Columbia democrat and star of the north. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1867, September 26, 1866, Image 3

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Wednesday, September 2 (3, '66,
tilL. Elijah It. Ikeleh has- dI.tposed of
- Iii3 entire interestin the office of the Demo
crat and Star to Josun P. Shtjhan,
foreman for1 the past. seven months in this
cSce. "We mate this announcement to ease
the minds of certain politicians, about this
place, who have been endeavoring to injure
lis by circulating a false report relative to the
Sale of tbifr-office. The parties, Messrs. Ike
Leu ttil SnroiAN, will epeak: for themselves
in the nest paper." The name of the former,
Btill run? through the present issue.
epC2G,1866.'1 " ' W. II. Jacoby.
fcs7" The apple crop this season is said to
be more than an average one in this State.
CS7".We lean that great complaint is be
ing made in somtf parts of Jthisjcounty on ac
count of the potato-rot " x
E3- Arthur' s Magazine is out for Octo
ber, well-filled wit 1 interesting and instruct
ive literature! :' ,This Is a capital publication.
T&J Potatoes aro selling in this market
intt50 eta. pcr husheL The crop is large this
season and' every . Fanner seems to have
Bome io selL ""
f, . t ssa an ni .
Peterson's Magazine has been received
for October. It is a splendid turaber. Send
and get it, all who desire a first-class Maga-
jtS.lPon't attend the Democratic
Club meeting at r Snyder1 Ilall on next
Saturday night. It s will ' be- addressed 1 by
ablegpcakersrr'- -
JK'Look'' out democrats', for Indians.
The' Danvillegents are about and in secret
conclave with (traitors.', Beware of these po
litical sinners and old offenders.
' S5rAttention 3 directed to the new ad
vertiserrientsl in lo-ay'spapcr ; especially to
the large amount of real estate, belonging to
the heirs of DanierSnydcr, deceased, pub
liihed in another column.
: ICS- "We have .printed the whole Demo-
cratic Ticket at this office. It is ready for
distribution ; candidates should see tha their
Tickets are placed in proper hands, in order
that they may; be taken promptly to the
polls on the morning of the election.
."Absurd. The new paper published
at the ''Columbian" office opposes Col. Tate,
the choice of the Democracy, and yet, in an
editorial article under the above healing,
admits that he was. nominated."," Consist
ency, IhcJu art a jewel. ' '
& Certain parties in and about this
place, calling themselves Democrats, have
been exercising their influence against our
business. ; Go ahead, gentlemen, you may
hear something "drap" ere long.
f. . i i i m m i
. JCS?" Democrats, look to your own ioter
ests, and sustain the nominees at the head
of our paper, the Democrat and Star, the
time-honoredorgan of the Democratic par
ty of Columbia county.
v BvDr. P. II. Freeze and Col. Levi L.
Tate addressed the Democratic Club at this
place on Saturday evening last The meet
ing was well attended, and the speeches well
received. . -
i SSf Democrats, and the pnblic generally,
are invited to attend the Democratic Meet
ings announced elsewhere in to-day's issue.
On the 9th day of October next you are to
decide upon the political issues now before
the people.
tSyThe "score" of the match game play
ed between 'the "Pioneer Club," of this
place,rand the "Live Oak Clob," of Dan
ville, on the 15th inst, is unavoidably laid
over this week. The game resulted as fol
lows: "Pioneers," 41 runs; "Live Oaks," 28
runs. -
T. On; "Monday evening last, a Demo
cratic meeting, held, at C. Shuman's, in
Beaver Valley, was addressed by Col. Tate
and E. R. Ikeler. The meeting was well at
tended. Beaver will do well The radicals
"will stand a poor show in Beaver Township.
Meetino at Bccriiorn. The Dcmoc
' racy of Hemlock met at the Public House of
John Ilaftnian on Thursday evening. They
were addressed by L. L. Tate, II II. Ikeler,
and John G.' Freeze. Thomas J. Vander-
clice was President
"i? We again remind those who have
not been assessed, that if they desire to vote
they must be assessed at least ten days
Zeforethe election, which will be Saturday
the29thof September. Let every Dem
ocratic voter, who has not attended to this
important duty, -do soat once. Don't neg
lect it another day.
".JEST On last Saturday Mr. Gordner, of i
Catawisaa,- presented us' with a specimen of
his Concord grapes. They were of the very
best quality The clusters were perfectly
healthy, very large and sweet-flavored. .We
understand Mr. Gordner is making a large
quantity of wine this season from the Con
cord grape He is well versed in Horticul
ture and in that business is surpassing most,
if not all othera ia this section of country.
;: JCS7 The Democrats of this County have
read and patronized the Democrat and
Star for over twenty-five years,' and have
never been lead astray or deceived through
bad advice.- The people, the Democracy,
"will yet continue to' have confidence in its
teachings, notwithstanding the' many false
hoods circulated by intriguing and scheming
politicians against it3 editors for the purpose
of damaging its influence, v
tSJ Fire. "We learn that the Machine
Shop tear Itapert Station, erected, some
years ago by .Lewis; H. Mans, of this place,
W33 destroyed by fire on Sunday evening last,
consuming all its contents. It waa being
used for a stores ge room, stable, tc -There
"were two horses in it at the time, a lot of
Reapers, and other implements, all of which
were consumed. The loss is estimated at
twelve thousand dollars. It is thought to
have been the work of an incendiary One
of the horses was a very valuable animal-
Wooded, dark Lay mare. ; " " '.
The Old Satin a. -"Great cry and little
wool" can't be applied to the Philadelphia
Geary-Douglas convention, for it was usher
ed in with a great cry and has turned out
all wool. : -
Democratic Meeting. On Monday eve
ning last, the Democracy of Centre Town
ship, were addressed - by Colonel John G,
Freeze, of this place. The Colonel makes
a good speech ; and the people of the county
are always pleased to hear him. The De
mocracy of Centre are fairly aroused in the
cause of the Union, Constitution and Laws.
Vermont Election. The Democratic
gains in Vermont are over, five per cent, at
the late State election. This is certainly
cheering. It must be remembered that the
Democracy have never carried a State ticLet
in Vermont This being the fact, it makes
our large gains in mat quarter uouoiy en
couraging to the Democracy.
jfgy Messrs. Jos. II. Campbell and John
McVilliams, in their "Address," published
in the "Campaign," in speaking of the Sen
atorial Conference, at Bloomsburg, say, that
" Mr. , Chalfant on his part was prevented
from attending the "Contention', by sick
ness, &c. This, perhaps, was unlucky for
him, as the "contention" has hugely in
cased since that unfortunate hour.
EB- Wonder whether the editor of the
Danville Intelligencer knows which side of
the question he ' faVors as between himself
and Tate? In one place in his paper we
read that "the claim of Montour county was
as strong if not stronger than that of Colara
bia" for Senator.. In another place he, with
quite as much distinctness and much more
honssty, say3: " Columbia county should at
this time have had the candidate for Stite
Senator." :
&3" Dr. John, of the Repuhlicav, is ex
ceedingly gleeful over the fight which the
Pipe-layers in this county have inaugurated
on the Representative question. He seems
to be cheek by jowcl with them ; but it will
be discovered that the efforts of all destruc-
tionistsv in this case, will be futile ; and the
Democracy of the District will sternly re
buke them, by giving Col. LeviL. Tate an
overwhelming majority.
JK5" Unfortunate, that the great Dem
ocratic Party of Columbia county cannot be
controlled by two or three men. You sec, a
party could be so much more easily managed
in this way. But CoL Tate and the Demo
cratic Convention don't see it in that light
The Democracy of the county, ' will, just
now, do a little managing for itself.
JE3- Hon. Levi L. Tate and Elijah R
Ikeler, E;--q., addressed a meeting of the De
mocracy at Jones', in Mount Pleasant Town
ship, on Friday evening last Owing to the
inclemency of the weather and the short
notice, there was but a small turn-out.' How
ever, those present were very enthusiastic in
the cause of Democracy, and promised a good
return from Mt" Pleasant, for the "ticket,
the whole ticket, and nothing but the ticket"
A small fiction here are putting out
a Ccimpain paper in the interest of Capt.
Chalfant, who is supported by the Pipe
layers of Columbia and Montour. He is
their candidate for Representative, and they,
not the pcojle, support him against the choice
of the Democracy of this County for Repre
sentative? The Democracy of Columbia will
cnn'nAT Prt A c-t-AYvVlir TTr T TV. TV T. TlTT
the nominee. His election is sure. The
people of this county will look to theiVown
interests and not allow intriguing, scheming
and dishonest politicians manage their af
tSff Mr. Thomas Chalfant, the candidate
of the Pipe-layers for Representative, and
who lives in Danville, and publishes a paper
there, and who is, by-thc-by, a very amiable
gentleman, announced in his last paper, with
a slight degree of pomposity, that he would
meet the people of Columbia county at as
many points as possible, previous to the
election-, and explain to them howlt was
that they were cheated out of the. Senator.
Mr. Lhallaut did come to tluj county, and
attended a large meeting at Oiangevillc,
where himself, Mr. Buckaicw, and Captain
Erockway, made speeches. JJut not a shu;lc
icord of explanation did he ojjerl I tin
tidi but I didn't conquer.
C, Democrats, into whose hands the
new half-sheet, called the C'lmpaijn, msy
happen to fall, will be astonLhed to observe
that it does not soy one icord in favor of
Judge Elucell, the Democratic candidate for
congress ! This is strange lor a Democratic
CAMPAIGN paper. If the new paper in
tends to oppose Jude Ilhrell, why don't it
say so honestly, in the first issue. Wonder
if the new concern is not simply a Chalfant
orcan, instead of a Dtfmo'-Mati'i pap r? No
dodging, Mcssr. Editor, ar.d Proprietors!
jfr The Radicals had a meeting on 3Ion-
day night at the Hall, in this rtace. Son
General vras to make a speech, but he didn't
come. JL hereupon, there vras general indig
nation. But Dr. Brower, of Danville, was
present, and took the stand. He spoke, sny
fifteen minutes. Then the immaculate Beck-
ley, him of the Post Oluce and the rope,
stood up. Time, five minutes. Others fol
lowed, but the thing rrew "email by degrees
and LeautnuIIy Jes. J he iJanu was the
only useful innredient in the concern. The
whole affair lasted about half an hour.
JCGT" The "Pipe-layers hare been talking
about the discontinuance of subscribers to
our paper. Of course discontinuances hap
pen at ALL times and we print the append
ed letter to show now they happen. We
have received at least five new subscribers
for every ONE that ha3 left us through the
influence of the Pipe-layers. Bat Mr. Mer
riSeld b not one of the latter :
Hyde Park, SepL 21, 18C6.
Editors Democrat and Star Gentlemen:
Payment for my subscription to the "Dem
ocrat and Star" terminates some time during
the present monthj" after which you will
f lease stop sending it . . My reasons are, that
intend changing my residence to a neigh
boring. State, whichj with increased expenses
attending it, make it necessary that 1 shall
take my leave of your truly Democratic and
valuable papers With an earnest desire for
the success of the principles of Democracy,
and to you individually, as the exponents of
thoso principles, I -wish, you a prosperous
and a happy future.
WOst rCspectfolTy vours, - i
or the
eleventh annual e shibition
of th
' to be held at
Bloomsburg, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, October 11.,
12 and 13, 1866.
The Board of Manager have determined'toiite
every eirrtion to make thia Fair at aaliefactorv and
-interetling aa pomuble t all. and the citizens of this
ana adjacent counti-a are earnestly invuea to alien a,
and alto to do all Ihey can to make the quantity and
quality ct stock and articlea for exhibition toe lar
Kst and best. The premiums offVred are more lib
eral than those of a ny previou a year. Special atten
lion is called to rule No li, which 'will be positive.
F. F. DRlNKEll.Bcc'y.
Joshua J2. Foiclcr, Superintendent.
Ist psir draufht hores, CO
SJ c lo in do 5 no
do do earrings 8 M
3d do do do do 5 00
lo do marcs, h 00
2d do do do 5 00
Co stallion over 3 years old 10 ID
Sd do do do do do 8 00
do Lroort mar. with colt at her tide, ) a tn
bot!ioned by th exhibitor, j B w
2d do do tlu do do 5 oil
ungle carnage horse. 4 GO
2d do do . do S 00
do do ' mare, 4 00
SJ do dn do S 00
do peliling'bctween 3 and 4 years old, 4 00
do mare do do do - . 4 (0
do Riding -do Sand 3 do 4 00
do ui.ire do do do 4 Ow
do burse colt do 1 and 2 do 3 00
do mare do do do do 3 00
do liorxe or mare co It under 10 tnos nlJ, 3 OU
2J do do .Io do do 2 00
do par match colts undr 4 years old,
broken to harness. 8 00
Exhibitors under this data wilt have their horses
cn the ground bv 10 o'tlo k on- Friday morninz. at
lii':h time tin.' ju4:es will examine them.
Judom-Joshua K Fowler, ticoti ; K. M. Wardin,
Hemlock ; Jorpli YV . heese. Greenwood ; Aaron
Smith, Hemlock : Joshua .Mendenball. Franklin.
Johnson 11. Ikeler t Superintendent.
Durham Stock.
Pest ball 3 years old an J upward $12 r
SJ do do do do do il l0
do in between 2 and 3 years old, i 00
Sd do do do do do 4 00
do do do 1 and 2 do 3 00
2J do do do do do 2 Go
do calf umlrr 10 nitmhs o'd, 2 On
2J do ' o do do do V 00
no cow 3 years o' i and upward, A no
2d do do do do 4 00
do heit'er bctvvecu 2 and 3 years old, 4 0
2J do do do do do 3 t0
do calf under 10 month, old. 2 00
Dev.-n Stock.
do bull 3 years old and upward. 12 00
2J do do do do do 9 OA
do do between i and 3 years old, 0 Oil
2d do tlo do do do 4 00
do do do 1 and 2 do 3 Oil
2J do do do do do 2 00
do do calf under 10 months old, 2 no
2J do t o do do do 00
do cow 3 years old and upward, in)
2d da do do do do .4 00
do beifor between 2 and 3 years old, 4 CO
2d do do do do do 3 00
do do calf under 10 months Id, 2 00
Aloerney Stoek,
do bull 3 years old and upward, IS 00
2d du do do do do 9 oo
do do between 2 and 3 years old, G 00
2d do do do d do .4 Oil
do do do landS do 3 00
2d do do dd do do 2 00
do taif under ro months old, 2 oo
2d do do do do do v 1 00
do cow 3 years old and upward,- l 00
2d do do do do do 4 00
do heifer between 2 and 3 years old, 4( 0
2d do do do do do 3 00
do call under 10 ifrbnth s old, W
' traded Stock.
do Lull 3 years old and upward, 12 CO
2d do do do do . do 9 00
do do between 2 and 3 vea-s old, B 00
21 do do do do do 4 00
do do d 1 aud 2 3 00
2J do du do do do 2 1)0
do dj ca'f under 10 month oIJ, 2 Oo
2d "M do do do do I OU
d o cov3yars old and upward, li 00
2J do do tio do tio 4 00
do beiier between 2 and 3 years old, 4 Ovj
2d do do do do do - 3 oo
do do calf under lOmonllis old, 2 oo
Native Stocl.
do bullS years old anj upward, 6 oo
2d d do do Co do 4 o
do do between 1 2nd 2 years old, 3 oo
2d do do do do do 2 00
do calf tinder 10 months old. 2 oo
2d do do do do do oo
do cow 3 year old and upward,' . 6 oo
2J do do do do do 4 oo
du beifer between 2 and 3 year old, 4 oo
2J do do do do do 3 oo
do do call nrtdei 10 in-rltln, 2 oo
Oxen and Steers.
do yoke "f xeii, owned and worked by
me exhibitor.
S oo
3 oo
4 oo
2 Oo
Sd do do do do do
tie yoke of steer between 1 and 3 years
2.1 Aa do do do do
Exbibitora will have their stoefc
iii(Ui' tj ex.i mine by 10 o'cluck A. M
ready for the
on Friday
judge Johnson il. lKi-ier.
Gri'nwooii : John
II art man, I rmlock ; Cli Mendeiihall, Benton ; O
Fowler, Centre ; Henry llolling!hajd. Catawisita.
Elisha llayman, Superintendent.
Best boar. 5? 00
2d do do
do brood sow,
SJ do do
do sow and pis (3 or m
do lot of 3 Jr more pijs under 8 w'ks old,
SJ do -io do do tio do
tio lot stork li;g(3 or more.)
Sd dn do do do
J oo
4 oo
3 t o
n oo
3 co
2 oo
3 oo
2 oo
Jfixirit-Eli'ba liny man. Greenwood : William Uhl
Hemlock ; Andrew Freas, Cciitre
Joseph Scattergood, Superintendent.
Fine Wool,
Peftburlr, St oo
2J do do 4 oo
do tw, 4 oo
2J do do 3 oo
Mi '.CU Wool.
do buck. 4 oo
2d do do 3 oo
do twe, 4 oo
2J do do 3 oo
Lonj Wool.
do Lurk, 4 oo
2d do o 3
do ewe, 4 00
2J do do 3 oo
Jroors--Jn!KpK Fratterjrood . Pine . Ab le Thoinag,
Cauwissa ; Uanil Shannon, tl.-oenwtiod.
Thomas Dallman. Superintendent.
Bert and largest display of poultry,
$3 oo
2 oo
J oo
,d do do tlo to do
do pair chickens, male and K-maie,
2d do do do do do
do do turkeys, di do
2J do do do tlo do
do do. pee, do do
2d do do do do do
do do ducks, do - do
I no
1 oo
I oo
nnd l.irze-a disnlar of tame pifom.
Jl-uoes Thon:a ItaliiiiMii, St: ; Joun M.Dirtou.
Piouin ; VViHiHin Wtbber. llcmlotk.
Joseph Musters, Superintendent.
Best half bushel clover soed, $3 oo
tio do do do 1 5o
do i:o timnthy do 3 oo
tlo do do do I 5
do bushel rvl wli.-at, 3 o
do do while do 3 oo
do do rye ' "io
do do burkvtlieat. 1 So
fo hall" besli-l ;onrt seed corn, 1 So
do do yellow, do 1 So
do do smoke. do I
tlo dy flaxseed, 1
do bn-iel oat, - 1 5o
Jcdols Joeph Masters. Mad!nn ; Michael ante
Ortnee ; i-aiimel Air. Hemlock; Clinton M en dciiliall
Franklin ; Jotph IlunUerkhot, UlOom.
Henry Zuppinger, Superintendent.
Best bu- h;l Prince Albert potatoes, ' 2 oo
do merir. aa a oo
do ench blow do 2 oo
do garnet Chili do 2 oo
do rusty coat do 2 oo
do rozco do
half hiisliel earlv Grodric'.. .eetllinz
potato;, 2 oo
balfbnshel sweet potatoes , , 2 oo
bushel Hrld turnips, 2 oo
do ruia bataa, 2 oo
ball-bushel sujar beets, J oo
do mangold wurtzel, ) oo
do beets, 1 o
do carrots, I oo
do parsnip. 1 Oo
do i nion. I oo
half-dozen vegetable oysters (salsify. )l oo
Deck toniatova. I oo
. do
3 bea'is cabbase.
1 oo
1 oo
I oo
I oo
1 oo
3 bunches celery,
4 eg; plants,
5 quarts lima bcuns,
2 do Carolina
2 do imp,
2 iuahe.
I oo
1 oo
I oo
6 field pumpkins.
Jrnoas Henry Zuppinger, Bloom ; John loraon,
Catawisia ; J. Harvey Creveling. Scott.
William Schuyler, Superintendent.
Best m yards flannel, I 5o
2d do .10 do do 1 oo
do i do woolen doth, ' M
do 10 . do caraeu ? 1
Sd do 10 do do I o
do 19 pniai !, o
10 do diaper,
knit wool stockings,
do do mittens,
do cotton stockings,
borne made shirt, .
cotton quilt,
do do
pair wool blankets,
do linen sheets.
1 5a
I 5o
I 5
1 oo
2 oo
1 oo
home-made taule-clotb.
1 00
liU ' ' .
Jcdoss William Hchiiy ler. Bcoti ; niary a.
Madison ; Mrs. Joseph P. Conner, Centre ; Mrs. Ht
ram Keeder. Catawi.aa. i Mrs. Caleb Barton Blonn.
Lloyd raxton, Superintendent.
Best loaf bread,
do ponnd cake
do ginger do
do sample preserves
do do fruit jelly
do tomato preserves
do rucumb'T pickles
tlo pickles of any other kind
do apple butter
do peach do
do plum do
do gmpe do do
gallon sorghum
do cured ham
do roll butter, a et let's than 3 pr.unds
21 do do do do
do sample rnusage
'do apple pie
do sample yeast
do do bard soap
ft O
3 o
1 oo
1 oo
do do r-tl
Jnnors Llov d Psxton, Montonr : Rachel P. Evts,
Greenwood ; Mrs. Conrad ittcnbend-r ; Bloom ; .Mrs.
Margaret Warner Benton; Mrs. E. P Lu l, Bloom.
Charles S. Fovelcr, Superintendent.
Fet knit shawl. ! 00
do do quilt,
do tidy,
do tettins work.
do pperimen bead work,
do do hel do
do - do 1-iirr do
do do h-atherdo
do do hnir do
do do wax do
do do drawing,
do do painting,
d silk embroidery,
do wortd do
do cotton do
do worsted mat,
do cotton do
do knit Po!ih boot,
do worked clipper.
do fnnev pineushion,
do beaddrep,
do diplay t.f mo painting,
do collection dahlia.
do do artifirinl flower.
do do houe plants in bloom.
do do dried ira.
do do do fliwers,
do vari-y flowers.
Hi Knriinen nrntTtanhio.
I nil
i no
l no
i in
i on
i ro
1 0"!
1 0(1
1 Oh
I 0
5 i
1 00
Jrnocs-Cbarle S Fowler, r spy ; F ie Tver,
Catanixa; Mr. M. Wardin, Hemlock; Mks
Maggie V. Sands, !t. ria?ant.
John Belts, Superintendent.
Best 50 pounds wliat flour,
do 50 do b'kwb't do
do 50 do rye do
do SO do corn monl. ' "
!o cooking stove with fixtures,
no parlor do do
$3 00
3 00
3 00
3 On
2 00
2 00
1 00
do se.t arttn-lal teeth,
JrDGK-John B-tts. Hemlork ; CD. Fowler, Br
wick ; Elijah R. Ikeler. Bloom.
Sylvester Purscl, Superintendent.
Bfst p'oiieh for general use, $'! 00
t do corn plough, 1 0
do corn planter, 2 00
do threshing machine, 2 00
do reap-T and mower combined, 2 03
. do fanning mill. 2 CO
do horse hay f rk, 2 t'U
do corn shelter, 2 00
do grain drill. f"
do f:irin wneon. 9 u"
do straw or fodder cutler, 00
do !f-r rake, I "0
do portable cider mill tad preis, J 00
' do sled. 1 (0
do clothes wringer, 1 00
do wanning marhiue, 1 Oil
do sausage do ' I 00
do clover buller, 1 Oo
do churn. 1 ("
do wheelbn rrow, 5"
do roller. 50
JrDors -t?vlvetrPurseI. Hemlock ; Levi A. Hutch
ison, Centre ; Comelius Bella. Orange.
Jacob Gerrard, Superintendent.
Ee.'t family carriage.
t2 CO
2 00
2 O'J
2 txi
do top biicsy,
do opn do
do sleigh,
do eu!ky,
jL-nur.s Jactb Gcrfard. Greenwood; Georje
enee, Mt. rieasant ; Jerry Heesiio:ix uerwics..
William F. Keller, Superintendent.
Best swarm of bees, 92 00
2d do do do 1 00
do sample Ave pounds of honey, 1 "0
do beehive, 1 00
Jcdocs -William F. Keller. Mifflin Hiram J, Reed-
er. r ranklta ; John Kanlz, JacKsnn,
Hiram D. Appleman, Superintendent.
Best quart of ctirranl wine, fl 00
do do brkberry do 1 00
do do grape, 1 OK
do do cherry. I 00
do do rve whiskey, J 00
do do cider vinegar,' I oo
JcDOfca Hiram D Appleman. Hemlock; Dr. David
Montgomery. Mifflin ; LI wood Hughes, Certre.
lIAftLS !) WORK.
William T. Shuman, Superintendent.
Bet bureau. 2 oo
do drc?ing stand, 1 on
do display ral.inei ware, 2 oo
do Kt-l'windsor chairs. 1 oo
do spring-seat chairs, J to
do rocking chair, I oo
do st-tu-e, 1 o
do bpet male suit of clothes, 2 oo
do half ioz"ii brooms, 1 oo
do set einpl- harness, 2 oo
do do double do - oo
do two sides sola Ic'lber, 1 oo
do do do lnj. 1 oo
do do do calltkins. I o
do pair ctf bootit, I o
do do k:ps. 1 oo
do lot eartbsnwaie, I 'o
do sample briols, io
Jcdoes-W. T. Miuman. Main ; II I- Gearbirt.
Greenwood; W. II H.lnth. Loru,t; John t. HuUh-
son, Fiobitigcreck; Miles S. iUiains, Orange.
P. Ii. Wenner, Superintendent.
B-st 1 bushel Tompams County king
$1 oo
I oo
1 oo
1 oo
1 OO
1 oo
2 oo
1 on
2 oo
I oo
1 no
1 oo
2 oo
1 oo
do do Rhode l-laod greening do
do do f.tllcii water do
do do gravenstein d
do do bildMin do
tio do liuMiirdion nonsuch do
do do beKrlower do
display of apples.
do do
do pears.
tlo )o
do peaihes,
dozen quinces,
do do
S clusters grapes,
display do do
no do do
S clusters creveling. "'
5 do concord do 5
S do oian.i do 5o
5 do delawared3 "
S do iab'-llaa do 5
lot of fjx grapes, 5o rpb rri'M, 1 o
Fa.uple tirit;a atpl"S, So
do dan 'arhen. 5o
do' do cherries, stoned and un-
ttoned. jo P. B. Wenner. Uriarcreek ; Aaron KeFter.
Mount I'leanant ; William P. Lei.Ty, Hemlork; John
G. Uuirk, Montour ; Frank P. Kve. Greenwood.
class x viii. Trial of horses.
Sporting Lint.
F'rst Trot.
Best trotting horse, mare or gelding, $loo 00
(Entrance f:e, $1.1.)
If less than lour horg'-s are entered, for each horse
lees than lour SIS shll be deducted from the pre
mium offered.
Second Trot.
Best trotting horse, mare or gelding. l'5o 00
(Entrance lee, $lo )
if less than f.iur horses ara entered, for each horse
less than f ur tlo shall be deducted from the pre
mium offered.
Farmers' LisL
Best trotting hor. mare, or gelding, 1$ 00
(Entrance fee, $1)
If lees than four horses are entered, for each horse
less than four $3 shall be deducted from the pre
mium offered.
No premiums will be awarded for any of the above
three trots if less than two horses appear to compete
for the premiums.
Mile beats, in harness beet out of tl ree.
Jodo4 Conrat Kramer, Madison; Joseph O. Win
ters teen, Mifflin ;.hamuel Koalenbauoer, catawissa.
Best run once round coarse, $3 00
24 do do do do 4 00
(Fntrance fee. 50 cents.
If less than three persona eater fV the ran no Pre
mium will be a warded.
JrDoes Irain Derr. Jackson ; E. G. Bicketts, Or
ange ; Isaac u. rursei, neuiiocs.,
(Article third of the constitution requires persons
ts pay to the Association one dollar to constitute
memoersnip ids practice atretoiare wKn ioouv
tickets on Fair days, and nave names recorded at the
) 1
ftnrr. Every person having article for ccliiMtton
or competition, must become a member of the Asso
ciation before entering them.
Second. Minors can become members or exhibitors
when their parents are members.
Third. The field of competition is open to al! per
sons from other coanues and States can become ex
hibitors apon the. same terms as citiaens of this
Fourth. AH articles off-red for competition must
be owned by the competitor. Fruit, vegetables,
flowers, fee,, must be the growth of the competitor,
and ail manufactured articlea must be made by the
Fifth. Alt stock entered must be what represented,
or premiums will bs forfeited.
Hixm. All articles for exhibition or competition
must be entered by S o'clock p m . Thursday the 11th
and except in impossible cases, be on the ground at
that time, and remain there until 5 o'eioch p. M, of
Friday the Vilh. when they will be at the.disposal of
the exhiuttora.
Sbvewtb Stands for the sale of refreshments can
be obtained by application totho Secretary or to B. 1;.
"eIouth. No lirense will be gr anted standa that sell
spiritous and mall liquors .
J.idges sppointed to exam'ne Ihe diff-rent classe a
will confer a favor on the AsnciaU- by enlling at
the Secretary's office early on i riday morning, to
ckeioF be obtained at the different
.tore, be ore the Fair, or .1 .in. "!c
Fair day-. JOSEPH P. CONNER. Tres t.
F. P. Osinker, Scc'y.
Sept. 19. IrfoO-
WHERE S by the Uwi of this Commonwealth it
is made lli duty of the Sheriff of every county
to eive notice of the r.p-'fl Elections, hy publica
tions in one or more newspapers of the county, at
least twenty days before Ike election, and to enumer
ate thereio Uih officers to be elected aud to tlasigflatc
the place at which the election ia to bn held.
Therefore. 1 SAMUEL SNYDER. High Sheriff of
Columbia County, do her. bv 111 iko known and pro
claim 10 ihu qunlilied cleetors of Co'unibia lyOiint V,
that a General Election will b held 011 TUE3D V.
TuE 1 i H DAY tF OCTOBER. l.-iliii(beiiis the serond
Tn-sday iu said month ) at the several districts
within ibe county, to wit : .
Ueaver t.iwiidhip. at the public house of Chrutian
fhuiii 111 tc Sou.
Kenton tuwn-hip, at the public house of John J.
Stiles, in the town of Uentou.
Hlooui townbip. at the Court tHome, in Bloods
burg. Borough Berwick, at the Town Hons", tn the Bor
ouch, Horotigh Centralia, at the public house of Reuben
Briarcrck township, at the Public School bou'e,
near Eransvill';.
Catawiska township, at the public house of Henry
J. Clark, in the Town of Caia wissa.
Centre township, at the School House near Lafa
yette Creasy's,
( onynghain township, at the house, of Daniel T.
I'Mhuigcreek township, at the public houscformer
ly keptfiy Benjamin Mcll-n y 011 the State Road.
Franklin township, at Clayton' School House.
Greeuwood township, at the house of Joseph R
Hemlock town-hip. at the public bouse of John
Hartuian, in the town of liurkhorn.
Jackson township, at the housewif Ez?kiM tTole,
Loc 1st township, at the public bouse of David Yea
ger, in Slabtown,
Mill! in township, at the public house of John Kel
ler, in the tnwu ot V, tiiinville.
Madison township, at the public house ofSitnilcl
Kiniiiy, in it rseytown.
Mt. i'le leant low nship, at the public bouse lately
kept by Thomas Jones.
Montour township, at the home of William Hol
lineshr'ad. Main townfhip. at the public house of Aaron Hess.
fccariiigrreck township, ;it the hous: formerly oc.
cujii' d by George W. Dn-isbarh.
Orange towubhip. at the public house of Jacob
liiie township, at the Centre Fcbool House, the
new piace just taxed by votn 01 the citizens of said
township. (
Sugailoaf township at the house of Ali'iai Cole.
Scotl township at the pub te huUse of Israel Mum
my, in Espy.
At which time and place the qualified ei-tor will
elect bv bnllut the following state. Judiciary, and
County orbcers, viz :
One person for Governor of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania ; one person for Member of Congress ;
one peron for State Senator ; one person for Mem
ber of Assembly ; two persons for Associate Judges
of the Courts of Columbia C-iunty ; one person iur
I'roiuouotary and Cleru of the Courts ; one person
for Register aud Recorder; one person for County
Commissioner ; and one person f ir County Auditor.
It is farther directed that the election polls of the
several dislrirs shall be opened between the ii nr
ot 6 and 10 o'clock, in th forenoon, and shall continue
open will) Jut interruption ana adjournment until 7
o'cloek id the evening when the polls shall be closed.
It is further directed that the meeting of the return
JiiJes. at the Court House, in Hloorutuurg. t. 111 1 ke
oulliie General Election, shall be held tn rillUAY
The Return Jui'ges of the Representative District,
composed of the Counties of Columbia ani Montour,
shall iiiel at the Court ttou&e. in
TUESDAY, the ltith day of October next, to wane
outtlie returns for Member of Assembly,
The R'.-tum Judges of the l.Itu Sonatorial Dts trict,
composed of Ihe counties of Columbia. .Montour.
Northumberland and Sullivi. shall met at the
Court House, In Danville, on TUESDAY", thf 10th
day of Ot.tobcr next, to iuake tut the returns. lor
State Senator.
The following Act of Assembly, regu:atmg the
modeof voting 10 ine "mmuii weatin 01 rennsyiva.
nia was passed March IGih. IroG, and reads ih is :
Sectioh I. Be itenaeteJ b the Senate and liousa
of Representatives of the Common weaKo of Ceun
tivlvan ia in enerl A ss.-mbly in ?t, anil it i hereby
enacted by thts auth jrity of ihe same. 'I'tut tliv quali
fied yoters of the several eoiitUi' of tiis common
wealth, at all general, township, borough anl special
elections, are hereby, hereafter, authorized and rj
quirej to vole, by ti.:hets, printed, or written, or
partly printed and parity wruien. sevcr tllv.classiti.rrt
as fo,lo.vs : One lick ;l hnl embrace the names of
all juii"es of court voted fur, aul to be labelled, out
side "iVdiriary ;" one ticket shall embrace the names
of ail slate otoccr voted lor, and be labelled, -state;'
oue ticket shull embrace the names of all county of
ficers voted for. inclutung orbce of seualor. member,
and usuibers f assembly . if voted for. and members
of com. ess. if voted for. and b- labile 1 -couuty ;'
on ticket "-hall embrace the names of all towulu;
otlicers voted for. ami be labell -d. "towiish ip ; one
ticket , hail embrace the names of all borougri odiet rs
votel for and be labeled, -Lnrmigli ;" anu each class
h-.l'l be deposited m keptrat baliot botes.
S.c-uoit i. 1 hat 11 rna" bJ ,h8 iuty ol lne herilT.t,
in the veral tuuiilf.a If tM' coiujnjiivea.ta. to iu
seri in their election proclamaiion.bereari'ter isueJ,
the first section ol this art.
That cv-ry person exreitii:g Justices of the Peace
who thai hold any oflire or appKinlmeot of profit or
trust under the United States, or of I 1 Is r'tate, or any
city or c operated distrin. whether a rommissioned
t.riicer or otherwise, a subordinate officer oragiil
w ho is or shall be euiployd uuder th egilaur,
executive or Judiciary department of this St.tU". or
of any city t.r of any incorporated district, an.1 also,
that every of Congress and of the Stale
1'f islalure, snd of the scleet or fo;uitiou council of
any my. or romiiiisii'iiiers of any incorporated dis
trict, is by law incapable ol holding or eierrisiu; at
the ti me t iie oltic or aiioini menl ol Judge, 1 n spec! or ,
or ;erk of any el-ti,,ii of this Coininouw-caliu. and
that no lit pector Judge 01 otner ollirer of such slec
lion fball b eligible M be then voted for.
"It shall be the duty of tht isc-veral Assessors re
spectively to attend at the place of holding every
general, sperisl or township election during the
whole time such H-ction is k-pt open, for Ihu pur.
pose of giving information to the inspector and
Juilg;. when called O'i. in relaliou to the riIil of any
person asss- d by them to vole al such eltcliou.
and on u:b other matters in relation t the assess
inei.t .if" v ters, s lb! said Inspectors r eilJ-r cf
then- thall from time to time req'iire.
"Vo pers'u shall be permitted to vote at any elec
tion as aforei-aid. thau a white ciuzc-n of ihe age of
tw enty one er more, who shall have resnled in this
Slate at least one year, and 111 the election district
w here he orT- r t' vote, ten days immediatelv pre
ceding such election, and within two tears paid a
.-tat- or t ounty tax whirh shall b.ive b:-eii a-sesscd
it l-ast ten days before the election, r.iit a citizen
of the l-'nileil Males w h . has pri-viojsly been a qual
ified voter t f this State auu removed tnerelrout anj
rrturned, aud w ho shall h ive resided 111 the election
tlist-ict and paiJ taxes, as aforesaid, sha I b'j crtlilled
to vole alter residing in this Mate six mouiiii.
Provided. That Hie w hite lreeuin, ,ciiiseus of the
United States, between the age of tw trtity-oue and
ttveuiy two years who have resided in the ejection
tiit:ict ten tiays as aforesaid shall be entitled to Vole
aillicui:h they shall nut have paid tax.
t.iv 11 liiu r uiy band, it 111 y otncu, in Cloom-burg,
this li.1h tiay of Sepiembt-r. !;.
September 12, IrOo
'riiE b
Idesnectfully tutorm the public that they
have their
now in operation with an extensive assortment of
TTn. TTT .TV ? z A f3J 1 r
and are now prepared to supply all orders at short
notice and at the lowest prices for rash, Their as
sortment of lii'uber consists of
TCSiitc Pine Flnnk, Roards,
Flooring, Surface i5o.n'ci,
Nidiui Hemlock IMatik,
planed or nnplaned, to init pure Insets Frame Stuff.
Joice sad Scantliug of all sizes. Their Mailing Mill
and l.pinber Yard is situated at the Kailread DentK.
very cwnvenicnlly for shipping lumber by the cargo.
1 bey are constantly uianuiueturing lumber of all
kinds, and persons who desire lumber of every de
scription will do well to examine their stock before
pure .asing elsewhere. They are determined and em
inently prepared to sell as chap as the cheapest.
Th f also desire to inform the public and especially
those who wish to purchase bul-slulTt hat they have
one Mill specially prepared to cut timbers of almost
every size and length required. Tnose wishing to
build or contrsctois for building, can save money, by
giving us a call.
Tne undersigned would also annrunce that they
are prepared to do all kind of repairing of Machinery,
sat h as Threshing Machines. Mowers, Reapers and
all kinds of agricultural implements, upon reasona
ble terms.
Address . P. C. EYER. eee'y.
Bloomsburg, Pept. 19, 1P66. Bloomsburg. Pa.
Of every description for t thiieCice.
A Concentrated Fertilizer.
Especially adapted to WHEAT and other
This preparation contains Pure Ground Bonn, and
the best Fertilising Salts known to agricultural
chemistry, combined in such a manner as to develop
their productive properties only when used on the
soil. Price gGO per toa. For sal at th utanufactur
er'a depots.
No 724 MARKET STREET. Philadelphia.
BLOOMeBURG. Columbia County, Pa.
WILLIAM ELLIj CO , Manufacturers.
Septembers. 1 ob6.
o'6k here. "
ALL those indebted to th undersigned . either on
note or book account, of six months or more standing
are,bereby requested to make settlement without de
lay, and save costs. B. 0. SHlVE.
Bloomsburg, Sept. 16, 1866. 5u
Are superior to all others for
Contain a'l the latest improvements t are speedy
noiseless ; durable ; and easy to work.
Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Lib
eral discount allowed. No consignments made.
Address .EMPIRE S. M. CO,, bib Broadway, New
September 5, 18(16 ly.-A. Sc Co.
623. HOOP SKIRTS, G28.
New Fall Stylos !
Are in every respect r asT class, and embrace a
compl-te assortment fir Ladies, Misses, and Cnil
dron, of the Ne.west Styles, every length and Sizes
of Waist.
OUR SKIRTS, wherever known, are mere univer
sally rort na than any others before the pub! ic They
retain their Shape better, are li'hter. more elastic,
more durable, and realy Cukapeb, than any other
Hoop Skirt in the marl. et. The springs und fa sten
ings are warranted perf-rt. Kvckt I.adt shou'd Tv
Tin I They are now being extensively Sold by
MtRcniKTs. throughout the Country and at WHOLE
SALE AND RETAIL, at Manufactory and Bales
No.CJS ARCH Street, below 7th. PHIUD'A.
Ask for HOi'KlX'S -own silt,"--buy no other I
CAlITlOV, Voiw g'-'Hiiine unless Stamped on
earh Kid Pal "Hopk m's Hop Skin Manufactory
No b.'tf Arch Street, fhilarlelphi
Also. Constantly on hand full line of New Vort
made Skirts. at very low prices.
August 1-sCti. 4iu. J- W.
Would announce to the ladies ol Bloomsburg and
the public generally, that she has just received trout
the eastern ci'ies her
f-, M5ri:ig and Suiiiaer
jS Flock f
consisting of all article s usnally found in first class
Millinery Stores. Her goods are of the best quality
and among the most handsome and cheapest iu the
uihrket. t all and examine them for yourselves.
Nobody should purchase elsewhere before examin
ing Miss Fetermati's stock ot goods. Bonnets made
to order, oil the shnrtet notice, or repaired.
Store on Mam street. 3d duor below the store of
Mendenhall c Rupert.
Bloomsburg, May S. 1806. If.
THE oudsrsigned has just fined up, and opened,
his new
in this place, where he is prepared to make np new
TIN WAIIK of ill kinds in his line, and do repair,
lug with neatness and disp-iteh, upon the most rea
sonable terms. He also keeps on hand STOVES of
various patterns and styles, which he will sell upon
terms to suit purchasers.
Cive him a call. He is a goo4 mechanic, and de
serving of the public patronage.
Bloomsburg, May , 130C ly.
Respectfully announces himeslf to the public as an
experienced WELL-DIGGER and WATER-SM ELL
LK. Persons desirous to learn where water can be
easiest fouud. and all ho have wells to dig, will
do well to employ the undersigned. Contracts will
be taken by the foot or by the day, to suit the employer.-
Bioomsburg, Fa.
July 23. lG6.-ly.
0X1 C'K.
All persons knowing the nisei veindcbted to eith
er of ihe undersigned, on Book, Note or Ju Igment.
are requested to make payment without delay if they
would save costs.
McKELVV. NF. .L fc Co.,
Wm. McKELVV 4fcCo.
August 2-2. 1CG. tf.
Ka si 2, err kojiti:
Tltrouqh Letircrn Baltimore and Rochester
Wishom Change at Cars,
ON and after Au.Uft Ctb, l"b(i. Trains will leave
as lollows :
BUFFALO EXPR! S3 leaves PallimorelO 10, dfii'y,
Philadelphia 9 00 P M. Harrisburg v,u5 A. M , deliv
ering pavsengrre at Northumberland. 4,53 A. M. for
train on Lackawanna and1 Bloomsburg Rail Road,
li ax ing at T O!) A. M. arriving in Danville 7 10 A. M.
HI lomsburg S.Ci A.M. Kingston M.4J A. M, Scian
ton l -'.l'J noon.
M AIL leaves Baltimore 9. 83 A. M. daily, (except
Sundays) 'hi!adelhia 10.10 A. M. Harri-burg 2,113
P. M.. oehveiiui passengers at Noi thuuiberland 4 it
P. M.f"r train on Lackawanna and I'doonsburg Rail
Koad. leavi .r there at i.-IO i. M. arriving in Danville
li0lP. M. Lloomsburg 43 F, M. Kingston 9 u) p. M .
Sr run ton lu.lS ; procesdm north and ariiving in
Wiliiainsport at ti 3". P. M.
FAST LINE, leaves i!a. t imore . diiU ( except Pun
rf.iyl li It I'. M. PluladelphM I.' 1100:1. Ilarnsburg
4 lu P. M. Northumberland ti 43 P. M. re nam over
nilit. and lecve following morning al 7.01, artiviug
iu Scran ton li.vt mmn.
I'.XPRESS TRAIN, leaves Northumberland 1 1 36
P.M. dal'v lexcent .-oinlnvs Ireieivine naeners
leaving .-crouton 4.40 P. M. Pulsion I'. M. Kings
ton li I'll 1 1 U!,..r,..l u 1.- p.f . : .. I....I
" ' V, v. 'a,,:.,, ti (guv, . UIO.III- 'l ,1111-
aaelpl ia 7.0U A. M. Harrisburg 2.3d A. M. Baltimore
T tio A VI
M AIL TP. AIV lesees in oe A Al
daily, (sxrepl Sundays) receiving passengers, leaving
Nrilll .,. ... r.O . l.,.....n 4 L - .
..v.'.w,, a 1 u r. . ..j . 1 ii.iuii j . j t.i siii,iiiu
l o J A. M l:lonnn.biirs H 7 A M tumults O, M VI
a.n-1 a: riv ing in llairi:birg 1,13 P. M. Philadelphia
1 , .!. li.tiiimore n uo r, vi.
By this route fright from Buffalo, Suspension
oriiige, icoc iester and anaudauua or any niteriuc
dia te point on New Vork Central ran be shipped
thronn, when in full car loa is to any point o.i the knWun n- ni,.1 llln..,...l.ii.fl It. ...A M...K..,lt
.1 ua.u l'l livniriiu 1 ..... i'mu, w 1 . .,....
bre.tiiia if uiks R.-.tes ol freight and Passenger fare
... s ,i.y any oiner luute
J. V IlLll Ar-RV. E. P, YOUNG.
Gen 1 Sup' 1, Harrisburg, Pa. Gn'l I ass. Agent.
lialtiii ire. and
Gcn'i;Western Freight Agent, Bullalo, Ji. ,
Sept :mber, 12, 1 C.
Estate 0 Gbediah CamjJxll, sen., deceased.
Notice is hereby given tbal letters testamentary
ou the estate of lbedi ih .iwib II, senior, lute of
Locust lot n.-hip. C'olumbia Ciiiinty, deceased, have
been granted by the Kgiier of said county, to J. J.
am, lo ll, of lxrust totv nsbip. Columbia Count v, and
Nicholas C'ampocll ti J Ubediah Campb H. of Shaino
km. North'd Ct.uiity. All persons having claims
against th? estate of the tl'-redent are reuested to
present iiieiu (or M itlemeiit. and those indebted to
1 he estate will 111 vke iuimcdiate payment.
U ihe business generall . will be attended to
by Obeulab ft. Campbell.
J. J. CAM I'KELL, VExecTe.
Angnst 8, Ictsj. tiw.
I. ETTERSof administration on the estate of James
Padon, late of Fithingcreek township, Colu.i bia
County have been granted by tje Rcaister of said
county, to Ell Bobbins end Llisabeth Padon, both ol
he township and county aforssaid : All persons hav
ing claims agaiust the estate or the decedent are re
ques'ad to make them known to the administrators,
and those iadebled to the estate will make payment
without delay.
Fishlngereek, Sept. i, lrH6.-6w.
The .nkscriher hsvinf oorchssed the srell estab
lished stand, known as
"KAi-lU'S FACTO It Y,"
near Rohrsburg. Columbia County, and having put
Uo nacbmery id first-rate repairs, ia prepared to d
in the best manner, and upon the shortest notiea.
Those favoring him w ith their enstosa may rely en
bavin, their work well do... r
Greenwood. Jans 8, 16csJ.
LETTERS of ndminlstration on the estate of
Thomas Kaker. late of Sugarloaf township, Colum
bia County, deceased, have bten granted by the Reg
is lerof said county, to Eliiabcth Herrington, resid
ing In the township and county aforesaid All per
sons having claims against the estate of the decedVnt
ara requested to preseut theai to the Administratrix
ior settlement, and those indebted will come forward
nnd make immediate payment to x
Bjgarlosf. Aag TI, 1866. sr.
LI ME to enrich your laads nnd make large rrsps of
gram and grass. It is now extensively ased in all
the leading agricultural portions of the country and
without dispute or doubt is known to be the very
best used. It contains less moisture, is more uni
form in q'tality, contains more agricultural value,
than any other in the market. The undersigned in
troduce it aa a standard art icle, intending to make it
a permanent trade. Its value has been fully tested
in this county and stnn Is unsurpassed by any other
article ever introduced. Give it a trial, you will be
pleased beyoad measure with the results. Apply to
August 22, 13C6. Rupert, Pa.
Piano-Forte Manufacturers,
499 Broadway, New York.
THE ATTENTION of the public and the trade is
invited to our NKW SC A LK, SEVEN OCTAVE.
ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTES, which f ir volume
and purity of tone are unrivalled by any hitherto of
fered ia this market. They coutaia all the modern
improvements, French grand action, harp pedal, iron
frume, over-strung bass, ete., and each instrument
being made under the per-onal supervision of Mr.
J. 11. GaoVESTEKM. wbo has a practical experience of
over thirty years in their manufacture, is fully war
ranted in every particular.
Received the mcntiT twiio or mkrit at tub cele
brated World's t in
Where were exhibited instruments from the beat
makers of 1 ondon. Paris, Germany, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Boston and Mew York; and also at the
Americau Institute for Ave successive years, the
Gold aud Silver Medals from botu of which can bo
seen at our ware-rooms.
Hy the introduction of improvement we makes
sti'l more perfect Piauo-forle, and by manufacturing
largely, with a sti icily cah system, are euabled to
otTer the e instruments at a price wuich w ill preclude
all competition.
Our prices are from $100 to $200 cheaper than any
fir st class Piano-forte.
TEltMS. Net Cash in current funds.
Descriptive circulars sent free:
July II, ir-CO. ly. 11. fc P.
Has opened a first diss BOOT, SHOE,
At his old stand on Main Street Eloomsbuig. flis
stuck is composed of the very latest and best styles
ever offered to the citizens of ColumbiaCounty. He
can accommodate tne public with the following kinds
and prices :
Men's calf boots, fine, $5 '0 to 9.00
kip. double sole, 3 75 to 5 75
Boys child's boots. 1,75 to 4.75
Men's glove kid. Congress, &c 2.60 10 5,73
Lai. Shoes, 1 u to 3.0U
women's boys and rnises glove
kid lasting gniurs, 1.7$ 10 5.75
Yemen's glove kid, very fine, S.5to5 75
' fine goat morocco ba'morsls, S 5tf to 4 00
men's morocco and calf shoes, l.Sto2 50
common shoes, 1 .50 te 3 3D
Misses and Child's shoes. 0-s!3 to 1 60
Men's, w omen's, misses', boys and cbllds
slippers. 0.25 to 1.00
He also keens a great variety of HATS, CAPS aad
of every kind, at the lowest prices, both for Cash aa
Country produce.
Kemembei the attraction is In oar goods. Dont
be alarmed at the cry of high prices, bat call and see
for yourselves. Kespectfuiiy,
Bloomsburg, July II. laC6.
If you wish to live long and tile happy, go without
delay and
in the best Company io the world,
ITS CASH ASSETS ARE $15 000.000.
and its annual dividend for the fiscal year of 185
amoants to seventy-five per cent. on all participat
ing premiums, being the largest dividend ever de
clared by any company for the same length of time.
For further information apply io
JOHN G. FREEZE, jck t.
July 18, 1G6. 3ra. Bloomsburg, Pa.
A new Lumber Yard in, Bloomsburg,
THE under signed would respectfully inform those
in want of lumber that be continues to manufac
ture and keeps on band good supply of building, at his residence, a short dis
tance north of the depot, which he offers for sale at
rea-onable ratea. JACOB SCHUYLER.
Bloomsburg. June SO, 166C.
f ir Gentlemen, and $ to to $"5 for Ladies.every
where, to introduce the Common S'nse Family Sewing-Machine,
improved and perfseted It will hem,
fe'l. stitch, quilt, bind braid, and embroider beauti
fully price only $'20 making the elaslie lock stitch
and fully warranted for three years. We pay the
above wages, or a commission, from which twice
that amount ran be made. Address mr call 00 C.
BOWER iL CO.. Office No. 255 South Fifth Street.
Philadelphia. Pa. All letters answered prouiply
with circulars and terms.
Augusts, ISuU lin. J.C. & Cc.
LETTERS or administration on the estate or Vary
Hess, late of Sugarloaf township, Columbia Conn ly,
deceased, have been granted by the Register of said
County to divert Hess, of the same township and
county. All persons indebted to the estate are re
quested to make payment to the administrator, and
those having claims will preseut them for settlement
w ttliout delay , to
GILBERT JJE33. Adrn'r.
Sugarloaf. Aug. 21, 16. Cw.
Estate 0 Mary P. Miller, fate of Madison
Township, Columbia County, dee'd.
TM'S Legatees and all other parties interested ia
1 the estate of Mary P. ililler. deceased, will take
notice that the undrn-igned appointed by the Or
phan's I ourt of said county, auditor. Io audit and
make distribution of the balance in the hands f Dan
iel Emmet, surviving executor of Ihe said Mary P.
MiPer. deceased, w ill meet the parties interested in
Ihe said estate, at the cfVr "f the Register of Wills,
in and for the county f Columbia, at
'I hursday the rib day of November next, when and
w here ail partes interested can attend if the sen
proper and present thejr claims or be debarred from
coming in far a share of lbs fund
E. H BALDr, Auditor.
Bloomsburg. SetiternbT 12, l65.-4i.
C. C. 32 A RETS
I have opened a new Store at the old stand of Da
vid Stroup. on Main street. Bloomsburg, and will
keep ou hand a general assortment of
euch as Dry Goods. Notions. Groecrls, Tin-ware,
Hardware. Cedar and Willow Ware, Drugs,
Confectionnry. Glass-Ware, Tobiceo . Hals u.
Shoes. Flour, Sait. Fish and Meat : all of
w hirh 1 propose selling at a very low figuie for
cash or produce.
Car Call and see. C. C. MARR.
Blaonisburg. April 18. lofi tf.
Civil Engineers and Patent Solicitors.
No. 435 WALNUT BTRLLT, Pa.bAKUnit.
PATENTS solicited Consultations on Engineering
Drauchtmg and Sketrhes. Models and Machinery
of all kinds nape and skilfully attended to. Special
attention giveu to H EJ t.CTED CASES and INTER
FERENCEjl. Authentic Copies of all Documents
from Patent 1'lTice procured.
N. II. Save yourselves useless trouble and trav
eling there is no actual ueed for person
al luterview with us. All business with tbse OS
ces can be transacted ia writing. For further Infor
mation nireel as above, with stamp enclosed fur Cir
cular with references.
April I0,18ii6. ly. J VT.
In Shive't Building, na Va In Street,
Informs ths citiaens of Bloomsburg nnd vicinity th t
be has opinsd a New
in this place, where be invites hit old friends nnd
customers to rail and partake of his refreshments.-
It is 01 intention 10 keep toa sesi
constantly on hand ; Also. Porter, ffarsaparilla- Mia
eral Water. Fancy Lemonades, Raspberry aad Leal
on Syrups , can always be had al ha Restauraat.
In las eating linn ue presents a
not surpassed in this place; via, Picklsd Oysters
Clans, sardines Fish. Barbecued Caickea, Picklsd
Tripe and Beef Tongue, Ax-, din. He also baa n good
article or
&qar avd (Jhemnq Tobacco
for his customer s. fT7 Give hist a ewil.
Bloomsbnrg. Jnna 13, isuo.