DEMOCRAT & STAR, W. H. JACOBT A J. P. SHtTMAN, EDITORS. BLCQ1I3BCRG, WEDH3DAI, CCT. 10, IS66- . M. PrrTMniiL k Co.. 37 Far Row New York M duly authorised to solicit aud receive subscrip tions aid advertising tor toe Dewerml It ttmr, pub lished at Bloomstoorg, Columbia county, fa. Patrons of the Democrat and Star. " Berere illness prevented me last week from appearing before you as Associate Editor of this paper. Jly name, however, as you have seen, was announced. have only to say that I shall use my best endeavors to meet your wishes. At all events I 6hall at all times be found tattling for the cause of hu man advancement, which of course includes the principles of Democracy. Being untried, and, to some extent, inexperienced, I ehall ask your forbearance for the present, hoping that my future career may warrant the stand I have taken as a public journalist, J. P. S HUMAN. Harmony in the South. A correspondent of the Texas Herald gives the following statement of the harmony " which exists among people of all opinions in the interior of Texas. It would be universal . but for the Radical agitators : When the war closed, many feared that when the eoldiera those who went North and those who sought protection in the brush from what they doubtless regarded as tyran ny and oppression returned to their homes, that all theold grudges and ill-feelings that were created during the war would be open ed afresh, and that our towns and villages would be almost a constant scene of the most serious riots and difficulties, but I am hap py that I am able to say that here such is net the case. All have, like true men, re turned to their usual vocations, and seem to be determined to let the past die with the past and sink into oblivion. They meet on public occasions, transact their business with less hard feeling, (apparently,) intoxication and exhibition of desperation, if possible, than before the war begun ; and although two different parties have ever since the close of the war, and do yet exist here, not one single .difficulty, that resulted seriously, has taken place in this county. A writer in the Fall River (Mass) News bitterly complains that nearly one-half of the children in that place does not go to school. There are 4,330 children there between the ages of five and fifteen years, while the num ber of scholars of corresponding ages in all the public schools is only 2,342, leaving nearly 2,000 children out of the schools. Thy Teason is given by the complainant : "The children are placed at work in the fac tories when they should be in the schools." This is in moral Massachusetts, whose Con gressmen voted $539,000 from the public Treasury for black buck adults down in the canebrakes of Louisiana, Texas and else where in the South. But do provision was made for schooling the white children in Massachusetts, or for "protecting," by the Bureau or otherwise, white infants of five years of age irom being doomed to the sla very of factory life for the benefit of their "philanthropic" parents. Honor. There is an old and well known principle, among all classes of men, that striking an antagonist "when he is down" is very mean business. The principle appFes with pecu liar force to the present condition of things in this country. National honor is quite as important as indi ?id ual honor. The national honor has been pledged over and over again to the people of the North as well as of the South, and the Radicals unhesitatingly vio late the pledges. Bat are there not among them men who can see the importance of preserving the honor of the nation in the eyes of the world, without reference to any written or resolved pledges? A free people striking and continuing to strike a prostrate foe, trampling on him with iron heel, is not a pleasant sight to the world. It does not give to the world any exalted picture of Ameaican politics or even of American civ ilization. There never was an instance of more complete submission than that of the South. The utterly broken down condition of the whole Southern mind passes descrip tion. The honorable course for the Ameri- can people, the course which would justify our claim to be exponents of the true prin ciples of liberty and free government, the course which would convince the world that our government is what we once called it, the most beneficent on earth, would be to gay to the prostrate States, "You have been compelled to abandon your secession here sies, and we now withdraw oar hands from - your throafi, rise and govern yourselves ac cording to the great principles we have all learned in the progress of our common civil ization. - The contrary treatment i3 cowardly. It indicates fear. It shows want of confidence in the doctrine of self-government. It is the conduct of. a man who has fought be cause he hates his antagonist, and intends to add torture and humiliation to defeat In the present case it is equivalent to saying to the world, " We have boasted a great deal of free governments, but on the whole we do not dare to trust some millions of our own people, educated in our own system, to govern themselves" With what show of reason can we tell the people of Europe that ours is a good system of government, when they see such an cxhi- bitioa of want of confidence in it on our own part? They would rightly reply to our ar gument that we cannot get along ourselves without practicing the most tyrannical mea- sures of their old autocracies ; that we erect ?-n aristocracy, pretending to base it on high . moral principles, or on superior political and social views, and that aristocracy governs millions of non-voting, unrepresented citi zens. For the whole course of the Radicals towxrd the South is opposed to the first prin ciples cf democracy and popular government. Democratic Meetings. On Monday of last week, the Democracy of Benton Township held a political meeting at the public house or John J. Stiles, which was presided over by our venerable and staunch Democratic friend, Abraham Yourig, Esq. The meeting was organized at about three o'clock. The speakers appointed for the occasion were Hon. Levi L. Tate and CoL John O. Freeze. The meeting being called to order, CoL Freeze took the stand and spoke at considerable length. On Tuesday evening the Democracy of Sugarloaf Township were addressed by Hon. Levi L. Tate, at the house of Ezcjkiel Cole. David Lewis was chosen President The Democracy of the township and its sur roundings were out in large numbers to hear the war-horse of Columbia County Democ racy fairly and ably discuss the living issues of the day. The Democracy of Espy, in Scott Town ship, were addressed by 31. M. Traugh, Esq., and Col. John G. Freeze, on Tuesday eve ning the 20th inst. On Wednesday evening last, the Democ racy of Catawissa held a meeting, which was addressed by Hon. C. R. Buckalew. lie made an able, argumentative speech. On Thursday last tho-Democracy of Jack son held an afternoon meeting which was addressed by Hon. William II. Miller, of Harrisburg, and Col. John G. Freeze. There was a lerge attendance ; and on the evening of the same day a meeting was held in the Court House at this place, which was ad dressed by Jliller, Gowan, of Fotfcsville, and Buckalew. This was one of the finest meet ings held in this place during the whole campaign. A large delegation was in attend ance from Light Street. On Friday afternoon a large meeting was held at Jersey town. It was addressed by Freeze, Campbell, and Chalfant. The Democratic Club, of this place, was addressed on Saturday evening last by E. E. Orvis, Esq., of Williamsport in a lengthy, able, .argumentative speech of over two hours in length. His theme was the Con stitutional Amendments as passed by the last Congress. He discussed the subject of his remarks with more than the ordinary ability found in stump speakers. At times his remarks were quite eloquent, especially towards the close. The longer he spoke the more force and eloquence he seemed to throw into the subject. We never saw an audience more interested and attentive than the one in attendance. The whole affair wound up with giving cheers for the speaker, the band and whole Democratic ticket. The One-Mari Power. Sumner will never forgive the President for refusing to be led by the ears, a3 Simmer wanted to lead him, and he sacrifices truth, sacrifices decency, sacrifices every dictate f propriety, for the poor satisfaction of mak ing a sounding peroration to his imbecile oration : "The President, wielding the one-man power, has assumed a prerogative over Con gress utterly unjustifiable, and has underta ken to dictate a fatal policy of reconstruction which gives sway to rebels, puts off the blessed day of security and reconciliation, and leaves the best interests of the republic in jeopardy. Treacherous to party, treach erous to the great cause, and treacherous to himself, he has set up his individual will against the people of the United States in Congress assembled. Forgetful of truth and decency, he has assailed members as 'aFsassin?,' and has denounced Congress it self as a revolutionary body, 'called or as suming to be Congress,' and ' hanging on the verge of the government,' as if this most enlightened and patriotic Congress did not contain the embodied will of the American people. To you, each and all, I appeal to arrest this madness. Your votes will be the first step. The President must be taught that usurpation and apostacy cannot prevail. He who promised to be Moses and has be come Pharaoh, must be overthrown, and the Egyptians who follow him must share the same fate ; so that it shall bo said now as aforetime, 'and the Lord overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea.'" It is but just to Mr. Sumnor to say that we bclieve,that he was aware he wa3 uttering untruths in this extract, but that he let that little circumstance pass, rather than spoil the effect of well rounded sentences. With regard to his revolutionary appeals concern ing the President, we are content, if it sd pleases him, that he should make them, re membering that the government is as strong to-day againrt Northern conspirators as it was against Southern traitors. Boston Com mercial. Ben. F. Butler. Appleton's Cyclopedia of Biography gives the following account of one or fcpoQny Lutler s ancestral relatives: Butler John. The atrocities committed by this miscreant during the revolutionary war almost exceed belief. He was a native of Connecticut, but removed to the Gallev of Wyoming, where, in 177S, at the head of 1,C00 men, of which 300 were Indians, and the rest painted like Indian?, he attacked the towns and villages of that romantic re gion, and indiscriminately massacred those who submitted as well as thoe who fought, women and children as well as men. To the question what terms would be granted, he replied "the hatchet!" People of both sexes and every age were indiscriminately shut up in houses which were then set on fire ; some were held down in the flames by pitchforks, and in one instance, at least, a poor wretch had his body stuck full of pine knot splinters and then burned, etc. Our only comment is "that blood will tell.' " 13- Thaddeu3 Stevens says that if the present Congress is not a legally constituted body, etc., then the government bonds were not legally issued. Not so fast, Thaddeus. When the bonds were issued, all the States were represented in Congress that could be, or that would be. Now, however, the thing is changed, and all the States may be and de sire to be represented, but nearly one-third of them are violently kept out of Congress by the Radical Rump. The dullest mind can perceive the sophistry of Thad's argu ment. . -. fry rw.a r 111 11 Democracy and Conservatism Triumphant. TnE RADICALS ROUTED 1 The White Boys in Blue Have been About. Indications are that the State is safe for the DEMOCRACY. Large gains from every quarter. The cities and towns heard from are most ly in favor of Clymer. Philadelphia is reported to have gone Re publican by about 5000. Luzerne County is reported 2500 maj. for Clymer. Columbia County will give in the neigh borhood of 1G00 for Clymer. El well's ma jority will be larger. Bloom gives Elwell 267 votes ; Mcrcur 272. Geary's majority is 71, a slight fall ing off on the Republican majority of former elections. Locust gives Clymer 120 majority, and Elwell 124 majority. Roaringcreek gives Clymer 5 majority, and Elwell 4 majority. In Hemlock Elwell's majority is 111, a gain of 8 over Piollet's majority in 1SG4. Centre gives 104 majority for Clymer, and and 111 majority for ElwelL A gain of 20 over the last Congressional majority, in fa vor of the Democracy. Scott township gives Clymer 149 votes; Geary 156 ; Elwell 153, and Mercur 154. Montour gives Elwell a majority of 1G. In this district there was a slight falling off on the vote. Borough of Berwick gives 3G majority for the Abolition candidates. Fishingcreek 1S5 majority for Clymer. Sugarloaf 111 maj. for Clymer. Elwell's majority about the same. Benton 118 maj. for the democratic ticket. Greenwood gave 8 majority for Clymer. The telegraph reports Republican gains in the Eastern part of Ohio. Reports from Indiana are in favor of the Democracy. The returns come in rather slow. We'll be obliged to go to press with but few re turns. In our next we will give the official result of our county, as well as announce the result of the State. Tue Election in Vermont. We have fall returns from the Vermont election, and the result is anything but flattering to the Radicals. We had it stated by Telegraph that the State had gone Radical by 25,000 majority. But we give the official figures taken from the New York Tribune. 18G0. 1SC5 Dillingham, (Rad.) 26,f71 27,596 Davenport, (Dem.) 1G,442 8,857 The Radical Majority in 1865 was 18,769, in 1SG6 it is 10,226; a loss of 8,500. It is quite likely Maine has done no better than Vermont for the Radicals, but we have noth ing official yet. Political Affray in Baltimore. Baltimore, Oct 7. On Saturday night a shooting affray occurred in a public house in the eastern part of the city, resulting in the death of a man named Benjamin F. Jones, and the wounding of George Good rich and John Botz, the latter seriously. A man named William S. Richardson gave himself up as the party who fired the pistol, claiming to have done so in self-defense. The Coroner's jury subsequently discharged him. The affray grew out of political excitement Suicides. Hudson, N. Y., Oct 4.The wife of John D. Wager, of Ghent, in th'i3 county, hanged herself yesterday morning, in an out house. She had been laboring under de pression of spirits for some time. A gentlemen of this city, whose name is withheld, was married on Tuesday evening last, and the same night attempted to com mit suicide by cutting his throat with a ra zor. His recovery is doubtful. ' Boston, Mass., Oct. 4 Closes B. Wil liams, Sr., a member of the firm of J. D & M. Williams, wholesale liquor dealers, shot himself at his residence in Brookline, and died this morning. 53- In the year of 1S38, a Mr. Cobb, of Baltimore, was applied to change a SI 0 note, which, on looking at it, he discovered to be a $1,000 note. His suspicions were x arous ed, but he could find no more about it than it had been offered by an old negro woman as a 510 note, in payment for some small articles. He kept it and advertised it, but no clamant appeared. Finally, he deposited it with the city authorities, and by them it has just been donated to the Union Orphan Asylum of Baltimore. Including interest, the sum now amounts to near S3,000. Cholera. Fortress Monroe, Oct 5. Four cases of cholera, which had developed themselves within twenty-f mr hours, were reported in Norfolk yesterday. The Board of Health and the Sanitary Superintendents are put ting forth their most energetic exertions in the distribution of disinfectants to prevent the disease from becoming epidemic. Memphis, Oct 6. Ten cases of cholera and eight'deaths were reported to-day. The disease has been declared no longer epidem ic, - ELECTION RETURl Correspondence of the Democrat and Star. Tiffin, Seneca Co., Ohio. Messrs. Editors: Permit me, through yojir valuable paper, to give some of the po litical manceuveringin this part of the Unit ed States. On thr fifonfH nf L D .month, there was a call for a Soldiers' Con vention, to meec in limn, Seneca County, Ohio, for the purpose of expressing their approval of the policy of President John son. The day came and our beautiful city was crowded with the boys in blue, and when the, hour came for the meeting of the Con vention, the black 7nnn4rhrr,t .- f the city were busily engaged in trying to 'V, ui' lueuung, ana wnen Uaptain Uarkson, of Columbus, was addressing the Convention, the black Republican party at tempted to .set up a riot, but they found that they were greatly in the minority and then commenced calling for Colonel Gibson, who was once Treasurer of State, and the Ireasury was minus some five hundred thou sand dollars ; he also interfered, but when reminded of the Treasurership, he fizzled and left All those who interfered (except Ijibson) were stay-at-home cowards. The Convention was a grand success and was ably addressed by General Cummings, of the Ohio Senate, of which he is a member; he was elected by the Republicans but repudi ates the heresies of Sumner, Stevens & Co. Ihe day is fast dawnin? when the Nocrro worshipping party will have to succumb to t j?f a frce PcPle- These leaders of the Radical party are the same men who led off in 1864 and met at Cleveland, Ohio, and put in nomination Fremont and Coch rane and openly opposed President Lincoln. These men were Wade, Gratz, Davis, Pom roy, endell Philips and Fred. Douglass, the mulatto orator and American of African descent. But when the Convention met at Baltimore, which unanimously endorsed the President in the platform reported by H. J. Raymand, that the only condition of peace and restoration shall be- the unconditional surrender and cessation of hostilities by the nbels, and their return to their allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the country. But when the same Radicals found that the President of the United States would be sustained, they left go of the leaders and clung to the skirts of the administration, and were again carried into power, and noth ing daunted in their disunion policy, they renewed their assaults upon Mr. Lincoln, just as they are to-day on Andy Johnson. All they want is to give the Negro the right to vote, and place him on an equality with the white people. This they admit is the fact, in this section of the country, and claim that the Negro has as good a right to vote as a I)iifrrimrin nr nn Tri,cV Tl 1 iTtT boldly say it. .And yet this thieving set of tones woo wouju steal, by legislation, the last crumb of bread from the white orphan, WOhIiI fPll nnil flntVlO tncf Vil inl- vnrihntirlj - . -w.v.uv UWJW 1 1 . n. and keep them in idleness. In the name of i . reason anu common uecency who can sus tain them? Respect fully yours, William Kline. The Flow of Gold to tue United Status. The London Review has the fol lowing: "The efflux of gold to the United States has continued on a somewhat larirer scale than had been looked for, although in fact, amounting to no great sum. After the enormous receipts from that country, a month or tlvo back, it is not much to have to return some two hundred thousand or three hun dred thousand pounds in two or three suc cessive weeks. The most satisfactory fea ture in the movement is the confidence that it shows in the permanence of peace in America, and that, as far as investors are concerned, the renewal of the civil war is considered in the highest degree remote. As we have already had occasion to observe, this belief is not only felt by Englishmen and Germans, but has latterly been shared by Frenchmen. The five-twenty bonds, which these shipments are made to pay for, are as eagerly, if not more eagerly, bought in Paris as in London and Frankfort. Not very many years ago, scarcely any foreign securities were quoted on the French Bourse, and it is significant to notice how great an alternation has taken place in this respect Except on our own Stock Exchange, it may bedoubted whether in any other capita! of Europe, not even Frankfort or Amsterdam, loreign in vestments are now so largely held as in Paris. Formerly native capitalists would take noth ing but the rentes ; now they arc ready to invest in Italion, Spanish, Mexican (unfor tunately), and many other similarsecurities. Except, however, in rare instances, United States bonds have been in little favor, and hence the significance of the present de mand." Heavy Dank Robbery, Boston, October 7. The fact was devel oped Friday morning that the First Nation al Bank at Yarmouthport had been robbed of a75,)00, and that the crime had been perpetrated by a son of the cashier of the Bank. The facts, so far as they have tran spired, are as follows : It had been the cus tom of the cashier of the Bank, Mr. Amos Otis, to keep the coupon interest notes and United States bonds belonging to the insti tution in a tin trunk. His trunk was found missing on Friday morning last, and with it theson of the cashier, George Otis. The father, on discovering the ituation, made all haste to apprehend the thief and recoverthe goods. Word was despatched to detectives in distant cities, and so thorough was the search, that young Otis found himself a pris oner the next day. He was arrested at Ply mouth, having travelled to that place during the night On being arrested, he made a clean breast of the whole transaction. The stolen funds were found secreted in the bank shed by the cashier. A small amoui.tof the compound interest note? was missing, but the amount was finally restored. The pris oner is about twenty-one years of age. He was employed in the bank. Mr. Otis, the cashier, is a respected citizen of Yarmouth port, It is probable that young Otis will be held to bail. Brio. General W. II. Ent, of Columbia county, Pa., addressed the Democracy at Berger's Hall on Tuesday night. His ar gument was exceedingly logical and "convin cing. This gallant young soldier did long and faithful servico in the field against arm ed rebels ; he is now leading the White Boys in Blue against an iusidiousand more dangerous foe the disunionists of the North ; then as now, he fought for the Constitution and the old flag. The same brave boys stand behind him that faced the rebel shot and shell on the Potomac and Rapidan now as then, these brave boys will carry all before them Patriots and soldiers, soldiers and patriots ; they will come out of this fray covered all over with a glory and renown that no mortal combat with sword and bayonet upon gory battle fields could yield. God bless oca noblb Bora in Blux. 67m ton - Proclamation by the President. Washington Oct, 8. The following proclamation has just been issued by the President of the United States : Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, has been pleased to vouchsafe to us, as a peo ple, another year of that national life, which is an indispensable condition of peace, se curity, and progress. That year has, more over, been crowned with many peculiar bless ings. The civil war that so recently closed among us, has not been anywhere reopened. Foreign intervention has ceased to excite alarm or apprehension,' intrusive pestilence has been benignly mitigated , domestic tran quility has improved, sentiments of concilia tion have largely prevailed, and the affec tions of loyalty and patriotism have been widely received. Onr fields have yielded quite abundantly, our mining industry has been richly rewarded, and we have been al lowed to extend our railroad system far into the interior recesses of the country, while our commerce has resumed its customary ac tivity in foreign seas. The great national blessings demand a na tional acknowledgement. Now, therefore, I, Andrew Johnson, Pres ident of the United States, do herebyrecom mend that Thursday, the 29th day of No vember next, be set apart and be observed everywhere in the several States and Ter ritories of the United States by the people thereof as a day of thanksgiving and praise to Almighty God. With due remembrance that "in his tem ple doth every man speak of His honer," I recommend also that, on the same solemn occasion, they do humbly andj devoutly im plore him to grant to our national councils and to our whole people that divine wisdom which alone can lead any nation into the ways of all good. In offering these national thanksgivings, praises and supplications, we have the di vine assurance that "The Lord remainetlr a King forever ; them that are weak shall be guided in judgment, and such as are gentle shall he learn his way. The Lord shall give strength toHis people,, and the Lord shall give to II 13 people the blessings of peace." In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington, I this, the 8th of October, intheyear f of our Lord, one thousand eight ' hundred and sixtj--six, and of the Independence of the United States the nine-tj'-first Andrew Johnson. By the President : Wm. II. Seward, Secretary of State. - ' - . . The "White House Improve ments now Being Made. The long and much needed improvements at the White House are making rapid pro gress, and in a few weeks the mansion will present a general attractiveness, becoming the residence of the nation's Chief Magis trate. A small regiment of workmen are daily engaged in the lower rooms in painting, gilding, papering and removing soiled dra pery, which is soon to be replaced by rich and tasteful importations from Europe, an agent being there for the purpose of select ing the goods. The cast room is at present used as a depository for furniture, and will be fitted up in a style of becoming elegance within a week or two. The walls have al ready been neatly hung with crimson and gold pappering, and the worn and unsightly car pet will be replaced by another of a much more elegant pattern. The furniture will remain the same, with the exception of the covering. In the cast, as well as in the red, blue and green-rooms, the mirrors and chandeliers have all been re-gilded, and present an en tirely new and beautiful appearance. The refitting and decoration of the green-room have already been completed, with the ex ception of laying the carpet, which will be new and of an appropriate pattern. The pa per on the walls of this, as well as of all the other rooms, is of what is known as the pan el style, the panels extending nearly to the ceiling ; the borders, which are strikingly beautiful, variegated as they are by brilliant colors, inclosing a plain surface according with the designation of the room. The blue-room is to be handsomely deco rated with blue and gold papering, in panel, and with appropriate furhiture. The refit ting of the red room has already been com pleted, and in the style of its decorations probably surpass all others. Among its most attractive features are the beautiful gilt dev ices on the marble fire-piece, which are de signed and executed by Colonel Stevenson, under whose immediate supervision the work is being done, with a truly artistic tastefulness which commands the admiration of all vifitors. The state and President's private dining-rooms have also received the attention of the workmen, both having been newly papered and the furniture poliicd. The main hall opposite the entrance, is also undergoing repairs, and has been prepared in imitation of white and yellow marble. The improvements will not probably be fully com pleted befare the 1st of December. Dangerous Counterfeit. A very dangerous counterfeit bank-note of $100 has been shown to us. It is on the Cen tral National Bank of this city, but the plate can easily be altered to any other bank in the country. This is one of the evils arising out of the uniformity of design for all the Na tional Bank-notes wherever issued. .The counterfeit before us is extremely well exe cuted, and might easily deceive an expert. The only way for the public to protect them selves will be to refuse, for the present, all $100 National Bank-notes, except they are received from sources of well-known respect ability. One of the peculiarities of the coun terfeit we have referred to, is that the T in the word "maintain," on the right hand of the bill, is defective, and looks like the letter I. The counterfeiter, however, can soon remedy this defect Acic York Post, 2d. S3F Gen. Custer's letter to General Mere dith places the whole blame of the Indian apolis riot upon the Disunionists. He says the principal fury of tho ruffians was direct ed against a banner bearing the following inscriptions: 'Irish-American citizens wel- NEW ADVERTIS E M E NTS . jOOT AND SHOE SHOP. OSCAR P. GORTON. Respectfully Inform the public Hi at be ii now pre- urru luniuiiuiabiuiB ii tinai 01 BOOTS AND SHOES, at the LOWEST Possible Prices : at ehort notice and in the very best and latcgt tylrg. Mr. Cirton, (aa ia well-known in Hlootngburr.l haa had many yeara of eucceasful cXDrri nc wuli a tea. utatinn for good work, integrity aud honorable deal, itig unsurpassed. Place rf business on South Et Corner of Main and Iron Mreetg, over J. K Girlou'a Fiord. Bloomaburg. Oct. JO, JbUti Sin SADIES FARCY FURS ! AT JOHN FAREIP.A'S Old Established FUR Manu factory No, 718 ARCH ttn;et. ' above 7th.. PHILAHELPHIA. Have now in Stor of my ovn Importation and Manufactur: one of the larfpjl and wont beautiful selections of FANCY KL'R. 5 for Ladies' and Children' Wear in the City. . Also, a fine ssortmenl ofUenti r nr Col lars and Gloves. I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would there fore solicit a call from my friends of Columbia Coun ty and vicinity. Kemember tue name, wumucr snu svrcci. JOHN FAUi:iK, No. 713 ARCH fJt. b. 7th., south side. Philadelphia. Z7" I liare no Partner, nor c ouueclion wim any other Store iu Philadelphia. October 10, ItSOG, 4m.-J. WCD. GENTS WANTED FOR FRANK MOORE'S NEW WORK. WOMEN OF THE WA!V AGENTS will find thia book of real merit and In trinsie value scbjcct hkw intensely interest ing and exciting no work evor attracted and engag. ed the public mind like tins, kvervbody want a it. and thou snnds will purchase it as soon as an oppor tunity is atr.irdcd them. Head what Agents say of it. One experienced Agent write It is the easiest and pleasantest Book to sell lie ever canvassed fur : and says people are delighted with it, the 1adiis especially. Another say ; "Women or the War" M the book of the enn Another. 137 Orders in Four Days. one n ports I? orders the first day of canvassing. Intelligent, active males or females will rind Hie pule of this w oik a pleasant nnd lucrative inp oy mcnt. This UKik has no Competitor It comes Ireth and new to Ihe people. The territory is clean and clear. Agents understand the advantages in this particular. For fall patlieulars send for Circular. Addresi. . B. SCRANTOtf t CO , 12f, Asylum St., Hartford, Conn, October iO. ISGG. 4iS. M. 1' N EW CLOTHING AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. THE undersigned respectfully announce to his many friends trial hi has opened a new Clothing and Gentlemen's Furniohing Store, in the lower r iom of the Harlmaii Builiiiug, sau'.heasl cor ner of Alain and Market sHreets, lilooiiisburg. Pa. Having just rctured from Philadelphia with a large stock of tall and Winter Clothing and G entlcmen's Furnishing Coods. Slc , Sec. He flat lets him self that ho can please ali. Ui. slock com prises MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING, such as DKESS COATS, SACK COATS, OVEli COATS, PANTS. VESTS, Ell IRT3. UNDERSHIRTS DRAWERS, COLLARS, COLLARS, JVECX- TIES. HOSIERY. SUSPEJVDERS. HANDKERCHIEFS. UMBRELLAS, S,C, and in fact everythia; in the Clothing or Furnishing line at Very Low Prices. In addition to the above he has an elegant assort me nt of Clothes, C.issimcrs, and Vcstings. C7 Clothing mnde to order at this shor tent notice Call and see before purchasing elsewhere, auj SEICHE (JUL AT muUUNS, J. W. CHA-MBERMX. October 10, !X6 All GAINS IN WATCHES. The UNION WATCH CO.. marufaclurers, 143 Broadway, New York, offer their entire slock alless th in cost, for cash. This alTirds a rare opportunity for dealers wishing to replenish for holiday trade, to select from a great variety unsurpassed for richness o' desien ti meseriing qualities, and real worth. komhEK' WATCH E-i. Kuropean ma In, in stout feilver and Uoid Tinted Cases warranted corre t lunc-kecpers beautifully engraved, whits dial and fancy finished nanus ; a superb ornament. Price, per case of six. Siti. The same, gold plated, per case of SIX, St?. Nil.UUXLY IIY IIIEUArE! WeUOQut deviau from Ihis rule upon anv condition. HUNTING SlLVLR WATCHES, tnglish move im-ul, perfectly a.lju-ted. aud warranted torrect tuna keepers ; beautifully engraved stout double cases. while rti il and fancy cut hands boll only" by the case of jx. 3i7. This is the cheapest really coou article in tne market, furnishing a stout hunt mg durable watch, which WILL KKLl' GOOD Tl V E at a MODERATE PR1'J In justice to many retail dealers whom we ar supplying, these watches will not be sold to any one at retail, or in any quantity less than a case ot sit. oolu ri.Aii.iJ watches, id ti. plate, same movement as ntiove, and i precisely lUe same lyl of watch, with Ihu exception lhal these areheavily plated on composition metal. Price, pur caie ot til. 5 j, yoiii only by th.; cae ! IIL'N 1 1XCJ sl i.VEK W ATCfl E. in superior fin ishej cases, lull engraveil, s ici that readily sell at retail at from $25 each upward, per case of si.7"i. Same in filt cases, per half dozen, $-. Sold only by the Case I Improved Heavy Silver Duplex Chronome ters in fully ruby action movement. Those wishing a superior time-piece, that ran be relied upon in ail seasons and wealhe ri. should buy this. 1 or Kailri'B J meu and oihera requiring an ac curate time-piece this I, unsurpassed. Cased in best liver in a handsome and durable manner, per case uf six, S04. A sample will te so d for $i-. Thrae watches retail at from $'i tj $)itl. American watches, uf ocr owv manu- r'AuTUUE A.N U WAKUANTEU. Two ounce Silver Cases Have the best running apparatus of any watch in existence. Per cas! of six yipo. Siuglt one 81. Retail at J 10 an j upwards. Also Cold and Silvci V. htches, a uperb st ck of silver ware, and gold, plated and Gill Jewelry for Country .Meri hints. 1'eJiars, Slc. Goods sent to any part of ihe country by Express, C O. U to be paid (or when received Order at o ace . No advance require!. t5n I for Circular. INIOX WATCH CO., H'J Broadway, New York, October 10, 18o. EXECUTOR'S SALE or RE Ali ESTATE. THE EXECUTOR'S OF THE LAST WILL AND '1 estament of Daniel Palmer, late of Valley town ship. Montour county, deceased, w i II expose to sale, at public vendue on the premises, on Thursday, October 2'jth, 1SC6, All thntceriein plantation and tract of land situate in Valley township Montour county, adjoining land of Daniel I'ursel. Peter Baldy, b'nianuel Sidler and James Childs. containing ninety-sc veil acres and forty-seven perches -strict measure, all of which is im proved land. There is a quary of goud Limestone on this tract, situate about there miles from Danville, on the road leading to Jcrseytown. The improve ment consists of a TWO SrORV FRAME HOt'SE, a Frame Bank Barn, Corn Cribs, a Well ef water at the Dwelling Houe. also at the Barn : a good spring of water near the dwelling. There is an Apple Or chard and ol her fruit on the premises. A1 grain in the eround on day of sale is reserved, with the priv il -ge of the Eei utors or tenant to enter upon the premises in the proper season, rut, store the grain in the hnrn. thresh and haul it away, he and they leav ing the straw on the prrmises. Also, at the same time and place, a Tract of Wood Land, situate in Valley township, aforesaid adjoin ing lands belonging to the heirs of v illiam Snyder, II. nry Wintersieuu, Joshua Stetler and Peter baldy, containing THIRTEEN ACRES AND ONE HUNDRED AND FIVE PERCHES, strict measure. The above proper ty to be sold pursuant to the directions contained in the lat ttill and Tesuruent of the sale Daniel Pal mer, deceased. SuU to commence at 10 o'clock, of said day, wh eu terms and conditions of sale will b niade known by i AARON PAI.MrR. I x,cutor( CH AK LES THO M A3, J "rcul Valley Towmlup, Sept. 9tL IH', 4. WHISKERS ! WHISKERS ! ! IV. L O. Modtm' Cmrrilin. the greatest atimnlalor In the world, will force Whiskers o Mu-tachesl grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fnil ; sample for trial sent free to any one deairoam of testing its merits. Address, Risvis Cs 78 Nassau Street. New York, ESTRAY HOG. Came to the premise f the iindernigned in Mt. Pleasant lownvhjp Columbia county n r about the 'A-'th it August last a white ho;, weighing" ftbeut one hundred aud fifty pnunds supposed to he about a year Id. The owner Is requested to come forward prove property, pay charges and take it away, oiht-f wise it will be disposed of according to law. U. R. APPIEMA, Mt. Pleasant. Oil. 3, IfiiC flw. I3UBLIU SALE OF VALUABLE RE AL ESTATE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphan's Court of Lucerne count. Pa , on TUESDAY, NOV. 1, 18CG, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the house of l.ewij Lee. on the premises. Lawson Hiiphes, administra tor of the ei-tate of John Hurh-s. late of CauiUr-i Luzerne county, deceased, will expose to sale all thoue threa contisuous tracts of land situate in the township of l.ociii-t, in the county of Columbia, ad joining lands of Hubert Walking, jr.. Andy Keigha.d, John Pelig. nnd others. The fir.t thereof contaiuiug 140 Acres and 90 Perches, of which is about one half cleared land, ami In (food stnte of cultivation, whereon is erected a two tor good Brick lloiiFo.'a large Hank Barn. Hpnn hoMse, a blacksmith shop, and oi'ier buildiueg; nonie fruit tree, a large meadow and a njver-faiimg spring near the h"tiae, the balance of said land is well I inbrcir with white oak. ma;i!e. and the bust of CliettnuU The second thereof contii'vin; 99 Acres and 67 Perches of which more than half is cleared and in a good' state of cultivation, the balance ia well timbered with mot excellent large thrifty chestnut, whit? oak and some Pine and hickory. The thiid thereof containing 92 Acres, ofwliic.l a few a res is cleared; the most part of it is timber land, and considered by many persons to be the best timber land in I list vicinity. The land is excellent, a never fulling spring of water on irv also a stroim of water running through all of the aforeraid described tract, and all of sai l tracts h.we -a pub'ic road running through th-m or joining on a Dub ic roud. Al.vo, Five other contiguous tracts of good timber land situate ii said township, and adjoining lands hereinbefore described. Tii 'J first thereof containing 64 acres and i'.l perches. The second thereof con taining 45 acres and 7U pen lies. I he third thereof containing Ji acre and M9 perches. The fourth hereof contain! ug 45 acres ami ,u perches. J He filth thereof containing bit acres and 01 perches, tr ict measure, nil of .lid true s are well limbered with most excell- lit ch -elnut ind other timber. AI-EO, One oilier tract siluritc in same tnwnshin. adjoining lands of Wiiybl Hughes, fum'l bleat aud o. hers, containing 1 5 Acres, more oi less, which n well limbered with the best cf .'twtnut. Also, other lot riliiiue In the same township, near Malitotvn. arij'iniug lands of widow Troxcl. the heirs of widow lloutti ami Joseph (.'ail, containing three a cie. improved land. To be sold ms the properly of said 'ec--asud. K. h. COM ING. Clerk O C. 1 ERMS : Ten per cent of the purchase munrv to be paid at tht striking dor cf tue pronertg. the remainder of the purchate mvmg to be paid as JMuttt : One third on the toaiirmalian el sale, one third on the 1st of Jlvnl Jt. It. I9i7, at which time possession will be given, mud tue oaiance on fie ist day oj April. Jt u. irbo itk interest on the same from the 1st dag of Jlpril 1367. The purchaser to pay Jor Deed mud Stamps J-aiTHOA' UUailES. Aimr. October 3, I8CC. o RPIIANS' COURT SALE. Estate of Daniel Snyder, deceased. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court of Columbia County. Pennsylvania, on Thursday, the 2Zth day of October, 18C6, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, and to continue from day to day until sold. William Pnyder and banicl Snyder, jr , administrators of Daniel rlnyder, late of Bloom township, in said county deceased, will ex pose to sale by public vendue, at the Court House ia Bloomaburg, Columbia County, Pa-, Certain Tract of Land. situate in Madison township, Columbia Countv. ad joining lands Ian of Ja. ob Girton, deceased, on lh uorlli, the heirs or John Heller and mhets on the south and west, and lands now or late of Peter Hel ler on the cast, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY- PnB.EE ACRES AND SIX PERCH ES, strict measure. There is en the premises a good two tory Frame Housej good Bank Barn, an.l Apple Orchard, and about oue huu dred acres improved land. ALSO, the undivided one.third part of a certain lot ff ground, situate in Bloomsburg, lying on th west fide of First Street of said town, adjoining a lot of Hurley and Caihcart on the east, lauds belong ing to the llloonittburg Railroad Iron Company on the west. Hurley and Caihcart on the south and wed, and First Street of said tnwn on the south, contain ing in front fitly one feet and in depth one hun dred and seventy-two feet. There is on the premises a two-story frame house with basement, and frauia house iDf story and a half ALSO Ihe undivided one-half part of a certain tract or lot of land, situate in Calawissa ttownship, Col'imhia county, bounded on the north by the River fm quehunna, and other lauds of the deceased, on the east and west by lands of Daniel Shuiiiin and others and Joseph Heni'erhot on the south, contain ing forty-three acres and thirty four percbe strict measure. There is on the premises a frame dwel ling house, bank Laru, and ubout thirty acres im proved. ALSO, the undivided one-half part of a certain lot or tract of Ian J situate in Catawisa township afore said, adjoining land 4F Dauiel PhuuiaT and Ellas Krum on the north, the lat above mentioned tract on the east, the River Susquehanna on the south, containing Fourteen Acres and Ft-ur Perches, strict measure, all timber land. ALSO, a certain lot off round situate id Orange ville. in said county, adjoining a lot of widow Maris on the wot, a lot ot w idow Kline on the east, Or- ngeville Academy lot on the south, and Market Street on the norlb, containing thirty perches, JL&cE COLEMA.M, tier. CONDITIONS OP SALE. The share of Mary Snyder, the widow of the in testate, in the severel premise to remain in th haii'i of the purchasers during her natural life, lh itilcrett thereof to be regularly and aunuady paid to her I y the purchaser or purchasers, his or their heirs, or assigns, holding the premises, to be recovered by distress or otherwise as rents are rreoverable in this Commonwealth and w Inch the sud widow khall laka in lull satisfaction of her dower in the several prem ises and at her r.ecc ase her share of the purchase money to be paid to ih s- legally entitled thereto. 'Jen per cent, of two-thirds ol the pHrrhase iu sn ey to be paid by the purchasers to the aJuuuisira.ors on the dtv of sale. One half of the balance of tho two-thirds t- be pa'J on the first day of April, leij7. The remaining half of the iwo-lhirds of Ilia pur cjiap I'luney on the first day of April, l'. wiib in terest from tlu first da of April, 167. Deeds to b mad'! to th.; purchasers on the firrt day of April, IC7, upon their giving bond with mortgages on Hid premises to secure Ihe deferred payments. All grain if the grourd on the several tracts of land is reserv ed, wiib the privilegi? to the owner orowners to niter upon the premises i n the proper seasons, and cut. sl-re. ilirerh and haul it away, he aud Ui.y leaving the klraw ou tho premises. WILLIAM SNYDER, . D.WILL SNYEER. ALSO. At the same time and place th undersigned willotTerlbe following valuable tract or parcel of land, situate n uili cast of UliHimsbiirg. adjoining his arm and lyinf alonj Ihs ublic road leading to Espy, containing SEVENTY-FIVE ACRES luore or less, in a good vtale of cultivation. Terms wi',1 be made kown on the :dny ofsalo by DANIELS VDER, MOStS COFFMAN, Auctionter. Clootnsburg. Sept. 25, looo. JATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. T. Bradley's Celebrated Talent DUPLEX ELLIPTIC (OR DOUBLE SPiiING) The Wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and plcasuri to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Fkirl will be experienced particularly in all crowuii Assemblies. Operas. Carriages, Railroad Cars. Arm Chairs. Chjrch Pews, for Promenade and House Dress, as the kirt can be folded when in use to oc cupy a small place as easily and conveniently aa a tilk or Vuslin Dreta. an invaluable quality in crin oline, not found in any Single Spring Skirl. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort, and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt for a single day, will never after wards willingly dispense with their use. For Chil dren. Missta and Voung Laiies they are superior to all others. 1 hey will not bend or break like the Single Spring, but will preser ve taei, perfect and graceful shape when three or ordinary Skirt will have beri thrown aside as useless. Tie Hoops are covered with double and twisted thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice (or double) covered ; preventing them from wearing out when dragging down stoops, stairs, fee. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all la. dies aud is univerially recommended by Ihe Fashion Magazines as the STANDARD SKIRT OF FliE FASHION Alt LE WOULD. To enjoy the following inestimable advantages in Crinoline, viz : siuperior quality, perfect manufac ture, stylish shape and finish, flexibility, durability, comfort and rcoiiomy. euquira for J. W. BRaobrf ' Duplex Elliptic, or Douhle Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuiue article, CAUIION.-To iiiard against IMPOSITION b particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as DU PLEX" have the red iiik stamp- viz : "J. W. Brad ley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Fprings." upon the waist baud noue Other are genuiue. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin passed through the centre, thus revealing the, two (or double) spring; braided together therein, which is the secret of their fl .xibnily aud strength, and a combination ael to Iw found in any other Skirt. FOR SALE in all Store where FiRPT CLAS9 skirls are sold throughout tho United Slate aud elsewhere. Manufactured by the Sol. Owner of the Patent. WESTS, HRADLKY fcCARY. 07 Chamber 4t 79 fc fcl fleade Si,., n. Y. October 1 0. l.HtsS 4 m ... a . THE Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs, ferty dif. Terent style, adapted to stcred and secular muic.for earn' FIFTY-ON E GOLD or SILVER MED ILS. or other first premiums, awarded Ibeui. L.UtrVd C,0ue free, Addre...MAS0V 4c HAMLIN, Bostok, or MASON BlOTUERS, Nw