Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, October 17, 1866, Image 2
- i n.i sua must DEMOCRATS STAR. vr. h. jacobt J. p. BHtraiAy,- editors. ELODiSgCRS, gpXEmT, OCT. 17, ISCC "iTm. P.TrtTt'tt CbTsT Park 'J"-. re duly authoetaerf to solicit rtl'V nub. Tir,0. aid advertising fr thrt .-. pub lishad at Uloorustmrf. Columbia county, r , .:' " Odcial Vote. Tta odcial vote "of ColumLia County Is published in another column of this paper. On examination,, it will bo seen that this County polled an increased Tote of 950 over last Fall's vote on Auditor General. Davis' majority for Auditor General in this County, last Fall, tu 1,416, fomething less than Cltitek's majority, which is 1,613, a differ ence of 202 votes. For Congress, Ei.well has a majority of 1,737, one hundred and nineteen over; and above the majority on Governor. This difference in the vote was principally made in this town, the resMenco of the candidate. In this township (Bloom) the vote was greatly increased ; but in epitc of that, the heretofore large Abolition ma jorities were cut down to a mere cipher. On Governor, the Abolition candidate, Geart, had a majority of seventy-one; and -on Con gress, Mercue's majority wa3 but Jive. This was a cutting down of sixty-six. To have acquired this change, eome thirty-three who voted for Geary must have voted for El well. This is what the figures exhibit ; and that being the fact, it would be no more than fair to presume that thirty-three com prise the entire strength of the Columbian party. This party having phown their hands, and not holding as large ones a they supposed, they boldly assert in their la t Columbian "had it "not been fothe treach ery of men connected with the Democrat and Star," the result would have been ftill dif ferent This is cool; impudence of the most Billy character ; to charge the men con nected with this paper of " treachery ;" after they having icorkcd hard, day and night, to the very hour of voting, for the success of Judge Elwell. Nobody bat a cold-hearted scoundrel would have made rech a charge tipon those connected with this paper edi torially or otherwise. We do not hold the gentlemanly editor of the Columbian respon 'Eible for anything of the kind. The article we allude to, we have reason to believe, was cot the production of his 'brain, but, of a verdant, would-be-limb of the law. Our Gains in Indiana. The Democratic gains in Indiana are very - heavy, as compared with 1 SG4. ; There is a larger vote polled, and the increase, rave in one district, (Colfax's), is wholly on the Con Eervative side. Niblack, Democrat, in the First District, is returned by 2,200 majority, a gain ; Kerr, Democrat in the Second Dis ,'trict, has increased from 1,7'J3 to 1,977. Hunter, Republican, gets less than 500, when his Radical predecessor had over S00. Julian, in the Fifth District, has his majority cut down from 7,145 to about 600. This i an enormous gain. In the Sixth District, Coburn has only 2,200 against 7,9SS tvo years since. "Washburne, Republican, in tho Seventh District, is reported to have made a small increase. . Crth, Republican, in the Eighth District, hs only 300 against 1,437 two years shice. There is no noticea ble change in the other districts. We doubt if tho Radicals will have seven thousand majority in the Congressional vote against twenty thousand two years Race. Well done, Democrats of Indiana. JESF". Columbia County, in the lata con test, done her whole duty. , She came out of the' fight, with a majority cf 1C1S for the "gallant son of old Berks IIlESTElt Cltmek, and 1737 majority for the Democratic can didate far Congress, Mr. Elwell. These majorities exceed last Fall's majority ly about 326, and eurpass all, in our recollec .tion, ever given to any Democratic candidate in this county. The Democracy have most manfully done their duty in this contest. Every nook and corner put forth her strength and bravely pushed the. column onward to victory. Had every county come out of the battle with anything like the increased ma jority that Columbia has given, in propor tion to their rote polled, the State would have gone for IIiester Ceymer by a hand some majority. We have nothing to dis courage us. The day is not yery distant when victory is sure to perch ur cn our baa. ners. " Cheer up, my lively lads!" The Endorsement or the Constitu tional Amendment by Oregon Expcng id. San Francisco, October 7. A. dis patch from Salem, Oregon,, states that in the House of Assembly yesterday I.Ir. IIu mascn offered a series of resolutions declar ing that the action of the'IIouse in ratifying the constitutional amendment before the ad mission of the members from Grant county was fraudulent, and by the aid of one Union member the resolution, was adopted yea? 24, nays 23. ' The Secretary of State wa? then requested to transmit a copy of the resolutions to the Secretary of State at Wash ington. Further action will be had to-morrow. ; IQ- We have heard some of our Demo cratic friends estimate the strength of the Columbian party in this county at about fifty-nine. If we may take the vote of Judge Ei.vfXLL over Clymir in this county, which was 119, this estimate is not too low. No one supposes for a moment that any of these ColumbianiCes voted for Clymer. . It would not be likely hat any of them" did vote for Clymsr when the leaders of that party de clared that if they thought it necessary they would stump the county for Geary. tZT We learn that the Election Board of Gnyr:gham. Township, this ' county, have teen bound over to appear at our next Court, for rejecting a vote of a non-reporting draft ed rarn. Thi3 i3 the -first and only case of the kin 1 v heard of since the late m muujij.. The Rump Congress. The Romp, k far "as 'we have been able to ascertain through the late elections, has become no smaller. - In this State, if the returns present the truth, the Ramp hts had an acquisition of two members made to it In the Westmoreland District, Covode, of- Smelling Committee notoriety, is put down as l-eing elected by 35S majority. The Schuylkill Di3trict is alto counted against the Democracy. Cake is said to be elected in that District by quite a email majority. In Ohio we have made no gains ; further than we have the extreme.s6atie-faction of ' . : ' ' . e .' w knowing tnat radicalism is ' not enaorsea ; for in every District the former Radical majorities have been tremendously cut down. The Radicals barely carried some of their strong Districts. One more effort and we will rout them in every quarter. The people are not quite ready; they desire more nigger ; more taxes ; and more cur rency. Tht3 green-back currency will ere long become ragged, filthy and worthless, and know not its redeemer. Then, and not till then, will some people be willing to work for a change. You have not yet paid one dol lar of the real tear dubt. It has been all that you have been aLIc, under present tax ation, to keep do-vm some of the interest, and bear the ordinary expenses of the gov ernment. This you will do for awhile and not grumble ; but when an effort is made to get out of debt, you will find a dif ferent' tate of affairs in our financial circles. Then you will need economy in every de partment ; you will pray for the abolishment of the freed men's bureau, and like drain upon the treasury. - It is all well cnouih, you think, to have these heavy expense., eo long as they are no more weight upon you. It illustrates the fact that we have a strong a:l rich Government! Mr. Radical thinks this all right, at present, but when he comes to foot these hills, he will think quite dif ferently. County Fair. The Columbia County Agricultural Fair which was held at this place last week, was a success. In the first place, a better selec tion of articles, in every department, was never exhibited in this county. The num ber of articles on exhibition was not so nu merous as has been the case at previous Fairs, but the quality of the articles was better. A marked improvement was noticed in the grain "and vegetables particularly. Tha only objection we should think of offer ing, would be to the hzc of the pumpkins, beets and potatoes they were all so very l&i-ge. Too bulky to manage with The corn presented was most splendid, as was every variety of grain on the tables. The machinery on exhibition exceeded all previous Fairs, The Reapers, Mowers, Wind-Mills, Plows, Harrow?, Rakes, Gates, Planters, Drills, Feed-Cutters, were all "on the ground," with a representative for each one declaring" his machine the "best and cheapest now in use." ing implements were All kinds of Farra fufiy represented. among which were some very fine and highly improved agricultural utensils. In tlils par ticular branch our people have been making more than the ordinary advancements in the pa-t few years. They Lave progressed b yend all precedent. Farm labor is perform ed with comparative ease to vhat it wa twenty year- ago. This is evidence of the fact that the American people tike the lead in all the arts and sciences. They not only invent these machine, usod in cultivating our farru, but they put them in practical and profitable operation. Jotwithstan.iiiijr the inclemency of the weather during the first two days, the receipts will compare fa vorably with those of other years. On Sat urday there wa a large turn-out ; one tint surpassed all like gathering? in this county. There never were so many people and vehi cles in this place on one d.iy before. The streets were, at times, literally alive ""with human beings and every description of vehi cles. . The day being so favorable everybody attended from far and near. We cannot say much in favor of tho stock, horses, cattle, fdieep, c. This depart ment of the exhibition was not full. We have seen a much better reprcsentaticn at previous Fair?. There was no excuse for this lack, unless it was cn account cf the bad weather, of the first two days, which, very probably, was tho cnu:-:e. Thtre i. stock in the countj- which will con: pare fa vorably with any raised in the lower coun ties, and cur farmers usna'ly trot it out. All passed off pleasantly without any dis turbances. . Good order was preserved throughout the whole time. There was little or no rowdyism practiced on tho ground. There were no ntsiranccs on tho ground this year, such as shows, flying-horses, slop shops, fee. -For this the Society deserve much credit. Members of Congress Elected. 1. Saniufl J. Randall, re-elected, Dem. 2. ('harks O'Neill, re-elected, Republican. 3. Leonard Myers, re-elected, Republican. 4. William D. Kclky, re-elected Rep. 5. Caleb Taylor, succeeds Thayer, Rep. 6. B. Maikley Royer,-re--c'scted. Jem. 7. John M. Broomall, re-elected, Ren. 8. J. Lawrence Getzsucceed Ancona. L'em. 9. Thaddeus Stevens, re-eleeted, Rep. k a!4ChUcceedsStrouse, Rp. gain. . Ankcn, succeeds Johnson, Democrat. 12. Charles Dennison, re-elected, Dem. 13. Ulysses Mercur, re-elected, Rep. 14. George F. Miller, re-elected, Rep. 15. A. J. Glosebrenner, re-elected Dem. 16. William II. Kocntz, re-elected, Rep. 17 D. J. Morrell, succeeds Barker, Rep. 18. Stephen F. WiLson, re-elected, Rep. 19. Glenni W. Scofield, re-elected, Rep. 20. D. A. Finney, succeeds Culver, Rep. 21. J. Covode succeeds Dawson, Rep. gain. 22. J. Kennedy Moorhead, re-elected Rep. 23. Thomas Williams, re-elected, Rep. 24-J3eo. V. Lawrence, re-elected, Rep. C?a- Retireix 0 ur young friend E. R. Ikelcr, Esq., has dissolved his connection with the Democrat and Star, of Blooms, burg. He is succeeded by J. P. Shuman, who partially served at the printing business under our instruction. We wiihboth our incoming and outgoing young friends abun dant success in their resnectiva srTiai nf busiaesA Berwick Gaeettd The State Election. " The election is over, and, contrary to our most confident expectations, the Radicals have triumphed. " This" result, dishearten ing as it must be to every true friend of the peacdul restoration and permanent pros perity of the Union, is not so surprising as it would at first-appear, when the means that were employed to accomplish it, are clearly understood. Money to an almost incalculable amount, was freely spent the basest falsehoods and slanders were indus-' triously circulated the most daring frauds were perpetrated and all the machinery of tne oatn-bounl "Loyal Leagues and other secret political organizations of our oppo nents, was put in motion, in the desperate struggle to retain the power, which, in view of their many and heinous past misdeeds, they felt they could not afford to lose. Such a compact, vvtll disciplined, and determined opposing force, wa.s too much for the people to overcome, compelled as they were to con tend aga'ust it wiih only thir own uuas. iot cd strength. They . are indeed defeated, but not by any moans go overwhelming as to imjel them V) abandon their cause, or despair of the future.- The boasted ma jority of from S0,000 to 50.000 for Geary, which the Radicals defiantly claimed, is re duced, by the actual returns, to little more, if any, than ten thousand a loss of over Jive thousand on their majority in 1863 ; and enough to encourage every Democrat who has faith in his principles, and trust in the ultimate, correct verdict of the people, to persevere and "try again." It is always an invidious, and never a profi table task, to attempt to mitigate a political defeat by pointing out where or how our friends might have done better. But to whatever causes it may be owing, and which, now wuen it is not too late, we may be dis posed to think, might have been avoided, no shadow of blame can attach to our candi date and leader Hiestfr Cltmer. He did his duty well and nobly. Never was the Stato so thoroughly canvassed, and never were the issues Milmitted to the popular verdict more forcibly or persuasively pit- sented. He proved himself worthy of the trust that was reposed in him by the Con vention of the 5th of March, and his defeat is the party's loss, not his own. Personally, he has nothing to regret ; politically his record stands clear as it did when he accept ed the nomination. We confers to no disappointment at the result in our cwn. county. Tiue, our ma jority is a large one ; but all cf us felt con tident that, upon this occasion, Berks could and would give seven thound. A oom .parison of the returns with those of 18G4, shows that our full vote was not out. Per haps over-confidence in success had some thing to do with this ; but it may be mainly attributed to the report which was put in circulation by the Radicals, as a "last card," that a change of Administrations would im pair the public credit, an 1 cause a d precia . r t -i i lion or uovernment Jjoihs, winch our people hold to a considerable amount. Pal pably false as was such a ttory, it doubtless ha 1 its effec t, ia inducing not a few to absent themselves from the polls, and some even to violate their political convictions by voting fr Geary-. It is supposed that probably several hun dred Democrats in this county who hold Government bonds were induced to vote for Geary-, by being told in the most solemn manner by Republicans, that if the Demo crats regained power our debt would be re pudiated or the Southern debt recognized This does not speak well for their judgement. to pay the least. But the men who origi nated and practiced this clcctioneeringdodge, well knew that it was as foul a falsehood a.s was ever told. Every man who understands the financial condition of our country knows that the oxi.t danger to the national debt comes from the reckless and revolutionary -chemes of the Radical majority in Congress. If they would ccae thtir agitation, and al low the Union to be restored and fh j coun try to become more qui t, pa'vful an i prosperous, our inii!'.c??i-e resctvv, North and South, wuld soon bo so developed that 0'ir dolt wo"H reasi; to behalf the bur b n it now is. The lcst business me n n.-cognize this f:ot, Stewart, Yan-krbilt, Astor and other New York capitalist, who hold more of the national debt than the same number of men anywhere, are for the President and ayiiint Congress." The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and all men in Con gress or out of it must obey it. What re flecting man who holds a Government Bond, can believe it is safer under Stevens and agitation, than under Johnson and the Con stitution? Reading Gazette and Demo crat. ..... m Frank Thomas' Slaves. The Union publishes a notice from the JZeaminer of No vember 3rd, 1S53, of the sale of a number ot negroes belonging toex-Gov. Frank Thomas says: "Only eight short years ago the slaves of cx-Gov. Frank Thomas were sold at the jail door, in this city, to the highest bidder for cash, and most of them were sent into the mgar, rice and cotton fields of the South. They brought thirteen thousand, two hundred and fifty-seven dollars, and ev ery cent of this large turn of money was ai plied to the benefit of Mr. Thomas, the identical gentleman who is now in favor of negro equality, and voted, during the late session of Congress, to allow negroes to vote in the District of Columbia, Maryland nion. Lancaster Crrr. We feel proud of Lan caster. She has been "faithful among the faithless." Proudlj and gloriously has fhe lorn aloft the old Democratic banner. Her majority for Clymer is 335, a gain of 2SG over Woodward's of 1S63, and 133 over McCiellan's of 18C4, and the largest she has given for j cars. Her indomitable and invin cible Democracy arc true as steel to the faith of their fathers, and while others have grown faint and weary in the good cause, they have stood by and upheld the principles for which they have ever contended. Lancaster is a green spot in the desert, a "City of Refuge" for. White men ! All hail 1 the cloriomj l'ln- tind City." Intel iy nicer. tSr San Francisco has 14,818 voters, cf whom 8517 are native Americans, 6301 for eign bCTH. THE OFFICIAL RETURNS. COLUMBIA COUNTY, OCT. 0, 18C6. Governor. Congress. Senator. O B a a a 3 o rr ce O Beaver, 175 Benton....... 174 Berwick, 67 Bloom, 232 Briarcreek, 155 Catawi-sa...l32 Centralia,...134 Centre, 11)4 Convngham 169 Fishirgcr'k.236 Franklin 55 Greenwood. lt6 Hemlock... .164 Jackson 99 Locust 239 MadUon 115 Main 103 Miiliin.' 200 Montour 63 Mt. PiVasant.94 O.ango 121 Pine G IvOaiiugcreok47 11 56 103 303 76 194 SO 90 72 57 59 158 55 5 119 44 12 35 49 64 175 174 67 267 157 140 134 197 173 239 54 165 165 99 221 193 103 200 64 '5 122 85 47 152 11 52 102 272 74 183 80 86 77 54 59 159 54 4 116 175 175 67 236 154 132 124 197 173 236 54 165 164 UK) 239 8 55 103 300 76 189 90 85 56 5' 159 55 3 119 44 13 r - .iO 4-1 Gl 69 31 43 153 45 92 13 103 35 2iM 4 A C2 69 31 43 153 21 64 V4 122 85 47 1.72 134 30 42 Scctt.... Sugarki Total. ...149 ..134 1 6 135 36-14 1907 1737 1GC5 1907 3594 1939 11-65 Majorities, 161 S 16 !.) Agbly. Af. JuJ. Prut. Rff. Com. Aud. G t' C o tj n r v g- 2 p- g s. r t-. H o o n B : T E : B - : w 9 2 r" 3 : : lieaver lia 15 la 175 175 175 175 Benton 174 172 176 174 172 174 174 Berwick 65 66 67 67 67 67 67 Bloom 224 234 24 ) 243 230 243 2?i Briarcreek... 153 155 155 154 154 154 154 Catawissa.... 128 132 143 132 H2 132 132 Centralix 134 132 132 134 134 134 133 Centre 197 202 202 197 197 197 197 Convnu-ham. 173 175 175 173 173 173 173 FMiinccreck236 236 237 23S 23S 237 23.S Franklin 39 55 55 54 54 54 54 Greenwood.. 165 179 170 165 164 164 164 Hemlock 161 16S 16$ 162 162 162 162 Jackson 99 ,94 100 99 98 97 99 Locust 240 256 258 240 240 240 240 Madison 189 191 193 192 190 194 191 Main 103 103 103 102 103 103 103 M.fllin 200 200 2O0 2O0 200 200 200 Montour 63 65 65 63 63 63 63 Mt,I'lea.nt. 94 96 96 95 95 95 95 Orance 122 121 121 122 122 122 122 I'ine.. 5 S7 87 85 85 85 85 Boarintrercck 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 Scott.. 152 150 150 152 152 151 152 SiKrarloai'.... 135 133 136 135 135 134 135 SGf There was no opposition to our can didate for Assembly or our county oSoes. The whole Democratic Ticket is handsome ly elected. There was an increased vote polled at this election which helped to 8wcli up our majority in this count' above that of other election-?. Our candidate for Con fres, it will le observed, run 119 ahead of the vote cn Governor.- The Result in the State. Upon a r-oll cf nearly, if not quite, six hun.irtd thou-and votes in the State, the real majority fir Geary will not be much above that given f ir him in this city. Out side of this place the votes are pretty evenly balanced. 1 he rural districts are retracing their. step. The people are enicreing from under the war cloud, are feeling tha weight, of taxes imposed to meet the enormous ex penses incurred by the Radicals, and are dis posed to change their rulers, and thus alter the policy and acts of the government. Had the contest been foutrht by the Radi cals on principle, and no means used but such a.s are sanctioned by an honest regard lor the perpetuity of a republican repre sentative form of government, the remit would have been far different. But other agencies were relied upon to maintain Radi cal ascendency. Money wa used in pro fusion. The loyal leagues in all sections of the State acted as the di.-pen-ers of money, and dohauehod and corrupted all who couH be reached in that way. This is an exjen sive mode of holding political power. T!ie coi.tributor to the k'i.ucs will tire of sup porting an association which is intended to enrii'h a few corrupt and sou'less politicians;. The voter are with the Democratic party. J heir numbers inerea.-e each year. In this city the poll of the Democrats isf.iPt a-um-iug proportions that will defy colonization and other exhibitions of fraud. Tho same point will soon be reached in the State, and then a lair expression of jhc judgment of the people will be reached. There is nothing in the result of the late contest in this State to dispirit the Demo cratic party. Political power cannot be easily wre.-tcd from a party which has en joyed it for years and u.ed it for one purpore, that of perpetuating the reign of Radicalism in the State and nation. It takes time to break the charm of success, to induce men to abandon old ideas and associations and embrace new ones. But the drift of the tide is Eteadily aud unmistakably in favor of the Democratic part-, and those princi ples upon which alone the States can be re united, and that union be made perpetual and indestructible. Each contest the ma jority in the State is reduced. Kach elec tion is a s-tep nearer the final overthrew of the present revolutionary faction. These are lessons to be learned from the result of the" contest through which we have just passed, and the people should ponder their full meaning. Age. The Illustkatf.d Annual of Piirex oloiv and Physiognomy for 1K7. Jut Published, Contains How to Study Phren ology ; Nantes of the Far-ulties; Hindoo Heads and Chara- fers ; Pat Folks and Lean Polls; Immortality ScienUiie Proofs Thomas CarKlCjth-j Author; The Jew Racial Peculiarities ; Civilization and Beau ty; The Hottentot ; A Bad Head ; Forming Societies; Matrimonial Mistakes; Handwri ting; How to Conduct l'ublic fleeting-?; Eliza Cook, the Poetess ; Rev. James Mart ineau, the Preacher ; Rev. Dr. Pusey, the Author; Proude, the Historian ; Theirs, the French Statesman; John Ruskin, the Art Writer; Rov. Charles Kingsley, the Author; Bashfulness, Diffidence, Timidity; Cause and Cure ; Eminent American Clergymen ; The Spiritual and Physical; Large Eyes; Ira AldriJge. the Tragedian ; InHuenee of Mar riage on Morals ; Society Classified, etc. A capital thing, full of portraits and many oth er Illustrations. Triea 20 cents. f Address Fowli & Werxss 3S0 Broadway, K T. JEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. THE utidersianeil revpectfullr announce in hit manjr fritrnJp that h ha opened a new 'ltbin and Grin lcmn'a Funtirhinf Slr, to the lower r mho nf the Hart nmn llull'iing, u'hcat cor ncr of Mai a and Market htrrrti, Bloouiaburf . ra. Having juat retared from Philadelphia with large tck f Fall and Win I or Clothing and G mVrmrn'i Furnishing Ooodi. icr . fcc He flat-t-:a biuiaelf ttiat he can please all. Ilia nock coir priara MEtfS AXD BOYS CLOTUIXG, acta aa DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, OY Mi COATS. PANTS, VESTS, SH IRT3. UnRS!llT3 DKJtirEJiS. CCLLjIP.S. HOSIERY. n.ixnKmany.hs VMHhELLJIS 4C. an. I in f trt errryllii-M n ttie CI iUiug or Furiuitiiiig line hi Very Low Prices. In addition to tbe above be liaa an aiiort men I of Clothes, Ca-simers, and Vestings. T? Clolhint; iii.tIh tontdrral thu hortt notice. Vail ami e before purr hming tUcwIicre. an I . M:m; uuiums, JV. CHEMBEm.IV. October 10, 18(6 ARGAINS IN WATCHES. The UNIOV WATCH CO., maiiractnrrr, HI Broadway, N'-w Yira. uffi-r Ihfir entire a-orlt atler thin ri. for ranli. Thi uff .r.l a r;r opportunity for i;il.r aifliiiiir to r-pl.;iuh for holi l;iy tr.iio. to Sflfrl from a cr-Ht varii-ty unHiirpa:l lor rirhurpf o' dr-in t'iii'k)' piii( qiMlitira anil rial woo h "OMiimiS' VV A I'l llliS. hurupcan niaili;, in rUout S?ilvr and liol.l Plt !il Cii wjrrmitL'd :orr t liiHK-kprpi-rs heantil'ully ncravi-d. whil; ilijl ami Uiiry fiiiliail haima ; it sup rli ornament I'ri- e, per rinse or fix $ i. Th eaitii'. f'lil pl;it--l. pr cmo of di,81S. OM.V Y 1 UK ;A -K! We (to not (H vi-il- from Ihn nil"' upon n c -iifliti-.n . llUNTINii Sil.Vi R VVATi HKS, r.ii2(ish niov-nii-nt. pi-rf ctly Ijn-terl. so.) n arrnti'il iorrect lime kfr-pf-r ; bfuiitifmly etierarei yto'it ilunhle in-. w hile iliil ami f.mry cut hands r-4M only by the ch; ot -ix p irnj',7. T;ii i the ch'.'api'nt rt aly rnn'l article in the market furuihin; a rloiit bout ing tiuralile watrh. whirl! WIl.i. K l.fci' GOul) I I V C at a VOOKItATE Pttl'"li Jn jo.tic to many Mill ilealera whotn we ur opplyinx. tll-ne tvatrtief will not be anlii to any oce at retail, or in aii i i unii t e- thin a cane of ii t;uLII Pi.ATl.ll VATCHn-, l K. plate, fame movement a above. ail i pr-iri ly thi; tame tyl. of watch, w it!i Hie eieeplioii th il tiire arir h'-uvoy plated n eompoi-ition Hiatal, Price. p-r case of nix, $., Sol. I rmly by ca.-e ! HL'N'I INU l "VER WATCH K. in niperior fin iithe.l cir'H. ll eiitfravi-ii, n tc I that r-alily f II Mt ret.iil at rom V earh up ard-. p-r vne of Same in tiilt casea. per half tloicii. $-. oldouiy by lb L'hko t Improved Heavy Silver Duplex Chronome ters in fully ruby action movement. Thone wiehing a np nor tiine-pi.;re, that ran b relied upon in ail i:an'iii :tn-i w-alh ; f. eliull bay thiit. f or K; men a nil othori rfjairiiiK an ac curate tim-pi -ce thi i- unurpise.l . aaeti in befl Mlver i' it baiiiltome a!ii' tiaraolt: manner per cat? rf fi. $V04 A fan (.1 ' will ne o il fvr Tbao nalrn" tetail at IV on S7. to $ AitKI M. W , .11 :--. iF OUR OWN MAXU FA.I LUj; A li AhUANTKO. Two ou-ice Silver Caes Have tlw beat r'lnninit apparitii of anv wal h exiieure. Per raasol'!! Sincl- i.n- I M Retail ut $ 10 atu up ward. AUo ti.OJ and ilve, vV-,tLh- . a -up- rb et - a f Oliver ware, an. I C"i 1 pale.l an i Giil Jewelry (or C untrv Vleri hautd. I.lar, fcc ;o.i.l ii:nt to anv part of ih-? country by Expre.a, t' o U to tie p:id for wli -n r-c mv -d i r I :r ai ouce . No acvances req nre t. f-n I f r 'irciilar. t.MO.N W VI'CH C'., 1 1'J UroaJway, New Vnrk, October tt), Ifii'A EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. rnE r.XBCirioR's op the last tvn.i. an'D I 'I egtrtinent of Drui - Palmer late of Vnlley town- hip. Vnntinir roun'y. iter ean il. w i II c ipose to sale, at pub.ic vendue on tbe premiers, on Th ursdny, () tuber li.'jA , 1 Sf.6, AM tMtrerrein plantation nnd trart of land ait'l.ite in Val'ejr lowiihip Montour county, a-j oniiii land of llaniel I urpel Pw Ualdy. Lmanuel Sidler and Jaii.en Cb!d. eont.unin i.inetv tveu arrevind tor-tv-arven tierrhea iri t men" ore. all of w birh i im proved land There in a qnary of piwul I imetonr on thi Irart. ailuate about there pules from II iiivillc. otith road leaiting to Jera:) town, 't'ho improve n:env ("iiiiMr of a TWO 3 TORY FRAME HOITSE, a Frame Ban Itarn. I'orn CriH. a Well f wi'i-r t the lw elluiij Moue. a'-o it lh Batn : a food Hrms of naur neur tlie (-.welling. Th-re K an Apple Or chard anj r.iher fruit on the premise . AO cain in thf! fruimd on day of nlei reserved, with the priv il ree of the t.e. utorf or t.-uai't to enter npon tlo preiiiia'r in the proper rieason. rut. the jf ,-1 1 . i in t -n l-arn. tlnerh oi haul n away, be and they leav irif the trw on the .rru:ie. Alo, at Ihe aane tni and ; Isro. a Tract of Woo I l and nt iate in Valley township afor "d a '.j dn ing land r.- Ii'iii-iim o' the fceir of l i'liam inyd- r. II nrv W 'inu-ralet n. Joauua trUtler and Peter . aldy, rnrit:ii:iiii TISIK'J'EEX ArRE3 AXD ONE IICM'RCD ANI HVK ri RCIIF..-, ftric: nieasure The above proper ly to be pold pursuant to th! liireetioim cO"tni'i iJ in tlie la-t VCI unj Tinaiu' lit ot the ale liumel Pal tin r. 'iiT a-ed. Salv to cn-.n ii.'nrf t 11 o'rlo'k, of ni I .!:tV. wli . i turn.s Ulul ten ilin.m if ale uiO Uu mi In known by AAIM.S- P.i VI It. f CJIA.EsTM-! -. )fx lJ'or Valley Towi:lnp. f e(.l 'iti, 1 - , i. rKNTSV'ANTKD - Fi-R FRAXK MoOatl'S XiiW VVO !K. GrX'lH will fio'litii bork of rn! merit and m .V tritiyjo value arajCT haw intensely mterert- iii and eicitinj no work ev.-r atteacldd am! enitng. ed the public mind like inis. fcverybo.jy wants it und thou .and n iM purcbaae it a uoou aa an oppor tunity is alFordeit llinn. Head w hat t' ut say of it. One r ifVricuced Agent w rilei It i the eaiet and pleant-at Hook to II lie ever canvassed for : and nays' people are delighted with il, the .Liotai enpecially . Another ay ; "Women of the War" i the book of the eaoii Another. 137 Orders in Four Hay. I iiie r ports-17 ordt-rs the firi day of cavain. Intellint , active males or f.-mab's will find the e. leof tha w oi k pleasant nd lurr.'itive mp oy ment lln Uook hi. no I ' It comes Ir. tli and n?w to the people. Tin- Urntory i clean ami clear. Agent uo rstan 1 the in. his particiar. For lull pailfuUrs nend tor Circular. Address, S SCR AN TO M Cn , KM Asliiii St.. Ilailford, Cutin, October iO, 1pM".C 41J5. M. 1' AT JOHN FAREIRA'S Old r.-taMiihed Fl.'R Vann- lactorv No, . IS AK'Jtl Street, aljove 7th . I'll ' L OEf.PII I A Have now in Store of my own Importation and .Manufirtur one of the lar?e.4t and inot beautiful sele'tions of FA.VI.Y H'RH, V''or Ladies' and Children's Uear in the. City. Also, n fine assortment of ent Fur Col lars and Cloves. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at verv rasoi-ah!e prices, and I would there fore solii i' a rail from my friends of Columbia Coun ty and vieinitv. s Remember tbe Name. Number and Street. J Oil a lWlil.lKA, No. 718 ARCH ft ab. 7lh., south side. Ptjiladelphia. I have no Partner, nor connectioa with any other Ptore in Philadelphia. October lu. leoo, liu.-J. Web. LV STOVE AND Tl. SHOP. ON M A I v STP.F.F.T. (E RI.Y OPrtlSITR nil'LLK'S M'OIIE.; BLOOVStiUR J. PA. THE undersigned has j it fi'ted up. and opened, bis new in this place, where he is prepared to make up new TT W A RE of ill kinds in his line, and do repair it,. i;h -neatness and disp itch. upon the most rea sonab In terms. He also keeps on hand tToVE ol varioos patterns and styles, w htch he Will sell upon terois tu suit Durcbascra. Give hi.,... ..'II. lie ij a goo 4 mechanic, and de erins of it' .Mb'lc patronage. JACOB METZ. Bloom-bnnj. Sept. 9, Hfi. ly. ES i RAY HOG. Came t the premises f the un'!ersigne4 in Mt. Pleasant tswn hip Columbia cstinty n or about the '2-th of ugut last a white hag. weighing about sue hundred and fiflr psunda supposed ts h about a year 'd. The swner Is r qqested t rsme forward pieve prsneny. pay charges and take it away, sibxrwise it will be lipied sf accsrdinf ts law. U. . APPLEMAN. Ht. -ri'anM, OtUi.Wf, tar. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE RE AL ESTATE. I In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Lusarne county. Pa , on TURSDAY, NOV. 11866, " at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, at the house of Lewis on tbe premises Lawsn Hughes, administra tor "f the estate of John Huehes. late of Cainhrn. I. ns-rne county uectased. will extio e In gale all three contiguous tracts of land situate in th township of t, in th. rremty of Columbia, ad joining lands of Knberl Watklns. je-.nrly Keiuhn,d. John I'elig. and others, 'l b first thereof romniiiiug 140 Acres and 90 l'erehes, of whir-h is about one half cleared lai.d. and in good state of riilitvotioii, whereon is erected a two story good llrick House, a large Hank Rrn. Spring ho ise, a blacksmith shop, and other buildings; soma fruit trees, a large meadow and n .tvcr-fai'ing spring near the h use. the balance of said land H wel I t iubered with white oak, niaiile. and the best of Chentuut. 1 be s,-cond the-eof contaioing 99 Acrc3 and 67 Perches, of wki' h more than half is cleared nd in a good slnte of cultivation, the ba'anre i well timbered with tiiO't ei-elleut large thrifty cbestuut, wliite oak and some Pine and l.irkory. The tbii d thereof rout lining 92 Acres, of wltic.i a few acres is cleared; the most part nf it timber land, and rotienlerKd ny many peisnns to le- tli- best timber land in that vicimtv. I he laud t excellent, a n.-ver fiiling stiring of water on it aVu astriHiit nf water running throuch all of the Ui 'i T n l .ie-rrirt 'l trac. and all of sai l tnets have a iiuli ic road running through thi in or joining on a pub ir roiol .i.o, Five oilier ccn'izuoiia tracts of good timber land si: ii said township, nnd adjoinuig lands lit;r. t describe I. 'I'll first thereof containing ti art. sand .'! perelies. The hecoud thereo con tai'iing 4i af;r.-s and 70 perrhes I ho third thereof i 1 0 1 ii i ii :7 ncr-s an I percb -s. The lourtb tli -reof coiitainj C 4j acres and 7 1 pert hei 'i iie fi:tli th'-reof ctuit lining ntres -ml Is I perches, sti let iora-iir, . all ad said trac s nre well timbereit with tuo.t ex. ell lit i li -lit n lit 4nd other llmbe A ro. I nn mh'-r rrai t situate in saum tswn'liip adjiiii4ig In mis of Wriybl Hughes, aix'l Veurs and o.liers. containing 1 5 Acres, more oi less, which is well timbered with the best of heMniit. Also, other lot ritu'ite in the same lon nsliiti. ner.r .-lai town, ailjoiuius lands of wi.tow Troxel. the le i's ol widow li...ich aud Joseph Csii. coiit:tiuiiig three a ere, improved laud. To be 'old as the vrop. rty of said ec -ased. r. . n. i-in.i.itis. Clerk tJ t?. 1 ERI.S : Ten per cent of the purchase money to ir paid at Hi linking down of tne provertg. the rtmainder ef tlte purckaie mumy to be paid a J-Muir : One f.u oh the ropjrmiiliom oj tale, one Ikird on the .;( of Jipril A. 1 l.5-'i at tchick Urn poneion teiU it given, and the balance on tie 1st day of April. Ji D irjud tciih inlrrent .n tie tame Jrom the let day of April 1-07. J ht purcha.'tr to pay Jor L)etd and H amp October 3. 10. Estate of Daniel Snyder, deceased. IN pitrseancc of an order of the Orphans' Court f Columbia County. Pennsylvania, on Thursday, tlte 'loth day of October, 1SC6, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and to conlinje from day to day until sold, William Snyder an J knnie Snyder, jr , administrators of Daniel duyd -r, late of (loom tow nship, in said county deceased, will ex pose to sale by public ven.iue at tbe Court House in ISIoom.-lmr e, t,oltJinbirt i.ounty. i t , ( crtain Tract of Lund, situate in Madison township, t'nlumbia Connty. ad joining -ands lat ot J a on ,irmn. dceaae.l. on in north the heirs oi Ji.nn newer ana n'nci nn tin south and west, an I lauds now or late of Peter Ui'l Icr on the east, containing ONE fU'nRRi AD t?IXTV-niHEE ACRE Ai flX PI.Hi'III.S. strict measure. Thro is n tli pr'-niis, s a rjood two story rr ime House, cud Hank Karn and A pp le Orchard, and about one hun dred aries iiupr-.ved land. Al.rt", the undivided one-third part nf a eeitain lot of ground, situate in tsioomshurg, lyi ig on ti e west Mile t First street of said town, ajuininj a lot ( iuirl-y ii nd t'he:irt on the earl, lanrti belong ing to the i:'MHisbiirg Iron 'onii ioy on the west. itirl-v a"-' ' "tin an on the gontu and wpst, and I irst Street cf said town on th s s i.iili, cont tin ing in fi'ty one f-et and in ib pth ii" honored and evenly two feet. There is on the premises a two-story dame licine with basement, and Iram li.oi.e tie story ah I a hall" Ai so 111" undivided one-half put of a certaii trai t or l t ol land. sit. lute in i al.iwna township. Col . mii couu'.y. boiiii ted on the north by iliu tlivi r SMs'lui'liamia. mid otner lauds of the rli-easeil, on til.-eat and tvost ! 'ands of Pinn-I bhnuiiii and tilers and J js ph lien it hot on the south, contain ins forty three acies ami thirty fnir p" he, strict uiea-ur! There is on the pr mise a frame nw :l liojf bouc. bank barn, and about thirty acres un proved. A Lvt, the undivided one-half part of a certain lot or tract of Ian d situate in Catawis-a township alore- ai. I. adjoining land of Ituniel and (.lias Kruni ou the north, the lact above m-nt ioned trs I on the rat. the River Su.-q-i.-ltaona the south, rnntaiiiiuc Konrteeii Acres aud r eur Perches, strict measure, all tiinle-r lar.d. A lO. a certain lot of ground situate i Orange ville. in sui.l county, a 'joining a lot of widow arts on the wc-kt, a h t ul wi.u.w Kline on the east, Or angrville Acaaemy lot on the south, and Market Street on tbe uortb, containing thi'ty perch-. 1 t-t: tULCl A., i.lerk. CONDITION: OF SALE. The share of Mary Snyder, th widow of the in fatate, in the sever I premises to remain in tne half's of the purrliassrs during b.-r natural lif-, tn interest t'ler -ef to be regularly and ai.tiua-'y p nd to Iter . the purt ba-er or purchasers, his or t:ieirh.trs. or assigns, lo.lilio ihe premises, to b-; recovered by riistress or oth-riVMe as rents nre r coyr ibl : i-i this Cniiiiitoiiwealth and winch the sti.i w i.low shall taKe in lull ratislariion of b'-r !ow-r in the several prem isesadnthr cec-ase her share of the purchase money to be paid to those entitled thereto. ten p r cent, of two-thirds id tne purchase in n i-v to re: paid by tke purchaser to the a tiiiims ra ors 'n the d.V of sale. Oue-haU of th-! balance ol" the Is. n-third t. bu paid fi-t thu first day of April. ISo7 Ihe reinainioe ha'f ofltn two-ttiirds of th' pur chase i..n.y oo the fifi-t day of A,iril JmS. with in- f-rest fr.:u III.; tiit d.iy of April, 107. HoeJ to be HiadMotl-- fiiri-liasers on the fi'sldayof A pril,l.-o7, iiiiott iljeir tivinj bonds unn m Tttaires ori the pi mi-i s to s-eure the deferred OHymeuts gr.itu it th- cioofii on the i-y ral ik ts of laud is reserv ed, w l h iiie pr.v iiege to me ow uer or owner I" enter ui..ii in-, pieu.' i h iiie proper eaoll. undent. ! re. liin-fi .inj Ui.ilil away, lie auJ th.y Uavuig lu; btiu". tin iu.! i reiiiises. ".1.1 AM SXVOER, J qJ . Ml. I. SNYDER. J-"""rj- II.WII A I.Sr. At the s i:ue tim" and p;ace ihe undersigned i'i ..i.'-t ie f va'.uabio tract i r panel of an... -SMi il.- no-ill east of 15lii:ii.biir?. aejoiliing Ilia i.:ri n'i I ivi.-.g t.i.- nb'ic roul leading l t'spy. i iit.ii..iii:'si'K'l V-t'lVt ALIitS more or U-.i, a . .-t u- in ruiii . aii 'ii .j- Terms v.i'l lie made k'jwn on the dry of sale by lMUL.SVViit;R, MO-I S COFF.M VX, Aiclienttr. bliiomsburft. Sept. -6. lBoo. JATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. r. Bradley's i tkbraUd Pateut DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (Oil IJOCCI.E .-PaiNG) The Wonrlerful I'lexiliilitv and great enmfirl and pleasure to any l.-nly wearins the Daplex I'.llipiic S:kirt will be experienced particularly in all crow I'-d Ass-nitilies. iperas. Carri ij.'s. llailroad "ars. -rm 'hairs. Ch in h I'ews. for I'rninein te and lions.? Press, ps the Skirt can be fdd"d when in use to oc cupy a :i,;i II plat e as easiiv and convenient! y as a riiK or iisliu Ores, an in v;il i.Tde rj-iaiity in cri:i-oli-te, not found in any Singl.; Spring Skirt. A l.ndy ha ving enjoyed the plensure, comfort, and freat coveiiieiii-e ol wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring fkirt for a siuzle dav, will never att -r wards willingly lipense with their use. I'nrChil ilren. Mlssta and Vounjr Lajies ttivy are superior to all other. I b y will not bend or break like the Single Spring, hut will preserve thei perlcrt aud graceful shape when three or four ordinary Ski'ts will have been thrown aside as useless. Th"j Hoop nre covered w th double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or iJotibls) covered ; preventing them from wearing out when dra'.-giog down stoops, stairs. Stc. T.- Duplex Elliptic is a great f.ivorile with nil la lies and is universally recommended by the I ahon axines as the SI'AJiOAUU SiClrlP OF HIE FAS lOVAKI.E .VHRI.K. To enjoy ihe following inestimable advantages in Crioolini- viz: aup?rr lualitv. perfect manufac- -ture Ntvli-h all ipe and liuish, fl -xibility. dnr ibiluv. comi 'rt anu e.:ouiiiiy. eiipitre for J V . Duplex Klitptie, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure on get the cen-tiue am. le. IMUilOXe-Ta xoard against IMPOSITION be particular to MjriCEthat skirts offered as "DC rl.EX" have the red ink stamp viz : "J. VV. Brad ley's lluplex Elliptic Steel Springs." upon the waist band none others are genome Also Ntice that every l!..0i will admit a pin passed through lh centre, thus reveadiig the, two (or double) spring In at i. d together therein, w bicli is the secret of their fl .-xihi ity ami strength, aud a combination nut to be f .iin.l in any other fkirt. FOR SALE in all rmrc where rtRSTCUSS skirts are sold throughout tbe United Slates aud etsew Here. Manufactured bv the Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTS. -K DLKY tCARY. - - 97 Chambers tiJiel Ceade fcHa., N. V. October JO. l.-Uxi. tiu y OOT XSD SHOE SHOP. OSCAR P. GIRT0X, ne-peclfully informs the public that fa j ia now pre pared to manufacture all kinds of ai BOOTS AND SHOES, ' attheLO WEST Possible Ibices ; at short notice and in Ihe very beat and latest styles. Mr Girtou. (as ts well-known in liloorusburg.) has Bar! many years of auc-estful experi ars wiih a rep utation for good work, inteerity and honorable deal ing unsurpassed. .. Place rf businsss on South East Corner of Main and Iron streets, over J. K. eirua'e Strv. Broomakarf. Oav.10, m. HEIBOIiD'S c FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A poalUva and PpeclQc Bet&edj fbr dlseaaoe of lb DUd4er, Kldasys, Oeavst u4 Jrofmml wlUaC, TMa i!dlcliis roervasM tha powraof fltgestloa, and icltea tbe- absorbenu Into bealtby action, by Uch tit wateryorealcaxeoua tleposltlons, aad all wnnatBral ea Ursemects aro retlnced, aa well as pala and Uflaramanoa, asdic good tor taco.iromen and eblldraa. . HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For weakness ailelng from Excesses, EaMta of Dtaatpa ton. Early IndiicraUon, attended wti.a tha following ErmptOQs: lacUsposltlon to Exertion, Lots of Tower, ntSculty of Braarolar, TrembUnc y TTakefalneas, s Fain In tbe Back, nulling of lie Eodr, Eroptlons of tbe Fscs, Less ot Xlemory, "Weak Kervea, Horror of EIieas "f Clmnc-M of VIlsn E(ot Hands, Drynees of tbe Hb, Tnlrersal Lassltndo, ralild Conntenance, Tfccte spi:plom,ir allowed to to on (whlca tils UadV elno invariably removes), aoon follow FATUITY, EPILEKTIC FITS, Ae ta one of which tbe patient may expire. VTto eaa f tbey are not frequently followed by those M direful die ""' rs-SAXITT Ar COKSEHPTIOX If any are a-s-nro of the canse of tbtr snfferlng.nt Boot rrVl confers. Tlie records of tbe Insane acjituns and taa nic'.aucbolr dca:bs by consnici-tloa bear ample vIujcm it) lie truth cf o.ertlort. T?.e Coiistftutlon, once effected by organic weakness. rentrcj tbe aid of mr!!c!tie tostrengtben and Invigorate the rnteifl. wbtch ntLMrul-H'SS EITlt-lCT OF BCCHCT InTaxlabI d.S. Ja trisJ will con Tine tbe elzaI icspUtaX, In many aute'.Ions rrcnUar to females, tbe ZxrnAtt Ercna Is nnciaa'.ed by any ctber remedy. Ml fdr aU aoxplalnta lcclieut to tbe ssz, or In '-.o DECLINE Olt CHANGE OF UTS. tV Btl BTrTO ABOTt. tar No 1-a.mily should b withomt its Take no Calsara, iferenry, or unpleasant nadiclaa far aapleasant aod dangerone disease. iiELHBOLD'3 EXTRACT BUCHU jrx Cure Bccret Diseaaes In all tbclr stages Utile expense, little or no ahaaf a aa diet, no Inconvenience, and XO EZFOSU&S. QSE HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all affections and disease! of these organ, vbatbar ESI3TESG TS HALE Oil FEMALE, From whatever cacse orlg'inatlnK.and no matter now lonf stanrUac. Plaeasee of Octe orjan reaulre the aid of a dlore'Je. HELKBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU - 13 tho Great Diuretic. And It Is certain to have tbe desired eSect la aQ dlsaaeen Cor which It 1 recommended. DLOCD! 1.003! DL0033! Ilclmbold's n-"ST.T T!lCCrTTSATKT CMJSrOTTrP FLUID EXTRACT SAftSAP ARILLA, Tor porifeleg tho Tlood, rssoTlrg all chronlo corstlta EoeM dircisee srir'.ng from an lmpnrc state of the Clood, and. tha oc'.y rl!av.'.o cad c?cctTtcl knovm rcrrjcJy for tha euro of Ecrofcla, EcaU Head, fcxlt l5ior.ji, l'Urj ul E-xc'.'.'.si cf tto Eocci, Clceratlo cf tbo Thrctt and Lees, r.iotcbcs.rrples on tho Tacn,Tetar,Ery&!.elaa, aad t'u scaly Eruption of thi; tln. SOT A FE"X f th orst ctlicrdcrs Cict tCict aanxicd arbe from tha torruptlon tliat accumulates In the Ulood. Cf all the dbv ccvrr'esttattsve tcen xnaSe to pnrpo it ont, none caa eual la eSect HcutEOU)'e Cowoxtto Exrmicr or 6aa-e-irixiiiA. It cleanse end rxaorate the Elood. trinu " ti9i,-ircf tec'.ih Into tLo eystcm,nad purge out tha haicor trhlch rasha fiieasrt. It ertTOslatcs tbe heallby fszi.tioa;o- f the lioUytSntl espelathc dlsorifr that tvo-w . t2iT.tuit;c;n the tkod. Puch a reuedy that could ha relied on has lon been rorsht r, and notr, for the nrt t::e tho pcblls hr.vts cni on irMca they can dcrpead. Oar ipsce hsre docs tot r.-luiit of ceriiiciues tosho-7 ItscrecU. t ut Ihe trlil cf & tlnjlc tottlo will show to tbe tick tbttlt L3 Hi virtues eorpxtrg nrjrthtng they have ever taken. Two tablespoon JJl cf tha Extract of SersaparUla added to a plt cf vetc-r Ii c:3il to tho Lisbon Diet Drink, and cue l-cttie !s teWr e-r-.rl to a fiJion of the Bjmp of Karaa ttri.x, cr tha Cccclio cs ja'.ly uada. nx,trrGLD'3 hobe wash, An ezccV.cnt Lotion for dlzcuea arlslcx from babll ol d.HlpaL!oa, xnoX In coonec t!oa wltb tha Extracts Encba tA i, Is sncb tliseasc as recoraraended. Evl Cccca cf tbo inert rciroMlhlo and reliable character -will accompany Cio mciUcInrs. Also sxpISclt direction for , ns, tr5."i htirttlrtilt of DaTant!s il vlrs trltneisca,and cp tr:;ii of oov-l uT3c;:e'.:;.l certl.'.cates and rtcosDcndi. tvrj- 3c i'.rrit, many of wlilch aro from the highest conrees, IiiC'.uds csutieat n:7blclacs,Clcrc-mea,Ctates.mon, k. Tbe I roprltor hj never resorted to their putllcslloa la the newspaper , ha does not do this from the fact that hi nrtic'cs rank as Etu.iilxrd rreparations, and do not need to be propped cp hj ccrtlScates. The Science of Motliclnrs. like the Doric, Column, should stand s'.n-ple, i ure, mcJecU:, having; Fa:t for Its hatla, Xcdactiwa fcr Its pillar, and Traih alone for It Capital. Ify rxtraet Earssysrllla Is a Llood Icr!2er ; E7 rztraat Eachn Is a Llnretlc. and trill act as sncb la ail caaoa. Both aro prepsred oa purely ecleaUSo prlnciplea n vacuo end aro tbo tacst active ccaectes of either that ccn he Ede. A rcatty end cooclaslve test vlll be a com parison of tbclr properties with thoee set forth la tha foU lowing works: Eco Dt'petratory of tho Tnlted Etatea. Coo rrofoeaor Dawzra Talaable work oa the rractle c rhyelc. Fee remarks made ty the celebrated Dr. rm-gir, rhlla. Eco remarks rcaley Dr.XpMAiM McDowrii, a ccle trstcd rhj&iclta and yeraber cf tie Eoyal Collefecf Crrcos3, Irclrod, and puhUshad la the Transaction ot tte Klcj and Queen' JoumaL Eco MetUco-Chlrnrslcal rovlew. pnbllshed by JJxsiar TbavisJ, Fellow cf tha r.oyal College of Bnrgeona. , coo Koi oi uie tate standard worts oa aiealciaew. POLD BT ALL DEUGGIST8 ITEHTTrKSS Address letters for Information, la confidence, to H. T. ILELMBOLD, Chemist, P2I5CIPAL DEPOTS ilelmbold'a Drug and Chemical Warshoaaa, Ko. 691 BS01DWAT, HEW YORK, and Ilslmbold'a Medical Depot. Ho. 104 SOUTH IEST3 ST, PHILADELPHIA, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS 7ASI KOOTHST' Ij .3 V.