Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, October 17, 1866, Image 1

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n rm
JACCBY & SUU3UN FcMishers.
Two Dollars prr Annua in Advance.
I v i i I! (I if
a a - ii
This Snoff bn thoroughly proved itself to be. the
oesi article Known lor coring the Catarrh, Cold lit
th Kit and Hcadachb. It baa been found an ex
cellent -remedy in many cace. of Sore Kyes, De-
nsss naa oeeo removed by H and Haeo in has oftca
been greatly improved by its use.
It is fragrant and nr reraUy. ami
To the doll heavy pain ranged by disease of the
Head. Tha sensation n'ter nsini it ore delightful and open, and purges out all obstructions,
strengthens the gland, and fives a healthy action to
the parts affected.
More than Thirty Years'
OfSaJeand use of Da. MiastruVs Catarrh and
Hkadacrk Sitvrr,' hns proved itsgr'at value for all
tlie eamnon diseases of t he Head, and at this moment
il stand higher than ever before.
It is recuiiiiuenUed by many of the beat physicians,
and is used with great success and satisfaction eve
rywhere. '.
Keadthe Certificates of Wholesale Drug
gists in 1854
The aiwtersiroed. having; fo many year been ac
quainted with Dr. M aRaiiacn' Catarrh and Hrad
ach Savrr, and aold it in our wholesaletrade cheer
fully sl.tte.that we elieve it to be equal in every re
. fcect. to the rec.nnti.cnd ations iriven of for the cure
of Catarrhal Affertio&s, and that it is decidedly the
best article we have ever known for all common dis
eases or toe Head,
feu rr t Perry, Boston,
Reed; Austin Jr. Co
, Brown, lamgon kCo '
Reed, Cutler Ca ;
Beth W Fowle,
Wilson. Fairbank k Co.
Ilensllaw. Rilfnjtnri A. fn
) Barnes Park, New Yoik
) A B St D Sands,
Stephen Paul kCo
Israel Minor Ac Co
M'Kesson se Bobbins '
A I. Scovill it Co ,
M Ward. I'tnce It Co "
il U Day. Portland. Me. r
Bualt at Gale,
For Sale b all Druggists. Try It
Feb. 3, ISUe ly.
Bryaufs .Pulmonic Wafers.
VJ"Th! original Medicine eatibluhed in 18.T7. and
first article of the , kind ever introduced under ib-i
name of "Pulmonic Wafsrs." in this or any other
country;, all other Pulmonic Wafers are counterfeits.
The genuine can be known by the name BRYAN be
inf stamped on each Wafer.
" These Wafers have been before tht public for nearly
Thirty Years. and the immense sale attaned.not only
in America bat in foreign countries. fully attest their
intrinsic w"rtb. The medical properties are superior
o any other article offered for I hcare of Pulmonary
or Bronchial affections, and the quantity contained in
each bos is nearly double that of the many wor'.hless
imitations advertised. -.
Er jail's Pulmonic Wafers
enre Coughs, Colds. Sore Throut.Honrsencs. Asthma.
Catarrh. Bronchitis. Difficult ilretubing, fpittini of
Blood Pains iu the Cne. Incipient Consumption and
all diseases f the lungs. Nolntl rrting o ily temporary
relief, but effecting a rapid and lasting cure and are
warranted to give satisfaction in every instance.
They dont nauseate like alct.hoiie compounds, and
the. medical properties ar combined in a form so
agrceahle and. pleasant to the taste, that any child
win readily take them One dose wil 1 always afford
To Vocalists and Public Speakers, the Wafers are
peculiarly valuable j they will in one day remove the
imr:vere oreasiowM hoarseness ; and their regular
use for a lew days all times. increase the pow
er and flexibility of the vtiee, greatly improving its
tone, compass and clearness, for which purpose they
are regularly used by many professional vocalists
The very great celebrity of this valuable remedy has
intned unprincipled persons to prepare base imita
tions, which disappoint the jut expectations of the
fturehaser, mad injure ihe character of the genuine
medicine. -
See that the word "BRYAV." is stamped on each
Wafer, and also observe the fae simile of the signa
ture crthe Proprietor. "JOB MOSK!r" on each wrap
per. to countefeil which is forgery. G7 Otl.-ndin
parties will be dealt with to the full exlentof the law.
osyah s l'OLMOHto v afkrs are for sale by ai t Drug
JOB MOSta. Sole Proprietor, 27 Cortlandt St, N. Y
eo. J, leoo -ly.
Celebrated Female Pills.'
Prepared from precripittmf Sir J. Clarke. M. D.,Phy
eidan KztraorUinaog t the Qssem.
This, invaluable mepicine is unfailing in the cure of
all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the
female constitution is subject. It moderates all ex
cess and removes all obstruction. froin whatever cause
and a speedy cure may be relied on
it is particularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring
mttlra monthly period with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government
Stamp of Gleat Britain, to prevent counterfeits,
Then Ml kould not he taken ay Female iurtne Ike
TFIRST THREH MOJCrUSof Pregnmncf, iAe9 mretnre
fbring m MiceLriagt,hul nt nvytherlime thee areeafe
Every women know that the bloom of health moat
fade, with the slightest irregularity ur obstruction of
the wienses. 1 nese are truly the woman's friend
in the hoar of trial, snd the only sure, positive and
never failing core and regulator f Suppression of na
ture from w ha: ever cause Bo mild Inat the feeblest
can taketheni with perfect security yet so powerful in
their ejects, that tney may be safely called, a never
failing Regulator.
In all easea of Nervons and Spinal Affectians Pains
in the Back and Limbs, Fatigues light erertion. Pal
pitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites. thee
rll's will eff ct a cure when allotbermeans have fai.
cd ; and although a powerful remedy, do not contain
iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the
Ful directions in the pamphlet around each package
which should be carefully preserved.
Sole General Agent for tha United Slates and British
- JOB MOSE3, 27 Cortland Ft., New York.
N. B- $t 00 audO three cent postage stamps en
closed to any authorised Agent, will ensure a bottle,
containing 0 Pills, by return mail, securely scaled
from ail. observation.
Feb. 3. 'U6. ly.
Hundreds and thousands annually die prematurely
when, if tfeey woald give the Great French Remedy,
Celebrated Specific Ii.I,
Prepared by Garancierr sc lie pout, No. 214 Rue Lom
bard. Pari, from the prescription of Dr. Juan ela
marre. Chief Physiciai? of the Hospital du Nord ou
Larihoisiere a fair trial, they woul.i Bnd immediate
relieCaad, iu a fully restored to Health
and Strength It is used in the practice of many emi
nent Freeh physicians, with uniform succes'.and high
ly recommended as the only positive ad peafie Rente
df for all persons suffering from General or Sexua
Debility, all derangements of the Nervous Forces
Melancbely, Spermatorrhoea or 8eminal c.missions,al
Weakness arising from sexual Ex-Energy. Physical
Prostration, Nervousness, Weak Spine.tLowness of
Spirits. Dimness of Vision, Hysterics, Pain in the
Back and Llaibs,Iiupoteircy, see
No Unguagecan convey aa aequate idea of the im
mediate and almost miraculous change itoccasi'jas to
the debilitated end shattered syteiu In lamls
unrivalled as an unfailing cure or the maladies above
fiSusTer no more, but use The Great French Remedy ; it
will effect a cure where all other, fair, and although
a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurtful to the
most delicate constitution.
Pamphlets. containing full paiticnlars and directions
tor Using. English. French.Spahish and German, ac
company each box, and also sent free to any address
when requested-
rnce One Dollar per box; Six boxes for Five Dollar
'Sold by all Druggists throughout the world ; or will
he sent by mail, securely sealed from all observation,
by inclosing specified price to any authorized agents.
Proprietors exclusive Ageats for America, OSCAR O
MOSES, Se CO., 27 Courlland St. New York,
Authorised Agents for Bloomsburg.
Danv'lier - . W. LAYCOCK.
Feb. 3. I8fi. ly. ' . . -
Civil Engineer, and Patent SolicitorR.
No. 435 WALNUT STBtET., rBu.ADu.ratA.
PATENTS solicited Consultations on Engineering
Drangbticg aad Sketches', Models and Machinery
fall kinds kacc and skl'fully attended to. Special
attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTkR
FF.RENCt5. Authentic Copies of ail Documents
from Talent Office procured. -- - r
N. B. Save yourselves eseless trouble and trav
eling there is no actnai need for person
al Interview with aa. Alt business with these Offi
ces can be transacted in writing.- For further in fir.
mation direct aa above, with stamp enclosed for Cir
cular 'frith, references. tJ
H, 1-' '. v. J V.
In Shive's Building, ea Main Street.
Informs the eitisens of Bloomshurg an vicinity th lt
be has opined a New
in this place, where he invites hi old friends and
customers to call and partake of his refreshments.
It is hi j intention to eep me best
constantly on hand : A No. Porter, Sarsannrilla. Min
eral Water, Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry and Lent
on syrups , can always be Had at nis ilestauram.
In the eating line he presents a
not surpassed in this place; viz. Pickled Oysters
Clams, Sardines Fish, Barbecued Chicken, Pick led
Tripe and Beef Tongue, ate, Ste. He also h is a good
article ot
Ctgurs and Chewing Tohacco
for his customers. ly C-i ve him a call.
Bloomsburg, June 13, ldoti.
A new Lvmher Yard in Bloomslnirg,
'TtflE undersigned would respectfully inform thoe
A. in wnit or lumber that he continues to maniiiac
lure and keeps on hand e rood supply of building
and fencing hi tTi il, nt his re-ineiir,-. a short dis
tance north of the depot, which he offers for sale at
rec-onablB rates. JACOB SCHUYLER.
Bloomsburg, June 20, 1800.
Just Published, in a Scaled eoM. Price siz cents
A Leriure on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical
Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Pperinatorttua. In
voluntary fc.mi!ioiiB. Sexual Debility, and luipedi
ments to Marrracu penerally. Nervousness. Con
sumption, tnilepsy, and F'ts ; Mental and I'hysica
Incapacity, resulting from Self Ab.ise, &e l!y ROB-
ER T J CI 1 l,V KKHtLL. M. 1 Autnor of the
tJrecn Hook." Sco
The world-renon ned author, in this admirable Lec
ture, e early proves from his own experience Ihut
the awfui consequences i'f Self Abuse may be effect
ually removml without medicine, ami without nan
serous su eical operations, bougies, instruments.
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode tf cure at
once certain and cfT ctual. by w nirh every sufferer,
no mailer what Ins condition may be, may cure him
slf lieapl y. pri vtely. aim radically. I II IS I. KC
Sent, undei seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad
dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps
by addressing the publishers.
Also. Dr. CULVEttWELL'S "Marriage Guide
price 25 cents.
Address the publishers.
127 Bowery. New York, Tost utfice bx, 4oS&
Sept. 20, ItiiO.
WHO arc undecided in regard to the kind of ma
nure they shall u re for
wc beg to submit the following 'ctters.
f rruu piiosniATi: of lime
is especially well adapted to the formation of
The leaf and stalk of a growing crop, treated with
this manure may not always indicate io lull a suc
cess as the weight of the grain per acre wil I show,
and we confidently anure all farmers that il :heir
observation is directed to this point, the sMlint-iiilial
value of this old established manure will be more
than ever demonstrated .
js!firRviLLR. Chester Co.. Pa., An?. 15, .-''fi.
Messrs. IUuuii Urothers c Co, 17 Pearl N. Y.
Iikak Sirs. Yours of the Oth has been receiv.-d.
You ak me for my experience in the use of your
Kaw Bone Super Phosphate, f applied it to
last fall, at the rate of three hundred and twenty
pounds (3Jt) per ", along side of barn yard uia-
uure thu renult w
phate was lut wa
HE. V lER.althon
other portion of l
was very m-nif -st
therefore I can ret
ing to use iik re o
. Very rcsj
j that the wheat w herf the l lios
mucb the Ui-ST HEttlKl) an l
1 not so much STRA W us oh the
e field. The effect it produced
-exceeding far my expectations,
.iimenil it as a fertilizer, intend-
it on my w heat this fa.ll.
ctlully, )ours.
Et.gv w, Chefterco., Pa.. Aug 17. lJrc.
Messrs. Bacoii tt Sows, Gewti.emeh ; Ha ving used
your Phosph ite of Lime on a wheat crop. I have no
hei ation in recommending it as a good and DL'Ra
tLE niatinrc.
Yotiri, Very Respectfully,
For Pale by SCOTT t JAMISON,
September -Ai, I80C, St. Catawissa. Pa'
Respectfully announces himeslf to the public as an
Persons oesirous to learn where water can be
easiest found, and all who have wells to dig, will
do well t employ the undersigned. Contracts will
be taken by the foot or by the day, to suit the em
ployer. AJUrets,
bloomsburg, Pa.
July 25, lSCC ly.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to eith
cr ol the undersigned, on Hook, Note or Ju Igment
are requested to make payment without delay if they
wou Id save costs.
McKELVY. NE L &. Co,
Wm. McKELVY Sc. Co.
August 2-2, leCC tf.
Would announce to.the ladies of Bloomsburg and
the public generally, that she has just received Iroiu
the eastern ci'ies her
spring and Siiiiiiiici'
Stock ef
consisting of all article s usrally found in first class
.Millinery Mores. Her goods are of the best quality
and among the most handsome and cheapest in the
market, ('all and examine them for yourselves.
Nobody Khould purchase elsewhere before examin -
ing Miss Fetennau s stock ol goods. Bonnets made
to order, on the shortest notice, or repaired.
Store on Main street. 3d dior below the store of
Mendenhali -k Rupert.
Bloomsburg, May 2, iaoC-tf.
828. HOOP SKIRTS, 623.
New Fall Styles !
Are in every respect :rt class, and embraraas
complete assortment for Ladies. Misses, and t'nil
dren, of the Newest Styles, every Length and Size-
of Waist.
OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are more aniver,
sal ly popriAR than any others before the public They
retain their Shape better, are lighter, more elastic,
more durable, and realy Cheaper, than anv other
Hoop Skirt in the market. The springs and fasten
ings are warranted pert -n. tun i.adt suou'u tt
Th km 1 They are now being extensively Hold by
Mkrchawts. throughout tne country and at Witom
SALE AND RETAIL, at Mauulactory and Sales
No.68ARCH Street, below tn. riilblD A,
Ask for HOt'KIN'S -own jiakr." buy no othert
CAUTION. None genuine unless Stamped on
each Kid Pad "Hopk m's Hop Skirt Manufactory.
No 62d Arch Street. I'hiUJelphin "
Also. Constantly on hand full tine of New York
aiifde sxirts.nt very low prices.
August 29, laCtt, 4in. J. W. m
If yon wish to live long and die happy, go without
delay and
in'tbe best Company ip the world,
ITS CASH ASSETS ARE $15,000,000.
and itsannual dividend for the Ms cat year of . 1SC5
amoants to seventy-five per cent, on all participat
ing premiums, being the largest dividend ever de
clared by any company for the same length of time.
ror turtner iniormaiion appiy to
JOHN ti. FREEZE. Agent,
. July 13, 1SG6. 3m, t Bloomsburg, Pa.
Peddlers, Coantry Stores, Drargitts. and all
seeking an honosaale aad prodtnble business. Free
by mail for Hi cts, ; wbolesaMi per uoz. Canvas
esrs realise $d to $12 per day piofit.
ABBOTT at DOWD. Manufacturers. 19 Water 6t
New Yotk, ?e"t. 5, IHfifi, 4t, 3. M. P.
DIRIXT routs: .
Tirmtoh 'Baltimore and Jun Jirstcr
-m-x7?n s n- J! i
n nW KjnX'WlrnV I ill .
in ann alter August tia, t wo, irama win leave
as lollows :
BUFFALO EXPRTS3 leaves Paltimore 10 10, dai'y
Philadelphia 3 00 V ftl. llarnsDurg a,oa A. rn , deliv
ering passcngere at Northumberland. 4,58 A. M. for
train on Lackawanna and Bloomshurg Rail Road,
leaving at 7.00 A, M. arriving in Danville 7.10 A. M
BloomHburg 8.2o A.M. Kingston 10. ID A. M, Scran
ton 1-i.flO noon.
MAILIeaveg Baltimore 9.25 A.M. daily, (except
undays) Philadelphia 10.10 A. M, llarri-hurg 2,05
P. M , ileliverini: passeogers at Northumberland 4 54
P. M. for train on Lackawanna and tiloo Jistiurg linil
Rond, lenvirt there at 5.20 P. M. arriving in Danville
6IH1.P. M. Blooiusbiirg ti.45 P. M. Kingston 9 U P.M.
Srrauton 10.15 : p.-ocecdinw' north aud arriving in
Willinmsport nt t 3-J f. il.
FAST LIVE, leaves Baltimore, daiW f except Sun
days) 1-2 It P. M. Philadelphia 12 noon, Harrisburg
. 10 P.M. rvortliiimhcrlanil b 4.1 r. IU. re. nam over
night, and leave following noruiug at 7. , arriving
in Scranton 12,0') noon.
EXPRESS TRAIN, leaves Northumberland 11.3,
P.M. dai'y (except Sundays ) receiving passengers
leaving Scranton 4.4(1 P. M. Pittston 5. 20 P. M. Kings
ton 6 0U P. M. Bloomshurg H 07 P. M. arrivine in l'iiil-
adelpl ia 7.00 A. M. Harriburg 2.30 A. M. Baltimore
7.00 A HI.
MAIL TRAIX. leaves Northumberland 102GA.M
daily, (sxrept Sundays) receiving passengers, lea ving
irrranlon al 5 011 A. iil.ritlslon z"A il Kingston
ti 5i A. VI. Bloomshurg f.07 A. M. Iiaiiinlle 9.54 A. :M ,
ati-l arriving in llatrborg 1,15 P . M . Philadelphia
o.irfi f, M. U.iitiuiore o o i r, .Yl.
ly this route 1 right lrom i.uualo, Suspension
Br-. dge, Rochester aud Canandaigua or any inlerme
diate point on New York Central can be shipped
through, when in full car loads to any point on the
Lackawanna and Bloomshurg Rail Road, without
breaking hulks Rbt'-s of freight and Passenger fare
as low as h any other route
Gen'l Sup' t, Harrisburg, Pa. Geu'l Pass. Agent,
Italiiin ire, and
Gen'l Western Freight Agent, Buffalo, N. ,
Sept.jiiiber, 12, Icliii.
Of Bloomsbnrg and Columbia County I have ap
pointed Mr. H. tMonner agent for the sate or my Ale,
Porter, Krown Stout, and l.ager Beer, who will sup
ply you at the same price (and with the same article.)
as I would furnish you from the brewery. Kuowing
that he will be punctual and and attentive to all
who may favor him with their trade, 1 solicit for
bimyour surport. Very respectfully,
Steam Brewery, Reading, Pa.
September 2G, I30G
C. V. ill ARR'S
OrjTfi ft -tri f
m- & w '0; m r&'-i
J have opened a new More at the old stand of Da
vid Stroiip, on Main street. Bloomsburg, and will
keep on band a general assortment of
2 c or v35 Da si cfl a S3 zj s
Such as Dry Goods, Notions. Grceries, Tin-ware,
uaruware, cedar and tvillow Ware, Drugs,
Coiifi-rtioiory. Glass-Ware, Tobacco . Hats i
Shoes, flour Salt Fish and Mt-nt - nil f
w liirh I nrono.-e llin" sit a verv low twine for
cai-h or produce.
T . Call and see. C. C. MARR.
liluoiuebiirg, April 13, l.C(5 tf.
A Corsccnlr.iled FcrliJizcr.
EsjKcutUy adapted, to WHEAT and other
This preparation contains Pure Ground Bone. and
the b"st Fertilizing Salts known to agricultural
chem istry. comhi ned in mch a manner as to develop
their product ive properties only when used on the
soil. 1'rice g: 0 per ton. i or sale at the uianufactur
er's depots.
No 72t MARKET STREET. Philadelphia.
KLOOMsliUKG, Coliimhii County, Pa.
WILLIAM ELLIS S- CO. Manufacturers.
September 5,
Manufactured to order at nENRICO
MILL, Rosa
Township. Luzerne Cunty, Pa.,
Oak, He na lock, Itlaplc, SSas,
PINE, POPLAR AND BEACH, &c for Sle at the
MILL, or delivered at any point on the Railroad,
reached orconncrted with it.
(1 7" Address, the snbsrriber. nt Wrnming. Ln-
serne Countv. or JAMES JACKSON, the awver. at
Humeyville P. O. -
1 he (Vtnl Property, with two Houses. Barn and olh
er lmprovenit-nts. surrounded by about H5t Acres of
Land. I.iUU of winch remains heavily timbered, is
now for sale at a baigain, by
Wyoming, Luzerne County, Pa.
September '-'G, lG'i.-3.n.
Is the only Article used by
First Class Hn.els f.nuijfj
l ic, and Tiioi..aiiN ot
It gives a beautiful poii-h, linking ih'! iron pas
smoothly over the cioih, saving much timb and labor.
Goods done up with it keep clean much longer con
sequently will not wear out so soon.
It mafa:$ Old Linen look like Aetc.
Is MIE Be.-ti the Woki.d.
It is soluble in harj as well as soil water. It Is
put up in the salest, neatest, and most convenient
form of any offered to the public
is Warranted not to Streak the
Agents wanted everywhere, to whom ws offer ex
traordinary Inducements. Address,
No. -2ie rulioii ct.. New York.
September 2G, 13;6. 4m A & Co.
.I ME to emich your lands and make large rrps of
grain and grass. It is now extensively used in ail
the leading agrlceltural portions of the country and
without dispute or doubt is known to be the very
beat used. It contains less moisture, is more uni
form in quality, Contains more agricultural value,
than any other in the market. The undersigned in
troduce it as a standard art icle. intending to make it
a perinanen t trade. Its value has been nilty tested
in this county and slants unsurpassed by any other
article ever introduced. Give it a trial, you will be
pleased beyond measure with the results. Apply to
August 22, 18CG. Rupert, Pi.
"file mibrrihr bavin? nnrrriaapd the well atnb.
litbeti jtland, known as
near Rnhrsburg. Columbia Cfiunty, and having pnt
the machinery i.i first-rate repairs, is prepared to du
cca . sx r t. r n j c &
in the best manner, and upon the shortest notice.
Those favoring Lini with their custom may rely cn
having their work well done.
Greenwood, June 6, ?6C.
- The nnderiigned respectfully annotinret that he
has re flitted a shop, in Court House alley, opposite
the Exchange Hotel, where be ia prepired to con
duct the harbering buinss In all its branch es.' -
The art of coloring whiskers and moustacnes is
practiced by him most skillfully. He also cleans
clothing, making them look nearly as good as new,
upon the most reasonable terms. Give b i in a trial,
O- Hair Tonic ci" the very best quality, used for
cleaning hair, kept constantly on hand, and for sale
Bloomsburg, April 25, 18GG. tf.
A LL those indebted to the undersigned either on
note or book account, of six months or more standing
are hereby requested to make settlement witheut de
lay, and save costs. -' B.C. SHI YE.
Bloomsbure. Sent. Id, I0'"'?. SV'
Till . -
TERM.'.-? 00 in advnnce. If not paid within
SIX MONTHS. 5H rents additional will be charged.
f7 No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid except at the opition of the editors.
One square one or three insertions
Every subsequent insertion less than 13..
sfacr. 1m. 2m- 3m. Cm,
..$1 50
One square.
Two squares.
Four squares.
Half column.
One column.
2. t'O
3 no
I 400
I fi.00
H 00
10 t'O
14 00
30 00
12 00
j IH.00
Executor's and Administrator's Notice 3.00
Auditor's Notice 2,50
Other advertisements inserted according to special
Business notices, without advertisement, twenty,
cents per line.
Transient advertisements payable in adtnnee, all
others due after the first insertion.
ITT" OFFICE -In Shive's Block, Corner of Main
tnd Iron Streets.
Address, JACOBY 4. SHUMAN.
Bloomsburg, Columbia. County, Pa,
"Who counts himself as nobly born
Is noble in despite of place,
Anl honors are but bands to one
Who wearsthem not with nature' 3grace.
The prince may sit with clown or churl.
Nor i'eel his state disgraced thereby ;
Rut he who ha? but small esteem
Husbands that little carefully.
Then be thou peasant, be thou peer,
Count it still more thou art thy own ;
Stand on a larger heraldry
Than that of nation or of zone.
What though not bid to nightly halls ?
These halls have missed a courtly guest ;
That mansion is not privileged.
Which is not open to the best.
Give honor due whrn custom a-ks,
Nor wrangle for the lesser claim ;
It is not to le destitute,
To have the thing without the name.
Then, dost thou come of noble blood,
Disgrace not thy good company ;
If lowly born, so boar thyself
That gentle blood may conic of thee.
A Romantic Story.
We take the following from the New York
correspondence of the Albany Argus :
A romantic affair occurred in Drooktyn a
short time ago. A handsome orphan work
girl, !Mary Elizabeth 15., lived comfortably
on the fruit of her honest labor, and had for
sonic months been courted by a young man,
a journeyman hatter. One day the young
girl said to him : "Albert, you have been
pressing me to marry you for three months
and I have postponed the marriage. Now,
however, I will no longer delay it. A rich
lawyer has offered nie $1,000 a month if I
would consent to be a dishonest woman, and
has promised that I should have splendid
apartments on the Fifth Avenue. There is
my hand ; marry me directly." The lover,
highly indignant at the attorney and coun
selor, was too glad to obey the direction.
The marriage took place at the residence of
the bride. The evening before the wedding,
however, the bridegroon told Mary Eliza
beth that he had a secret to tell. He was
not a journeyman hatter, but was one of the
richest men in the city of Boston, and said
he would take her the nest dnv to the beau
tiful country-seat in the suburbs of the mod
ern Athens, whic h he had inherited from his
father and mother, for he, indeed, was an
orphan, 1!1 his bride, his Mary Elizabeth.
The young lover, it appears, ,aw Mary a few
months ago at Barnum's Museum, at the
Wednesday afternoon matined, and fell in
love with her at first sight, and while she
was gazing at the "happy family," consist
ing of cats, rats, dogs, mice and monkeys,
all confined in one cage.
She lived in an attic, and he had taken a
room in the upper story of the same hou-c
to be near her. Thus he could see her every
day aud a mutual passion sprung up between
them. On the 21st of next month the hap
py couple sail in the Arago for Havre, and
after spending the honeymoon and winter
abroad, they will return to their own native
land in the spring-time of the coming year.
Sagacity of the Doo. A gentleman of
the name of M'Lafiin, residing in Rocking
ham county, N. II., a few years ago possess
ed a dog that was very remarkable for his sa
gacity. He one day told the dog to go and
find a handkerchief which his child had lost
in a distant field while picking berries. The
dog started off with his usual alacrity, but
in the course of an hour or two he returned
without the handkerchief, looking as crest
fallen aa though he had been caught in a
neighbor's shccpfold. The .master cuffed
his ears sharply, and told him to go and try
again, and not come back till he hal found
it. The dog started off again with appar
ent reluctance, while the master followed at
a distance behind and unperceived. The dog
went towards the field where the child had
picked the berries, and sat down on his
haunchcs,held down his head, and appeared
to be in a deep, brown study.
He sat iu this attitude for perhaps half an
hour, when he suddenly jumped up with a
peculiar yell of exultation, and started for
one corner of the field, going about three
feet from the fence the first time, about six
feet the second, and thus continuing to near
the middle at each succeeding circle. He
went around the field about twenty times,
when he jumped up into the air with a Iou 1
yell of triumph, picked up the handkerchief.
and started for home.
The veracity of this narrative may be re
lied upon. We received it from Mr. F , a
Baptist clergyman of great respectability.
Now, did the dog reason mathematically ?
Docs this go to add proof that instinct is but
jrinfTi orJC 1 joe jrn cn FT,r? l7iT."'fi?
It is a pleasant Summer afternoon. G roups
of citizens are standing together in the mar
ket place of the old Belgian town of An
twerp, and around a large building which
appears to possess for them some extraordi
nary attraction. The building is the town
hall, and the day is the day of the trial of
Leopold Wintzer and Charlotte Lutzen, lor
the murder of Maria, Countess Estcvan, by
"It will go hard with the miscreants, I
warrant me," says a stout burgher, in the
centre of the group, by which he seems
reckoned a personage of vast importance ;
"and rightly enough too, I say, for we want
no poisoning conjurers in this fair city, neigh
bors." " Yon are in the right of it, Master Van
Noorden," replied another wiseacre, and the
mob, easily swayed, murmured their assent."
"I would I had the basting of that old
witch," shrilly exclaimed a stout, rosy cheek
ed dame, with a pair of large ear rings sau
cily displayed. "I would not let them lack
basting I know."
A sally of laughter greeted this pretty
display of woman's spite, and a loud hearty
voice cried out :
" Ay, trust a woman to run a woman
down if she be in trouble. They say wolves
will cat a wounded comrade ; but, for my
own part, I think the spite of wild beasts is
nothing to the spite of woman against wo
man." The dame who had spoken turned angrily
towards the last bold speaker, and he would
mayhap have come off with a scratched face,
but for a loud shout from that part of the
crowd nearest the hall, which signified that
the trial was over.
" The sentence! the sentence! Arc they
guilty?" cried a thousand voices.
"Yes, yes, guilty 1"
" And the sentence ?"
" The man to be burnt alive ; the woman
to be confined for life."
"Hurrah! hurrah!" and the air rang
with a cheer from the whole of the vast mul
titude, which speediby turned to a storm of
hisses and groaus as the unfortunate con
demned issued from the door of the judg
ment hall, stronqrly guarded.
The trial had been short, but the evidence
was supposed conclusive.
Thii is what had passed.
The respected Dr. Fruchen had testified
that he had been called in suddenly on the
last da' of July to attend a lady who was
taken ill. and was at the house of the male
prisoner. lie had inquired -for a suitable
nurse for her, and was exceedingly struck by
the readiness with which the female prisoner
volunteered to fill that situation.. He had
sent iu two draughts, being simply ano
dynes, but quite harmless ; after taking one
of which the unfortunate lady was found
dead. That she had taken the dose there
was no doubt, as the almost empty bottle
was found with but a few drops left in it,
which when tested by himself, (Ilerr Fruch
en.) were found to contain aquafortis. The
second bottle, with its contents untouched,
was also found to contain the same poison.
From this it was inferred, that, had the first
not taken effect, the murderers intended to
administer a second dose. "Perhaps,"
added the doctor, " as there couJd be little
doubt that the first draught would prove
fatal, the second might have been intended
for Don Estevan."
It was distinctly proved that the sole in
habitants of the house where the alleged
murder took place, besides the luckless cou
ple, were Leopold Wintzer and Charlotte
Lutzen ; and the quantity of gold contained
in the valises of both the unfortunate lady
and gentleman supplied ample motive fir
their murder by a man so well known to be
avaricious and miserly as Wintzer.
The latter was a singular character, but
one common enough in the age in which
these events happened. He was half a sci
entific investigator andhalf an impostor.
He studied nature and imposed upon man,
fancying that his superior knowledge gave
him the right to deceive his follow creatures.
By those who lived near him, or came in
contact with him, he was looked' upon with
some respect and a good deal of dread. lie
was known everywhere as a necromancer
as one who dealt with awful mysteries for
awful purposes. His manner, his dress, his
gloomy house, his laboratory, the curious
animals from far off countries with which
he surrounded himself, his cultivation of
strange plants, were, in the minds of the
vulgar, only so many proofs of his dealing
with the power of darkness.
On the night of the murder the necro
mancer had, by his own admission, aqua
fortis in his possession. Further, he con
fessed that, contrary to his usual habit, he
sat up all the night In the morning the
aquafortis was missing, and loth the l-ottlc s
destined for the unfortunate lady were prov
en to have contained it. Then the female
prisoner admitted that twice during the
night she went into the laboratory to her
master, (although she averred that the last
time he was fast asleep,) and as she also ad
mits that her hand placed the first bottle on
the deceased's table, it was inferred that the
master consulted with the servant, prepared
the poison, and then left it to the old woman
to administer, for consideration of part of
the gold to be acquired. Thus she became
an accomplice. This evidence was deemed
conclusive and the judges were united in
condemning the prisoners." ' Thus the old
nuin was sentenced to be burned alive in the
market place, and his ashes' to be. scattered
to the four. winds; and the old woman, in
consideration of her age and sex, besides
tent made a tool of, was awarded the miti
gated punishment of imprisonment for life.
Within a week the horrible sentence on
the poor old man was carried out in all its
awful details, he to the last protesting his
innocence. Indeed, from the time of the
murder until he was actually tied to the
stake, he ppoke and acted like one under the
influence of a dream. But the populace
were under another impression. They fully
believed him guilt-, and when he was bro't
out to death, behaved in a savage manner,
that moved the aged victim to tears. He
died confessing that he had been guilty of
many wicked, impious impostures, but sol
emnly called heaven to witness that he was
guiltless of the foul crime of murder.
Dame Charlotte, as soon as she heard that
her poor old master was actually dead, fell
into a swoon which lasted eight-and-twenty
hours, and upon her recovery from it, it was
found that the poor creature's mind had
given waj Her sentence was then partially
revoked, and as the old necromancer had
left no will, and his money was confiscated
to the State, the town council allowed tlr
poor old woman (who was harmless) to oc
cupy her late master's house, under the care
of a middle-aired female named Grctchen as.
her attendant. To this house then, about
three months from Ihe beginning of our sto
ry, the two women repaired.
On the very first night of their occupation
of the old dwelling, the old dame and her
attendant set in the kitchen, where three
months back the worthy housekeeper had
consequentially attended to the basting of
the fowl which was to be Donna Estcvan's
last meal on earth. Perhaps even across her
weakened intellect there dawned some faint
recollection of this, for she sat sorrowfully
in her chair looking vacantl' at the wood
fire, and watching the smoke curl slowly up
the broad, old-fashioned chimney. Her
friendly attendant was busy preparing cups
and saucers for their early tea, and stole a
glance now and then at the poor soulless suf
ferer. At last Dame Charlotte broke the
"Grctchen, was I ever here before?"
Willing to soothe her, Grctchen replied
readily :
"No, no, dame; why should you hink
that ? This is the house iven you by your
good council, you know."
"Council, council!" repeated Charlotte,
"Ay, dame! but come draw and drink
this hot cup of coffee, it will cheer you finely,
I warrant me." And worth Gretchen
commenced cutting bread and butter. They
had nearly finished their meal when a sud
den noise caused both to look up, and
Grctchen screamed aloud. Not so the elder
woman; she looked on as if lody and soul
were about to part ; with all her faculties
(such as they were) fixed on an object in an
obscure corner of the old kitchen.
Breaking up a Setting Hen.
"Timothy, that air yaller hen's settin'
agin," said Mrs. Hayes to her son, one morn
ing at breakfast.
"Well, let her set," remarked Timothy,
helping himself to a large piece of cheese,
"I reckon 1 can stand it as long as she can."
"I do wish you would try to be a little
equiiioniical to cheese, Timothy ; I've cut the
very la-t of my ever- day lot, and its only
the first of May. And now as soon as you've
done eating I want you to go out and break
up that hen. She's setting on an old ax and
two bricks now."
" I hope she'll hatch 'em" returned Timo
thy. " If she set now, she'd hatch the fourth
week in May. It's a bad sign ; something
aliens happens arter it. Stop giggling, Hel
en Maria, by the time you get to be as old
as yer ma, ye'll see further than you do now.
There was Jcnkin's folks, their grey top-knot
hatched the last of May. and Mrs. Jenkins,
she had the conjunction of the lungs, and
would have died if they hadn't killed a lamb
and wrapped her in the hide while its warm.
That was all that saved her."
With such a startling proof of the truth
and the omen before him, Timothy finished
his breakfast in haste and departed for the
barn, from which he soon returned bearing
the squalling biddy by the legs.
"What shall I do with her, mother?
She'll get on again, and she's cross as bed
lam she skinned my hands, and would be
the death of me if she could get loose."
"I've heer'n it said that it was a good
plan to throw 'cm up in the air," said Mrs.
Hayes. "Aunt Peggy broke one of setting
only three times trying. Spose'n you try it."
" Up she goes, head or tail !" cried Tim,
as he tosed the volcano skyward.
" Laud-o-m.T5y," exclaimed Mrs. H. '.-he's
coming down in the pan of bread that I set
out on the great rock to rise ! Tim, it's
strange that you can't do nothing without
overdoing it"
"Down with the traitors, up with th-j
stars," sang out Tim, elevating biddy again
with something less than a pint of batter
hanging to her feet
"Good gracious me, wuss and wuss,"
cried Mrs. Hayes, and Tim agreed with her,
for the hen had come down on the well-polished
tile of Esquire Bennett, who happen
ed to be passing, and the dignified old gen
tleman was th e father ot Cynthia Bennett,
the young lady with whom Tim was serious
ly enamored.
The Squire looked daggers, brushed off
the dough with his handkerchief, and strode
on in silence. .
"Yes, but it's going tip again," said Tim,
spitefully seizing the clucking biddy and toss
ing her at random into the air. Biddy
ty, and with a loud scream she darted against
the parlor window, broke through, knocked
down the canaiy cage, and landed plump in
the silken lap of Mrs. Gray, who was board
ing at the farm house.
Mrs. Gray screamed with horror,and start
ing up, dislodged biddy, who flew at her re
flection in the looking glass with an angry
hiss. The glass was shattered and down
came the hen, astonished beyond measure,
against a vase of flowers, which upset, and
in falling knocked over the stand-dish and
deluged with water a pair of drab colored
velvet slippers which Helen Maria was em
broidering for her love, Mr. James Ilen-
Helen entered the room just as the mis
chief had been done, and viewing the ruin,
she at once laid it to her brother Timothy.
She heard his step behind her, and the un
fortunate hen she flung full into his face.
There was a smothered oath, and the hen
came back with the force of a twenty-pound "
Helen was mad. Her eyes were nearly
put out with the feathered dust and dough,
and she went at Timothy with a true femi
nine zeal. She broke his watch-guard in a
dozen pieces, crushed his dickey and began
to pull his whiskers out by the roots, when
suddenly she remembered that Timothy had
no whiskers to pull out by the roots.
But when Bhe came to look closer, she
perceived that the man she had nearly an
nihilated was not Timothy, but James Hen
shaw. Poor Helen bun t into tears and fled into
ner chamber, the usual refuge for heroines;
and James, after washing his face at the
kitchen sink, went home, sternly resolved
never to marrv a woman with such a tem
per r.s Helen Hayes had.
The hen, meanwhile, who is the heroine,
returned to the barn to establish herself on
the ruin of her nest, determined 'to set if
the heavens folk
Mrs. Hayes soon discovered her, and she
having heard that dipping in water would
cure "broodiness," she set forth for the
brock with fowl in her apron.
Mrs. Weaver, an old lady of very quarrel
some temperament, who resided near, and
was at a sword's point with Mrs. Hayes,
wa,s just coming to the brook for a pail of -water,
and spied the yellow head of the bird
peeping out from Mrs. Hayes' apron.
'There," she exclaimed, "now I hava
found out what puzzled me to death nigh
about a week. I've found out where that
yellow pullet has gone to. Mrs. Hayes, I
allars knowed -ou was a wicked, desatcful
woman, but I didn't think you'd steal."
"Steal? me steal? who are 5'ou talking to
Mrs. Weaver?" said Mrs. Hayc?, on her
"I'm talking to you, madam, that's who
I'm talking to! You've stolen- my hen
what I got over to Uncle Gillies, and paid
for in sassengers. She is the real Dorking.
Give her to me right here or I'll use force.
"She's my hen, and you touch her if you
"I'll show you what I dare!" yelled Mrs.
Weaver, growing purple, and seizing the
ill-starred fowl by the tail, she gave a wrench
and the tail came out in her hand.
The sudden cessation of resistance upset
Mrs. Weaver's balance, and fche fell back
ward into the brook, spattering the mud
and astonished polliwogs in every direction. ' -
She was a spry woman, and was soon on
her feet again, ready to renew the assault
"Give me my hen !" she cried, thrusting
her fist into Mrs. Haves' face, "you old h
and hypocrite you !" and she made a second
dive at the bird.
The hen thought it proper to show her
colors, and uttering an unearthly yell, she
flew out of the covert square into the face
of Mrs. Weaver, which the raked down
with her nails until it resembled the pages
of a ledger, crossed and rccrossed with red
Mrs. Hayes caught a slick of brush-wood
from the fence Mrs. Weaver did the same,
an I a regular duel would probably have been,
fought if the bank of the crock had not
suddenly gave way and precipitated both
the indignant women into the water.
They scrambled out on opposite sides, and
the hen sat perched in an apple tree and
cackled in triumph.
Tke ladies shook themselves and by con
sent went home. They have not spoken
The hen disappeared and was not seen
until three weeks afterwards, when she
made her appearance with eleven nice yel
low chickens. She found some other fowl's
nest and had set in spite of fate.
But although not "broken up" herself,
she broke up to matches for Cynthia Ben
nett was not at home the next time Timothy
called, and Mr. Ileushaw never forgave
Helen for having such a temper.
A Cnoss Woman. The idea of a woman
getting cross and ugly when things in the
family do not run quite as smoothly as they
should, is simply ridiculous. She makes
herself an object of loathing and contempt
whenever she is guilty of such nonsense.
The Almighty has created her for a purposo
entirely different to this insane and foolish
indulgence in angry passions. He has niado
her beautiful and attractive in her person,
endowed her with sensibilities and refine
ments of mind and manner which, when
properly cultivated, lead to the elevation of
the higher and holier feelings of nature.
Think of being thus constituted getting cros3
on every trifling occasion. How the insults
her Creator, and prostitutes those excellent
qualities which the stern sex do not possess,
and w hich seem to be reserved by heaven for
her alone. Think of this, fair woman, when
ever the devil tempts you to sin. You may
forfeit all within your grasp ; worldly happi
ness, personal esteem, domestio felicity, that
peace of mind which arises from a conscious
ness of duty well and faithfully performed,
and what is more than all, you may forfeit
the favor of your God.