Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, October 17, 1866, Image 3

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Wedneaday, Qctober-17, I860.
E3 Y' wi I thank our '.readers' for all local oetnr
rnces in tbeir immediate loealitiee. If th-y iio not
derirn to write a communication for the public eye.
let them rod us abriif statement of everything of
intent in their respective communitKi A list f
marriages, deaths, accidents,; fires, removals, busi
nc., change, ten. We will put them in form. To
mora f icts of this Itnd we can get the better it will
utt oa ana our readera.; Who will lo it ?
To Advertises. Pers ms wishing advertisements
ioaerted. nwl hand them in curly on Tuesday morn
ing to insure their insertion that week
Inquirer. If our memory serves us cor
rectly, General Ilartranft's majority in the
ocace last tauior Auditor (icneval over uen
era! Davis was 22,000. , This is correct.
tfcary s majority will not Id so large. "
T CP TT TT ww,.'
i. j.. j.. iou are correct, ihere is a
disposition on tbe part of rome few dlsiti
fied Democrats, of thi place, to establish
another Democratic rnper in tins county.
This was -plainly to oca all rammer.
, They have been hanging abou'th? 'Colum
bian office ever .since it started ; and it will
not surprise anybody here to see thom soon
takehold of the concern and attempt to bap
tise it in the -Democratic' fairb. For our
Jait, we care nothing about it. They didn't
u&l u up,, and it's not lively they can pull
U3 down. "-. v. - ...- r. . . -f' 1
J. We charge- $2.00 in advance for onr
?apcr, the faiua as before 4.he' election,
he defeat which our party ha. suiTeieil is
so slight it's not worth the while to increase
our subscription price. JWe can stand it at
$2 in advance. Send us .that amount and
we'll bo satisfied. ...
SrjBSClurrER. Ye3t we are aware that
certain individuals, in this County, are
busily soliciting subscribers to dicontiriij
our paper. Most of thce men are r.fn re
Beckers, a ml in tha coui-se of time, wfi'tnecd
considerable support to succeed. We are
on their trar";; know them well, and can
pay them off, when the proper time arrives,
debt an l interest. ...
Select SchoolT E. W. Wynkoop & Co.
will commence their next term of School Oc
tober 22d. . . . 2i.
2f The change in Job Moie3' auvertLse
ment will be made in our next.
We publish the official retcrn3 of
the County in this week's paper. is reported that the Orccoa legis
lature has cxpiuigcd its ratification of the
Constitutional Amendment.
jfy We arc having very ne weather in
this section, this week. Quite an improve
ment on tiro weather of the fore-part cf last
ESU New SciisCRIC2H3. During the
past few weeks we have had the pleasure of
adding quite a number of names to our large
subscription list, for which our friends will
please accept cur thanks.
Thomas A. Scott, Vice President of
the Tenna. RaiIroad.1h.a3 donated 1,C00 for
the relief of persona injured by the late dis
aster at Johnstown.
7 The reward list will appear in our
next. The Secretary has not as ytt furni di
ed ti3 with a copy.
Chestnuts. Tha crop of chestnuts
this season i3 unusually large, and they are
abundant in our market. .They are retailed
at prices ranging from fifteen to twenty
cents a quart.
See prospectus in another column, of
the Keic York Observer. - The publishers
offer liberal premiums to getters up of clubs.
It is a first class, high toned, literary news
paper. Good size, handsome sheet, and low
in terms. '
t& It will be remembered that the Dem
ocrat and Star ; has a larger circulation
than any paper in this Senatorial or Con
gressional District by far. Our business men
will bear this in mind when they have any
thing they wish advertised.
y Jtf J. J. Robbins & Co. arc
great many goods, at their New
selling off a
New York Store,
in this place' They have the name of sell
ing cheap, and we believe they do.
13 Jesse Coleman, Prothonotary, his
received the Pamphlet Laws of the State of
Pennsylvania for 1SC6, and Justices 'of the
Peace and others entitled to copies, can ob
tain them by calling on him.
r '
SS? The Northumberland County Agri
cultural Fair was postponed on account of
bad weather, and will be held on Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday of this week, at
Milton. . ' ' '
j Caution.- As cold weather is ap
proaching, fires will soon be required. It is
a wise precaution to now make a thorough
examination of your stove pipes, Cues, and
chimneys, and see that they are both clear
and secure. If they are not, jxuLz them so
4t once.
VkS- W hes to Sow Plastfr. The right
timeo sow plaster on the clover is in the fall,
eay in October ; after the clover is sown in
the spring, or early the following spring, ap
ply a moderate coat of plaster, about a bar
rel on fifteen acres,' I think is sufficient.
CST" To Preserve Cider. We give the
fdllowing receipt for preserving cider kindly
furnished us by one of our lady readers, and
taving recently tasted cided kept sweet and
clear by the same method, can testify to the
value of the receipt : To one barrel of cider
put in one pound of mustard seed, two
pounds raisins, and one-fourth pound of the
Sticks (bark) of cinnamon.
trx. Gold was sold at the opening of the
Market, on Saturday1 morning last, in 'New
York, at 1.54. At one time, during the
day, it pitched down to 1.51, where it re
mained but a short time when it rose to 1.53
an&closed at that. On Monday it was more
pteady, at 1.51 to . 1.53. . .
M. Sloan & Bro., of this place, had
a fine, open, light wagon on exhibition at the
Fair last week, which drew the premium. It
irisa better and more handsome wagon,
an the one placed oa exhibition "at the
r . e Fair, from thaame establish ment a
- t pars ajo, which tack tha premium.
537 Those indebted to me on tibscription
to tbe Star of the North, and for adver
tising, which have, mostly, been,' out-etaml-iDg
for several years, will confer a favor upon
the undersigned by calling at the office of
the Democrat and Star and settling the
same. I am de-itous of having all my old
accounts settled up between this and the
first of December next. .
"W. II. Jacobt.
SQ- Ttactiers or Columbia County
are respectfully requested to meet in the
Academy at B!ooiutburg, cn Saturday, the
3d day of November next, a t 1 o'clock p. m.,
for the purpose of organizing a County A.
sociation, with the view of holding a County
Institute the Coming Winter. Let every
Teacher urge a largo attendance.
Cuas. G. Barexey, Co. Supt.
- -b i - - 1
An Engineer at Woeic. Y'eare pleas
ed to be able to state that an engineer, vrith a
corps of assistants, has already been put to
work upon the proposed route of the Mid-
Jlccreck Valley Railroad. He commenced
operations on Tue.-day, . starting at cr re:ir
the Ferry in the Borough of Sellrssgrove and
pa-wed west through town by way of the old
stand known as the Union IIou3C. Sdias-
frovc limes. ' ' f
CSu New Stoves. 0:ir townsman, 3Ir.
Jacob M?t?, has jut" vetuniodvfrr::i Phila
delphia with a lot of fine parlor and cooking
stoves, which he will sell cheap for cash.
Give him a call.
37 Elis-ha Biocs, of this place,"!.; lay
ing a Cag-stone pavement in IVont of his
buildings, the "Exchange Block," which
will be a decided improvement on the brick
pavement, worn-out and removed. The
new one is being laid twelve feet wide. This
is right the old one was too narrow, especi
ally for that pnrt of town. A few more mc h
strikes v.i'd help the appearance of IMin
Street amazingly! If you wuh to enhance
the value of as well as beautify your prop
erty, fol'ow the example at our young towas-
man, ilr.
Pugilistic Editor. A correspondent
from Ilazclton informs us that the Editor of
the Ilazclton Sentinel, while walking down
Broad street a week or eo ago, met a mer
chant of that place, unon whom he com
menced a violent aault with a "billy."
The merchant clinched his assailant and
brought, him to the ground, when they wore
separated by the bystanders, and the first,
last and only round clo.sed "time 20 sec
onds" our ir.fonuant Fay?. Lvzrrnc Union.
t3r Strange. Tbe Ecwistown Ga-etls
says : "On MoaJay night last, Lydia Jen
kins, agd 11 years, daughter of II. W.
Duncan, whilst sleeping at the residence of
tb publisher of this paper, arose from the
bed, hoisted the window .ind deliberately
crawled through, falling a distance of fifteen
foet to the brick pavement below nnli;;t
not awake!' The wonder is that the was Lot
instantly LilleJ, but providentially, he 'es
caped TutLciIy a severe cci:tu-Ion. She
was dreaminthat the was on the fioiit bal
cony, an 1 wxs getting into the house throui
the window, as the children do everyday."
Q? The potato crop in this section is
good. They b:ing 50 cents per bushel. The
rot is very slight
Tiie Democracy of Harrisburq. The
Democracy of Ilarri -burg made a gallant
Cght oa Tuesdaj- and have much cause . fur
gratification in the re-ult of thdr labors.
Though Pennsylvania has gone with thenig
gerheads, we are a wh-ltceommanity and are
glad to reside in such. Tues
day did admirably. In 1SG3 Judge Wood
ward only had G3 majority, and Gen. Mc
Clellan in C4, 179 majority. Last year we
were beaten three vote.--, and thisyear, thank
God, Harrisburg gives 12 majority for that
true and noble Democrat Ille-ter Ciyinor,
of Berks. White men, take courage, you
have done your duty. Patriot & Union.
Horrible OuxaAQE. One night last
week three black negroes efTectcd an entrance
to the dwelliug house of Mr. Daniel Ham
mond, living near Fmithficld, JefTerson
county, Ohio, while all members of the fam
ily Trove absent excepting two daughters of
Mr. Hammond, and gratified their helish
ra-slons by cutr?.Ting tho bodies of the two
young ladies. They effected an entrance
about nine o'clock in the evening snd did
net leave till tear four o'clock in the morn
ing. One of the youi:g ladies is not expect
ed to live. . ' . .
This is more of the fleets of the teaching
cf the Negro Eights party.
&S- The farmers of cur coun'y, are" bu;i
ly engaged in gathering their corn crcp.
Jf3. The statement that New York mu-:t
go Radical because Pennsylvania has done
so, is not borne out by the experience of
past contents. ' In Pennsylvania gave a
Republican majority of 20,087 for Read, can
didate for Supreme Judges in tho succeed
ing month David R. Floyd Jones, Democrat,
was elected Secretary of State in New .York
by 1,450 majority. It was conceded on all
hands, before the October elections, that
unless Pennsylvania went Radical byatlcat
25,000 majority, New York was safo for
ESS, pRErAREFoa Winter The snmmcr
months have died out and we arc once more
in the autumn season. Fortunately for us,
theapprehenson of pestilence which so gen
erally prevaded the public mind, have not
been "realized. The health of our commu
nity has been good; business has not been
good, it is true, and wages have been rather
low, though we hope all have prepared for
the approaching winter. We trust so, and
yet we fear that when the cold blasts of
winter come upon us, there will be many
who will look back regretfully upon the
season that we have just passed. There is
still a little time left, however, in w hich to
make provision for the cold weather. Every
man depends upon his daily labor for sup
port should now make it a point to cut
down expenses to the lowest posit'le figute,
to'praciice the closest economy, and by to
doing accumulate a" little fund U meet ,th
contingencies cf the win to;
" Lewis, Northumberland Co., Pa. )
October 8th, 1S66. j
Eililors Democrat and Star: Be so kind
as to insert in your next issue, the following
communication, in reply to charges made
against me by Colonel Tate, in his letter
published in your issue of October 3d, 1866.
The portion of his letter I allude to, icads.
as followst "His special guardian distinctly
said that Mr. Moufgomery would vote (in
conference) for any candidate Mr. Ent re
quired. These gentlemen all went to work
in the conference as my friends. Mr. Ent
doubtless had it arranged that at the proper
time, tho Montour Conferees should vote
for Sullivan County, and thf-n Mr. Mont
gomery did vote as 'Mr. Ent required.' "
The above chirge, I acrt, is i de;iberatt
falsehood. Speaking of Mr. Eat he rays,
" his special gu-irdian." I presume he re
fers to Mr. Euekalcw,' from the fuct that he
told Judre Moore, of Danville, on the eve
ning of the fit-st day's conference, while tit
ting on the Court House stops, within hear
ing of Judo Mc Reynolds and myself, that
Mr. Buckalcw had made the assertion.
What yased between Mr. Buckulew and
himself I neither know nor care ; but I as
sert, that in voting for Mr. Jackson, on the
list ballot, I did so because I choso to, of
my own free will and which Mr. Tate has
no right to question nor was I influenced
by any one, cither in or out of Columbia
County, and would have done so had every
Democrat in the countj- been present and
protested against it. I was under no obli
gations to support Mr. Tate on a single bal
lot, ahhough I voted for him at least 117
times, not on account of himself, person
ally, but for the high regard I entertained
for the sterling Democracy of Columbia
he being rccommen Jod as their candidate,
and would as cheerfully have voted quits as
often for any other 'candidate the county
might have chosen to recommend. If, by
voting fur Mr. Tate 117 times, as I did, is
not sufficient to satisfy him, I fear he has a
better opinion of himself, than others enter
tain of him. In conclusion, I would advise
Mr. T., that hereafter in settling his disputes
with other persons not to implicate me with
them in his personal difficulties
Very respectfully,
SCS The American Farmer for October
is just received, and as usual, is full of good
things. In fact it is just the paper that
every farmer should take, and is well worthy
of the designation "The Practical Farm
er's Own Paper." The following is part of
the table of contents for this month : Work
for the Month, by "S. W.," Tli3 Mallard
Du:k, by C. N. Bemcnt, Letters from Flor
ida and Kansas. Prize Essays on the
Rotation of Crops, Making and Putting
down Butter for Winter urc, on the Ii:Ter
er.t Breeds of G:ttle, on Preparing Firewood
lbr V inter Uses Caving Pork ami Hams,
nt of Poultry in Winter, Shfc'ter
.1 Winter, Under J raining, Fnrui-
i"V CUM;k
in Maine and
S'ew .Terser, on trw? Man-
Hgeia.Vt of ciock in Winter, and cn the
different Ba'cds cf ?.wn. Alo a full re
port of the Now York State Fair, and New
England and Vermont Fairs, &c.
The Horticultural Department is exceed
ingly intcrestlpg, and particularly we notice
an article on the cultivation cf Vineyards
and their Management, r.nd on gathering
the Fruits of thi Orchard, &c.
The subscription price is only $1.00 a year
and all avIio subscribe at this time for 18G7,
get the remaining three months of this year
for nothing. Address, Rochester N. Y.
rSF Brownlow at Home. The extent
to which Brownlow is a representative of
the "loyal" voters of Teirnessee, was illus
trated at the recent corporation clvtirn in
Na-hville. Mr. Brown, (th Conservative
cmiidate,) was re-elcctd M iy r tj j-ixlvc-n
hundred vc" again' t f'coviliys four hun
dred an fiiV ix. Th--v Conservatives oarrlcu
the CouncIlMien arid AIdvmii.-n in evt ryvard
by a Eiajot-iry ci from 3 or 4 to 1. "ibis was
in a city where Brownlow ha been r-'ii lin r
fjr the past two years, anl where the loyal
people have had a full opportunity cf ob
serving his coarse and wi.-hos. It will not
do to say thit the oleetion was decided by
the votes of rebels. Under the new Con
stitution no man who took part in the rebel
lion is allowed to vote.
JtS The responsibility for
dccrson Lavis re;-U v.itn ttie ja'iicial au
thorii.ios-,.or with Ccngres?, or both. Con
gress enacted a law whk-b, in the judgment
of the judiciary, renders it impossible to
hold a court for his trial without a new al
lotment of Judges; and that allotment Con
gress and the Judiciary alons have power to
make. The responsibility for his being held
in military rather than civil custody rests
wholly with the Judro and District Court
of the District of Virginia. The only re
sponsibility resting upon the President, so
far as we can see, is that cf detaining him at
all. We see no " due process of law" under
which he is held as a prisoner, though hi
counsel appear to have made no application
for his di-ehnrge.
tSX-"A car of the Adams Express Com
pany was robbed near Seymour, Ohio, on
Saturday night, of nearly $Io,(X)0.
tSf Five hundred emigrants from North
Carolina took passage at Fortress Monroe
for Baltimore last Frida', tojp West.
Attention is directed to the new ad
vertisements in to-day's paper.
On Thursday evening, Angm t 30, 1C5,
by the Rev. Reuben Jeffrey, Mr. Clarance
J. Fowler, of Berwick, Co.umbirt County,
Pennsylvania, to Miss. M. Lou. Wehrfritz,
of Philadelphia.
On the 10th. inst,by the Rev. Will'ian:
J. Ever, Mr. William T. Ilartzcl. of Main
Town.-hip, to Miss Mary Jane Shuman, ol
Catawiss;i, town-hip.
On th 13th instant, by the same. Mr.
Fa'oti -Weaver, to Mis? Elizabeth Ilcwer,
l-ith of Catawi-sa, Pa.
" LLJ.MMiSLl IUi JiA!;fiET
VvHEAT,p-r buch.l. S t-0 , H Tl . 4S
V , " I it j! ... 23
''ORV. 1 m I PDTAP.iES. - 50
Pt. K vn E AT. I f . DKitu Ar-fXEd, 3 m
Ki,'t' i-f hl. 14 i4i : HAVd .. . Sj
CVEft Ei. SSO.HAtHS. . .14
HEEU ' . t 70 I HAY by tbe torn. W Ofl
BUCXW&CA rioar. I 0 LARD, par lb. tS
A Wonderful Dream.
Mr. Robertson, Mail Agent on the A. G.
W. Road, between this city and Cleveland,
refated,to us, yesterday, the strange item
about a farmer who prevented a terrible dis
aster on that road near Mansfield, Ohio, at
the time of the recent general freshet. We
had before eeen a paragraph relating to the
fingular affair. Mr. R. .conversed with the
farmer arid here is the story in short :
The farmer (a Pcnnsylvaniiin) wenttobed
during the heavy and protracted Ptorra, on
Monday night, and dreaming that the fi'l
across a chasm, some hunded feet deep,
had given way under a pa.-ergrr train and
let it down in'o the abyj-j Ye sprang up to
render assistance to the pa singers, ran to
the doer, atvl was hastening from the house,
when his wife awakened him.- lie related
his dream, nd went to bed aga'n, but slept,
little more during the night. The dream
made such a deep impresinn on his mind
that he hastened to the cham"the next
morning early to see what condition it was
in ; but the road was apparently all right,
although the water was pouring and surging
through the large culvert beneath, as thoryrh
it would wash the earth away. Tuesday
night the farmer could not rest for thinking
about his dream of the preceding, night,
and getting up, he procured Tiis lantern and
hurried off to the chasm. When he. arrived
there h found, to his terror, that the huge
11 had been washed out, leaving nothing but
the unsupported ties and track over the
chasm! Hearing tho train thundering to
ward destruction, the farmer clambered
across the dreadful break, and running down
the road some usance, he signaled the ap
proaching train to stop. And so short was
the time, that by the time the engineer was
able to "hold up," the engine was but a few
feet of the chasm.
The tr sin was hvrge, and was filled with
persons who had been to the great Union
meeting at Man.-field. What a narrow es
cape they all made fVom a horrible death,
for the train would have plunged down the
frightful precipice, car upon car, crush
ing all to death in the ruins! The parson
gers at once evinced their grrritude to their
preserver, the Ponn-yivanian, by making
him up a handsome sum of money. Day
ton ( Ohio) Journal.
1 llVtl.VG'RI.s ANI FESTIVE I'OVS, n-n.l an
I 1 mHrwi-a riiTclopc irnil V5 nf n.Gtnl 1 illp-n.l
you ooiiir Vklnn'O- 0 fr.ruiai Ion O at u ill jjlnafe you.
A.liirn MAttV MOOL.E, t-Jl hfoauway, N. Y.
May 1. IfOi ly.
A (tcnUciiian who uff.:rcil for y ars from Nerroua
D"-!iiity.licjjatur Ducay.and all the eti cl f yuutli
lul inJisrrition. will, for thi- a.k? of PufT-dni tin
ri:.niiy, arml fr-e ti ell who ured it. thn ffripe an!
dir-' tionsi for innRms V.,c siiap'.e r'-nifdy liy wincO he
wan cured. r:tr'-rersi wich'iig to pri.rtl by a I ver
tiri a troi'rJeiice, can J 1 nbv '!ir-!in:
j h v i. ':i)r:v.
J3 'l!.iujbta . t , N-;w Vork.
Fe'-, S3 IStH!. ly S M P.
TH.' Hi5n ir 'A ziV.n Oous, itrij oil-fer-!'t
ntvl a. at!a.ti:. .irp. h.t'l m:i-jr lr
C-i) t. S..iil Flh I'V-tiVi; tl'I'.Oor fill.VK.'t
MCII 'is, or tlnr lift p'-iiiiuiii'. a!rr" U:-ui.
I ustruti il ( a al'iSUi'f fri'-. A'i'-r" HAsoi At
IIAiLI.. Borr.:x. or M iSON U OTtlEtlS. New
VORt. lC5 -?cp.9. 'C5 ly.-S.M P.
1 man who -iiff. r-d (or yi-ar from Nrvii and
Gm al licliility. Nislilly Emnn. and 8-mmal
VVt-aknp. thi? rrfilt of yeu'rifil imli'cri ti'n. and
rniiir ni'ar -ii''inr hi 'lay in lH'prli-ii hiii-ry. will,
for lh" akp of eiifiVtiiif! man . nd to auy ! uffiitl
ed, lu iiopl mi-ana u-el hy hi 111. which clf-cl-d n
curi- in a few wn-kn altr the failure if .innioro'i
mciirine. Ei'nd a ilirerO-d i-iivelo,io and ntauip and
il will coiit yon notlnnp Aldres.
tUOAfC TKLMA1N lictb ft. N.Y.City.
Dr. L O. Moitii' Carrili". the rri-jte'l ftiiim'alor
in the world. wil f'rre VIllk'r o Mu larhfsio
trow on th moitliP!it face r thin ; n-v?r known in
fail ; FamplK .r trinl eni fn.-e to any ue i1.-riroii
I' tHfiij it iiiitiI. Address, Rs&vca tc. Co., "itt
Niniiu Mrei-t N. w Yora,
July 4. It-'U- Sir.
Si RANG hi itr XilUrl
Errrv youna lady and pnt.lriiian in lh ITnitcd
l?tatr can hrar f-iioiethiiip V-TV mii"h to th-ir a.'vsn.
1 4t ly re urn mail (frf e of rharr p.) by ad.!r'i.n thi
un ii-t-in:d, TUe" h ivin f.:a s oi'heins h'linhiij?
c1 w ill ''bUzr by ii't i:"lifiic ra'd. A!lcili-r
will p'-raye adorrs tfci ir ch'v'i ;n! j"-rvsrit.
TI!'i- F CilAl'V AV. -.raiiwa. New ork.
Fib. 2. lrt lv. S : p
l M- A FN '.ti, I'.IAS L'NIISS,
An.! i:l:rih, trcatnl wn!i f!io iitin.l U'rM, hy J.
I-A A' S, M C. icii!it and Auri-t iformcrly of
di-n, II dlan !.) Ko. 5IJ ri'K Sturt. fHH AirA
Ti-stim miali, from the ino-i ri-lia'de sourct-a in th
City and Country can l nef-n at ln crtie. 1 he nu-d-ical
faculty an- invited to a'coiipaHV their patii-n-.
a hi bas no accri-ts in hij p lattice AKTiFiriAt.
EVES, iutcrted without pais. Nh charge lor mm
iPation. April 2", ISGti. ly,
'I'D Co?t-t'rTiiT!rr Th adverlWcr havin'bf-i-n
A renored to health in a f-w at hy a very ii:i
jde remedy, after having sutT. red r,-veral years with a
a-;vern lune atf-etion, and that dread iii'ase. Con
aaiiipliou - i i anzioun to make w n to his fellow
autTcr!r ihn means of cure
To all w ho dcnirmt.lie will n-nd a ropy of the pre
ncriiition useii ffreeol ,har?e. with the itir rtion? for
pri parinc and using th! name, which they will Had a
rjui 11 re for oiiauriiptinn. Athmy, r.ron:liiO CoUi
f-'oiittis i-tc. The onli o!ijrt 01 the .tvnrti(-r l.i
f-miim the pr'-Kciiptiu'i i to benefit the affiirtp.l. and
re ! in1oriiiatiii w hih heronreiv."! to be mvnliiahtc
nd he h fi,-ii every nuff- ri-r will try In ti'm.-dy. a it
will cost them 110I hmg. and miv prove a nlea nv.
rarlie! ililn; tl;e precriition, fr-e, hv ipiiim
mail, will please adrlr. pi Rev E. A VVIIO.N,
Vi!Iiarnlmrg Kme'Coor.ty
Fth. 2J. I -0f. Jy
'The Grovcsiecn Pian f .. rte
i etill rtii ii priToiirnre an. I irn at p.ip.ia'ity.
a,d afi.-r uu ireone gradual i'nprOTi.'ir.'-r.t -. f r a pe
riod pi thirty yearn i-i now prono irt ed by Ihe ui- .'
wilU In li. uliurpai.eil a.i 1 even Hn'Tinl'-d in ru h
nea Vol iuic aii,S p irily "f loue.rtitrihiliiy :fiid rlieap
iieaj. iur l ew rcalc. t.renrh artii.n harp "lal, iron
IrHme, over atriiiid ba.. aeven o tavo rosewood i
a no, we arewllma cU' nr iroia 9I1HI li S.'iitl
1 1, .in tiu eame i le and finish are l I by any oiber
hrrt clah makers in the country. iKaler-t and all in.
waul ot oi piauoa are inviteil to en i for our l'
seriptive C'ata'ogue, w hii I) contains photograplis of
our uirrernit vtylea. loeether with prires No one
lioiiirt pur- ha; a without seeing this lata
nue Med! alnioi.t without nu:i,l-r. have bei-n
nwiril'Ki to the Ornvrr-tirii I'l ino. and llie 1 eli br.iteil
Vi.rld' air. lioiieh put in cnm;i. tilion wiih. ol!i-r-i".fiin
all pirw ol Europe and thu U it tool th
liicheet awa d.
f Cftabiiihed lga 1 Grovesecn "o ,
July 29- I8T.5 . H. U. - It Co.
1 new rrsFraiE res ths uixDiEscniLT.
iRfct meowing Ccrcaa.
Tfijht Xllamin2 Cereos."
"Jfiabl RIsBa2s Crrtas.''
"Might nSooauiaz Ctrroi."
Annt s-(rn'.!. rli Ur-ato, aM rrarant rrfrre,
il's'i li fr-iij the ra.- aud bv.auuTul flower lraa
wbica it ln it n-noe,
Jiuaractnrd oly hy
rnALOT & fs?T, ?fw TTk.
tr for ti mttrsg emt urtif '-s. lust out. Ai
dress O. T. GAREY, Ciiy Bculdirtft Bedford. Main,
r,mto the premircanf the nnter.
nt.ed in Muaarloaf Township, Col.
umbia l ounty . on or about the mid.
die of July last .a DA UK RED BUI. I,
with a slit In ih. ir ... nt.
owner l hereby notified tornma forward, prove prop,
ertv, par ibartes. and take biai away, otherwis, Un
will be sold according to law. JAMES HESS.
October . 17, Ir-6li at.
Estate of Reuben' Savage dee'd.
Tbi an lernsned Auditor appointed br th- Orphans
Court f Otnmhia county In n ake dirlrihiitinn of
the bal mce in the hmds of John Wenner Aduiinia
irntor of th- estate of Iteiib-n Pavace Inte of r.)liim
h a rontiiy dee'd , will tneel the partiea interested,
for the purpose of his 11 1 pietnn nt 011 satr.iay llie
I7th I'av.i-f oveiFiemt at KloMotk A l .at his
iffi.-e in rioi.n.-Mirj when rind where all pnrtii-a m
t.-ri-Kte:l mu.-t nii-ear and t resent their eluims or be
d b irred fro.n e.:iii.i in f"r . rhnre of tiie fund.
I', (i l'AKKL Y, Aui'itor.
:!ioemhllrI Oct- 17. IX.- 41
Cy-herwick -iluz -'.te" p'eas crpy.
We will send hv express or rrherwi"e rs ordered.
Kec-irely puked, "a $V..0 Sewing Mn-bin. either
Vliei-ler tc Wilson of Crivr " laker. lo any p"r
son sending 11s. Ur fore the first of January nex. the
name' 01 SIX I't'.EJV new subscribers to the
with the inoner. $". 00 for one year in artvanee.
On and after Janaary 1st, m 7 we ha I xz
qtire Kl(l IITH-JV new eubscrib. r. Sii:l UO.
e have sent away as premiums nearly TIIRKF.
HUADht of these machines, and thry give uni-v.-rsa'
suti.f.o tion.
The new ub' rib'-rs may bfl f'om one or from va
rious l.iee.. tfeti-l the names a-, fast as you obtain
tii- m. with the inon. y, by I berk. Praft. or Post ortice
OrJer, .-ample copies and circulars aenl free.
Terms SJ.oU a year in l.lvmi.e.
rllJNEY E. MDltSE. Jr.. tc Co.
-7 Park Row, New Ywrk.
October 17. lPGf.. 4t.
now lost, now nt: stored.
hi -j - v. JUST published, in a sealed enve
i'LZ, ' V'lV': 'OPR- ''rice O tents. A lecture on the
' nature, treatment tnd radical cure of
---""' rti-imnal VV-aknees or Moeruiit'irlio -a.
fn.Iuce.i by Self-Ab.JB.' ; Involuntary Emi.-ious. I111
potency Nervous lieiiliiv and. Imp diuieuts to
'i.rri;ig g-ncrally; iVnumpt a.-n. I pilupsy. iind
Fi's ; and Physica.1 Incnp.jcity. tr. liy
K ilwrt J. C uiverwell. M, I.. author oftti! 'Greco
l,o k.' Ac.
The world renowned author, in this admirable f.c
t'lre. cl:!Hr'y proves from h:s on experi.-nce. that
th awful ;i.n-qiienees of 5!ilf-Abue may be eff.ct
unlly removed wilhoi.t Medicine, and with hi; d in
ger.. llil surgical operntions, boui-s. iiihlriHin-i:t-.
rm2, or cor.lials. pointing out a ino.le of cure nt
once ceitain and eff ctual, by winch every sufferer.
110 matter .lint his condition inny be, may cure
himself cheaply, privately and railnally. This Lec
ture will prove a boon to thmianis ami thousmds.
cnt undersea 10 any address 111 a plnin envcl-.p
011 rerei;t of sii eetits or two postage, etauips
v Or. Cut verwell's Mirnee fJuide. price ;5 cent".
AUJrets, CHAa. J. O KLlVKct:il.,
Iv7 P.owery. New Vork, I. O. box 15-6
October 17. ly Peas U Co.
TT-sc real Family P.iper.
Eraiik Leslie's Chimney Corner. With
No. T' . issued on the H-llh of Cfcptember
la-t, will be given to each purchaser or tub
seriber a Iagnlf;ceiit l'reentatiou Plate,
2-lxS inches, entitled
Besides the numerous illustrations, No.
71 wiil contain the ibllowing Stories and in
teresting articles.
Commencement of a New Serial Story.
The riihful .Meseiii:er. JUusfr-yfed
An English Sailur'b Life Among the Sav
ares Th ' rhej hord Girl of Nanterrc.
Yixe iJetth r.f Wat. Tyler. Illustrated
K ;ce :i t r:c Re no vole 1 ce.
i'Vie Rv tr:ived Youth.
Adv. ntnr' with a Grizzly. Illustrated
A rieiiii-h Rfin-iiice.
!i .-(.r-e W. Chads, of Philadelphia, with
lot tr-1 it.
Curious Mode of Fishing in Florida. JUus
t rated,
1' f.r Grandmother. From, Painting
by Carl Hiibner.
I etniction of Robespicre.
Kin ugh. .
Forgotten Recoveries.
The Asre of r :iiters.
Story of John A.-bmundson. lUustraieJ
Family Pa-time.
IK-Hsin and out of Water. Tihirt rated
1 'erils of Agi icultural in A.frica J"istrnt'-d
The Rox by Express Dbiftrat-d
The E.-cape of the French from Onondaga.
J'i'nxf rated
What the Dotr Rark at.
The Mountain Inn.
With virk-ty of matter ie prorc and verse
of the hie lie t merit.
'ViiK ri,iioM-i;i-ni i.nvir'Fnivi; compavv.
; n-nii res, Cilu-iy inior.-ii puuiic mat tiiey
have tii.-ir
now in opcra.i-in with an
extciiive assortment rf
1 f.,TTT,nV"i:'V
aid are n"W pr. pare'l lo su;,r.iy all onlers nt short
10 tiee end at ih.- lowest priis forrai-h, I'h-ir as
sortment o lu-nher ronsi-ts of
W'utr Vim Vlnnli, 7onrcN.
si?, 23cMiErL' S'l.-iiilV,
planed or unplaned. to suit pnrehis Fra-n. StutT.
Joice and .neili-.E of al1 siZ -s Their I lauinc Mill
and l.i-inher Yard is sit'ia'e 1 nt the Riilr" id liem-t.
v.ry cmivt niciit'y for xhipinc lu nher bvth'.- rare"
1 hey are constantly nisnutiK tntiiif luu-ber nf all
kin Is. and persons who desi-e lumb'-r of every rie-erri(,-i.n
will d well to ex nni-ie th i t.v-n hefnre
pure a-ins e'srwhere. They are dt-ru'.ined and em-ine-U'v
i.r-p'ir e.i li f - I MS th 'ap a, the i li.-a pest.
Th- y rflso i'esire lo inlorm ihe pub'ir ami especially
thos-. 'mi ci i-h 11 p in iiase t'i 1 (t'ltrili.ii tii'-y hv
one Mill specially pr pared t cut tiusb r- of a'uiosl
every eiz : and leii(;i!i remr-d. Triose wishir - 10
hiiiid c r roniracloia f- r buHbinj, ran save nion. y. by
Hi vins us a 1 j I
Tne iinlersiirnei 'would also anr.cunre th-t they
are prepa'J to i!o al". kind o t p;'irinif of Varhin. ry.
su- h as '1 hri-e'ima Machines io i r i, Ken-rs and
! kinds 01 u-riculturl iuiplciniit. UOii reasonu-Id-.-
..I tr -ss. F. C. EVER Sec'y.
C'ooiiifb ir?, Sept. I'J, l'GO. lllooi.i-bur Pa.
nf AVF.Ti TF.3 ANP I NCI PC. TS of Ihe rrbei'.inn.
There -s a cert 't'i p. -r" ion of the v- ir that will never
i. o into the ri-i-u'ar l.i-'ories nor be inbo-li d 1:1 r
oi-.nee ir po-iry w hirh is a very real pnrt of il. and
w.ll. if preserved, convey to -nr;-eeli'it ceiivrations
a bet'r-r i. lea of ths spirit of th ? coi-fliet th sn manv
dry report or car- ful narratives of evnt. and this
part may be railed th- sosip, ihe fin. Ine pathos of
tn-ar. This i lustr iles the rharnilerof th- leaii
.rs. the humor of thu -oldn-rs the evoiio . ot woui-ii.
the brav. cy of men, the plnek of o-ir heroes, the ro-ui-ir.te
and bar4sdips nf the service.
'I be vo'nme is profusely illustrated with over
, nira7iiis4 b th first ai lists, which are really b-au
tit'iil ; w erthy t exami'i it s 1 as rprrimens ol Ih it't.
Many ef them rre . t ints the t'S.ty thf ten. after
III- lep-ilnr style ci Lo. -Mill's Pi lon! Field Ho :
t -e Kevoliitn r. The b k a i:itent- include rcnui.i
eC.nces sf i Mm p. picket, spv. sS'lt, bivsuoe. siege
and ba'tlj field a ; veiitu-ee ; thrilmj f ;ats l bravery.
wt, .:rol'ery, csmical anJ ludicrous ail ventures, etc..
Amusement as well as Instruction miy be found in
eveiy p.-ice. as BrH'lnc d tail brilliant wit. anl au
Ih'i lo- liiktry. ar kkilifuily interwoven in this work
of i'e,-.iry art
'I his work s"l's it r If T h.; people ar tired of i!r
d'lails and Mrlisou works , and w ant rO!n -thniK hu
me.oa startling 0.irasi.t are
fri:i t IMl l9isip -r n.esin clear of all expenses
A nd tor circulars, civing f.tit pai noul.irs and ee our
terms en. I prcol of Ih-' atove a..s. rtion
A.olress. .N A I'lt'N Al. Pi fll-IArl ING CO.
5.'7 Miuer St.. I hil.iicl hia, Ta.
O:!obr 3. tPfsi - 4ui,
Are superior to all others for
. Cut.tain a'l the stt imprT"niito are speedy
' i'sn ; durable ; and easy to work.
Illustrated I ireuUi fr-. Ag-Ms wanted Lib
er, I isioni-l almwrt. No rn-sniu nts made.
iiiiiss t-MPlRE S. M. ill.. i.n broad way. New
fej-terriher 3. ly.-A. A. Co.
O rrdlr. Country Hlores liraarci's and all
ss-eVrnf an brnoraii'e and pri flt'Mn business Fn-e
by ia:l for e5 ris, ; wh-desa1 t per Cr.x. Caavas
esrs res us $4 lo i per Slav pmflt
ABBOTT s. DOW 0. Maoafactnrra.'l99 Watt
VswJfiir..jKo ..,. .st-a .n
r?V rii,
Estate of Mary P. Mills, lite of Mndlson
Totcnshii Columbia County, deed.
flfE I.entees nnd nil other parties interested in
I the estate of Vary P. JiiUs. deceased, will tike
noticethai th iin.leri;ued appoint. d by the Or
phan's onrt of si, i ounty. auditor, to audit and
nuike 1011 of the balance in the hand f lan
jel Emm) t. siiniving executor of the snid Mary P.
Villa decease.!, will meet the parties interer.! d in
the Mid er-tiile, ni ths otfire of the Register of Wills,
in and for 1 lie roomy f 'nliimbia. at I'loomshiirg on
'I hursilsy the Mh oay i f November next, when and
where al parties interested ran altend If the see
pr per and present their rl.iitns or be debarred from
toming in lur a (.bare of lh f und
B. II BAI.DV, Auditor.
Dloomnturg. September 12. 1AU6. 4t.
The subscriber having purchased the well estab
lished Mnd, known as
'ha ii -a. rADTOfty,"
near!biirs '.luinhia County, and having put
the niarluiiciy i.i fir H-rate repairs, is prepared to do
i . r-i.z. ; t ? r- 'cspy iry
in ttie bet manner and upon the shortest notice.
l'hoe fnvorio? him ivith their cut-ni may rely on
havieg their work well doue.
Creen wood . June C. 1-C6.
The underijned respectfully announces that he
has retimed a shop, in Court House alley, opposite
the l. li . nee lo-el. where h- is prep-red to con
duct the harberiuiT bu-im ss In all its branch es.
Themtof coloring whiskers aud iinus'acaes is
prariiued by him most r-killfi:lly. lie also .-leans
cl ithmi, lu.iKiiiu th--in lor.k nearly as t irod as new.
upon the most reasonable terms, llive him a trial.
L7 Hair Tonic li" the very best quality, us-d for
c'.eanin; hair, kept cornt-ntly on hand, and fir sale
S. f t ULI.IN'S.
Hloomsburg, April to. ISGH. tf.
I.?, tliose inilebter! to ths under'icned either on
note or book Recount, of six inont u or more stau .i;ig
are her- by req:i-:tcd to make settlement withnit ile
lav. and ave ni.n H. C. fclltVE.
iloo;uliure, Sept. 10, I80fi 5l
:k starch gloss
Is thronly Article ase.l by
rirl f:i.iKS I3'(cJ-, r,.i!inij.
l ies, am! S .iouands ol
It cives a beautiful poli-h. nakins ih rj"n pass
smoothly v r ih .- cloth, saving xecu time nn I labor, rlone up with it keep cl. an much ioiij,-r con
sequently sjviii not wear out so soon.
It makes Old IJut n look like Kew.
m a iMi F.iii.iL ei.CE
Is 'HS Rl-TU THli Woe I D.
It is soluble in as w .H as sntt water. It Is
put up m the raieot. neatest, inij moil couvesi'jni
lurni 'f any o.T-red to ttie public
tS Wjiieiitcd uoi la Sircak.' thr
Ar;nts wanted everywhere, to whom we off-r ex
tia-ir J .nary Imluceiutii's. dlr.-ss,
.NW 10IIK l'AKCil GLfi-'SCH,
No. -Jin i-ulien et , Ntw York.
P.-pt-inbrr 2o. li'VJ. -tm-A& Cu.
i. n't f:i' to use ntl'.MI'S" SIT' R PHOSPIT TF.
I 1 I-1.' ! ii vo ir lartii a'ld mnke larje rri of
eriil'i ;md truss. l! is now extensively usi., in nil
ih- li -aeiiis aurt- liurul po-tio-is of th- toui'try ami
ittiiiiit dispnt- or uou'ii is known to oe th very
b.-st 11 --!. It -on! ills l-.-ss itioi-t l'-'. is iii.mhii'ii
form inq-ainy. ,'o::t,(iu.i nore aiiri- u firal v a 1 1-.-th
111 anv oteer in thu tit irket t'11 11 ! r si k-J 111
tr uliire it as a iirt icle, in- n 'i' g t i ni.ik.
a permanent trai.e Its value h. is been l.i il y t-st-d
1:1 Ihis county an I st in Is u!isur,i:isnd by any otli.'r
article i-vi-r introduced. Give it a trial, you Will be
tdeased beyond measure w ith tl.e results. A;;-y to
August Z1. lilrt. r.j,n r:, fa.
MONIATKD phosphate.
A Uonccnlr.'itpel Fcraiiizer.
Especially czd-rrfed to WHEAT and other
This prepnrifioo contnins Pure Ground llone .and
th-- b'-:t Feiti!izi!i2 M.-dts known to e nrultur !
1 hem isiry . roio'n n"d in -urh aieanner as lo develop
their productive propi rti-s only whn Used on the
soil. I'ric" 3 0 I ' r tn. For sale at ths lu.tnufactur
ef'a depots.
No 714 M ARhF.T TIF.riT. Philadelphia.
BLOOM. ClU;, Col'iinhi i Countv, Pa
WILLIAM ELl-Id 0 CO , Manufacturers.
September 5, IHrsi.
Mannf iciured ti orderat HE-VRICO MI LL. Ross
Township. Lus.-rne County. Pa.,
Oil Ji, iScmi:'Sc, Janlc. Ra.,
PINE rtrLAR AND BEAC'I. kc. for Sale nt th"
V I LL. "r delivered at any point on th: Railroad,
r nei-d or connected wi'h it.
il f- Address, the subscriber, nt IVromiP". l.ii
r.erne Comi . or JAMES J .C'K:SOV. the Mawyer. at
I'Hrvcyville p o.
The 'vji I Property with Iwo Houses. Rsrn and oth
er iteproveitieni. rurrnun.led by about llj'l Acres of
Land. I.?!) of whieh remains heavily limbered, is
now for sale at a baigain, '. y
Wyoming, Luzerne County, Pa.
September :'6, ISi'ei.- 3 n.
Of rinonisbnre and Columbia Coun'y I have ap-
ri.nii' u .-n. .-ioiiiii ttr- in mt i ii- s'e oi in '
i'orler. Hrown siout, and Laser Hcer. whn will sup
ply yoi nt the ranie price faud with the same article.)
as I woulil fnriii-hyoa from the brewery. Knownn
that he will be pummal and and attentive to all
li may fuvnr him with t It. i' trade. 1 eolicit for
hi hi your support. Very respectfu'lv,
rrtEt I. ACER.
Steam Brewery, Reading, Ja.
goptembsr 25. If06
ci.T. .ti a Kit's
ihave opened a new ftore at the old stand of Ha
vid Stroup. on Msio street. Bloom-burg, and will
keep on baud a general assortment of
Surh as Dry Goods. N.itions. Groceries, Tin-ware.
Hsr.kvare, Cfdsr and Willow Ware, Drtfis,
Cenferion?rv. Glass-Ware, Tohaceo Hats t
FHces. Flour, f-s'-t Fish and Meat: all of
which I prop .se a lliug- at a very low flgur tot
cafi or produce.
Cell aid see. C. C. MARK.
Blnoiueburg, April If, ! tf.
Tiirough. between Baltimore and Rochester
Without Chan sir of Cars,
ON and 'after August 6th. 1S66. Train will lear
as lollowe :
BUFFALO EXfRTM leaves Rallimore 10 !0 daff,
Philadelphia 9 (W f M, Harrishura S,uS A. M I deli -eriue
pasaenr're at NorthDiiiherlaad. 4,5S A. M. for
train 011 Lackawanna and Bloorasburr Kail Road,
icaviac at 7 Ul A, M. arrivmc lnv ille 7.10 A. M.
Glnoinshart; H 2S A, M. Kingston 10.40 A. N, Be rah -ton
1-i.fHI noon.
M All, leaves Paltlmore A83A.W. daily, (except
nn.tays) Philadelphia 10.10 A. M. HarrUborc 2.05
P M . neliverin.. passengers at Vottbutnberland 4 34
P. M. for train on Lackawanna and Hlomishurg Rail
r.oad, leavi-s there at 5 P. M. arrlriiif in Dsnvilla
litWP. M. l-lomnsbiirc 6 45 P. M. Kingston DWP.M,
rVrantnn 10,15 : proceeding north and arriving Irt
U lHWmprrt at ti 3.i P. M. ,
FA9TI.INB leaves Haiti more, JaiW f except Sun-J7Vl.UJ-?l-
p"il"''P'i 1? noon. Ilarrisburg
? 1 hf' J Nortbumherland 43 P. M. re.nain over
J noo'W," r,0rn'nl ' 7- ' f""
F.XritKSS TRAIV, leave. Northumberland li 3
P.M.d.ey (except r-undays) reviving p,."nier,'.
lenvi-ig crhllton 4.4 P. M. Pittstnn 5.! p M Klnrs
ton 0 l:u P M. Bloomshura f 07 P. M. arrivine in Phil-
am-ipi la .u n. mt. lurn-ourj A. M- Baltimor
7. (Ml A M. ,
JIAII. TRAIV. leaves Northumberland JDCG A.M.
daily, (FX'-epl r-uniluys) receiving passenaers leavinf
rcraotou at 5 50 A. M.PiUslon ttlA M Krncsinn
I. 5j A Ill'i.iuisburg H.II7 A.M. Imnuille 9.54 A.'M.
ani arriving in llairib"rg 1, 15 F . M . Philadelphia
55!ir. ,M. I! iHiuiore ij OH I. M.
liy. this route fright from Buffalo. rSuspension
Mr iiiie. Rochester and Canandaigua or any interme
ti:te point on New York Central can be shipped
lhi"(jj;ii, when in f jll car loads to any point on tba
I arkdwunna and Rlo'-maburf Kail Road, without
bre iki-ig bulks Rat' a of freight aud Passenger far
as low a l.y any oilier route
J. 1vUAHK V. E.9. YOUNO.
Gen'l Sup't. liarrisburg, T&. Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Faltim re. and
G-nl Western Freight Agent, Buffalo, N. T.
Kept :iiiber, li, IctJii.
Wll'" are undecided in regard to the kind of mn
nure they shall use for .
Afisk !SKF.I)n,
we beg to submit the following 'ettersl
is especially well adapted to the formation of
The lesf and stalk of a gfowlag crop, treated with
this manure niay not always indicate so lull a sue.
cess as the weight of the (Train Dl.r acre will show,
end we confidently assure all farmers that if iheir
observation is directed to this point, the substantial
value of this md established manure will be mora
than ever demonstrated .
jE,NiFP.v!i.t.r. Cheater Co.. Pa., Anr. 15. J?fift.
Mrssns UtuuH 4c Co, Ir7 Pearl st., s. Y.
liatK Yours of the Mh hs been reeeivd.
You ark inc for my experience in the use of your
Haw Itonc tSiiper Phosphate. I applied it to wheat
last fall . t the rate of three h'in.lred and twenty
pounds per n-'u. alone aide of barn yard ma
itiir. the reruit w that the w heat wberr Ihe Phof.
nhate was iut wa iruch the B. T IIEMltD anj
IIKv itR.althou i not ao much ?TRA VV as oa tho
ttir portion oft e nclrl. The effect it produced
was "ery -rxree.ting far my expectations,
merefore I can ret iniiiiend it as a fertilizer, intend
ing to u un-re o. it on my w heat this fall.
Very res ctluliy, yours,
T 11 US. M . CARLTOTf.
Elk w. Chefterco.. Ta.. Aug 17. l-e.
Messrs. Kauoh II Ainu,-Gcstlkbick ; Having used
your Phosphite of l.mie nn a wheal crop. 1 have no
iieri at ion in recommending it aa a guod and UU R. A
fcLB manure.
Yuars. Very Respectfully,
josEpn HonaoN
Sepitmber 2ti, lso6, Jt, C'at;iwissa. Pa-
G23. HOOP SKIST3. 623.
Kew Fall Styles!
Are in every respect -t cliss, and embracaf
compt-te assortment for Ladies. Misses, and Cnil
iir, n. of tlie Newest ftyles, ever Length and Sue-
..f Waist.
OCR KtRTS. wherever known, are more univer
sal ly port lar than any others before the public They
r-tain ihetr Hiape b, lter. are lirhter, more elastic.
more rturable. a.ul r-aly ui-eca. thaa auv ol hr
Hoop ikirt in the market. Tbe sprints -nd fasten
ii.fs are warranted perf et. Evert i.aDv shon d TRT
Til KM t 'I hev are now being eiteusivelv Hold by
Vrxm nKTs. thoii2houtt'ie C'ouuiry and at WllOI.E
Al.E AMI UE1A1U, at Maaulactory and Sale
N'o.fu" R"II Ptre.n.-below 7lh. PHlfD'A. .
Ark for lit i'K I -owu am,"-buy no other!
CACTIUV. None genuine unlas Ptainpeil on
each Kid I'a-i "liopk m"s lioup Pktrt Manufactory.
No triS ArOl Street. I hiUoelphii,
Also. onsianily on hand full line of New York:
nia.le verr low prices.
August -2J, lo-0. 4iu. J. W.
Would announce to the ladies of ninombt)rg an d
the pu'ilie generally, that she bas just tecciVed from
thu eastern ri-ies ht-r
spri:jr and Snmincr
Flock of
consisting nf all article a nsraMy found in first class
Miliiu. ry Mores. Her goods are nf the best quality
an J amous the most handsome and cheapest in the
market Call and rxaimne them for yourselvea.
. Ni.body -houl.l ise jls -wh're before examin
jr.; Miss Fi-trrinan's stock ot goods Bonneis made?
:ii ord.-r, on the shortest notice, or repaired.
fture en Mu isireit. 3d d or below the store of
Men.tenhall Rupert.
Clooinsburg, iay S, l3Ti.-if.
In Bhive'r Ruilding. on Main Street.
Informs ths citizens r.f Bloomshurg and virlnity thtt
he has opi nod a Ntw
J-TA U K 3iT5
in this place, where he invites his old friends snd
rusi.imt rs to oil and partak" of his refreshmente.
It IS his llitei:li"n to eeo hi best
constantly cn hind ; l-o. Porter. rtarsnpari'Ia. Min
eral Water. Kary Lemonades, Raspberry and Leo
on fyrnps , esn always be ha.l at hia Keslauraat.
In lie eating line he presents a
n"t snrpised in this place , viz. Pickled Oysters
'lams. jsj.r 'in"s Fih. Barbecued Chi' ken, Pick led
Trip.- and But.f Tongue, c, ice. He also b u a good
article of
Cigars avd Chnring Tohaceo
for his eiisti.msrs Give him R Call.
Moomsburc. June l.i.
R 'spertiilv annoneces himeslf to the public as aft
experienced W KLL-DIGGE R and WATER-MELL-
Lit. Peisons oesirous to I. urn where water eao be
easiest found, and all w ho h ve wells to dii. will
do w ell in emplov the undersigned. Contracts will
be taken by the foot or by tbe day. to suit the euta
I'lojer. Address.
bloowsburg. Pa
July 25. l?f.f. . !y. t
All persons knowing th?ms-i-eo Indebted to eith
er ol ine nndersijinerl, on Sm.t, Note or Ju Igment,
are requested t make payment without delay if they
would save coots.
MrKF.LV Y. ST.W. tt C
Wl. .WcKELVY at Co.
Angitsl . 13C6. tf.
If ynrj wish to live Ion; and dla hapf t, go without
delay and
in the best Company in ihe world, .
and itsanuual rlividend for the fiscal year of IMS
aiuosjutsto seventy Ave per cat. on all participat
ing p'emiiima. bs-ing the largest dividend ever de
clared by any compmy for the same length of time.
Fo fwthtr inforoiatioa apply to
JOHN G. FREEZE, 'gent.
July 18, 1S6H. 3m. Hloomsburg. Pa.
A neiiy Lumber Yard in Bloomshurg,
TI1R nnder signed would respectfully inform thoo
in wnt of lumb rthat be continues to maoofac
tare and keeps on hand a good supply or building?
and fencing hi ten il, at hie residence, a short
tanee north of the depot, whieh ! utT-re foe sal at,
si- .. . 1 4 r y n r unvi sw