothing save what they wore upon their tacks. " WSS The Democrats of Nevr York are touch more sanguine of electing Hoffman Governor than they were a fortnight ago. The Republicans are turningearth and heaven almost to accomplish the re-election of Ff.n . TON. We think the Democracy and Con servatives of that State have got tha Radi cals whipped this time. Couxtt Papers. The interest of a county paper is much enhanced by the pub lication of home iu.-ui, but the labors of the editor are generally such as to forbid his I e ing round at all times to pick them up, and if our readers will send us the particulars of occurrences, with or without comment, of sufficient interest to admit of publication, they will be thankfully received. EST There are several articles in the last Campaign, to which we had thought to pay some attention, but after mature con sideration have concluded to pass them by unnoticed. Their paper is made up chiefly of personal attacks upon private in dividuals, which can possibly be of no credit to the parties connected with the paper or work out any good to them. BSyThose indebted to me on sub?cription to the' Star of lite North, 'and for adver tising, which have, mostly, been out-standing for several years, will confer a favor upon the undersigned by calling at the office of the Democrat and Stab and settling the same. I am desirous of having all my old account! settled up between this and the first of December next "W. IT. Jacobt. itST Teachers op Columbia County Ixe respectfully requested to meet in the Academy at Bloomsburg, on Saturday the 2d day of November next, at 1 o'clock p. m., the purpose of organizing a County As kcLition, with the view of holding a County Institute the coming Winter. Lit every Teacher urge a large attendance. Chas. Ot Barklet, Co. Supt. JCSrMr. V. S. Doebleo, of William tport, died, suddenly, at his residence, on Wednesday evening cf last week, after an illne of oaly a few Lours. He was one of the nioet enterpri-ing of men ; just in the prime of life ; and for peveral years one fcf the proprietors cf the, U. S. Hotel of that place. His family loses a kind parent, and the community one oi its most ener getic and prosperous citizens, lie wa3 the oliost .son cf Mr. Charles Dozbi.es, of 2iia towa, asd aje3 tbaus ii years. 3 We won! J direct the at tention of all those who desire to buy valuable real estate, to" the advertisement in another column of oiir paper, offering several .desirable. tract3 of land for sale, titnatc in Sugarloaf Town fchip, Columbia County, belonging to the. estate of Samuel Kitchen, deceased, which will be disposed of on the 24th of Novem ber next. James W. Kitchen is acting as Agent for the heirs. B?fi- Little, in his Campaign, hai repea' cd charged upon the Democrat and Sx.ut office the printing of. the Republican tickcl with Tate's name in it. We have simply to say to him or any man who is mean enough to charge us with the like, that we never prin ted a Republican or Abolition Ticket in our office, nor never made any arrangements to that-effe'et, and any man who will circulate such a report is a LI All AND THE TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM. tfzr Protecting the to?s of children' shoes from wear by Metal Tips, hns proved a most important and useful invention. But until lately a great mistake has been made in applying them chiefly to the coarser entiles of shoes. For the higher the cost of the shoe the more there is saved by protect ing the toe from wear, which can only be done by a Metal-Tip. Genteel Metal-Tipped shoes are now being mad and are worn by the best families in the city. Manufac turers could not h;ive conferred a greater public favor than by supplying this great want. Boston Journal. Fatal Accident. On Saturday after noon last, between the hours of four and five o'clock, Miss Sarah Catharine Dodge, for several yca.-s a member of the family of M. C. Woodward, of this place, met with an accident, which proved fatal tho Sunday evening following, while out gathering burs and moss in a strip of wood near the town. This strip of wood-land is situated north west of town, on the south side of Fishing creek, and at some points forming a preci pice of several hundred feet. The particu lars of the sad accident, as near as we can gather them, are as follows : Miss Doge, in c ui any with a young girl, went to this wood to make a collection of burs, moss, Lc., for the purpose of forming thorn into bx-.ket-work, and after having gathered a good supply, Miss Dodge discovered one bunch more of fine, moss, situated upon a piece of timber, near the edge of a preci pice, when she remarked that she would pro cure " that bunch and then go home ;" and whila in the act of getting it, her foot-hold gave way, precipitating her over a ledge of rocks some forty-seven feet, (twenty-five foot or more Ixnng perpendicular) into the road running along this wood and ledge of rocks. The little girl, which was with her upon the top of the rocks, immediately gave the alarm, when those of our citizens who live near by, proceeded to the spot, and found the unfor tunate girl lying, bruised, mangled, welter ing in blood, and insensible, in which state she remained to her last. Shi was a line, in telligent girl, much beloved by all who knew her, and in the sixteenth year cf her ag?. This is a sad warning to others not be too venturesome, and thus place their lives in jeopardy, though they see something that suits their fancy. She was buried in the Cemetery, at this place, oa Monday after noon last ; and a large concourse of people followed Ler remains to their last resting place. A CARD. To ttte Pcblic: I have not been in the habit of advertising my business, altho' uiy card has apieareu in the public pa Tiers ; the la.t in tlu Columbian, the publishers of which were kind enoutrh to insert it for a time gratuitously, and without my solicita tion. I now deem it necessary', in view of the manner in which my name 1hs been brought before the public, for the purpose of casting odium upon me, in the paper published Ly Mr. h. II. Little, called the Campaign, to announce that my law office is over Mr. Miller . btore, (steps outside.) when I shall be happy to meet such persons as may be willing to favor me with their - patn mage. What Mr. Little's object was in nuking use of his paper to injure me with my friends U a profound mystery tome, although 1 have made it a subject ot much consideration. I neither hold nor aspire to any public station, and "my policy" has heretofore bfen to pursue the even tenor of my way. and let my neighbors alone. It is true Mr. Little and I pursue the same vocation, but it would hardly be reasonable to suppose that he is mean enough to attempt to injure me in my business and thus proportionately increase his own. On the other hand, he certainly could have had no public good in view, a my relations with the community are of entirely a private nature. Mr. Little, as a neighbor knows that I have seveial young children to support and ediu-at?, and that this must be done by my own labor ; and this might have restrained him from attack ing a private individual. The community knows that Ac has considerable wt aith, (nor, however, acquired by the practkc of the law I believe, for Lawyers do not get rich very rapidly in Columbia County,) and this might have made him generous. Certain ol my friends know the falsity of that whereof he speaks, but the matter is not of interest to the public. Office hours from 9 A. 31. to 5. P. M. W. WIRT. Bloomsburg, Oct. 24, 1SC6 4t. Congressional Vote. The Congressional Return Judges for this District met, in Tunkhanuock, on Thursday of last week, and announced tha vote on Congress as follows : Elwell, D. Merctr, It. 7,078 1,907 1,114 435 1,406 Bradford... Columbia.. Montour... Sullivan Wyoming., 3,185 ' 3,644 ...... 1, .050 - 7G2 1,512 Total 10,653 Mercur's majority 11,140 10,053 ...1,2S7 Accidental Suootino. Michael Can- fi iM mortally wounded himself atCentralia, on ednesday night, under the following circumstances, as we learn them : He Lad committed some depredation for which an effort was being made to arrest him ; he took refuge in a Louse, being armed with revol ver and gun, defyed those outside to take him. He so oa retreated from the house to the woo Is, where he fell, causing an acci dental discharge ofAe gun. 'ihe li:l!ct passed through the breast bone and lodged in th'3 body. At last accounts he was in a critical cadiUoB, JjAian J Urocai; . . ' - " a "" " For the Democrat and Star. Senator Montgomery's Letter. Messrs. Jacoby tt Shuman Gentlemen : With your permission I beg space in your Journal, for a brief reply to the communi cation in your last issue, signed David B. Montgomery. In anything I have hereto fore written, oMnay hereafter Write, on the subject of the late Senatorial Conference, it has not been, nor shall it now be, in any spirit of unkindness to Mr. Montgomery, and if his course in the premises was zs fair as he represents it to have been, I cannot see the necessity of all the acrimony infused in his letter. It has always been my aim to stand upon the record, to deal with facts, call things by their proper names, and re ligiously maintain the truth of history. Mr. Montgomery takes exception 'to the sentence in one of my late communications, in which it was stated that, he "would vote fr any candidate Mr. Knt required." Mr. Knt, everybody knows, after fiiiing to get the noniina'ioti himself, desired it to fall up on the candidate from Sullivan, in pursuance of a pre-concocted arrangement, in order that he might be his successor, aided the Montour Conferees in making said nomina tion, and that explains his zeal, as lately evinced in behalf of the success of the Dan ville Representative. I repeat, it was part of the bargain and sale by a few corrupt politicians of Colombia and Montour, by which Mr. Ent may win office the next time, even at the expensatof the interest and hon or of the Democracy of Columbia. I hap pen to know that Mr. Ent desired the nom ination of Mr. Jackson, and that the vote of Mr. Montgomery sealed his nomination. And no sophistry on the part of any of these gentlemen, can change the facts in the case, as they appear upon the record. I have not imputed corrupt or improper motives to the action of Mr. Montgomery. Nor would I ri.-k my reputation, as a man of honor, by exculpating the Montour Con ferees from such imputation. It is known that Dr. Hakes, Daniel Seybert, Charles Conner, and other wiry politicians, were at the Conference, working against the nom ination of the Columbia County candidate, and that thousands of dollars were freely Offered. The question is, who got the mon eyf Mr. Montgomery says he voted 117 times, in Conference, for my nomination as Sena tor. For these acts of kindness he has my sincere thanks. But he should not forget, that it was ultimately 7 vote, that deprived Columbia of the Senator. That is one fact, which no argument or ingenuity can gain say. Another fact is, that the Northum berland County Democrat, the week before the Conference Meeting, said: "We are pleased to learn, that the Democracy of Columbia County, have nominated the Hon. Levi L. Tate, for State Senator. The Conferees of this (Northumlcrland) County are instructed to support Mr. Tate's nomi nation." What say you to that, Mr. Mont gomery? Is it "implicating" you, in the settling of my "personal difficulties"? Did tbe organ of the Democracy of your county tell tLo truth, and if so, did you violate your "instructions?" Very resjiectfullv, LEVI L. TATE. Bloomsburg, Oct. 20, 1S66. fSenator. The cfHoial vote in the four counties which compose this Senatorial District shows a ma jority for George 1). Jackson over his op ponent, AJex. J. Frich, of two thousand nine hundred and forty-eight (2.94S.) Mr. Jackson received the full party vote in a'l of the four counties. He increased his vote as well as h:s majority in his own county, which is good evidence of the high regard and esteem his people at home have for him. This, Columbia County, gives him sixteen hundred and fifty-five (1C55) majoritj-, over twice that of any other county in the Dis trict. SOT" How sclfi-h son.e people can be ! Little, in his !a-t C mnpaign, claims that Chaiiaiit was hit candidate for Ansemb'y. In the la-t issue cf the I)i .ix-rat and Star, we soke of "our" candidate f -r As sembly meaning the Democratic candidate, of course having no opposition, when we were immediately "picked up", and told that he was not "oar" candidate, but the candi date of the Campaign ! We thought Chal fant, after Tate had withdrawn, was as much "our" candidate as Mr. Little's, or in other words, the candidate of the Democracy, lie toted for him, and that is about ail that the Editor of the Campaign can Loast of. We don't boa.-t of it. As to our contribu ting to Mr. ill well's majority, we have only to say, that we wrote more editoria's, spent more time and money for his success, than half the men put together connected with the campaign paper. Yet the fool sees a "joke." Democratic 31 embers of the Lecisla iui'.e from Philadelphia. The following are the names of the Democratic members of the Legislature elected from Phikdel deiphia : Senator General Wm. 31'CandIcss. Assemblymen William S. Gregory, Sam uel Josephs, Wm. B. Hood, George A. Quigley, Michael 3Iul!in. This is a gain of the Senator and two 31cnibcrs. . The Loss of the Evening Star. The entire country is mourning that terrible dis aster the shipwreck of the Evening Star, 1 y which over three hundred persons were lost. Of the passengers and crew but six teen are knon tohavebeen saved. Among the lost was an opera troupe cf fifty-nine singers and a circus company of thirty pei sons. ARRESTED. Benjamin Snyder, Judge, and Daniel Hile, Inspector of the Election, Board of the middle ward, Ashland, were last week arrested and each held to bad in the sum of eight hundred dollars for their appearance at the next term of eonrt, on the charge of iclusing to receive the vote of An drew Duiliii, on the grounds of his ling a ueseir. We ondcittand that a civil suit is about Icing instituted against the parties ior damages. Ashland Advocate, .- - Indiana. -In this State the Pcmccrary have pained one Congressman. They have elected two out of the eleven. TLe fourth district elected Hohrn, who u a cain. MARR IK D . Mr. both Countv. Aln At. lllA K.1TT1A tllllA nnil Ti1nr- Air jleury A. Fullmer, of Fishing Creek Town ship, to Miss Harriett A. Force, of Orange Township, Columbia County. On the 18th inst., at the residence of the bride's father by Elder J. J. Harvey, 31 r. William L. -Manning, and Mrs. Mary W. Parker, ah of Jackson, Columbia County. On the same day. Ly the same, at the res idence of the bride .slather, 3Ir. George W. Derr, to 31 iss Elizabeth F. Lawton, all of Greenwood, Columbia County. On the 10th inst. by Rev. J. P. Tustin. Henry Shipton, to Catharine Witt", bothol Bloomsburg. In OrafigsviFe on the 1 1th in t, by Rev. W. O. 1 lesser, P.. Savage, to 3Iary B. 31c Ilenry, U-th of Jackson, Columbia Coun'y At the san;e time and place, by tho same, Fi .-man S. Smith, to IfisMih K. Dodson, both of IVnron, Columbia County. Tn I'ooii!sbnr on the 13?h inst, by Bev. J. R. Pimm, Throba'd 31. Dawson, of Dan ville, to Hastie E. Walter, of this place. In Port Carbon, on thallth in-t, by Rev. Mr. Lowry. C. W. Miller, of Bloomsburg, to Cara L. Eshleman, of the former place. . RLCOMSCFRG MARKET. VVTTEAT.per huahsl. 2 SO Ml"ri"F.R. . 45 e.-, so 3 w ' in 28 HI 25 ft v ) 50 rarjs i'iirv, I'l'lKWHEAT. Ft. opt pf.r rulVER-FFO, 1 Ht 1 C1 14 no 5 50 pivrfTOF:. n" ifii Arri.ES. HAVS RfVlV. FH X SFF.ll ni'CKWHK AT ? I HAV hy Ih Ft nit r. .100 I l.RD. pr he ton. lb. gALISBURY, BRO. & CO., Eiteniive Manufacturers and Importer of Gold, Plnted and Oreide Jcictlry, SOLID AND NICKEL AJIKRICAX, i:xci.iu M sinss CASED liT OITSEI.VFS. Ami every leirritjnn of Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions, Ffforinlly aunpteJ anJ detignud for South era and Vutern Trml f. Circular and full descriptive Price Lixts aeut free. Agent wanted everywhere. Ad.lre. SALIS'TRV. PRO : CO.. 61 DOERA-NCE" STREET. I'roviUwnce, it. I. Ortolr 21. 1E8G. 3,-n. SPECIAL NOTICE. oVt'LYCIEM AND FESTIVE l.dYS. evn.l an I (Hreii i rnvfliHi- unit V5 r ntn.aiid I m ill s.-ii 1 y on "" valiiatle ii lorn.Hi ki, i xi n ill please vuu. AiUrm MARY MOOk t, eil t.ruuaw ay. X. Y. May ifi, lcU ly. . ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gent'etuan wm vntT.-red for y ar from erTol8 )chilit.Pre.iiHturw Decay, and all the enVct of youth tul indirr-lion. will, for the sake of autT-riiig hj inanity, a-nd fr-e to all who nerd it. Iiie rvcipe ti.it ilire ln'iit for iiiaaiua the aimple remedy by Mttirh he m cured. Suff. rcr with nf to profit by the adver iui'i experience, can d i ao by a Mrt-Ditiii ; l iHN B. ; DEV. No tfi'haiuucrs . t.. New York, Feb. 2S ISfifi. ly. iS.VI H. THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, .ri V itif fpri nt atyh-a. adaple'l to airrpil uml ai-ruUr imi-ir for S-iit., $mki earb Flr"TY-()K GOI. It or MI.VEit MED i.roib-r firt rruniiiii-. awar',''l lb--m. i utr;iie. Caal"E'ie free. Adore M Asu' At IUUX, Hoston. or .M SOV U.'UTIiEUS, Niw York. Jan. rt. lefifi SVp 9. '1,5 Ijr.-S.M P. rpllEU.liRV OF MAN' IS HTRKXm II. A eentle I man whoputf. red for year from Nervmi and Oem Ml liability. Nightly Kini'i'ioii and S.-onnal lV.:kne. the rnoili of rutit':l iiMliecrclfn. Hint rsinr nrar r iii'inc liin i av in n.'i l. hs miKi f y, u iil, for the cake of ruff' i in? man. inl to any on- aflln l ed. th aimple UK-ana u-ed by him, wlorb effected a cure in a lew week alter the failure ff nuio'-rorn iiiedirinea. Send a ilirei-.ted envelope and utauip un.l il will cunt you nothing AilUree. Llx;AK IKb.MAlN li-th St- N.Y. City. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! ! Dr. L O. Mo"tez' CarriHf. the pr.-nleM timuTator in the world, will fon-e VIi"k''r o Mu lnch- to grow on the iuthesl face or chin ; ii.-r-r known t f ill ; Ffiinpie for trial aeni free to any one if.-irou of tt-Ftin? it' mrril. Adilresi, Rkivks & Co., t) Niioau street N- w Yora, July 4. leOtS. 3u . STRANGE BUT TRUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United Statra cac hear joiuetliiiip very murh tn tto ir advan tage by re urn mail (tree ofcliarge.) by adilreknng ilie undersigned, Tboae b-iving fea of being humbug;, ed will oblige by ti'4 noticing this card. All othcra will pleaae addret their obedient aervant. TIIO" F CHAPMAV. fcjl I'roadway. New York. Ftb. 2. 1mV5 ly.S XI P DEAF2S ESS, ELLN 1 LNESS, And rtarrli, treat.-d with the u!-not u-re. hy J, l-A i M D. Dnilir-l atnl Aiiril (form.-rly of l.ey d.n, ri.ill.in.l.) No. 513 FIVE 8tict I'M I I.A li"A Teetimonial". t'rnni ihe rho-i reiia!e ourcea in the I'll ami I o,m try can be nei;n at hi ofllre. The med ic il f.T-ulty .in- invited to accompany their paliema. a he ha no atrri t in hi pia lice ARTIFICIAL EV Lrf, iukerted v ilbuul ria. No ( barge tor exam ination, f April Jj. IniA ly, O'O Cos-rnrTATtvrsi The advertiser having been A. restored to h'-aiih in a few weekn by a tery niin ple remedy .after having suffered several year with a aevero lung affection, and that dread Hi-ieaxe. Con aumptiou i auxioua to make wn to hi fellow aniTerer ihe mean a of cure Tn all who dexire it. he wi'.l vend a ropy of the pre acriptinn used ffreeoi Charge. with the direction for preparing and u-iug the oaiue, which they will find a auaa ctrk for I oiiauinpfion.Atbuir, CrnnrhitM.t'oldi Concha etc The onl ohj.-rt of th- advi'rtier 1 fenililir lllfrreK.liiili.nl ie to lien, tit the atllicie.l.aud pre d inlormatioii v. hieh hrnriv-- In b- invaluable n.f he lo p. a every ei. IT re r will try hi rein,.,y, a it will c"l them not hing. ami may prove a oie lug. Parl wiehing the precriptiu. free, hv return mail. wil please addreao Kev. LI. A. WILSuN, Williamsburg KingCoiiiily Feb. V, IrCfi. ly S. P. ew.V..rk. fl he Grovesteen Tian . Ft rte J etill r l.lin il prerodence ami great popnlarily, ami afler uudergi.ing gradual iiiiproveni'-nl f.r a pe riod pi thirty year i now proiio in e.l by the miii.i- al Mordi to tie uiiiirpai'Ked an I even aneiual'ed in rn h neim. volume an. I purity of tone. durability an.l rli-ap-lief. i)ir i.ew acale. Krenrh action hxrp p-dai, iron frame, over atruiig ba. aeven octavo ro.cwo.el pi anon we arecelim: cli -aper dv l.-om $Iimi to than the aiti- t le an.l fioi-h are od by any oilier 'tirt-clae maker in the country. D. alero and all in viaul ol good piaiioa tfre niv.leil to neii.i for our .II seripnve Cata'oKue, v. In h rontom photograph of nur uitl'ereiit Ijlen. together willl pru ea No one a b"uii pur hae a pi-no without aeemg thi lata ogue Med-tol almost without number, have be.-n aWM-dn.: to the Uroventee.i i'linn, and the e'ebrateit VWrlfl'a air. VhiHigh put in rumpetilion with t li-r-from all part of Europe and the U rf- it took tin-hiilie-t 11 d. I.atabiihed 1833 Grovesteen Co , 4M HROADIV Y. f tV YORK. July 80. . li. 11. S. 3l Co. 1 XETf riStCilE FOR THE EUXDKESCniEF. rkaUn'i Philaa' Pkaloa'a Cbaloa'a Pkalaa's figlit nimoiaiug Cfrai." "iMjht KloomiiiB; C'er?aa. "ZVigfat Blcenaiiijg C'crcaa.'' ".Xigbl Uloanxius Ccrt.. TTifihf Ulutaa; Cerrnu. A Wrt axfrii'!'. dellcafe, an4 Fragrant TVrfnrne, tliati led Iroui tha rare auj UaUiui Uuwcr Uutu wbieti it taae Ita naiue. Alacrafaetnred on!y by rsiAi.ox at noTt, rrw Yrk. SnVAItE OF COCXTFRFEIT3. ak roa rTTAT-Oy" TAKE xo ottter. JOOK HERE. All, th inderited tha nnderigne either n Hre nr l-nnk aeootl, cf all ntonlha or nKire i't'ling are li-r by rtine-ied to make aeltment witl.Mtt de lay, and aave coeta. U. O. SiltVE. Bloetnaborf . Bept. 18, 186& On the 18th inst., by Rev. N. Snear. William R. Eves, to Emilv C. Parker. of Greenwood Township, Columbia ESTRAY. - Came tn the premiaei of the nnrVr aigned in ?ujarlraf Township, Co' amhia Countv. nn nr abnnt ih.. mid. (X tX dleof Julrla.t ,aDAKK KEDBUI.L, ,S"PK? with a alit in ih- - 11-. owner in hereby notified torome forward, rrove prop, ertv, pay ihargea. and fake him away, otherwi' he Will be Hild aerording to lW. HESS Dctober. IT, IrtHi St.. AUDITOR'S NOTICE; Estate of Reuben Savage dee'd. The n ler-icned Auditor appointed bv th Orphan. ""L I Columbia ronty to rune distribution of the balance , the b.m.l of John Wem.er Admi.iia irator of the e,lflte ,.f Keuben tavge late of t:..l,o. b.arovntydec'd. will men the partie intrerled. V-.h h" ""I'"""' bieni poii.im. nl on Saturday Hie i, h.lay;if November net at ID o'clock A. M-ai hia office I,, l loom.bnrg whe alld . hpr, ,,B,ue, ,n t. reatert ,,,..t apnear and i reaent tbeir chiima or be debarred from coming in for a l.nr- of the fnd r- "AKKL..Y, Auditor, ninomxhiirg. Oct. 11, 1HW.,- 4t C7"-iterwirk -llaz-ne" pleaae copy. rjAKE YOUR CHOICE. We w ill aend by exprea or o'herwtee n ordereif. .er'trelv paikdl. a JViOII Sewing Maebino. .iiHi-r 'Vhe.-ler tt VYiUoii or Ornv r Hnlier. tn any p"r on eniin? u. fore the lirht of Jauuaiy uex1, thu HHUie oi ii'X I't.tJtT new nticr' her to the Willi I tie tnoiiev. SjI'-OO for on year in a-ivance. !Zm n and aft. r January Int. lei. 7 we tha i re quire :M7'.liViiew uliHrnti r. ft:i till. e have aeut awfiy a premium!, nearly TIMER UU-M'hUf of theae marhiiie. and itiey giv uui Vera' halinf u ti'in. The new ubi riber may bn from one or from va riom lnce. Sen t the namea a- lat aa you ol.iain them, with the mon v, by t herk. I'ral't, or Pmt lllhce Oruer, i-ainpie copie and circular aent tree. Term J.t.iU a year in ail van. e. !-lDEY E. MO fE. Jr.. & Co. 37 Park Row, New York. October 17. ll?r,0. 4t. MANHOOD : HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. 'f f "Lfjr lope. Trice fi tents. A lecture on the nature, treatment .nd radical cure of Seminal Weakne or S;erui.itnrlio a. Induced hy rtelf-Abnae ; Involuntary Euui'ioiia. lin pii'mry Nervou Debility ami. Imp diluent to "arri.ige generally; Coneuiiipt ion. I fijlepsy, und Fin ; oenl.il and Phvair.al Ineyparity, fcr. I;y Rolwrt J. Cuivi-rwell. M, D.. author ofth) 'Green o"k,'&.c. The world r"nnwned author, in thi admirabln Lec ture, clearly proves from hi own expert- nee, that the aw I'M cni-'ieiiee ol" Sell-A till e m.iy bJ eir.ct ualty removed withoi.t Medicine, and wit hmi ' d.ni gen.iK vurg'cal operatioim, bouiri. a lurlroioeiit-. riiis. or corlial. pointing out a mode of cure at once reitain ami etri:i tnal, hy tvhich very sulferer. no matter " hat hi eomlitnm inav be, may ruru hmixeli cheaply, privat- ly and raoirally, Thia Lec ture will prove a boon to thotiraima and thou, nil. Sent under ft.-a to any addreaa in a plain envi l..p ;, on rereipt of aix cent or two porilaze laiii9 AUo Dr. Culverwell's Alarrige runle. prir,- ?o cent.. Aildrea, CIIA.S. J C KLINE V CO., li'7 Bowery. New York, V. O. bJX 453i October 17, l.-tio. ly Pta Ac Co. The (arraf Family Ea per. .Frank Le.-lic's Ciiimney Corner. With No. 7i., isucd on the 12 1th of Septemler Iat, v.ill 1? given to each purxhaer or suh scril.er a Jacniticent Presentation Plate, 24x2S inches, entiilcJ HOME AGAIN. Besides the numerous illustration?, No. 71 will contain the following Stories and in teresting article.-!. CONTENTS. Commencement of a New Serial Story. Thfi Faithful Mes.-jniror. Jlus'rnted An English Sailor' j Life Among the Sav aged Lin Shepherd fori of Nanterre. The Death of Wat. Tyler. Illustrated Eccentric Benevolence. The Betrayed Youth. Adventure with a Grizzly. Illustrated A Fle.ni.-h Rom inco. (JeurgeW. Childs, of Philadelphia, with I'trtrait. Curious Mode of Fithing in Florida. Illus trated. Present for Grandmother. From Painting by Carl Hubnor. 1 e.-tructioii of Robcspicre. EnouL'h. Forgotten Discoveries. The Aire of Monsters. Story of John Athmundon. Illustrated Family l'a.-time. Deris in and out of Water. Illustrated Perils of Agricultural in Africa Illustrated The Box byExJircss Illustrated The Escape of the French from Onondaga. Inst rated What the Dogs Dark at. The Mountain Inn. With a variety of matter in prose and verse of the hurhe-t merit. LUMBBIt! LUMBER! ! 'riiK Bf.ooM"RrRf! i.nviiTF.r.lNO covpanv, 1 would repectfully inform the public that they have their PLANING MILL now in operation with an extensive a.sortmcnt o and are n'-w pr. pared to eupplr nil or b r at abort iintii' and at ihe Imveat pnre forrah, I hcir a MTtuient ol hi mher conit of White 2inc E1mhL. fjoari!-. I'looriii, snrl'trr fton ri, siding, I3ci2ilK2a S2;ui!, planed nr unpinned, to Miit por haen Fra n - Stuff. Joire and ."nntli: g of al1 fit i Their ' lamne lil iim.I l.eiiiher Yard i eitoate I at Die Kailre ol Dem-t. very ruux luently for fhipf in In nher l.v the cargo They aie n n.taiitly m.uuiHi'tiiting lumber of all km. I, ami p.'ro who desi'e lumber of every He arriptiou will d wa'l to ex inline then tH-k before pure .aing e aewhar;. Thev are determined and em ineniiv ir 'areil iiella cheap a the cliea pe.t. Th J .'l.-o (U -ire to iolnriii the puhlie an.l epecially thoe w ish to purrha'e In l-htu If t hat they have one Mill penally prepared to cut limb r- of ahuoat every tiii; and length required. Thokc wisl.in: to build or contraitoia f r building, ran cave money, by giving ua al The undersigned would nUo nnptunre that they are prpard to il all kind ol lepairfog of Mat hinry . en- h a. I'lirei-hm: Varlnnea Mow er .. Reaper and el' kind 'it agricultural implement, upon reasona ble t' r to. d.!rea, F. C. FVEIl. S.-c'y. Rlooni-biirg. Frpt. 13. 1S0G. l(louuiliur; Pa. 4 GENTS WANTED FOR THE v PICTORIAL BOOK Of ANF.Cn iTKS ANP INCI lir-.NT of the rebellion. There i a certain portion of the fir th.it will never t o into the rerular lii-lnrie nar Ik rtnhodi ! m r.i manre ir p-K'try w In. h i a very re-il part "f it. and will if pre.-rvi d, convey to .necee.linj reimratiun alienor i..ea of the pirit of th-. ronflirt tlraii many dry rrp.-rt or can fill narrative, of event, and thi. part may be railed the goip. the fun. tne p it'ioj of Hie r. Tin- i lti-.tr - te. the iharatt. rof tlie l au er.. the humor of tin- .oMit-r. the evolio . of worn -n. the biavery of men. the plti' k of our heroe. tlie ro lii.irit e and hari4liip ot Ihe.ervire. 'Ihe volnme i pr"fu-ely illustrated with over 3IMI .'iirraving hy th - nrt artiM. which an: really beau tiful ; wvr'liy ..I exauiin itisit aa rpe nneii ihe art. Many cflhein are . t into me I'O.ly f th-: text, after the , ep.ilar ar le f Lasing' Pi torial Field ll.w. a. t:e lievoliitn.n. The hook'a canteitt iiieiti.le r mini aci nce f ramp, pit ket, npy. waut, hivattar, aiegu a:idbatle field a 'ventu-es ; Ih'il ing f rati I lira v ry. wit, nrallery, cauiicul an J lu itcrous ajveulures. etc., etc. Amu.einent a. welt a. In.trurtion m iv befnin.l in every page, as graphic d.-tail brilliant wit. ail an theotic hi.tary, ar k.lifully iuterwa en in tnia n ark ofliierary art. I in ward a. l'a It -elf 1 he peaple ar- tired f tlr detail and parltnon wark. and want mm -ITiing lin itiKiej . reiuaticaiiil atarttiug. Iiurajei.t-are m iking frxm 9 0i la 4-'iHi p. r toa.tti clear al" all expt.-n.ee. S ml tar circular, civi.tg full p ncjUra an J BUe aur It rui an. i priwfaf th,. a'wve a man A-dress, N A I'll IN A I. Pti3l.l5illNt.tXl. Si " .Minar t.. lliii.nicl. hia. Fa. OcteJ.-r 3, lHri 4.ii. J.j.Mi'lRE SHUTTLE SEWING Are .uperior to all othera for FAMILY AVn M A L' F A CTC II I N 13 Pl TiroSE?. Contain all the late.t improvements are speedy noiKeie. ; durable ; and ea.y to work. Illuetraled Circnlais free. Agents wanted Lib ers.1 i:iniHii t allowed. No rnn-tgniaents made. Address LMIIBE r. M. CO., oivi Uroadway. New Yoik. September 5, I8it ly.-A. at Co. IUJCERI LUJniERl A nao Lt.ml'CT Tiird in Bloomsburg, 'PUB n n-ler itrtn-il imH retectfu:iy imorm the I inwrnt of l.itub r thtt h eotit.eiie l otainilat t ire and keep), on hand gmnl supply nf bnil.linf and fepeiHg .u lii . I. at hi. rriiimr. , a abort tli tance north of the depot, which he vff.-ra for sale at rea enable rates- JACOB KCHVYLLX. BlusmskniYi JaeJJ( fSWt o er rs -I 63 r CO o . c ft so o 5? ea O 5 S5 m n- w I 1 rt - o ST o ex. CO 1 ft i-v cs u eTJ Z S3 o O w w r-l oa O O "1 aa-O aT r AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Mary P. Mills, late of Madison Township, Columbia County, dee'd. rTMIE I.enieea and all other partiea interested in I the enlate of Mary P. .Mill, derea.ed. will t ike notice that Ihe under-ig ied appointed bv the r phao'a i ourt of .aid loiinly. auditor. In audit and make ditrilition of the balance lit I lie hi mis of Pan iel Kiiiiik t. e it r t i v i rig rxerumr of the aaid Mary f. Mills, ilere ie !, will meet ihe parlie mtereet-d in the . id eetate, at the i fiiee nf the Kegi..er ol Will, in an I fiTtli-; county ef I'nliinibia. al floomah.irg on 'I burr nay the eih ilay of Novitober next, when and where a'l parties interested ran ntlend if the aee pr per and present i It. i r rl iima or be debarred from coming in tut a vbare of th fund E II. RAI.DY, Auditor. Cloomnliurg. Septcn ber 12, IntM. 41. W 7 00L CARDING. Th aiihprribrr tiavintr niirrrianrrl th arpll ailh. lislitrd ritjini, known a near Rohrbnrg '.luuibia County,' and having put the iiiacliiiiety i I firtt tJle ri pairs, is prepared to do LCI LL i-Li LH- H. iT in ihe bet manner nnd upon tlie hortet notice. IIiokv favoring him viih their cust m in ay rely on li u - . . . . I . .. . - n....lr . .- I I J Ma.a.ig ...vi. ... M ncil U1IUC. greenwood , June G, 1.C6. IJENEY II. SAND3. Th"! under-igned respectfully announce that he I. a r nitte. a alinp. in Coint llon alley, oppoite tile Kii h iiive Hu el In fi? Ii i prep-r.-'l In cou iluei the barliermg Ini-iin a In all it branch ea. Tin-art !" rolurii.'g whiai.er.and in Hi.iactaea is prartieed bv bun uo.el killl.:llv lie al.n ;Uan clothing, making tit -in lo-k m-arlv a gin a new. upon the ino-i reaonahle term, t.'ive hun a trial. C7" llair Tome. . i" the very bt q i.iliiy. un d tot cleaning h.ur, kept coii.l-utiy on hind, aii I f.r sale 6. C.COLLlNd. I'loomnbur;. April S3. lrGi. if. O UU STARCH GLOSS Is the only Article Died by First Class IIolcN, LatiuJ. ries, and Thousands of Tami I its. It gives a beautiful polish, making the iron pas ani'Hithly over the cloth, saving muck hue and labor. Riindi none up with it keep clean much lunger con sequently will nut wear out ao aoon. Il makes Old Linen look like New. nt'R f Mi'Elt I AL l!.i;E Is i HE rlEfTIM IHt Wo" I D. It is m'lnlile i'l ban aa w-JI as soft water. It Is put up in th;; i-aiei-t neateHt. and murt coiivenieut form of any olfemd to the public Is U'arii.uttd not ta Streak- the , I U . II V Agnt wanted ever) where, to whom we o(T.:r ex traordinary liiliireiiieoi.. d'l', MiV OKK r AltL'll GLfiSCO.. No i!it Fulton m , New York. September 26. 19S. - 4m A A Co. uomcs. PAR JERS ! FARMERS ! Don't fail 10 ::e PIIIIMPS" Sl.PrR PHOSPHATE I.I M E to fin it li your lain; anil make large rrnp of grain and era. It i now extensively ued in all the leading a?i Iceltural po-tio:i of the country and without i'itilll nr .iotitil i kmlvl-ii 1.1 lie th werw .-U L i you j uiiuguie w I'll H e ieiili App'y to r AA I SL Angit. t il. K-R6. Uupert, Pa. MONIATED FIIOSPIIATE. A Conccnlratfd Fertilizer. Especially adapted to WHEAT and other GRAINS. This preparation contains Pure Ground Rnn . and th- b-.t Fertilizing t'alt. known to agricultural chemistry . roriihi m il in urli a manner a to develop their productive prnpertie only when u.ed on the .il. Price t-0 per tn. For sale at the imiiiufactur er'a depi). No iU MARKET iTREF.T Philadelphia. LI.'iOMii l.'Ki;, t'olunihii Cmnitv, Pa W ILLIAM ELLIS 4- CO . .Maiiufacturera. ?eptcnther 5, irfon, U.MBEK, ' Manufactured to orderat lir.afltlCO MILL. Rots Township. I.uz. rue t'ouiity. Pa., Oak, cxciulot It, JIapIc, ESas, PINR rriPLK BEACH. Ac. for fle at the M I I.I.. nr d'-ltvered at any poiitt oil the KailroaJ, rta' lieit or connected vii'h it I" Addre.s. the .tih.rriher nt Wyoming. Lu zerne Co.tiitv . or JAMES JacKSON, tlie Sawyer, at llervevvilie p 0. The Mil Property with two llou.e.. Turn an I oth er tinprovetiicni. .nrroiinded by about Hid Acre, of Laud, mm of wlii. h reuiaina heavily timbered, ia now for aale at a batgain, v WILLIAM HENHV. Wyoming, Luierue tounty. Fa. Pcptiimhcr 'X. la'Vi.-3 11. 0 HOTEL & SALOON KEEPERS fit I'lonm.bnrg and Col'imdia County.-I have ap pointed Mr. II. Stohuer agent for the ale ,.f my Ale. Purler I rown Stout, and i.ager Heer. whi will -up-ply you at the ame price (and with the .ante article.) a' iWonld furnish yon from ihebri wery. Knowing that he will he punctual nnd and attentive to all w hn may f .vor him with their trade, I toiicit for hi ui your support. Very respectfully, FKEI I.AUEt. Steam Drewety, Heading .Fa. Septcinbsr SC. IKC yyiLLIA3I ROGERS, R .pertfnllv nnnoiinrr. himc.lf to the public a. an experienced WELL-DIUUEK and WA'I'tR-SMELIc-Kit. 1'eii.otta ue 1 ron to I urn w here w ater can be eaaie.t found, and all w ho have well, to dil, will do well ! einpl'iv the under. Igned. Contract will be taken by the foot or by the day, to suit the ui plover. Address. WILLIAM ROGERS. blotmisburg. Pa. July 2.1. 18WV. ly. jlFE INSURANCE. If yon wi.h 10 live losg and die happy, go without delay and INJURE YOUR LIFE in the fceat Company in Ihe world, THE kiUTUAL LIFK INfTRAifCE COMPANY OF New YtiKK. IT? CASH AUSKT AKE $15 CfKl 000. and it.annaal dividead for the fiscal year of 1?SS amoantatn .evenly t' rr r-iit.rn all participat ing p'cmiuma. being ihe largest dividend ever oe rlared l.y any company for the same length of time. Fo further information apply tn john g. rxttzz, JrMt, 7tf If, IP. , ianotngVurg. Fm. - i - - - j h.-l u-oil. Il.oiitiin le MiiiiMiire mote um tin to in i 'ality. .-ontaiii more aarii irtural value, than any ter in th-j tnirket Th inid-raig-ied In troditei! il as a .i.tinlani art icle. tot n li g to make it a permanent tra.le It va.ne hia be-n luily t-ted nrlii !e ver li:tri. luce'l. (it v. it a trial vo l W ill bfl ..i HBLMBOIiB'S FLUID EXTRACT BOCE0, A poalifv maA EpaclSo Remedy for dlaeaaaa of th JHmAt. KMmis CTtl eHi walU-. nk K4ictt tncrrjaaea the power of dig cation, and xdtaa tbe abtWtcsta lato healthy action, lay which tha watery or ealcaraoua depositions, aad all unnatural ea IirresesoU ara reCsoed. oa well ai pain and lnl1tB7aittJa ad U jood for nan, women and cnlldraa. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU. For wcaJmeaa arUlns from Ezeeeses, HablU of Dbarfpaa tlon. Early IndUcrcUon. attended wlta Ua fotlawiBg Brmptoma : Indbposltlon to Exertion, Loss of Tower, Difficulty of Sraatnlac Trembling, VTakefalneasi Tain In the Back, Flashing of the Body, -Eruptions of the Faca, loss of Memory, Weak JCerves, , Horror of Disease, "H. Dimness of VUloa, -Hot nands, Drynees of the EMn. tTnlTereol LassHnde Pallid Cosntenanoe, These symptoms, if allowed to go on (which this Ud cine Invariably removes), soon follow FATUITT. EFI LEI-TIC FITS, C4 In one of which tbe patient may expire. VTh'o can say they are not frequently followed by thoaa "direful dla eases," rs3A:nTY and coxsTjirpnoir t if any are awsxe of tbe cause of thrtr snfferlns.bat non will confers. The records of tbe lnsjne asylums and tha melancholy doaths by consnmptlon bear ample witness ts) tha truth of tbe userUotr. TT.a Connttnticn, onco affected by organic weakness, renires the old of medicine to strengthen and Invigorate tie iTsteta, vtUlch K!.if HOLD'S EXTRACT OF BtTCHU , lnTu 11.1 daca. A trltl will convince da uoat tccpUcaL In many affections pccn2ar to Females, the Extxao Eccnc is nncqua'.ed by any other remedy, aad for ail complaints Incident to the sex, or In the iiEcxrsa or chakoe of life, CJT" Bra Stxptoms asotx. Take ho C&'saa, Mercury, or apleaasat medietas tak oapleasant and daageroca dlicsjes. IiELlIBOLB'S EXTRACT BUCH3 UTD Cares Secret Diseaaes In aU their stages llttlo expence, VtUe or no chatf ed filet, co inconvenience, and KO EXPOSUKJE. USE HELMBOLD'S , EXTRACT BUCHU For all affections and diseases of these organs, whether E2I5TLNO IN )IALE OS FEMALE, From whatever cause originating, and no matter how long" standing. EUciics of these organs reqolxo the aid ef a dlcretlc. HELMEOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ' Is the Great Diuretic. And It la certain to bare the dossed efecl ta aU ( tor which it Is recommended. DLCCD! ELOOS! BLOOD! Helmbold's xrrcnLT cor'.Ls i ijtto coxroxnr FLUID EXTRACT SARSAP ARILLA, Tor pnrlfjlns the B'.ood, remorlrg all chronic eozetlti' tlcncl dlscsEcs arising from aa lapcre ttate of tbe Elocd. and tbe only reliable and efTcctcal tioin remedy f it V.. core cf fcrofcla, Ecild Head. 6alt Ehcsci, I'tla and EwcUlnes cf tbo Cones, ncerations cf tbe Thrbrt sal Legs, Llotcbcs, rtaples on tbe race. Tatter, Erysipelas, and all scaly ErcpUons of the thin, aEATrriyrixf the coancxtxxojr. yOT A FEW of the worst disorders lb it adict tnanMnd arlss from th Corruption that accumulate In tha Lloud. Cf all the Coverlcs that have cccn tstJo to pntjclt oat.cor.e cti oqcsI In eScct IILnoD'a Coitrocsn Lite act or Ct s BiTAKtiXA. It cleanses end renames the Llood.tns'JlU tbo r4. jor of Lcc'.th Into tbe system, sad p"r-c out lie tcmors wblcU make dleotE. It etlmulaves the Ucsltiy fcrtlonr tbe body.ard crpclsttc disorjers that grew tn j-anlTln tbe blood. Each a remedy that coa'.J te relied on tt locj teen corght for, 6Dd now, for the Crst Uzie tbe public l:aTe one on which they can depend. Ccr rpaccbera does cot trtm'.lof certLlcatestochowluerzcts. tut tbe trial of a bottle will show to the sick that It has Its virtues enrparstng enytttng they hsvo ever taken. Two tiblefpooa Tul of the Extract of Earsapsrlila added to a pint of water li cqnal to tbe Lisbon Elet Drink. Bid eae bottle !s fully erj-jil to a gallon of tbe Cjrop of Sana pi."lUi, cr tu UcwCCiiou so utaallj made. HELirDOLD'S H05E WASH, An excellent Lctlcn for dieascs arising from habits of dl.lpnicn, um. J In correction with tbe Extracts Eccha and irarftapr.rilla, in sacb diseases aa recocimendcd. Evi dence of tbe mott reipon&lbie and rclUtlo character will accompany tbe medicines. A!o explicit directions fcr H3C, trJ'i hvnZrtiU of tciuanUYixizz witnesses, snl tp wtrd. of SC.OJO colici!e'I rti:lcaU;S and recommends t jry letters, a.atj of mblch tre from tbe Ll;bett aonrers. luclu(lrj ccLieat IliTulciara.Cicrgj-nien.ttalctnicn, Ac The Prcr.t!e!or Ls cevcr resorted to their paLlicaOon la tho neips)K)s; Le drcs not io this from the fact that his articles rs.uh as Tundard rrvpatatlocs, acd do sot ncsA to be propped np ty ccrtlScstcs. The Science of i!ed!c!ne, ilio (he Bo.-Ic Coloma, shoal 1 rtand simple, rnre, msJesUc, having Tact for Irs basis Induction for i'.i pillar, and Truth alons for Its CsplUL J-'y rstract rarssptrlll I a Flood Pn.-ieer ; tay Extraei Encha Is a ticretlc. snd vrfll ect es tech In til cues. Eoth ere prepared on purely sclentiac principles racuo end are tbe nest ce'.lre measures cf cither tba eta be niile. A reiJy end conclusive test wr.l be a com Firlson cf tbc'.r properties wlh those set forth 13 the fol lowing Tro.-ts: Ese LIrpcniatory of the United Fta'es. Fee Frofcssor Lxwxu' Taluhla vorka oa the Practice of rby tic. Ece remarks made by tbe celebrated Dr. rjrrsic. Ft 'la. Esc remarkj mtCtXj Dr. Ercnxia McDowKii, a cele brated rhyslclin snd J.'eibcr cf tbe Royal College cf EarpcOTS. Ireland, end pnbli&hcd la the TruasacUons of the Elcg snd Queen's JonrcaL Ece lredleo-Cblmrglcsl review. pcbHthed by V.txtw TxATzaa, Tellow ef the Eojil CoTe of Bnxgsona. See meet of the late eaniird works ea JCedlcl&ev SOLD BT ALL Dr.UCGISTS EVEKVWEEwl Addrcr. letters fir Information, In confluence, to IT. T. nSLLIBOLD, Chemist, PKIJTCIPaL defots Petmbold'a Dru and Caemical Warehoasf-, To. 531 2&0ADWAY, KEW T0SK, and llolrubol'l'e Lledicl Ti-irt 9. 101 30JTlI imnil 6in PJLLALP3U, 18 o 3 iSEWAUE OT COUNTKRF ask rori y eLMBOL TAES T0 OTOE?-.