; i ! V - DEMOCRAT AND STAR LOCAL DEPARTMENT. " BLOOMSBURG Wednesday, October 3d, 1 866 ' j, - . Valedictory. Being extremely thankful for tho support and favor which I have received from the Democracy of this county in general, during my short career a3 an editor, of the Demo chat and otar, withtm3 l.-Kue I retire from the position, 'which: FiH hereafter to filled by my Tvorthy succesr, Josr.vn I Shoian. R II. IKELEP.. The new Institute building, . at this place, is bcrog rapidly put up. JK2f The Junior Editor of this paper was taken sick on Friday evening last, an at present is. lying quite ill with fever. Several new a.s well as old advertise ments are crowded cut of our rarer this week. . S3-The "Democrat and'Star" has the largest circulation, of any paper in this Cor. gressiona District Advertisers will bear this in mind. ' SSa-The "Old Guard" for October has "been received. - It is a eatrital number. Its political articles are of the best published in - any of the States. - - ' Gen. W. II. Ent and Capt. C. B. Brockway have been, during the past week, making speeches in the counties of Bradford and Sullivan, for Clymer, Elwell, and the whole Democratic Ticket. , : fJ Frank Leslie's Magazine or Gazette of Fashion is on -our table for the .month of October. 'It is well filled with handsome illustrations .and choice . reaJinr. Xt " 13 a valuable publication the best in market. S2T uownei Joan u. rreeze auaresscu a Democratic Meeting in Benton, on "Monday afternoon last. ITS?" Mr. Little an editor I Well, well! It is hoped he may not have as much trouble to . get his productions read, as he has had to get the people to hear him when on the str.mp. "Now, don't you want to hear me? If you don't, say so! I won't speak if you don't give attention." Such were his sayings : He move the people when he tries to speak, For one by one, away they sneak. JC Our younr townsmen, J. J. Bob bins and Martin Houseknecht, have opened a " New York Store," in this place. They have a large, and well selected, stock of dry - goods, which they offer to the public cheap for cash. Ey Capt. Brockway is advertised to speak before the "Club," in Snyder's ITall, at this 1 rt 1 rrrrt place, on caiuraay evening next, luere will be a good turn-out The Brass Band will be in attendance. The ladies are re spectfully invited. 27 Coming in subscribers tq the Dkv ocrat and Star. We have, during the past week, added quite a lanrc number of new names to our subscription list. Of course, there has been some 4 'discontinu ances," principally brought about through the influence of certain individuals, who, at the proper time will receive our atten tion. The Republican of this place i3 in error, in speaking of John J. McIIenry, the newly appointed Post Master at Benton, this county, when it says the appointment . was made to atone tor mt. Jiciicnry s in- carceration in Fort Mifflin. The truth is, Mr. McIIenry was never incarcerated in Fort MiSlin ; but Mr. Hiram Everett, who was an applicant for the same oScc, and a long resident of the place, teas dragged eff from his family, on account of Ids political opinions, and incarcerated in that old,fdtliy jbastile, Tcnoicn as Fort Mifflin ! Scared. The remarks ff the Radical presses about the Philadelphia Convention certainly indicate great dread on their part of its effects on their party. The Conven tion simply made an appeal to the good sen?e and patriotism of the people. Is the appeal founded in justice and a proper appreciation of our political system ? If it is, it will hurt nobody but those who want to steal power for unlawful purposes. This latter class, like the robbers of graves, are scared at the rust ling of a leaf, or their own hideous shadows. Editors Look Up. We are very much gratified to see that the Democracy of the old Keystone State, in many counties, arc recognizing the claims of those who ptand the brunt and heat of every political battle wo mean the Editors of their newspapers. As a proof of this wenotiee that J. Lawrence Getz, of the Reading Gazette, is nominated for Congress, in Berks county ; Levi L. Tato, late of the Columbia Democrat is nominated for the "Assembly, in Columbia and Montour; B. F. Myers, of the Bedford Gazette., is nominated for State Senator, in the Bedford district ; II. C Heyser, of the Valley Spirit, b nominated for Frothonotary in Franklin county. This b as it should be no set of men work harder for their party ind get more abuse and less pay. - Democratic Meetings. " A Democratic meeting was held in Main ville on Tuseday evening of last week. It was addressed by Gen. W. II. Ent, CoL L. Xu Tate, and E. R. Ikeler, Esq. On Wednesday afternoon last, theDemc Ticy of Locust and adjoining townships, held a meeting at Slabtown, which was well at tended. Speeches were made by Cols. Tate and Freeze, and Capt Chalfant and J oseph II. Campbell, Esq, . On Thursday evening last, a large and re spectable meeting of the Democracy was held at Germantown, in Convngham TovnT ship, and was addressed by Col. Tate, Capt Chalfant, and J. H. Campbell, Esq. The Democracy of Centralia Borough and the surrounding country, held a meeting on Friday evening last It was well attended, and presided over by our Democratic friend, Joseph B. Kmttle, Esq. The addresses were delivered by Hon. Charles R. Bucka lew, E. R. Ikeler, Esq., and Capt. Brock- On Saturday evening last, the " Demo cratic Club," of this place, was addressed by CoL Join? G. Freeze, in a lengthy and argumentative ppeech. He made some very strong point3 on the Radicals, making them fjuirm in every comer within the sound of his voice. To the Electors of Columbia and Montour: - Fellow Cthzens: Resuming the dis cussion of the Representative question about where' it was left last week, permit nic to acain address vou upon the subject once more before the General Election. Everybody, I believe, admits that Colurn bia county was shamefully dcfiauJed of her rights on the Senator nomination (through the Chaliant laction ot JJanviilo,) by viola ted pledges and fair pronii.e, so that our reflecting people became unwilling to further trust, for the present, the Legislative power of the entire District in their hand.-?, as has been heretofore proven to a mathamatica and political demonstration, and according ly a large number of property-holder, and old Democrats, requested the Standing Com mittee and Representative Conferees to take back the conditional or partial nomination of. Mr. Chalfant. and nominate a Columbia county candidate in his stead. This request was made by a large number of our best citi zens, whose names have heretofore been published, and on a paper now before me, not yet printed, arc about one hundred more names, every one written by the signer, among whom I notice John Dietterick, Eq. , Jacob Leiby, Elias Bogart, Michael Ohl, A. Force, Samuel Ncyhard, Esq., Philip Hess, David Stroup, Alfred .Miller, Reuben Shuman, Daniel" Ncyhard, Tho?. Weaver, John G. Jacoby, E.-q. Thi3 was the data upon which the agents of the Democratic party based their action, and made a nomi nation for Representative. The nomination thus made, was tendered to, and accepted by, the undersigned. I think I did right in taking it at their hands. And I have yet to learn that in so doing and submit it to othcr3 to prove, that it makes mo neither a volunteer, a bolter, nor a dL'or.sranizer. The Standing Committee have precedent f )r the exercise of the power delegated to thorn by theDemd'ratic County Convention, and used it some year3 ago without let or hindrance, when they nominated William T. Shuman, Esq., for one of 'the County Offices, and he was triumphantly elected. Columbia county has example in the partial nomination, years ago, of Hon. Geo. Scott, to the Legislature, and he was elected. Gur friends may now proudly point to the above precedent and example, not only in vindica tion of the truth of history, but as an entire justification of their proceedings in this con test That our people have been outrageously wronged, and their interests now in jeopardy, is a self-evident fact; and hence, thrice "armed is he who has his quarrel just." It was stated in my last communication, that Mr. Teter Ent, the defeated candidate for Senator, with his confederates, was the cause of the present difficulties among our people. Need I adduce evidence of this fact. I verily believe that Mr. Ent has not lost one day, Sundays not excepted, since the Democratic nomination of Columbia county was made, that he has not been on duty, limning through Bloomsburg and al most everywhere through th county, even in townships where at other times he did not deem it proper or profitable to show his 'ace, deceiving the hone?t people, who have ma le him all he ever was, and more than he ever will again deserve or receive, peddling the little "Campaign" document, and button-holing tho.-o with whom he comes in contact, anJ all in the interests and service of the Dam iUc politicians. And Fellow Democrats these unceasing ex ertions and indeiatigaLie labors oi love on the part of Mr. Ent, again-t your interests and in favor cf the Chalfant junto and polit ical cavillers f I propose bricfiyto elucidate Mr. Ent's po- ition in tho late Senatorial canvass, and ex plain his present purpose in the Represent ative e.ect ion. Li is special suartfiaiiciistinct- aid, that Mr. Montgomery would vote (in Conference) for any candidate Mr. Ent required. These gentleman all went to work in the Conference as my friends 1 Mr. Ent doubtless had it arranged, that at the proper time, the Montour Conferees should vote for Sullivan county, and then Mr. Men- comery drl vote as njr. Jnt required. Thus has Mr. Ent fulfilled his part of the contract with Sullivan and Montour. Hav ing staved off from Columbia, the Senatorial nomination for another three years, it will then be Columbia's turn and Mr. Ent's time. And then if he gets the nomination of Col umbia, Montour and Sullhan owe him the confirmation ; but, Mr. Democrat, if you or again carry this county, we are to be de feated and our county betrated. TIii3 is Mr. Ent's mission, and this explains his ki torcst in tho suc'cgs now of the Danville Reprcsen ta t ire. I submit, Fellow Democrats, whether we are to control our own political aTair?, or whether Mr. Ent is to rule or ruin old Co lumbia. Has lie a life tenure on oEce ? Or? are the offices for "him and his posterity forever?" My Fellow Democrats, why all the ado we hear about electing a Reprerentative for ninety days to the State Legislature ? Why have the xanvu.e poiueians ana tneir agents in Bloomsburg and its surrounding?, offered a large sum of money for a printing 'xes3 in Bloomsburg ; several hundred dol lars and a thousand subscribers to the editor of the Berwick Gazette, if he would support the Danville candidate? "Why did Little and Miller call upon Mr. Jacoby, in my pres ence, and offer to pay largely if he would print them a Danville Campaign paper, and when that gentleman nobly refused to be bribed or bought, a3 a last report the Dan ville agents started the li Campaign" in Bloomsburg. I ask, who pays the roast, and why this immense expenditure of money anil effort if the object only be to send an honest Representative this Winter to Hanisburg ? What does it mean? Look well to the con duct of these Mlnnebagocs I Simon Is with them. Let honest Democrats stand from under. Several "of their leaders were last Spring, laboring to defeat Clymer's nomina tion, and who doubts now that they are try ing to sell him out? Beware of the Inginsl And.now, a word in conclusion, about the Market Street question. The Litde-hsHL-fant Danvillian3 have again revived the Bloomsburg Market Street question, and swear loudly that if I should be elected to the Legislature, I will certainly widen Mar ket Street, and that too, at the expense of the tax-payers of Columbia County. And in reply to all their speculations upon that subject, including the assertion that Judge Oakes once had a letter from me on the matter, I need only say, that letters were signed by myself, John G. Freeze and oth ers, years ago, to Oakes and Jackson, but never was it then thought or supposed by either of us, or even the Members them selves, until the bill had passed the House of Representatives, that it was to be at the expense of the tax-payers of Columbia county. I defy the world to prove that 1 ever was in favor of having it done, at the expense of the people, of whom I am one, and would, of course, have had to pay my share of an expense in which I never had one cent of interest I have since served in the Legislature and if so disposed, could have attempted to perjure myself, injure my friends and pay largely to help my enemies to cheat the public. I am also on record, over my own signa ture, before and since, that it shall never bo done at tho expense of the people, while I live, whether in or out of the Legislature. I therefore say, after this explanation of the matter, that I ahcays have been opposed Ito widening said Street, at thepvLlic expense, and lie who again attempts to impugn my honesty is either a knave or a FOOL. Fiaally, People of Columbia and Montour, when I go to the Legislature, it will be to represent your interests again, as on a form er occasion, with honesty and fidelity, to maintain the integrity of the Union and the support of the Constitutions of the State and Nation in letter and spirit. , LEVI L. TATE. Bloomsburg, Oct. 3, 18GG. Radical Meeting. The Radical Doc. John party held -what they called a Mix Meeting in this place on Thursday last. Those lanre delegations that were expected to come in, from nearly every township, did not make their appearance. The crowd was estimated, during the day, at from two to three hundred. In the eve ning the "Geary Club," from Danville, ar rived upon a special train. This "Club'' was quite an acquisition, in joint of num bers, to the meeting. The meeting was 01 ganized in Market Square, in the afternoon, anu addressed by ueneral f airman, 01 jew York, and Judse somebody, from J'hiladtl- phial In the evening "V. V. Ketchuui, of ViIkesb;irrc, harrangucd the crowd. He entertained the wooly-heads to their general satisfaction, upon issues chiefly foreign to the campaicrn. ihe oil-lamps and Urass Rand were the onlv objects of attraction be longing to the whole affair. They reminded us cf the " Wide-A wakes" that threw the country in such a fever in 1SG0, when they elec ted Lincoln, to inaugurate a bloody and unnecessary war. This party caused tho country a heap of trouble, and they are not satisfied with what they have done, but de sire to be kept m power, to further di?t urb and distract the aflairs of our country. The Radicals want to inaugurate another war, to do which, they hardly know how. It they should succeed in electing their nominees to Congress, and thus hold a two-third vote, the first step taken by them on convening, will be to impeach Andrew Johnson. This may be expected. Tho people should un derstand this, and vote against the Radicals fft every District. Mekcur would vote to impeach the President! A Rope ! A Kope ! This was the cry three years ago, and cer tain Democrats, in whom we had more faith, became weak-kneed ! They privately ex- pre.icd deep indignation at the wrongs they themselves, as well as their friends were sneering, and vowed that they would wait for, the day of vengeance. Rat where do we 2nd these weak brethren now? With ;!iame be it sai 1, and it is in a spirit of deep jumiliaticn that we say it, they are acting with the ver' men who spit upon them in that time of trial. Democrats of Columbia, you who are true to yourselves, and to the time-honored prin ciples of your parti, and who never, no mat ter how fierce may be the onslaughts upon your party and your principle?, desert either the one or the other, have nothing to do with these truckling men ! Such men as Iiiester Clymor, Judge K'well, Col. Levi L. late, and others on the Democratic J icket, who iirrrr ask'-d for the turning of Demo cratic Club D'coxds, forf arthry might be sent to Fort JItflin, are the men to be sup ported in tins contest. E LO 0 31 SF1 K G M A S K ET. WHEAT, per bushel. 2 SO r.l.'TTER. - 41 itv c. i so ri;;s . . - s.j niRV. 1 ifl j I'll TATOFS. . 50 BLVKWI!ET. 1 00 IP. ILD Ai'l'LES, 3 ul t-X'M per bbl. It UU ! IIA MSS . . 2J rJ.uVErtSi- KL), 5 5(11 IMCOV, - - . Hi FLAX SF.r.t) . ?7l I HAY by the ton. 15 (.0 lil'i K'.VIIKAT Flntir 300 1 LRt, p. t lb 25 DIED. At his residence, in Danville, On Sunday morning last, James G. Maxwell, aged 4-1 yaars and 8 months. "In the midst of life we are in death. ' ' In Sugarloaf township, Columbia count, on Thur&day, Sept. fth, ltT,5, Mrs. Mary J. Kile, consort of the late William Kile, in the 71st year of her age. O o S" c- C3 t C3 O GO O . o "4 kra 3C5 ana s - z I B G g Ml C s, p? 53 5- E2 Pi s s : l S r3 Z S S ft K S3 F o O eA r. n o 1-3 - ft M S3 K , O to C M ft o GO S3 e-i O W w ( ZD o p 3 mi Sat c S 13 j-PREMIUM LIST OV THE elGventh annual exhibition of the COLUMBf COUNTY AGRICULTURAL. HORTI CULTURAL AM) MECHANICAL ASSOCIATION, to be helJ at Bloomsburg, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 11, 12 and 13, I860. The Board of Manager have determined to use every ei rtion to make thin Fair wiinfactory an J intereming an ponfiblc t all. anil the citizens of this and adjacent countii-a are earnestly invited to alten- , and also to do all tliey can to make the quantity ana quality tif tick nd articles fur exhibition the lar gest and best. The pn-iiiiunts offered are more lib eral than those i.f any previous year Hpecial at ten tiou is culled to rule No ti, which will h positive. F. P. DRINKER. t5.c'y. ' CLASS I. HORSES Joshua R. lousier, Superintendent. Bfgt pair draught horses, 2 J no do do do do do carriage $ CO 5 HO 8 OH 5 0(1 f on 5 00 in to 8 00 8 CO Sd 2'1 2d 2J 2J 2J do do do do ito do mares, do do do do stallion over 3 years tJ do d do do tin do hr'ioil mar?, with co!t at her side, ) both owned hy tli! exhibitor, do finCl do uo do do do do do rarnas horse. 5 00 4 2 CO 4 DO 3 (to 4 Otl do n- do mare, do tio ... f. i!o io ila fc'o ilo do do do do Itiing net ween . anu 4 years vm. mare p. tiling ito -lo do do 2 and 3 do I and 2 do do do do do mure uo horse tolt do mare do. do a horse or mare coit under 10 inos' old, 3 no 2J do do do do do 2 00 pair Hintch cults und.'r 4 years old, broken I" harness, 8 00 Exhibitors trader this Has will have their horses on th; ground by lo o'clo. k on! Friday morning, at which time the judi's will examine tiifin. Jcdoss Joshua K Fowler. Scett ; t. M. Wardin, Hemlock ; Joseph W. Ueese. (greenwood ; Aaron Smith, Hemlock : Joshua Mendenhall, Franklin. CLASS II CATTLE. Johnson II. dialer, Superintendent. Duiham t?luck. Kest bull 3 years old and upward 912 0!) 00 f. t)t) 4 00 3 DO 2 Oo 2 0:i J 00 ti IKI 4 00 4 OH 3 H 2 00 2J 2J 2d 2J 2d 2d 2J 2J 2J 2d 2J 2d do do do uo uo do do between 2 and 3 years old, do do do do do do do do 1 and 2 do ilo do . do do do lo calf under 10 mrmtbs o'd, do do do ilo riu go cow 3 years old and upward, do do do do ilo do heifer between 2 and 3 years old, do do tio do do do calf under 10 months old. Dvon Stoc k. do bull 3 years old and upward. do do do do do ilo do between ! and 3 years old, do "O do ilo do ilo do do 1 and 2 do do do do do do do do calf under 10 months old, ilo no do lo do do cow 3 years old and upw ard, ilo do do ilo oo do ht'.l'cr bt twee n 2 and 3 years old, do dn do do ito do do calf under 10 months old, Aloerney Sloe, do bull 3 year it old and upward. i!o do do do do do do between 2 and 3 years old, do do do dn do tin do do 1 and 2 do ilo do dd do do do i all' under 10 months olil, o do -o di do ilo cow 3 years ol.l anJ upw ard, do do no do do do he-iftr between 2 and 3 years oil, do do do -do do do call under 10 months old, tiraded Stock, do Lull 3 years ohl and upward, da do do do do do do between 2 aud 3 vca'l old, do do do do do do do d ' 1 and 2 do do do do do do do cn!f tinder 10 months old, d do do do do d o cow 3 yturs d-l anJ upward, do do do do do do beilcr between 2 and 3 yars oi l, do do do do do do tio calf under 10 months old. Native Stock, do bull 2 year old and upward, d do do do do do do between I and 2 years old, do do d ilo iO do calf under 10 ti. until olj. do do do do do lo cow 3 years old aud upward, do ilo ilo da - do do beilcr between - and 3 years old, do r!o do do do lio do call urdei 10 tiinnltii, Oxen and Steeri. do yoke 't rxeii, ownd and worked by the exhibitor. 12 CO it lio (HI 4 IKI 3 oo i 00 2 no 1 Ml ti 00 00 01 2d 2J 2d 2d 2.1 2d 2J 2.1 51 2i 2d 2J G 00 4 00 a oo 2 on S! O't 1 If) no 4 oo 4 to 3 oo 5 00 12 CO 1) 00 ti no 4 t II 3 CO t! no 2 '( 1 r.j ti no 4 (XI 4 00 3 oo 2 oo C oo 4 -o 3 oo 2 00 2 no 1 IKI ti OO 4 oo 4 na 3 oo 2 OO 2d 2d 2d 24 2J 5 oo 3 oo 4 oo a 00 do i's do do do do do yoke cf steors between 1 and 3 years do no no uo Eihihitrtra will have their ftoeic rea.iy tor ine judges tj examine by 10 o'clock A. M. on 1 rnl.iy - . . ........... . I..ln JLnuks Jeunson n . H'lfr, un eu"u , Hart ilia II. I eiulock ; I li .wendenliall. Ilenton ; U. 11, Fowler, Centre ; Henry llolling'hajd. Catawuo. CLASS III.-SWINB. Rllha Dayman, Superintendent. Test boar. S o 2J do do do brood gow. 3 on 4 co 3 o li oo 3 o 2 oo 3 oo 2 oo d do do do do do do sow and ptes ( or more, lot of 3 or more pi2s under 8 w'ks old, 1o do do do do lut slock hogs (3 or more.) do do do 21 2,1 do Ji-dcks Lliha llayman, fireenwood : William Ohl. Hemlock : Andrew Ir reas. Centre CLASS IV.- PIIEEP. Joseph Scattcrgood, Superintendent. Fine o jI, Itbuck, I oo 4 oo 4 oo 3 oo 4 no 3 no 4 oo 3 oo 21 2d 2.1 do do do do CWe, do b-tck, l'W do Mi tdle Wool. do So do do 1 Long Wool 9 4 no 3 uo 4 oo 3 oo do do lio I to buck, lo ewe. do Jriiua--J''s?.f. Prn'tersooil rne . Ahle 1 lio.na s, Latawica ; L'aaicl Si.nnnon, Creenwood. CLAS5 V. 1'OL'LTRV. Thomas Dalhnan, Superintendent. Best and largest -display of poultry. S3 oo 2 oo J oo So 1 on 6o 1 oo 5) I no 5o 2d do do .lo do do do dJ do do do io do pair chickens, male and f;ii!ale. 2.1 2d 2d do do do to do do do do turkeys. do do do geese, do do do do do do do do do ducks, do do n ni In rtiikf ilinlav r.f tain rie"ons. J-hoe Thouins Oalliuan, fcott ; John M, B irtou Biooui ; William Webber. Hemlock. CLASS VI CHAIN AND SEEliS. . JosejJi Masters, Suerintcndent. Test half bushel clover seed, $3 no 2d do do .do do do do timethy do do do do do do bushel T '-d wheat, do do white do do do rye do do buckwheat. do half Latihel Gourd seed corn, da do yellow. do do do smoke. do do dy flaxseed. 1 5o 3 no J So 3 no 3 oo 1 AO 1 5o 1 50 1 ."o 1 5o I 5 . 1 5o do bushel oats. Jt-pcEs Joseph Maeters. TIadion ;!ichael Vance Orince ; Samuel Ale. Hemlock; Clinton M endc-uhall Franklin ; Joseph Hendershot, t;ljm. CLASS VII. VLGETABLE3. Henry Zuppinger, Superintendent. B"st bu;hel Tfince Albert potatoes. 2 oo 2 oo 2 no 2 no 2 no 2 oo 2 oo 2 oo 2 oo 2 no J oo 1 (XI do do do men ec. ,ieach blow parnet Chili ruvty coot lo do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do rnzro do half bushel early Goodrich seedling potatoes. half b i?he sweet potatoes, bushel field turnips, do ruta nava, hall-bushel sugar beets. do mangold wuitzel, do beets. do cairots, do parsnips. 1 no oo oo I I oo do nions, half-doaen vegetable oyster (salsify. )l no peck tomatoes. 1,0 3 heads cabtiape, J " 3 bunches celery. 0, 4 epg plants. J "v 2 qiiaus lima bcar.9. 1 ' 2 do Carolina 1 oo 2 do sou?, J 00 2 squashes. 00 ti fielil numnkins. ' Vfi do nions do Jcdgcs llenrr Zunpincer. Bloom ; John Gordoo, Catawisia ; J. Harvey Creveling, Scott. CLASS VIII. HOUSEHOLD MANUFACTURES. William Scituylcr, Superintendent. Best t yards flinnel. do 10 do do - do 5 do woolen cloth, do 10 do carpet, do 10 do do 4e 10 o 4!ain liaca. I So 2J 1 oo I 5o 1 5o I O") 8d 1 50 r.o sn . 50 I 5o I So 1 no 2 oo 1 no do home-made table-cloth. 1 00 Jtjpots William Schuyler. Hcntt : Mary A. Wilson. Madison ; Mis. Jo-eph P. Conner. Centra ; rs. Hi. ram Keeder, Catawissa ; Mrs. Caleb fcarlon Plo nu. CLAS- IX. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES. Lloyd l'axton, Superintendent. . EpsI loaf bread, $1 do pound cake 5o do sjineer do 5o do sample preservea 5o u do fruit i -llv 50 do tomato preserves do rueumb-r pickles da pickles of any other kind do apple butter do peach do do plum . do do (fffpe do gallon sorghum 5o 5o So 5o So 5o 5o 3. HI no do cured nam rn h..u.r. nnt less than 3 ptunds I no 2J do do do do So do sample sausage da apple pie "i do do hard soap So do .. , JtDOES-l.lovd raxton, Montour; ac"ei c-. Greenwood ; Mrs. Conrad Hitten!end--r ; Bloom ; Mrs. Margaret tvarner Uenton ; Mrs. E. P Lu i, Biooin. CLAS- X.-FANCY ARTICLES AND Fl.OWERS. Charts S. Foiclcr, Superintendent. Pen knitshnwl, $ 1 100 1 00 1 0 1 ifl 1 HI I 00 I 00 l n l 0 1 I no 1 no I f3 .in .50 r.o 50 50 50 50 1 00 ro 50 50 50 50 5 i i no do tettin? wnrlr. do 10 do diaper, r!o knit wool stockings, do do do mittens, do do cotton stockings, do borne mado shirt, do rolton quilt, 2d do do dn do pair wool blankets, do do linen sheets. do do sh'll do do do burr do do do leather do di do hair do do do wax do do do drawine, do do painting, do silk en.brcidery, do worat'd do ' do cotton do do worsted mat, do cotton do lo knit Po!iIi hoot, do worked slir.pcr. do fanrv pincushion. do head rires. do display of mos painting, do collection ri.ihlin. do do do do do artificial flower, do lioii-e plants in bloom, do dried erass. do do flowers. do variety flowers. do sneeimen penmanship. JrnriFS Charles Fowler. Kspy; Vim Sue Fyer. Cntawin; Mrs. V.. M. Warrtjn, Hemlock; Miss Maecie M. Sands. Mt. Plasant. CLASS XI.-FLOl'K. STOVRS. TINWARE, AND DENTISTRY. John Beits, Superintendent. , Best 50 pound wheat fliur, Jo 50 do b'kwh't do do 50 do rye do do 50 do corn mcn1. do rnokins stove Willi fixtures, do parlor do do $3 no 3 TO 3 00 3 no 2 00 , 2 no i oo do set artiffriril teeth. Ji nces-John lttts. Ilemlnrk; C. D. Fowler, ,Uer nick; Elijah B.. Ikeler. Olomn. CLAPS X 1 1. A G R ICI I.TI'R AT. IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY Sylvester Fursef, Superintendent. Best p'oulh for ceneral use, $1 "0 do corn plouch. 1 " do corn planter, 2 00 do tlireflitTfr machine, 2 00 do reap-r and mower combined, 2 00 do fanning mill. - ,IU do horse h.iv f -rk, 2 t'U do corn sheilcr. 2 00 do erain drill. " ,M do firm wasmi. 2 00 do straw or fodder cutter, 2 00 do hore rake. . 1 0 do portable elder mill and prei, 1 00 do sled 1 no do clothes wrincer, I do wafhinjr ma liine, 1 00 do sausatje do 1 ,r" do clever huller, I Oil do churn. 1 do v iicflur tt"W, 5'1 do ro'ler, 50 Jctm-.ts - Sylvester Tursel, Hemlock ; Levi A. Hutch ison. Centre ; Comehus Hclla. Oranse. CLASS yn -VEHICLES. Jacob G'Trard, Sujicrintcndcnt. Best f-imi'y carriage, 9- r" do top hussy, 2 0 do op. n do 2 00 do slciuh. 2 00 ilo sulky. 2 OU Jl'poes Jaccb Gerrard. Greenwood; Gor; Cav enee, Mt. l'!e;tant ; Jerry Sceshoiiz. lii?rwick. CLASS XIV -BEES AND CEEIIIVES. WiU'a:n F. A' Ibr, Superintendent. Best swarm cf bee. ?2 00 2J do do do 1 00 do simp!'1 live pounds of honey, t ''0 do beehive, I 00 Jt-nnKS - Uiilia:n F. Keller. Mifflin Iliram J.Rced cr. Franklin ; John llai'tz, Jsckson, CLA3 XV. WINES AND LiaUORS, Iliram 1). Apple man, Supcrialendrnf. Li:st Ti.irt o -urranl vine, ?1 00 do do hl'kberry do I O't !o lio r'ai"". U "'1 do do cherry. I "0 do do rve whiskey, 1 r,t) lo do coi'T viiifnar.1 I no Jcdoks Hiram 1) Applei,:an. Hemlock; Dr. D.nid Moritauii.ery. Mit'lin ; 1.1 wood Huzhes. Cei ire. CLAS- XVI -CA P.I NETWARE, TANNI-RS !tOE MAKER'S, TAILOR'S. I'OITKRS AND CRICK- jiAKtii's work. William T. Shuman, Superintendent. r.r.l bureau. J2 oo do drevsmi; stand. I do display cal.in- t wrirc, 2 do set Windsor chairs, 1 do spi ins-seat chairs, I do rockniij chair, ' do SI Itee, 1 !o best mnile s'lit of clot.'ies, do half il' . 'ii uroi.mH, do set sinl'? hiirnefS, do do double do do two sidles sole leethcr, do do' do kip. do do :o .. If .kins, do pair cilf hooiij, uo do k'i, do l'"l eartuenware. 1 .i 2 oo 1 oo 1 oo 1 (Ml 1 oo I oo 1 oo do sat" pie hric V, ' li-pcts - W. T. Shiitiisn, Main; 1! I- Gearliart. (,'rt ii v...: ; tV. II. Il lti. li. I.o'iist; J .0 i F. Ihilcli isn, 1-'liiiijcreek ; Miles S. Wjliiains, Or:ue. CLASS XVII. FRUIT. F. B. Yunuc-j izipcrintcndcnt. E.st 1 bushel Tompnins County kin's apples, $: no do do do Rhode Inland grecnie do I oo do do do f.nlfti water do I o ilo do do Bravens-t-in ' "" do do do b tll win do ) oo do do do hultliardson nonsuch uo I oo do do do liellfl iwer do 1 oo do display ol apples, 2oo 2d do do lo 00 .In .1,1 n.ars. 2 oo 2d do do do ilo do peaihts. do dozen ('liiiccs, 2J do do do do 5 clusters grapes, do display do do 2d i!o no do do do 5 clusterscrevc'ins. do 5 do concord do do 5 do disna do do 5 do delawnres d i do 5 do iat-lla do do lot of fox "rap.-, do display raspberries, do sample Urii.il nppl 'S, .in do do Ilt'a!l'S. oo 1 oo 1 no So 1 no 2 oo 1 oo :. 5o 5o Ut 5 i 6.. 1 oo oo So do do do iherriti, Btoned and un Honed. Ji dofs r. B Wenm r. linarcreck ; Aaron Kester. Mourn I'lcasaiit; William F. Leidy. Hemlock; John G..Uuick, Montour ; Frank P. Eves. Greenwood. CLASS XVIIL TRIAL OF HOUSES. SjMirting Bit. First Trot. Cest tro'tin; horse, mare or geldinjr, 5Ioo oo (Entrance l"-e. $14.) If l. ss than four horses are entered, for earh horse lessitian lour $lj shall bs deducted fr cm the pre mium oir.rcd. Second Trot. Best trotting horse, m ire or geldiaj. l$"o oo (Kutranre fee. ?lo ) If less than f Mir horses are entered, for each horse less than f iur $!o shall be deducted from ine pre mium olio red. Fitrmers" List. Rest trottinir hoM. mare, or gelding, 5-5 oo (Entrance fee, $1 ) If less than four Horses are entered, for eirh horse less than (our $.1 shall be deducted from the pre niiuui ofiered. No premiums will hi awarded for any of the ibove three trots if less than two horses appear to cmuptlc f.T the premium. Mile h.;ats. in harness best out of tl ree, Ji'DE-(,'onra't Kramer. tadion; Joseph O. Win-terkU-eu, .Vittiin; amlel Kostenliauiier. Catawissa. CLASS XIX -FOOT-RACING. Best run once round coirse, 4 2d do do do do 4 oo (Fntrance fee. 50 cents.! If less than three persons enter for the run no Pre mium will be awarded. Ji'dges - Iram Derr. Jackson ; E. G. Ricketls, Or ange ; Isaac U. l'ursel, Hemlock, RULES AND REGULATIONS. (Article third of the constitution requires persons ta pay to the Association one dollar to constitute membership The practice hi retofore has been to buy ticketsoa Fair days, and have names recorded at the time.) Fib st, Every person having art icier for exhibition or competition, must become a member of the Asso ciation before entering them. Secohd. Minora can become member! or exhibitors when their parents are members. Thisd. The field of competition is open to all per. sons from other counties and ftates can become ex hibitors upon the lame terms as citizen of this county. Fourth. AH article off 'red for competition must b owned by the competitor. Fruit, vegetables, flowers, fcc,, must be Ihe growth of tho competitor, and ail manufactured articles must be made by the competitor. Firm. All stock entered mast be what represented, or premiums will be forfeited. t-ixTH. All article for exhibition or competition must be entered by 5 o'clock r M . Thursday the 11th an.l except in impossible cases, be on the ground at that time, nnd remain there until 5 o'eloch T. n, of Iriday the 12th. when they will be at the disposal of the exbibtturs. r Skvkstm stands for the sale of refreshment can be obi ui ued by application to the Secretary or to a F. Ilartman. Liuhth. No lirense w ill bo granted stands that sell spiritous and malt lienors Judges appointed to examine thi different classes w ill cooler a favor on the Association hy calling at the Secretary' office early on Friiay inurniog, to obtain their instructions. Tickets to lh Fair can be obtained at the different ttor-s before the Fuir, or Mt tin ticket ofhee during Fair days. JOSEPH P. CONNLK. Pres t. F. I. 1-imxittR, Sec'y. Sept. 1U. I ii,0. QEXEIiAL ELECTION WHEREAS by the Laws of this Common wealth it is made the duty ( the SlieriflT or every county to pive not ice of the Cener;.! Elections, hy publica tions in one or more newspapers of the county, at leat twenty days before, tk"! election, and to enumer ate therein (he otlicers to bo elected and to dusinjte the place at which tie; election is to be held. Therefore. I SAMUEL SNYDER. II icli Sheriff of Columbia Coiiuly. do hereby m ike knon and pro claim 10 the qualified electors of Co umlua County that a General Election will Iw held on TUESDAY. THE a 1 11 DAY OF OCTOilEll. l-iit(heiiig the second. 'J'usday a,d ",onl" ) ut tue several dintricl within ihe county, to wit : Ceaver township, at th'.- public house of Christian Shiimin c Son. lUMiton tuwnsliip, at the public house of John J. Stiles, in the town of Kenton. iiloom township, at the Court jllouse, in Rlooins b,,Horough Berwick, at the Town Housi. in the Uor- ""llor'ough Centralia, at the public houau of KeuVn Unarcreek township, at the Public School houe. near Cvansville. ... , ,, Catawissa township, at the public house of Henry J. Clark, in the Town of Catawissa. Centre township, at lui (school House near Lafa yette Creasy'. . , Conynehatii township, at the house. cf Daniel r. McKiernau. KishmucreHk township, at the public house former ly kept by lieojainin Alcllen;y on Ills State Koad. Krankliii towiibhip. at Clayton's Scho.d House. Greenwood township, at tue house of Jus.ph R ration. , Heuilock town-hip. at the public house of John llartin.-in, in the town of Uuckhnrn. Jackson township, at the houser.r Ez'rki ! Col.., Loc ist township, at the public li.ju.o ol David Yea ger, in Slnbtnwn. Mitfiin township, nt the pulilic hous;: of John Kil ler, in the town ot Milllmville. M adison tow n-liip. ui the public house of Samuel Runny, in J erseytow n. Ml. J'ie.nuni lownsliip, at the public house lately kept by Tliomas Jones. Montour township, at the house of William Hol linshead. Maui township, at the public house of Aaron Hess. Koailngcrei k township, nt ihe lions; formerly oc cupied by George IV. Dr eisl'arli Orange tow imhip. at the public house of Jacob Michael. 1'uie township, at the Centre Pchool House, the new place just (ixed by vole of the citizens of said township. Suyarloaf township at the house of A'iitas Cole, fcciill town.-l.ip at the pub ic house of Israel Mmiii my. in E.;ty. Ai which time and place the qualified elector will elect by ballot tho fallowing Stale, Jutii-.iary, aud C'ouuty otlicers, viz : One person for Governor of the ComminweaHb of Pennsylvania ; one person for Member of Congress ; one per-on for Siat r-enatar ; one person for Kern lier ol Assembly ; two persons for Associate Judaea of ill Courts of Columbia County ; one person iur I'rottioi.dtary and t lerK of the Courts ; one person (or Kegister and Recorder ; one person for County Commissioner ; and one person for County Auditnr. Ills turiher liirert -d that the election polls of the veral dislrieiH shall be opened between the hours t( H and 10 o'clock in the f ireuoon, an.l thill continue upeii h ilhout iiiierrup: ion an I attjoiirnoicnt unul 7 o'clock in the eveuiu when the polls shall be eloped. It is furlher duecte.l that the meeting ol the return Judges at the Court House, in lilnuiusourg. to make out the General Election, shall be b.-l.l uu FRIDAY 'IliE 121'il DAY F UCTOliE . N r.X V. The Return Judges of the Representative Distri.t. composed ol the Counti es of Culonibia and Montour, sh til meet at the Court Hnue. iu tllooiushurg, on TUESDAY. Hi-? lihh day of October next, to make out the returns for .lieuitier nf Assembjv, The i; .turn Juiaes of the lath S u it trial Dis trict, composea of the counties of Columbia. Montour. Norilniiiibetlatul and Sullivan, shall me-t at the Court House, in D;uivi:le, on Tl'ICSM.AY, the loth day i f Ot tuber next, to make out the returns for Si;ite Senator. The following Act of Assemb'y. repu'atinj the mode of VHtin" in the Cominonweallh of reiinsylva lua w as pa-Jft .1 .Varch lltth. Ifi.ii, and reaiislh'is: Srrr'.os I. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Couimnn wealth of Fenn rlva iia in General Assembly met. and it i nercby eiiacttril by tho authoiiiy of tri-i same. That liw quali fied voters ot lite several counties of tiiis cnminon vra:lii. at all gem ral, township, bt.rmuli and special ileciions ore hereby . hereafter, authorized ami re quired to vole, by tickets, pi itr.eM, .or w ritten, or partly printed and pa'ily written, severally classified as foilnw : iie tn kel shall embrace the n RiucSkfjjf all jiidses of courts voted lor, an. I to be labelled, out i le, '-juiticiirv ;" one lickct shall embrace til mui'-s of all slate ofticeri voied for, an I be labelled, 'state;' one ticket shall embrace Hie na.u :s of all coutily nf- lieers voted for. in.lutiing uthr.e of senator, m 'mlier. ami niniiti' rs of asembly, if vol.-d for, and liieiitb r f rotisress. if voted for. and he la'.ell" l "county ;" one ticket shall embrace Hie names of ail towns! ip itiicers voted for. ami be labelled, "townsh ip ; one ticket fhall mbriici. lh:; nuni-s of all bornuli otiicers v . te I fur. mi l be labelled, bornnitti ;' ' and each class slialt be depo-itej in sept rate ballot boxes. Si ninv 2. '1 h'.t it shall I"' th" duty of the sheriff', ill the 8' veral count I s of tliis romoionwe liln. to i:i seri intlieir lection proclamations hercafrler issued, tlie tirsl section of tins act. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That every person excepting Justices of the Pea ce who s!ia I hold "V flire or appointment of profit or trust uiit'er the United Stales, or of tins State. or any titv or c .rporate.l district, whether a commissioned r or otherwise, a subordinate olfiter orag 'iil w h.i is or shall b-: employed under the legislature, ey. cutive or judiciary department of tiiis stale, or nf any city or of any incorporate.! di-irnt. an. I also, ili.it every iiuiiiber of ( onjress mol of tile Stale Legislature, and of the s-lfit or comint n ciiimiI of any t 'If. or r.'nimii.ioner of any incorporated dis trict, i- l y law incapable ol liuliiing or exercising at IlistiPii.tii.-! ( ::ic.- f-r appointment of jiiile. Inspector, or Clerk of an election of tins Commonwealth, ami that no In pector Ju.ti;.; or oilier oliicer of such lec tion shall b. eliiMhlf 1.1 In; then voted lor. "It finil lie the duty of the scy ral Assessors re spectively to attL'inl a'l the pUce nf hol-iiue every Ceneral, "special or township flection during the whole time such i lecti on n k'-pl yeu, f.r lilt; pur poPe ef e'vniC infor .nation lo tile inspectors and Jut!";, when called in. in relation lo tile, rijlit of any person assess d by them to vote at such elicu tll. and on such other n.. -.iters in relation to the ass'ss meiit of v Its, os the sai.l Inspectors or eilliir of their rhail fr..ni time to lime require. "N.. person shall be permuted to vote at any flee tion as aforesaiil, than a white riuzen 'f ihe ap.T of twenty niiuer more, who shail have resided in this St.-.t .' at least oik, year, and in the election district w nrre he on", rs lo Mc, ten days immediately pre ceding such election, iind within two ears paid a stale or County tax which thall have been assessed nt least ten i!a before the ilectrui. hut a citiz-n of the l.'nite.l States wlu has previously been a qua! ifieu voter of tins Stale and removed iherttrom and returned, and w ho shall have resided in the election tiist'ict an 1 pai J tat s, as aferesaid . sha I be entitled t vole alter restiling in this 5taie six mouths. I'rovi led , That liie w hile freemen. ,shx.mi of the United States, bi t.veen ine a;e of twenty-one and iwt-iiiy iwo years who have resided in the election tli-tiSh ti n days ns aforesaid sliuil be enlilicd to vole ailhou"h they shall not have paid tax. (.iv i o limit r u, y band, vt n.y oilice. in Cloomsburg, this lith cay of September l.-ou. SAMUEL SNYDER, ShtrifT. September 12. 10G LUMBEil ! LUMBER ! ! pilE RLOOMSIt URG EUMilERING CO Ml AW, 1 w otild resjicctfally inform the public that ih y have their PLANING MILL now in opfriiion with an extensive assortment 01 and are now prepared to sup.ply nil orders nt short notice and at the lowest prices for cash, l'heir as sortment ol lumber consists of Wlsilc S'inc tMsiiik. Ko.inN. E'loortii?, Nurlace 4.rl!, idiisi Elcinlock i'laii?. planed or tinplaned, to nut purchasei Frame Stuff. Joice an,l Sci.nlli:.g of all sizes Their l laning Mill an! l.i'inber Yard is sitoate t at the Railroad IJeDot. v-ry cunvcmently for shippinc lu .nber bythe cargo. They are constantly iiisnulactuiing lumber of all kinds and pe rson who desire lumber of every de scription will do well to examine their stock before r urc .asms e'sewhere. They are determined and em inently prepared to sell it cheap as the cheapest. Tht yulfo di jre to inform the public, and especially those w -"O w ish to purchase bitl-stulTthat they have one Mill specially prepared to cut limber of almost evsry size and length required. Tnose wishing lo build or coctractoi fortuitding, can save money, by rivine ua aM. The uitdersisned would also announce that they are prepared to do all kind of repairing of Machinery, such as Threshing Machine Mowers. Keaper and all kinds of agricultural implements, opoa reasona ble term. Address . F. C. EVER, Sec'y. Bloomsburg, Sept. W.lSCfl. Bloomsburg, Pa. MONIATED PHOSPHATE. A Concentrated Fertilizer. Especially adapted to WHEAT and otiiet GRAINS. This preparation contain Pure C round Bona .and the b" si Fertilizing Salts known to agricultural chemistry. combiued in such a manner alto develop their productive properties only when Used on the nil. Price t' O Pe' For sale at the manufactur er' depots. No 724 MARKET STREET. Phlladelptai B LOOMet'U Rl, Columhit County, Pa. WILLIAM KLL1S $ CO , Mauu facturerl. September 5, tt)L6. Io OK here! ALL those indebted to the undersigned either on note or book account, of six month cr more standing , are hereby requested to make ett!i'uient without dd lay. and save costs. B. C. SHIVE. itloouisliurg, Sept. 1C, 1606. St. UMPIRE SHUTTLE SEWING Are superior to all other for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSE. Contain all the latest improvement are speedy noiseless ; durable ; anil easy to work. Illustrated Circular free. Agent wanted. Lib eral discount allowed, tin consignments made. duress t.nr ik& h. m, CO., tilt broad way, New Yoik September 5. 18CC -ly.-A. U Co. S23. HOD? 5UJRTS, 623. HOl'KIiVS 0 XVK HIKE." New Fall Styles ! Are in every respect first cx.ss, and embrace a co in i I i e nssnrtmtnt for Ladies. Misses, and Chil dren, of the Niwest Styles, every Length and Size of Vait . OUR s KIRTfl , wherever known, are more aniver sally popular than any others before the public They retain their fhape better, are lighter, more els stic more durable, and realy Crcapsr, than any other Hoop Skirt in the mark el. The springs and fasten iitg are warranted perfeit. Evert Lt shoU'd Tttt 'I'll em ! '1 liev are now being etteosively Hold by Mene m nts thrnuchout the Cnuniry and at VVHOLE HALK AND RETAIL., at Maauiactory aud Balea Uooui No. AU'H street, below 7th, PHILAD'A. Ask for 11 nl KIN S -own Kilt. , "buy no other! CAIITIOV. None genuine unlos Stamped on each Kid Pad "llopk in's Hoop Skirl Manufactory, No iiiri Ar ch Street. I biladelphia " Also, .'in s'Miuly on hand full line of New York made e k iris, at very low price. Tl.RMS V LT CASH. ONE PRICE ON LV Auguit 2i. Ic:o0.4m. J. W. ISS LIZZIE PETE UM AN, " Would announce to the ladies of nionmsbar and the publie generally, that she has just received Iroin the easttru ci'ies her .priitf; anu Jsu;i.j:jci Ftock f MILLINERY OOODS, constating nf all article a usrally found in first etas Millinery Stores. Her goods are of the best quality and among the most handsome aud cheapest in the nibrket. fall and examine them for yourselves. Nobody should purchase elsewhere before eiaiuin -ing Miss Fetermart's stock ot good Ilonne'. mad? to order, on tho shortest notice, or repaired. Store on iKa.n street. 3d d or below the store of Mciidcnliall Kupert. Bloomsburg, May 2, 1306.-tf. "TEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. OVM.MVS1 X-FT, (NEARLY OPPOSITE MILLER'S Si E,) BLOOM3U' .J, PA. THE undersigned ha nt fltteJ and opened, his ne S'S'OTE A?JD '-i'i SHOP, In this place, where he is prepared to make np new TT WARE of all kinds in his line, and do repair in, v h neatness and disp itch, upoiiNte most rea son ' itpn, He also keeps on hand STOVES of vam i 'terns and style, which he will sell upon terms to Durcbaser. Give In. na sll. He is a gooJ mechanic, and de serving of i 'lb'ic patrouage. JACOB METZ. Eloomsburg. , 1?",6. ly. yy ILLIAM ROGERS, Respectfully announced himesir to the publie a an experienced WELL-MGGEll aud W ATER-S M ELL Lit. Person desirous lo lenrn where water can be easiest found, and oil w ho bsve wells to di. will do w ell to emplov the undersigned. Contracts will be taken by the f wl or by the day, to suit the em ployer. AddrcFS, WILLI AM ROGERS. tiloumsburg, I'a. July 25. lCr.. ly. N OTIC'J All person knowing themselves indebted-to cith er of the undersisned, on Hook, Note or Jil Igment, are requested to make aymrnt w ithout delay if ihey wou 1 1 save costs. McKE'AT, XT.tlt At Co., Wu McKELVY &. Co. August 2'J. lPfC tf. NORTHERN CENTRAL DIJ CT R9.!'i'S'J N0KT1I AND SOUTH, Tnmugh hrtinen Baltimore and Rochester Vi iUtorjl Ol.assjjc of Can, ON and after Au;u-t Jtiti, l-cti, Tiain will leave a lollowji : NORTHWARD, PUFFALO FXPIt' S3 leaves faltnnore 10 !0. dai'v, Phila ielphia 9 00 P M. Ilarrishurg i!,li5 A. M , deliv ering asxengere at Noi thumberland. 4,5? A. Vt. for train o:i Lackawanna and Hl Hioislmr lUil Road, eaviug at ' 00 A. M. arrjving in Danville 7.40 A.M. r.ltioinslmre f.-J A, .J. Kiuetuu lo.-id A. M, Scran lou I ?.00 noon. Mll. leaves Baltimore 9 23 A. M. daily, (exer Siin'tays) I'lulaJelphia 10.10 A. M. Harri. bnre 2. MS P. M . deliverint passengers at Northumberland 4 54 I. M. for train on '..nckatvanna and Moonshurg Rail Road. Ieavi.: there at S.'JO P. M. arriving in lianvillq GOO P. M. i-lonmsburg 45 P, M. Kingston 9 00 P. M . Scra'iton 10.15 : prtcee)inff north and arriving in Williauispnrt nt ti 3" P. M. ' FAST LINE, leaves Bait imore , daily ( excapt Pun .l.iy.) 12 It l. 1. Phila'lelphia M noon. Hanisburg 4 1U I', M. Northuuiberl.iiid 6 41 P. M. re. nam over iiit'bt. nnd lesve following noruing at 7.0'J, arriving iu Scraniou I2.tm noon. KXPRESS TRAIN, leaves Northumberland II 20 P.M. ih.i'y (except J-undays ) receiving passengers, . leaving Scrantnn 4.40 P. M. Pittstnn 5,20 P. M. Kings ton t i u P. M. Hlratui.'bur! H 07 P C amvinp in Phil-uiit-lpl ia 7.00 A. M. Harrisbur; 2.30 A. M. Baltimore 7. no A M. M AIL TRAIN, leaves Northumberland 10"6A.M. daily, (sxeept Sundays) receiving passergnr leaving i runt. in at 5 50 A. M. l'ition ofi.1 M Kingston liji.V M. Llnouisburg S.U7 A. M. lianuill" 9 54 A. 1 , -Hi'i airiving in llai ri slier; 1,15 P. M. Philadelphia 55'P. M. Ilallimore ti M P. M. I!y this route fright from PufTalo, Puspension Bridge, Rochester aud t'snandaiCJ or any interme diate point 'n New York Central can be shipped througli, unt il in full car load to any point on thq iaiKawaniia a id Bio imsnurg Kail Road, without bre iking l.uiks 1! st 's ol freight aud Passenger fare as low as 0) any oilier route J, V Li!lrUY. E. P. YOrNfJ. Geu'l Sup't, llarri.Uur?, Pa. G-n'l l'as, Agsnt, Raliiuore. and ISAAC M. FCULOtl HIHORN, Gen'IWestern Freight Agent, BuUal. N.I, Sept .-niber, 1J, lcOii. P AR .TERS I FARMERS 1 1 - m D.m't fail to use PHILLIPS' Fl.'PKR PnosPilATE LI 1 E to enrich your lands and make large rrps of C'an and grass. It in now extensively used in all ill" leading aiMlcollural portions of the country and without dispute or douhl is known to be the very best ued. Itonntiins less moisture, is more uni form in pa!ity, .'outains more acrirullural value, than auy mier in the market. The U'id-reigned in troduce il as a standard art icle, intending to make il a permanent trade Its value ha been fully tested m hi ie is coiinlv an J Ft. in Is unsurpassel by any other article ver "introduced. Give it a trial, yo'i will ba uleased bcyoaj measure w ith the results. Apply to PAXTuN kH'RMtM. Aug ist M. 1?C6. Rnjwrt. Pa. JIFE INSURANCE. If you wish to live long and die happy, go without delay and INSURE YOUR LIFE in the best Company in the world, THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP NEW YOKK. ITS CASH ASSETS ARE $15 000 000. and itsaniwal dividend for the fis cal year of 165 amounts toVeventy-five per cent, on all participat ing premiums, being the largest dividend -ver de clared by any company for Ihe same length of time. For further information apply to JOHN G. FREEZE, Jgmt. July 13. laffl. 3m. blonmsburg. Pa. w OOL CARDING. The subscriber having purchased the well estab lish cd stand, k now n as "SA.S)'S FACTORY," near Rohrsburg. Columbia County, and having put the machinery ia first-rate repair, is prepared loda in the best manner, and opon Ihe shortest notice. Those favor inc Lini v. ith their custom may rely on having their work well dunu. HENRY IL BANDS. Groen wood, June 0. 1366. fcs . I ' (1