AGRICULTURAL. :: PISESEIiY ATION OP VEGETABLES -iXMXTER. ' - The following timely articfo is a chapter from -Mr. Henderson s forthcoming work on Gardening. ' ..-,--., ;.; ; .'rOiir manner of preserving vegetable roots in winter is, 'I think, peculiar to this district, and is very simple and safe. After taking tip Euch crops as tee ta, carrots, horse radish, parsnips, turnip?, potatoes, etc. ,n fall, ' they are put into temporary oblong heaps, on the surface of the ground on which they have leen growing, and covered up with 5. or 6 inches of soil, which will keep off srih Blight frosts as are likely to occur until time can he spared to put them in permanent win ter quarter this is done in this section usu ally during the first part of December, in the following manner: A piece of ground is chosen as dry as possible ; if not naturally dry, provision must bq made to carry oil the water, lower than the bottom of the pit. The pit is dugout from three to four feet deep, about six feet wide, and of the length requir ed ; the roots are then packed in sections of about two feet wide across the pit, and only to the height of the ground level. Between the sections, a space of half a foot is left, which is filled up with the soil level to the top ; this leaves the pit filled up two feet wide in roots, and half a foot of soil, and so on until the whole is finished. The advan tage of this plan is, thafit is merelya series of small pits, holding from three to five bar rels of root3, which can be broken out for market without exposing the next section, as it is closed off by the six inches of soil be tween. Also that we find that roots of all kinds keep safer when in small bulk, than when large numbers are thrown into one i it together. In covering, the top is rounded so as to throw off the water, with a layer of " from 18 inches to two feet of soiL This way of preserving roots, with perhaps the excep tion of potatoes, is much preferable to keep ing them in a cellar or root house, as they not only keep fresher, retaining more of their natural flavor and color, but far fewer of thcn are lost by decay than when exposed to the air and varying temperature of a cellar. Unmatured- heads of cauliflower or broccoli, however, are best matured in a light cellar or cold frame, by being planted close togeth er ; in this way good heads may be had till January. Cabbages are preserved very sim ply ; they arc left but as late as they can tc pulled up by the roots, in this section about the end of November, they are then pulled tip and turned up side down the roots up, the heads packed close together, in beds tix feet wide, with six feet alleys between, care being "taken to ; have the ground levelled where the cabbages are placed, so that they .pack aicely. They are left in this 'way for two or three weeks, or a3 long as the can be dug between the alleys, the soil from which is thrown in on the beds of cabbage, so that when finished they have a covering of four or six inches of soil. -This is not enough to cover the root however, which is left partly exposed, but this is in no way in jurious. Some prefer to cover them up at once by plowing a furrow, shoveling it out wide enough to rccieve the heads of the cab bages, then turning the soil in on the heads, and so, continuing until beds of six or eight feet are thu3 formed. This plan h rather more expeditious than the former, but it has the disadvantage of compelling them to be covered up at once by soil, while the other plan delays it two or three weeks later, and it is of the utmost importance irt preserving vegetables that the operation (particularly the final covering) be delayed as late in the season as frost will permit. Generally more is lost by beginning too soon than delaying too late. Onions, we find are best preserv ed in a barn or stable loft, in layers of from 8 to 10 inches deep, covered up with about a foot of hay or straw on tho approach of severe frosts. The great point to be attain ed is a low temperature and a dry atmos phere; they will bear L'O degreesof frot with out injury, provided they are not moved while frozon,'but they will not stand a reduc tion of temperature much lower than tin without injury. American AgrievlturalLst. nUSK MATTRESSES CHEAP, COM FORTABLE, ASD HEALTHFUL. Oar rural friends are very hospitable, when we visit them they treat us during the day with the greatest kindness, but they are of ten cruel to us at night, and mostalways con sign us to a feather bed, in the smothering depressions of which we pass a sleepless night. That a feather bed is a fit thing to sleep on, is an idea rapidly disappearing, we are happy to fay ; yet in many communities feathers still prevail, and they are looked xipo as silk dresses are, in somemcasxire an index of the wealth, or complctence cf the owner. It is quite time that all . this was changed, and comfort and health consulted, rather than show. We tay comfort, for no one after having slept for a few weeks on a hard bed,.would willingly return to fcath- ' crs. Curled hair makes the very best mat tresses, but is expensive, the next beat thing is corn husks, a cheap material, and accessi ble to alL The inner husks, or shuck, as they ara called in Eome places, allowed to curl up a little, are often used without any preperation. A softer bed L made slitting the husks in strips, half an inch or so in width ; a fork maybe used to facilitate strip ping. The1 lest husk, bed we ever saw was made from the husks of grctn corn, shred ded by drawing through a flax hatchol. Husk-beds should be opened about once- in six months the husks shaken, out from the ' fine particles and dust, be sprinkled, and al lowed to lay in the sun for awhile. Treated in this vay the husks will, bo almest a3 good as new. We give this timely hint, in order thai at husking time, those who would en joy, the luxury p a husk bed may take, mea sures to secure the neccessary material. . , - . . ' ' Bearing stems of all raspberries except the ever-bearing kinds, should bo at once cut away a3 soon as they have done fruiting. Blackberry plantations are also much easier in lied by cutting the bearing canes away ir.i i ;.y -,Ciy after they are done " fruiting. arc rotting in Ir'.S-af" - "sWi: i BONE Mill: 1 1 PURE BONE DUST." On a ran teed by printed Certificate to be entirely free from adulteration. tlConccntratnl Bone Eertfltzer," a reliable qaick yicl Jin? manure. E7"- Farmer cau order direct or throujh any re sponsible dealers. E7 A liberal discount allowed Dealers A J. IIREIMG. August 1.1SUG 2m. Allnntown, Pa. TTURRAII FOR CATA WISSA. THIS WAY FOR BARGAINS Goods to compare with stringency of the Money M artel, Look anil compare prices before purchas ing elsewhere. Just rail at the favorite business stand of McNinch Sc. Sh umati, and you will be met by the obliging Proprietors or their Clerk and gtiovvn through tbeir great variety Store free of charge, of course, they will give you a fair cbaur.e to pend ynur loose change, they trust much moio profitably than it can be spent elsewhere. Their - STOCK OF DRY GOODS, this Spring is much larger in all It varieties than usual. Their Ladies Dress Goods arc of i lie nicest styles in Market. They have a fine assortment of Hals, Cap, 5j;oN a:id NIioo, Summer Cloths, Casinets, Cassimers and Vesting.', and numerous articles common to such establish ments, besides a general assortment if HARDWARE, TINWARE, Qtiecnswsre and Groceries, all at greatly reduce I prices. They with to conduct their business on the system, of ' "PAY AS YOU GO'' and they think they can afford to sell very cheap. They return their thanks for runny past favor, and ask the future patronage, of their former customers and the public nerally. McNIXCU &. SUV MAS. May IG.16U6. tf. CREAT ATTRATION 7 J AT Ce? T r n a ry ftisocuKY stoke. THE underpinned begs leave to announce to the citizens f Blnomsburg and tli surrounding country that he keeps constat! lly on hand at In 3 old stand, on the south cast corner of Main nd Irou sts., a prime lot f G KEEN A NO BLACK TEAS, Coffee, Sittrar, Syrup. Tobacco, Cigars, Dried Fruit. (.oal Oil, nntr, Spices, Flutter. Eirgs. l.arJ mouse. Dried Beef, Crackers. Dings. Parlor and Hand Lamps, Piiints of all Hindi, aud paint brushes. Dye Stuff. Dry Goods, Calicoes, Cloths for boy's wear, Soaps, Flour, Chop, Uueengware. G!as. Put- , ty, Sa't. Fish. Meat. Candies Huckcts, Ii rooms. Hosiery. Hooks, VVritinir Paper, Ink, Hardware. Pocket Knives. Cuiiibs, dec. &cc. tc. He keeps in fact everything appertaining to a first class Wrocery and Variety Store. He is i.'ej.'rmineil not to be undersold. All kinds of produce t.lfcen at the HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. Having jul received anew Hock, the people are earnestly iuvilcd to call and satisfy themselves. By striet attention to business, he hopes not only to re- tain his pairnnase but to increase it. He feels thank ful for past favors, and with many years experience in the business, lie feels conQdent h; ran render sat isfactiuu to ail who favor him with their p-ttrona;. JUIJN K. UlttTUX, Bliomsliurs;. June 23, IpuTi. G 2ROVESTEEN&EO. Piano-Forto Manufacturers, 493 Broadway, Xtxv Yrk. THE ATTENTION of the public and the trade is invited to our GV fCt,r:, SRVEV OCTAVE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE3. which for volu.e and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of fored in this market. They contain all the modern improvements, French grand artion, harp pedal. iron frame, over-strung bass, etc., and each instrument beinz made under the personal supervision of Mr. J. H. Groves-teen, who has a pra'tical experience r f over tnirty years in tneir iuuiiu tacture, is fully war ranted in everv particular. THE "UROyF.STKF-M' PMyn-FOBTFT Received tub highest award or at the cele brated World's Fair Where were exhibited instruments from the begt makers "f I nmlon, Paris, Germany. I hiladelpliia, Baltimore, Ronton and sew York ; aid also at the American I iiiiiute for bve successive years, the Gold and Silvfr Medals from bot!i of which can be seen at our ware-rooms. Kv the introduction of improvements we make a Mill more perfect Piano forte, and by manufacturing la'iely, with a stiictly ca'h .y-lem, are maided to oiler tbc e instruments at a price which will preclude all competition . Our priees are from IU0 to $ 0U cheaper than any first clas Piano-fort". TIC'-'MS Net Cash in current funds. Inscriptive cirrulnrs sent free! i July 11, 1c 60. ly. II. it P. Ey, Colis:!i.i Co. Pa. 'Phe undersijned havin? become sole proprietor ol 1 well known and conveniently located stand, respectTuIly informs hi friend", and the public in ireneral, that h ; has put his boiie in complete order for the ncrcmiiioftrftimi of ho.-.rders, and for the reren- tioti and entertainment of travellers who may feel disposed to favor it with their custom. i expense has been spared in preparing this Hotel f r th" enter tain men I of guests, and nothing shall be wantin". on his p irt. to Miinistur to their personal comfort. The location, as well as the buildins, is a rood one. and all togutbci is amply arranged to please Hie pnt.lic ISUAto JICMEY. Kspy. April II, I.-JC6. tf. LOOMSBURG FA'CY TRIMMING AT30 SOOK S70H, Becond dcor below ll.irtrnan's Main Street. Just received a new stock of ZEPHSU3. WOOLEN AND rnT- TO V YARNS, COBSETS, LACES, EMP.ROIDEUIE, MCSLl.V.EDGiriGS, DHEeS TRIMMING?. and every variety of articles usually kept in a AlsoSciiool Rmiks. Hymn Hooks, llibles. Sundav- School Hooks, and a large lot of MI WELL A NEO E.S B O OA'S, Account and Memorandum Bonks, Llank Deeds. Houds and Mortzu;es. and a ceueral and well-select. ed assortment of Paper, Envelopes. Sce. A. D. WEDB. Btnombiirg, June 20, 130(5, -.f THE undersijned respectfully nunonnce to the l public that he keeps constantly on hand, at his old Maud, one door below Lutz's Drug Store. WALL PA FEU, Oil Cloth, and Pfper Window Shades, Cords. Tas- -.. iiciurps,, acc., oi me very E. J.TilORTOX. Eloom'burf , April 4 166C. If M. WIIITMOYER, ATTOISIY - AT - LAW, BLOOMSBURG, P4, Office opposite Post ojjice, over Harlmun's store. Back Fay, Bounty, Pensions and Gov ernment claims promptly collected. Elooinsbnrg. Apr. 4. 'Pi. WRAPPING AND MINING PA PEK. Having thoroughly overhauled my Pa per Hills at Milt Grove, near Bloorosbur. Columbia County, Pa.. I am now prepared to till all orders for Wrapping, Dry Blasting aud Water ProofPaper, on short notice and fair , rice. I have opened a ware house in Wilkan-Rarre, end appointed Joseph Brown ol the firm of Brown, Grayi Co., my agent to dispose of my paper in Luzerne County. , i THOMAS TEENCO, Bloomsburjr. gept. 16, SAMUEL KNORR, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW,-- BLCOaSBmC, PA. THE PERUVIAN SYRUP -L 13 A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE Protoxide of Iron, a new discovery in medicine which STRIKES AT THE ROOT OF DISEASE, IJY supplying the Blood w ith its vital i-rihcipl. or liver ilmuit-IRON. This is the secret of tho wonderful success of this - . remedy in curing Djspepdia, Liver Ooruplaint, Dropsy, Cbronic Diarrhoei, IioiU, Nervous . Affettions, Chilla and Fever, Humors, Loss of Consti tutional vigor, Diseafes of ihe Kidneja & Bladder, Female Complaiots, nd all diseases originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Debility or a low state of the system Being free from Alcohol in any form. Irs enerviz. ins eft", cts are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing strength, vicor nnd New Life inte all pnrtsof the system, and buiidim up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY From the Venerable Archdeacon Si'OTT. I. D. Dunham. Canada Ea-t, March H, 105. am an inveterate Dvsnentie of than 25 years' standing." "I have so wonderfully benefitted in the three short weeks during which I have ued tho Pe ruvian oirup.uiai i can scarcely persuade niysdlnf Ihe reality. People who liav known me are aston iurd at the change, tutu widely known an, I can but recommend to others that which has done so mucn lor mi: m- A CASE OF 27 YEARS STANDING CURED. From INSLEY JEWETP, Nn .i Avon Place. Boston 1 havl snflered. and so:iiet:ines veverely. for 'J years, Imm dyspeptic, I coiniuenced taiu? the Pe ruvian syrup, and found immediaie benefit from it. In tle course ofthre. or four weeks I was entirely relieved from my sulieritigs, and have enjoyed unin terrupted health ever since." AN EMINENT DIVINE OF BOSTON, PAYS: I have been using the Peruvian Sj rup for some time past; it gives me new Vigor.Buoyancy of spir its. Elasticity of flu-cte." Thousands have been, chavged by Ihe ve vfthia remedy from weak, tir.klg, suffering creature, to strati-. hra!tlaj: and kappm men and romen; mnd invalid cannot reasona bly hesitate to gire It m trial, A pamphlet of 'ii pajres containing certificates of cures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physicians', clergymen, and others, will be sent prkk to any address. (Tt'ee that each bottlehaa Plrovi Syrup blown in the glass. FOIl SALE BY I. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 3d Oev Kt.N'en York SOLD BY ALL DKUCULST-S. JCROFULA. "All Medical Men apree that IOpiNE is the BEdT REMEDY for rrifula and all kindred diseases ever discovered. The Uitficulty has been to obtain a Pure Solbtiom of it. 15i, 5. A aiders' Icdine Water fsa Pure Solution of Iodine, WITHOUT A SOL VFXT 1 1 Containing a Full Gram to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalizing Agent and Restorative. iixseuredand will cure SCROFULA in all its mani fold forms. ULCERS, CANCF.Rd. SVPHILIS.SAt.T RHEUM ; and it has been us .-d with astonisbin success in ca ses of Rheumatism, lly epep-iaf ton sumption, Fein ale Cn:np!aiiits, Heart, Liver and Kidney liae ist s.. Circulars will bu sent fkes to any one seuimg their aUilress. Price $1,(0 a lioUlc. or fi for $j.:m) Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Physician Sc. Chemist.? For Sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 3G Dey St. New Y And by all Druggists. yyiSTAR'S BALSAM OF HAS BEEN USEI FOR NEARLY HALF A CENTURY, w ith the most asto!.ihing success in curing Coughs, Col'J?,lIoarceness, Sore Ttiroat Itflueczt, Whooping coagh, Croup, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, biffi cultj of Breathing, Asthma, a 1 ever y affec tion of THE TMOATtLUXGS CUES7. which carries ofT more victims than anv other dis ease and which hatH 's the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than anv other malady, often YIELDS TOTHI- REMEDY when all others prove inelfjctual. AS A .MEDICINE Rapid in Relief, southing in Elfjct, safo in its Oper ation. IT IS UNSURPASSED ! while as a preparation. free from noxious 'n?rerjnent poisons, or minerals ;iniling skill, scirni medi cal knowledge ; combining all that is valuable in the vegetable kingdom for this class of disease, it is INCOMPARABLE ! and is entitled, merits, and receives the general con fidence of the public, SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Mermrn. N. Y.. rit--s a follows : Wistar's Balsm or VVn.o Oaf rkt fives trniversal t-altai tion. It seems to cur-: a ou'li by loose mug anil cl aiiMii? the Iiiml's an.l ull.iyiH irril;Mioii thus removiiis the cause, niirt' a.l of drying up the couuli and leating the cause behind. 1 consider the liaSam a go d as any, if not the best, Coun'h medicine wnh which am acquainted." Rev. Jacob Seculf.r, of Hanover, Pa. Well known und mucli respected amon; the fiennin pnpulal-oii in tins country. makes the following state ment (or the benefit of Hie nlllicted. Dear ibs Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuable prepara tion V.'i.taes IIalsam or Wild Ciikrry it atlorile me pleasure to recommend it to the puLlic. rome eiht yeurs ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a de cline an-i little hpe of her recovery were entertain ed 1 then procured a bottle of your excellenr ts.ilemn, and before she had taku the "hole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I Tive,in my individual case made frequent use ot your valuable uicdicioe.aud have always been benefitted by it. . J AC03 SECIILER. Trice One Dollar a Bollle. FOR SALE BY J. r. DIXSMORE.36 Dey Street. New York tsETII -W FOWLE, U SON, Proprietors,, lloston. AS J BT ALL SRUOQISTS. G RACES Celebrated Salvo CURES CUTS.BURNS, SCALDS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES WOUNDS.BRUISES. SPRAINS, Grace's Celebrated iSalve CURES EOILS. ULCERS, CANCERS. Graces Celebrated J- alve CURES SALT RHEUM, ERYSIPELAS. Grace's Celebrated Salve CURES CIIAPPtD HANDS. CHILBLAINS, Grace's Celebrated Salve HEALS OLD SORES, FRESH Itis prompt in action, removes jain at onec. and re duces the most angry-looking swellines and imfla mations. as if by magic tbua afiordinig relief aud a complete cure. ' Only S3 eents a box I (Sent by mi ll for 13 cents,) . For -Sale by J. P. DIVSMORB 36 Oey Street, New York. 8. W. FOVVE tc SON, Proprietors, Boston, and by all '1 r-. ...... M r- -. .-i,,,., , r1 BUSINESS fJOLLECE N. E Cor. Tenth and Chestnut Streets. PHILADELPHIA. The most complete and thorousbly appointed Busi ness or Commercial College in I be country. .. The only one in the city possessing a Legislative Charter, and the only one in the United States author ized to confer Degrees of Merit. Diuplomas awarded to graduates in the Commercial Course under its co r porate seal by authority of law. Conducted by geutleiuen of liberal education and extensive experience in business, nnd affording une qualled advantages for llio thorongli theoretical and piactical education of young men lor the various du ties and employment of business life. THEORY AND PRACTICE COMBINED by a of system ACTUAL BUSINESS TRAINING! original and pre eminently practical, giving the stu dent in the shortest time a romp lete iriclit into the routine, dctnls, riiiitoin and forms of business in ireneral. as conducted in the best regulated commer cial and financial establishments. THEORETICAL IIOOK KEF.PIVf Upon a new plan, with an original exposition of the science of accounts, arranged and published hv the proprietor ofthis Institution exclusively for bis own use. saving one-half the ordinary labor of the student anil ci vi up him a complete knowledge of tin practice of the best accountants. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE EMBRACES Brskeopiog.Con'iEcrcial Ariihmetic,Pen Uiansl.ip, Business CorrerpoDdence, Commercial Law, Lectured on Business Affairs, Commer cial Customs, Forms, and Actual Busi ness pMctic. SPECIAL BIMNCHE-?. Hgebra and the Higher Mathematics, Phonoirrnphif, Or namentat Penmanship, the .1rt o, lrtec'ig CoHHtmfeit ,1jnry, F.ngine.etng Sur veying, A'ariga'.ijn, and TleerapUing , TEI.EtiH . I'll I VfJ. The arrangements lor I eirgrapuing are far more ad vance of anything of the kind ever oflered to the pub lic. A regular Tele raph Line is connected with the Institution wi'h twenty branch offices in various parts of the ciy, where public business is transacted, and in which Ihe studcHts of this Institution are per muted to practice. No regular ntfiee practice can be bad in anv otter school of instruction in t'te country, without which no one can obtain a position as a prac tical operator. Youue men are cautioned against the deceptive representations of those who, without any such facilities, pretend in t neh Telegraphing PATRONAUE. This Institution is now enjoying the largest patron tronng ever betowed upon ilny Commercial school in tne Mate. Over five hundrec students were in atten dance the first year, and over seven hundred during the past year. The best class of students may inva riably be found here, and all its associations aretfrst clasw. LOCATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS. This Institution is located in the most central part of the city, and its aceommoilations. for extent, ele gance and convenience, are unsurpassed. All the rooms have ieen fitted up in the very best style with I'USIXESS OFFICES OR COUNTING HOUSES. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, STATIONARY STORE. AND A RKOTLAR BANK OF DEPOSIT AND ISSUE, supplied with finely encraved lithographic notes used as a circulating medium in the Department of Actual Business. TO YOUWa .TSBJ who desire the very b-st facilities for a rraclical hducatio:. lor tasinrss, we gitaran tee a course of instruction no where elst equalled, while the reputation and standing of the Institution among business men make its endorse inent the best passport to success and advancement. Ail contemplating entering any Commercial College, are invited to send for an I LLl'STK ATED CIRCULAR AND CATALOGUE containing complete interior views of the Colleee, and full particulars of the course of instruction, terms, tc. L. FAIS3.L!$, 1. M , President. T. E. MERCHANT, Supt. of Office Business, Nov. 4. lci,5 l-Jin. D RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Pure Medirines, at John R, Mover's Prui Store. corner o Main and Market Streets. A good assort ment of PVR 13 ES!irS, Medicines. Taints. Oils and Varnishos, alwavs on hard, and will be cold cheaper than at any other Dri g Store in lown. QUALITY GUARANTEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded at Moyer's Drug Store, Ayers and Jaynes Medicines sold at Moyer's Drug Store, Wi-hirt s Tar Cordial. Baker's Cod Liver Oil, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, sold at foyer's Drug Store. For any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's Drug Store. Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at J. R. Moyer's I'rug Store, Blooiusburg, Pa. May a, l.-iio. tf. JEW QOAL YAllD- The underigned respectfully informs the citizens of l.loom-b'irz and Columbia county , that they keep II Hie different numbers of stove coal an J selected lump coal for sanjliins purpose, on their wharf, ad joining VcKelvv, Neal itCo's Furnaee ; with a good pair Buffalo scales on the w weigh coal, hay and straw Taken ne a horse and wagon, to deliver coal to thoe who desire it. As we purchase a larce amount of coal, w e Intend to keep a superior article, and sell at Hie very lowest priees. Please call and examine for yourselves before purchaingelscu here. J. W. IIKNDEt.S'iOT. AUGUSTUS MASON. THE undersisned will tnke, in exchange for Coal and Groceries, the following named articles : Wheat. Rye, Corn, tints. Potatoes, Lard, I'aiu. Slioul der, and side meat. Butter, Ktrg. Hay, 4.C , at the highest cash prices, at his Grocery Store, adjoining their cnaH yard. J. W. II E N DEttSIIOT. l;iooiu-burg, April 2., liiti, ly. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. y tt r 1 .0 0 M S V, U KG , C 0 OSILUMIJIA CO., PA. U 3 1 ,v" THE siiborrihe pi Si I -l.Ti tensive establish v--i- f1" pared to rc ME subscriber, proprietor named r- ment, is now receite orders Ail Ki:ids of Machinery, for Co'leries, Pdast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILLS, THRESHING M ACHI N ES. &C-. 4.C. He is also prepared to make Stoves, nil sizes and pHttcrns, p'ow-irons, and everything usually made in fu st -class Foundries. His exu-nsive facilities nnd practical workmen, war laut linn in rec.iving the largest contracts on the in -t rejgonable terms. LLT Grain of all kinds w III be taken in exchange foi ca.-Uini. HJ This estallihment is located near the t. ark a na na & r.Ioom.-burg Railroad Depot. PETEIt EILLMYEK. blaoinsburg, Sept. 12. IiC3. E5NTISTRY. XT C. II O W E R, JL SaRGION DBKTIST. RFSPECTr ULLY ortershis profej,,. ional services to the ladies and eentle men of PI omsburgand vicinity, lie is npfttnreft in ulTpiirf li all t h .. . . i i i ar iqii operations in the line of liis profession nnd is provided withtlie latest improved P')HCF.l1 JV TF.KTlf; whirl w-II lu inserted on gold platina silver and rubber br e tolo(wll as the teeth Mi'tpnl plate and block teeth manufaettired nn all 0 eriilions ou teeth .rarefy !ly and properly attended to. Itewitence and otrire a few doors above the Court II u-ie. same side. lJIxi.iisburg, June 6 1G3 A. J. EVAiVS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, JSearly opposite the Epicojml Church. LOTHING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. T Y stock is composed of fine clothiny, medium ill and low priced adapted to all conditions, tastes and wants. He has the latest styles tor the season a fine assortment of Overcoats and Gfiillenien's ShawJs, from low to the very best His Goods ate Faifiionnble anil well Mailt. In addition to my stock of ready-made clothing I have piece goods for custom orders, Cloths, Casiisierey, &c, &c. And having one of the first class cutters, I guaran var ?' " eage anJ Klre at'5faction. Also a V" "U'COLEX AXD LIXEX ShIIlTS, Stockines, Neckties. Collars. Stocks. Handkerchiefs everything in the gentlemen's line of clothing.. Also, liats, lioots jud thoes. Trunks aud carpet bags. 1 will sell at the lowest Market prices. Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. ANDK.EW J. EVANS, Bloomsburg, Nor. 15, I8A5. g90 A MOXTUU Agents wanted rT for fr' tntirelu m In.i A a. new artU. just out. . Ad- J'-,..l-i;..- r. 4 llLLLU'NSTORi;. OF Spring niirt .Susciisipr Good.. rpllE subscriber has just returned from the cities JL with another large and select assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, purchased at Philadelphia and (Vew York, at the lowest figure, and which be is determined to sell on as moderate terms as can be procured elsewhere iu Blotimshurg. m His rtock comprises LADIES BBESS GOODS nf the choicest styles and latest fasuions together wuli a large assortment of DRY-GOODS, MUSLINS, CLOTHS, and Vtstings. Also. Groceries, Hardware, Cedar Ware, Hollow-ware, Nails, Iron, & O. O X & A tt U JS It O E , lints and Caps, tc. In short, everything usually kepi in a country -tores, to w hich lie invites the at tention of the public generally. The highest price will bo paid for country produce in exchange lor goods. S. II, MILLER. Illoomshurg. Nov. ?i. Hfia. I i U It A i C Hi CO. 12 5A A Y, WILKES-BARRE. PENNA. CAPITAL AXD Sli7fuTs, - - $150, ASSETS. Stork not called in, -Hills receivable, -U. S. 0 -JO lion-Is, Teniporarv and call loans. S'.o.ooti 40.IKM) 'J.VlKMI ti.003 I It:) shares Vt joining llir.k Stoefc, ,-0 5ti hares rirst National I'.anK ;.t Wi Ik -I! tr re, 0 tiltO T'l shares Second National l:ank at ilkes-llarre ?.' i 4i cliiires Ilkes-ISarre bridge Mock, - - -J .V-0 Real Estate, I.jl-.l Judgments, in Due from Agents and outers, ... 7,414 Cash in hand and in Hank, .... 1,1-4.2 KlKKCxilRS. G. M. HOLt.EN HACK, L. D. SHOEMAKER. JOHN It E I C 1 1 A K D. II. M. lloYT, S X.MI'EL U'ADIIAVIS, O. OLI.V5. CHARLFS DOURANCE, Wm. S. ROSS, R D. l,Milli. CHAlil-E-A MINER, SiEWART PIERCR, ( M HARDING. CM HOLI EN'tAl K. President. L. D. SHOEMAKER. Vice Vret't. II. C. S.IITI1. SecraTarT. F. BROWN. Agent, March 3. lCj . i msbiirg. Pa, G REAT IMPROVEMENT IN SE If JNG MA Cll W: S Empire ShJitlJr .12:n'.isic ! SALESROOMS. 53f Hroadway. N. Y., 2.".0 Uashinton ft eet. Ilo-toii. i'-I Che. nut Street. Philadi Iphia, PATENTED FEB. 14. Io0. THIS MACHINE is constructed on entirely new prm.-iplcs of mechanism, pnsesing many rare and valuable iuipri vemenls. i:avin2 been examined by the most profound exports and pronounced i o be St'nij Ji'cif! nnd Prrfcction Combined. It has a straight needle, perpendicular nrtinn. makes the LOI K or SHI TPLE f l'lTCII, which will neither RIP nor RAVEL, and is a ike on both sides ; performs perfect lewing on every description of material, from leather to the finest Nansook muslin, with cotton, l:nen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the finest number. Having neither CA V? or COG VUEr;i-and thel.'ast possible friction, it runs as smooth as glass, and is Emphatically a A'aiWIcss Jfitchittc. It requires FIFTY PER CENT, less power o drive itlbanany other machine in the market.' A girl twelve years of age can work it sleaili y. witnout fatiiriie or Injury to health Its Strength an J womlerful Simplicity ofConstruc tion renflers i. Hlnmf t impossible to get out of order, and is G 1' A R -VNTEED by the company to give en tire satisfaction. We respectfully invite all those who may desire to supply lliemst Ives wittf a siiperi r article, to come and examine this UM(IYALLKI) MACHINE. One half hour's instruction is eutiu i. nl to enable any person to work this machine to their tal-i-l.iclion. Agents wanted for all towns i i the United States, here ng-ncies are not already established Also, for Cuba. Mexico. Central and South America, to uLiUiii a lilieral discount will h civen. tMPlRESEWlG MACHINK MF'fi CO.. 53' Krnudway, N. Y, TO YES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT. Announces to his many friends and numerous ru tomers that he continues the above business at his old place of business on MAIN fcl'KEET, llLOO.MS 11 L KG. His customers and others can be accnmmodited with FANCY STOVES nr.1l L ii .4 .. Ct..An:n.. 'T' : .. .. 1 article found in all well reculnted STOVE AD TINWARE LSTA IlLlSli M ENTS in the cities. and on the most reasonable terms. Zy SPOUTING, for houses and h'rni, will be put up on short notice. Also, all kinds of repuriur dona promptly and unon liberal terms. He also keeps on hand a larie supply of Milk Pans, of dirter-nt and prices ; b.-sides a tine as sortment of Fisher's Paten. .-elf-Scaling Fruit Pre serving Cans. Give In in a call July H. IrV.ti.-lf. AYKAR ina.'e by any one with leurii l oo is ,o experience :."lrV ll,.. ... .. : J .... a .... 'T ' nenes- iers, and Treasurers ol J Hanks indorse the rirrular. Sent free with samP'es. Aildre-s III'! American Sten cil Tool Works. Springfield, Vermont August I, I .-!')(. Hill. J 00,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FECNING BOARDS I OR sain. The undersigned offers for sale upon the most reasonable terms, nt liis place of business, in KENTON. COLUMI IA COUNTY, hundred thou sand shingles and a larce lot of fencinir boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. McilEXRY. Rtnton, May 9, lt-Cfi. ' . in. i iviinL'ii., .au- Wit. C. llt.NS7.EY, Oro. W. CARFC.HTKR. Established 1S28. G. IF. CARrENTEII, IIEXSZE V & CO. WHOLESALE DRUGGIST?. 737 Markkt St. one door below th. Pi-iladelpitia. 1 DRUGS. MEDICINES, CHEMICALS. PAINTS OILS. GLASS. VARNISHES, DYES, Aud every other article appertaining to the' business, of tlntiest quality, and at the lowest Market Rates. March 2. 1?r.r.. T I til ! Mill ! lTf!l! JL SrRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH ! WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will l ure The llcli in 4S Hours. Also cures SALT RHEUM. CM'ERS. CHIL RLA1NS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN, "rice id cents. For sale bv all Druggists. By sending r0 cents to WEhKS &. POTTER.Sole Acents, t7u Wash incton street, Boston, it Will bo forwarded bv mail, free of postage, Jo any part of the L'uited States. June 0, l?o0. ly. pORKS HOTEL, r x - - - j; - ir.s -. . v v.-. l GEO. IF. MATGER, Proprietor. The above well known hotel has recently under gone radical changes in its internal arrangements, and its proprietor announces to his former custom and the travelling public that his accommodations for the comfort of liis guet-ts are second to none in the country. His table will always be found sup plied, not ouly with iubstantial food, but with all the delicacies of the sea-on. Hi wine and liquors (except that popular beverage known as 'Melhnry;) purchased direct from tie importing houses, are en tirely pure, and free fr( m all poisonous drugs. He is thankful for a liberal patronage in'Uio past, and will continue to deserve it in the future. ifirv;nfcjUJLia3 fj JYcw Slock of Clothing. Spring a ii (I StiBGistser opSs. 1NVITFS attention to liis stock of cheap and fash ionable Clothing at his Store, on MjJIS STREET, BLOOMSBUBG, two doors above the Ji mi ricau Iuuse, where he has jut received from New York and Phi ladelpbia, a lull assortment of Ulcfli and ISuy'sClothiiig, including tho most fesbionahlo, durable aud hand some, DlibSS GOODS, consisting of hx, Hack, Fiofkt Cum and Oil Clot!. Coals, and Pants, of all sorts. ize, and colors. He also has replen ished his alieady largo stock of Kull irtid Winter Shawls; striped. Mgured and plain Vests, shirts, cravats, stiM-k. collars, handkerchiefs, gloves, sus penders and faiify articles. N H. lie bus constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of Cloths mi l Vesting, w hich he is prepared to make up to or! r, into any kind of clothing on very short notice-and in tun best of in. li ner. All his clothing is made to wear and most of it is of home in n nil lac tu re. AND Of every Description, Fine and Cheap. His Case of Jewelry is not surpassed in this placf. ("all and ex amine his geueral afsortiuent of Clothing, Watches, Jewelry, Sic. ice DAVID LOWENBURG. Hlonuisburg, April 20, IcUJ. J JENRY G1GER, Hast oprurda first diss BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CA? ST0HH, At bis old stand r,n Main Street Rloomshuii;. His stock is composed of tlm very latest and bet styles ever oirnred tu Ihe riti7.-ns of Columbia C uiny. He ce u urcoMiiiioilnte tfie public with the follow ing kinds nnd price -: Men's calf boots, fine, gl.l 0 to 9.01 kip. double sole, 3 75 to ." 7. Hoys child's bouts. I.T5lo4.. Men's glove kid. Congress, &.C., S all to 5,70 " " Hal. Shoes, 1 tin to 3.0 I women's boys and mis-cs glove kid listing (tniti rs, 1.75 10 5.7." Women's Bl.ive kid, very fine, 3 J jto5 75 fine goat bilmnrpls, 2 5n to 4 00 '' nn n's morocco and call shoes, !" to .Ml cniiimoii shoes, 1 M to -i 5:1 Misses and Child's shoes, 0.-5 to 1 tiU Men's, w omen's, misses', boys and childs lipp.-rn. 0,25 to 1.00 He also keeps a trreat variity of HATS, CAPS and a TEA II' GOODS of every kind, at the lowett prices, both for Cash an Country produce. Remembei the attraction is in our good. Don't be alarmed at tho cry of Inch priees, but call and see for yourselves. Respectfully, HENRY G IGER. - Lloomsburg. July II, l.-'f.O. Lackawanna & Clooiusburx Railroad. C-3T TWO DAILY TRAINS. ON AND AFTFR NOVKMRER 27, IS05, PAS SENGER TRAINS WILLRLN AS FOLLOWS: LEAVE SOUTHWARD, P M PM A M. Leave Scrantnn, 4 40 65) Kingston. b.OO (.55 " llloomsl urg. t) 20 Arrive at Northuuiberland i.5f) 10 y.i LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M PM Leave Northumberland. 7.00 5 no Danville. 740 .140 Illoomsburg, 6.25 i ii.l Arrive at Serai. ton, 12 40 10 15 Trains leaving Kingston at A: M for Scrantnn connect with Train arriving at NewYork nt 5.-'0 Lea vin2 Nurtliumlie' land at i'.IW A'l Kingston 2 .10 p. M , connect with Traill arriving at New York at 10 55 P. M. P.isi;ner taking Train South from Scraiiton at 5 51 A M via .N o-tliumberland.reat h Harrishurs I -J ISO P M. Baltimore 5 V.) P M.. W ashincton 10 OOP M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 7 OOP M. 1L A. FONDA, Supt. Kinifpton. Nov, 25. 18(35. rJMIE .NEW COMBINED WITH IODIDE OF LIME, PHh.PAHT.D FOR C. W. PETTES, EOSTON, By JA3IKS It. NICHOLS & CO. J fa ufacturiitf CheiH'sfx, MANUFACTURERS OFTUE ELIXIR PEUUYIAX BARK WITH FrotoxuJc of Era ii, Which has beccnie so favorably known as a 7'O.VC J!.YO IFF.. Ry Physicians and Invalids in all parts of the coun try. The new preparation, '5.-1rsapan!la in combina tion with of Lime," presents one of the mol prompt alterative Hen's, in a form capable of exert Jcs lull action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded that tin-alterative resi.lvent. or tonic effects of Iodine, are eiert ed in oi-t decidedly wuen nssoci-ited with ether alt- r nvives. in combination ; and the Sarsnp irilla seems to fulfill perfectly all ihe favorable re-itiigii jons. The first lie it usually observed when "S RSAPAH ILLA WITH IODIDE OF LIME" is taken, is an Increase of appetite showing that it has tonic of a marked character. Its al leratrve ert'.'cts are uiauitesl in its ready combina tion with the blood and tissues Pale.' t croi'ulnus women anil chil Ire n improve rapidly under its use, and the vital fanelions assume a nealthv condition. It is admirably adapted to a large fluitber of ihr n ic or acute air. t tious peculiar to clnl.iren It is suit ed to them both by the mildness a nd efficiency of medieinal eirect and the pleasant, attractive form of the remedy. It may be given for a lon period where constitutional irfl.iences are dcired, an. I no repug nance, or uisiucimal on to take the yrup, encoun tered, lu White Swellings. llip-Joiut Disease, and Distortions of the Spine, it should be given persist ently, in moderate dotes, until relief is obtained Iu the Sprint of (he Year, and during the Warm Wait her, the accumulation of morbid matters in the system serins to beconte manifest and very troublesome Las situ.le, Heartache. Uoils, Cosfi veness. Loss of Appe tite, Pains in tlie Joints, Indigestion, etc , are. very coi.iiiiou. Nothing ever devise. I i b.-tier adapted to exterminate or d ive oirihes- air ction than Him new coinbn aiion of SARSAl'ARH.l.A WM'!1 IODIDE OF LI mi;. A o preparation likr ii, or vliick approximates to ii as an Altera tt'rrt nr Bl ,'td Pu) i'h"r, has eeer brfvrc btfu plnr, d irilliinthc rtarh of inrahds. Indeed, it is ail entirely ! an. I s. tv.N rint: combina tion, in no rcsrect resemoliug anything Litlieito em ploved. The opinion of medical men concerning it. the de scription of its chemical i haraeter. therapeutic val ue, manner of use, etc.. are given iu a circular, which ran be had at the elwre of any and all first class Dru'ststs. Cr- Sold in P.loomshure. w holesale am retail by Eyerie Mover, and all Druggists June 0, 1 SiC. (".in. MANHOOD : now lost now restored. JUST robHshed, in a seled enve lope. Price C tents. A lecture on the nature, treatment mid radical cure of Spermatorhoea, or Seminal Weaknass Invo'untary Emissions, sexual D-bility and Imped iments to Marriage generally. Nervousness. Con sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self Abuse, Ac. I!y Rob ert J. Culverwell, M, IV. author of th i 'Green Book,' fcr. The world renowned author, in this admirable Lec ture, clearly proves from his own experience, that the aw fill consequences of Self-Abuse maybe eff-ct-ually removed without Medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure nt once certain and effectual, by which tvery sullerj-r. no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically, This Lee lure will prove a boon to thousands. Sent under sea' to any address, in a plain envelope, on receipt ot sit cents ortwo postage stamps. Also Dr. Cul vcrwell's Marrige Guide, price 25 cent. Address, CHAS. S. C. KLINE t CO.. 127 Rowery. New York, P. O. box 43G. August 15, lfCtf, ly Peas Sc. Co. mm u -" i r'r t-r AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Mary JfiJJcr, bite of Mtdison Toicnship, Columbia County, dte'd. THE Legatees and all other parties interested in the estate of Mary P. lliller. deceased, w ill take notice that the un.lersiened appointed by the Or phan's Court of said coualy, auditor, to audit and make distribution of the balance in the hands of Dan iel Emmet, surviving executor of the said Mary P. Miller, deceased, will meet the parties interested in the said estate, at th j otfire of the Register of Wills in and forthe county f Columbia, at Uloonnburg on 1 hursday the fib. day of November next, when and where all parties interested can attend If the see proper and present their claims or be debarred from coming in for a share of Hit fund . ft.H.BALDY, Auditor. FOUTZ'5 .,r CILKBBATXS . Hotsb aid Cattle Pollers This preparation, long and favorably known, will thor oughly reinvlgoraU broken-down s and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleansinp the stomach and intes tines. It is a sure pre ventive of all dis eases Incident to this animal, such LUNG FEVEB, GLANDERS, YELLOW WA TF.R, II E A V ES. COUGHS, DIS TEMPER, FE VERS, FOUNDER LOSS OF APPE TITE AND VITAL ENERGY, fcc Its uic improves the wind, increases the appetite-gives a smooth and srlossy skin nnd transforms the miserable skeleton horse. Into a fine-looking and spirited To keepers of Cows this prenarsUnn (. It increases the quantity and improves the quality ui uie milk, it has been proven by ao tual experiment to Increase the quan tity of milk and cream twenty per cent, and ttn&ke the butter firm and sweet. In fattening cattle, It frives tbeia an appetite, loosens their hide, and ; makes them thrive In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulcers ia the Lungs, Liver, kc., this article sets as a specific. By putting from i one-hair a paper to a paper in a barrel of swill the above diseases will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, a certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. Price 25 Cents per Paper, or 5 Papers for $L PBEPAEED BY S. V. FOUTZ .Ss BRO., AT THEIR wnoLF.suE nnin axd medicine depot. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md. For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeiers through out the United States. 17" For sale at the Drug Store of EYEn ij-'MOYER, Lloomsburg Ta. Rloomsliurg, Jan. C. IHGfi. 12mo. , DR. W. II. WIHTMOK, HAS been In snecessfel practice for a number cj years, with the experience of the different hos-pital-in Europe, also a member of the Analytical vieiliral Institute of New Y rk, conti lues to attend to nil prolVssional cases at his office No. ii'U Filbert Street, Philadelphia. 2. o patent Medicines are used or recommended ; th remedies administered are those which will not break cowu the constitution, but renovate the sys tem from all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave the system in a beallby and perfectly cnr.'d condition. 3. DVSPEPSIV that distressing disease and fell degtrnyer of health and happiness, undermining the con titnti in r.uj ycnily carrying thousands to Un timely craves, can most emphatically be cured, 4. Mi 'ancholy, Abherration. that state ot Allna tion and weakness of the mind which renders per sons incapable ol enjoying the pleasures or perfwnn ins th" duties of life, 5. RHElJMATIvijin any form cr condition.chron ia or acute, warranted curable. ', EPILKPSV.or falling sickness, all chronic or stubborn cases of FEMALEBISEASES radica'ly removed ; Sa t Rt.eum and every descrip tiou of ulcerations : Piles and scrofulous diseases w hirh have haltl 'd all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment ; and I !o say all disease. Cyes Consumption) ran be cured by wearing my Medi cated Jacket, which is a protection to the lungs against all chances of weather in all clunatess hav ing tovestieated for year" the cause and character ol iiileriniUenls (fever ami ague) iu all parts of the United Slates will cure permanently ail chronic or acute caccs of ague aud nervous piscabcs ia a few davs. tuticcr Cured without the knife or Drawing Biocd. Tape Worm, that dread to the Human Family for years, can be removed with two or thjve aoses of ny newly discovered remedy, warranted in all eases. Consultation in the English and German Languages free of charge. Will make visits any distance, if desired May be address by letter (confidential! v.) and tleilic.tne seel with proper directions to fcny part ol thu country. OFFICE r.'o, D23 Filbert SL Thila. April 4. 18fit' ly. DK. J. Rs LTANS', r!ivician acd Surgeon, f AVINli Itn-aied pfrmaneiiily on Main turn. RLOOMIJITKG. Pa., wonWl in- (orin the public eenera'ly. that he is preprared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may be intrusted to his care, ou tcruis commensu rate uitu the times, XT" He pays strict attention to Surgery as welt as meiiiriiie.j Nov .'Jo. 1 to3. ly. M. M. TUAUGII, ATTO 11 & KY-AT-Ll W, BL00fSBl'RG, Pa. Will pra ctice. in the several Courts of Columbia and adjoining counties. JI 5" All Collections promptly attended to. J une -'I, I rtiii. CHAS. G. BARKLE Y, AJJornev at L:nv, UL003ISCIRG, COLUMBIA CO., PA. U7ILL practice in the several Courtsof Columbia County. All leeal bnsmess intrusted to his caie shall receive prompt attention. (iffice-On Main Mreel, Exchange Buildings, over Miller's Store. Uloomsburg. April 13, Hf 4 Jnf ice of I lie Trace, Licensed Lonreyancer Scrivener, and Snrveyor. r?icc Eeaver Valley, Ta. Will attend to t, king Acknowledgements. Write De-ds, Mortn ises. Leases. ISonds. Notes, Agree ments, kc. isorveying attended to with despatch, Ch rces moderate. GROCERIES AND EPM n I. L. havine boucht L. Runyon's TRO i VISION" tsT 'RE is now prepared to sell Grocer ies at Whole sale or Retail, as Cbcap as the Ceap- 'ciSiHK YOU CAX FIKU SL'GAKS, TKAS. COFFEES. SYRUPS. SPICES, CRACKERS STARCH. SODA. CORN STARCH. DRIED FRUIT. CANNED FRUIT, VOO DEN -WARE, FLOUR, FISH, REANS. ONIONS, ic, &c. EPH. W. EL WELL. Plootnsburg Feb H, lgf.G. t&l On VVAX YEAR! We wtnt 4 'J lvlr IU ur improved SJ0 Sewing Machines. Three to ppII neW Kln.ta ITnHA. n.l r I . . - "yvri iccu. tvarrantea rive VenrS. A llll'n .l,r. nr I.... iuiiiiiiii.,IUIj pain. Ihe ON L Y machines in the United StMes Tories man wiiicii are Hilly licensed by Howe, Wheel er & i son, C.rov-r St P.aker. Si nger St Co . and Bacheldrr. All olhrr cheap Machines are Infringe ments and the seller or user are liable to arrest, lino ami imprisonment. Circulars free. Address or tall upon Shaw & Mailt. Biddelord, .Me., or Chicago III. December SO. lfiij ly. OMNIBUS LINE. TI.THUn'.,"r"'enP,d.W0U,d 'opcctfully snnoanceto an OMNIIiCS LlXli, be- f?! tween lace and the dif. J?-' lerein tt ui uuarj Depots dai- Ju-ijr)3t:'t ly. (Suildavs rironic.l in connect with the several Trains gojn South a Wet on the Cataw,gsa and William-pfirt RaH Koad and Hh those gomg North and South on the Lack Clooinshurg Road, -cK, t IlisOMMBLS-ES arc in pood condition comme, apersonfw a K e' a"d fh"M rZZT a . hcrs,,," vvishisg Jo meet or see tb-ir friends depart, can be accommodated, npon ,'casoorblS charge, by leaving timely notice atany oXteH JACOB L. GIRT0N, Btoom,burS, April 2T. 13C4. Proprietor.; much faster. BLA.NKS! 13LANKS ! 1 Aim